Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 28, 1843, Image 2

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Subject to the decision of
1)c Mail!), „Morning iPoot.
copied an article front some of
our' exchanges a few days Biwa, stating that plerimis
to MePOtes - tietttla ba4leclared that a great' portion
of the speech that was ciroulated in 1840, purporting
to have been delivered by him was prepared by the
Whig Central Committee, anti, as he • Lou many of
the etetemeuts to be falschool:, he bit the deeper,t
regret that he had permitted them to go forth without
contradiction. The HarrisbuTh Telegraph, tow ever,
contradicts this statement, and insists that Mu Oght
evinet,Cllloaisposition "a few days heforo his death" to
retract the misreptcsentations made in the speech at
tributed to him. The Gazette calk oar at,entien to
the article of the Telegrapb,ond asks us to correct our
former statements. We will do en, and infOrlll Our
made•rs that, according to the journals of his patty, Mr
001.. z showed no signs of repentance loyhe great
,wren; he perpetrated against the a Ind:lieu:atom hy
putting forth so many gross :misrepresentations against,
it, aid dn . .. Lis friends indignantly repel the charge
that he felt such a weakness as penitunee for the part
he took in the matter.
We regret, forth suite of Mr Ogic's mcmorY , tha t
-. the first statement which we published wa.: not true.
There arc out- few whigs who will now deny that the
speech was made up principally of the most unfound
ed . .11selicrOds, concocted in the heat and excitement of
a desperate political struggle. It would be phasing to
the better feelings of humanity to snppose that the au
thor or these slanders had regretted the part les took
in sending them firth, before ite Wili; called librse:f to
his iitad account: but this charitable feeling will not be
permitted by his friends. They insist that he died
witbontretracting a sin tic statement, and exult in the
fact that poor Ogle left this life without exposing any
of the misdeeds perpetrated by his political associates
in 1210, or showing any signs of repentance fur the
most glaring anis own..
Hos. A. Pixatmo—We publi,h a communication
this morning, speaking in favor of the Hon. Ansa! D
Ptptslt, as a candidate fur Governor. There are few
democrats in Pennsylvania '. ho stand snore favorably
before the people than Mr Piomer. In the western
part of the state, where he is Well known, he is held 111
the highest esteem, and would mahe a popular candi
darn fur any public station in the gift of the people.—
We do not know whether Mr I'. will permit his name
to be brought before the Conv,ntion or not, but this
we do know, that none more worthy the confidence of
the party could be submitted to that body.
ClSClNSATt.—TlieCommer:ial says that business
is improving, especially on the river, occasioned be tho
good stagh of water, and the efiramenement of the
pork carrying season.,
The Firemen are to have a foil: about Christmas.—
Preparations are in progress, and as it is to be under
the management of the ladies, it mn-t succeed.
They are mast rem orszdes,ly siaoghteriog till the
h 044 of the city, as well as those who ar,•ivo on a. ViSit.
The few that remain are saying their prayers, confi
dent that their last grunt is approaching.
The Atlas says. "we noticed ? resterrh , y, at the upper
/ ending, the two masted SCh'J3:l2l' Dolphin, Captain
Doyle, from Buffalo, N. 1. loaded with White Fish,
and bound fur New Orleans. She cute ed the Ohio
by way of Cleveland, through the Ohio canal; and is
probably the first schooner that has ever been floatcd
from the waters A Luke Erie to the Ohio."
The Whitewatcr canal is to open to-day, and the
citizens have determined to cclebrate - tl.e event.
A great many rabbeties are eu.urnitt , ..,l on steam-
TRITE DEMOCRAT " is the name of a new
caper recently started at Shippensburgh in this state.
Iris thoroughly democratic and 'pledges itself to sup
'port titerpersons who may be nominated for President
and Governor, by the National and State Conventions.
Mr. Wm. A. KINSLOE is editor and proprietor. The
editor announces to his brethren of the press that he
frill ho a candidate fur Sergeant-at-Arms at the meet
ing of the Legislature. We have no personal knowl
edge of Mr. K. and are therefore unable to speak of his
waerits, but if no person more deserving applies for the
office, we hope he may be elect-d,
IRON CANAL BOAT —The Phila. Spirit of file Timrs
artys.—Anexpetimental iron canal boat fur the Schuyl
kill Navi;ation Canal, was launched on Wednesday
...-4fwerrr-5ha.,271;344 of S. I'. Mbrris & Cu. , on the Dela
wive', above Dyottville. She is 70 feet long, 13 feet
sylll and 5 feet doep, and built entir.2.ly of American
iron. She is to make a trip to Pottsville immediately,
and retara with coal. She was towed yesterday morn
in: to till F Lirn ono lozks. for that purpoic.
LADIES' TEN PIN ALLEY'•—They talk °fest:lt'll:3li-
Inr, in Philadel;thia a Bowliaz Alloy ,'or Ladios. Near
ly $llO have already been subscribed for the purpose.
• there is such a one in New York. Willis says it is
"most luxurious in aiditszippoilitinents—carpets, otto
mans, dressing rooms, Ste. The families subscribing
are of the nrsit fashionabie dives, and no male foot
is suiT,•rcd 'Caner this gyneciaa gymnasium—the pins
being sat uj by girls, and the 'attendance eizclusively
The Paris correspondent of the New York
".Dentsche -Schuellpost" states that a young painter,
Ameranthe Rouibet, has discovered a process by which
heron avlt has never learned drawing, may in a few
acquire the power of drawing exact copies of
Pictures, on either an enlarged or diminished scale.
A committee of swans having examined and reported
fivarably on•the discovery, the right to it has been pur
chased by the g,mernment for an annuity of J 2 francs,
rind it- will shortly-be made public.
FATit. AFFEAT. — Ttic St. Louis Republican sa s:
A fracas locenrred a few days since between tun deck
lurid* om board the Sarah Ann, which resulted in the
death of one of the parties, It commenced in a fight
with fists, when two having attacked a hand named
-George Parks, he drew a knife and stabbedone of his
antngettists in the breast. The wounded man lingered
or.rait sestniday morning, When he expired. The al
froy occurred while the boat was on her passage from
~ale nr! tothie otioe. Parks, immediately Oil the boat
ArriVing at ottriewee, delivered himself up to the city
gThe St. Augustine News says that the portage
of Haulover,connecting Nlusquito Bomb Lagoon with
-theme-waters of Indian Ricer, is oboist being &Kam
12y odor of Gen.-
-Worth, previous to cutting a
Canal thereat. This duty is entrusted to Lieut. J. E.
Blake of the Topographical corps, a gentleman enti
nmady qualified for the service. 'The Canal, when
completed, win afrnra a er) ti n ios...= inland nlrirtn" 10
vpiter inks% .•
[Col ov , pobdinice 1.4:1* . 11 tom iug .I'ost .
Stocke--Firern flea' cl ians
W. Ti0itii,::41r.....;"
Dear Sirs:-4".PAN'ttiara. In the mutt of a 1.o:131'1th:in!"
Stodia, which' fur the pas t year or two ha 7 beta down
to zero, are now up to blood-heat,—the great (119;eris.
that they will curt up too rapidly to the boiling point,
when their value will e‘aporate, and tho holders of the
residue of valueless certificates will have their "fingers
burnt." As lougas money rmains plenty, stocks will
advance; on the contrary, when money becume3 scarce
they will depreciate.. The todency of the Twill'
would be, to keep the money market.easy, but we have
such acute managers of finance in this atmosphere of
Brinksand Bankers, that I would not be surprised to
find the pleat y di tfnserl amongst the people by the Tar
iff, coot rolli,l at any moment it may suit the specula
ting' purposes ;;f dirt wire drawers.
l'intmen's fights are of daily occurrence: the result
of au inefficient roller!. The perfect impunity with
whirl, these outrages have been peimlited to pass for
t.Overal rears, very naturally emballenctl these out
laws. and led them to the commission of new and more.
aggravated offitoccs. ialobitant , of
have at len;;Ilt aWa'teltrA to a sea-:e ,:k• the disgtace
t. high has been -brought upon them. and I mistake the it
character greatly, if they du not force th e ir public a
gents to an early and. a doncrmined opposition to this
growing evil. l'ale , s they succeed, it would nut be
surpri s ing if the-elitcy combatants should eventually
select the Maytit's Office for their bloody exhibitions.
'Ili: , business of our merchants, which, fit tlo pa , t
few maxi's, has been sohqppily pressing on them, is
now abating, and they will soon have a respite from
their labors. to prepare for the closing of the present
y ear , an d the active business that is anticipated to coat•
munec with the advent of the new one.
Welt ire'nething new• in the political world, unie.s
the results of the electi9n in New• York, Micbizan,
&c., rnay be colvidered unexpected news to the out-
ILiazted democrat the conatrv.
().tr to.wnsman, .1. \V 1 . 2 .:0n,
GOnenal. ha cceiced the appointment of See,e)(l .1.
sistantYastmastei General from the Prosidont; a com
-1,13111, M. by no atlv.r one of Ole friewk more
ricldy deserved. Mr. 1)-son has Icon persecuted be
the enemies of the administration (bin old whig fri,•;1&)
thron:h whose calumnies many of the Democrat': Sea
afore were induced to vole, during the hint ses.iion. a
gainst his nomination as Commissary General. II..• is
a high minded, generous citizen, w ith capacity to till a
much more elevated-post—to which the future wi!l
d,uhtintroduCe him. Your friend,
tr - fThtt Florithieleption has resiilt , •(l in the cln
era tar.; , In littrity 4 , 1 !(11 to th kg; • iatar,..
I.•t pa:,..ed the Canadian Pa r'darnort to rt‘n
dor the Judge , of thv Gmit, of King's Bench in tlr•it
part of the Pros iner, her:tnfore Lower Canada,
pendent of the Crown. Ihe G,v, rnm (;..ncral has
gi% en it his
Cori , t:!:.—t'pwarclAl. 1:2,000 bz%i: Con', e
w• - •+ - ..: c •cA 1311timut..2 on tlic us} , l i.ist.
KEN TLIC K TUB AC:CO.—Ph: Lotiisvlll 4 7, Joni nal szi.%,
the amount of this artielo received I . ] t h at , 11 . ...1 , 11'114
the your endiw4 N,,%. 3,1. cx,•ccd , thnt ),‘ar o%
30:J0 bh 111 several counties th crop wai cut
short I,y trly fro.t, and such v..as als:k tha cl- , e in :%iis
souri and li,diaha.
orrat Vineyard been convicted, Doty
would have pardoned him. Vineyard ha: now :in
n:mooed him , elf 11S th".:! Whig' can:lid:lw t . or
the ]tci=-
laturc, and rune On tho StrOlq4lll of h tvhr:: hiih• I a lo
co foci)!!! In Rhode 14ind this nould be sudietent
to elect Lim Goveruor.
As IlkON SHIP- - The hark Iron Queen arrived nt
New York. no Wednesday frotn Rabin. Titis VC,;Se I
was built at. Aberdeen. Scotland, and is about 350 tow:
bur hen. The hull is built entirely of iron, listened to
iron beams: her keel is 3 inehes deep, no 1 is hollow,
into which what water t.he makes !lows. .iid is
ly pumped out by a pump in the centre.
The Marine Insurance effices ofiNw York have
each subscribed one hundred dollars for the relief of th e
indigent widows and orphans of the crew of the United
States schooner Grampu.
Covering the IEIIIS of Congress tvith foreign carpeting.
A LIBEL CASE.—JAMES B. SAMI'LE, editor of the
fin Spit it of the Times,: has been found gull
ty of publishing a libel on Jo:if( P. ANDEILON. In
%%brit manner J. P. A. was libelled we have nut ascer
tained, but we suppose it must have been a most un
warrantable attack, or the jury would not have found
Sample guilty.
A letter was received on IVednesday, by a gentle
mail in Philadelphia from Reading, in which it is stated
that Jacobi was under medical treatment at that place
at the time of the murder of the Castner
The Pre.iii.l4_lt of the Unitcil States has recog
nized ADOLPH E. Bona:, as Consul of Belgium for the
pert of Philadelphia.
EXE:IIPLUiT PCNISHMENT. — E. .1. Ccamlalh Post
master at Caurak, Gaorgia, coma...tea of taking money
from letters po. , ,sing through his office, has been sen
tenced to tea yea ri hard labor in the state prisonol Geer-
r A man's advertisement in a lvell circulated
newspaper (like the Pittsburch Post) is a locomotive
sign-board that travels about and is soon by tons of
0. Bulletin et 13th, say' —A steera:.w. pa,seneer,
Simon Penard, on board the ship Creole, from Bor
dornix for this port, attacked a female passenger with.
a knife on the 3th inst. and stabbed h , •r+o St.V.,:'rdy as
to cause her death. It appears that I'.-card kit his
wife and vas roaming to this cou.ary with his child,
in company with said female, when during the passage
be became
,leadons of her, and from that cause it is sup
posed was led to commit the act. The Creole arrived
yesterday, when Penard was delivered to the proper
CHARTISM ssu itEPEA I..—Thu English papers
state that Joseph Sturge, the Quaker, who is at the
head (lithe m iral force Chartists, has been over to see
O'Connell, to endeavor to form a jonction of fdrcei.—
The negociation does net seems to hive been very suc
cessful. The Etrglii'll paveic.tl for:•e Chartists are
headed b 3 reargus O'Conuer, a countryman of
and a bitter personal enemy,
SC P POSED FrtAen.—The Ohio Fund Commissioners
wore authorized at the last session of the Legislature,
to negotiate a LO'an in New York. of $1,500,000 at 7
per cent. to pay off domestic creditors. The checks
issued to domestic creditors, which this loan was to
ofF, exceeded, it has been discovered, the estimates
and appt:opriations, $150,000, which is.ascribed to
. A Dv Y,NT I. ht. l:.w•n Tc4t.tirial
Guictu.., of the 11th fullqyring letimlrou)
one of the amignguts tit (Nit •
Fore tAx.imm, •
Corcgan. Emigrating Camp, July 13, 1343. S
The Cornpany for' Oiegim is at thi. place, and at
present engaged in erassing,Laramie l s fork, which is
eery fill. W hit the exception of imc man who had
his urmbirikeu by an accidental discharge from a gun
while pursuing itbutfule, all are well. Our reads have
been good beyond all expectation, particularly fur the
last six.hundred miles, and I do not believe a ruud
equally good and of the same length can be produced
hi the States. Our cattle and wagons, so tar, stand
the triftwell—indeed the cattle are fattening general
ly. Many of the men are working crii.vs; • 1 myself have
two yoke, and find them better than oxen. There is
no heavy polling, which requires lai-gc oxen, mid cows
are decidedly faster, mid consequently better. You
have, ton, their milk at night; and in Oregoa, I nun in.
Milli:A, ag4 ud COW is worth as much a: a yoke of cat
tle. let the emigrant, next voar tic them 'elves oat
with cow to and briagloosc ones to supply the phi
ccs ut sw - li .;et tern. \V work tl.,m at the wheel
and in tic lead
,' . .
\VI. it '''' "°''' travr llo . l o''' , '""' C''''"'a" (l nil''' ' lce to n r .,.... : , , , a ll aion on ettlier. Lin.l th.,, c., !n pel tutu
i'lvi"; 13uriin=t•'..,. 0 "r 1 ""s i" I ' ll 'l''''' of the 13::n is C , T11 , • -11, - ,,,,1 . c.rni , r.:111,...! 1., : ) ,,,;1 in wi:li the fritt.bd- ,
;fill:. Di-tance to 'ln. e.,.p i:. the 1,1 ,:attains ab , mt
a,r m .,.. :,,i ii ,, i : „ i 1,,,, g, w ir i ,, wrni bt appear t„ ho yi,,,,li„g
- 21•,l or 250 mlie., anti to r.t., ti,o) 6,) , J..fhe .... It it 'r 1.-, and aot ,: ...,;•..,-.le,lia the tii.nint!ti . i.vliicli they ha \ e
hats been cord, without rain, Lir llt , I;y4 month. o: , r .:„ 111 ,,,,..„.„,,, c i .
nails beinz op Platte river, in the bottom, our catch:
It :r. is 5 , th L. I arn ttn , :barita'ole in tin-, ~.iiip.)3;ti .n;
could lilt 31iff,r fo r wit,or exe.. , y. lit short ibterval, but r...triv it ap,.. - ..trri to in to n, , ,,1 only to Lk , ,u,g4est-11
ii hen ire loft the river for part of ad lY• ll''' , h'"'''' to he t.l,nrly ~en. %Vi:titer 1 :on right or nut, the
or, w. , done hut ~el, kat, tt.-; that river (nun t h e pair,[
mi 4 4i•iii mil iitii du tin harm. It -tan olfeild those only
at which leis struck it to till; 1 ,1,,,,,,1,0 u t 400 711 , .,•.4
~,,,,,,,, ii
(1.,t,,,,:,..,. It may Ir,il the people; to be on
—hay , cht.c.••ly :toy tributarie:. None of oar tuc'.i.. ha 4 tlitdr wand' aza:nst. all ccrdriNance3 that may he in
boon stolen ,Ilire leaving the 6 all -, 1 , ricer.
WC ' llO t',..7,1kd to :I,•felt. L 11., ., ion-ill:la, , :l or i11,31,1.',,i11. , ',,r;y0ujt., , ,
1101 v in O K miim of the Slims. and Cheyenne Indians, Fit t , :ct: It. SIII: N 11. Th.'s are not all d,tnnerats
where it will he neces. , ary to keep a more vi 4 ilant . o ,
wo ear the narn , . T11",',: aill men ia 0,11- rabl,-,
watch. At this place we found a few Spaniard;. with who .1...... 11,...y oat i-ii, I that tlf.! p,•ople ,Itottil do their
a , 'lnall rnrzo or fluor, &c. I"ok"d °T I n''''.rs• from own w ,rlt ill titan r 0%,, w;i:". .r hi., w.„1.1 have ever:.
Towre, in the Spanish pr3vin,..o, abo it 405 mile; die- ttn , :
ng II .0- ia th..ir w av, and tti-i iv,uld practice all
taut. Their price. nre s'2llper hundred bit. flout:: All- ~, ,I, - i ,
ma:lw , eras ,ti 0. ,
~ 1,, this end,
gar i , .:', par pound; ~ ,f t, ii 50 Per P"'id; wh''''''' y It 1, b .t. ,v „, ” We 111 , , 111 'ZI I 1 our rani; who ho.e.
s'2 per pint: and every thilog .. , I.c in tau_ sane.. propo:-.
111 . 101,1 „, „. „,, , ,,, i ili
0:1 .: a ii „ii,., t „ Ll i , , •,,,i,p,y a the pally,
lion. Enjj , :rmilq will 11,,,,, be able 01 ',',1,14 - 1 . Ul • the Ile - .
that ti I I ` 111'• 'II .c: Or -1 , 16 , 1,,11- . 1:o all such we
csissity of toipplyi.:g th.‘rn... , ',,, , ',ilia t:,.' lic•---0,,i:-F, ot sn.y __
life bc•fore startin4. The , : trill tin.l it to th-irtriter.•-ti
to load their waguns with 50,11art,Cle , a, a IV het e 21 , 11- ,
ti,,,,,,a , which t i„., i .., r , y e ll ~,, t h, w .,,,,,, i 0 , t ,,,,,1 or im. We want writing hilt fair, open dealia7. e‘ , -. , :a in poi'.
I crriberin7 t1,, ,, m , 01 , 1`...1 With 1,1r.,ii , 1, o a :al other 11, , ,, , y P. , ..'• IV , ‘‘',..,- 1 ~ , ,,1 1, 11 ,, t1e , 1. 1, ,, d 1'11;y1, , ' , • ~-,:ii, for
1,,,,,ii,;„.. which this iii is . h i , ~,,,n i„ ,, , 1, i i z „ b. it y r b y O (..
w •,)% t T nor, a:.11 .. / , '.: Lte,rf. , I/F/1 ~ , ,14/ 1110 ll i. , Fr, ricis
tray.M,, l O, acv fi,,,1 iii ~-,• ~,,ry,•,, , ,1•1e than lt,,i'SL•3 q
R. Nh , k• 1‘ , want a aril wit,, 1 , ~ .,t, • ,!,r,, ,. 1. :.,y :ill
and tho , e CO111111E011: vhatild peniiiire Ilicim viillii kiiiii, Min E. liiii lie: , at” mid put , lc 5 lei iiol. and
, 7 aq ii i,, /.,,,Jei.e R. Sh,lrik. \V l, W rl:It. LLMX 1
W 0 win .1.•- - ,:trt frivil !1ii , 10,,, :01 , , In 'crow, al '....r whi ,- 11 s'ici- ' ' . , , , , i
who i., ii-,.11 ie-on tiny,' with it, • wow.; of (lot otlire.
1 shall peublildv have tin mipinitiinit, of Corn/mini:a
is ~ La , i i i ,,,,. r, , ,,d, ,11... , ,,,,,',11,, pet ,'.,rill thorn 1 ., ,r. the best ink-rt.-4s of
tinz wit! , "al until we rea,,, 1.',,i'l I ',LH.
whit t i,i,,k o f em i ', min:: 11,,a u IV? II I 1.—L , ,0 1 1., not 111 e ,1111 e, 11111 sum,, a man is Francis R.. Situals
hall the hip , -a boo it I, upc,', .:2,1 1 , , be. N,l Lllat it
..'y ~N . , , ,,, , , ! t„, ~,,‘,• 1.,, yr, , ,0, , ,, I ii4.,,r,,1 lII , ' 111,,,1. pinitl
n,T/lIIV, I i• patience and periever....l•7l..
tar acct in the Paton, of the ty,r i ,‘,.it•' party. and i4.-t•
Ti ulr. yo,r,, , nrl , l nave, for our eu-ididate, the 111 , ,,l 1 , ',i,a1.t, wan ,:,
J. 1 . NII2 ‘lr i 'l:R. ' Our party. n man wh, eotn. , fr- h front am mg. the
pc.,,),', wit., hive no 0111 grodz.e:: to settle, no preju
dice. 1..,., , i ..• away. a-,,1 ~,, 1 , :,11:i •:l1 -I:1 , t, be f,iry , ,ivo.r.
ii h i 1,.•%.`1" -a . : 1;i•:1-.1 . 1i . l'i o,zil.,..lliii:l_ 111 list. if, ID, i,.!, ~
SA L n-I,.—Accou f... , SFiat L):11 -',,rl`_
•,..,t C;l. - • riser+ abovz., vvry L, c, a.,
falling; ilp2re 4 mans i - ) tir c!::inac; 01,
Mtis,•nri, awl .solne 20 in 1.•,. in ton tOti ‘l 4 , all, in
the lowor It TM+ of Ow bat 3 I . .ct ,Aatt'r
Chr 1,,,(11111Ant an,lent•arl
Itch' Spria kVit.nit ,t.:116 at, Corn 10 It , .-,111
r. 1.11 t t. :"?.1V;1111 , :i I
111.1 t lII , ' t pr. .V 11,1.1 11. D. Gnu,' Sire
of 0..." (1.":1:111 Lul 4 Cf (11.!
61 , 2 ahoy' I, , tlgt! at ‘VZlAlitlyt./11 hall, itt that
city. on Mon( lilttitakr a (hi-titer
oftitf- titatal tilt. it
:\ lust not 14. u raqr. n iit . o
\\ 1it..., to t!... , ::.10Q : c ,th
or l•
IV. I\ i•di(nr, 111, 7c,"'W ()r-
12,11. •\••'.c 1 rk (2o.in-r
and I:,quircr, .C.4.1!11.1 . t; ism
I.l.rry ntt ha• coma. 'd that g,.•1 S.IIIII
c;'o•te!r , <, I:1 hie n•rr•at caili ".trl"•uturrs
nl i.mr• V..i•.t." K • I
••1u thtow....T
in th.. 1'ic0v.......10ry,!th.•,...0tur...r of IT,T!, I :2:a.r
naintii . ..• at T 11.1 1 ,611 of th. Santa F.•
throli. , ll Weitt•ri. '1•••••. , . T., tr.\ .r.•:.; I 1,1
that M Irrviltt Vi .!.•! m die .3:11,6
-6,666 S6:ll' 6614'111.64. t ' ,'
rident:, u4.( 6 -; 101 . 1 6 1. 6 •:y <A.:110 11.:,t I Irt.l
eutlurcitl tip! ',Au , tit i.t
I'llll_, rlra
hnthl!o,•: that to did, ;yid i•v •11 t,i)7lt I- 111 1 71 , 1 ,7 111"11":,
1,14`. yoll . lg 1 . 11 1 711•111117 ill triv.•ll , l tcith tsvnnj n),
Particular 111. 117 X
The I cit.rum-:( rwe 1 110 1 .01" ~i l/lit lave
Dot 1111 it ill 1/1 . 1• 7 XVollnuthlnurnu • d [ ! tiarra.
tivitt anti even 11011 I et.tia . t.ii.l a: to
it: truth. init.:much 11,1111111 !/‘•11..V1 7 that lit h ,r r Of Mt'
frit'atiF , evitr lrull the tr.i,l"l the 7- 1 11110 i , 77171
ICCit" .. . I certainly 1112•111 HIV 11( 7 74 t . 11111.• thy
oilnilrilt7Vl.7l.ltllW7lrlk S'Anla rct I 1,11101
that th y then
-atv 0111106 rind titatto2:ll tit male tlicni
trenlrly wary in travrill int; the road a tweond time, eye()
I'lll , ll 7 'h 1.111 11711'1117 . 3•10'1. 7 1 1 Y 1 . 1 1 - 1111,t \V7I3 readx In ac.
- .
The( aptuin has not stoppul itil Mr. lie:Atli
Ile ha 3 drassn largely upon Farnham, Clark. I,u, 71 ,
and many other writer upon our Western Wilderne,,
We learn from the - Now Orleans Tropic, that a treaty
of Perpetual Amity was concluded on the tibith Sep
tember, between Gen Tarrant and Judge Teltell, the
Texian Commissioners, and ten Indian tribes, yin the
Tiwahconne4,,lrunies,Cherokees,Boluxies, Delawares
and Chickasaws. The Treaty has not yet been pub
lished, but the following rev he chief items:
Trailing houSP3 are to be established, and the points
for three of them art already J..isignated. One is to be
on the south side of the hu-i of Ti kilt V, or near
!hi...junction of tiui (liar foil:, at the upprir eilgai of
Lower Cries Timbers; ono at the Cain-Lace Peak, on
Ilea'.' s; one at the Oid San Baba 11is.i a.
The line of hinoiag grouudi is from one trading
house to another,
Permits has beim given to the chii•fs to hunt until
next spring iat the north side of the out of the
dements. This has been done [III aces not of the buffa
loes being all below, an utte, , ted by iNlousrs.
and Torre v.
0 th; trib MVO LINO tr,at,d, the three fires
were essentially wild, and wore no clothing except the
breech sod
'llw remnant of the Cherokees who were there, wore
in a most di-dressed condition. The family eel Bowles,
who ...yene all there, would llnt clllllO into the camp un
purah)taed clothes for the ‘V0111,,I)
and children. Acco.domed to the decencies of life,
they were unwilling to allow themselves to civilized
people in their state at that lilac. There were about
30 Ch ol ot t e e .. w'hocnm;ae<e•rl all the Who aettled
in Nacogdoches county, who still rvmain apart from
the main tribe residont iu the United States.
Chi net al Tarrant describes the daughter oh Bowles as
a very intelligent W0111:111. lie say a that the Ind) A!l+
evinced the bv4 dkru,ition—tliat every article t f the
treaty was fully explained to them, and underFdootl by
them, and that every citizen who was upon the ground
has the utmost confidence in their faithful observance
and stipulations.
It is thought this treaty will be of great benefit to the
whole country. The settlers of the region were high
ly delighted with it.
We find the following in the St. Louis Repoli
lieun of the 16th:
As INCIngST. — The abolitionists of Cincinnati de
coyed four slaves from on boanl the steamer Western
Belle, while on her last trip to this city, one of theta
remained with the philanthropists (1) of Ohio long
enough to ascertain their real character, and then de
liberately went on board the steamer Walnut Hills, de
clared himself a runaway slave, and b:•geed them to
take him on to his master, who had gone forward to
St. Louis. The captain willinuly consented, and the
slave arrived here on hoard the "Hills." On his arri
val he could not be induced tops on shore until his
muster came for him; his dread of falling int.) the hands
o f another set of abolitionists was so great, that he
would not trust himself unprotected men in a slave
... rim TIIK POST.
:Messes. EDIT.OIS
A rccesit correspordent of sours is certainly right,
in his so l ip.i.sitioo, ilia: a mighty effisit is now inalsit,r,
ports of tile state, to excite division in the
democratic ranks. and to make these divisions ely.re
at la3t :u tlic bonetirof Mr. Mullienburg . :. It is plaice
to every person that, of the only two prominent candi
dates, Mr. S'iunk is beyond all question the Casru-
PATE Or THE PEOPLE. But Mr. Multlenburg lies
powerful and active friends. Thy are powerful, be
cause they are skilled in all pulitical gaaL?s—haviag
great acuteness in drumming up the sort of men they
iv:int at tie :,ship ar2ctingi, and gettinz delegates of
the rEtdit stamp elected. Yet they thil that they can
not trust entii eiy to this in th?. - presmt iasta;lce ; and
have most nidostriously started on a daeront tack
in s,irm , pLiecs. 1.1 counties where Muld critter::: is very
they have assisted m netting tip &nine candi
d ilea. It is exteeted to scu. the frimds of those home
candidates. and rlr friends of Mr. Spunk by time ears—
to excite an irre:•oncilth;ti eootest l e them, so as
" Plague or !.our polie
Iftit,.l •iiri t.. Os I • $•.l
1 1 1. rn is
}OR T{l r. Pt) , r
Tin.: ..FClltik)l, N 1.111.11 .11ilt0.1D.
A vCry v.tn, rt
I, .1% I t • ! i • - ti I t. •a i , rentr.l rentlt, tit
it ill Mr In.: ic) . ,4 (;L:40.:11kr:11 ,11 If
Tip, ;vll l ,l • iv.' Tilly 111 , 111.`
I.q . ni lili4 ri "" , Cr ,11,1,1 ',f
.1t1;i1t101 . ,: Il in etl , c , rtr , h i -.•i
lirough trZ i •. f
.! • f.:1.1 , 11 , -. a 111 !Ill:I:CA.! a.l l .1 ir.l,t 11 1! 1 , -
(Varl. , : , I V.1./14, h . !
with 11s11 I. I
A 1:s • 1/11 , .1i.
05( . 1 - k 111.1111.1 OW
h k 1 . 0 ,• 11. t. O t'l
I 'l_ll it 1. , licit is well f•S
:i! ‘ y. 11 hi 01.126 t J in 111 .
!Very i.l IISI ill Ii Wilt , rtol, i:I/it.1.. Cli":11:li:• • 1).•
• svi:ll th 2 u•vi ;II
n•~+1 i.i:i.~i:~~ ~.~.~ru. • 0. ~a ~riY nuga;c ~'u:nnt~~,i .. ~~all
IP I 'II •.: Cl' • , :!I aPri
rrl • 4.PPIC •ind a. it s..io fur-
Sk lIPI tiP•I.PII,II Sip•W 411111:It is 11t CP ., •ary
pn.t!ri, to • c thcir tS,,, c:.•nr !
alit 1.,t• Ipllpi to r
tin crekilt It Cotilajo. rt
tvh Cr') I s •.I lilt Lr
.r u ,
Lt . !'
• i• 11711 ''1 ,, t71 ',lt the Se , ,111:1 tl , l tI
OW :ante
ran d fr
• ;1 , 1,1 ‘1!) , rt,,n4 itil Whi
1/rii:lllrV flir.,‘,ll tlt. r , and q!
it still 1•11;111:V I h'•?11 th ,
fro IA- fitly i
till• ror11112: olf it, I I'' 1.1 0 1
it will It lef-t 1.1111i.:11 with iisEirimi
111 hr f - sii r:sijc,ted j!,
S liA 80.
Clir I
I ant pit,—,l rtt 011,1*Ve that 2.021 Iriet• 410(.21111111...a
1.. alai.. Lao yo..r rohlro.l4 e.thuthit...l to a•t
the proton-ions of any or all of the candidates for the
U~•nr,erattc Iwininatitm for their prop.-t
light before the poh;ie. And I trust you will permit
me to treita,..4 11:1 eout 6111 V ILIA Space for a little, in
orlrr to (.111 t h e attention of toy tiernoeratic
eitiZrns to till' claims Or lII,' f Imt. ALtN , )LD PLUM:in,
01 . tliat 11,111111!1160n.
Mr. I ' LL MER11:1-. 1101 sui g6t publicfucor
that ii) 11,1111c:11 pr o notiuo , the
Bar, I cannot claim for him fuien,io. dioinc:imi, oor
point to uuc tt iumply: of his in the line of long-winded
toi, in my of which are mere 101,1
nothing." "I . lie m tjority, in fact ne , irly
mi. of those ‘vlio,e name. Ictve b , ell mentioned for
the olive of (lo‘ernor aro of the lezal
Mr. l'i.t.-311:tt conies before the people, a plain
mn, who-a. imer2:.• and halo-try are un , mpa , sed,
with a... 1 ta:ei.t. rind .pialificAtions
it noiliim; by comparison with thnsr of
aey of his emrirtitors. ~ n atal (lemma:on.-
prinelides, his bin and ;ietive service in the party atJd
his firm acrd eon:istent cows, in Conzeoss. atrorrl
doithied tez‘tirnony. If to till this we supei add the fact
tlrit he resides in a roust , : ,vhos, devot ion to the Ih•nto
,r (in: , has been onwasa r:liz,throti.ol every fortiew,
aa.l in a F•ecti ut of ti, State which has hitherto never
third a e.oatullt, far the otiict , of Go, etuor.
claims will tit mice t) voted r,sra.,tabh.,
and eatiriqv worthy the intention of the I)ern..rtatie
Convention. if he %mill permit his name to be used is
connection with the nomination.
young genteel loo!sing man and Ilk arrived
York from New Or:eans, via. Philatierhia on
OVOIIIII2 ; and at The Etir,,pean
110(.1. end _About I I •. ' llit,r!!: on Wetine,-
day. wh I , - his will, was in the morn, the man cot
throat with a razor. The win , screamed for as-i—
-tance and a physician was sent for who sewki up his
w.Atial and pronouace.l it nut dantterow. "'rite doc
tor's hack, however, wtu hardly turned, when the man
seized his wounded throat with both hands. tore away
the sewing and plasters, and rendered the incision
mote wide apparetttly fatal. The blood was with
ticnity stopped, and a litter cent for, in which he was
to 1110 IL/Spit:ll, there he died in the course of
evening. His name is L. Mettemnble, and he is said
to have been a Frenchman by birth. lie .Roved hint
rlf carefully pre%inis to committing the fatal
act, and cut iris throat while the mor still remained
in Iris hand. nis wife is an extremely interrstiag
young WO:11111), 1111(1 appear: Cu 111./11111 deeply his Me
landwly den th.—.V. F. Ernress.
Ti:t The Alexandria Gazette of Thursday, has the
"It came out in the course of the trial of Bladen, be
fore the criminal court, yesterday, that when the prop
osition was made to rub Arlington, and the Washing
ton plate of, tho , e c o ncerne d, mroo:r 0 ) , ob
jected to stealing that, on the ground that the whole
United States would then Ire interested in discovering
and convicting the thieves."
Larva. DiviDENta—The Tremont Laurance Com
pany of Boston have dared a semi-annual dividend
of ttefnoy rer cent., rtyahle on dwolci.
Tug N r.era.iis.—A writcr itie. Isti;mtimhir otifitt WONDEZPVL PRODIGY. •
Iherrtneratic..lleview th.us . foreiblyiltuncriles that iittu- 11E 01110 GIANTESS
liar class 04ipeds, v ck'pt .pUlitilial - "netitrals." :The T has arrived iu our eity,on
.. , ' -r way south, to remain a few
picturo is titte and well d rawn : ' ; = . ~
Is only, fir Exhibition at
" Your neutral man in polities is just the persists Ir. Fickeison's Hall, back of
.. .
upon whom the contempt of mankind may h e h ea p e a be old Court House, near the
without the fear of injustice; the saliva of an honest, tarket; the little child is only
free-tlvitightecl citizen in too precious an ointment to ight years old, and weie•
bestow upon him: he is good for nothing and deseri- 10 lbs., her height is 4 eet
ing of nothing; the Greeks of old were not mistaken in inrhes, ard measures 5 feet
&riving from his ease the word •Idi.t;' and yet such -ound the shoulders, perfectly
people go about the very pictures of complaieen , y, and talthy and active, intellect
glorying in their name, boast that they urn no patty- rod, and very playful t ind free
men. They may see rogues in high places, the wicked t _.„,21-2., and nothing disgusting in
flourishing like a green hay-tree, and honesty and pub. her manners. She has been visited by thousands in
lie virtue chilled to death in his shadow, but they are New York and Boston, and by them pronounced the'.
urinio‘ed by the saddening . <peer:tele, because they are ' i greatestcuriosityin the world. Hours of Exhibition.
no party-men." . 1 from 9 A. M., till se. 3c. admission 14 cents.
I nov 27
Captain Whipple of the hrtrk Coosa, arrived yester
a.ty, I-ft at Rio Oct. 10th, U. S. ships John Adams
Capt. Conover, just nrrtved from the La Platte, and
St. Louis. Cools, for the Ea.( Indies. to sail soon. The
Fl:tz sh:p Columbus, Com. Turner, sailed Bth fur Mon
Captain Conover, of the_ .John Ad:mit, informed
Cnotain Whipple that the British Government had in
_t n:n. , :lore Parris to re4p4. - •ct the blockade of
ideo. The friendly treaty tl at the Brazilian
mini , tor Irt-1 made with !dont:with.° had been rejected
by Or- Emperor.
1: ill" Princes; Donna Januari nas Ding clangernu4y .
ill, not it%nerted to live. which caused a very great ex-.
citernent among tirti peoplc.—N. Y. Expr t as.
SQ CAW KiNo.—Coptain Lewiv, one of the Quoddy
tribe of Indinns, who hO.l n great dislike ni well ns fear
of the Blue Noses, was sometime since overin the,
Q oe f m ' s d o minions, when be got eirscidially corned.
:IA said veldry evil things about her MAJESTY; for
w stick offence, out of joke, s•nno of the `'biter sort"
held a mock court, and sentenced him to be shut op in
old hovel for the. night. which by mistook for a goal.
It, tho mocniag following, 011 e of the citizens happening
hear of the joke, went over, let him out, and took
hill 1.3,7% to the American side; after they had got f
Iv over on to the Yankee :oil, Lowly turned to his lib
m'or. "Me stir now, krothert" "All safe now."
•'Sarlin hr.ither?" "Sortie." Den dawn up squay.
culasT I A NS.
We hi•g- Ortieillar attention of Christians of
eviiry class to the details of persecution given in the
ei.tr ori from u letter which we subjoin. and which is
in a letter received from Pnris by the Rev,
o'Conne:l. lion. Sect etary of the Society for the
Piiipagrition of the Faith:—"On the :2Gth of Muy
last. the Ri•v. Mr. Libois, Procurator of the Foreign
Mission at Nlacao, wrote to his loriGhip the Bishop of
reryived yesterday very sod intelli
its-ton to coatinnaicate to your
Dr. Cie;tro. the Admiuisitrator Apostolic of
amionneed to m • that, according to the infor
inatioa riPaelied hen in Jniinarv. 1313. his
Dr. and Chustan and Man
ibun. were l'tel.aded in toe month of September,
e , -nry. Christian. , were also beheaded. and a hun-
Irii aa•! •itianOed. There are no other
ietails. P.-tor missioa of Corpa! It in a very tern
d. May holy will of God be dune! In
tur.t ail is tra ':, lail is regard to retigion."—Dublin
s,‘ain-a narn,i .T•tmc.. 13rnn , tt mid William
l....tbnizinc to the ,chanter 'Harp, Captain
o~n, late fl , lll South Am.lic.t, were on Wedneri
d arc -itecl in N. Turk. and hrouzia before the U. S.
.`d ,r , !r .1, ch.tr2e.l tit mutiny during, thr voytoze In
't The state 3 that after he had sail
, 1 from Pam, and ..ran in the latitude of St Thomas,
...e u 1 Or• crew info: a'd I,im 'lca there wan a ronspir
-I.l'Z, I/1 , lii aNd turn of hi- , mate, anti ma'.io way
th the vessel. it first he paid no attention to the
Let directed UP` Irlarl to keep a 1,,,01c cut.—
Not !II Joy d tic,r '
art • In. informant stated to him
h.tt the t i-inkwrril I tali , plus., tit it ui:ht, anti that it
.11 I Ft .t a , •t promptly. it xi oniti lw trot late. The
and matt• wont 11.10 ti n • fioreeastle. seized tho‘e
nen, .tr,A ehm , red them wi , ll 1.1 , V had Beard. hut
•,‘ ',Hell they The otilert then ached them to
doliv-r tip their hue Ittly.
, curt, avd littice , tharietted at lyttli sides
.1...1.11t the en.l, tittind in Or. titrecra4le. The mite
It td been a•t in the riY. - zi A.; a Illy or tw.• before anti aaw
tilt it tv i lit shnrft•ui:d So thew. In
4.tr i e of en^ rnen a pi:tol wit.; found.
and ;nun , I. and a tornber of hullets were lotted
t , ; i,^ of ilonnott. They tayro Inum•,liateic
;,11! 1:I 01'11 OCeurrocl to the captain at-Amite
0,11 111.‘y !1.1.1 heell t aken With severe pain zinc; %,tniting
•/•'1.1• ! day: hence, ter,l on tinestio..
4:t 'pi Ile r coiltyto..l irtving seen is the cot- •
ih :pock=. frit 11.- thought
p irtie.dar rth,mt it. and threw it away. One ,
lie ~.anon ie n Portug.ues. , , but shipped as an Arr. ;
,rienn sc.:mum. < They were both committott t" the'
Tomb, Phila. Sp. Times.
Western University Lectures.
The 4-, oe:1 Leettee ol coor,c NN 11 In: di livered
•- Thr the reign of Alfred,"
Rev GI•ot 4,s V pfoid. D 1).
N. B. 'rickets for the while course, admitting a
ilk ntlctnatt and Lady, $l:,0; Single Lectures 25 . cents;
to be hied at the hook store of C II Kay & Co.. the
Method ir.t book store; at the Periodical publication of
fices of W Cook and .I II Foster, and of the Janitor
at the door.
Th,, HAI will bo open nt 6. o'clock, and the Lec
tort, will commence at 7. o'clock precisely.
Allegheny County T. A. Association
A quarterly meeting of the Allegheny County Total
' , Ono Menne A:o.ociation will be held on the f2d Friday,
(3th Dvevrillier) ut 11 o'clock, A.M., in 'Elands'
church, near Perry6ville.
UST RECEIVED, 30 bbli best a : round Carnwootl,
J at tho drug store of JON. KIDD,
71‘.13 corner 4th and Wood streets.
1J I , I I S pure Balsam Copaiva. ju+t reneived at
. 9 k l the dreg store of JON. KIDD,
corner 4th and Wool streets.
W A S_ . l os t t n u -to t Sunday iinr
,tint of to mov :col a low p,pors of small importance.
.\nv person roturni:!g it to this office, or. Harris' Intel
li,tme Mira, will be liberally rewarded.
1_7:'.. , "T received, a further supply of delicacies,arnong
ti which may be found the dlowing, articles:
Preserved pine apples, Lob.sters, (in I lb. cans).
do quinces, do (" 2 " do )
do penclies, . Halibut, (" 2 " do )
do pears., Salmon, (" " do )
do Canton ginger. Sardines,( genuine )
Damsons, Peaches,
Gages, Strawberries.
Mti4Roorn catsup, repperA,
Lime juice, Red cabbage,
French olives. Mangoes,
Pepper stI , ICe, Gerkius,
African cayebne, Mired. &c, &c,
‘Yhite nth.tftrcl seed, in balf'gatlii. and qt. 3.
You are respectfully invited to call and examine the
übnrear;icles. LLOYD & CO,
n 27 140, Liberty street.
Quilts, Comforts, &c.
ALA RUE assortment of Quilts and Comforts,
suitable fur families, steamboats, &c., made ve
ry warm and first rate for this season, for sale low for
cash. WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer,
n25-1w corner of Wood and Water streets.
By order
Seeretan to the Ex. Com
Pocket Book Lost.
More Good Things.
Public Sale of Real Estate..
THE uudersigued will olTer at public sale, on the
premises, about 30 Acrcs of Ground, in the bo
rough of Birmingham, on Thursday, the 30th instant.
at 10 o'clock, A M.
It is laid off into Lcts of 21 by 100 feet, for build
ing purposes, and 96 by 390 feet on the ricer far man
ufacturing purpose..
If nut soki in a laxly, the . lots will be offered sepa
rately. It is useless to review the important adremta
ges property possesses. The principal portion Of
it will be sold at furthest in a few years,•and will,
tkulitiess, he yearly increased in value by the erection
of buildings and manufactories, and offers the best op
portunity for investment and improvements, all, the
dwelling houses in the town being occupied. as soon en
complei ed. Terms at sale. NEVILLE 8 CRAIG,
n27—ts Committee of Mrs Sidney Gregg
AyA STE D, fifteen hundred dollars, to be secured
by niort , rage nn real estate, nnenctnithered,
nrth $7OOO. Apltty , ax Egolfand Foatet 'a Real Es
tate Ayency, next dour to the Post Office, Third street.
Notice to Contractors.
EALED proposals will be received at the office of
the 'Monongahela Navigation Co npany, nearly
oppo.ite the rot o:lice, until 3 o'clock P M of Sntur
dtty, the 23,1 December next, for - building Locks and
l)ains Nos 3 and 4, and for rrigiirin..,c , Dams Nos land
2; also, for building four BriclfLock Houses. -
Plans and spctitiicatioos.will be exhibited at the of
lice one week previtius to die lettring.
1124-1 m
from Cincinnati, 60 vu is. of N0.,132 of the Amer
ican. Pioneer, a monthly periodic devoted to the
truth and andiostice of American History, embracing
the Indian and general ILi story of our country from the
earliest times, for stile at the annual•publication price,
free of postage. ISAAC lIARRIS, Agent
iiiiv23. a.-id Corn. Mercl.er, No. 9. Fifth It.
F'"SALE low G , rcasherapproved exchange. 12
zrctit gross of matches, 20 down AlleglienYcity
af..rs, 100 suspender and shirt button.), 300 do
ali sizes window glass, 12 imunascottan boss, 1000
,luut'•raugers, tin ware, coffee mills, looking glasses.
1,011 and picket knives, scissors, 3000 English quills,
'2O ,I,,zen rod, black a - 1),1 blue ink, pencils, pens, school
hool)s, writing and letter paper, hooks and stationary.
ISAAC 11 ARRI.S, Ag't and Com. Nferch't,
1.22 No 9, sth street.
St. Peter's Church at Rome.
LARGE PAINTING cf this Wei:wild Temple
r Kilt be exhibited for a short time at IBA!, ts's
L iNG Ropm, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of
this Picture, Bishop England gate the highest eulo
,.:inm in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th 'January, 1836.
It i: o n its way to New Orleans, together with JO other
which are now open to the public.
Admittance '25 cents; tickers for ;Ise son 50 cents;
cliililrenlialf prier. COOKE.
7„: 7 7'Open daily front 9 A. M till # .M. and alga
from 6 6119 in the eVt.filt)ff•
N. 13. The It(v. - "derg7:- - lr all denceriirratimew 811111
reTectfully iflVill.a, free of ellarge. 03.
\f. E.GOI F
Western Real Estate Agency,
Thin] st., uext door to the Prrst Officr, Pittsburgh, Pa
°'3 Agency fur the parehnEe and sok of Real ts
tato, renting !louses; collections, &c, X.c. Terms
nxlerute. Iteferences given on application at .the
" 4 ' '.. F 's i l n :z N :ri e ti n ot ' Le e Part strong eiving— and green,
pligt.: . 1" 11 and G P Tens,
21 boxes Ross:el & Robinsun's s's 'fulness,
10 " Burton's 51,
10 " Thompson's B's
5 " Robini.on's 16's ''!•
10 " 12's "
5 " superiorpound lump
100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisin*,
2000 lbs Loaf Sugar,
20 boxes Nu land 2 mustard,
50 " No 4 chocolate,
25 " ground pepper,
10 kegs " ginger,
5 " " allspice,
5 boxes cocoa,
5 " Rice flour,
2000 Ibe Oak Tanned Sole Leather,
1000 yards ti w linen,
5 bales hops,
All of which they offer, with a general ass ortmeat of
groceries, dye stuffs and Pittsburgh manufactured
goods, on liberal terms. nl7
~g g inn. No. 13, Fifth street, between Market and
Wood, and earner of Sixth and Grant - stir
f.f.o . . A T& H. WALKER feel grateful to ths
. public for the liberal patronage bestow
ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now
manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very SII•
perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neutriap and every
oilier description of Ilats. Also, a variety cf cloth,
scalett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the ve
ry lowest prices. As no part of their matinfactute is
done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand,
they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as be
ing superior and more durable than those generally of
feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can
be supplied upon equally as low. terms as in the Eau
ern Markets.
023-3 m.
THE sti , scribers respectfully inform their fries is
aria the public that they have commenced the
At No. 20, Wood street, two doors' from the corner of
Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWARD & Co.,
where they will be prepared to supply all those who
may favor them with their orders, with groceries and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, on terms which can
not fail to give satisfaction,
n 1. —4l & w 1 in
Two New and Fir st Rate Stcam Engines.
ONE is 20 horde power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4
foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers.
The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder,
3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 bullet
in diametet. These engines are made of the best me
tennis and in the most substantial manner, and will be
sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time
nB-tf H. DEVINE, LI. States Line.
P. 5 , }744:1;4: CI grit eiri , * l.7jl,lel:.; a
T"Epartnership heretofore existing between F. A.
Fre they and G: G. Freihey having been dissolv
ed by mutual consent on the Ist instant, the busirsass
will be conducted in future by F. A. Frethey, who is
fully authorized to souk all the partnership concerns.
He respecifully asks for the continuation of the pa.
tramp of friends and the public generally. r.T—lm
I.& 11. WALKER.