Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 16, 1843, Image 2

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Subject to the decision of
lie Mailu oruiuc post.
Sr:C . lll2qt Boers.—The success ofi ho section Boats
dttM the past season has convinced every one that in
u rttiirne that, will be the only system of transporta
tion that will bemsed on the Main Line of our improve
menu. The.want, however, of a sufficient number of
reiGks on The Allegliony• Portage Rail Rona, lias cau
sed - setious inconvenience to many owners of - Section
Boats,,durh.g the past season, and it should admonish
tha.poople of the State,and particularly the citizens of
Pittsl,urgh, to ad:pt prompt measures to inform the
Leestatrm of the incmvenience. It would be well to
cal a public meeting at an early day, and make ar
rangements to memorialize the Legislature on the sub
ject, and havean appropriation authorized.
HON. WM. WlLKlNS.—Speaking of our Represen
tative elect, the Clarion Republican says:
) This gentleman who was elected in t' :e district of
which Whig Allegheny rompose4 n part, [the whole]
toile Congress of the United States, has been highly
reiotnmended by the democratic papers of the State,
as a suitable person to be elected Speaker of the next
of R-presentatives. The overwhelming, vote
received Ly Mr W in that decidedly whig district, is
evtdence enough of his pertcnal popularity and qualifi
cAions to serve in that station. "We hope that the
ge'penti expression of public send neut which has al
ready gone ford) in his favor, will be received as Zll/ evi
dence of the satisfaction his election would give."
From the faverable 'flannel in which the su.o.ition
of , Judge WILKINS ' election to the Spenkership has
hcbn received, we feel confident that nothing . would
givi?.,greater satisfaction to the party throughout the
Staab; than. the selection of our distinguished Repre
sentative for that station.
tollli received on all the canals -of this state, and of
thf.,43t, ages at Alexander's look, three miles west of
Schettoitatly, to the Ist of November, s,iz,:
• Tolls-4th week Total to Ist Lockages to
• in October. November. /st Nov.
1819, " $39,114 $1,411,677 20,319
1840 99,928 99,928 1,530,527 22,929
18 1 11. 114,662 1.792,486 26.171
1842, 102,855 1.525,525 19,576
1813 123,1 . 00 1,326;607 20,053
It will be pc.•rceivcd that though the toils of '43
thtisAte exceed those of '4l by $34,1.21, the lockages
to this woe time have fallen off no lass than 6,123.
The bounties on , alt, lead and coal, to the I,t of Oc
tobeirramousat to about S7O,OOO.—AM. Argus.
/3:iaiki - Tilft Boston Times of Thursday, intimates
thaV6overnnr King is nom in prison! charged with a
criMikif - felmiv; with plundering an institution whose
prvpotx, li ad been confided to his care. This King is
thalakdokof the party in Rhode Island, who would im
priaownind hang poor, honest men, for do ring to claim
th4tivifeges of American citizens.
The NO Regisur indulges in tLe fuflowiug
refiettions on this event:
DORR AND Coy. KiNo.—How different now
_areihe icisitions of these two men! Bosh are in the
same prison, the one for advocating and endeavorine
to maintain the rights of the people as defined by th'e
greiffelytrter of American liberties; the other as a de-
fauliel:to a money institution with which he was con
nected. Thomas Wilson Dom stands before tins world
. with a character 'unspotted and irreproachable, guilty
..oulY of the offence of sustaining the same principles
_which were sustained by Jelin Hancock and 'Thomas
jefter3'9n; for which he is made to suffer the penalty
vhlerh:would have fallen upon them, had thev
b een
placed 'within the reach of the minions of the British
gmiertiment. P,airmel Ward King stands up charged
Cvitli'aVritie of felony—with plundering an institution
whApipperty had been confided to his care. Dort- is
surtianded by warm friends, and the mention of 'his
narriili."pearts the blood quicker through the heart of ev
ery Freeman. King is alone. aided bynone, pitied by
none, and an object of contempt to all."
rirA bill to divorce Mary Ann F. Randolph from
her hu . shaml, Stelle F. R.andolph,passed the Council of
Aew:,Jeriey on Friday. The petition set forth that
Randolph wasa Baptist preacher, that they lived to
getheria peace and harmony. having several children,
up i 0.1.841., when Randolph wont away with a woman
—the; he wrote back a letter (also read) stating that
it witalrot his intentionto return, as he had been en
tra4ifed hy'a Miss Van Wagoner, and that rather than
ratlifir to Is:ls:nit to an exposure, he had determined
to leave hi. ffancily and his home forever.
NtICIIIGAN.—The news from this State continues
to come gloriously-in.- MP -whig4, with characteristic
recklessness, plhyud the game of "brag" very strongly
befdft 616 election, and talked extensively of their ca.
peCteq t.riumpli, which they said was to 'pave the way
for iletery Clay in 1844.' They have been beaten in
crest* totinfyheard from, and it is probable they are
defetaled'in every county in the state. We fear they
haviPtie their "paving" badly, and that if Clay is the
coon r c ' undidate in '44, he will have to travel over a
migkity .rough road through Michigan.
'Bather Mathew lately stated in London that be
htuiteceited letters from the magistracy of Liverpocl
amtlitanchester, where 140,000 persons had taken the
plech,e , , stating, that already an dmmense diminution of
.crire Ja.tAl taken place. He elle said That there were
40M000 scream Ireland' into which spades had TYev
cr bon put since the flood, and that he desired to see
the Irish as happy in their own country as were the
by the cultivation of those lands.
AAVI&N L I WOHAN TO ay. o.—M'Dermott,
the frinrilerer of Mr. Kinnear, near Toronto, has been
Convicted uod sentenced to be hung on the 21st inst.
His accomplice, Eirate: Marks, was tried the nemt
ilayohe 4tii inst. Tne Jury having retires, soon re
carded With a verdict of •i(Ottiti9," butt recomintanded
the linfiPT;y prisoner to mercy. Sentence of . Oenth
" A kcipounced against - die prisoeer,Prece 'Marks, to
be chsecotetl*t the manta titne as Demist.
ortr..+prlvis said that for some four years previous to
his clefith;Mr Leggett was se much reduced in his pe
conil64ralmstances, that he was obliged to depend
upoßgr Forrest for his means ofhving. Mr F., it is
sakbribaned to him 'at aiffsreototitnes same $20,000,,
tshiCli have never been raiti.
riii 'Of Chn Reston, S C, have, appointed the 16th ;nom
f n.a.` day or thanksgiving acid pra.yer in that city.
Misstssteri.—The'Rection took pince in thin State
nn the ett;and 7tl. We may expect to hare some news
from.ktja the course of a few days . , and which will, we
thialf4 .0 1 Waher fic"" r 4 e the democratic wreath.-
taf t tae editor-of the Galena Sentinel ays that the
man lithe iscietermippci toberieitin one year,is likely to
be hangedin six months; "(h, take your time Miss
Alierits7.—Oile Million of bushels is thought to bee
moderate estimate fur the wheat that will be exported
from Wisconsin, the product of the crop j utit harvested.
. - • -- -__::_.:._ - ' -
LIT' rtie Whi,; , s of Vpinsoat Write held a State Cori COMM L ItCl4i:T 11E. PATRON 01.' . 1.'ill: Ale ,:.. ' - , DIN RESER , t ; --.• RACT
vention, which was fullflitteadei b • 1-1 e-- t f•-om •11 AND REVIVAL OF LITERATURE 40 1. N T- = ' szti ~,..i FOit SAI.4. ,- . sae s. « ii:
4* - ,- • ''. N'
yr .. e,,a es . rt. NIJI)DiX AGM - . ' 7 ''' -''-- ''?' ~ .X . -TRACT of land, ft ~.: Regirgt.,..., Titilt, , lac al tri 4.' ~,
itisrlotiof the Stleil*. - ',..A *l es of Ussolutioas were piss- of • ' n id i - • ' • • '` 4 ' 1 '
1:moo eveTfou as Car as the pag'n ofrhisttill;y- ts . near the proper[ ' ' Jroliaseittor pie ma- e Ja C•. '- " . 14 ''''', 1
ed—and three ; h uilidr eit rind ftflid tle;:it-s were-rip-'.±tcoubl gHirgle m!i, chez itertiture anitthe ac tests. dad rrire:irospical, containing abo 'thirteen and stilarter ' art ' n Rol ';,,
p o i nte d touttent i t h e y oeug m e ,,,i, c on y ent i u n i s littay_r - thaf the stiencetS, 4010 evil , discovered that tiniir most ales; it Itas•tnto 113t . d ...s aga . n,:iind his at excel-. '..Jeultiits John •:"..
- , matiificent patrons 'tie to be souelit 'in the busy burn of lent bowed log- houie, small stile, sevoisil never failL' ; Johnson Andrcot`
next a 4 Baltimore. • - industry. Why, we all know that it was a merchant Mg springs of pure water, abdet two Inindred young ! Johnson Geo W
NOMINATION s —The Whig Convention fur the state of V en ice that called forth the genius or Titian and of Peach. apple and cherry trees, Std. Theland Ts on a l i , Johnson Wm
li di riune ,d to
iet Tinn:too:diet it was a merchant of .Venice who raid--t high and Issaith? situation - , nalf-offerwmanyt desirable-
lottrisertrOr R A
of Connecticut, held at New Haven,
ed those nobleal
paces and those solemn temples that advantagesto gardeners and others, wanting a cheap
Wednesday, after nominating Roger S. Baldwin for have. Commemorated—that will for' ever comincirm- ! residence in the neighborhood of tile - city. To a good
Governor, Reuben Booth for Lieutenant Governor, ' rate—the genius o f a Sansoveno and a Palladio ! purchaser, will he sold at a bargain.
Daniel I'. Tyler fin- Secretary. Jos. B. Gilbert fur Trea- Why, it wais the manufacturers of. Flanders, dwelling ! r7*Apply it Ecotat & FO3Till'S Western Real
surer, and Abijah Caringtou fur Comptroller.
in such cities as Bruges and Ghent, and Mechlin, un- , Estate Agency, Third' street, next door to the Post
der whose genial patronage the most beautiful inven - ' Odice . , 16.
- Smout.a.n.—The Independent, publiihedat Macon, i thins irt the art of painting were discovered; and, by 1
the consecration of their accumulated wealth, raised
Miss., states, that on cutting open the liver of a Cow ,
those great fabrics that we now look at with a senti
-4 laughtered in Noxubee county, a few days since, itavati•b a sis
ment of mournful admiration. The very of
found to contain some two dozen livingleeehes, varying ; commerce, for instance, is adventure; the very soul and
from an inch a nd a half to half an inch in length. I spirit of -nanufacturing skill; the very thing which in
! spires it, is invention; and, therefore, it does seem
On lett Saturday, $13Q.000 of cancelled six- ! most extraordinary that we should for a moment as
years bonds wer-e burnt by the Sect - miry of the State 1 same that the merchant and the manufacturer are the
characters who cannot sympathize with the
of Kentucky, in presence of the Governor, Judges and t " '''' . .Y
I poet, with the man of science in his researches or with
Reporter, of the Court of Appeals, Attorney General, I those who, by
their exercise of the incentive parts of
Auditor and Treasurer. 1 painting and sculpture, have adorned and illustrated
I the annals of human nature. Why, it was once said
T t:N NESS EE COTTON CROP. — The Memphis Faiqui-
that it was the proud boast of a merchant prince of
rer say=: -Our Cotton Crop will be a short one. An , the middle ages, that beneath the roof of his villa the
intelligent planter from Madison county, infornasus that I..llrst of living poets rounded his lyre ; while the great
he win not. have more than half a crop. The same isl "t phiiosoplier pursued the investigation ...of nature
her inmost mysteries, the historian of the age
said_oftheci op in Haywood; while we hear a get:tern' 1 into
chronicled the annals of Ids cunt" y, and the in•ist re
compliiat among the pluntors south of Hatchie."
!fed their meditations by the libraries and museums
which the merchant f tally of Me.licis had accumulat
ed. I, fir one, could not believe that a doom 1C,6
brilliant—sad I hops fit more perinanent-7is destined
fir th !se great cities -of , Lttneashire, iti- one of which
I have now the honor of addressing vu." --Speech
of Me. D'lsraeli at Manchester.
Sun of tin 11tH says that William Luitga., who %vas in
prison mat-large of murdering his wife, a nd then setting
fire to his house, was examined last evening bi foI e the
On-oiler. Ile said lie was a native of Hanover, Ger
many,--was 28 years obit a tailor by trade, and resided
a t s). Br:islway. lie deri ,tdra murder and
arson, and r.d'uting to .tus.v....r nay of the questions, was
committed in full to answer.
Friday turtrnitnr, to meet on the ninth of January next.
A bill to provid 3 for a_ convention to revise the Consti
ttitiOn was ordered a second radire.t, and remains in
that position. It is " tirofiCi,lied in the bill to give
every townithip and ward a delegate to tbe 'Conven
tion. fw
M itER --GaVilli3 last 'Concert in New York
on Saturiny evening. He smiled on Mu:lday evening
or Hava:Ana
Ma WEasT4ta's spas:Ai:at fhe . great whir , gather
inn at Amickver,:scamtly aprttrs to bi worth the fuss
which was inadeakaiiattitsapticipation, waif the fed
eral journalist: of Mew Nark, Baronanil Albany,
could find nothing better whereupon and wherecrith
start their expresses. it would have been just as well
to await the due course of mail. The speech is very
dull, flat and pointless, as if its author were laboring
under some embarrassment that weakened the force of
his intellect. and pnwented hint from showing mcneth
"where he is to go." lie labors heavily at the old
Bank question, and formally signifies hi: a:iproval
such an institution, forgettit ' r how recently he turned
up his nose at it as an "obsolete idea." fnals° states
that he is a genuine whip; now, though at Patchome.
he was a democrat, probable by the force of his cool
righi arm. It would be well, we think. for Mr. Web
ster and Mr. Wubster's intellc 4 ctual fame. if. he %Vert'
to make no more speeches until he has settled down
into something distinct and definite. This middle
place between a Tyler Secretary of State :Intl a full
blooded Clay Whig, is something like dancing a horn
pipe in fetters. It may, be u marvel how the thing is
done at all, bat there is neither eftace nor forct.:' in it.
It would be bettor in every was' for himself if ho wore
CO remain quietly nt Marshfield until his position co
plainly defines itself that he can "breathe freer and
deeper." In a politiCal sense, he now wheezes most
asthematically, urp2 though it is nitOitOthCi immaterial
to us where he goes still, as Mr. Webster is mgarded
as a great man. we should prefer that ho would fiat n-t
at all unl-s; es diunces of his grentne:s be exhibited.
He has displayed nothing of the kind at Andover. and
every word he uttered was an evidence of the truth of
his avowal that he had unwillingly cm= to make a;
Debt is of the highest antiquity. The first debt ill the l i
a recent law of Indiana, the board in each coun
history of man is the debt of nature, and the 'first in-1
whose duty tcis to transact the county huskies's,
stinct is to put off the payment of it till the last mo- .
; 1 s
privileged to send to the St ate University, at
meat. Many persons, it
will be observed, "I " ..ug ' Bloomington, two students, free of all eliar4es for
the natural procedure. would die before theyu
n w as ol s d . I tuition. This provision will enable about one hundred
is cenxised of two cruse;.
pay their debts. Suriety arid eighty y ‘ uuh„ , rneii, elected .. every four years on an
debtor and creditor. The creditor class has, been er
o‘t.itairn an eutic , atior , i cquai to any that the
roneously supposed the mere enviable. Serer was i a v v i ' , ',",:ii; . c i t° ,
ii -.) of We ails:a:3s'pin auoros, at an expense which
there a greater misconception. Tho debtor has the
;almost any parent, pus esied of a good farm and halos
sympathies of mankind. He is seldom spoken of bit
talon; habits, can defravaireven which a spirited young
with the expressions of tenderness and compassioa=
t i man, determined on iinprovyment, can lay by during a
'the poor debtor!' the unlortune debtor!' On the other
f.+++, cur; of bired labor."
hand, 'harsh and hard-hearted' are the epithets anat.
ted to the creditor. A debtor is a man of mark. Ma-j A CURIOUS CASE.
ny eves are fixed upon him; many have an interest in ; An account from Florida states that a party of gen
his well-being; his movements are of concern; he cannot amen, en their way from 0 Southern settlement to
disappear unheeded; his name is is many months; his s t , a og iiitinr., wer e s hort of provisions, and fortunate
name i 3 upon many books; he is a man of note—p tour .lv disrt i„,.,,a two heitr ., ‘ ,..i i i t the i r „ Jet. \fire „ e 5
usury note; he fills the speculation of ninny mind.; men ,.
C . o:ll:nonrisd upon the younger brandies. and they were
conjecture about him, wonder and conjecture whether both wounded but the old ones assisted them off,
he will pay. He ia a man of consuance, for mom are
running by their sides, and stopping occasionally nt
running alter him. Ills door is tbroazed with duns. . ;
s pine troe, from whence they were seen AO war di
lie is inquired after every hour of the day. Bring all some bark. The pursuit was continued by the gen
things to the test of- experiment. Many a Ma " who ' tletnen, firing upon the younger animals until they
has for years rejoiced in credit has fallen into debt, and w ,.„.„ killed, and when examined it was found Olaf
Dever eMmlred from it; but few iadeed who have ever i the bark was inserted in their mounds by their care
tried debt have returned to credit.. The practice is ex- i fill mammas. This is a true circumstance, and well
tending, though the opinion is not yet shaped to it. In- ;
: worthy of note.
deed the example of the natiunal debt, or the whole ;
nation inextricably in debt, expresses the aggregate i Public Blecting,
custom. 'The landlord.' says Sir W. Inglehy, five;',•
lin a lodging with an old woman and his cat.' \\ ho
Thu Democracy of Allegheny county friendly to the
will hesitate to cciaseet to the robbery of a man who TIOMIMOIOII of the unconquered soldier and unerring
lives with an old woman nude eat? Turn thO old wo
statesman, Cot. RICHARD 91EN'rOli. JOHNSON, of
man into a wife, the cat into a child, and the lodging,
I . :Kentucky, for President, are requested to meet at the
into an humble tenement, with all the decorum of the
i:Washington Hotel, on Saturday evening next, the 19th
love of order, the pride intosneutness; and imagine con: I instant, at seven o'clock. All true Republicans that
Caseation sweeping off all tins little gratings of slender i prefer the people governieg, are requested to attend.
circumstances, and tbeinational debtor might be cum- i Freemen rally! He that * fuught for all is entitled to
passionated: but these things cannot be imagined of ;
, the gde of all . ,
the genius, creditor. The ereditur always figures in By order of the Jiiiinssn Committee.
the fancy as a sour single man, with grizzled hair, a i nIG , .
R li KERR.
scowling eenntenunee, and a peremptory air, who lives
in a dark apartment Withmosty deeds. about him. and . STRAY HORSES.
'an iron safe as impeitettabla 'lts Iris-tears, - Onbbing to - TRAY ED from the yard of Burnside's Tavern, on
4ether what he does not enjoy. Tho debtor, on the Sls Liberty street, on Tuesday night, two Horses.—
other hand, is always pictured with a wife and six fait: I One is a large bay horse, about 1 1 6 hands thigh, blower'
headed daughters, boand together in affection and mis- nlittle in both hind !riga, a star in his forehead, and hind
- full of sensibilitY, arid suffering without a fault. foot white, about 10 years old. The other is a. gray
mare,''about 15 hands high, shod all round, and about
19 years old. There were drawing collars on both of
them. and the lay had on a head halter. Any person
Ades will return therir to ihrispirteefrent whence they
-at rasiesi, or leave word so that they canibe reetwererl‘
will be liberally rewarded by the subscriber.
nifi--3t WM. ASBERRY.
Hog. JOHN A. BRYAN.-:-The numerous friends of
this distinenished rritleman (late' Second As , i4tant
General) will e
_z_ratified at the recent change by .
whicY4oj 4 triiit(qtrectto'.a. 6pime uetsfui2
PCBs in th..: Treasury Department. He is n most esti
mable and high-minded gentlemen. and possesses tal
ents of the higiufst onler:' indeed, we doubt whether
the government ha 3 a more worthy or efficient officer
than Ir. Bryan in its sev:icd.—Cin, Syn.
ii4"flehael ttreergl.VAonedEtd7itif sundo.
libels, was yesterday sentenced to pay sundry fines and
be imprisoned two rauntiv. in the l'enitvaiary,. Some
others were _sentenced at the same tme bat Moses
Y. Beach, wbo was announced as to be sentenced at
the same time for ate libel on Mrs. Bennett, was not
amoug.thcm. IVe lave not heard the reason.-I'ri
Every one, perhaps, is'net aware of the man l ; use
less expenses to which the people - ivho exi,t• tinder*
monarchical Government, the free Government of
Great Britain, for 'instance, are exposed. It is saiJ
that the bare plate; at Windsor,Castle, is valued at
$3,500,000. A single gold service of George 4th - es
.contains all the utensils requisite to dine 006 hundred
and thirty pelts. There ii" in this collection a yes.
set which once belonged to Charles Xl of Sweden;
another.talion fromAlO.King of Ave; ethera-were:t4 1.
, ,
en from the §panish ArmaAlii, awl ogler* egain t. , et
brought from China, Ilittmalvati4•lndia. 11144 are
also thirty dozen gold plates,liort t b 4130 eaeliitiesicliic
splendid gold shields for s no-boxes,wOrth front $30,-
000 to $lO,OOO,
I had a black, savage horse, named Barbary, which
was sold to me by Lieutenant Strenowitz, a very gal
lant Gorman officer. honorably mentieeed is rapier's
history. ills crimes and misdemeanors had been
manifold; but ho was a showy animal, of a glossy
black, and aztrong, active, aativetiact horse,.in the
fullest sense of the word. Yet, on more than' one oc
casion had he so ungenerously behaved. Oat the onier
to slay Mtn was on the point of brine. issued. °acts,
when I visited his stall, and put my hand on his neck
to caress him, he seised me by the breast with his
teeth; and if I had not made a desperate struggle to
escape, and porrimelled him well with my fists afloat
the eyes,but especia • ifmy vestand s •t had not
given way, he would, in all probability, have dragged
me under his fore feet, and killed me outright: 1 had '
the marks of his hroad teeth on my breast bane for
I three weeks. When my servant was showing oaf this
I animal in the horse-market, an elderly French gentle
man was struck with his appearance, and asked his a::,e
I price. Ile then moved• maid Oita; scanning his
l and point!! critically; and afterwards made rite men w
l trot, and canter him. Thisordstl being passed saris,
i factorilv, the buyer examined the fee:, and eyes;
and after a long meditative pinch from his snuff-box,
proceeded toinspect his mouth Barbary had hither
! to undergone these liberties with forbearance and eina-
Dimity; but, when this lust freedom was taken with his
person. he uttered a fierce veil, seized the poor man by
the shoulder and proceeded to worry him as a terrier
would a rat. The crowd ran to the rescue. sticks and
, tones rained on Barbary, and he was obli4ed to drop
his prey before he had committed actual homicide.—
[ r coarse, all chance of sale for that day WWI over, the
wounded e',.'ritleman talked of getting him shot by the'
anthmtity of the Mayor, but Jonathan Wild jumped nn
his back, the crowd opened right and left, and he was
.non in his own stable, four leagues off. I sold this
man-eater to a sponish capitraz of muleteers for two
doubloons, thrilled' he was worth tell or twelve. lie
soon commenced his tricks with new loader, but
he met with his equal in the biting department. These
hardy follows are aredstemed to forority rts well as
stubbornness in th , dr mules, and know well how to
subdue them. The lag tinr• I raw Mr. Barbary, he
appeared in consid!rable distress. b , tt 1 h t•I no pity to
bestow upon him. His new MAT. ,, •T was clinging to
1,84 1 , • his ears with his teeth. whilst a muleteer with
eedlel was triabOrit,_ his ribs on the other
-ids, as hard as in emi'd stnke. Co le: this pleasant
treatment he was tug 13ardelux, on the real to
and ior aught I know to the c intrar7, the disci
pline mi;ht have been kept up b ui tho way to the Py
renecs.—Erczas of a Mili'ary Life.
For Cincinnati
m HE regular Packet CUTTER,
.1 GRA Y, )later, will leave for
the abuye and n.II intermediate ports,
on FRIDAY, 17th inst. at. 10 o'clock, A. M. Fur
Ft-eight or Passage apply on board. or to
60 Water stroet.
Coal Diggers Wanted.
WANTED from 500 tolooo Coal Miners, to work
in the Coal Pits around Pittsburg - h. to whom fait
wages andconstant employment will be given.
Also—Wanted also, 30 to 50 goml Miners. Welsh
or toglish, to go to St. Louis,'M issouri, who will find
constant employment anagood ray. Enquire at H Alt;
Ms' Agency and Intelligence Offic e, sth st. nl5.
WPFI2I;-.-"detahe,Cadsa-el rtio7-I,ertslt
Wanted" ie ctahle.
culated to induce many lo cornet° thi3 place with the
x.pectat ion of obtaintit., 4 44l: - iiiiii a' fair rernunemition
4:)r the'srrme. This is to *ire 'notice thee the miners
who dug the coal to supply the Pittsbrirghtrnarket ‘have
s!.tucic,and are willing to resume their labor whentheie
employer& will give fair wng , s.
16—d2t lw• MANY MINERS
Land fbr Sidi
the neighborhood of. the city. A tract of
JL Forty-two acres with the usual allowance,
situated on the cast side of the- old Franklio road,
consisting . of meadow, paiture and field, nearly all clear
ed; with good water on the premises, and a log barn,
with a young thriving ORCHARD of some two hundred
trees of various kinds of fruit.
Apply at Eout.p. & FOt , TER t S Western Real Estate Of
, tice next door to the Post Office. Tenns moderate.
n 16
Stray Cow.
AM L•' to the subscriber, living in Findlay town-
N.-1 ship, Allegheny county, a dark brindle Cow, has
white face, and white under the belly, high horns, sup
posed to be 10 years old. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove p. operty. pay charges, and take
her away. ALE X'R STEW ART.
.• Proposals •
'ILL be received at the office. of the City Water
W* ,
urk. until Monday, the 20th inst., fur mak
ing 550 feet 6 inch "pipe. A!s.o. two six inch stop
. nl6-3t
Now Fruits.
RRECEIVED this day New Bunch Raisins, of superi
or quality, in boxes, half boxes and quarter boxes.
Also, fresh Figs. LLOYD & CO.
Nov 16. No. 140 Liberty st.
REMAINING in 'P.at Office, Pittsburgh, No
vember 15, 1843. Persons calling for letters
whine names are on this list willplcaso say they are ad
Adams :fir Andres A
.Adams Michael Arnold Robt
Adams Maj Sam! Arbogast Katharine
Alexander Elich Artz Charles
Allen C .1 II Argotic BM
Applehe Thomas Ad /whew. C
Anderion Henry Arthur Mary • .
Applegate D W Awry Mrs C
Anderson dames Austin Salmon
Anderson Mrs Mary 1; .- • •
Backup Dr Beano. B
v Julia Berger% Casmer
Baird Adam Bestmer Eli - •
- Baird Harriett Block Joseph
Bakom Mrs Bicklev James
Barr Mrs Burd Vanden
Batchelor Elijah Blair David
Barber C W Black: Robt
13arces H J Bo.'thJ B 3
Bates Peter 2 13odzer Z
Bayne Mary Ann Boss Droll W
Barney,A Bowman Joseph
BargaSser Sam' Bogardus Mrs Sarah
Butt/ Ed wd Boyd J Limes 2
Benson John Brown
Berrien D St,Co . Brown Mrs FC"
Boalen A 13 Brown Thomas A 2
Brorkett Albert Brickley Mrs Bridget
Brody :Mar t in Burgess George
13r oak Maj Saint Burton Win E
Bradhrim Charles Byers \\ to
Brotherton W A ' Byrne J 1'
Brooks Bolt G Barnes Mary
Brooks Dr Buzby H 4
lir.wki Miss M ultra C Burk M
13 ra yd 'n 12 be I I Butler J & .1
Buotuu Mrs Mary Burton Jawcs
Carey Edward Chapman Joel
( 7urey Mae , Mary Clark June
Car:ia Jam.:; M , .; Clark Saml
Cris ' ' nosh Patriek C:ark Dan!
CIIN Mlli Wro Chirp T M
Carson James ClintonJuseph
Cranny Ganer Cooper W5O
Carnahan Robt B Cooper Saml
Caghall Catherine Cooper Mrs Susan G
Caldwell L F Cockburn Copt
Campholl John • Collier-John A : .
Ulnae Avery Comford Arthur
ChiYers George Conway Mrs Charity Ann
Christy Mrs Mary Conyers Capt J M
Chram Mr 2 Gunton Thomas
Cowen 3 F 2 Crasty ChM - ICS A
Croile John Criswell Thomas
Conde Miss Sarah Crawford John
Conroy Miss Margret Craig Henry
Cotter Patrick Craig Elizabeth
Comfort Dr S W Curtin Itose
Curtis Mrs M Cunningham Benj F
Davison Edward Donahue :Witte
Davis Miss Margaret Downie Wm
Devine James Dunahay Miss Margaret
Dell Sophia Duncan Bola
Dever John Donovan Miss
Dean James L Dickenson Wm
Demarhar Solomon Donovan Robt
Densmore Jasry Douglass, Saml
Denstrimo lien Dougherty IV W
Dickenson A M Donnelly - Neil
Dixon Miss Isabella
Edwards Thomas
Elbertiuhn V K
Ehnir Lewis
Eel , V .Nl.tiy Ann
England John
Fansnauglit Adam
larnihnm C
Fetterman Samuel
Ferguson I)avid
Fearnrs Smiley
Fleming . Wnxhinmon
Fit.her C B k Co
Fitzpatrick' Terence
Fox Lewin
Ford HiZharil
Fortune Mite Mary
Gee David .N.l
Gahagan John
Getting James
Gardner Thomas
Gillespie Ellen G
Gifl'ord &mini .
Glenn John 4M
Goddard. Mundana B
Gondbake 1)r C
Grover Sulurnon
Gruff Liu
Grimes Thomas
Hall Benjamin
Haile A J 2
Haines John 13
Halm Henry
Harvey Abraham 2
Harris Thomas 2
Harris Isaac D
Harris Abraham
Har4rer henry
Hari ins Bernard
Hart P A
Hart Capt F S
Harmon Alice
Hay .14ihn
Hawkins George
Hays :Marshal
Hainill James
Haslett Mrs Mary
Hawkins George
Hayden George
Hunt S
Hunter It M,
Irwin Mies C C
Irwin Francis
!Caine Hiram 9
Kemery J
Kennu Edward
Kater John
Kirby James
Keenan Lawrence
Kerr Rev D R
Ken• Miss Sarah E
Laubie Mrs Arnie
Lafferty Miss Margaret.
Lafferty John
Lawn Samuel
Loughten Alex
Levies H
Leach Mrs Mary
Leslie W U
Little Joseph
Mahoney Barney
:k anghan William
Mang Frederick P.
Masten lien C
Marks J T.
Martin Mrs I-lannah
Martin Mahlon
Marcia Elk.aJane
Mellor Levi
Mears T W
MerileY Dr Thus S
Mellen,ger Arnold
:s.letiafter James
Mulholland Wm
Mcßride Archibald
Mcßride Thomas
McCandless Robert
McCarty Thomas
McCloskty Miss Mary
McClary Wm
McClusky Alice .
McCaslin 301 M
McCall Eliza J
McClusky James
McClintock Mrs I A 2
McCarty Waslib-eton
McCabe Jas •
NlcCny Patrick
McComb ThOmfts
McConag.hy Nancy
MoiCorMey Washington
:McKee James _
Mclee Ribt
McKee Matthew
:McLaren James
Noill Hit=
Nixon Joseph
Norton A P
O'Connor Mini H
O'Brien Thos
O'BiienM's Louisa
Purl:lull (Immo
Parklitinit RolitJ
Pnrkr•r Wm D
Perry Emily
Perry J JI
Perr, Jai
Ewalt Semi
Evans Wni
Ewing Rev T
Evans E
Fcaus J
Farley James
Farren Miss Margaret
Ford Thomas
Foster Walter
Fox Elizabeth
Forsyth James A
Frieze Isaac
Fry George Ii
Freytet Mrs C
Freeman Miss 'Mary Ann
Foley Michael
Griffiths' Margaret A
Greenman Henry
Grimshuvv John
Grovell Mary Ann
Gribble J B
Griffiths Wm
Grier John
CirahamSataki Jano
Graham \ m
(iuy Thomas 2
Gam John
Heslep John
Herbert Allred
Hensel Mary Jane
Ha id Alvan
Henry NVni
Henson C
-Henry, G )V
Hit,eitlaauta,Mr ,
114dkiranid Gil '2
oi tne . sl S
Holliday Henry
Hollinback \Veit
Hooper Samuel
Hongridge in mes M
Hunter Miss H'N
Minter lqrs Mar; 2
Hunt Vali S
Huston Samuel
Hughes Gideon
- HughesChrietopiter
Hubley Samuel
hand John
i 4 0.1 0 13 4 sok *
- ":'.tawalVlaTthew-
Julieq3 Itotiert
Samuel -
Jgnoe Miss Elizabeth
Jones Owen
Kiesar Joseph
Kttbourne James E
Klingensmith Peter
Knox Sarah Jane
. King Dr lease B _
Kyle S'& Co
Tindall It
Levin Elijah H - •
Lige L
Lotle Rohr
Loyd Tishon
Lockhcad John
Linkenbamer Hoary.-
Lowry James
Lusk Elijah S
Miller Sarah
Miller J eseph . _
Miller Mary
Mitchell - Wm
Mitchell Abr H • •
Mount Wm
Morgan Abraham
Morrison Thomas
Morrison Joseph jr
Mallen Edvr .
MurphyThn -
Murphy John
Miller John
biilligsa Robt 2
McDonald. Michl
McDonald Danl.
McFarland Joseph,
AlcGinnis James -
McGinnis Jos R
McGinnis Susannah
McGuire C'• • •
McGinnis Jane
Mrrntosli A
Mollheby Eibtli -
Mallheny Wm
illcKelly James
McKinney ,
• MC - Kibbin Mis - Mary
McKeown Thomas
McKeown Wm
McLain Danl W 2
MrMa , ters Samuel
MeSwiggen Michael
NlcWhirter David
Norton Jacob 2
Novell Wm
Nichols Joseph
Nicholson A
O'Sullivan Patrctt
Oliver Henry
Owens Joseph
Proen George
Pryor Hetty
Prichard Joseph
Poe Capt - •
Porter Mary Jane
Porterfield Rob: R
11211,t0n Mrs Isabella Roberta Richard
Raside Alexander Rook F
Rnhaurr-Ditnl3Y Rtwiland S -
Rees Rithard ,Roupe John
Rees David Roberts Thomas
Re , ldick Eleanor Robison Harvey
Reed Miss Amelia Robertson Antoinette
Resat Joirs Boid Robertson Mrs Diamond
Reynold; George Rogers Miss Elizabeth
Rig . gs Edvd Ross Potssman
Ri,•o Geuigo Rush It'
Richmond John HussellT B
Rimer Wm A Russell Charles T
Richmara C Ser.ler Russell .Misa Isabella R
Roof Mr Russell Saml
Rowly Mrs Isabella J. Rowe Join
Sart:emit Robt Smith Rev T
Sagar James Smith Augustus W
Scott.) as 2 Smith Charles A
Sc•rtt John 2 Smith Miss Ellen
Semple Samuel Smith Lucinda
Severance Augustus 2 Sowastr Joseph
Severance Levi SouderJacob
Seville Mrs Spenerr Joseph
Shaffer E Stevens B.
Shaw Duncan Seerlitng Mails
Shaw John M Steele Jrnvirh
Shaler Miss Margaret A. Stetson G\V
Sims John Stephens FAward
Sims Wm Stephens Mrs Cornelia
Sloan Davia Stevens MA.i F
Smart John Stewart Andrew C
Smith Simon Stewart A
Stewart Hamilton Swatrey Miss Martha
Stewert Robs Swaney James
Stewart Samuel Sullivan Honortth
Stevensmi Win E Suck F
Stevenson Mrs Sarah Swift Rev I.; P
, Swift E G Sunderburg S
Tilly John
Tomer Jacob
Tomlinson J G
Townsend East
Torrence Findley
Tracy Lucotta
Troutman Theadore
Trembley Susan E
Tracy Simon
B A Tuft
Tavlor Wirt
Thomas Daniel
Thomas John
Thomas, Thos
Thompson Rntit
Thornburgh George
Thompson Andrew
Tilforti James
Tuttle John \Y
Underwood Wm
Vickers Samuel
Wnlker Archer
Walker Wm
Wahl . na Ora in
Watt Mary E
. . _
Ward M Wilson A C
Watson Tilley • Wilson Mrs E S
Whatts. John - • Will:horn Henry •
WeiberW & Co Willdni to
Wells Rev Wing Rev C P
Westby James II Woods J ihn G
Wheeler G D Woods Jamot 3'
White John Woods Benjamin
White Russel T Wolfurburger Mary Ann
Williams Miss Elitaboth Wright Ci .5 3
Williams Reese Wright Mrs Mary B
Williams Charles D Wright & Mans
Young Ii P
Zim merman Misi: Rebecca
Prnprietors of Cvlandricni Pranim.;-, Machine.
C sprain - 1, r Cleric Steam !Basel' iert. I;_7
nov IG-3t . itr!bir,ll/11DLE , P. M.
Private Instructions is Vocal and Instra-
mental Music.
Air R. B. PARV IN, late pnpil of the T'smnsylvn nin
11 1 1 Institute ftniehfebte& fiction of the Bkiisairespeet
fully informs the citizens ,r Pittsburgh, that he is pro
partxl to give instructions to pupils, in Vocal and In
strumental Music, at No. 80 SMiTHELILD
near Sixth street. Terms mackiknown on application.
Instructions given on the Violin, Flute, &c..
nov. 16-3 t.
SUGAR CURED HANIS--Justreceived,pr steam
er May Flower, a lot of supe OYD rior sugar earod
LL & CO.
140,Liberty st.
ham '•
nov 14.
85 S va g te A ra ß ie,
by Alleghe*y j dZiggo;;..S El tt i lt
aop 11 - Corners f Wood and Fifth streets.
# 117 the Operatic Troupe.
Mrs, g
uin, Mr Shrival, Mr Archer and Mr SF'
Alk -- guin,
P itkotio n u 3 to their departure for . New Orleans,
(theitt appearance in this city,) on
. 1 : 1 4 , 11* 7.-- 1 3, 61 .
044 1141117 . I.o:lB4 3 lsktrai
... - ,
- 'l' Ll 'ite
1 The Programme will be Issued Ironic( lately. i
selection trill consist of gem- from the follntring '
rant Somnambuln, Cinderella, Norris% Postillir4
; lie, &c., Soot& and Irish Bolltuls. eiitePGlesels. '
1 ECT'Admission to the Lower 119 . ktusti.kmpaettasUir...
1 - 7OfIT
intsriper Tier 37i cenist,liclete to be had at the
' Monongahela House, and Messr...o srnithand / 3 44/6ti."7
Music 6i 1 :4 4 . °ad at the door: '•' . 7....
Doors•open at half-past 6 o'clock . , Conceit tO'com
-1 mence at, half pest 7. n1.5---it.r
1J received, and for sale by
To City and Western Efferchanin•
SENIPLE & BARKER, No. 50, Wood street, ire
in course of receiving additions Le their fernier
stock of Seasonable - D to which they
the attention of the trade.
ITheir assortments of woolen, worsted and pink - .
goods, are particularly desirable. All of which
• be offered on the most liberal terms for cash or appro..
red paper. • ' ' 1115-I.tr
Third st., next door to the Post o:fice, Pitt burgh. Pa
nr Agency for the purchase and sale of Real Es.
tate, renting Hou.ses, collections, &c, &c. Terms
i.moderate. Reference* given on application at this'
oft ce.
• - Attstrtlan the 'Whole..
91 HE military (officials - rod 'privates)-of Allegheny
_L county are requested 'too meet in rams canals
lion, on Saturday, the Hith inst., at. 11 o'clock ABC •
at. the Washington Hotel, St Clair street, Pitubergh.
A memorial to the Legislature will be.lald :befUsitlt
the convention for adoption. •
LIEUT. P N GUTHRIE, Committal. •
n I 1-t 1 8
7(Ili $9OOO, $3OOO. $2500,52000,
111111 . 71,711 and several s nailer sums wtitdd be'
invested in the purchase of Ground-Ilents or Bonds and
Mortgages. if offered on favorable; terms.. Apply :atv,
GRAHAM'S Land and House' Arno), No 6, Sia
Clair 9t:
Wi II iemls. otut E
Wilson John
Wilson Ferry.
Wilson Wm
Young IYlrs Sarah
_~__ - .~.
J. G... 41, A. GORDON,
12 Water %treat..
Western eal Elstate
Farms Wanted.
SEVERAL improved farms (w-ithin
mile: of the Pittsburgh marlim). Per.on
posed to sell willulease dill at my Office, in Smithfield
street. Meat. 4th, soon
-- ,---
Nor. 7, 1343.
THE President and Directors of this Bank harp.;
this day declared a dividend of three per cent
on the capital stock fcr the last six incaths, payable to
stockholders or their legal representatives on or after
the seventeenth inst. JOHN SNYDER.,
n9-tl7 Cashier. ,
Pittsburgh, November '7, 1843.
This bank has this day declared a dividend oft tee i
per cent. for the last six months, payable on and after .
thh 17th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at
the Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.
ne—t2w W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 7, 1843.
THE President and Directors of this Bank have this
day declared a dividend of 3 per cent. for the , -
last six months, parable on aud after the 17th instant.
Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Western
Bank, Phiiada. THOS. M. HOWF,, Cashier.
October 20th, 1813.
N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
/31. serve for the ensuing year: will be held at the
Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Novem
te-r next,between the hours of 9 m. and 3F. M.
o2l—te THOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier.
Pittsburgh, October 4 20, 1843.
N election for thirteen Director; of this Bank, for
CA. the cu;uing year. will be held at the Banking
Horse. no Monday, the9.oth day of November next:
u‘2l—te W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, 124 J.
A N election for thirteen dirretors of this Bank, for.
the err-sning year,, will be held at the Birking
House on Monday ;thet)tttla day of November next
Oct 10—tc
St. Peter's Church at Borne.
t LARGE PAINTING cf this splendid Temple
AIL will be ea.liiibiteJ for a short time at TRINTIT'II
L ):4 c Itoom,corner of .for
and Market streeti. - - or
this Picture, Bishop Er.g'sat:d gave rite highest cola-
gium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1836. t
It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 other
paintings, which are now open to the public.
Admittance 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents: -
children half price. G. COOKS.
Er Open daily from 9 A. M till 4P. M. and al s•
from 6 till 9 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations an
respectfully invited. free of eintrgc. 023. 7.
"gyro New and First Rate Steam Elwin".
ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch eyliider, ati.u„,ll
foot smoke, 1,. sold with or without boilers..
The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylindeT;
3 foot stroke, one holler about 22 feet long. 30 inn*:
is clientele'. These engines are made of the best ton- "
terials and 113 the most substantial manner, and will be
sold on accommodating terms. They can bo seen at
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time.
nB—tf ~; DEVFE, U. States Line.
PittsburgA. ..
YSTERS and other rufreshments,willbe served up, ::
IL./ in gopd order. Namely: Oysters ray‘•,,fried,stevted.. .i
ana ha chafing dishes. AISo,IN TRZSBELL at the stand„,
or roast ,I, as soon as. the, season is sulacie,,tly aavan- ,p.
ced forThOrskafe trnmportation. , ,
LIE PILOr lETUR is determined that this esial.lish-- -
-wint (which i the old oyster depot) shall maintain
its reputation or the good Aqualiilt -at his ALE, LI
QUORS. CIC hictS. and such refreshments as trart+rli
era or citizens may.require. oct 18-6rn. f,
Wm. PEACock. M. Bias!.
Maim Cutting Establishment,
A - THERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glao4,
V V of all descriptions, ran 'be purrha.bed at very nsik.
Aonable prices, together with a great. variety Ofsplendild
cut glass, window lights for steambbats, private bousei
and churches. Also, window glass, a But erior
cle, 'wholesale and retail.
Persons wanting any of the above articlett, will as
well to call and. ex.a.v line for themselves, he.fore purduo
[S P X+ /3- %kith gad Time picee -* bla Gla sses airrays
on hand. 025--" dirt.