Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 13, 1843, Image 2

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Subject to the decision of
illje Maiilloniing post.
Whiggcry is most emphatically dead in the Empire
State--The -Coon is killed most certainly; and the
"Virgin heifer" candidate has no chance among the
Tamest hearted democracy of New York.
WESTERN 'NM YORE, the birth-place of Antircu
sonry, where. in the palmy days of that humbug, the
federalists could get what maiorities they pleased. the
Democrats have done gloriously. Gtar.d StastcrCLA r
will not do there.
N [AGAR& county. the Democrats has for thefirst
t;rric in 15years, carried their ticket. Majority about
100, and more on some of the officers.
Mosstos county luta elected a democratic Sheriff
surd Clerk, and possibly the whole democraiic ticket.
CATARAUCILIS county has also chosen democratic
county officers, and p - robably the balance of the ticket.
In ORLEAN s county tha whole democratic ticket elec
ted by 500!
Wroutso county is proloably democratic.
Caved*. and Oterratte, have given small wing ma
jorities. ERIE has given them about 500.
Oleortneca,lo4o dem—SEE ECA, 550 dem—W AY N
800 dem—Yams. 200 dem.
fr:FTlie shout of the coons for a federal triumph in
th . soastern part of the State, was rather premature.—
The New York Sun of the 9th says, the Democrats had
the best of it after all; the Whigs have only elected a
Sheri and two Assembly men. The Plebeian says
that the Whigs have only an e ssemb4:nrin.
ClUtile! COITISTY.-594 majority over King, whig
candidate for Assembly.
Ktea's.--The whole democratic ticket is chosen.
Clerk. Ittejority for Joaes, Democratic
Senator, will be about 120.
WESTCRESTEIL.—Democratic except perhaps Coun
ty Clerk and Sheriff.
RICIIktOND COUNTT.--This County, which cotnpri
ees Staten Island, has elected a Dentecrntic Assembly
man, William Nickles, by ornajority of 164. The ma
jority in the county for David It. Floyd Jones, the de
mocratic candidate for Senator, is 161.
The Goshen Orange County Whig says: "The Loco
majority in the county will probably be little over no
--on the Clerk about 300—Ikbert L Hathaway, the
whig candidate, having outrun his ticket.
The Plebeian of the 9th says: "As fur asheard from
we have elected 41 members of Assembly, and tat'
v.iiigs 10. The whigs will nut probably have in the
Assembly more than 30, member; out of the 123.
What says Massachusetts to this! Will the news be
in time fur god-like Daniel's great federal-Clay-Whig
speech.. It may aid the digeslioo of bis re; o wed party.
The news from the country comes in mu,t glorious
ly. The following are the reported majorities as far
asheard from:
New York,
Suffolk, 1100
Putnam, 700
Columbia, . 400
Greene, 900
Dateless, 400
Orange, 600
Marlimn. 600
Herkimer, 1000
Oneida, 1000
DE 1111 ov Risk'? ROSLTI.-k letter from Paris,
in the Boston Atlas, says:—The Catholic 131shup of St.
Louie, Joseph Rosati, died at Rome on the 25th of
Soptember. He was the founder of the first brother
hood of Lazarists in the United States, and had been
in - tiiC -apostolic ministry 25 }•cars, although he was but
53 year, old when he died. The present Superior of
the. Lazarists in the United States, left here lately for
the scene of his labors, tsking with him nine missiona-
GiEAT SALE.—The Trustees of the United State'
Bank announce a large sale of real estate at the Ph il
adelphia Exchange, on the 21st init. Atnxigst other
properties, 'are to be sold the marble buildings south
,Of Chesnut street, and on the eat of the United .
States Bank, known as "Bank Plays," the upper por-1
tion of,,phich is now occupied by the Philadelphia bank
--the two dwelliago Fronting on Library street, origin
-allYbuilt for the Preiident and Cashier of the Bank—
" Lemon .Hill Estate," situated on the banks or the
Schuylkill, rear the Fairmount Water Works—Houses
and lots on Chestnut, Walnut, and cthe.r streets. The
%erns of sale are—one third cash, one third in one year,
and the remaining third in two years, secured by bond
and mortgage in the usual manner.
Ohnsois was delivering an !Address in New Hamp.hire
the other day, on one called far the old red jacket—
the vest which the Col. had on being a red one and the
same he wore at the battle of thThemes in which he
received eleven bullet shots. The call was respoded
Toby. the whole assembly, when the gallant Hero n
+frankly acknowledged that the vest he then wore
SSW "that same Old Rea Jacket."
D MAP'S. I TX Et; T.—We limrn from the
boureatelligencer, that an attompt was. made by tome
renewer persons, who did not- appreciate the 111E63r
e/tee between mem end imam, to get into the Ex
change Bank., in that place, on Wednesday night. He
or they bored through the wooden part ef the front door,
but wore "brought up" by theintide crating of the door,
which ts made of iron. A similar attempt was mur
S ade
upon the Farmer's Bank of Virginia, but follea
the Eke Tama.
EitrIt.ATION go Ltszniz.—The new and splendid 1
bartpaeljoatnattf, Captain John E. Allen, was appninted
to sett on Monday last, from Baltimore for Liberia,
with beitye.cal_Q_ ond,Bo:eild,grants, male and female,
tent out by the Maryland Colonization Society. She
has a general cargo of merchandise an board o 6 almost
everrioseriptionztridexcellent =Gomm °dation' for the
MAO sesietisse..--Tho election took place in this
State to-da;. /t will be* warn exitnst.
(Stn: ll ‘VI
Unknown---racket divided
are disarmed, and the people themselves in their urn 1 ib-ft. our - Tallow citizens throughout the Commen- David Woods,
right, and in their own strength. shoald nottonse feta I wealth be reeposted igmediately to call public meet- James glryson,
ward to accomplish their own will. What an nem, ings, pass resolutions, appoint 'committees; and pro- •
metals this to address : t o freemen ! ate theComenittee ceed wan active canvass, in all which Mr .13-aelfanan • • --
of Correspondence your masters; Hugh Ralston
or are you-theirs*? aloneshail be considered the candidate fur the Presi- . '
Chomps Patters:an
are You to be idle antt rdeases them to move; or are deny of both the State and Nation , and to make use J a m es ce . ii •
you to' prompt them teactivity ba your own eagerness. 1 of every boaorable means to secure his nomination in J unan g arli •
_. And now, Yellow Citizens, Hoene discussed theevils l i the State and National Conventions, and to insure his
Joseph West,
and objections that are most obvious, let us see why evetau al election. i
we should not succeed in making Mr. Buchanan the To it the theuks :if ourselves arid fellow citizens rue Jonathan Large,
candidate of tie NATION as well tes of the STATE. It da l Loth," democratic pupers in ste
rnWer Pennsylvania diem El Mellheney.
is all true that there is a profound combination , of ac- I ich have come out with a frank mny advoca- Michael Soee,
tire, efficient. wadable politics! leaders both in New i cy of the claims of Pennsylvania to the Presidential
York and elsewhere., (whose papers me connected , nomination, and have sustained the notniaation of Mr
I John Sather,
with the ricvntion of Mr. Van Buren.) who sustained ' Buchanan. ' William Johnston,
John O'Brien,
by the greatindueuce of the Globe, and by unparulleled That those Democratic papers threughout the State
treachery, anti secret schemes of eflicial promotion a- which profess to sustain Mr. Buchanan, and have Wile
Incept ourselves, are mined fur the purpose of defeat- erto done so by placing his name at the head of their 1
Mg the nomiva.tiou of Pennsylvania's favorite son.— columns, and by an occasional notice of his qualifica- l James Ba r r,
But it is less true, that if our energies are once aroused tions, be requested to give him a vigorous, warm, and 11, A B a usman,
in his favor, that this dangerous combination may be active support, end endeavor to inspire the people with i lenses Selisbury,
destroyed; and that the moment it becomes obvious, that elevated spirit and noble and generous pride on be- 'T J Ca mpbe ll ,
that we are earnestly preparing for Ma. BUCHANAN ' S half of the Goal Old Commonwealth of Pennsylva- I
nomination, and are determined rather to retire from nia that becomes the citizens of the Keystone State.
the Convention, than unite in a second choice. this That the Democratic citizens of Lancaster county,
whole artificial fabric will be found based upon a foam- I the friends and neighbors of Mr Buchanan, be repro
dation so void of all consistency and right, that it will I ed immediately to hold a public meeting, and appoint
totter to its fall. It is likewise true that the friends a Committeaa Correspondence from the most eminent
of Mr. Calhoun have with somewhat less of foresight I and :able of - their citizens, and that sa soon as swell
and precaution, but with great unanimity and with cur- I committee is appointed it s
r, h mute s
t requeted ale go to work
responding organization, presented a formidable atti- earnestly and vigorously to phe tion of Mr
tads to the !mean, and throegh the instrumentality of Burl - man to the Presidency.
a well erranged Sy3tern or m !asures, have reletered it Resolved, That the Globe newspaper has hitherto
not improbable that sonic of the northern states will been c onsidered in the light of the Organ of the Dem
look with mere favor no the southern candidate and °critic party, p art s l arge, red sustained and su
give him a more cordial strepart than was at first anti- ported by the at and not by any section of
cipated• From the latter circumstance; jealousies arc the saute, end that while we admit the right of it; edis
beginning to be entertained by the friends of Mr. Van tors to glee th sir views freely upon the subject of the
Buren towards the friead.s of Mr. Calhoun, and by the ?residential contest, we deeply regret their want of
latter strong suspicions are rife that some unifair means frankness reel manliness as exhibited in theirexciuding
have been titled already, and are about being persisted from their columns articles calculated to prove tin den
in by the former, to pack a National Convention in such I nation at large the policy of sustaining Mr Buchanan'
a way as will not fully express the. will of the Demo- for the Presideacy.
emetic party; and so warm has the contest now become That we regret the constipated condition of some
between these distinguished individuals, that the of the newspapers in our own state which profess to
friends of the southern candidate threaten to decline support Mr. Buchanan, and would rcoomtnend to the
coining into the Convention at all, unless it is constitu- editors as acme. for the disease to think somewhat less
tea in a manner that will not accord with the hitherto of their own interests and to quaff more largely at the
established usages of the democratic party. At one fountain of patriotic affection fur the interests of the
TO THE DEMOCRACY OF PENNSYLVANIA. period a hnupe was entertained that these differences good Th old
he Commenev ea tive and intelth of Pennsylliglvania.
support given
FELLOW CITIZENS: sa erefearrassing and harassing to the democratic party at t warm, acent
The public will hiving
constituted the subscribers a would have been reconciled, by the tnutuul forbearance to Mr. Buellanita by the Demoeratie newspapers and
committee to address year upon the subject of tine cool- of the pmeies to urge them. But since the nominations would be political leaders in the city of Philadelphia,
leg Presidential election, we proceed to the perform- for the National Convention made in New York, arid evince a total absence of jealousy on occeura a the
epee of that duty under a caneciousness of its impur the startling doctrines then announced by the friend; of popularity of Mr. Buchanan, a bliedness to emir own
tance, and of the deefointeresta that are invoked in a Mr. Van Berea, every hope or a eecontiliatine between interests and a hive of their ew., state,
filithful discharge of
„ these promieent clarlidate: has venished, and if some be siifficieently admired; and will not, we trust, be Seri-
It is wince:emery at present to call your attentien to r emedy is not speedily a lapted to induc: the friends of ta ted.
the diffcrences of opinion that prevail between your- Mr. Calhoim to come into the” Convention. the assent- That we approve of the address submitted to this
selves as Democrat*, and your political opnaneras.
nn- Wage itself. as an expressioe of opinion of the nation, meeting by its commiuee, and request the committee
der whatever name they may assume, or hy whatever will prove an abortive demonstration. If it was pro- of correspoadence to sign and circulate the same.
guise they mty seek concealment. The lines of de- dent in the tiemecracy of Pennsylvania , feeling a deep That thense mesoletions. the address and proceedings
mat-cation are broad and manifest, and the only Ties- reg ard fur both these distinguished citizens, mid ac- be publislled in all the s . the
papers in the come
tion is how we tuayhabest enabled to insure the sue- li iie wiedging an incalculable debt of gratitude for tv, and that a copy alien seine be forwar•ded to every
coca of that party ta which we have the high honer to their i nanifuld services to the public, not tin press Inc.' Demetratie newspaper in the commonwealth with a
be attached. ~ . . claims so long as eve.] a faint expectatioa was enter- Special letter from the committee of correspondence
You, felon. eitiieiii, have already, by your dele- milled of accent nadmiteg the serious dill .rence be- requesting their publication.
gates,• announced your determination to sustain the tween them, it 13 no less the duly cf that Deinneracy That a capy of tine same be furnished to every
claims of Pennsylvanil, ton
. e Presidential Damien.. n ow, that a ntler, e xpectations of a favorable termites- member of the late convention which placed Mr. Be- •,
aloe, through Mr. Buchanan and the near approach t em of this met unfertunate discussion are abandoned, chanan in notnitnation, and tin those members of the
of the period at which the nomination is to be made, te a ssert the parainoant claims of Pennsylvania, calmly Legishenture win, last winter, wete so pattintic io ,
and the active canvass going on even in our own State an d coolly, but. with fervor and firmness; and thereby support of Mr. Buchanan.
in: favor or rival candidates, warn us of the necessity of p r eserve the nation from the inextecable litheritith to- Tb-t, it be earaestiy reeoinra ended tin the ynne men
instant, pronet and vienroas exertions, unless we are wa rds which these distructive disputes are hurt "deg it. of the Denteeratic party, wlvn have the hoaer and wad
diposed to see the prize cartied off from befere our No m an who looks at the present proseects of tine fire of Pennsylvania at heart, and who feel unimated
eyes, and snatched as it were from oer very K raep. Democratic parrs but must beheld them with the most by a just ratan uf pride for the maintenance of her rights,
It would be useless at present to state to Peunsylva - gloomy forebodings. IL is vain to Coaceni from our- and conceive their own (dignity involved in hers. to form
nians the repatation of Mr Buchanan nud his fitness se lves t he f e et, that . the fe.ftiofis split which is prevail- themadves th clubs and hold meetings in support of
topics wish station we all wish him to occupy; such i n g, m ust r esult iii divisioa- , mid the ut ist teterenpro - Mr. Buchamei.
topics would seem te insinuate a doubt that after all ri nsing hetiley, i s
the bitter things wl,ili we even That the cemmittee of correfpondeace appoilt corn
the pla u dits that haves been awarded tolaim by the pub- n ow write a gainst o urselves, are creating n relentless mittees of vieileace in thin various cities. bereitgins and
lie, and the great and derided manifestation; of pope- spirit that tin fume paeilicdisp isitions can .1.3,111,1r.."-. townships in the cannty of Ailegheey, mad publish their
lar favor, von -vere really ignorant of his merits. and I t i s not, indeed, to be w settler:id at, that the co frac names in all the party papers ,
had aw:refel hill! yiear a pprobation wiehoist piitsessitee jeweled by the New York politiceans, cold. e drieatine M es srs. M' C h riness, Gszervit, aed Sr aten, were
an aileterite knowledge of his worth. Co:Belt-rug it
then. as conceded, that among his own fellow citizens disgust :1:11:134 , •t tee warm 112 it.t...,1, I,i,fa
aud 'IPt-`'-'"'!"-ie as it i '. ' In •" 113- c"' 11. i -"V' degree .:f severally culled upon and addressed the meeting in
spirit:l end I favor of the no:on:Lien of I' fa:tribes lia's favorite
Mr Btichatian is deemed fitte d in every
particular far com owhat over: ea:l:eine ir,iiiticials of the Semi). Tbe son, JA.H .. 3 Bc CHAN AN, for th ! Presidency.
the Presid eacv of the Union, we proceed to appeal to truth is, Smelt -rola,. t 1 nay i; ao lea one it l'er Nert!:- -J. 13• GP•TIIIIIE, Chairm aa.
your sense of patriotism and honor, to yew pride as era phleera. Osirr tliines h'zia , g, repel, the phlegmat- JOHN M. DAVIS,
citizens of Peneselvauie, to you...just sense of your own
is politician will always be m res shale a tit itch fir the
I'. McKee it a,
ii. m,,,,,:er.L0
;14, Vice Presidents.
rights, and what Is due to you from your silt 'r States, i m pulsive one; and the lelmirable inacitierry which his
and to twee yea ta manly and honorable exertioes en been so long kept ie operation be dr ft hinds a Mr. J. C. le.C...:t.tt,
favor of your eandiate, an Ito the exelusion dull others. iine Buren, was never n n teil et nth in .e. s'eill'aed Robert reeler .. e ,
That the delegates who mey be elected be pm will adroit:tree la ta • nistimatent of el.-. C ilinoaas talhe- secretaries.
cast their votes in the first instance fir Mr Buchanan y eas , t h e e i t his Iwo!, f.,, C,.. 1„,,,. f„,..,1d 1„ eianta.fiSafecden,
is beyond a doubt. far such are already your inAtrue- chi: (dream.? etc e and eit to env p taal ir feriline io es
thete; but yes of Me. Vaa Boreir,
tims, and they will not presume to disobey do vitae •••: fereels uttre
'you will readily perceive that secte proilereling woolil bum Mr. Van Beten's peispe , .l: ef etccess inn the Na
be a m.-re nuliity, a ridiculous farce unless there shall Lionel Conventime Iv it at al peetnalee that, with the
have bee exhibite by yo a mn ifest deerminetion pievalence or these gime ti • 11 , , t 'se ne- gneft opree
that Ma. n
Bucatea d
arc shail u
be in a very deed t th e ea neii- eeri e, cin c e d e ...--e Ne e a ll know h
tli 0 it )
it utterly im
date not only of ourselves hut of the nation; whilst you, pnssible; we all see that distedon and dissension is min
friends, are lying by in supine idleness, and niter
to our cause, and hene p u l ps anxiety, both North and
ligence of your dearest interests, the friends of ttne orb- s mit h, w ith every ge Demoeret, every man of
er coadidates arc making tho mast strenuous ex:et-times 1 Sellse and intelligence, whole die at edit great object of
'to gain tine weather-gage of old Pennsylvania by having 1 party triumph, a n d di scommets himself with experts
their favorites nominated in different states, and whilst I tions of offi•fe, and th' sit •rested Rene., which such cc
many are anxiously awaiting some action on your part s I pectat i on s are apt is enconder, to hove Pen"sylvania
its favor of Mu'. Buchanan (public meetings, address - I present h eater in t he Coaveteion with eaimretired
committees, asseciations of ettune mea. appends f strength, tend Wall 1111:1,111Lnity that. will entivinett e
to other statea, and all the paraphernalia that usually I cow e r , s he i s ea r i eet. aed el it she is riot e.dee te net
attend party demonstrations where tine party is in ' a baee:sec eidery, servile part ill the selectee.. Is these
earnest.,) you seem to be waiting candidate
the rain or Stan - 1 a ll y inqac servi le
harm iny in the Natian
shine, arid to expect that }'tit candidate is to become l a l C en vent en, as a tiro a nd reedree steed by Penessi
prominent without any exertion of yours wises ate to I smell in favor „r her ~,,, aet 'id it , . ,1 11'!1,.r , will the
the importance of the occa:i in. Lay not, friends, "such ration luck fin firmer:: nil eiinsi :terry. it net to tin'
flattering unction to your souls;" rest upon no such I Pennsylvania Dein I:' V.V.:7! Ahifilt what standard are
false security, rely upon it, that to have the least hope i n il pee ', se lik e ly tit re ti e . a : i t heitt te it 111 the Key
of succees iii such a conlest, you must 11 , : 1 1'%e Y. souls
1 1it , ,,, ,, St - its.
\Vie , it i s vie - artery to all tee eanterel
with vigor, be up and doing; keep on the infest mid I l i n t! em-dos as Mc. lice it re AN hiln'.',l Whn, 4 nil
watch with breathless annuity every etre a female that deice bee . ] ii rival, le nen worthy of the Presilency l
and the ever shifting welds of l eaky. I How can we over acquit ourselves to oer own State.
It is time then to arouse yourselves Crum YOnr kill" ' how to the renew at I tree, slioe'd we omit embracing
argy, if you wo uld not s l e ep t he alien' of politic al I the el iri ens creporte iile n t ev off .re Ito ins or the:elite:
death. Another month, and exertion will come too I t e e r , t ,,, of th i n i) .... 17, 1 :I" a ey . Citi ten; or Pennsylvania!
late, and you will be subjected to the indelible stigma be not deceived in minis ny r; getcive
tlOl way to no untnanly
In politic ,
of being defeated in your object because you were too fears; entertain no (10S? Ig, 0 , t . .
indolent in your preparations for the conflict; the dire I as in war, it
ll is a n
the cowardiccontest.e to die
se ad y dours e efeat when
disgrace of having your camp sacked and yourselves our duties ca u
to Roulves up;
rendered revere:Bless, because your sentinels have slept awake-linen your dr 11l its or inisfectune; the exertion
upon their posts. will:ins. • will fortitude; the determination will
, pire you I
SI r
But say some, W Ire exert yourselves at all 'I Yon • inspire yea with coinreg.e; an lan effort worthy of yew - -
have no hope of success!' How hainrious such a sit
g- l
l selves and geed old lextest Ponesylvania will ensure the
gestion as this !' this is the cowardice thathetrmys like I ;
treason; this isthe miserable subterfug e of-those whit' ...... .
are too indoleotto move in t ie contest, cry 'elude mare 11. NIcCULLOVGII ,
sleep, a little morn slumber," this is not the language 1. C. MeCE L LEY. SAM'L SNOWDEN,
of men honest and incorruptible, but the miserable out
cry of recreauts and traitors; who ought to be scoute d
and condemed b y every honorable and uptight main in H A
the commueity. Then conies the ignoble cry "that
Pennsylvania will not be considered inn the. contest;" TEI HAMILTON, JOHN IRWIN.
and if she is not, it is because YOU, FeBoAV-Citizens , -• •
' '-'
have ceased to display a manly vigor. "Ali," exclaims
one, "Mr. Vise Buren is sure of the nomination;" there
lies the difficulty; this fear it is that damps the ceurage j
and cools the nelorof the miserable political driev !ler, I
the mere office schemer, the man who stands ready to
sacrifice to his own selfish designs all that is valuable to
Pennsylvania; who has not the stimulus of pride and
veneration for the good old Commonwealth to hack him;
wino dreads that it' in supporting Mr. Buchanan, he
should go WrOnff,, he should offend against the coining
victor and forfeit his chance for aplace; Mr Van Bu
ren, forsooth, is his second choice, he expects to be
instructed to g o fur Mr. BUCHANAN, but s. sous as he
can distinargelds conscience arid throw off the tram
mels of heel-action, then he start prepared to go for
the candidate most likely to succeed. 'Duns it is. Fel
-eters- I low-Citizens, that you anal your views an' constantly
Irendered the sacrifice. to the miserably selfish aspirant
for office, and that you suffer yourselves to be deluded
and lulled to Test with the notion that the candidate of
your choice cannot be successful; and thus the psemle,
misled by the tarts and dissimulation of a few designing
office hunters, instead of having a voice potential in
their own affairs, suffer the great state of Peansyl eania,
her candidate and hs.r well grounded hopes, to be sac
rificed to rainiest any individual whose iiiterest it may
be to cajole you into false security or to alarm your with
Unfounded fears. Anether cry is "that the Central
Committee of Correspondeneet have machu tin appeal
to the people." We will not charge them with dere
liction from their duty, ur fur a moment suppose that
they are gen:armed by objects irreconcilable with
are t all
prompt action in favor of Mr. Buchanan.
aware of tho unfortenate policy which prevails in con
stituting. the committee„ by which they arcs° scattered
throughoutthe state,elust they can never becalled to
gether, and that in all their important relations, no c
on, -
of crpiriions 'nem be obtained, so that unlefe‘
the chairman undeetaketithe very responsible task of
putting their names to addresses of his own drafting,
*ley must remain in a state of absolute inaction.
Bat will it be contended that because they have done
aothing to stinnlate the people, that the democracy
Bucksaw Blasting.
Pursuant. to public notice, a largo and respectable
meeting of the Democratic Itopublicuns of Pittsburgh
and Allegheny county, favorable to the election of the
Hon. James * Buchanan to the Presiderciy. wag held at
the . Waahiugton lintel, on Tuesday the 7th of
The meeting, on motion of Hon. Charles Shaler, was
gnnized by calling J. B. GUTHRIE to the Chair,
and appointing Gen!. Sons M. DAitig,
Vitaica• NicKENNA,
Masai McCer.cooms,
Dr. JAnES C. McCet.t.vt,
as Vice Presidonts. and Samuel S7tozeden and Robert
Porter, Secretaries.
The °beet of the meeting was then stated by the
Chairin in a reading the call, when, on motion of Hon.
Charles Shaler, a Committee of seven were appointed
to draftan Address and Resolutions. expressive of the
seine of meeting, whereupon the chair announced
the following as said Committee:
'iessr ‘ a,„ Charles Shaler, Chambers McKibben, •
Dr E. D. Gaezaat, John Birmingham,
Jolts :Anderson, Charles Barnett,
John Fleming.
Resolved, That the number of seven be added to the
Committee appointed to draft Resolutions and Address,
and that they. together with the officers of this meeting,
be a Committee of Correspondence. Whereupon the
chair announced the following as the Committee of
Messrs Charles Shafer, Chambers McKibben,
Dr. E. D. Gazzam, John Birmingham,
John Anderson, Chalks Barnett,
John Fleming. . S. W. Black,
Johan% in, . Thomas O'Neal,
ionia:;llamilton James 11. Watson.
Ono. R. Riddle, John B. Guthri...,
John Marrnv, : John M. Davis,
Patrick Mamma, H. McCullough,
James C. McCulley, SamuelSnowdeu,
Robert Furter.
During the absence of the Committee the meeting
was ably and eloquently addressed by .A. Bracken
ridze and Gcergo Stewart, Estirs.
The Committee reported, through their Chairman,
the following Address rand Resolutions:
Resolved, That the Commanwealth of Pennsylva
nia. since the first formation of parties in this country
h sit tamed with naftevi sting firmness the principles
of the Constitution as understood and explained by that
Democracy of which Mr. deffer , on and the eminent
St lit,3nle a of the Virginia School were the expounders.
That in all times of trial, and in all difficulties and dan
gore, the State of Penneylvania has formed the grand
rallying point atotind which the Democracy of the
Union have gathered.
That Pennsylvania has in every contest looked to the
greatcause of thecountry, and alwar; etood ready to sa
crifice her own wishes, nud set aside her own favolites
when by so doing she couldpromote the harmony and
union of the Demoemtic party.
That acrisis has now arisen in which any sacrificeby
the State of Penneylvunia, of her own eminent States
man, so far from promoting the harmony and union of
the democracy, would, in a great measure, be attended
with a contrary tendency, and would create imminent
risk of the total defeat of the party.
That the Democratic party in Pennsylvania will
therefore insist upon having their rights respected, and
will vehemently urge the n omination M the Hon. James
Buchanan, a distinguished eon of Pennsylvania, and
one of the most eminent statesmen of the
or Un
the ion,
the National Convention ae a candidate f
That we recommend to cur fellow citizens that the
delegates sent by us to the National Canvention be in
structed tn nominate and ineist upon the nomination, on
the part of this S•ate. of James-Buchanan alone, and
that Pennsylvania has no senora choice.
That however disappointed we may be in the result,
we will support the nominee of the National Convention
with unanimity and good faith, and will do all that lies
in our power to cents - ire the Demo , lratie strength upon
such nominee wherever he may be.
Feb'ry 6. "--------, a,....
Fel'y 13. "Civil Government!" lion Walter For
, ward.
1 . reit'y 20. "Geology," Thomas J Bighnm, Esq.
Feb'y 27. "History of Roman Literature," Robert
McKnight, E<
March S. "The Aborigars of the Ohio Va 114,"
.11;11 Ilrown, • A W riatersori,M D.
Th,,,, rt , Gi, ! N. B. Tit-Isms for the whole course, admitting; Gen-
I Nil 11.1..1 M:Culion4b, , tleniun nod Lady, $1 311: Sinzle Lectures 0 5 cents; to
Carmen :\:
1. ..., Lbe had at the book !Acme of CII Kay & Co., the Meth
, °dist book store, at the reriodical publication offices
, rz,, ' , rel. Ds it a inn=s maetiaz ix. railed of tlic
of J W Cook, and .1 H Foster, .and of tho Janitor at
Thnrs.Lty Eccoi.ig. \'o r. 9, 1313. IDe n L . A . ant Citi•o•nsoftlo Coil:Ivo-I-I.-ally to the nool-
The Coolmittl..e of c tcieyoolco , :..) of All,glieny ! i:,..,..1..,, of 1103. dorm...-. Iluelry.an, to Le 1 0 ,1,10.1 oa . the dour.
The Iltil will bo opcord at GA o'dock.
C ., , , ( arp i a ted at a te rece , t nt ,, t g a f t h e jt ea d i i dinr-I. ty, tilt. 33th of Noventir:r, at tit: Old Cadr.t. 1 and tho Leo
will cutomenco ;It. 7A o'clock precisely.
of lion. J,J. :lei kluelmian,) mct a t t oe. W as hi.gt,la , 1 l•ol ie i••.11.e. Ci•y of Pitt:bur - oi, at fiS o'clock, I'. M.
mottot Coarlis Shales in the Ch ai r , on ; CHARLES SHALE.R., Chairatars. i t 1111-1 t
. .
motion it W. 74 ', JAI re•einz,
R,loire.lrht Messrs Jo n Fleming and Thos. 1 'Thom.is itiffliUen, c. , _
Ila niltoo be appointed as
secretaries to the • ST-null Snore lea, cr ` Ili
' ''.
R , )! , erl Porter,
mtnit Ice.
tae Collvnittee rroctf.(letl 1 , , the arTeiritrimt
t.fprit , nn% in the r:tttp4CtiVe 6N:tifl3 di3tricti, to ae.Laa
a C mmilt9e of vigilance: the foll,wit,g persaai WW re
selc::i di
ja,wirl &Act',
M McCio+ley,
J B W uraeti.
John Coytt!, Jr.
Thos Nl.Doiough,
Tnomas K'rr,
wow') WARD.
John Cormick,
S Kingston,
John Irwin,
G \V Lnyng,
Ja•nes Garvin
J \V BurbriAge,
C Davitt.
Satntirl Jones,
Jolla Savage.
W Bryat,
W FA l rtr,
R F.
DAviti It Miller,
Dr. W I(,rr•
E TroviHo.
fort , r,
M Patrick.
1' ltattigan,
1 nines May,
Thomas Scott,
J T Connolly,
F L Snowdon.
S II Wo;xloard, J McCormick,
J amoi 0 rmAan Janie:4 Kearney,
NVillirtai 'Wilson, Andrew MeEtwaine,
G James Blakely, Eig.
Joseph Myers,
G S,ringler,
John Gochring,
E Snowden.
It Ga wa Y
NV J Davit.
j:1110. BintleY,
L Wevman,
\Wm Miller,
J Hawworth,
II M Dunlap,
Samuel Shields,
It A Campboll,
John Fleegcr,
Cole 4 Towniend,
John L Arrnstr. ng,sccoxn
w W ; L iti ll a ro m .
THIRD whinn•
Thomas Donnelly,
Alm aliam Strceper,
Jame; Ritchie,
NV a lt..r
Thomas FarloY•
11.1 y,
John Johnston,
J K Mom - Ileait
V Scribe,
W Coleman,
P Graff.
nos McCall,
.1 fileon,
AV I) :IV I ison,
S Coorr,
T Pearson,
Thomas Ned, H S
James Hare.
June Bordand,
James Fulton,
John Lnvely,
Andrew Irwin,
Goorge Herdman,
Ft.‘,lrt M'Corkle, F. , ivrard M'Corkle, Esq.,
Samuel Hilands. Francis Quinnetto.
Clement Novel,
Valentine Short",
John B ell,
Guatavas Sandal,
Lymnn Anger,
Samuel Dorelwid,
William Piper,
Dr Robt. Wilsun,
John Gmenn,
.1 C Cummins,
John Ma;ill,
Rol* Donal.4 o o,
John Johnston,
G Hawkins, Thomas %Vilson,
James Johnson, jr
ticlwara Thompson,
.1 L Morris, Henry Westbay,
Col Jas. Scott, Col McGinley,
John F Richards, Esq Antirew
DrJames Power; -
Amos Holland'', Hervey Robb,
ism°. Dormer, William Kerr, Esq
Samuel p lack, Henry Murry.
Lo vv ST. CLAIR.
David Frew, John C Maguire,
Peter Develin, Jer'h Dualaver,
William Kar,is, Col XVITI Meredith,
Ales.'r Carnahan, Esq James Flanagan.
Henry lhgram,
Andrew Kirlt,
John Porter,
.11..raard Disuzharty
John Stevenson
G..orgo Morrison,
William Sturgeon,
ArCh Liggett,
Stephen Wockls,
C Richey, William Gribben,
J Audley McFarland
Dr John Pollock,
John McClelland,
Andy; McClce-mer,
Allegheny County, SS.
IN the matterof the administration at
counter John McMn=ters, acting F.c
ft!t ccutor of the estate of Thomas McKee,
t (4 deceased•
on motion of Mc- I
. 4 . November 11,1843,
Godless and bleClure, Attorneys for G.
E. Warner and Co. and other creditors, Francis R.
Shook, Robert Robb and C. Dal ragh, Esqs. appointed
Auditors to audit and adjust the within account.
By the Court,
The Auditors above+ named will act, for the pur
poses of their appointment, at the Office of Francis R.
Shunk, Esqr. on Fourth street, near Smithfield, in the
city of Pittsburgh, on Thursda:k , the 14th of December
nest, at 3 o'clock, P. M. at which time and place all
persons interested are notified to attend.
Thomas Eakin, nl3,—w3t
Dr. Donnell,
John Thompson, .
Wti,klaington lierdman
Daniel McKinney,
James Woods,
John Woods, jr.
\Villi►m Np le,
Jamas Virhitaker,
B Patterion,
Alexander McClure
H H Peterson.
William Stewart
Jeremiah Fleming,
John Winter,
Henry Snowden.
Thomas Blackmom
Samuel N.cKee.
A F Gore, Esq,
William Johnston,
James Wilson.
Maj John Anderegg
Alex Brackenridge,
James A. Irvine.
John NlcLean,
Wiliam athr ws
McC A Armor,
James Bit:lel:more,
\V Stewart.
Jamrs Callan, Isaac Rhond;.
A l,klsv tilierton, John O'Neal,
James Tailor, G arsons
DLziah Stc.wart JoArTh Little,
Saovrileu .N 10,7 unliert,
inciA Lnird, Jctmes
Dr NlcCunuel,
John A Robinson,
G2O Christman,
Benj Carpenter.
Jesse Sill,
iiti;ll %%LI!,
John W McClelland,
:I:7in anti er,rstinues to grow with slmost un ear
rait*.day. Thera base been mected in ' that
city Attriag the present year i'tl7 frame and 736 brick
all 1,003: 173 huildist,:issco now a
in v
i riuus Stage 3 of forty irdness. Tha buildings of this year
are greater in number than the whole city included
twenty-cight years ago; and the Gazette remarks, that
I the tii,parity is still greater in regard to elegance and
value The buildings erected within the last four
`'.ears exceed in number, and still further itt importance
and c , oaracter, the entire buildings of Ciucinnati only
Lfteen years ago.
SPIRIT OP 111 E. Wit LC PKEis.—..Sonte da” since the
Boston Post publishedthe following paragraph:
"The Frankfort C'ommonwealthesaerts that Col. R.
' :‘l. Johnson 'never had the smallest share of military
I talent.' If this he true, most worthy patriots! what
becomes of the Colonel's endorsement of the courage
and conduct ttf Gen. Harrison. which the Whigs made
such good use of during the ca mpaign of 1840."
1 We don't know that we should precisely concur with ,
our Frankfort friend, in denying to the Cu!. the peas
' session of the "smallest share of militaryttalent" — but
we never had the least belief in the story of his having
killed Tecumseh. We recollect that a Western gentle
man, a friend of oars, who was perfectly comeromt
with the events of that time in the west, told us that
there was not a particle of evidenoe to show that Col
! J ohnsou killed Teruntseh—and that if he did killhint,
he killed a muck better mag shot ititaself. — Doston
Language like the above, remarks the Albany Ar
gus, would indicate as mach stupidity as malignity. if it
I were not addressed to men who, in heart, respond to
mid s ympathise with it. The spirit of the Hair:lota
Convention Festtrahim has indeed descended, a grow
ing legacy. to the hands of the IVhig party of Musse
-1 chusetts..when its leading press thus attempts to ele
vate the character of a savage enemy of the people of
the west over their gallantdefonder—the h
; and patri,nie statesman, Richard Joh
TOM; McGINNIS offers fin sale at No. 139 Wood
J street, opposite Rel. Mr. Herron's Church and
next door to 'Messrs. Tinertley & Smith's Grocery, a su
perior assortment of M.% NUFACTURED TOBAC
CO. Also, T f V.AF TOBACCO by the hogshead. or
in small quantities.' His manufnetur&can be confident
ly recommended to the public and his terms will be as
reaumable as any other establishment in the city.
Nor. 13--6t*
Reporlid by Sh,eble and Mitchell, - Generai /Rom
Boat Agents, Water street.
foulissial TEST 'WATER 15 Tilt CHMINtt, RllOllll
'Daily Beaver rackets
Allegheny Belle, Hanna, Cincinnati -
Zanesville, Duval, do
Alpine, Cockburn. Brownsville
Forrest, Hazlett, Allegheny Rives .
Lancet,Baldwin, St Louis
Belfast, Ebbert, Wheeling
Moxahala, Parkinson; M on city
All beats marked thus['] . are provided, isith
Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of Steam
Attention the Wholes:
THE military (officials and privates) of Allegheev .
county are requested too meet in -mass COMIWIt•
/ion, on Saturday, the 18th inst., at 11 o'clock A M,
at the 'Washington Hotel, St Clair street, Pittsburgh.
A memorial to the Leg,islature will be laid befoul'
the convention for adoption.
P N GUTHRIE, Committee.
al I—tlB
Itobt Furs,v_th,
Jacob WiiitsrP,
John 17.'n
3 A. °lwo.
'Daily Beaver Punkas,
Alpine, Ccckburn, Brownsville
Manhattan. Rlinefelter, Ship-yard
West Point. Grace, Cincinnati
Belmont, Poe., Wheeling,
Nioxahala, Parkinson, Monongahela all
Monongahela, Stone. Cincinnati
"Eveline, Irvine. Louisville
Mingo Chief, Devi rmey, Wheeling
.Massachusetts, Bennet, Louisville
Mayflower, Foster, du
Oella, Bowman, Brovrnsville
Freight to Philadelphia and 8211i111070t
T WILL receipt for 30 tons Freight to Philadelphia
1 or Baltimore, and load it on board Portable Boot
"Experiment," this day, November
H 1D1,1843.
U States Portable Boat Line.
Western Univel sity of Pennsylvania.
THEC ommittee nn Education respectfUlly unn ounce
thnt the course of Public Lectures, established
by the Board of Trustees, will be delivered in the Hell
of the University, Third street, on TUESDAY EVEN INO
in each week, during the winter season, in the following
1843. -
Nov'r 21. "Constitutional Law of Pennsy/vania,"
Walter 11 LOW I Esq.
Nov'r 28. "The Anglo Saxons in the reign of Al
fred," Rev George Upfold, D D.
1 D ec o r 5. "The boundary line controversy between
Pennsylvania and Virginia," Neville B
Craig, Esq.
Dcc'r 12. "Religion, Manners and Customs of tke
Greeks," Mr W .1 Bakewell.
I Dec't 13. "The History of Fire Worship," Rev
Samuel Williams.
Jau'ry 2. "The Oregon Territory," Hon Charles
Jan'ry 9. "Freedom," David Ritchie, Esq.
Jan'y 16. "Habit," William Elder, Esq.
I Jan'y 23. "Architecture," JohuChiilett, Esq.
iJan'y 30. ''Circulation of the Blood;" James R
Speer. &1 D
siooo, $3900. $2500,52000, $l5OO,
D(llity. and several s antler sums would be
it,vo-tc , !ia the purohn_le of Groaral Rents or Bonds and
I wtg,t2.., if offerod 'on favorable terms Apply at
1G RAH AM'S Land and house Agency, No. 6, St.
Clair nll-st*
Parma Wanted.
ZEVERNL improved farms wanted, (within 20
VV miles of the Piusburgh market). Persons dis
plied to sell will please call at m,y office, in Stnithfiel4
street, near 4th, 15000
Nov. 7, 1343.
rri LIE Pre ileac and Directors of this Bank have
J- this dAy deelare‘l a a', itleild of three per cent
on the capital stork fcr the last six months, payable to
stockholders or their legal representatives on or after'
the seventeenth in,t. JOHN SNYDER,
09417 Cashier.
Pittsburgh. November 7, 1843.
This bank has this day declared a dividend of three
per cent. for the hist sis months. payable on and after
thh 17th inst. Eastern stocicholders will bo paid as
the Commercial Dank of Pennsylvania.
W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 7, 1843.
THE President and Directors of this Bank have this
day declared a dividend of 3 per cent. for the
last six months, psyoble on and after the 17th instant.
Eastern Stockholders will b M e paid - at tbe Western
Bank, Philada. THOS. M. HOWE, Cashier.
October 20th, 1893.
A N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
Cl serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the
Banking House, on Monday, tho 20th day of Novem
ber next,between the hours or 9 A. M. and 3 T. lit.
o:2l—te THOMAS M. HONE, Cashier.
Pittsburgh, October 20, 1843.
N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
IA the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking
Hous^, an Monday, the2Oth day of November next.
e \V. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, 1t.4.3.
A N election for thirteen directors of this Bank, for
Athe ensuing year, will be held at the Banking
House on Monday , the (20th day of November next
Ca sbier.
eet 2O—te.
St. Peter's Church at Rome.
LARGE PAINTING cf this splendid Temple
tI will be exhibited fur a short time at Intstit's
L mit) Roost, corner .3f Fourth and Marl.et streets. Of
this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest eulo.
glum in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1231.
It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50, other
piintings, which are now open to the public.
Admittance 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cent.%
hildren half price. G. COOKE.
.'Open daily from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and also
from 6 till 9 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations sr*
retrectftillv invited. free of charge. 023.
Vw •