Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 17, 1843, Image 2

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    and the Junta and corperution gave him
ipecimens these, of revolutionary master
country is indeed fated and cursed whose
are influenced by such mercenaries and trsi-
Subject to the decision of
145 t.
weo outrageous. riots have occurred among
.elphia firemen. On Sunday last, a 'Bahl
may that had been on a NiSit to New York,
Philadelphia on their way home, and, to
hospitable 'reception, we suppose, a cou
'hiladelphia Companies turned out and had
most bloody fights that has occurred in that
city fur some time past. The worst feature in their
conduct is that after the Baltimoreans had departed
for their home, the Philadelphia ruffians charged them
with being instrumental in getting up the fight!
The frequency of these riots among the Firemen of
Philadelphia is truly disgraceful to the city, and the
audacity with which they bid defiance to the laws,
shows that nothing but the most summary measures
will check their ruffianly proceedings. When their
brutaldispositions are loused, no powet in the law ap
pears to be able to protect the citizens from their ven
geance, and every new outrage but serves to show the
impotency df the policelo impede the progress of mob
law in its most alarming form. If more rigorous mea
l; ires are not speedily adopted towards the outlaws
the citizens of Philadelphia may as well abolish their
police and surrender the city into the hands of the ri
oting'Fite Companies.
NEXT Govzason. —The Freeport Columbian has
declared its preference for Fnescts R. SHUNR as
the next democratic candidate for Governor, and has
placed his name at the head of its columns.
A lady by the name of Lonsilg is lecturing - in
Philadelphia on Mesmerism and Phrenology.
EMIGRANTS TO LlllERlA.—Alluding to the embark
ation of 80 colored emigrants to Liberia, the Balti
more Clipper says that of the number, "39 were man
umitted by the Rev'cl Henry Goodwin, a Protestant
Episcopal clergyman, residing in Charles county.—
This gentleman was present on the occasion, and
manifested the greatest intereatin their behalf. They
were all well clothed, and present a clean and heal
thy Appearance. We believe there were onlnabout
eight men, the rest being women and children. Miss
Peggy Hodges, of Calvert county, at the time of her
death, about three years ago, manumitted 30 slaves,
28 of whom (3 men and 25 women end children) al
so sailed in this expedition. The remainder some
10 or 12, were free colored perseni, who, convinced
that their limited freedom here would be greatly in
c.eased by their emigration to Cape Palmas, have vol
untarily gone out, as we trust, to experience a full
realization of all their hopes and auticipations."
NKw• Yu R K-T he democratic majority in New York
is &oat 20,000. The riinjority in the Legislature will
be greater than it was last year; the clemw.rats have 26
of the 32 Senators, and 94 of the 130 members of the
The result of the election has shown that there is a
settled democratic majority in the state. and that the
fe.leralists can have no hopes ofa chant,e in that quarter.
The result in New York and the other states, has in-
dicate.4l satisfactorily that no effort of our opponents
can defeat the democratic candiclate fur the Presidency
1841, and the consequence is tint in all the greet
, Ctirmmercial am:Manacle' mats of the country, business
:natters are' assuming a more cheerful and permanent
aspect, with a certainty that next year the government
will be - restored to the democracy. We learn from the
Plebeian that.the effect of this impression in New York,
has been an immense advance in the price of the stocks
.'., -- of that state; and of the United States, and in fact, its
~, 'influence in producing a general revival of confidence,
"''chews itself in an enhanced price of almost all public
'securities. The substantial interests of the country are
":.?always' saf. in the hands of the democracy, and all the
.:,-tinmea.ning [wattle, and slang of whig orators and
',presses about the "destructives" arid "locofocoism"
cannot satisfy the people to the contrary.
The lamentable results that followed the triumph of
I: ,,fetlemlism in 1840, taught the people a bitter lesson,
, but it was a lesson from which they derived much ben
e:it, as it served to show them that permanent prosper
:l sty could only be obtained under a democratic admin
tration, and all the efibrts, arguments and professions
' , f whiggery, were only made for the purpose of obtain
ng power to carry out the objects of a few leaders for
Ti. -rsonalaggtendisement,and without the slightest con
eration for the welfare of the people.
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.Cincinnati Sun that the steam Martha, bound fur
enawha, was run into by the Rolla, on Saturday last,
tr Portsmouth, and sunk immediately.
NEW Yorta.—Basinesa is becoming languid in New
'ork. The mercantile trade, so far as it consists in
ipplying country dealers is about over. We see it
ned that a heavier business has been done this sea
tthan in any preceding ono for the last three years,
for any thing which appears the business of the
all has been of an uncommonly sound character, and
=larger than ordinary proportion has been transacted
The Secretary of State of Alabama gives no
in one ofthe Tuscaloosa papers, that $3,124,240
the hilts of the State Bank and branches have been
.drawn from circulation and, destroyed.
D.—The Picayune of the 3d inst. says:—How many
undred strangers are there even now in the city, seek
g employment, who'will be unable to find it? They
" rove about in the midst of thousands, unnoticed and
arecognized.—They see—or fancy they see--all pee_
le occupied—every one busy, and yet they are idle
position, i u a large and popu
.3 keenest furor.
JP.—The Vicksburgh Sentinel
an now entertains a particle of
crop of the present year will
iird of the average quantity.—
ming the month of September.
month, have retarded consider
picking of cotton. We have
7 have not half the amount of
which they bad at the same date
•orn the prospect there is of an
will oat be able to ship more
of bales. They remark too,
Lore unginned Cotton this year to
have known for pears past."
e imprisonmen of Er.. Governor
s contradicted.
tional Debt, amounts to £770,000,000. According to
the London Despatch, it is ovv-tg to about 1,500,000
persons, members of-Ahe con4unity at large.
:?triii is lighted every aftertuxin by 13,221 lamps, Of
which, 5,894 are supplied with gas, and 7,321 with
COTTON FACTORY IN St. Louts. — lt will
by the following from the St. Louis Gazette, that a
Cotton Factory has been added to tho already incalcu
lable sources of wealth which
. St. Louis possesses:—
"The Era of yesterday, notices the fact that a cotton
factory is about to be put into operation, in a store
house situated on Chesnut street, between Main and
Water streets. The spindles and machinery will be
put up, and the whole soon under way. This is truly
a good move, and should be patronized. It will prob
ably be imitated by others, who will take fancy to fol
low tho fashion, us soon as it gets well into operation."
Mr. Hazard; in the last numtalr of his Register, gives
aeon:lensed view of the cost, of the Pennsylvania
Improvements, to January 1842. The following facts
possess interest.
Columbia and Philadelphia Rail Road,
cost of construction $4,009,345 02
Eastern Division cost of construction 1,751,309 56
Juniata " 3,484 010 02
Allegheny Portage R. R. "
Western Division
Main line from Philn. to Pittsburgh, $14.020,131 12
Beaver Division, cost of construction 509,960 29
French Creek, viz:—
Feeder lino " 469,460 09
Franklinline " 395,028 48
863,488 56
Delaware Divis;on ‘• 1,372,256 72
Susquehanna 868,566 69
North Branch, Wyoming line, cost of con
struction 1,491,420 71
West Branch, Lycoming line, cost of con- •
struction 1,709,676 62
Total cost of finished lines, "includ
ing new work"
Unfinished lines—
North Branch—
Tnnkhannock line 1,178,366 78
Tioga " 878,123 66
'2,056,990 44
Eric Extension—
Slienango lino 1 363,933 67
Conneaut lino 999,637 :35
2,313,571 02
West Branch—
Dunnstown tow_ path and
darn 91,476 29
T-angascootack Eaten. 145,107 32
Si nnemahoning " 164,386 11
----400.969 72
Gettysburg Rail Road 651,162 86
Wiiconisco feeder 319,797 96
Allegheny do 30,923 56
Cost of unfinished lino
Result to January 1,184 d
Total expenditures Philoda. to Pitts
burgh, $5,558,473 86
other works, 2,28'2,259 53
Total iv:venue Philadu.
$6. 5 tY2, 114 53
Other works, 1,065,124 61
Excess of Exp nditures bVer rtvenue, $253,491 25
$3,274 38 paid Lock keepers on Eric extension.
Suits apinst former Collectors for $55 or 60,000, not
included in above amounts of revenue.
Messrs. Editors—A correspondent in your papet
of this morning, speaking of the approaching election
for Governor, is not authorized to say to thii commu
nity that Judge Wilkins has declined tieing considered
a candidate at the next coming election, for that dis
tinguished station.
November 16, 1843
Messrs Editors:—liavingcalled theattention of the
committee of Correspondence of the county to the im
portance of having delegates chosen to represent the
Democracy of the county in the convention to asssem
ble at Harriiburgh in March next, to select a candidate
to be supported for the office of Governor of this com
monwealth, and having stated in that communication
that I understood that the Hun. W. Wilkins had decli
ned being a candidate, will you do me •he favor to say,
that I have beensince called upon by a friend of Judge
Wilkins who assures me that he had a personal con
versation with the Judge, who authorised him to say
that it was not the fact. I hope you will correct the
error, as I had no intention of interfering with the
Judge's prospects. S.
Brother Jonathan of the 28th ult.. gives a very
amusing, interesting and valuable account of that large
and flourishing manufacturing city—of 25,000 people,
of whom 15,000 are females. Six thousand of them,
he says, are thei r own mistresses—bright eyed, modes r,
healthy and happy looking women,—girls, who labor
diligently and faithfully for their own maintenance,
and are able to earn, one week with another, through
the year, $1,75 per week, dear of board ! As a fact
remarkable in its character, Brother Jonathan notices
that among a population of 25,000 souls, ten thousand
of them are females who require no help, no guardian
ship, no looking after! They are people of character
and good habits, who earn their ova living, are able to
lay up, one year with another, from fifty to seventy-five
dollars each, upon an average; some doing a great
deal snore than that.
The capital stock of the incorporated companies at
Lowell, is $10,700,000; the number of mills 32; spin
dles, 94,333; looms, 6,045; females employed, 6,875;
males, 2,34 s—whose pay together costs considerably
more then all the females ! the average pay of a male
being 70 cents, clear of board, while that of the female
is only 29 cents !
The amount of cloth manufactured per week, is 1,-
331,450; bales of cotton consumed per week, 1,095 !
Total yearly production of cloth, 70,275,400 years!—
Cotton consumed yearly, 22,568,000 pounds; lumber
of bales, 56,940! Consumption of starch, 800,000
pounds per year; charcoal 600,000 bushels; tons of
anthracite coal, 12,300; gallons of oil, 80,189; &c
Besides the above mentioned, there are powder mills,
bleacheries; card and whip factories; boot and shoe
factories; flannel and blanket mills; paper mills;
planing in , chines; grist and saw mills, employing 500
hands and half a million of capital; with a machine
shop. able to furnish a mill complete, for five thousand
spindles, in four months, and employing from 1,000
to 1,200 hands. These are all facts, and show what a
manufacturing community muy do, and how it may ad
vance and flourish when well managed and skilfully
A groat deal of interc!stseems to have been awakened
in Cuba on the subject of discovering and working
mines, occasioned by the facts published by Mr. Ra
mon de In Sagra, in his Physical and Statistical His
tory of that Island. The researches which he has
made, proves that gold, supposed not to exist in that
Island, i s to bs found in large quantities. The copper
mines that have been known since '1773, and which
since that period Lave furnished to the Government
bronzed cannon, now furnish a metal upon which is pla
ced the highestestimate. Already, in the eastern por
tion of the island,the working is very considerable, and
new companies are forming to engage ip a similar
branch of industry in the centre. Numberless discov
eries have been made in the vicinity of Puerto Principe,
and are enlisting the attention .of speculators.
Or There was good sleighing at Galena, on the 2d
inst. The steamer Ohio reports the weather very cold
at that place—and that she had difficulty in getting out
of Fever river on account of the ice on the 2d inst.—
St. Louis Gazette. •
1,783,548 65
2,991,947 37
$20,835,500 91
$5,7 72,9 15 56
7,840,733 39
--- 7,587,5'29 14
We learn frOm the New York corresponderir of
te United Stat..s Gazette, that the New York picket
ship Sheffield, Popham, frets Liverpool, October Bth,
wibia a va:uable cargo •of gOnds, bard ware, &c„
lihsigtted to Robert Kermit, arrived off Fire Island,
ana took a pilot On Saturday, the 11th, at 10 o'clock
4„iat., wind E. S. E., with rain, At 1, P. td., while
iarthe - act of hauling ou the wind, she went ashore on
the East bank, north of Romer; the sea made a com
plete breach over her, she striking very hard. The
mssts were cut away to ease the ship; the water by
this time. reached nearly to the ceiling;:. The lady
passengers were taken through the sky lights, and
took shelter in the round house on deck, in which sit
uation she remained 14 hours. During the night blue
lights were burned, which were seen from Staten Is
land; the steamboat Wave went down at 2, e. pa., and
took .off all the passengers, and all the crew, except
the. captain and four seamen, who remained with the
ship. The wind had lulled, and there was much less
sea running at the time the bag,gat.re of the steerage
passengers was saved, but the greater part belonging
to the cabin passengers, was left on board, floating
about the cabin. No hopes are entertained of sav
ing the ship. Some of the goods will be recovered,
but all will be damaged, as the ship is full of wa
tarßy the complete returns from the several Con
gressional districts, now first published in the States
man, it. is ascertained that the Democrats have a per
ular majority of SIX THOUSAND AND EIGHTY
SEVEN. Where's that Gerrymander?
The Whige may well exclaim, with Pyrrhus, "One
more such riciory, and we aro undone."—Cin. Sun.
Punch—My worthy friends, Sir John Herschell and
South, have been sorely puzzled, this week and more,
by the spots they discove red on the face of Jupiter.
Now, I maintain, with all due submission to the as
tronomer knights, that the casa is as plain as a pike
staff. I think, however, that the best way will be to
give you an extract from my Diary on the subject:
"Oct. s.)—Thought I'd have a squint at Jupiter—
observed him through one of DoHand's telescope
(190 power)—discovered a largo spot in his centre.
"Oct. 3—Observed Jupiter azain—discovered three
fresh spots of reddish color on his disc.
"Oct. 4—Jupiter is covered with spots, and his face
is red as a turkeycock's. 1 begin to have a suspicion
of the truth.
"Oct. s—lt is as I suspected—them can bo no
doubt of pledge my diploma to the accuracy
of my observutions—Jupiter has got the —Mea
sles !"
I remain, my dear Punch, yours till death,
Pilau:tarn in the Church. —We have heard with
much horror that the reutor of Ratcliir Highway, hav
ing seen a largo rat in the vestr;•rwxo, has order
ed a cat to be introduced into the building , . This
is another instance of the alarming spread of Pus-
Progress of Science.—.l tai!or nivettiiet, in the
daily journals. geological coats at ten shillings.—
From the prie s w•e should he inclined to think they
must belong to the seconds y formation.
How to procure Sin7in catch your
mouse, and then mesmerise his "Organ of
What is the height of imagination ?-11aving dined
at a tavern to imagine you have paid the waiter, and
for him to suppose so too,
Friday mdrning, Norember 17
Since our last report we have had rain and - high
waters, and our Rivers and Canals are all vet in ex
ccllent order, and tm.eh i; still doing on them.
The stocks of Groceries and almost all kinds of For
eign and Domestic goods aro largo and excellent in
our city, and f•ir tl-r , a.lvaace,l sonwur a good deal is
doing. As there are few change:, we abridge our re.
Plour.—Little Floor now coming in and sales a
fcw dap ago of 200 barrels for the Upper Allggheny
River Trade at $3,50, par funds per bbl. and rules arc
daily making, from wagl n l and boats at $3,37A a $:3,-
Prorisions.—Butter, in kegs, dull at 5 a 6c., Fresh
Roll in bbl 74 a 3c. a lb. Lard in demand 61t64 a
lb.. Cheese, sales in boxes 5, and Casks 45 cents a lb.
Tallow, rough 4; rendered 6c. a lb. Beef Cattle $2 a
3, and hogs S2A to 3 per 100 lbs: Sheep 31 a $1,25,
and Calves $2 u each.
Frui/.—Dried Peaches $1 a sl2i. Dried Apples
44 a 50'. a bushel. Cre Applei $1 per bbl.
Groceries —Stocks uua•ually largo, assorttneuts
excellent, and prices firm. Colke: Rio 7i a 81, Ha
vanna 7. a 81, St. Domingo 7a 7i cts. Sugar. N.
0., sales by the hhd 6a7 j, by the lAA 7a7lc. Mulaswt:
sales 27 a3O ceuts a gallon, small stock. Tea:
Young 'Tyson 10 a 75. imperial 62A aOO cts.
Fealhers.—Sales at '2B rents a pound.
Iron.—Booms, Juniata $52 a $55. I'ig .7.Sletal has
advanced a shade, sales from $23 to '1:23 for Allegheny
and Hanging Rock.
Salt.—Salt has advanced. Sales of tho week from
Warehouses, and boats about 1500 bbls a $1,25, and
smaller sale, a $1,371 a lA.
Lcather.—Stock and sales good. New York red
17 a 204, Baltimore 22 and good country 22. Upper
29 a $2.3 per dozen. Calfskin 12 to $26 per dozen;
good skirting 23 to 2G a pound; green hides, butcher's
weight, 4 cents a pound; Tanner's oil IS a $23 a bbl.
13ort of Pittoburgli.
Reported by Sheble. and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat, Agents. Water street.
"Dnily Beaver Packets,
. Lancaster, Klinefelter, St. Louis,
Belmont, Poe, Wheeling,
Oella, Bowman, Brownsville,
Ben Franklin, No. 6, S a mmons, Cin.
"Daily Beaver Packets
Monongahela, Stone, N 0.
*Evelino, Irwin, Cis.
Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville,
Massachusetts, Bennet, Louisville.
ElP'All bents marked thus t"] are provided with
Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent th e Explosion of Steam
North West Corner Market and Fourth Streets,
HAS returned from the Eastern Cities and is now
opening-a very large and beautiful assortment of
Comprising everything that is new and desirable in his
line of business.
his goods have been purchased on the most advan
tageous terms, from the Importers, Jobbers and Man
ufacturers of the East, FOR CASti, and they can and
will be sold, as low, if not lower, than goods of the
same quality can be afTirded by any other establish
ment in the city.
The early attention of purchasers is respectfully in
vited. nl7—lw
A lot of grand, with a FRAME HOUSE and
a large frame building in N B Craig's plan of lots, No.
66, adjoining land of P. Beard, lays in the western part
of Allegheny city, well calculated for a butcher or me
chanic needinc , an additional building. For sale Jots
(Apply at Egolf & Foster's Western Real Err
tate Agency, Third street, nest doortotha PostOffioe.
11105RQPOSALS will be receiviliol for rebuilding the
Duquesne Engine and H 0.011311, until Thurs
day, the 24th inst. The plats aad specifications gray
be &sun at my tam?, No. 25 ;Wood street.
nl7-3t JAMES A. lIARTRAM, President.
13 ce,Qui
ACRES of land lying in Western
4 ' 0 ,77 v roma, otTermg peculiar advan
tages to emigrants, being in a healthy section of the
country, and susceptible of improvement, readily pro
ducing- the various grains of the countr!..
It will be divided to suit purcluser.4. Terms rea
Apply. at Egolf & Foster's IVestern Agency, Third
street, next duur to the Poet, °lce. nl7
HAVE in store nod are receiving
-425 bags Rio Coffee, part strong and green,
50 pligs Y H and G P Teas,
25 boxes Russel & Robinson's .s's Tobacco,
10 " Button's s's "
10 " Thompson's S's "
5 " Robinson's 16's "
10 " 12's "
5 " superior pound lump
100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins,
2000 the Loaf Sugar,
20 boxes No 1 and 2 mustard,
50 " No 4 chocolate,
25 " ground pepper,
10 kegs " ginger,
5 " "
5 boxes cocoa,
5 " Rice flour,
2000 lbs Oak Tanned Sole Leather,
1000 yards taw linen,
5 Lakes hops,
All of which they offer, with a general assortmeat of
groceries, dye stuffs and Pittsburgh manufactured
goods, on liberal terms. nl7
S ALT.-250 bbls Nu 1 Salt for sale. Inquire of
nl7 43, Wood street.
IRFSII CHEMICALS, &c,—Red Precip. Pill,
Hydrag, Strychnia, Veratra, Oxide Bixinuth,
at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD.
AicLA NE'S LUNG SYRUP, if taken in time,
I_ will prevent a cough from settling on the lungs.
Delays are dangerous. Those afflicted w 4,11 a slight
told had better apply in time.
A fresh supply just received at the Drug Store of
nl7 Corner 4th and Wood streets.
Freight to Philadelphia& Baltimore.
I WILL receive and ship 30 tons Freight this day
nov 17 U. States Line.
REMAINING in the Post Offwe, Pittsburgh, Igo•
vember 15, 1813. Persons calling for letters
whose namosare on this list will pleas, say they are adj.
Adams Mr Andres A
Adams Michael Arnold Mkt.
Adams M:u Sinn Arbogast Katharine
Xlexander E:izh A rtz Charles
Allen C J II Argast 13 M
Applels2 Thomas At boanon C
Anderson Henry Arthur Mary
Applegate ID W Arrry Mrs C ,
Anderson James Austin Salmon
Anderson Mr* Mary I•:
Backup Dr Bennet B B
Bali v John Bergen Casmer
Boirrl Adam Beamer Eli
Idiird I larriett Block Joseph
Bakom Mrs Bicklev James
Barr Mrs Burl flartden
Batchelor Elijah Blair David
Barber C d% Black Risk
Baroes II J Booth./ 13 3
Bates Peter 1 Maher Z
Bayne Man• Ann Boss Dina W
Barney A Bowman Joseph
BargesserSaml Bogardus Mrs Sarah
Batty Edwd liiiyclJanri 2
Benson John Brown
i Berri,n D 4. Cu Brown Mrs F C
I Bealen A D Brown Thomas A 2
Brockett Albert Baekley Mrs Bridget
Brawily Martin Burgess Goorgo
Brook .\laj Saml Burton Wm E
Bo 13 .1: wins Charles Byers Wm
Brodrirton W A Byrne J 1'
Bro lk. lit,liL G Barnes Mary
Brooks Dr Buzby II 4
Brooks Miss Martha C Burk M
Bruyilon Flea Butler J & J
Bunton Mrs Mary Burton James
Carey Edward Chapman Joel
Carey Miss Mary Clark Jane
Carba James Mc Clark Saml
Cavenrigh Patrick Clark Dan!
Cannon Win Clapp T M
Carney GJner Clinton Joseph
Carnahan Rnbt B Cooper Vim
Caudiall Catherine Cooper Sarni
Caldwell Is F Cooper Mrs Susan G
Campbell John Cockburn Capt
Chase Ayers , Collier John A
Carson James Comfort) Arthur
Chivers George Conway Mrs Charity Ann
Christy Mrs Mary Conyers Capt J M
Chrnm Mr 2 Conton Thomas
Cowen J F 2 Crasty Charles A
Coyle John Criswell Thomas
Corrilo Miss Sarah Crawford John
Conroy Miss Margret Craig}Teary
Cotter Patrick Craig Elizabeth
Comfort Dr S W Curtin Rose
Curtis Mrs M Cunningham Benj F
Davison Edward Donahue Alice
Davis Miss Margaret Downie Wm
Devine James Dunahay Miss Margatct
Doll Sophia Duncan Robt
Dever John Donovan Nliss
Dean James L Dickenson Wm
Domarhar Solomon Donovan ilobt
Densmore Jasry Douglass Saml
Densmore Hen Dougherty W \V
Dickenson A M Donnelly Neil
Dixon Miss Isabella
Edwards Thomas Ewalt Sarni
Elbert John V K - Evans Wm
Elmir Lewis Ewing Rev G T
Espey Mary Ann Evans E
England John Evans Joseph
Fansnatight Adam Farley James
Farmharn C H Farren Miss Margaret
Fetterman Samuel Ford Thomas
Ferguson David Foster Walter
Fearnes Smiley Fox Elizabeth
Fleming Washington Forsyth James A
Fisher E B & Co Frieze Isaac
Fitzpatrick Terence Fry George H
Fox Lewis Freytet Mrs C
Ford Richard " Freeman Miss Mary Ann
Fortune Miss Mary Foley Michael
• G
Geese David M Greenleaf Abraham
Gahagan John Griffiths Margaret A
Gettins James Greesman Henry
Gardner Thomas Grimsbaw John
Gillespie Ellen G Grovell Mary Aim
Gifford Samuel Gribble J B
Glenn John M Griffiths Wm
Goddard Mundane B Grier John
Goodbake Dr C :Graham Sarah Jana
Grover Solomon Graham Wm
Graff Leo
Grimes Thomas
11831 Benjamin
Haile A T 2 Herbert Alfred
Haines John B Hensel Mary Jane
Hahn Henry Head Alvan
Harvey Abraham 2 Henry Wm
Harris Thomas 2
Hbrris Isaac D
r Harris Abraham
- Hamer Henry
Harkins Bernard
Hart P A
Guy Thomas 2
Gass John
lleslep John
Hart Capt F S
Harmon Alice
Hay John
11 Marihal
HaAleu Mrs Miry
Tawkins George
II iydon George
Hunt S
Hunter R
Irwin Miss C C
Irwin Francis
James Wm
Jackson Win
James C W Jones Humphrey
Jamison Robert Jones Matthew
Jenkins John D Jones Robert M
Johnson Andrew Jones Samuel
Johnson Geo W Jones Miss Elizabeth
Johnson Wm .Lama Owen
Julansna Dr R A
Koine Hiram
Kenna Edward
Kater John
Kirby James
Kerr Rev D
Kerr Miss Sarah E
Tindall ft
Leyin Elijah II
Lige L
Laic Robt
Loyd Tishou
Lockbead John
Liukenhamer Henry
Lowry James
Lusk Elijah'S
Mahoney Barney Miller Sarah
anghan William Miller Jeseph
Mang Frederick P. Miller Mary
Masten Hun Mitchell Wm
Marks J T. Mitchell Abr H
Martin Mrs Hannah Mount Wm
Martin Mahlon Morgan Abraham
Martin Eliza Jane Moore A ndrew
Mellor Levi Morrison Thomas
I..auble Mrs Arnie
Lafferty Miss Margaret
Lafferty John
Laten Samuel
Laughten Alex
Levine H H
Leach MN Mary
Leslie W 0
Little Joseph
Mears 'f NV Morrison Joseph jr
Healey Dr Thos S . Mullen Tides
Nlellenger Arnold Murphy Wm
Melia ter James Murphy John
:Mulholland Wm IMillerJohn
NI ichts Samuel Milligan Robt 2
Mcßride Archibald McDonald Miehl
Mcßride Thomas McDonald Dual
McCandless Robert McFarland Joseph
McCarty Thomas .McGinnis James
McCloskey Miss Mary McGinnis Jos R
McGinnis Susannah
McClary Wm
McClu.ky Alice McGuire J C
McOuija John McGinnis Jane
McCall Eliza J Mclntosh A
McClusky James Mcllheny Saml
:McClintock Mrs.' A 2 McDimly Elbtit
McCarty Washi. gton Mclawny Wm
Me,Cal.e Jai McKelly James
McCoy Patrick McKinney M
McComb Thomas McKilibin Mt. Mary
McConaghy Nancy McKeown Thomas
I , tC..rluey Walhington McKeown Wm
McKee iltriled McLain Danl W 2
:McKee Rola McMasters Samuel
Melieu Matthew McSwiggett :Michael
McLaren James McWhirter David
Norton Jacob 2
Novell Wm
Nichols Joseph
Nicholson A
O'Connor Thu:. I I O'Sullivan Patrett
0' Itri ~ f t Thos Oliver Henry
011 t len \l' Lottiiu Oa Cll3 Joseph
Parlylt,llGeorzo Proven G,:airge
Parkhurst Robt J Pryor licuy
Porker IYm D Prichard Joseph
Perry Emily Poe Capt
Perry J M Potter Mary Jane
Perry Ins Porterfield ltobt R
Ralston Mrs Is beßa Roberts Richey,'
Itasid Alexander Roofs
Ralvtliaa. Dant W Rowland S
Neill W
Neill !lira=
Nixon Joc•hh
Norton A P
11...L.N. Richard Roupe John
Iters David Itobcrts Thomas
Reddielz Eleanor Robison Harvey
Reed Ali-s Amelia Robertson Antoinette
Reed, John fluid Robertson Mrs Diamond
Reynold Georg° Rogers Miss Elizabeth
Rig - go I , :dwd Roa Pousman
Rice George Rush F
Richmond John Roost.llT B
Ritter Wm A 'Russell Charles T
Richmond S: Seeler Russell Miss Isabella R
Roof Mr Russell Saml
Rawly Mrs Isabella J. Rovre John
Sargennt Robt Smith Rev T
Sagar James Smith Augustus W
Scott Jag 2 Smith Charles A
Scott John 2 Smith Miss Ellen
Semple Samuel Smith Lucinda
Sererauce Augustus 2 Sowash Joseph
Severance Levi SouderJacob
Seville Mrs Spencer Joseph
Shatter A E Stevens B.
Shaw Duncan Sterling Mark '
Shaw John M Steele Joeph
Slimier Misr Margaret A. Stetson G W
Sims John . Stephens Edward W
Sims Wm Stephens Mrs Cornelia
Sloan David Stevens Maj F
Smart John Stewart Andrew C
Smith Simon Stewart A
Stewart Hamilton Swaney Miss Martha
Stewert Rubt Swaney James
Stewart Samuel Sullivan Honorah
Stevenson Wm E Suck F
Stevenson Mrs Sarah Swift Rev E P
Swift E G Sunderburg S
11 A Taft Tilly Joha
Taylor Win Tomer Jacob
Thomas Daniel Tomlinson J G
Thomas John Townsend East
Thomas Thos Torrence Findley
Thompson Robt Tracy Loretta
Thornburgh George Troutman Theodore
Thompson Andrew Trembley Susan E
Tilford James ' Tracy Simon -
Tattle John W
Underwood \V rn
Vickers Samuel
Walker Archer Williams John E
NValker Wm Wilson John
Walters Jas C Wilson Perry -
Wahl Magdalin Wikon James
Watt Mary E Wilson Wm
Ward M Wilson A C
Watson Tilley Wilson Mrs E S
Whams John 'Wilkinson Henry
Weiber W &Co Wilkins D
Wells Rev - - " Wing Rev C P
Westby James II Woods JAL' G
Wheeler G D Woods James 3
White John Woods Benjamin
White Rus3el T Wolfurborgrr Mary Ann
Williams Miss Elizabeth Wright GS 3
Williams Reese Wright Mni.Mary -
Williams Charles D Wright & Mans-
Young H P Young Mrs Sarah
Zimmerman Miss Rebecca . . . .
Proprietors of Cylandrinal Planing Machine.
Captain or Clerk Steam Boat . f ioga.
novl6-3t • R. M, RIDDLE, P. M.
Henson C J
Henri, W -
Hitarbnum Mr
HiWerbrund G H
tiolmesJ S
Holliclity Henry
Hullinback Wm
Hooper Sanionl
Hongridge Jurors M
Hunter Miss fl ti
Hunter Mrs Mary 2
Hunt Miss LS
'Huston Samuul
Hughes Gideon
Hughes Christopher
Hubley Samuel
'land .Toim
Johnson Rev H H
Jones ISrm '2
Kieair Jo3eph
Kilbonrne James E 2
Klingensmith Peter
Knox Sarah Juno
King Dr Isaac B
Krack Rev John
Kyle S & Co
121iESII DRUGS.—Just received, Quinine, Tao-
uric Arid, Calomel, Oxide Bismuth, Hydrinde
Pot+►sh, Ex't Barks, at the wholesale and retail Drug
Stott:of JON. KIDD,
nM Corner 4th and Wood streets.
To City and Western Merchants.
QEMBLE & BARKER, No. 50, Wood street, are
'in course of receivins, additions to their former
Ana of Seasonable Dry Goods, to which they intritir
the attentitni oldie trade.
Their assortments of 'woolen, vorsted and plain
goods., are particularly desirable. All of which will
be offered on the must liberal terms for tails or apyro
ved paper. ul5-1w
'Western Beal Estate Agency,
Third sL, next door to the Post Office, Pittsburgh, Pa
'Agency for the purchase and sale of Real Es
tate, renting Houses. collections. &c, &c. Tetras
moderate. References given on application at the
office. ols—tf
Private Instructions in Vocal and Instru-
J mental Music
1 11,r R. B. PA RVIN. lute pupil of the Pennsylvania
01 I Istituto for the Instruction of tl.e Blind, respect
fully informs the citizens Pittsburgh, that he is pre
' pared to givo instructions to pupils in Vocal and In
strumental Music, at No. 80 SMITHFIELD STREET,
' near Sixth street. Terms made known on application.
Instructions given on the Violin, Flute, &c.
I nov. 16-3 t.
Por Cincikulati
• rri HE regular Packet CUTTER,
et ,
_L GRA t, Master, will leave for.
- the above and all intermediate ports,
on FRIDAY, 17th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M. For
Freight or Passage apply on board, or to
60 Water stroet.
Public Meeting.
Thu Democracy of Allegheny county friendly to the
nomination of the unconquered soldier and unerring
Kentucky, for President, are requested to meet at the
Washington Hotel, on Saturday evening next, the 18th
instant, at seven o'clock. All true Republicans that
prefer the people governing. are requested to attend.
Freemen rally! Ho that flight for all is entitled to
the gratitude of all
By order of the Johnsen Committee.
STRAYED from the yard of Burnsides Tavern, on
Liberty street, on Tuesday night, two Horses.—
) One is it large bay horse, about 16 hands 'high, blowed
' a littlein both hind legs, a star in his forehead, and hind
foot white, about 10 years old. The other is a gray
mare, about 15 hands high, shod all round, and übeut
19 years old. There were drawing collars on both of
I them, and the Lay had on a head halter. Any person
) who will return them to the place from whence they
Istrayed, or leave word so that they can be recovered.
I will be liberall3 rewarded by the subscriber.
n1.6--3t WM. ASBERRY.
Coal Diggers Wanted.
jA/ANTED from 500 to 1000 Coal Miners, to work
' V in the Coal Pits around Pittsburgh, to whom fait
wages and constant employment will be given.
Also—Wanted also, 30 to 50 good Miners, Welsh
or English, to go to St. Louis. Miisouri, who will find
c , .nstantemployment and good rat•. Enquire at HAR
RIS' Agency and Intelligence Oifice, sth st. nl5.
F7W ' 7M l7 7 ' M=:‘ '' .l,.7:Mr!
C~CTHEREAS, the advertisement published in the
vV V Post, headed "Coal Diggers Wanted" is tal
i ciliated to induce many to come to this place with thu a
I expectation of obtaining work and fair remuneration
for the game. This is to give notice that the miners
who dug the coal to supply the PittsburgMmarket have
etruck,and are willing to resume their labor' when their
employers will give fair wages.
n 16--at Iw' MANY MINERS.
lA/ILL be received at the office of the City Water
V V Work;, until Monday, the 20th inn-, for mak
ing 530 feet 6 inch pipe. Also, two six inch stop
New Fruits.
11) ECM VED this clay New Bunch Raisins, ofruperi
11L Or quality, in boxes, half boxes and quarter boxes.
Also, fre.h Figs. LLOYD & CO.
Nov 113. No. 140 Liberty at.
attention the Whole!
TH E military (u(ticials and privates) of Allegheny
county are requested tou meet in mass conven
tion, Satunlay, the 18th inAt., at 11 o'clock AM,
at the Washinzton Hotel, St Clair street, Pittsburgh.
A ntemlrial to the Legislature will be laid befot•
the convention for adoption.
n I 1--tlB
if J
) $4OOO, $3OOO. $2500,52000, $l5OO,
j k.. 7 and several s nailer sums would be
invez.ted in the purchase of Ground Rents nr Bonds and
Mortgages, if offered on favorable terms. Apply at
GRAHAM'S Land and House Agents, No. 6, St.
Clair st. ull -st•
Nov. 7, 1313.
THE President and Directors of this Bank have
this day declared a dividend' of three per cent.
on the capital stock for the last six months, payable to
stockholders or their legal representatives on or after
the Seventeenth inst. JOHN SNYDER, -
n 9.117 Cashier.
Pittsburgh, November 7, 1843.
This bank has this day declared a dividend oft res
per cent. for the last six months, payable on and after
thbl7th lust. Eastern stockholders will be paid at
the Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.
nB—`2w I .Y. 11. DENNY, Cashier.
Piusburg„h, Nov. 7, 1843.
rri HE President and Diiectors of this Bank have this
day declared a dividend of 3 per cent. for the
lastsix months, psychic on and after the 17th instant.
Eastorn Stockhulders will be paid at the Westein
Bank, Philada. THOS. M. HOWE, Cashier.
ne—f!tv _
October 20th, 1843.
A N olection for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the
Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Novem
ber next,between the hours of 9 A. H. and 3 P. M.
o2l—to THOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier.
Pittsburgh, October 20, 1893.
AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing yam will be held at the Banking
Houe, on Monday, the 20th day of November next.
421—t0 W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, It4d.
AN election for thirteen directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking
House on Monday , the 20th day of November next
oct 20—te
St. Peter's Church at Rome.
A LARGE PAINTING of this splendid Temple
will be exhibited for a short time at IRWIN'S
LJNEI ROOM, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of
this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest eulo
gium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1836.
It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 other
paintings, which arc now open to the public.
AOmittance 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents;
children half price. G. COOKE.
G7'Open daily from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and also
from '6 till 9 in the erenlng.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations are
respectfully invited, free of charge. 023.
.J. HERON FO3fir.