Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 11, 1843, Image 1

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    51 , 41.,ft•
artt'` ':1•47 r
VOL.. lI._NO. 51.
rooms PHILLIPS & WM. la. SMITH
N. - W . .40,7w of Wood and Fifa, Streets.
Ttaxs.—Five dollars a year, payablo in advance.
Single capie&T-wo C4ltes—:or sale at the counter of
the Office sha by - News Boys.
The 1:11Nekly Mercury hia Manufacturer
Is publislie at ;the same office, on a double medium
awe, as, TWO DOLIARS a year, in ence.
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
Otte insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00
Two do., 075 Two do., 0 00
Three do. 5 00 T lirae du., 7 00
Ow wegtir., 150 Four do., i 00
Two do., 300 I SiK. du., 10 00
Three Ad:, 4 Oil (Jae yea'', 15 U 0
Orie Square. Two Sluares
fiix mninki,, $lB 00 Six inouthi,
line year, •?5 00 One year,
~,IrbLarger advertise acme in proportion
OPCARDS of f4Jur liF.es Six Dor LAB: , \cor
Public Offices, &c
ei , " Past Office, Thini itwen M irlset a:.l uod
fcrect3-- , -.R. M. Riddle. Puitin as ter.
ezeo..*tionte, Wwar. ii!l (13J1• Cr.,ni
City Tre.414 ,, , P 1.)..) 1. b •t:: ?n Fir , t aN.I
ir.(234---J.J.-u7i Bar,rn Traa.ur.
County Treas:try, Tttird street, neti.t.do,:- to tits
hird Yr:kJ:Uri:lu C./arch—S. R. F.
-Vagor's Office, Fourth. Laween Market u:nl
qtraet*--.l.Lexan Ilan, Mayor.
Merchant's E cchan;re. Fourth ir.ar
Niaritet and IFut..l ••L uL
Laird aid l'sjuct'd
evt . 1 / 1 77.:..t . ..Tche re rs' an,?
slit Ktnk, (Coral n•ly FulnL)
Wool and M
Ex;rhanfc, Film st. near Wood.
...1f0na.i.f.a4144 iLuse,
etc:any , : II ,! , •I. C:.,ir.
.I.ferc!eles' 1{ , . , . 'e1, n0,..i0r ul PltirJ a:1 , 1 I.
1-YditeeSfse`-'s, owaer of Penn At. an,l Canal
Za;prenq it.roet, !war
I incr . ; .311asi.o.t St., upp ,, .it , _•
Broa.i.lursr4 IL:isr, rtntll
itt?)rtsnt to J.vnora of Sa. - ar LYlllls.
1E: 1 Salt ' Sett.lri, for 'lll\ Milli.,
1. W. 11:).: 2.!.1 it) fo ' .ly (litTert;lt
Stat . :3, ae troll al is tha Pitti
bargh 2:11 .I'lozh.my, cr.; 1)e fiL3C:I is up,;:ati•t•l ;1' a
tilin • toi;li ;•::;;; \'lL; !I', Mr. \Vi
o•: Pn3 - 1 at liownrio
an ,l .
Tlli 1.. tt!ltr.r:
111 ,12.13 V 1!11'1.11•1” ea.l
‘V 11 . 1 Liovr v
ir 'l•ti u.•‘ 1 th •AI
lian , L. APPI, to
W . . W.
Eva - riz' Chamomile Pills
N..kv wa. ..1.•
iu it 3 HI ,:t.11.;'%-tvlo-c - 1 form. 1:1- sv :r•
• t •
srtb Fli;1 in e. , ! chc and itor.:arh
iLa sw..l,a , ion of sinkit,..; at t!:••
fus•rt - -1 naa,ea, freo l uen•
yr;, d t.inass !co -yards nirht awl re,at:w It ,
nil co:1(1111.J aowsr.ls of a tweivelno.all,
rsasulLiag Dr. \ Evan-, 10(1 a , .d
s Ibmiftins to bi 3 •wer • • aad.a e_'al.tc bole
of trea.,..7yrat, oi.! patl.nt i 1 to
lu-001111'0v; spr.^.^.• of thle month ; an I.;rat..[l:l for
tit? incA4culalau cam.- forward
n.xlvolutit , ..erea the slave ita•
ternent F.
ealc anflreLail., be IL E. SELl,i'.lf`l,
-N.). 20, Wo.i strer
P.,2340 . 3 riDarho - aal. Car.e.y.
TLITT has r,eir,a this day fro , o NOW VW':,
a fr. Ah f-typ!v theabo)e cekl , rotrd curt- for
CoTzlis. Cul 13 anl Cons:y.l2l , 6;ms; ar.tl i< r ,, aly
plv r Ilittar`ri It or retail , at ilk Medic 11
Agncy, Folrtii At.
ettsr Bargains than ever, at the Three Big
rILIE subscribtr xvotdd respectfully ialur.r. his eu-,
to and thepublic:;enerally, that notwidistuti
noho unprecedented salts at the Throe Big flours,
daring the pres mt season; he has still or hand the ha.-
gi . ..6t an d m ost assortment cfcle3. 3 aut CM/-
TILING that eqa heboa.Tht west of the 1114/Wir , 67, , .
The ORM may test assured that all articles otii-red at
his store are miuthetured from FRESH GOODS, pur
chased in Om Eantern markets this spring and mo d e in
to garments by Pitttsburgh workmen.
In consequence (tithe multiplicatiOa of slop shops in
tsar city, tilled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty,
cast o!fgarmania oftnrmors c as'ms, from the east era
ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char
a.e.ter Ithe establisitments in which they are invited to
i iurchas before they part with their m0.1.3:y. The ami
ties otti.n•ed at se...end of the concerns in this city, are
the mere. otitis of New York and Philadelphia slop
;Imp. and. sent oat here to he palmed off on the Pius
csegi public. Pur."lrt ;ors she. 'd be on their guard a
;aiast these inyositions, and they may rely on the filet
hat no establishment that advertises eastern made (lo
lling, Call give as good an article or as a.lvant ageous
oar.g,aius as can b. 2 had at the "Tinve Big Own -3."
Thrpublic will please remember that all the subscri
..!r'sgarmoutsare made in this cily,bv competent work
en, and not gathered up like the gomls now ott;•red by
be "birds of passage" front the sin. ~ 1+ and putohos of
!astern slop shops. It wiil always br Lis en.ten,or to
nctlntain Oh , reputation that the "lime Bi; Doors"
' la ve obtairwa for ftwei4ting - a ,oip-riu- -,tyle of C
.11.41NG in every respect, and at in leos hclow th, 3-e of
oy other establishment.
Il e would aria return his thanks to his friends and
he public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
pan his establishment, and believing that they have
ulna it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
meat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
nothing °fever): description at the lowest inice,t9 call
"e'Observe Metal, Fiat,- in tin , pavement. up 26.
Look zt This.
rTIE nn - mtion of those NVIIO have been sonic what
s,t ytical r...f.T , rcnce to tlto toirncrom:
poltri=hod in favor of Dr. Swa\-no's Compound
vrup of EViid Charry, on accuunt of the persons being
tknoavn in this S,:mtion of the. State. is ro=pectfully di
•eted to the following c-rtiticam, the writer of which
v . beg!' n ithmn orth' , ltorough for i , evcral years, and
known ai tn inmgrity and responsibility.
elffentiliv. 3. .
~V h vsrdiddbi r .:ll4l. 4 lrPen Ce I UPOUtd Syrup otWild
.n% , isCo4lol l labach Ih:we been Eieveaely
iI i s t itheatienir rolaths, and I have no hesitation
it Is the *oat elrondst medicine dant I
tOproeure. It oempesestll uneasiness,
..',4 4 lterrel I with m v aiet.—and tuaintain4 a mzuiar
I !..to I appetite. 1. caa,inee.mty recommend it to all
-„• aillicred. J. NltrviCtt, Borough of
- 1
k, .1 '9 I&I0 • C uhersburgh.
N". i 3 Iklnt -. .,21. ,treet.
... .
. ,
. .
. , .
. t _ _ ,
_ .. .
.:. • .
7. Air.: • .
. •
.. . ::...
. , ~
. .
. . _ _
. . _
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to BakCwell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court House, neat rooms to J.
D. Nralion, first floor. sep 10
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,
Nt)rtli r: t corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets
Pittsbur,th. sop 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Of11,:e in the Diamond, hack of the old Court Ilou::e
ie.') 10 Pittsburrth.
Francis S. Shank, Attorney at Law,
Fourth sta. ,t, above Wood,
gep 10-lc Pittsburgh, Pa.
Thomas liamilton, - Attorney at Law,
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield
sep 10—y Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on di North side iaf the Diamond. between ;Mar
ket and Union steets, up stairs sep lU
A. I. Darboraw, Attorney at Law,
Teialer,; his pn,fessionalservices to the public. °filet
sro 10 i oa sth a.. above Wood. Pitt sliunfli.
Eystcr & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
01lien rrrrinv,?d from t 11" Diamond to "Attorney', , Row.'
shady sid: of lth, between Market and Wood
N. Enckmaster, Attorney at Law,
I I Ls remov - edhi office to Bpar,:• T,aw 11M;diris, , . Ilb
5.., a:oovo Smitbfloicl, Pit tibur2.ll. cri. 10
GeorTe 177. Layng, Attorney at Law,
itt Fourth .tivet. twur
t r) 27 •-.‘
qeide Washington, Attorney at Law,
):Tio , in Bal‘e well's Unilitinff, Grant street, Pittsburgh
cncs, 18 12
John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law,
li •PC-0,.:1cr Smi;.llll..;d awl F.fth strert.,% :31)11:z1
11.•pr.)—r...!: attt•::d •d to.
1..1) if—v
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law,
Pitt Pa. t )Fic , .: ,trout. 11
WILLIA ArSTI.S. Ervi.. will !live hi, zu ton
[ion to in 1u,'1 , 1:4 1, -ti ;::d 1 r,coniniend hint
to Ow pParonay..o ofnv
Daniel IVI. Curry, Attorney at Law,
Lftil 1).•:we•-n Wool and Smith:iell,
:o, Pittsbl..;!).
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
O } irC 1111 tilr r oent.r of Fourth and :trc••L.
ison & Plariegia, Attornoys at Law,
•:11. 7 :ktref!t. Collections ina 4• on cr i
orat,•tortui. P,m.,aou3 for wirl•roVe; of old s..ldivri tc.dcr
a ct o! l'arrs nod dr r.v.
In 4 - s for di,: pat.nit propared. mar .1.7.,y
Liaary S. It:tag-raw, Attorney at Law,
hi.; ' , trice to r
J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
L. liaraor, .Ittorney and Counsellor at 1'..7.1.7.r,
C.11)/7., NiI:UPSON c(ouvry,oliti,
pnwrcily to the collection “r. -orltr;'y of
;IVA •,I
I larrisom, t;L'ill-
AI:.V, Tll4 , .!IiIC!".. C461100;011, r;t1:01I. S:111.;
;;;,l o
I)nrcrll P7c t 1 , 41 . •1 ,, jr „ 1 ,
.Ldt r,
. D. 'l'. gr. , 1
. ••,
(Uwe t “rtil -A , of Fifth street, betAvet•ii n A
Switii:;e:d. Pittsburgh. Feu L)-il
rdagistrat.e's Blanku,
in attachment wick: 11,. , late lae. 1 - “ r
.43ie at this ()nice.
Dr. S. R. Holmes..
office in Second sirtwt, nr. , :t door to Molvany
Waroholi:r. se;) I (I—v
Dr. A. W. Patterson,
itlice st root, third [con the 4.0 i-rice 1 4
spp 10
ap G. 1.313
Oaic on Fifth staio, butwocti Wouil a:AI S:nithiicld
,trmt s, Pittsburgh. (le,- 10—y
Nu. 43. Wood Strect,
&gent , for the sale of the Bail: Cotto:i Fact,,ty Yams
Williams do Dilworth,
de.ale GreceN, Produce and Cinntni:::ion AL.
chant., and. D-alerF in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar
ticle., No. -29. \Vocl street. sop 10—y
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
Ni. St, :1131-I,:c't -treet, Pitt , I)urgh.
Sri) 11)--;
.1. G. fi A. C;01Z1)(IN,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Water r-t,-oot, Pitt...Lurcrh. F.ei , 10—y
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
N. 60, IVnter -trcet, Pitt- , 100-z - 1). Pa
;ifid 5 cv-0 , 1) ,- sl.
100 'h.. Coninni,sion 011 vurcha.c- autl Talc pet
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
.Eduard Hu 1 iteN, Ma:f111 - teillrer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse, No. WI, Wood st.. Pitt. , bargh.
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
duce Merchants,
And deniers in Pitosburgh Manufr;rini - cs
17 No. 43, iwa ~ t rect. lit ur t .
Bookbinders and Paper Milers,
Continne bu:ine3s at the stand tare of M'Candle,s
John:on. Every do,:cription of work in thoir line tic
ly and promptly exceuzed. may B—y
NICHOLAS D. Cor..r.m.ss LLOYD R. Coi.EstAs.
Coleman & Co.,
'General Agents, Forwarding and Commission
Levee Street, Viek,burg, Miss. They respectfully sa
consignments. n 2:27.tf
John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, .
ter.treet, near the .llnnoit;tthela }louse, Pitt slim -eh
R. lilorrow, Eildcrman,
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
a ft_•v. - d 'or; bviow SI.
Doctor Daniel racryleal
JOHN S. Dit.wolati
TACY LLOYD, Jr., Wbolettule .Lnd Retail Gro-
L. 7 eer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts
bur,zh. may '2O.
L. & J. 1). WICK,
Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
1 1t Wood Street, 1 doors above Fifth st.,
!nay 15 Pittsburgh, Pu.
Birmingham & Co.,
John IL Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
-Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and COl7l
mission Merchant,
Ilarrisburgh, Pa.
goods sent
. for Commission
- NAT I LI. dlipose o f all
Sales at the lowest commission rates.
Phila.—J.B: W. 1 7 , ,, hcr, Day & ri-h. D. Lorrli C 0
Bultinv:re—W NV in &A:0. Will Ann& llerr,J. E. Elder
//a Burliejl.Antes.J :11.1101(1m:in
.Plc I—Cm.
Pittsbnr;_ 4 l
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37. Marl:t-r otreet. cep 10
TIllO/A3 1(.1"Nt
t•orler .11 !hind ,treet and Ex
c'..;.tn, , 4 - e wising to purclia.w furniture,
'ind it to their ;id , . anta. , . , , ;rive u; a ca ll, ' w ing rut
iy y.ati , th-d that We can plea,.c a; to quality dud price.
'et) 10
R. C. TO\VNsE.ND & Co.,
Wire Workers and Wire Wlantifactiarers,
)11ir3: , A su iet, between 211 and 3d streets.
Nair! Clair clrr cl .a, by
Pillringten's Unrivalled Blacking,
A r ANC I' A( :11:I
l'it: , Irir,ll, Pa., in rota..-turt- (,1
a!,l tirn'%.
,r! , :lV,;1191 ' Co.,' r,•,- 10-y
John Drl'Closkcy, Tailor and Olcthicr,
Libvrt:. strcrq, h. , :svro.n s;P:01.
:"41,!1til Side. -i•h I 0
Webb Closcy's Boot and Shoe Manufactory,
.No. G 3, d.r.'., nr.rt ‘1,,,,r !a the U. S. Bank.
sh ,, ‘ in„ tha
a..,1 by th- r , atf•-t French pattern , . t..9p 10
William Doherty,
H.\l' AND CAP ( 'll I "
111 Lib 1 - :* Cc. h f•l WC
1.1.1 kill.
I I I LET? ald 1-Lmii.tcturer.
;•,,n,cr n 1 (it'll Fa.
ii.—.;.1%%.1 : .s nu a , s,rinivnt
•;i•r4ical i.,1.11:1:3,
Italt,•r • S, I.:11
Oak and Porilar X.x.mber for Salo.
1'1: \V ( and l'op'.ar
...: ~•IL! • 't 1: •
C. ( . . 1 E. :1' ...:',:1'1 .. 011 . ; , 1,111.1). • 21.
Dr. road's Celebrated Vernele pills
[111. „ 1: an . SI tothL;
:; t ‘ t ; L ; I`. t t - t • tft • •,/ • t rt . ltti t i t s ; ill
I'l • t t , to tl.r , irs-x, fr,r, l
• occx.('rcis.%orcr.orah.le , , rit of t ,tent. Tile)
a .11 all a:H.I
the sane
ti.)ll nppr..batitm of il)e oinin,nt
tLr •.1 many For said
11..•;:ii!, 1 .),.. It. A z ent.
No. '2O. IV or. I Sirs t, Sooild.
Notice to Dr. Brandreth's Agents.
r I_l 1 1 1 li l r•
in Pitts , eirgh, w 111,: tiv. as i . ,tablish, d for
. the ptirpi ,4 o or ~,,,,titutinL, o h' the
ha, in, : thnt onjret. 1: 1... W C10: . ‘'(1. ^ ' - 1
Mr. (;. 11. LEE, in the I )iatuodd. Market WO.
ptuji,toil 11 - !V II2".•Ilt for the , "00 of illy PM , and
Dr. lira'l.lECCl ., NN ill, thercrore,n,.-
der.“nnd tiro. Pr. B. kill send a travelliug rd.;etd
through the country oacr a .. , tar to rolled monies fur
slles nunle and r , supply a rreut:. The said tra‘..l.lcr
will Lc provided V. ith Itntr cr uC attnrnec, duly proved
before the Clerk of the cite and rounty of New Y, , rk,
op . t r withal] the nrces:tu - y . vouchers and papers.
Mr .1. J. tra , ,,lCniTrtzenT !low
N. 11.—Rorneml )or, Mr. . 11. LEE, in ;Ito roar actin:
Marliot now my only n7ent in Pit tsl,itoi.
june 14
with a
Ilavihnaardl7„l e : 1 1 1 1 .1 11,: t
nu c r i c ie n ri p ri ,f t%% n •n ly s,p k a n t: e ,
produced murli pain, and used various applications
recommended-)iv the fur:airy—all in vain, Was cured
completely by the use of WIC Iwttle of Dr. Braudretbrs
liniment, Or eNt.Tinil remedy.
Winiesa my hand, .LIMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., lleglit , n2,. co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1310.
1)r. 131-471,1rt.t1C,' ev.erind remedy or linnmcnt; sold
at the store of I;011.G1: 11. LEE, I'ittsh ;
.50 pnr boffin. fel , 8.
Dr. Bcebtor's PeLmonary Preservative.
17 U 3 cough-,
-4 colds, imlueliza , , ca(itrrh,, whoopinL. ,
colifili. ,1 ittin2 of 131.xx1, pain in Ow Inva. , t, all
ai.-ea,r, of Ow brea-t ava lung , . ;linlarre , t of approach
in2 ~ , ,i,:nniptifm \Varranted fit, , from inurt.in y and
otlicr mineral=. B. 1. F.IIINESTOCI ..K - .. CO..
j. I.? Agents for I'ittsbui,4ll.
Plain an d Pane y Portrait and Pirtu re Fra nc
Ni,. 87, I:,,arth ,beet, Pitt, , burgh, Pa
C\ N VASS hr0.:11 , -,.varni:it, for artists, always
On hand. G 1115.5(25, &.e., promptly iii
med. to order. km puifin;.; dozne at the shortest not ire.
te.tention paid to rigildin,s- and jobbing of
every ae, , criptien.
Per,ons tittire , ,gunboats or house s will find it to
their advantag - e to call. .t.p I 0-y
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheci
Iron Ware
No. 17, Fifth xtrect,hrtween Wootl and Market,
Keeps constantly un hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicit, a share oCpublir patconag - ,e. Also, on hand,
the followingarticlest shovels, pokers, tongs. gridirons,
,:killet,i,teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &e. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hemselves,fls he is determined m sell cheap fnreash or
approved paper. mar 7—tf
rail Painter, Fourthstory BurlC:= Buil
dint's. J. Osborne would solicit a call'firnn those who
desire Portraits -Sprit - nen= ran be seen at his room.
.• ~~ ~.
~~,:~~ Gls'__, .
Thos. B. Young & Co
Exchange Hotel,
James Patterson, jr.,
John Cartwright,
William C. Wall,
Cheap for Cash.--
Short Reel Yarn.
No. 5 at 15 ets per ib.
6 at 15 do
7 at 15 do
u at 15 do
9 at 15 du
10 at 15 du
11 at 13 do
12 at 15 do
13 at 16 do
14 at 17 do
15 at 18 Jo
.16 at 19 do
17 at 20 du
18 at 21 do
19 at 9.2 do
20 at 23 do ler
r-AFOrders promptly attenclud to. if left at J & C.
Painter's, Logan &Kenned-', or the l'cr4 Office:address
f 27 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO.
Circulating and Reference Library.
CIF reli4ious,historical, political and miscellaneous
works. will he op n every day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 ,'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in time Ex
corner of St. Clair street and Ex
alting° alley, where puncttml attendance ‘vill he Oven
by J. GE.MMIL.
sep 10.
Springs and Axles for Carriages,
r 1!F. b .i•tibl r s 111:PI'llat•1111 , nu l ko.T cunstan , „-
ly on 11a::(1 Coa.-11, C and Elipti , Spring , (war
rantrd,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Bras. 4 plated
1)11;11 Frame:, Brat-A and plated Hub Bands, Stump
Joints, " pat,ut Leatl.vr, Suer and Bras; Lamps,
Three fold Stop , , Iran, Door Iluudlt a and
sop 10 St. (;lair st., none tine Allegheny Bridge
Chcaper and better 11i,z,: can be had a! a;ly other
Ik:et! tree 0
. 1
Call for Bargains
THREE BD; t)(” -,its
,V.- . 1 I, /, q . './ 1.1•z!!‘
P t: iib'.•r 111 hie
f i ii e n,l; mid 1 that call stuck of
vomprii,es a larger a,l mot, variod
than ha, titer liven 0pti., , ,1 at any I,titt i ,e is tlii,citv,and
from Ow CI \viable t , rin , at v. hidi imrchazes were
nailo,llo to ulothinJuhuitlicr than it viin
he had in ti i
.v othur osiahli-timp„t in t hi, c i t y. 11,
tho public to c all and examine hi.
of all the or dress, and frum
xcollonce ot . the matin inl. thii It of %%141111:III-
-111 0 the very lc w Irl irc at W111011(111 hi , Ltrt are
he feel!: cfolifiilent th:lt c - iv rine will liy:d it to
their advato ate to pu at the. •• The , e 1315 Doom •'
none but the k-st uuLt..rs and \o: tql are
s to make clotbia , 4 will br attr::Jrd to in a
rnauncr oo! 1c a
ill.. -city.
Ile v.. 01141 rptnr., thnlik4 t" hi. 6ieur;s and
he public for the unpreced,d , ,l I.;ttn.n.l e be:tol%vd
I 11:1V0
i . OU'A v.lLeir u il:tht:lL;k . l%) With {I
•.\.11(, tVi.).i ;kr 1 , :tr.:11a.,:e
I",thi-LT, ofevt•r 31 I•o•Kf` , T I , llCe, to cail
at No. 1:.1, I,i'ovrtv .1()11N )SE EV.
plate in thy paverni!,::.
1 J- ,in
ItES 1;( Fl: 1,1,1 ini.orm he 1,1, 1 .5.. that I hale
11 , :d ',cop .1.1%\ 011 band au 11,i(11!:11t. Of Fire
pric... in cou,:pi.T..•.: of the Ma
le. in ' Ur ilite • h relqcori about
thirty t'eut. Th , y at lily in
nhove Si:Lithii to tin church on
tia• Janos
a•ii S.:. Flemi....tz. lu n.gard to tins
irc (..1 . ! , .avo 1'c..40n: who have pur
ely, .1 rue! sat, s to alte-t t!:..•
th , rn. fiu tuy
nt:d truth AVTlrl:l , tt ir!t- in incormin_ tblic
that ail me sale: whirh ha‘o 1) , •,..tt burnt
,bruit for several y,nrs ,ince 1 e,,:nmonc,l IlltVV
tire tiloy contain
ha,.. a e a :lumber or rortiticutos
.)f ,717111., NVIII,II It:11 ;11 HI —.l!riti. in my hand,
n.ul the a , ...nte.s. .1()11:N; PI:NNIN(4.
N. li. A c.•\v lrlii n. i tot6! Sprin, I‘.r 4a10,11111.de by
( nod vt II.• :01,11.).% . Also, asrrcjr
i[llll.,v - 1:1 h L:Clncla iron.
snn 1.20—t1
.1i)IIN L 1:
Now & Chcap Stock - Establishment,
NO 61, 1.11.1. 1 ; _ VD .AI.LEI
R. C.VELS 1r.!.11:1
Iv{ ) D ino , t :mi.:lnce to the citizen , l
of tr , ,d the colmtri . treneraliv, that I have
commenced thomama trt ere of STOCKS, of every ye'.
riety, form and descripti on, and would solicit merchants
and others to call a;:ilexamitic G,r themsel , es, as I am
determined to sell en th- most accommodating tefm,
Cot. el -11, and hnhe. lo strict attention to to
Merit a -11:1:•:' of politic p.tt 19-6 m.
Beware of a Settled Cough!
JR. Nl' LAN Saloritic Lung Syrup, being a safe:
znal effectual remedy for Cnug , , Catarrhal Fever,
hilt:cum. Fleura,v, the first of rorminx sttoges of Con
sumption, Asthma, \ V hooping Cough, &c. Some do
zen of ceililleno‘s or its valuable effect, can be pro
duced. vie of which o. now offered.
Thi , is to certify. that. I had a very severe Cough all
la:at winter: and was very much reduced. After trying
medical aid nidto no purpose. I was ad, iscd to procure a
bottle of lie. M . Lane's Lung Syrup; it gave me relief
inediattly, and in tw 0 weeks 1 was able to go o ut,
and fulk believe it to be one of the most valuable med
'eines how before the public. for (lough and breast corn-
E 0"A fresh supply nicht, valuable Cough medicine
goat rreeivcd at the Drug store of J. KIDD,
oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth sts
CISTE H IMES. would respectfully ii.form hi, friend;
an d the public in general. that he elves Ladies'
d r e..:es. Habits:old Main el,z of every description. black:
and warrants !limning to smut. tied to look equal to new
goods. He dyc F Caney colors of all descriptions of Bilk
and carpet yarn. i, cleans and restoms the colors of
••entiem.'n'a clothing. so as to resemble new goods.
Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public,
as he has done an extensive business in New York for
twenty years. All work dime on moderate terms, at his
...tablishment in sth st., between Wood and Stnithtield
near the thonlre.
1,--7FThis is to certiCv that OSEE II IM ES has dime
work for us, whit h has fully an., , .w.-red our expec
tation , , and we consider him a competent deer.
S. Hemphill. Andrew I'lml%.
Wm. Barnes; W. B. Boics
.1. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porte,
David Hall,
B. F. Mann
David Boles. A. Shockeyjr.
Joseph French, jr.. Joseph Vera,
George Barnes. lip 20
Canal Basin.corner Warne and Liberty atviseas. Pitts
burgh. Agent United States Portable Bost Line.
sert 4-3 m.
nion Cotton Factory.
Lcng Recl Yarn.
500, at 81 cents per dozen
COO at 7i do
70a0 at 61 do
80)) nt 5,1 do
!MO at 5 do
000 at. 5 du
Candlewick at 15 cents per lb
Coln. Batting, 8 do
Family do., 1.24 do
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine. 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Cuvur
let Yarn alvays on hand.
Cotton WatT3 made to or-
4! Eas:e rn Price:,
Iron Safcs
Ncw York Dyer
. H. Smith.
Kenn• Jave:Ls
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh: .
THE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and'il
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office: llftving been foreman in some oldie
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to bUsi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks, and can xVith cmifiilente appeal
for the goodness of his work and knovVledge of his
business. I'. KERRIGAN.
Inns 11.
William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker,
Liberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield.
jThe subscriber having bought out the®
stock of the lam Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has
commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the sitor*St notice.
He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He
tOileiLs the patronage of the public and of the craft.
5,.p 10—y W.M. ADAIR.
David Clark, Ag't,
JFASIIIONBLE Boot MAt ER,l:as removed
to No. 34 Market street, between Sec:mutt and
Third streets, where he would he happy to sec his
old customers. and all others who feel disposed to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, turd
employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his con
'twit personal attention to business. he trusts that he
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronari
: , (1) It)
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
No 8, Pi/. 7 i ,t. 7'i.•, doors from _Varied.
PATES intends to manufacturer a bet
.l4gWkitei • ter article of Ladies', Childrons and
Shoes, and sell them cheaper far cash than
they can he bought in the city. He will keep constant
ly on hand and makes to order T.atlies' Shdes of 611
kinds and colors, at very low prices, of the followinc•
Ladies' Lasting Foxed Gaiter Boots, $1 75
best quality Kid or Morocci, Gaiters, 1 50
" Calfskin Boot=, 1 37;
" Foxed Half Gaiters, all ctilors. 137.
" hest kid and Moroni) buskin, 1 181
DouLla Soled Slippers, (Jeff.) 1 12
" fine Kid Springs and Tarns, best quahl 00
" Sprincs, heavy, s7i
" Slippers, 75
" G2A
All Shoex made here warranted. Missee• ;Ind Chil
dren:t' in the same riiivorrldn.
1 17='Remember the place. nt the sign of the Red
fox, No. C, Fifth street.
I.lli, Woo i-st reel, oae door abnv c 601,
ELPS constantly on hand ILII hinds of the
Sian , _sh Re alias, Casadares, Coon.
lhanrs, Trabucas,
Also, half Spanish and common vicars.
Tobacco of all 11Je hest brands. Cavendish, 3s
lump; Baltimore Plug , . 124 and 16s, lump.
Also, Mrs. Milice's tine cut chewinz tobacco.
, .
Snags—llappe-, Se Macoulia,
Ile 11140. ni; otl!,r zit ticks in his line, which he
otrers, whole:tale ainl retail, at the lowest cash price:.
CALL AND SEE. its S-6m
ALEXANDER M . (1.71111Y,
At 11:e old stand , f Young 4. lir Curdy, Nn. 43, &-
rand atrrrt, bet ire n IS 'nod and 3fri.ket.
IESPECITULLY informsfriends of the late
, firm. and the public generally, that he is prepa
red to lilt all orders for Cabine! 11 - ork, of ar e : kind,
with al! p!, , -ibie aud warranted to be equal
to any is rho
Every (1.!'r!ItitlI: will to paiil to furni.liing. COFFINS,
Sze • je• 16—y
_ .
File Manufactory.
T 1 E , mbscrilter hat. ing commenced the maatifitc
tnr, of Cast Steel Filet-, fretn American materials
exclusit, ply, al.acant.:.,, i other per-ons wantieg cart be
cipplierl by him with a better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending to use only the
quality of rile Steel, manufactured by the Messrs.
Sno nETZ is nor: brought to a porfectioa
equal to the ho s t English article, manufactured for the
same putp,.:e, the subscriber has full confidence that he
will be able. in finality of articles and prices, to realize
the bust hopes (tithe friends of Arm , rican Indust rty.
ly 15—y. Corner of O'llara ti Liberty' sts.
Horatio F. Young, Cabinet Mallet;
( Late of the finn o! Young or curdy )
IT AS commenced the mashies: in all its brroiclies at
1 \o°l2 Wood street, between First and Second
strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of well made FCRNETE E, and hopes, by
strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of
the patronage of the public.
Every attontion will bepairl to rural:Alio COFFINS,
&c. A Furniture Car fur him. 11
llpholsterer and Cabinet Maker.i
Third st.,between Wood and
itel,octfully inform, his friends and the public, that he
is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards,
but,aus, chairs, tables, bcds;cads, 6taxids, hair and
spring maul-asses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol
steri 7, work ; t:hich he %%ill v.amain equal to any made
in the city, and on reasonable terms. s:p I 0
rf/atthetv Jones. Barber and Bair Dresser,
F.lartli street. opposite the Mayor's of
rre, wlwrr Io ill b' happy to wait upon permanent or
transient C , 2•II , IIICI'S. lie solicits a share of public pas
tronagc pep I 0.
The subscriber having returned front the East with
the latest rule of I Tats, ha. now on hand a:.d kill cne
stantly keep :: larme ment uf hi , own Manulac
tur,, fir ligidner,s, s.ervice. beauty, and cheap.
and would reepeetf::ll:.
V:te hip friends and the public to examine his stock of
Hats and Cap., at the Manufactory. No. 73. Wood at.
44 Hat and Cap Manufactory. • -
No. 93 Wood street, 3 doors belc.rr Diartsnd Alley
THE subscriber will keep constantly on hand every
variety of the most fashionable ATS and CAT's,
wholesale and retail. at reduced prices.
rersons wishingto purchase will find itto their intt"
rest tog-I've him a call. S. MOORS.
Pittsbnqh, aug. 29, 1843:
vOr grmmd and polished, anvils and other kind= of
: , ,rinaing done at the Cart Fleet File Mamlfactory.edr
ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets.
TJje )3ailv Itidtitittg Post,
1 . 1.7. Ye that staunch old man; •
Hip livatt halever
Aq firm as adamantine rock,
Whoa for his nountry'd
'Tetras well for thee he hdd
The helm, my native Wad!
When angry surges roared, end sfrottl
The ship of state to stisati.
Firirk as the living. rock,
He set his noble form
AgUinst the direst, heavist stroke
Of all :hat fearful storm.
His reputation he
Committed to his God,
And sternly and unorwitingly
The course of duty trod.
Unmoved, ha still withstood
The blast of bitter Wrath;
He could ■ot fail, for principle
Upheld aim in his path.
The tempeA passed away,
the sic) , became serene.
And all unscathed, and still erects
That stern old mun Ili seen.
I verily believa
That God, whe loves to 'blocs
titalted him to sate the laud,
In this her wurBt distress.
I'll e'er revere thy name,
America's thvn son!
And in my heart prize thee next
To peerless Washington.
May long before our sight
Thy noble iirtues shine!
And when death calls for thee, Old chief;
An elid of peace be thine!
It is about three years sine° I was engageflui
in an equestrian company. The chietattraction WWI
I joined the corps, and that which nightly filled tifli
great amphitheatre to overflowing, was a feittAle &Wes •
Irian, whose enactments werrttf ti most oftinalltiti in.
teresting, nay, of ititiling excellence.
She Wait a woman of striking beauty,"Wch, thcitlgit
a little past its prime, and beginning to fide, nvr .
crtheless, by a little art and troable; hittiable ofd pefr
feet restoration to its orighttil bnltio.nil. She irklis it
universal favorite, and the applause she nightly dreg
Lloivn was triost unanimous and decided; and ihh . seetiir
vd fully alive to it—in fact, her features used fit rxhit
bit a strange gleiViug pleasure in the noise
rered nround &Mil every iinarter of the cut an ItinC
roan edifice, of a nature which I hare nei.-er ablitt dP
picted en the countenance of dtijr other phiter=tl
.tfanomalousenthuslasttc teefitgct br ii illfyr
nether unexplaiiinble expressitin:
Her figiu e was the perfection of syfothetry; and tird
lightness dad elegance, the Cal confident shlmcnini
grace wherewith she Went tbro shl-cr tivolitiinns cat
horseback, accompanied by the sari or absent mysti ,
cal smile of strange internal filet - I:Aire she constantly
wore in such circumstances; rendered her an object
which the I:Tes iif the spectator felt pain in being rot
moved from for one instant from her first entrance td
her final exit.
Bat there was manlier Without whotn site IttirdlY &ref
appeared in the circle, an d who perhaps constituted tf
priacifat part Of the charm that hung around iten=hee
clatzhter, a tiny child of about ihree years old; exceed-
Moly small for her age, but of much intelligence and
beauty. Its face seemed absolutely angelic, whilst
little iflatrie rivalled its mother's grace: It was a light
tinted. flaxen haired girl, alter;cther ilalike it parents
in features; .dve that its eyes of latighing hzzel migbi
poi , sih!y have fragments from the dazzling dark orbs of
the rumlKr.
Of this child ,ho Teat immoderately, dlfin g ly fond:
She was continually caressing it, and talking id it hi
some foreign language, and never for a inomthlr allow:
ed it away from her sight—her very heart aftsnieci
wrspt up in the infant.
Daily in the public prothenades she might be send
waking along, talking and smiling with ineffable,
bweetness to her darling., and apparently careless, or
rather scornful of the numerous young men that +arch;
eti her crossing the street, and crossing again to get
ziimpses of herface, and see whether that heathy *hit+
h.id >u fascinated them amid the glare of gas. the traall
a:A the flutter of drapery, would betirthe test
of saber day; or other,, by various schemes rind affix , :
endt-avorud to draw upon then solves one of
thuie looks of love which she lavish , d in such picks:
F ion on her little companion. . .
But if she bore towards her daughter, such affection;
the child seemed to rattlin it with a devotion scarcely
less ardent: It was never happy but When fondling
and being fondled by her, and was always pining and
moping "bad" (to use a technical term,) when her an;
ocotillos led her from its society. On this aocount it
never was that favorite among tic which its beauty and
i-aelligence might otherwise have rendered it.
I may state that sho *as a woman of "cry low mond
choracmr—and abandoned and utterly proflig ate per
son, indtttd—appnrently without any one r edeeming
feature—save the engtoesing attachment to her infant:
I shall say no more bp this !faint, bUt leave you, con:
6idering her station in life, to guest tht rest:
Her name was Clara Ilennaittir, as roue dl that of
her daughter. She was said to be nn Jewess;
though we could only surmise her oricinois she never
talked of any of the past events of her life. At all es
vents, she had plajord FM' ti considerable limo eft Finn;
in Paris, where a son of Mr. Codoni'S' had etc
gaged hcr.
The child and she iii-d to perfcititi trtgeihei on borer
back or on the tight-rope, or slack-wire, on all of whictl
she displayed consnmate proficiency and grace, but
riarq the first. They were wont thus to assume;
such eletreeter‘its Yeses and Cupid, Psyche and Cu;
phi, H •he and Glinymede, Aurora Ind Zertryi, find
the cantidenCe, toe total absence of feardisplayed by
the little tine, when apparently in the most danger;
ous positions—nay, its look of wild delight when itti
such circumstances—its shrill. joyous laughter and ex;
chtmat.ions, and the clapping of its tiny hands, cornspi
r(A to take away every feeling of anxiety from tho
mi rat+ of the spectator:, and leave them lust in delight
and tvoitder.
. . .
The anirnal ton, that Rhe eidetic used, as if to minder
the exhibition perfect, was one of exceeding spirit and
brantv. It was a young blood inare,black lie a coal,
which having been rendered unfit, by tin egaily con•
c , ..aled accident. fur the turf or chase, was purchased
by our manager, and trained for exhibition in the arW
Well. nor season--a perfectly nuceessful one. thougli
pr-)lonzed to the utmost, at length was over; end the
b.2nefit nights come on.
It was Clara's benefit, and sl.is bad advertised some
of her mist heau:iful an 1 nt.raezive performances.—
the great bi,iiding, ai rnigl t be expected, was crowd
ed to the utmost in every pnrt, but especiilla the gal
ecv, the low rate of admiasion to which made it to hi
requented chiefly by the inferior a:xr mcire jusetifki
portion of the community:
A gclermiiiispectdclo commenced the entertainments,
rind when it was over, Madame Clara and I:er child
were announced amid continued rounds tt applause.—
The black mare was - first introdoecd; rind led round the
tin; by two of the servants of the tabli diluent, who
ran at its head, for ar. yet it had not become so habitue
ted to its occupation as not to be stir-Fled by. the glare
o f ga s. t he shouting of th• melierr-e. ant 4 the car-piere
iwgtrrisie °four hand.