Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 11, 1843, Image 2

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    Then Clara bounded lightly into the arena, attired
ti drapery that set off her um-ivalled symmetry of
non to an admirable degree. It was intended to picture
bar as Arisdne, and round herloose, short black curls,
was bound a garland of roses, lilliest and vine-blossoms
--all artificial, of course, but perhaps better calculated
than real for a scenic display.
When, with one of her strange enchanting smiles she
had cnartesied lowly to the house, in jumped her love
ly child, attired in a close fitting flesh-colored dress,
IW-51in, bur-m*4_4'llPP *ea cupid,bear
ing in one band a hyrito, or hunch of grapes, and in the
others Small gilded Chalice: -
1n..-tarinkliugthis little Bacchus bad sprung with a
clear cry of joyous - langhtet into her arms. and kissing
the creutire with Reappearance of the ittmo,a fondness
on the lips and brim', ilhe took a few quick sops, and
with a bound, seated herself on the unsaddled back of
the black mare. Upon - the instant the grooms let go
its head, and away it darted, galloping furiously round
the . circle: while the band struck up a most Laity-like
and beautiful strain, one of the dance airs in the opera
"La Favorite," of Denizetti,
and the two men retreat
ed to the centre , alongside of the riding master and
For, a time, nothing was to be heard save the muf
fled sounding, rapid tread of the horse's feet among the
saw-a 1131. and the fi!ful rise and fall of the wild melody
from the lighter instruments of the band. with now aria
then an in seppressible exclamation of delight from scat
tered members of the audience. With these execp
thins, all seas breathless silence and admiration, as the
fair equestrian and her child went on with their daring
and graceful evolutions.
',slow she world recline at length on the bare bar.
of the flying steed. with- an appeurmice cf titr ntam-t
ease and ancisncern, whilst the tiny Bacchus tiestd ,, l in
her bosom. Anon she would g,ently rise, kneel upon
one knee in an attitude classically graceful. and look
round and upward to the little one that perched
her shoulder, and embracing her flower rirt brow.
would seem to be I iug,',iiirdy p:et.sing t'ir• Mice from
the grape-cluster into the chalice she held is her hand.
All this while. the smiling look and passionate &dee
tion to the infant never loft her lovely features. thouill
it was occasiorwilly mingled with the blushful glow of
strange inward exultation, so characteristic oC fun- at
the quick, short rattles of applause, that secni ,, l t o
burst at once. from: Ott, whole enraptitred audience.
When she rote gradually to her feet. every chance
of pesters being marked by the most poetic eir e .., , ,e •
of motto 1, and on tire bare croup of Lb.,
the wildh galloping mare, whirling time young 13UCt'1. , 3
about he.. I, •ml th t while, or rather ,s,!eining to make
the iilfain deity by with its little wings, its she dancel
1:1 Cs% iteeling emotions.
The way this Fitter feat was ,agd Was 5i.11 , 1 ,
enougli. A ::stmt of hands of thin but strong ler.hor
i se(' underthe eldld's dress mind its wairst, henent;l
and (wet' its shoulders. These all and %yore
s?.nived together at the bend of its back ton strung
steel ricw, which she wore round three fingers of her
hand. with the fourth and thumb coatroding by a wire
the two little gau7e wings at its shoulders, which were
rnau:ted on small spiral wings, so that she could make
tlert - . quiver or fold them to its back as she pleased.
WOll, while silo was thus flying round, and while
the 1101140 was all eye far her, and ail ear fur the admir
able musical accompaniment—whilst thediurse was
galloping at its most furious speed—At once, just op
poite to the pit, the winged Bacchus s.2emed to leave
her shoulders and fly towards the ground.
As it fell, one of the wildly flung-np hind hoofs of
the animal met it and the next instant it was tossed
lifeless and almost headless into the air, its brains
dropping in a shower upon the persons of many of the
closely seated spectators, and immediately after, its
littlebady, with its painted wings and ga.lity frippery
layer dead nod motionless, like a crushed butterfly
,ng the dust of the arena!
There was estrange sudden bustle among the spec
trttts at firat—thcy ruse to their feat by masses—many
screamed abruptly with dread, others g.,ve hurrie
- wo r th of direction, and numbers jumped (ram the pit
andloWer b ries to render assistance. Bat the great
majority were altogether unconscious for the first ruo-
m ait or two of the harrowing event, their .cos follOW
iug,the equally unconscious equestrian, as she was
borpe with lightning speed round tit:circle.
'Th^ riding; master and myseJ, stunned with the
sight for a sec.4ld, as soon as we could command our
limbs, sprang from the centre, where we stood, to raise
the shattered body of the child: btu ere we had tine to
touch it, the fiery gallop or the black ma... had swept
rid .3r round the ring, and she appeared on the sanie
At elle came undr, she seemed paray:ed ith
priso.a td horror, standing in an attitude forcibly ex
pressive of these emotions un the back of tile
(whereon, from mechanical habit ti er,!y. for it could
not be fre:n etfuet, she continued to 111;611M1ml her ha
tvice,) :tad with starting eyes, irdiifted brows, p tried
lips, and features the deadly pallor of widen was fear
fully evident beneath the warm, artificial complexion
they bare, regarding the steel ring upon her hand, to
which a fragmeatuf leather was all that was now at-
But when she saw the mangled frame of her' eart's
idol motionless among the dust, with the wild shriek
of it inatiaer's despair she leaped from the place. and
fell frantically, grovelling on the ground beside. it.—
A strange, unnatural scream was that!—such as shall
ring, through my brain when age or disease may ha, e
ode my cars impervious; and it rose iii baler waves
a piercing sound till it 'Weddle four ceroers of the
amphitheatre, and was sent hack in echoes and
reverberations, to lacerate anew the heating, quash
ing the t umult of the alarmed and excited audience, as
the,c,r.ashof tlaunderin a tempest drowns the turmoil
of the waters.
All was confusion and uproar, a:mac:tent and trt
ror, wanting the people; women tainted, and many of
the children were crushed and troddm upon. and they
straggied,hither and thither apparently without any
object—ea strung panic seeming to have taken posses
sion of them, while over the whole floated a deafening
roar of mingled noises, louder than the lo ad..st applause
then has ever sounded there.
:Meanwhile, the band went on with their music,
blowing and straining their utmost to he heard above
the clnuusr in the arena, for they were behind a screen
in tete of the entrance passages, to let the orchestra
be filled with speetttors, and were not aware of what
bud happened.
Tha horse, tit -weaver, riderless nil frantic with
fear and excitement, flew round and round, t ossing its
heakin the air, and flinging aloft the lust from its
heels. Several of the company and servants rushing
in from without, m aletittempts to Catch it, in which
1 joined.. But they were in vain: fir the affrighted
creature, darting from its course, dashed acmes the
circle, and springing wildly over the barrier that en
closed it, was the next instant libtking :and plunging.
struggling and snorting, timing the densely crowded
anclien:e in the space called time gall,2ry, %vita, maul
with terror, and screaming to heaven for aid. t uslied
backwards with fierce struggling from around it as if a
very demon in a palpable shape had come among
Oh. the terrors of that dreadful night—terrors to
twhieh the dazzling glare of light: the gorgeously der or
atedscene, and thriiling music, lent a strange sublimi
ty approacting to tine supernatural !
sputng after the animal with a coil of rope
-whichd. had hastily seized` somewhere ahout the place,
and whiCh I intended to throw over it, so as to obtain,
by entangliag its head or limbs, some purchase where
by to restrain its plunging, and drag it backward into
the ring., I eot caught in the working vortex of the ter
ror stricken crowd, and after n few struggles, found
myself crushed to the ground between the seats, and
the nextmoment trampled over, by a hundred feet.—
After some hard but useless attempts to rise, I become
insensible, and what happened thereafter, I only hgard
by report many days afterwards.
1 recovered consciousness in the wards of the surgi
cal hospital, of the place where I lay—my frame a
mass of bruises. It was more than a month before I
was dismissed, cured; and by that time the circus had
been removed, no trace of it r emaining,save the hollow
s pace where tbsi.eaw dust, mingled, with the sand, in
dicate.' the site of the arena
: Clara, I learned, was a maniac—the inmate of a
public asylum. Here she still remains; at least she
did %%Imo I was last at that place, but she is now quite
cheerful and docile; inded, so far rectwaripi, as to have
akin 4 : of authority entrusted tp her - aver ober female
vartenta. ,
1:0T6? /Sank 0(' Pennity le3umr43 business
estet-agt*: The stork.aold yesterday as high as V2O
For Aare. Those who bought it a few weeks ag o at
$l5O r share. hare realised.a hauds*Oe suns b y the
too:llation. We believe that bstak to be a pretty
•:u-..l "T1P...4 1 h ill? •Mlet , 7th inst.
.--- --__ _
nary arc exhibiting it "alb' boy in Philadel-
Ge " ' Western Via"' sit of P.21"/"lnu"' 1 %WINTER CAMPAIGN: - •
111.01--adnaittance 12 . 1 c. We can show them an lam- LITERARY AND SCIOTIOO .LECTURT*. —.---------..—. ,
i (lied out here, fur half the money. II Ec °mashies on Education respectfully anatomies) ihiMatetjaarearrandUppreee&Dllea •
1 that the course 4 retain Lectures, established ,
_.---.----....-.OF VIZ
by the Board of Trustees, will be delivered in the Hall 1
Wi1.31324 RILKY. Esq., uf Chambershorgh, has been o f the University, Third street, on TOKSDAY EFICF IMO ! THREE BIG DOORS , :
appeioted Prose ..ti: ing Attorney of Westmoreland coon- in each week, (luring the winter season, in the following !
THE ....,,,-,---.-•-- . .
tti The At a ri': don't like the new appointment, and cu' kr:
. 1843. proprietor of this well VlTtarrn and highly fa
- ----= , Iwe do not believe it wilt be ma re agreeable to the dem-
PITTSBURG H, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11. l oerutie lawyers of the "Star of the West." i Nov'r 21. "Constilorti•rnal Low of Pennryierrnio," . " red .
Walter H Lawiie, Es ti, . forming his friends and the public 4 iame tbett ne one
establishment mket . . glikitidetUtttl , .
~ ...b -inj - •
...._------_ ---- -..._,---L , I i ' new prepared at his
TETE Port . OFFICI DEr Arms izsr.—Ttie powers and B 1" THIS MORNING'S EASTERN MAIL. -----_—_—_. .N.,c'r 28. "The Anglo Saxons in the reign of Al- i SPLENDID SALES ROOM, ~
, fred,l' Rev G:oirg,eUpfold, D D.
duties of the Post Master General, are the subject of Neaeltork Election. 1 \
. ... : 7 ? The Ohio Patriot shows how little reason the Dece'r a .. "The boundary line controversy between' N 0.151 LITIERTT r.
general discussion n ow-a-days, mu ch o f which is of an We have the a_ tti,saction of armounning that, contra- hoops have to rejoice over their majority of two on I Pennsylvania and Virginia," Neville B .
angry description, and has araWn upon that functionary; ry to our expectations, an d i n d e p e ndent o f t h e din im. i joint ballot, in the Legislature of that mate. That part' . Craig. Esq. Ever offered for sale in this city.
a great deal of undeserved abuse. A writer in the New sions among our friends, the Democracy of New Yoe: 1 sa.Y5: Date•r 12. 'Religion, Manners and Customs of the HIS STOCK OF
! wrecks," Mr W .1 Bakewell.
York Journal of Commerce has extended the coupe of ' have gained a glorious victory. i In Ilarriion county, a federal member is elected by '
Dee% 19. '' The History of Eire Worsiiip,'" Rev CLOTHS, CASSINI ERES, PILOT AND 13F.ATER
Of- i
his remarks °tithe subject. so as to include the Post - The PI ebeion says that nnh two of the ASF•emblv tick- , a federal
65 otes. In the Hama and Erie dia rist, , . . Samuel Williams. CLOTHS, CACHMERE, SATIN AND
1 member is th e
by 34 votes. In the Carroll district
fice Depart mentitself,against which, as now organized, et have been a 4ated, and the Sheriff. The balance 1944
I , a federal memberis elected by 0 9 votes. In the Craw- ' •
Jati'ry 2. "The Oregon Territory," Hon Charles \ CANNOT BE EQUALLED.
be adduces many olsjections. of the ticket is elected by an average majority of 300! , ford district, a federal member is elected b y 15 vctes, , - sirder. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or-
He is of the opinion that the power given Congress Under the cirewn:trinces this result is indeed glorious. and in Trumbull, a federal number by 9 v•ites! These I
Itin'ry 9. "Freedom," David Ritchie, Esq. der, and made in as good'style, and as tastily and .. faskt
in the Constinition, to "establish Post O ffi ces and Post The NStive Amerman vote amounts ta about 8000 , •
m iiorities laird the coatis but a poor guarantee fur a Jaw,/ ionably designed as at any other establishment
. %ictury in 1844. 16. "lialiil," William Elder, Esq.
i 3 an'v 23. "Architecture John Chislett, Esq.
R....a.," Ills been transcended, and tins been used to Rather heavy. .—.....------------------.
build tip a great. and "odious monopoly.' In 1339,Mr . Thu mnjot ity fur Jones, the Democratic. candidate i 1 -
I Jan'v 30. "Circulation of the Blood," James It IT IS WELL KNOWS THAT HIS PRICES
," Rev W Kenney.
nf Rep- ,for Senator, will ht.' about 500 ill the District. Kings ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, .
. .... Twn letters [ram H mobilo, dated 4th and sth An- I _F:' , l . ) ;,' . ' 6 ' ::-----'.,. . -.--.''..,
F•I y 13. 'G a il Goecraniani.'" Hon Walter Fo r - Ana at no place . west of th , s niountains can purchasers
I fi nd seen a variety o f goons f rom which to select es 11l
Subject to th , deeision
notuettATic s tlrtY.l l . CON'. ENTION.
4111)c Math) Jost.
PISILLLI'S .t AND ritoritt b.T
BELL, of Tennessee, submitted in the House of -up- . 'or senator, we . ..-.._.....
resentativ es, a series of Resolutions relative to that enmity line given a inejority 0(350 and ttichmtind 161• ult, hrt . X..;bettm receivs.d Ire t t he President of the Sda- .e . - .
Department, dentemeing the Pest Office as a' govern- , men's Friend Soci..tv. and publi-hed in the Journal of , ;
e.tos ix o or THE SANTA
meat moaepoly." which should nut be tolerated in ine Ft TIC.Anc..-\\'e ot,erve Felt y t2O. “Geology: . Thomail J Bigharn, Esq.
I.t. the N. Orle any Bee that the President of the Re- Commerce. A s we; stilted when announeireg tl
vocation of the trews sot w
h en that net ef justice Feb'e: 27. `'//isloryof Roman Literature," Robert
prescr.t state of the public finances. The sth and 6th - , . , I\l.-Knig.ht, Esq.
public .f Mexico has closed to nil foreien commerce wa- iterferemel by Admiral 'Thomas upon his own res..
of the:e BC.Aollition:: nee as follow,: 1 ii „ Match 5. The" Aborignes of the Ohio Valley,"
the eqmorn !rms..= on the (role iers enjoining the terri- l"'" - "I'lli.Y- 111 ":"v" , we h"'' a "a d'''' La "a t e ', ' .1 W Pattersun, MD.
"5. Resole(' I. 'f ire the hilsineß: or ente sin; letters :ci/.1110 and Ihe T...,t0r10011 WOO' hl/111 the result of ize -
cork! iof the United States. 'The Bee Justly remerks: N. B. Tickets tim the whole course, admitting a Gen
for hire, lite-every other branch of industry connected liberations in the .13ritivh Cabinet, Filtinnea and ex, I
tleman and L.rdy, $1 50: Si ,, nele Lectures 25 cents; to
tvith the nrsinerliv and ha epinesS oft he c . u - ntry...hould The suternTenr this lucrative tradc!. which ha , for a c eted with a view or L oowelline the Fe:n.ll to pursue •
be thrown opee to the enjoyment of all the citizens of lone time been c ondected without any i n terruption, the :eine coerse in the case old! .S.reie ty Island , • In be . had at the bunk store. tif ., C . l ., i d l‹ V i c SLCO., the Meth
, diet boo , k. store, at tin ert ten pu b l i cat ion
. offices
the United States, that the public may realize the ad• au of `this p•edtion we oterild veil attentiou to tlu•
will be seriously felt he those of our fellow citizens of J NV Cook, and J H Fester, tind of the Janitor at
vantages of inert.ast d reeolarity, cheapnese, security i
-aged in it, more mrtictilarl those • ' - the door.
a nd expedition. which are sure to' follow from a fire iv "" have been en "' - ' 1 Y the Londe.. papers about the very time it was mod ,
competition of private capital and enterprise, in this and who am at present en route fir Saida Fe, who, upon 'The s cheme L ae. e • ee hope, been succeesful; the French I The Hall will be opened at 6..i•o'cleok, andAlilheLec
isia„,h, tures will commence at 7i o'clock precisely.
all other pursuit=. their arrival at their port cf . destination, will find the Goternment having intimated that the Society
G. R. soil; rd. That, in order to secure these Cron: well be restored to the natives.. 1 n I 1-4 t
ports of dery eleeed ;teal:lst them. This decree. con
benefit s, ca well as to tain correct prineiplee in th.•
with i , Th.. 31.0 orJuly was a dly of greet rejeicing at Ilmj- : money.
a •lministcati.u. of the Gies. unent ,it ie expedient that
.I',l- . .14. ) r,
the le--; predeetive post routes, or such as &I'd no p r e e - e‘idcrolly pr.wes a design teem the pert et• N1..xic,,10 , ;
.Iliet• wiz. proclaimed, and the eactte“ ;ow pre‘ailed stik ,:)(')1)0 s4o d oo. '1300 1 0. 5 52,5 1i 00,52000 , ,.515 d 0 b 0,
eat bide-tee:lent to private comp •tititin, should h e e ..., i„.,,„1.,.. mane Caere rcttri , •tive nite•tire-• into her tie...l:diem the islands. Of the dob.go o: the 31-t the invest...lin the per base of Grottral Rents nr Bonds and
toil el, if neccseery, by nil a ppropriation out of the emu. eee ,„ e „.,..„1 .1.. letters sa%:-
pt, ik y. M 0tt , : ,,. 2 0., if offered on fat orrib"e terms ApPIV at
Won I r -I,Alry, or roveno.-; ari , hig front oltivr ~,,,,re,,.." •. lil.ll lat I lied upon the groteel, ernteral compare G R.l Id A M'S Land and Houee Aviles, No. 6: St.
Cr. t Y•-The Clay.,net, in Masseeleisetts arc pinyine ies Or In 111 1i1... r1,,1T1 010 I;11'41 . 1.11 scowls Or War 1 , 1.112
Although the hail:less of C11'0111,4 lett,.!rs,&e. seem; Cutir ..t. all -30
to , 14 to Ike a tnonopolv. vet we di,, hot. think it li ,I,;,• to a ( unul',2 _ante. "1 . he Boston 1'., -t 1..,1,:, it 1-, alino-t ,l . rawn nut in a long bee f . 'ar inf.,' 911' .ea it!,(l on their , ._______._,.. ____..,_-_-____-..__
. • y , ~ , li e d _ .., ~ . , ~,.. s r ... _, , right wa, a r,),,,pany 1/r urtrilery,with brass fi eld pi.•ces. c o - . 1 Lill DS SC C: AR in store and ter sale low
imp 0,..,, a nos. ~to u,Q. t 01,,, ii out 011. ,- Cll.o. In HIS,
t.11'.! Libj..!CO. I:13 ai',.;‘,l :1 : ',11111- , 1. t :her monopolies in gt•ne-• In a few ma r t eats the kin;..! was c.ezi wham-me . . re-. ,(_ S. 1••K1..E & CO.,
rah It would he %teeing for the c0t...et:11..1e to 01,1...0 NI essachesettS wllig paper ti.u.y are as close as clams; r e„,t,dl,ne4 i I ilk: n t 0 f hie 11,11 SOiclier4. Wili2ll be had ' ii 1 0-.1 w 1 10. Second street,
but s i en tld the o pposition be permitted by l'iu‘ idenee :liaised at a cen-vicllolli 1 /11,111011, 111. r o yal ,taaklard
cost, •neke• the Post Office 14epartment a seer,. • (~. re
, ~ „ ,....,,,a its o , ciu , lis ,, s, but each , if it is ,,, i , con ~, t ., ,t . d to carry the day nenieet the d e mocr . .ley, o e 'hail hear ; v.: l e s
,t, • 1 1
uit .' i n : r.k:., l t i l l t... n er r a ar sa . l u . t e e n o t t , t i r i . l .. l .n t t i y ie o l. t , : iz e
i ti: l 7 ,, c , t , t.: i rn ,
nothing but shouts of ,t "C tay t ietort t ' "
into a Int. hum or taxation fertile :support of the geverm " 11 i t the ,ho r n t frem the tort,and the natomal Ile , to he heisted upon
of Clay :tad a hiell " vil'l.. Vcrha p s even "Clay and both f 'rt.. New fol.oved a salute - from the Dublin,
ment, Ire le:diet-ea m i jurity of the people would rather -
a l'aa l ' ? ” A".-I Mc- \\ uh - tem• anti I"- fiie". l., . I,, tvolg Carssfort, ,c u d I Inlay 1, which was answered frlllll the
pay their quota itt postage than in a direct tax. IL", -
scoe of the Clay and Dayi.i i,, t r ,yl %v il .f. eq.:. Mt.,t fortunately the llnitekl States frl , :tto Con-
came to the re ,cue . , ,
ever, Wci,trengly rpLastion the utility. at present. of a - ' ste.l.,tion. C.roni.clorcKenrury \Vas hop; to the liar
be lunched at far their psi :Is. ana %1 111.1‘1....d 1.1.1,l 11 t he ,
dapting the suggestions of these resolutions. The ~,. ri-u kr to witts , .. tik^se scenes. Vet ....In ...lime; IV.'re
. .d as "AeosTArEs" Po the Gush of Fa ::ii •111113 •
teradmits that the) could not be of universal apple.a. • wt" the - - ' 1 tircd ce en tile Corwellation, and tenneroas derch in;
n ominntionr of In-a :year. 0 , 11 ,shale :d h uns in thc haohor.
tion-that there would only be comeietitiou on a portion; - ---- Verne.. military m Lemuel-es carne eeee throlo , l, WWI
of the roatle it the coo nry. and that on the "less pro- Riot' IS H it.i r.t t.-The N. h. 5.., c t •Itti ..... an a.:- 1
, pica the pbtio, to tilt . I ki.i.zlit of the 1:11I1VC3 and fo
duteit e put routes - ill sale should be. run by apprupria- count of a not in 1 13lifax no the `.2 'oth ti t. 1 , -.:*.soeto a ; rei m ort, when the m trine, twitched to the Inn ling to
thong out of the -common treasury." We cannot see •, numher of rowdies and a p mt.% of ii --1 1 ,,,i,,,, ! , Rile I embark for tit •ir r espective ships, while the kinl; ra
lilt this would be any improvement on the existing sys- Brigade; the former were tits strune--t. iced in the tu e e el t o J•i , s he a d gentler-. the r e st i .l.....:ce of Qti l een Ke • - •
; .s i a , tlitieto Ine hi-i_ tire, erdet . e..d i ...., rt : , -1 50 . di . .4r4,
tern. The tn eley in the "ant nan treasury" 111t1.1, Or tor•le?. killed nee of the soldid s, winntri IVil!i ten "f hat- a• . 1.. - Q te,.it % 1 -tona 4 regiineet. Mils ••5.,;,1r , •t.,
course, eame from the same cumman source whence Ch.!. Upon the news re echiee th . barracks. a 1 ehe 1 ; se t a inn u 1 •r the Blit.i.li Commis-ion," to Inc draw e
postae•est are d..!ri red-the pockets of the peopie-and f er ,- ement of ~slurs, j,,i,„ I t 1 . ,,j, ~..t , . ~i i , 4 . , ~,,,,L. , ,,, l u p beim e him. n ed to ere there salutes to the Seed
as the profits of the prainetive mail routes are mot...lied' •h Id Led Ela ••• Th.. • u •., ion was then aske d, if
r illitid. Lind threw heel the rowdies mist Leone telfully. I ''' . -• -1 - , . ..• •
they wetild, in time to (time, he faithful te their hin t ...!
to furnish mail a ccommodations in the sparsely scaled 0 eler was at last r c .aored by a detaclunera of the Pie-
.111 -iermitel their wiilineness by rni-ing their right
portions of the cluntry, Eh?. rtlizerli of which an: e pr,!.. g oof, and -s era! arrests m itfe. The tee tt a. nga in , h , a ,lO, Ili 0..e0:11.: , ,, us 1,,, ils,l ~eei., ,l a emulls-ion
ly as weilentitled to such conveniences as if they lit ...I r mewed 111 Ille 2.6111. The nutilarv • stnertitte under ! seder ill • 11;i...1i :omen-lea. eatree f ell ~,,i ~,,11..,....
i , , i;
in a country of Rail-ro ids and Turnpikes, ive cannot C injure inflicted on Wedies.l3 , , eietiin-;. CLIIIIC 01,11. e" "" ..'""-:'. h . " l . At 1 ~',lo' - ' o , t , Kt'l-i was .*,- Situation Wanted,
pee .. e ive t hat very gt•eat injustice is dune to am: 1 -t - •, - , , • l i t h e. , . ~. , r•,rt,..1 I,y his scraps to ti c .. Girt
t 1 tier , ire. wen • C.I/1-
. l' '' ' "'n o ne:
tle oarract.s, preparea tor a t w hi ch .ID , /ttl:. ZII . . 1 1 VS Tenclwr of French. Spaltish, Greek , and the La ' FRESH ABRIV/iL OF DELICACII3IS,
~.,..t,,ent,r,tv ... the native laneueee, which were a s
..... tin Llsigastge.
Of ou:' p..,,,,:1-. t.2r en.uk-d, on the gain : I where th • 1"•••" ''''' I 'llile I fell ee e: It've.""t'• by re'"•• 1 .•""`' 11 St"" b• S h er i I 1 e t c oat •r..jzilo.i wi-lies to accitirc a perfect knowl- AT 140, LIBERTY STREET.
The writer in tlie 3:, 1 ,. .1 . 11 of Com - re'rce exhiltn , ~...,,,,, • ' „,, f ~,ht . A t",.,. 1,.. a .1., su er " in ,r , o, Ics. i j..r001. 1 9';' , ' , " 3 be Ore Ktag. in whieli he alluded to the fact i
i tes, ..t the ilegite t. 4.1 that the 1- I ...comfier's° looked for t CHOICE etcxtr.s. IVulnut Ketchup,
he conside..3 ifInIC very strong faots, in ~uppoit of ',sir t : ' and 0 ,,,,.. L ous e, o r a u i ,,,.d Ire a near tvt.n ..1 (; oolev, was chrit ii`' -1 ' 1 " "I" t i n' 14 "` I " l ';" 1 1 ""' ~'''''", 4 ' l i ' hlin I wel' be • 4.- . .• ;met- rate. if he could get lessons m I.:n- ! Gerki". Tomato do,
1 and II /01' 3 I lII' I:WO/it/Mt/I 4,rtftve 1.110.1, twist leek . ; ,_, A; ... ; f ,,,,, 0 , ~.„ whom 1 .„ . , nnyin , truct. Tic
was late. ; - .4 . i . c . 0c „ , Sarseparilla Syrup,
he preeountees tie- tyrannous exactions of the Post 0:5,..c t rat her _noel. Ae innocent seed. • • • 1. '• ' -
Le 0.1 • n e . 3411111. ,
ti, him
„, Kt;
~.t. .
Dr Judd re.ul t he. Er.telatti the:. {"n
, t
,v 1 .'r.,' - es. , ar of the above I:ml , nm - rex in the Colleges . l'iccelill”. Lemon do,
Depart rn. , nt. Ile says it c'n tr.:- ..,, "five tirilVi Ole pri...." g ot hi, heel laid open for Ids sari k-lry. M kny pi.‘ ril3ll i .k,i rn i i . i i To ~,,,... Then Je t t". di . 1 .•Il'a"•"'i a `e'• illt ite..l Reuge and St. Charles. t '' .
' !•Caulitletver. . Olive Oil,
the same !eyrie! Wol.lld La .1 .se for be itele.l 1 rasa ned ,veer ea, teed I,th o 1 1., .at • yd.; le.. set. rely vet un- 1 s i ttued oration, of c ont.! , l e d by auno Inc,inz ,
iu 1h " I For a .••i.rir ter I,lr rompetenev anal morality, he can . French Beans, In.li i Currie Powder,
in.t i%ces :Ire (:isobar frr the post ige of a letter , , 1."!1- ,i . ..I. I ...,. is ,',o . ',„. n 5..,.:,. oor Neva S •otian co e; " u"' • "I t '''•• i`'"-','," " Clt P'''',''''': "..',: .d t 's' Y . ' ''''' l • ! e‘ , ...,1 ;• rtes: ef the me-t resp - ect able gentleman in t \Veincle, Italian Maccariani,
.. • - ....•., b.' L'Orn tor testi, inc. nutont tht i ..; t. ,, 1 . . a ci. - • , Onions, Italian Vermicelli,
ing a. i 0.. an 0,0. - -., tr ,:11 7 rt - 'y t37\ ii York. viz.. -la Iolll,orarta , , ,II I .11, '.1,.11.1 111 d, - is,' 1 0l I:0 //1 rum;, ,r. ; n.l 10- ' 1 '• . , I dear_ char ii ,„, . 0 ,„,. ~,,,..,- , 1 r .,,,, 1 ''
.. „ 'i l . ' 7 ' • l h e '"'" i " 1.
made to Rev. 11. I Mixes[ Picklee. Capers, (Frencb,)
muc'.. Is elsarg•-i ns ii.,f,, i 1 ~c., ~,,,, ‘,• for 1-11 T \ IN: 1 1.0 r,.. 11 .1 S t.Oll lltt i' • ~rt ft', . kt rio "-It i-s a:A tile : i ,,i. i :• \ a n t ' . l . ' : : :. l . ' , ' . l : ' , ' :',;‘;',Yr ' ili.- c";:;:f I' . .'
• 1 I ''
''..T. --cA-ClCe in
i--. • 4 c ''''. ciui
•• r .'''.• " ''''' .""n• J. .' 1). to, ka St Paul .. Church. an d C a ptain James . Mail s A ECE.S. Prunes,
bar. el of F•etlr the Jame ril,t Inc •. He :dso as:...lts l' s..in.-... , .h vi l...tue . ke.e. -tied Iwes -1 -.• 1!, r 1. .• It .. :qr. .S. ,••:`, Ihr ~ t , i 't,,out a 3 • ei .,,.. I'.IEL EMILE 'niI:VEAL% I John Belre Sauce, Bitter Almonds,
thnt the inerehaets of New 1 ...le have Zr pay 2 eent- a' , , 1 Ili.* on," -, i•- 0.. 1 . 11.. ti `V, O W tOrn 1.1 ,1t1,.,. pre , aded •/ 1 , 11 IN'aseineton llons.e, Water se Il trvey's do, French Currants.
c,s t ... a o i l st 'IN .---. I hi' I. .:I vl,lt +IC ~. New J. I see. lit ' .• t • •.•• J .. I,V•1• • • •• 111 1,1 ll -
..i a. 11,1 i„. i, ti 01" 1 11,1 11.U.i..1 0• 1 1. 1/.1 + L ----- ----- Bethling a., Prepared Cason,
letter for 01•2 pint ileee of having a Branch Pot Otliee • ruble r • bete.- tte Ia ; I wdtt -'ll'll.* 1 publi 41 it ro thf., wor:d . .II I . EA RSK 1 NS', dressed and undreeeed. juet ree.r.isr , Ca, ice do, Jamaica Ginger,
III,IO: tll' I/11•; 1,.-.. , 1 I , rlcr of t'ui cite. at: 1 that t :os tax a """"'"" v " . '" t "" tit ' re ' l t e m ' j 'IS'S ''' " • ' - 1 ~,,; , . ' E S •••• • C ' ' _LP
1.. t lik I /./' • I '/.l`, , 1 : 4,1Z 1../ 1.11.' .-. . 1111 . 1 0.1.11,- . ed and fer sale by A. in:I . :LE N. , !nail soy, Dried Cherri•es.
ception oil Friday la-t. .
outs' II ;/( . 1111.S '.'' . .2 0 01)0 1,110 tile T1V1.1 , 111-, Or Clll2. P./...1. ' v iv; ffi. 11, ..• I. •ar 1 111 kt cilier , wet, In , 'II .li-•;:r,....1 05-11•• . Et..:ence of Anchovies. Oranges, Ste, St.C. .
Otii:e 1-Y -s? i1 . 1...1 2:11• Thu writer suhoe•olnplaini of chi , j P tor vcri.,s; or (tot. 0n..0 5 i ....,1,-;‹,- Tho ee wet .. t i troll Ite . ne . it I' 1.1 'S wcrc not witte::s ef the Cl , ll , 1111.
1 -- 1 MI)K.EI) lIERBINGS.-°5 boxes smoked-her- t 'lust received and for sale by LLOYD &CO.,
(!vans- acre,oll. brio -ire- I
0.. viii llt .‘14.1-t, tiv‘.,. „ I 114
• No. 140, Liberty street.
enaction. W1.11.1:d. strameely enough, as it ; ( yill...e,eard nor ..i.. 1 Gel leil ef• NI ts• t -'ll.-its, see, III: Ism-eel ..f I 17_ 4 ) ring s e e -t reedy...ll an d for sale los•
the j os 1,1 1.,...,•,:1zenre l!, it 1.1.,..tr01l and 1. rnikCe }ld i II AI I- NIAN, J ENNINGS & CO .
it as less on , .mas, if it wont i , :to fa! p....ket of t he ref it . Commerce, het.... appetmed !Mes,rs. Johe 'l. NI i> intl. I ee e,, ,„ 1 ,..e i; ,.,e thee „,,1,, , ,,,,e,.. te , o f tee 14,,,,,14. I;,..,!Farms Wanted.
,1‘..-• 9 43. Wood street.
master at New It•rk, izistead uf the Pair Offi c e •F ee; ,.. ;of Netv Orteans, an I B F. I 1 .1 tt, ..f Ca I.
of Irs C.,: ,• 2 1, .:1 o.t Lttvntig for the or ~p•-rity of the Sand- - SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20
r.L11 . %• lie Co•npialnS Wt.), 1:31/Ut, t ile ails; of 7 , :,,, y,„l, a: eats for ti3at en nit ika .k ilk 111.1cr a re... 6 cot !,..t ' w. ,- I , I' . 'l' II: ,:caul: •,t.-\ r t '''''". ,t: k:•• --li...ccieed Cu, c o n si g etoo,,t, . miles ..f the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis
having to pay a large ancient uf postage (one-tenth. he ' winter, to r.e.ir ••••at the i. t .l. ,of c dined citizens el ; — l2 Coests Yonne. 11111 Tea, ; posed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield
4 " Meek Tea, I street. near 4th, soon.
says, ..f•th . wind,. revenue of the Department.) 6 wed- \I
. _ te , ec e e t.eits w.. ,mt .. t.• i ••; cal eel i 1 th /5.2. l'n - t‘ I /11STORIC.‘L. SOCIF.TI' OF NV ES FERN I ' .l. !;
' ulB-tf J. K. HENDERSON.
4i " Imperial,
ling that eh.: derives the m.•ans of rayi n g this minima! when arriving th'r‘ , n , 'ern -", with ~err " test the --
At a 111 •, t,:. 7 ,0.111i•LI1C11 of 11111 cif,. let.•r• ! 5i " Gunpow.ler, by 0
of pestle'? fr.en the rrofits of her traffic with these y e . i quest em befar• thr! C. S. S 1.1.' , ' , 11' C , .‘ ll t• The re- cited in eoilee.f.l4 :Lill pro..eivi.,2 111at,11.11 , rt;:aI111,j, Irl I J. G. &A, GOR DON, . BANK OF PITTSBCROH,
Nov. 7, 1343. 1
lit of Cr.. C nlntry WII,),O 11 1 'L . 11 a ly to itlo. 4 ps h e ! 5.11Ve ll,"1 L11: - . ntill:t t' a p.'C11.1..:1 Tram rho in vit. resr e. the eatiy setth. went ,of thi4 portion of the \\*astern , ....-p VI 10 Water street. •rr HE President and Directors of this l3ank have
. N •rtn; i .tr . v, en M ,
all lite 23 I ultimo, the ikkri , .
would reltriet or eat ref by his n..w arra.11...! , 1111.111,.. the ; t 0 , ! , ,011ip ~,sr,, r -. ef Be :e'en-id 1114 no r.•; itio ,to the r rr IV . M. I ---
NII f [ES NEW YORK Y A . R.:NISH, No. 1. quirk - this d•ty declared a dis i deed of three per cent.
I % Kris , alled to the chair, nn.l .1 , Xer 1z • 1 , .4-
Wegterll ii1.A . L....5 and t.on-Itt:ltis .kf the I'9'lft•ll `:-:,-..• , r,ll, , ttion of a bolitien. To , . :,..,,t , s , -I..irted are sat,l t ,, I
:am . . m I) i ,,i,,,i,itc a s
.cro,,,v Atier
‘;‘,„,,ili,uti,, , 4t 1 , 4 , e rr i ng , in atone; fle d for sa l e at t h e DRuG on the , cepital stork , 1....,r the last six maths, payable to
, .
_ __
~. 1 .... z entle urn 0 1 . ...,..,,11.i. i 'VII 1111 I! I 101,,i111. ch3r3.lr,. it NV li 112:rel•tit 11 form Ili/ asst inn er /0 11( 1 1..all , ,1 tile ,\V\ It "OUSE of J. KIDD, st ,ckn ,itlers or their leg:d representatives on or after
Cornet. of 4th and Wood sh e . th e '''''‘ e ' ncenth in-t•• JOHN SNYDER.,
I 1,,,,,,,r u l S., ci ety o f \Ve.,tern Penn -yls 3,113. I ill'', ' I '
• 1 ire,. D r . 1 - 0 1,,e1 pre sentea 3 draft of II itlll,lolllll.llllliOr (I 1 /SI I EN: CIIEF.SE, a fine nrtirle inst. received
he 1,01'110.5, WhlCil 11'01:1Z b••• 11 Clll , -.l.l••rva, W. 1.11111111- ! - 1 . . I i Iby :MERCHANTS AND 111.VILIFIETERERS' BANS, i.- ....
LLOY D . .&
, il i ..1.)., a lo i ru,l, n.. 1 th, , f0;10,i1,,...; net:, -,1 gellel..rni`n 1 . , a ' ''' S I e Pittsburgh. November 7, 1843.
140, Liberty street.
rhnsen t.t Till the .rectal uo:11 , -es rreat,•il I,y tt, fur tin! ell- I "3 This bank hiss this day declared a dividend of three
sumz rear, t o, s, It: , Z I.N rl: CU If It 1 NTS. new and fresh, juet r peeiVea per cent. for the hist six months. payable on and after.
Pres, I en' . —IIO ~ Linares De,on aced for pile by LLOYD & CO., thh 17th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at
Vice i'r c .,:b•at.,--11- . ... .11b11 11l wk. P. D.' Beni .
rel 14'). Liberts street. the Commercial Bank of Pennylvania.
flakes, ell, E...i ,lion. William NV 1,1,,in.., Iltchard Bid- 1
d:e, E-q. TA .1.1.1 VA X Ski...SION ' - she lovers of good fish
T i casts re r-Wir.iata H. Denny, M. D. I 11_ am requested to eail and examine some very , EXCHANGE BANK,
R 'ear ling Secretary -ftivi.l Barbie, Esq. I tibe N. 1, Halifax Salmon, which we have
,itrit receiv. Pittsburgh. Nov. 7, 1843.
Corresponding Secretary-N. B. Craig, F.sq. I I.d and opened fur retail. THE President and Directors uf this Bank have this
Curator --‘Vitit , r H. Lnvii.% 1 . 1.. q. I NV,. have also a few bld A Nos 1 and 2 Salmon. same day declared a dividend of 3 per cent. for this
C,u4seitors-11,.. Ge o rge 12. 1 0 - 01.1, D. D., Thomas l as nbove, fur sale by the bbl. LLOYD & CO., last s
ex months, psychic. on and
ter the 17th instant.
Bat., ell, 1 . .. , q., Win. Addisen, M. I)., 11. m. John M I it 7 120, Liberty street. Eastn Stockholders will be paid at the Westeasi
St low 1-n, 1101.
Steller, \Villitan Iliclihmen, — - Bank, l'hilada. THOS. M. HOWE, Cashier.
Esq. nB-2w
At .t um. -in:, otter sinew held nt die NVestern Uni
versity on I htirsday. the soul last., it was, On 111111i011,
It , . ..401V , .11, That the proceedio.g. of the primary meet
ing, with the 64 of officers, tied a statement explanu
tory of the objects of the nesociation, be kiblislied.
C.JSCoIik.SSLON AL 01.3 , 11.: AND ArtDIN.--10 air '
sz, Vices 11:1V0 prosper tits far the lit I-11 11 .
named tvork, tt-hit-it has ont tined celebrityliarthe I . t.t Sttit . p.diciotts;:. c.tut vol., the repealer- i.i Wisc. entry to
and aernrate reports it has furnished of theprm•.-inliiq:- art ,pith and
in our N itimial L-gislatitre. Mr. W prepared far
We sit:join the terms of the Congressional Gl o be I the a rr.•.l. 1 , 1111 , 1 , • I ran i his cßrits—'t li is yet to
and Appendix, and remark at the same •, t hat the \ try the I ing'ish Parlia.n.tat, whllvti t it V:110. any
Daily Globe is published at $lO a year—the semi-week- ii-neliorm ion of c r 13itio tFt the Irish p is not
lc Globe at ss—and the weekly at $2 a year. I prepared for vialent mtasitres f..imids on tins sidn
TERMS: must therefore he cancans not to risk the lives of their
For the Congresiiional Globe, $1 per copy. countrymen by rash or id-coneerte.l measures. Cau-
For the Anpinulix, S 1 per copy. Lion, boy,, caution.
Si is copies ot either of the ahoy.' worka Will lie sent
.twelve copies for !? t
,I 0; and so on in proportion
for a ~reater number.
Pat, ments may he transmitted by mail, postarre paid,
at our risk. By a rule of the l'ost Offiee Department,
postmasters are permitted to frank letters written by
themselves, containing tummy for subscriptions.
'rim note; of any bank, current where the subscri
ber reside+, will h.t received by us at par.
Ti insure all the numbers, the subscriptions should
he in Washingtou by the 10th of December next, at
CO - " No attention will be raid to ant order unless
tha money accompanies it. BLAIR: 4. HIVES.
CON6RESSIONAL Disos iss.—The publisher of I
tho MsritsostAs has issued a Prospectus fur session
papers. under the nbiwe title, upon the terms subjoined.
*le promises aeciirato and extended reports of Con
gres.iional doings and other events at the seat of Gov.
ernmet, and fro:n his ( - Adak:slur fulfiling his engage•
inents'in u s ttisf ietory mAnner, wo have no doubt his
paper will be w nally of support:
durim.: the session. (possibly
nine montly,) *7,00
Ttixeekly, during the 3c, , sion, 2.50
Weekly, do. . 1,00
L-fr Postmasters aro allowed by law to frank remit
Patriot of the 7th says:—The solemn and imposing
rites of tho Catholic Church were performed this morn.
ing by the Rev. Mr. Deluel, in the "Culvar" attached
to St. Mary's College, Baltimore, over the mortal re
mains of Hector Jaubert one of the oldest priests in
the Institution, who departed this life on Sunday after
noonlast at 4 o'clock. The deceased ‘s as born in
1777. H 2 arrived in Baltimore in 1800 sad entered
C ' 23 S.:M . :Wary, whore he remained until death closed
his earthly cars r. Through his instrumentality the
"Obltro;" Coovont was established. Ail who knew
hi nt ' ;oval and reooratei him fur his benevole.sce end
ItHref.4 J. B. JONES,
Washington D. C
F - 7-XThe Inn I of pro. ripti.ve in :Now Yorls
Inv recently formed tIIPITLILCivei into a pr ctyand asill•
riled the narn,- of the "Am.ricuri Pariy," Zelda oveting
on Mouttly crening last, and toliziard to kick up a riot
b:ifore tlicy di;lu real.
MR. 11c -it x`i t`i AS n Ma. (it Y.—We find the fol- ti
Inwing extracts is the L viclAt n. Intelligencer. We
commend them to the attention of every honest friend
of a Tariff, and ask him to say Whother there is not
more reliance Li be placed in the candid and manly
sentiments ofJIMES Bunn IN or, than ia the trimming,
time-seiving course cf H F. ii MI CLAY: •
Extract from Mr. finch !Extract frrm Mr. Clay's
anan's speech in Senate. ".rater to Pr. Bronson,
t A”g.1,1842. N'eptemher, 1843.
•'j am in favor most de "The ' , urn and substance
cidedly, of affording ouril.si.if whet I conceive to be the
me-tie inaniikictuters item rue p• Hey of the United
dental protection to tht!States, in respect to a 'ra
j' ull amount, and tin snore :i Off, may he briefly stated.
which would enable them' 111 confiirtnit y w ith the prin.
to stand a fair corn petitini i •iple antminice6 in the corn
with similar establishment•l ,remise net. I think that
in Europe. The ma milar-iwitatever revenue is neces-
Luring establishments i( , ary to an economical and
' this country, erected at n honcal administration of
vast expense, affording em-lite General Government,
pinyment to a great numberouslit to he derived from
of individuals, ought not to duties imposed on Foreign
be suffered to go &um." inpo
in rti. Ana n
I blieve
'that e-itahlishi a c
lof those duties, a uch a dis
.crimination onzlit to be
(made, as will ineilentatiy
kip r (I reasonable protec-
Non to our national intc-
SPEAKER OF THE HOVF.E.—The Lancaster Intelli
gencer says, thatJ. R. SNONVDF.N, E:q. of Venango, is
named as the Speaker of the llou.ie of Representatives
of this state. if there is any post in which Mr. Snow
den would display the most tact, discretion and ability,
this is the one. It is admitted, by friend and foe, that
he made a Speaker when in the house a fevc ran ago,
remarkable for all the lnxlities neeep-a7 to sorb on of
..t N• 1
port of Pittsburql).
Reported by Sikeble and Mitchell, General Steam
float Agents. Mater street.
"Daily Beaver Pnekets,
Ira•t. Ehbert,
Nionoriviliela city,
Alpine, Cockburn. 13rowns , ille,
Tiu a, Bla,diford, St. Louis.
'Daily Beaver Packets
Lelli:4 h. Price, St. Loni 4,
Delhi, Bowman, Brownsville,
"Brid;ewater, Clark, 'Wheeling.
r All lysto. nrirked thu , ["] are provided with
Eva Safety Guard. to prevent the Explosion oiSteam
Attention the Whole!
THE military (officials and private,...) of Alleizhen!.
comity arc remie:ted too moot 111 ma as COPWCII
- ,on Saturday, the 18th inst., ut 11 hick AM.
ut the Wa•illioz,toa Hotel. St Clair street, PittAiurgii.
A memorial to the Legislature will be laid befme
the conveutiort fur adoption.
LIEUT. 1' N GUTHRIE, Committee
Freight to Philadelphia and Baltinkorel
IWILL receipt for 30 tuns Freight to Philadelphia
or Baltimore, and load it on Ward Portable Boat
'•Experinv.nt. - thi, day, November 11, 1843.
s.st— ucsn,
Steam Boat James Ross.
tr. •.-- r tiis bout is, now in the Duch
--,4411121 -A- thorough re-caulking
of the hull. She 'wink perf,ctly
soonit, moires no oilier repairs. For the ,ati3litcticnt
nom it in ty e , ,Aeorn, shiprer, merchants, or
:I::: who m iy wish to purchase, are respectfully
requo , t , l torah Le.alexam;ne her n 3 i•tie pony It on,
For Ladies' Cloaks.
l' I 1..21:. super ins isible green double milled pelisse
French cloth.
I ne o = per ‘cool dcedblack do.. now open and for
cl,eap, at
55 Market street
For Gontlnuen's Cloaks.
R NCH Cloth i.l,lack+,bluei greonA of the moat
1_ :ipprosed makes for cloaks, it remarkably low pri
re-:. now oven at ALEXANDER & DA'S,
1,0% 10. 55 Market ,Ytreet.
ERING. 4:e.—
—ll. 10 Ali No. 1 mlekerel, (Northern InApection)
10 " 1 herring,
IU b,ixes Scotch horring,
Roccived this day. and fin- sido by
LLOYD CO., 110 Liborty st
ev ALO TON GUES.—Receieed by Little Ben,
1..) 10 li.ete,l3.ltralu *Fungues, in flue order, direct
ft.tt:n the mul:itair,.. A. BEELEN.
Pittsburgh, October 20, 1843.
N election fur thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
DUFF ALO ROBES.- —Received by Cicero. a fresh , the ensoing year. will be held at the Banking
L) and full supply of all sites of Robes. Apply to House, on Monday, the 20th day of November next.
A. BEELEN. 021—te \V. 11. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, lt4J.
N election fur thirteen directors of this Bank, fore
_! ± the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking
yr ACRE REL.-16 Btds. No. 3 Mackerel, jus I House on Monday ,the 20th day of November next
11/ received and for sale by
HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. ! Oct 20—te. Cashier.
sep 3 43 \Vocal st. I St. Peter's Church at Rome.
rp üBACCO.-10 ),)X.CS Burton's 51) lump tobaccoi!
.ii. A LARGE PAINTING cf this splendid Temple
. L 25 do Russell & Rohinsons do . will be exhibited for a short time at Irmix's
5 do Hare's d o !LDs G Roost, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of
10 do assorted sizes and bra-ids, this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest cube
just received and fey sale by gium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1f136.
II AILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 other
43, Wood street ' paintings, which are now open to the public.
Admittance 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents:
' l or ; children half price. G. COOKE.
i'Open daily from 9 A. M till 41'. M. and also
from 6 till 9 in the evening. .
N. B. The Rev. C:ergy of all denominations are
r:spectfully invited, free of charge. c 23.
pu F Al.° ROBES by sin,gle robe or bale, for sale
„P” MIDS. N. 0. SUGAR. just received. and
„,„,,, t ) sale by J. G. & A. GU RDON.
- -
JUST RECEIVED and Cot sale on consignment,
7 bias b•u:on,l
7 hhd..3 ..mger,
Can be seen at the store of Jaeob Painter& Co
anz 9.9 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. !
;ip) BAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE, for sale
oei 1,1 low, by
43, Wood street.
400 SNUFF,jost received and for sale by
Corner 4th and Wrivdste. Piita.
In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, hi '
has a maznificent assortment of
SUSPENDERS. &c., &c.
The motto of the "Thine Big Doors" is
And in following out this system he feels con
fidentthathiA customers andhimself
To nil and examine for themselves at
No. 151. I.7l , ertg strrel,
Z()AFC BUTTEIL—A lot of that celebrated choke
family butter, put up in full bound ke BEELEN.oI. Apply
Two New aad First Rate Steam Engines.
ON E ii 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4
foot stiol;e, will he said with or without boilers.
The other engine is 12 horse power, 7 inch cylinder,
3 foot take, one boiier about 22 feet long. 30 inches
in (lin !nem . Those eticines are made of the beet mn
terial4 and in the most iiubstantial manner, and will be
sold on neciiminorlaiin," terms. They can be seen at
the warehoitiC of the snhArriliPr at any time
T.B—tf H. DEVINE, U. States Line.
Araniuciii nem DRESSING SALOON ,
THE partnership heretofore existing between F. A.
Frethey and G. G. Frethey baying been dissolv
ed by mutual consent on the Ist instant, the business
‘‘ ill be conducted in future by F. A. Frethey. who is
fully authorized to settle all the partnership concerns.
He respectfully risks for the continuation of the pe
trel:l7,e of friends and the public generally. n7—lm
October 20th, 1893.
N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
LA. serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the
Bunking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Noveito.
her next, between the hours of 9 A. st. and 3 T. X.
0'21:-te THOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier.
1 e.n. 26
BEAR SKINS, well dressed and full haired,
1 suitable article for travillers' trunks. &r., fo
sale by.