Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 24, 1843, Image 2

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    ' 4 ;'
Subject to the decision of
Mg Daily Morning froil.
niii,tl.l.B t MUTH, ILDITORS AND PituP/UATOn
Dnintatt Et.ecrioa.—We publish a comznunica
-idon this morning from a gentleman whose opinions are
alwwaressed for the beneft; of the party, and it
willifiet 4 fermd by . reading his article that he believes it
altasssecessary.for the larmoniotes acticm of the party
'ktrietv, tam delegates elected , at an early day.
10Yelsehenstheie are but few of the people a ho have
not made up their minds an the subject of the next
Gubernatorial nomination, and that they would much
rather act in the matter now then to postpone it until a
later day, at the risk of having an annoying dispute in
. the party about men. Let the people have a fair and '
• early notice for the appointment of delegates, and we
are Certain the nomination will be made with such a
feeling of harmony as will insure the union of the party
•• at the next electicn. But if the matter is put off until the
last moment, tretll mere politicians, who have not the
confidence of the people, have time to defeat the pop
, ular wish by dishonest tricks, the nomination may be
- made undbr feelings of excitement that wild place the
" success of our cause in the greatest jeopardy.
We do not suppose that the people, who have to
elect the candidates, require any time to be taken to
put them through a course of instructions from city
politicians, on India question as the nomination of Go
vernor. They are as competent to und•n•stand such
matters as the gentlemen who kiud.y volunteer to give
them information—end in most cases act withent the
interested mot Wes of their would be Instructors. We
• do not believe that there is a democra: in Allegheny
county who could not at this moment express his pre
ferences on the Gubernatorial question more clearly
andindependent than many of those who think the
people lack the requisite infunnat ion; and that they
would rather settle the matter as soon as possible than
,to postpone it at the risk of having the party distract
ed by useless discussion.
The sentiments of the writer to which we have r.
feared, strengthen us in the conviction that it would be
- advantageous to the party to appoint the delegates at
'an early day, and we hope the gentlemen whose duty
his to appoint the time for holding the primary meet
ings, will &policy which is so obviously advan
tageous to the welfare of the piny
" AT T. Mn. SPARRT.—This "devout, and relisions
man," who was recently arrested ut Pottsville, fur eircu
/*dog en obscene book,but liberated on solemnly prom
ising to discontinue its sale, is, we perceive, at his
&Tv work again. He is now in is'ir:ns York, and ad
vertisft this work fur sale. As to (let elutracter of the
woilt, the Philadelphia Spirit of the Times says:—
"The worst ofit is, the book which to a compilation of
the very worst and most licentious charactersuch as
no man dare put into the hands of a wife or sister—is
denominated a theological work, and is warmly recom
mended by "The Now York Evangelist," by "The Bap
tist Advocate," and by the "The Christian Intelligen
ter!" lbe work purports to expose sonic of the re
pined errors of die Roman Catholic Church."
- 13,1,NK'Tttorat.z.s.—Our "vz,ry particular friends"
the Directoriand Managers ef tho :.Ilf)yatriensing- Bank
canoe very near having a knockdown on Monday last.
Tim Spirit of the Times bas the following as to the
cause* . the difficulty —"lt appaars that at a meeting
it the Directors of this institution held on the 15th
inst:,,Jaates Page, Peter Cullen Dud Charles Rizer,
were appointed Judges to canduct the regular elec
tion for Directors held to-day. Last Saturday evening,
44 . 4 special meeting of the Directors, th- appointment
enMessrs. Page and Cullen was rescinded, and other
persons appointed in their places. Yesterday morn
ing a writ of injunction from the Suprema Court,
issued on the application of Messr.B Page and Cullen,
vas served on the Directors. restraining their acts
underthe Judges last appointed as illegal; and the e
lection proceeded without difficulty under the Judges
first chosen. Sq ended the tempest, which it was fear
ed, was about tobreak out in a bank explosion of anew
elmreter,and indeed it is stated that police officers had
actually been called in to arrest balligerant.4 in case of a
knock-do Wn. "
'STOCK GAVOLING.—By the fulluwiag, which we
take from BicknellTs Reporter, it will he seen that
. .
the spirit. Of gambling and reckless adventure are
agnie rife among the Eastern espiteli:t4. Is it not
surprising that all the bit of the last sev
en years liak failed to teach these Men some little pru
denee, and that they will still rush headlong on des
trucpon, and bring ruin and misery on all the land:
"The Stock Markets of this city and of New Yea k.
were in a very excited state during the last week,
Salesman immense extent took place, and the spirit
of stock-gambling was never more rife. In New York,
fere example, during one day, $400,000 in State Stocks
were sold, while in Philadelphia immense sales also
took-place. The most worthless description of stocks,
or at least such as were. so regarded some—months
since, are now quite in demand. For example, Gi
rard, which at one time sold at $1 per share, has been
sepiag for some days in large qnantities at from 7 to
84. Vicksburg, which at one time sold at 50 cents a
share, have been selling at 44. LT s. Bank has risen
to 61, and oven the Norristown Rail Road has sold
recently, at 3. Immense sums have been made in
some rase., but the bubble will soon explode, and
many persons will no doubt be ruined. %Ye earnestly
motion our readers against this system. It is gambling,
just as much as card playing, and is quite as clamor
- Met: DAILY SUN, an excellent paper, published in
rhiladelphia, in alluding to the madness of these men,
talks in a proper manner. Hear him :
"It is marvellous that Laws arc so unequal. To
keep a Faro table is a penal offence! Lotteries are
prohibited by law. Yet, in the Exchange of Philadel
phia, in open daylight, men assemble, of the first mor
el eharacters too, who sit for hours, "by the town
clack" gaming in stocks! Will the Legislature not
look into this I Why should squandered fortunes lead
to brdken hearts and suicide, any more at the Ex
eiange, than at the Faro table/ Is oar picture color
esiXott high 1 Open the book of history for the last
rim years, and read the names of the victims caus
el by stock gambling—thence to brandy; opium, wine,
rod sanieurnes like other gaming boosee, suicide !"
1 , 1411 LL ON FIRS.-A New York paper says, the
sloop Splendid, of Dathan, rams down the river last
night, en ism she was run on shore on G ivernor's
andaboat fifty soldiers were im mad lately put on
board, to assist in putting out the fire. When last seen
the fire was still raging. We understand the fire was
caused by her cargo of Brae and lumber-
. A, Orstiorsarisrrx It IN - rat Attxy.—Tite Charles
tostGearier of tits 16th instant says—We were 'hewn
est evening, a counterfeit ten cc - l A-piece (several of
'Nth arasaia to be is circulation,)" dated 1833. It
wistaktXl vtitt several . cabins tram a seldier at Fart
Mtnalosie who is said to be she counterfeiter, same of
kis tiontrodet ifCtoefaii and informed against him, and
rolkc., la cirttOity on ..T.nytday., to babrott e - 1 / 4 .. 4.0 the
Lis esnipe that West.
ELOPEMENT IN bass LIIP/L.—The Spirit of the
Times notices an dopey:seat which took place iu
Philadelphia en Smuttily evening Ina. Too rircum.
stances are chasm—A very piett, lady, ;n of four
children, and Grin , ia very c.a.nfortahle. and, genteel
style, was suspected by her husband of improper imi
macy with a gentleman friend, Who was a'visitor at
the house. Th?, ha3band instituted inquiries, and his
suspicions being pretty firmly established, charged his
wife with infidelity. Of course, there .rai the usual
quantity of tears, and a profusion of innocent protes
tations, and a family scene, peculiar to high circles.
The husband being uhseut on buiiness, on Sanirday
afternoon, the lady, with her brother, stepped into the
New York Pilot Line, and were' off. The World is
certainly going "to the dogs, or moray to the Irwin—
it is hard to tell which.
THZ JEMIT D333.—The Sahterrranean states that
there was 6211, Liu We I ie-sday, a grand mooting of
the Jersey dogs, at New York, in order to devist• m Z -
sures to prote3 their nmain3 from tha d?.testable de
gradation of being m Inufactured by Jersey:lm into
sausages and sandwiches, to the injury of a groat por
tion of thL! harnan fnMily, whom they had always re
garded with gratitud.2 and affecti.m.
Du Salle says that their s2ceches ware very eurte
BURNED TO DEA.TH.—A woman narn.id Margery
Cass, in New York, on the 19th inst. It wai suppo
sed Ler clothes caught accidently, and the Inquest re
turned a verdict of accidental burning.
—All the employing tailors in Boston have agreed to
the taritruf prices presented for their acceptance by the
Journeymen, and have also promised to prepare a
scale of prir.es for the work dune by seamstresses, for
the consideration of the Benevolent Aszociation.
A GANGor Coust Entrittrzns have been arrested in
Lebanon, New Hampshire. The kind of money in
which they Inve principally dealt consists of $lO hills
on the Grefton Bank, Haverhill, $2 bills :on the New
England Bank, Boston, and $1 bills on the Bunk of
Vergennes in Tremont. These counterfeit; have all
b.scn described to the public.
A CALLOUS RUYIPIAN.-.1 man named Williams,
stabbed and killed another named Stanley, in New
York, on Saturday last. The murderer was taken to
the watch house, and manifested no horror whatever
at the act, but neurally boasted of it, saying to the Al
derman,"Gentleman, I. am the individual that stabbed
the lousy lettfue.-4tuag me up at once-ries all that
you can do My !IRMO is - Pete rriliams, and I
run with No. 12, and live at No. 231 Sullivan stn - Pt.
Su what's my sentence? Let me know right off, be
came you can bat kill me, by—!"
SMCGSI.ING is BOSTON,—The Collector at Boston
is about to establish a system of night inspection, for
the purpose of preventing, if possible, the smuggling
which takes place from vessels previous to ti.eir entry
at the custom house, and before they are put in charge
of the day inspectors. The numerous frauds of this
description which have re,^ently come to the knowledge
of the officers, render some change in the pre s ent sys
tem indispensable.
Sttrtrtt.r. INSURRECTIOX is CtinA.—An arrival at
Charleston from Havana, with dates to the Bth, announ
ces that on the day previous; an express arrived from
Ma anzas, which brought the news of the rising of the
slaves on several of the plantations. They were, how
ever, immediately put down, and 50 of them killed
and 67 taken prisoners, whilst others hung themselves
rather titan be taken by the authorities.
SPANISH PRAESTS.—Iater nee s from Mexico by
NCW the heretofore exist
ing in Mexico against the entrance into the B.epublie
of Soani3h Priests his been mimed by a lute decree
of Santa Anna; and they are now allowed, with same
Alight restrictions, to exerci3s the functions of their of
fice on the same fJoting, as the native clergy.
USI-AWFVL A331.113f.A.G.2:.-._ n Law._ assern
blit,ge of =laves was broken up in New o..lean.S on Mon
day night, 6th instant. They were nearly a dozen in
number. and werp found in a house kept by a black
woman, the property of Mr. Stetson, in St. John street
Most of them had forged passes. Th., object of the
inecting has not been discovered.
NEW COESTERFE Cincinnati Gazette states
that counterfeit notes upon the State Bank of Indiana
(Fives) are in circulation. 'his the sarno plate of the
old counterfeit fives, except that in the place ache ship
there are two reapers represented. Another thing
will enable any one to detect th?se counterfeits—the
Eagle in the counterfeit bills looks To vffn LEFT, in
the true bills, to the right. These notes aro just put in
02PHow the Lanl times have thinned offtho raco of
danilie4 Oae laced, caned, booted, gloved and muc.
tached to perfection, is as rare as a giraffe in Ireland
or it repeal of the union of the Siamese twin;. Every
hody we see, looks a+ though he wanted to be at work.
That's the kind of spectacles fur a bu:y and prosperous
nation.—Crs. city.
!CLUING \Vox vi in the street appoars to be quite a
common offence in Boston—pretty worn ..tn of c0ur313.-
o.le follow got three weeks imprisonment for it lately.
The utfandero pretend to be insane but as they manifest
a great deal of taste, and never by any chance middle
wit 4 old or ugh• women, the plea will not answer.
Cou xrEnrEtTs.—The Boston Atlas cautions the
public to be on their guard against bills of the Black
stone Bank at Uxbridge, Mass. altered from $3 to $5O.
Also, $lO, of tho Stillwater Canal Ba :k at Or3no,
Me., E. P. Butler, Cashier, and A. G. Brown, Presi
dent, a'tlred to Newport EXChang2 Barak, at New
port, R. I,
Goa.—The Grand Jury of Philadelphia have pre
sented as nuisances, all the Fire Companies that were
engtged in the recent disgraceful fightiin that city.
Two well dressed individuals, giving their nam3s as
J. A. B. Watson and J. H. Britten, were arrested in
this city on Friday evening and Saturday morning, by
police olcers William Young aud Russel, and consta
ble Ridgely of Baltimore, on the ch.trge of being con
cerned in the extensive robbery of Treasury notes from
the custom house, at New Orleans, about a year ago.
iYatinn was arrested on Friday night, at the steam
boat landing, having jest arrived from New York, and
Britton was taken into custody on Saturday, at the
Western Hotel, Market st., where he was putting up,
with two or three of his relatives, residents of Balti
more. Thv were taken upon war:runs i..sued at Bal
timore and this city. On Saturday they were placed
in custody of the United States authorites, and sent by
an order from Judge Randall, of the United States
Court, to Washington city, from whence, if an exami
nation of the matter shall require it, they are to be
sent on to New Orleans. Our city polices have been
on the lookout for these persons for some time, and af
ter greatexertions, have soceeded in making an arrest
which, it is believed, will lead to a knowledge of the
whole of the perpetrators of the robbery —Phila. Led
Watson was talon to Wublagtaa, aid has applied
fort redeem under a writ of linbetts 'Corpus. Mon
day seat is set apart for the hearing of tha case.
EX PLA N ATios.—Thr 6tandard, a papir . pub
lishod at Hollidaysburg, and edited by Mr. Jolla
Do GOISSIITY, has since its establishment-beet so in
cesssualy engaged inabustng
.‘411114 13. Burt ea, Pres
ident of the Canal Board, . that it appears probable
it was from the fitst intended for no other purpose .
*The presumption that this was Mr. D. ' s original ob
ject, as well as the motives which impelled him to the
undertaking, are made very apparent by the following
exposition which we copy from the Bearers Light,
published in the same town. By the accompanying
remarks in the Beacon Light, we observe that it war
not intended for p üblication, but the bitterness of this
man's abuse fully justifies an earthilitiKr of the g.anse.
If the motives of other traducer 4 of Mr. Butler and his
colleagues, could be ascertained with equal precision,
there is little doubt they would be lout:ate spring from
a similar cause—diiappointed cupidity and avarice.
Ilmtnunueo, October 2J, 1843
am really surprised dist you should inquire why it
is that so imprincipled a speculator as JOHN DOUGH
ERTY should he opposed to the present Board of Ca
nal Commissioners, and that you should be ignorant
as to the causes of his bitterluvectives and malignant
slanders against myself.
Mr. Dougherty is one of those oppressed patriots
with which the state abounds, villa has been ejected
from an office on the Canal, and. driven from our im
provements, to the manifest dettiment of his private
interests, but to the acknowledged benefit of the pub
It has fallen to my lot to deal with this double-deal
ing trader, in patents and portables, who had at rogant
ly assumed the control over a pot Lion of our improve-
Monts. Under pteteoce of a patent, 'lr. Dougherty
had succeeded in laying the trade upon the Portage
Rail Road, under tribute, and in diverting to his own
use the revenues that should have inured to the benefit
of the state!
Listen while I write the items in the catalogue of
our offences, and I think you will agree with me that
Mr. D. has no cause to be friendly to a sot of Com
missioners who have in such numerous instances in
terfered with his arrogated riglits and his brazen at
tempts at private speculation at the exp:nse of the
Commonwealth :
Item.—lf we had agreed to give Mr.
Dougherty fur his plane and Ina-
chin,:vy at Columbia,
Rem.—lf we had given him I,r hit plane
arid fixtures at Hollidaysburg,
Item.—lf we had given him fur his trucks
on the Columbia and Portage rnil roads, 30,070 00
Item.—lf we had allowed him for pre
. .
tentionat to a patent-right, for the trucks
then in use, with a pro-rata compensa
tion for each train subsequently put on
the two rail roads,
Item.-1f we had agreed to saddle thl
transporter 11ith a tax of one cent, per
100 pounds on all their f-eight, (or a
period of seven years 114 an annuity,
which he claimed for his exchliive brae.
firm—lf we had agreed to pay him for
the right to use section boats nn the
State Improvements, (a right to which
he bas not the shadow of a claim, the
sum of
The will e of which , I , :n to is :t r ) int try $72,000 03
I say, if Mr. Dougherty had horn pti , l the sum of
seventy-Iwo lltbusand dollars fur hi.; neatly worn out
stock an worthless pretentions to patent-righu, and
this too in violttion ()fan net of the L?giA:ature, which
appropriated only $lO,O 0 f r the purchase of trucks,
I have nodoubt that you would have seen him the ser
vile adultu.rr of the men his virtuJus iadis.uatien now su
bitterly reviles.
Mr. Dau;licity ha: made all the foregoing prop°.
Ailioni to the Board. They are now 011 file I 1 the ur.
lice of the Canal Commis,ioners. To myself they
were more dir..cdy and especially submitted, and I re
jected them as a barefaced and itninibut attempt to
rub the public tr..taury.
I think you will now alnit tivit Mr. Daugherty has
strongground+ of opposition to the present Canal Com
miisioners. Ile is a victim to the pritni3g policy of
the present Board, he shoitA, therefore, be permitted to
give free vent to hi 3 p ttriotie indignation, and he should
not be denied the privilege ofan appeal to public sym
pathy. I will tny+elf intro Ince hint to the notice and
commend him to the justice of tuc four.. C.L:ial Com-
1 have in this instance dcparted front a settled rule,
which in in no instance to reply to the eutscC"-lo3r and
irretpunsible slanders agiinst offt:ial
ion, Yoer aordi.mt Slrvant,
JOHN B. LItT rtyrt.
The Riclonund Enquirer bus the following article
defensive of calling our oppmicnts "coons," which
takes the subject in its historical aspect, showing how
that "reptile of the &west," bocam2 the emblem of
the inn) , witsenwelp .:ni.i..!ves in iti like the
"baby It itin,;" of 63 n'tc3;..ry rlty:n
"The N irf He: tl4 warn , h at th !id •a
of employing the word "Coons." It is polite enough
to say, '• We oi.ject not to th epith it, when applied
to the whigs, by the ri:f-raff of th L Foca press
—it (Lily, makes us smile as would the antics of a
monkey or a jack budding, but we c.suld shed tears
to see the of the Eigeirer, honored if not ap
proved by our inward man, joining with the manliest,
in the ingtoriontexhibition." Bulk the Norfolk He
rald does not forfeit its own digwity, by calling us
"Loco Focios,"how do we sin by calling them "Coons?"
Besides, is there any such great indignity in this
nickname? Was it' not Mr. Goggle, the moor of
the iioig.Amherst dinner, who pronounced a brilliant
panegyric on the Raccoon, and proclaimed it to be
the most fitting emblem of the Whig party? Did not
two of the gentleman who gave toasts on that occa
sion, take pride in recognizing their parry mider that
epithet? Are not the Whigs, too, in the habit of call
ing nicknames? We are "Loco Fortes." Mr Clay is
to be cried up as "The Mill bey of the Slashes."—
Some of their presses delight to throw up their caps
on the intelligence of any great victory, and to claim
it for "that same old Coon." We confess, there is
nut much honor in the name of "Coons;" but was cv
er a nickname more disgracefully earned by the
Whigs, than was this ' same old Conn," with all its
accompanying mummeries of 13401 We had the first
history of the invention, sons m mho since, retailed
to us by the lips of a repentant Whig of that memo.
able era. He was freely avowing his contrition for
the follies into which ha was then betrayed. "And
pray, (wa ask,) who has the honor of starting the
Conn?" "Why, (says he with a smile,) I believe I
may claim that honor." He then stated, that he
ed in one of the frontier countries of Ohio, where
General Harrison was very popular, and the raccoon
was very abundant—that they (the then Whigs) were
determined to attend the great Whig meeting in
Columbus, and to appear in all the simplicity of the
frontier life. They procured for this purpose a large
wagon—sawed its sides for a door and windows, so
as to make some rude resemblance to a log cabin—
covered its sides with muskrats, and mounted a live
Coon on - the top of it—and, in this style, they appear
ed in the procession at Columbus. The brilliant
idea took with the party—the Coon was brought into
use—and that contemptible animal became the glori
ous emblem of their party.
It is amusing to see the emblems which still orna
ment the papers of both parties. When the Demo
crats prevail, they throw the Coon upon his back, and
mount the crowing Cock over him. When the Whigs
away, they place the figure of the Coon over the Cock,
and, for our own parts, if we are to select our em
blems. give as the gallant Cock, the representative of
Liberty, during the French Revolution, rather than
this sly, cunning, slouching reptile of the forest.—
But every man to his taste! Mr. Goggin prefers ;be
Coon, and Coon let it be.
A LOST Ist.aan.—One of the officers on board the
U. S. Schooner Phoenix, just returned from the West
Indies, says: I cannot too soon, for tho special benefit of
navigators, inform them that the Island of Baxo del
Combo, which is laid down on all the charts of the West
Indies, does not in relaity exist, as was thoroughly and
practically demonstrated by the Phoenix in her meant
cruise. having ran directly ever the spot cabers it is
said to-be situated.
M xstins. ED O• Clinhtlf. it if - -bith
time that the people of Allegheny county aid of Wes
tern Pennsylvania were beginning to lc; on'':the tr ui ;Set
of the next G wernor's election. • We haire already
spent .time eioo;li in talking among out•salves—we
shouid bog-in to le:t in such a manner as to shew that
. _
we are in ear.u•rt_ T.l.f contest. has in part begun; and
we must.m.at .withhalanur influence. We must speak
out firmly, promptly and unitedly; or the earnest ad
Tocates of °Mir men whom we do not wish will get the
start of us.
We may not disguise the fact that there are really
but two candidates presented to the consideration of
the party, who have any kind of prominence, er any
kind of Chandra!' a fair and honorable nrimination.—
However highly we luny esteem all the others, whose
names have been mentioned, and however competent
they may b.•, it is too plain fur doubt that they have no
possible chance of success with the people, while the
names of the other two individuals continue on the
list of candidates. I need not say that the two candi
dates I menu, are Mr. SIIUNK and Mr. MUIILKSBEIiG.
Many of us have our sincere attachments for other Merl,
I It tee mite; hat it waa::l lie foolis!), that we should,
for ono memmt, permit those attachments to drive us
asid ?. from the real contest —to divert our whsle influ
ence from the true point in issue , and thus, indirectly.
assist those when we are most anxious to defeat.
The friends of Mr. Muhlenberg are mainly confined
!to the eastern part of the state; but they have not
heen slothful in their endeavor to advance his claims.
They have made their influence to be already felt, even
in the west. Now, the fact cannot be concealed, that
between those two candidates, the people of the west,
and particularly of Allegheny county, arc, almost in
mass, in favor of Mr. Shull. Yet we have never
! done anything directly, to manifest our opinions. It
is true that, on two or three recent occasions, we have,
expressed our opinions in a maanet that
could not rvaddy be tnistaken. But it ayes only in
cidentally. The meetings were called thr other pur
poses; but the real feelings of the people would and di 1
leak out; and they came with such an irresistable gush,
as to surprise these who had not observed the quiet
workings of the people's minds.
Of the candidates who have any chance, Mr. Shenk
is the only man who can unite the people of the west.
They begin to see that their attachment for others
can have no influence except to favor the elevation of
Mr. Muhlenberg, which they do not wish. These
othercandidates must be abandoned. We must be
to exert a positive influence. IVe must have no
divided counsels. We must tell our eastern brethren
clearly and decidedly, what are our preferences.
Let tha voice of the democracy of Allegheny county
be at once heard on the other side of the mounts ins.—
That voice will ring in cheerful, joyous notes. It will
he no petty faction that will sound the notes, or touch
the keys. There ran he nothing more free or hearty
than has been the reception of Mr. Shenk, as a rest
dent among 111. He is already one of ourselves —" as
lone brought up with us." Be - fore, we ha.l known him,
by the bearing rdf the car and no man ever bone a purer
reputation. Now, our eyes have seen him, and we
know that rumor never exaggerated his unobtrusive
merits. As a father, husband, friend, citizen, there is
none more devoted, affectionate and kind. His attach
ment to all that is valuable for the security of the peo
ple's rights. has never been doubted. He has newer
sought after, or enjoyed, the high and lucrative plates
of honor and power; but he has filled some of the most
useful, and these, in such a manner as to prove his
great knowledge of the business of the state, his nc
quaintance with all the details of executive and legisla
tive duties, his competence for any business which the
people may assign to Lim, and 1-is bold and unflinching
devotion to demoerntic principles.
I bops: we may soon take some set ion for the pur
pose of s win g our Runs:lime:it to :etch pure, quiet, un
assuming and tip:Tie:Ain; m wit, as that which has
ever been found in Mr. Suesa. L
$l,OOO 00
3,000 00
8,000 00
30.000 00
The 43bjoi:ri1 article, credited as blow fll under
our noti es, a low d tys siaee. Whether its stAtesinents is
all respects be c'rrect or not, we cannot prebend ts
sly, bat th ,re is likelihood esough absut the in suer,
to rsistlet th worthy of attention. It is indeed mare
than probable that th - , speech was prepared fur pub
lication, with th. , additios of rnoeh in atter clic:slated
to create prejudice against Mr. Van Buren, and that
thu rn as issued ita‘l p sum! a'ssot the country
by tlis Isis ads, and tens of thousands, to aid the suc
cess of elsriaisat, was by no an -ass entitled to the
name. of Cherie.[ Ogle's speech. lie perhaps famish
ed the oat:ins., by his remar!;s ; for which it will Ise
reatern'scred, he was reprlred op the floor by Mr
Lincsla. another whig member, who was shacked anal
disgusted at the falsehoods thus uttered; but it is like
ly e.] ngh that the thing was rendered still in ire
aborniaahle by farther calumnies and untruths on the
part of the "Whig Central Csnsnittee." It was in
this use that the democracy of the Union were play
ed upon and abused, and th it the a lannistration of
Martin Van Buren 11.314 OVarthrtllY3...Peg,szilv,z
Oates Sectctt—ii‘ lase illness gel death. Tit
last inoineuts of this man's life were melancholy.—
For several days bethra his death, his mind was great
ly troubled in view of his political course in the Pries
identarcativass. In conversation with a political and
personal friend, but a few days before his demise, he
remarked, that great injustice was done to Van Bu
ren in 1810—that the speech about the extravagance
of his administration, attributed to him was not true
—that he never d.•literod such—that it was not his—
that it was got np by the Whig Central Committee at
the city of Washington and his name put to it as its
author, that he immediately informed the committee
of thu great injustice they had done him and Vun
Buren, and requested thorn to correct the error, but
that they hesitat..ll to do so, alleging if they did, it
would injure the Whig cause. Upon being interro
gated particularly as to the truth or falsehood of the
speech, he readily atlmLted that it was full of gross
errors and falsehoods, from the beginning to the end.
but that he could nut help it.
We cannot find words to express our conic npt of
the bill., aid unprincipled cliqnc—the Whig Ceatr.tl
Committee at Washington City in 1840 governing all
the movements of the party—writing out speeches
containing all manner of falsehoods, and giving cir
culation to them as having been delivered in Con
gress by some distinguished member of that body; re
sorting to every species of intrigue and deception to
overthrow an admistration too pine to have fellow
ship with such po!itical knaves.— 11'i:stern ( Pa.) Un
ion Dent.
The Stamford. Conn.; Gazette says, that on Sunday
ni wiling last, about 8 o'clock, the sloop Stamford, Capt.
Oliver Scofield, capsized, on her dovinward [twinge in
doubling Throg's Point, with a strong westerly
On rounding the Point the vessel was brought up to
the wind in order to haul oft the main sheet, and in pay
ing uff, a flaw struck her before sho hnd good headway
on her again, and she rolled over and immediately fil
led. There were on hoard at the time, nine persons,
viz: Captain Scofield, his wife and her sister, three
hands, Mr. Henry E. Waring of Stamford, and two
men passengersof Polindridge. Capt. Scofield, at the
imminent peril of his life, succeeded in getting the la
dies out of the cabin and lashed them to the quarter.
After a great deal of difficulty and after being in immi
nent petit for several hours, every soul was saved.
The Queen and Prince Albert are so fond of sea ex
cursions, that, at all events, Parliament must be dissol
ved in proper season to give the royal pair full oppor
tunity for their enjoyment. The report is, that the next
Parliament will commence very early, in order to get
through business in due season. In such an emergen
cy, there will pe no time, probable, to attend t minor
matters—the sufferings ot the poor—tire education of
the young—the devastation of Wales, or the dist ress
in Ireland. The English know the value of things=
I:30,000 a year for a husband for their sovereign lady,
and the like sum refused fur the support of common
schools--£70,000 fur better lodgings for the royal
horses, and no funds for the support of another bishop
—tithes from the poor, and royal excursions for the
"heaven sent" proves it. Their curability of taking
care of themselves and all the world besides—Texas in
particular is not who disputed, but as some relative of
Sam Slick says, "their ways don't suit sur—it costs too
much, and we like the piecut up fairly—even pieces
all around, or leastways accordiog to folks' size and
the work they do.—N. Y. San,
Bustaan.—The court house at Fort Gibson, Miss.
and sit the books of the clerk's *Mee, where the fire
`THE GREAT...GRANO 50N401 7 ROG •ft wrie . . _ •
±-: tiort - , 01 - 11htteburg
4 A norOpeadent of the l' i cWidenceßeputdiciui
Herald gites information 114 death of /tor. Jahn
Vtillititns, et Richfield, N. Y.; aged 100 yean 7
months and 10(111,4. who states that. be was a great
• grand-son of Roger Williams, and that he was ordain
tad a Baptist Minister, at the age of 2.5 years. For
many years (continues the Herald) we were nequain-
Led with the subject of this obituary notice, who then
resided in Foster, Rhode Island, and was well known
as Elder John iVilliams. He was-familiar with the
private history of his famous ancestor, and gave many
I interesting anecdotes of his life and tines. He was
respected as a man of strong understanding. of unaf
fected piety, and as a substantial and g.od citizen.—
i He has left a numerous offspring, including many de
scendants to the fifth generation
While travellirtg. a few days since, on board the
new and bdnatiful steamer Talmo, we CAI in compa
ny with a highly intelligcat gentleman, formerly a resi
dent of this State. but now of Memphis. Tenn., who
furnished us with the following items of information
relative to that thriving town. He says, that within
the last twelve months it has clmnged its location; the
old wooden frame buiklings, which heretofore have
been occupied by the commercial community, are de
serted, and a range of beautiful brick buildings of
nearly thrtx-fonrths of a Mill, in extent, fronting on
the river below the old town, have been erected, and
at this moment occupied, at rents ranging from six
hundred to twelve hundred dollars per annum. The
Stuck of dry goods already received, es estimated by
persons well informed, exceeds $BOO,OOO. The crop
of cotton from North Mississippi and Tennessee.
which is shipped from that port, it is estimated, will
exceed 70,009 bales.—Y.' 0. Morning Herald.
Friday morqing, November 24
O ir ri :ars continua in excellent order. and a great
deal of a :tivity upo tin n, as all g »is arriving from
the e Lit awl taiga quintitie3 of l'ittiburs4 M taufa,:-
tures, Grocarie3 and Silt ars s:si;yiag for th 3 wait,
and all western praiur,..3 an-ivin; i 3 at once sold or dent
by bait; ant wig) 13 10 Llll cistern cities.
Ro:ir —Stqz'ii sn dl aid nit mash corning in—
srket price Iron t:os bolts nr V 111;" nil $3,371.43,50
pl.'. &A. for choice.
- Prooisionf —Butor rathm cell, i.t kegs, 5a 6, aml
Fresh Rail in b 513. 7a 8 ea.r.s a 15. Lard in demand
6 n Gi; Cheese, sales in bales 5, tiasks 11 cents a lb.
rna;h. 4 and randerad 6 cents a lli. Beef
Cattle $2 a $3. H cgs $2l asl par 100 lbs. Sheep
31 a $1,23, u- I Cilvesf! a 4 etch.,
Fr/sit—Dl-is/ Pushes $1 a 31,125 Di. Apples 40
a 50c in barter.
Groeeries—Very large, excellent and cheap stocks,
and agn deal is doing doily. Coffee. Rio, 74 a 81.
Havanna., green, 71a Bs. St. D.l3lklV 7 a 7s. Su
gar, N. 0., by the hS I, 61a 7, and bY the bbl. 7 a 7.sc
a 15. M )1;153"s, Very scarce at 333 c. a gallon. Tea,
Y oung fly4un, 40 a 75. Imperial 624 a 80c. a lb.
As'ies—SzJrehins 3$ a 31. Pots, sales I ton at
4c. Pearls 4i a sc. alb.
Seeds—Clover, $4 a 4,25. Timothy, $1,254 $l,-
373. and Flaxseed 073 n 90c. a bushel.
Feagsers.—Sales at 23 a 29 rants a pound.
Im•on.-13looms, Taaiata. $52 a $55. Pig Metal,
sales at 1.23 a $21., all soft $25 a ton.
S des fr.) n boats $1,25, and from stores $l,-
33 a $1,17.1 a 1,b1..
Leather.—Stack and sales gwxl. New York red
17 a 231, Baltimore 22 and ~7‘1%,(1 country 22. Upper
21 a $33 per dalen. CalfAin 12 to VG per doyen;
good 4%:rti I.; 2 3 t ) 23 a p gr.;. - •.) hid !s. butcher's
weight. 4 cants a pliti; Taxier'.; nil 13 a $23 a bbl.
Executors' Notice.
ALL peruns irulebtosi to the estate or William
Blutoer, late of the city or AlleOrtny, decrees
et, are requested to make payment to the Executors,
a td tirio. Cod have d.gnandi nr Iterounts against said
ostate will present them properly authentiemed for act-
Allegheny County, es: .
T N the matter ofthe administration account
L ) of Thoth Toner, surviving Adnrinistra
itor of William Anderson, dee'd.
And now to wit, Nov. 4th. 1813: On mo
tiaa of Mr 111mi:tun, the Court appoint David Gillc
S Roseburg and R Morrow, Ett i r6, to audit, set
tle and adjust the said administration account.
liy the Court,
The anditors will meet for the purposes of their up
pohitment, at the Recorder's Office, new court 111rIAC,
an the lath day of Ikrenntter next, at 2 o'clock 1' M,
when and where all pet sons interested in the settler
ment of the above account may attend
n24—law3t ROBERT MORROW.
Allegheny County, pt
N the mutter of the ndministration account
L S or Sabina flommor:e, Administratrix of
j John flumnorle, doc'd.
Nov. 18th, 1543, on motion of H. Toner,
Esq, who appears for Nicholas Snyder, and others.
referred to Robert Morrow, Ii S Magraw and Robert
Porter, E 4144, Auditors, to audit the within account
and distribute the balance. By the Court,
The Auditors above named will attend for the pur
poses of their appoitanaant, at the office. of Magraw &
McKnight, on Fourth street, in the city of Pittsburgh,
Oil Thursday, ilia 21st dV of December next, at two
o'clock P M, at which time and place ull persona in
terested are notified to attend.
n24-3t' Auditors.
WANTED, fifteen hundred dollars. to be secured
by mortgage on real estate, unencumbered,
worth $7OOO. Apply at Egolf and Fostm 'A Real E.
tate A yency. next door to the Past Office, Third street.
n 24
Notice to Contractors.
Q EA LED proposals will be received at the office of
the Monongahela Navigation Company, nearly
opposite the Post Office, until 3 o'clock P M of Satur
day, the- 23d December next, for building Locks and
Dams Nos 3 and 4, and for revoking Dams Nos 1 and
2; also, for building four Brick Lock Houses.
Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of
fice one week previous to the letting.
Immediately opposite the new Ma•ket House
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and
the public in general that he bas constantly on
hand a fresh assortment of all the most valuable kinds
of family groceries, viz: coffees, sugar, teas, pepper,
alspice, saleratus, starch, etc. Also, mackerel, bacon,
salt, molasses, flour, tobacco, segars, cotton, soap, can
dles, and all other articles used by families. All of
which will be sold as cheap for cash as can be purcha
sed elsewhere is the city. All are invited to call and
see for themselves.
farm' kinds of country produce will be taken in
exchange for goods, or cash paid for same as agree
ments may be made. Butter, eggs, &c., always on
hand. Terms, cash, or good references.
n24-1w A. LAUBAUCH.
M HIS is to forewarn all persons from harboring or
trustiog Elizabeth Jones on my account, for I
bays dataratiaod to pay no debts of ber contracting, as
Abelluft my bed and board without just cause.
- -- - -
I Reported by likebie GeairalBtsaas
Boat Avid's. Water street.
'Daily Beaver Packets,
. -
"Cutter, Gray, C l ltteinprati
Tioga... Mason, Ls j4ille -
Oellu,Bosvmaii;..Biownavilts ,--
"Daily oetrei Packets
Allegheny, Dean Ci,i.
"Cutter, Gray,Cinci naiad
Allegheny Bel* Hamra, Allegisens River,.
Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville,"
Belmont, Pee, Wheeling
* Brunette, Irwin, St Louis •
*Tio.ea, Mason, St Louis
Mail, Logan, Cincinnati
beats marked thus ['3 are provided with
Evans' Safety Guard, to prewant the Explosion of iteinn
THE fast running steamer EVE;
LINE, BROWS lawns', Mas
, .er, will depart on or about the• 24th
' instant for Littic Rock, Van Buren, Fort Gibson and
! Fort Smith, Arkansa.s, and all intermediate Landings.
[ 1 For fr..irlit or pas•in ' cre applyon board or to
1, BIRMINGHAM & CO., No GO, Wt.t..r street.
! N. B. Capt Irwin having rummtnded steamers oa
the above River and I. well known to the Cosiness
men on the Arkansas, and can be strongly recommend.
ed to th. 2 tn.% el ing community and shipper, as a good,
I s afe, business man. _O3
from Cincinnati, 60 vols. of No. 182 ortbe Amer
ican Pioneer, a monthly periodical, devoted to tba
truth and andMitice of American History, 'embracing
the Indian and general Hi.tory of our country from tbe
*MI l'eq times, for sale at the annual publication Price s
free of postage. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent
ran 23. aad Corn. Merch't. No. 9. Fifth et.
F OR SALE low for cash or approved exchange, 12
great gross of matches, 20 dozen Alleghenfeity
wafers, 100 gross suspender and shirt buttons, 300 do
zen all sizes window glass, 12 pounclscotton boas, 1000
quarter augers, tin ware, coffee mills, looking glasses.
pen and pocket knives, scissors, 3000 English Tall,
20 dozen red, black nnd blue ink.pencils, pens, school
books, writing and letter paper, books and stationary.
ISAAC HARRIS, Ag't and Corn. Mercit't,
n 22 No 9, sth street.
St. Peter's Church at Rome.
LARGE PAINTING of this splendid Temple
/1 will he exhibited fur a short time at Insetel
.10:16 Room, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of
this I'icture, Bishop England gave the highest rule
s,ium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1836.
It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 other
paintings, which arc now open to the public.
Admittance 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents;
children half price. G. COOKE.
'Open daily from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and also
from 6 6119 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations are
respectfully invited, free of charge. 023,
M. Enot,►
Western Real Estate Agency,
Third st., next door to the Post Office, Pittsburgh, Pa.
i74'...litency for the purchase and sale of Real Es
tate, renting Houses. collections. &c, &c. Terms
moderate. References given on application at the
office. nl5---tf
I- 1 • , rEINNINGS & CO,
HAVE in store and are receiving
-425 bads Coffee, part strong and green,
50 phzs 111 and G P Tcas,
25 boxes Russel & Rubinson's s's Tobacco,
10 " Button's s'l
10 " Thompson's
5 " Robinson's
10 "
5 " anperiorpound lump
100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins,
2000 lb{ Loaf Sugar,
20 boxes No 1 and 2 mustard,
30 " No 4 chocolate,
25 " ground pepper,
10 kept " ginger,
•5 " "
5 boxes cocoa,
5 " Rice flour.
2000 lbs Oak Tanned Sole Leather.
1000 yards t.Wlb;cm,
5 bales hops,
All of which they oiler, with a general assortment oi
gr:)ceries, dye stuffs and Pittsburgh manufactured
goods, on liberal terms. nl7
North Weal Corner Market and Four th Streets,
. PlTTSBtillail.
v fo
e r rs tn .
in t r h , e Eastern c C
and n ini i i t te ies as cri ort is now
Comprising everything that iA new and desirable in his
line of business.
II is goods hate been purchased on the most nava*
tag - coos terms, from the Importers, Jobbers and Man
ufacturers of the East, Ton CASR, and they can and
will be sold, as low, if not lower, than goods of the
same quality can be aff9rded by any other establish•
meat in the city.
The early attention of Purchasers is respectfully in
vited. nl7-1w
No. 13, Fifth street, between Market cad
Wood, and corner f.)TSirth and Grant sts
T &H. WALKER feel grateful to the
public for deliberal patronage bestow
ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they arc now
manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very su
perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neurria, afid every
other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth,
scalett and fur caps; ull of which will be sold at the ye
ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is
done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand,
they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as be
ing superior and more durable than those generally d
ieted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers eaa
be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the Etta
era Markets. I. R. H. WALKER.
T HE su'iseribers respectfully inform their (rite Is
and the public that they have commenced tI»
At No. 20, Wood street, two doors - from the corner of
Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWARD & Co.,
where they will be prepared to supply all those who
nay favor them with their orders, with groceries and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, on untie which can
not fail to give satisfaction,
zil --dirwlrn
Two New and First Rate Steam Zoelef.
(INE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4
IV foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers.
The other engine is 12 horse power, 7i inch cylinder,
3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 inches
in diameter. These engines ere made of the best ma
tennis and in the most bubgtantial manner, and will be
sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time,
nB—tf H. DEVINE, D. States Line.
THE partnership heretofore existing between F. A.
Frethey and G. G. Frethey haring been dissolr..
ed by mutual consent on the, tat instant, the business
will be conducted in future by F. A. Frethey, who is
fully authorized to settle all the partnership concerts'.
He nsspectfully asks for the continuation of.the pa •
tramp of friends and the pnblic generally. o7—lm
Per Arkansas River.
B's "
16's ..
12's .8