Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 22, 1843, Image 4

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    ! 1- 4110kfbr
Oildf ARO 00„ .Afistafastitssra dl wilt
jin. 18, hied Street, Pittahrel, Pa.—
Have always on band en extensive assortment of Satin
OlanedraisCiellin ?APSE HANGINGS, Velvet and
isllatfoi Hollers, of the latest style and handsome
patter's, fo r papering halls; parlor, and chambers,
- "rrity manufacture and have on hand at all :Imes-
Prlntia:. Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Pa per,Bon •
net and Pullers' Beards—all of which they offer for sale
oti the most accommodating terms; and to which they
i nsitte the attention of merchants and others.
ALSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the bestquallty,
.fichool Books, etc. always on hand and for sale as above
N. Bi Ilagst ud Tanners'Seraps' taken In exchange.
EMOVA.I.—The undersigned begs leave to tnfbrm
1.11.0 the public, t hat he has removed from his old stand,
to the corn.-r of Peon and St. Clair sts., opposite the Ex
change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Nam Form
Wats ROOM, and pow offers for sate the most splendid
simosseat of Naxos ever offered in thin market.
pinnos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo
deled and - eonstrueted throughout of the very be.' ma
terials, w hich, for durability, and quality of tone, as well
as Ltincli, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
Al he has enlarged Iris manufactory, and made arrange.
limits to supply the Increasing demand for this instru•
oent, he respectfully reqnests those Intending to pur.
:haze to call pod examine his assortment before pericha.
.:Ing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell Lorna, for
.ash, than any other establishment east or west of tile
miautital Mi. .. F. BLUM E,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
10 Opposite the' Exchaege Rotel, Pittsburgh, Ps.
--. —
subscriber !midi's'. received from Phiiadetphiaand
• ~ K
e ew York, with a general and extensive assort
qr.eryxtriiCie in his line of business, which lieu' deter.
Miitedl's sell on the most reasonable terms for cash.—
He belltves he can offer stronger inducements than any
sheiflar establishment in this city to country Physicians
antriderchants, who wish to supply themselves with
Merl end. hisdicines. His articles have been selected
with themtmast care, and. are warranted oftbc best qual
ity and nniform streegi h. Orders will be filled with ac
curacy and elegance. FIIIRIII a can be supplied with Fine
and Fancy &arts of every conceivable variety, and of
the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Cosmetics of evc ry description.
. The undersigned returns his thanks for the liberal sit p*.!
port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant
disposition to please and accommodate—a care In pro
caring and selling only what is excellent and genuine—a
dose supervision of the sales and transaction of the ...stab
lisliment—precaution and accuracy hi roam poundi med.
cioes—and by Industry and perseverance, to meri n in)
reaee of public patronage
may -25
La I what makes your teeth so unusually wbite7
Quoth Josh's dulcinia to him Vother night,
To make yours ionic so, with a grin, replied losh !
I ve brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wasb,
'l%s the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, east all other} away
But- to provelt the best; to make the teeth whine.
'Look again, my dear Pal, at the lustre ermine.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not line.
Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,'
awl become acquainted with the ingredients of its concept,-
altion,l cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
Hist:me of the most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 18,12 4 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I take pleasure in stating, having made use of•" Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," act it is one of the best deu•
'trlfices In age. Being In a liquid form, It comb:nes neat
ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds
a fragranee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M. D.
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash."and have found It to bean extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary lAN.
epee over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those India
iseasable members from premature decay. preventing the
Immolation or Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay.
log thoroughly tested Its virtues, we take pleasure in re.
commending It to the public, belleeing it to be the best ar
title of the kind now In use.
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN. A potheen•
ry and Chemist, No. $3 Market street' Pittsburgh; and
at all the prlnelpa Drug:has', and Tuttle's Medical Agen.
y, Fourth street. sep
mO FEMA LES.—There Is a large class of Females In
this City who from their contrauedsltting, to which
their ocen nation s obl ice t hemmre a ffect ed with costiveness
which give. rise to palpitation' t the heart on the least ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
111teleranee of light and sound,an inability of fixing the
*Beath:in to any mental operationr, rumbling in the bow
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion Is used, as going quickly up
stairs; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at
tepee to a few &lees of the Brandreth Pills, The once.
slonal use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandrtth Pllts,inst befbre dinner, are ofen found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in
this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, Impart clear.
seas to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a
- general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth's Office. In the Diamond
PlUsborgh—Price 25 cenu per box, with full directions.
- :MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of
lice, Diamond, Sep, 10
Dr. Leidre Totter & Itch Ointment.
FOR the eureorevery variety of TETTER, the ITCH,
and all Manama of the Skin, has proved itself more
efficacious than any other preparation for the name par-
Wing In ale.
Upwards of five hundred certificates might be procured
Ind published of its efficacy from school Teachers, Pro
prietors of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses,
9splains of vessels and others. were it nut for the deli—
`ettiep Inlaying their names published in connection with
seek disagreeable a fractions.
By Ileum of Dr Leldv's Teller Ointment in con janc •
tion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he
wi io. canary disease common to the skin,
how et, bad, or of however long standing, or refund the
-Monet There are however very few instances hot can
hectored* the Ointment alone.
Price - 25 rests a Beg.
„propkossi only andsold wholesale and retail at Dr Lei.
Ilealt4lldoptiriomil9l N. Second sc. Philadelphia.
bed by B. F.VINESTOCK 4. Co. corner of Wood
and Sixth streets, Agents rot pitisbar:. July 12.
ripElEsulacriber would respectfully inform thecitlaus
of Pit's mrgh, Allegheny and their ;Irk.. hies, that he
boa eusamented manufacturing the article of Lard 01
and Canciles. He Intends making but one quality, which
will equal tbebeat made In the Union and not surpassed
by the best winter 'trained sperm oil either for machinery
or wain', withant its offensive - properties, and one
iffnt.N . IX ANY TEMPERATURE. The sabre d.
bar wishes to Impress diatinetlyen the public mind that
• 5 It'idapt oacentsary to purchase any new fbngled lamps that
• iiratdally palmed upon them anteing requisite to born the
- oil hi. Persons wishing a. pure and brilliant light
slui obtain It by cant:eget lbei old sUtnd,Stistrast, nearly
impolite the Fan Oilleal
U. C EDDY. .
atketktioß of Whet side dealers, Churches and
respeatd.gs 'shell
the t 3 Will bear the manufactUrrlr
Jen 2; 1343 If.
For Ido TTraaeportatio■ of Merchinutize and Produe
H EVIN 8 respectfully inform the public that they
• have completed their arrangementafor the above
Lfne on
The public has long wished for Individual competition
In Transpnrtatlon on the Public Works, by which alone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the
&ate of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Raft
Roads. Indivlduins owning Portable Boats ere enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com
pete with companies.
This line iscompOsed of Twenty new, Four Section
Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and well known as enterprising, Industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf•
flee it to nay, that the detention, lues,separatiol sad dam
age to Geoff., Invariably attending tAree Transkipmente
between Pittsburgh and Phiadeiphia Pretty the Portable
Boat most effectually removed.
The Portable Boat rissesses the great advantage too,
of being well ventilated and cool in Saunter; which pre.
rants Flour from soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine, standing as he does, between the owners
of goods:slid the Boatmen who carry them, and en:101y
interested in protecting the Interests of both, will make
no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform.
He is now prepared to receive and forward Produce
to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and Boston in the
shortest time, and pledge's himself to enter into no corn.
bination with other Lines,hut always stand ready to carry
out the principlesuf his Line, and contract for freight on
the very lowest terms.
(t;lir.To give undonitied.security to owners and shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected,
by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be
!whited without an/ additional expense to the owner.
H. Devtue will receive all produce consigned to him
at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats
anti forward the saute without delay to Philadelphia,
Baltimore. New York, and Boston without any charge
for advancing or commission.
No. 45 Water n„ Pittsburgh.
212 Marlin m reef. Philadelphia.
MOORE 4- t: ASE Agents,
75 Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
BOWEN 4- RIBBER!), Agents.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Madison Ind.
Thos. Mc.IDA Id, 4- Ce Agent
March 10 ..U.142. 27 Old Slip New Yo
Ready !blade Coffin Warehouse, -
r.srte St. 2 Oars/vow tAs U. B. Bask.
'RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that he
has rem )ied kis ready made coffin ware.
house to the building recently occupied by Mr.
R. 0. Berford, directly opposite his old 'Lind,
where he Is always prepared to attscd promptly
to any orders in his line, and by strict alt, , nt lon
to all the details of the business or an Undertaker,
he hopes to merit public. confidence, He will he prepared
It •LI, HOCRS to provide Hearses, Biers, C sages and
every requisite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the
country a ill be promptly attended to.
His residence is In the same building with his wart
house, where those who need tits services may find him
at any time. RERRENCIt
10001 i ItIDDLi,
V. B.m'cLcts,
SeP 10
FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale
his farm, lying in Ross Township 4} miles front the
City of Pittsburgh, contening 114 acres ofiand of which
60 are cleared and under fence, I a m 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple. t few Peach and
Cherry tress—the improvements are a .arge frame house
containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta
ecru rw private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,stone
hveinoit, and stabling, sheds r nd other out houses suit
able for a tenement! —2 good Gardens surrounded with
clam' , bushes. ands well of excellent water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for
sale with marcinducement to those wishing to purchase
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for
further particularmapply to the proprietor at his Clothing
store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next.l
will be dlelded Into 10 and 20acre Inca tosolt patch&
sent. sep 10
Regular Morning Packet for Beaver.
T liE sir f:st , runnier; and and well known
SEWIP Plastrunt., Master, will depart daily from Pitts_
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Heaver at 1 o'clock P. M.
For freight or pairs..ge. , iyiply on board, or to
N. B.—The regular eannl packet 10 Cleveland 01110
Greenville and Meadville Pa.; and hi assillon on the
Ohio Canal,eonnecting with strainer Cleveland at Bea.
ver,will he in operation immediately on opening or nay.
Igation,. mar !G -tf
PILES cared by the ran of Dr. Harnett's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortip after I received the
Agency from yuu for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an ncqnaintance wi;b a iad,y of
.1.14 s place, who
was severely 'Meted with the -riles. Per eftlit.or ten
yea reibis Lady was ashjeci_ to frequent painful snacks,
and her physician rciaridered her case so colipllcated,
that be very widow prescribed medicine for her. 'Throne h
my periusslon, she commenced using sour Pilis.-and was
perfectly cured. Yours, *c. IA Eft' R. KIRBY
October 3. 1840. Chamhersbue, Pa.
reollice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10
IVO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be_
11 come popular, in consequence of its success and ef
litacy, than it isconnterfelted or imitated.
To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured
moulded bottles for his celebrated Tetter and Itch Oint
ment, with the words 'Dr Leidy's Tetter r nd Itch Olnt.
merit; blown in the glass, besides conlaining his written
signature nn a yellow label outside.
Dr Leidy's 'fetter and Itch Ointment, has proved more
Efficacious than any other preparation for Teller, Itch,
Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of
the skin generally,
It has been employed in schools, factor) is, and on board
vessels carrying passengers, where children. as well as
grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their
contagious nat ire, with the most unexampled mimes.;
certificates and recommendations have been heretofore
published from them, and numerous others aught be ob.
tained for publication,Lut for the objections most persons
have, to having their names published in connection with
such disagreeable and loathsome nffect ions
In no single instance has it ever been known to fall.
It has been used upon infants and by persons of nil
ages. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury In its
composition,stud may be Used under all circuanstaeces.
Price Twenty.five mentos bottle. Prepared and 'told
at Dr Leidy's (leant' Emporium. (Riga of the Gotden Ea
gle and Serpents,l and by B. A. PAENUIrOCK *CO.
oner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Phtstang.
HEY. ROBERT eatxt, D. D.
No 60 Water street
- -
Contagions .Dlseabes, Riot: Change of
)Water_ most be adapted to the nature of the esh
or there win be no' propogation of the species. The
soil must be adapted to the seed, or there will be no in
cream. The climate must have those matters In it which
will unite and kcep alive epidemical or contagiouJ poi
sons, or they will heroine extinguished, as a lamp that
Is unmapped with oil. Bo it is likewise with the hu
man frame, it cannot be materially affected b) epidemi
cal or contagious maladies, unless there ber those matters
Boating In the circulation which offer the appropriate
soil. By ; unifying our bodies with the BRVIDRRTH
PILLS, which Lave affinity with those impurities upon
which contagion feeds, we may . Iways feel secure,
whatever disease may rage around us. True, we may
have It, bat it will soon be over, our sickness will he
the affair of a day or two, while those who have been
too wise to use this simple and excellent remedy, tither
die, or have weeks perhaps months of sickness.
Sudden changes from very hot to chilly weather are
unfavorable to health; and It is a fact universally admit
ted, that heat and moisture are powerful agents In pro.
dining disease, and that constant nay and constant WRY
weather are both favorable to its geueration; It does not
signify WRST we call it; it may be ague, It may be bilious
fever; it may he yellow fever. it may be dysentery; it
may be rheumatism; It may he bronchitis; it may be ehol
lc; it may be constipation of the !towers; It may be lob
mutton of the bowels; It may be Ineamation of the steno.
aeb; it any be A nerv,m4 affection; still it ie demise, and
a disease curable by the Brandreth Pills, because the)
remove all Impurities from the body, all that can in any
manner teed the further progress of the malady, no mat.
ter how called; thus these pills are not only the most
Proper medicine, but generally the only medicine that
need or ought to be used. At the present time ills every
man's duly who wishes to secure his health to use them;
It lathe duly of every one who knows anything or their
health restoring powers,to make It known In his imme
diate ercle, For there are some alarming signs, which
tell of the approach of dieeam. The sudden changes of
temperament are more to be feared and guarded against
than any eoatagious malady.
The Inirtmenas has left many in such a state of weak
lien that there Is in them a great susceptibility to lie af
fected by these changes of the atmosphere and cantagious
ma'atlet; but by the timely use of Brandrellt's Pills, even
now this susceptibility can bell a great measure iemovt
ed, and power given the system to resist these morbitic
poisons, and the sudden changes in the weather with
which it may be brought In contact during the next fifty
days. Nature has formed the bowels of the evacuation of
all unhealthy humors, and I f inan would but !Hie CaulitiOt
4prt.e, he would take care they performed this office faith.
fully, f f the bowel, are out of order; if too slow or too
fast, a few doses of Bwksoaatn Pius will bring them
to order, Ask the man who was dying from constirc.
led bowels what cured him; he tells you, Brandreth's
Pills. Ask him who had dysenrary far till month, and
every remedy had failed; he will also tell you the Bran
dm! II Pills cured him in a week. do with other diseases.
Twelve Brandreth Pills rubbed :own In a pint of nio.
lasses, cured a little boy or an ulcer of the fare, which
was rapid'y spreading to Ihi• eyes, and which a dos-
en dock'', had irled to cure,
poor parents would have given 11.11 they were worth
to have hnd It cured, but every thing they tried did no
good, until they gave It a teaspoonful of 11101.15111, every
day, In half a pint of which they had rubbed down
twelve Brandreth Pills: before 11w' whole or the n:omm, a
was taken ilia ulcer was cured, And yet some foolish
peop'e call Bra ndreili's PIIIsa quack mai , Inc. It would
he well [(there were a few more such qnack medicines,
Will till your pretended jarsaparltia Compounds cure
like the Brandreth Pills/ Can they send you to persona
Chilli), as Dr. Brandreth can? Can they point oat to
you people who had been helpless for years f ont Ep
ilepsy and Bt. Vitus' Dance who have been cared by
their remedied? If they cannot, Dr. Brandreth can . —
Can they point out to you n person who for %richly
years had never had a stool without having used med
icine, or mechanical ineans; and whom the Brandreth
cured In a month, and save him as healthy eiraethattoett
as he had when he wag a child. If they cannot, Dr.
Brandreth can.
The BRANDI;Ef H pi LLs not only do cirri, all turn
tile diseases, but It can be demonstrated, that by their
tlme'y use, they must Infaltuty cure. In a very short
time, Dr Brandreth will bring bawl. the Wilk a con—
cortration of the virtues oft he Brandrctli Pills, both in
the form of Pills, and in a fluid form, and that he wilt
explain the rca•on of the cures Dint must mires...ally be
the emit of using the BRA NORKTI AN R Eat en.iEt-'.
whether l hey be internal or e sternal. I have jitst re
ceived the ease of a medical gentleman who eiviides al
gherbrOok, Cawsda, who for twenty years was sorely
afflicted with disease, which conic out In till:Schee and
scabs all over hie l'otly. 'Flynt gentleman so Car forgo;
the rejodkes wbkh two often curse his peofearion, as
to apply Personally la Dr. Brindreth, •ad bis cour.e
Proved a happy one; within Ms wombs he was entirely
cured of hit miserable and ;Gumming eiseme by tbt
use of the Brandrto Pt) g.
The use of the Brandrcili Pills ran In no ease do Inju
ry. because they are made of ihoPe herb.< and roots est.e.
reuse has folio proved always harmon.ze wl:h the hu•
man body body, The ontles.on of purging with them
cases ofskkver‘s, leolten the csuseol a long attack, utter
endingionly by cessation tif
Hon• Important i is that this course should be pu rind;
It will not only be the surest weans of re.incing, built
It will In a great measure prevent the recurreiore of
constitutional ma'adles—lt will surely weaken the ma
lignity of the smocks and In itine secure ronust health.
A• with all valuable medicines the Brandiedh ril:s
have been shamefully ceunterreited,h t I have succeed.
ed In !lath': exeruiad 'Ell LE LABELS, (and which
areappended to each box) of sorb Intrinsic workmanship
as to bid defiance toall future {Orators. Now, howev.
el, a new evil present• itself My advertisements are
taken verbatim, and used by all the medicine mnn.
gem of the day. who merely take my name uul and
ins• rt the name of their medicine In the place of Bran
dreih's Tills occupied in the advertisement thus stolen
from me. Time will prove how these speculative gee
liemen sustain themselves.
MY FRIENDi may rest satisfied that I shall, so long
as my life and energies are permitted me by ■n OVER.
RULING PROVIDENCE, attend Personally to the
Preparation of the Erandreth Pills, and tbt.t those
properties which home thus far renderel them so popu—
Jar, will still be continued unlmpared.
The Brandreth Pills are sald by one agent In every
place of Importance throughout the world; each agent
having a cettlficale °regency from Dr. Bland eth, ha•
ng fae.slmiles of Pales on thtrandreth Pill boxes en
graved thereon.
BRANDREI WS PILLS are sold at 25 els. per box
wilt" NS directions at thePRINCIPAL Orncx.24l Broad
way, 274 Bowery, 1891 Hudson street
The following ate duly appointed agents for the rale
of the Bran Ireth Pills in
Etewartstown—Chessman 4 Spaulding.
Clinton —Jos. Carmel'.
Cranberry Tp.—R. H . McK•e.
Butler—Lane, Campbell 4- Co.
Prospect—G. A. Kirkpatrick.
Purtersvilie—Peter Hoffer.
Portersville John ()Myer.
Mt. Pleasant—H. 4. J. Lippeneott.
Laughlinslown—J. 4. C. Howe.
West Ncwton—M. P. Smith.
Youngstown—MeAtte 4 co:
nov 18—w3t.
srRumENT6I- T. McCarthy, Cutler and Sargirai
rnstranient .4/akar, Third street, nearly apposite the
Post gytee, PiitsbgrAth
rhysicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
strumenis madeby the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Seissors always on hand
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect
fully sonetiied.
N. B. Al!article! , warranted of the best quality, and
ebbing done as usual. sep 10
Case of Liver Complaint of .25 year. standing.
This may certify that for twenty five years 1 was af-
Meted with Dahl In my side, which was frequently so
severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. 1 have
been ander the care and treatment of various physician.
without any permanent benefit. Rearing of the many
cures effected by the Repatic Elixir prepared by Dr.
Starkweaiher,l was induced to give it a trial, and am
happy to say that II has entirely removed. I have felt
no syseptelwit of it far tore than a year past.
Northhridse, luneB6 80, 1841 A MOS WRITE.
The genuine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medkal Agency,
Denning's Fire ?roof Iron Chests.
Prrrszußon, OCT. 22, 1842.
J. Ditrratso—On Friday, thenth of last montb,about
9 o'clock at night,the Planlng.Grooving and Sash Man.
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all comm.
med by fire.
The Iron Safe which I hough? of you some time back
was to the most exposed situation during the fireiand
was entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform - you it Was
opened at the close of the fire.and all the, hooks, parent,
iceasedt-4hisis the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
Adams ° , ! Mont' "Ziniittphi'' Millis I
T imm DOW been betbre
• 1.11; the public 3 years du-
ring which time several
thoosands have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident of being sustained
in saying they are tAs best
L'otree Mills in the United
States, any way you .fix it.'
Several modifications are
madelo suit the fancy or
wives and the purses 'f
Sold by the gross or dozen
at the manufactory,—
Malleable Castings made to
Three genuine articles, of all glees, and moat Improved
varleilet,conslantly on hand and for Bain at very reduced
prices by the manufacturer, L. R. LIVINGSTON,
mar 2. —tf Fruit tketween Ro.a and Grant sta.
HAu removed the taper Store from Market
street 10 2ND, et. Wood 'erect, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual cc
sorimeut of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors i en
tries,ehamhers. ke, and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of which I hey offer for sale on accommodating in rma,
feb 141,1843.—dif
How important It Is that you commence without
loss of time with Bits IlDatTlel PILLS. They mildly bur
surely remove all impurities from the blood,and no case
of sickness can afTect the human frame, that these cele
brated Pills do not relieve as much ar medicine can do.
Colds and coughs are more heneatied by the Brandrerls
Pills than by lozenges and canalca. Very well, per•
haps.as paliatives. but worth within: as eradicators or
diseases front the human system. The Basal:tarns PILLS
cure, they do not merely relit ye, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, Will
certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
Doctor Be.jonsia Brandrea—Honored Sir: Owing to
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I ain
induced to make a ',Witte neknowledgemitht of the benefit
my wife has derived from your Invaluable palls. About
three yeats this winter she was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much Inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doetur. During lalsatiendanee the pain and swell.
in; increased to an alarming degree,antoa three weeks
Dom ita first commencing IL became a running sore.—
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the gain growing worse.
and the sore larger all the while. He said if it was deal
ed up It would he her death, but he appeared to be at a
loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued
to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought
other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
taw it that heeoold soon cure the sore, and give her
ease at once, To our surprise he gave her nn relief,
and acknowledged that it baffled all Ills skill.
hut could not: the
Thus we felt alter having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain, la
aheolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
tailing in the prime of her years from her continued
suff,ring, Under these circumstances we concluded that
we would try your Universal Vegetible PillsAletermined
to fairly ter their curative effeets. To my wife's great
comfort the first few dotes afforded great relief of the
pain. Wit oin one week, to the astonishment of our
selves and every one who knew of the case, the swelling
and lite inflammation began to cease so that sbe fell quite
easy. and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after tit
weeks' MN' she was able to go through the house. nett
again attend to the managemeut of her family which
she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over
two months from the time site first commenced the use
of your invaluable Pills, her ankle wan quite sound,and
her health better than It bad been in quite a number of
yearstieforr. I send you this ■tateutent after 'wo year'
test of the cure. considering it only an act of Justice t •
you and the public at large.
We are, with much gra Nide,
Very respectfully.
P. R. The !Intanirat Doctor pronounced the sore can•
error's, sod tinatly said no good could he done, unless the
whole of the Penh was rat of, and the hone scraped.--
Thank a kind Providence, this made WI resort to your
pills. which saved us from all farther misery, and for
which we hope t he thankful. T. 4. E. 1..
1:0-Sold at 2.5 rent 0 , per hos, with directions.
Observe the new lithely, each having upon It two vig
natures of Dr. Rrandret h So each lint of the genuine
has six sianatures--three Benjamin Brandreth and three
B. Branclrelh upon It.
The only place In ritlaboreli where the real nran
dreth rills ran to obtained, Is the Doctor's own "en.
In the Diamond, behind .the Market house. Mark,
the genuine Brandretil rills can never be obtained In any
drug store.
The follovrin: are the only ale nts oppnlnteel by Dr
Rrandreth, for the =leaf hls Ve:etable Universal Pills
In A Ileiheny county:
Psuretest. Ancter.o If LEE, Pilisburgh
Mr. Jithti Glass—Allegheny,
Robert Duncan-12kmhis ham.
C. P. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Rowlaril—M'Keeeport.
Presets !min—Pleasant 11111.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chessman (• Rpm:l4llns -Stewartstosrn
Udell k Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Turentum.
George Power—Fairview.
Ihrtd R Coon- Plum township.
Daniel Neale% —Rost Liberty,
Edward Thompson--Wltk Insburglo
Wm. G. Hunter—Alien's MIII
The omen Pittsburgh which was established for the
purpose's!' constitutin7, agents In the west, having accent
pirsoed that object, is now closed, and Mr • G. H. LEE
In the Wain iind, Market street, appointed my agent for
the sale of Pills and Liniments Alt Dr. Brandeths agents
will therfore.understand,i bat Dr, R. will rend a travelling
agent through the country once a year tocollect moneys
for metes made and re-supply ageels. The said traveller
will be provided with a power of attorney, duty proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all necessary vouchers and papers,
Mr. J, J. Yoe, Is my travellingagent now In Penney!.
vanie, B. BRANDETIL M. Di
N, 8, Remember Mr. G• H. Lee, in rear (tithe Mar.
ket is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
New York June 14th, 1343,
I:l',r An individual only wishes to know the right way
to pursue It; and there are none, were It scazor made
known how Lux might he prolonged and Hashru re.
covered, w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence Is
required that the right way Is discovered. This Is what
those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about.
For who is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his
body Is capable of? H Ito is there that would not live
when his exptrience can so much benefit himself and
(amity? It Is a melancholy fact that s very large pro
portion of the most theft I members of society die be
tween the ages of thirty and forty. flow many widow■
and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man.
kind not having In their own power the means of restor
ing health when lost.
Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented
and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na
lure. in the outset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills,
This la a fact, writ understood to be so by thousands of
our citizens This medicine, if taken so as to purge
freely. wilt surely cure any curable disease. There is
no form or kind of sicknestthat it does not exert a cur
ative influence upon. Thus, by their power in resisting
pit:refection, they cure measles small pox, worms and
att contageousfevers. There is not a medicine In the
world so able to purify the maw of blood and restore it
to healthy condition, as the ftrandreth Pills.
The Brandretli Pills are purely vendable, and so in
nocent that the Infant of a moi ih old may ese them If
medicine is required, not only with safety but wii h a cer.
minty ofreceiving all the benefit medicine Is capabie of
Imparting. Females may use them In all lie critical
periods of their lives. The Bramirdh fills will insure
their herdtb, and produce regularity in a'l the functions
of life.
The same may he said of BrenulreCk's External Rem
edy, as an outward application in all extif sal pains, or
swellings,Or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When
used where the skin is very tender or broken. it should
be mixed with one or two pints of water.
sure Tester Genuine Drisdretit
the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date must he within the year, whirl,
every authorised agent must powers; if the three labels
on the boy agree with lbe J hree labels on the certificate,
the PIM are tree—if not, they are (bine.
Principal °dice, 241 Broadway, New York:
Jape lb.
SING Bina, January 21,1843
Dr. .111110,114"1 AWN ,DZIIIaiPTIO PILLS,
ARa adveltleollll to thousands lit most extraordlna•
rpm**, for this adlieltion b Well as the Ineon
trovdmit of their coring DYSPEPSIA. Will those
stiffens( astral* anions their friends if they have nut
knowe a the positive elects ofeald 'Pills. and lf they
do titatheir theta more warmly praised (aad tietervediy
too) their-any other, then let them net tiny them. In
these few remarks, all fancy or Imagination is excluded,
and nothipst Intl bb uid of their merits at any time
but what CV, be, fairly proved by respectable Winters of
our costurahlty.
Read the following certificate given by a respectable
citizen of Alloghesy city, sad attested by one of theiudg
es of the Court of Common Pleas of A Ilegheny co.
Dear Sir-1 have for a number of years past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache,a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re•
commended for its cure, have never derived any mate.
rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyspeptic Pills. 1 have not taken quite two boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that distressing
complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your
Pills as the best medicine I have ever used.
am aqua.nled with Mr, Turtle - , f have no hesita
tion In cart:lying that I consider the statements of Mr,'
T. respecting Dr. Brodie's P.lls, as entitled to the most
perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS.
For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Srodonian Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; ani by all authorised a
gents throughout the Union
Alley city Jun 9 1845
Evan's Camomile Pills.
Caavrtevres.—Letter,from the Hon. /When] M'Ctcl•
lan,Sullivati Cou uty,East Tennessee, Memberof Congress.
WASHINGTON, July 3d, 1338.
Sir—Since 1 have heen in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and saris
faction, and believe it to Ilea most valuable remedy. One
of my :onsti tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did,
and he has mpioyed it very successfully in his practice,
aed says It Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place," thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the
care of Robert King 4- Sons, Knoxville county. Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell, East
Yennessee. I have no doubt but if you bad agents in
several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi.
elne would be sold. lam going to take some of it home
for my own use, and that of my friends, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
it Montville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there.
Ycura reepectfully,
ABRAHAM 11'CLELLAN, of Tennessee.
Bernie Wholesaleand Retail, by
No. 20. Wood st reet.below Second.
Tilts Infallible remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery. from convulsions. As soon
as the Syrup Is rubbed on the pns, the child will recce.
er. . This preparation is so Innocent. so efficacious. and so
pleasant, that nochild will refuse to let its gums be rub
bed with It. When infantsare at the age or four months.
tho' there is co appearance of teeth. one bottle of the
Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should
t ever be without the syrup In the nursery where there
are young c hildren. for if a child wakes in the night with
pain in he gums: the Syrnp Immediately gives tax. hY
opening iliepores, and healitig the gums; thereby prevent.
ing Cativo lions, Fevers, te. For Sale Wholesale and
Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
se p 10 N 0.20. Wo•td street. below Second.
Liver, COMPLAINT cured by the nse of Dr. Mar-
Itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient rill,.
Mr. Win. Rirhard4, of Piltstinrch, Pa., entirely cured of
the abovedi•trpsina disease His symptoms were pain
arid welch' in the left aide. los= of rpei tic, vom !tin!, acid
eructations, a distension of the stoniach. sick head-ache.
furred tongue. countenance Cll2t.zr.l to a citron roktr, dill
cult y on.reat !Owl. dlsturtwd rem, attended Milt a cough,
areal debility. with Other symptoms indicating are - at de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard ,
had the advice of several physicians, hut received no
relief, until usin: Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which terming.
ted in ell - retina a pe-feet cure.
Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street. Philadelphia
For sale In Pittsburgh by Santos! Frew, corner of Lihrr
iy and Wood streets. 'eft 10
These Pill. are i•omposed cf heals, which exert
a .rwcifte action upon the heart, give Impulse or
.ireevb io the arterial system; the blood Is quickened
ad equalized In Its circulation through all the vessel.,
whet her n{ Ole skin, the parts situated internally, or the
estremilles; and as all the secretions of the body are
dram n from t lie idrxxl, there Is a consequent 'acreage of
every mevetion, and a quickened action of the absorbent
and ez haleni, or Om:bar:in: vessels. Any morbid action
Which may have taken plies is corrected. all obstruz
dans are rratured. the Woad is purified. and the body
Zs mei al to Ode Cote. Pori ale Wholesale and Re
ep le s 4 11 Wood at. below Second.
Pittabarai Lard Oil agannfactory.
- -
• , -
—VEI ._,,:•• V o 'NJI= .
_,.. - - val, ~...,
Vt:... - ' ---, - 1 M ap--,,.- S r. _ _ _ r ..."--- • -
' .-- . - 4 - , ' 1
et 3•••t=. -`• -•-
• lb&
..-- '''''''.."'"" 0 11 r' l *
_ _
mar 23, 1843
C OXSTANTL Yon hand a superior article of Lard
Oil, warranted to barn at any temperature, and
equal to the beat winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper. man.
afactured by the subscriber at the old stand, Third at.,
nearly opposite the Post Office• DI . C. EDEY.
Jan 4 :1843
E subscriber having opened a shop No 68, Second
street,lietween Market and Wood streets,Plltsliurgti,
n,connei tic n with The Factory in Birmingham, respect.
fully Inf inns his friends and the public, that he will br
happy to be favored with their orders for any articles in
his line,
Door Locks and Fasteners, o :various d scriptions, or.
hand and made to order.
Tobacco. Mill and Timber Screws.
Lirge Screws, for Tron Works, and Screws for Presses,
n.aile as may he required,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call before
contracting for jobs, and examine his articles and prices.
Cooks repaired and jobbing aenerully tone ha die best
nuinner,and on the lowest terms.
may 2-6 m JAS. PATTERSON, Jr
cable In all eases, whether for Par:aria or Peril".
cerise. They possess all the boasted virtues of other
pills, and are additionally efficacious, containing Starsap
arilla in their composition. which Is not contained in any
other pills In existence. They are also different from oth
er pills in companion, being rarely • vetahlt and can
be employed at all times, without any danger, and re•
quirlng no restraint f,om occupation or usual course of
Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood
Pills would care all diseases, yet it is not saying too much
of them, from the Innumerable cores perforated by them
in every variety and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have been published from persons of all denom•
kations, physicians, clergymen, sod others) that they
seem to he almost universal in their effect; and persons
using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest
assured they will befound more efficacious than any oth
er pills in existenee.
From the known reputation of Dr Lefdy's Blood Pill!,
'tie deemed necessary to remind the public where they
may at all times procure the genuine, as It Is attempted
to impose other pills called 'Blood Pills' upon the public
on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's, 9J-Be particular and
ask for Dr Leldy's Sornparina Blood Pills, and see that
the name of Dr N. B. Leidy is contained on Larosides
ofeach boz,(the boxes being ofpaper, and oblong,aquarc
shape, urrounded 1)y a yellow and black label.
PRICE-25 cents a Box,
Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second ,creel, be.
low Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. B. F.4l7lfEf TOCH
CO.eorner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pitts
burgh July 12.—1 y.
Headache! Headache!
ALLsGsuh City, January 9, 1343
Yours, Respectroily,
Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting la pareillftw
following klods—ait of the last ycar.serop it Warm Ste
Bearags Egg Plant, bath*
Beets, Endive, Nazi 1,
Leans, Rale, Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin, Bar.earn;
Wttuce, Radish, BomaI."
Mater Melon, Rhubarb, CaLbage,
Nusk, " Sahoary, Carrot,
asturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach,
SquaFh, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brcwoy ,
&c. &e. Arc.
Together WI h variel yof Pot 4. Eweet herb. and down
frr Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Tres, te. from Garden.
ers and others will be received and promptly attc.ndcd
F. L• tsNOW DEN,
No. 184 I.lbeny. head of Wood sat
Jan 13---1 y
Cr. SwAVlts—Dear Sir:— Permit me to take the liberty
of writing to you at tYis time to express my apprcbation,
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Virginiaoa, or Wild Cherry Bark. in
my travels of late I Lave seen Ina great many instances
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
'Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, sc,
4.r. I should not have written this letter, howevet, si
presen. although I have felt it my duty to add my testi
many la. it for some time, had it not been for a late In,_
stance where the medicine above alluded to was tnstrn•
mental In restoring to perfect health an "only child,"
whose case was almost hopelen, in a family of my ac.
quaintance. ''l thank Fleavrn," said the doating' with.
tr, ,, tny child Essayed from the Jaws of death! 0 how
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry is the most valuably medicine In this or any
other country. lam certain I t ave witnessed niers then
one hundred cases where it has been attended with com.
pleie suc,ess. I am uslnx It myself in an obstinate at.
tack of BrorecAitis, In which It proved effectual la a •x.
ceedlngly snort time, considering the severity of the ease.
I can reromend it In the fullest confidence of Its superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; it Is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten limes Its pike. The public are as
mired there Is no quackery about It. R. JArasoo, D. P.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Check
N. Y.
Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4• retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. Nn. 53. Ma•ket ..treet. sep 10
what well destroy Life. clod you are a treat ■ax
"Discover what will prolong Life, and tAs world wig.
call you litpoitor."
"There arc facalties,bodily and ixtellectital. withiw ra
. with which certain herbs have affinity. and over whieh
they Aare power."
Dr. B. Btandrctit's External Remedy, or Distillment.
which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain cr,
Sorene-t; thus Sprains, Stiff While Serellinp.
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joist!
Tumors. Unnatural Harditetts, Stiff Neck Sore Throat'
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous e t
lareements, Tender reel. and every description of in.
Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Elaine, tab
cored or greatly relieved by his wever-to los 'epics*
extolled rue cdy.
Caarznr.rts.—The following letter from Major Ger.
eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme
dy, speaks volumes;
Nrw Yoax, Feb. 9,1844
Dent Sir—Wlllyos oblige me with another bottle of
your ex , ellent Liniment? ft is certainly the best of the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my Sae,
kfice,abont which I waaeo uneasy.and I have found ft
productive of Immediate relief in several cases of enter
nil injury in my family. A few evenings since. my
youngest child wasseised with a violent attack ofpreap.
which was entirely removed In twenty ssimstes s by rub
bing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem
edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment
fore I one, instead cf confining the use of It, as you
have heretofore dune, to your particular acquaintances.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD
Da. B. finnmattrru.24l Broadway, N. Y.
IrrPor wife at 241 Broadway, New York, and at hi,
office in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. PCICE-50 cents
per bottle with directions. imp 10
alms of individuals is very numerous. They are tilos
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers walk
men In feather stores, stone cutters, baker., white teat
manufacturers, are all wort or lens subject to disease as
cording to the strength of their constitution. The os y,
method to prevent disette, is the occasional use of
medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete
riot], humors, and expels them by the bowels. Touter
In any form are Injurious, as they only off the est.
day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth•s ryllf
will insure health, because they take alI impure matter
out of the blood; and the body is not weakened bat
strencthened by their operation; for these valuable Pills
do not force, but they assll nature, and are not opposed
but harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, In the Diamond,
Plllsburgn. Price 25 cents per box, with full (Branham,.
MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh where the
41ENIII NE Pillsean he obtained,ls the Doctor's own Mr
lice In the Diamond.
Caveat entered 9th June, IB4?—Patent granted to
Benjamin Biandreil . :,2oth January, 1843.
The extracts of which Brandreth s Pills are cm.
posed are obtained by this now patented process.
without hoiling or any application of heap. The ac—
tive principle of the herbs is thus secured the lame
as it is in the
The Public should be cautions of medicines rem—
commended in advertisments stolen from me, in
which the CONTEMPTIBLE. ROBBERS steals my lan—
guage, merely alterint i the name. Time will show
these wholesale deceivers in their true light,
BRANDRETH'S. PILLS are the People's
Medicine, proved by thousands who daily reecons
mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETU
PILLS are growing every day more popular, their
virtues are extendihg their uselulness. The sick of
both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them.
No case of disease but they can be used with advan•
tage. Blotches cr hat d lam pis of the skin they speed.
fly cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, so
with indigestion, so vs ith coughs and colds, so with
costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips
and canker in the month. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find they require no other:
Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions.
Observe the new labels each having upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
reth and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the neii
Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor,,
own Office, Diamond back of the Market House
Mark, the GErsuirre, BrandrethPiTh can never be eh
taired in any DRUG SJGRE g
The following are KLY AGENTS appoint
ed by Dr. B Brandre"th, for the sale of his %egeik.
We Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. .
Robert Duncan—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Ellzabethtowe.
11. Rowland—McKeesport. •
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnsun—Noblestown.
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown•
Asdell dr. Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George Power—Fairview.
David R. Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgh.
Wm. 0. Hunter—Alton's
Cincinnati, February 15,1840