~~: Kra" --- iligigArie lir ~.. ".: ES •. t A fait tee II . f ell Of "Vial illstedlev44ls4B,---Weeni Strict. - Pittsitireti-pti— _ co 1 always on hami mil etweenalveseiortmeas of Satit t. p,lafa st _PAPER HANGI-NGS, Velvet,- GO 7 -- 0 t, ,R 1 gager . • ot-ihe latest style and handsome '- - • i i:paying gills, parlori and chambers.. t titerkegsfattkint Ind have on hand at all tlmes .-7104n,' , tfi C t rrti a ettti. Ifittplng and Tea ravr, eon : id IrlillPie StrirdtsaLalFof which they offer for sate ''.Most 4"""*ltelath'irfertiss; 'and to which' they ..vtusabliallsastion if me rehants and others. A eial.watiutie fiebklroraii ittnds.and are bestqaaltty, 'c'oo.ll44ollirtiti.erleraye on hand and for sale as above 1..... , !11! . . 5e.. 11 t nii Tahriers'Scraps taken incubi's .. .. 7., Ay,—'Clio undersigned begeteave to inharm th . . l ite' pribile, that he tan renbriedfrom las old stand, 9 thkciskine lief Penn and St. Clair ate., opposite t. 1 , 7. ee illotel; Where -hi. has Sited tip -a large 140 M Foev d e ViAftZilkllt. and now oilers for pee the most gpleadi ~: , rtmedt Of to ever offered in this eone f market. - - for !!+4 efaaVaegieW - ter tilfrirent- pattern!, o' l , 09W,00dnad Idahogany,lnrentifulty. finished and ono 'v.'," &,-Aini Ceradttitete*tissonshout of the very best ma ,.. r , a kperhieb,for durability, and quality of tone, as'weli • , tnkati,lso..waernole to be solper tor to .any . test teen A•tlte.hp r s eplar4e.tt his naAnufactory, and :nade arra ii4e. intidOirdjiplly the Increasingdemand for this instru 'l a l l an requests thoie intending to pur• age to call and ..xamine Ills assortment liefore purcha. Its is•determlned to sell LOwell.• for .talt,„thitla any otheviestabliehment east oV. r west or the :""ntaTnsi SbUME, I.:Cliner of Fehr; anti St. Clair . slice's. • rOpipasite the exchange Rotel. Pittsbarghs rib Tlstyjust recetved from P hiladelphia and 4 New York, With it general and extensive autort toent'dtijia7os. cHEArrcAts, PERFfIf if ER r, r. and iivert'tatitiele iin103111)0.9f; business, which he is dete itin 'lll ieti on the nirist rcagonatile tering for cash.— !le believes he can Mier stronger indatementS than any egrahttshment in this city te country ph ye l with' claits And Vertittanita, who 'wish to supply themselves Drittaltrid Idedictines. Hi 3 articles have beennetreted with l~te ' atmori cloiner and see warrafited ofthe hest coal. ity ulatmttiformutrentb. Orders will be titled with Fine and s con he supplied with Fine and FMK: Soaps of every coanivahle variltly.latutd of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of every descrip!len. T he - iindersig lied rentquil,hiptttaiolis for the hteral Fll port heretofore extehrefite hten;nild 'fink.; by a constianl dispeollott 40 pie and necommodale—a rare to pro earl ihrdisetlidgionly what is excellent nod gentilne—a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the itstati lightamit—'Pr stud accuracy to compoun di med. cruen7rpl, d l ink's:4 . %ood perseverance, to uteri tt in rease- ctiuhths patrons...le may I. t - La !what - Makes your teeth so unusually white Quoth Josh's dulcinia t'Utber night, To makeyours look so, with a grin, replied tosli. ;Sibroligitt you a bottle of 'Phorns' Tooth Wash, 'ltiCthe best now-lti use, so the gentlefolks say, Anil since they have tried this, cast all others away But to provelt the hest; to make the teeth shine, Look.agiln, my diar Sal, at the lustre of mine. Then try t Lis great tooth wash, The Teaberry Omits wash, Adltd;ses If this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. Hawing tr:ed . -Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' and become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo altlotetratiteetfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as It ittmetif the most pleasant TonthtA'ashes now In use, PllM,burgh Sep. 15, ift42 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's Tea,kerry Tooth Wash," tat it is one of theb;ries best neat den. triflces iri use. Being in a liquid form, it com Dees with convenience. While It cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragrance peculiarly, desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. 61. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Behi".Tooth Wltsh,"and have found it to be an extreme. ly filditischt dentifrice, esercitlng a most salutary inlitt endgames the Teeth and Gums; preserving those India• perktabdimernbers from premature decay, preventing the accUlalnlatioa of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Flay. loLtit.rgallgttly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re. coektpataking it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar• ticlaathe kind new In use. CK. JY Yittitisirrsox, JANES P J.R ROB'T'H PEEBLES, CHASE SCULLY', C DARRAGH, WM .ArCANVLESS , J Af.GORIfR4D, JAS sCRAFT. L S JOHNS. ptegiedlhdcord by INTL.TAAM-THOBN. Apothem. ry Stallebetutet,4No.ls3 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and at ottieprincipa tiragesti?, and Tuttle's Medical ep A ge IFouirt, :street. s _INCA CCM I.,,iNTS..—.73lsptipsiaaad Indige.etion, with costiveness, astillty of the stomach, hardnes, of tralittafter meals, heartburn Xtatuleney, livei complaints vvitisigstalla the aide and isheatrfee4aundice, bilious com- FilikkkritoPllY, diabetes, grovel, stoat, and indentation of the loom, are mart. perfectly removed endeared by the Thisartiols has the astoulaftia g feels ie curie:. all cow diaifflisfif stomach and digestive organs. lany high• ly respectable ludivldo, in NOW York Live been cured, after trying every oilier reined; It "vain, and have given incfrele naives With permission to mete' to them. It Is pleasant toille last, rind does hot in the least i ly nterfere witb~lte dilly avocation of one taking it. tini faint. lietiofithle Wry have become so pleased with the mellieine. that they use it as their only family medicit.e. OW using it 9giiiieually, it keep" the stomach free from bilious dis• audits, and the liver active, with the secretionores of the borglp the moil, perfect activity. It is rompl,batd entircertaie- Theture will be gradua t sof Ormatent • ittegalid at Toret,es. 86 Fourth street. ' 8.! • 'Dr. .I..eitiyle letter Sr- itch Oiutmetit. ( FO a the cnreofeirery variety of TE'l"l'Cn, lite ITCH, a nd till gllseases of the Skin, has proved eel( wore t .ellicapiottothan soy Vise r Eiteparation for thc slim por t FOSC In One. ', 4 tipweicin oreiniiipnalla renitcales might tm p r orifiroi iartit,iiabfished of tts cfheacy from School Tearlierv, Pro '. prietor: ot Pactottes. Parent., Guardians, urses, Caitaina or vessets and other., were it mit ,fnrchild the dell toy iribavino, their names pnblistied in connection Willi Vial iftligreeable a trectlons. By 'house of Di. Leid y's Teller Ointment in caper,. 'r time , wistt his extract of tlarnaparllla 'Or Blood Pills, he , will guarantee to care any disease common to the skin, ! atoweirerigad,Air of however long standing. or rcfsind the Inoner.., T here are however Very few instanceshtft can 1. be cored y the Ointment alone. V . ' Pri. RS coats a Boa. t- Prepared. 9 rt] y., 4.0 oteajtt.,w it 01 esa le and retai hilatiMph i l at Dr tel. ..:,. dies Heed, P.Aryitiiietter, let . t 4, Second st. ra, a oil levy 13. A. IMEINE.STOCr It CO. cower of Wood gents forPittsburg. Icily 12. arstlintb streets, A —,-...-.------- PITTSBURGH LARD 01,L MANU -1 ~ ~ *., • FACTORY. rilibigsubseribel iiould terpeelfnily inform thealllze he „IL G rßee. ;nigh, Allegheny and th eir vieir itie., that has emmenced manufacturing the orticie of Lard 01 ad lituales. He Intends making hut one nastily, witi.elt will egos' tbe beet teedei a the Union and not surpassed by the boat winter +trained sperm oil either for machinery °chordin, withont its offensive properties, nnd one I third cheaper. TH.C..SSAVE IS WARRANTED TO LOUR)" IN IXY Arr;iorPEßA*Cfß E. The subse h ri- at laaratiehes to impress diatinetly on the public mind t it Ova aecasarytaparehate any new fangied la mps that Ittiteeny palmed upon them es being requisite to barn the 011ie. Pomona *Whits" at acme and brilliant light iee.leplOialthy estillag at tbe Mii mend ,3d street, nearly triveratcy the Poet Office. • Pd .., M. C tor.v. f" etVatteutiOn of Welk Male dealers, Citurehea and i , - , flit IreSpeGlitiLlt.lk ited. ''• 't` 10.--All ih 9 nor Mill bear the manufacture lata; 1343 /NDIVIDIT A.L EN,2131Lrit.4.. PORTABUNIT Ei) S'l r A'rES LE 11104 T LINK: For the Transportation of diferchundisc and Pruritic Between PITTSBURGH AND PHIL-ADEL 'ILIA AND PITTSBURGH AND BALTIMORE. NEW YORK AND BOSTON. ii EVIN E. respectfully inform the public that thry II• have co:upletcd thcir utrangeruentsfur the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPBNDEitT PRINCIPLES, The public line long wished for I ndividusi wcompetilone tion In Transportation on the Public Works, by hich alone In can be freed from unnecessary expenses and redn red I to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the State of l'ennsy Ivania having placed Trucks on her Rail Roads, individuatspwalng Portable Boats are enabled to bid for the Carrying Trade and stlecessfully to "cont. Pete with companies. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section Portable Boat:, owned.by the Captains who command them and well known as enterprising, industrious and experienced Roaltuen. 'Pile superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode orfcansporiation, are too well known to shippers gentraliy, to require 'comment; nut f I ~.,., ce it to nay, ttiat the detention, ioss,srparaiion and dam lags to Goods. invariably attending there Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphla are by the Portable Boat most effectually The remount. Portable Rent rinses-sett the great advantage ton, of being well sen a / a fed and tool In Summer; which pre. -v3111.5 Flour from soaring, and Baton and Tobacco from sweating.' 11. Devine, standing as he does, hetween the owners Of goodsand the fl ontmen who carry them, and equally I httrosted in prtecting te interests of both, will make uo e promises to o the public h he will not faithfully perform, lie Is now prepared lin receive and forward Produce to Philadelphia, Etaltimore , New York, and Boston lit the ' shrtest time, and pledge's lilinselto enter Into o com. . blu o nt ion with ot her Li nes,but alwnys stand ready n to earl y out the principlesof his Line, and cordrnct for freight on Vie very • lowest terms. i r -To give enolOahted-secority to o wners and shippers 1 of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected, I ( by which all merchantlizo shipped by this Line will be instil ed withoukany addittcniat expense to tire owner. H. Devine will receive all produce consigned to hPont,im . at Piltshurch, y.ay freight nail chows to Sieniti and forward the ;lore without delay to Philadelphia, Baltimori,New York, and-Boston without any charge I for advancing or comativakm WILLIAM TIIORN f , k• ~, March 10 ..1;',42. _ _ Ready =ado Coffin Warehouse, Fourth St .2doorslrom the U.S. Bas. Will. TROVILLO, UNDEILTAKEIt, tRF.,iPEcTECTI.L.Y.inrorms• the politic that Le 11,13 rem )ICti XIS ready made coil; ii ware house to the building reiently occupied by Mr. 11. 0. iii.rford, directly opposite his old st Id, where be Is always prepared to att -:A promptly to any orders ii his line, and by strict attzni on to all thedetails of the Marines% of an Wide' take . , 'at. hopes to %net It public confidence, He will be preparec at •LI. HOC R i 10 provide Hearses, Biers. C Ines and every rrnutsite on the most liberal terms. .Calla from the country will lie promptly attended to. Ells residence is in the same building with his wart . house, where those who need tits services may find him {-at an, ..___. DEVINE Agent, N 0.45 Water at., Pittsburgh. THOS. BORBID tE Agent, 212 Market sired , . 100OBE A• • .I.BE Agents, 73 Bowley'a Wharf, Baltimore. tiffw 4- Hinean, Agenls, Clueinnati, Ohio CULVER. WOODBUBN, Agent. Madtson Thos. SIc.NDANI, 4. Ca Agent. 27 Old tallo New Vo PAY. JOEN DI.LCIC.D. D. err. itossiur 5at:CE, D. D. siitcm. wILLIAms. y time. JUDUU. ELIDDLIt JUDGE PATTG w. n.lecLugv, 111.RIZIE, sep 10. T A `t A it.3l FOR SA Ltl—T he ufaersvgnedtrricets (home 1. his t';l,./a, It log lo lio=s Township 41 miles Irmo ibt City of Pittsburgh, containine 114 acres of land of whit 11 60 are cleared strut Oder Teams, hats WM AV Act, • of me ad °"'. -2 Croll*".rdeitfr lliplb 1. few Pinch and Cherry trees—Aliellitprovetento are a ..arse frame boos( contal or ti 10 rooms- well furntailed.ealculnied for a 'fa vcrn ot. private Dwelling, a frame ['quo 28 by 60,sione 1139ettl.lit, and stablina, shells i lid other out 11011ACS5tilt able fo a tenentettit.-2 eood Gardens surrouned with curran: r bushes. and a well of excellent water d , with s pump in at the front door. In relation to the P ffered ittsimr for and A llexheny mariret, there is no place row o gate with more Inducement to those v. tithing to purchase near Pittilturgh, the terms will he ade moderate. b for fnrther particularsapply to Inc propr m ietor at his Clot Store, Liberty street, corner L of P:C Vireo Alter. AENCI:Id iT(.O ELL. . B. If not sold before the Ist. of October h ee..t. I I will he divided Into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit put :11a eel, 10 eery. • ___,_ ILegular Morning Packet for Ileaver. , t I 1111 E. ram running and well kilo% r .1.. Bletwer w,..c.- 4. --v--- , --tot.L. l C LE TIE LAND , sHARp ligmruiLL, Mosier, will depart daily from Pit:; burgh al. 9 o'c'ock. A. it 1,, and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M For freight or pa..s.c4e, apply on hoard, ur to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 IN Zater ,treet. N. R.—The rev, lar canal paul.ct to Cleto.laco Ohl, Greenville and Meadville Pa ; nod t 1 assillon or, th. Ohio Canal,conttectinz with steamer Cleveland at Bea verovill he in oporation inonedtatcly on op ta r 1 6 lc iou of r.;.v• 1 gallon ma DR. S I'ARK.W ETHER'S HEPATIC. ELIXIR. Case of Liver Cottifriaint of :25 years ttu i I a nd WW ing. This may certify that Tor twenty five years f • flicted with vain in my side, whirl' was frequently CO severe as to entirely intapaieltate me from labor. I have been under the care andlteatmeni of various physlcianv without any permanent lienetii, Hearing of the. many cures effected by the Peptic Eliiir prepared by Dr. Strkweather.l war.' dured o aive it a triiit, and ain happy i o say Iliat it has entirely removed. / hare felt no symptoms of , ic) r .sr more thou a year MOS INDITE. past. Nortlibrititc,l ariet.s 30, 1841 A Thegcnuint ICI be had at TUTTLE's Medical Agency Fourth street. 3)eurdiBirs r 1-..riTTSS --ii URGII, O —oortio—n OCT. esii; 11:342. 3. ncnniNo—On Friday, the3oth of lam month, about 9 o'clock at nielt,the Pluning.Groovine end Fash Man ufactory, owntd by flay, Dilworth Fr Co. with a large I quantity of dressed and andressed lumber, was all consu. tned by fire. The Iron safe which I hough! of you some time hack was in the most exposed situation (hiring the fire, anti waa entirely red hot —1 nm pleased to Inform you it war opened at the close of the fire,and all the hooks, papers, te.snveit —this is the heat recommendation 1 can give of the utility of your safes. opt 24-4 T" " - CONSTANTL y on V/ Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature , and Count to the bat winter strained thir Spermche Oil, without its ofren , uve guntiNes, and one 4 p ulactut rd by Ihe subscriber at the old stand, Th E ird rt., nearly opposite the post Offire• NI. C. EDY. Jan 4,111.1 S . _ —_ _—___ BIRMINGH.AN I LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. rsE suhscriber having nitetwil a shop No 64. e:erond treet,between ?drake.' nnilWooll st reeis,Pctslitirs.h. in connecticn With the Factory in it itniiii;lharn, erSpert. fully inf tuns his friends and the public, that be will be. happy to tie favored with their orders for any articles la his line, variou Door Locks and Fasteners, t 1 s d Fcriptionr. or. hand and made to order. Toliaren. Mitt anti Tirrther gitercivit Large Screws,for Iron ViTurki,and Screws for Presses, made ar may ire required, iCarpenters and Builders are requested to call bcfort leontracting fbr )tdra, and rxanrine his liTl rcles and prices I ocks repaired and jobbing gencruily (one in .be Insal ittanner,and on the lowest terms. wag 2-6 qt JAS. rArrusc,N.3, • ansuer_ by TH PRE SI ' OM% U. - 8:1' ACM'S It pare-ance of law,, I,Jotty TYLER. President oLlbe United States of Arririca, do hereby de. I dare irtvi ntakelttiown that pehlie sales will be held at the undermentioned Land Offreinices, in the State of 11]FSUUR1 - , - at the - p" heafter designated, to wit: - AT Pl, AT TSBU P.G, in Clinton county, the seat of the Land Otlice fur the Platte district ul ti, commencing on Monday, the ninth d lanay o within f Ootl. tier next, fir the disposal of the piihlio d, the undernientioneit to wnships, and fractional town ships, tu wi , : N the fifth p .North of the base line and ttfst of rinci pal meridian. and west of the funner western no:A -d/try of the State. Township Sixty two, of range thirty font. Townships sixty one and sixty three, of range thirty five Townships Fix') two and sixty four, of range thirty x. Townships sixty one and sixty three, of range linty seven. townships sixty two and sixty four, of range thir y eight. The vt...st half of township City one, of range hirtv Mine towuship sixty ip sixty and township sixty e fury, Fractional townships sixty two and sixty three, of range fo-ty one. F r actional townships sixty three and sixty four, of range I rty two. North nf the base line and east of the fifth principal nuridian, and west of the for nter western boundary of the State. T o wnships sixty one and sixty two, of range twenty seven. Townships sixty, iiraxiy one and sixty two, or range twenty eight. l',,wrihip sixty one. or rage twenty nine. Also ;it Pie same place, commencing on Monday, the thirteenth day ut Novcm b e r next, for the dit,posal of the public lands 5t5611111,13.1 the. men- ri , ne.l townships all fractional t.iwnshi.os. v:xt al North of the bare line and west of the fifth pounrincip of meridian, and West of the former westcrnbdary he State. Fractional townships fifty, fitly one, fifty three, fif y five and fifty se.rt., of ra,:ge thirty three. Townships fi'ty two. fifty foot., fifty six, fifty eight anti sixty, of rant,e thirty fain - . El,llollal ,own,;tip finy nor. tqk,llS 'l ll)s l fifty three, fifty fine, f,actionat township tiny seven ant town ship fifty nine, ofrange thirty five. Fractional townships fif•y ionr, fir , 5.x end fifty seven and town hip sixty. ot rangeh y Fractional townships tiny five, fifty six, fill eight and fifty nine, of range thirty seven. Fractional townships fitly five and sixty et r ange thirty eight. At the Land office et LEXINGTON, comnienc on Niniiday ihe second day of October text. fin th e di s poso o f the public I.ltt Is within the limits of the nude r mentione I t o wnship!, to wat— t North of the base line and west of the ,fifth priqcipa lir TowilFhips th . :rty s x, tloi , y seven and thi, ty eight of range tom teen. Townships thirty lite and thirty seven, of range flee REV.JOSEVA KIRA EILV • J ADCS XI • DAVIS RIM L. T. SWITT TrOMAS SCOTT hand a superio '())) roittp flit , ty ti,e of langes•ixtern mid nineteen cowmlops thirty live, Misty six, thirty seven rty eight, of range twenty hue . To w tothip linrly eight, iit rattg , t,renty thee. th,rtv time, of w c ol) , Towiisitipt, Mitty ettlit and thi , ty nate, of range ,wenty nine. Towttehip forty, of rattg,rs thirty one, thirty two amt t! three. youth west Iraq tiottal quarter a section a t‘ve,ay one, and the north ea-1 aiid north Vvt.St acti.,i)ftl 'oat term of cretion twenty four in to.' ffilip fifty rate, south of i rivet, of rouge Iweitty South west &la? ter Lifseciii.ii ,even, lit roily nine, of . a nr,e teetioi y seen. Lands a prani tared by law, lot the ute of t-chttolt) military or 0 her plirput•rti, Will he eXciWieti oule. 'rile sales will el hbe lie;4 open , %vo weeks, Limless the Ituals ere lye, 0151.0, d n1 . 111....1 Ito inngeq aO,l .110 c laud iu the lira:o - he zuloo led, u,. d a.tel he CY-- piralioc Given tiod , l II.) the Wridlingtoc this righth d 9.) t)iiN 1.1.:11. By 'lie Pr. sidrt t: 'I• H n. 11. 131..kisi:, Cornnt'r of thr Goa fa: I Ain! gil:cc --- NOTICE TO P aF,-ENIPTICrN CI, AIM ANTS Eyck y .he of •eittptifin "o any lands witaiii the limit. i e above viwuwat , d. IF re.oo6re.l to e 3 abliSi tic :,:tine IQ Ih^ +ltiisraciimi 01 tiiii Rei trr anJ Ru e it r of ‘hr Itriiper Ltd and as ',ion as procurable all( r sr, in!! this )(parr. at d he I. e the day 1•F i.e i,f pub is sale of tier. toia n•hip, embracing the tiiVl claimed, a bove, do4igna tedt otheri% ina Foch chitos will be forfeited Tito. tt BL Gtneral Land (Vice. juke 29—tds QUIRGicAI. INSTRUMENTS! SIIRGic AI- IN -1.7 sERUSIESTS!— T. .11eCarthy, Cutler and 4 - ar te greil Inatrument _ticker, Third atreet, nearly oproei Ike Pool Office, Pitteburgh (SIGN OF THE col.,nuN eIIEARS.) rhysicia Ira. Dela kl P non Itrug;isis ran have ihnlr In• siearnenie tondo by the nuligerther of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and SCASSOTS alWaWil on hand. also Hollers tiheart, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allartieles warranted of thehest yuali se ty.snd obhing done as ti:ual. p 10 - ----------‘----- /110 I' Et! A LES.—Tliet et: a large class of Females in this City who friiCil their cow intittiittittin7, to which their occti ptt lions oblige fleeted with coltivettess which gives lISP to palpitation at the heart on the least et rtian, seit,e of heaviness esleading over the whole bead, intolerance of light and sound ,an inability of fixing the attention to any menial opetations;runittling fit lie bow. sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially fate; when any exertion is used, as goi at! quickly up stairs; tempt a ficklit; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few do-tes of the lira ndretit l'itts The occa. sio nal u , e or this medicine would •ta v e of trouble and years of suring, Chic, or two, or e ven three of t Brandrc tit ffii jn before dinner, are or en found highly beneficial; many use them very advaniageomitly this wnt,;iney aid and assist digestion, restore tile bowels to a proper contlition,enlivrii the spiritF, impart clear• ne..‘s to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote. a general feeling of berth') and hap piness. Sold at Dr. B-attdreth's Office. in the Diamond Pitichnrgh—Prier. 25cent t per box, MD) full directions. —l'be only place In Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the DOCIOf' S S Ownlo Of fire, Diamond. _ IMPORTANT FACTS. Dn, LEIDY'S SASSIDLRILLS BLOOD PILLS, arc appll• cable hi all calks, wlivtlier for Purgation or Peril' ration. They pos,tess all the 'toasted virtues ofother pills, find are addltiosially efficaeions,eontaining Snr!sp a rills in their composition, which Is not contained in any other pills in existence. They area's° different f r ond n th r.r pills In composulon, being purely vege n be employed at all times, without any dat.ei,, and re wiring no restraint ft om occupation or us.ual Coarse of _ . living. Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills wottld care all diseases, yet it Is not saying too inti;ll of t hem, from the innumerable cures performed by them In every variety and form of disease (rerialrates of many of which have been published from persons of ll denthey om• (nations, physlciana. clergymen, arid ether.) a that seemto he almost universal in their effect; and person using them for whatever sicknexk or disease, ina rest assured they will be found more etticaclour than any oth er pills In existence. From the known reputa D tion of r Leidy's Blood Pills, 'tis deemed accessary to remind Die public where they may at all times procure the renulne, as it Is attempted to impose other pills called •Blond Pills' upon the ar pub and lie on the reputation of Dr. Leidv'e. ITTBe particul ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills. and see that the name of fir N. B. Leidy Is cont on two sides of each bos,(the boxes brine of paper, and ohlong,squate shape, sairrounded by a yellow and hlark label. PRICE-25 cents a Box. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at. Dr Leidy's Health Equal Lim, 191 North &Triad street, be• low Vne, /Philadelphia, and Ay B, FAHNEF TOCK CO. i corner of Wood and Sixtb.strei3r, Agents for Pitts burghply 12-Iy. I!IMMma === PAint - I.I•AVF: now been before - the public 3 years du. ring which time Several thousands have been sold and in daily use, We are confident of being sustained in saying they are the but Coffee Mills in the United States, any way pin flit it.' Several modifications are. made° suit the fancy or wives and the purses . 4 husbands Sold by the gross or dozen at the manufactory Malleable Castings made to Order. FAIRBANICS" P AT ENT PLATFORM SCALES T ete genuine grfleles, or all gives. and m improved variebritg,congtantly on hand and tbr galeat very reduced prices by Or , atarufact u rer, L. R. LIVINGSTON. mart. —h Front helween Rots and Grant etc 2.lloViii.. H.OL DSHE BROWN E' lirV E removed the: raper More from Market street to No. 6.t. Wood s treet, one door front the eorneref 4111. where they keep on bands their usual as sortment of W ALL PAPERS, for papering parlors , en treit,chatobers, 4.e,„ and also PRINTING, W 1:ITI NG and W rt.% PPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS , 4.c all which they offer for sale on accommodating tering feh 14, 1343.—dt f in - TO IN VA..IDS. ~.L1 irrnow in,por an, it MOM. you commence willinui lost of lime wall Bus souttiriali Ptt.t.s. They it Billy but surely remuve all impurities from tie blood, and no Cafe of sickness can affect the human frame, that these.cele• Mated Pills do not relieve :is much ar medicine can 40, Coils and coughs are more benentted by the Brandreiti Pills than by lozenges and cannies. Very welt, per paliuti Yes, but worth nothing, at eradicators .ur diseases froiu the 'lnman system. The BRANDRICTIIPILL s cure, they do not merely relitve, they cure idleases, whether cloonlc or recent, infectious or otherwise, will certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CA.iIre.EROUS SORE. Etna Stasi, January 21,1443. Doctor Reiliolni4 Broalreth-110norell Sir: Ow tug to you a deli of gralittide that money [annul ray, I sill induced to make a politic acknowledgemlitit of tile benefit 'sty wi:e has derived trout your invaluable pills. Abut three Yeats this whiter she was taken xt Itli a pain in net ankle, which soon became very much inflamed send co ninth so that we because alarmed, and for the doctor During his at;enitanee t pain and swell tug increased to nu alarming degree, and he in three eeks 1":0111 its first commencing it became a runnin 9he could get uo rest at night the pain was so great.— Our first Doctor attended tier fur six months, and the received no benefit whatever, the calm crowing worst, and the sore larger all the %sidle. Ile said if it was heal ed up It would be her death, but he appeared to lie at a lust !lOW proceed. and lily poor wife still coutinned fu sitfrer the moat terrible torts Tel. We the , efore sought other aid Ina Botanical doctor, who said when tie first saw it that lie could soon cure the sre andgive her T ease at once, u our sorprise he sore Ityr o g n relief, and acknowledged that ti baffled ail his Thus we felt after having tried daring one tviiole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly tailing in the prove of her years front tier combined sntTerime• Under this' Cif CU111.13.1,e1 we concluded ;hat we would try your Ciller:l sa I Vegen title pills.determi eel t o t to fnirly test rityir curailYcl'irCril. To m aty wife's g I comfort the list few dues afrorded gre relief of the pain. Wirdin one week, to the astonishment Or Our and every n le who knew of the raye;the swelling and the inflation:it ion began to cense sand , mt she f after sielt quitxe ‘‘. wnld sleep comfortably, , Fir. , wet 1,4" use she was aide to go through the house. and again attend to the management of her family which ' she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a hole over two months from the thee she first commenced the use of your Invaluable Pills, brr ankle was quite Found , and her health Inter than it had 1,1,..1 to quite Siland - nu of years before. I send you this statement after •wo yrarm test of the cure. co:titbit - ring it only an act of fifths to ecu and the pultik at large. We ore, ts Ith mush gra itilde, V.-1, respectfully, TINItYPIIY ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. S. The Bo' a .wal pronnuncid lid• sore h eon ecroll,. ~11 no Vll 111 duine. st 4 I C whole of tin' 1101 01Y..1m1 Ilse bone scraped.— 'Floods a kiyd Pror,dr nee, this made 0° reriort to yonr • itiils. wt. lie fro , further misery, and fur r Vlore," I he Iliad 4, fn 0-J. -Sold a t L i rents per box. re, Il 11 0151 rye the new ial/111,(:irlt having apnea Iwo siC natOrrs of Dr. llrf anilrelhr So each het of Li, .ge has nuine ,dl Benittutin Br lid sells and three B Brandreth upon It. The only place In PlllFl , urgli where rho snit Bra cne, fillsdeath a e obtained, is the Doctor's own o cn In the D.ooldiol, thin hlnrket house. Marl:, the gentilnl: Vratid r ell' Pills can never be obtained in any drat Flom Tier f o lfrmilo2 are ibr only nzo.,in n•onnintrit by Dr. Ti, Brandreill, for lia..salvaf his Veget4l,:t. L' nive in ‘llerliirov rniiiiiy . - Autocr.G LEE, met. Mr. John Wm:ft—Alegheny, C. F. nrtn. H. Rowlartl—iM'Kee r p ort.. Presrly Irwin—Pleasant 11111. John JoiliisionSiftilesiown. Cherrainti i• Spaulding —Stewnrtstow a. Astell Connell—CliWon. Robert Smith Rorier--I'nrenturn. George Power —Fat rr w. David R coon- mum lownrdtip. itanlcl tirgtet Edward Tlionfp•inif--Wiktosl,titch Win. 0. Hunter—Allen'. Milt. NOTICF. I'o DK. BR.q.WMF:III'S AGENTS. The office Pittsburgh which was t stabil-died for the porptre of constituting agents In the west. having accam Wished ibat object, i n closed, and Mr. G. 11. I,CE in the Dlam Mirket street, appointed sty agent for the sale of Pills and Liniments ~111 Dr. Brandetlisagen t s will therforearriderstand;that Or.ll. will Fend a travelling agent through the coontry once a year tocoilect moneys" for sate- , made nod re-supply ageing.. The said traveller will be provided with a power 01 attorniiy. ti New ro n York t) , pved before the (lol: 01 the city and county of , toge.tlier with all necessary voucher.; and papers. Mr. 3, J. Yoe, 1; my travglling agent now Prnrisyl.. It. Mt NSDETII , hi. DI B, Remember Mr. G. 11. Lee, in rear of the Mat. ken in now toy only agent in Pittsburgh. New I'm kin ne 14111, TtiE WAY To RECOVER IIEALTII. An Individual only wishes to know the right way to pursue it; and there are noire, were It sultitt.l made known how I,trs migitt Ire prolonged and re covered. w' o would not adopt the plan. Evldetice Is requie that the nght way Issoveed. This Is what tho,e r sit d tiering from sickness want to r be 'satisfied about. For who N so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is capable of? If Ito Is there that would not' live when his ' , so( Hence can so much benefit hlai.elf and faintly? It is a inelanchnly fact (bat a very large pro portion ol the most I members of society die he ween the ages of thirty and forty. flow many widows and lielpiess orphans have been the consequence of rnan. kind not having in their own power the means of rector log health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented and the long and Ceilidh sickness, anti by assisting Na ture, in the outset, with a good dose of firandreth's NHS. u Tim is, fact, Wl' ndrstod to lie so by thousands Of our eiii7 a ens This med e icin o e, if taken so as to purge freely. wilt surely cure any cur:ride disease. There Is no form or kind of sick ness that it does not exert fa .sisti ncur. ntive irifbrence upon. Thu., by their power in reg putrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms and all contageousfevers. There hi trot a medicine In the world able to purify the mars of blood and restore it to healthy cot:ditto., ns the Brandreilt Pills. The firandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so in nocent that the infant of a mot DI old may 'use them if medicine is required. not only with safety but wilt n cer. tainty of reeelving all the benefit medicine is capaioe of Imparting. Females may use them In all the critical periods of their lives. The Bralldt&th NOS will insure their itaLlth, anti prodact regularity ; in a'l the functions of life. The same may 'e said of Etrandreth's External Rem edy, as an oetward application in all external pains, or swellings•or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken, it should be mixed with one or two pints of water. aura Test of Geßttitle Brandreth. Pins,—Exxmine the boy of Pills. Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must be withintbe year, which every authorised agent must posseei4 irthree l on the box agree with the 'bre...labels on the certificate, the Mlle are true—lf not, they ale false. Prinelikat office, :lit Broadway, New York: jam li• ic r -ro THE LADIES.—W by do you not remove that superediouy Mir you tinve noon your cotelicads and and 1 upper lip 1 By An l / 1 „10; at Timms's, 86 Foutik st „ obtaining u ietti tiCdrfElouraud's l'oudrris biabitAes, which will renal/felt AttOseet without affecting the rltio. You can also obtoirtOolioutre troly!:etberated Ean dr Bsaute, krlllcb u ip,:irpruir loomobe , all freckles, ptatpkr., ot op. Along clef*. stOtioispi inake-yooquelook perfectly fai , ; Illi and to tippig.laskatrinu triassbit nature by adding .more color ICI .j.' niiri ran-obtain some °Moor-a-lAA ce,turateliT by a w et„..—Atipi.litsylre found a stood assortment of Perfunter:g.../OfFiert:olorte, Vara' Oil, Almond,Palre, Wir.&orortid ratiter aoaps. ite IP nether. atiaule's Medical A:eiley, 116 4iti atreetd Dingviits and others can beso patted at Wholesale and retail terms. • -- - may 21i 1842 Headache! Ileadack. Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. A EE now known to thousands as a most estraordina . Ary remedy for this affliction as wallas the incon— trovertible fact °flitch . curing U Y SPEREiI A. Will those suffering only.ask aition7, their friends if they have nut lin/3WD of the positive ejects of said P i lls. audit' they do not hear them more warmly praL.ed (awl .desereedly too) titan any other, then let them net buy them. these few retouch-, all fancy or imazitmi ion is excluded; l and flotilla% will lie said uf their merits at auy time but what can he fairly proVerl by respectable Metnters of our community. Read the follnveln: certificate •gleen by a reSpectable citizen or lloglteny city, and attested by nue of thejudg. ea of the Cuurt of Comnion Picas of Allegheny ro. ALL/011111M tau, January g.,1343. DR. Dear Sir--I hove fur number oC year..p ast hero af— flicted with a severe nd almost constant Heidache. a rising front derangemeant of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for flame, have never derived any mate vial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. ti Dyspeptic MIN. I have not taken quite two holes and coiwider myself perfectly relieved from that distresting complaint. l have no hesitation in reeommendlng your Pills as the beat medicine I have ever osed. • Yours, Respectfully, J TURNER. I ant acqua.nted with Mr, Turne - , I have no hesita tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr. T. respniina , Dr. Brodie's PA's, as entitled to toe most perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS. For sale, Whulecale and Retail at the Brodoninn Pill ablisnment Pittsburgh Pa ; aid by all anthoriltd 0- gem s Ilirnmy.hont the Union ABe'y city Jan 9 1:445 NVA RRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William EVanS . 6 Camomile Pills, CsnmrtcAsits.—Letter,from the lion. A h'lt'm 'Cie!. lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee. ki enthereif Contwess. W•satrtovos, July 3d. 183 - Sir—Since T have been in illls city 1 have used some of vuor Hyspeptie medicine with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe It to he mod. valuable remedy. Poe of my !.ooz , ti ruents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Teleecsee.. wrote to me to send him some. whleh 1 did , and he has ployed it Very sneces-fully Practlee. ni and ,-nye It Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, yonr moot at this olace,^ thinks you would prohahty like an agent in Tennessee. If en. f would recommend Dr. A Carden. as a proper per-on t I officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Simithi you commission him he Is wlllinz to act for tOn. YOB ran send the medicine by water to the eve of ilohert •"olls. Knoxville county. Tettnes. see, or t.t land to Graham' k Houston. Tazewell, East Tenor-see. I have no doubt but If yon had ascots In sever,. comities lo Ca , t Tennessee. a eft'at deaf of medi cine hr am goln2 to take some of It home for my own use. and that of toy rtteildS, and should like to hear from you whether youwould like an can agent get at Blunt •ille. itullivan County. Eau Tcncesvet-f some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Yr.nr4 rerpecrfulty, A lIRAHAM 'CLEM. A N. of Tennessee. For sale holesale arid Retail, h E y SELL CRS. Agent, • No. 20. Wood street.below Second I).. , . ____ --___ Ft. 1V11.1.1.A51 EVAN S'S SOOTHING SY RUP,—% Thin trif.tlit,te remedy has preserved hundreds when Ilion:1d ' ,aft tecoVery , from convulsion:. As soon an the Syrup i.., rubbed nn the ooti., the e hild will reel v. cr. This preparation Is .0 innocent, .o eflicarlaus , and t.in New TORS, Feb. 9, 184 t. elem.:int , that no child wi'l refore to let hs earns he rub Dear Fir—Willyna °Mice me with another bottle i .1- , !red with It. When intents nre at the ny , of four months. 1 your et,ellent lAntotentl It is certainly the best Danae there I. co appearance of teeth. one bottle of the isind I have ever Fern. It has cured entirely my s• , - Si rut , rhittitil he used to open the pores. Parents should liner, about which I Wall co itnensy,and I have found I' ...,,. . ever io e without vile syrup in the nursery where iheie productive of immediate relkf in Seirerat Cane. , of ester ~....... are coon : chililtert,for if a child waltem in the ulight with ~a, injury in DI r a ni y. . 1 k few evenings since net pain in tic tom r.. the Syrup immediately r.litt,SCag!, 10( vounze,t child wasseized with a violent attack ofGroug 00,, 0 1 the I tor es, and healine the vim.; thereby prevent• wiliCh san entirely removed In tsree!y shofar*, by ruk in. (7.IuVU Mitts, reveis, kc. ear Sale IN It °testae And bin her chest and throat freely with the External Item Beintlhy , 0 ‘,R0.,,r:A.r,n1:1.17;,11,..,5,.: ‘ ,.... " .. "1. , I ' , ty. I think yon oui:ht to manufacture this Liniment ': tin, 40. .- - •re' . -••••-w -e-on'• far cencral Ilse, Instead of erinfin in: the use of it, as yMI ••• have heretofore dane, to your particular acenalntanetw. ruly, C. W. HA NIDEOII V - YO , !in t DR. B. Itakisnasern, 241 Broadway. N.Y. rrror sate at 241 Broadway, New York, and al bit office in the Diamond. Pittsbury,h. PRIED-50 cents : er bottle with directions. see 10 --_ -----------------O --- THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO T PROTT(ICE OR AGGRAVATE ntsrEAsr.- 1 b elassedleldnals Is very nume.roms. They aye tkoFe whn work in an unhealthy nimniitibere. Printerrovork men in feather stores, stone cutters, halters, white lent manufacturers, are all more or 'can subject to disease a cording to the strength of illeir constitution The method to prevent dlseace. is the occasional use ofa medicine which abstracts from the etreulatton alldelete noes htIMOrS, an‘i expels them by the bowels. Tonle In any form are Injurious, as they only 7. at off the evi day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandrstit's Pill will insure health, brcatt.e they take all Impure matter out of the blood; and tile body is not weakened but strew , : hencti by their operation; for these valuable rills do not force.but they assist nature,arld are not opposed but lin rmaiiie with her. Sold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, In the Tliamond Pladuirett. Price i 5 cents per box, with foil directions. MAKThe duly place in Pittsistrah where the GENUINE Pillsean he obtatned,la the Doctor's oten of flee in the Diamond. sep 10 I 1 V Etl iM PLAINT cured l.y the ti.e of Or. liar. iletC4 compound Si rengt hrnlnt. , and Aperient Pids. Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pittsburgh. Pa., entit ely cured of thr a4ovettiZiff.ft.ill7. disea,e His sump tonis were nein and weleht in the left =iile. lOSI= of dimetite, vomiting, acid cruet at a imension of the stomach. sick hedd•ache , r rediongue. cdountenance changed lila citron coluroliffi• ruttyolbreal tiu divturticd rest,atiended with a cough, great deliility,witti other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the. functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several phvOcians, hot received no relief. unlit 1!.:107 Dr. liartich'e Medicine, which 'Velma. Led In effecting a pc , fect Prinripal Office. 19 North 6121011 cireet, Philadelphia. For sate in PAlsbnrgb by :33111130 Prow, corner of LANA tv and Wood streets. sep 10 BARON VON BUTCH F:LVt. HERB rtu.s.— These Pills are eomposed of herbs, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give 'moult , : or 4trcligili TO The arterial system; the blond Is quickened and rqualls.rd in its circulation throueh all the vessels, whether of the the parts situated internally. or the extremities; and as all the secretions or the hody are drama Iron , the Moo& there ts onsrqueot iacrqnse of every secretion, and a quickened c action of tile absorbent and exhalent nr discharging vessels. Any morbid action winch may 117. Ye taken place is corrected. all obstrur.• tiles nrc rr:ne-red. Ti3e blood is p urtfart. and the body re:Alines a 1 / 4 .t.t's' slate. For ; ale Wholesale and Re tat C SELLERS. Agest, ) Wood st. belOW Second 1112 T 13, 1 R 43 pl I,t'S mired by the tse of Dr. Harlica's Compound Strengthening and German ArPrieltt Pills Dr. liarlicli—Dear Sir -,Shortly after Ireceved the Alenry flout you for the sale of your Inei i iciae, I formed an acynnintanrc wish a lady of this place, who I was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten rears thin lode was subject to frequent painful attacks. anti her phyFiician considered her ease so complirated , that he very seldom preset hied medicine for her. Through my persuasion , she commenced using. voile Pills, and was perfertty cared. Yours, Ere. .1 AMES R. RBY October 3. 1840. Clutmaers KI hns.. Pa. VT -Office and General' Depot, No. 10. North Eighth street, Philadelphia. And by Satnuel Frew, corner of Libert p and Wood sheets. Plttshurgh. tree AS USUAL. tl sooner does one of Dr. Leidy • preparations be. Ncome popular, ill CINISRI/111311Ce of its success and ef ficacy, than it is counterfeited or Imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now prorwed [Tumbld Unties for his celebrated Tetier and Itch 0 int. mem, e with the words • Dr Leidy's Teller F lid itch Oint. mew, blown in the glass, besides curtaining his written signature rm. a yellow label outside. .. , Dr Leidy*Tetter and Itch Ointment, harproVetl more rffiencious than any other preparation for Tette i r, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and dseases of the skin Generally. It Ita: been employed in schools, factori •cs, and on board vessels carrying passengers, where children. as well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their contagious not ne, withcglie most unexampled sneces:; certificates and recommendations have been treretofore published from them, and numerous others might be ob. tamed lor publication,but for the ish objections 11109 , 1 persons have, to having their names publed in connection with such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has it ever been known , to fah. It has been used upon Infants and by persons of all, ages. It is perfectly safe, contains ne mercury he ha composition,aad may be used under all circumstances. Price Twenty-five cents abottle. Plepared and .soid at Dr Leidy's tienith Emporium, (sign of the Golden.Ea , gle and.Serpents,l and by B. A. PAFINESTOCK 4 CO corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. 1114,12 s or' "io ‘t\ D 4Z>.- • Z-V• I / - " 1111k1subseriber ha, jest received his 313090 guppry o Landreth': Garden Seeds, consiatliten filltrLoirtv• foilow6,l Muds—all of the taei year,sercit. At •-ataisare,l*l eenuinet P Bearags Egg hut, ractlol2l Beets, Endive, Pr;aa, Leans, Kale, PtippWs - ..• Leek, Pumpkin, Broads . • Wt.tuce, Rad,sh., - l4"vPirs".. Mater Melon, Rhubarb, date, , Musk, ~ Salsafy, Cari tit, ium, Cauli fl ower, SpinaCh, asturt - - ah, ('derv, 1.)M11,,- ~ il ... Tornatner, Burled C, era, ' ' •- Ohiolpi4. - 2.;. Squs Turnip, Curusaber, - M t . Abiliallags,:_li It ustard, (white and brosys). Corn, &c. !Ice. &c. Together with g variety of Pot 4. Sweet herbs led El l &WIE • seeds. lit:rOrders for Beeds,l3ltruhs; Tr. es,4 c...-IrouCqgsyrac,,,, era and others will he received mid promptly n6aili i f F. I, teNowneN, . ' -'• --' N 0.184 Liberty. head all ad it,. , 1 Cincinnati, Febritary.ls, TR4011: - . • Dr. Svir s Tlir—Dea r r'ir:- Pet telt nm to take •iftt to of writing le, yon nt IkIS time to express my apprkbatjorry and to recommend to the attention of heads of Camille" s- and others your invaluable medicine—the CompOarid ' Syrup of PrunusVirelniena, or Wild Cherry in ties'' , my travels of late I Lave seen in a great many Inst aw a the wonderful effects of your medicine in relievnie'figL ~' Brea of very obstinate complaints, suth as .Catuildasse -. , Wheezine.Choaking ellPhleem, A sihmatir alteckr , Ate .., ~ ke. I should not have written this letter, however, It present although 1 have felt it my duty to add my tenet -_+w Trimly lc, It for sometime, had tt not been for a left Itri stance where the medicine above alluded to was UMW', mental in restoring to perfect health an -only clilid.4* '• whose ease was &most liopelt es, in a family e raoy- ye: • qmintance. YYI thank Derry n," said the &ali mt,...... cr,t;my child Is saved from the saws of deat h ! is angst %C. 0 hatrit : feared the relentless ravager But sly chd safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Sway ne's Compound Syrup o' • ` W ild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in tins ote4,- other country. I an. certain i ',awe witnessed niore•tCM& - hali 4 • one hundred cases where it has been 'molded with Oct suer/Yee. I am using it geyeelf In an obstinate at. i , tart; of Bronchitis, in which it proved effecinal in a IN. ceedinely s;tort time. considering the severity of the elms.' I ran reromend it in the fullest confideece of its superior virrues; I would advise that no family should be %tinhorn •• it; it Is veYry pleeennt and always beneficial.*Orte double and often ten times its mice. The peblie Mt at mired tlYersi en quackery; al.esit it. 11.elb lAessos. D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Pryterian Chore; t . . jan 11-1 T N. Y. Sold by NV Sl. VIORS. wholesale 4. retail, only &tent for PittOmp2ll. No. 53. Market street. rept) 4 BOON TO TIE DUNI AN B.ACEl—oDissorale _. .A. w hat will destroy Life, and you are a grtat suss , .. Discorer rite will prolong Life, and the aorta grin' call you Impostor." •• There are faculties. bail!, and intellectual, snit hist 14' -) . till, which certain herbs have affinity. cadaver inkilikt - easy hart power." Dr. B• Pitasitireth's External it r Linint which, by lie extraordinary powers, edy abstra o cts Pain tit !Sorene-s; thus Spralog, Stiff Sinews. White the Join"' Sikellirei - • IRheumatic Pains, or Stillness, EtitTners of . f !Tumors, Unnatural iiartitie , s. Stiff Neck sore Thros r ii -, Croup, Contractions of the utbsetes, Scroulou s tion of e lareements, Tender Peet, and every descrip t.....: Jury affective-the Exterior of the Human Ftsinei'f t; T cured or greatly relteved by his wooer-to be ovffirissf.. extolled remedy. CIRTITOiTZ.—The followirs letter front Major bete' ' ! ern' Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Rome. , I rly, speaks volumes; BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Tim METUOD OF PREPARING THE ANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX TR ACTS Caveat entered 9th June, 1843—Patera granted to Benjamin Br andreth,Oth January, 1843. The extracts of which Brandieth's Pills are corn posed are obtained by this now patented proetsr. without boiling or Pity B pplicption of beat. The se-. tive principle of the herbs is thus secured the same as it twin ettis. LIVING VEGETABLE. The Public shou'd he cautions of medicines tee- , commeode ildretti:menic s•olco from me, in whici, tie CiiNTEMPTIULF ROBISE 113 steals my grtAge. merely alterin., he name. Time will show these in their true light. THE MEDICINE OF THE: PEOPLE. BRA'NDRETIP, PILLS are the .Peoplert Merlicioe, prnved by thou -ands who daily reccom mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETII PILLS are growing every day more popular, their virtues are e xtendit.g their usefulness. The sick. both sexes are dei;f derivitig benefit from them. No case of disease but they can be used with advan tage. Blotches or Mud lumps of the skin they speed ily cure. sit with erysipelas, so with salt rheum , so with indigestion, so w ith couchs and colds, so with costiveness, so with cancer, so eith hot parched lips and canker in the month. Let the afflicted ~ee thi s c and they will find they require no other. Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new labels each having upon it two sienatnres of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine has six signatures--three Benjamin Brand reth and three B. Brandreth upon it. The osrLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the are Brandreth pin. CAN HE OBTAINED, is the Doctors own Office, Diamond back of tike Market 1104110 Mark, the GENUINE BrandrethPins can never be eb tail ed in any Day° STORE The following are the ONLY AGENTS appofor o ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his tiger ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County. G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh' Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. • Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F Dieirl—Elizabethtowe. 11. Eon ist.d—lllickeespott. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. Jchn Johnson—Nontestftwn. Chessman & Spauldirrig—,St.eoartmeem , Asdell Sr. Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarentunt• George Power—Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgh. Win. 0. Hunter—Altou's Mills.