TRMS OF ADVERT IN ISG. PER 3Q ER, E ARE' OF TWELVE LrsEs OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 One outh, $5 00 Two de., 0 75. Two do:, 6 00 •t 2 T 0 Throe do., 7 00 do Clltil Fo • wu . do., fek, 100 00 Four du., 800 3 Six three du. ~ 4 00 Oao year 10 00 YE 15 00 ARLY ADVERTISE.IIENTS. '*, CHANG/ABLE AT PLEASURE. Ooe Square. S Six miutibi, $lO 00 Six Tiro qu arcs. year, months, . $23 00 Goa 25 00 one year, 35 00 rlOPLarger a ilvertixernent s in proportion. ... ~,....CARDS of four lines Six DuLLARS ft year. i -----7 -------izWj;offiee---------- 84c. Cif /. Post 0.,X-e, Third b a ween Market and Wood streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster, C.aeon fbeiter., IVHC:. [master, door f litition's buildings-IVillium B. wr y, Mo Collector. .1 , City rreasary, Weal, betweau First and i itr.:3ta - -James A. Bartrani, Tfeasurer. c7.4x11!" Tr....slur", Third strect, next door CO the ..rtit.lPros'uytzriati Cuar:h—S. R. Jahustoa, TrJant rer. .irkitie4so.ffice, Fourth, tkleceen Market and Wood atrents---I!exander Hay, Afvor. Aferciant's Exchange, Fourth near Market at. li A S. Third and Fourth streets. (formerlly Saving Alercha ats'andianufactuers' ou l Partneri' De prositita Wood and Marl et Fund,) Fourth. between areeta. Sxchonge, I ift i-st. near Wood. HOTELS. Bridge. Monongaisela Ifouse, Water s treet, u..air the `Exchange Rotel, corne r of Penn and St. Clair. lifereica!ellotel, corne r of Third and Wood. Alii,riean ifutet,corueeufThird a:1IS:U-411601d. United States, corner of Prue St. and Cabal. spread Basic, Librrty etroct, near seventh. Miller's Afaa,sion House, Li./Zi'Ly St., opivosite Wayne. Bros:liana's AGratioa !louse, Penn St., OppOSire Canal. s , f ? E ? M' i i! , .. i t yl? . l7;fs s 1 SaT jil'"3. -II ......, W..i.i..., have ' be ..!.1 49 ilt-llv tr-it'l....l"'ia cliff:7: h t i l l :a.r j 1.34' .__ ___ et The United States, as well in the citivi of Pitt s - 1 Judson & Planegan, Attorneys at Law, burgh a 4.1 States , c/1 b.. 3 socn io or , ration at a , S'n;EIL i'-.1'1.11.-.3r 7th '4"'"l' (/ct'i":" '''''l • "'' '" ' i ' tianab:tr.of mills la thii u/ 1 b.. 3 I. viz: r at Mr. Wick- i Vrtte Z -r il, l'oo.ioo, tor, walw,v.i ao'd Joldier, ~ , r I`. r :44aaei mills, oa Pena streat; at Buwniaa & Chem- 1 th , ..1.10.• a.:t. of C0.0,-reiq 0b%.,i1:,,(1. l'aperA a , ...1 , 1:-,, 10Yrs'i tai zwa r dr.: oppe.r Allegheny brid e , Eux i ;:r., for Cle paten: ...Two pr.:Tared. /olr 1"' at Marrii•Jo's tni!ls o t Ilaro'g Iblaad, a.iri oth:.•rs.--; vt. !!`seivdnaThe ahore ea:011 1n . ....111./.: can he obtainel at IV. IV. i 4-aln -TY S. Magraw,Atterney at Law, :a,. 4,.) ~,,:, 1,i1,,.,.t... ... t, ~,n. 5,,,i t) ,, i , 1 , 1. i lia:rvat.),.v.l!li, oflire t.)lii, r: 24 i;1 , :.1,?, 0 i Vl/117:11 I en is fi'ziaz Lt,i, aa.l 'there thu /114.:!'ai.y. wiil be i Is '" d '' " ab`'''''.':.4.""li'-'l'l - us liall4. .1.1/1/1y t...) B. P. Sly , l,r. or; 3. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law IV. IV. -W211:1.7..t.. 10.11c0,u.-I,...rStoirlilic.l,l /rid Th,r.l sne..:,, l'ztt:horgh • Evans' C hamomile Pills. 1 - _ A BRAIIIM J. CLEAIER, residin g at 66, 2kfott rL. Harper: Attorney and Counsellor at i. ---- au. - r, 'tract, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia CADIZ, n in INSON CItLIN7 I, OHIO in its mastaggravated form. The symptoms were vi- i„ . ,jl.ll :attend promptly to the coileetio n or security or eleutheadache, great debility, feeery castivene3s,cough 1 : da an:, n:.d all prote,iontil blisitiess cittriii.ted to his raee heartburn, pain in the chest and itomscli always die; sating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinkin g at the '' :I` ';'''''' llti " of Ru.ri''''"j"ff-'r'"", ileir'''', 6.'"er stomach, furred tongue, nausea, do frequent vomit- , "v' :''''';"---"va'' ih'im"' C'''}'''''''' (-:''''''ll, St4rk uzi'd Wayoe. REY:4c - ro tap, dizziness towards night and reitlesness These . 11 eiralf ,f. ./.o , ,,tis, ") sad continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when, en Na a rDalzell,- I v /eatin g , ( . cousulting Dr. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and 1 JO 1 (.71 per, submitting to his ever ste.:cessful and aereeable mode D. 7'. ifergan, j of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one month, and gratefill for ''' 27 ' /8 /3—if the incalculable benefit derived, gladly ratite. forward old volunteered the above statement For ale, whle sale Lehi retail, by It. Fl. SELLERS, Aant, sap 10-7 No. 20, IVoul stret, b...10w Second. ---- peasenuai Candy------ TUTTLF: has received this day from New York, afresh supply of the above releltrated cure for C ought, Coldsat who and Co nsu le mptions; end is ready to A up ply customers lesa or retail, at Ids ..11e,lical our 1 A gency, 2. ._.______________ g 6 Fourth It. 13 Ater Bargains than ever, at tho Threo Dig rr, Ilk: subscriber would r,tspocifully htform his cos i. to and the pblicgonerally that notwithstad - - ing the unitrecedeated sales at the Three 13ig Doors, during the present seasoa; be has still on bawl th e lar est and most varied assortment ofttlezant CLO- Tii/NG that can be !taught west hart mountais:— he puhlic may rest assured that aicles offered at his !store ere maufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur chased in tha Eastent markets this spring and made in_ by Pitttsbur:h workmen. /a conselueuce of the multiphcatio n of slop shop s in ear city, filled with pawn brokers clothe s and then/113LS, cast ofrgaratints 01.14r/113r iel.:-:i,,, from the eastern ei tiles, the public should be cautio us to ascertain the char acter of the establishmOnts in which they are invited to purchase, hefore they part with theirint a , intmey. The arti cles oirered at se% eral oldie concert s is this city, are the mare etrals of New York and Philadelphia slop Alhapa, and sent out here to be palmed oil' on t lv! Pit t:+- burgh public. I'urchasers 0. he , • !il be on their guard a iraiust theSe introJition.i, and they ielyl-..l o n Ihe filet ithatao e3tablislnn at nave rt iges egvfern in ale Cif,. thin, cal viva p. 3 ro od an artir or as advantl4-,:,,,, bargains as can be had at th "Th e r.o. Big Doors." The piedic ivill lea,pe remembe r that all the sub:tcri ber's garai , zi t re toadtt in !Ir is city, by eozopetent work rintri! ant outs d up like tlr .zood s now offered by t lie !'birds ofpassaga" fi.o m the s'ared s and patche s of eittern slop shnits. It will alway s be his endeavo r to maintain the reputation that the -If izree Big Doors" hsve obtained for furnishin g a suim.rior style of CLO- I'ffING in every respect, and at prices below those of • uy Other e3tablialltnel/L /-/ ti-ould again return his thank s to his friends arid the public for the unprecedented p:ttroage bestowed upon his fo r the and believing. that th ey hav e (await to their advantag e to deal with hint, he would " . ..repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase 4 C:bathing. ofeeery descriptio n at the lowest pr ice .o. rail flP*Oat No. 151, LIBERTC Sr. " JOHN 11'CLOSKE1'. bserve Metal Plate in the pavement. a? 2.6. Look at This. MI in FIE atton6on of those who have been soewh, A_ sceptical in reference to the numerous cc rtih rates pablished iu favor of Dr. Swavtic's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, oil account oldie persons being • unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di rected to the following certificate, the writer of which Las been acitizen of this borough for several y:"ars, and JOHNSON & DUVAL, is known as a gentlema n of integrity and rosponsibility. To the Agent, Mr. J. Kmar. Bookbinders and Paper Rulers) I have used Dr. To Compound Syrup of Wild Continue busincas at the stand late of Af'Candle ss *_ Cherry for Cough, with which I have been severely Jelinson. Every description of work in their line race o afflicted foreb four months, and I have no hesitatio n b and promptly executed. may B—y in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I have been obi° to procure. It composesall uneasiness, NieHOLAS D. CO LE244 N ...... Li.o ID R. COLNJI A N. a mlagrees well with my diet, --and maintains regu Coleman & Co., and good appetit I cameruse.tely r ecommend it 63 nil fibers similarly ctrl, J. Minartes, Bo ,h of General Agents, Anearding and Commission March 9, 1810. Cha mberabur g h. erchants., , . rori n k by WILLIAM THORN, Leyee Street, Vicksburg. Miss. They respectfully so ( sop 23 ) N 0.53 Ala rket street. /icitcou.ignments. n 2 4 2—ti • • • PitinaSllED IJAILY, 1371 VOL. /11._.N0. 6 PUBLISHED By 1111110M11_ PAILLIPS & WM. rt. corne r of Wood and &Num fth Ntreets. Trams.--. Fi Fire dollars a year, payabl e in ilf&te, and b 41tiatifseopies T %PO Clecmrs—thr sale at the counter they News buys. Thu Weakly Mercury and Z. published at the same °thee o Manufacturer mediu m sheet,,n adorable D OLLARS gle copies, SIX CENTS. Drcrurnsville Juniata 'iron *arks, Edwar.l nag ..s.lannfacturer of Iron and Nails IVarehouse, \0.25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep 10-y lIIILMAN, JENNINGS &CO., Wholesale GA—icor*, C OrDaliaSiClll and Pro. duce Merchants, And dealers in Pitisburo.le Manziftzeturre .nir 17 No. 43, IVot%d street. Pittsbilr i t • FIZZES 4 , pi4r4l Lt ) n 1 orning ost . it CORNER OP PliliZr'-------- -------------------- , PS & SNIITH „ 7. :\ OR CH WEST " _ _ _„_- ...- _.-_-,__- ._ __ _. _ Pt T FS 8 U - Eyster 8; Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, alicr•rom,)%-ed from Dianio o d to '..1t,741r-ricy'w Row" Shady side of Ith, 1:K-twee:I Mark et a1.,(1 Wood Sep 10 B aclaasteTt at Law, rennAed hiiolEr e to /I,mrea' abore S:1141111.21,1. svp I 0 George W. Layne, Attorney at Law, ()Mee in Fourth street, near Sznirilield, Pittsbur, sep 27—y Offißeadeß iewe Washington, Attorney at Law, ce in a.lll's nor 5, 13}i Luilding,, Grain street, Pittiburc, --- John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Lam, Office e , n - rier of Smithfield and Fifth streets . Pittsburgh p.". Collections made. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. feb Wm E. Austin, Attorney at -Law, Buildi Pi tt iht trgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burlsc's ng.. fl.76otiVtr..l.tAx r.. A USTIN, Eui., Will give his :on to my 'tannish:Nl business, and I atten recommend hint o the patronag e of my friends. sop 10—y WALTER F ORIV.-1. II D. Daniel M. Curry, A ____ __ tt2rney at Law, ap 3 ri, .:i Firth street, between I Vond "nd Stnithf: Fitt:bur g -I L Office on Roberta ft cur:Jur of Fourth Attorney at Law, s.- 1 ) ; 0 tlic: a.:d Smithrl.‘l,l • _ IL Morrow , Alderman, Office north side Of Fifth street, I,etwcon Woucl Smithfield, Pitt ihur.,h • 10 . IPU hep_ —r f gist Tat For pnweecling s in attachme 81 _ ' _ n nt at this office.inicier ti:e late law, ter pi:l:c JS • 25 1 Dr. S. R. Holmes, , Ofrie e in Second stroet, next door to Alidvany ..t. Co.'s Glns4 Warelionst.. sep 10—v _______________ Dr. ..1. icni, _______,_. Offic e 0.1 Smithfield street third door fro m the corne r of sixth street. p 10 - - Ward & Runt, Dentists, Sep Liht.rty street, a 6.w doors belo w :_-zt. Clair, I isp G, 1843 --------- Doctor Daniel 111cBleal, Oilieo on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield street., Pittsburzh. der:lo—V 11AI LAIAN, JENNINGS ,Cs. C:O., COTTON TARN ViIARMNOUSE, Wood Street, Agent..J fur the :4 ale of the Eagle Cotton FuPtory Yarns. mar 17—y WILLIAM IL WILLIAMS. --.Tort . DILWORTH UrilllaZaS &Dilworth, IVl,l,,aie Gri.rers, Produc e and commis3ion r eiron,. and l)..inlers in Pittsburgh Matturnetured A titles, No. ;29, Wood street. set , 10- -y N}:II'GOunS.—PRESTON& MACKEY, li'llnlesale and Retail Dealers in English, French and Domestic Dry Goods, No. Market street, Pittsburgh. Rep 10—y Willi am C. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Man j'ectu re r, ________________ ________ ____ ______ J. G. & A. GOlibpN, No. 87. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pn. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 1N VASS bntshes, vanish, &e... for artists, always Water street, Pittshurzh• Pep 10—v ! ou hand. L oo k inv.. Gla:tses, &,e., promptly fira• -- -- ---- -- -- '-------------:--- i med r.o order. Repairing:done at the shortest notie. ]Mat e HAM & CO., I Particula r at a t orlon paid to regilding and johhie Commission and porwarding Merchants, . 1 ..' ' - ' ex cry t OM i iptifitt. ~.,.. .No. GO, Water *treet, Pittsburgh, Pa. i Per.ons fitting sta uthuats or houses will ' 1 0 ' ii Cs , I E C E!„' z i o s n7i: I i t u e n ce t i t ' n i n i t g u n a t " h d r:e l ! i 1 : t r ;d 'i s ' al ' e c - e "1"c p p e e i r- i ti".ir a ri ''a n age t o call. c en t mar 22—y ;.._ Office , • ...rney and Counsellor at removed to Baltewell's Offices, on Grant La street nearly oppo:ite the new Court House, next room s to J D. 111/114n, Esq., first floor. kingh Toner, littorney at Law, :v(frai Euic curlier of Smithfield mu! Fourth streets, "ittAburi t . sep 10—y AIVANDLESS .11.‘ 71,1:11E, littorneys awl Co unsellors at Law, 01fi tlie Niel: of thu old Court House, s:•1, 10 Pitts!)urzh. Prancis R. Shunk Attorney at Law, Fourth above Wood, 5,.) 0-1 y Pittiburgli, Pa Thomas eßannlton, Attorney at Law betwecii I'Vood aLd ;fists., sop I o—y tt:.baraii, Pa. ___________ . An. O'Hara Robinson, at Office un th.. North vide of the Diamond at Law be ket and Union tween Afar strrett, . up stairs sr.p 10 ___ A. L Barbara's, Attorney at Law, Tenders his profesS'lonal servicea to the public. Office sen 10 on sth st., above I Vooil. Pi t tiburrlt. DORTRAIT PA INTING. J. OSBORNE, Port _l_ rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story • Burk's Buil (ling. .1. Osborne would solicit a calrfrom those who desire Portraits .Spcimens ran be set - us-pin r Donis may 5. ...." ........ J. H ERON FosTER. EGOEF & FOSTER, Western Real Estate Agency, Third st., next door to the Post Office, Pit tsburgh, Pa • .....Agetic fur the purchase and sale of Real Es tate, renting Houses. collections, &c, &c. Terms modert. References given on application at the office. rtls—tt Pi/kington's Unrivalled 11/acking, 711- UFAC 1: fiEl) wholegalu and rota: SIXTH STILELT, Ong dorm below Smithfield. -------- ames Pa tt erson, jr., Bit znindittrn,-n,ar Pitf , lpir;ll, Pa., nrumfartnrcr of lucks, hinze s and b,,it.l; to' fuller, mill and timber screws: lnw, < r to' for n+lling• inilb, &c scp / 0-y• John ItTClosker, Tailor and Clothier, •rt% street, between i\ th street and Vizgin alley, __ Small e. Ferro ______ Webb Closey'sDoot and Shoe Manufactory, .V, , . .;:3, Pli sl., ne•l'l do or bilh e C. s. Bank. Lad:ei pria , ePa.l;i.i a , 1.1 ' , oh ilwes made ha the new eg mnane•r. a'4l lay th, awan•st French patterns. se;. 10 — -- ------- -- William Doherty, 411 A T AND CAP AutNrricTurtvit, 113 Lib 'Tv stra(.t. 1,- ; m e,_•n Mar:srt Ca ,i , h4 Si sth. -- --- ---- .7021 Cartovright, . I c t 'Tr., Eli a ad Sur' Intranf,./t )Ircatfluant. corne r nf . I;; {1 and I.i'n•rt% , treo•N, l'il• 1..1r , l'a . . N. ll.—Aft ‘ ay, nit harh I an , st , n‘iv e a.,...:.rt me w nf n-ziral and I iontal tn,tratittalq. Itankvr . .,:. Ta .1.,1-'s. II 1. , ;t~ • f• ~ Flair I'VOCIIt S':l' A I .., •.141:1‘t.., 1n. , !,, T i t:;., A„Vr. s it' -..! J. ------__-_-_ Oak and Poplar Ltirnbcr for Sale. :A,i 1 . 1:. IS. thou:a:l.l Coct ~..1, .a... , na-d ( ials and l'nph.f I . 1....J.:!!,,-.1;,; ~11, 1, .,. w'a '...:a.!-. En,plire of./efmrs ( '. Ormthitis, Esy. twar rif. rt.11111:II!I Inn. it" '' ! I Dr. Good's CaicbratcdParca/c P/113. l'il;s .c ,•roto :wt.:Pa to ;•‘ ;L4 a i6;:t0,1 n'lll,,,itlL7 1114,5 f• r.,llli,l:il'it, 14`e11:1.11 WOM oi-,Xon'i.4',,,i't 01i..,- ; 11 .1 , 1,i . .it „r aw v.f ‘• tn. 01)vjati• r,,lis r•;,--,, wul ,irt ail 11., .tctirri SerVoli, alr..e: ion, Ti. 1.,(• l'ili: hay, gaiwit in. x. tim, r: nip ,-,, 1,ti,t tl ~ t. tht• rtt"st rwit,..l:r l'it,it-itett, the I'ttit,tl Stare,, and !MI /IV Ahorlivr:. f',,r !In iV)i.,!,,,i'.,. ti:: , l it , - r, it. ky it. ir'..S Et.1.1;i1511,,,m, s..t.i , It/ 1V,,,,,1 Strerr, 1,,•',%. 5,,,,,,, - ---- -- - - ---- rt/Votico to Dr. Drandroth's //gents. 1C oilier in l'itts'mrzh,lx-Iti..llwai rstahlislted for -l. the purpose of ron:tutninz agent s in the wtst, havi.L.z- ne compliqlted that oojert, i., :low d0..,.d, and ..11r. G. 11. LEI:, in the Diarnond, Morket stre , -t. ap pointed my rizellt for the sale of ins Pill, tied Lini "tents. all Dr.'s ag , t/ta ll 111, th1•r1.11.rt.0.117. (hT.VaIld that Ur. B. thro oz will sand a travellinsr agent h the CO/IlatlA ir,rf• a year to collect oleniec for sales wade at:ti re soppy azenrq. Tho aid traveller will he 111.11%1E11'11 1c id, 1 1 :n 4. 1`r I. f attorney, ,i,tly pro‘a-al / ,, -for e the Clerk 4.1 the oily :ma eouitt of New York, tog..ther with ail tho tieet.,,ary vonclier a and raper. 4. .11r .1. J. Yoe is tny traveliaz axe/It now in l'enn va: - .ia. 13 11RA NDIIETPI Al. D. :V. D.—ltentember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rettrof the Marl;et i+ no w my only rig - f.nt in l'ittAurgit. .lone 14 ___, _________ Pacts. 14:1‘ i,Jg been afflicted for nearly two years, u ith a 1 hard SwelliAq.: on the rap of tily knee. wli;eh produced notch pain, and used various applications recommended Ity the I:malty—all in vain, was curQd completely by the us e of 11:/r. hl /tric . of Dr. Brandreth's linamont, Or external remedy. Witnes s my hand, io t p., JA.IIES TAILOR. Oh Allegheny en. Pa. Jan. /0, 1840. Dr. 13randreth's external remedy or !nutmeat; sold at the store of GEORGE 11. LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. ------------------------ -1-;Dr. Decbtor's Pulmonary Presevative. OR coughs, cold=. influmiza, catarrhs, whooping .1: roogh, spitting of blood, pain in the hreast, all of the lova q and lungs, and arrost orapproaei log commtnption. IVarranted free from mercury and other minerals. B. A. FA TINESTOCK & CO., jy 12 Agents for Pittsburg) SAM 171.:I, MORROW, M anufacturer of Tin, Copper and Shee• Iron Ware No. 17, Fifth street, between Ifilnel am/ , o n Keeps cormtantly on hand a grimd assortme nt of Ware‘, and solicits a share ofpnblic patronage. Al(, on hand, the followinrarticles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, ski !lets, t eaket t !eq. pots, ovens, colfee mills, &e. Aler chants and others are invited to call and examine for hemselves,n s he is determined to sell eh eap fcrcash or approved paper. RGIII THURSDAY ROWE -- - - Wholes L. J. D. WICK, ale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Filth st., may /5 Pitt+burgh. Po. AGENTS F B irmingham & Co., Ult. STI..A.MEIt CLEVELAND, Marc AND CLEVELAND LIKE. h 22 . Doha B. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Grain, Genrral Forwarding mission Merchant, and Cum i , hutgli, Pn. W I c; , L ie t s i i 1 at : r , ; rr Il rvi:nEscE s: ila —J &Iv .Eqie r , ar Got ri;11, D. Lr . rch,Cr CO% BaNi/10reiV • ri,slnr gh:llichri 13url:c.,11.Antes,J .11.11oldrnan. .july 1--Gm• JOIINSTON & STOCKTON, Dooksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37. .1,1-trkt.t ctrect. sep .10 coxes B. InUNf • t 'cis YouriG ...... it. !. Thos. B. Young & Co. I Furniture IVan• ft. nnn- , ., corne r of hand street runi Ex . dnanze alley, purchaie qrzliLure, will find it Co their ad% wttaze to rive us a call, ful ly that \‘ e Caii pleas ;.aj tu quality aad price. yep 10 Wire R. C. TOWN & SEND CO„ Workers and Wire blanacturers, No. 23, 3 larkf.q stz eet. between 211 and 3d streets, sep 10—y Exchange, Hotel, Corner of Penn and Saint Clair street, b sep 10 F OP 10-v n2o—tf Beware of a Settled Co ug h; J) It. AP LANES Sudorific Lung, Syrup, being u safe and effectual remedy for Coin.,., Catarrhal Fever, Influenza, Ph urasy, the lit st. of forming stage s of CM/. sumption, Asthma, Whooping Cough, &c. Some do zen of certificate s of its valuable effects can ho pro duer-d. one of a Lich is nasty offered. This is to certify, that I had n very severe Cough nil last winter, and was very much reditci.d. After trying medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a bottle of Dr. AP.l..toie s Lung Syrup; it gave me relief immediately, and in two weeks 1 AVUS able to go out, told fully believe it to be on e of the mnstraluable med icines now betbre the public, for Cough and breast com plaints. I; T. IZ ABE TII AfORRIS. ' .4. fresh supply nfthis valuable Cough medicine ,jest received at the Drugstore of . oct 7 So. 60, corner of Wood and KIDD, ont - dints C. A. AIcANT/L TY, FOR WA II D/N G & COMMISSION MERCHA NT, Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty sitreets, Pitts burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line, err 11---3nt. 'OOl3 AND FIFTH STREE I'S, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, JOi D. WICK . 1 1A.\ - 1 rAc Tom.. Springs and hales f orCarria ,ges I'll PIT:Y.!. /111111. Stlbrir I il.wrs rnanurarture and keep constant- Jll . ly on hand Co4ch. C and Lliptic Springs (war- I ranted,) Juniat a Iron .Mies, Silver and Brass plated Dash Framei, and plated Huh Bund, , . Stump Joints, and Loather, Silver and lirass Lamps, ElioThree fold Steps, Alalleuhle Iron, Door }bindles and &r., &r. JONES & COLE.NIAN. I Sep 10 St. ('lair it., noor the Allegheny Bridge. _ MIME Chea NEW CLOT/MENG per and better than can be had at any other place ires!