G; IX, A aft Inn: Afatt Accuser a_ 1 -- tr -- Thl T ifrir - Ptie;,....ioro. la r !nu ition4. , Pauburvi, Ps.-- aaf.eltwAnack. h a tt d - A.. 44 01W 1 w0*-APl.Acts4..._l4-cif $44- Claz..l and p!ala PAPER EallifiittilDS., Velvet and imitatton Borders, of the lafeit style and ban/Soma , palif:ra4..for papering balls,patiors and chambers. VitA.ss. matanfarttire anti ' have on hand at all limes— , 2 a I 7A Z ENTBIPIIZE• Print 4 t - .Writing Leter, WrapringmidTea Paper,Bou• ner :ibrif Ilbillerre Boards-ail-ail of which they °Ter for sate UNIT',ED S I'ATES on tire MAL( accommodating term s ; an'l 10 Which the y 1 PORTABLE BOAT LINE „, , tor t h e Tram., portation of Ater chandile and Prudes i iiVitesi ire art.otion of merchants and others. elklr3e- , l3lanit Books of ail kinds and the hastquality, Between Sclool tiaoks, Me. always on hand and dor sale as above PITTSB UR Gir AND PHIL ADE I. 7 111 A AND Y. IL Razit nd 'Pactiers' Scraps' taken in exchange. lc ITTSB URGE AND BA LTIMO RR. i1tim__:...._...:1 0v..1L. —The undersigned begsleave to inform z -1- f I r.vrN r respect Inl lyinform the public that they Alb 'the public, that lie ins removed from his old stand, 1 • have completed thelr arrangemenisfor the above to rhe corner of Penn and St. Clatr its., opposite the El Line on a , CII3IO Ilutet,where he has fitted up a large Piano FORl.r. INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES, Wags filiON, and now offers for sale the most splenam I . Tim pu tom has tong wished for Individual competition ar,erl 'tient of PLOWS ever offered in thig market'. , ,In 'lra wspertation on the Public Works, by which atone His {lanes consist of different patterns, of supe r ior lit can be Creed from unnecessary expenses and reduced Ro-c Wetiffand Mahogany', heantiftiny.fiekAterf and Tao* t to Its [owes' rates; tl:at wish will "now be realized; the &qt.! 0 ort construeted thronghout of the very be‘t ma. I 1 Stale of Pennsylvani.t having placed Trucks On tier Roil ter:a Is, w Itteh, for durability, and *pain v-of tot as well Roads. individums OW11111" Portable floats are enabled as touch, he warrants to , be superior to any ever seen ito hld for the Carrying Trade and successfully to tim ber:. 1 Pete with coninanlen: . . ~ C ; lieba 5 er,!ar4ed his manufactory, and made arrange. ' This line iscohiposed of Twenty new, hour Section rite: l tt , f. sap,lly the increasing demlnd rot this Instru; Pat . ..ante Boats, ow ned by the Captains who command meter, Ile respectfully requests those intending to pur. i theni and WPil known as en. crprlsing, InduStrious and elm's,: to call and. .Ir. atnianhis alFortnient before picrha. I experienced Boatmen. sine elsewhere, a... he is determined to Fell cowace, for 1 . Pile superiority and advantaues of the Portable Dont cash than any other establishment end or west of the over every other mode of "r,:an..portation, are too well mountains, • 1 7 ,: rti.um 0, (known ir Co-ocr or Penn and Si, Cigir 'Streets, ri• i > d Opnn4lte OE. x6Tiange Hold, Pit t Anil!), Pa. ri - 33,1:14n!,..criner N mitt na,:just received fra,i Philadelphia and .iv York, a at aural and ectettsive nsuart wont orD.7 uos, dET:Arr n.s, PERFUMERY, and svitry,attirfit in hl.:llncor Intslnestiovitlelt !leis dors. mige,t In se;; on the. most reasonable terms for I!2. 4 lf4irv:*i he can stronger inducenients than any si.nlia • es:ahlt.limunt in this city to country Physician. atot Merchants, who wish to supply thstnFelve. with -fillettr slid Meiliclom Ibis articles hive Pelerted witßthe utmost ears, and are warranted oft he. hr.( gnat ity and nulorm stren2th. Orders wit be tilled with ac. curgev and Metro nee. Famiii a can be supplied whit Fine anitironcy Soaps of every conceivable vari.iy, and of the mu=t exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosati•tic, of cvr ry de , cripl ion. The nadersi4ned returns Ms thauks for the bbera I sup: pot heretofore extended to him,and hopes lip a ronst.u it o please and accommodate,-a cards prO eurhig.rtud eellfue only what ii excell.nt and geimine—a clesesupervblinof the sales and I ransael ion of the 1=141) igllplecit ion and accuracy, rompoundi med. cities—rand by Fulu' , 7ry and perseverance, to rater ti In re tie of public pal runage tit'a;ir 1 ----- La jWhat _make.: your teeth so unusually white? alotii Linsh's dulcinii to bina t'otber night, Po inakeryours look so, with a grin, replied loth, I ve brought you a 'title of Thorns" Tooth Wash, '.1'.5 the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast allot he IQ away. Rut' to Provelt the hest; to make the teeth shine, Liii i ia - gain, my dear Sal, at the. lustre of mine, 'rhea-? ry ti.is great toot h wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And "see if this Tooth Wash or Til :MI 'ef i: not fine. 1 11 iviog,tried Df.:•Thorit's Tea Perry tooth %Visit,' aad louc.orne ar•pianded with omin:re:lleum of its cortiqn , siti , lL'l cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safeSt, as it is droe`ofthn'inoo pleasant Tooth Wri.i.es now in use, Pi! I ibur^li Sep. 35,1842 DAVID HUNT, (hole;?. I l'Oice pleasure in stniing, having made Its. , of-Thorn's Tea [terry Tooth Wash," ti - et It is one of the. best den. . . triaces In nee. Being in a liquid form, it coini) nrs neat n-si with convenience, _~ Vt'ilPe It Ceatitcs the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, Ili perfn toe yelds a fragrit nee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D. 1 'Del noder.dned have used "Tito - o's Compound Tea I(terry loath W ash," and have found it to be an ertreitic• \, ly pleasant-dentifrice, e. zereising a most sainlary innu. V , - • ere ze 04'C( the Teeth and Gums; preserving those hulls. ,ep nsabfe members from premature decay. preventing the l noctioiolatiun of Tartar, and purif, ing the ['really. Hay. in:, thoroughly tented lUrvirtues, we Like pleasure in re. commeMling, it to lite public, believing it to be the be‘t a r• title of the Itlnd now In use. i .111 RikarnTSo.lr, JAMES P J.lCl,', xos'r il PEEBLES. CHAS B SCULLY, C D,Pandlbl.r. ' WM .APCJIXDI,E.SS, I .I. I IINORHE4D, ' JAS S CR.,IF7'. ' If L.' itpirCZWALT, . • h S JOHNS, p , Prepared Sod sold, by WILMA M THORN, Apotheca • i ry arid Cheinlst, Na. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and at all the principa Drugtista',and Tuttle's lledical A ;Kn. I t y, Fourth street. fi. A I N TS-ADmiep wititostiveness, acidity of the stomach, liardnes, of food after meals, heartburn, flatulency, live.complaints ,with pain Inthe side and sliculder,jm , dire, bilious corn . fhalnis i drripsy, diabetes, grave], stone, and inflaination -7- of the longs, are moot perfectly removed and cured by !lie HEPATIC ELIXIR. This article has the astonishing feels in curing all coal. dlalnts of the stomach and digestive or2ansi Many high. ly respactande int!tvitluals to New York have been cured, after trying every oilier remedy in rah', arid have given in !flew names with permission to Wei to them. It is pleasantto the fast, and does not to 'tic least interfere' wil4bllle deity avocation of one tabluil it. qatty faint_ besot the city have become so pleased with I he medicine. that Vey u.se it as their only fain i!y medicine. By using it occasionally, it keeps the stomach free from hP ions ilia. orders, and the liver active, with the secretions of the hodvlu tbe most perfect activity. It Is composed entire. ly Of vegetable. The cure will be gradual, hut certain en I permanent rzr sale at Turrt.x.'f 86 Fourth st re, t. cep 6i Dr. t..eidy?!. Tester A. Itch Ointment. 17r)It'the tArvi °revery variety of 'FETTER, the 11'CH, hit iliseazes of the Skin, ha, proved Kett more rdiettrichailltan tatty other prep tratioe for the 63111 C per pottft'fin use. - tiliwatilsof five hundred certificates might be procured and putillatted of its elTicity from School Teachers. Pro. priblbra of Factories. Parents, Guardians. Child Nurses; Captainsof vessel% and others, were it not for the deli- racy in having their Hanna published in connection with such disogeecable affections. Ity the use of Dr:Leidy's Teller Ointment in cot ju rut . lion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, be wilt ;uara,ptee to cure any disease. COll2ll l / I JII to the skin, nowfWer had, or of however long standing, or errand t he mosey. There are however very few instzl ores but ran berated by the Ointment alone, Prigs - 25 rest a 4 Box. Prepared oily and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel. dy'a Health Buipopum, 191 N. Second it. Philadelphia, .., by F. 8. FAILVESDOCK 4.• Co. corner of Wood ~4and Sixth streets, Agents far Pittsburg. juiy 12. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU— t FACTORY. t • rintiEsubhcriber. would mr;;celfully inform the cii izens . . , .Of PH , turgh, Allegheny and their yid!' itie, that 11 € has c,:mtnenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 Itand Cuttales. He intends =kin:: but ot.e quality, which will equal the best made In the. Union and not surpassed by the beat winter strained sperm nit either for machineri it t;dor burning, without its offensive properties, and one rthkd cheaper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TG BORN IN . ANY TEMPERATURE. The suhscri i her wishes to Impress distinctly on the publie. mind that I. It ippoS•aecessary to purchase any new !heeled lamps that ac gall palmed upon them as being requisite to burn the lapimil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light teit3i iihtaiii it by calling at the old stand,3d street, aeart t oliagte the Post Once: , •.. nr. c Enet. [ T.IS st4entioti at Wboe ?rate dealers, enurches and i' . iiiirespecilli.7ll St 'Sited. • ''' , ll,C4 ri. I wit, bear the manttracturr Jan 2; 1313 -t' i 0 shippers gen ernlly, le) require comment; ,ur : lice it to eay, that the detention, loes,reparation alid dam age lo prods. invariably at tendiaz three Transhipments between l'itt,boreh and l',,tiiarlelphia army the Portable float wort efri.ettially removed The Portiii , e Boat plesesees the great advantage too, i of lieln2 Well rentilated and toot In Sommer; whirli pre. tan. s F. ear /rain so,ri:+g . and Baron and Tobacco front 11, Devine, standing as he r!oeA, iielween the otvrers of goods and the Boatiliell who carry them, and etiaally . intcrested lit protectin2 the interests of both, will make too promise,. in the nuldic he wi:l not faithfully perform. Ile is now prepared to receive and forward Produce to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and flostou in the shone,' time, and f to viler into no coin. tilt:aliou with other I,ines.t.ni always stand ready to early out the prineiniesnf his Lit e. and contract for freight on tho very term:, ierTO rive andonimed.security to owners and shipper. an open policy (4 . lll , llraitcc ha, been effected. !‘y which all inei•cliand:z^ sist:mcd by this Line will he I nsiti ed wit.hc.ut au: additiolial capense to he 4,iv rwr. Devine will receive all produce conzignctl to him at Pit ishurgli, pay freight all charges In Steam Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadelphia, Billie nrc , Sew York, and Boston any clta ge for advancing or commirksion. WILLI A 11 THORN unrch 10 -1842. Iteady .17. 1 1ade Coffin Warehouse. b'ourth St . 2 ',ors from the U t 4. Bank - . - • WM. TI2OVILLO, UNDERTAKER, - E 4 I'ECTFULLY informs the puhtie that he Lir has rem.%7eil 'Ais ready made toff n ware. .I...use to the huildlni: recently ...Trollied 'uy Mr. •- R. O. Ilerford, directly opposite his oil RI Ind, where he is always prepared to att..r.d promptly any orders In ',Milne, and by strict attr.ntlon to all the details of the business of au (MR!. taker, he hopes to merit public confidence, Hu will he ore pa rec. at ♦LL !Melts to provide Hearses, Mere, C. Ines and every requisite on the must liberal terms. Calls r,nui the country a HI he promptly attended to. . . . . II re:Fidroce is in the Fame buildine Ivilli his wan house, where thm , e who need his services nwy rind him It any time. REFERENCE w. B. Writ rtt FAA' liAlkiills, imp 10 , .\I.1! FOR LE.—lyre ondermg ned I. 5:1:e his 'arm, lying in ft.o.s Township 4i tailes front Ice City of Pitt,ootruh, rotita•oln. , 114 acres oChntl of +ylo,l, 60 a, c c!cared and undo- foneo, 1 15 lo arm. of trirad . 2 :cod Orchards of Apple, i few Peach and Merry i roes—the improvement, am a ,arge frame hen,- root ai n , »1 10 mums well furnished, calculated for a Ta cern n. private Dtvelllnf... a frame Parn 2tl hr rill„,none ba.'enu.n•, and i...iatning, nil other out I.OIIP far n toneinetil.,-2 _rood Gardens surrottnded wit It enrca t ir tm,hus and a well of exerlletit water, with a pomp is at the front door. In relation tot lie Pit:k rt:ot A re,:lteny market, inero is no Ware now offered for :':l . e with moruirniurenivnt to those wishing to prirchrorr near Pittsburgh, the leruts will be made for further partn.ulargauply to the prom ietor at 10, Cloilii•vg Store, Liber:y street, comer of Virgin Alley. N. B. If lint ~ 0141 lwrore the Ist of Oi tol l Xi. it will he divided into 10 toil 20 acre Lois to suit poi tiers. F., it TO Regular Morning racket for Beaver. i:ist running nod well kit n r 1 • Stra mar rict.,4,l7ronza CLEVELAND. Z. 4 11/i/IP riacc, hiu.lrr, will depart daily from Pitt. hary.lt at 9 o'clot it. A. :tad Coaster at 1 o'clock F. M For freight or mt,s..2e. allay on hoard, or to MRNIINGIIAM & I'J. No 60 Wicer •fret. • - • • • • _ . N. ii.—Tilere..y. , l.ir canal pael.( I to Clevulat n OH, GrePtivide :HA 'Meadville ; and o Ohio rannl.enoneeratu. wilt' ' , learner Cleveland at Pea ver,n iil he in opera! ion leirirdlatrly on °pew:: 0f1,;.v, ''_anon. oinr , G -1( _ DR:S I'ARKW ETHER'S HEPATIt Carr of Lire?. Complaint of 25 years thindin,E r. may certify that for twenty five years 1 %, as of flitted tout pain in my side, which was frequently ,n severe a; to entirely Incapacitate me frem labor. I hr.ve been utmet the care and treatment of various pits ,iciatt. without any p , rmanent lenetit. Hearing of the many cores (greeted by the Ilepatic Elixir prepared by ll,r. Start:weal her. I was induced to give it a trial, and :1111 happy to say that it has entirely remove:l no symptama of it for ruorc than a year past. Nor] librid,e, JitneBs:Jo, 1841 AVOS %vil IT E. Titegennitte to Le had at TuTTLE's medical Agent'', Fourth st rcet. Denning's Fire r roof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 122, 184'2. .1. Mum/No—On Pri,lay, ilie3olll of last month, about o'clock at nielit.l lie Planing.Gronvine, and sash I%lan• tilaelory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4 Co, with a !area quantity of ilre , iseit and indressed lumber, wa9 Conan. mad by fire. The Iron Safe' which f tion4ht of you some Gntr back was in the most l'xposed situation doling the fire, and was entirely red hot—f am pleased to Inform 5 ou it was opened at tir e close of the ft re,a nd all the books, paper , , 4 et.Paved;—this le the hest recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. Oct 24—tr TCOMAS St:ol'T Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory ----... ."''i... ' 4' - . • !. ~ ..Zi:4 .. ,• • ...... r0 ,-,..--- - • . . ...k...1..... :4. , . A .' arr , 5 ' '3 i•• •- : .. . i. n ... -• •, . - .# ..‘ - `tU.MI'ST.?\'T/,Yon hand a suprrior arlicle Lard Oil, wairanted to lotro at ally ternorr;:ture, and cpial to‘the best ,violet strained sperm Oil, wi l ortut 11= c quagties, and one 'bird 11.eap, , r. wait niacin rvd I.y the subscriber 'at the old sand, Thi,tl Ft., ncarly opposite the POE( OgiCe• M C. EDGY. Jan 4.15-13 BIRMINGHANI LOCK A Nll SCREW F ‘CTORY. /1111 E sithscrilser havitu opened a shop No WI, Second 1. street, between Market andWond street , ,Pi•isbur2ll I n con net tic n with the Factory in Tiirottitc ha nt, respect. full)• int onus his friends and lie public, that_he trill h i happy In he favored with eheir orders for any ankles in his line, Door Locks and Pasteners,o various d ecriptions. or. hand and made to order. Tobacco. Mill and Titnher Screws. Large Screays,for Iron Wories,and ale raws. for Pressrp, made at may 1w required, Carpenters and Builders are requested to call halm contracting for jolts, and examine his articlesand prices. Locks repaired and Jobbing eenerully . one in lie !test tuanner,and on the lowest terms. JAS. PATTERSON. Jr may 2-611 H DEViNE Agent, No 45 Water Pittstt:gli 1110 S, EORBID :I; Agent, 272 Market si reel, Philadelphia. taco ft .E j CIIA:SC. 75 Bowley's Wharf, Balliniure. I) - .)WEN 4- lIIBRER f), .A.zents, Ciurinnai I, Ohio CULVER woopiturtN, Madison Ind. McADAM, 4. Co , hi 27 Old Slip New Yo _ . . REV. JORM BLAcK.D. o REV. ROULET DRUM!, D RV.. ISAIIrt.I. WILLIAM+, 1 1:1:EI=MECI1 REV. Ji"Ms M. DAVI:, LA WRENUC MITCH ELI ELIXIR isi ikS.LOSEti. INintre!!riatitirTaw s l,lmfiXtyLErt: Preiiicent eirtlieTri . ti4Statei of America, do hereby de. (Aare and make Ituoso'that puklic sales will be held at the ttniPinrentioned Land Offices.- in the at MISSOURI, at the.periads hereionfter designated, to wit: - AT PLATT:4I3URG, in Chilton ty, the seat of the land Unice for the Platte Inst. - 43 of Alissou- I i, conunetwing -on Mooday, the ninth day tif.Oet !- bet twat, flt the dispoe.al at the public lands within the tindennenthrterl townships, and fractional town shifts. to wi:: North of the base line and weal of the fifth princi pal meridian. and tr,ai of the former ICe,Lern bum dory of die State. Township Sixty two, of range thirty four. , 1 'Pownships sixty one and sixty three, of rauga thirty , five l'owitstiips sixty two and sixty r)or, of range thirty ix. T.wo.4ips Etzly one :trt sixty three, oh ranee s- , en. 1 owo.,,hips ,ixty two and sixty four, of range thir- Tile w.•Ft half of towtHhip 3;x • y one, of ral thi.tv nine. Fr..ctional Township sixty 11so and tn•.vo.:hip sixty four, of range fore. Fraolon.,l townships sixty two and sixty three, 01 range fo•ty one. Fractional townships sixty three and sixty (ow, of ranze forty two. .Vordt of the base line and east or the . filth principai meridian, and 'rec.( .o.kr_lOrmor western boundary of t't State. Townsh . ps ,ixiy oae and y Iwo, of range twenty se.:en. Towusisipi sixty, s:xfy one Kiel sixty two, or range twenty eig ,, t 'rnwitsliin sixty One. nr.:l , .ze twenty nine. Also at t,ie same plare, coinotimciii i! on Monday, the thirteenth ihiv r, the disposal of the public lauds a [thin the limits of the midst-men ti•me.l townships 71,,d fractional town,lii:ic, . . . North (f the bare line and west of the fifih principal meridian, and meat of the former we•t , rn boundary of the Stale. Frul , H ,, olll 1 , iWIIS1)11 A firy, 11:ly one, fi'ty tf rre. fify five and fifiv art eD, of riti thirty three. 'rowoships ti'ty ttto . fir I.jx, tiny right and sixty, of rune , hiriy F,artional .wve•hip fi ty ttne.1,. , ,,'1i ds t fifty , hreo!, r,actionhi 11:iy 6CVtll tokr tt- J,ip lily ttitte, ornrg,tl,i ty five.. Fr i .“ lirw a l tow n‘hilp: y Coor, fir y n'x, and SeNen and tow 1;1.4, thir y•ix five, li , ty Mx, tit , } at.l fifty tone, of tang.. iy townships tidy five sixty of r.to4e thirty ci2.10. At the Land oilit:e at. 1.1:X1'.\:(;TON, co morn :og uq M.oday , idy of (h. r Co the dispo;.l of the ptrild• lin v.ditivi toe 1,1;4, o f the 1 to North of the .IYI4 , r , st ridian Towoship4 thirty s of range row leen. To:vn,h;ps ti;irty five and iy -c eo, of range TO% , t ) fi,e or .a..gp 4; ixtero a;t,t Townships thirty fire, ty ei fr, of range tweitity iitie . th.rty arat,g•• to ve. Tow 1041.1) .r al:go 1., f.,.,)•••, 4 !... TuwglshipQ thi.iy eiL;lO. aid thi ?y ..frioge t%v4Avy Tttwttship forty, of gtts thtry oho, thirty two tt , i tt: three South Aest (pop ter ..I s. rli . two. tl one, and the torah cant and rwri. %lost rr , c.l 11114.1erl ot stilton twcw I , llr In !fr ;illy , '"n 1111 of 11 ivso., I Snt:111 to Sec'lon ur•Vvll, a tqWvlllll, curly tlr• fl•f• ~f ,e1 ) , 0 1, ❑ii:itarc ur u 1”.1 ex{ lc. er! It tun sa:o. The sales . mil I e h el . • i,,,•11 G,t I‘,VO aerkt, the are SJ n rr larger; ;iti , l iv. nntn,r e Ilan I in the ;nu, d ar!wi led, ul; u'ler he ex pirvi,m) lie ivt•lt tt, d-; .12.1 d • c W,.{unn•Lui t . TtYI.,•:I:. • By , he 11. 131 AL:I., Cunha'''. of thc (iencr...l Lana (nTre NO'FICI: LI, Eve.) 1-r , "“ , !ai.11;4 11.2,.r& emp.intl to any 1;v1 ~• tolh, en,:rne, , i r th" i. 11.: 01 Ow 1,1. ci I , t) tst:t's, s/0/, (Ii prachtabb uilr r sr , ing licit 'twice, .It.d th• r. I p li,r ca .) . app oili l C : f I I •1.0 •Ulll4O 1:C, Itkritt of the pub lc Sri 9 01 . 1 t itt.4 Ir (!: e,%, Sll' twill reite,!. I . i 0. i It thc Cie herqi r lure IN. Sllll7llENTi. , '! .Vlreqrth!f, Chi", ri,d IPstrumtnt .11c1,er, Third nea,tv npporire tA e Post Office, Pio!,bur," h (SIGN ii1"1111:G01.1 , EN ) rhy‘ielan , z, nad brliggi.i , ran have rho it .n striimenig niadi , t,y; the suilser.ber of a iiiperior quality anti at Ea,ieri, price l'..,teat Sl:va— , and Seinr. alwtrvs nn hand. also liat:er,Sl.r.irs, a ..airorior article. Orders reepect. fully solicited. N. B. A ihrtlcler warranted of Oa 'oebt quitllty.nnd obbing done a. u>ual sip 10 rN lo ‘i 1, Es.___•l• C ,.. 'ar t! , (la.. of Vemale9 ill lllia City who from lhrlr cuol limed sitl to which their ocellpsllonsobhgel hent,a leafletted with costiveness whirl: gives rise to po'pitali,.s al the he:, rt on the leas. ex • ortion, sense 01 ileaviim•is extending over the whip held intolerance of light a 116 41111 1,11 .511 irmeilfiy of fixing t he al trillion 10 any Inenlal onera',loug; In he how. somvi I no , asr n=r of slitoe:ohm , ,tecia Hy ;icier nirals when any exerilim is lised, is ••0111 - , gomisty up 3 f`ti"; ; l '1..,, :irr , V1111110111 , which y Mid ai mice 10 a fete till; lirandrrili Pitls The occa. Fional m•e of this medicine would save a deal of trotiliie and yetis of suffering,. 01,e, or Iwo, or even th re of the Brandrrili IsJosi helore (limier, :irc Drell 1001111 highly hriletiela I; iimity use them Y cry advatilagrchisly in I his yv.i; they aid and .issl:l iligesi oii, I moore the howels to a proper condition * eniivr ti the smri!.., impart clear ness: to the complex Mo. purify the Mood, aid Promote a general feeling of health and hamiloms• Sala at Dr. It nui'act It's thrice. in the Diamond Pn ,,, ,a•2li_Prire 25 rent per bor. with foil direction,. !11 .1 11.1( —The only place in ritishnr:h, where the G trINE Pille can he obtained, is ?lie Doctor's own 01 fire, Mainr,ml. Sep, JO POR TA NT FACTS D R. LEIDY'S SAR:4I7.tnILL• Ri non are appll• cable in all ca., wiwiner for Purl . , ariarz or Ptiriji cation. Thry pos=ei, all the h.,aet ed vi ri urn of of her and are additionally eflic•icion=, conia win; Sarvap :11'01.1 in their compoili inn. whirls is not ',waked in any other pills Inexistence. They area:so different. from oth cr pills is COMposit inn, bein, purity vegetable, nail can be employed at all times, without any dah.ter, and re quiring 110 retraint Goin occupation or ugia I CULIF6C of yinz. Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended tIIA Wand Pills would cure all ili. , eases, yel it is not saying I no nntrh oft Ile;11, the innuinernlde cures performed by them in every vat let v and fw.ll of:di:ease (reriiti , ates of Whiell In ve been from porrnii. , of denom illations, c'ergymen, a ral rollers) Iliad the, seem to be almost tt , iversal In their effect; and iress-r t s acing Ihern for Wil,:lever sirkne or diqe.ice, may r , ` , l Hasa red theY will Is'fonnd more trfficaclou,4 than any sill Cr tilts i From the known rr pnlat ion of Dr Leidy's Blood ?ills, deemed necesrmry 19 re . l:llili the public where they may at all limes procure the !minim., as it Is attempted to impose other pills called •Blocd Pills' upon the p thlic on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's, rcrile nnrticutar rind ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood pill", and see tlmt the, name of fir N. B. Leidy Is cunt .tired on two sides of cacti box,(thcito.u•s:tcititi (it - paper, and olnotig,:quare .fhape, mrrounded by a vrtlow and black Wm I. PRICE-25 cents s Cox, Prepared only, and sold tWantesale and nt Dr f,eidy's Health Erntiorinin, 191 North Second Ft , he low Vine, Philadelphia, and Ay B. A. F.9ll.Arf:s7'oC'N k CO. corner of Wood nd eixth siretti,.lce nta for Pots burgh July 12-Iy. =ECM The sarno may I e said of Brandreth's External Rem edy, a , an outward application in all external pains, or swellin2g, or roreA, it ;really assists the cute. 'When !wed where the skin is very lender or broken. it should be mixed with oneor two pints of writer, JI sure Tes!or Genuine Brandre(h the box or Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date moil lie within the year, which every militarised agent must posaees; if the three labels on btu agree with the thrce labels on the reel ifirale, the Pills are true—if not, they are false. Principal office, 241 Broadway. New York: tun• lb, . . k Adams° Paten t - - - -- : Lt : ----- TO rrarradli.s.- - Wl4 ...friy l cFenot - Ten litc: es /Canirbiiitr Mills. I - that superfluous halcyon have error' your rot eheads and I _l4.lkE now been before ; upper itp I fly calling at Torrut's, .88 Fourth sr., and , illii-Publir 3 ;Yea r 4 du- , obtaining.a. beide offlouraed'a . Foltdres,l3uld les, which rin.l Which time s;:Yera I will remove it atonneiv it Iron( affecting the skin. You tbdti 4 aol l il litive 641 , 8 " 14 1 , can allio`oblaja Otaurand'strulyeelberated Fan iießeautr, and in daily use, We are n . 111(40'411 at once remove all freckles, pimples, emu coati& tri efbeiug pu,r;itur t i ; t. 10•3 ., cli'thsteltler v and make your face look perfectly f a ir ; in saying; they are the beat "' int! LU.tholif who Wisly IL) assist nature by adding more Coffee Mitts in th e utit.ed ! color fo - I . 6eir cheeks; %bey can obtain seine olGouratid,s States, any way you .fia it.' t ce.etteatedlitguld Rouge, wnich cannot be rubbed otr even Several modifications are i by a wet. e . inth, Also may be found a acKid ad s dr l inent el Madera salt the fancy of; po,r unles y, T:s ec h as cologne,- Bears' Oil, A Imond,rsb, W inelsor; am! otheratcraps, wives and the purses 01 . i husbands' • . Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency , 86 4th streetd Sold by th e 7. r on" or 1107 . en l Drue,gtsts and ot bers can *supplied nt Wholesale and at the manalhetOry,:_— ! mail terms. may 26 1842 Malleable Castings made to ' order PAIRBANKS'PATENT PLATFORM SCA L Those genuine articles, of WI sizes, and most Improver' yarietles,consiamly on hand and fornalr nt vary reduced price,: by thy marmfacturer. L R. LIVINGSTON. mar 2. —lf Front bet worn Roland Grant sti. R E MO VA L. 11OLDSHIP is BROWNE .1% , 1 ' r E eel re n i , no v v . ed c d i n r o ° r "l fro N n a i r i k l e re i rorner of -101, where they keep on hands ihelr omial as sort tent of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors, en tries,chanthers, ke, and also PRINTING, WII ITING rind WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, ,i.e all of which t hey ..Ter for sale oil accominodaling to ern s . felt 14, 134:3.—dt f - TO IN VA...117. r4-flow 'ointment It is that you nommelice wit linut las, online will' BRANDI:ICI - 11'd Puts. Tile) Itilifily but sorely remove all impu: it ies from the blood, and no ea -:e of sickness can atfeet the human frame, that these eele mated Pins du not relieve att much or medicine caW di). Coil and coughs are more benPlttled by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenees and eanales. Very well, per lian:.as pallet Ives, but worth riot :iun..; eradicator 4 ur from the ho:naii system. The BnAtioaern rote. they do not. merely relieve, liter cure didea.i.e , , lv!lctlier Chronic nr fereitl, infertlons rtlllerwl,,, mill certainly Le cur,' by the use of the,e cull ~,iffieteni CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORI., Darfur Reti unit Brcndref —lloitnreil Si:i Or, 1..4 In I,mi a drift of Rorie that flintier cannot at, I ant induced to nt.the a I'nhlli arknOwledzeitilint of the hcoetil iffy wee ha , ft,' eft from yntir Invalnal . de pulls. %t r o u t three veil, !hp. tcluter she was taken ith a pain in tier ok lof u ' , too ! , ecar,e very much intlaine.l and -woHea. ,-0 twit we twe tine n l tarmed, and •eni for lle heilifenddlice the pain and , wofl Jog tic; t; nil ahirtning ile.; tee, and in three iv, eh , f. ern it, rcnin.,,irri,, g It beranne a rii,‘,.1r1.7 Jllecnitld I 1 . 11 re,l at tight;.a , a (111 r fir 1 1 1 ., 1., :Wended I. er w0h11,4, and .o,r. rece;ved ito tvl,alrver, l l“ , rain 2rowitutl, r--. tint the st,re rzor nil 14!' t . bile. 1;o- if it wp.., heat ed up il. ivont,l it, her death, but he a ppn.irvel to be al it ions lontv 1, prnreed • and my poor u .1.11 ro.lliiiired In snervr the ico 4 llerri:llf• torture:. 11 c I:lerelore other :II a nntantral doc•nr, who acid when he first -au , II Ihal he mold soon cure the sure. and give her 11.1 Se at nue, 'Pn our foirprlle lie gvr her no ten , 1, :Iffd aoltnnivledled that it leall,d nll iti4 skill. Irk of , r havin!iried rhirinz one Woo', year r vilyc in vain, in hh:ronie =ECM NI v eoar wife% ronsiiintien rapidly I tiling •n tio years from her foal into,' ..tr,•,;,, z • rwr, ron,' hided i.;.! we r 1:,le Vili:.delermked to t r ilfly les , t le2ir turaiive effects. To ray wire . • COMInt I 11 , . few do=ry ntruded great rel:rf rcitsr p lin. I,Vitoin nue week, to the 4-lonisdliveol or our selves every oite who It or w :1 , •• 'tie .w,•lling and the inflaniiirat ion rtase,:o fiat she let , quito easy, and %volt.' -Jeep eniniarla'ay i :toe, sir, after tit works' nke , t'a! tuts ;Oslo In 20 11.rotnti the house :left attain a Head o the manaisemeet of her (tinily whir II =hr has tint If•Ille for nearly 11 '11111114,c. In a tttlle ore, two r15.,l Ice fn nn lite li.ee ennolienCed the her quite her krall i, heel's 11:111 it had hr, ts .•1111.itel of yi rine. I s:!fel yon vr. or. lust of it OijUSE. c io yeti re, 1,1 C-. 3 r. , pecTftiLfv, Ti %MIMI' 4. f"..1:!1 11'1.1 he 5.411: Call •••.•rill,- 11.; e.lti'd I.n t wvlio , •of •••• sh 01. :Ind it: , h.,- 1, 1,1 1 oro, r,,,•,. rol 1111 , r I I, • I lir I 61! . 0 •,, Tv , i 1 nalnr. • ~i- 11r.. . !rriqd•plii S. enr!l 11 , ~ r the ro znirin li a,r ~ ~,: , il.y.. , —ilirer Be..j,inln P,1,,i , 1., ii and 1;lrer• 13 1ir1,1,- , 1 I:p.:01f. 1 TIN ' V ' i ,. 1 . in r'. , '•',.nli •,vll, •I' 111, 1,•.,1 (*.ran 1 L1 . ..1 , 1 1 . 1 k ~ .II ' et 0 . -:t1,..i, I. Ow, Dorl.,r'4 0,,,, .1 , 1;c,•, ill ill,' Illatekn',l I,lolid the tl ir kr t I,ntpro. 11 irk, ti:.•ze,,i l ., Pr:tildrrhi Pills can rif - %•! , be nldained in ;Inv drii, ,y,r,,. urr:, it I,vo C'z ' ( ' i ) •• 01 0 0 1 ' J: ,, i171;)pok101 by Dr t! sa:e af I'l-4011,.e (.'Myer-al ro:A iu A ileol , n rmitil! PRO:: mat. AGENT. rottshiir g h +I.. Joh. G , a ,, —.1::.-2hetiv. rita” _ C. I'. Ph!--ri7:0001 , ti. Rnwhir tl—Mliergport. Prec , h, It ivtn—Pl(o.:oll MU. Jo!iri Johnston—Sohlestowit. Ulte,sman Ardell Roloerl Smith rorirr--Tarcriu Cf•org. Iv I, . Dayi.l iossl..h) Pnah': .\....0.4 , —F.5F! 'l'hnmp•on--ICllkis 0 I lunivr AIM Xo TI 1: 1 . 0 DI:. BRA:ail, El'H'S .10 E.Y7'S. The Iltilre h %%PA ,•.1:11.11.1.,,i fo r Ihe purpose or constituting agents in the tvest, having arcdm ;dished that iii.p•ed, is fltitV rd,,,,,,i , a n d Jir G. 11. LEE in the Nam rid, Market street, appointed tow agent for the kale el Pill: and Liniments Al: 1/r. ratide!li ,_ruts t will ;Ili rfore.asders'aud,llial Dr,ll„ will :end a travelling ,cent throng!, the country once a year to h a ile d ii pm e y e l i,r Sill' , made and rib.studply age I.IP. said traveller will In. pri.vided with a power of attorney, dot. proved lierore the of the city anti comity or Nyw York, together with all nec..ssary vouchers and rtn:wrs. 11r..1, J. Yoe, Is my tra agent now i n Penni:pl. ant: , , 11. Eril.l7' . . MAIL M. hi N. f, nenient'ter Mr. • 11. I,t r, in rear untie Ttar. ket is now toy only agent in Pittshurgh. New York,Jmuc 14 , 11,1:14.3, rEt.TE WAY TO RECOVER }IL:AI:mi. 0 - " - An individual only wishes to know the right way to tin time it; and the re are none, were Ii st . r.et a made littowtt how Lift rffigtit Ire prolonged and fie thrrt re. covered. w: o world not adopt n,r 111:111. lividrure ft rr tinned that the right way i: discovered. This is what those, sit! ring, from sick nes: want to he natkriod ahem. I For who it so fooltslt as not to enjoy all the heati It his body is rapaltle II Ito is there that would not live when bite experience can so much lienelit hiwi-eir and family? It is a inelatirlinty fact that ti very large pro_ portion of the most I Inciiitwrs or soctett die . lie wecn Inc ages of thirty and forty. flow many widow, ; and helplc:s orphans have berm the cowierpiencc of :nail. kind not i.aving to their own po.ver the means or restor ing health when lost. NOW all thr3ci dangers; and can hr prevented and the lone and certain sickness, and by sa lure. In !hemline!, with a enrid dose of lira niiret h's PillsThts , 1 4 a is t, ire II a ode' stood io It, no by thinvianilk our This medicine. if takr n no as to puree freely will snicly a ire any rtir.ilde disease. 7 herr is no form or i:1(1 Of , irl,11f . ,51:1:11 it does not exert a nor. alive I nt!”, , ,ce upon. Thu , . by their power is resisiiiig try ell IC measles rnrl Ii 1107 C, worms and all rontaeniiitsfei,erit There is pot a inedicitie In the world so aide to purify Ike H , 3 „, cf blood and restore it to healthy condition, as ilin Biandrelli The nrandreili Pills are porch/ vezetatiln, and so - imeiciit that lite Infaill of a north old n'ay's' 1111'111 medicine is required, not only with safely Lint wiili a err. iiity lii tfrereivine all the benefit medicifo, is ceruhe of imparting. Females may use I ilfqll k all the crlie:d periods of their lives. Tine firandii ills will ire.ure heir itei,lih, and produr e regniarit in a'l the fu actions )1 hie. SING SING, i r i ry 21, 1::43 •.1 re.,', lii t'nrlr V. :. r.ul IJI mar ZS. 1^.13 . . . Dr Leidy's'Pellrr ftch Ointment_ Itna proved more rfTiraciorm than any oincr preparation for Toter, Dry and %Vale y Pimple, or ru,roles, and dirienFms ui sk L. enf rally. It hna been etupluyrd in schools, fact ori rs, aed on or.rd ves,et.. carryinz pa-sviszers, where elti kiss n. 1.. , s nos•II as g sown per , ullF, contract disea.es Gr I;se sktn from tuck contagious nat tie, with the most unexampled sum s:; certificates and reconsmendatlons have been heretofore published from them, and numerous others toi b.l berm. tuned for publication, but for I lie objections moss persons have, to having (heir itanies monist-Ird in conned ion wit such disagreeable and Inv 1.:.0me affections in no sinzle instance has It ever been known 10 fill. It has been used upon infants and by persons of all !et.. It is perfectly ,ale, contains no mercury In its composit ion,•nd mat be used under an circumstances. Price Twenty-five rents a brittle. Prepared and Ruh! at fir Leidy's Henn li Emporium. (sign of the Golden Ea gle and Perpents.l and by B. A. I , A /IN EnTOCK s r CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg.. f01.,' I 2 Headache Headache! BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS AP L.' now known to t housands a 5, a most extutoyditta• ry Tenicdy for this affliction ea well all the incOn trovertilde fact °Melt' curing DYSPEMA . Will thoet tVering only ask anion; their friends if t hey have not known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they du riot hear them store warmly peaked (nod deservedly ton) than any other, then let them net tiny them. - le there few remarks, all fa iiry or Imagination ix excluded, and nOillin2 Will he raid of their merits at any time but what can tie fairly proved by respectable steraters of War community. Read the following certificate given by a resperla!dc citizen or Allogheny cily, and alle.cted by nee orliiejua g . cs o r the Court of Common Piens or A Ilegheny co. A LLICG (JEW! Ch it, January 9, 1843 DR. rip.oni2 Deer Sir—l hare for a number of yeers past been af flicted with a severe and Almost constant Headnelie, a rising f.oini dcrangementof stomach and bowers and at. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for its cure, have never derived any mate: rial benefit until 1 timed some of your truly valuable .n. Dyspepticti Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that duaresong complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. Tours, Respectfully; J R.TURNEE. I :lin acqua.nted with Mr, Tune-, I have no hesita tion in certifying that I rottsatter the, statements of Mr, T. reflivei Mg Dr. Brodie's P lls, as entitled In llle most perfect awl rio ire root Hence. Hurm DAVIS. rt.!' 4.11 e, Wh01e531. , and Retail at the Brodnntan PHI Eva! Pin,hurelt Pa ;ant 'by all authorised a Ara:. , I hrollulmiti the l`n ion .t in rr y Liu 9 i:t4,3 7:2 TARR INTEL) GENUINE.—Dr. 1:•.:In's Camomile Pil:s, mores,—Lever from the Hon. A li'lern Connie, E.,11 Trr.ne,,ee.‘tewherofConTresl. WAsniscros : July 2d. S,e_Sieee I im ye been in this rile I have tiFcAlsinr i of n• teedi, ine with il/lintlo benefit and .. is • : ~.":; ;,(• ie to ben M. 10.. remedy. One Dr. A. Ci Men, of Campbell county, wrlie to Mr i(l , end Iron some. which 1 did. .i. , 01 Lr Los III!1; , yrd it Very !•11rr - r , ...rfuNy in hi,: Practice, .11d it invaluable. Nit'. ohn4ou, your agent al th;,. think. you would prol.at.;y like an agent in Te, r If so, I would recotrorroll Dr. A Carden. as prop..r I a otficial,l for the sale of your ce'tebratect ~ , e Should y"u is Minn: lo 'of'. or , ' , end the medicir,.. by warm to ;Ire • ;or; 4- Sons. Knoxvtl'e rniinty.Tennes. I 1 1 , 0,1 In Crabain fluti,too Tazewell, nast I I,:11'1' no doubt 1.111 if vu' bad asents In Fev , r.:l,,,lpti, - 4 lu En-t crrnt deal o r ot t .di• sHd. lin goinl In la kr: .nine of It lonic ou it I1!1`. acid I II:lt of my friottrfm, and should It:, to Itrar from you wltritter yon would like an agent lt Wool itt'livan Courtly. Enst Tennet.s.T; I (Rll G el of 1110 III“rhaills to aei for you an I ilve near there. respornu fully. A fIRAIIAM M'CLCLI.A N. of Tennessee. For =air 11 Itolcsale and Retail, I,y SEr.! CRS, A - I,ent, No. 20. IVood sirr.l„beiow Second 1, I; .%V I [AAA 31 EV NFI•S SOOT II I Nt: RUl'.-: r T;‘,l remedy I'lls hundred, I toovzif naa recovery. f 0:1: convolsion , . As coon 1;;.• rloo l € l li 1111111 P 0 11 0 , , 1 11( 1 1111ld Will reef v. pr. , repara I ion IS 5r I n norr unit so a• - t ill. I liot eocl.i:.! will refiv, to lei 'ls zurnebe rub v.'. with 11. o lanls ore :0 the az.. or r•Air 1:.• appearance of ar; I:. one hub Or b ite o.ed to I; pl,, l lir rpm+ sltonitl r I r..1 . 11, ,, in lhr c‘ro l , In hi, norxery where there ,••• if a child Lyn kr.-e in ILe nfzlit will In Ili _um 4. the Svrith g iv. case. by nad healinz Corn.; t hereby ~ ,revt,:f riven, kr. For ‘V llolecAlP :111d R. C. SELLEns, Ateoi, No. 29. ;Xo,ro below Serond, I II If) - ICE' : t , tri 'NT 11rrd by luc n