Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 16, 1843, Image 1

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VOL. 55.
N. W. career of Wood and Fifth Streets.
Tzette.-.-Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
Single•opice Two CENTS—for sale at the counter of
the WU*, and by News Boys.
The Waaldy Mercury and Manufacturer
I a published at the same office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
gle copios, SIX CENTS.
Uneiosertioo. $0 50
Two do., 0 75
Threads., 2 00
Oso week, 1 50
Two do., S 00
This do., 4 00
'49.4 Square. Two Syltdrea.
Six *oaths, $lB 00 Six months, $23 00
One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00
{'Larger advertisements in proportion.
;'CARDS of four lines SIX DOLLARS a year.
Public °dices, lke.
City Post 0 face, Third between Market and Wood
etremote-41 M. Riddle, Postmaster.
Cus!one House, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Pe,
seusell'abnildinca—MajorJokui Willock, Collector.
City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second
streetrJames A. Eartram, Treasurer.
County Treasury, Third street, next doer to the
Third Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasu.
Mayor', O
f fice, Fourth, between Market and Wood
'treats—Alexander Nay, Mayor.
AferAwat's Exchange, Fourth near Market St.
PittsbargA,ebetween Market and Wood streets on
Third and Fourth Streets.
Mereitaateandifanufactorero' and Farmers' De
p 'sit Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Wawl and Market streets.
Exchange, Fifth It. near Wood.
Monongahela Ifentse, Water street, near the
.Eschange Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair.
Merchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood.
American flotet,corner ofThird and Smithfield.
Mated States, corner of Penn st. and Canal.
Spread Eagle, Liberty street, noir seventh.
Mansion House, Liberty St., opposite
Broadhurst', Mansion House, Penn St., opposite
".Important to Owners of Saw Mills.
SN It'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw mills,
setich have been so fully tested in different parts
of the United States, as well as in the cities of Pitts
burgh se :111egliony; can be seen in operation at a
number of mills in this neighborhood, viz: at hi r. Wick
erihana's mills, on Penn street; at Bowman St Cham
eers's mills, near the upper Allegheny bridge, and
at Merrison's mills, on Hare's Island, and others.
T he above named machino can be obtained at W. W.
Wallace's shop, on Liberty street, near S•nithiield,
where it is fitting up, and where the machine will be
kept ernstantly on hands. Apply to B. F. Snyder, or
W. W. Wallace. umv 5
Evans' Chamomile Pilla
ABRAHAM CLEMER, residing- at f>G, Mott
. street, New York, was a ffl icted with Dyspepsia
is its mostaggraveted form. The symptoms were vi
olentheulache, great debility, fever, costiveness,cough,
Issartburn, pain in the chest and stomach always after
eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the
stomach, furred tisrigue, nausea, with frequent vomit
legs, dizziness towards night and restlessness. These
Dad continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when, on
ceasulting Dr. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and
submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode
of treatment, the patient was completely restored to
bealthin the short space of one month, and grateful for
the incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward
and volunteered the above statement. For sale, whole
sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sap LO-y No. 20, Wood street, below Second.
Pease's Ilearkend Candy.
'FUT TLE has received this day from New York,
afresh supply of the above celebrated care for
C oaths, Coldsand Consumptions; and is ready to sup
ply customers at wholesale •r retail, at his Medical
Agency, 96 Fourth at. nov 12
8 -ttar Bargains than aver, at the Three Big
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his cus
tomers and the publicgenerally, that no twithstad
sg the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors,
during the present season; he has still on hand the lar-
Tgest and most varied assortment of elegant CLO
HING that can be bought west of the mountains.—
The public may rest assured that all articles offered at
his store are maufactured from FRESH GOODS, par
ehased. the Eastern markets this spring and made in
to by Pitttsburgh workmen.
Tn sonsegueor.e.of the multiplication of slop shops in
our city, f „Ped withpawn brokers elethesand the musty,
east olriaimants &former seasons, from the eastern ci
ties, chid public should be cautious to ascertain the char
acter ofthe establishments in which they are invited to
purchilimbefore they partwith their money. The arti
cles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are
the mere offal, of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops. and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts
surgh public. Purchasers shot ld be on their guard a
rainsethese impositions, and they may rely on the fact
hums establishment that advertises eastern made C
:king, can give as good an article or as advantageous
aargains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors."
The public will please remember that all the subscri
,er's garments are made in this city, by competent work
men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
lie "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of
!astern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to
maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
lave obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices below those of
any other establishment.
He wouldsgain return bis thanks to his friends and
:hs public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
'post his establishment, and believing that they have
oend it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Asithing . of every description at the lowest prics,to call
'Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26.
&a* at Ws.
T HE attention of tbossi . who have been somewb... ,
scdptical in reference to the numerous certih
:ates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound
iyrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
Le known in this Section of the State, Is 'respectfully di
ected to the following certificate, the writer of which
ms been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
s known as a gentleman ofintegrity and responsibility.
To thie dgent, Mr. J. Ktaar.
I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
berry for a Cough, with which I have been severely
.filleted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
,n saying that it is the most effective medicine that I
,ace been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness,
Inl agrees well with my diet,—and ma im :g u n ge regu l ar
Lel good appetite. I can since.zely recommend it to all
•'..er, similarly agicred. J. MINNICK, Borough of
%.reh 9,1810. Chain
Fer side bv WILLIAM TIRO ,
n) No. 58 Market street.
Pitt,z, burg') Morning PriAt.
Oac mon', $5 00
Two do., 6 00
Threedo., 7 00
Four do., 2 00
Six do., 10 00
Oae year, 15 00
U. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed'to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court Huuse, nextroomsto J.
D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh. sep 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House,
rep 10 Pittsburgh.
Francis R. Skunk, Attorney at Law,
Fourth streat, above Wood,
cep 10—ly Pittsburgh, Pa.
Thomas 'Hiunilton, Attorney at Law,
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield its.,
sep 10—y Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North side of tho Diamond, between Mar
ket and Union streets, up stairs sep 10 •
A. L Darboraw, Attorney at Law,
Tenders his professional services to the public. Office
sep 10 on sth st., above Wood, Pittsburgh.
Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,"
shady side of 4th, between Market arid Wood its.,
sep 10 Pittsburgh.
N. Buckmaster, Attorney at Law,
Has removed hisoffice to Bcares' Law Buildings, 4th
at., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10
George W. Layne, Attorney at Law,
Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh
sep 27—y
Beale Washington, Attorney at Law,
Office in BakesrelPs building, Grant street., Pittsburgh
nov 5, 1842
John J. Eritcholl, atbsTooY at Law,
Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh.
'Collections made. All business entrusted to his
care will be promptly attended to.
feb 16—y
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law,
Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's
reWILLIAX E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten
tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him
to the patronage of my friends.
Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law,
Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield,
lap 8 Pittsbur : h.
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
Office nn the conker of Fourth and Smithfield streets,
sep 10 Pittsburgh.
Judson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law,
Smithfield. near 7th street. Collections made on mod
erate term 3. Pensions for widows of old soldiers under
the late act of Congress obtained. Papers and draw
ings for the patent office prepared. mar 17—v
Henry S. Diagraw,Atterney at Law,
Has removed his office to his rtviclence, on Fourth it.,
two doors above Smithfield. sep 10
J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
Office corner Smithfield and Third strectit, l'itt*burgh
inv 25—v
_ -
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will attend promptly to the collection or security of
claims, and all professional business entrusted to his care
ira the counties of Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont. Guern
sey, Tuscarawus, Holmes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark
and Wayne. B.E.Fitst TO
Metcalf 4. Loomis.)
Dal: ell 4- Fleming,
John Harper, i unburgh.
D. T. Morgan,
my 27, 1313—tf
FL Morrow, Alderman,
Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and
Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf
Magistrate's Blanks,
For proceedings in attachment under the late law, for
sale at this office. jy 25
Dr. S. IL Etoburs,
Office in Second street, next door to Mulvany St Co.'s
Glass Warehouse. sep 10—y
Dr. A. W. Patterson,
Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner o
sixth street. sep 10
Ward & Inuit, Dentists,
Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair,
ap 6,184-3
Doctor Daniel Mcl
Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—y
No. 93, Wood Street,
Agents For the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns
mar 17—y
lialtif &Dilworth,
Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Me
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured A r
tides, No. 29, Wood street. scp 10—y
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
English,' French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh.
sep 10—y
J. G. & A. GORDON,
Commission and Porwrarding Merchants,
Water street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y
on and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
17" TERMS.—Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per
100 lbs. Commission on purchases and sales, 2i per
cent mar22—y
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward Huglses, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh.
ter 10—y
Wholesale Grocers, Counoissius sad Pro
duce Ifferckaats,
And dealers in Pitts - burgh Manufactures.
mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittsbort
Illeeidabbilers and Paper Euler*
Continue business at the stand lane of M'Candless
Johnson. Every description of work in their line neir,
ly and promptly executed . may B—y
Coleman do Co.,
General Agents, Forwarding and Commissicat
Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so
licit consignments. n 22—tf
John Anderm . l, Smith!l6l4l Peandzy,
Water street , near the bfromingshola Hon.*, Pittsbnrgh
Q TACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Gro
cer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts
burgh. may 20.
LniusL Wxel
Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth it.,
may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa.
John IL Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Cone
mission Merchant,
Harrisburgh, Pa.
WILL dispose of all goods sent for Commission
Sales at the lowest commission rates.
Phila.—J. S.W. Esher,Day &Get rish, D. Leech &Co
Baltimore--W . Winn &co. Willson& Herr,J . E. Elder
Harrisburgh—Mich'lßurke,H.Atnes,J M. Holdman
july 1-6 m.
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers
No. 37, Market street. sep 10
Tito*As B. You No
Thos. B. Young & Co.
Furniture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex
change alley. Persons wishing to purchase furniture,
will find it to their advantage to give us a call, being ful
ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and price.
sep 10
Wire Workers and Wire Man
No. 23, Market sweet, between 2d and 3d streets,
ser 10-y
Pilkington's Unrivalled Blacking,
AIANT:FACTURE° and iold wholoaale and retai
SIXTH STREZT, one door below Smithfield.
Dirmin7linm. near Pa., manufacturer of
locks, liinzei and bolts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber
s crew.: liousen screw,: fur rolling mills, &c. sep 10—y
John M'Closkcy, Tailor and Clothier,
Libertc street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley
Snub side. sep 10
Webb Cloaey's Boot and Shoo Manufactory
C 3, 411 t st., nest door to the U. S. Bank.
Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes niada in the neater
manner, and by die neatest French patterns. rep 10
William Doherty,
148 Liberty itreet, bet et-n 11a Let
and Sixth. rip 10-6 m.
John Cartwright,
CCTLEII and Surgical Instrument 'Manufacturer
corner nC Gth and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa.
N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of
Surgical and Dental instruments. Banker's, Tailor's,
Hatter's, !lair Dresser's ro:d Tanner's Patent Shears.
Saddler's Tsals, Trusses, &c. je
Oak and Poplar Lumbor for Salo.
AFEW thow‘and feet of seasoned Onk and Poplar
Lumber, for Sale by vehole,ale. En qu i re of J ames
C. Cummins, Esq. nearthe Fountain Inn. jy 21.
Dr. Good's Chdobratod Female Pills.
THESE Pills are strongly recommended w the
notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in
removing those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from
want olexercise,orgeneral dehilityof the system. They
obviate costiveness, andcounteract all Hysterical and
Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanc
tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in
the United States, and many Mothers. For sale
IVholesa le and Retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
scp 10 No. 20, Wood Street, below Sacond.
Notice to Dr. Brandreth's Agents.
DTI H E office in Pittsburgh, which was established for
I_ the purpose of constituting agents in the west,
having accomplished that oniert, is now closed, and
Mr. G. IL LEE, in the Diamond. Market street, ap
pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini
ments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore,un
derstand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent
through the country once a year to collect monies for
sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller
will be provided with power of attorney, duly prowd
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all the necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Pennsyl
N. IL—Remember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rearof tho
Market ia now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a
hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which
produced much pain, and used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's
linament, or external remedy.
Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1890.
Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or linament; sold
at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittabargh, price
50 cents per bottle. feb 8.
Dr. Decbter's Palaumary Preservative.
FOrtrouoils colds, influenras, catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting of 61ood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrest of approach
ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh,
William C. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CA N VASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, always
on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fut.
med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of
every description.
Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to
their advantage to call. sop 10-y
Planntlicturer of in, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware
No. 17, Fifth street, between. Wood and Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillets,teakettles,pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hemselves, as he is determined to sell cheap forcash or
approved paper. mar 7—tf
rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil
ding. J. Osborne would solicit a calrfrom dune who
desire Portraits .Sprimens can be teem at his morns
Ina , / 13.
L. & J. D. WICK,
Birmingham & Co.,
March 22
Exchange Hotel,
Corner of Penn and Saint Clair streets, by
James Patterson, jr.,
Cheap fbr Ceske-
Short Reel Yarn.
No. 5 at /5 ctsperlb
6 at 15 do
JOHN D. Wicx
[Orders promptl .
Paintor's,Logan &Ke ..
f 27 J
Circulating and Eaference Library.
OF religious, historical, political and miscellaneous
works, will be open every day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex
change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
change alley, where punctual attendance will be given
sep 10.
At Easters Prices.
THE subscribers manufacture and keep constant
ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs ( war
ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated
Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump
Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps,
Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles sad
Hinges, &c., &c. JONES & COLEMAN.
eep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge.
Cheaper and better than can be had at any other
N 0.151, Liberty St., near the Jackson Foundry.
THE, subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the public, that his fall stock of
Goods comprises a larger and more varied assortment
than has ever been opened at any house in this city,and
from the favorable terms at which his purchases were
made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it can
be had in any other establishment in this city. He
would request the public to call and examine his splen
did assortment of all the a rt i c l es of d ress , an d f rom
the excellence of the material, the style of workman
ship and the very low price nt which all his articles are
sold, he feels coofidcnt that every one will find it to
their advantage to purchase at the "Three Big Doors."
As none but the best cutters and workmen are em
ployed, orders to make clothing will be attended to in a
manner not surpassed by any uther establishment in
the city.
He would again return his thanks to his friends and
the piddic for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his e,tabli.diment, and belies ing that they have
found it to their advanta t re to dent with him, Ins would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of ever: description at the lowest mice, to call
at No. 151, Liberty ttt. JOIIN M'CLOSK
I,..7'Obsen-o metal plate in the pavement.
T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have
and keep always on hand an assortment of Fire
PritofS,lfe4. The price, in consequence of the ma
terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about
thirty percent. They are kept fur sale at my shop, in
Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on
the corner of 6th street—as also with Atwood, Jones
&Cn., and Dalxell & Fleming. In regard to the qual
ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur
chased and will purchase my safes to attest the util
ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes;
justice and truth warrant me in informing the public
that all my safes which have been in buildings burnt
down for several years since I commenced have pre
served all the papers, books, &c., which they contain
ed. I have a card containing a number of certificates
of the same, which are in circulation and in my hands
and the agentes. JOHN DENNING.
N. B. A few pair of steel Springs for sale, made by
Jones & Coleman, and will be sold lox. Also, a screw
press, with power to punch holes in half inch iron.
sep 20—tf
New & Cheap Stock Establishment,
T WOULD moot respectfully announce to the citizen
1 of Pittsburgh and the country cenerally, that I have
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, °revery va
riety, form and description, and would solicit merchants
and others to call and examine fur themselves, as I am
determined to sell on the most accommodatinz termr
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m.
TA IL 3F LANES Sudorific Lung Syrup, being a safe
I. l ' and effectual remedy for Cougs, Catarrhal Fever,
Influenza, Pleurasy, the first of forming
stages of Con
sumption, Asthma, Whooping Cough , &c. Some do-
zen of certificates of its valuable effects can be pro
duced, one of which is now offered.
This is to certify, that I had a very severe Cough all
last winter: and was very much reduced. After trying
medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a
' bottle of Dr. M'Lane's Lung Syrup; it gave me relief
immediately, and in two weeks 1 was able to go out,
and fully believe it to be one of the most valuable med
icines now before the public, for Cough and breast com
A fresh supply ofthis valuable Cough medicine
just received at the Drug store of J. KIDD,
oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth sts
OSEE HIMES. would respectfully inform his friends
and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses, Habitsand Mantels of every description, black;
and warrants them not to smut, and to look equal to new
goods. He dyes fancy colors orall descriptions of silk
and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colon of
gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods.
Mr. H. flatten himself that he can please the public,
as he has done an extensive business in New York for
twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his
establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield
near the Theatre.
MP This is to certify that OSEE RIMES has dove
work for us, which has fully answered our expec
cations, and we consider him a competent dyer.
S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy
Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boles
J. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porter,
David Hall, H. H. Smith.
B. F. Mann. Henry Javens
David Boles, A. Shockey, jr
Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera,
George Barnes
Canal Baainmorner Wayne and lAberty streets, Pitta
burgh. Agent Unitei Same Portable Beat Line.
tart 4-3 m.
I atom Cotton Factory.
Long Reel Yarn.
500 at si cents per dozen
600 at 7A do
700 at 6} do
800 at 5i do
900 at 5 do
1000 at 5 do
7 at 15 do
8 at 15 do
9 at 15 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
12 at 15 do
Candlewick at 15 cents per lb
Corn. Batting, 8 do
Family do., 12i " do
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Cover
let Yarn always on hand.
13 at 18 do
14 at 17 do
15 at 18 do
16 at 19 do
17 at 20 do
18 at 21 do
19 at 22 do
I Cotton Warp s made to Or
attended to, if left at J & C.
~ d y's,or the Post Office:address
20 at 23
Springs and Axles for Carriages,
place rest of the mounlains.
Call for Bargains
Iron Safes
Beware of a Settled Cough!
New York Dyer.
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh,
jTHE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and®
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal
for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his
business. P. KERRIGAN.
may 11.
William Adair, soot and Shoe Maker,
Liberty at. opposite the head of Smithfield.
IThe subscriber having bought out the®
stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has
commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He
solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft.
sap 10—y WM. ADAIR.
David Clark, Agft,
to No. 34 Market street, between Second and
-Third streets, where he would be happy to see his
old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and
employs the best of workmen; and as be gives his con
stant personal attention to business, he trusts that he
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
sep 10
No. 1.1 6, Wood street. cote door above 6th,
KEEPSconstantly on hand all kinds of the best
Spanish Cigars, Regalia:, Cam:fares, Coor
mane:, 7'rabucas,Principes.
Also, half Spanish and common cigars.
Tobacco of all the ben brands. Cavendish, 51
lump; Baltimore Plug, 12s and 16s, lump.
Also, Mrs. Miller's fine cut chewing tobacco.
Satiffs--Rappee, Scotch, Macouba, High Toasto&c.
He has also, all other articles in his line, which he
offers, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices.
CALL AND SEE. je 8-6 m
At the old stand of Young 4. M' Curdy, No. 43, Se
cond street, between Wood and Market,
RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late
firm. and the public generally, that he is prepa
red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind,
with all possible despatch, and warranted to be equal
to any in the city.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS,
Su , when required. je 16—y
File Inanntkciory.
T HE subscriber haying commenced the manufac
cure of Cast Steel Files, from American materials
exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting can he
supplied by him with a better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending to use only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs.
SHOENDERGER'S, which is now brought to a perfection
equal to the best English article, manufactured for the
same purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he
will be able, in quality of articles and prices, to realize
the best hopes of the friends of American Industry.
jy 15—y. Corner of O'Hara & Liberty ste.
Horatio P. Yonne, Cabinet Maker,
(Late of the firm of Young 4. m'curay)
T_TAS commenced the ousiness in all its branches at
11. No 22, Wood street, between First and Second
strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of well mode FURNITURE, and hopes, by
strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of
the patronage of the public.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS,
&c. A Furniture Car for hire. J.
trpholsterer and Cabinet Mabel
agi Third it., between Wood and Market,
Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he
is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards,
bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and
spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol
stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made
in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10
Matthew Jonas, Barber and Bair Dresser,
Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of
fice, where he will be happy to visit upon permanent or
transient customers: He solicits a share of public pa
tronage. sep 10.
o .
The subscriber having returned from the East with
the latest style of Hats, has now on hand and will con
stantly keep a large assortment of his own Manufac
ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap
ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully in
vite his friends and the public to examine his stock of
Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory. No. 73. Wood st.
virit Flat and Cap Manufactory. OIL
No. 93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley
THE subscriber will keep constantly on hand every
variety of the most fashionable H ATIS and C• FS ,
wholesale and retail. at reduced prices.
Persons wishing to purchase will find it to their inte
rest to give bim a call. S. MOORE.
Pittsburgh, aug. 29,1843.
ground and polished, anvils and other kinds of
Finding done at the Cast Steal File Manufactory, cor
ner of Liberty and O'Hara no-sets. ang 18
The Knickerbocker foe November is published. We
copy an entertaining paper, entitled "Chronicles of
the Past," a passage or two concerning the, hardy far
mers in New Hampshire:.—
LENGTH or LIFE IN N. 11.—In some recent statis
tics (which have been carefully taken, and which, upon
their completion, will be given to the world) it has
been ascertained that the average length of human life
is thirteen per cent greater in the mountain districts
of New Hampshire than it in upon the seaboard coun
try of Massachusetts, or Maine; fourteen per cent
greater than in New York or Pennsylvania; and seven
teen per cent greater than in Virginia; and thirty-two
per cent greater than any other stale south of the par
allel of thirty-five degrees.
This extreme old age, to which the agriculturists of
New Hampshire attain is perceptible to the most casual
observer. Over the whole country we have described,
evidences of the truth of this force themselves upon
the attention wherever he goes. The old man of seven
ty-five years still mows his swath in the slimmer, and
bends his sickle in the autumn, with the elastic vigor of
prime manhood. The barn rings with the heavy stroke
of the flail, swung in alternate succession by the veter
an and his grandson. The cozy couple who could tell
you stories of their own experience in Revolutionary
days. ride each Sabbath morning, side by side, upon a
pillioned saddle, to the house of God. The simple
head stones in the church yard, also, though they may
often record the premature decay of some bright blos
WIN of the social circle, more frequently point out the
resting places of those who were gathered to their
graves like the shock of corn that cemeth in its season.
In the town of AI oultenburough, fur example, where
the population Scarcely reaches to thirteen hundred
souls, no less than the number of forty-four persons have
died since 1833, whose average ages were 98 years.
Of these forty-four, twenty-six had exceeded a century;
and the youngest of the band was cut off at the prem
ature age of 87. "Think of that, Master Brook !" But
the oldest of the groirp--he was for many years the
banner veteran of our worthies, and whose memory,
we opine, will still be foremost for many years to come
—he, our hearty Scotchman, whose monument rises by
the churchyard gate—he, unshrinking, undismayed.
stood under the accumulated weight of siz-score.aa4-
seren fall told years.
Brave old Donald McNaughton ! Thrice honored
be thy memory ! Year after year dirlst thou live on,
in thy very greenness of decrepitude.
Habits of MeNaughton.—Commencing life a 'pair
bairn,' (to use his own phrase, though at the time to
which he alluded he must well nigh have completed
his fiftieth year.) by unremitted industry and Maki
economy he amassed a fortune, remarkable in a new
and unproductive country. Up to his one-hundredth
year be labored daily in the field, and his best work
men could seldom surpass him in the amount of labor.
Even as that ag e it was not decrepitude of years, bus
of an accidenta injur7,,-, which laid the old man by; cad
to the very day of his confinement, which preceded his
death but a single week, he personally superintended
all the business of his homestead. At the distant
market town in the coldest winter weather; at doe
polls on every day of election through the "sleety drip
ple" and miry roads of earliest spring; at church and
at funeral, auction sale and county gathering, he was
ever the foremost man. Indeed in all matters. whether
of church or state. public or private, he prided him
self upon his superior sagacity and not without reason
Shrewd, careful, farsighted, firm in the tenacity with
which he held, and cool in the manner with which be
expressed his opinions, he retained ever three gener
ations the undisputed sway of a superior man.
The secret of the great age to which he attained
was in contravention of ail the principles of dietetics.
No man was ever more imprudent in his diet, or in
his exposure to the weather. He was, however, ha
bitually cheerful—a consequence rather than a cause . of
his continual healthfulness; and no war worn hero e'er
better loved, by the fireside of the wintry night, or en
der the shade of his broad roof tree, "to count his .
scars, and tell what deeds were done," than did old
Scotch Donald.
ANECDOTE OF MCNA 05.-1 remember a p- d
larone day riding up to his door, the pour beast he
bestrode being laden from shoulder to haunch with
the variety of wares which he had to .lisposc of. Great
ly to our surprise, old Donald met him at the door
a is h a cheerful gt eeting, far we well knew that pedlars
were his utter a_bomination, and, offering him a chair,
inquired what he had to sell. "Oh, everything, sir,
everything," replied he of the packs; "ribbons, silks,
calicoes, combs, thimbles, needles, scissors, gloves,
belts, sewing silk—everything, sir; everything! What
will you haver 'Got any grindstones?" asked the
old man. "Oh no, sir, I came a horseback. "Alt, I
thought you came afoot!" was the reply, uttered in
a tone and manner that sent the poor hawker out as
the door with a speed that no maledictions could bars
- -
ADAM Hotta—The Grand Jury, sitting as an in.
questfor Baltimore County, found an indictment on
Thursday against Adam Horn, alias Hellman, chart*
in , . him with the wilful murder of his wife, Mahn&
Horn on or about the 23th of March last. The ac
cused was brought out on Friday morning, arraigned
before the Court and the indictment read, which speci
fled nine distinct counts, each distinctly setting forth
the murder to have been committed in s particular
way: — lst, with a hatchet; 2d, with a knife; 3d, with a
wooden club; 4th, with a stone; sth, with his fist; 6th,
by dashing her against the ground; 7th, by strangling
with a cord round the neck; Bth, by strangling or cho
king with the hands; Bth, by pistol shot tbrough the
head. During the reading cf the indictment Horn re
mained to all appearance, perfectly composed, mini
felting very, little concern, and when asked whether
"guilty or not guilty," answered in the negative. The
court room was filled in every part with persons amt
ions to see the prisoner. By an agreement between
counsel, the day of trial has been fixed for next Mon-
day week, 20th inst. I. N Steel, Esq., Attorney for
the State, conducts the prosecution. James M. Bar
chanan and Charles F. Mayer, Esqs., are counsel for
the traverser. Twelve witnesses on the part of the
prosecution are already in attendance.
Last evening, about half past 8 o'clock, a fire broke
out in the house of Mr. Gersham Chadwick, a short
distance below this city, by which with its contact*,
was entirely consumed; and what is most distressini.
three of the inmates. Mrs. Chadwick and two of the
children, a girl and bar, perished in the flames
The family had retired to rest, and were not awaken
ed until the building was enveloped in frame.
Mr. C. succeeded in jumping from an upper win
dow, and was considerably burnt in the attempt. On
hearing the agonizing cries of the perishing members
of the family: several attempts were mule to rescue
them, but owing to the rapid progress of the fire all
efforts to extlicate these unfortunate victims proved i
effectual, and they were of necessity abandoned to
their sad fate. The scene was appalling and beast
rending beyond description. After the fire was sub.;
deed the charred and mangled corpses of the surer.
ers were taken from the ruins and an inquest was held
upon tbem.—Newark Post.
A correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, writing
from New York, under date of the 31st ultimo, says:--
"During an interview with Gen. Beard...on. I learn
ed a fact that will be pleasing to our literary and mili.
tary statesmen. It is that he has now in the press a
work on the campaign of Napoleon in Egypt, dictated
to him by that great commander while he was at St.
Helena, a few months before his death, and which gar
fully into the details of that extraordinary =Yenned.
It will contain also, Napoleon's views of the politics of
the different government. of Europa during -the seine
,s.. _......._w._ - .~~:e,. ,ti
Zl)e tlailp Morning Post.