From the Nex Orleans Picayune PRAIRIE AND MOUNTAIN LiFS. Itsvtoiiecruatt.—Cintler the above general caption, chosen as strietl significant of the nature of the limit. we now propose offeriag, to our readers a seties of light and lively sketches, the design of which to call up. simply and truthfully, for tho, -rya of the untravelled , a fee - pictures of life, such ti it now among the traders and trappers and wild tribes of the mottntair.s. Departing altogether from the journaliz t.:t....istgr.fortxtthe !IVACO:10g tit without urn poi to coetintions details-of the Jure mountain expro vlithiri.= of which th6se paperg may Still be justly aidered a fair history. By roving at full liberty from ineitleat to incident,, giving dale and locality as such miti.scient aeceisarY, it would appear that an interest more varied may be attained, by which readers may I eitfetlnutel• the — Yrirbse rind Serious, the Pathetic and the t 4 ell,: the gays the lively, &c., all by irnsttions, each affording a fair contrasting plenstftit 1--- - - #lltit to the; other. Onr. NINA wilderness, exhibiting the steps of the 1 Trigitopetotdeyer and - fartises between Onto were harks upon the. brine, before Columbus, is (till of all the mate rials that go to make up, the liveliest and most curious enchantments of song and story. The wars of the ;: wild tribes, the adventure of dm Imtdy trappers, le- rrends of other tlys and mountain yams about the pres ent, all these have in them an attractive interest that 'mustbe folt ip alike in that city or country. Then, the I r mti lin. it-ronsi aa m ng sport of buffalo fa i s st ill nfer tine - urnies a ! rth pen, rich w and ea_ to a very extensive class of readers. Daring seven months' travel, notes and observations have tr:!rut collected, embodying a lame amount of col : rhiti.s :natter, from which points as may seem fitting fur relation, will, now and then, be chosen at random, and ,placed in form to meet the eve of the public. In corm `memtiag, it is hutnecessary to say, setting, aside all on important particularity, that the writer left New Or leans in April last, and has now returocd, after having, crossed the Rocky Mountairisthrough the great "South Pass:" this route bringing under his notice the Wind River Mountains, the Red Buttes, Rock Independence. Chimney Rock, the 'Black Laranve Peak, and other romarlrable localities, of all of which mc'fition txlll-anpearitereaffer. The Party crossed the 11:111S115 river, both fiult's of the Platte, the Sweetwater, and several small streams beyond the M o untains, being li p- Pet tributaries 1.4' the Pacific. Hero,' upon[been it iv- Cr, and around the borders of a large lake in the s jejni ty the to remained encamped uncut a fortnight, engaged in fowling, horse-racing and ball-plav ing. In its ptoper place, three days' sport over the “Oreeu River Course," shall be duly reported, and ' Rocky Mountain Roe( a," set upon record a rnong the most curious sporting intelligence to be foand in the annals of the turf. :At this place the camp was visited by a number of the genuine, demi-barbarised tnen of the m )untains. Several superb samples of the trapper tribe carat to 'bid the travelers from the • States welcome, and for ma ny days full opportunity was afforded for marking the manners and customs of a class of men wlto wundttr from even hearing of civilization, to rerun with the red eldldren of the land, and rob the grisly bear of his rest - ing'• Among these were some of the wildest and most original characters thit were ever modelled hw strong will and strange circomstance; and in the course (tithe pnblications that arc to their por traits shall be attempted, with as much fidelity as may be rendered to themin pen and ink. So much will snfficein way of plaice, where there exists but little call for explanatory matter. Our sketches we shall strive to mike graphic pictures of "Prairie and Mountain Lit...." and we shall start to morrow with a tles';riptioa our first evening among the Shawnees. C. C. 13.0A 0 ,, lsy., g „,„ [For Voice of Free dom, publishecrist Brandon, Vt., the following sketch of a sermon preached by a very honest so t of n man who is a thriving farmer, but thinks he has u "call ek er• Sabbath to free his mind" to the people. It is one ofthe most original discourses WO ever read: "Nly dear hearers, in the fu.-t place I'll show that man is ondone critter; secondly, that a Savior has been perwidcd,and thirdly how he is to get out of this pickle.'• Haying thus, in the most approved manner, laid out Iris work, he continued in the follewing strain: "It is recorded somewhere in the good Scripture, I think it is idler in the Psalms or the book of St. Acts that man was at fast created upandicu!nr, but he has found out many sorts of coati ivances. Now, my friends, I hold that about the biggest of these contrivances are sin. Sin, my hearers, are sceditian—and seeditian is the old Adam—the evil seed; the tares and the wheat —don't pat me? Sin, my friends, Las cost the wield ii' . great deal. It costs a man more than it would to keep a cow—yes, even if she Fa her foot in a pail of new milk every night; and would hook down a rail fence like a tumid sarpant. Don't you see how foeli,h it is then ? Why, you can' t computate that nation of hurt it has dm° to the airth and nil den's in it. If it haTnt been for Sin, there never would hfive. been any Mrtlignakes, nor thunder, `rw ruin: and snow storms, and caverns, and the catracks, and precipices, would never a happened —but the world would have been as level and stnnoth'as a dish ! There wouldn't been no tip-led nor dowrish ill, nor noticing to hurt amt detract ifv the poor weak ancestors of fallen Adam. Oh, my fri-nds, I feel to put it into you the rael gospel licks ! You're all a pack of sinners. so you are; you've gone a-- Tray—you wander in forbidden paths—the sperit with you—in the words of the apostle, ye hatch the cock-turkey's eggs, and weave the spider's web, and hring forth young viper's—don't you see ?"—and so on rattle-de-bang , like a locomotive turned loose under cc hilh pressure of steam, hardly pausing to take breath fir two mortal hours, pouring flints such a confused firti . bled mangled scripture. mnrdered English, and unmitigated nonsense, that his 'firstly,' 'secondly,' and thirdly,' were soon smothered to death, and nu farther intelligence was heard of them during the discourse. This is . no caricature; foe it would be impossible to car icature this "Son of Thunder:" for dashing at once in to u - nnfiised absurdity, there is nationg left for the Mi agination of the caricaturist to supply.' Extrart from the rentarks of Dr. Moriarty t,t toss.stiog of the friends: of Irish Repeal, held at Bur fold on the 16th inst. "What do we in :an by Repeal! Is it possible that ir this country—the land of intelligence, that such a question Frtay be asked! What do we mean by 'repeal? An answer might be required of us by the Hinton—by the Cossack, on the banks of the Danube—by the bloody minded Wellingtna—the assassin in the perlieus of London might ask. But here the birth place of Wash ingunt--the adopted country of Montgomety, is it ne cesstirY to answer this questiofi? Wo seek then to break down tilr." oppressor—to destroy the thrones of tt nyntism—to become free, even as Americans are free.— , te take innocence from the hands of the oppres sor—justice from the thraldom of tyrants, and give her fro scope over the land. We seek by n repeal of this ithaminable union to establish civil, religious, moral oat political liberty. Yes, gentlemen, thes - e are the ohs jeZta swat have in view. A great and high destiny calls es to action. Ireland, which, for centuries has been .vorsa treated than any nation upon the face of rho :null), is striving to overthrow the oppressor, and to obtain, wi,at America has taught us to wake. We s!vk this repeal for the purpose of establishing just raves-lomestic i n stitutions—o domestic legislator nail like the glorious founders of the American Repuh licove seek for mtrcountry a name and a place among the nations of the earth: * - - • ...MUTILITION OF - :NION EY —List Friday afternoon a drover from thu Valley of Virginia, having disposed of l is live stoek, stepped into a broker's office and ex changed his money. being uucurrent io the old Do minion, for funds that. would pass without discount at home. The broker gave him fifties, twenties, and bills .01 other dmuminatians, in all a theusand dollars, and thcarover folder' them in a newspaper. The bundle being .too kr.o for his pocket hook, he recluse(' the size by tearing away a portion of the wrapper en as te fitsmigly. Ho threw the pieces carelesily on the floor, and departedin haste in time to reach the boat for Alexandria- The broker in picking up the pieces disnevered that he had with the wrapper also torn off ontrthiel el the notes with their signatures, thus ren dering them of no use whatever. But the broker lets retained the pieces, %Thick_ warn' they are attached to thanoteavril,lntake them as good us ever. Jr is rra slam*: to %appose that the drover experienced a dis eppoitir adnilifil pnWelyn) he reached home; but he nal be mlvkhoti he again comes to the city, and finds the..nenksesiffatial (portion of his treasure in ho , sest h am h or yWi l liingten(l). C.) Standard. , _ . REPEAL lutt JAS. 13UCITA THE DEM.)6I(.ITIC NAT t,`; Al. CON V ZST/0:(7, 1 ---4 11 • 13 tie at n Ontmq ost. & SMITH, EDITORS AND PROI`ItIF,TOItS .PITTSI3URGI - 1. TIIVRSDAY, NOVI:MgER 30 A,NFX.tTION OF—The .Ih/1:e Atre, nn Cc- ealent democratic paper, takes a firth position against the project of the annexation of Texas to the United States. The reasons.riven by the advocates of this measure ore, first, the probability of Texas-again be coming a Mexican province, and secondly, the danger of it falling into the hands of Great Britain. The Age shows clearly that t' - e fmrs of the first are groundless, The Texans pined their independence when their pop ulation was not bairns large a; it is now. They have since organized a form of government and provided the menus ofdefeum:., and if they retain any of the courage that inspired them at San Jacinto. Sari Antonio, and other fields that attest their valor, Texas can never lie re-conquered by Mexico. But, remarks the Age,were this ground of apprehension ever so just, we do not see that it would form a sufficient reason for the step proposed. The territory of Texas was forcibly wrest ed from the fz overnment of Mexico, and if, failing to nilintaiii its t itorteil independence, it should bill back into its cnigiiisl position, that of a Mexican colony, it would only form another instance of tins ueeessful revol ution. The right of reemnstranee or complaint on the part of the United States, would he at least questiona- I e. Aside from the foregoing reasons, what is to be gain cd, either to Texas or the United States, by its annexa- Gen. BERTRAND sailed on the 2-Ith, from Nose tiaal ! To T exai, we cannot conceive of any at ad. l York, for home. Wonsler if he'll write a book on A vantage to result fromthrprnposcd connection,which she merican Customs and Manners cannot. in the course of a few years acquire fur herself TRAGEDY IN ANGE.—A woman between fifty —and so fur as the United States are concerned.igrent- and sixty year.., of age, living in Orange, about fire fears may very properly be entertained :is to the wis miles from New Haven, Ct., was on the 21 t inst. dam of the measure. Whether an I icx a I ion iii.der pre- found dead on the gr,und, a short di7itance from he r sent circumstances, t.vinild add any thing to the streng'h house, with her throat cut from ear to car. She was and permanency oldie Union. might be considered as th e w if e o f Samuel \Volcott,a main o f di sso l ute h a bi ts , piohlemetical- In view of ihe state of pudic SCllti- and by some it was smpected that it was the rause of ment, excited by eollatoral considerations growing out her death; and by others it was believed that she had of this question, might not the attempt to carry this committed suicide, en she hail been at times deranged measure, at the present time, endanger t h e pe nc e and Mrs. W. maintained a good character, and was the harmony of the Union, which are of saintly more cense- I principal support of her family quence than the acquisition of any amount of territory? Fur ourselves, we are rather in favor of yilancatias our claiM to what territory reallybelangs to us, before attempting, to make fresh accessions. When our gov ornment shall have ass.trted our in:doubted right to Oregon. and reclaimed it front British in terlopers, it will then he time enough to turn its attention tOW3tds Texas DK. I.Tri.A.D . S 'I..:CTLIPF..---Th second lecture of the courso now being delivered in the IThiversity, was read on 'lnesday In-t. by the Re c. Dr CrFot.o. The su!,joct was "TILE ANGLO SAXONS IN TIlk: REIGN OF A . ..ErtEir." and wo are confident that the large al:- diet-ice who were in attendance will a pee with u: in saying that it wai treated in a ruuterly manner—and that the Rev. gentleman's lecture was exactly what it ought to have bren—alihe unexceptionable i a its sub sti,fice, arrangement and manner of The subject chosen was one which reipiiivd nohttle research and labor in the discovery nod selection of proper materials. It was neccs,-iary to turn aside from the broad and beaten track of historical to delve in almost unexplorad fields of ancient intrii ing„ to find farts and circitinstances th tt would not be hackneyed and uninteresting - to Ids e. T o h 1.. k. the lecturer had evidently applii .1 great assidnitY; and it' the earnest and attentive mum tenances of his hearers :mold be taken as an evidence of his surcess, he had been eminently happy both in his search after matter :oil in choo.iag the beat IS ohm he fonad. Tu read the title of the lortlicc., air wimid suppose that however inter,•st :urli a : , ti'ljeet he to those who take pleasure in histarieal s, n.lies,those who took it,, interest ia such sulijeca s would deem it dry and unprofitable. Such, however was not the The lectimor . judiciously interspersed hisii—marsewith anecdotes and felicitous rimitatians from va rious sreirces, e.peria!iy from the wtitun;4 or the grew• prince whose hi-tore and reiz,n he was discussing, inn manner well calculated to ;ratify his numerous and va ried auditory. But above all the features of the lecture, we were strue!: with car4ll avoid tare of any expres sion which could °flood the religions feelintrs or even prejudices of any portion of his hearers or the commu nity. Nu sectarian or peculiar theultqical views were sought to be enforced, and no man's opinions were as sailed or touched upon in anyway that could produce dissatisfaction. It is rarely indeed that our lecture rooms furnish so much matter for instruction as 1)r 17 etroLn's lecture afforded; and we nre convinced that there were very few of his hearers whose stock of information was not i!teroased by listening to his discourse. We s'iould like to see this lecture in a printed form. Will not means he taken to have it published? "FATHER OF WATERS. "— We lIC\ el' could under stand why this mini is applied to the Mississippi River. It is certainly a misnomer. The Mississippi is not so long or large a stream as the iNTissaini, and its boisterous, impetuous and turbid character is derived fro:n that river. Above the mouth of the Missouri it is 113 clear and placid as the Ohio, and it is only below the junction of the streams that the Mississippi assumes that character that should entitle her to the appellation of the "Father of Waters." NVe theta fore insist that she has no just claim to the title, and we shall my aloud fur "justice to the Missouri." MISS Lt: c, a little dancing, girl, who pert this city some years since has become very popular in the East an .I'.li. She took a benefit at the Chitties ton Theatre on the '2 Oth.. on which occasion she had a crowded heave. The Courier observes: •diowever great Mis-, Lee's popularity in her procession, it does not exceed that of her private life. Her to dcst and mrasiumin_ manners have won for her many friends that appreciate her virtues." Miss Lee's "private life" may be, and we have no doubt is, 0. K. but her dancing must have improved greatly Arco she was here, for it vs as the general opinion then that she was no "great shakes." the New o,leans 'Crescent City' of the 15th says, it has been ascertained that Mlle Calve, the late prima donna of the French company, km put an end to her life by poison. O•w other Now Orleans papers up to the 20th make no allusion whatever to the mat ter. The first report stated that she had mysteriously disappeared on the morning of the 9th; but a friend of hers, in a letter-received at New York, mentions hay- Mg seen her on the evening of the We trust, therefore, that there is no truth io these reports. Fitt a.—The court house at Port Gibson, Miss., was totally .consumed on the Bth. It Vill9 a new edifice, atittits construction cost $lO,OBO. Slit— 1 i,. chr. triabiburt4 SiiiP 8 11{11(2i 14: LIGHTNING. Capt. XVii.ltun, front At-LT.IIMo, P. IL Lonatt to Ncii". The atkinirlriirk,fLom Loiolun,waijr: with a gait o 4u:iarltadiii`olliitiows,N . a s caw 14 ' 1261 ' light ,, ing on t-,- 6 A . 14th bit l on g • 41' :": (if! 40, a i,t!ent stisim,tteearshissuiietl by Geht away oa or about till, 12t1, into, nFpr Ntiw Inltn,'on alto ,tun6,,arl nt th.., L un e says:— Ctittituck 1 4414.bab1y a i . .Stitttleat,y n lii ..f tdectric fluid bi t apparently . Wide. of violas/es. \N iqbe a rat'. if tss. The canlgo ov. , t , the s' itil reperi nit 'of a pacce or I .I!.t ..-t• I Li:tautly by snail a peal of thunder was owned in Norfoik. ~:.d i, I innuranue. a , ilia le Lie Fortunately we had ju-t huve the ta, and tnet watch were all aft, haitfltig upp, tb m ti.:-,ave r . They. full .the shock, and dentin bed it as restonl.ling the 'stroke of a billet of k‘,,,,a upon the leg. Captai n Hovey wan standing upon the qutr ter d .Icli, h ddiuo on with his tight hand by the In-.tin topsail halyard, and was struck setri,less upon the duck. tie, however, soon recovered hit footing; but found hie rizlit hand arm and side, b...aurnbed by the t‘tr,tke. I %yip; ahout ciiltt feet from him concealed from viw by th' angle of the roundliounc, which wan tilled with sulphurous gas, but 1 felt nothing of the shock. A portion of the electric fluid undoubtedly traveled clown the Italy:kid, and my chief object in thin I memorandum is to warn neafaringinell gatilist a com men practice of holding on by the atup's rigging in a thunderstorm. The electric fluid al wnys follou s a con ductor, if there be one, and to lily hold of rigging in to seize at conductor and receive the shuck. Ilad not the main force of the fluid been spent toward, the cam:ill:3 hire, TieriNed as it was, would no doubt have fallen a Got:. King of Rho& Land—a second. Biddie— . bank of which this iddi‘idtial was Caslder, and whicb,iti;,aid, lie ltd:plundorud, ha, baeu evouined by Cutritni,:siorteri appointed fur I.lle purputte, wlw re port that the whole amount of tiro debts and liabilities of the bank is $32,331 55, nod that the, value. of assets is only $720,32.9 63 ! The federal majori:yin Rhode Island i; '2.705. By such a majo: ity the federal party declare they prefer the old rata! Char ter of Kix , Charles to a t%pul,li can Constitution, that would insure equal rights to the peopl•,. If ditlieulti2s should ever occur between the [sited States and Great Britain, these MNI would no doubt rally tinder 1.110 cry, that "England expects eve ry man to do his duty." There has been no election of Congressman in the 4th district or Maine. r. RMUN T.—A second trial to elect a memher of Con gress ftr Cr! 3 2t:tri di3triCt ia Vet- t ut, teak placte on the 13th inst., and resulted in the choice of [lon. John Callamm, (fed.) by a itmall majority. The BOSTON POST boast: of an ox, that weighs 2350 pounds, that bus been purchased by a Boston butcher, for the epicures of that city. The Yankon ox is a mere cell' compared to the one exhibited in this city a short time since: our ox wei2.lted 4342 pounds, and might be made to weigh 5003. yc Fe. on Eaglmitl to ladis, by overland mail, letter woighing hilt - an outicc is carried for about twenty-two cunt.z: while it cads tw,..nty-five cetit3 to send one from to our scut of Gwer.nnent, Wahingtan, wlwre it can bo carriod in about two days. rhristopltar Lily, whu killed 01113 McCoy, in prize fight in tlio vicinity of V, w Y , uk , in Sept. 11342, nrriveti in New Oilcans from Lis. errool, in the ship Echo, on 111.45 th A:i zatidavit ,1.1.1 after made before the :%layor,..lltiA urr:v.o,xml the city police war clign ged the follow in! : ni g ht in st.:tHt of hire in ruin. On the 16th,Lilly s :n-re.,d,•ritii , ii.elf to thc :\I:Iyor. II ‘vai committrci to pri,•)li to u.v.ti: th..! revi.lition the autliori;ies of Ne.,.i• A D LN CIL( ~,natta -Cam lates the Cul, '.l day or two ago we wit,lcss - d a seem of tila moat tuntrt-rending hind. It was a sN.ini in laialti.g un iii (Loa upon °lie itrio loading it. lather, her drunken buswitel, by the tnte.i . . As the hail ival'iod idling - tho -tract, ti n ' brute of .t ton.liao.l raoiail and -4.i..4er.d tl . :- 1 , der tie i ateeti of his 1 0 .1.1 of li: i3/1.. n ., 1 Ili i s. i i 14 ail I tlt! ' .."..,. ~,, h , Ii d n . 1 ,,,, , , (4.341 to to :,‘•01, lion i yi - lVit.— We wilt. 1301 thwir poi r ;easr tar oar 4111.1: - 0. %511,. III.• i iceaecba,grd. Ow h urban I (I c; the mark) r,:fu-ing I, to pracead Lrtler, tu:in - ii to i.A.'t. a :,...),.. 11 3 .".1 tut'' I.P . a.i tifia- IlUllr n it,'. I - la t 'II 111., -ti im i.. 1:1, .0 t,liipt. ' a ],,alit U-...t` poll] ..if filth. L.,. ,:e. to v,.11i,'.114k ! ,1 , 11 ,,.,i he z a,C,...1..,11 41111! tile ,I,tle II 11..1 ;1.• . h. 4,1 r,.- bel,:d apia,t p:.H.I la a, di ippmg wini m ud um ! wu . 1,-r. fr nu bi. b :1-ti2. irooll.i3lll, a,,,1 11.C.,.' [II L , Ct.1..14,1 1 . i.I OP' rIII:I.P.'I' til',.L III,.t;olwd, 1,.1.11,1 tbric loom. at 'Alia Cie.-lc, ,',,,•,e, vr..; am ii,lormea, they ovo ill a u,i;•r,,bl.• b , .,.iv.:, le,tore,l to licaury ,nit by the d,rn..a aiaaii a. 1 ha , , 11,1. , J,V.:1 , ii, .3'; p...,,4 , ,t31, , ,,. 1 orijii, 10.Jki..,1 01,1' WI 2.' pii.':,:“• ,of Ll....i.ittlti 11/ WO 11,i sei:. us ....iII• %Va,1..41 CI.• intllly mrcet:, ,olio . :t the 1 1e...t,t proteelloa from l',! Ntorni 4 rain then I,l.bitr, bat a tatt.•,.,..1 ,Ire-. 4• "fbMI: ~t. this ..,. 11353.3„, o f 1 1 1 ,.i . ,,,„ , ,, ‘,.... %% ho bay,. 11 111.4 t., fvel, ,ye wit , have children to i .,, tr up, y, 55.110 113V12 11l 11.31110, ya who syinpathi,t , with the utifortialate, ye ,h,, 11 ..,..0 a e.tre f.u. the wel fare of your felicia - Craatut -s aial wiali to eradicate. 00C 1)1 the na., evil: of our land, iatenv,,errnee. DISAS TER AT SEA. Captain Rend. of the liriz fr in Nit v York. arriyed at Mobilo on the 14th init., r,pori , the 151 h inst. foll”WifiZ account of a collision at sea, in whi,dl A in , eting (.1 the agents of the different agencies in Barque of about 300 tons, name unknown, was proba... the wostorn stiporiateodancy will take piaci, ut Fort ble !iist. with all on board. G , h so:about the ''.2o.h Dec. inher, in pursuance of an On tire 31st Oct. lot. 31 10, N. bur'. 70 '3'3 W on- ord.'r from tile Ilian depaitment. der a heavy sett and a strong breeze at 9i PP.NI a sail Join, est has been lardoned. wa,iliomeered on the starboardlinw, one mile distant. rty, the murderer of Long, a citizen of Silo was soon found to be a barque of about 300 tens. the 12..itA States. gill be shutdown to this State fur and heading across the bow nf the brig. A lantern was trial the in ter course law. at once placed on the topzailant forecastle of the brie, The Cherokee authorities are using all their exertions hot t h e e fr orts to avoid acollisionwere " Tp ,„,, c ,"4„1 to carry out the tinily stipulations on their part, and The riii - ging athe brig got emu with her anchor. if we do one duty the peace of the country avid be pre a nil sionitruek the bark about midships on her =int boa r ,l served, and We Will be acting in good faith with our si le. The hark sea , hailed tv. it or tlir , e bones liofore I heiglihom any imsw c. was obtained—.tad then di , w a s By a letter from Fort Towson, dated Oct. 23d, M. h as h"r WWle ova=lint riistiurtFyanderto,id. learo that the past season has been unfavoi able to health, Capt. Rend thinks the name g•von was the lola, the n:ol to the bb:irs of tae agticulturist of that region.— Joit, or the Violin. but be is imeertnin abmit it. Eve- I Many of the Choctaws and Chicasaws have died.— ry thing; forward on hoard the brig Was carried away, I Their corn and cotton crops have not been so pro and she wns petty much unmanageable for more thAn s, a demi ve as in f nailer yearl d a th nigh they have d entirelevoted an hour. The hark was reported as rut to the water's more labor to their fields, abnuaing almost edge, and mu , requested t o k ee p i n t h e wa k e o f t h e b r i g . I their idle an i viehms amusements of boll-playing, and which she all and was astern of her distant a quarter employing their whole time upon their farms. Civili an mile, for almitt an hour and a half, Minn she sod- I zation is rapidly progressing among these Indians, tee donlv disappeared. Immediately on seeming his f ore .. der the bninalle policy of our government in its pro tni-w, Capt. Read laid too, and remained until moraine. I tectiag iatercoursu with them. They nun- With the as near to the point where he lost si ,, ht a the hark, no simple domestic loom, manufacture nearly all their s% as practicable in a rou2h sea and squally weather.— we4ri"g apparel, and the products of their farms fur- Nothing, w as s een of the hark, however, and the prubu- Dish them with mone y , which they also barter with bility is, that she went down with all on hoard. their trailers fur such luxuries and other articles us they may require. They have teachers, preachers, and temperance lecturers among them; and with oh these ad vamages.together with the richness of the soil and location of their country, if they do notbeeome rich and happy, they are truly a perverse race.— Van Buren (Ark.) Intelligencer, Nor. 4. FRVICHSPOLIATION CLAIMi. — We this day pub fish thepro.rodingsinthecoaventionof claimants for F renc h gn oliniions, recently held in thi; city. It seem? to us n hard case that a country professing to be gov enied by the priaciples of justice has so ?on; deferred theirexereise. Aiming tile delegates to the conven tion was John Hancock, nephew of the eminent path otof the 11.^mlutiim, whose presence was remarked with interest. Another striking incident occurred. Among - the claimant? , who attended were those an cient Phip master?, Capt. John Bulkley, of this city, and Capt. John Goodrich, of Ncw H a yen , who met for the first time 31:11,0 they Wl'IT fellow prisoners. in the year 1798, in the island of Guadaloupe, sufferers by the aggressions fur wiiieh our G wernment sa long since promised to obtain indemnification. In these (lay? of returning prosperity, let us net be unmindful or those whose exertions and sufferings led to its original ea:iblishimmt.—N. Y. Coin. Adv. LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE IN THE WARS OF From a rough calculation, taken from the returns of those left dead on the fields of battle in winch Napoleon commanded, from Montenotte to Waterloo, w,: make the amount 1,811,5()0; and if we add those who died subserviently of their wound:, in the petty skirmish• , s the losses o f which are not reported, and in the naval fights, of which. though Napoleon was not west nt, he was thecause, 2,000,000 will he far under the mark. A picture of 4t^ fathers, mothers, wives, children and relatives of these 'victims receiving the new of their deaths, would give a lively ides of the benefit, confer red upon the world by Napoleon,—Blackmer:n-I'o 4.114 NAPOLEON sacriticc FROM TEXAS - . By the ntrival of the schooner Galveston, Capt. Rickets, we have received files of Texas papers to the Bth inst. The town of Victoria is almost ruined. The busi ness of the place is nearly destroyed. The citizens, however, still retain a share u( the enterprise that has always characterised them, and are endeavoring to improve the navigation of the Guadeloupe, so as to turn the trade of Gonzales and the settlements ahuve it towards Victoria. Ill.:x.lll.—We learn from a gentleman who left Rex ur a few days since, that no further news has been re ccived from the Rio Gnuide. A few traders who late ly arrived stated that they save no Mexican troops on the Nueces, although they heard it reported that there were troops stationed on do western bank of that stream. Capt. Hass, with a party of rangers, has gone out to the Nueces, and iatends to scour the country from the sources of the river to San Patticio, and as c.:rtain whether there are any Mexican troops on its banks. The trade of Bexar is very dull. The French families who settled near B-xar in the spring. and who intcialed to remove to Castro'scolony, hive suffered gleatl) from the ace:imative Inter. A large portion of them finding that thy are unable to succeed in age cultural occupations, ure preparing' to nut., to France, or to New Orleans.—Houston Tel egraph, Ist. Tho Indian tribes atm; Cr.! frontier have sufferdd greatly from sickness this season. In some of the tribes tie trly one-filth of the warriors have perished of a disease similar to congestive fever. Exchequer bills of the Texan government aIT re ed, ed by the c Ablator of Galveston, at.Boc. to th.! do!. In. The abolitionists Irise been flooding the country with infloninnitory doeurnentF. President Houston has issued a proclamation con• %ening Congress at Washington un the Ist Monday in December. The ship Austin and the brig Wharton have been advertised for sale by the navy commissioners at Gal v rton. From a statement in a II ,aston paper, it appears that the priaripal ladiau ti ity's on the frontier of Texas, ;to not number more Riau 315 warti us; about four vears they could muster nearly 300 warriors, nod their s hinge.: were scattered from the sources of the C loud •to Red IG.rr. i die fr,queat eon tr-ti with the border e tilers, their warriors hake been tt ruhrtily degree-ins. and had become so It-dared that t w •re coinoolled to ta'.e refuge in the United States, and it ss a- from thi: ret coat on Cash Creel. that they were ne.etv.tonn-d to malse their sa a. 1.1 com mit their d woos 0.1 the fr.tuti.•r. No, that tr .sty lie. been c,neitidod with them, they will robab.y return to T...xas. ki ',YANA AND . .\l•.xieo.—lly the Fc‘ir. rtr liNed lust f's 01111 , g. we have received our 11. - , .111 i,4perA co:aaini nc'c> from Mexico lip to Li e •h. her. S t ~.t Vela b td arrived at lii, liwienal 661 it6.1.,:a ,'taco 6m tit • -1-c large crowd, daily ‘.;,1 him. The NI-xie in parr: furni•li no .Neer ',awl the p r apr,,ed atta:li ci Yu....a:an, mhioki i 3 caw ch. to be made by forcs. STEAM ENGINE & MACHINE SHOP, rorner t.j Pront and Liberty Streets. Fr II E sabscrilwr ie prepared to build Steam Et.- ` , lourin. Mills, Saw Mills, Salt &c.: sm Ea sts: , etior construction, ver:ical cy;ind , r, well adapted for wood Turners; Ctiortla‘ and toiler I iglit wiirk; Castiogs for all hind: of mill wi irk fin and fitted up. Steamboat repair done on the shertest 0 tire. JOHN POTTER, Azi•nt. N. It. For Sale, a flack Lathe suitable fur boril , eyiind &e; Segments fora balance wheel, 12 INDIAN AVF Al RS. 11, et diameter; also, a number of Smut Mac:lines of L Capt. IV rrio A rmktrom", acting soperintemLutt tbe 13 W.dker's Patent will be sold low for Cash. western territory, p throu?,h our to wn on last' (12 — :nw ., on his return from %V ashiry,;ton city, with I ewe's* .ind fund. to pay MI tae Indian annuities and Money to Lend. ollii•r claims in tills territory. I p ERSONS wishing to borrow money ; upon Real P. M. Butler, Unitr.l Suates A3,ent for the Chen,- Estate security, would do well to cull at the Wes. koes. de,' int int t;ii• 10th inst. on his mission to the tern Real Estate office, Third street, next door to the cuuocit of Pi airie Indians at Cash Creek on Red Riv- I Post Office. where any amount can be procured on EGOLF & FOSTER. u3O 1 : 11,11 Vi cATA`t. — s v the cchr. I)enniarli Captain Pet,' wo :e tr., that the Vurat ill commis:do:ter; to have arrivrd at Campearliy. From ail ac r,oto,, tt would ~rem bet‘so...:l 110 nco c ut i wore in a lair way of s:qtientont.—N• 0. Bre, .Nor. 17. The ansaiitics for the S , NICC:IS. Qoapaws, and mixod Laid. ofSenecd4 and Shawnee;, kill be paid about the MUSIC k L.—Ole Bull. the great Norwegian violinist gave his first performance at the Park Theatre, New Yeah, on Saturday evening. The Herald says: -It iv#ls a tempest—a torrent—a very Niagara of applause; tumult, and approbation throughout his whole performance. The house was crammed from top tobottont, with one of the most fashionable, scien tific, and critical audience that we haveevr seen. We cannot describe Ole Bull's playing—it iv beyond the p ewer of lungua , ' e—its effects on others may be iudi catA. Some of his unearthly—his heavenly passages —work on the feelings and the heart till the very tears Crow. Others it makes vociferous, mad, and terrible in their applauses. At the close of some of his won derful cadences, the very musicians in the orchestra flag down their instruments and stamped and ap plauded like madmen.' This Ole Bull, notwithstanding his name, the Her ald describes as young—unmarried—tall and elegant ly formed—as beautiful as Apollo--with an affection ate simplicity of manner that wins all hearts and all souls. We see by the New York Courtier des Etats Pitts, that M. Vieustemps, the vi-olinist, arrived on Friday last, in the Liverpool packet ship "I' roy, after a passage of seven weeks. This gentleman, in spite of his old name. is also a young man, light hair and moustached, and competes with Ole Bull, Artot, and Nauman, for the crown in violin playing. M. Hayman, it is said is also Aunty expecte:isit Niin York, Ad this,, A N 017WINANCE to auth irit.e the Mayor to bur eou:44.ry will then contain within 4, 4 1-ix)rdw 40 four 1 - 1 row sixty-o-ae thousand two hundred dollars for ticlostowliidkei greatest rielin**4 intlthe akseldli ..- • the purpose of paying sundry loans contracted in the year 1338. ,112Pag....'1Ar1Y.77C75LL Cunt- , Soc. 1. Be it ordained and enavt7d by the citizens of puny is hereby notified's° meet this, mini •ti ay) )5,,,,„_ pi i t.burgh ill Selt et 71nri Common Councils assembled, ins, the 30th inst. at Allegheny Hail, 4th st., at 7 That the Mnyor be and be is hereby authorized to hoc. o'clock. A: general attendance inrequested, as busi- row the sun of sixty-one thousand two hundred dol.. tic,i3 of importance will be laid before the Company. lar-i, and to issue certificates for the seine ceder 'dee By Order Seal of the Corporation of the amount of net kat WIL J. ANKRIM, Sec`y. . tan Fit e hushed dollars, each bearing an interest of _ six per cent. annum, which interest shall be pays- Postponement of the Buchanan hie ii tif yearly oil the first days of January and July is , rING !! each Sear, at the office of the, city city treasurer, and th MASS MEE r certi:icates 30 issued shall he signed by the Mayor icatl counter:igned by the Treasurer. and shall be transfera ble by the holders or their legal representatives us cheer At a tneetingef the Buchanan Committee of eorres poteience held on the !nth instant, it Wai oftice of the treasurer and in his presence, and *haunt Resolved, That the Mass Meeting of the friends of be redeemable withoutthe conseut of the holders Ea- Buchanan, fixed for the 30th of November, instant, be fore' the first of July in the rear A D 1863. postponed until the 3th of January next, and that we i Sec. 2. Be it ordained, 'Ste. That the certikailes devote the same day to the commemoration of the v ie" I authorized bv this ordinance and the proceeds theme )r.? of New t hleans, teal forw a i•di ng the nomination to • i shall he appropriated to the redemption of the cessift he ;'residency of the di,tingueshed friend of the it- , cater 'cat riot, a viCroa. CHARLES BRACER, I issued in pursuance of two several ordinances passed 29th October, 1633, as follow 6, sir: . 1129 Chairman. ;To Thomas Scott and L Hutchison, $llllO " Hatmar Denny, 45909 " Alexander Laughlin, 12500 " James Adams, 2599 and shall be expended fur no other . purposes whatever. Svc. 3. That the faith, credit, funds, revenue pod corpomte property of this city be and the same is here by pledged for the redemption of the certificates tied payment of the interest authorized and contracted by the present ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th day of November, 1843. WM. ETCHBAUM, Attest: President Common Council. E. J. ROUX/ITS., Clerk. C. C. JOHN SHIPTON, ' President Select Council. ALEX'R Ma.t.s.a., Clerk, S. C. n29-3t INN the matter ?f a new Township out of parts of 1. Mifflin, Jefferson, Upper and Lower St. Clair To wn:4hips. And now to wit, October 9th, 1843; approved, and the Court direct that notice he given by the Clerk, by publication in the Daily Post and Aurora, that the same will be confirmed at the December Term, 1343, un'ess exceptions are filed before that time. By the Cou rt. THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. ALLEOHESY COCSI 1", so: 1, Thomas Farley. Clerk of the Court o r L. S. ( tarter Sessions of said county, do certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the 0r ...4,-4a der of Court. Witness my hand msl. the scat of said Court ; at Pittsburgh, this 29th day of November, A. D 1843. n3O THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. A GREAT BARGAIN. 18 ACRES of good land. within two miles of Man chester, will ho sold for cash; a great bargain. Apply at r.,,,lfsFaqer'.4 Real Estate office, next door tu the Post Office, Third st. nuv 30 Tiernan, Campbell &Co In the District Court of Al leghenvcounty, vend. ex. John Dougherty's Admin. No. 134, Nov. T. 1340. ••••-'--, AND now to wit, November 23,1843, on LS. 171 motion of Mr M'Clure the Court ap polo J D Creigh, Esq. Auditor, to distribute .........., the proceeds of sale in this case. Front the Record. A SUTTON, Proth'y. The Auditor above normal will attend tor the pur pose of his nppointmeat at his office on Smithfield st.. tear 3.1 street, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 23th day of December next. nt 2 o'clock 1' M, at which time all persons interested are notified to attend. ti3P-law3t J D CREIGH, Auditor. Baird, Leavit & Co. In the District Court of Atte vs. glienv county., vend. cx. No., John Reed. 83, N (member Term, 1341. 5 -A reND now to wit, November 23, 1843,0 n L. S. } motion of Mr M'Cla, the Court ap point J D Creigh, Esq, Auditor, to distribute the pro,-veds of sale in this case. • From the Record. A SUTTON. Froth'y. The Auditor above named will attend for the pur pose of his appeintnicut at his office, on Smithfield street, near 3d street, in the city of ?ht.:hut-2h, on Wednesday, the 27th day of December next, at 3 o'- elock, P M, at which tim pl icz all persons iittetr est ed. :ire notified to attend. 030-law3t J D CP EIOII, Auditor. • A. G. Reinh‘rt, (StICCEUIt TO LLOYD S CO.) Wholesale and Retail Grocer an 1 Cool miss , " .at 3f et.- ci,ant , No. 140, Litterly st., a few doors above St. Clair, funiliett and others can ut all times b • i - f ,ish with g lad at moderate prices. n3O Cl RA B ERRI ES—just received and fur .alcs by / A (I aEINIIART, n3O 140, Lib .rty street Dissolution of Copartnership HE copartnership heretofore existing between! , the subscrilter:, in this city. under the firm of & Co.. i: this day dissolved by mutual consent; A G Reinhart le.' og, purchased the entire interest of I.loyd,ir. in the concern. Allpersons indebted to the late firm will make pay ment to A G Reinhart, who will continue the Grocery lusiness at the old stand, and who alone is authorized to collect thedehts due the concern and receipt for same. Those also having claims against the late firm will please present them to A G Reinhart fur settlement. Pittsburgh, Nov. 7, 1843. (sigutd) S. LLOYD. jr., G REIN H RT. In retiring from the above firm of Lloyd & Co., I would cheerfully recommend to my former friends and customers, my late partner and successor. Mr A G Reinhart, who continues the Grocery Business at the old stand, 140, Liberty street. (signed) rc29 S. LLOYD, jr. Mr. Paul Emile Thevoan HAs the honor to inform the public that during his sojourn ih Pittsburgh he will give LESSONS IN THE SPANISH, FRENCH AND LATIN LANGUAGES From his having made the Spanish language the sole object of his study during a residence of two years in Havana, tlrirs, is reason to suppose that he has ac quired a good knowledge of their Language, the easiest and most harmonious of all modern languages. Of his competency to teach French there can be nu doubt, front the fact of his having been a clerk in a Notary in Paris, where he has studied law. WhatMr Theveau here states he can prove 'by the Ordonnance of the King of France and by letters from the Minister of the Navy. Mr Theveau can be seen every day from 12 to I P m, at Mr Fickeisen's house, Market street, behind the old court house. 1.29-1 m Money Wanted. ANTED to borrow, on good security, either in V V endorsed notes or mortgages, on good Real Estate in town or country, worth from three to five times the amount, and from one, two. three to five years—sloo, $250. $5OO, $7OO, $l,OOO, $1,500, $2,- 000. $3,000, $l.OOO, $5,000, &c. Persons having trumey to lend in large or small sums, will find a full merest, and a good security For it, nu application at Harris' Agency and Intelligence Offtee, N 0.9 Fifth nov. 28 BUCKW HEAT FLOUR.—Fresh Buckwheat Flour on band and for sale by n 29 A G REINHART, 140, Liberty et. QT LOUIS CR ACKERS.—Juhn Davis's St Louis water . suid butter crackers always on hand and for sale by • A G REINHART, n 29 190, Liberty street. LUST RECEIVED, 30 bbla bestgromxl Camwood . , J at tho drug etorr of JON. KIDD, n 29 corner 4th and Wood streco. ALMANACS, &c.—On hand, nu excellent assgri ment of Christian. Anti-Slavery and Temperance. Almanacs. Also, the Franklin Iklacazine and Common. and Loomis' Pittsburgh Magazine, and Common anti German Almanacs for 1844, for sale by the gross, dolt en oz single. Also. a good assortment of Tempermico ducat:tants, school book., slates, pencils, ink, writing and letter paper and blanks; for sale low for cash un approved exchange. ISAAC HARRIS, n 29. Agent and Com. Merchant, 9 Fifth st Allegheny County T. A. Association. A quarterly meeting of the Allegheny County Totak Abstinence Association will be held on the 2d Friday,.. (Sth December) next, ut 11 o'clock, A. M., in Mande' church, near Perrysville. By order I. 3. ASIIBRIDOE, Secretary to the Ex. Com Quilts, Comforts, Bce. A LARGE assortment of Quilts and Comforts. fin- families, steamboats, Sc., made ve— ry warm and first rate fur this season, fur sale low fon. WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer, n25-1w curlier of Wood and Water streets, NEW GROCERY & PRODUCE STOB NO. 5, GRANT STREET, Immediately opposite the new Ma•ket House. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends as the public in general that he has constantly on hand a fresh assortment of 'all the most valuable kinds f fainily groceries, viz: coffees, sugar, teas, peprsri. Alspice, Balm-a:us, starch, etc. Also, mackerel, bacon,. salt, molasses, floor, tobacco, seprz. cotton, soap, can, dies, and all other articles used by families. Allciff which will be said as cheap for cash as can, be purclut— sM elsewhere in the city. All arc invited to call andl see for themselves. FFAII kinds of country produce will Le taken in. exchange for goods, or cash paid fur same as agree— MOMS may be made. Butter, eggs, &c., always on. han•l. Terms, cash, or rood references. t`2.4-1w A. LAUB AUCH. WONDERFUL PRODIGY. rriiE OHIO GIANTESEr has arrived in our city,on , 'way socth, to remain a fee iys only, fir Exhibition:lw Ir. Fickci,un's Hall, back off le old Court Home, near the Larked; the little child i■ only , . ight oars old, oral weighs. 10 lbs., licr height is 4 feet, inches, arci measures 5 feet , -ound din Fhoulders, perfectly. !aid y and active, intellect: ,cd, and ver3 playful, and free and notici ng di .gusting itu her manner- , . She has been visited by thousands in, New York and Luton, and bv them pronounced the• greatest curiosity in the world. Hours of Exhibition, from 9 A. M., till 9P. M. Admission 12A cents. Public Sale of Beal Estate. - Tn E uuderignecl will offer at public sale, on tbs• premises, about 30 Acres of Ground, in the bo— rough,of Birmingham, on Thursday. the 30th instant„ at 10 o'clock, A m. It is laid off into L o ts of 21 by 100 feet, fur build— ing purposes, and 96 by 390 feet on the rivor for man— ufacturing purposes. If not sold in a body, the lots will be offered sepa-, rately. It is useless to review the important advanta ges this property possesses. The principal portion of it. will be sold at furthest in a few years, and will, (I,Jobtless, be yearly increased in value by the erection. i of buildings and manufuctories , and offes the best op— portunity for investment and improvements, all the \dwelling houses in the town being occupied as soon aa, completed. Terms at sale. NEVILLE. B CRAIG, n27—ts Committee of Mrs Sidney Gregg Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Monoa•ahela Navigation Company, neartr" opposite the Post Office, until 3 o'clock P M of Sams day, the 23d December next, for building, Locks and Dams Nos 3 and 4, and fur repairing Dams Nos 1 an& 2; also, for building four Brick Lock Houses. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of fice one week previous to the letting. J K MOORHEAD, MORGAN ROBERTSON. • n 24-1 m St. Peter's Church at Houle. .4 LARGE PAINTING of this splendid Temp* tt will be exhibited for n short time at Instill's Lilo Room, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of this Picture, Bishop England gale the higbest tale ginm in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1836. It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 othei paintings, which arc now open to the public. Admittance 4 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents: children half price. G. COOKE. ''Open daily from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and also from 6 till 9 in the evening. N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations aro respectfully invited, free of charge. 023. HALLMAN, JENNDIGS & CO., 43, WOOD STREET, HAVE in store and are receiving— -425 bags Rio Coffee, part strong spa green, 50 pkgs Y fi and G P Tees, 25 boxes Russel & Robinson's s's Toluca° 10 " Burton's s's 1 10 " Thompson's B's " . 5 " Robinson's 16,„. " I ‘. 12's ". 5 " superior pound lump 100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins, 2000 Ih4 Loaf Sugar, 20 boxes No 1 and 2 mustard, 50 " No 4 chocolate, 25 " ground pepper, 10 kegs " ginger, 5 '"' 5 boxes town , 5 Hire flour, 9.000 lbs Oak Tanned Suk Leather. 1000 yards t.w linen, 5 bale. bops, All of which they offer. with a general assortment groceries, dye stuffs and Fitt.burgh menu • goods, on liberal terms.