Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 21, 1843, Image 1

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    _._i -
VOL. 11._..N0. 59.
. .
raOSIIes mama's & WM.E. wars
N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets.
Tes~[s =rice clollarA . n. year, payable in advance.
'ingltkcopias Two CEN rl—for sale at the counter of
to osce, and by News Buys.
The WaelOy Mercury and Manufacturer
, puthliskal at the same otliee, on a double medium
heat, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
-7le maples, SIX CENTS.
)aeinsertion, $0 50
rwo do., 0 75
lane do., ' 2 00
)ne week, 1 50
Caro do., • 3 00
away do., 4 00
One ;Si/144re. Two Squares.
;Ix months, $l3 00 Six months, $.23 00
Jao year, , 25 00 One year, 35 00
ITi a Lp.Ter aiilvertiscments in proportion.
•161*C - AliDs of four I
Public Offices, &c.
leafy Pest o. o )See, Third between Market and Wood
.tsars—R. NI: Riddle, Postmaster.
Curtaat. Houle, IVater, 4th door from Wool st.,Pe
vion'sbniblinga—Majoriohn \Vinod:, Collector.
City Treasury, \Vaal, latwoen First and Second
itraet.3 7 -Jaynef A. Bart ram, Treasur,sr.
tr'oustty Treasury, Thin street, next do.sr to the
Chirl Pre3byteriaa Chunzh.—S. R. John;too, Treastt-
' Mayor ' s Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood
tracts—Alexvider Flay, Mayor.
Aferdhaitt's;Exchange, Fourth near Market mt.
tatweon Market mod Wood streets o'h
knird and Fourth streets.
11ferchants' 4nd Manufacture rs . and Farmers' De
'eerie Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
At . ..A and M arket street - 4.
,„ Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood.
Mintongaheis House, Water glrect, hear the
Exchange 'Hotel, corner of Penn and Si. Clair.
Mertkaa.tarlineci,,ronr,,r of Third and Wood.
American TfateZ,corner ufThird and Smitlitield.
United-Stays, corner of Penn gt. and Canal.
I 3 pread.Eagle, Libzrty street, near o'eventli.
..Vilier's Mansion 119 use, Liberty St., opposite
Broull,urses Mansion !flue, Penn St.. opposite
11143:t3Vat t 3 O waers of Saw Mills.
"L 4
S '
unrivalled Self Setters, for mw
vencli have bean 30 tested in di:Fn-nit parts
.of the United States, as well as in the ruins of Pitts
burgh Dad kilegliany, can be seen in operation at a
number of mills in tili3 Ils:ielhOli1101, viz: at Mr. Wick
e.‘3ltam's mills, on Ponn street; at Bowman & Chant-
Jeri's mills, near the upper Allegheny bride, and
nt M wrisott's miil.:, on Hare's lslund, and others.—
"T he shaveuanr d to c Liao can be obtained at W. W.
Wallace's shop, on Liberty street. near Smithfield,
Nvlrtrii it. is titti.ua an, and wlicrc the ma-itizie will be
kept coasts itly tin hands. Apply to B. F. Snyder, or
W. W. Wallace. mays
Eraas' Chamomile Pills
A. BR 1.!1A M J. CLEMER. r siiiag;tt 66, Mott
New York. was afflicted with Dyspepsia
in its milt a;gravated form. The symptotns were vi
.olent 'via I fiche, :e it t l Lility, fever, costiveuess,eough,
•artbvra, pain in 111 a chest and stontu•h always after
vt.tiag, invaired a;meti..e, sensation of sinking, at the
stomach, fareed tango:•. nausea, with frequent vomit
di/./iness towards night and restlessness. These
nzd continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when, on
ineisuiltin.Dr. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and
sn'imitting to hie ever sm:cessful and agweeable mode
of treatm-mt, the patient was completely restored to
tv.alth in the short spare of one month, and crateful for
ifteMeulable 'bine& derived, gladly came forward
anl voluntemvA the above statement I',,rsalo, whole
sale and retail, by R. E. SFLLEWA', Agent,
rep 10-y No. 20, Wood itreet, below Second.
Pease'a lioarhonnd Candy.
rpuTTLE . has received this day from Neve York,
a fmndl supply of the above celekrated cum for
C Colds and Consumption n; nod in ready to sup
p'y cuntomzri at wh3lenale or retail, nt his Medical
Agency, 26 Fourth nt. nov 12
B .tter Bargains than ever, at the Three Big
rp ;IF subscriber would respeci fully inform his cu:s
. .L tin7Vi and the pu'llic s ;errally, that aotwithstad
i ttf thin iprecelented sales at th'- Three Bid Doors,
during the present season; he Ices still on Ivied the lar
gest and mast varied assortment lit'eliwant
THlA(tthetcan be bought west uf the mountains.—
The public may rest Is:aired that all articles offered at
his store are reaufactured from 1-11 ESI I GOODS, pur
chased in tha Easteni markets this spring and made in-
VI garments by Pitttsburgh workmen.
In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
our city, filled with pawn brokers clotthes - and the musty,
c.sst off garmeiats of former 4C:.30/1., from the eastern ci
ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char
acter of theestablislunents in which they are invited to
ptirchns2, Wore they part with their money. The arti
cles ttliereil at several of the concerns in this city, are
the Mimi Aids of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops, and scut out hero to be palmed off on the Pitts
burgh pnbliz. Purchasers shoe Id be on their guard a
gainst these impositious, and they may rely on the fact
thatne establiShmant that advertises eastern made Clo
thing, 611,0 ye as goof an article or us ik,alva.:ltageous
bargains as can be had at the "Three Big.flaors."
- The public will please remember that all the subscri
ber's gdrm ‘nt 'are :elicit' this city, by ompet not work
men,'and not tthered era like the goods now offered by
"birds of pAstKr,e" from the shreds and patches of
e.isNer.-1 slop Alvv. It will always be endeavor to
m on .tin the 'reputation that the "Three Biz Doors"
qbvtin - mt. for farilkhing superior style of CLO
THING in everyresrct, and at prices below those of
any other esuiblishwent.
He would again return his thank:: to hiA - riends and
:the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
Vound it to their advantage to deal with him, he ‘vonid
repeat his invitation m all those m h.s wish to 1,11 lea se
Clothing of every description at the lowest pric.yo call
reObserve . Metril Plate in - du/pavement. zip 26.
Look at This.
• THE attention of those who have been somewh..
sceptical in reference to tho numerous certif.,
cams published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound
Syrup of Wild qterry, on account of the persons being
unknown in this Section of the State, is 'respectfully di
reited to the following certificate, the writer of which
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
is known as a . gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. KIRBY.
I have used Dr. S way ne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted for about fwtr month., and I have no li?sitation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that 1
have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness,
Jima agrees well with my diet,—and maintains a rerm:ar
R „,pgriodrippetite. eansioce/ely recommend i t all
Ittiterssimilarly afllicred. .1. Mtsnica, Borough of
Match 9,1810. Chambereburah.
Tor sale hy WILLIAM THORN,
N 0.53 Market street.
(.I,ep 23)
Vitkibitql" friltkrinilv Piot.
One month, $5 00
Two do., 6 00
Three du., 7 00
Four du., U 00
Six do., 10 00
One year, 15 00
ines Stx Dort.AnS n ycar
It. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to .T.
D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10
Ungh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North Ert, , t corner or Smithfield and Fourth ,trects,
Pitt,hortzh. sep 10—y
Attnneys and Counsellors at Law,
O:Ii . is tlw back of the old Court H ou3e,
sep Pittsburgh.
Francis R. Shnnir, Attorney at Law,
Fourth strc,t, ul)ore Wood,
scp 10-1 y Pittiburgh,
Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at LaW,
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,
sop 10—y Pittsburgh, Pa.
Win. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North ,ide of the Diamond, between Mar
ket and Union streets, up stain° sop 10
A. I. Durboraw, Attorney at Law,
Tenderi his professional services to the public. Office
sep 10 on sth st., above Wood, l'itt,iburgh.
Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Office removed from the Diamond. to "Attorney's Rowi"
shady side of .Ith, between Marh. , 2t and Wood its.,
sep 10 Pittsburgh.
N. Elnckmaster, Attorney at Law,
Has remtweti office. to Draws' Law Buildifitr.4,
et.; nbov' Smithfield, PittAnn-gh. sri 70
George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
°dice in Fourth stye t, near Smithfield. Pittsburcif
scp 27—y
FLeade Washington, Attorney at Law,
Office in lia.kewull's builtling,Gi•unt stn.f.t, rittsburgli
troy 5, I&•4?
John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law,
wilor of Smithfield mid Fifth ‘treet:. rittshorOi
FIT Collections mid , .. AU lm:-.itiess entruAted to hi,
care will 1, promptly attended to.
s•b JG—v
Win. E. Austin, Attorney at Law
Pit • :I.nrgh Pa. Office in Fourth itrect,opposity 13 urlse's
WILLIAM E. AUSTIN, ll;(1.. will give atn•n
tion to my taiAine,i , , and I reeommeaa liim
totlu• patronage of in' friend , .
,•eri 10—y WA LT ER FORWARD.
Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law,
Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield,
an 8 Pittsburgh.
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
Office 0:1 the corner of Fourth sad Smithfield streets,
,:cp 10 l'itt.shurgh.
Judson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law,
Slinthfickl. near 7th street. Coll-c;ion4 nrule uu mo,l
eratot,rm.. Pension, for ‘vidov., 401,1 ,olilier4 linacl
the late act of Cone,re,“ obtnincil. Paper , and tlrn,
f4'.; for the patent afire prep:wed. Illdr 17-v
Henry S. Magraw, Attorney at Law,
!ILL: rmnovul hi, office w r. ,, : , lemf 0:1 Fourth t
twn do,mi ahove Smithfield. .; , .p 111
J. D. Croigh, Attorney at Law,
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will attend promptly to the collection or , euttrity of
and all prulesiional entrnited lo rn re
i n 1 1 02 eountic: of I I arrison, J carrion, Belmont, (joc.rn
sey, To,:rarawa:, Holmes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark
and Wayne. II F. FIIR TO
m e t e , i if Loomis,
1) " 1:d1 t o.l.ltrgh.
John Harper.
D. T. iforgan,
nn 27, 18 13—tf
IL Morrow, Alderman,
Office north side of Filth street, between Weod nod
Smithfield, Pittsburgh. tiep
. Magistrate's Blanks,
For imicee.lings in attachment uralor the late la W,
sale at this office. iv
Dr. S. R. Holmes,
Office in Second street, next door to MalvanyC Co.'i
Glass Wart-lion-40. .r I, 1 0—y
Dr. A. W. Pattcrson,
)1i1•:'c on Smithfield ' , Met, third door faun tlw corner of
sixth street. sop 10
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
Liberty street, a few door below St. Clair,
ap 6,1313
Doctor Danicl Mal"teal,
Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
streuts, Pittiburgh. dee 10—y
No. 43, Wood Street,
&gents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarni
mur 17—y .
Williams & Dilworth,
Wholesale Grocers, Pmlace and Commis.sion
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manlifuotured A
tides, No. 29. Wood street. sq) 10— Y r-
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 81, Market stre„et,rittsburgh.
sep 10—y
J. (4. k A. GORDON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Vater. str, , et, Pi ttsburgh. ep 10—y
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
_ .
No. GO, Water street, Pitt burgh, Pa,
FlF..s"TEttxs.—lleceiving: and shippinz, e anti per
100 Pos. Commission on purchase , and sales, '24 per
r.•nt. inar22—y.
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehoth.‘e, 23, Wood Et., Pittsburgh
sep 10-y
Wholesale Grocers, Commission anti Pro-
duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh MannfactulTS
liar 17 No. 43, Wood street. l'itt,barf 3
Bookbinders and Paper Rulers,
Continue business at the stand lam of M'Candless
Johnson. Every description of work in their line ne,
ly and promptly executed. may B—y
Coloman - & Co.,
General Agents, Forwarding and Commission
I.eree Street, Vicksburg,. '.Hiss. They respectfully so
liritt•ont:lgnmentE, n ‘2e2—tf
TACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale rnd netuil Gm
eel. and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts
burgh. . may =2O.
LENtuEr. -----• JOHN D. WICK.
Wholesale Groccrs & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, doors above Fifth st.,
may 15
Birmingham & Co.,
Marrh 22
John H. Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Cora
mission Merchant,
Harrisburgh, P.
WILL dispose of all goods seat for Commission
bales at the lowest commission rates.
Phi/a.—J. &W Faber, Day S.- (lel ri4ll, D. Leech S.: Co
Ilaltimi.q . c—W :Winn C. co. Willgon,C-.llerr,J. E. Elder
Ila rrish Bur1:0,11. !1t0:4,J M.Holdnian
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37, Marl:et street. sep 10
Thos. B. Young & Co.
Furniture Wnre ll,a)ru,:. corner of Ilan(' itrvet find Ex
change alley. Penanis eishiq t« rurclia.e furniture
will find it to their advantaze it, call, Iwing ful
lv ;tied that we Call to I iu;ility and pries.
It C. TowNsEND&
Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
Markct eet, bet w.n.n 2,1 and 3,1 ,t rev ts,
COI/PCI* and Saint Clair Precis, by
Pilkington's Unrivalled Blacking,
lIN .kCTI; Itt.D ;01,1,dd and
iiL sentST Ill:ET, gym , • dimr 1)(.1mv tintitluit•ld.
Drar inufacturer uP
t,.',:u•,...,11111,1-. mill and timber
h ou , en 011111.1111111, &r e. aril 10—V
John M'Closkcy, Tailor and Clothier,
m' -tree;, 1,,•tv.v4.N Sktil ,trtn•t and N'inlin alley.
S.:011 -Pr 10
Webb Closcy's Boot and Shoe Manufactory,
.Vu.u3.-teh rf door loth(' Bank.
Ladiesprunelln. -11 in mule in Ow orate-t
niann , r, and I‘ , . tln twate,t French p:ittPr - T;=. ,ep
William Doherty,
411 VF 1N 1) 11' m
113 Lil,r;y 1,-.•t. I.ot, .•..n NI.II-!..•:
C .
I'T LER u%,1
) c . rio • r nri;th Liherty , trout rit NIP 11"::, Pal
N. on 111::,1 ;In o•t..:4 , ivt• 3-..ort moot of
Sur,zical atl,l 1),•.0:11 :o-mino•ol.;,
Ilattor' !lair lain r'< Slwats.
Jo '24.
Oak and Poplar Lambcr for Salo.
A FEw a ( la Poplar
14 , 1111 , .,•r, t".q- Er,iliire of .Times
(.. Es j. 11,..1..t114 , 11:11. jy I.
Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills.
9 - illEsE rim, are , 1 rt”:2!y I.,comm,•ffiled to The
J. n ,,li e e rcinedy in
ronloN ing tho,a. eomidaini , 1 , • culi it to th, ir:ex. fl,lll
want ofexer,i , •,org..neroidobilit of the system. They
o bviate ro:ti‘one4,, l•0111110'1%Ct all Hy...terical and
Nei-vow: affection.. Thee I ill hayo gained the sane
tion ;cud approl pat iou 4 , 1 the moat eminent Physician: in
iho United Sta oa , and moo.- MotheN. Fur sale
IVhole.ale and lt , tail.by T. LE RS, Agent,
stT 10 N,,. \ Vood Strict, below Saeond
Notice to Dr. Drandrcrth's Agents.
lace in Pitishurai, which was establishedfor
the purpose of con,tituting agonts in the %vest,
having accomplidied that ooject, is now clo:cd, and
Mr. (4. 11. LEE, in the Diamond ; Market *poet, ap
'hoed Inv a"ent for the sale of my Pills nod Lini
ment:. All Dr. Brandr•th•s agents will, therclorr,un
derstand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent
throocdtthc country core n year to collect monies for
sales made and re supply a:onts. The said traveller
will he provided with power of attorney, duly proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all the neces,ary vouchers and papers.
Mr J.J. Yoc i.t my traveling agent now in Pennsyl
vania. B BHANDRETH, M. D.
B.—Remember, Mr. G. I I. L E E. in the rearof the
:Market i now my only ;nrilt in Pitt-burgh.
juin. 1-1
H,t\inm been alllietud fur nearly two years, with u
hard swelling on the cap Of my knee, wh:oli
produced much pain, and used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
c ompletely by the use of 111 W bottle of Dr. Brandreth's
linament, or external remedy.
Witness my hand, - JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1840.
Dr. Brandroth's external remedy or linament; Aoki
at the store of CEORGE 11. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle. fel" 8.
Dr. Dcchtor's Pulmonary Preservative.
I i
oil (-midis, colds, influenzas, catarrh., whooping
eouli, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast and lungs, 11.11(1111Tegt of approach
eons.umption. Warranted free from mereiwy and
other minerals. B. A. FAT IS EsTocK
:Agents for Pittsburgh.
William C. Wall,
Plain and Panel/ Portrait and Picture Pram?
1N V ASS liruslies,varnisli, Sz.e., for artists, always
WI band. Lookin (41t1, , S(``‘, &c., promptly frit.
toed to order. 11epairimz done at the• ;iliortest notice.
Particular attention paid to rc iii ling and jobbing or
Per,ons lilting stainhonts or lion:w!, will find it to
their advantage to call, sep 10-y
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware
No. 17, Fifth erect,brlrceen Wood rind Markel,
Keeps const ;Indy 00 hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicit, a shareof public patronage. Ako, on hand,
the following artichj,: shovels, pol:ers, tongs. t-,ridirons,
skillet s,teakettles; pots, ovens, coffee mills, &e. 111'ers
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hemselves,as he is determined to sell cheapfcrcash
approved paper. mar7—tf
rail • Paintrr. Fourth st., 3d story Burk'6 Buil
.T. Osborne would solicit a call from those who
desire Pot-traitr..Spcimens can he seen at his rooms
TI . :1 v 5.
FILANcis L. Youso
Exchange lintel,
James Patterson. jr.,
John Cartwright,
Mann fort If r r
No. 87, Fourth ;inn t, Pittiburgh, Pa
Cheap for Cash.--
Short Reel Yarn.
No: 5 at 15 ct's per lb
fiat 15 do
7 at 15 do
S at 15 do
9 at 15 do
10 at 15 tio
11 at 15 do
12 at 15 do
13 at 16 do
14 at 17 do
15 at 18 do
16 at 19 do
17 at 20 do
18 at 21 do
19 at 22 do
-20 at 23 do
L' Orders promptly
Painter's,togum &Kelm
Circulating and Reference Library.
OF religious. historical, political and miscellaneous
works, will be open even' day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex
ehang.baildintr, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
change alley. where punctual attendance will be Estes
by J. (IEMMIL.
sep 10.
Springs and Axle% for Carriages,
At Eastrrn Prices.
Tll E ,1111jr marmfactury sthd keep con.tant
ly on hand Coach,(' and Eliptir Springs ( war
ranted,) Juniata Iron Silver and Brass plated
1)a:1i Fratne-:. Bra , . :tinl Mated linb Bands, Stump
Joints, patent Leather. Silver and Bras+ Lamp , .
Thte, fold Steps, Malleable Loa, Door Il an dlei an d
itu:e4. J( /NES & c'oLEM.IN.
cep It) St. Clair near the Alle:z-heny
Chcappr and hcWei. !Ilan ran be 1,1,1 al any of/it r
p! , iee tre3l tf the niminGiins.
Call for Bargains
AT THE THUD: MG 1)0)1V , ,
j Nl.,lud I?n•✓at•4.vou Toni,/ y
/1111 f; itt •r n M:11 r..-pcctfttily intt,:m hi,
friend. and the Ictkiic, Di u at stark of
Good. compri4t-.. n I.lr ll l . 1111.1 it 'lll Varied a—ortment
than has ewer 111 . 0/1 11 1 1 i•111 . 11 ;It 111. 11011 st . 111 tlii=citv,and
lift the fauorakie tout,. at N.ll;,•ii hist iturcha•tes were
mite, h e i....enahle.l to , clothing' cheaper than it can
lie had in any other e.daliii•hmeat in this rite, He
55ild rytitte , t the puh',.w to rail :old t•xarnine his Tien.
did a .,ortnie:it of all ti: .• a rtick.; nod from
the excell , tice of the In.itt till. the ityle of workman
.hilt tt.l the v , ry . 3t , at which all his articles are
,0111, lie fee`, r ottitlt nt that every one will find it to
their advanta;:e port-L.l at the ""F hree Big I )oors."
A. non,. but Ow bra ciittris aml wo r kmen arc om _
ortit-t, to til l oel tlt . :11!12: will he attendt , tl to in a
mantwr not ,urttaiittd be ttny other ,‘, , tabli,lm)ent in
tho city.
n n•tiini hi.. thank: to his friends and
the public jr,T tho uopreeetlented patronage bestowed
upon i t•,' 11111:117 - n.'rit. I,elievitil; that th,y have
Their ad% antage to dent ttitll hint, he vt.oilltl
repeat hiA irn itatioti to ;1;1 tho., hO to pOrehaSO
lOthiaj. lit I, Cry flO,•:•ipti101 low - e'tpiire,tOCall
a t N.. 1:I . Lib ;rtc-t. .lull\ LUSK EY.
)1, •I's t
TO ;al plate in the pavement.
T ESP it TFULLY int‘win the pititiic that have
and keeltain..tvs on hand an assortment of Fire
Pt o.tf Sal; . che price, in COMW11111•11Ce of the Ina
terials and labor being rmielt reduced about
thirty per,ent. They are kept for s:de at my ' , hop, in
Sixth iuvet, above Smithfield, nest to the church on
the corner of fith street—a' also with Atwood. Jones
,\ Co., and Flemin" . . In regard to the quid.
ity of my safe: I lea...e pennons who have pur
chased and wall purrlul4e Inv safes ut attest the util
ity of them. I de ire rm newspaper pufT: on my safe , ..,
justice and truth warrant me it, informing the public
that all my safe:: witFrh lulu,• been in buildings burnt
(born for several vent. , since I commenced have pre
:erved fdl the papers. In.lt.t„tr.c., which they contain
ed. I have a card containinz a number of certificate:
or the ::tme, which arc in eirculation and in my hands
ninl the agenteg.. .101 IN
N. R. A f...v pairof !r.teel Sprinzf... for ',ale, male by
Jobe,: & Coleman, and will I n low. Also, a ,cretN•
pr e sq, with power to punt-MI( 0 .o. in halt' i mil iron,
sep ‘2o—tf
Improved Magnesia Safes,
Fiftk Street, brlirct n lUeod and Smithlield,
rillsbUrgh, Pa.
TH E subscriber; present their respects to their nu
meroll3 friends for their former liberal patron
age, anti would take this method of assuring them and
the public generally that all lature favors will be duly
appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of
which sufficient testimony will be given to any inquirer.
The principles of their locks and sates are not sur
passed in the Union.
The price also is considerably lessened, anti will be
found as low. if not below any other responsible house
in the Union.
We would take this opportunity of thankirg the va
rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have
spoken so highly of us and our safes.
The public are respectfully invited to examine our
article 3 befor e purchasing el.,els here, feeling assured
the superiority of our manufacture will be apparent to
all candid spectators.
N. B. Safes can be obtained of any maize or shape,
or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub
scribers, or of S. Church, Second street, Pittsburgh,
Pa. n3o—tf
R. :1r LANES S:nlorific Lung Syrup,hcing a safe
and,effeetuul remedy f. wCougs, Catarrhal foy er,
Influenza, Pletarasy, the first of forming stages of Con•
sumption, Asthma, Whooping Cough, &c. Sonic do
zen of certificates of its valutifile effects can be pro
duced, one of which is now offered.
This is to certify, that. I had a very severe Cough all
last winter, and was very much reduced. After trying
medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a
bottle of Dr. M•Lane s Lumr Syrup; it gave me relief
immediately, and in two weeks I was able to go out,
and fully believe it to be one of the most valuable med
icines riew.before the public, for Cough and breast com
A fresh supply ofthis valuable Cough medicine
just received at the Drug store of .1. KIDD,
oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth sts
Canal Basin,corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts
burgh. Arent United States Portable Boat Line.
' str 4-3 m.
nion Cotton Factory
LO7l g .14!rel Yarn.
500 at BA Go u ts her dozcn
600 at 7A do
700 ut do
8110 at 5. do
0(0) at 5 do
1000 ut 5 do
Candler: Mk at 15 Celli:per lb.
Com. Vittirg, 8 do
Family do., 194. do
Carpet Chain, V do
Twine, 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Co% er
let Yarn alwaye on hand.
Cotton Warps made to or-
attended to, if left at J Ci
Iron Safcs
Boware of a Settled Cough!
6 the Gentlemen Of Pittsburgh,
I - THE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this Mee artlidgi
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making - business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having been foremen in some of ate
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins, he hopes hy his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public, patmnage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks ) and can NVilit confidence appeal
fur the goodness of his Work and knowledge of his
business. P. BF,RRIGAN.
may 11.
William Adair, Boot and Shoc Maker,
Lille :If, st. opposite the head of Smithfield.
jThe subscriber ha: ink bought out the'
stock of the late Thomas itaflt 4 rty,deceased,has
commended business at the (Ad stand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
lie keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all descriptions, rind of the best quality. lie
solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft.
sep 10—v WM. ADAM.
- David Clark, Agl.,
to No. 3-I Market street, between Scrotal and
Third streets, where he would be happy to see his
old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing butfirst rate stock, and
employs the best ofworkment and as he gives his on
stant personal attention to business, he trusts that he
will ileerve and remit e a fair share of patronage.
,-,-.p 10 _
Pittsburgh Manufitctiarcs, Cheap for Cash.
-\'oB. Fl Ith 0. Two doorspom rA - 4.
iiitt•nds to manufacturer a bet
-1111.11. .• ter article of Ladies, Childress and
Misses' Sh, is's, and :ell them cheaper fiir rash than
they can be houttlit in the rite. Ile will keep row:taro
ly on hand and makes to order Ladies' Shoes of all
kinds and colors, nt very low prices, of the following
Ladies' Lasting. Foxed Gaiter Boots, $1 f
" best quality Kid or Morrx-co Gaiters, 1 50
" Calfskin Boots, 1 374.
" Foxed Ilalf Gaiters, all colors. 1 37.
" best kid and Moroco buskin, 1 18. i
" Doubl e Soled Slippers, (Jeff.) 1 12}
" line Kid Springs. and Turns, hest qual. 100
" Sprin t s, heavy, 37A
" Slippers,
All Shoes made hem warranted. Misses' and Chil
ilrens' in the same proportion.
E.ll7"Remendier the place, at the sigma of the Red
Box, No. f.;, Fifth street.
OiSt KRS and other reireshments,will be served up
ln good order. Namely: Oysters raw,fried,stewed,
and onchafingdi 6cs. Also, is TIIZSHKLL at thestand,
or roasted. as soon as the season is sciiicieetly
red for their safe transportation.
THE Pao Pntt:Tart is determined that this establish
meat (which is the old oyster depot) shall maintain
its reputation for the good quality oC his ALE, LI
QUORS. CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel
ers or citizens may require. act 18-6 m.
At the old stand of Young 4- M'Cnrdy, No. 43, Se
cond street, between Wood and Market,
ESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the lute
10 firm. and the public !zenerallv, that he i; prepa
red to till nil order; for Cabinet iVork. of any kind,
with all possible d. , patch, aril warranted to be equal
to any in the city.
Ever\ attention will he paid to furnishing COFFINS,
Cc , itl'n required. je 16—y
File Manufactory.
THE subscriber having commenced the manufac
ture of Cast Steel Files, from American materials
exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting can be
supplied by him with a better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending to use only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs.
SHOE S HI:ROE:Ws, « hich is now brought to a perfection
equal to the best English article, manufactured for the
'tune purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he
will be able, in quality of articles and price, to realize
the hest hopes of the friends of American Industry.
jy Corner of O'Hara & Liberty sts.
Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker,
(La(e of the . firm Yuung Air Curdy)
HAS commenced the ousiness iu nll its branches at
N.; 22, Wood street, between First awl Second
strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of well made FURNITURE, and liopes, by
strict attention to liminess, to merit a continumiee t;t
tile patronage of the public.
Every attention willbe paid to furnishing COFFINS,
&r. A Furniture Cai- for hire. JulY 11
. .
Upholsterer and Cabinet , Maker"
Lt. Third st.,between Wood and Market,
Itespectfull, inforrns his friends and the public that be
is prepared to eNeCIIIP all orders for sofas, sidelloards,
bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and
spring tnattras,es, curtains ; carpets.: all sorts oluphol
stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made
in the city, road on rear:onable terms. sep 10
Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dresser,
1 ia:= removed to Fourth street, oppo:ite the Mayor's of
fice, Wilere Le Will be I lappy w wait upon permanent or
transient customer , . lie solicits a share of public pa
tronage. sep 10.
The subscriber having returned from the East with
the latest style of Hats, hits now (JD hand and will con
stantly keep a large fts3 wtment of his own . lanufac.
which for lightoes, , , service, beauty, and cheap
ness, cannot be surpassed. and would respectfully.in
, ite his friend:, and the public to examine his dock o(
Huts ;pal Caps, at the ninufactiny, N 0.73. NVond st.
sep 9-3ni WI LLIA M DOUGLAS.
Hat and Cap Manufactory.
93 IVeortircc/, 3 dense below Diamond Alley
rr HE subscriber will keep constantly inn hand every
variety of the mostfasldonable HA Ts and CA PS,
WhaleSZIlP and retail. at reduced prices.
Persons wishingto purchase will find it to theirinte
rest to give him a call. S. MOORE.
Pittsburgh, aug. 29,1343.
- -
ground and polished. anvils and other kinds of
grinding done at the Ca,t Steel File Mannfactory, cor
ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. aug 18
41 - 1 ) c OMI!! illarning Pala.
Fioni the Louisville Journal.
Inscribed to Semantlo.
I ask no voice to %Veep fur mei
I ask no bi-tast to sigh;
1 wieh nor wail not moan to heat
Around me wheh I die;
For joyfully and peacefully
hiy me down to rest,
The marble glancing at my head,
The turf upon my breast.
• AVithin wale quiet; lonely place,
geneath a sheltering, tree,
Where sweetly bloom the wild field flewel'i l
Where hums the merry bee,
Full silently and pleasantly
I know my dust must
Enshrined within a narrow mound,
Beneath an opk.qt sky,
The summer birds might build their neat.
'Upon the thick-leafed bough;
Where, in faint beams of arrcw3 light ;
The sunshine struggles through;
And cheerfully and mirthfully
These little birds might sing,
Nu anguish in their liquid notes
A single haert to wring.
Hew softly, in the dewy spring,
The tcrulei grass Wlll grow;
How sweet will he the Whispering
Of winds al , calm and low;
While mirthfully and sportively
A thousand glittering things
Are floating on the mellow air
Their bright ttnd gauzy wings.
1 he tiredly gay slain light his lamp;
'At eve, beside my tomlai
I *ill not have the glow-worm there
shines in gloom;
But glowingly and lovingly
The stars will giants around
"f ill Nature's self shall seem to smile
Above that spot of groUnd.
The Summer, with her rosy dreams,
And Atitanin, With his lab
Shall visit there, ns months go round,
When this poor ht-art is mute.
Still quietly nod dreamily,
And undisturbed I'll sleep,
If no beloved form draws nieh,
Above my grave to weep:
For why shodid friends their, feattires sitrdta
In sadness and in gloom,
Or %tith their mournful accentserttko
The echoes of the tomb
When happily. rejoicingly
The spirit lives on high,
Clone up, with angel-bands to dwell
In Worlds beyond tilt sky:
Oh no! I ask no voice to weep,
No bent to heaven sigh,
I wish to hear nor wail, nor moan;
Arotimi Me, when I die!
For joyfully and peacefully
I'll lay me down to rest,
The marble glancing at My heed,
The turf upon my breust:
In which Kit srnirn . S at Fortune in a niost undadellita,
ship manner.
' So, ho! old Turk, we've done well to-fitly, did thry i
ha! ha! I've paid my instalment rtntl have tel vital
shillings in my pocket. So, ho! gikicl old feliottr,vibt l stj
afraid, there's life in a muscle yet—there, therei nth , "
don't be inipatient, you shall have such a fed rtteS
cutly, vm'll feel in yqui stall like a bishop, dilly yot,
won't have no rhocli Ott! litittee; Water
the good wholesenie drink that nature provides for all
sorts of animals, dna bon , Mankind got to like tiny ,
thing else, puzzles me, but the sense is leaving us and
going into the brutes—there you're unharnessed, whit
give yourself a shake—that's riht--‘on‘ , just wait hat
nil I go cheer up my darling Besse, and kiss thal
varmint, young Kit.'
So saying, With a light step anti njoyous heart, kid
bounded tip stairs, singing as he went—
' Oh there's nothing like luck all the universe over;
Misfortunes don't always stay with us, 'tis clear.
To-day We're in 3firldW, io niprroor in either;
The light follows darkness throughout the long yeair
011! the light follows
At that very moment, with a ghtrisetne smile on hid
very lips he rushed into the room: Heavens! what
sight met his view, the quick revulsion of feeling
most drove out sense. It was as though one Were atict'
denly to awake fresh from the glories of sunie blissful
dream, to find a devouring fiailio enveloping his bed,
In th^ confusion of his first dismay, he laid ti vegud
conception of some sweeping destruction, and that
wife, child and all were lost, but *hen he SU* that they
were safe, a deep feeling of relief came over him, the
blood flowed on again. and full consciousness returned,
'Great Heaven! Bessie !' he cried, in dry husky
accents, what's the meaning of Ilia? who has been
herel what has happened!' ,
'Oh, Kit;' she replied, fling ing her aims round his
heck, and breaking into a tloodof tears, 'dear Kit! why
did'nt you come sooner—they have been here--and-e
every thing is gone.'
`Who! Ulm has dm: this,'
said bat, With a Sivitgel
glance in his eye, but seldom lighted there, bet once
it wa. , , most fearful to encounter.
'That man, you know; that gro,:er, dear Kit,' said
' Ilorzgins! cried Kit—site nodded. 'Tile giVspirad
cur, the sneaking dastardly Shims, to take advantage
of my absence,' said Kit fiercely, clenching his hands
and grinding his teeth—='layr—the large tears rolled
down Ids cheeks. burying his face in his hands, he cori
tinned, 'May God pardon himlor this day's inhuman
work—forr,ive me for the harsh Wank: I've used, and
avert the strong- hate that in my own despite sptinge
rip within me towards him. Oh! 'ti: hard!—hard td
he thus dashed, dear Bessie, With a soul full of hope...a
but cone, its over now, and no must make !lit best
of ir,'
:r: =`.n
yriti; bless you,' replied the devottsi
'we will—we will, for your sake, and for the sake of
(ir child, I can endure anything.'
' /leaven reward your true worttan's
dstling,' fervently replied Kit. I have enough for
present want, here,'—placing his hard tn his pocket
t t tale out the piece a gold which he had carefully
deposited there; when to his Otter dismay he, couldn i t
tied hunted through etery crtiyice, but to no
purpose, it was gone. 'Fool! fool, that I arm' he
e.xrlaimed bitterPv, ' lost it.'
'Never Mind, Jenr Kit.' replied Bessie ; tenderly,
'there's, enough for the boy's supper, rtud I do not
want anything.'
'What have I donef' pettisblvexelnimed
'Great I - leaven! *hat have I rion:-, that every thing
should conspire against me?' At that instant they
both started—hearing the peculiar chink of
'Ha!' shouted Kit, 'there it and rushing over td
the place rrom whence the sotral pmreedeA, b e gat, 'a
sight which made hi. brain root a: thomth he were re
velling in some bright dream. Seated on the esti
cashing.. which lio had brat ght in with him, his rittip
boy a as playing with a bog of gold; he hut jit'st maw
. ~.. ,