Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 27, 1843, Image 1

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    .~~~~~' ~
L.. 11...1Y0. 64 .
TllOlll/18 PLULL/PS & war. U. small
N. W. corner of
.Wood and Fifth Streets.
TERMS.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
Sinkcopies Two (..:Ettra—for sale at the counter of
t be ();Tice, and by News Boys.
The Weekly .11ffercary and Manufacturer
1 a pithlisised at the same Mike, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
e* copies, SIN CENTS.
One insertion, ' . $0 50 One month, $5 90
Twe do., •' ' 075 Two do., 600
Thrtro d 0.,: 200 l Threedo., 700
One week, • 1 50 Four do., it 00
Two dot, .
Thr,.. year,
do., 4 00 0ne.15 00
One Square. Taw Squares. •
Si* inonthg, $lB 00 Six months, $23 00
Ciao year, 25' 00 One year, 35 00 .
M'Larger mivertisements in proportion.
.:LarCARDS of four lines Stx DOLLARS a year.
Public Offices, &c.
City Pole Office, Third between Market and IVood
streets—R...sl:. ttilW Postmaster.
: • Casten Haute, Water, 4th door from Word
buildings*Major John Willock, Collector.
Oily Treasury, W0.).1, )..teioe,7l First and 6%.•cond
&meets—damns A. Bartram, Treasurer.
Ciandgi Treasury. Third street, next door to the
Third Presbyterian ChurchS. R. Jo:In:too, Traalu•
Mayor's Office, Fourth, bebvoen Market and Wood
etc.:eta—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Meithiiat's•Excitairge, Fourth near Market at.
BAN . IcS.
•PittrintrgA, between Market and Wood stn-ets on
Third find Fourth streets..
~- a littrataints'aadMesaufaetur ers' and _Farmers' De
prjsit Bank, (form.3rly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
W jad and Mitket streets.
Exatange, Fifth st. near Wood.
1 1 19nonaiela House, Water street, near the
bridge. "
Ex flange Motel, corner of Penn and St. Clair.
Are r.c.ises' HP.la, corner of Third and Wood.
4 4 rizanifotei,cornerefThirda n d Smithfield.
/.7aitecl &Wes, corner ofTe.an et. and Caaal.
Sprca3 Eagle, Libsrty stret, near seventh.
Afiaer'a sllsnsion Huse, Liberty St., opposite
Mszn.don House, Penn St., opposite
, I mportant to 0 - mayors of S Mills.
tV1,..) - Ji.' lI'S Setteri, fur saw mills,
1,7 W iic i hive &con su fully [este , ' in liff'rz.nt
of' th 4 J itcd States, as well as in the cities of Pitts
-1.14.412 asl Allegliaav, can b^ illo/1 1:1 0i) . •1'411 1:1 at a
n.:±tbfr or milli ia fCris a:l;4l4OmA, vit.: at r.
oa siir:•et; at 81/Wal 1:1 & Ch1:110.•
adr.s's mils. heir Lk. n raper A11.gh,..r.y lwikl , ,;(•, aid
The a.')..w..1:11. nut m I,c' can be , ibtained at W. W,
0:1 Liberty street, ne ti.
wirm-2, it is a•.l where ti, , ;n t.:ll'm.! wiil he
iC.. 4 pteanstaintly on hanli. Apply Lu B. F. Sayi
W. W. Wallaoe
Evins'Chzustomile Pills
A BitALINAI CLEMEH, rriitling, at 6;, Afott
Sew York, IV :IS afflicted with I)y.spt.psin
is its ,tnlotagrra , :awd furor. The Ayniptunii were vi
iikiatioteatleh'er cJitivede is,rou s; lt.
tta,irtbara,pa,in in tlt chest anti stuniteli ;Cways after
idnp.tireci appe:itc, sensation of sinking at the
staan.th, tarred tuutrue, nauara, with frequent vomit
iag4, clitiaWeei4 towards night and re4tlo=garm.. Tfic,e
n c?ntian id upward...4f a twAvem.)lith, when, on
c•l3ulting Dr. Wm. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and
submitting to his ever stvcessful and agreeable mode
of treatment, the. pati2mt Wll3 completely restored to
health in the short space of one month, and grateful for
tit incalculable b 'merit derived, gladly came forward
a la voluntoetxd the above statement For sale, whole
sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10-y . Nu. 20, Wool street, below Second.
Peasa's Hoarlmind Candy.
rri LITTLE has received this day from New York,
I afresh supply of the above celebrated cure fur
C oughs, Colds and Consumptions; arid is ready to sip
euttJatlrs at wiwlcsale or retail, at his Medical
Agency, 26 Fourth st. nov 12
.t ter Bargains than ever, at the 2hree Big
r Hi: subscriber n•Juld r..spcctfully inform his CUs-
.1 tom -rs atul the publiegenerally, that notwithstad
isg tlr3 u ipreeecleated sales at the Threo Big Doors,
during the present ,;e:13011; he has still on hand the lax
gat- and most varied assortment of elegant CLO
• HING that can be bought west of the mountains.—
The public may rest assured that all articles oirereil at
his sauce aremaufacaured from FRESH GOODS, pur.
chased in tha Eastern markets this spring and made in
is gsfiasuarhy .Pitt.tobargh worlrmen.
..In,consequence of the multiplication of slop s h o p s i t ,
qur city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty,
east off garments of I,rmer seasons, from die eastern
slei the public shoald'be cautious to ascertain the char
. •
acter of the establishments in which they are invited to
tiurchase, before they part with their mo.ley. The arti
stes catered at se% oral of the concerns in this city, are
Ahe in:re offals of New York end l'hiludelphiu slop
'ihopa4nd'sent out here tobe palmed off on the l'itts
burgh public. Parzhasers she. 'd bo Oil their guard a
*airist these impositions, and they tr.:y rely on the fact
stltatimestablishment that advertises eastern made Clo
"thing, 'can give as gond an article or as ad vantagenus
- bargains as can be had at the "Three Big Dt)ots."
.hc public will please remember that all the subAcri
b't;r'S p e•trm -4tsare made infkisei!y, by rom,ictent work
tstild not gathered up like th e goods now o fr i , r ,,,i by
tlia:Thir4Ls of passa,;e" from th.. ;ind patches of
eastern slop shop'. It
will always 1) , his endeavor to
aitnizitain the reputation that the "These Big Doors"
ham obtained. for furnishing 4 superior style of CLO
TISING in very respect, and at prices below those of
any other establishment.
. —He would again return his thanks. to his friends and
. the public for ibie. unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon hit estahlislartent, nud believing that they have
:found. it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
-repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase.
Clothing of every description at 4.110 lowest price,to call
at Nal 15'1, LIBERTY Sr. JOIIN :11'CLOSliEY.
r4Plll)gerve Metal Plate in the pavement. ap
Look at This.
1-wE attention of those who Itave been some wh. ,
• - leKptie.o.l" inleferehce to the numerous certih
cdkidt inhlished in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound
Sleep of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
linknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
meted to the following certificate, the writer of which
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
1 s known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent., Mr. J. KIRBY . .
I hose used Dr. S waynes Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry' for a Cough, with which I have been severely
11111114t4 foeabout four mouths, a n d I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I
• %sae been able to procure. ItcotnposesaU unoasinesi,
- and %wawa(' with my diet,—and maintains a regular
P ,iprid good appetite. I elan sincerely mcommend it tostll
• others similarly aißicied. .1. Minxicl4 Borough of
March 9,18!0. Charnbersburgh.
For sale by WILLIAM THORN,
No. 33 Market street.
Pitbbur . gl)...4*n : ibtt .. .goot
r'' 4-•
Magistrate's Blanks,
For pmeeedingi in attachment under the late have, f,
'tale at this office. _ ly :2.'i
Dr. S. H. Holmes,
Office in Second ittlyt, next door to Mulvativ ..C•
I Van.hoo , r. sets 111-y
Dr. A. W. Patterson, —.—
Office o: Smithfield street, t bird door from the corner o
Office on Fifth street, between IVood and Sinithfieh
streets, Pittsburgh. (lee 10—y
X&. 43, Wood Street,
Ngents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Vara:
Williams &Dilworth,
Wholesale Greeerii, Produce and Commission Ale
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured A
ticles, No. 29, \Vood street. seP 10—y r-
11 7 1tolesale and Retail Dealers in
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 31, Market street, Pittsburgh.
sep 10—y
J. G. & A. GORDON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Water street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y
Commission and Forwarding Mcrchaiits,
No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
rrTatots.—Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per
1001 Commission on purchases and sales, 2A per
cent mart —y
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edtcarl Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and ...Valls
Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh.
sep 10—v
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures.
.nar 17 No. 43, Wood. street l'ittsbar i I .
Continue business at the stand late of M'Candless
Johnson. Every description of work in their line nei 1.•
ly and promptly executed. may B—v
Coleman& Co.,
General Agents, Forwarding and Commission
Mere Ages ,
LereeStreet,Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully 80-
liC k!congignmentE. n V--tf
EL Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Graut street,
nearly opposite the new Cuurt House, nextrooms to J.
D. _Mallon, Esq., first fluor. sep 10
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth street;
Pittsburg;h. sup 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court Iluuze
sep 1() Pittiburgh.
Francis R. Shunk, Attorney at Law,
Fourth streo, abort Wood,
scp 10-1 y Pittiburgh, Pa,
'homers 'Hamilton, Attorney at Law,
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield stc.,
sep .10—y Pi tt 4ntrgh, I'a.
Win. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar
ket and Union streets, up stairs sep to
A. I. Thirboraw, Attorney at Law,
Tenders his professional services to the public. Office
sop 10 on sth st., above Wood. Pittsburgh.
- _ -
Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Office removed from the lhamond t t orne, ',i Row,'
gltady :dde of 4th, but ween Market and Wood its..
sep lU Pittslom4h
N. Buckthaster, Attorney at Law,
Hz; removed hi office to IL•are:' Lcw ;ti
above. Smithfield, Pittsburzh.
George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
Office in Fourth street, near Snhitlllicld, FittAburgh
sep 27—y
Reade Washington, Attorney at Law,
( Miceell'sbuillin;,Grant Atreet,
111)V 5, 18 4'2
John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law,
Office corner of Sznithfield and Fifth VC:2(-i. rittSlJUigh.
made. All lu ines entrusted to his
carp will he promptly attended to.
feb 16—v
Win. IL Austin, Attorney at Law,
'it .1 Pa. Office in Fourth gtreet,opp,,itc Burlsr .
tW"WILLI.I.II E. .kv.ris, N, r, , ke
ion to my unfinished and I n•eommend him
ethe pwronage of me friend,
stp 10—y
Daniel M. Curry, Att3rney at Law,
Fifth street, Wood ;,,,1
lip 3
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
office 0.1 the. , :or:1,1 - of rwirtli ;LA Szn:thfit•lfi
sel) 10
Judson & Planegin, Attorneys at Law,
Satitlif.l.ld.p.::,t- 7th
eratot , •rm,. I'on,:i9ns 1,1'1%
the 1:1;e: art of C.mgrt.- , ob:afoul• Pap,*
Loon; ottlict• prop:in:l I:11c
Zany S. Magraw, Attzrne_.7 at Law,
!la, r •rn uifice h, !I i t• •-,J.•.! • I ril l
ttt• LrtS •
, 01, 10
J. D. Croigh, Attorney at Law,
OffloecornerS!aitlifield and Third t
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
ctntz. t ." ( r ,Irmo
a'tf'llii 1." ,1r ,,1*
.111 1.r. , !;•-:,owtl
, ii r ,,,, rd
in the, r ii ic'+of Iltirrl,tm, unra,(,.,
11 41 , 11
olui Vl% Ile . 11EFE It TO
if el ..11 . f .c.
Dal.: ell I w g .s.
t.thli ,
, •
.lohn .114r7rwr, ra
I). 7'. Mo r yan,
111, !7, 13 13—tf
R. Morrow, Alderman,
Mice north aid-. of Fifth st rect. lota een Wood a
Smithfield, Pittsburgh. scp 10-tt
sixth street
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
Lihrrtv street, a few chNing below St. Clair,
Doctor Daniel McMeal,
in Li 17—y
Bookbinders and Paper Rulers,
Fasing been afflicted for nearly two years, with n
1 hard - swelling on the cap of my knee, ‘vltioli
produced much pain, and used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's
linament. or external remedy.
Witness tny hand, JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10,1840.
Dr. Brunlreth's external remedy or linament; ,old
at 1110 store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 rents per bottle. feb 8.
Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR (.0„,,b!„ colds, Minim al's, ratarrhs, whoopin,
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
disea. , es of the breast and lungs, andarresi appr on a.
ingeozemmption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAIINESTOCK &
s ic 12 Agents for Pit t,thurgh,
William C. Wall, --
Pbtin, ax.l F,rneg Portrait and Picture Frame
No. 37, Fourth .tract, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CANV ASSbruihes,varnish, &c., for art i,qA, ;away.
on hand. Lookinz C4ltts!..os, &c.; prompt fra
mad to order. Ropairing done at the, shortest not ice.
Particular attention paid to regildingaml jobbing of
every de3cription.
l'ersons fitting slainbotits or houses will find it to
their advantage to rail. Rep 10-y -
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
- Iron Ware
No. 17, Fifth street, betrrcen 'Wood and Market.
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicits a. share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand,
the follinvingarticles: shovel,. pokers, tongs. gridirons,
skillets,teakettles, pots, oven s, colfee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hemselves,as he is determined to sell clieupfcrensh or
approved paper. mar 7—tf
raft Painter, Fourth sr., 3d story Burk's Buil
ding. J. Osborne would solicit a caltfrom those who
desire Portraits .Sprimens can be eeensot r 001113
may 5.
• !.
4 1 4,
, .
Q TACY LLOYD, Jr., NVfielesale aud Retail Crro-
L 7 cer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts
burgh. may 20.
L. C. J. D. WICK,
Wholesale, Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
Wood SEICOt, 1 doors abeve Fifth at.,
may 15 Pitisburgh, Pa.
Birmingham & Co.,
‘lll, h
. .
John IL Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Grain. General Forwarding: and Cam
mission 411erchant
I larriAburgt,
WI dispor‘e of all go,,L, seta for Commission
Sale, at the lowest cmTrinli:sicat rates.
I'ki! .—.l. S: \V. Esher, Du sk . ri , li.D. Lerch& (7
Balt i niore—NV . Winn &-ro.IV I lerr,J. Eidcr
rOt—Mielfl Burkr,ll. titt,,.l lioldman
. Idly I—fim.
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers
No. 37, gre , t. rp 10
THC.:ll..t' B. Youy FRA \cis L. YOUNG
Thos. B. Young & Co.
',trnit :11, \Van. lioonl4.ear:u•r„l . I lari,l .treet a.),1 Ex
allr•v. lmr. furniture
ti,rit to their r;". 114 a b,•in4 ful
It ~a ti, 6 e,lll. - iat we e.in a n d pric e .
•••1) 1I)
U. C. 'fl.)‘‘
Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
Market street, between and 3.1 streets,
~,, I 0-v
Exchange Hotel,
Perin and Sal,/ (7,11 r sirects, by
10 :11.•KI1iltiN& SMITH
_ _
PilkingtctesUnrivallcd Blacking,
A r 1:\ t FACT It I:1) sa• I nad eraii
.7 I. '.• Smithrivld,
James Patterson, jr.,
iinlliu:Ar;ll,. near Pitt Pa., r
tiflo,l . r
.f.rr k .. • ". P 10-v
John h i l'Clositcy, Tailor and Clothier,
;1 , 1'7% 0 ..:1 :!1 ,•I • , I
%Pp /I)
Webb Closey's Boot and Shoc Manufactory.
, ~, 1 s.
11 , . ..1.• 'I 1: . ••I rep II)
William 'Doherty.
II ‘i 1.11 \PM 171:1t.e1 , - .‘ •t t
1 1 1 , •t , • •
. 1 , 10-t7,7n.
John Cartwright,
•••,,,i .1' I ~
I. .1:Id I)1.•,.:, +,
Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale.
FA; \V
n.•:o :!..• ir. 1,1. !!!.
ood'l Celebrated Female Pills.
r I 1! I Ar• • to !)n
;, i.i•ii•• • r-itirtly
, omp! - tint. from
11, !IyAteriral anti
tht• 4:1111--
11,1 w.l orrpcohi l t ion of die orniitont Pliysicinn, in
St:itLira.For tia!t•
(.; I, I", ER,S, Azont,
>r I' HI N. Wtttt t i t, lottlow Socottd
Notice to Dr. Brandreth's Agents.
r p }II:
_L the leirpte., of r:mqi:iit in the NVI , t.
hal ill!! ilit•i•Onipli , ll , ll. that tip et. i. r.ote eloAed. and
\ Ir. (I. 11. I.r.E, in Ihr Di inineld, Alarket 4troet,ap
-1112. azent for the of Illy Pill.. and 'Atli-
All Dr. lirouln.llC- thiVfISIV,IIII
- that Dr. B. Will ` , :S , I us trir , S . //inZ agent
hr'011.:11 flit- conntry owe n year 1.” rustler monies for
nrul.• rind re supply az , ic,4. Tho said trarViit`r
st ill h.* prOVidOSI With power of :Li t,,rney, duly proved
H•flusie the Clerk of the city and rtes tyof New York,
o: - .11: , T with all tiw neres4ary ‘ , rueller. and papers.
Mr J.. 1. Yoe i. my trav , .lintr:ufont now in Petirtsyl
nnin. 11 It N Dlt I.:TH, M. D.
N. 11.-1 - I(qnerni,cl, Mr. ( 11. 1,1:E, in the. rear of tho
Mtirket i+ now my only in Pit tAurgh.
.June 14
'OVENIBER 27, 1843.
Cheap for Cash.-17nion Cotton Factory
Shurt Reel Yarn.
Nu. 5 at 15 cts per 11
6 at 15 do
7 at 13 d o
8 at 15 do
9 at 13 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
P` 2 at 15 du
13 at -1G
11 at 17 do
15 at 13 do
17 at t2O 1.11)
18 at ?I do
tr:7 . ..'01 . (1 , r,4 promptly
it/titer's, Logan & Kenn
Circulating and Refcrcnco Library.
religious.hittorical. political and miscellaneous
5v0t1.,,, will be open every lac, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex
rhange !!iildit4-, corner of Sr. Clair street arid F....lt
ch:llTc. aih-; . , where punctual attendance will be given
.1. GUMMI.
Springs and Axles for Carriages,
East,' l'rte• e..
fI: 411‘ , -et ar..l lo ..p constant
k on hand Coneh. C and Lliptir Springs (war
ranted.) .1 uniata iron Axle.. Siker and Bros. plated
Froth,. Bru.: tuul pl iti^d flub Bands, Stump
Jowl:. parent L.-ather, Silk I r and Lamps,
D u ,— 661 s,, m , Matk a bi, !run, Door Handler and
I I itt:••-. ,N,•. /\I:. ,N• 0 /LENIN:N.
<ci, I
0 St. (1.1 i: Nllogltvuy Bridgu.
heaper- an I 1..° 1 , - 1. II:rtn•••in br ha./ at any other
ter,' ci i
Call for Bargains
\T Till; 1:1 4 ;
f y und r ll!: ilt(;rlt
frt....d• rind t r..tt 1•1:1 siock eri
r 4, 1 , 1:.r14t , a Ifirer :t,:41 o ti-.4.11!ne1a
CHM cr hewn nit..r.icci at ...iv is thi• .and
1:1v0f711.1e at hi. s/ IN pill clia.es were
Int.it ii.• i.cr.'li,l,l re' 40/1 itellper dill/ it can
1,• 1 ,1 in , t , t y eeth. r .c.ihrldt•ittn- I i n t hi- city. He
t ,., •t Opt rinlttic lihr
I .;.... , 17 . 11 0 ,11 :ill the art;•-t.. ..1" diet..., rind iniin
. 1. 1'1T• 11111111/ 1:.• , 1, le of WOrktllllll
- 11,• 111 y 1.....prwt• at on.H, all hi< article. rice
.11, t r, eorlidci.! ILO ..i.O Will tiioi it to
al . . to I , l' ;111;,.• ••
...• I.t.t ..\•.:l,men are eta
-41e,111110.011.111./11_ 1.4 - • att..1111...1 to So
„ , r 1,..1
.1. 0:!.• • •t tYi•isinT nt it
I I.• r • !!!n 6 to him friend, and
'II • t !'ke IZ 1'01,11... •,,to‘vill
;T. , •• •base
it tr. ! i •,‘ nh hint. hi• unnki
tt, it .• tmtri/a..•
I s-ryio• I pi lee, 10
.s! N , .. I ", I,
1; ; f•r. :71 . •fin '
~ :Vv I • •avrrn.•nt
P; •f
lon Safes.
I 1 . 4.1 t:.• p. !:;c that 1' hake
.1' ;.
• .•
• .1! ;4•1 1;1100. of Fire
1., !I: the ma
; !, , „, r t. ityt.•it , about
11,111 v •
;sr, my -h, p,
:1! It•••t t. , 11H•
of x. Juno.
:I', I 1).11:.1.11 0.•.y11',1 b 1 thr~ual-
of In:. - have
1,111 vurrha,.... th,
Ili 7,1. 11./ Ile o!,
,nd truth N‘.trrut.t ..,.• the pradir
1!, t sat.', which I in Iwrra
t%.r . -incr I .•,,,nm,• noe d h ave p r ,
%On ,•.1 4 11 the whirl) thvyc,,roain
•,l. 1 ha... u e;,trul Contail;I:1:: ❑ n , m)her of cvrtilicat.,
-.0w., which aro in c•irrulntiuu anrl in my haul.
,11 thi•
.1( )lIN DENNIN(i.
N. It. % •xV Flir SUI , II Spri , r4-- for ...L1,•,1naa..• by
arta %, ill . tiNcrexv
pr,,,,r to punch holt, in halririch iron.
Improved Magnesia Safes,
m.virFAcrultEn BY
Flftlt Street,heheeen Wood and Snotlvidd,
PittAbargh, Pa.
F r sidi:cribers present their re-l u sts to their Da
m/T.(1,4 friends for their termer liberal patron
age, and would take this method ~t asnuring them and
the generally that all future favor.; will be duly
Their articles have been fully tested, of
%Odell siillicient testimony will be given to any inquirer.
Tin! principles of their locks and safes are nut sur.•
parisiid in the Union.
TIo! price nl;4, is considerably le:sened, and will be
!bond a-lolc, if not. below any other responsible house
in tin. Union.
IVe n•uuld take this opportunity of thankirg the va
rian; Gditor: of this city and eliewhere, who have
sptikcti ,tt highly of I.IA and our snti•i.
The public are respectfully invited to examine our
articles before purchasing elsewla•ir, feeling, assured
the supplier-icy of our manufiwthre will be apparent to
all candid spectators.
N. B. Sides can be obtained of any size or shape,
or (ir .wy principle of lock or COI/Si 10n, of the sub
scribers, or of S. Church, Second street, Pittsburgh,
F) IL M . I.,AN Es Sudori fi c Lung Syrup, being a safe
and efFectuzil remedy for Cougs, Catarrhal Fever,
Influenza, Pleurasy, the first of forming stages of Con
sumption, Asthma, Whooping Couch, &c. Some do
zen of certificates of its 'valuable etihets can be pro
duced, one of which is now offered.
This is to certify, that I hail a very severe Cough all
last winter; and was very much reduced. After trying
medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a
bottle of Dr. APLane Lutz Syron; it nave roe relief
immediately, and in two weeks wits able to go out,
and fully believe it to be one of the most - minable med
icines now before the public, for Couch and breast com
'A fresh supply ofthis valuable Cough medicine
j received at the Drug store of • J. KIDD,
oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth ma .
Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty Streets; Pitts
burgh. Agent United States Portableßuat Line.
Dept 9-3 m.
sf/0 itt"igBl.l:Ceee'altsip-aerrndozen
000 at 7. do
700 at 64 do
800 at 5,1 do
000 at 5 do
1000 at 5 do
Candiev, irk at 15 cents per lb
Cont. 11:i rtil42-, 8 clp
!Family do., 12,i do
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cot ton Twine, 2,0 do
Stocking Yarn and Covvr
let Yarn always on hand.
Cotton Warps made to or-
.attoodod to, if left at J & C
f - ,;c4...,0r t hel'o. , t OfEce:addres
K. M001:1 E, & CO.
Pilo Manufactory.
Fr I II: sko. ,, ribe r having comm-nced the manufar
i titre of st Steel Files, frmimlinerican materials
exclusively. umrchants of other persons wanting can be
supplied by him with a bet ter article than the foreign,
and at how, r , vi
IIII11111,4%; to use only the best
quality of File Sti•oh manufactured by the Mer.srs.
r. brOltZllt to a perfection
equal to the best English article, Manufactured for the
rime purpose, the sub , criher has fah oynfaleace that he
will be able, in quality. of article: , and prices, to reatize
t h e h est hopes of the friends American Industry.
Corner of O'Hara Liberty sts.
Horatio P. Young, Cabiact Maker,
(Late ,f the firm of Young 4. 3 1"Cardy)
H AScommenr-ed the ousiness in all its branches at
N.)22, Wood street, between First and Second
tars., where he will keep constantly On hand a good as
sortment of well made FURNITCPE, and hopes, by
strict attention to business, to rneriers continuance of
he patronage of the public.
':very attention willbopaid to furnishing COFFINS,
A Furniture Car for hire. July IL
Ellpholsterer and Cabinet Maker,
Third st., between Wood and Market,
Respertfull informs his friends and the puldir that he
is prepared to execute all orders for sofas. sideboards,
bureaus, chairs, tables, beststands, stands, hnir and
spring mattni,sei+, curtains, carpels; all sorts of uphol
stering work,v, idyll he will Warrant equal to any made
in the city, and on 2e:l—unable terms. sep 10
Matthr -Jr
4cvo Jones, Barber and Bair Dresser,
Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of
fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or
transient customers. Ile solicits a share of public pa
trona ze.
The subscriber having returned from the East with
the latest style of Huts, has now on hand and will con
stnntly keep a large assortment of his own Manufac-7
titre, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap.
Ile3S, cannot he surpassed, and would respectfully in
vite his friends and the public to examine his stock of
Ila ts and Caps, at the Manufactory, No. 73. Wood
Eat and Cap Manufactory.
No. 93 Wood erre', 3 doors briny Diamond Alley
T HE subscriber willkeep Constantly on hand every
variety of the maatfashionabloHAT S and CA rs,
wholesale and retail, at reducedprices.
Persons wishine c ,
to purchase will find it to theirinte
rest togive him a call. S. MOORE.
Pittaburgh,.ang. 29,1843.
gro - and and polished, anvils and other toads of
grin' dinedcme at the Cast Steel File Mamtfisetory, ear
ner of Liberty and O'Hara 'meets. augla
To . 6 Gentlemen of Pittsburgh,
THE .subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and®
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making tusiness in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having, furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. ,To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal
for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his
business. B. KERRIGAN.
may 11.
William Adair, Boot and Shoe Braker,
Liberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield.
jThe subscriber having bought out the®
stock of the tato Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has
conimenc•ed business at the old stand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all ilescriptions, and of the best quality. He
solicits the patronag: of the public and of the craft.
sep 10—y IVM. ADAIR.
David Clark Agl.,
to No. 34 Market street, between Second and
Third streets, where he would he happy to see his
old customers, and all others who fed disposed. to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and
employs the brst of workmen; and as he gives his con
stant per , tinid attention to business, he trusts that he
Ai 11 II deem and receive n fair share of patronage
scp 10
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
/ 'if/4 l'tra rNfrorri Markel.
T YATES intend= to mantirictur,rn
• t..r. article of Ladit.s', Childrtna and
Nlisses. Shos.s, :114 ttell theta cheaper for cush than
they ran I. Loa" ht in tip: city, Ile will keep Constant
lv on hand and make, t.. Stiovs of all
kind% a!),1 colors, at very low prices of thy-following
• •
LadieN . La.:tinz FaxtliGaile•rl3o44s. $1 75
I,, tylioilv Kidor Morocco Gaiters, 1 50
Call.ki:Ilioo l ..
Freo,d Half 071iteri, iille"l.4-A 1 374. 1 374
lie•it kid Rlld .111/1,1•1) hil<l; in, 1 181
Ikeih!.., Soled Siipper.4. (Jeff.) I 124
line Kid Spriti.;.and Turn..., beA Tiul.l. Ott
Sprin!l., henry, 87i
tSlipp, r.,
All merle bore Nlism•s'
the ,11114, pr..114.1-tinn.
L, -- rY"ltetr),lTAPe r the p'.ace. at the sipi of the Rol
N... Fifth
July I
.J. :%1 Y A TES.
(*()FTEE 110FSE,
N. 9 , MAnKETSriti..F.T,
re r - •
( )Y si ItS lad ”ther 11 be serve lh d
Nitne•h: Ov4ter. raw,fried..towed,
11;1 r! IN TH::•/11-:1,1.nt
or rwi , !z .1 :14 th,
.1,;,1 1.. ~iIC.
I •Lq•rtnitittd rlur thi; esMblich
'Le .t Cy, ;••• t!, 0:•1 - 1,1 ) maintuin
"f Iris - I LE, LT
QI( *lts. •11 ;..k 10_ 4 , and such refre4hmetds as [nivel
•r- May ntqUint. twt. 13—Gm.
At th.."l.lsta n d of Young 4. . 1 1'Curdy, No. 43, Se
eon,/ xtre,t, bettre,m 'hod and 3f a , A- e t.
"L") ESI'ECTFULLY inform. the friends of the tate
fine, and dip public Arilierallv. that he is prrpa
red to till all ia:ili•rA for Cabinet tror, of ny
ninth . 1 0 , patell, and warrante k d to '
be equa d l
to mo the cif r.
Evvry ar runt ion 1% ill ho paid to furnil‘hingeOFFTNS
Sce when roApiirvd•
je fi—v
iv 15-\
(1)e tlailp Alorning post
Through life's dark and thorny path,
Its goal the silent tomb,
It yet some spots of sunshine bath,
That smile amidst the gloom.
That friend who weal and wo partakes,
Unchanged whatever his lut,
Who kindly soothes the heart that aches,
Is sure a sunny spot.
The wife who half our burden bears,
And utt4rs net a moan:
iVhose ready hand wipes off our tears,
Unheeded all her own;
Who treasures every kindly v. ord,
Each harsher one forgot,
And carols blithely as a bird—
She's won sunny spot.
The child who life at morn and eve,
In prayer its tiny voice;
Who grieves whenever its parents grieve,
And joys when they rejoice;
In whose bright eye young genius glows
Whose heart without a blot,
Is fresh and pure as summer's rose- s
That child's a sunny spot.
There's yet upon life's weary road,
One spot of brighter glow,
Where sorrow half forgets its load,
And tears no-longer flow:.
Friendship may wither, love decline,
Our child dishonor blot;
But still undlmned that spotvrill shfne--••
Religion lights that spot.
By Alia. S. C. Hall, of Lando*:
Perhaps it proceeds from our having 'lnhabitive•
ness' largely developed that we are led so completely
to sympathize with those who are compelled under
any circumstances to quit their homes. Even if
dating' be premeditated tinder the most pleasant pros•
perts there is .dwayssomething to regretthe discom
fort, the bustle, the leave-taking, are all sod enough,
no matter how brilliant the anticipated (blare may be
--there is something really melancholy in parting pith•
or from a hat has been the abode of joy, or sorrow, for
both equally, in our opinion, endear' ti locality. A
change of residence is always an inconvenience to the
rich, hut to the Irish poor it is frequently only a change
from the misery of a wretched hovel to the exposure
and starvation of the high roods. We witnessed a
harrowing scene of this description which we cannot
easily forget, and it is out which my American readers
will inElyine overdrawn, no matter how we tell the
W e had sent the cattiage on and were proceeding
on firer, a practice which enables us to converse with
the pealtalliry, and increases our enjoyment and infer.
mat ion. it wa s a fine clearevening; the son was sink
i ig behind the richly wooded slopes of this most beau.
titul country; the air was full and balmy; the rail was
c rm.it i alon g the hedges, and the thrush singing those
rich and varied melodies width art can neither imitate
or track. A lane, or as the Irish so prettily call it, a
"holut en" branched off from the high road, and statue
noble old trees had interlaced their arms above it, so
as to form a succession of living Gothic althea, the
most picturesque n-a had ever observed. The elera
ted enclosures of this pretty path were tangled by si_
prolasion of pretty flowers—the purple foxglave with
iis fairy-like cups, and the sparkling leaves and knotty
istings of sly Robin-run-the-hedge, mingled with the
tasseled meadow sweet and broad leaved docks-all
beautiful according to their kind: then them -"ere ocs
casionally breaks amid the branches, through which
the sunlight so bright la-fore its close, darted the most
vivid light , 'howing the sylvan tracery to the best ad-
vantage. It n as altogethe r so exquisite abh of light
and shade that it was net until we bad looked at it for
!mime time that we perceived three little Children hud
dled up together at the stump of an old thont tree, a
few yards down the lane. the oldest, a grown up girl,
tempo' ted a sleeping infant on her kr.eesl the third,
whose costume was us slight as it is possible to fancy,
was crying bitterly, and in his fruitless attempts to dry
his tears, had smeared his face Zwerso as to give it the
appearance of a math. His trouble was of that nature
which in England would be rd/eriated by bread and
butter, and cured by bread and sugar; but the grief
that caused emotion in the eldest girl was altogether
ditferent; it is such as strong women can hardly bear.
Her features were burdened into the expression of dem
pair, and what is more at variance with the first hours
of youth, sullen despair. An old blind dog sat at her
feet w ith his head on her knee, his thick sightless eyes
upturned to her, while she stroked his head tnech ani.
calls., and without uttering a woni.
'Let me go hack, Esscyt let me go back, just for a
minute, and [ won't cry otit: do let me, and I'll be as
good as go/d, I will," said the boy
The girl made no reply. but clutched his shoulder in
her hand, and held him fast.
There was a strong resistance on the boy's part, but
it did not continu e long, for he a, redo to keep still if
she'd 'loose her hold,' which she did, though her band
still remained on his shoulder.
We were so interested in the girl's sorrow that we
endeavored to alleviate it by kind worths, and inquired
if 'any of her people were ill.' Then she burst into
tears, and the hardness which rendered her expression
so painful to look at, relaxed.
- 'Thank you kindly for asking, auly.the trouble ma s ted
is hard on us this evenin't we're mined out; we, that
never let the winter gide run till summer; that f o i
we took out of the bit of land, put double in it, and
did with half feedin' sooner than wrong the earth
that gave us that same. We're turned out this bless
ed evenin' to wanderthe world, or to starve in Navin
—to die away from the light of the heavens, and the
fruit air, and the fields—oh, there's no use in talking,
but my heart will burst open in me if I think of the
cruelty of the world. How can my father lire in a
town %%here there are hundreds of men strong an' able
to work as he? What can be get to do there? If they'd
let us build a sod house by the side of the road itself,
in the place where he's known, he could get work a
mong the neighbors but that 9110111 the look of the court
try, they say! Och hone! sure the starving look of the
poor spoils it worse.'
'l'e 'r crying worse titan me, Elssey, now,' said the
urchin, 'arid you promised mother you'd keep in the
tears: let me go see if she'd crying still.'
'Stay where you are, Jimmy my boy, there's a good
child: mothercan hear it better when she does nut see
Dlo, I could beg the world's bread for her, from
d o or to door, though until this blessed hisur, let us sof
f•r as we would, we never asked charity from mater
mortal: but I could beg, starre(that's easy enough) or
dieter my own darlin mother,. if God leaVes her with
us—but he won't; death was printed in her face this
morning,: she'll die from me: oh, Holy Vargin, brariny
prayer this evenin', if one must go, take me, Holy
Queen of Heaven, and leave her with her husband and
berhelpless children.'
The poor girl sank upon her knees, still pressing
the infant to her heart, and we walked on, deeply tun.
ions to ascertain The truth of F• sad a statement. A
torn in the lane brought us opposite what bad been a
nesting of three or four cottages: the greater number
had been dispossessed of their inmates a few months
before, as WiL-4 evident from the length oftime the walla
had been uncovered. The one farthest off was the
pmeseirt scene of distress. Two men were busied in
unroofing the small dwelling, while two others were
evidently prepared to meet any outbreak on the part
of the law tenant, or big friends. Several of the !suer
wore assembled, but for the moat part seemed ratbar
,bent en consoling than defending. There was
th e
'usual scene of c onfusion, bat it a-as evident that the-