Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 30, 1843, Image 1

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One insertion, $0 50 One outh, $5 00
Two de.,
0 75. Two do:, 6 00
•t 2
T 0 Throe do., 7 00
Clltil Fo
• wu . do.,
fek, 100
00 Four du., 800
3 Six
three du.
4 00 Oao year 10 00
YE 15 00
Ooe Square.
Six miutibi, $lO 00 Six Tiro qu arcs.
year, months, . $23 00
25 00 one year,
35 00
rlOPLarger a ilvertixernent s in proportion.
... ~,....CARDS of four lines Six DuLLARS ft year. i
-----7 -------izWj;offiee----------
Cif /. Post 0.,X-e, Third b a ween Market and Wood
streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster,
C.aeon fbeiter., IVHC:. [master,
door f W.ls
litition's buildings-IVillium B. wr y, Mo Collector. .1 ,
City rreasary, Weal, betweau First and S.lco.nl i
itr.:3ta - -James A. Bartrani, Tfeasurer.
c7.4x11!" Tr....slur", Third strect, next door CO the
..rtit.lPros'uytzriati Cuar:h—S. R. Jahustoa, TrJant
.irkitie4so.ffice, Fourth, tkleceen Market and Wood
atrents---I!exander Hay, Afvor.
Aferciant's Exchange, Fourth near Market at.
li A S. Third and Fourth streets.
(formerlly Saving
Alercha ats'andianufactuers' ou l Partneri' De
Wood and Marl et Fund,) Fourth. between
Sxchonge, I ift i-st. near Wood.
Monongaisela Ifouse, Water s treet, u..air the
`Exchange Rotel, corne r of Penn and St. Clair.
lifereica!ellotel, corne r of Third and Wood.
Alii,riean ifutet,corueeufThird a:1IS:U-411601d.
United States, corner of Prue St. and Cabal.
spread Basic, Librrty etroct, near seventh.
Miller's Afaa,sion House, Li./Zi'Ly St., opivosite
Bros:liana's AGratioa !louse, Penn St., OppOSire
s , f ? E ? M' i i! , .. i t yl? . l7;fs s 1 SaT jil'"3. -II
......, W..i.i..., have ' be ..!.1 49 ilt-llv tr-it'l....l"'ia cliff:7: h t i l l :a.r j 1.34'
et The United States, as well in the citivi of Pitt s - 1 Judson & Planegan, Attorneys at Law,
burgh a 4.1 States ,
c/1 b.. 3 socn io or , ration at a , S'n;EIL
7th '4"'"l' (/ct'i":" '''''l • "'' '" ' i '
tianab:tr.of mills la thii u/ 1 b.. 3 I. viz: r at Mr. Wick- i Vrtte Z -r il, l'oo.ioo, tor, walw,v.i ao'd Joldier,
~ , r I`. r
:44aaei mills, oa Pena streat; at Buwniaa & Chem- 1 th , ..1.10.• a.:t. of C0.0,-reiq 0b%.,i1:,,(1. l'aperA a , ...1 , 1:-,,
10Yrs'i tai zwa r dr.: oppe.r Allegheny brid e , Eux i ;:r., for Cle paten: ...Two pr.:Tared.
/olr 1"'
at Marrii•Jo's tni!ls o t Ilaro'g Iblaad, a.iri oth:.•rs.--; vt.
!!`seivdnaThe ahore ea:011 1n . ....111./.: can he obtainel at IV. IV. i 4-aln -TY S. Magraw,Atterney at Law,
:a,. 4,.)
~,,:, 1,i1,,.,.t...
... t,
~,n. 5,,,i t) ,, i , 1 , 1. i lia:rvat.),.v.l!li, oflire t.)lii, r: 24 i;1 , :.1,?, 0 i Vl/117:11 I
en is fi'ziaz Lt,i, aa.l 'there thu /114.:!'ai.y. wiil be i Is '" d '' " ab`'''''.':.4.""li'-'l'l
- us liall4. .1.1/1/1y t...) B. P. Sly , l,r. or; 3. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law
IV. IV. -W211:1.7..t..
10.11c0,u.-I,...rStoirlilic.l,l /rid Th,r.l sne..:,, l'ztt:horgh
• Evans' C hamomile Pills.
1 - _
A BRAIIIM J. CLEAIER, residin g at 66, 2kfott rL. Harper: Attorney and Counsellor at i. ---- au. - r,
'tract, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia
in its mastaggravated form. The symptoms were vi- i„ .
,jl.ll :attend promptly to the coileetio n or security or
eleutheadache, great debility, feeery castivene3s,cough 1
: da an:, n:.d all prote,iontil blisitiess cittriii.ted to his raee
heartburn, pain in the chest and itomscli always die;
sating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinkin g at the '' :I` ';'''''' llti " of Ru.ri''''"j"ff-'r'"", ileir'''', 6.'"er
stomach, furred tongue, nausea, do frequent vomit- , "v' :''''';"---"va'' ih'im"' C'''}'''''''' (-:''''''ll, St4rk
uzi'd Wayoe. REY:4c - ro
tap, dizziness towards night and reitlesness These
. 11 eiralf ,f.
./.o , ,,tis, ")
sad continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when, en
Na a rDalzell,- I v /eatin g , ( .
cousulting Dr. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and 1
JO 1 (.71 per,
submitting to his ever ste.:cessful and aereeable mode
D. 7'. ifergan, j
of treatment, the patient was completely restored to
health in the short space of one month, and gratefill for ''' 27 ' /8 /3—if
the incalculable benefit derived, gladly ratite. forward
old volunteered the above statement For ale, whle
sale Lehi retail, by It. Fl. SELLERS, Aant,
sap 10-7 No. 20, IVoul stret, b...10w Second.
peasenuai Candy------
TUTTLF: has received this day from New York,
afresh supply of the above releltrated cure for
C ought, Coldsat who and Co nsu le mptions; end is ready to A up
ply customers lesa or retail, at Ids ..11e,lical
our 1
A gency,
._.______________ g 6 Fourth It.
13 Ater Bargains than ever, at tho Threo Dig
rr, Ilk: subscriber would r,tspocifully htform his cos
and the pblicgonerally that notwithstad
- - ing the unitrecedeated sales at the Three 13ig Doors,
during the present seasoa; be has still on bawl th e lar
est and most varied assortment ofttlezant CLO-
Tii/NG that can be !taught west hart mountais:—
he puhlic may rest assured that aicles offered at
his !store ere maufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur
chased in tha Eastent markets this spring and made in_
by Pitttsbur:h workmen.
/a conselueuce of the multiphcatio n of slop shop s in
ear city, filled with pawn brokers clothe s and then/113LS,
cast ofrgaratints 01.14r/113r iel.:-:i,,, from the eastern ei
tiles, the public should be cautio us to ascertain the char
acter of the establishmOnts in which they are invited to
purchase, hefore they part with theirint a ,
intmey. The arti
cles oirered at se% eral oldie concert s is this city, are
the mare etrals of New York and Philadelphia slop
Alhapa, and sent out here to be palmed oil' on t lv! Pit t:+-
burgh public. I'urchasers 0. he , • !il be on their guard a
iraiust theSe introJition.i, and they ielyl-..l o n Ihe filet
ithatao e3tablislnn at nave rt iges egvfern in ale Cif,.
thin, cal viva
p. 3 ro od an artir or as advantl4-,:,,,,
bargains as can be had at th "Th e r.o. Big Doors."
The piedic ivill lea,pe remembe r that all the sub:tcri
ber's garai , zi t re toadtt in !Ir is city, by eozopetent work
rintri! ant outs d up like tlr
.zood s now offered by
t lie !'birds ofpassaga" fi.o m the s'ared s and patche s of
eittern slop shnits. It will alway s be his endeavo r to
maintain the reputation that the -If izree Big Doors"
hsve obtained for furnishin g a suim.rior style of CLO-
I'ffING in every respect, and at prices below those of
• uy Other e3tablialltnel/L
/-/ ti-ould again return his thank s to his friends arid
the public for the unprecedented p:ttroage bestowed
upon his fo r
and believing. that th ey hav e
(await to their advantag e to deal with hint, he would
" . ..repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
4 C:bathing. ofeeery descriptio n at the lowest pr ice .o. rail
flP*Oat No. 151, LIBERTC Sr. " JOHN 11'CLOSKE1'.
bserve Metal Plate in the pavement. a? 2.6.
Look at This.
FIE atton6on of those who have been soewh,
A_ sceptical in reference to the numerous cc
rates pablished iu favor of Dr. Swavtic's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, oil account oldie persons being
• unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
rected to the following certificate, the writer of which
Las been acitizen of this borough for several y:"ars, and
is known as a gentlema n of integrity and rosponsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. Kmar. Bookbinders and Paper Rulers)
I have used Dr. To
Compound Syrup of Wild Continue busincas at the stand late of Af'Candle ss *_
Cherry for Cough, with which I have been severely Jelinson. Every description of work in their line race o
afflicted foreb four months, and I have no hesitatio n b and promptly executed.
may B—y
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I
have been obi° to procure. It composesall uneasiness, NieHOLAS D. CO LE244 N ...... Li.o ID R. COLNJI A N.
a mlagrees well with my diet, --and maintains regu
Coleman & Co.,
and good appetit I cameruse.tely r ecommend it 63 nil
fibers similarly ctrl, J. Minartes, Bo ,h of General Agents, Anearding and Commission
March 9, 1810.
Cha mberabur g h.
, . rori n k by WILLIAM THORN, Leyee Street, Vicksburg. Miss. They respectfully so
sop 23 )
N 0.53 Ala rket street. /icitcou.ignments.
n 2 4 2—ti
PitinaSllED IJAILY, 1371
VOL. /11._.N0. 6
PUBLISHED By 1111110M11_ PAILLIPS & WM. rt.
corne r of Wood and &Num
fth Ntreets.
Trams.--. Fi
Fire dollars a year, payabl e in
ilf&te, and b
41tiatifseopies T %PO Clecmrs—thr sale at the counter
they News buys.
Thu Weakly Mercury and
Z. published at the same °thee o Manufacturer
mediu m
sheet,,n adorable
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
Drcrurnsville Juniata 'iron *arks,
Edwar.l nag
..s.lannfacturer of Iron and Nails
IVarehouse, \0.25, Wood st., Pittsburgh.
sep 10-y
Wholesale GA—icor*, C OrDaliaSiClll and Pro.
duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pitisburo.le Manziftzeturre
.nir 17
No. 43, IVot%d street. Pittsbilr i t •
4 ,
pi4r4l Lt ) n
1 orning
„ 7. :\ OR CH WEST "
_ _
__ _. _
Pt T FS 8 U -
Eyster 8; Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
alicr•rom,)%-ed from Dianio o d to '..1t,741r-ricy'w Row"
Shady side of Ith, 1:K-twee:I Mark et a1.,(1 Wood
Sep 10
B aclaasteTt
at Law,
rennAed hiiolEr e to /I,mrea'
abore S:1141111.21,1.
svp I 0
George W. Layne, Attorney at Law,
()Mee in Fourth street, near Sznirilield, Pittsbur,
sep 27—y
Offißeadeß iewe
Washington, Attorney at Law,
ce in a.lll's
nor 5, 13}i Luilding,, Grain street, Pittiburc,
John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Lam,
Office e , n - rier of Smithfield and Fifth streets . Pittsburgh
p.". Collections made. All business entrusted to his
care will be promptly attended to.
Wm E. Austin, Attorney at -Law,
Pi tt iht trgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burlsc's
fl.76otiVtr..l.tAx r.. A USTIN, Eui., Will give his
:on to my 'tannish:Nl business, and I atten
recommend hint
o the patronag e of my friends.
sop 10—y
Daniel M. Curry, A ____
tt2rney at Law,
ap 3
ri, .:i Firth street, between I Vond "nd Stnithf:
Fitt:bur g -I L
Office on
Roberta ft
cur:Jur of Fourth Attorney at Law,
s.- 1 ) ; 0 tlic:
a.:d Smithrl.‘l,l •
IL Morrow , Alderman,
Office north side Of Fifth street, I,etwcon Woucl
Smithfield, Pitt ihur.,h • 10
IPU hep_ —r f
gist Tat
For pnweecling s in attachme 81 _ ' _ n
at this office.inicier ti:e late law, ter
• 25
1 Dr. S. R. Holmes,
, Ofrie e in Second stroet, next door to Alidvany ..t. Co.'s
Glns4 Warelionst.. sep 10—v
Dr. ..1. Ir.il icni, _______,_.
Offic e 0.1 Smithfield street third door fro m the corne r of
sixth street.
p 10
- -
Ward & Runt, Dentists,
Liht.rty street, a 6.w doors belo w :_-zt. Clair, I
isp G, 1843
Doctor Daniel 111cBleal,
Oilieo on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
street., Pittsburzh. der:lo—V
Wood Street,
Agent..J fur the :4 ale of the Eagle Cotton FuPtory Yarns.
mar 17—y
--.Tort . DILWORTH
UrilllaZaS &Dilworth,
IVl,l,,aie Gri.rers, Produc e and commis3ion r
eiron,. and l)..inlers in Pittsburgh Matturnetured A
titles, No. ;29, Wood street.
set , 10- -y
li'llnlesale and Retail Dealers in
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. Market street, Pittsburgh.
Rep 10—y
Willi am C. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
Man j'ectu re r,
J. G. & A. GOlibpN,
No. 87. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pn.
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 1N VASS bntshes, vanish, &e... for artists, always
Water street, Pittshurzh• Pep 10—v ! ou hand. L oo k inv.. Gla:tses, &,e., promptly fira•
-- -- ---- -- -- '-------------:--- i med r.o order. Repairing:done at the shortest notie.
]Mat e
HAM & CO.,
I Particula r at a t orlon paid to regilding and johhie
Commission and porwarding Merchants, . 1
..' ' -
ex cry t OM i iptifitt.
.No. GO, Water *treet, Pittsburgh, Pa.
i Per.ons fitting sta uthuats or houses will '
1 0 ' ii Cs , I E C E!„' z i o s n7i: I i t u e n ce t i t ' n i n i
t g u n a t " h d r:e l ! i 1 : t r ;d 'i s ' al ' e c - e "1"c p p e e i r- i ti".ir a ri
n age t o call.
c en t
mar 22—y ;.._
Office , • ...rney and Counsellor at removed to Baltewell's Offices, on Grant La
nearly oppo:ite the new Court House, next room s to J
D. 111/114n, Esq., first floor.
kingh Toner, littorney at Law,
:v(frai Euic curlier of Smithfield mu! Fourth streets,
"ittAburi t .
sep 10—y
.11.‘ 71,1:11E,
littorneys awl Co unsellors at Law,
01fi tlie Niel: of thu old Court House,
s:•1, 10
Prancis R. Shunk Attorney at Law,
Fourth above Wood,
5,.) 0-1 y
Pittiburgli, Pa
Thomas eßannlton, Attorney at Law
betwecii I'Vood aLd ;fists.,
sop I o—y
tt:.baraii, Pa.
. An. O'Hara Robinson,
Office un th.. North vide of the Diamond at Law
ket and Union tween Afar
strrett, .
up stairs sr.p 10
A. L Barbara's, Attorney at Law,
Tenders his profesS'lonal servicea to the public. Office
sen 10 on sth st., above I Vooil. Pi t tiburrlt.
_l_ rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story •
Burk's Buil
(ling. .1. Osborne would solicit a calrfrom those who
desire Portraits .Spcimens ran be set - us-pin r Donis
may 5.
...." ........ J. H ERON FosTER.
Western Real Estate Agency,
Third st., next door to the Post Office, Pit tsburgh, Pa •
.....Agetic fur the purchase and sale of Real Es
tate, renting Houses. collections, &c, &c. Terms
modert. References given on application at the
Pi/kington's Unrivalled 11/acking,
711- UFAC 1: fiEl) wholegalu and rota:
SIXTH STILELT, Ong dorm below Smithfield.
ames Pa tt erson, jr.,
Bit znindittrn,-n,ar Pitf , lpir;ll, Pa., nrumfartnrcr of
lucks, hinze s and b,,it.l; to'ct.ro. fuller, mill and timber
screws: lnw, < r to' for n+lling• inilb, &c scp / 0-y•
John ItTClosker, Tailor and Clothier,
•rt% street, between i\ th street and Vizgin alley,
Small e.
Webb Closey'sDoot and Shoe Manufactory,
.V, , .
.;:3, Pli sl., ne•l'l do or bilh e C. s. Bank.
Lad:ei pria , ePa.l;i.i a , 1.1 ' , oh ilwes made ha the new eg
mnane•r. a'4l lay th, awan•st French patterns. se;. 10
— --
------- --
William Doherty,
411 A T AND CAP AutNrricTurtvit,
113 Lib 'Tv stra(.t. 1,- ; m e,_•n Mar:srt Ca
,i , h4 Si sth.
-- --- ----
.7021 Cartovright,
. I c t 'Tr., Eli a ad Sur' Intranf,./t )Ircatfluant.
corne r nf . I;; {1 and I.i'n•rt% , treo•N, l'il• 1..1r , l'a
. .
N. ll.—Aft ‘ ay, nit harh I an , st , n‘iv e a.,...:.rt me w nf
n-ziral and I iontal tn,tratittalq. Itankvr . .,:. Ta .1.,1-'s.
II 1. , ;t~ • f• ~ Flair
I'VOCIIt S':l' A I ..,
•.141:1‘t.., 1n. , !,, T i t:;., A„Vr.
s it' -..! J.
Oak and Poplar Ltirnbcr for Sale.
:A,i 1 . 1:. IS. thou:a:l.l Coct ~..1, .a... , na-d ( ials and l'nph.f I
. 1....J.:!!,,-.1;,; ~11, 1, .,. w'a '...:a.!-. En,plire of./efmrs
( '. Ormthitis, Esy. twar rif. rt.11111:II!I Inn. it" '' ! I
Dr. Good's CaicbratcdParca/c P/113.
.c ,•roto :wt.:Pa to
;•‘ ;L4 a i6;:t0,1
n'lll,,,itlL7 1114,5 f• r.,llli,l:il'it, 14`e11:1.11
WOM oi-,Xon'i.4',,,i't 01i..,- ; 11 .1 , 1,i . .it „r aw v.f ‘• tn.
01)vjati• r,,lis r•;,--,, wul
,irt ail 11., .tctirri
SerVoli, alr..e: ion, Ti. 1.,(• l'ili: hay, gaiwit in. x.
tim, r: nip ,-,, 1,ti,t tl ~ t. tht• rtt"st rwit,..l:r l'it,it-itett,
the I'ttit,tl Stare,, and !MI /IV Ahorlivr:. f',,r !In
iV)i.,!,,,i'.,. ti:: , l it , - r, it. ky it. ir'..S Et.1.1;i1511,,,m,
s..t.i , It/
1V,,,,,1 Strerr, 1,,•',%. 5,,,,,,,
- ---- -- - - ----
rt/Votico to Dr. Drandroth's //gents.
1C oilier in l'itts'mrzh,lx-Iti..llwai rstahlislted for
-l. the purpose of ron:tutninz agent s in the wtst,
havi.L.z- ne compliqlted that oojert, i., :low d0..,.d, and
..11r. G. 11. LEI:, in the Diarnond, Morket stre , -t. ap
pointed my rizellt for the sale of ins Pill, tied Lini
"tents. all Dr. lirandr.th's ag , t/ta ll 111, th1•r1.11.rt.0.117.
(hT.VaIld that Ur. B.
thro oz will sand a travellinsr agent
h the CO/IlatlA ir,rf• a year to collect oleniec for
sales wade at:ti re soppy azenrq. Tho aid traveller
will he 111.11%1E11'11 1c id, 1 1 :n 4. 1`r I. f attorney, ,i,tly pro‘a-al
/ ,, -for e the Clerk 4.1 the oily :ma eouitt of New York,
tog..ther with ail tho tieet.,,ary vonclier a and raper. 4.
.11r .1. J. Yoe is tny traveliaz axe/It now in l'enn
va: - .ia.
:V. D.—ltentember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rettrof the
Marl;et i+ no w my only rig - f.nt in l'ittAurgit.
.lone 14
14:1‘ i,Jg been afflicted for nearly two years, u ith a
1 hard SwelliAq.: on the rap of tily knee. wli;eh
produced notch pain, and used various applications
recommended Ity the I:malty—all in vain, was curQd
completely by the us e of 11:/r. hl /tric . of Dr. Brandreth's
linamont, Or external remedy.
Witnes s my hand,
io t p.,
Oh Allegheny en. Pa. Jan. /0, 1840.
Dr. 13randreth's external remedy or !nutmeat; sold
at the store of GEORGE 11. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle.
feb 8.
-1-;Dr. Decbtor's Pulmonary Presevative.
OR coughs, cold=. influmiza, catarrhs, whooping
.1: roogh, spitting of blood, pain in the hreast, all
disert.es of the lova q and lungs, and arrost orapproaei
log commtnption. IVarranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FA TINESTOCK & CO.,
jy 12
Agents for Pittsburg)
M anufacturer of Tin, Copper and Shee•
Iron Ware
No. 17, Fifth street, between Ifilnel am/ , o n Keeps cormtantly on hand a grimd assortme nt of Ware‘,
and solicits a share ofpnblic patronage. Al(, on hand,
the followinrarticles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
ski !lets, t eaket t !eq. pots, ovens, colfee mills, &e. Aler
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hemselves,n s he is determined to sell eh eap fcrcash
approved paper.
-- - -
Wholes L. J. D. WICK,
ale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Filth st.,
may /5
Pitt+burgh. Po.
AGENTS F B irmingham & Co.,
h 22 .
Doha B. Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Grain, Genrral Forwarding
mission Merchant, and Cum
i , hutgli, Pn.
W I c; , L ie t s i i 1
at : r , ; rr
Il rvi:nEscE s:
ila —J &Iv .Eqie r , ar Got ri;11, D. Lr . rch,Cr CO%
BaNi/10reiV •
ri,slnr gh:llichri 13url:c.,11.Antes,J .11.11oldrnan.
.july 1--Gm•
Dooksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37. .1,1-trkt.t ctrect. sep .10
coxes B. InUNf
• t 'cis YouriG
...... it. !.
Thos. B. Young & Co.
I Furniture IVan• ft. nnn- , ., corne r of hand street runi Ex .
dnanze alley,
purchaie qrzliLure,
will find it Co their ad% wttaze to rive us a call, ful
ly that \‘ e Caii pleas ;.aj tu quality aad price.
yep 10
Workers and Wire blanacturers,
No. 23, 3 larkf.q stz eet. between 211 and 3d streets,
sep 10—y
Exchange, Hotel,
Corner of Penn and Saint Clair street, b
sep 10
F OP 10-v
Beware of a Settled Co ug h;
It. AP LANES Sudorific Lung, Syrup, being u safe
and effectual remedy for Coin.,., Catarrhal Fever,
Influenza, Ph urasy, the lit st. of forming stage s of CM/.
sumption, Asthma, Whooping Cough, &c. Some do
zen of certificate s of its valuable effects can ho pro
duer-d. one of a Lich is nasty offered.
This is to certify, that I had n very severe Cough nil
last winter, and was very much reditci.d. After trying
medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a
bottle of Dr. AP.l..toie s Lung Syrup; it gave me relief
immediately, and in two weeks 1 AVUS able to go out,
told fully believe it to be on e of the mnstraluable med
icines now betbre the public, for Cough and breast com
.4. fresh supply nfthis valuable Cough medicine
,jest received at the Drugstore of
oct 7 So. 60, corner of Wood and KIDD,
ont - dints
Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty sitreets, Pitts
burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line,
err 11---3nt.
. 1 1A.\ - 1 rAc Tom..
Springs and hales f orCarria ,ges
I'll PIT:Y.!.
/111111. Stlbrir I il.wrs rnanurarture and keep constant-
Jll . ly on hand Co4ch. C and Lliptic Springs (war- I
ranted,) Juniat a Iron .Mies, Silver and Brass plated
Dash Framei, and plated Huh Bund, , . Stump
Joints, and Loather, Silver and lirass Lamps,
ElioThree fold Steps, Alalleuhle Iron, Door }bindles and
&r., &r. JONES & COLE.NIAN. I
Sep 10 St. ('lair it., noor the Allegheny Bridge.
per and better than can be had at any other
place ires! <ri the mountains.
Call for Bargains
.15 1 , Liber/y war the Jackson l'oundry.
stiliscriber %%mild rctspecttfully infitrtn his
friend s and dot that hie fall stock ol
“0ia1.4 compris. ala rzer nil mitre varied as-ortntent
than has ever sera (1 1 -16 `;/1.11 at tint house in On.. city,and
front the favorable ti•r Illy :11
purdlaSeJ Were
made, he iitunalded to sell dialling. hi.
cheaper tha N it
tonal l la• hid in any other etottliltillinrint its this city. Ile
rerlrt..f the pui,:ie buret) and eaariiiine his spie.-
dil as:itr:dten t of all dn. artirles of dre*s, and front
the eNcrillen ce of the mitt-Hal. the styie of wrlona
ship rind the very low price at which all his article s are
sold, he feels cow:dent that every nisst will find it to
their advantag e to Iturolia4 e at the "Thrt Big Doors."
As none loit the Itrist I,itt,r; ;Pp! wcorkfflca ;ire Cl77`
plint•tl, .rdel, make elothiltz he attended to a
ritanl"T flint Y.1rpa,,..1 Lt
anyOther e?tabliShrucrit in
al) I 0--Gn
rtor r :: hi.. ~ t oki to his, ,33 and
opt t•ed..tit• lrwronage beAtoweti
lunml 0;4011 ill', 1.4.11,1,),•11'.f1t. roi that thoy hove
ato their :If act to With hint /in Wollid
relkett hi, nation to :th th•rt. %tip, wit4l pllrehtlSC
7.i ilo !owe,it p t , tt
r:t..t. jii; IN AFCLOSKEY.
711,:til!pfutu j,. the vvmerit.
Iron Saks.
I It ;:71,:1-:(:,'"1,1,:,1,-/..!..1.,1,tt-,:yilial:, rui:licHthat,rl Ipi,,e
1',.. , .1 s kr,•., Th,. T•ri•••• ni r0a.,11,11(... i, r tin. ma
tortalA iryl I,l'a,rl/1.11;; Twirl; 10,, Yr, is rl..dip-pa aiiant
ton a l
jaa-cyat. The . % aro kin 1 .. . i. oak at my , lii.p, in
.SiN.lll .11.',1, :thr)Ve Nmiilitiyld. :2 , `Nt 10 010 Chard) WI
111, 1,0 1";If`r of Gth .arrYt--a‘ al, st id; .Itwoorl, .1t1:11.5
N. 7 nO., ati-1 1/417,11 .r.- 1./yttlinq. In regard to thY tot:d
n\ of My 41:tfo: I leavy rlai.y pyr.lottA who have piir
vii.i.ed azirl %%in fairrkyty it s..aly, to atri.,t the util
ity of them. I Ile•il, 11,. !1.`,•....1 11,0 r 1...ir, on my safe•;
ni.tce and ft-nth warrant in, its itrf i rmititt the !adir
that all Inv •qtre, wilich 11 , 1 , o 1 .'ll 111 hMlilings burnt
down forSeVer.ll years .ince l' cammonyed have inv.
ierved all tlw papta..,, book., &^., which the ycmtaiti
ed I have a card con taining; a namber of rortiiicittY,
if theinrne7 which aYe in cii.cil'itthin and in my hand,
tad the; f:ente4.
N. B. .1 row pair of aryl Sprinzs for .ale-, midi , hy
iineA & Colemitn, and it ill by sold lo,y. Also, a ;eta,-
reizs, with pawyr to punch holy; iii half inch ircia.
sop 20—if
improved Magnesia Safes,
Fifth Street. be/ttern. IVu, , a 7 and Smithleld,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
rp HE subscrilii•rs preqciit their respects to their nu
." merous friends 6 , i- their former liberal patron
'age, end would tali. , this method urassOring them and
the public generally that all future favo rs H ill he duly
tipprociated. Thvir articles have been fully tested, of
which sufficient testimony will be ien to any inquirer.
The principl es of their locks and, safes are nut sur
passed in the Union.
The price also is (onsiderahly /essened, end will be
found as low, ilnot below any other responsible house
in the Union.
We would take this opportunity of thank kr, the va
rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have
spoke n so highly of us and our safes.
The puhlie are respectfully invited to examine our
articles before purchasing elsewhere. feeling assured
the superiori t y of our manufacture will be apparen t to
all candid spectators,
N. B.
S:ifes can be obtained of nay size or shape,
or of any principle of lock or coliAtrUC 'lOl4 of the sub
l'ascribers, sir of S. Church, Second street, Pittsburgh,
_ ‘,..
O VEMBEIt 30, 184
Cheap for Cash.-Ernion Cotton PactOrp.
Short Reel Yarn.
No. 5 at 15 ctsper
Gat 15 do
7at 15 do
Bat 15 do
gat 15 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
12 at 1.1 do
13 at 16 do
14 at l?' do
15 ut 18 do
16 at 19 du
17 at 20 do
18 at 111
/9 at 22 do
20 at 23 du
r"Ordesprt,mptly aded to, if left at J & C.
f , O rders
, Logan KentitZty'S .01' ti/ POAt Office:address
J /i. MOORIIEAD et-. CO.
pir r Bll l'llol/
drlFCirculating and Reference Library,
pu:itieztl and miscellaneous
I._/ works will he open every dav, Sabbath eNcept
d, from 7 o'r:uck M.,. wail 9 AL, in the Ex
corne r or St. Clair street and Ex-1
rhan.ce , where punctual attendance will be' iven
AND '.w
the subscriber bavins-returned from the East with
/lc late,t style dr flut., Int.: now on hand and will e on
stantly keep a Irogi• a.u.ort meta of his ow. Muntif.4c
tnre, tt birb for littlitne.-, ,erlire. Itrtity, and cheap
nc4s Call.7lr it !,• ,lIIIMISSOri and tt °aid respectfully in
vite his friend, and the public to .-)cri-lior, Ilk stock of
Bats and Caits, at the llanuflu•tory, N 0.73. Wood st.
sep 9-ltn
'Rat and Cap Manufactory. gilt
THE,,. 93 fi'ood street, :3 doors below Diamond.,4lley
iubscrib-r wi!lborp coast:may on hand every
varie t y ot th, mo;tfashionahlc HATS and CA rs,
wholesale a ndetail. at reducedprices.
Persons wishin g , to prchase will rfad h to their/rite.
test tozit-e him a call.
Pittsburgh, aug..?9, 1843. S. MOORE.
SSad Irons
Ur ground and pohshcAd, anvils and other k inds
;rinding done at the Cast Steel File am F'
e o, ar.
nee of Lib , rry and O'Hara ',reels.
Rug; IA
_______,_ -----
ti thd Gentlocaeri of Pitiaburglit 1 1:3 I n in •,*
, Q.:- JC (11
~., 011,111 r
TuE .u),,..zitx, most respectfully
i •4"
inforrn a the gentlemen of this city and'allirMW i
. ..
, ______________
vicinity, that he has c ommenced the SOOT and 1
prom the l'Vrong ---- s of Women.
SEIOE making busines s in Fourth street, opposit e the I
Mayor's office. 'lrwi- been forema n in some of the .
most fashionable ber* sgop s in the Easters, cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American -calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi-
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those The tiara of this scene is the dinner hoer hi tbsi
Fentlemen ;via, have kindly patronised him he of
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appe a l I IVbezi fly.: dinner boor arrives, Nell Carte insteadi
for the goodne ss uf his work and knowledge of his of betaking herself to her uwzi corner, follows Alice to
P. KERRIGAN. I that, still snore deciu4ted Which she had chosen nod
may 11.
, !seating herself, be, in a tens of peculiar gentle.;
ifirrllliillsidairTriont---and i--------------hoe inakek6— ne's.l—Vell, neighbor, it is not my business, nor my way/
Lihe rty st. opposite the head of Siftikfield. P It ° pry into anybo y ' g private troubles, hot if I speak n
The subscriber having bought out the : word to comfort you, I shall be glad. I fear Unit yen
stock of thr late Thomas Rafferty, i l ecensed,ha ti :are feeling the thorns that lie thicker and sharper as
we poor folks go en "Cr road; and we seem all too
commenced busines s at the old stand of Mr. 11. .
and is prepared to execute all description s of work in , Lam}- Picking oncOwn wa y into i t i '' kel p a struggling
I friend. I wish I could help you."
his line, in the best Mat:met, and on the shortest notice.
"Thatik yon kindly, Mrs. Carter, bat you cant;
11,. lioepi CONS Ninth- on hand a Arno, ..,nt Itf shoe I
finding,: of al/ descriprioni, and of the best qualite. Ile
. Vol not very well, and I'm somewhat arixic is , as you
may suppose; and—and my spirit. fail me."
solicit s the patronag e of the publi c and of the craft.
sep 10-y
WM. ADAIR. Agoin will the tears burst lora'.
Ur thing ! I portly know what tronliles ton, initt
David Clark, ligot,----- IyOu"nPluttst bear Up„ for more sakes than one. .I . Dm 4
BAsmoNBLE BOOT afAK-EB; i„,„ 7.,,,,„3.ed lone woman, and glad to be ;Acne, since they'whoso
to No- 34 Market street, between Second and /sufferings were the workt thing s I had to suffer, ere ag
Third streets, where he would be happy to se e hi s I rest and peace. Pire watched yon ever since yOu canto
pn._ !here, and learned somethin g of your family. and I've
old customers and all other s who feel disposed to
tronis e him. Il e uses nothing but first rare sto c k, an d ;long feared to see your patien t !tint:it after th is feeltion.
eniplo vs the best of workmen; and as he gite s hi s eo n . /But now, before vou give way to fretting, let m o tea
you n little of what I have seen in this very Place;
stunt personal attention to busines, he trusts that he
will deserv e and receiv e a fairsh , sluu.e of patronage
sep 10
I whore I have worked these twelle }ears: and the
feeling. that others are somuch worse etT, will mayhap,
cheer yon up."
Alice secretly thinks that the sorrow s of others may
increase, but cannot lessen her own; however, she will
not chock the iimiseal cintinumicativeness cf her kind
hearted he
votil•JTisieuet taltlatttgiervlcrivu,itltricid,2dhaan•ii„)tnili:-
,ini % u ll fuuj he t°3"e .
of nine children:all living in this place, and I i.i.d. is k not
on o of them knows Who Made 'em, they are so igrionr
ant. Their mother was a tidy girl, married veryyoung
to a miner; and he had hardly got he r into his pewee
when he took her down into the coal pits to hurry for
him. You don't know what that is' 'Tis the cfraw-,
ing of a wooden carri toe, heavy loaded with coals,.
along the seams of the mine, w h e y I'
a body couldn't
stand half upright, where all is as dark as midnight
except the candle stuck in the miner's cap; and when
sh e had to slave liken brute beast, in nothing but her
bc"IY linea,with a course pairof trou s ers, a thick leath
ern belt round her waist, a heavy 1,,a chain fastened
to it, paasing between her legs, and hooked on the dui.;
riage, and site dmwhig it, almost on all-fours, through
$1 75 the:te paAsaigesi ten, twelve, fourtee n or sixteen hours
150 —I was goin g to say, every clay--but there was no day
I 37i for hot. It legs dark:night always then
frightful ine;
1 374 'and d ark night above ground before she could lea re it."
1 .18.1 "flow very dreadful!"
12. i "She toiled So fora flsw months with bet own hes,
00 I bond to drive her o n in tb.. work; hut he found her ear
874 ?ings would keep him idle lidtt use week ; and so he
75 I left her there. poor young thing! arnort sech a set,
" .•
621 , that the worst %I:Meyer saw here ans angels to them.
Ail Shors made lirry• warrnntrd. Miss- s ' and Chil- She worked ti'll the morning of the day her firat child
firm s ' in the St./Tlf, proportion.
I sins bur,, lovely brtneiinhiri had to ga delve again in
,f7p•'-'flernenils.r the plac e , at th e sign of the Red 1...:.,, than a for: ight, to the same life. Till then, she
110 x. No. tl, Fifth street.
ha :kept herself daft-ren t fro me
the rest; but it seemed
July I
1 _IMES YATES. the partin g her from the baby made her (lc's:wrote, I
was told her wild laugh would ring again through the
hog black galler'es, and her jests keep them all mer.
corr• El.; HOUSE,
i ry. but her heart was breakin g as fast as it could then
No. 9,31 s tia Er STaCET, I and it had broke —hut we are blind creatures, and
Pit4,1",'.71t. 'can't t!I / • "
e yr an is best. It was a great lord owned ail
OySTEIIS.mti oth er n.fri-larnents,will be served up I those mines; his of ant save good wages, and got the
HI ef:tlii onl,T. Na un.l : ov,ters inw,fried,Ptca od, i f wrn worth of them of tmliets tou,
and on ...ualine,h,h,q. Also. IN - 7
I: s el EL L at the.stand,
'Penrose, seein g the value his wife's toil wag ofs
or .. , 14r,.) a- , ~,, i ;I, Ill^ .l-i.otl I/ All:liCit.,.!l:, adVal/- i •
tOnii. some pains to keep her from sinking; and she
I,rn• at••t.aospoit.,tior.
Tit i. Pi:, , r. a; i : ;,.r ; j.; ,1,q,•;;1ina.,1 tit:if !hi: cxr;thii,h . I elnl., totind a little, especially when be give bare ho j. (;„ i i i i . t , i , tii , 61
i i i . itot \
innintlin iday now arid thCfl to nurs.e boy. Ste harlthat girl
i.„iiitt.ii f .,,, ii,,
~i i, , .
of in, Ax i r. ~vonder fo r her next:and by terhetime the third was born,
I think she'd as liale'human :totem left about her a
QUOIN. Chi 1 US, L 2,1,1 such i efreshmen ts as ;ravel i
In_Grn. i ctliuhi seewcl/ be found in a coal ph. Asy heart has anti
yrs or ritirens may ryquire.
______„_______________ .
rd to her, al . l black and filth, with a pipe in her
&Mr/TE %SZE ROOSTS. imolai), sivaggermg or standing about, swearin g an t i
AI. EX N DER !ter rlto i,
talk ing as nobody in a Christian land should he let talks
At the ,ld stand of l'oung ..c. .1r Curdy, No. 43. S's- And it was with her own consent that at four year*
rf,n,/ Al, ret, belircen Curdy,
and Ng? ket,
old her little boy was carried &wit to his work in the
R ESPECTFT LE Y infirm, the friend s of the late pit."
firm. and the public generally. that h e is prepa- -
rod to fill all orrlrrs for C,lbinct iVrk, rf any kind, I
Hitt ill po,it,l, (1-,putrb, arid warranted tt; he equal
to in the eity.
Every attention will bepti id to furnishin g CO r•
&cc , when minired.
Long, Bee/ Yarn.
500 at
(ioou at 78i cent 3 per dozen
'7(01 at 64 do
800 of do
54 do
9W.) ut 6
000 at 5 do
Candlcwiel t at 15 cents per lb
Corn. Batting, ldo
Family do., 124 do
Carpet Chain. 20 do
1-°tton Twine, 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Curer
let Yarn alway ! ,, on hand.
Cotton Warps made to (m
__s, Cheap for Cash.
. A 31. Two door,fron't .IThrh-ci.
IA TES intend.; to tn anuracture r a het
'4"g*Wesj• ter article of Ladie, Chi:fin-Ls and
llfisse,.' Shoes, and ...,11 them cheape r lig. cash than
they can he bough t i a the city. lie will keep constant
kindsly on hand and makes to order Ladies' Shoe.: of all
and colom, at. ser e low prices, of the ii..l/owing
Ladies' LItAI ing Fnxed Gaiter Boots,
.rbe,t rtuality Kid or
Cali:shin Boots, Aloroc eofiaiter t .,
Foxed Half GaiterA. all colors.
" best kid rind 31oroco buskin,
0 Double Soled sli pp ,,,, (J , fr.) fine Kid Spring' s and Tarns. best 1
,r, 0
goal. I
Sprin4s, heavy,
Pilo Manuactory.
T"C.,d,.orib ha; inz cominenetas the mantza
t ore of Cosi er Seel Files, from American materials
eNclnsl, merchants or other pomons wantin6. can he
‘upplied by him with t; better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intendin g to uslt only the best
quality of File Steel, ma nufactured b the Messrs.
SuoE N n ER G E 11 ' S
, which is now brought to a pert.°a
equal to the best EatzliA article, manufactured for thn
.;17170 pal pose. the subscriber has full confidence that he
be able, in quality of articles and prices, to realize
,illbst llop eq of the friend s of American Industry.
GE( tra3l: ROTHE:RI',
Corne r of O'Hara & Libertv sts.
Boratio P. Yorunr Cabinet Blairer,
TT(lqtr of
.f1? , ../ir m of I;,ung 4. rCury)
AS commeneed the ousibes s in an its hranche s at
][...t. N o 2:2 iSroM street, between First aturSecond
sirs., where !IC will kOep COIIS7IO/t/y 071 haat, a good as
sortment of well zmule F1.:11.\-ITCRE, nth I hopes, by
strict uttenin❑ to business, to merit a continuance of
the pntrontiz e of the public.
Ewers/ attention will bepttid to furnishing- cornxs,
su, A Furniture Car for hire.
JOHN 11,-F..4 /ILA:VD,
gi tfpho/sterer aild Cabinet rairerA
Third :1.. between !rood cud tlfarket,
Respectfully infm•ttt.: his friends and the pahlic that he
is prepared to exeente all orders for sofas,
bureaus, chairs, tattles, l,e•dstrnde, stands, hair and
spring mattranses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol
ste work, which he will ;warrant equal to am• made
it/ r i ng
tity, and on reasonable terzns.
- 't 10
st. I
Matthew Zones. Barber Bair Dresser,
Ilre, ~. - r oeve.l to Foril,rreer, land r the Afayor's of
tire, triiv r y he will Lke happy to wait upon permanent Or
transient customers. Ile solicits t shim. of piddl e r
- _
She panties for an the ecilorhas len Alice Eimithil
face; then hastily resuntcs.
W"Don't suppose they act the baLy to herry: ho, ho was
a trapper, sitting, behind a door to pull it open
with a string when any of the hubs and op. But *till
all in darkness, cold, and silence,• and the child dared
not sleep through the long, long black Lours; and ho
said, poor little o.ollst—but no matter fur that/ wo win
talk Of the mothet. Ah, you tustnin g to FOC) in l ou r
heart flow. that your lot i 3 n't so kid as it might bet I
seethat. That poor wortriff la:fee/e n or eleven chil
dre; nine lived, which tras a wender in all the place.
She ied at last, by an awful de ith. ore of her own
childr d
ent,as winding at the pit's month, and by cam-
Ittssness natural in a child, overwound the r " Pei the ,
bucket was drawn over the roller, and down, down
she went, how many hundred ton cud
say; but :bent
Was no life in tbu
mangled liody."
Alice, unabl e to speak, ran only p.rint infidiringly to
the girl, whose violent laughte r nt this moment fright
' fully con trusts with the tale she is listenin g td.
"Nn, it wastf't her; it wa s ft yaamgor. 1 eatei fol.
low out the family histor‘; but Ili,hard ran toll Jots
just where cnch deo of /item is to he found. The Fa
th ere i s aliv e , and lives in driv er on thoir wages; not
but that they nnottige to spend a pretfy t lea! in debauch
ery themselves. The girl AI -try is seventen and the
three next her are as had as berielf. As I told you.
duo - don't know who made them; they neve r a ge Hi,
,rat name but to swear wicked oaths,
• The eldest is the biggest ruffia n : he was kept a
Nnpper till old enough to be bound 'prentieft, and a
dreatiCui sitra.ge it *as that his father bound him -to.
The boy was hardly to Itfi seen n•ithout ti scar ;' oftett
b tu t : and once ; I reinenahtf. his arm was clea n
broke n off by the blow he got. He bores h, poor crest,
tare, as bear it he must, till lasq year when his time
was out ; and then, in spite of his father. he left ten
pit, and is now at Mr. .--t-,--:-'s iron works, revening.
epon everybody that comes within bit power, the
wrong s he has :suffered ever cince he was born."
• He hats been sorely wronged, indeed, neighbor.'
'That lie has: his mother had to leave him berure
he was three weeks old, and nobody can tern what a
forsn ken baby sulr•rs in strange hands. Then, jus; as
lie grew big enough to play übtatt in freedom. and to
get a little learning, to teach him his dery to Gal *tad
man, the heiplests thing was carrif d doter in his hale
nightgowtt, to the dark and di eary ph. v h'ch he never'
lift, except
s iftst at night, and on Sundays, no; always
then. for fifteen years But this is only one out or
intadmds such cases. IYhat el.4e can cam e of tukinir
winnen from their homes, and wo e
th en] lik,;
beasts ; ti:l they become not so much bo..t..ts as devils?'
'The p,,r, r In um, have a droll of lose for their:Young,"
observed Alice.
• So have the poor women, even in the inincst bnt it
n;ily acids to their sorr'cr.of Did you ever take notice
of a woman named Cook. in the next room, werkin'
at tha nieking? You often pass her.
'Yes, but I don't. fancy her looks. She seems to me
dark arid diseontentesl.'
Well she may! Site comes tl ree mies very
moraing, and goes the same at niglt. de.Sg has oar
e five ogle children, and ene nn inhtator chile me tha
old, that nester gets suck but before she 'u p
ter abo goes back. Sho suffer!! a grout
• -4
as you may suppose; anti site toki roe not "
the lite?. one:, bilging her. aladcryittete' lit not u
col eave them, nett kilt' kerAk
eoir 1 0.
714 k.,