Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 15, 1843, Image 2

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    . .
s i Ens.tract from a letter the castors , datt.va -
JAS. BIJCHANAIN y. re rr t ' u M ra l s G f ill .; t r' li o s v noblelBdie3Mo
. erotic state are nusrconsing in. of ht. re is nn doubt of
the re-election or tier. Betly by .taajOiv.ty of from 6to
I . 8890. The (letnueierts also - dury all (three) of
their weathers of Cef:greiS be sweeping majorities.—
Honett Jake flciiNitrd," the man who, in Congress,
I opposed refending Gen. Jackson's fine, and who hid
theitnpurionce to attempt to iustifyibis vote before his t
Constituents, is beaten in this district by at least 1.200
I by one of old Pennsylvania's sons, Robt. McClelland,
I:tx.ts —We some some days since published an as- ! formerly of your city.
tonishingaistoery limas by Gen. Muezreti), c.arthargo "Wayne connty, dem. mej. iB6; three or four dis
in Texas, eoaceerfmelfePrevz4 trdeStin on the Part of ; tricts to hear from which will increase the majority.
I '`Weshtenaw ,
the strong-hold of whiggery a bout. o .so
Gert.arod.s.Whieulid for its ultimate object
l "lmajmity for Be*Last year, 500 -
trendier of:fetes to British crown. We express- "The friends of President - Tv . s der carne nobly rip to
ed efigliubti nettle df the story, at the time. it I •
the wurk, and by their votes helped to swell the dem-
'carte 'eat, and we ibserve the Cincinnati Son confi- tocratle majority. 17 &c."
dently. proneunces it to be a fabrication intended to 'a_
waken sUfficientinterestin the affairs of Texas to secure
her admission into the Union. _
Suchn iccieme as this, of course could not be r•ffee
tire, and wiconfeas that we would not can! much to
see S/.ll.llousios sell the whole concern to Great
Britain, if she . isMixiorts to buy. We cannot perceive
that Texas is at all a desirable possession for the Uni
ted States if obtainable on the easiest possible terms,
• -r.6
and we have no desire to see it admitted into the union
under any circumstances. The population is made up
of Mexiciius; who have all the treachery, cowardice
andlazinessoftheirrace,'Who are utterly incapable of
betaiug useful citizens under a government like ours
—add of Xamatioans,the chief part of whom, have Tor
ved,themselves unworthy, by violating our laws, CO live
untler'ilsem. With such a people the citizens of our
republic jcould not fraternize without coutaminaliol,
and thereforoismoevent do we look upon a connection
with Texts as desirable.
There is not, as we conceive, the sliAluest da: ger
thu s t t erivat - ritain will obtain dominion over Texas at
leastley negotiation. The.peolep of that country will
not etansent td abolish slavery; and unless slavery be a
botiShed she will not hu,ye it f But would there b.-_• any
thiugsoverfalarraing in her obtaining-Pt Her posses
sionsalready bound uson the north, without doing us
a.nrperc.eptible damage. Indeed, we believe it much
better for us that Canada, is under another government,
forher people are not yetprepared to live under repub
time imaitutions. We cannot, therefore, imagino that
to tmdre - Texas a British province would greatly jeep
ant Our iettec or prospet ity.
Instead.of desiring to acquire either Texas or Cana
daimargovernment should rather seek to encourage the
Bala and settlement of the immense territory we have
puiC"littsed and are constantly ebtaining from the Indian
tribes on our borders. The increase of population and
enlargement of ten itoty produced by this means would
be iriftl!o surest and best descripti on—and infinitely pre
ferable tb any thing we could gain by the annexation of
either Texas or Canada, or both.
Subject to the decision of
OFeVailp Allorning Post.
We have been requested says the American Senti
nel, to publish the following sections relative to the
election of Bank Directors and proxy voting, passed
at the last session of the Legislature.
Act 3th of April, 1343, page 181, pamphlet lax;.
SECT ton 2. That from and after the pissag • ot .
this act. it shall not bo lawful fur any stuAliol.kr of
any bank or savings institution, within this coinni on
wealth, to vote for directors, except in his or her own
proper person, end all laws now in force, authorising
such stockholders to vote by proxy are hereby repeal
ed: Provided, Thai this provision shall not prevent
any guardian of minor children or :my boo. fide trus
tee, who hold stock in a fiduciary capacity from vo
ting upon such stocks at any such elections.
Act of 18th of April, 1943,page 311.paropItletUtws.
Snct tos 8. That hereafter bank directors of this
commonwealth shall be "legible for throe years out of
any four years; hot no person shall h.• a director a t
the saine time of inure than one hank: and every per
son who has been or s'''mall hereafter be a director in
STEAMBOAT SUNK.—Wn learn, from the New Or- one . or more liai t iks of this
l cu i n b inoawralth, for three
leans Tropic of the 3d inst. of the loss of the Steamer
the ir5,ru,,4it,1„nn.1,,,d„rt,:7113:1..,,,,.,..,r C 1 ,... ( e .:, 1 . t :! 1 ,.;,. : . ' ; '1 , c „' a t ' e d x. , c ,. '. . P . t
Luda, Captain Thomas Clark. The Luda was ascend' tor in any hank wholeVer, until tii • expiratien of one
ing the River on her yoga ge to Bayou Sara, rind at a - vc.irthereafter; and it shall 1., • lila ful for 12:1:: M..)C.L.
i lioldor to make a Tile:l:ion to the cont.:. of common
bout 3 o'clock on the morning of the 2d, when hear q , 1,.1 rear ranee),
, she
in pleas of the proper eoyoty fer a Nycit of
Oettist.—The Boston Journal says that late advi- Bayou G oula landing, Parish of Ihorville' t“ill1131. ever, lie.- ri vi,ilaiiiig tli• p.-o,isioas of this
eesfrota China, state that the Emperor has not aba- I contact with the steamer De Sato, bound down. The sj:ction, the s - aid writ za I)! h ..1.-.1 ll .1 e .ml:fled 0.7-
tedinlishostility to Ova use of this pernicious dick
June, Luaaimmediately sank to heriturricane deck, and it Cording to th• prOvi-i , ) Is of •-Aa tat r-•!o:iiio, to e rits
quo war ranlo aed roan lit Ilgt, passed fourteenth
Bute informants allege that be has been so sick- ! feared is a total less. The De Seto sustained no serious i"f
end With the results of the war, which grew out of • damage, but lost about 200 bales of Cotton o verheard. \ Jalie, mei th meted ei.-,lit hundred and thirty six:" and
Two negroes are missing from the Luda, supposed to 1 e‘f•c:ry person so iCte.l, Sh ill hi,. r ein sVed f r ien the
his interference.with the opium trade, that the local l
I have been drowned._„_ ' .hce of director by a decree of the, said court, and
Mandarins have orders to shut theireyes to the daily I shall thereafter be inelezil•le as a director in nay bank
infratftions of the 7‘v• in this commonwealth and shall be fined iii a sum not
—,------------- The Massachusetts State election took placelast i less than five hundred dollars, nor m ire than two thau
-, Moat Marion' to Basile Monday. The contest fur Governor will probably ben i sand-dollars, at th7discretionof the court, and the va-
NEW YORK ELECTION. close one. The vote it will be recollected, was cx' 1 cancy or vacancies shall be illicit as in the case of
ceedingly close last year and the year previous when i death.
the 'Plebeian thus sums up the results of the brit- l
I Mr. Webster's influence was notbrought to bear in fa- t
liant victory is the State of New York. All ourfriendsk. or of either party. Mr. W. is now "back again," in
r will admit that they are as full and satisfactory as could l the Whig ranks, making speeches for Briggs—and his
be kinked • for, so soon after the election, and yet the ;Power to decide the -political cli tractor of Massachu
setts has been ofn asserted- The . Democratic party
New York Tribune says that it will not occupy its col-1 , of the state,
how te ever, appear to be in good spirits, and
terms with the returns, because they are "hasty and we trust that the shouts of victory which the Deemer a
imperfect." Your Whig editors are amazingly afraid ' cystic
send from the Empire State will cheer their Demo.
to desteive-thairradera, or mislead them in the slight- , erotic brothers of old Nlassachusetts on to a glorious
' triumph. An • how, our friends in that State are now
esttdegree'io relation to election matters. There is ~ • ' ).' '
doing a crack badness. The way they 101 l that
sorry'? doubt as to whether the democratic majority', Bell is a cantion to Whiggery.
witi he twenty-five thousand, or 30.000, and the Tri- I The emo car ry out cracy are
their s wide awae, an se
d em deter
btruiwould not for the world mislead its friends on this mined D
to ystem o k f reform The Dem
ocratic retrenchment bill saves the people $30,000 a
iit. We trust that when sufficient time has elapsed
. t year, yet the Whig s are in favor of repealing it and of
for *,imperfecions of the returns to be corrected, the raising the salaries that amount. We hope the coons
Tritium, people will publish them. lin the old Bay State will get such a scorching this year
The triumph of Democracy throughout tke Empire. that they may rest satisfied the people are sick of high
State is sigual--complcte, glorious! Federalism is salaries, high taxes, high tariffs and low wages.-
pnasttated to the dust. In its details, and •-in the ag- I[Thc
W ab e here take ove is from
occ the New Y
anion to or
exp k Pl ress ebei our fearsan, of Novof
gregate majority, the victory will equal that of last'l lth.
yeartat this in the midst of the divisions produced !.,_ _ , . , . c . h A
i Lae result in atassacnasetts—if toe oemocrats succeed,
by the recurrence of the election of county officers.
Serrart--Of the eight Senate districts,
Demo- ! we shall be agreeably disappointed.]_crats carry SEVEN and probably ElGHT—Plecting car- l
;PENNSYLVANIA STOCKS are improving in the East
taialy Bof the 9 Senators--and showing 26 Demo
"mitts to 6WhigA in that body. , . j ern cities. The New York Sun thus describes the
HotsE-•••-1The-returns soefar show the election of 811 causes that have led to this improvement, and sets forth
Dernoeratic, ana 23 Federal members. In all probe- ' the immense resources which the State possesses. We
bility, the Deurocraticaggregate will run up to 90—to 1
i ask for the following an attentive and candid perusal:
38 Whigs.
The Senate will show a large Democratic gain since I "The stocks of Pennsylvania are exciting much in
j terest among our capitalists, and the trinsaytions nt
last year, and the House will be nearly the same as
Cap The Whig! gain in Resselaer, Schenect 1 the boards show almost daily rot increased demand. I t
Capita, Ulster and Westchester-9 in all. The • has been asserted that there is no tangible reason for
Dernocratic gain, safer as heard, in Monroe, Orleans, I for the great and rapid advance in Pennsylvania stocks,
Warren lin Cortland, and lin New York - -7 in all. i and that the improvement has no foundation in fact.—
But'we ' shill not be surprised at further gains in the j This in a degree is correct; but there are other masons.
Eighth District—enough, probably, to offset all losses. j of a stronger character to counterbalance the formerr
The aggregate Democr ttic majority in the State, on position. Pennsylvania is the most populous a
, the senatorial vote, will not be less than TW ENTy_ , richest. as well as the most deeply indebted of the de-
FIVE THOUSAND. faulting States; and while Indiana, Illinois, and Michi
..rii, ai l mosttriumphant result. It shows how r e- gayi have urged their poverty as an excuse, Pennsylva
lialgtfO . Democratic majority the people of this I urn can matte no smill plea. It is tree that there has
State are, under nearly any circumstances. I been a great faith in her g overnment, but things are
I n ow taking a hem r turn. The people have commen
ced a refiniu in tire i niaagentent of their affairs, by
taking front the executive the entire control of their
vast public work'. and placing them in th • hands of
C om missii•ncrs of tli7ir .iwn choosing. It °lily remain.
for th eg
e Lislature at its approaching session to take
bold and manly g round, and the whole difficulty will
be met and overcome. The present year. the revenue
from various sources will leave it is said, afrer defray
ing the ordinary expenses of the government, about
half a million dollars towards paying the interest ea
the sleht.
1 The following is nit estimate of the value of the an-
Lnuol -product of the State:
Iron, 113,0011 toss pig at $3O $3.401,368
;Iron, manufactured 17,802,283
Coal. anthracite 5,000.000
Coal, biturainoas 4,000 000
Manufartares et - cotton, wood, ire. 43.151,84 3
'A griciltoral products 4'26,631,617
Ear We greatly fear that the only coon that was
in she lust Legislature of Michigan has been defeated.
He liras rather an agreeable kind of a person, as his
name watild indicate, (they called him Smith ) and he_
ha4edyery civilly throughout thp whole session. Where
hee.ante from, or whether he came from any place in
particular, we never u nderstood, but our impression
is that if he had 'n local habitation" last year, at pres
ent he is. "notohere," as the, democrats have destroy
ed every vestige of whiggery in the Wolverine state,
anthwe fear that poor Smith has been skinned w ith the
balithice of thecoons. It may be that during his
ciafton with the democrats last winter, this old coon
sear the error of his ways, and "came out from among
the foutparty," or that at least he liras "sittin' on a
rairand thus escaped the common fate that has des
troyed all the Other varmint in Michigan.
"511'p:tints ELECTION.—The result )1 the election
IMichigtnis a-most magnificent democratic triumph.
.BAILILT, the slemocnstie candidate for Governor, is el
ected by 6 - or 8000 majority, and the democratic candi
-dew for Congresshave been carried in every district.
We have scarcely any news or. the Legislative ticket
butwe suppose it will stand pretty much as it did last
year. It will be recollected• that then there was tut
one solitary whig member in that body; whether "that
- el ms) old coon" is re-elected or has been skinned by l
the'dentocrats, we hawinot heard, bet*e think it prob. '
ablehe has been extinguished along with the otherblue
lights of schiggery in Michigan.
Theußvarreasof the 9thgives the Following dam
°music majorities irrche (*MOOS lewd from:—
' INwski,
1.-V" A friend informs us, says the editor o
Thomaston Register. that he has discovered a new
way to frighten rats. He says that he was so much
disturbed one night by their gnawing the partition of
his sleeping apartment, that he rose and filled up the
holethey were making, but this was of no avail. They
returned with a re-ezforcement tind renewed the work
1 with redoubled rigor. He then hung the watch over
the hole, and in a few minutes they dispersed and he
has not heard one since.
" - tYrOn Tuesday, while a party of gentlemen from
Philadelphia, accompanied by seyeral friends residing
in New Jen ,y, wc.r.: rabbit hunting is Salem county,
N. J.. a spark was accidentally communicated to the
powder car, ied by one of theirnumber, which instant
ly exploded, driving portions of the copper flask in
which it was coatained into his side:tad arm, and so
seriously injuringhis face, that he is likely to be disfig
ured fur life, and probably will entirely lose the sight
of his left eye.
IWGcvernor Haines, of New Jersey, in his inau
gural address, takes decided ground ill favor of "al
speedy revision of the constitution of that State, and
expresses the h-ipe thet the next Governor will be elect
ed by the people.
There is a feud between the people of —iana
and HORACE GREELY, editor of the New York - Tit
bune, which will most propably end in blows, nod per
haps in blood! The editor of the Goshen Democrat
cautions Greely not to visit Indiana or he'll get "licked
like git-out," and Greely replies with a spirit that we
did not suppose existed under his old drab, that he will
be among the Hoosiers in the summar of 1845, full of
fight and cabbage, and they may assassinate him if they
The editor of the Tribarie will he in a proper hum it
to fight übout the time he proposes to visit the west.—
It willbe ju :t after the defeat of the coons in the strug
gle for the P r e s idency, and Grcely and his fellow coons
will be wending their weary way to the head waters of
"Salt River." If in his encounter with the Hoosiers.
the editor ofth- Tribaie shoold be forced to tatte a
voyage dawn the Stygian stream, the navigation of
which it is said is almost as well understood by his party
as the Sabine waters, we do not suppose he would care
much, for he will be desperate enough to go any place
that will pot the greatest space between him and the
terrible "loco Cocos."
rlPYesterday, says the Loui.wille Journal of ThurA
day, a laborer at work on the Sultana. now loading at
portland, fell with a pig of lead in hi: arms, and, strik
ing his head against a beam, died instantly. Name
Total annual prod -0•290,0.26,533
The public works of the State am now mere pro.
ductive than they.have ever been before, and it is pro
bable that the revenue from thattoonee will.be still fur
skier increased. But there will be for some years a de-.
Sciency to pay the interest. amounting to about one
million dollars, to be raised by taxation.
We.have shtswn above that the annual product of
theStatels estimated at two hundred millions of dol-
R tea o f one half a cont en the dollar on this
amount would iiitAuce the sum requirvd. The valol
of v..al and yersouul met!, no derived from the leturitil
of tbstosoty Assessors is - es folio 1 00400,000
Reatestate, $lOOOOOO,OOO
Personal estate.. 700,000,000
$2,100,000,0 00
A t ix of one half of one mill on the dollar un this
ruination would produce more than a million of dol
lars. This estimate is probohly much higher than an
assessment made for the purpose of levying a State
tax would bring in, but allow a reduction of 59 per
cent. and a tax of one mid—the amount the State of
'New York levies—would produce the required a
mount. .
To give an additional idea of the immense internal
wealth of Pentrsylva i.rr
hiu. it.esratateri in, an address
lately delivered at the A gricultarol Fair in Plir.adel-
phia, by I' A. Browne, Esq., that in 134'2 the State
raised of grains of all kinds, upwards of sixty millions
of bushels; of hay, upwards of two millions:tad a quar
ter of tons; of tobacco, four hundred and eighty thou
sand lbs., of silk, upwards of twenty-one thousand
pounds: of sugar, nearly three millions and a half of
pounds; and of wines, nearly eighteen thousand gal
lons. In the wheat crag, Pennsylvania ruals.ed the
third State in the Unisn, and of Indian corn, the great
staple of the United States, she raised thirteen and a
I ' I iilions of Bushels.
"S'iltlE CIVET GO3D APO f 111:r AIM"
The following is nn extract of a letter addressed
to it Mr. Loyd by Mr. Clay, on the receipt as a pre
sent of a box of Cologne Water.
its ist.exn, Aug. 19, 1913.
"DEAR Sea.:—l have duly received'your friendly
letter and the. box to which it refers, containing half
a dozea bottles of American Cologne \Voter. all in
good order. And I. tender you toy warm thanks for
this acceptable present, anti the friendly sentim mts
towards me which induced yon to offer it to Mrs.
Clay, who is a better judge of its quality than I arr, ;
pronounces it equal to the best German or French
Cul e,me Water and my opinion coincides with limos."
The day of Coon skins and lo; cabins are in an
end—it is to be henceforth raft:as/arts and cologne
water! This will be the dandy campaign,in3tad of
the hunting shirt! This home consumption of Co
logne water will be higlll7 beneficial to the farmer
and mechanic. of course! . What next. .
It is indeed Untun \Le at this time to be tacit a
Whig candidate for the Presid oncy, fur he 13 sure to
be pre , emed with hats, coats, boots. plough's, groce
ries, salt, magnolia trees, Cologne water, &c., in abun-
We understand that one of his friends is m•tnnfac•
taring, fur him, as a present, a ovplendid brass kettle. I
At all events it is a good way of getting a puff through
the newspapers. A Louisville tailor, in an advertise
meet, says, "after great trouble anil eXpenie, he has
been able to procure an exnet pattern of the snit of
clothes lately presented to Mr Clay. and is now pre
pared to itiriii;ll suits made after the latest Clay Fasli
General Washington in a letter to Mr. Stone, of
Maryland, says: "I do not scruple to declare that, if I
had a vote in your Legislature, it would be given de
cidedly igninst a paper emission, upon the general
principle of its utility as a representative of coin, or
the necessity of it as a medium."
In another letter, to Thomas Washi
ton calls the paper s ystem,"lo‘dish and wicked." In
another letter he says: •'1 have never heard, and hope
I shall never hear, any serious in •noun 111 a paper
currency in the State. I d.i verily believe tint the
greatest foes we haVe in -the world could not devise a
more effectual plan f:r the ruin of Virginia."
Mr. Jefferson was, if posslute, still more hostile to
paper money than General Washington; and he avows
it in his writings, "that his hostility was strengthened
by every year's reflection and experience."
• Mr. Madison, in the 44th number of the Federalist,
ono of his acknowledged productiens , in a long article
on this subject of the currency, has this passag•e:
'•ln addition to all these persuasive considerations,
it may be observed, that the reasons which show the
necessity of denying to the States the power of re
gulating coin, prove with equal force that they ought
" l not to he at liberty to substitute a paper medium in tho
place of cein."
Patrick rope, , sooted paper m as a tizfa•
rims plan of speculating."
D.'. Witherspoon was a powerful mmonent to the
paper-money system, and ridiculed the idea that a bank
made money more plentiful. Ile compared all such
attempts to increase the currency "to pouring water in
to a jar of oil: - when he said, the oil would run away
and the water remain.
Luther Martin, of Maryland, says that the majority
of the convention that formed the Constitution of
the 'United States "were SO smitten with the paper
money dread. that they negatived every proposition
to porm, either the States or the Government to emit
bills of credit, by a vote of nine States to two."
Daniel Webster, the god-like, whose authority the
Whigs cannot, and the Conservatives dare not ho
peach, says: "The most effectual of all contrivances
for cheadug the laboring, classes of mankind, and for
fertilizing the rich man's fields by the sweat of the poor
man's brow, is the State -banking system."
Henry Clay "the available," who is its high authori
ty will the Whig and Conservative forces rts the "god
like" himself, said, in the year 1811, when opposing the
bank charter:
"\Vhat is a corporation, such as the bill contem
plates? It is a splendid association of favored indi
viduals from the mass of society, and vested with OX
elusive privileges, Where ha the limitation upon this
power to set up corporations? You establish one in
the heart of a State, the basis of whose capital Shall
consist of land, slaves, personal estate; and thus the
whole' property within the jorineliction of a State
might he absorbed by these political bodies. The ex
isting hank contends that it is beyond the powers of
the State to tax it; and; if this pretension be well
founded, it is in the powin. of Congress, by chartering .
rompanies.to dry up all the ruacurces of State revenue."
/fa r risbn rg Signal._
A St. Louis paper says, we have been shown a let
ter from a passenger on board the steamboat Alexan
der Scott, on her lust trip from dd.: port to New Or
leans, and which is filled with details of accidents
which then happened. The following is about the
subject of the matter. The writer notices the fight
at the levee, previous to leaving—then the bursting of
her cannon at Vicksburgh, by which one of the Lieu
v.-113 lterrrei:: the In:lring of Itllrghl,ll'.s,
leg of by the premature rovoliitio'!'of the wheel—
theaiti! ,werlionr.l and loss it one of the fire
rtieti.-making in all su:ne two of threednabgbesiiiii
a number of minor accidents which beret the boat,
and of which the writer took no note.
LEN BY MEDICAL srunorts.
A mast 3acsileeious mertge was perpetratediriCan
tide last week: the putiettlars of which era thus given
by. the 'Matured pa2str:. “Ott Tuesday and Wednes
day last. the Eaelith village at Chambly became the
scene of nu small excitement; it having coma to the
knowledge of the inhabitants that the remains of the
late Barrack Sergeant Camp 1. which bad been in
terred a few days periuus with military honors, in the
Catholic cometry in the French village, hid been dog
up and (Nagged from their last resting Once by Otte
young "aspirants" to the Scalpel, who were finishing
their studies under the village gauge:ado. So little
pains had these midnight robbers of human flesh. ta
ken to conceal their atria:louts act, that on the family
of the deceased going early on the morning after the
day of interment to visit the grave, they discovered it
untenanted; the coffin and winding sheet thrown aside;
and marks of hair and blood on the high wall that the
body had been dragged over. The late Sergeant
Campbell was a fine old soldier who had served many
years-in the 15th Regiment, and on that corps leas.
ing Canada, be was transferred to the 85th Regiment
to complete his set vice; having thine so, he retired with
a handsome pension of one shilling and tenpence
day, and was state after appointed to the Barrack Ser
geantry of the Cavalry Barrack, Chambly. Ho was
personally respected, and has left a large family to de
plore his loss—chiefly girls. Their mtther has, for
some years, been confined an l heft less. During Tues
day, every Minn was nettle to discover the stolen re
mains, and if possible to trace the midnight mar:mars
to their haunts. Satpicion, at last. pointed to an old
desolate lookint , house, which was formerly the Seig,-
niary haute, and' which. in truth. had the general ap
pearance of a "Bucking house."
Tha officers of the garrison consequently applied to
the magistrates for a search warrant, which wan im
mediately panted. The cave door was forced open,
an I aset of dark, damp slimy dungeons were exposed
to view; lights being procured a sort of meat safe was
discovered in the corner of the vault, (which was not
more than three feet high), and in this corner were
heaped the maneled remains of the old Soldier. A
rope was round the neck of the corpse, with which it
had been dragged from the grave. Tee sight was
shacking and degrading beyond belief. It being, dark
when the remains were (113COVCred , it was decided that
they should not be re•interred before the following
day—and a couple of sentries were furnished from the
garrison to protect the mangled corpse from further in
sult. The following day being tame day, no workmen
could be found to make n fresh coffin; and it was late
in the day before a shell colBn was brought to the spot,
when the garrison, a funeral party, the music, and all
the offigers, were waiting to escort the veteran's re
mains once more to the grave. The whole of the Eng
lish inhabitant:, and also a few of the respectable
French ones, who had heard of the atrocity, were al
so in waiting to escort the remains to the grave, evince
Mg, at once, the respect in which the memory of the
deceased was held, and the horror in which they held
the authors of this diabolical sacrilege. The body
was carried by the ram-commissioned officers of the
71st Regiment. A little before dark the party reach
ed the old mil itat y burying, grilled, where a good deep
grave had been dig. This old cemetery is close to the
fort sad under the surveillance of a sentry. The
mortal remains of Sergeant Campbell were once more
consigned to their last resting place. The ,‘lii, milita
ry burial ground. which for years has been lull waste,
is, it is utalerstuml, to be enclosed and palisadoed.—
This is as it should he, for the least the soldier could
expect, after saeritieitig, his best energies and life in
the service of his Sovereign and country, in the fault
quarters °Oho globe, subject to every vicissitude
is (hilt wlein consigned to the grave, his remains
lie honored and undisturb2d.
[Curreapendence of the Journal of Commerce.,
MACAO, China, July 27, 1843.
1 h -re enclose the geom al regulations under which
the British trade is to Inc cteubteted at the five Chinese
ports named in the treaty, t ogether with a tariff of du
ties on articles lil . cvoort and import. This ittrii' ap
pears so r eason:l6;e, that no one is dissatisfied with it.
These are the itive; - )al d•.tpes; and there arc to be ad
d to them so tr • traesit dace, sneh as sh me weight,
inats, more properly rhor,ies, but heretofore etas
seil as custo:ll duties. For instance, you will maim
that the im;wrial doty oa teas is fts.ed at :25 :sets; but,
with short mats, Sze., it is under stoat they
will, together, amottet to 4} leek. On all other arti
cles, tlr ahlitiooll charges are much les"; 011 imports,
t he duties are very
The regulations may answer well for the English.
but I cannot see how they are to suit our trade; for
cannot imagine that Congress will grant, or that our
merchants will submit tn, so mach power as is given to
the consuls in articles Nos. 3, 6 and 8. The English
consuls will be expressly a ppointed to the office. with
suiTllent salary for support, without the necessity of
nppliem ion to business, and will no doubt be debarred
loan all such rights and privileges; whereas the Amer
ican consuls will be without salary, dependent on the
fees of the other and its influence to him in trade. You
will readily see the improper, yea, ruinous influence it
will give him over all his impetitors in trade; and how
completely seftject will he all their business to his in
terest and will. Si. if we are to trade nudet the same
regulations, justice to our merchants demands the same
restrictions upon tier consuls us are upon the English.
This is a su'ijeet rerviring, the immediate attention of
our merchants at hoine interested in this trade, and
the immediate a tomtion ef caw Governmeut.
It will be seen that the consul and his government
are made directly responsible for the trade of his coun
try with the Chinese—fore melee--fur the good con
duct of ships' crews—and, in fact, for the prevention
of smeggding; by which, indiercdige fatal blow is had
at the opium trade, excluding it entirely from all the
ports at which the English are allowed to trade, anti
separating it entirely from all regular legal trade. The
dealers in it are now outlaws; their government disown
and will not protect them; their trade. or rather smeg
ling. mast be carried oa outside. The English nu
therities will leave it outside. fur the Chinese to deal
with as they may have power to see fit.
By these regulations the English me bound to con
form to the. Chinese laws, and are also responsible for
their fulfilment by all English subjects trading at the
five ports. The opium stnugglers have for a long time
looked for this tevult, and in a great measure prepared
for it, by putting theirillegul trade under the American
flag. Hence was found the ready sale for so many
fast sailing American schooners. The course was, a
bone flute sale for the vessel to some English smug
gling house, who paid the maney to the seller, when
papers would he given in the name of some ficticioua
owner, the acting consul readily end willingly certify
ing them; when away she sails, loaded with opium,
manned and armed, readylo resist to the death all who
oppose her illegal trade, and with the star-spangled
harmer waving over all these iniquities of a British
s ubject—subjecting our country to a rupture with the
Chinese jeoparding all our trade, and hazarding the
wealth and lives of out countrymen engaged in a law
ful honest trade. But, fortunately, the hopes of the
smuggler have been checked, and the star-spangled
banner refuses to father so much iniquity. Commo
dore Kearney captured one of these scflormerts, and
sent her to port, where she rendered up ber stolen pro
tection, and hoisted that flag which has been the shield
for this unlawful—yea, I may say, piratical trade.—
Commodore Kearney has put a stop to that which
meet have thrown all the opium smuggling under the
American flag. and ended in a war with China; or, at
least, n stop of t rade. It is very unfortunate that Com
modore Kearny is not still on this coast: his presence
has never been more needed. As this trade will not
be permitted under the English flag, or by English
subjects at the free ports, it is understood that the
American flog and. consulate are to be made use of for
this trade, calculating on great advantages from
being able to go where the English are shut out. And
what must be the resultl Perfectly aleir. lithe Chi
nese are disposed, they will shut out all our trade from
these five ports. Hence the great importance of hav
ing a consul here disconnected with business in any
form and natures
It is our melancholy duty to record the death of the
venerable Colonel Trumbull, the great Painter, and we
believe the only companion of the immortal Washing
ton. who remained to tell us of our gallant forefathers,
and their erer memorable struggle for Independence.
i:01. in this city ye.F.tPrday morning, at
the advanced age of tr. He leaves rs. , sepansLion awl
name as lasting . as thk records of his aionntt7. In the,
tepaciif °raid teeetateslWasitingtlia,bisaersid 'mow,
war of the Revolutili, at an early pile oultivatett-e
taste fur the art of Painting, and soon occupied an ele
vated strand as the first aid most distinguished Amer
ican Artist. The Congress of the United States em
ployed him to execute four splendid historical Paintings:
The Declaration oflndependence, Capture of Burgoyne,
Surrender of Cornwallis and Washington's surrender
of his Commission—which now adorn the Rotunda of
our Capitol at Washington.' These Paintings, and eth
ers by the same hand, are as familiar to Ili as house
held words; they arc copied in our school books, and
copies harv.e been circulated in other land., where they
have led the downtrodden and oppressed to sigh for
the freedom and independence won by the illustrated
Patriots and Warriors. The Colonel's works were
recently arranged in the Trumbull Gallery, New Ha
ven, in which city he resided until recently. His re
mains will be conveyed thither for interment in a
vault beneath the Trumbull. Gallery, by .the side
of those of his consort, who died-a few yews ago.
N. Y. Sun.
We have jam. been presented with a copy of the No-
Ty Register of the United States A slight inspection,
merely, of this pamphlet, has furnished us with much
infotmation new tour, and which we trust will prove
interesting to our readers, when presented to them ina
condensed form.
1. Our navy can boast at present of eleven ships of
the-line;of which fum. aro un the stocks, and two must
be rebuilt or razeed before they can be brought into ser
2. One ranee.
3. Fifteen friptesi of sthich three are on the stocks,
and is, we believe about to ho broken up.
4. Seventeen sloops of war; of different classes, be
sides the six lately ordered to he built.
5. Eight brigs of different sizes.
6 Fight schooners.
7. Five steamers now since the destruction of the
8. Three store ships.
This constitutes our whole effective force in ships,
viz: 63—large and small. Of officers we find 68 cap
tains, 93 commaders, 332 lieutenants, 135 surgeons of
the different grades, 21 chaplains, 23- engineers, 31
masters, 123 passehl midshipmen. 409 midshipmen,
9 master's mates, p 5 boatswains, 90 gunners. 36 car
penters and sailmakera, making a total of 1,493 persons
who receive liberal salaries whether idle or on duty.
There are besides 1 General of Marines, 1 Lt. Colon
el;5 Majors, 13 Captains and 40 Lieutenants.
'I he officers of the Navy receive three different gnalps
a pay, according as they are doing, duty at sea, doing
1 ut %%on share, or '
&dec . nothi ntr. besides being p a id their
traveling es [ tenses when under orders, and receiving
the pay of a higher rank when performing theduty of
that rank.
Captain at scareCClTel
otherwise employed
dolag n othing
.'t Commander at sea receives
otherwise employed
doing nothing .
A Lieutenant at sza receives
othensise employed
ding nothing
A ps'd,inid. at sea or other duty
doing mithing
Nov. 7, 1343.
1 THE President and Directors of this Bank baTE
this clay declared a dividend of three per cent'
I on the capital stock for the last six months, payable to
st.tckhohleri or their legal representatives on or after
I the seventeenth inst. JOHN SNYDER.,
Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam I n 9417 Carlsier.
Boat Agents. Water street.
Dort of Pittsburgl).
*Daily Beaver Packet.,
* Alpi Todd, Cin.
Belfa,t. Ebbe' t, Wheeling..
' Herald, Dawson, St. Louis.
Orlla, Bowman, Brownsville. I Excu ANGT. BANIC,
DEPARTED. Pittsburgh, Nov. 7, 1843.
Daily Bearer Packets 1 IV HE President and Directors of this Bank hare this
1 i day declared a dividend of 3 per cert. for the „
Ti. , .:1, M i zoo. St. Enid t,
M i r.i.; , . Chief, Doyen ny, Wheeling., 1 last nix months, paythle on and after the 17th instant.
A I;ue. Corkburn,BrownAville. ' Ev:tern Stockholders will be paid et the \Vestals'
1 Brink, Philacla. THOS. M. BOWE, Cashier.
"3..i.1.7„\N wer, Clarke; Whrfeling,
I 3—....'w
\ Ve:t Point, Grace, Ci:..
Lai , s . '.lll beat , marked choir.") are provided with I
E va ,, ; Stif...ty Ganrd, to prevent tite Explosion of Steam
FP 1. - 1 E new and splendid Steamer
.3.1. J- -EVE L I N E." Bnows Inwts,
Ma=ter, wiil leave for the above and
intormediate ports, no WEDNESDAY, 15th inst. at
9 o'ctocli., A. M. For frcizlit or pas,:arre apply an
boar I. ,:r to BIBMINGIIAM & CO.,
1115. 60 Wat.,r greet.
By the Operatic Troupe.
Mrs Seguin, Mr Shrivel, Mr Archer and Mr Se
F,-"Frreviou to their departure for New Orleans,
(theirtirst appearance in this city,) on
Thursday Evening, N0v..16, 1843,
The _Prozranitne will be issued immediately. The
se l ect ion w ill voas kt of gem- from the following Ope
ra..: So:n❑ onbnla, Cinderella, Norma, Postillion, Ami
lie,&t.. Scotch and Irish Ballads and Glees.
o"Admission to the Lower Box and Parquette 50
cents; Upper Tier 37i cents; tickets to be had at the
Monongahela House, and Messrs. Smith and Blume's
MUile Stores, and at the door.
Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock, Concert to com-
I mence at half past 7. nIS-2t.
A./ V received, and for sale by
nl5. 12 Water .treet.
--- -
Coal Diggers Wanted.
WANTED from 500 to I 000 Coal Miners, to work
V in the Coal Pits around Pittsburgh, to whom fait
wages and constant employmerit will be given.
Also—Wanted also, 30 to 50 good Miners. Welsh
or Euglish, to go to St. Louis, Missouri, who will find
con.tant employment and good pay. Enquiry ut IT AR-
It IS' Agency and Intelligence Office, sth st. nl5.
To City and Western Merchants.
ENIPLF, & BARKER, No. 50, Wood street, are
in course of receiving; additions to their former
stock of Seasonable Dry Gdocts, to Which they invite
the attention of the trade.
Their assortments of woolen, worsted and plain
goods, are particularly desirable. All of which will
be offered on the most liberal terms for cash or appro.
red paper. ul5-1w
PiltiilWO , '
OYSTERS and other refreshrnents,willbe st=
in good order. Namely: Oysters raw,fried
and on chafing dishes. Also, tit THE s A ILL at thesauri
or rviasted,ll3 soon as the season is sufficieutly sJv
ced for their safe transportation.
1 ' THE PROTRIETOR is determined that this establish
- 1 ment (which is the old oyster depot) shall maw&
Public Salo of Beal Elstato. its reputation for the good quality of his ALE, LI
TIIF, undersigned will offer et Public. Sale, on the QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel
premises, 30 ACRES or Grtou:vo, in the 80-\
ers or citizens may require. oat 18--6 w.
rough of Birmingham, on SARDAY N F.IT, the 19th
. M. Blass
inst. at 10 o'clock, A.M.
It is laid off into Lots of 24 by 203 feet, for build- IMAM= & BLISSe
i n 7, purposes, and 96 by 390 feet on the riot r for menu- , GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY
fecturing purposes. I Glass Cutting Illstabliskuient,
If not sold in a body, the lots will be offered sopa-
Eels this pr perty posses es. The principal portion of it 1
will be sold at furthest in a few yeurs, and will, doubt- ;
less, be yearly increased in value by the erection of
buildings and manufactories. and offers the best oppor- ,
tunity f rinvestment and improvments, all the dwelling
houses in the town being occupied as goon as comple
TgastsOnatonrth in band, and the balance ha firs !
yearly payments, with interest, payableyearly, SMITHFIELD STREET,
WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed iploss
of all descriptions, can be purchased at very vet
atonable prices, together with a great varietyciepidlog—
cut glass, window lights for s teambeats,ptivate INNS
and churches. Also. window glass, a &area% ad
I t
.:le, wholesale and retail.
Persons wanting. any of the above anis' Ira, will a
waili to call and examine for themselves, befogs } stair !
rarely. It is useless to renew the important advent* ,
NEVILLE B. CRAIG. sing elsewhere.
514—tits Committee of Mrs. Sidney Gregg. rTN. B. Watch and lime pies. Masan sliret
on band. e4.5-.4aso
Western Real Mstate Ageney,
Third st., next door to the Post Office, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Agency for the purchase and sale of Real Es
tate, renting House.. collections. &c, &c. Terms
moderate. References given on application at the
office. 015—tf
M. Eriors
$4,000 per an
2,500 '
Washington Capitol.
For Cincinnati and St.Lonia.
littsbliAs tbs
frEIS military (officials sad ?Avow) at . Allogbesy
J. county are recpsestecl too inertia NNW coner.-
lion, an Saturday, the 18th inst., at 11 o'clock A $,
at the Washington Hotel, St Clair street, Pittsburgh.
A memorial to the Legislature will be laid betas*
the convention for adoption.
LIEUT. P N GUTHRIE, Committal.
Westernllnivel any of Pen
- - -
THEC ommittee en Education trspectfully
1 that the course orPublic Lectures, establlshek...
by the Board of Trustees, will be delivered in ihethil
of the LI ni vo rsity, Third street, on Tota lsY Ev is two
in each week, during the winter season; In that:at:4dg I
Nov'r 21. "Constitutional Law of Pennsyloanior..._,
Walter H Lowl le, Esq.
Nov'r 28. "The Anglo Saxons in the reign of At.
fred," Rev C v eorgeUpfold, D D.
Dece'r 5. "The boundary line controversy beimess
Pennsylvania and Virginia," Neville B
Craig, Esq.
Dec'r 12. "Religion, Manners and Customs of At ' 1
Greek 4, W J Bakevrell.
Dec', 19. "The History of Fire WorsAip," Rev
Samuel Williams.
Jan'ry 2. "7'h.e Oregon Territory," Hon Charles'
Jun'ry 9. "Freedom," David Ritchie, Esq.
Jan'y 16. "Habit," William Elder, Esq.
Jan'y 23. "Architecture," John Chislett, "
Esq. •
Jan 'y 30. "Cirtsdation of the Blood, James
Speer, M D
Feb'ry 6. "
Feb'y 13. "Civil Government!" Hon Walter FOC..
Feb'y 20. "Geology," Thomas J Bighorn, fi.seL.
Feb'y 27. "History of Roman Literature," Robot.
McKnight, Esq.
March 5. " The Aborigites of the Ohio Talley,"
W 'Patterson, M D.
N. B. Tickets for the whole course, admitting a Goa
tleman and Lady, $1 50: Single Let..-turis 25 Mai;
be hattat the book store of C H Kay & Co., the Meth
()dist book store, at the Periodical publication ofsata ,
of J \V Cook, and J H Foster, and of the Janitor
the door.
The Hall will be opened a: 61 o'clock, and theLoe•
tures will commence at 7 o'clock precisely.
011-4 t
irooo $4OOO, $30 ey
00. $2500,52000, $l5OO,
:2) and several smaller sums would be
invested in the purchase of Ground Rents or Bonds and
Mortgages, if offered on favorable term= Apply as
GRAHAM'S Land and House Agenc:., No. 6, St.
Clair st. nll-st*
Farms 'Wanted.
SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within Se
mile• of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis
posed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield
street. near 4th, soon
Pittsburgh, November 7, 1813.
This bank has this day declared a dividend of three,
Iper cent. for the last six months. payable on and after
thh 17th inst. Eastern'siockhotdcrs will be paid at •
the Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.
nB-slw W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
EXCHANGE BANX OF Pirrsaustait,
October 20th, 1843.
N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
LA. serve for the ensuing year. will bo held at the
Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Novoa
hero ne
- xt e betwce
o M f 9 .
O st W . a E d ,
Pittsburgh, October 20, 1843.
t N electioa for thirteen Directors of this Bank, few
4. 1- 1.. the eu‘wing year. will be held at the Betaking
Ficoo lq-mday, the2Oth day (.INovember next.
021-ta W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, RAJ.
A N election fur thirteen directors of this Bank, for '
/1. the ensuing year, will be held at the Bastian
House on Monday, the 20th day of November next
oct 20—tc
St. Peter's Church at Rams.
LARGE PAINTING of this splendid Tamial.•
will be exhibited fur a short time at Inert?"'
L3B 0 Roost, corner of Fourth and Market street.. 011
this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest ettles
glum in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1332i'
It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 edseg
paintings, which are now open to the public.
Admittance '2 5 cents; tickets for the season 50 mood
children half price. G. COOKE.
aPOpen daily from 9 A. M and aloe
from 6 till 9 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations aro
respectfully invited, free of charge. 023.
Two New and Pirst Bate Steam Nalrinell.
ONE is 20 horse rower, 10 inch cylinder, es g 4
foot stroke, wilt be sold with or witboot iseidatm
The other engine is 12 horse pnwer,7i inch eyibsders
3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long, 30 ionise
in dinmetet. These engines are made of the Isms MI
terinls and in the most substantial manner, and IA) be
sokl on accommodating terms. They can be sees et
the warehouse of the subscriber at any time.
. nB—t£ H. DEVINE, U. States Lira.