Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 25, 1843, Image 2

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    Sobsequently, it is stated by the Curk lie meter, indissolubly conne l k vv . 're lit Britain, but It is- THE BrAIMS AND SPANISH CUIS.—It IA 3. :. • ni7o
that the fires were In honor of Mr. Smith 0' ' n' s lath ' s. f ur herself
r; fi rm ly an d peaceably, of the batiks of Philsdelimia • p . xla -' ig a . s ': ittablii7
**film froth the Continent, and his accession tot Re- and ate Relive' isetittnia:-
- 1 . t...
. Siki-ai ' inilitts,toth eT , of ~
, , ~4,717,- ,-4.
peel, which was already understood throught!RWlthe - .. ..±. ~f t ,_ - -1) •~11-- , 1, o'(._ ()N. , . _ , t. ,...
~ ". „,„„ illir,,,
. . \Oily'
f. , /: 33 olssf, ue...reoe arlet]) at nue resole rum, an
It appears quite certain that Mr. O'Connell lOti a. - s' - !. parting them oat at elleir curtest vitilt>.. A hlladtch
termined to defend himself, and that his
i sigei4Ott On cer* /nail hart at length been received frorn.:,Bainfiat. ihfis pa' p6-1,,a4,...-itice hity•,l o gottrreastMS to be
this point was communicated to the eotinse lir tbe . de!
fondants, who held a constltation at the residence of lrt left that port on the `l6th of - Auett-4, but by being
driven back hy stress of weether, did not float[ !love that some of the "currency regula tors" am mak
ij.i&• profitable spcculation§,uLt444.strinh,,
M. O'Connell, in Merrlon sqqare, on Thursday last. '
away until the - 7th of Scptember,„l,tseaci4 41,e,va%
_.-.1. 3 4 14 1 44 „ 1144-41,1044K1 in Dublin that Sirttakeepart Path' diia - an the 4th last., before' the arrival of • ' tile Queeti:s - 11C; indeed, we know that private !pans have lityamade ;
Idaitt• — atontiemprates sante comprehensive policy its re.spect to.! steamer (ley . sor; nod wats,itmought on to liffalta by the tn certain individuals wilhoid . laiciesl, On Ct.:edition'
teetiticeit.- . . i
' - I French steamer Lvciirgu,
': - - 1 that they would take Sitanish coin atjna l , and put,
the next steamer from England will probably bring I The - ir ' it,igeri - ce - bY thi:M l ail is not of great tnotnest; --,' 'r• 7 ' . -- r
.., -
Out thit.rlo4( ofahestato pressmen-ions. It i‘ mid, the,
_lh!lnt into c"u'culation. ' tress coMege+istytljfe_pock
antilt has been in part anticipated by the mail.yelliads
shomolufbd tfivrittir I,lllglip s hiii eke,iiernmeni i •r e p tl irter c livasbrought in the 11 indosta n from Calcutta. ets of industrious mechanics, and iitothetirawv-is of.
and chiel' witness, was so hoaxed by the Irish that his o:a na t i--"„za, - , sw i n g . -,ttiv.itnnitsier. mrdke76 par i a ,
s rt 4 a•oa- thati7leftt4 9riltelll have a
note to pay at bank, the same shaving operation Is re
silmithaatia.r..o i , -411 wYtaletv'e `the whole Ortieeetili"gsla i iiii- 1 4.—Tbelhe' mina fiat 13eef aCtiee- - -tifie 18th ult-Was not ' - .
' - .' : ' ' ' ' extensive. tles.trade only trurcbasing-fOr immediate
' -.1 &it filit - rine6tidg in • Conciliation Hall % . ..O r Con- • - '-'-- - • ii - and thus the_ honest people rutty suffer again
,_ _ _ stienstm. prices, consequeu y a shade l o wer. first dell -began thus: -
arrivals-of now of good quality, will meet a tea and again on the same Enuelt of coin, while the bank
"I wish that the first sentence which I - bave to uttet'i,The late tonal' import of Canadian - Pork sells at quo- reaps the benefit of the same."
isrtizia . ;Conciliation Hall, formed now a. ii is hitt; an ...at
4 ~ ..0 135 4 with a lin4ertite „supply of a similar quality
~nmembly, shall be truth, that there is but one way to , ' these rate , may b e maiutalitati,, On t h e 27th ultim o , The follmving is a comparative stahmaent of the
„,o t iatin Repeal of .the Union, and that is hy stl'itliY, a 500 boxes-of Cheese effereslby auction, the greater condition of the Ohio Banks. The statement differs
~- p eaceable means. [Cheers.] • - '—
portion of brisk sold at quatntitals- Fur line nad hut little front Previous returns. There has been n
......- -My sound sentence, and the only one I shall utter well selected a competition, and market for such
, before 1 hand in money, is that the Repent is certain." fi rm. ,
. small increase in the circulation, and a - corresponding
Ioeacening applause. 1
-. ' ' Late imports- of Lard generally offered from quay; increase in the amount of specie on hand. The char
, -Mr. O'Connell has issued thefollowing new address: the bulk found buyers at about preYieUt , rateS, and stoa lON of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati and the
• does not, accumulate: the low price ofTallow, compar•
. • -
13atilt of G-auga exnire:s this sear.
• "brlerrionsquare,",2otb October. ed with last season's rates, operates in keeping, Lard ' ' '
~:'"flteuations have fallen, but than still art young, low; Beef, in bond, U.S. mess 38a485, prime 36n485; -,.: October. . November.
Tbyitar is but rising, whilst others have set;
rtit.eaniticiai 441454 ri-fiii 0 --, :42a4 1 25; - Raitnis".'dtity Loans. Specie. Lonns.• , Specie.
And though -slavery's cloud o'er .thy morning bath
Paid, ewt.2oa3o; Hams, dry-54a935, in salt 134.1.36-c, Lafayette Bk, 303,454 74,822 707,032 :79,718
. I s
Coin'l Bk. 8 60,7 4 0 34,702 341,148 82,046
• buns.
cheese,.47a32. mit1,43a46, Ind 34a40; Lord, pp 37a
. • .0.
The full moon of freedom shall beam round thee yet?'
38, oi'd 34a365,inf2d13 4 -- 13 '
—,, °UAL*, vat/. J
, rB l 6. 4 But _ IS inter 13k, 158.4:30
. 92.039 473,831 113,945
, "Beloved fellow-couutrymen--We nye , engaged in t„', grease 3. 1a355. • -..-- , Xenia Bk, 161,036 56,2:31 16.5,140 '5%016
~,Ille most noble experiment that ever was made by man _
____ • •
Mussillou Bk, 959,2)2 110,626 287,646 1 4 2,311
- 1 , ii,:r . a.tion. the endeayorin; to obtain die restoration of . -
FOR I'ILESIbE.NT, Geo.uga. Bk, 128,893_, 11 816 126,119 11,400
c .pelitical franchises aud tights of which we have been - r „ f , -„,--, - i - - T , ~.--1 -,- ~. , Norwalk Ilh, 134,559 26,661 13223.1 23,110
•• • "
iniquitously dispoiled. and the achieving of that resto- J.A . i., . 1 - 5 U t..., 1 - I.A NAN ci..19-E,
. • ~ 329,28. ti 67,002, .3733 - 15. 82,971
„ration by means purely and entirely peace ible and le- .
, Clinton Bk, 536,111 166-494 576,453 17y,5f3
Subject to the decision of
, Sandusky Bk, 167,763 63,737 /69,613 61.; - ,46
l-. . . .
-,,,,, ..,,,:„.,,,mc•NATIONAI. CON VENTWS.
:: • qT,IIiS is my great experiment. 1 hayed...rim) * and
sees am endeavoring to prevail) the world, that the mural
Combination oldie. people is the most potent means of Total,
peocerin,g .the am;lioration of the institution of any , century.
~ . The achievement of Catholic Emancipation was one
.such prooL The abrogation of the Legislative Union,
by this repeal of the statue 40th George 111., ch. 33,
,rill be the second.. ..
I -, - "We, fellow -count rymemworked out the first part of
oar experiment completely. We have bed some twee
..ty urtobitpt meetings, to detnortstrate the intensity and
-.3ln.ltersality of the desina of the Irish people for the res
• titration of their domostic . parliament. -So many hit
•re beings - -never congregated together for peaceful
,:purposes es have assembled at these meetings. There
*may be a difference as to the amount by 20,000, 50,-
-000, or 100,000;1mi there is no doubt at all that such ,
immense multitudes never assembled befeiv. and that
at least one of them considerably exeeeded '500,009
human sou)s - . , • . -, ,
' This fact is certain—Quit. sonr;.• twenty meetings of
- the lat . :gest unarmed multitudes that ever assembled
were congregated together ,iu ludand during the Just
, .
There is another fart eileitlly.ccrtuiziL—tLat tione of
these meetings did any act however slight, of force,
: r sdolenee, assault, or.breach peace occur.
"Dwell upon this, till generous believers in the ame
lioration of Me human rsce, witereyer you be, througie
out the world. Console yam:wives with the convie- I
gleo th.l.t men could-mess iu oottatless myriad - without
tha slightest violation of peile;.., Of order, of decorum,-of
. ,
s -. "lltare is one additional eleiranteristie of our mul
litudittous Irish meetings, 'that so disposed were the
opeoplii todsvoid :lilacs of force, ‘?r,.!n for individ,m ac
morrytmdirtilmt, that not se much Its a single personal
injury occturect,..• even accidentally. at any of thc..te
meetings. • •
"The experiment was thus complete iu both its
pails,—firstly, in showing the unanimous, universal
`rill of the friSliyieople in latvor of the repeal of the 40th
5.....0rge,',111,c. 38, called the "United Statute:" second
ly, in the proof we give of the perfect order, decorum,
tied perfectly peaceable conduct of the Irish people.,
"Nor was this experiment spoiled by the uncalled
ftir Proclamation directed tosainst the Cioutarf meeting. Sett it it. ASEJNG oar: GKRM AN i.—M'lly of our
03 thecontrazy tli : C,reailY submission ti a proclamation friend's have istenired of tts for inftsettrinitra a. to M.'
Which - ,we deemed and "still deem, Clr,,gal—the perfect Sill."N K'S standing among the Germans of the State.—
. Obedience of the peOple to the advice of their. guides brlleaders—the promptitude with which they ilin-,o , cot"ner that it is first ate.
arined all Lica of - holding th e meeting the very mome n t I The Voice of the Teeple, the best Cieranan demo , -
theieguidesand jetiderslold them they ought or tahan• The
paper hi Schuylkill county, makes the itli /0 V 11.•
lion iithe.,
ingremark. "We diem it our duty to say that we perfect control over every exciting mission
ern! irritating provocation which the Irish have dis-
sincerely believe that three democrats. out of every
v.klityed, and, are displayiug,--have all given practical
froofs ( .6 t lie fullest demo istration, that the lessons.of four in this eounty, are in favor of Mr Sit INK."
petite inculcated by their leaders have been fully un- I The, Easton Corresponcienl, published in Not thorn
deritooa and adopted into the pcipular sentiment; and a leading article for Mr Shook, and
is o u ti n
five become the fixed and enalterable rule of their pill- •
itical Cendudt. I gives a lung sad interesting biography of that gentle
' "Yes, the: proclamation has demoasuuted that the j
man. - -
. .
pirifsh people are too well convinced of the strict pro- The Lehi:Man Denioertit I'll hmittnd the Shoal:
ety of pet:iambi* demeanor, not only to he desirous ,i a.
of, but to be incapable of being provoked into any, even *,,
the slightest fence, violence, or breach of die peace.
_The Centre Bericher ditto.
"Yes, the proclamation has come, to place beyond all : And at home, we have the Pittsiurgh Courier,
doubt, the cheerful alacrity with which the Irish are I conduct e d rich much ability, and warmly advocating
determined to adhere to their glorious sentiment, that
Permanent and useful political changes can be beat ef- t h e nomination of Mr Shenk.
fectotl by peneenble and moral ,
mean?; -
! There are several German papers out for Mr Mt; H.
liticalchturgo can be worth the price of any crime, LISNBEILG, but wo observe that but one of the three
and above all of onesinglillWrop of human blood. German papers printed in Reading, Berks county, is
e - "Shatt Isbe asked, what then is it; I require of the
Irish People. They have honored me with a confi- in f avor of h is illation.
dice mere unlimited than ever was CS7jtstowed before . Mtsstss &PPE E.l.v,cr tos.—The N. Orleans "Tropic"
ley a: - nation on-a single individual. My duty is to ad
rise them with something of a force of that influence . (Whi g ) of the 11th instant gives the returns for Gov
which tdmost resembles a command. , ernor in Adams county, (one of the strongest Whig
.."My advice is two-fold: I advise perseverence in two countie,s in the State,) as fiallows:
different, but essentially connected topics.
' - - - -
"First, foremost; and Clayton, (Whig,)
above all, I advise persever-
enco in peace and order; perseverance in avoiding. Brown, (regalar Democrat,) -
any'Species of riot or violence whatsoeyer, no matter Williams, (irregular Democrat,)
' what the provocation may be, no Matter what the vex- ~'•• The " Tropic" says:
ation, still, Rearm, order, total abstinence of all vio- o
event, r IN --,
I n /Lamson county a repudiator is elected to the
hence. In all and every event, peace, order and ab-
Legislature, but there is a slight gain in favor of the
Stowe Of - violet:cc; and I especially say—whatever be
Whi , s ticket.
this of the Pendieg prosecution--peace, order and ,
.in Clnibente `reality the . rePtirlia ti - dg, tieliet is sup
. no violence. "
Posed te be elected. In Was ren vice versa."
----'- ' 4 ' 'lndeed, this advice is a superfluous precaution, In
every event, I reiterate—peace, order, and no vie-' This is the first time we ever heard of "Harrison" knee.
"The second topic upon which I require perseverance ferson" county, which lies on the Mississippi river,
titr'tle continued exertions in all legal and constitution
al sources left open to procure the Repeal of the Union between Adams and Claiborne counties, th a t oho
Statute. The Rejleal must not be abandoned. On o
Tropic" refers to, as it has heard from the counties
the contrary, every event that is taking place, proves , adjoining it, above and below.
more clearly the absolute necessity of a local Podia- From the Mobile Register, Nov. 13.
Meant. sanctioned by her ;Majesty-, and connected in an .
Thu Mississippi eleelions took plate,' li
ng week: SF r
bond with her British dominiuns by a gold- have no returns except ftum an adjoining county or ,
ea Eindunon6reus link of the crown of our revered Sov- I, two.
cosign Queen Victoria. .
' Perseverance in peace,order, loyalty, and allegiance. i Jackson county gives 146 majority for Brown, (den.)
P6rseverance in the constitutional exertion for obtain- Green county about 30 for Brown; Perry county, 27
ixg the repeal of the obnoxious statute. .
forClavom, (whig.) All these cantles have chosen
"Prosecutions never bemocrat i c representatives.
yet extinguished a great pub- j
liccausa.. 'Prosecutions may or may not retard, but A MEL iSCHOLY CASE or SHOPLIVTINO.—The
they cannot terminate the struggles to obtain arnelior- , Ba rr e, Mass., Gazette suites ; Linn a painful case Of
aced institutions. There were several prosecutions. in shoplifting has just come to light in that town. Mrs.
order to extinguish the struggle for emancipation. Yet I
~.. , . •
emancipmittawas triumphantly carried. There were , tie:7 , i t Smith, a native o f the town, of a respectable
, unnumbered prosecutions to extinguish the cause of r family, the wife of Mr. Josiah Smith. one of the best
Parliamentary reform, yeta large instalment of Parlia- I c iti zens , a member of a church, and a mother—has
reenter" Esf‘ffmnatiQu was Deverthlegg triumphantly'been detected in stealing, daring the last three years ,
ebt:Mised. The proseat prosecutions may be intended ,
al variou s ry .
kinds of el g,oodas - to she arninint of ,se‘feral
to extinguish the cause of Repeat: As well may
spheral boy's nude Ise rued to over potter the thunder j bundled dollars. The forgeries of Wm. Goddard,
of the.ocean waves. Dropping figurative language- I says the Gazette, did not create a deeper sensation
can affirm in firm sobriety and truth, that. the illi us
P en— ( than this.disclo erre. "The developem ant of such no-
should they delay, -pet they canna i
possibly prevent the attainment of-the Irish nation of, mitigate d
. and long continued dishonesty has cast an
their right to adomestic Parliament; but on the son- ! express ion of gleam and surprise over our; little coin
teal, their effect must be to increase the necessity for mun i ty ,”
A. existence of the Irish Legislature; in other words,
for the repeal of the statute of the 40th George 111. c.
-People of Ireland ! be patient—be persevering. Fol
low:oat:the exp.:wit - pent in which we are now engaged
toebteauxon•pslitigil'objeets by peaceable means. h
is a noilleteJtperiment that of political franchises and
- rights' by the use of means . stsictly and- exclusively
peaceable and /eget.
4 144 roluld me in - this noble experiment,' this Or
riotis stniggre. tit , ' not abashed; be not (oh need I
sayftt) be not dismayed. Peace, order, troutrilitY—
dimwit out arms: With titnise we iiievertiin of stte-
C. 0116. •
..,Pere.c% etc; and
_ . -- •
3,349,033 716,1,12 3.944,366 768,027
irilc J a il glarittne k 13,ctst..
Corr. Dep.. Orr. Dep I
-- -- ----- --- '------- -- ---1.-",-- Lsfayetto Bk, 45,513 66 673 2.i.940 99.80:3
I'HILLIPS At sMiTti, lent - Mac AND pimentoLl : ._
Coral Bk, 61,117 107,616 88,801 179',652
PITT:•,I3 - 1. 7 11(311, SA ITRD.II, NOVI.MBLIZ 20 Clin on Bk, 551,998 11,509 530,413 4 . 1.153
----______ - - \ ;orssalk 133., 18 609 .3'3 312 17,109 27 3.39
Dot aTrt't —The kds • ti.' tto paliii,he., a statement Xema Ilk, 171,111 34,315 193.106 4 17,562
front Eh, St. Louis Nev. I: , a, giving a., account of n Circleville Bk, 267,82 . 3 43,322 32,2,362 36.'2.53
Alll,flor..tielirmllßk,s, 498,(19: 46,(121 438,.112 32 , 9!Y.3
planter fiom Virginia v. hut reached th tt eny with 0 .00
I 364.000 33200 365,194 .3°Bll
slaws, on his way• to settle tii Chides comity. MO.—
, Sainbeiks Bk, 19°,411 "9,°49 199,°14 16.713
The account. says that %t hen in Illinois he inforan a G eatt „, Bk ,
14,095 11,312 13 783 10 303
his slaves that they 'sere in a free st ste, and that if any
of ili , m chose to lestro ilit ii th ty c tuld -,la so, but not
,_ ,
one of them availed tnem,tures of the privilege so „
itts i rettat
freely awarded .to llienk It would require a go at
Ll GO's
wiIITORT —0 ie of the most important
erl'lite artermon of Coezress,
amount of eneattittyto take this atm) while. Ilia matt( I which the ,
N7ll be the pa...sage of a lass, to protet t the American
plantm tcrrived,„ta St Lillis with MI Mu hundred .s 1 t‘ ei
citizens who }lase settled tit Oresorm, It oil a. to
t _ ,
—end other /Me stoett.-ets- ref) Linkable, but that he
as ,rt mil \ intik:o4i our r , g,la to the p , NI •earin of
told thew svinle in Illinois, that they were in a het
State anAltthat be tonful anti health }• t mint' \ , It tt known that
terfOr-lbent *wed 1 ° lean' In " t he}
I/1' le, the term, 01 a Conventual rioreind ii ill 1818, with_
4 1 A; '', I lad tha t 4l °." a t han "ma a IvaHtaga -of the crone American nor Er4h.li gin era.n r , t ., a , „s to ~.
uliers is out so yen' probable, and will out be "Ty g . '" l " ar me an absolute ;aid um 'nil 21i rl Jul inhetion
tally bc lies ed without soma further contu a! itioti. The
the country. The follow log ndormatt o n moll 0111
sh o o
lose Ofpor.rmal freedom isnot a pnrimple to be taught, how much the No, 1.10114 01th 4. Cons eramn best. b en
but I,s felt atulde,ired b every human 1) Ig, no mat-
re , po
. ted b:,, the r,„
~ i
la •
ter how deficient they may be -in intellirneo, and we see whether t h is most mini-tin tide sinotre and salt. of
thenifore do not sup that any circa n.tanees o ould
the 1 ends in Orego i ley the British Commander, will
iuduce the slave of a planterto !cruse his tree
timn ,
on oullicient to ass (ikon our govern rant to the 11C(.0411V
Wheneler he might hate no opportunity to obtain it.- '
1-1 h. k 10v, , ,e,1ge of slas ery is not obtaiind from my gl o.-
of at 12111C1' Chllnllllg, tad es.errisiis our i IL Wolf/01111111011
overthan Territory. Tit, iiiiii n t nif inform mum pull
ing' ( 1 " .. . ' 'Put ). " of its ''' . "/ 4 he has a practical k "" - lish d beloy, was brom4lit In Mr. I%lllllm but
ss ho left Willam•.t Fall. in 1I ts last, and 1 , imblished
ledge of all the hardships and suflei nig> of , sum. of
bondage, and any• change would be freely tato in ms , •, ,
in th e , VIITI7IIOI 1 (IP )/0 I .11! 11 , . i 1 it. ;u;,' . ..e the
permnal comf or t chee r f u lly relireplislie I to obtain that , ltt ct that 141.,11. Id !lA , 1 1 tr ati •
ble.sin; most desired l:} es cry liwn r i being-- 1i,,,1 , 4 : ,
He ul4 throe in ,ntii. I'l r , tehlff; 'it 'of " ,44,1
We are thus led to belies.: that it the slaves 'elven_ d t h e xi
on oi ~ inin, and is thellolllol of ire loin,. (and oth
to acted ab is rope-A.110 , d by the New Era, they ant et pipers) to the 1 ni. rote 11111114 tram th • resident.
the g
,of Oregon 11l , ,11k111. ; roe, riiirmt to e tiottl th ,
0 00 of the grentost fools that ever Its ed.
i law, and pirreipruil nee Of the republic ov er that int,•r
- I Air: tenitory. Mi. S. tenet Ow, t 11r11%1111 of emigrant.,
"II till route, which his //1 fore been noticed by us. as
11.0 two so, il'r rpil re • fen id foI 6. gim. De
••ire tl, , or th, k,,to, ~.n. AEI praisers ei--lit•ta , t ‘ —tit tt
the vs], althote;l l not tam d in ft milt% to ours, Yet I.n ,
duce. sure Crops of Is 1, at, la tilt•s arid outs. loitig, Ira.
tt itlt moderate t \pet t Mon, mdtt.ttiute, frugal and
moral, are likely to do tic!!. N, in ;trey, in emulation,
but tr,uly is by barter—iro lass fur the r, rl INA ton of debts,
but debt.; always ittattl. A tonzi is grossing up at the
falls of IVallamet. Dr. Mi Laughlin, the 13111 1 .1, roan.
wander of Fort Vuuromer, claim, the site by tight of
discovery, or as lau‘ l u z 4- stabledad a post them some
year, sump, Lie bas laid out a town, and is now 441.
ling lot, giving deeds, 5.... e. lie wants Amer man citi
zens not tn interfere with 1114 1-111111:$ rho Atn, i min
seult r. are wry much perplexed by his interference
on the south ...ode of the riser. Ihe Wu/linnet fit rrorili
es an immeloio v.. 11,1 power suitable for m trlnuery.
Two grist and ~.tw mills are by thi. woe built at that
place—um owned by Or. Mc L inglilio, who,by means
of• his great wealth, is determined to break down the
Ante'wan ooner, of the other rr ill. The settlers art ,
patient., expecting the United States to protect the
rights of her Own to 112(313 111 her o ,,,, llterritory. IV beat,
%%Inch is the principal crop rose,' fo r sale, is worth
about eight} rent, per bushel . n Fort 1 nucum,.ere This
price is n ud, msiainsey, but in g l io c k it 11014 ran'.
Money w _ pareitaist goods as low Isy IN) is • r,, it
as wheat r skirts. Mr. Sutton is so will - it!,
tied niticitha ntryt, that he designs to return and
spend hiiyithere. If emignints should coinilfl le ill
pass into Dragon for a few years as rapidly n. the,.
have the prifieat year, the.people will soon be abl, to
protect theoursives !nun the rapacity ,of the Brit
Hod oa BiS - liod Ninth.% estern Fur tompany.... The
settlement:h as now a military company well command
ed." - - • •
from the 'Eastern States:as - 4e establish;lng work.: below
Easton, and some seven or eight works on the Morris .
Canal ate about to be put in operation. It is estima
ted that over sixty, thousand tons of anthracite coal
will be consumed in• iron furnaces this year—the
knowledge of which has much increased the price of
that article.
Gitotto . t.A.—A biJihas Deco *rod tic4intatite sn-
Ste of Georgia to divide the Nato into.r.ziogiteisittos
2,135361 .560,942 :2,203.976 5'27,34(1
PENNS YL V A3l► CIIADLT.—The liiiited States
Gazette has the Wowing:
'• It is coafidently asserted by some who have looked
deeply into the matter, that the State of Pennsylvania
will be enabled to resume the payment of the interest
on her debt in August next, mld no extraordinary
damage be sustained by the Public Works, or ditninn
tion in the amount of receipts from the m occur. We
trust sincerely that such may be the case, and the
stain of default be thus expunged "
We have not a doubt but such will be the case.
CINCINNATI.—par dates are to the 21st. Not much
of importance in the papers. Dan Marble was playing
at the National Theatre. The Menagerie is also in
that city, and Shafil.r is astonishing the folks by his
thrilling scenes.
The Seguins were to have given a concert on Thurso
day night laAt.
Charles Stetson has been elected President of the
Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company, in place of
M. T. Williams, rasigneil.
Flour was selliug nt $3,63, inspected, and Whiskey
at 19 cents.
SAINT LSets.—Otte dates are to the 15th. There
was to have been a meeting on the evening of the 15th,
to devise_ m;:a.sures to improve the navigation of thF
Osage River. A convention for the same purpose is
to be holden at. Warsaw next month. The young la
dies of the Presbyterian Church ere to give a Ten
Party on the evening of the 30th. Illinois Bills were
selling at from 43 to 50 per cent. Another Lard Oil
Manufactory has been established.
IMPORTED.-286,700 specio at New Orleans from
Havanna, on the 9th. By this arrival it was ascer
tained that two brigs were wrecked on the Pickle'
Keys, OD the 20th ult. Both vessels, the Ceres and
Ada, with cargoes, a total loos.
BOSTON FIRE 'DE PAR TSIEN T.- - The - aumber of En
gineers in 1842 was 10-7—ntesnbc-rs 539 . engines 13—
leading hose 9762 fee?-4ueti4iiih6se . 370 feet- 7 hese
cruriaFels 18—engines in: charge of volunteer cogspa.
nies .4. The loss of propecty, ; for the Fear. was $90,-
008; the insurance Is as $91,533.
7slli FORLt ner . — The"..more Suu notices a
libe •
l reit that was tried . isles I week ad lirytinnuel Hepbnrn, tlagloif O',e
ral cifeyts of that dist , Hamifipn,
edicskg.,ttrfle Pennsylvilia tctiawn, led Going=
Mattlinn‹ - ilie :WO wed tinthoi -. of :the - alleged libel,
which consisted in caning tdepburrtit scoun.!
:4' 1 4‘key..C.4444,C45al tlas.Zsldowlitgaiugul tsE
,diet- 7 ."W0 (I,l,af,roe that the_ aufeadatits aro guilty
'of political slender or libel; but we do not agree
that they nregailtyafrnorai or religions libel, and
~bo in. dui
case was tried, said the verdict teas iruproperuhat it
puticlso ether *liliz, , Lor.:nat7ggiltya: The ital. thun
went out, and in itJeirt:t#nux s returned a general
verdict or g uilt.. a t s were sentenced to
pay a fine of firt.yiddiSi atitt the cost of prosecu
Altax nJturiouA individual is at
length experiencing some of the friths of hielimpru
dent and reckleas career. We sae it girths" that. he
‘ommenced un Mnsiday last, his two months excur_
.anon tdl3lackweil's Lilantl:laking 'lease .06 %is Wife
and many friends Withdeep apparentfeelil g. A rumor
was prevalent that he attempted to shoot himself, but
sorb wa.: not the Lama. 'Hi& wife took something from
his hand which the bystunderi magnified into a pistol.
bat which it Was afterwards said was Dot such. Ile
told his wife in bidding good bye to take cure of hr.r
-s dr; 'filet 'he did n6t'ivii)vr'fbi - 4.ltdei eVer s 'sce her
Since writing, the above, says the New York Auro
ra, we have been informed that ou the. passage across
the river 10 the island, Mike suddenly sprang: over
board, Ina was caught before heiot out of reach. His
iutintitni was not to escape, but to put !sn end to his life ,
by drowning-.
ease in the Common Ilea in Beaton, Messrs. Hen-
Any', Ward, gr..C.t..nenotnrn4 V. 257 ivtimaitii.tmr
tion firm, fro n which they purchased two cas e s of an
article advertised to be ":11nimila Indigo, of superior
quality," nit which turned out, upon annlysii., to Le? a
compound in which there wan not a panicle of indigo.
t CLAY AND Wr.nsT}:a.—The Bostun says: '•it
it pretty well soult•d that Clay advised Webster to re
main in the cabinet. !hairy was too shrewd for Daniel
that tine., that's a fact." Webster was thus rendered
haptrpelar with the Whigs, and the ling Harms who
had formerly placed their hopei on the old chowder
eater, trateXTred all their atlections to the nest roan
calculated 141 rirry out their di-honest schemes.
this cunning move of the polit'cul earls, Clay's
friends think that 'he holds a first rate brag hand,"
and if that is tut midlitient to Win thetostkocilicy ex
pect to ••bluff" the old "godlike" off by a riTeresee to
hi. , former connection with the administration. This
the in:tuner the whig ganibler6 14// .. 8112 and deal %%id)
I , :ich utter -
The Blcktcoodsnvin published at Brookville, 11:13
br..en disenntinued, mut n now paper culled the Jefer•
gon.iart isus tiers+ issued Oar suum! e,Atal.thslope
rlles-rs.Batut,at S.:. 11.447 'NUS. It is neatly print
ed, and the seh , rl h .Ith and ori;innl matt r e iece tit , to
and jts4Ankrait. IVeobserv,B thus ; the e4itors have run
u i the names (ti Br tll N an Sutßts. We
the Julferlonitin mu> hu‘e
13.snay'3 Inujoi icy in 'Alit - Lig:ol is roltort
t• 1 to hr r 6 Twat /t Wll. 5 5 14. TI 'TV (10-
celits'Jl❑ for u"ncw COMA TV."
FIItIE AI" rac (iFMII,I , I PEN I reN NARY. -1) C! of
"I'l , lllt ro,i.ot fir ,
l'..aittniti:vry at Gat. Five tit'
the 1 , 6* ri , r4 worv+ guilty of b cnarenic.l in it,
th' Ciro in four or fiv , .111 M-tint phnmr at
).1 ;oar I thr , r.xtvut ,ir 'thin isl en
IL tiro Til.! ilia of 1034 ie .tried at $
The ii!oi,a,ml tine to vie uC tarrying ii 0:11. 43.1 !,,-n
miumler for a lase time before it wai
TII E TE R. —The Phi ht 1 Chronicle .new, we
,aw a wen a fewdavc a n , with it Oa bottle wilier los
grill, who nsmiralesl lethionnt Vesuvius—his terntuit
being lii 4 tlte of eruption—l 10.t,5; nine supplying
smoke, and tobacco spittle running down like lava
Ou r opinion, is, that Lu vnes too neat tlt critter to be
TOTIONTO ML:RnER.-11,3 SetaellCe of Cr-ace
Mnrki, nonvirtna with Mcl).!rtnont of the murder nr
Mr. Ki:inoar, has been e . ominitted to imprisonment
for life. Sheolvaia a young girtuf 19.
Mn. H SS I. F. R, late Chinf of tho U. S. Topographical
Corps, died at the Franklin House Philadelphia, tin
last Wednesday evening. Mr. H. was a gentleman of
:Mich .dense and experience hi his profession, and has
performed some important labors for the United
PHILADEI.PHII.-All the prupPry belonging to
the tr. S. Bank of Pennsylvania, was sold in Philndel
phia on Tuesday last.
"thr Criminal Court in prom‘euting a largo number
of persons for selling liquor without licen6e.
Tho San Says that there is nt the present time,
inure shipping, along the front of the city, than there
ha been for any one time this season. The recent
foreign arrivals hnve given a new impulse , to trade.
A short time since the annual subscriptions to
the British and Foreign Bible Society amounted to
abolit £90,000, no less than :C70,000 of which was
actually raised by “penny-a-week" subscriptions.
DlT.—Sumo of the papers hare; it that the
Lion. 'tutus Choate, 11. S. Senator front Mussuelie
seas, will resign upon the assembling of the Massa
cleuiet,te-kgislaterot and that it, is the understanding
that Mr. Webster, is to take his place.. Nuns ‘er
rens, says the Baltimore Sun.
Jfcacrs Phillip 4. S'inillc:—An advertisement ap
pears in your paper "fails morning, headed "Public
Meeting," and signed "Ninny friends of Mr. Arm
strong'," siiying,"we perceive that a public meeting of
Tavern Keepers oldie city is to be held at the hotel
of Mr. .Irmstrong on Saturday next," and that "the
design uf the proposed meetir ' , is supposed to be ton 1-
ranee measures to.suppress-the numerous small catab
lishtnents not provided, as by law required." There
is not a tittle of truth in all this. The, call of the
meetinr , is addressed to all citizens "opposed to ell
special legislation which confers unjust Powers and
' privileges on any of the people's servants. The in
tention of the meeting is to give an expression of public
opinion, and gain to the_pcor man an "equal right to
equal chance" with theTieb; so fur as raw can bo irtarte
to effect necessary iiiiirjua object.. The intention
of the getters up of the meeting not to suppress
either or. small establishments, but to stippress
the petty despotism thtiiVoiart of Quarter Sessions,
,which, most unjustly, granta license to large establish
ments, and Withholdi Ki ease from small establishment s ,
perchance, much more necessary for public accommo:
dation of travelers—prior traiiiers; I menn--than arc
any large and privileged estahlislimenti in the city.`
Your readers not having an oppmsoaity -of seeing the
call for the purposed meeting, calls for theisphi r eniton
of .. tbis comment on die dit pe,tvr-sian of Tact . 4,.
Agnied,by falca frieLds i of r 4 4m8414p,g 7 traise, -be
cause. they fsiblisb — fataetatOds:7
Pittsburgh, 11 mo. 2.lth, 68. JOHN FERRA L.
• ,A,.,„
FIRE IN AIziITVILLE.—W e itio . y tlif i e folld e
esi ' tzi I g . - •
9t T Lfr ir#:::Pe ' Mrll 3 i of " . -$ l 4, - :
i .--
aj) 5 9,OY - LatrE. bo, 12'-.l on
i huli(day ghtlastrbiri` writize orfstroufid th
.itarthag ef,-.' fi re. is T4e„ e Ca t 4. top of-Mr.
t iti4;on Cefitre streeriViriedis?Sverel to Meths cause 1 1-1 .. ,
of the alarm. Upon arriving at the spot we found the I .
flames bursting from every door and window of the tt
l r3.-a------ ARRIVED.
liNnalletree- : • --' 1 •-• .='%7 '''‘''' - 's
-first. otory, atufapparentfy btu little - hope - esiiteit of at'- - '- ' • - 7'P ai 'F''‘'l/Ir! Clarke, ' 1 - • , •
• Bildgra atm., S. b et -: -,
resting their desti uctive progress. In a few minutes,
however, the terrines ,vets upon 'die ground; and the , - Eldorado,- Store, rif Orleans .."! -
brakes manned by strong arms and resolute hearts.
Alpine -Co rg ckburn, Bi§eriusvilleo
A Wells; Si Louis
l- .1
In nairretedililes short space of time the building was 1
, ~.' ' : .i =
' rotideri in darliness, and the fire completely extin- 15E4 1 4.111ED. •S. - guished. ,
'Daily -Beaver Packets
tread chillrun thieugh. the ere
,s, ,
~dike an eleettie
shock ' when - it was 'asCeetarned that a man had been
, wd- .
... Nor i th Queen, MOLehi,Cineitut.tu4,
- seen entering the shop at die first outbreak of the fire oei,t
, r ßri °"tnin'l34lrhsvilledgewater, Clarke, Wheeling .y
-and that he had doubtless fallen a prey to the flames. I '
1 All boats marked thus [.1":1 are proltidiq with
A few citizens, with a torch, entered the building, and i
B Eva i as' Safety Guard, to prevene th e Explettietittfileel& ,..: :
soon discovered theubjeret ef their oat rch in one corner,
r ' rs. _ .5..1. -
hot ribly disfigured antr;tllF in the embrace of death! !
The corpse iva..3 carried out upon the adjoining Canal I "I? ------ -r- , z -A
- . . es Arkiteses Alves: 1 r "
_Bridge, and was found to he the remains of Wm. E. ,
/11HE fast running atesswelytV94-
Burns, a youngmatiof this place, in the employ of Mr. 1 - I . -
i ,...,,,,- , 1- LINE, Ban ww I a wsk,,tltfast
,larnes ii.. Wade. ... .
' + r is
" ter , will depart on orkabout - -tibte "
We.learn from the testimony elicited at the Coro- in.4u,'-t-L-Litije hock, k, Van ""uren, Frailbson26lland
nor's Inquest, that Burns had been on a frolic and was : Fort &Orb; Akkitistas;Q:lagrietKik , TeL an di ngs.
intoxicated when he...entered the sltop. -.,
• , - -- - • ,„ . . e i- For freight or passage applyon bikini or to % 5 - 'sir
BIRNIINGH,OI & CO., No 60, WateestregaLi
Frain' the New York Sun. N. B. Capt. Irwin having commended steamers tut
MAGNIFTCF,NT UND ERTAKING.—GOVEItN- the above River and is well known to the busioals
INIENT ALIVE AT LAsT. -.- i men on the Arkansas, and can be strongly reeesnmerttli
Fall some •miniths past Many inquiries bale been ed to the traveling community and shippers ma agora,
made, and without success, to ascertain the object of safe, business man. useat
the movements toward improvement now going on at ---
Hobo en, a sltert, distance _above the ferryjanding.—
Atthedigh tlieintentirin 'has been to keep the wholeaf
fair entirely concealed, we are gratified at receiving
permission to make it known, in general terms, to our
nunageogs readers.
~ Cinvkremene has for once under
taken thoroughly to test a new invention, without wait
ing for private enterprise to reduce-it to an every day
affair. If nothing occurs to prevent, the citizens of
Now, l'Ork .willstion be presented with e means of de
fence for their harbor, which. being complete in itself,
will render *last useless the present Jitter of forts.—
One of the steam batteries of which we ga ve a de
scription lit the time of its invention, is to b built, and
for that ..purpose a beide' or coffer dam 'i'S• now being
constructer' nt Hoboken, the interior of which is to
be 300 by 1:10 feet. In this basin is to be built a ball
and bomb proof steam Floating Battery, about..6o feet
wide by 200 feet long; propelled on the strew plan,
and capable of being governed with all the case of a
teamboat, %% bile its great speed will he not the least
of its good qualities. Jt is its peculiar coastrisetion,
more tkan strength of build; which Will render it im
pervious alike to cannon ball and bomb shell; the ra
pidity of its movements will enable the commander to
take advantage of any desirable, position. in en ac
timi.- <Tire artnarnene - will lie' herivy, butthe light
draught of water will enable it to approa . eh any desi
rable point withorit difFentlly or danger. When fin
',lied, the coffer dam will be dug away, arid this thing
of life will move out of its clock, not showing the least
Ineurt3 whereby it, mover,-and without is single:person
being seen about it, while in reality a powerful steam
engine is at work within. and hundreds of persons aro
safely concealed there, ready to deal out death-and de
strurtien upon an enemy alongside, or miles off.' The
rose of perfecting this fearful engine of war, a ill
probably exceed three quarters of a million of dollars.
The whole undertaking has been planned by our dis
linzulillod fellow oltivin, Robert I. , ;,st.evenir, , under
. e
whose immediate superintendence it is-being canital
out. Mr. Corwin, the celebrated dock 'milder. is en
trusted with the d tirl3 net piers. .Nfachine Arm§ of
brick will he.e....ensinstied 'ltlnngiirie of dire chin; where
all the requisite machinery for the vessel will be per
fected, and placed tin bard by means of a circular
railway mirroluding the slit ni. Dist vis i te! will dm corn
pa-ter in two"ere the yeare and, in the trienntime,
it is intea 1 d era the mode of constructing this pow
rrfol ~,..,,,i,e of deruk k aliall he kept strictly private
•iters from flavario:i ditr,l Nos. Bth, :tate that
ih i noic.C4tritain O'fYlasteli;• thok conithanil
ou the Colt instant. at 9 o'clo..1:, A M.
His orris al 401110 ob3ervation in zon, c -
Ti7n , c, of hi,4 want or iii4iteness, %riiiiriaps his hat on
liendf hfter 1 until he reachcal the Pa
lore whil.it the nitt!i tir! crinvilittee of recep
tion ;tell the acting Govs , rziw carrivd choirs. ia their
, . .
ills 6r.ti niensiire ivirt - to renew the licenses of the
'totes, pettier., clerks. C You well know how ma
iv thoirsand s of dollars am drawn from the people by
iltis order. in tiro way of fees and sttunped TraSper.—
This tiro people took inntrspicirmsly, although he after
wards issned another order which relieved them from
die mach complained ofexactions relative to Passports.
The Auditors of War and Navy have been reinstated
. Iloval order.
The lrit-L-e mercantile hone of Augusta Ferran has
filled, and it is said. gone to New Orleans.
Yesterday at 4 A. M., an express arrived from Ma
tanzas which brought the news er the rising. of the
.ime, on seMild'of the plantations." They were,
howiweit, immediately put down, and 10 of them kill
ed and 67 taken prisoners, whilst others hung them
selves rather dwu be taken by the allithoi ides. I did
not Irani the an of w:rit. , .ts thtt vrero killed i
-- --- ---
TM Stem Boat Cutter
4744 , 1 1 WILL leave Pittsburgh on Thurs
-0 days instead of Fridays. ns
hermit: 4P. - .lll4..alteciatio n has been
!mle to avoid running on Sundays.
Fur freight or passage apply on hoard or to
lillt NJIN_GE-IAM. & Co.,
. ._
11:25 '• . . • ' Eft Water. st.
V This evenioi,Saturda , y, Novegtber 25th, at
CotoriterilitrAnriion Corher of Wood
und sth gtg. IVill be gold at early Gaslight, a lot of
Books nt II o'clock.
U , 41, forSh par furalx,
Pateut Levcc Wste.lri,_ Tains maker.l do do do" ',lsllnAoh do:
2 detached levers, with roller and ten boles jewelled,
A few second hand watches,
[)o alabaster ornaments,
4 imitation levet watches,
I eight day French 11134 e piece,
tc2s ' J D MINN, Auct'r.
- -
Quilts, Comforts, ice.
ALARGE , : assortment of Quilts and Connects,
suitable fur families, steamboats, &c., made ve
ry warm end first rate for this season, for solo low for
ea , lt. - • 'WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer,
112;J - -1 w coma of,Wood ank.Woter streets..
Executors' Notice
A LL persons indebted to the estateof Thomas Cas
silly, late of the city of Pittsburgh, deceased,
arepcmpicstetlto-mbko payment immediately to either
of the uudersigned, aucl,•all persons having claims
against the name, will present them properly authenti
c.) ted to either of the unikrale,ned for settlement
HENRY NPCIILLOM Pge .... fileS : Yiginstiiii,- -
.JAMES CASSILLY, Pittsburgh,
JAMES BLAKELY, Pittsburgh,
JAMES C CUMMINS. PittTownallip,
05—daw 1 m Executors.
Immediately opposite the new 'Market House
THEsubscriber respectfully friends aud
the public in genecal 'that he has constantly on
hand st fresh assortment of all hr.. most valyable kin*
of family groceries, sngy, teas, pepper,
&spice, saleratus, staittete. Also, mackerel, bacon,
salt, molits . ses, flour, tobacco, segars, cotton, soap;cari
dles, and all ether articles used by families. All of
which will be sold as cheap foreashsaean be purcha
sed elsewhere ... hi the cite , areinrited,to cell and
see far tfiertYst.' +yes: -
• f,:_VPAII kinds of country produce will be taken in
exchange for 'goods, or -cash paid for same as agree- I
meets 'bay be made. Butter, eggs, alwayi on
hand. -Terms, cash, or-good references.
rp HIS is tv forewitre allKr*liiii'from harboring: , o r
.I:ttvatino EPiabech Janes; iilYCount, for
have determined toptry'ziiittibtar of her contracting, ,u
she&Waal board' -
rl l 2+-3i* ALE X A N DETC7IINtB..
port of pirtsburgt).
ported by Sheble and Mitchell, Genera l alums
Boat Agents, ii tiler street.
IA TA NTED, fifteen hundred dollars, to be secured
Y by mortgage on real estate, unencumbered,
worth $7OOO. A pply at Egolfand F 0.4 tat 's Real , Ea.
taw A yency. neu door to the Post Office, Third stmt.
ai..) 4
Notice to POntrilietOet: "
QEALEDlsrlitidialriy CITTie" "reCeiea itrilieigele' of
the Monougabeln Navieitiorl Co npany,.nearly,
opposite the Post Office, until 3 o'clock P M. of Stitur
day, tit,- 23d December next, for building Locki'aiilli
Dam, Nos 3 and 4, and for repairing Dams Nos likad
2; also, for building four Brick Lock Houses. ."'
Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of
fice one week previous to the letting. •
1.24-1 m
from Cincinnati, 60 vols. of No. 182 of therAiieti
lean Pioneer, a monthly periodical, devoted tn.the
truth and and justice of American Ilistery, embracing
the Indian and general history ()four country front the
earliest tithes, for sale at the annual publicatiowprico,
free ofpostage. ISAAC HARRIS, Agelat
hm23. and Corn. Merch't. No. 9; Fifth st.
1 1 01 1 SALE low fur cash orapproved exchange,
great gross of matches, 20 dozen Allegheny city
testers, 100 gross suspender and shirt buttons, 300 da
zen all sizes window glasq, 12 poundscattonboas,looo
quarter augers, tin ware, coffee mills, looking glassek,
pen and pocket knives, scissors, 3000 English quills,
'2O dozen red, black.and blue ink,pencils, pens, shbool
L00!..5, writing- and letter paper, books ant:lst/mine/lily.
ISAAC HAIIILIS, Ag't and Can. Sleuth*
n‘l4 No 9, sth street.
St. Peter's Church at Rome. -
4 LARGE PAINTING of this splendid Temple
/ 1- 1 will be exhibited fur a short time at Invint's
Lisa ROOM, eornerof Fourth and Market tamers. -Of
this Pi-ethic Bishop .Enclatt:go.Ye the 1i besh eulo
gium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th Jantany, 106.
It is on its way to New Orleans, together witir 50 other
paintings, which are now open to the public. •
Admittance 25 cents; tickets fur the senscinsoteents;
children half price. G. COOKE.
.i,7e'Open daily from-9 A. M till 4P. M. and *MB
from 6 till 9 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denomination* zit%
respectfully incited, free of charge.
Western Real Estate Agency,
Third it., nnxicieet; ttr.tint 2 atit.OtliineiPittsbur g h, Pa.
reAgency for the pun : ilia:Le niid sale of t ßetill
tutr, muting Houses:, milectiOns. TeTTISS
moderate. Reforenona given en tipplication nt- the
- nIS-tf
lit 'WE in Glom and are receiving
-425 hugs Ili° Coffee, part strong and green,
50 pkgs Y Ii and G P Teas,
25 boxes Russel & Robinson's s's Tobatee;
10 " Bolton's s's •
10 " "Iliompson's B's "
.5 Robinson's 16's "
10 " 12's "
5 " superior pound lump
100 " freih Malaga Banch Raisins,
2000 Ills Loaf Sugar,
20 bolts No I . mnstard;
50 " No 4 chocolate,
25 " ground pepper,
10 kegs " ginger,
5 ..
"" allspice,
5 boxes cocoa,
" . Rita flour..; -
2000 lbs Oak 7a/seed - Sole Leather,
1000 yards t. w linen,
5 bales hops, •
All of which they offer, with a general assortment of
groceries, dye stuffs and Pittsburgh manufactured
goods, on liberal terms. • nit
. ... No.
13, Fifth street, between., Market:aid
ll'ood, and corner of Si.rth and Granting T
& H. WALKER feel grateful to the
1. public for the:liberal patronage bestow
ed upon them, and beg leaNc to state that they are now
manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very sw
perior article in Beaver, Russia, Ncutria, and every
other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth,
sealett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the vte
ry lowest prices. As no part of their manullacture is
done by machinery, but by the best workmen by band s
they can recommend with confidence their Hats. caber
Mg superior and inure durable than those generally of
feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers cos
be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the .Eftb •
ern Markets. I. & H. WALKER.
023-3 m.
T HE sti.scribers Gr
respectfull inform their frien Is
and the public that they have commenced dui
rtt No. 'O , Wood street, two dooriftorn the coiner of
Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWARD &
where they will be prepared to supply all those who
may favor them with their orders, with groceries and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, on terms which can
not fail togive satisfaction,
Two New and First rate Steam Engines.
O NE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and'4
foot suuke, will be sold with or without boilers.
The other engine is 1 horse power, 74 inelseylinder,
3 foot stroke, one boiler about 2'2 feet long, 30, inches
in diarnetei. These engines are made of the best ma
terials and in the most substantial manner, and will to
sold on. accommodating terms. They can be seen at
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time.
n6—tf H, DEVIL, U. States Line.
partnership heretofore existing between F. A.
Frethey and G. Cr. Frethey haying been titasols ,
ed by mutual torment on the Ist instant, the bkill usiness
be cobilucted in future by F. A. Frethey, who is
fully sun to settle all the partnership cotmeens.
He reiipeetfiiil4 ask;IIM the contimintion of the lir
tannage of (neigh und the peblie generally. 67-11 n.