Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 29, 1843, Image 2

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______-,-_-____ =_-_:- _ _ • _ _ . _ _ _ __ _
...c.d. n d through the roems, and no __
ted 1 W l'it '6i DI ::‘ . . 1 ,
where misery had carved lik name, and the pviod of ..- .' . .
bis sufferirg. The interestiees in the v. ain,cillt were JAS. BU - -II _ Ni-ALN I
x__:_ .
c veryw, h, re stopped up by pap, r. :..-:‘, int tit* a., 014 , ,
bills of exchitpEct—q: r. Gnftequently copies Of wits.
'This was Iliil Arkinsun's place, sir, staid the, goal !
Cr. 'He was oi,lv Itere about al n els entomb: hi1jthatie.............
were conchal:lily fresh cfctioani again a hinOwnitigit lifit W, ,
be told ofti•Mr. NiNon as he wanted to tit ut hismpart- vst%l-) _
e Math, i,rionititqlJos34.
meat: for he'd justgot writs enough to paper his mum.' 1 ________ 7_
'Ay, ay, there are no lack of reckless debturshere or, piii L Lip s Ar, sm.era,4./arroas 4,34 D estorntrrans.'
- •',lie f nntit scarcity - , of belra-hart , :d -rreilittirs, 'tits l'insßußGH. wEDNESDAY, NOVENIB - E It 29.
Tir;{ter.fti th tl,
ievery room poor John Evans lay n - dying. ===...,_.„--=--;-., ~.,„
„, ~ ,
His lust viiih was fusee his son, who was a Blte-cotit I
. E, l? - . i.ne ritilauei t ima It otunt, BOLA BADGER'S
booti ; hitt- hi hadn't a iitpenee 0 1 give to the ntessen• paper, is Very sec its
on Mr. Trsus. It. s tip ol ie i s
@IC. •ottlfid Couldn't send for him. At lest 'The dater a fellow traitor with the appointing power, and has
„,,..ettur hi s end approaching, and,a matt was "chafltuehed dose hi..; heel to' prove shot tins s i vhi '4 in /840 played
rtothrist Church. How that pour fellow straggled tii , ie
wi . fi ' 112 -. • ; '-
that " '
-t, **ad death! 130 wrestled with Ai as a wan would " t pt.opie, as e twits the only way to Jos
with a i rhenst that was aheut to devuarallitm 'One look tifyrthe outrages committed hy the infliction now io the
r-tyrr"iny hey's-face, and one '‘viiir:',l6 info, a:at I can die Presidential chair." If the Forum can show that the
at ptift2e,r-he:sati2.• then * . i's e!,t, 4,etftme — fixed and Whigs have redeemed a single protnise made in 1840,
. gliossi",„ his hreath quivering; and his feet were cold there might .
might be some I ropriety in in 3 JeLlUilei ItiOns
sand decd; butthe spirit was strong in him, and be
Wolild not dies The doctor said he was kept alive lity of these who have nobly refused to have nny further eon
' - -thr force of his o wn will.' nection with the pipelayers and yara merchants of that
- .
•,r .1 ,lid he see the boy,' era. But unfurtamateiy for it, every whiff Furaise has
. , 'l'.ts, die poor litde.fellow came at the last instant, b,
•t •• .!.en forfeited. The workingmen has.s not received
- and Old bl e s s just got hold of his hand, and was
about to bless him, when the thread of life, stretched ay. '•tiv.) dollars a day and roast beef;" the farmers do
.- - ,
~ to a film, snapped at once. He had no breath to speak not get the high prices f,:e'llicir product . . flint was prom
_ -- c m eyes to see his cbikl. but he held the boy's iscd; no One has clalized the "in , Lwr time." that ‘‘ ere
' Land in his, and., to my mind, died contented, and at follow
peace. He was only here for fifteen pounds! I never to ° the immediate "i"rnrh of whigrgYrY; but cm
'- , :etime int,,,,he room but I fancy I sec the boy's inns- I the contraty. all agree that no eVent that has rier cc
-.r.kint face, for he was almost ton } unng toknow what tarred has been mare injurious to the welfare of the
•'" death was. IJO think there should be a punishment people. There are some men who acted whit the
.'"Fat' ...iteli a flinty-hearted creditor 3s diet.'
replied it, Whigs in IC4O, from honest motives, who believed
I' " 'There is a punisment for him,'
, hi s s till l ow - t o ne. 'I rcor ,nbee,' h e c , jot i mic ,i, 'about that "a change " would Lc beneficial to the count'};
..he - time to which you allude, a young couple here 1 their feelingsgot the better of their ' Ii • , f- •
„,.t meat t, a
who created general commiseration.' 1 while, and they lent their aid to the political gambleis
' •Ins mean C----, and Lissi ife. Alt! that was a, , rattleu „ ,
under tt
I wiletoe coo:I.AM I. maJr. But little
' - 'ball ca , c, that was. She was a ward in Chancery, and
1. 'lie' iry ri iiiil her when she Was ,i 1 ,•; tren —he wasn't twet-.- time was ns'c'essaty to show them tint error of their con
, I
r; himself—so he was committed forcontempt ofcutirt. 1 duct. They sonn fotind that they had been acting
... Vat!' rejoined --. 'the law has strange names 1 with a band of the most unprincipled chests that had
l'br thin7s. TWolitings, young and beautiful, behold -
of the i ever disgraced an) . country. Men who, to crawl into
one another they love with all the intonsity
, unitackneyed h ear t'isuffition----they vow eternal tidel- I Power, Ltd outra - g - ed every principle of political boons.
! "itv--clect to live and die t ; s oy tiler. and this lawyers 'i hon e sty, digoity and decency, awl whee they tit tti.!lit
'''' trlttn contempt Mr-court! Dm he olnaia his releaser 1 they were
securely fixed,
vi,, . bu
pie : l4e
tu l tap
'Ne, sire was ill from being uver-harrassed before
to .Ib,
pe, . i
e, u ,
, i i t,ljt, had itece dup,ol into their suppoit.
' - lie:entne here, and lie grew worse and .worie—putimur i
It is against o
ri . t .,, u ,„ i peretta:: withu.
s-I; _ni that Mr. Ty 'on,
e '' 'Ana utterer. It wasa sight to see that young
' with Ifi,n; she would lead bitn up and down the "woad i and others, lins-e revolt. d. The Ermue:s of Pro-idem
in the cool of the evening, and fis. her eyea on his as if j •I
a. YLrit. has tkleated the tau-t i.iftiminns of tli-ii pro
' she could look life into them. At last she was obliged i.
Jects, and of course the viale. of their w , ith are p,-.:red
'to leave him here alone.'
. . 'Wh'erefore did she do so?' 1 out upon hint and all who, likei
hnt , elt, hauo renott
'Qiil we had a gentleman here—Le u-as a captain, 1 1
ced and denounced the infamous
BELA BAIIGER maywell cocompi pipeleyers ,•f 1310.
i 1
. lOo; he offered her some tudeness, and the young thing ;Li of . Chose gon , o Torn
repulsed him. You'd hat dly think it of a man. but 1 who refuse to act any' longer with the p01..i0 11 :- Int
be went to the warden and gut her locked out; it ups
i biers of the ban] olden campaign. Without tilt it aid
the rujeof the prison,and Nixon cou'adn't du no tailor.'
'And the husband died' there is no hope foe the Whig party, and the des olope
t' `Tes,he never came front his rvoni from that brew. mint of the diShonest designs of the whir lead-n sof
We used to wutchhim tit his window, withering. day i l3 to , precludes t i ne po •
~„ o •il•
ty t , .
riots reekl %1
1g a-•:.
' 'h.:'day; la - had no companion. nu friend. At last ap- I
assistance hereafter from JON N fit.l:n, and inindit .is
""Ortation svas Made tothe court, and his discharge was
- Pent down. It made my heart leap to take it to him, I mid theastvels of w hir honorable wit, wit., acted ii nit
;. hut it came to lute, sir—ltelmilti't strength to leave his then; m ;
Mat memorable contest. The 13tul:ers and
' ' room. She came t o see him, for who could refuse tu
Rhatries know, the detestation in which their frauds
pass her then? How she rushed by. me I never can
are held by the people; they are cons inccil tlrit c.'l:l
— forget—thev wet° together a few minutes, when a
' ,blood-vessel horst it was over-joy, I reckon,) at.d he skins and hard cider hate lost their charm, they t'l I
' died hitter arms ' 1 that the brand of public ropi-ohation i., t, le.-..il ea their
',l ca n give yen some news,friend• of the great can- I party, nil that tile men , f cheractor altl :51.e:bit:L....A/I:,
tier or .11d1i,s mi ;cry,' 5.11.1 •Lle is staying
• .• , carried trim' patty through triumphant:N . in IR lit, will
with me new.
' 'Staying svitb you. sir!' said the astonished jailor. no beige! base ay a oa.s..iation w ith them. I, it an:.
'Why, he's been dead these five yrars.' ! well •.r !101l dust the pi; clay ers , hould NI-, 0..c0 men
-- 'Jwit Ao?' answered ---,anil is ithuut ntvring ar.- 1 f.,,„ ~1 , ,i„: 4. and repudiating ti.- NI, in..... , of t.,..i: i -iii
other syllable he departed. I
I swindlers.
AIIDICAIION OF SANTA. AN.t.—According to Ths
CUurier des Etats .Unis of the 110 i inst., news from
Meexico to the -10th ult. bring the intelligence that Santa
Antis resignz-il the Prosedency of ..),L-nico on the . `2,l o f
October, 1813. 111 health is said to be the reason.
MORE Tnount.}: is CANADA.—TI,e St. Catharine's
lotrrnal state. - ; that there is sedum; trouble among the
Irish labeurers along tho line oflbe Welland canal.—
Large numhem of them are out of employment in con
sequence.of the contrac.tois reducing their pay to hale
-a - I:hitter a day, and stopping work on.the locks. A
'fen `days since a fracas occurred between the Cc'
t •
Connaught men, in which severnl persons
• were severely beaten, one man so that he died, and
,'‘inother is trot expected to survive.
*CHANGE OF.FORTUNE, - A Mr. Dominic Von Mal
-Ater, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, received information
kit:weak, that ho had become entitled to a fortune of
IX 17,000 per annum, by the decease of- a relative in
. Europe. When the news reached him,. he was em
ployed in shovelling a heap of coal into his cellar.—
Von Mahler had resided in that city fur many
m4.4,-11 1 / 4 1 earned a livelihood - as a jouneytuan printer:
. Dapaurna.r.a.—Hon. Robert Wicklitre, Charge to
'tr. &Annaba, has taken passage in the Ilacre packet.
t.fl_ lowa, which sails from New 'York to day. General
:. . I 'llaitrand:goca °Lain the sarno packet.
E7'The Detroit Daily ntivertis?.r states that the
Forrtrcfing Merchants of that city have abolished the
'tariff of rates For storrtge, commission, etc., and each
aaup..will in future do birdness at their oven prices.
Atockhoiclars 'of this Company have organized a Board
of Directors, and elected their various Accra, We
4etnii from the Durrisburgh .Argos, that it is the ititeti
- lion of the Company to proceed immediately in the
,ICClPstroctifintst- the Road: It will extend from th'ecoai
*mstiiim'ito the upper end of Dauphin county, to the
Teniiait i vania canal, at the towu of Dauphin, a dis
.t,a9ce..Of, abaut twenty-eight miles. Tins work is des
' tined to open to the market the Great Bear Mountain
Ctialbittines, which
,ate represented as the richest and
roost aecesiiiale of the anthracite mines of the country,
iii,d with the completion of the road the Company will
40.1Ftilie . to command the - coal market, at a hand4unie
profit. There will doubtless be a sharp competition
among cal)itatists for the comparatively small amount
:13.' or this itoch remaining to be taken.
• 4i Ggrr. PIKE"--This is the uame of annther beau
tiful §t Omer just finished at Cincinnati. She is to
J commanded. by Capt. Charles It()S5, and to run
between that city and New Orleans. The Etiquirei
says that, She measurs 1324 feet on deck, 23 feet
beam, 7,1 do. hold, cabin 143 feet long, 42 state rooms,
•eight of which, in the ladies cabin, are spacious
etioogh for a small family She has two engines 6
feet stroke, from the foundry of A. Harkness-4 boil
25:_feet _long, and 42 inches in diameter; mens
•ures 308 tuns tension:amuse measurement, and cost
*aids of $25,00D.
A RE Lic.—Tbe ft :anon, Geo., Messenger, not ices a
ifilver medal; which W 11.3 found,r.ecently,in ploughing an
61d Indian field, near the former lite of.the CIA:Iw
r • Sewns, in Lee county. From its inscription, anti the
t Svelte -stataped upon it. it appears to have been one
t. ef 'the medals that were manufactured during the ati.-
L itriiiiitation of Mr. jefferion, and die.triheted to sev
i . lndian Chiefs in token of their fidelity and friend
-1.:::: 4 r fp. . 1.1, is about two inches in diameter, with the
miniature of Mr. Jefferson, ?resident of the Unite]
i .
(." StaCes - ;A: D. 1501." On the other side is all axe and
pipe i crossing each other, and bearing the inscrption of
-- e . " ." Peace and friendship." Some silver coins were
...-:!' ..
found with themedal. These were no doubt the valued
- Ueglares of 'some chief of those towns, who left them
ti: 112 ' couce;lmont at the the time of his death.
Subject to the tieci,ion "f - ‘,-
ThE nt§uoitATlc NAT/oz; AI. CON V Y.:ittOS's
' t) .I.E pr01.t.41 all hi. It .1
(Lire the de:ly that t!n•s , . grni.vt,
Yes, the deny thltt they urt• !reouiw. —
and more than that, \.ill j.rove their
the items of extrtivitt:atwo ,et C.lOl
speech, awl charged on Dir. Van Baron. he
a quaatily I,f vor:s. tine Glass. purchased
11.tEr.wim. of. this city. N. B. hk/ tt a,
then editor of the Gazette, lected that its one of I
StrrUlL74'g iti•ms from the !Teed), ;Ina naund hi re d
ens it was true, as Mr. OGLE Intl the votri - yrs, and
corroborate this statement, he rcE•rril pithlic to
the book , of Messni. Bakewell. Netts idisratalin.: the
Gazette's endorsement, we Lad our deabt4af tie ti
of Mr. Ont.:.:'s story, and to Clitin.f . 'IS to ) see
throe it
it clearly, called on the toaimfit. - turor4 directed
Ou examination of Messrs. BAKErt r.m.s: books it was
found there• never had been ere rent's worgi , J* {boss
furnixlerd for the Presidentrg House during Mr.
Van Thiren's arloanistration, and that the :lass rtier
rtsd to by Mr. Oor.l: and charged on :Mr. V. B. had
been purchased in the earl,, part of Gen. J.lrkson'o
first term. 11, ro is one Grille vouchers pinned down
ns a base falsehood. And since the editor of the
Gazette has referred so triumphantly te Mr Om.rt's
'vouchers,' we as": him to ci.phia 3:1 :1-TICI,II-4 this
gross mistizprescntatiou respecting the purchase of
Glass from Messrs , . Bakewell. Let him mote torn
the speech and then refer to the manufacturers books,
(ns his predecessor was silly enough to do,) if he dare.
It was our knowledge of such grits. , fakelioutls as
the one we have noticed, that made us hope that the
statement of Mr. Ogle's Ilona:ince wai true, bat Dea
con NVhite will not• permit such a charitable supposition,
and insists that Mr. 0. died without making the slights
cot atonement.
CINCINNATL. — The Eaquircr as,ert, that email has
is in the city, and on nearly every street, the tcotimony
of the Board of Health to the contrary - notwith,tand
Capt. Sumorms, of the o lien Franklin, N.. 6, pro
mises to make a public statement of the manner in
which Campbell met his death whit leaving that boat
at Maysville; and to entirely exculpate hints:Al from all
blame in the transaction. 'We live be may.
The Commercial says that money, or currency as it
is called, is scarce, from the probable fact that so much
has been sent into the cduntry to purchase pork, beef,
wheat, and ether produce: by currency we mean Indi
ana, Kentucky, and Ohio paper. Much eastern pa
per has made its uppearence within the last few days,
having bten brdttzht by buyers of produce; it does not
get a circulation, but is bdught at once by the brokers
at a discount and sent home. Exchange being at
par, cane's tire discount on ea,q.2ra bank notes.—
Our figures ale for Illinois State Bank 53 on the dol.
lar; Shawneetown, 50; Indiana Scrip, 85; Urbana pa
per,l6; Granville, 30; Commercial Bank of Scioto,
l 84
the budding.; connected with th 2 German garden,
corner of Walnut street and the Corporation Line, were
totally dectroyed by fire, about one o'cruck on the morn
ing of the 24tia.
The river is in an er.:.ellent stage, there being 14
feet waier in the channel.
Floursells at $3 65, inspected; lVhiskey, 1 j cents,
end wheat at 70 cents.
BOSTON. - A nn,eting was h. 71,1 in Boston on
Friday last.
They have been trying G W nodding & Co. for
keeping open their periodical depot on the Sabbath.
The jury could not agree, and were. discharged. The
penalty for such an offence is a flue not exceeding ten
Dr. Buchanan is lecturing on Neurology, and Le
Roy Sunderland on l'athetiim.
A fire was gartied at the Botanic stare of Mr. Mor
, gal,,on Wednesday last, by mice gnawing a quantity
of friction matches.
; grxitlVying.th
obsiuve th nt kts recently, OM,
plane, and r,,eseik 'col& "WhichT - ,10 eery
Where Manifeeted, in ell 'Orediiof Penn
sAitairia. Our noble greitraally as
awning her foffilpr'positioc the'worlik,... A }nu
dent, ecenomicalmana .z,orin . .mt of our p dine works fir
tao next few years, and n proper disposition by our
next Lagistature in meeting the exigency in which the
state is at prosont placed, will entirely reclaim her
from the imputation of bankruptcy, nad estnblish her
credit once more on a strung and enduring- found ',Aida.'
To Show that this confidence it not rniaplaci.d,'nott
that her picaeat.poaition and reimiirces - warrant the
belief that she will ultimately E able to discharge her
indebtedness, it is but necessary to examine the follow
ing eAtimite,i, collected frain official sources. They
are elvvring and give brl4ht promise r;f the future.—
'fbo It s Sst rrit will not, IV trust, lon,q have
ea'sini to rimtpl.tin of es. We copy from the N Y.
The t.all amount of receipt: for I C 13 is es
timated by the State Tresistirer, ut 4'2,859,000
From aI iclishould be deduct
ed the V:C.pseA of the ca
nal-. raiiritaili. mottee pose
ur, &e., including salaries
to engineers, canal commis
Dividends un batik. turnpike
and other stock:, a uthoriied
to be sold for the paymebt
of the domestic creditors,
Over estimate of tax of wit
mills, placed at 1.100,000,
but n tt. supposed to yield
Net revenue for 1243
The estimate of the tax ii r:',l , l:cd in coniequenve
Of the disparity that vxi-1, , in the coat, ier: o, to
the valnution upon whirl, the tai The law
provide"; for ;i tax 01.2 milk; hit etch conch'
to Itx its own valnati.on. and WI,11:• OW' city of
rhiLarlphia atul,a,n2 other place., pay their foil pro
portion, aome of the interior Counties pay much less•
The actual payment- fur a:1 purpn..,
in 114'2, the excel).
tiona uua d, may be 3,31.1111, , i as
th,,,c necessary for the current.
amolinted to
Ucdurt paynivias h, conmd--
sioncri itripl,•.,
turd, 'Wing L,r pur-
T m4e, not bon after noioir:
ed, and raised lim trout
crinn but by ions, except
i,011.(),M, for li- )111entry
It is alrt
o in the deduciimls
from the estimate or ruN-
IritOrt-d Inan.
Convention to unit.na Con-
7\ j. l uncantf ,
Delawule (livi-;.nn crt.
I)tiineitic credit •re
mertr,..l for ~rai•r,rs rc
P. mit(' ,•In l're• 13 : s'lll , -d 1."99.0.)
n•~rr.nt, ‘vl!),tit rert . n . !ir , to
P1Y ,,, '; 11 of i'.trrc•t or cl.:lrje,
v , :ini•Ge th , t o
trti.l tax to th , • :Inlonno iv
c,ltouler th , ft:lg• t'l%. f hi.t i-,•;tr,
1.1i.+0.i o'l
<ti:l to tl,O
• ,; , •11,t
it t ! ,,. voittintio
the 5.1211(.. tars. 1 ,0
nti:::: , •11 - tt, (of 11•4
u:oim ty. t. Ition titrowzil
unt tie‘ state, it It n t,J thvn
lipun the
In pla..e. .if
eN.,1:.:1#03 of cos cruniAtt
a re ,a.,4•01,1,b1e ut r••. 1.711.41
by -t t :kioeti•tivit
p1 . ar“..4, and '.l• ,i It 1 4• it,
LLII amquni. olual
Ilovunnt. Which mit:ht. It, nrulr
a,..olabln to ita ,111`11t of in
t, n i t • '1,866,660
Tito iotttrost of the ft:titled
tlo;tt in tound rton'tt 1 soi).(ino
$ , .1;,i;t;(1
Alloiring a variation from these estintnees hot
probable that the amount required for intereNt rsa
$400,000, and (sum the facts which ste 1.a% e al-
Toady sbewn this arly eadly be supplied witiona
tetially adding tothe burdens of-the people.
I'ttt arDst,Pit !A.—The will of Stophati Girard it
agaits before the Philadelphia-us for discussion, The
priacitial point oldispute, at present, is as to the cam
peteney of the city corporation to act as trusttses to car
ry out Girard's ititen:ion in relation to the Colloge
trplrin.. Th, nc real \%:11 , 14 1111 d di , triets have ar
ra:nub committees to de, i,e it pith fur ilia better or
ganihation of Ilie lino &Tit:totem of the city and coun
ty. The -Tine , " saws the voluntc..cr sy-tern broken
up, and the hit lag system established.
Booth. the ailor, is at his vugaties aguin. 11e was
to have played Richard at the Chesnut street, on the
2:3.1, and thrre with his lady at half pas 6, but lit
7 o'clock he Wdi 4 not to be food Vandenholf took
his place, and performed the "crook-backed tyrant" ve
ry cleverly.
The weavers arc on another .trko, but have not, eti
yet, accomplished any thing definite.
the noted pugilist burglar.
who recently e , caped from liar Missouri penitentiary,
was arrested in Saint Louis on the everting of the 17:h
instant. Ile had in his pssessi in thirty dollars, sto
len since his esi!apir. Ile had doffed his prison uni
form, and dressed himself in clothes stolen from va
rious persons. So says the Evening Gazette.
NANIGATioN of RED RCA Kre.—The Caddo Ga
zette of Ist inst. say that the steamboat Swan, has,
luring last summrr, been up Red River to the dis
tance of 1000 mile,, above Shrevrport.
THANKsclviNG.—Filmen States observed Thanks
giving thii year.
"Who would be a tirkey-hen,
Fed and fattened in a pen,
Killed and cut by hungry men,
All on thanksgiving day!"
NASHVILLZ, November 21, A. M.
There is sufficient water in the Cumberland for tho
largest sized steamers to pass over the shoals.
We quote Alabama money at 11 per cent. discount.
Eastern sight checks at 1 per cent. prom., and at 45
days at par.
GOOD.—.The Repeal Association in New• Orleans,
after a suspension of four month., has recommenced
operations and the membns arc more zealous than
- -- - —__.- _ __ _ _ .
None Li , .EL SUL itb—lii:iint :quite'', s‘li.ise Post.pilonoment, cf . tip Elicha4llane-..; 1: ,
te woraptnruz. 1-z...._ ..
grin'. omo GIANTES.
moos was mentioned by ,
.nouns of our city papers to -••..-
' ' ' AILAS• 'AIDE TIN - 11 ..
~.,.. „., „.,,,, ~....... i has arrived in our city, c
tonneutim with the deat#ol *mantninaly aloymyr..... '' . .;, S, , , - -r NV:ly south, to remain alc
a 1.-.1 .....'' L' e r r ii ' chi oni-: • Ite a tit at iiitref the Buchanan CoMmittee of tcirrc s
ut Froe:art, pohlisoes s k mato, m 9st ItY s - -- , - , - NS WAv, far 'Exhibition
. . - Fink,. ison's Hall, back i
d e, ii " .4 i d ' hi t t tx P r essill his 040"0"; i " t _„ o _P r°6- .; h i '''. _Re sotivi Thatthe Ma s.: Meeti r% of the frh i .?tatt Of old Court House, near tl.
cute errrsi.• ediN,r wltutins eistmeord.'„. 9 ' atm ' wit '., Burntam fired firths 1311 - 11 ~r Novamber, instant, to
-.. lathes; the little child is on
that a . .iiir. -V t:, ,',!.:Ii:1/1,, , ..;11r. Mullen,,,mir chat Betel* ip os t i mard until tie! 8:11 of January next, and that Wet
..ight years old, and weigt
ii.i.; not been ii;jur.al hi those iasitmations! l dcyute the same day to the commemoration of the vies' 51.40"- R 1-I.ciettliisr fet
, . Iteirei ilf - New t brleans, and forwordinj the nomination to
. _ .. .
indica, and meaaores,s fa
inOhio are so tire frtsidency of the tlistiAL , ltshed , friend of the il-;
7 asm- ! .0 of tho , ,itilicial districts , 1 -. c 1 .1 . ,, ,R L'Es SIT ,\ LER, aadd (1 sltdders,perfcrtl
large, that ii talies a good ridOr to . get round them in ' tostrlcus vicron.. •althv and active; intents
u 29 Chairman. Ic; m i l Yerifitryllil:and Ere
the time all , •twed by law. It is bugg,c , ‘ l e4 iii- th e '--.:..-) - ' A ir
,pringfi,l,l Itei?ublir4n, that the queitioner - of qtutlifte -. At a rJe;a_e n c i ta t tic e, m . z ; .: i r r t i i r, ns ,,7 l L T , l i d .l : t t t . l i n , t iin N e Na s c sl ii ii , ::[ ,i t i, , , n .
her manners. She has l7ieTn a4l v d isit wit el.t : 4l2.4.lifsliolidis aisBlusting i i
cation of ; I f ()hi
a judge o. _....0 ought to reml—"ls he boo- , 110te1,,,0n 1....r.1 y
... t i mp , sel ., war , 01 ' Mid ' , ut il e
. ef !ja l rar iJ , Tl l ,; (lla s
, 1-1 ', M il. '. N . 1.:,V Yorl.; and Reston, and by them pro4ouncetl . tin
est, ca able faithful," ":iiiid a goodLriderl . .
, )1 a )
I ti i I pointed secretary. The flillowine pream bt e „,„L . .g . tetatest.c oi e_istty in, tit n'0r1q . ... 7 : S ., , 0ur5..4 4
.„ 1.11.1t . 1i0n
CHARGE- or MUTINY. j resolutions were offered and adopted— ' Whereas the" fr"" -A" Ivi.i till 9 r. If. Atillu , .i°n l.2 l ellts•
T„.,,,,,.„,,„„ iarne d ch m .t e ,,E vanis an d James lilt , ~ ; Washin tint Hotel his been for many yenrs consilorcsq i nov '27
..0 0 l were, brought tts - iltis port in irans, on Thorstlir.., f u n .. f tn lt ha e
s li g e n ii % u w b al li i ca .b . . e i
e p u ai ti -h: r , o t v h .r e n D; l L ti nse tr rat th ie e he l a a d r g y ua n rt;:r a s i i
in the bark Os aMio, from Sydney Car Breton. The '
ccusions' by its lilieral proprietor, v. lien any em-erg.-a
charge agninot them is ninthly. They belonged to the
Therefore, Resolved, flint in acknowi-
ON ando. While the ves.el Inv nt Sydney a short time ‘;..,v required it.
Lai nieut of Mr. Armstrong's generosity. we reroin..
'since an altercatioa occurred between iliesc men and
noel a democratic supper to he given nt his House et
others, when Evans and Johns.% Were heard to rmy
may a
o.) . iat,
they would not be tillipiustes with them further qui: 1 . "
it solved, that the following geidlenieu be a -corn
next mar:dog. The
owed the vessel, anil the .
Captai twist afraid they wtatld leave,so he ord-red thatmittee of arrangement lot the occasion.
Jolla Davis
i l t i F u rt g itn e e rr r . .
bngzage to be retnoved into the cabin. About half-pa ‘.t. James Calian -
It/ the same ni . 2.ht (Sunday) the men were beard hy
I , line alr. l e 'l j i - t r inii on _John Cormick
the Captain anti ofTicero on deck, as4.ing the Captain Wm MeEllroy
to come up. which ho did, getting out of his bed for . "
C M'Kibbin M O'llanlan
that pur,io , e. Tll , - second mate soon followcd, when
he saw the Captain lying on the, dock and he himself ' 1L c,
John yb
Say 1: on: 7 J T Connelly :'
It A Campbell '
received n blow over the wrist. The meat then eau to t . wo n:
James Flettlin
off, unto ham the farecastle, and the other on sh we, E Trovi3o
wherepe caught tr,i a lar,r. stick. They were finally T A it c u s a l l iV s Y n . "
B Flanagan. .
secured. If formation was ;riven nest day to Mr. .. "" G Kirkputrick
Charles D .levao, .1,11:ti , -ta Cons oil at Sydney, who rt'i'iji*si..r74l.irtlie? II Caiiiday
ewireil them to be -mot },ant' in leans. They have b-en 6,,,, rt Rijale
. W JDa vitt
c‘inimitt.od to await the ;IC: i la 1:f the Grand Jury on
1' M.'Ketina nos Xerr
Monday.—V. 3 - . Sass. ' Jon Cunningham R Day .
.I,ilin Coyle Jr .ins Amlersoir
OLE BULL. M Patrick John Ilitminglaum
This last musieal arrival i, creating a g'reater later -S McKelvey
est than In may ofhis prod tcessors. Ile comes here with s it i :" i i , n d : : : : :: S W Black
a Crest reputation. For years ,a , have heard ..1 Limo Thom ..„, - p h iiii i ,, B M'Frenna
is the inrit sticcesorol pupil in the 'school of Pa'„taiiini,
!know .McCullough Robt Porter
;tad as an urtist who nearly ri%utted the greatness of it Mneabo , Wm .NleCeisloc us
that ;1i at master. Ili, career bas li.ee.i a roinamic It 1/...1,,,s Thoo ;Sillier
one. he arrived from the id.aik mountain. ni Nor, ay. s Kt... , , i ci.
II S Mogrnve
lit Paris, where the Illslivr, aa i amine; , A as ret11,,,,1 ,
to the I t-t l'lttl'alitiO.; 14)/ki Iris hint 'shirt to hear P i.it-
Oct motion the meeting a ljularned. Thus Ila mil
aainf; w r•ilere.l3 l ,:iat the streets for tliree days; thiew
ton Sec y Jas Cunningham Chr
him nd fiat., th ...:eims in il niaair; was rescued; id ,pt- .
The ;Arne com
g, mittee, will manmanat the Washinvoi:
ed by a woill whose V./1111.1 . d died of qv: cho!era, ii , u l
, !soar it as evenin at 7 o'clock
wh a mi he reseinhleO; gave a concert; and then tents,'! Nuo . 2 . i , 154,3. - -
1,1 ~...‘r 1:111•01,e, rash mad' •o...lm.,ltritim?li b.ang the
.2________ ; ___
forJraaner of tn.we .1 , C1(1.11 :;1,' , . , , , ,. Ile corm-. here' A LNI A N ACS, &c.--On hand, au. excellent assort
white still risin .; toward the voillt of his fon '..--.N . I'. ' t ,,,,, ,t of Christian, A titi-Slai try and Tempera rice
Sada. Alm alnico, Also, the Ininklia litttteliM , aUti COnlMati
! ;lad toOttlin . Pittsburgh '.11a7,37ine, and Common nod .
To Pic Editors 5 , 1 the l'os:: ' German Almanacs for 13.11, for sale by the gross, doz.
G 1... o r...---lit tiiii. morning's Pest I -."an rd! , lr . al en ,,, ‘i e4 l,.. A!...0, a g ood - :i.:s.oi Iment of TeroperanCe
I:r., 1.3 the Trite Demornit, pub . :ideal by a Mr. a.„.„„ alias, school bus 'lairs, prnei . :=, ink, writ in g
}sonnet. whom I talse to be the 'ltne per+on ' l, a; seal letter paper aral blanhs; for sale low for cash or
commenced the publication of the Temperance Acem, ISAAC HARRIS,
nnproved t xehango... .
Is, le, 14, amt ..i.,,,i1 a NUMMI' Of •IM'artal,'r. in lIIV , ~.2 , ..) . Agent and Cont. Nlerchant„ 9 Fifth at.
IV.,tern part of this Stitt., (getting the ot h,.- r i i ,lio., i a . _ _
adv anre,) but ntlOr the reet`lrt of two parrs I y carp
.obse.ii-mr.imtlii: , ....; Mart' was heard of him, until la,lf
300 000
C 60,000
1.947 :153
'2 .1124
ootic, d ffi•.
iNI: OF UN DI:1'1:1)) SCIIScIi
.-.., po 001
vi , ;(l.t : "
I , I 00.00 J
6uo 00u
400 000
Port of I.3ittEibur.gl).
, por:rd by SArVe and Marken, eirneral ! caw
51 , r0
Gill:: %VAT/ nta. l ItAvNr.t
~1;it1V i:l)
• 11,71 v ,t
St 1.A.1;
1.1. VIII% TWIN, Ile kr..l"jlSN illc
irc:11i,::1. irLin
Bei( 04, Pittott. ‘Viith•FT•2
It F 1.1).
• 1/1;::, 1;,-3,cr racket*
N,•sy \. , r:,
N 1 MO.l ri , y
F4,14..0. , .
kil •„:, thq. r t • 1 arc pr x 41,1
f i,r..10•.ii 1.%111.),1011,,f
Dissolution of Copartnership.
1 1 111. ror3(1111.1",11111
. 01V ti. 'II Or
& , I+ ihi. (I trultual C. , 4:1•••4
6; lt , ‘'llhart rurch the entiry intir ~t
S. jr. in ch-
to ow nr,i,
mrrt t (i x%ik • t• aithitie
11(.1. , ife , 4 at the :,!,1 xt;tioritt
e th. 4.- 1 %doe OP. . ' rt“,ll-, satt
Th.v., at -I) Inving c!ainp. th , lair tirm m
pr 4 th,m to (; fiviuli•trt
l'ltt.u.mrgli, NOV. 7, 143. )
S. I,LI I'D.
In retirin,, , .. 11,11T1 [IW RI tce (rlll 111 . 1.1.11 . .1 •NZ('u..l l
IVIIIIII/WlWerlll ' .y rre[l[lllll , lll.l to my lorip
ru..tom , rs, In. Ito: 1110 tv.i' Mr A (;
Iti•inhart, wlyp ! - irok-ory ;it tie
01,1%t,ind, 110, 1.0.,0rty
w 29 S. LLOYD, jr
Money Wanted
NVANTED to bnITOW ity,,itiv.r in
e mfor.ed nOte3 Or niortga , ze,, on goo,) Rc d
E.-into in town or ro.;ntry. w orth from throe to tive
th, nmo.int, and fr P:1 1 it rr• in Evo
v4•nr:—slo l ), f 3.250. SMIO, it7oo. $l,OOl. CI .500, •'?.,•
000. t? 3,000. st.ooo, $") 01)0„f: , . Per. 0.,.: io:r
Innney to lend or Amid' %LIMA, wilt 111.1 a 6.5
rit , reqt. and it ,111.1,1 it. on applicAtion nt
Hain , ' Agency and Intelligcnco Filth
not.. '23
i 1 CCIOV II EAT r Iol'll.—Frrsh v 4 heat
!our on bawl nil tor sale by
1129 A (i REINII.IIiT, 140, Lit,crty Et.
1.7 wator arld bolter crac!:erA tilw•iv-, on !rind and
for E , ale by A6l MANUA RT,
W 29 140, Liberty cruet.
In media t ely opposite the nc,r d/a•ket House.
THE%uhseriher respectfully infinms his ft udi«ud
tho public in Ltenerd dim he Irk: etiii.tailt v
hand n fresh asorttniuit of all the ovist \AMA& kinds
of family gro:•eries, yin: coif es, :; , 1:111', tea,, peppor,
3 1spice, sulerat us. starch, etc. Also, mackerel, bacon,
ro.iliti‘es, flour, t.obarro, sp:turs, Colton, soap, Can
dle., and all other articics used by famiii s. :11i of
which will be sold ns cheap for cash us can b Cori Ita
sud ekewhere in the city. All are invited to call and
see for them:elves.
. 1 ;TPAll kinds of country produce will be taken in
exchange fur goods, or rah paid for same as agrec
ments may he made. Butter, eggs, &c.. alwas on
hand. Terms, coat, or good references. •
A. LAUBAukiii.
Quilts, Coniforts,&c.
ALARGE assortment of Quilts and Comforts,
suitable for families, steamboats, &c., made ve
ry warm and first rate for this season, for sale low for
cash. WM. - NOBLE, Upholsterer,
1125-1 w corner of IVood and Water str,•ets.
For Arkansas Rivcr
THE fast running steamer EVE.
LINE, Bitows Taw tx, 'Alas
ter, will depart on Wednesday 29th.
instant for Little Rock, Vniilikuren, Fort Gibson and
Fort Smith, Arkansas, and ull intermediate. Landings.
For freight or passage applyon bnuni or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., No 60, Water street.
N. B. Cunt Irwin having coramrnded stearnem on
the above' River and is well known to the business
men on the Arkansas, and can be strongly rfccrminend
ed to the traveling commulity pod shippers as a good,
safe, business man.
Allegheny County T. A. Association.
21 (vial teilv rtwetn,7, of the Allegln.ny Conntv Tntil
Ih-tir.•r,cr A+•urin;iuu toil be beld un the 2d Friday.
xt.at 11 “"cluck, A. M., in
c . .i.ircll. near
A N ORDINANCE ainhorktet Ist-Mnros to Itor
.1_ row sis.ty-oni• thou-and tau hundred 'dollars for
the pia-pose of I-1y ire; .ut:dry loans rontruaerl in the
.. Jr I 133.
; Ser. 1. Be it ortlaitieti and anted by tbecitin.h. of
Enc.-Mir:di in Select and '..!orrinion Cuitm-it. a s.embhl,
Ti,,, ti,,. M•iyor be M illi.. i 4 lirfrO,lr 311(11.1riZeti to b ;I
riw th.r.inn of .i‘t , .....eni thmerind tat) hundred dol
ior•. -Ind t 1 i- • le certitiento.. for the !tame under the
St •:i ot to • i!orion iliol of th , issitacit of. not 1,,-
tt. tu fire himlrod 4 d!fir-i, mielt bCarini; an inierc.t. r.l
• .ix itor ei I*. per lreern, which interoid .lial be, p iyi
hle trilf year ! .i - I tile ni , t daps rfJannory and .I.lly i ii.
'71 , 11..'Jr, a: tit • 1).E.:.: of tit 3 Cily 1(Vi17.7111 3 r, :Ind the
;•.:1 -at: , -1 i—ti ul :hail he sii;;lted by the M ir or am!
.11 1 ~ r .r . .j
...:1 1 T. : , th.• T,,. tom r. mil .11; 4111)• troro , ; !••,..
!! 4! b„ •t! !!, I .r.. 1.11. I.t .t". ,"C. rn.ill-1 , (.1:l:Iti , C.,B' en C.
', u . 1 •,,• 01 Ow i rest iii...er :02.1 6, Isle rr s -seriete, anti stadll d ut
I t • r ‘• I • '`!).1 . ..1.. l' , . .tll , lll . the c 7.:Nitlt Of the bolds. be
f,:,• th • tier of .I,lk in tit , : ye•lr .‘ I) 11163.
I '1.1,......1. 13.• it or lii led, St h Th-it the cei-tiieates ,
I aotli air.sil Ir: thi i orili-Aue..• -i•ol tho proe,-0.1. thereof
hall 6, rmiTrioted to the redern:dimi of the certli . ..l
1 ~1•.. i.-,..1 in virsumme kf two seers. m•-clinanee I
-el.2•u'i tt mi'ier. 1:33d. as follow., •.i.: I 43, WOOD STREET.
f - Tut! or. 5,. dt and L Hutchison, ii- 2 n.) T_T Iv Ein il ore and arc receiving
-4 i 1;i0 ',. .1.1 4:2Zi ba,.7. Rio Coffee, part strong awl g rey.,
i ,• ll, i imor Ilen'tv.
• Ai ,, meder I. imz:•diti, 1:2!,00 0 .:.,0 prse , 1' II nod (1 l' Tea.,
•• Jam, - Adnro.. 2500 i 25 boxes Rusrel S.I . Rubinssn's s's Tubaccs,
an I .liod I,e exp.-mi-d for no ollter pUrposes a hater er. 1 10 " Burton'. s's "
S. c. '3. 'l'l: a tilQ Ilith. creait, funds, rerernie anal 10 “ Thomrrson's S's ••
. s' " Robinsou's 16's " t
~,i , ,,,,,i, pr , ,. rt y tirdiii city be and the.-me i. here-
10 " I2's "
ky r !( , ,t_......d for the rodeintition of tho c •rtitleates and
p•lnierit of the iiit.-c -, 1. auttia: ited and contracted by ! 5 " superior pound it mp ! •''
t '„,• l i n 41 . 1 t Orti: Ballet,. - 100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins,
tk.l iiiied mid enacted into a' ha - in Cou-cil, tlo. , 12000 Its.; Lor-f Sugar,
27th di' of No, crot.. r. 1315. I • 9.11 box v $ No 1 and 2 rar-stard,
‘l'M. I.lclit:At - M,
i 50 -" No -I.elineolote,
tc,:: Pi o-11-•:.1 mm . n Coun. .il. 25 " ground pepper,
E .1. roti: itTs, Ciells. (... C. ' 101 e. 73. " ginger,
• JOTIN'SIIII'II,I2`I, ' ‘-• ail.pice,
- Prosideut, Select Council- i
;\ t.K.s.'n :\ltttsn, Cloilr, S. C. 629-3 t
. , It t r t t
5 lilacs COCOO.
5 Rico flour,
2000 163 Oak Tanned Solu Lerttiltr,
Mr. Paul Emile Theveau I 1000 Var4l4 t FNV linen,
- I (A• the bailor tO inform the vuhrie that. during his'. • 5 bales hops., _
11. ACitnti ain Pittsburgh he will give , i All of which they offer, with a general assortment of
, goc_ _ries, dye :tuffs and Pittsburgh muuufncwred
' goods, on liberal terms. - Up •
From ids having made the Spanish language the I. • • FASHIONABLE
s-Ar ig - lert. of hr study dizri 0.7, a residence id' awn trues ..- SAT AND CAP DEANDPACTORY,
in II tvana, th ;re ii r.•a•on to .oilipasa that he has :17. ' -,. .. No. 13, Fifth street, brtmern Market and
mired a gond knowled,.te ..ir licit-language, the easiest 4 ~.: Weed, and corner et . Sixth and Grant 51.
vie] moart hymn.. ni, ot% nf al modern iiiiip.:iiar.:Ci. ‘...
4 :.! T &H. WALKER. feel grateful to tto
Of his competenry to teanli French there can he no .
_L . pllblic for O:" liberal patroaage liestpvi"..
doubt, train the fact of hi• having been u der's in a ed upon them, and beg Irate to state that thvy are now
No in Paris. V\ Iwo. lie has studied law. What Mr
matutfact aria , . and have constautiv on Lard a very su-
Tla•v.•ati hero slates he dm prove by the Or•l•mtlaTlCO„ cr i er article in Beaver, Res- Ncutria, and
of the King of France and b) letters from the Minister i l ither description of lints. Al , o, a variety of cloth,
of the Navy... ' sealett and fur caps; all of which will lie sod at the ye
- .
Mr 'flieveau can he seen every dn}• from 12 to 1 P M,
at Mr Fiekrisen's houie, Market street, behind the old
rinlrt houso. n29-1m
EST RECEIVED, 30 bbl s best ,zround Clunwood,
ut the drug store of JON. KIM),
n4O corner 4th and wood streets. •
13 ) Cop ai .i v 0 3.1 . , ,:t K r i o n ce D ived at
corner 4th and Wuo..! streets.
JusT n further supply of delicactes,nniong
which may Le found the following arcides: .
Preserved pine apple?, Lobster?, (in 1 lb. can?).
du quinces, do (" 2 " do )
d o pearhes, Ilalibut, (" 2 " do )
do pears, Salmon, (" 2 " do )
do Cantnn ginger. Sardine?, ( genuine )
Damsons, Peaches,
Cherries, Cherries,
Gages, Strawberries.
Mushroom catsup, . Pepper, . - : . 7,, . . ,
1 Lime iiiiee, Rod cabli Ft ge,
French olive?,
Pepper sauce, Gerkins,
Anchovies, Picnlilv, •
African cayenne, Mixed. &r, 45.4 c,
White mu t tard seed, in balf galls: aria (its.
You ace resptctfully inv i ted to ,•-,ill and examine the
above articles. LLOYD & CO..
n 9.7 140, Liberty street.
The Steam Boat Cutter
tki wlLLsi:aiN.3eireiant h of Froiida
If r a s s
berebifbri. This iltecation has been
made to avoid running on Sundays.
For freight or passage apply mt board or to
60 Water 't.
fly .
L .1. .1.S1113R11)GE,
S:7•ClTt3l"rr to the Ex. Corn
More Good Things
Public Salo af Real Estate. 1- •
Tlnnler,i;med will offer at public snle,lvininie
premises, about-30 Arms of Ground. in the go•
roo_gb of Birrrrinzinkot,oll:lttPl Way. the '3&b
at 10 o'clock, A u.
It is laid off into Lr.t.: of 21 by 100 feet, for build.
ink purposes, and 9G by39o feet on the river 4is
ul purposes.
if !an gold in a- body; the - lots still bin offered sepa
rately, It is useless to review the irttyrtunt-nfilothin
ges tins property' possesses. The principal porqoa.ol
it will l sold at furthest in a few years, an 44
‘l. - ,llhtlesi., he yearly incrrased in value by the ere on
of bnildiazi mud manufactories, and oiler-s'6n esto3p
norm:l4y fur investment ar.d improvements, oi
dwelling bon.cs in the town lejoLt . occupied
completed. Terms at sale. NEVII,LE B CRAIG,
1,27--ts• Committee of Mrs Sidney Gregg
fifteen hundred' dollars. to be seathd
by trnatipatte on real e,tate, unencumbeied,
worth $7OOO. Apply at Egolf and rostea's Reel, Es
tato Ayency. next do:): t.(l the POS: Office t Thirdstreet.
Notice to Contractors
EALED proposals will be rrceived()T
at the eak.° f
Li the Monoorahe!a Navigation Co npany, natidy
opoosite the Post Office, until 3 o'clock P M Satuf
day, the 23d December next, for - building Leati and
Dams Nos 3 and 4. and fire repairing Dams Nos' I and
ti; nl.to, for building Caw Brick Lock Houses: . •
Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the O
ffer one week pm-Nitwit to the letting.
J K MOORHEAD,. „ n ,
; 4 24-1 n 1
from Cincinnati, 60 vols. of \u. 182 oldie Amer
ican Pioneer, a nrouthly periudiral, denoted to the
truth and and 311Aice of Atnetican History, embracing
the India:lurid t;encral llidoryufourcnuntry five the
earliest times, for ,:ale at the annual peblication.price,
free of po,:tage. ISAAC lIAIIItIS. Agenv,
;IA Corn. Nlemb't. No. 9, Fifth at.
101 1 SALE low for cash orapproved exchange, t 2
great tunas of matches, EN/ &nen Alleghen?nity
100 g:os: suspender and shirt buttons, ME do
ten ali Sites window glass, 12 pottocis cotton boss,,looo
T iarter augerA, tin ware. coffee mills, looking glaSses.
and pocket knives, scissors, 3000 English
211 (linen ri-d, binds and bins ink,pencils, pens, school
Looks. writine . and letter parer, hnnks and tratiankry.
151.1. C: HARRIS, AT, t and Com.
No 9, sth 4t-reaf.
St. Peter's Church at Rome
LARGE PAINTING rf this splendid Temple
will be exhibited for a stunt time at •litw
Ys G ROOM. corner of Fourth and _Market streets. --Of
this Picture, 131 , 110 p Englord gave the highest euto
*inn) in the Catbolir isliscellany. 30th January, 1536.
It is on its way to Ness Orleans, together with 50 ether
n timings, which are now open to the public.
A.lmittaure 25 eent.: tickets for thc season .50 (AIME
kilt' price. Cr. COOKE.
dai‘y from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and An*
(rem (111119 in the evening.
N. B. Tim Rev. Clerc-y of nil denominationw
ri.FTet-tfelly invited, free of charge. r 23,.
.1. FiEno:: rckerEs.
I:(40LF & FosTER,
Western Real Estate Agency,
Thiel 41., next (loor to the l'oet 0 lice, l'itt,,Lareb,
Azenry for the parelvt:c and Renr,Es
tate. noiting Illutic4, &c, &c. Tennis
inoacrate. ltrferenceA ziren on application ut the
offir c. nls—tf
r❖ lowest prices. As no' part of their manuractuip is
clone by machinery, but he the hest workmen by hand,
they can recommend with confidence their rints.' - asl4-
ing superior and more durable than thoSe oenerally
ferl•d to the public. 111 cl-chants and sroroleepers can
be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the Eai
ern Markets. I. & 11. WALKER.
023-3 m.
91 LIE sti.scribers respectfully inform their frien
aad the 110,' le; 'lett tolwy hare centmenced tits
At \o. 20, Wood =tenet, two .inorA from the corneirof
Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWAnn
where they will be prepared to supply all those who
may favor them with their orders,- with groceries and
eittsburgh manufactory(' articles, on terms which cep
not fail togivc satisfaction,
Two New and Fir ft Rate Stcam Eagizpit.
ONE is 20 horse rower, 70 inch e)lirnier, ancl 4
foot stroke, Hill he sold with or without boilers.
The other engine is 12 horse power, 7i inch cvlindet,
3 foot stroke, one boiler about 2e feet lung. 30 inches
in aiotnetei . These engines are made of the best ma
tennis and in fhe most substantial manner, and will be
sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen st
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time
nE—tf H. DEVINE,Ij. States Line.
THE pert nership heriitofore existing between F. A.
Frethey and G. G. Frethey haring been diseohe
ad by mutual consent on the Ist instant, the business
will be conducted in future by F. A. Frethey, who is
fully authorized to settle all the partnership concerns.
He reapeetfally cabs for the continuation of the pa.
tratutgeof friends and the pt , hlic generally. n7-1m