iAiLY POST: SDAY MRNINSi. NOVEMBER 16 • • ---_ VITT.SBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. commyrrEv ➢on sovn*ven. Ja:nes Thosnpeorr—Jaiiah Barker. Ax IRO% SAPE.—We have just been :M look s ing at an imlitiredcdouble Aron Safe," made by ricking Cot.- . , status Si, 111 4 111 ALE, for one of the principal brokers of etertalley; ' It-is the most. splendid article of, the kind wt haeeever seen, and leaves, as far as we can judge, no room for improvement, either in the beauty of iii warkansdriP,.or the complete security which it mast FOR SAFETY, w l ; e tainsthoth Gre and :robbery.: It is not so in- E,Tr"reliers iho - ua ',died. Beau p rovided w i t h a st .• Safety rs Guards for preventing Explovion of triellie:tieio be easily thrown out sal repair, while its cam B nurnerfastanings require ee little explanation and TT would be well for the traveling community to ' eare-so bisunderstood and used—and its double doots;1 1 bear in mownind that their securityboats depends ehaventirely land sides and its multitude ul bolts, give absolute at upon their encouragement of th or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara suranceilf safety from the efforts of the most deter tus. And that every individual making such selec rained 'rsli&e.r. ' dons is contributing towards a general introduction of :ibis safe reflects great credit on IL; ingenious and , nn invention admitted by all men who understand the an d skill, 1 principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure prevents prtisi etadng constructors, whose hrlustry d 0.,, 1 Live against those dreadful disasters. You have cer- We bole will mon wit:/ the encoura.;emmt they ' . • minty, ly, in thebundreds of explosions that have already scrawl's , sgyjl_:___:_4...-------:-----------_ taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the Virliar's FAltiltso.---We are informed that a con_ thientwousanarning,ds of liv and es thinduceathae alreadmakey be lost, a sufn ii c v ment to en inquiry for a siderahle number of persons were before this sublime _ Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the • repro :Kration yesterday afternoon and evening, and; preference. They have went to an additional expense that iii were highly delighted with its merits; the that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore plissof admission being only 124 cents, will secure to I ~, ..,... meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that von appreciate their the itt4i-letrirs of the picture a universal attendance.! tau da6le endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu °Pew leg 6to 12, from 2to 5, and from 7to 9 even- ' man life. Thev do not charge more than other boats; Mi. 'To-morrow wo will endeavor to give a more. x- their accommodation; in other respects aro equal . , and I in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving tendittnotice. Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it Is so completely in your own power to avoid those dis asters. - . All boats marked thus (!') in. the List of Arrivals and Departures in another part of this paper; are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided toilh the Safety Guard. ALPS, • LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MEN TOR,- ASHLAND, MINSTREL, BOSTON. ~i . MARIETTA, BRILLIANT,,;;,, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, ....7 MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSK INGUM VAL' Y, C.'ADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUYGO PARK, CICERO, MESSENGER, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, (...'.ECELIA, NEPTUNE, C AS P L4N, NARAGANSET T, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS, OSPIZEY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, OHIO MAIL, CORSAIR. 01110, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS. DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH. ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EM MA, PANAMA, ED TWIN II IC K.u - AN, (2 UP,'EN of the SOUTH, EL DORADO, ROWENA, EVELINE, RARITAN, EXP RESS MAI 7.. SARAH ANN, FORMOSA. - SAL' ATOGA. FORT PITT, SAVANNA. ' GALENA, ST. CHARLES. GE 'L 171?001i, ST. LOUIS, GALLANT, TALLEYRAND. IDA, TOBACCO PLANT, ' i INDIAN QUEEN, VIC TRESS, ILLINOIS, J. 11. BILLS, JEIVESS, 'VALLEY FORGE, VIOLA, IT T wrivn, JAMES Ross, WING AND WING, "NitoNi red>, LIFE n%roar. THR MgIST. " —Thiel& the tide of Cooper's last novel, which has boon issued from the press of Lea & Blanchard, Phil- adelphia,and is fur sale by Cook, 83 Fourth street.— Price. 374 coots. . orihe merits of the work xve cannot speak, not hay. ing hid time to read it. It is, however, highly spoken of in some. of the papers. by which it is pronounced equal any of Coper's tales of the sea. "Tux SEAUSTRESS,"—a new novel on the cheap plan, published by our friend Berftml, who has ie movecruiPhilalidpltia, is also fur sale at Cook's caun- (it 01g.5,--A triLy.:: of Bulrcrnian Gyp,ies rivedia DalchnoCe. This is the first time this wauder ing elass'of . ereatbres have ever been seen in A miqica. One of the girls`: is repreented UN very beautiful, and she istbeifortune teller. She looks into futurity con sidenshlyibilyondthe. end of the world predicted by Fa ther Miller, and deals out plenty of good luck, to all who Irilyay her for it. Fon THE I O , T. SSmitii ci• lintfor.itood that iheliox. Wx. s declines being ct candi date for the office of Governor of the coin;nrealt.b, And believing that a very unanimous cx.prsion of favor,of FILANOS R. Sau Esq.. for that office.prevails throughout the comity. I ixmtild sug gest ibe• propriety (ehould it meet the views of the committee ) of fixing upon' a time to elect delegates to the 4rhot Conv..ntion. S. Port of pittsbutgl). , :tram Ge „ SicVe a; free!. Repore r s Boca, ikg'' • 11 - TECT . 6 I:ICiIES WATER IN THE CHANN'E'L ARRIVED lyt3eaver T'arket, 4..azw.a.sier,Kiinefelt.er. St. Buv. m 3 n. nsv;ilv, A.tkansii3 11.10. Mon, St. LuauE i' ART ED. Bre% erl'ac•lzttg ''lj,u►oti~sLcla,S:uur,N. ( • "Evelin , •, lrviu. vin. Belfast, El)ber:, Wl^ello,;' • Alpine, Cockhor Br...Al:lSt All boats mark 'd U . ] ace provided u. itL F.vitis' Safety t , prev..n: ta e Expiusion of St2arn Boilers. • - TOUCCO MANI7FACTOHY. JOHN bIeGIN NIS offers fot sale at No. 139 Wood Moot, opposite Rev. Mr. Herron's Church and next doer to sl,..s4rs. Bagaley & S:nith's Grocery, a sd perior awicort#lont of MANUFACTURED TOBAC CO. klio, LEAF TOBACCO by the hoqshead, or in sm34 , 4n6ntities. 1113 manufacture can be confident ly redecatnetrileil to the public and his terms will be as rensonnblepay other eitabli:linicut in the city. Nov. 13-6 t , FASti t ON' AB LE: ILAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY, ANO. 13, Fifth sired!, het icccn Market and qrOlid, and corner of Math and Grant sts.i A& H. WALKER fief grateful to tha . public for the liberal patronage bestow ed upontinrit, and beg leave to state that they are now maaufacturbig and have constantly on hand a very su periorArticilitin Beaver, RUViia, N'cutrin, and every other description of lints. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett andft'. cape; all of which will be sold at the ve ry lowast.ptices. Ai no part of their manufacture is done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand, they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as be ing superior and more durable than those generally of fered ti the public. Merchants and storekeepers can be se tWied upon equally as low terms as in the Last ern. Markets. 1. & H. WALKER. 023--41 M AMERICAN lIAIR DRESSING SALOON, FIFTH ST., NEAR MARKET. TuE partnership heretofore existing between F. A. Fretbey and G. G. Frethey having been dissolc. ed by..tnutnal consent on the Ist instant, the business will be conducted in future by F. A. Fretbey, who is fully authorixeti to settle all the partnership concerns. Fla respeitfully Asks for the continuation of the pa transit, of friends and the public generally. 117—ltn • Groceries. THE eu'etteribere respectfully inform their frien is anti the pnblic that they have corn winced the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PRODUCE At No. 20, Wood street, two doors from the corner of Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWARD SZ. Co., where they will be prepared to supply all those vett° may favor them with their orders, with groceries and Pittshorgbinanufactured articles, on terms which can not fait tOgive satisfaction, WM. J. HOWARD, ROBERT RODGERS. n1•-•dir.w1m. Lippincott Mills. • TRE subscriber having - purehascd and tbormiehly repaired these MIAs, i 1 now manufacturing, end kifi kietp constantly on baud, a full supply of nll the dileront kinds of Nails. Spikes and Braden, etc.— made from the. best guano; of Juniata Blooms, and as soon as the necessary additions can he made to the machinery: he manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. - - Otilee r s left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94 First street, near Wood, or at the Mils in the Fifth Word. will be promptly attended - JAMES ANDERSON. sep 29-3 m NEW GROCERY STORE, STACY LLOTD, JR.. . ;A. G. I? ELNII ART, . LLOYD & CO. WHOLESALE MISSION MERCH ANTS, Ne. 140 Liberty street few doors above St. Clair, street, trit Where familica can at all times he suppled with pod Goods at fair priors. oct BUSINESS WINTER CAMPAIGA BrilliantearcerandUnprecodentedSuccess EMIG TuREE Blki 1)0010_4! 1 111: prodrictor (Stilts well - known nutl LOlly fa vort:tl establishment taltei great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large that he has now prepared at his SPLENDID SALES ROOM, No. 131. LIBERTY ST., 7'llE, MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK of WINTER CLOTHING Ever ofi'cred for sale in this city. HIS STOCK OF C LOTUS, CASSIMERES. PILOT AND BEAVER CLOTHS, CACH MERE, SATIN AND OTHER VESTINGS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which Call be manufactured into clothing to cr der, and made in as goad style, and as tastily and fash ionably designed as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES. IT IS IVELL KNO JVN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And atno place west of tli mountains cau purchaserF, find such a variety of goods from which to select us at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCIIIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c. Ste. The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is "QUICK SALES AND SMAI.L PROFITS," And in following out this system he feels con fidentthnthis customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. HE WOULD INVITE THE MAN OF F.-1,5rH04', THE PROFES SIONAL Gr.\ TLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECIIINIC AND IVOR EMMA N To call anaexainine for themselves at TELE THREE DIG DOORS, No. 151. Liberty street, • AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. - OBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT. n 3 na JOHN M'CLOSKEY. Situation Wanted, A 5 Teacher bf French Spanish, Greek, and the La tit' Language. • .! The undersigned,wishes to acquire a perfect knowl edge of the Englis' I, so that the recompense looked for will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in En glish from those whom he may instruct. Ile was late ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. For acharacter for competency and morality, he can exhibit letters of the most respectable gentleman in [slew Orleans and Cincinnati. Frßeference in this city can be made to Rev. 11. J. J. Dean, of St. Paul's Church, and Captain James May. PAUL EMILE THEY EAU, 019. Washington Haase, Water st. BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE, LOOS IN AT SCR OYER'S, Corner of Wood and Water sts, WHERE as choice an assortment of ready made clothing, cloths, cassi 'acres, satinetts, vestings, flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, A ngola and lamb's wool hose and half hose, silk and gingham cravats, hdkfs, stocks, and in short, a little of everything adapted to the ose of gentlemen, all of which purchasers will find made up, and also made to order in the latest and most i improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himself, will successfully compettCvith any establishment West of the mountains. . Having made arrangements in the eastern cities, he will be coiPttantly receiving accessions to his already well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a eali, then, if you wish to fiumish yourself with choi ce articles. fae dad and, yet Cheap, for Cask! d ia. , ' Remember. the..pbute*-eertter of Woad .and Water streets. - 0215-6rit John D. Davis, • CORRECTED D•ILT ST AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION 11ERCH'T, I A. 102.111 1 821111, DIECELA.NGE ~1880113311, Corner of Wood and sth sta., Pittsburgh, CORNER 01 WOOD AND THIRD STS S ready to receive merehandize of evel.dtesesiptiort on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, Titers himself that he will be able to give entire satiabction to all who may favor him with their patronage,: Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDA.III, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, PittAurgh man ufactured articles ,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at eurly gas light. Aug 12,1 Splendid Buggy at Auction. AT DAVIS' Commerciiti Auction Ituums, corner of Wood and sth sts. o to-day, Thursday, Nov. 16, at 2 o'elneic, P. AL. will be sold for Cash, current funds, OISE SPLENDID NEW BUGGY, substan tial, neat and well made article, suitable for this sec tion of country, handsomely mounted. Nov. 16. J. D. DAVIS, Auct'r. DRY GOODS AND FURNITURE AT AUCTION. AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth sta., to-day. Thursday, Nov. 16, at lifo'clock, P. M., will he sold a large lot of season able Dry G00d,., comi osing Broadcloths, Cassinetts, Silks, Calicoes, Muslins, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, &c. At 2 o'clock, P. M..,—Furniture, viz—Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Fancy stands, St..c; a few good Buffalo Robes; 1 show window. Nov. 16. J. D. DAVIS, Auct'r. ATFRIVATE SALE AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, recently purchased in the East for 'cash, and which will be sold at a small ad vance on Eastern prices. for currency or approved en due:tea notes. The assurtmentconsists in part: of 20 pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths; 15. " super. blue cloth; . 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 " super. Beaver cloths; 5 " pilot cloths; 40 " cassinetts, assorted colors; some very fine; 50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20" English merino, asserted colors; 100 all wool blanket shawls; 200 cotton plaid shawls; 1,000 doz. spool cotton, all color;; 100 pieces bleached and brown muslin;, and a great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Good. House. frir Also, an asmrtment of boots, shoes, and hats, which will all be sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the East. sept 23. BEAR SK INS, dressed and undressed, just mceiv ed and fur sale by A. BEELEN. os—tf EAS.—Rec , -ived on consignment, 1:_ 1 Chests Young Hyson Tea, " Black Tea, 4 " " Gummivticr. by J. G. & , GORDON, 12 Water street MATH'S NE:NV YORK VARNISH, No. 1. quick drvinr4, iu store, and fur sale at the DRUG AREHOLSE of J. KIDD, oct Corner of 4th and Wood so. (10,S11 EN CHEESL, a fuse article, ,ju=t received and for sale by LLOYD & CO., 113 HO, Liberty sheet. ZkNTE CU lilt.; NTS. new and Fresh, lint. imticed xn4 for sale by LLOYD .& CO., 140. Liberty /Street. H 1 1.1 AS S \ The Invent of good fish are re.insstel m call and examine some very fine 1. 11, dtlix whieh a u irrve ju..t r ed and opened for retail. IVe have aleo n few bhh Nos 1 and 0 Salmon, game a; nbuve, for sale by the bill. LIXAD & CU., 100. Lib •rty strvm. r ACKEREL. HERRING. ill 10 Lb:: No. 1 in (Northern inspection) 10 " " 1 lterrinz, 10 boxes Scotch herriroz. Received thig- day and for s ide hy 117 1. UJI . II & CU.. 140 Liborty st. FA LO lON ES.—Received by Little lien , DlO 1).,v; Betide Tontsues, in tine order, direct front the rnJatittti-i.. A. EELEN. 118-if UEFA LO ROB ES.• —ltoevivrd by Cicero, a fresh _1 and full supply of all sizes of Rubes. Apply to 112-11 A. BEELEN. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or hale, for sale by A. BEELEN. os—t AcIiEREL.-1 6 Bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, jus received rind for snip by II AIL MAN, JENNINGS & CO. see 3. 43 Wood st. T 013 A CCO.-10baszes Burton's 5 b lump tobaceM '25 do Hassell & Rubinson! do 5 do liare.'3 do 10 do assorted sizes and braids, ill6l received and for sal: by HAILMAN, JENNINGS C CO., 43, Wood street 9r lIIIDS. N. 0. SUGAR, just received, and for A./ 'sale by J. G. & A. GORDON. 027. JUST RECEIVED and rot sale on consignment, 7 Idyls bacon, 7 blitls sugar, Can Le seen at the store of.lncob Painter& Co aug 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. 200, BAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE, for sale low, by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. 43, Wnod street. 400 L s ll . l. I. jut ßit r l p T c e e .: ( . l aI S , dO for SCOTCH T C H JONATHAN KIDD, Cornet 4th and. Wocxlsts. Piits. 111115 S SUG tit in store and lor Sale low by 0 S. ILKEE & CO., 1110-I.w 110, Second street r 7 BUTTER.—AIoe of that celebrated choice LA family butter, put up in full bound keg,:. Apply A. BEELEN. BEAR SKENS, well dressed and full haired, suitable article .for travellers' trunks, &e., fur ARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ! B.B.GAINS All sorts of clothing and wearing apparel. Flease call at No. 131, Liberty street,amil see for yourselves. sep 7. J. McCLOSKEY. JUST RECEIVED and for sale by WM. THORN, No. 53, .Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm soup in the liar, 600 " " " " in casks, . 100 " variegated soap, 50 " whitelastile, (only letin market) 100 " almond snap, in lb. casks-, 50 doz. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermacetti soap, for chapped hands and for softeninz the skin. The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of the above articles than any other establishment in this city, and is alscbrceeiving a large supply of fresh drugs, &c. W:V. THORN, oct 7 No: 53, Market street. BUTTER -27 Kees. 5 Barrels Western Reserve. Dairy Buuerjust received anti for sale by II AILM AN, JENNINGS &Co. • 48 Wood st, SPECIE STANDARD. 1 Merchants and Manufacturers' Sen.], . . Exchange Bank Scrip I Currency Erie Bank Scrip ...... EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT On Philadelphia New York . Boston Baltimore ...... ... PENNSYLVANIA. — PITTSBURGH Bank of Pittsburgh ...... Merchants and .1./dnufattnrels' bank. Exchange Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPIIIA Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties.. Do Pennsylvania Ccmtmercial Bank of Pennsylvania Farmers' and Mechanics' bank - - Kensington bank .par Manufacturers and Mechanics' par Mechanics par Moyamensing . par Philadelphia bank par. Schuylkill par Southmark " par Western . . —.par Bank of Penn Township Girard bank 16 U. S. bank and branehes......... •......... 36 COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown.. Chester county " Delaware county Montgomery county.... " Northumberland Farmers' bank of Bucks county Easton bank Doylestown bank Franklin bank of Washington Bank of Chambersburgh .. .. Middletown .. " Getty:burgh " Lewistown " Susquehanna county Berks county bank .... Columbia Bankand Bridge Company Carlisle bank .. Erie bank . Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster........ " Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank Honesdale ".... Lancaster " Lancaster co." Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville . . ....... Monongahela bank of Brownsville New Hope and Delaware Bridge company Northampton bank Towanda bank Wyoming bank West Branch bank York bank ouzo. Belmont bank of St. Clairaville Clinton bank of Colun:bus.— Coln rnbiana bank of New Lisbon Circleville {Lawrence, cashier) " ( Int rren, cashier)_. rincinn i banks Chillicothe bank Commercial bank of Lake Erie. Dayton bank.... . ..... _ Pranklin bank of Columbus.— Farmers' an 4 Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.. 14 Farmers' bank of Cantos 90 Gean a Granville Hamilton - Lancaxter lUarirttn !Vassal/on - . 2ittchavirx . and Traders'. Cincinnati.. ;Vaud Pleas:7rst ....... Nnrwark Puenarn Sandn.sky . Srioto. rr4ana Wooster 7.~nesnifle State bank and br•anchra State Scrip 111 Lanka Stale brink Bank of liiinois, Shawneclozrn.... Bank of the Valley of Virginia _ Bank of Virginia Exchn•nge bank of Virginia ......... Farmers' bank of Virginia ......... - • - .Vorth-lVesternhank of Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia .. Branches.. MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks All other solvent banks—. NORTH CAROLIN A .411 solvent banks. . . . SOUTH CAROLINA All solventbanks .... GEORGIA. Allsoloenl banks Mobilc banks Country banks ..... fOiJISIANA. New Orleans banks ( gond ).. TENNESSEE PR ENT 'N G OFFICE, The proprietors of the. MortNtNo Post and MER CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends and the, patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of arcs wit -Jr aka a41.2A3 maßa - aLtalfa Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute A. 13EELEN LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Books, Bills of Lading, I Circulars, Pamphlets, I Bill Heads, l Cards, I landbills, Blank Checks, t Hat Tips. 2111 Mobs of 351auk8.. Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap propriate eats, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branch of nur business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. To Printers. WE have received, and will hereafter keep con stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and =mall kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash (le ALL CAelts) will be pivrapth enameled to. • PfiILLIPS net 10—tf Office of the Pon and Mannfeetuter. SPECIF ..... -• .. _par par par _.......par par par _ ........ par par INDIANA KENTUCKY ILLINOIS VIRGINIA ALABAMA BOOS AND JOB W. CORNER OF WOOD 84 FIFTH STS ilVt=llB43.ll2kilM l STANDART, : INGRAIRAM & Forwarding aid ISerkilielidifn Wharldnata, eLtfutdoi 0 ; ouio. .tiGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation CoiT pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ()fate Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. ItETER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, Y. x. Hunter SC. Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John NI. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 .1843-Iy. prem. par Beaver and Warren Packet . par THE7canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,masti." will run as regular tri weekly packet between gie above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Brevet. .. ..... par __par ..par iis a - - ;xtVitl4)! ..• _ • L,LAWA 'T,t-St7" 1843. FARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE or SrsoEs AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, cia Bed ford, Chambereburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia. connecting with the Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staring and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore, Fare to Philadelphia $9. • Baltimore LelYes daily et 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH & Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. Tho Great Central Route Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail NEW LINE OF E. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WA3TIIIYeiTON CITY, 13ALTLVORE, PHILADELPHIA I.liD NEW }OIIF. TH IS line is in full operati'on and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washinston and national road to Cumbc.rland, connecting hem with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option, For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela !louse. L. W. STOCKTON, feb President of N. R. Stage Co. Regular Packets, for Cincinnati. I I , The Swiftsurr, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clork a. in. The Montgomery,. Bennett. Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express. Parkinaan, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & C 0.,. may 20 Agents. no sale ....85 United States Portable Boat Line Dcpot Ca. McANULTY very re , pectfully informs his . friends and the public, that he has made arrange ments to continue the agency of the boats forming the U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the large new Warehouso, CORNER OF WAYNE AliD LIBERTY BTREETS. Canal Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded with usual despatch, and on the most favorable terms, to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York or Boston. THOMAS BORBIDGE, Agent, 272 Market at., Philadelphia. MOORE & CHASE, Agents. 75 Bondy's Wharf, Baltimore. Sept. 4-3 m: AI.LEN KRA.IIER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for salo. Drafts. notes and bills, collected. RIFERENCZS Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lotenze, J. Painter Joseph Woorlwell, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown &Co. James M'Candlcss. J. It. M'Donald. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank PCAWFIELD has removed hia marble Estal, . lishment to Wood at. opposite Fahnestock's Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19-1 yr ..........2 Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine & M'Anulty, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, H. Devine is to collect ,all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contractrd for the concern up to this data. .......21 Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he still Lontinues in the Transporting business, and that he.has removed the office of the V. S. Portable Boat Line, to .NO. 45 Water street, twit door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. • H. DEVINE., • Diasielatitsitrd THE Partnership heretofore mooing under the of trtextr and:-Alissornit*, Wthis day' ,ed by mutual consent. -- "JAMES.DICKEY; sept.l, 1843, W.M. G. ALEXAND "-- - JAMES DICKET,nea* tfullOnforms his and the public, thrallo stillimatinues in the Tie Cation Basiness,at his Wart - 410115e, coitirl4.oE-Llst TT AND WATN,S STRASAII, Canal Basin, andoii. name of the '•.bulependent Porlable Borit Line where he will receive awl forward freight to the East the lowest terms sept. 4—tf. ritzsra ARRIVAL OP DELICACIES, AT 140, LIBERTY STREET. CHOICE EICXI. ES. Walnut Ketchup, Gerkins, Tomato do, Mangoes, Sarsaparilla Syrup, Piccelilly, Lemon do, .. Cauliflower, Olive Oil, French Beans, India Currie Powder, Walnuts, Italian Maccaroni. Onions, - Italian Vermicelli, Mixed Pickles. Capers, (French,) RICE! SAVCIA . 'Prunes, John Bull's Sauce, Bitter ,almonds, Harvey's do, French Currants, Reading do, Prepared Cocoa, .Caviee, do. Jamaica Ginger, India:Soy. ' 'Dried Cherries, EaMisca of Anchovies. Prange*, &c, &e. . , --Ant received and for safe by - . LLOYD &CO., . ". 1 net . - -.- Ki t 10C, Liberty stivit. Road Company, Pittsburgh, t'a Philadelphia } Cincinnati, } St. Louis, Mo. Ky. } Louisville. Removal. H. DEVINE. C. A. M'ANULTY Pitolic 'Salo of Seal THE undersignedwill offer at Public. fitle, on the premises, -30 AC117.5 or Gagnon, ist.tbe Bes. rough of Birmingham, on SATURZIAV NVSTv die Illftis inst. th 30 o'CioCk, A.M. It is laid MT into Lots of 2i by '2Ol feet, fur bona. , log purposes, and 96 by 390 feet on the rive r fur mann lecturing purposes. If not sold in a body, the lots will be otrerel tepid. rately. It is useless to renew the important advent*. ges this property pezwes Cs. The principal pottion of it. will be sold at furthest in a few years, ansl willodisobtx less. be yearly increased in Vdlllo by the ereetiurt of buildings and inanut - acturiri, and °frees the best opixit's. tunity furin.ver ;men! and improvnr.nts, all the dwelling houses in the town being occupied as soon as comiple! led. Tarim;—One-foarth in hand, and tho balance in ays, yearly payment, , ,, with interest, payable yearly. Nr.VII;LE 13, CRAIG. t;l4—dLs Committee of bits. Siduoy drew', Geed Farms Am Sale. ti OR sale, one or two farms of good land un die But• J_ ler and near the Franklin, Road and Martin Burn's, Esq., about 14 miles from Pittsburgh: Tbsf, one farm hue 150 acres in i ;75 acres cleared; SO Of it in good meadow, a good hewed log house and fratutt barn, and a good young .orchard on it, and it is well fenced and in good orders %lie other Las 50 acres, about 25 cleared, 6in meadow, a Food hewed t o house anti stable cn it. and is well fenced and oigterg and in good' order and adjoins the above. The two will be sold to. gether or divided, or about 100 acres will be .sold in one of the farms, and will be sold at • fair price far cash or nearly all cash. For terms and particular* please enquire at 'HA RRI 6" General Agency and Intel ligenee Office, No. 9, 6th street. n 9 A Gooa gout Ina Lot for Sale Loaf. OR sale low for cash or the larger part cash, part credit or trade, a good new tarsi story brick house, two good lots with a house and cow stable, coal ax 4 chicken houses, and everything in good order near Lira Market house, Birmingham—te property will be sold low fur all cash, or three fourths cash and the balance on time or suitable trade. A good bargain and good title will be given the purchaser. Please apply at l-lartis' General Agency and Inted• ligente Office, No. 9, Fifth street, tiff LANDS FOB SALE. 15 BFAR,M S r o,,tiies,7t - ve osu d it ia i n u d rc i h n a ß,, e ut E le e . iia an d high state of cultivation. 2. Farms in Armstrong county. near Frf•epusti 100 acres cleared; 150 bearing fruit trees, 3 dwellings, barns &c. For particulars, enquire at nay taco, Smithfield. near 4th street. uct 30--cltf J. X. II EN Df.RSON. Vargains to be Bad. 13 689 ACES OF vALuABLit LANDS 1 %ill be sold It bargain ill lOUItOSUit purchaser's. The land lies in Tylet and Nichola, Co's., Virginia—and CLEAR OF ALL ENCUNDPAIICE6. For particulars inquire of the subsci ibers.if by letter, postpaid, LLOYD &C 0.,: act 10 140 Liberty street, Pittslawirt.l,l. ilniMing Lots in liirmiwanws. IG, LOTS, suitable For build in t ; most eligibly sit -9 anted, and within two • ites' walk th• steam fe ryboat landing, • , id at prices to suit the times. The terms of pu:, me, . will be made'es,sv, either for cash or such barteras can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or 111.1.:':r. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. - june 1. JAS. 'PATTERSON, - jr: • 'TO LET. -• A TWO S TORY brick:bou..e, suitable for • _ dwelling and Grocery, sirente nn the ttrtreet; of Fifth and Union streets. Pussesstun ek-en irnmedt styli... Enquire of oi 1 roTiteent I. MThat COTTAGE, shunted in. the Borough of n; presem, oncupiccl by John Parker. The place has a very tine garden and good assort • ment of fruit trees. Am' pertlni renting can hilVe the! o privilege of engaging far the ensuing year. Pollees "' slot' given on the lot rfOctobernext. Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, 'Liberty &tien t •r to Wm. Toman, Smithfield street. sep. 1, 1843. • • noose.ls, &c., Tor 'lota. TME subscriber has opened a book to recora Roy ' 7 dwelling house, warehouse, store, pimp, room* or country farms and seats for reht, charging the own. ers '25 cents each record. He will keep it open forst' who wish to rent any kind of prrtpertt to examine; and Charge them 12. 1 , cents; and for a sinalleompensetittn, - will attend to renting all kinds of property, andldand to all kinds of business between landlord ,ha. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, Sept 21. 10. '9, Fifth at, - Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale. JUST received. 5000 Fmeman's beat Fire Brieke which will hereafter be kept constantly' 'cm hiniti and sold low for ash, by BIRMINGHAM & 03. may :27 t Nu. 60 Wsrerst. Peach Trees. fink THE sabscriber has .inst receiveti from the Nut% sere of Landreth and Fulton. near Philadelphia. a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to whichlaa would call the attention of the pullie. F. L. SNOWDEN'. may 8. No I Liberty st. bead of Wood.. Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's. Garden Seeds alwa tut hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of • 184, Liberty st., head of Wood DR. 7.SI'LANE'S LIVEII PILLS.—This is to cer tify that a niece of mine WAS very ill with the Lice. et-complaint. She purchased a box. of McLane's Lives er Pills, took them as per directions, felt moth relievs ed, used a second box ,atiti nearly cured. I believe it was the Liver Pills that relieved her. I would cheer recorogiend,,Nl'Ltutei ,Liver rill_ to tho;e per.sona ;chose Liver is tiiseased. JOSE ' PII BOYD, 12 miles froin rittiburgh. For saleat the Drug StOrt: of JON. KIDD, oct 31. Corner of 4th and Wood F.,ts. R. /*PLANE'S AMERICAN WORM .srto. FIC..—A fresh supply of this valuable medicine Cor expelling worms from the system. l'nrents whose are afflicted with worms may depend nn this article if given according to directions. Certificates of Its effitnCy 'tnn he shown to tomince an:: person of its inrprising activity nny . pr omptness in expelling worms and thus saving liyesor hurnlt td< of children. For sole at the Orugstore of , JON. - KIDD, oet 31 Corner of 4th and. Wood sts. Pius. DR. I\I!LAN-E'3 AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC Mr. of mine about yearn old, was c6ostantly indisposed, and of pdle complex ion; bin. lad always a good appetite. In otdcr to have the child wen, 1 bogight a small bottle of MeLinie‘i , Ver./ miftine of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, alter n hick .20 or 3.5 large worms were expelled. I wish all Ger mans would read the abox c facts. The child's health is much improve/3. MICHAEL RIII:N• Chortler s Crcrli. Sept. 26 1843. M'ot ailla at the Dru 2. Store of JONATHAN KIDS). oct Cornerof ith and Wcotti sta. Pittsbg.. re DionersitWittrted; ANTED imntsdiately and or! the bcgt sectriityl on mortgage on rarcilent propel t; in town and country, and on good pCivaio security, if iere r erre d f sndfordifrerentpet $511„014 $5OOO, $3060. V2OO - 0. - s7p, 11.50, 8100. • person, money to lend Hill find undoubted. security. A- fais. intisrest, Ina itw spread!! cases a good premium for money#»ndall in.COUikriellif. on applyingit HArftftiSs "'Agent" WA IntliNsinloer Of fice, Nn. 9, 56 stti4t l ni IVItS MAX: