- y P O ST • 1 omm==t o = -i- m .---.--------5e,...,. TITTSISISIOII BOARD OF TRADF eowirrrr" waft eovsentn. Junes Thonscootr—Josials King---William Barker. 1 -----'------------ A PROTRACTED MEETING, i Willeommeoce in the Fifth Presbyterian church, la next Sabbath morning, and continue for two weeks. Pub i s' worship three time_a on the Sabbath, and every evening during the meeting. The public arc respect. rally invited to attend. The Rev. Mr. Av Kuv,of Cleveland, is expected to sexist the Pastor. a 4 I. FOB. SAFETY, 1 TrarePers should select Boats Trrorided Irish (17 We are happy to announce that the b ra ve Polish Evan's Safety G uards for preventing Explosion .of Officer, CoL 3. J. Lebmancrwsky, whose lectures were t Steam Bowlers recently received with suchnusrked approbation by ma- Ti would be well for the traveling community to .i. bear in mind that their security depends entirely ay of our citizens, has consented to make a second visit uponma be the i r a the own e xepnecnos ease rag o i e p m t 0 t e n a t t i 4:: t o f g bo t h a e t boats 1 b o tl us ,. e t a ha p v p -e ara or . to our city. To those wo were fortunate enough to hear the Col. talk of siege., military tactics, munner3. tus. And that every individual makinm such selec &c., es illustrative of the c areer of Napoleon, and to 601:Iff is contributing, towards a general ii'urduction of an.in7elntionradmitted by , all men who understaml the litten.to his Graphic Biographic Sketches, he needs nu p ti r v i e n c a m_ a e i s n sot thoselte Steam' dreaa t b. n , Earevveezur-- recommendation. We understand that an additional -.nificlie:aWstellev+. as r fu number of Tree s parencit 4 and Illastrations will be tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already Ilia during the present course of lectures. The lee- taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thou ands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi tures :are expected recommence on Monday evening, t cient warning . and inducement to make in in - for a the 29 inst. We wish the Col. a hearty welcome to Safety guard Boat, and in ovety case to g give Y it the city end hope that the eminent service which he is pmference , They have went to an a dditional expense rendering to the science of political history, may secure that yoar lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore citi. to meet them with a correspondingdegree of Liberality, for bits the universal respect and esteem of our • and by your preference. show that you a ppreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommmiations in other respects are equal, and in many eases superior; and as there is one I lea`ing Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any hen it is so cornpletx. 4 y in your own power to avoid those clis . We haw' , received from the office of . the '•Age." a putriptlet, containing the trial of Polly and Jos Phil -1 eph P- Ape fcrr the murder of Jo4eph Orr. The m echanical execution is very neat, apci doe 3 credit to the publishers. The same may be said of the pamphlet edition o 'Marshall's trial, published by the same g entlemen.— Weebteree, hoe ever, that's gross error has been com mitted.in the binding—the 9th to the 16th page being bound in with the 24th. Tho Chronicle lass been no wise hrhinti its cotempo very, and its editions of the above interesting and in s tractive ! trials are very handsomely got up. • We observe thlt the Alter:Call conrlimen is Jut ge ATTON, fur the able rrilltier in which he charged the j ury the Cail ORAL We have no doubt but the r omplitn:.at is well deierved, but the public will think t At: 3,14 e that in Tgs PArros should receive a favor- Ale notice ftoni the editor of the Aar:lie:to, when they r aMber the vile. manner in which he was nae ea au lvnp..rrie.l by the sama'rrsaa a sliart since. "But parhaps they will understand the motive , slf this complimmt, when reminded that J. W. fltn iDL.F.IIOW 11t11133 indicted in Suisks PA tTON'S - for h3rl, on a respectable citizen. V:Ex..rNlxTon —The Am-rizan mcatians Mr. AL xxANDEtt the 1-tte Amintaszati.: eankliciate for Prothonotary, ns a suitable person to Lc nominated by the federalists for Mayor. and says that some of the ishigs suggested him to the (-altar. Mr. Jnyi:e4 is a rry ivoithy tnr.n, but We que.tion muc h w h et berhe 17 IL n 1:e Plectra Mayer by bit Crl. r MAIC/3 TOCH.A.A.:4ii itctariug cu rolaud in Wash i”gton city. \ e t,Lserse that the. f-ei bet v.ren hint WlLLtaa: Ds ftel'. (at one tim, editor of thc. Ad vocate in this ) hti.l rages. and .t they tuz toliasc a !sub di.custi ;`Tinlediztl,l•2 L:(txr etteetioz of Congress. 'lncline-I.n is iullen,ly att,ched tu c is intimately acqunitit , d in ill ice ithitory, inv:treiett with a s2ns •of tht• %yr:it:pit ta tuf deej tit • tedt) and tyra.nty of the II ,eO.lOq.A. Mr. D tby . hns, f r.rotito canine thc Madur's a:,d ;1.6.if..• tilt tat%.l.• tir~ indicted .1 , 1 the p.. 0 dd i'ohutd. Ntsr, an*ll cutitrover,y th ct e lotciti;onc. r. but they hay. , now rciol ,,, d abandon that made - disc.ussi: , :, the question, and t niect each other I . :be to face. We have nu d•nibt het thediNpussion H iii be i..ter , sting, and ilea ra . s.ny or tha grave. M. will bo tol:h enlightened thereby- THE p r oprietor 4.1 this well known and Iti r ti.. vured e stablislim •nt takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large tloit he hai new prepared at his • SPLENDID 5.<1,1 • .S ROOM, No. 151. I.lnEriTY ST., THE. AHXII.IIC.I.? FOROELL DlSt,:il IIVAL.D•--lieteil, or • TH E MOST mAG:viricENT srocK OF Clinton , who we; arrested hi Landon some Lim, since Ever 1 SlN iered for sale in this city. TE R. CLOTHING fur alleged fergeries ce.n.nitt , l in this country, has °t HIS `TOOK OF been discharged. His counsel urged that the act of CLOT HS, C ASSIM E RES, PILOT AND BEAVER Parliament gh-ing effect to the Treaty p r ovides for the CLOTHS. CACHMERE, SATIN AND surrender of a fugitive only on prodoction of certified OTHER vEsTINGs, copies of the dorpo.iiti-ins open which the original wtsr CANNOT BE EQUALLED. I der, founded; th it in this env" the ori- MI of which can he mnutifactured into clothing to or rant against him is foungine! depositions, a.t.l. not the required copies, bad I and made in as good style, and as tastily and Cash ionably designed as at any other establhhownt been' forwarded to England, that therefore the require. IN THE UNITED STATES. rnenti of the acylial nut been complied whit. and that IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES theerisoer vitas entitled to his discharg. Mr. Jar ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTll din who occupied the Bench, decided that, tinder the i ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And glue place west of tit' m ountains can purchasers circumstances, the depositions tendered could not be fin d such a variety of goo d s from w hi c h to select as at received. in evidence against the prisoner, and in the the • absence otany other evidenee he was entitled to his 1 THREE BIG DOORS. , -------. diicharge, and he was discharged acc‘rdingly. In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he VICH.IIOST.—.4II3 Legislnture of this State adj warn- has a magnificent a ssortment of ..1 hist week. Towards the close of the session noun-HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, I SUSPENDERS, &c, &c. pleasant alteCcation took place between two of the mem- The motto or the "Three Bit , Doors" is bars. The Hon. Horace Everett, in advocating the "QUICK SALES AND S'MALL PROFITS," passage of the bill to incorporate the Ascutney Bank,'And in following out this system he feels con at Windsor, made some animadversions on the course fident that his customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED• of the Woodstock Bank; which was regarded as ofren- 1 HE WOULD INVITF. slue by the Hon. 4ndreFr Tracy, the Speaker, who is THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES 1h t memberfrom Woodstoult. Thereupon Mr. Speak- SIONAL! GE vTLEMAN, THE MER er Tracy citric &Own upon tlo floor and repli , 2d to Mg. ! CHANT, FAR3IEIt, MECHANIC all IVORKINGMAN Everett in severe language. Mr. 'Tincy was almost 'lo L-and examine for themselves nt 1 No. uniiiiiirtiouily sustained by the House, and Mr. E., re. TEIE TIIESIE 13IG DOORS, gardiog their vote as an implied censure upon himself, 151. Liberty street, resigned his scat and returned to Windsor. i AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. Gr . OBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVE3IENTAI I -n JOHN M'CLOSKEY. . . . , . • ANOTHER CRITIC. Thorecent engagenamt of Forrest, and the present "- (es OEMacready, drew out an expression as to the ro- astive merits of the two g,reat actors from almost every FOR SALE CHEAP, , lover of the drama. The opinions have been as diver- Two New and First Rate SteasaNngines. sified; as opinions upon any disputed pnint, and the va- ONE is 20 horse power, 70 'inch cylinder, rind 4 rim* testes. could ma im h. Wo will add another foot stoke; will be sold with or without boilers. criticism to the list, fr the pen of N P Willis. He •I' he other engine is 12 horse power, iii rich cylinder, says, "I very seldom can find it in my back-bone to sit 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 inches •ent• a. ftse-act play; but i sow Macready's 'Richelieu; in diameter. These engines arc male of the hest ma and I have since Aran Fut-roses throughout. Forrest terials and in the most substantial manner, and will be hegskrather ineffectively—Probahly disturbed by the sold on acc(immodating terms. They can be seen at defence he was obliged to make against an aspersion the warehouse of the s ubscriber at any time ... before the play coma arced. Ile soon warmed intuit, 1 , 8-ti . H. DEVINE, O. States Line. however, and, to my thinking, played the character far i better than Nacruady. Tha details—the imitation of I Situation Wanted, decrepituile--the posturing and w.iliting the stage, l A S Teacher of French, Spanish, Greek, and the La wore bm.ter ii,nc hi Macre:ay; but the passions of the tin tia Language . plav-tlte expras;idl/—the transfusion of actor to char - I The undersigned wishes to acquire a perfect knowl aeter-.-Lhe Wu:du:l—the effect,—these were all vastly edge of the Englis' I, st) that the recompense looked for better achieved lip Forrest. A line drawn across the will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in En topsof ...\ I tereadis 'points,' would leave Forrest below glish from those whom he may instruct. He was late in all matters of detail; but it would only cut the base ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges of thelatter's prytamids of passion. Forrest runs some- of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. • times into the melo-dranaatic, seduced by •the way it \ For a chamcter for competency and morality, he can ta kes;' but li^ has lino gouins; and if Its played only to exhibit letters of the most respectable gentleman in audiences.of "good discretion," he would (or could) ; New Orleans and Cincinnati. satisfy the most fastidious." Williis opinion is, per:l EV" Reference in this city can bo made to Rev. H. baps, as good upon this point as any of the others' wboi ,J. J. Dean, of St. Paul's Church, and Captain James have enlightened the public upon this subject.—Pkil. May. PAUL EMILE 'THEN EAU, 019. Washington House, Water st. Ledger. DIED—At his late residence in Front, between Mar. ket and Fetry streets, at -61 o'clock on Saturday more in;, Mr. Tuotitss CASSILLT, in the 60th year of his ace. His friends and acquaintances an 3 requested to attend his funeral, on Monday nenrning, at 10eclocic, ...._ _ _ .. asters. All boats masked thus [l in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are s upplied 1 , with the Safety Guard. List of Boats proridcd with the Safety Guard. AT I RIVATE SALE. LEXINGTON, AT„f\\‘, DA V IS' in C d (" F7it e l r l c 1 3 tr i e . t k, t ',lc"o 1 n n ß eXtu g. is t : e on us - ALPS, r AGARS, LANCET, AMARAN TH, MENTOR. girtment. of DRY GOODS,roceutly purcluxo , l in the ADELAIDE, MINSTREL. Etl:it. for cash, and which will ho sold at a sotall ad- ASHLAND, MARIETTA, vance on Eastern prices, for currency or approed en- BOS TON. MICHIGAN, duri.cd notes. The assortment eenAigs in part o f BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, 20 pieces waled dyed blue black broadclothsi BRUNETTE, AIAJES T IC, I 15 .. super. bloc cloth; BREAK IVA TE R, MUSKINGUM VAL' Y, 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; BRIDGE IVATER. M/SSOUR/ MAIL, ! 4 " gutter. Beaver cloths; C.4DDO, MUNGO PARK, 5 " pilot eloth , ; CHARLESTON, MESSENGER, ' 40 " rassinett, assorted colorg; game very CICERO. MONTGOMERY, filo.; CA NTON, NORTH BEND, 50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red, CUTTER, NEPTUNE, green and yellow. CECELIA, N'ARAGANSETT, '2O " Englids merino, assorted colors; CASPIAN, NL4GARA, 100 an wool blaul:et shawls; CLIPPER. OSPREY, 1 20;1 e.,tton pilLid Abawli; COLUMBU, ORPHAN BOY, 1,000 doz. s pool cotton. all colors: CLEVELAND. 01110 MAIL, i 100 pieces blearhed and brown maalins, and it COLUMBIANA, OHIO, j treat vari,!ty of other articles usually found in a Dry DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, t Goodsllonst. DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, 1 S-VP Also, an as ;orth.No. nilont.. shoes, and hats, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, 1 ‘..-bich will :11l b :t sold at prices without regard to the EMMA, PANAMA, 1 , late Ara aces its the East. rept 23. ED WIN HICKMAN, QU EEN of the SOUTII,! ------ E VELINE, ROWENA, J TIT:An SKINS ,ar oi,ed Iwd. und:., ,, ed, jw , t. recily EXPRESS' MAIL. RARITAN, I_l ed and for sale by A. BiBLI.N. FORMOSA, SARAH. ANN, J .15-41 FORT PITT, SARATOGA,_ _ 1 Q3,IOKED HERRINGS. -25 bo . n , s smoked het. GALEINA, SAVANNA. 1....) riagijtw r7c.-ived and for sale by GEL !, BROOK, ST. CHARLES, 11.1.101kN, Jr.Nsifos & CO. , GALLANT, S7'. LOUIS, an; 9 43, Wo od street IDA, T.4I,LE.YRAND. INDIAN QUEEN, TOBACCO PLANT, ii, L IN WS, VIC TRESS, J. H. BILLS, VALLEY FORGE, WESS, . IVES 7' IVIND. JA JMES ROSS, ;SING AND V.'ING, LADY OF LYONS, WHITE CLOUD, CAMPAIG N! Brilliant CaTOOraniUnpre zeasntea Success UT THE 'l'lllll2T, BUi I)0011''1 For Ladies' Cloaks. PIECE super invisible green double milled pelirdse 1 French cloth. I piece super wool dyed black do., now open and for sale.verS• cheap, it ------------------------- i Suction . ecties. . - 7 1 i /TM—an ii -7- fo to an 1 xti)anst , -- JOB D. Davis, 1 CORUNCTED DAIL! SY AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCIPT, ; a. BRAWaII, WILOSIANGS . lIMOSEIR, I cou.Ns.o OF WOOD ASD TEllnii 9713. \Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, :_____________________________.----- _____ TS ready to receive merchandize of every description SPECIE STANDARD. -1- on con.i.mment, for public or private sale, and 1, • from long experience in the above business, flaws : Merchants and Manufac t ure r s iscrtp himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction Eachange Bank Scrip ........... :: ...... :- to all who may favor hint with their patronage. ! Currency .................... : ......... Regular sales on MONDAYS and Titensnsrs, of Dry Erie Bank Scrip ................, Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. i Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufacture articles , new and second hand furniture, &c., at ‘2 o'clock, P. M. ' i On Philadelphia .............. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. au g 12—y 1 New York ........... I Boston ....... ... Baltimore.. SPLENDID NEW n nuartrazi AT AUCTION. , I T Davis' Commercial Auction Ros, corner I ..ti_ Wood at.d Fifth streets) on Monday nest,Nov'r i 13th, at 2 o'clock P M, will lie sold, witiwut reserve, the balance of the stock of forniture of a cabinet maker, c ompri , :ing in part, 2 mahogany dres,ing bureaus) Mahogany and cherry s ewing stands, _Dining tables, w a.4l , ,tand7., ' Cherry and maple high post bedstertaa, Cherry and poplar French do, Plain mahogany 'veneered bureaus, &r- Purchasers aft assined that the above furniture will be positively sold to the highe4 bidder. At the -time time, on account of whom it may con cern, 4 half chests G P Tea, 5 Young Hyson do, /3 caddy boxes do, 1 half che J “ Im DAVIS, do. , , 1) Auctioneer. Auction Sales of Dry Goods. Aand T DtvisW n:1 streets, on ' C:iincitereial Au Nl ti o o ncdrty n Itoonn3. corner th _ next, Novem ber 131.11,rit 10 o'clock AM, he 14°1( . 1, a large assort ment of dry goads, among evhich are, Casiinetti a. d crosimeres, Iklu,lin4, calicoes, inerinues, Alpaccas, checks, silk a Sic, DAVlS,Auctioneer. n 11 D -------- - F. consignmr.nt, L • Young li)ion 'fen, 4 " Woick Tea, 4 " Luporinl, 5 " GunPowtl-r. by J. G. Sc ,C;()III)0N , 12 IVa.:c.r street „cis 13. - , 4,,Z ),IlTil'S :s;I:% ) , - YON V AltSl:-;11, No. 1., v ,„1: 1_ tkvi:l7... in store, an,l 1 . .. - 'salc ut tilt. DRUG . ‘),” A III:11°I.,:zil:: of J. KID: ) , I ~,..t..). Cornor oflth and Woo , l 'A — s. - --------- - --- ---_--________ - - II 0511111 N CHEE•iE,_ It floe a rticl,received k_l l- alei fur s-,10 by LLOY D Sz. CO., 1:3 140, Liberly street. ri AN I E c 12 R ',Lk N Ts, now anafrv,..b. j.i.arzecicvd LA aid for ialo by LLOYD & CO., n 4 1-W. I,ilwrtv .trert. _ _.----------------- HALIFAX SALMON.—the lover.; of good fish re.to , -te. l to call a ul examine some eery line No. 1, I S amod, which we hare . ‘tst ed aua opcnod for retail. We have zee. , a few bbls No; 1 and 2. S a lmon, same LOYD & CO., as al,ove, for ::ale by the bbl. 1 1'_'0, Liberty street. 117 _. _ A.l..‘"l:"E'. 111.'' I Slate hank and branches. 10 10)Ii No.l En tAter. - A, (Northern inspectimi) 1 State Scrip. .. , 10 " " 2 10 " " 1 herrit);, ... " ` ail banks 10 ly - P..-4 Scotch 11 , rring . ,, Po.c.rived this day and cur rade by 1,7 LLOYD .S.:, CO., 140 Libnrty st. State ban - I Bank of Illinois, .Shatoneelown. 8 ui.,,.,L,)-CONGUES.—Received by Little Ben. ! 10 1,i, , lillital3 T011glit: , ;, in fine order, direct i VIRGINIA. from the m.,untai-..5. Band o' the Valle? of Virginia ..... A. BEgLE N. Bank of Virrinia 3 -ti Exchange bank of Virginia .. .. Fanners' bank of Virginia.. .. .. . ..... North-iVestern hank of Virginia.... Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia 8ranche5............. ALEXANDER & DAY'S, Market street By El' ALO ROB ES.• —Roccived by Cicero, it fresh nod full supply of all wits of Robes. Apply N• to nStf A. BEELE UFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, rs foale 11 by A. BEELEN. 111-ACKEREL.-16 13b1s. No. 3 :Mackerel, jos I.VI received andfor stile by HAILNIA.N, JENNINGS &CO. 43 Wood st. T 013ACC0,-1 °boxes Burton's 5 b .utnp tobacco,ll 25 do & Rubinson:: do 5 do Hal '3 10 do assorted sizes nod braids ) ittst rrceived and fur sale by AILM AN, JENNINGS & CO., street auz, 9 43, Wood ---------------- - 9 r. MIDS. N. 0. SUGAR, just r.teived, and for malt,' sale by J. G. & A. GORDON. o°7. T UST RECEIVED and fat sale on con.ipment, el 7 blbba,,on, 7 tahls sugar, Can be seen attic store J. of.l K. MOORHEacob Pointer A D& CO. Co aug zooBAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE. for sale low, by H AMMAN, JENNINGS St.. CO. oct 13. 43, Woott street. Rtreaceiv&ea nVisii,:Ssni!Cb?TCH 400LSBNSU . F (7 ;',. JONATHAN KI-DD, Corner 4tharel lsioncle.ts. Flits. - - - HH.DS SUG NH. in store and for sale low by S. I\ IcKEE & CO , 1 M. Second street nlO-1w Z mml.- OAR BUTTER.-- Um of that celebrated choice family butter, put op in full bound Apply A. BEE LEN. BEAR SKINS, well dressed and full haired, a suitable article for travellers' trunlis. &P., fur sale by A. BEELEN. nB-tf BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ! BARGAINS lea !!! se All sorts of clothing and wearing appatel. P call at No. 151, Liberty street,a id sea for yourselves. sap 7. J. MeCLOSKEY. For Gentlogien'. Cloaks. FRtNc H Cloths. blacks,blues &greens of the most approsed makes for cloaks, at remarkably low pri ces, now open at ALEXANDER & DAY'S, nos . 10. 55 Market street: MEM G01d............ Silver .......................... PENNSYLVAN lA.—PITTSBURGH Bank of Pitts!) re gh ................ . Merchant 4 and M a nufacturers' bank. Exchange ..................... ". Do. II oliidaysb urgh ............ PHILA.D.r:LPRIA• Bank of North A 01 erica ........... Do Northern Liberties ........ Do Pennsylvania ...... Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania . Farmers' and 3f cchanics' bank ..... Kensington hank .............. • .. Man ufact urers and Mechanics' ..... Mechanics ..................... Moyamcn.sing ................... Philadelphia bank ............. . • Schuylkill .. I. ........... ..... ..... Western ....... " ............ • . Bank of Penn Township ...... • . - • Girad bank ............... . . U. S. btidk and branches .......... COUNTRY BANKS areiananlown• _ Chester connty.. DelaWa re county. _ Montgomery county._ islorthantbe rlakd .. • . • . Fa rnters' bola of Bucks county.. Easton ha nk ...... . • .. .-.. • ... • . Doylestown bank ....... _ ... _.. ~ Franklin hank of ilia skin fox..-y Bank of Chambe r as n ur . gh —...... . • Midd1et........... .. " Gets lesbeirgh . ' Leaistoton ......... ..... • So sviehanna coney .... • ..... Berkseonnty bank .... . ...... . ..... Columbia Bank and Bridge Company. Carlisle , bank ............... . • . Erie bank ....................... Farmers and Drorers' bank ...... .. • Bank of Lancaster ...... ;. " Bank of Reading ........ ... llarri:burg Lank ............ ..•. _ . s H on eldOlt " ............... ...1.. • Lancaster " .................. • Lancaster CO. " ................... - - - Bank 01 II Lebanon .... Miners' hank of Pottsville Vonancah.e/aank of B rOr Pi erille ...... Nem Hope and Delamare Bridge company . A'orthampton bank... ..... Towanda bank..... 1V...T./mint% bank..... West Branch bank York bank OnTO Belmont bank o f St. Clairsiille Clinton Lank of Columbus ..... Cold.nbiona hank of New Li.Onn Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) ( cashier)._ Cineinns - ti hanks Chillicothe tank Com:vercial bank of Lake Erie. Dayton bank .... . . ..... Franklin Lark Columf , us ................ Farmers' and .Veelzonies' bank of Steubenville Farmers' bank of Canton .................. Geono.a ...... ..... 6,•anrille Frantinntt ...... T..an caster Ma riellr, ...... Mechanies' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mount Pleasani r lea . PnMam. San , /nsky. Seioto. rrhana..- IVoruster.. train Zanespillt Baltimore City banks .... •... • . 411 other solvent hanks ...... NORTH cAr.OLINt AU solvent banks .... • SOUTH CAROLINA AU orolvent banks Allsolvent banks Mobile banks.. Couniry banks LOUISIANA.. New Orleans banks ( TENNESSEE An ban]. DOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, W. consztn OF WOOD & FIFTH STS. The proprietors of the MORNING POST and :MER CURY AND MANUFACTUitEit respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosenn.s3ortmo Its 10.4111131, '1111:" E • 61.9 &t,1Ta21.1112 Necessary to a Job Printinto exe ilig Oce, and that they are prepared cute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVEItY DF.SCRIPTION , Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, I Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. ill tttnbs of Stage, Steamboat an -1 Cna! Boat Bills, with ap propriat a e cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branc of our business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. To Printers. 1 WE hare received, and will hereafter keep con stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper than it ha., heretofore been sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied cub (ra ALL casts) will be promptly attendedto pe . PHILLIPS & SMITH, set 10-4 Office of the Post end Manufeetuter. allfraAl 1.843. STkNDART, INGRAHAM St. CU., ronsrarding and nommisidini literchants, CLICILLASD, OHIO: A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn- ti 1 party composed of the Merchants' Line: Erie Canal; Wnshiugton, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steamboats and vessels on the la.ken Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal: Proprie tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal: RICTEU TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coeutia Slip, N. R. Hunter St Co. Albany. Otis Chair, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap i 1843-Iy. i prems ....par beaver and Warren Packet. ,„„ „„ THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,mante.va will run as regular weekly packet between tins above named porta, leaves Beaver on Mondays - , Vieduesdaysl and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren ori Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connOciing 'the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freizitt or pa:l3O4C apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. - , Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, IleaVcr. ------- ....par ....par ....par ; .... par' .....par , .....par par .....par - ..par ..---par .....par ...... par .....par ......par .......par .......par .......par -----•- par MEM ..... 2 # no sale ....85 INDIANA KENTUCI\Y ILLINOIS MARY LA'SD GEORGIA AL.T,AMA A llonse rid Lot $6 l l. Sale TOR SALE or barter. a goal house and lot : • -'-....1.2 in the borough of L a wrenceville, about two miles from the City of Pittsburgh, and well located , Wiej.-- 'slt.;;;,-....4._ 7, ~. --,. .4.1••••••••" / . 4 41, / 1 The above property will be sold at a barg:dn for cash; l a iU, ' :: 274-5 - 012.. " -; - - =a" -- - ;---L. ,or exchanged for store goods to snit the parties. Fed 1 8 43 . ', particular: please apply at HARRIS' Agency stria 1.-41 ARE RF,DUCED.—U. S. MA I ',INF. OF 5.1•1214:..1 I t telli_getice Offic_e, \o. 4 ; sth _st______, n3 ..1_ AND RAIL ROAD CADS. from Putsburgh,vta bl d i FOR SALE ANb RENT.—Ahout 13 ford, Charabersbitrg, Harrisburg and Lancastei - , e tt; I , F ATISic farms, and farms with mills, for sale on sex Philadelphia, eanneeting with the Main train of cars to' terms. Several farms watted to retail N. Y . &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night oat: i cu mni°4l4ting Also, the direct line to Baltiincife. , good fanners. Persons who wi.h faints tlt purchase' Fare to Philadelphia $9. or have them to rent will please apply at HARRIS 1 Ciemorat Averioy mid Intelligence Office, No. 9,5 th Fe , Dithiroorc g'• 0 n 1 Leaves daily at 8 u ! dock A. M. - .. LANDS FOR SALE: ._—________ Office od door heirs* the Merchants' Hotel Wood .t. • MEN I)ELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH & Co., I , FARMS or improved land in Butler antda feb 2,3, 104:3-1y, Proprietors. 1 °'... I 0 Beaver colnies, to suit purchasers; in a.= ---------------... . • . , .. _ 1 . . Tho Great Central itinife 'high state of cu tire-tom. - 2 Farms in _Armstropg cenntv: near Freeport; 104 Via National Road and Baltiinote and Ohio itaii ;' Road Compan3f. t acres cleared; 1.10 beanng frint trees, 3 rivte.i gs, I Sc. For particulars, enquire at my office, Smithfiekli v5.,,,`--;- .. -- K4 I - , ma x. . ''.--* !..... .: :.'.:., near 4th street. ..,,-..., ; "-:•-•-c- - - ,. . ‘,.-- ' 4" -- ; 1, i . .0 1 '' .. ...u.. ~,'`.l.l' '..t56,. ' " . ..: 1. 4 - I, OCt 30---alf ...." .-...... 1 ,, : y!: 4 ,. • . • .. • •?..-....--: -- - -..---- t .._. NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR 1 blitreltinal to be Ilad. WASHINGTON CITT, BALTIMonr, PIIILArELFBIA i AND NEW YOIIK. Ii 3 68 ACRES OF VALUABLE LANDS 9 will be sold I bargain in lots to suit T Ills line is in full operation and leaves pit ts.bureh l .l daily at 6 o ' f .1 ;1 ck A• M., via WashitTon a a. . ' purchasers. The hula lies in Tyler and Alekotat Co's , Virginia—and ct.r.lll of ALL F . NotilmttAttczst and national nerd to Cumberland, contie,:ing For particdlars inqiilte of the so bsci itters. If by letter; with the rail road Co'3 to rill the above placos: Thra'''rev. st paid, LLOYD & CO., eters will find this a speedy and c omfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Curl- P°°- ei 10 lig Liberty street, Pittsburgh: be en n line, facilities will be afforded which have not ---1-'---'--rr------- 1131L11Aing Lots ill flirkkingtherik • be heretofore enjoy - ed. Extra coaches furnished at LOTS, suitable for building; most eligibly sit' tinted, and within tsto I:hint:1168 1 walk of thy! the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through ' - I . _ 3 direct or taking one nights rest at their option. . s landing , erry boat landing, will be sold at prices to shit For tickets, a p ply at Darr office at alt. 11° " ngabelit . the times. The terms oi.payraeni Will be m ale easy, House, L. W. STOCKTON, . , • , either for cash or such barter ttS ran ht. inatie available' feb 3-...dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. , Apply, to the euhseri b ois in iiinninginun, or Mx. lis --------- - ------------ IPetetson, No. 4, Ferry itHet, Pittsburgh: llegokur- Packets, for Cincinnati. i . , 3 lint 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr: -41,00" • For Sale. -- T OTS on the North East corner of ( iota Lane aral The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every LA Hith street. Apply to Thursaav at 10 o'clock, a. m. BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, , The Cutter, Collin .M s, astcr, leaves every Friday at i seP to Market near Fourth stteet 10 o'clock a, m, ---,---------,-------'----•---- The Montcontery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat- . Pee Rent urdav at 10 o'clotk a, tn. &A that COTTAGE. situated in the IA oroughar The Express, Parkins,n, Master, leaves ever) . Snrk" r - TI Lawrenceville . , at prestut occupied by Jotut day at 10 o'clncl: J. M. ' Parker. JOHN BIRMINGHAI 5.. - . CO., I The place his a very fing garclen rind goal taibri may 20 Agen t s . I meet of fruit tree.. Any persourenling can have tit' privilege of entrasinr, for the ensuing year. rossiss Unit.ed States Portable moat Line Deign ' ion riven on the 1. - t. of October next. Apply at No. 5 'Commercial Row, Li Imarty stmii i or to Wm. Taman, Sinitlifield street. -o. 1, 1843._____ ---.-=--- -- ________ ttcUses, &c., Pin' It ebt. . , rpHE :mbseriber has opened a book to , record an" fIA. ;NIcANELTIC Very respectfully informs his -L dwelling house, warehouse, store, !imp, reels! ../ . friends and the public, that he has mae crrange- or country farms nod seats for rent, charging the own meats to continue the agency of the boats f ar m ing' the ers 2.5 cents emit record. liewill keep itopem for all U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the large new Warehouse, who wish to rent any kind of property th examine, anti CORNER OF WAYNE AIRP LIBERTY STREETS. Canal charge them 19.4 cents; rind for a SlTiallCOtarPaYali Cril l Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded will attend to rentir.g all kinds or prnperty. anclattemi with usual despatch, and on the most favorable trrtris, ' to all kinds of business between landlord and tenant' to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now Yolk - or 'Boston.. 1. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, THOMAS BORI3IDGE, Agent, i No. 9, Fifth st. 272 !Anrliet st., Philadelphia. 11100R1:: &CHASE, Agents. 75 Bondy's Wharf, Baltimore, Bert. 4-3 m LLF:N I:RANIER, Exchange Broker; No. 46, ACorner of Wood and Third sfreets, Pitlxburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight chocks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. aramaxacts. Wm. Bell & Co., Joint D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woadixell, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Broum &Co. James M'Candless , J. IL M'Donald. I W. 11. Pope-, EN., Pres't Bank Removal , CAWVIVIT) has removed his marble stab • lishment to Wood sr. oppOsite Fahnest E Oek's P Drug, Store, where he Will keep 'constantly on hand Tomb Stones, 'Monuments etc. ap -------.'-------- tkesolntion of Partnership. T"Epartnership ,heretofore exiAting under the style of Devine & Sl'Anult:,•, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, 11. Devinit is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay nil claims contracted for the concern up to this date Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 Fl. Devine resrctfully informs his friends and the public, that by still ‘ontiuues in the Transporting busioess,and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where ho will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms 11. DEVINE.' Dissolution of Partnership. 1 TMMUSHE Partnership heretofore existing.n s uder the firm of ! and At.txasosa, is thi day dissol ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, wept. 1, 1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER. ..-- JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, thath' still continues in the Transpor tation Business; to his Warehouse, CORNInt Or LIBER TY AD Wsa s srugEls, Canal Basin, under the name.N v of the "Intlepenefent Portable Boat Line," where he will receive and forward freight to the East at theloires"----- _ sept. 4—tf. rams AIUMAL OF DiLICACD3S, AT 140, LIBERTY STREET. caotce PICKETS. Walnut Ketchup, Gerkine, Tomato do, mangoes, Sarsaparilla Syrup, Pircelilly, Lemon do, Cauliflower; Olive Oil, French Beans, India Carrie Powder, Walnuts, Italian Macraroni, Onions, Italian Vermicelli. Mixed Pickles. Capers, (French,) RICH SACCI.S. Ptunes, John Bull's Sauce, Bitter Almonds, Harvey's do, French Currants, Reading do, Prepared Cocoa. Caviee do, Jamaica Ginger, India Soy. Dried Cherries. r.olemor of Anebovisa. Oranges, &a, &c. 'Jun recsiced and for Ws by LLOYD&CO., n 4 • No. 140, Liberty 'meet. or Janie ottb fl tvet. 111 11112011 " . ' . _ mood Farms tts • i • .. FOR Ode, one or two farms of good land On the MlSler, ler, and near the Franklin, Road and Martid Bath's, Esq., about 14 miles from Pittsbuitht Tbd one farm has 130 acres in i ;75 ITM•f, cleared: 30 oit in good Meadow, , a good lie \vel ldg bobse and frame barn, and, 4 godyahng orchard on it, and it is well fenced and in gold artier: the other his 51 atrea; about 25 cleared, 6 in meaAow, a good halved log lidiilte and ' stable en it. and is Well fenced and i.,,ateted and in Food order and a djoins the alOve. The two will be sold to+ gather or divided, or about 100 acres Vs iti im aold in one of the fares, and *ill be hold at fait priEt fur cash or nearly all cas.h• for terms anti - partiettlard please enquire at HARRIS' Mineral Agencyand ti - ta ligenco Off,ce, No. 0, sth street. n 4 A Good Souse and Lot for Sale Low. FOft sale low for curl or the larger part cash. pari credit or trade, a good new two story brick house. two gcrxl lots with a house and cowstabldee, coa near d l and chicken hoitscs, and eYcrything is good orr rat Market house, Is rrniagliant—the property will be sold itAv for a 9 cash, or Iltilte fourth: , caAh had. thean bdillandel nn time or initable tradr.. A good brtruda goo& title will be gi% en the purchasoi: Please apply at Ilan is' General Agency and Intel ligence OEI - ice:No. 9, Fifth street n 8 Precueitii's Fire brick for Sale. lUST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick 111 JP which r hereafter be kept constantly on hand and snld low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. tnav '2 7 No. 60 Water at.. reafh Trcest THE subscriber has jnst received from the girt e b . sere of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which hr. would call the attention ofthe. public. F. L. SNOWDEN. No I Liberty st. head of Wood. Pittsbttgb, Fa Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds alwais hand and for sale, at his agency, the Druz stnre F, L, SNOWDEN, 1 8 4, Libetty st,, head of IV oe Philadelphia. }Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Mo. Ky. DR. ISVLANE'S PILLS.—This is to cers tify that a niece of mine was very ill with the Liv or coroplaint. She purchased a box of NlcLane's er Pills. took them as per dimetions, felt myth relies% ttsed a second box, and 14 nearly cured. I believe it %vas the Liver rills that relieved her. I *obit! cheer' ~ullvreeominend Ni'Lanes Liter fill to those peisoni chose Liver is diseased. JOSEPH 1307 D, 12 miles from Pittsburgh. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, oet 31. Corr.er of 4th and Wend ate. Pitts: R. INI'LANE'S AMERICAN WORM SPECI DFIC.—A fresh supply of this , aluablo medicinal for e%pelling worms from the system. Pnrenta whose children are afflicted with worms may depend on this srtis•le if given according to directirm.. Certificates o its efficacy can be shown to convince any person of itA I.urprising actiNrity any pi omptnels in 4i‘lik4liing arcrtni Ind thus saving the lives of burnt!' As ot children , For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, oct 31 Corrwr of 4th and Wood sts. Pitts, H. DEFINE.. C. A.NrANULTY _ DR. M'LANE'S . AMERICAN WORM SPECIPIem Mr. .1 Kinn.--Sir:—.A. child of mine about 44 yeas+ old, was constantly indisposed, and of pale torrtflictl ion; but had always a good appetite. In order to have the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Yer mifoge of which I gave him 3 spormTuls, after whiek 20 or 23 large Worths were expelled. I wish till Ger , mans would read the 'above facts. The child's health is much improved. Chartier s Creelti Sept. 26 13 ': [l:Pror sale at the Drug Store of oct 4 iI 3 C . HAEL WHIN, JONATHAN KInD. Corner of 4th and Wood its. Pit tsba.. Pa -- J. K. HENDERSON AlOnayrUlanted. WANTED immediately and on the best security, on mortgage on uxcellent rrnprtty in tows and country, and on good private security, if rreferrtili and for different peritais, the following Santa. Vit.: OM* 65006, $3OOO. $2OOO, $lOOO, $750, $5OO, $9.00; $l5O, 6100. Persons having money to lend will find undoubted security , A fair interest. and ih stwersl cases a grxxl premium for money, ar.d all in ecnificlenee on applying . at HARRIS' Agent; and I utenigeLce Of fice, No. 9, sth !trent, ArgEniCAN ablit DRESSING = - FIFTH ST., NEAR MARKET. THE partnership heretofore i :Ting betettn r • Frethry and G. G. Ftethev having beet dispul‘ ed by mutual consent on the let ingitni, the labas will be conducted in future bx F. A. Frethey; whu fully authorised to settle all the partnership contern• He respectfully asks for the continuation •of tkie trsnarsof friends and the trblic generally. e7-I tn