Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 23, 1843, Image 2

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    trade, they begin to believe, is to remain forever do
mestic one. They had prepared themselves fi to
auprply a foreign markat. Teey are now cons-9
Their preparations to other purposes-"..a proceisAm
pleruiantly significaet to the Eaglish capitalist."
Subject to the decision of
- -- 7gtigift — e*rr' . ii:4xi -- •
Rierninq oat.
ittithtßElth '.- I We'were not much ierptisi'd to
em frritq w ,of ) . - .., a phillippic against the
movement of the Trish people for a repeal of the legis-
111 ' aion between Ireland and England, and an at-
talk upqnthe leader or that Kmat and sublime move
mat. .811 not question the sincerity of the edi-
tar of dint piper, nor stop to inquire whether a desire
total ceasidered singular aird independent, had, not a
Ocater influence in dictating that article, than hi', lio•
peat,convietiona, formed from a knowledge of thesuh-
.jeet‘ Weshall contentourselves with thenrticle itself,
'sibic4twe think displays an unpardonable ignorance of
!Cii,*stion of Irish Repeal, as advocated hyiu friends
): . K00; 1 1tie country and Europe.
In the first place, we should be end to know when
the Tost took it to task Tor publishingO'Connelrs let
liota word haa been said about the Age in con
osaien with that letter, and we know not why it t‘honld
tike to itself nn article irAencled for another quarter,
tinlnire indeed it feels that it deserted the rebuke.
' The. Age seems to think that Daniel O'Connell has
no "business to interferewith our afihirs " He cer
tainly is net justified in the coarse and abusive Inn
gna,.,vehe has applied to a portion of our_ citizens: nor
do the friends of Repeal in this country sanct'on his
violence; but he certainly possesses the right 6men
ema to every British as well as Arab ica.l Statezman,
hf 'examining the principles and institutions, of every
, •
government, and 'denouncing whatever feature of them
be may think is wrong. • Ho has precisely the same
right "to interfere with oar affairs" that wewon'.3 have
with "powder ,and bail" the oppressed subjects
uf the British Ciovcrnmant, should they attempt to re
bel against that goceinntent, and "to hoist the banner
of Repoblican Liberty"—a right which the editor of the
4e asserts he would be among the first to exercise.
..We will not du that editor the injustice to suppose
that he teeny believes Daniel O'Connell "pockets the
Ilberal cootributionS of Amrr:can Repealer 4." He cer
tisinlyhas more sense than that. Those contributions
g0,,t0 ttThspeal fund, to push forward the cause., avid
DardelOCcmnell receives not a farthing of them.—
The American Repealer; perfectly understand the per-
Poses to which their contributions are applied, althu'
the Age may not.
. • The following parazraph will show how much that
editor knows of the real nirure and objects of the Re-
~"The Post says there are "no despicable calcula
tions of policy" in Mr. O'Conneil's course. Is he
then .sincere in his loud profession; of loyalty--in
thc ;‘Gad-sare-the-Queea," with which be opens the
repeal suppers in his -own- countr?”
• Most untlonbtedlylie is "sincere in his laud ptofes
shins ofloyalty." 'Daniel O'Connell and the Ilepeol
of,lrelatl are strtiggling—fur what? Not for a
dismemberment of the Empire—not for a total sepa
rationfrom that English GoT6rnment and the EngliTh
Queen; but simply for a local legislature for Ireland,
-to wutch over the 'domestic affitirs of that nation.—
They would still acknowledge the right °fan Imperial
ParHameln to legislate en questions of foreign policy,
oftditiurial Oneeril. ' They would still acknowledge
their allegiance to the Queen, and would be as loyal
autLfaithfol to her as they are now. The "Age" is
theisiore guilty of gross ignorance in supposing that it
is the intention of the Repealer:: to throw off all alle
giance to the British Government. and Daniel O'Con.
nelhany therefore be *perfectly sincere in his expres
sions of loyalty to the Queen, even while advocating- a
Repeal of the Union. '
The Age asks "if he (O'Connell) is really a ROYAL:
IST is he the, man to lead, an oppressed people to Li
berty? We thick not."
The penide of Ireland do not at present desire or
astt for that clsgree of„Toiberty which Ave, enjoy in these
Uoited Sintes---though if they did, the American peo
ple could more warmly sympathise with them than
titer artin , do at prearnt. They ask only fir what our
futher,! , enjoyed when these stateswere BritishColonieg
Pri‘ liege of a domestic legislature to make laws
for the Ideal government of the country, and not to be
dependent ono legislature many miles distant, that can
havelaut little, knowledge of the wants of the people,
sad, perhaps, but little disposition to meet them.
-This is the true object the Repealer have in view.
Oiher objects, for the elevation and prosperity of the
I rislidieople, arc connected with and spring from it.—
They propose to accomplish their purpose, not by
drenching the land in blood, and sacrificing thousands
of heh sous; but by the force and passer of public spin
-: : When we reflect on all that Ireland has suffer
ed under English sway--on the base fraud and car- I
ruptronhyWhich the act of Union was passed, eleven
rations of dollars having been expended in the work—
slam which the people of Ireland themselves have
since been compelled toptly-.—on the intimidation which
was resorted tn, to silence all compluints—the military
bemg Sera to disperse their meetings called to protest
niainst this act—the unequal representation they have
in Parlinment---theconstant drain of her wealth,by the
system of absenteeisnv—the destruction of her com
merce—the pauperism of one-third of her people—the
ritldTing oftrd enormous debt on the Irish people that
theylaad no pare in contracting, and contrary to the
nuns, solemn assurances made when tho Union was ef
fected-;-"vhen we reflect on these, and a thousand otb
erieniils: under which they suffer, that are to he traced
cleic.rlY to the act of Union—and then think of the mi'd
are peeceableandChristian mode in which they propose
esy redros4 them, shrill our sympathies be . withheld, and
-our lawful aid refesed, merely because a portion of her
people, de pot understand our peculiar positien in re
gard tea local queltion. We trust not. We believe
thisAnterican people are too liberal and intelligent to
withhold their sympathy from so righteous a cause,
eimpAirbecause smear its,advocates have not done ns
pettiest justice. ••
aorton.—Tbe present. population of Boetnn it up
tatuds. of one hundred thousand inhabitants. Great
city is Boston forttnetwountryl
,Biaw Yeast FmANcts.—The financial 're aurces • of
tho State of llealrork may ho thus stated in round.
numbers. The nett revezale•of all her canals, over the
eoissfatainumanee and saperiateridance, is 11,500,-
006 k bee ievewie from unction duries.ro. 0;000; and
letftevenae froiti the salt duty is 1100.000; in all $l,-
200,1300qual to a capital at 6 per cent. 0f535,000-
aik, The total debt of the State i 5123,500,000
'AArnati named Thoisas Marsh bas been arrett
4ealoliew4ork, chargPealrith settiog fire to the hoots
ofnrrifriek, inNriesrit, N. .1„ 3ry . which lkirp-.
Ora Mti and het t,W9 c Niid ma l oett b cir lam
- ,-- - . -
• P ii
GUN. JAYS K.. ' 'atit4o,llie pablish, to-say, _ We fiticloo following judicious article in .
~- st .-;,, .• s. H .LIPS & SMIT 1 observe in your
&letter from this t a m dec l in i ng to present his number of the' Muentaineei .s ' ,, p9tlis
_ .. ,
earl :
il b oi K r,
, b e.. - .. ....., i thtgat
5.,,r ,
. m ,r i . : ,.:M the,..7 oo w d i a t y h r t n ii t e m o ni cri nf uN ,,c , ~,
„ ., ,in e unication connect
edit'. .
laellativio thistle - own ,as it- -candidate fir fi-#ll4iir. 1 . ls, , . i ta - „
'r" . e -;.4..' s oy friends in variou s p arts rof di stag : 14 r,b 1l letter and
' :Awe - fifer its ourpapitrof \f ncLiv Comm -ntled Om tkr a a eilittoc , ' o ~,lha yeounty aye al* .st tinanitiyo:l3ly public coMmunications hav44, : dort*tneNt,..: similar hone!,
' - -- I ho-tet it *Th. not be considered Inanitropriate f : Q.r, 11 *
person well qualified f, tr the distingeished station, Iliad li fa* of ofinteha. ' ,..t - .
fr_ ' i , , to state, inv views and wishiss o:i the subject thrOugh
•an toarry . otnettparts or tne state, wbere Mr. Mohotteetrs on... re uellstoß. e excitem...nt of the tate
your colter; ns. -
worth and abilities are well known, he has Illaen very election having at length subsided into a calm, the .
That any parting of me fella's; (-162..0s -should con
g w i t h- subjec_t of the coming election for G . ,3verßor_is_ begin-
slaw .
tiosiiivafer , that„ high ,
Dike, an d arthlt to
d w
favorably spoken of as a suitable candiaate. It
• •on with the
i drawal will disappoint many - of lil3 - friends, who ' are -1 , 3 ° .! thrgivae2e..,lintl',„c, mind , an . °I a g°°l orris be placed before. the .puldic. in outrtpello.
warmlyuttached to him, and hold his excelten t Pt.
'T -- time arrives for this nomination. e hive already
"'' 4lus ' :lll. °a ...-n """ -Js '' " -Y be c r e*-until - e Many prominent and' di+tinguishecl genilemen • who
have been named as candidate;. and who are so well
sorrel and political qualities - itt - t h e - highest estemii.— expressed our conviction tear Fit . 4 , ...?1 cls R. SHUN K ,
, esnitieims the repeet and con fi dence of the Dsraer
Snri. and . - - the Hon. ii . ert . R . i
. A. i ottFei.t.cirto Ili° the .
Had Mr. M. stood fora nomination, he would have , , erotic party. I foal td be a signal hater 'as dratifYA#
.-i. , rdnit proniiiient 'Deemer itts, yet spoken of ftw• - teat
received an ardent support from his friends, and, i i
we_ob,erve, ,,_ _
___ ,_ 1 . as it is complimentary.—But while I am truly gra.tes
Lii" 6LY4ral - P a r rs "r''""'"' “, 7. till
,to k nyVtitTars t 4 ilieir partiality, var.insis-c , no
elected, went& We bare nn (load, htfte dlAcharge i out-for , onflrlita other- - Now -, 'fl s ' 'TA'!" b"--7 -the
; atid - Js'initic , 3 Me reipectfidly hut explii:ithi tlf state
the duties of the - of/lee faltlifally and for the bene§t of 1 aspirants can receive the no r tn ia in t zt a io D n e , n 7 er ,, , ,- , , u nsis.er .t I that ii . i , H ,.
our duty as an humble 'Lahore . e. rause
the...penple t - f the state. Ills withdrawal willinerstase. I t used it tor. c ‘ ) ' ..:- ' , l t:-tis tl i C a 'n ie m t v iy : n l l : n t i,.., e nYv
not be further
• ,
_.„__ to state Our preftirerice.
the chances of some of the other aspirants and yaw After due consideration upon 1 S. tioaff , led diffid en ce of of in own frtlifications,
the ' subject we ,ars decidedly of opinion that :Mr. : , •, - • ..• - Y .' • If. • •
Iwou.o Lilo -1- any circuatue,iices cause F0111:1U3 1..."11.8. -
die hopes of thosa who may .Im, fo r tunate enatigh to -de- / SHUN K would make the strangest candidate of tiny Lion; bat at pra , eat the trriattaf.i3 . oaac e tip i e d b y , d ia.
cure the infirrence of his friends. - , - yet spoken of. He is a self male man, of much talent I ar,tatti ablernd great industry nod has discharged thp duties. of : men, who have been much longer i;egere
the people, and are more likely to unite their confidence
several important offices, with honor to, hiinsitif. and , s
ono support ; and ins business eagaeetneuts being at
aci , antn ge to the public. flis extensive acquaintance ! t his tiine extvii.iive all iinporfurit,*are 5111Cient (what
with the citizens of the Commoawenlik-secures him'
e cun ver ci :Lo rn bi l tio t n a l tb n . r l i , g r h n i rs o ra tli t e i r: f •i tirwa s.•. - h a t , . l .e) .ii t f , e, n tin , ly :
~ t ,: :: , 7: :
muny - -i,th.. personal friends in every part of the state,
and take him all in all he is the very ni to to .securea! bur the . partiality and confidence, of tl - rim. friends
unity of action amen cp
the - .-in , critic party- which I who' have wished to honor me sc highly, I. know of
will carry the election next fall by a vary lart;e'rn 2- i no- heater return, - which I can .make than to pledge
jurity. ' .Of Hr . .111.4t.esatturt's e.apority, integrity I myself to do eiier's, - . thrift-In idip': • Prvt4er to promote
and soirtdDemiscracy we can only speak in L " . 01 5,. " s r ! union nod harmant; is this Democratic ritnics, ash the
the highe,q commendation; but we mutt not •he hullo
1 suz.coss of the nominee of the Damocratiz convention.
io the fact than "the dliicultios of ia3s. ;,,, which
,111 r. Respectfully, yours,
iSlehlenburg bore a prominent part, and which resul- . JA.NIF.S,,E. NIOQR,IdEst D.
tad in the election of Joseph Rimer, tire still fr,,411 MI 17 ,... 16 -c al i:a.,4 -- pr c 4 o - ay. - ... -
' ,
the minds elthe'peopis, and many would support him ALI.RGHEN T CITY, Nov- 4 1 18 Il•
very coolly if at alLshoula he receive_the nom inatio.s. I .
These are not only ear htßivitleal nmiiments, but also .. "The Forriia Quarterly R ,, view" for October, ha+
that of
t i o t• t ne'e. probably stint: tenths of the -D..nfalrotio 'party an article in reference to "Englishmen Ahrc4id," Moth
withid this lninn:l+ or our irnitt
- - :. 1 which thefoilnwing rather pungent and' peppery'pas
For ourself we could cheerfully support Mr. Ails- ;
„.. __,
~,,, ; • .
tits - more firce as it comas
lenhore should he receive the nomination, hat we know , s'`,.' is e .' " '
.' I " if ha v in g
That others an ~g o= cello ox do so, ~,,i. therefOce from the pen of an Englishm4n, and perhaps, listen
desire to see Mr. Vie ik rc:A vo the no nination." I supposed . defects in .deportment hare cr late' been
seen !what fieuly r invassed, some degree of consola
-1 thin may he slerived from a criticism of thiSsort, which
is no &ado {roe l ettutkr.,
"TH R. EN (11.15:111AN A r.notTs.—The fundamental
error °fate travel - 15Tc l'-adi-h ronsi=is in their btiazim"
their F.T.q4hr- , iin , 2• trul modes_with them , instead of'
leasing them l..ofil , i4 to he; taleen 'core nfivith their pic
ture+ nod fit, niture. Von cars detect en En!dishmle
abroad by that reptilsion of manner which covers him
over like frost work. and within the range of which no
body can eutry without bciit bittten' with read. His
sense of -.met i nit) freezeS the very air about him; you
wolthl think me W.l , a statue of ice, er a hook dropped
from a glut .r of tl6 lofties; -Ups. It would Le as ess-.
sy fir she MITI t 1i , • ' 4113 41' Tice eternal pealr'of tin` , anhwy
J.ingfrna. as for any nrelinnry warmth of society to
mu.m'a M h it wintry si In into nue. of the cordial courte.ies
of i . eer-7 , v1-- , e. \Vbi it this XV by tit it that the Eng
lis't alone. tr at all fireign countries through which
they pass with such topping hustlers. and contempt—
. I,,eking down noon them as if they belonged to an in
ri.,-"): ciay,:zta Le, 3ls l •.ah) f ie -,1 yens the Genuine porce
lain, as if arts and civilir nine, knowledge and power.
...Trn.e and beams-, intelligence. strength and the god-
It Tul.fry or good.te., and wi.elom. were ricte cast 1110-
l''‘'2o:y M. Mlillts thE• VII 7h of Gwent Britaini Why is this'?
AV:iv, vim , 1.. ber,a...are the e.neraption of -geld has eat
en into th..ir heart.; because dry are this purse holders
of the world: because mwiey is power. and they have
' ft - 11% tkl Inn I:Y . ir hand into th-ir mri'Kets if they wneld
I male the --trtlt ntat na its ntsj i t. The F...ntlish are net
' r \ ernrstfriost-th-‘ riiiith:sreif tiniverml.natare; nrid•ritide
' alai snin ttia -v rind lustrous peeei. with Its M.TV -. 4 a•
! tm , it..st the .i i- , , fii"!air in the train a eol I as -.:1:elv
u,. the lengthe4in4 sh olte.v.s track the deciine cif. light."
The Atte taltes us to ttsk for ,stating that the
'Gazette published
.the most occurate report of the
speeches delivered on the oceasion of J Q Adams' re
ception. We were ao informed by those whoriluest
eel us to publish -the speecheS, drid as they were most
interested in the matter, we relied un their
without putting ourselves to the trouble of compering
Saeatt.ans.—The German Luthetan choreli in
Philadelphia has been rubbed of the crimson veliet al
tar cloth, fringed with zold.
VERmosT.—. l ,t the second trial in the third congres
sional district, Jacob C • Mansur, whip, is probably
elected by a small m:kiority over T B-Rensom, dent.
DR. —This is. the name of a blind man at
Cincinnati, who
: pledges him.4elf that he can tell of
events that have trafispirt , d iii the life of any person
Who may call upon him, as well as events that 'sit to
happen them, and is able to see and.poird bUt dilEeul•
ties which lay before them. He pledges him3ilf to do
many othey woLderful things, by an examination of the
heads of those who may call on him. Price only 50
cents. A very wonderful man is. Dr. June! •
TRUE. BUT UNGALLAST. — The editor of the New
Orleans Dinmond says hc would rather sea n ga lvan.
ized wax doll dance the eracoviene than see li.sClar•
coition again appear 51n the New : Orleans board; lie
says her acting is beneath criticism. "You're right Mr.
BANK or TEETT.SIEV"The - resiitution providing
for the investigstioti4tlns Dank a Tennessee and its
branches,Usi - !Tamed ,-
, both:houses'oribe Teainesse
'Legislature: ' The resointon:-4painte 4efee'commi
glen° rs in each hank diitrict to examine and r, - ..port. La
the p'rese.nt semion of the GeneMl Assembly the present
condition of the bank.
The Racine (Wis.) Advocate makes the following
statement of the wheat et op of Michigah:—
"We have procured from each of our warehouse
men, accurate statements of the amount of this yeir's
crop of wheat, purrlias . cd at this place up to the 27th
inst. The whole amount 14 35.869 bushels.' Of this
amount there has been chipped to the ea5t25.437
els, anti the rem tinder is vet in tht- stort•hous , :s. Du
ring the vceek. ending 27th October, there was pur
chased here only about 2090 bushels. Tit , est inite
of the F.;ll"pi I: , wheat raiActl in the territi , ry e been
various. anti i..0m0 of them, in our opinion. :ire T ilt...
exarcertted. We think that the of the
present vrop will me. ex.cerd 200,000 lirr fall
short efiZe"),ooo
TN Ltr.tco.—The rilitor of the Vicksburgh Daily
Whig, in a late paper. announct 4 s-that he writes the
concluding portion of a long article in jail. 'enjoyine.
its •'quit hospitalities With as much compoaure as ever
we have sat in - one sizingtii." V. To rwesSeaiila
meeting with another Mimi-. the magistnitc had
nm si
red him to give hail in the sum of .i3,000t 'hoop the
peace. Declining to do so, he was eemmitted.
Mitr.s.—An Irish mile i 3 2240 yar.l3; a Scotch
mile is 1984 yards; an English or statute mile, 1760
yards; 43:irman, 180 G; Turkish, 1826. An acre, is
4340 square yards, or 69 ynriis 1 font 81 inches each
way. A square mi!e. 1760 yard; each way. contains
640 acres.
ADAM Hail N.—The trial of this person Cot the tritTr
der of hls' wife some time since, commenced
at Baltimore on Monday last. It was supposed
there would begreatdifficu!ty in procuring a jury cum
isetent to try the prisoner, as most of the object's had
made up their minds stew his guilt or innoc.tnce.
1 : 1 :7Tho. live hog trade between the interior of
Maryland and the seaboard is immense. On Monday
of last week 22 ear loads, containin7 1125 hrarl, were
breuzht to Baltimore- from Cumberland on the rail
COLONILATION.—We learn from the New York
Courier, that the Colonization Society of that city have
just sent to Liberia two thousand dollars worth of
goods, by the Latrobe, ftom Baltimore, arid they ap
peal totheir friends for assistance in the effort to send
four thousand dollars worth more within 15 days.—
In a published address, the President shows the lin
portanceof occupying the African coast with colonies
under our jurisdieti
A Sca.zscitn NIGGER.-Mr Fisher presented a
petitiN to the Tennessee Legislature, from citizens of
Fayette county. praying that a certain nogvo slave na
med Doctor Jack bo exempted from the operation of
the law prohibiting 'slaves from practising medicine.
This petition was supported by another from a num7
ber of ladies from the same county. Dr Jack is re
presented as a skilful physician of long prartice, who
had rendered essential service toauffering humanity.
The pctitioa was ordered to be transmitted to the Se
rn' RECK.—We learn from the New Orleans Pic
ayune of the 7th inst., that the schooner Emblem, from
that port, with a cargo of flour and dry goods, buuad
to Matamuras, went ashore on the North Breakers off
the Brassos S tot iago, with her mainmast gone.—She
is supposed to be n total- toss.
THE BANK or Pt;:tst syLvstsiA has commenced
di, , counting again, and we understand is (Hug an ex
cellent business. The stock jobbers and Rag Barons
made.a fine speeulatiutt by the infamous conduct of
this bank. its apparent failure has no doubt enriched
hundreds of them, and now they can laugh at the groans
of the poor dupes who have been plundered of the last
farthing by the slishhnea proceedings of the Pennsyl
vania Bunk.
The New Orleans Republican publishes a tattle con
taining the names and places of rcsid.mee of all - the
victims to the yellow fever in that city during the pre
sent summer, It may be examined at our office.—
Thefellowing recapitulation shows the aggregate.
Germany, 227
Ireland, 205
United Stales, 128
Franco, 457
Engln>id, no
Switzerland, -
ViraTs:lye-rill' coop Fur.L.—A gentlemln by tho
name of Stune, of Louisville, has been niabitq. so:uo,
exy , erimenitn prove that , ett! . c=r will even make better
fuel thwit.isaltir-coal.• ' •
The articles of liquid fuel, he contends, ore the.best
for use; bccnase they arc cone,io:ed altno:t entiri : dynf
carbonated matter, unadulterated with extraneous
substances; they imbibe nn moisture, whose expinsion
in the combustion of fuel would (-fiery off ti-bent with
out imparting it to the purpose intended: Two or
more articles of liquid fuels may bo tondo to combine
together, end to prauca chco s ik4s..and more elel4ant
combustion than either article alone 4 by their tiv., li
quids not naturally combustible, maybe united tothem
by chemical affunity, and he th-r4by rJ,zl.lt.r.‘,l roni
bu..tih!v, thus a Mira log cc lauutical lUMIWP d vr.liacing
The theory of the Yuriotts ()per Arians of chernienlitT
finit: find its eomhinntirm., in this 'muttering water
eurnhugtible, without ileco:npot,ition, he says, Lai bean
prOOOLIIICed to 140 COrreGt
By thow , experiment, Ile diTtetilt problem of tho
union of oil and water hi. been t.olve.i in a very c,ini
plo manner; a cheap fuel 6.4 been obtained, and s..v
eral WM' compoutrli tweured in the ligni4 form, a.; t.. 11
and orate', TPAinoui matter an I water, [Atom n 114 Inca
ter and Writ^r, mam et!ier4.
The eh nnical'„l4,4oarata. h;-`o th expel
have been trica. bas been converted into a furnure I,e
burlinz water. itici) it accornplisht. os o!ficiti,t
Tile principle: set Corti: by Mc. Stocu , a'ro welt un
cleritool by court - elm:it citetneo , , and sx ery very ck-ar•
lc explained by Doctor r.ABD, In in Keine of 1,14
tureA in this city. Th: t h at %Ye ti: LO:
could be uc:ed to tbii Lnai. , gent;ernit.i canyinr:
sy-tern of water Inel to greater perfection. is that
he mi_ht. %%lion is 0-te of in
tot. tir.- mut t.ltui. du. s N . :0113 in.itiry
Cossuarvins or Mot. A40:4 C Provi. )
Bence Rhode island pap r says: "We w ill put Prori
dence against any oth city of twice its size for the I
colissauptioza of molasses c,-antiy. Tire strets , are full
of trimly hays, and they Pnt er arcs, nail c.wint ing--roonas
and offices a plis ilegra elan:. We cannot say that
we have seen the dignity of the brach yield to the se
cluetive !sweetness, hat we are sticethat we saw ten of
the jury eneh with n his hand darin.z an im-I
portent trial last %reek. A friend, who sarnetim.. ,
makes very 4.,..r0. , 1 pens. if any pans arc goo4l, perpetra
ted a very. miserable one when lie saw it, and said it I
was a candid jury."
Z‘luaorm. ay - ray. 'tut ;.—f to".Mtner+' Et.pres+
give+ an Recount rf n mind n• reeently rommitted by
the Indian.' abJut furry-rive mile+ above Prairiu +1 t
Chien. The. InTiaosha..l bane trap:Li:4: with tile mur
der, 1 min tor irhitkey,ti.tal, it it tpfxbterl dint It 0.;
eXhaii,ted tip:dm:leans of pronnring it, they dedlwelit l
the trailer flit•thOir desiro for the intoxicating drawizttr.
They aft. , rivtitas -carried oir all his property. No
tempt: were made to arrest thern.'Wben will the white
man cease;tadomil out dostructivefire-soarer to the re,l
man rotirentutored son of tho forest ! —what .blea
ha+ he '0( thet+sponpibility attached to crime, tvhe a
ani eratel u ul:r th • inflame ! of a pnito 1-
•u+ drag.
Noria Scotia,
Amer. SeAtineL
GIVE "Ttin r. eiint:ll3 ''—Ti nt very interest
ing ;tad Linah:e "al ex thcirti
now liciii in a bet itr, vii! zc in Pe:in.y:Y to
who has been three times married; each of his
names were 'he Kam': he had three children by rush
wife and each lived with him three years. He was n
widower between each marrinre titre.... years, has three
children, the third by each wife, nail whose birth &iv;
are within three day. of each other. His last wife ha .
b een d ea d Al re years and he experts to be married
mrain in three months.
FOE; RIERMM.—The NIOWITIT rtytielP, in relation to
the Fourier "Pit t LAN:C," about to ha orzanixed on a
domain 1/.310.v W bee: in„ war wcitte by th,: President,
E. P. Gas.vr. Esq.. of C tau 1. It will I/3. ObAerV, d
tint di r: friends of th? (nous on th- , Western Iteerve
hive been at work silvto dr. purA Ise w ,s midi by the
"Th , friends of A s:ociati.in in ty hi gratified to
learn that a Phalanx is about to be form-d on tilt'
Ohio river.uider auspices in ire firm' rile, it is believed.
than nay Other which hasbeen commenced ordefinitely
rn ojetted in the linited.StaleA. A tract. of two thousand
I acres is il21:111',1 1:t IHmont c.nuoy, in this state. lying
two and a half miles by a straisrht line on the fiver, of
(-signal fertility anti -- he : anis% find nbetinding in almost ,
everything which an A rsaciation requires--coal, gust.-
rying stone, limestone. nail clay for brick in abundanee;
with a stream sufficient to carry a saw mill from one
.third to onn halt of the year. on which a saw-mill is er
ected and in operation. Nearly one half the tract is
under cultivation, so that it may be immediately ten
dered productive.
"Mears areal ready pledged which are barely adequate
to secure the formation of an Association, and a suf
ficient number of members are ready to unite in the
enterprise. It is regarded as no longer doubtful that
tho Phalanx wilt go into operation, but the magnitude
tad brilliancy of the experiment will depend upon
the accessions which may be made hereafter to the
ranital already secured.
"Articles , or ARAccianon have been agreed upon, and
a temporary orgnnizatien and government established,
which will be laid before.. public-in a few days.
THE N iuvoo Laotolf.—Tias St. Louis Repotter.
stitteiffiftt the Nativoo Legion minibers some foar or
five ihousand 'men. They are thOroughly_dycipllnc4,
and well acquainted with the use of artillery, &c
\ C Isl: DECIDI:1)
Thecase of tit- Bi-rk of Biltimitr3 vs. the Bunk of
was tieeidesi, in Ba!tienore. nn IVedieslic;
'by the 'tier n verd;•;.t. f• , ;- the. defen.laot•. Ti
rnt..l%, th • P-t•rietr;w.r.'iltstituteit fii-orover $10.0014
' s ti.i 14 the oltte , ;frs rvs love h. .n advaared by their a."
4 !itartft . t.}.i .r. Mr. 1. - Cooker. trot. B. SLOP , "
gin. an his r!: deed ...?7 , h .1 1••••• drtwn on the
d••f•n I tres pie " F ;on I - th-ir rn.diier, Mr.
Th • loco 13 lrlPZea to have be,n onide from, l
rbo I=t t 1 Mt of Decenther, 13'19. five months rid
I bait' nft , r t! , • cheek a,u d itvd, and !It..defenee is that
wh-ot was dr two and e Steinberp-n
h to n', fold= in dm hands of di- defend yds, hot that the
e:nint , ent*nt riven br r frtorlitTent collusion be
tween hi,n and Orr is•k; and that trlt^n th , ads since was
mad aeon the cheek by M.4Cnnkev. it irmsuttolor such
eireirosvinres of sittpici ut as woold bane caused n tons
o f reiso.tahlt: protienc2 and caution to hare aulsected
that all tvai not rizta.
It was n'so arza-4 that the plan. iff were hott.ni t•-•
refire tins rirrit to the Bank - Virri,.in, soon aft , -r
they r..e.•ived it, which they dal no:; hot intend •of
this. h ne.:h they seat other checks and 110[1.5, to the.
1 Bank for p tfrn int, chic kc or back, by understand
in; or a err with Steio'n•r.rer. becnase then knew
there were no f.rui, in the Batik a' Vire itlin to niert it.
There wer. -, ether imp treat considerations urzed for
the defence_ and the whole case wes nr,st ably nod
obsitorately nrrued 1w the counsel on both aides. The
direct of 11•• se-dirt is to (1-..ctire sorb transactions as
this case ticYolopes illegal and of no force.
The follne in^ i; an jitrict rr.un to attiedr in the
Sierra L-on, NN'atrliman. giving. an account of matters
and thinq= in that Anienn eolort:
"Th.' m inner of r.. -!rtii!inz rczi meat, the third
Woe Indian, at it kralird, is .o-tv.time very flan na
ry. In July. there nriive.lin tho harbor of Sier
ra Leone a ye9ael with rate hatiared and el:htv•fomir re
enntivei. Theyha• l been obtained, not trim slavo
hut from .11 v'e fnctorie. nn the I -ma. They were
mu 11 and eNh , hitei enthu.in‘tic joy when the
id. came to nuchni. Th-y areinA their tleliven - mce
at hnad. I Yititd them immediately at they anchor
° nt eleven o'clock A. M. At two P. M .
o r ran , tttt , the eovernor !Lent In offic , -r on hoard,
who t-I , rt-d se:env:4y, or eighty of the moat p or tly
and vvolfcnnditioned,nunihad them lanfled and mareh
tti hnrrnek4. they were enlisted
in t h en and in duo Limo will be
.eat th"ir turn in the bra Tnlians."
In the OA World, British depots have laid violent .
handt, on the Lib:rivor, O'Connell. for vintli-ating the
ri , ...htt, or dr, oppre. , 3ori people of Iryland. In illoxle
Island. the arbitrary of the charter Covert:-
in:int Charley IA have throw Thoma 4 Darr
int,. n dungeon, for viinlicating the doctrine. , of the
D.,"1.1r.vi , m of Indeprndence. and doing jug oh it
King G' reeltl nroscribcd Hancock and Adams for
doing.—Thuton Pout.
A YJ - ttr 111 OF S ILA rucati& B k.:4110. —.. Mr,G111 1 4 ,311,
th E2.`n/1-1:111 ti:LVt'll`l% in his lectarJ on Egypt, lief ae
anar.ecuuionin Bo:ton. a few eveninzs since, stated
tat Ill.uptiatis w-re the only people of Oriental nations
who shaved. With them as with Arabs. the barber
was a demist and jobbing surgeso. There cure several
p.riatiags is EL:yr reproseatiaz :411aving as well as out
er parts of the hal her ' s functions. 'rho Jr ?CS ware
their knolls, but it is retp , r4P(l itn.xii, that Jo
seph when summoned from his dunrzeon by Pharo,
"shared hintself." Ss that the Bible enable; us to
carry shaving back to 180 years B. C., whiled the
sealptures in the tombs round the pyramids. nrove its
universal use in Egypt several centuries before that
Ter Arkansas River.
. - T ILE fast running steamer EVE
.t t:felii • '
-.. . -...-.-- - 'er, wil depart for Little Rock; Van
:'area, ton tituain and Fort Smith, Arkansas. and all
intermediate Landings. For freight or passage apply
FtasT NEWSPAPER IN Pr.NNSTI.VANIA.—In a very on board or to BIRMINGHAM & CO.,
interesting paper on the Social and Intellectual MUM NO GO, Water street.
of the Colony of Penniylyania, prior to the year 1343, N. B. Capt Irwin having commenderi-steamers on
by Job RT! son, contained in pnrt of the transactions the above River inatis wet/ known to. "the: bastiteso
of the ,Amcrican Philomphic3l Society, we fi n d t h e men on the Atlcans.aa, and can be strongly recommend
fodriiring informritiont—'• In the cent 1719. the first ed to the traveling community and shippers as a good,
newspaper was published in the ~,,,,,,,, or Pennsylya. safe, business man• n 9.3
Ma, und, , r the title, ' The American Mercury.' The
Boston News Letter, undertaken and published in the T HE • AMERICAN PIONEER.--Just received
year 1703, at Boston, by John Campbell, a Soatehrna n, from n?Ccinielitnilli, 6P Tolvt..of No., 182 pNact-dmer
cluimg the nndeninble distinction of being the fi r st scan Pioneer, a .tuo ithly .pelio heal, devoted t i the.
newspaper which "nppenred in either of the North A- truth and and justice of American History, embracing
meriean Colonies. Though Pennsylvania. which is the Indian and general Hi:tory of ourcountry from the
! half tt century younger than Mnstoichosetts, must yield enilse:t times, for_sale at the annual publication price,
this honor to her elder sister, yet the priority is a free ofpostage. . ISAAC HARRIS. Agent price_,
of on y fifteen years, and at Philadelphia was nov23. and Corn. Nlereh't. No. 9. Fifth st.
publiehell the fits: daily newtpaper which sr
' peered on the continent. Four years after the corn-. aired* Ate"
meneement. of ' The American M ercury,. FisziaLta .
40 BBL& good, wv-itec-OPles, of choice kinds,
, .
appeared, a .poor and friendless boy o fseventeen, in consisting of ' Pippins, - Penicks; Ronninitis,
possossion of a trade about half taught, in the streets Robin Nani. R. J. Greens, &c., on hand and for dale by
of Philadelphia " Nov 23. LLOYD & Co. 140 Liberty at.
DOR ' - EETING IV() , N. 1 :,- - ' -;:::' ( " I I 7 glt SALE low for mu& orapprcrved ezilminp. I
n iimense goseting wits hisjifin ton up I re- ii •-, great gross of mambas, 20 dates . A ll egbezrylcli
vgsWg,,,*-40kr,-; rati- orings Pie it*, %.. - v ilg e ts, 100 gross suspender and shirt buttons, MO di
firts.innient.4ll thorrits W. Poss. lonid J pla 'z - A all sizes window glass, 12 poondscotton boss, 100
Efolbrook Stag celled-So the chair, aria a*m o darter angers, tin ware, coffee mills, looking &sow
Vise Pie3A7l4llild Secretaries, were isprosted' . - rtes Sold pocket knives, scissors, 3000 English quills
'i'nesolutions, introducea-by L6wilt F. .14.tsslym, were (a .2* dozen red, black and blue ink,pencih, peas, echos
the effect of the following 1 . 1340'1c5, writinc and letter raper, books and stationary.
Reßolved, That in Thomas W. Dorr we recnznizo l i , " ISAAC; iktRRIS 4.,p,_ Atnicozn-411,snik'-
the man who inu - ri mad tmezto silo irrincipies he - 141 - iC2. _' ---- !" -- -' . .7r-- , - -- - - .IZol - lei liffi. ---
-No.atud;,tplo to tho it oplo who confided . in him; tree_
to tlre ecinstitution he had swore to 'suppertf . true Co
Mmiunitroad jastic-o; and, therefoeiwefad-rr-vrirt of
indigriatitm: 'filick) we want words to expre s s, towards
theetvrants 0E: Rhode Island, who have confined him
(I,efrire trial) in a c.!.:11 of
, I . .he Sta-to wison, and, c!n_apar.
With -fer(nes'.. - , . ... . p . . ._., ~_ c.. . , .. i -,.,,. --...--
Irk' sdive . cl• ," f hat We - harely ofti. oi;i - 15.y , mpatliies to
Thomas W. Ddrr, and pledge our',.'immo rt, in
. all peace
able and lawful way4, - to procure . his release from the
urrinst bondage in which the petty tyrants 0r Rhode
Island tio)-r inf-» , il
itP4. 1 ..- : --2 :. ' . ''
Spilifed ‘ii,l..ires, 5 were 1Thyll: in the course of the
evening by Mr. Wright, Mr. Walter J. IVal:41, of the
Boston Pilot, and Mr. N. P. Banks, of Waltham
Coposr., Se V. I,'elzer, who lately, in
ene>eillitqice iif, d - diwUte nt'it ball, foulzlli a auel with
, Mr. !lain, a liookseller. and shnt biro, wa. sentenced
by a Court-martial to he' beheaded. The Aire has
coin:nulled thi , Rat:epee to 15 yengs'impri,ionment in
f:e•ltres' and . P el zer according l y been con
veyed to the 'fortress of Ehrenbreit4iein, as well as the
tuo 4 econ d.,,'wh:, are condemned to ten years' impris
onment. >The othoptiwzr peracna rapt ialted in,ihe du
el; nee eui . d to bo sentenced to five awl two years' im
prisonment Diodoubti , 4 entertained thnt. the impris
onment of the two seconds, at least, will be conaidera
blY...4'44.o•;..-_-;.'l"._ .r,. : •
Amid all the.. wondorfal and unprecedented progress
of 0ir045'7,5419, baldly anything is
comparable to the.rapid.ity with which the ire,/ has
grown in importance, and bc.com- filled with popula
tion. Not,many days since the Governor of the Teri i
tory -91WistcProsier Wired. docamarini ealliag - orsOn the
electorit, at. tho next election, to deflosite by ballot
their svi , lies as to resolving thsinselves intoa soycrei4 . o
state. In the natural progress of events, but a season
or two can elapse before this large rind beautiful tract
of lank talitec.lu•r rank smomts the-stately circle of the
twenty-six giitent, adding smother to the group. Then
as the flays sperol, again and again will farther and
more distant commostities roma out, like strir4 from
a mil .tho Mier rautit,szond - take their pface "with
their kindred of the South and rho Kest. Iris a proud
th melt this of the prozres-ive grandeur of those wild
untravelled ant uactritiviit.4.l regions! Who can tell
the potoot infloesree theyerti-Pitirie'rcise upon the ties
tiny of this land 1 ‘Vhat grottos of empires, retniaing
the emph itic -Epluribus Unum," are they to found!
The trnveler,as skry years hence irrp.svg with amazed
eye ontl-tklsught amid the tc.erttint2-roMnrc(nPibc - West,
will be bail:4lo realize, es he looks hack to the pres
eat tine, how .nattered and uncouth were the inhah-
Mims ! The West! It is indeed a capacious topic
ir and large triti.t be the mind that can take
in even the probability of v.eau:oos 41 come t,
' ' - lc York Sun.
At tho cotnmeneement of the Revolutionary war.
there lived nt East Windsor, in chi-t State, a farmer of
the name of Jacob Mun..ell, aged 45 Years. After rho
cornmitui by water between thi: part of the eottn
try anti Bostm was interrupted 11, thp ,rnitsacsaitir of
nsr.-forir,lty - the l britiidi fleet, lkturisell 'Was of- '
ten employed to rranSpetn previsirin* by land, to our
army tho neighborhood of Bnstan. In the
slim et of i i10. . t toy eayephsfed: be grriced
ss ithin a few- rtiles.of the cant, at Cambridge,.witha
hire lead, drawn by a From ox team. Ina part of
tee real. which wll. somewhat rourlt,...and where the
t v hid - Pot h-naly 4( . 44 ' rkorri'arri age s ,
i,t Niel) of will+ WI, an American General GlFtrer.
The nfficerin the fi'irwinrct carriage, when near to :Vim.
....11, put . itis head out of the window, and enlled tobity.
in s Ithihnritetiye tone—" D 471131 g•et oat nf the
pyth." Afunsell immediately retnytefl—`.'Damn you,
wO - 14 - gi4t hnt iiNlieineth—:gii tont 7nurStle:-"
-wine other vain attemnts to prevail on Mansell to turn
out, the officer'. carriage turned nut, and Mmisell kept
tie path. The rnher carriage imtnediately,carae up,
h o sing h .cn within lonriaz distance of what had pas
..ed: and the officer within it put his head mita the
,[slow, nal mil to friend, the road is
and it is werydifficult. fir ateta tans put;..wiil . :ss)p
as - to ttirii out and let me pass?" "With
n"1 my heart sir," said .Thusel!: "nit I won't be
dor:mod isut of tho 'rra , h hy any man." Thii last offi
cer 0114 General Washingtnn.
The writer of ttse foregoing article. having beard
grtory at the time of the transnetion, inquired of
M.m. 0 .11 goon after the close of the tear, n■ 1.6 the truth
of it. U. sail it wag true exactly. His word was
ti..) be re:kgi upon.—H , lrfford Courier.
NEw Onticass, Nov. 3, 1843
The bu‘inesa of the season opens kkvly, and &thy'
t h w it her i fis,rable fur all sorts of traneactiong, and
ri feet health- ro -egtabliulted in our community, yet
of itrti.:let , for export my accumulating rapidly,
any considerable movement in the market.—
T,lrze Tilotitien produ•:e are expected from above,
,huu'.(l the navigntiim-not dirge prematurely; and this
with the ahead:int stocks here, aTnompanied with the
love rates of freight, will probubly induce early ship
m -nts, glee rourn.lifg.torturgernoral
I:our—Ohio $44-(1•24; SL Louis $4,121a54,50-
Pork —Mu,4. Vas9.so; little demand.
L-rr Wild 41351,4 kegs 1a64. Sales very
ligni. there being hat little assnannd For ration.
Vaiskey --But, ff , tv sales making. at 113a19c.
Baron—Si LI. 311-1.: hams 4136,.:.: shoulders 3531.
8.. t little duittg . - „
Sqg :r—Ati.pit thre . o lti,i,3rc i ithrls of the new crop
have arrived since Saturday last, most of which has
been sold at prices ranging from 41 to 51c : a very
prime article would summand More. •
Mo!asses.—New mnlpses has been sold at 20.1321. e.
There is none in first Lauds now.
E.rch , inge.—The dornanti for exchange since tour
last hai bctot trite , briik, hot little comparatively ‘va.. ,
ofEtritaz, ihdkinsarpenea.ilf whicil thy rates more as
rc:allv for northorn hi/13, hare again improved. We
quote gterling,SixO per cent pre Now York 60
th...r rent din.
Port of PitOburgli.
Reported by S4eble and Mitchell, GensralSteam
Boat A 7,.•rals. Water aired
•Daihrßearer Par! ets,
Alleeiteny, Dean. Cin.
Ot.!Ila, Bow(nlia. BrownAville.
'Dail} Beaver Packets
A!pine, Cori:barn, 13ro-vtis;;iTle,
• Bridgewater, Clarke, Wheeling,
boatvrivirked thlrs [ l '] are provided with
Evans' Safe% G tiara, to prorvint ehe Explotion ofeteiim
1100 - tACES WANTED - SOON.— or
neymett -printers unttrtiFebliitioii,ijromigies
boys in *Lot, clerics, ' salesmen and bok44llollllpqa an,
culler torstror c,oacimsexiaad binders, isititeirod'etdot
cd waiters nod coolis r forseveral b0y3.54.1=11
zand conntrF, - nnattVolit 10 laboring men. Also, want
cd, places for a number of vhite ozacolopAita
iMaLig,u;er find drinureeic - and - small
Please-apply at Harris' Agency and Intelligedeeol
fice, :So 9.„.5th street. • -
I WILL rcoeive and slid3o tots Freigbl44.42l
E. States Line.
St. Peter's Chterch at Rene.
A LARGE: PAINTING of this spiendid Templt
tit \rill' bo exhibited stliort time est...l7twits':
L G ROO3l, come cof Fourth and Market'strems;
this Picture, Bishop England gave the higbest nolo
glum in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1,838
It is on its war to New Orleans, together with 50 alba)
paintings, which are now open to the public. • •
Admittance 23 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents
children Iciiiprice. G. COOKE.
4" Omen daily from 9A. M till 4P. M. and also
from 6 till 9 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev.. Clergy of all denominations an
respectfully invited, free of charge. . 023.
New Fruits.
ECEIVED this day New Bunch Raisins, ofsuperi
I_L or quality, in boxes, half boxes and quarter boxes
Also. fn :h Figi. LLOYD &CU?'
Nor - •••- • No. 14 thirtyit; -
Western Real Estate Agency,
Third st., next door to the PostOrnce, Pittsburgh, Pa
,_FA:zency for the purchase and sale of Wei Es-.
tate, renting Houses, callections, &c, dan. Terms
moderate. References given on application at the
office. nls—tr
LT AVE in yore and arc rc•ceiving—
IA 425 bags Rio Coffee, part strong and gross,
.50 rkgs Y H and G P Teat,
25 boxes Russel & Robinson's s's Tobisecss,
10 Burton's s's • •
10 " Thompson's . .11
5 " Robinson's 16's "-
10 " 12's •••
5 " superior pound lump
100 " fresh Nlttlaga Bunch Raisin*.
2000 lbs Loaf Sugar,
20 boxes No 1 and 2 mustard,
50 " No 4 chocolate,
25 " ground pepper,
10 kegs " gimgor,
5 " a,oplre, _ .
5 boxes cocoa,
5 " Rice flour,
2000 lbs Oaf: Tanned Sole Leather.
1000 yards -
5 hale; Imps,
All of which they oEzr, with a general_ .portroeqt of
g roccric, dye stuffs and Pittsburgh truustifactUred,.
gonilii..ou liberal terms. nl7
Nora West Corner Market and Foura Streets,
HAS returned from the Eastern Cities and is tam
upening a very large and beautiful assortment of
Comprisiag everything that. is .new and desirable is his
line of business.
Nis goods have been porehmted on the most tltiVaP•
trizcou.3 ternts.frian the Importers, Jobbers and Man
ufactorer3 of the East, ritrt. citsit, and they can and
x‘iib be sold, as low. if riot loti.cr, than goods of thle
511. MU quality can be ariorded.by any other establi
alma in the city.
The early attention of purchasers is-respectfully
....__ No- 13, Fifth street. between. Market cad:
iraod, dad corner of Sia L.'s and Grants/4...
1& H. AV.kLKER feel grateful to khe "
. public, 1 ,, i- the7liberal patronage bestow
ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are no*
manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very su
perior article in Beaver, Russia, Nrutria, and every
other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth;'
seolett and fur caps; ail of which will be sold it the ve
ry lowest prizes. As no part of their manufacture is
done by machinery, but by the best" workmen by,hasti,
they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as hie
ing superior and more thimble than those generally of- 1
r eie d to' the public. Merchants and storekeepers can
he supplied upon equally as low terms as in the Eat.
era Markets. I. &If. WALKER. -
TIIE su'.scribers respectfully inform their £64210
aria the public that they have commenced tho
M. No. 20, Wood street, two doors from the corner of
Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWARD & Co,
where they will be prepared to supply all thaw who
may favor them with their orders, with groceries and
Pittsburgh manuracturcd articics,on terms which can
not fail to give satisfaction,
Lippincott Mills.
THE subscriber having purchased and thoroughly
repaired these Mit.r.s, is now manufacturirg,,
and kill keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all
the different kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brades, ete
made from the best quali:v of Juniata Blooms, and as
soon as the necessary additions can be made to the
machinery. he will manufacture every description of
Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market.
Orders left with S. Cuthbert, nt No. 94 First street;
near Wood, or at the Mils in the Fifth Ward. will-be
promptly attended to, JAMES AN DERSON.
sep 29-3 m
Two New and First Rate Steam Engines.
ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4
foot stroke, will be sold with or without Loilent.
The other engino is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder,
3 foot stroke, one boiler. about 22 feet long. 30 inches
in diametea. These engines arc made of the best=s
tennis and in the most substantial manner, and will be
sold on accommodating terms. They ran be seen at.
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time.
n3—tf H. DF.V/NE, U. States Line.
New& CheapStnek Establishment,
IWOULD most respectfully announce to the citizen's,
of Pittsburgh and the country Zenertillc, that I hays(
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, °reveryTA
rietv, form and description, and would solicit merchants
anti others to call ar.d examine fur themselves; as I em
determined to sell on the most accommodating terms
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit rt .hn re of n , blic natronage. nog. 19-6 m.
THEpartnership heretofore exi§tapg between F. A.
Frethey and G. G. Frethey having been dissolv
ed by mutual consent on the Ist instant, the businesi
will be conducted in future by F. A. Frathey, alto
fully authorized to seule all the partnership conceins.
He rellpectrully asks for the continuation of the pa
tronage Of friends and the pnblic generally, 07-1111