Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 10, 1843, Image 4

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    ,1 6 , , lig, es • rale, , i4sitersis, re.— e,
Have iLaleg*on hail an exatitslver titeostmeit ot Sat ir
101111 and plain rArea. HANGINGS, Velvet. and i
!Wilt-TO:1r Borders. Of the latest Mile, sod handsome
latter's., for papering halls, parlors an/ Chambers, _
- They manufacture and have on band at all times-.
Palettes. Writlng,l.etter, Wrapping and Ten Pa per,Bon -
,ist and Fellers' Boat ds--all of Which they offer for eale
its- th e Mora accommodating terms; and 10 valid' Wel
i nv ite the attention of merchants and ot hers.
LSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the bestquality ,
-School kaoks, etc. atmays en band and tor sale at; above
N. U. Rage' ad Tat:ten' serape taten lit exchange.
itg"v r .G. —The undersigned begsleave to 'teem
the public, that he has removed from his old stand, I ,
tothe corn -r of Penn and Bt. Clair sts., oppositethe Es r.
-lne on
chwage Neteherhere be has lilted tip startle Miro PORTZ INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDEbT PRINCIPLES.
Waal gotta , and.now offers for gale the moat splendid The public line long wished for Individual coMpetition
nOlitorireent of ?Lagos ever offered ionis market. In 'Transportation oh the. Petblic VVorks.by which alone
114 pianos consist of diderent pterns, of superier it can he freed from tinnecesrary ezpienses sad mitered
Rase Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and nor. to itslewest rates; that wish will now be realised; the
dole,' aild-canstrneted throughout oUllue-veirliar4 108 " I Biate of Pennsylvania having placed Trneks on her Rail
tetials,which,for durailitand Auglity a tone , as wet!, 1 floods . tndiviclumQ owning Portable Boats are enabled
ai" tooth, he vrarrants to he superior to any ever -veer' ito bid for the Carrying Trade and successfUlly to coca.
here. ' pole with conspan.cf. , . , _
As he has en'.arged his manufactory, and triode arrange. This line. itemmpesidor Tweniy 'new, Four" Section,
meiits to snooty the locreasing demand for this instill- , Pcirtalde floats, owned by the Captains- who tomerand
m'ent, he respectfully reqoests those Intending to par. t h em and welt unown as emerptuttig,. hadaautnaa and
chase to call and examine his assortment beforepnrcha. „perte"ed Boatmen.
sidieelseWitere, sr hels determined to sell tower., for The superiority arid advantages of the Portable Boat
rash ,than
other establishment east or west. of the over every other erotic Of Transportation, are too well
trinental us. F. BLUME , 1 k n own to shippers g enera l l y require comment; sof
corner of Penn and Bt. Clair streets,
. ace It to 'lay, that the detention, has,separatiort gad dew
Irl-010 Opnoille the Excliang! f!ptf.42. ptuillnrzti. Pa. 1 gists GOOdi. invariably at tenditte tares Transhipmests
between Pittsburgh and PUladelphla are by the Portable
Boat most elfertnally removed
The pert:tine BUM p_isses.ws the great advantage too.
of bein,g,weil esatilatsd and-east la sonewr; which pre.
vants Ftesefreas strieingoand Bacon and Tobacco from
avec:nine.between the ownere
11. Devine, standing as be does,
of goodsand the Boatmen who carry
nthtem, Ind equally
interested in protecting the intervals berg, wilt make
no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform.
lie is now prepared to receive and forward Produce
to Philadelpha, flaliimore, New Y ork, and Bosn in the
shortest time. i and pledgee liirnielf to enter into to no corn.
binat ion with othrr Lines,but alwayF stand ready to carry
out the principiesof his Line, and contract for freight on
the very tovfest terms.
-To give midi:mini ed•security to o wners and shipprrs
of goods an open policy of 1101111111CP has been r
by which all merchandial shipped by this !Atte weeille
Insured without say additional expense to the owner.
D. Devine will receive ail produce consigned to him
al Pittsburgh. rey freight and charges to Valeria] Boats
and forward tits saute without delay to Philadelphia,
Baltimore. New York, and Boston wttliont any charge
fur advancin; or comulission.
trqc 411 1 .cribe r es
just received from Philadelphia:m.l
Mew Cork, with a ecnerat and extensive assort.
every article in his tine of business, which hels deter.
mined 14 veil on the most reasonable terms for cash.—
Ila.helieres he. Call Jffer stronger induccoemuerysnt than any
siMila• icin WA ish nteo tln this e city to nt Physicians
and 'Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with
Drugs and Medicines. Ilis ari been
Wes have select ed
withthiantroost care. and are Warranted on no bog nail.
liyamitianiform strength. Orders will
hereb filled with ac.
crSAilld elegnce. Fonda. s can opt led with Fine
a ;ftwocy Snaps of every conceivable variety. and of
lb . tri..exitoisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
as lies of eve ry description.
The itridersisneit returns his t hanks for the
by a c liberal
onst in sup:t
port heretofore exiended to him, and hopes
tare in pro
di position to please and asconsinodatea
euorin. a ir n re d er s i e a.llloin g o ofn t T h s w sa h le a s t'
a i n ii
detXrcaellntea n e t l la O n n
d o gfe i n h u r i
..iet ha
Ilslididiat.—precantion and accuracy in compound% med.
eines—and by Indus:Tv and perseverance, to mcr 111111
ream, of"public outcome:A
-- _ __
J.,....---------- --
La I what makes your teeth so unusually white?
Cluoth Josh'a dulclnia to hint Vother ni
To make yours took so, with a grin, rep
I ve brought youa bottle of Thores' Tooth Wash.
'l'.l the hest now in use, so the gentlefolks say.
And since they have, triad this, east all others away.
But to provelt the best, to make the tee; li shine,
LOok again, my dear Sal, at the lustre of mine.
Then try tile great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash.
And gee if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is no
[laving tried Dr.**Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth t line.
and become acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo
sition,' cheerfully say, 1 consider it onc of the 83, as
It is one of the most pleasant Tooth Was; es now trus
s e.
Pittsburgh SeP. 15,1842. DAVID HUNT, Dentit.
1. take
Tooee in stating, having made use oP*Thorn's
Tea .Berry th Wash," ttr.t it is one of the best dett
trifices in use. Being In a liquid form, it combine; neat
ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel
an I removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds
a fragranee peculiarly desirable. J. P. Ti BBETTS. M.D.
The, undersigned have used **Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry.. Tooth Wash," and have found It to bean extreme.
ty pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary Influ.
enca over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those India.
Pensable members from premature decay, preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Itreath. Hay.
log thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re..
commending it to the public, beliceing it to be the best ar•
title of the kind now in oar.
.41 ROBERTSON, ..f.difF.3 P JACK
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THOON. Apotheca•
ry and Chemist, No. SS Market street; Pittsburgh; and
at all thepristelpa Droggists',and Tuttle's Medicalsep Agen.
y, Fourth street.
------------- _
VCR. COM MAI S fB —Dgirepsi ! aa.d Imb/ratio:l,
With costiveness, asidity of the stomach, hardness
~food after meals, lie:atilt rn, flat ulenry , I ivelcorn plaint s
with pain in the side and shoulder, jaundice, bilious COM•
plaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel. stone, and infatuation
oft he Ian;!. are mart perfectly rentovtd and cured by the
II PIP Alit: BLI ILI ft.
This article has the astonishing feels In curing, all tom.
dlalnts of the stomach and digestive organs. Many high
ly craperetabte individuals in
i n York have been cured,
after trying every other remedy in vain, and have given
thetn. Lis
in their muses with permission to refer to
platelet le the test, and does pot in the least interfere
with the daily avocation of one taking it. Many faini..
Tics 'gibe city have become so pleased with the medicine.
thativey melt as their only family medicine. By using
it occasionally, it keeps the stomach free from bi.ious dis•
orders, and the liver active, whit the serretions of the
hodrin the most perfect activity. It is composed entire.
Iv of vegetable. The care will be gradual, lint certain
and permanent•
For sale at TeeTtes, 136 Fourth street.
. eep 6.
Dr. Leidy's Tetter Sr. Itch ointment.
F ., Ole cure ocevery variety of T ETTER , the ITCH ,
and all diseases of the Skin, had proved itself more
etficatiOUsthan any other preparation for the slate pur
pose In uso.
Upwards of five hundred certificates might he p
And siunlished of Its efficacy trom School Teachers, Pro
prietors of Factories. Parent', Guardians, Child Nurses,
Captains of vessels and others, wereed it o connect nut for the dewith
cacy-in basins their namtvi bsh n
Loch disagreeable Ilierfttlol2P.
By the use of Dr Leidy's Teller Ointment in cot lune..
lion with his extract of Sarsaparilla
mu or l
oon t I o P n ill, he ,
syliletrunree to cure any disease cntut sitin
.powsper bad, Of of however long standi instancesng, or reund
but c l an
money. There are however icily few
boomed by the Ointment alone.
tPrire 25ceatsa Boa.
Preptiflo outy-andsod winalesalc and Walla% Dr Lei
dy's Ilealth Emporium, 1191 N. Second st. Philadelphia ,
and by B. A. FAIINE STOCK 4- co. corner of Wood
and Stith streets, Agents rir rittshtirg. pity 12.
(41,11Esuirseitber would respectfully Inform the citizens
arra_ turgh. Allegheny and their viririties, that he
has evonseneed tnanuPaeturing the article of La
rdrd 01
and Canates• Lie intends ma t:
one totality, hic
will equal thebeet made In the Union and not surpassed
1:1 the best winter st rained spertn oil tither for omettinert
or hurndsg, without 11l offensive properties, and one
Aciastr 1M ANY TEMPERATURE. The subsert•
bet willows , to Mavens alhatactly oe 'he public mind that
tt is opt eiewiesary to Wirchwie toy sew fa ogled letups that
are deity palwed epee WM es Whig requisite to hum the
lard Oli itl. ramose wistaria • pars and brilliant light
eem oiskainitby calling at the old sututi,Se street, pearl!
e;:esite the iiatetOffice.
1 3 s attecOim of lifesasale-sienkrs, Coombe* and
- s
rsiV ecit'd yr 1. '144
the s VI: Lep the enAnutacluie s '
/got 1913 tf,
- -
For PO
Iks Transportation o BOA sdias and Predate
tiEviN LI respectfully inform the public that tbr y
.1-11.• have completed their arraogetnentafor the above
raurrti lo .1:;42.
ILeady made Coffin Warehouse,
Poserk St . 2 duo,' jean' the (I• S. Bask.
ti,E4PECI'FI3I..LY informs the public that be
I 11) han fettlYled kis ready made coffin wir e.
house to the huildlne reeently occupied by Mr.
It. G. Burford, direetly opp sitoe his old st Ind,
where he 14 always pre arepd to tittr.ii promptiy
to any OVirrnill his line. and by etrlct anent:on
to all the detailsof the business or an Undertaker ,
be hopes to merit providenfi lie will be prepared
It &LI. HOI'llS to p ilearses, Biers. C. isees and
every requisite on the moat liberal terms. Calls Crum the
country u ill he promptly attended to.
Ms residence in in the same buntline with his wart
find hit
house, where Ooze who need tits services m.ty
at any time. lICTIRSPICItn:
W . W . IR W I /I .
*eV. JOAN 161.4D1i.D D.
11.1[•• ROBTRT Wes. D. D
11.10*• 14111CL1 WILLI• 1111. I
RIV• .11.1111.11 S. I:l4Tin.
RKV• I- f• 11WIYT.
111))(1t.11IDD LI .
p. s.jecLCRI.
------. —______
FA ft rd FOR SA I.X..—Ttle undersigned otiti 7 tor sate
his farm, lying In litors Township 4i miler Iron, the
CO Y of Pittshorth, comalulo% n 4 acres oftand of whir
60 air cleared and under fence, I:. m 15 in 20 ace. • of
sacadow, 2 :cod Orchards of Apples .1 few read' and
cherry trces••••4lllotlSPTOVellienill life 0 arils frame house
containing 'IO rooms wellfurntsbed, calculated fora Ta
?ern m. private Dwelllng. a tone Sara TB br 60,rdlon e
blvenlent. and stabling, "'beds iad other oat houses nit
aide for a tr Orme col;
;-2 good Gardens surrounded with
ctirrato bushes and a well of excellent water, with a
Thump in at the front door. In relation to the Pitisin,7:ll
and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for
sale with more
ndneement to those wishing to purchase
near riiialmrgh, the terms will he made nroderale, for
further pa rtieularsa ably to the proprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty sl reel, corner of Virgin Alley•
er nest. it
N. B. If not sold before I lie l e
leis maul' put;lia
et of Oetnh
will be divided into 10 and 20 acr
see 1(1
—_—_ ..,...
noWa Iffornini-iiiiiiiiiir Beaver.
„ gpo. /11111 E fast f unning and well knows
i 1 &tamer
-.1'..g0.:::1; CLEVE LAND.
emote Hicatrotta.., (Hasler, ver , asler, will depart d
at a ily from
, bomb at 9 o'rlot.k, A. 61,, and Bea 1 o'clock F. M
For freight or passage, apply on board, 1.0 tO
131011NG11.01 & LO.
No 60 Water i Areet.
N• B.—The rev hir canal parl.ct to Cleveland Ohio
Greciivitie and 'Meadville Pa ; and Massillon 0.. thi
Ohio C iig
anal,connect; with airomer Clcveliind at Pen
rer,will be in operation iiiimcdiatr ty on (*intim! of 11; v
mor 10 -tc
, grition ,
Case of Liver Comp/aint of 25 years standing.
This may certify that for twenty five years I was af
flirted with pain in my side, which was frequently ro
severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor. I have
Veen under the mire and treatment of various physicians
without any permanent benefit. Heating Of the Many
cures effected by the (termitic Etilir prepared by Dr.
Siarkwealwr.l was induced to give it a trial, and am
happy to say that it has entirely removed. I have Pat
no symptoms of it for more than a Oaf past.
Northhridse,JileB6 30 , 1841 AMOS WHITE.
The genuine to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency
A'. re e roof Iron Chests. t.
IPlTTanclaGli, OCT. 22, 11342.
Deltatmo—On Friday, thenth of last month , about
9 o'clock at nialo.the Planing.Groovin Cond Sash Man
ufactory, owned by Gay. Dilworth , with a larg
quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all consu.
mcd by fire.
The iron Safe which Imushi of you some time back
was in the
ym of situation during the fur, and
was entirel red hot am pleased to Inform you it was
opened at the clon of the timand all the books, papers,
tcraveri;hisla the best recommendation I can glee ol
the niftily of your safes.
mt. 24-11.
Fourth street
N 0.45 Water et., Pittsurgh.
1.1406. HORBID 3E Aent.
212 Market el reer,
MOORE k ArtE /kenl
15 Howley's WharMf, Raitiroore.
BOW Er HUBO, Agents.
Cineinnalt, Ohio
Thos., ldcAlVilkl, Ce A;ce
21 Old Slip New Yo
Uu'd Oil
Olt, wairanted to burn at any tenter:oM's., and
equal to the best wittier strained Sperm Oil, without
us otteusive guagties, and one thir•l cl,eorier, mat;
olacittred by the subscriber at the old stand, Third at.
nearly opposite the post Orme.
4 t ueic
N7'LY on ha
jall , •• a
.... -----, --- -______
THEsubscriber wising opened a shop No WI, ecconti
street, between Market andWond sireet,,Pltt,orsh.
i n conne( tic n with IPe Factory lu Biruitugbarn. r”pect.
fully int ,rnis his friends and the public, that h e will IK.
happy to tie favored with their orders for any articles In
his line,
Door Locke and Fasteners, o '. varlone d.ccrintions. or.
o. Milt and wade to order.
Tobacclt and Timber Screws.
1 tone Serews,fur Iron Works.aud Screws for P resses,
I nude as may be required ,
carpenters and itallders are requested CO call bcfort.
contradict; for johe, and examine his articles, and prices.
OWL* repairs.' and jobbing generully t one in .he best
I amaner,and nn the lowcst tyro.
1 iall 2-4i,n JAiz. rATTIIRSOS, le
,ty Tuvritsslor,Lrerosevits-cr:srArss i Adisuiiiifiaent ie vo s . 1 -,
, , ,
IN vostdi,LiCitollaie;l4tiiii ibl. iPO4O. 1
...rAPIi: nem been before 1, ,
clantthe United States of America, do hereby de. I 4.1. the movie 3 years dts
an4 make known that public sates will be held , l'az which time sever. ii
atundttomotiosed Laud Offices. its the State of huaaa have been sold
, it , -
MV-z01.112.1, at t!-te periods Itereinifter deiignated, and in daily use, We are
to 'wit : confident of being suslaine4l
AT PLA.TTSBURG, is Clinton cnu‘ ty, the seat in sayln?, , they are the hut
of the Land °dice for the Platte district
;disarm- Cotrce Mims In the Ifni eit
Ili, commencing on Monday, the ninth day of Oct-- States, any way you ntiz It.'
Several modifications are
bcr next, fr the di-pnsal ot the public lands 'within made° suit the Cool of
the undermentioned townships, nod fractional town- wives and the purses of
Shine, to wi*: husbands
North of the base line and well of the fifth princi. So:d by 015:f01,11 or down
pal meridian, and west of the fu rinser weetern hum- et the nirnufactory,--
dory of the State. Malleable Castings made to
'Township Sixty two, of range thirty lour. order.
Townships sixty one and sixty three, of range
thirty fire
two and sixty four, of range thirty
Townships *ilia)
Townships sixty one and sixty three, ot range
thirty seven.
I uwoonps sixty two and sixty four, ot range this
ty eight.
e wri-t half of township fel, oi.e, of range
Nutt , nine,
township sixty twn and township sixty
lour, of range forty•
Fractional townships silty two and sixty three, of
range forty one.
Fractiottal townships sixty three and slaty four, of
range forty two.
North of the base line and east of th e fifth prineiped
meridian, and west of the former western boundary of
the &ate.
one and sixty two, of range
Townships sixty
twenty seven.
ty one and sixty two, of range
Townships sixty. sil
twenty eight.
Township sixty one. of range twenty nine.
o same place, commencing on Slitticlay
irteenth RI the
day of November next, for the disp
M e th 'sal
of the public lands within the limits rat the undermen
tioned townships and fractional townshii.w.
North of the bate line and west of the fifth principal
meridian, and west of the former western boundary of
the State.
Fraciiimal townships fifty,
ge thirty three.
fifty one, fifty three,
five and fifty se t ven, of ran wo. fifty four, Idly six, fifty eight
'Cownships fily
and sixty, of range thirty four.
Fractional township fifty one. townships fifty three,
fifty five, ft actional tewnship fifty seven and town
ship fifty nine, of range. thirty five.
Fractional townships 61 y four, City six. and fifty
seven and town hip s ixty, of range thin y six
Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight
and fifty note, of range thirty seven.
Fractional townships fifty five and sixty of range
thirty eight.
At the Land office at LEXINGTON, comment
'rig OR Monday the second day of Ocoiner n-xt, fin
the dispostil of the public din Is within the limits of
the uudentnent,onel townships, to win--
North of the base litre and west of the fifth principn
Townships thirty six, thirty seven and (Vitt' , eight
of range four teen.
Townships thirty five and thirty seven, of range
Town -hip thiity fit eof r anges sixteen and nineteen
Tciwtishtps thirty five thirty six. thirty seven anti
thirty eight. of range twenty one .
T o wnship thirty eight, of range twenty three.
Townsh•p ilitriy nine., of range twenty eight.
Townships thirty eight and thirty tone, of range
twolly nior•
es thirty one, thirty two
Township forty, of ra•ig
and t hi:t , three.
South west fiat tional (Val tee of sectiona (Went)
one, and the north east and north west fetter' nal
e nviers of section mewl, four In to x nshrp fifty one,
south of Missouri r iver, of range twenty
South Wag quarter of section ssven, iu tun. ship
forty nine, of . niter twenty se, en.
Lands npornpriate,l by raw, for tl e rate of school. ,
miitary or o her purposes, wi l be exclu tett from
The sates will er h he ke, t open for two weeks,
(~,lens the lai,rts are tonne( tlisor.ed of) et. , Kl
long er; and n , private entriet ot laud in the town
-hips so o se,rd will be uditil.ted, twirl :tiler he d
onation of rite Iwo ert,,,,
Given under (weld lit the tiny of aidtington.
this right(: day ~t June. Arrior ldi3.
JOills: TYLER.
By the Pr,
Cumm'r of the General Land Office
-- -
Every person claiming the righl (~fori-emption
to an y lands wititin the limits „rthe 10% ibi,14,9"...:2Ve
enUrtlelall'd , i. required to establtsh the same to the
satisfaction "1 the R eg ister and Receiv
et er
er of
for, the
proper Land Office. a nd to make pas ma th
l as r)olt at prat -la-able after wing this notice, and he
fore the day appointed 14 the commencement of the
public salt of the lON nAttp, embracing the tract
etainied, above designated: Other% ise such claims
will he forfeited.
TllO. H. BL ‘KE,
Cinnini-sinner of the General Land olnte.
o une 29—tris.
O FRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cnticr and Surgical
instrument ,Maker, Third strest, sourly opposite the
Nit Ofcs, Pittsburgh
Filysicians. Dentists and Druggists rau ve their In •
gunmen's inadeby th subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern price e
Tailors' Patent Shrs and SCISSOT. always on hand,
also Hatters Shears, aea
superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N.B. Allartieles warranted of thebest qnsilty.and
ebbing done as usual. 10
f 1.1110 Fl.lO A LES.—Tliete is a large class of Females in
this City who from their continnedsitting, to which
theiroccuptillonsohllget hem,are affected with costiveness
which :ives rise to tialpitation at the !tension the least ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending overtire whole head,
intolerance of light and sound.an inability of fixing the
attention to airy mental operallonr,runihfing intim bow•
els, sometimes a sense of soffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; tentprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few dosesof tire Drandreth Pills The occa.
sional we of this medicine would saves or
and years of suffering.
One, or two, or even
the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, nre ofen found
highly benrfical; many use (hero very advantageourly In
this wny; limy aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,entiven the spirits, impart clear.
neo to the eomptexion,purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Bold at Dr. li-audreth's OtAce. in the Diamond
Pittsburgh—Price 4 2.5 mot., per box, with full directions.
MARK—Theooly place in Pittsburgh, where the
0 ESCIINg Lids can be olnalned , Is the Doctor's own
lee, Diamond. Sep,
or Ole appt
cable In ell cases, wheher for Purgation Pariti
cerise. They possess all t
the boasted virtues of other
Pills, and are additionally efficactons, containing Parson
arlita in thole composition. Which Is not contained litany
other pills In eaistence. They arealso different from oth
er pills In aomposelne, being purely vegetable, and can
be employed et all times, without any (lancet,
our and se r of
nutting no restraint foaM occupation or usual c
D. Leidy never pretended his Blood
Pills would cure all diseases, yet it too much
Is not saying
of i hem, from the. innumerable cure. performed by them
In every variety and form o
Thf disease m
(certificatesn of many
of which have been nuldied fro persos of all det
loations, physicians. clergymen, root othrr-t) that
seem to be am
lost universal In their effect; and pers..r
using them for whatever slekttess or di-.teave, may rest
assured they will he found more vfficactotts than any nth
er pills in extstenee.
From the known reontation of Dr Leidy's Blond Pills.
Its deemed necessary In re.nind the puhlie where they
may at all time.: procure the !ermine, as it is attempted
iolmpose other pills called .illood Pillßen the rmhile
on the reputation of Its. Leidy's. irr Be particular and
ask for Dr L.eidy's StlfalipArM4l Blood Iriihr, and see that d
the name of Dr N. B. Leidy ta eont • toed on two side'
each boa, (the boxes bring of papar, and on
tw o
shape, 'arra:at:led by a yellow and black MEd.
PRICE ---15 tents a Box,
holesale and Retail, at Dr
Prepared only, and sold
Leidy's Walt h Emporium, 191 Noon Second streel. be
Iline. Philadelphia, and by B. A. FAIINZ.F TOCR
it CO. cornet Or Wood and Siltb stretts, Agents for Pitts
trisegit joly 12-Iy.
These genuine articles, of all sizes, and tuoAfiatprovied
varieties,constantly on hand nod for sate nt very reduced
priers by the alactifacturer, L. R. AV I SGSTOri.
mart. —tt Front het wecn 110.8 and Grant sta.
I{EllOV 2 k l, .
HAVE removed that Paper Store from Market
street to NI rt. WI World s treet, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their mat ns
sort merit of WALL PAPERS, for papering pariors,en
irles.chamhers, and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of whieh they offer for sale on accommodating terms
fen 1843.—di f
Xl-TO INVA...IDS. ._.I
ittrllow important it is that you commence without
loss of time with Ifixolorocra's Pmts. They mildly but
surely remove all impurities from the blood,and no case
of sickness can affect the Iltliliall frame, that these cele•
Mated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine can do.
Colds and coughs are more benentled by the Brandreili
Pills than by lozenges and canoics. 'Very well, per
haps.as paliatives, but worth nothing as eradicators or
diseases frot he human system. The BRANDRICTri Pax%
cure, they do t not merely relit Ye, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent,lnfectlous or otherwise, will
certainly he eared by the use of these all antfitient Pills.
Stets S ot o. January: 1,1843.
pewter Beajanti:. Bramfretk—llonored Sir: Owing to
you a dent of gratitode that money cannot pay. I nui
induced to make a pninic acknowledgetnlint of the beoefil
my wi:e has derived from your Invalualtle pills. About
three years t h is winter she was taken vith a pain in iter
ankle, which COOli became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we beeline alarmed, an d sent
for the doctor During his at:endanct the pain and -well
in: increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks
from Its fleet cOrainerlciog it became a Wale: Sore
Ale could get no rest at night the own was so great.—
Our first Dot tor attended her d for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, he rill growing worse,
and the sore larger all the while. He said if it was heal
ed up it would he her death, but he appeared to he at a
loss how t a proceed, and my poor wife still contioued
to stiffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought
other aid in a Botanical doctor, velto said when he
, aw it that lie could soon cure the sore. and give her
ease at once. To our and he gave her no relief,
and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians In vat n, in
alemlute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
c l o t c u r , continued ded iht
sillietili't7vrlioniu.'7(dt r Ui r ' en y l y er i c i ln r ie' e l3 °e n r i c v l eri her
s ge a n i ' V tela e ?gt:rest"tflriwoleicaP ills .d etermin ed
to fairly test their curative efferts. To my wift's great
comfort the first few doses afforded greet relief of the
pain. Wit oin one week, to the astonlohineut of Otir•
selves and e•rry one who knew of the case. the swelling
and the inflammation began to CeaPe so that she fell quite
cagy. and would sleep romfortably, and, sir' after six
woks' use the wag able to go through the house, sod
. again attend to the management of he; family. whielt
' she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over
two ne.otits from Ike time she first commenence sou d the nd, us and
of your invaluable Pulls, her ankle was go
her health better tiro it bad been in guiles number of
years herore. I Semi you 11114 statement after • aro yrare
lest of tor ctire. ealtaidtrint, It only an act Of justice to
rill and the public at large.
We are, wit It muck gra itude.
Very resiwedfully,
P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore ear;
ceroug. aid finally said no good could be done, unless the
whole of the flesh wit. rut 01, and the bone scraped. —
Thank a kind Providence, tilt-, Made it, re-ort to your
pills, whirl; saved us from all Wittier nowov, and for
whirli we hope t be thankfut. I'. 4 . E. L.
01 -Sold al I.scltllly per kox. %Olt dirrettotig.
Cliwerve Oic new labels, each having upon it two gig,
natures of fir. flrandreth. R. each box of the genuine
has sit •ignatores—three Br nyaniin B1'20(1103 and three
R Brandretit upon it.
The only place In Plllfil.nry:ll where th 's own e real Branoffice
drrth rills can be obtained', ts the Doctor,
In the Diamond., behold the Market house. Mark,
the genuine Brandrelli Maw never be obtained In any
drag store.
The following are the only agents a ppOinted by Dr. 11,
Brandreth, for the sale af his Vegetable Universal Pills,
in Allegheny county:
PalaCleat. Aokrx.G H I.EE, Pittsburgh.
Mr. John Gtass—Allccheny,
Robert Duncan—Birmingham.
C. P. Mehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Rowland—bl'Reesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston—Noblestown,
Chessman t Brianitiing -Stewarlstown.
Arden k Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Twarentam.
George Power—Fairvit.
David It Coon- Plum township.
Daniel Neglet—East Liberty.
EAlwarei Thompson—Veilkinsburgh.
Wm. o.llunter—Alien's Mlll.
The office, fittatrurgh welch
h was
west, e estahavinb lidheg ace am
d (or the
purposed constituting agents in t
pli sited that object, is now closed, and Mr. G. It. LEE
in the Dhattemd, Market street, appointed sty agent for
the sale of Pills and Liniments All Dr. Brandeihs sgente
wilt inerfore.undersland,that Dr.B. will send a t ravelling
egent through the country once a year to cancel moneys_
for sales made and re.supple Wet!. The said traveiler
willbe provided with a pOwer of attorney, duly proved
before the Clerk nt the city and c ounty of New York,
tonether with all nee.essary vouchers and papers,
Mr. J, J. Yoe, is my travelling 8f.e.111. now in Pennsyl
vania, B. BR ANDETIL td• DI
N. B, Remember Mr. G• 11, Lee, in rear of the Mar.
ket Is nnw fly only agent in Pittsburgh.
New Yorkinnel-hh.1843,
01 - An individual only wittiest° know the right way
to pursue it; and there are none, were it sotste made
known how tars nitwit be prolonged and Desire re
eogered.w: 0 would not adopt the plan. Evidelice is
required that the right way is discovered. This le what
those su ff ering front sickness want to be satisfied about.
For who Is no foolish as not to enjoy all the health his
body is capable oft oho is there that would not live
when his experience can so much benefit him elf avid
family? It is a melancholy fact that a very large pro.
portion 01 the most useft I members of society die be.
tweet the ages of t hirty and forty. How many widows
and helpless orphnns have been the coneequence of :non.
kind not navies lo their own peewee the means of restor
ing health when lost.
Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented
and ,
In long and certain sickness, nod by assisting, Na.
tore, I n the outset, with a good dose of Bratelreth's ruibs.
TWA if a fact, iv' II undeistood to lie so hy thousands of
etia This medicine. if taken so as to purge
our chlr
cure any curable disease. There Is
freely. willsnrely
no form or kind of sirknessthat it does not exert a cur
alive Influence upon. Thus, by their power 1.1 resisting
putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox.
worms and
all eontareonsfevers. There Is not a medicine In the
world no able to purify the mnes of blood and restore it
to healthy conditioc, ns the Brandreth Pills. I
The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and Ito in
itocent that the infant of a mot th old may use them if
medicine is required, not only with safety but welt a cer.
tainty of reeetving att the benefit medicine is cal of
imparting. Females may use them in all the critical
periods of their lives. The Brandrct h Pills will Insure
their bezath, and produce regularity in a'l the functions
of life.
The same may I e said of
.R.zteraal Rem
edy, no an outward application in all external 'Ming, or
swellings, or !ores, it greatly assists tlie cure. When
used where the skin le very tender or broken. It should
be mixed with one or two pints of water.
- . A sure Testof nannies Beaudreti Pins,—Examine
the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date must he within the year, whitb
every aitthot ised agent must possess; if the three labels
an tile box agree with the flute labels an the certificate,
the Pills are true 2 n
not, they are false,
Principal office, 211 13f01.1W3Y. New York:
june lb&
PllMmom''''"' — '.------- -----
leefirf tr ie V:ali tF s .-=Ai.,-1;-y"i'.,-;''-4u not reli,ote
hat .uoerfluotts hair you have upon yonr leo cheads and
tipper tip 1 Ity willingatitrcler, SG Fourth st ~ and
ohlatnineaketteoff4entansii'll Padres Suhtles, width
n i tt.,gentrnee it naintell - Wit bont sakastiss the akin, You
can ahntarittgaM:Finetraud's truly celberatod Zeus is agnate, \
w t# isrili Olaf Ce fe more ell heckles, picriptes, elem. i
Moll4ooo* Orin! teaks poncho:stook perfecily fair; ,
aod iltrtitunt w cif w nth inathost nature by adding wore \
coloOn their claceili. they ran obtain sotneofOoticaud,c,
ce.edlnittlelliOt Irouge,wnkh cannot he robbed °Maven
by V 1114.11.1114 b;,. Alio inay-be found a good ascortntent ol '
l'ertbsdicy, *netlike Cologne, Scars' 011, Almond, rat: , ,
W tathorPiati ntildll3oaps.
Reuserthet, al: Tattles Medical Agency, SG 4th timed
Druggists and others can beaupplted at Wholesale and
Wail terms may 26 1842
Illeadache I Headache! i
A e u now known to thousands as a most extraordina -
VI- -ry remedy for thin affliction an well as the incon
troveit dile fact of their caring IIYSPER:F4A. Will those
suffering, only ask among their friends if they have not
known of the positive effects of said Pills. deservedly
do not hear them more warmly praieud (and
too) than any oilier, then let them eet buy them. In
there few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothing will be said of their merits of any time
but what can he fairly proved by respectable a-Minters of
our community.
Read the following certificate given by a re?pertahle
citizen of Allegheny city, and attested by one of tliejudg.
es of the Court ef Common pleas or "Plite:lteuy co.
A Li.cauvtv OTT, January 2,1343,
Da. firroptc.
Dear Sir —I have fur a narrater of yearA past been a
Meted with a !restore and almost constant kleadacae,a—
rising I;:ttni derangement of stomach sod bowels and al. i
though I bare taken nearly every kind of Medicine re
commended fur its cure, have never derived any mate.
v ial
benefit until t used some of your truly valuable A
n n.
ti Dytpeptie Pills. I have not taken quite mobcaps
eotitider myself perfectly relieved from that distresong
romplaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your
Pills as the best medicine I hve ever need.
Youars, Respectfully,
.1, B. TURNER.
I am arqua.nted with Mr, Turne - , I have no hesita
tion In certifying that I Toothier the statements of Mr.
I'. respsatlea Dr. Drodle's 1' Ala, as raHUGH nted to
DA lite most
perfect and entire confidence, VIS.
For tale, IN hoiesale anti Retail t the Erndonia
horisedn PIP
Est ablisitment Pittsburgh Pa ;a! by aut n
gents thrOinltout the Union.
Alle'y city Jan 9 1845
_ _______________
vans'camomile Pills,
llttli 13.m-1-rt—Leiter front tile lion. Ali'li'm WCIel
lan,Sullivan Coonty,East Tennesse. Menihtrof Congress.
Wmonsozoo, July 3d. 1638.
Sir—Since I have beett in this city I have used EMllle of
your Dv'netitte. nu-divine with Infinite benefit and •satle
faction. and believe it to lien i nsuit valuable remedy. Orw
of my -•on.o.liuenis, Or. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennec, , e. wrote to me to 'end him vnine. which I did.
and he bas lupin yell it very mierev"fully in his practice ,
al d "ays it is invaluable. It. Johnron, yunr agent al
Oils plasf.," think' )no would protahly like an ascot In
Teitncvsee. If so.] would recontmend Gr. A Cardenas
a prop. , p,r- n i 1 la °MOM rt for the sale of !Jin' celebrated
medicine. Should you cnonnisvlon him he Is artilinr, to
net For y no. YOU can vend the medicine by water to the
care of Robert King k Sony. Knoxville connty, Tennes st
net, or by land to Graham kllouvton. Tazewell, Ea
Tense--tee- I have no doubt but if you had agents In
.everalrrollittell in Ga.( Tennessee,* arrat deal of medi
cine would I,r sold. I sin going to take grime of it home
for toy ow" use. and that of my friend!, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
at Illunt•ltte,Fitttliran County. East Tenni-vv.:l can get
.onne of the merchants to act for you as I aye near there.
Ycur. re.peetfutty,
Per sale tt boll sale and Retail,
ft Ehv
sr.LI. FRS. Agent,
>\n.2ll. Wood strect,below Second.
Tiil Si SOU I -
This infallitle remedy has preserved hundreds
whrn thought past recovery, f,oin convulsions. As soon
as the Soup Is rtit,h;.!li on the ,tu net, ihe child Will rect. v.
plea ant *
hatein is so innocent, so efficacious, and so
ot . Ipr
o child will refuse to let its :urns be rob
t.ed with It. ‘V hen intantsare at the 22e of four owinths
1110' there Is co appearance of teeth, one bottle of the
St rup sholibt he used to open the pores. rarenis should
I ever he without the syrup In the nursery where there
std young children, for if *Child
ediawakes in :
the night Withy
pato In the tutus. the Syrup immtely Ives case,
openl•ig the pores, and healing the gums; thereby precep t '
ing convu none. Fever!, bS.
Far Sale Wholesale and
by . E. SCLLERS„ Agent,
No. 20. Wood street, below Second.
LIVCP, coMMAINT cured by the n.e of Dr. liar.
itch'. compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Air. Wm. Richard., of Pilt.lntrati,Pa., entirelwerey cured
pain of
the above distressing diseave. His symptoms
and weieht in the left side. los. of appetite, vomiting, acid
e ruelatiOnS, a distension of the stomach. sick itestd.ache ,
furred tongue. coon enancs changed lo a citron tolor,ditli
rutty of hrenthing. disinrbed res, attended with a cough,
_real r inhitity. with other symptoms indicating great de
of the functins of the liver. s
A therangement
advice of severoal physicians, butMe.iv
receedßichard no
relief, until tiring Dr.llarlich's Medicine, which 'ermine.
ted In effecting a perfect cure.
principal office,ll3 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsliar4ll by Samuel Frew, corner of Liber
ty and Wood streets. rep 10
These Pills are eomposed of herbs, which exert
a specific action upon the beaM, give impulse ,or
ttrength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalized in its circulatio
situated i n throuzb
nterna ll all the verses,
whether of the skin, the parts y,
citreinilles; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from theblood,there is* consequent Increase of
every secretion, •nd a quickened action of the absorbent
and ex haler'', or tilischar:in; vessels. Any morbid action
which !toy have taken place is !corrected , all obstrut. -
tions are relieved, the blow! Is puri fi ed. and the body
rem-tines at ra teal slate. For . ; ale wbornie and Re
tal:1), R E SELLERS, Azent,
sup In 1 ,2 ) wood at. below Second
Mar 23, 1833
PILES cured by the Lee of Dr. liar Deb's Compound
Strengthening and Carman Aperient Pills
Dr. Barlieh—Dear Sir—Shortly. after I received the
Acenry from you for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an notnaintance wi:h a lady of this place. who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painfill attacks,
.and her physician considered bar case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throuth
my persuasion, she econmeneed using vonr
ChamisPills. and was
perfectly cured. Yours, itc. JAMES R.IIIRBY
October 3, IMO. ersimt, Pe,
n—rOfnee and General Depot, No. 19. North E rr of
Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner col
Liberty and Wood streets. T'W°"CICI
lan 13-1 Y
aveat entered 9th June, 1842-Patent granted to
Benjamin 13,andreilt,20th January, 1843. '
The extracts of which Brandret pa ten tedre coal
posed are obtained this now process,
without boiling or any b y
e pplication of heat . Th e ac _
live principle of the herbs is thns secured the Watt •
as it is in the '
The Public should be mullions of medicines tee- '
commendel in adcertionents stolen from me, lo
which the CnNrimerist.a. Rowan steals my lan-
gunge, merely altent”, the name. Time will show • .
these wholesale deceivers in their true light.,
ar pi
e the Peot ' e_ , ..
Medicine, proved by thousands who daily teccpm
mend them to the afflicted. Tbe BRANDBETH.
PILLS ere gr nwing ev cry day more popular, their ~
virtues are exiendihg their usefulness. The sick of '
both sexes are (lei:), deriving benefit from than. . .
No case nt disease but the} can be used with advah
lag,e. Blotches (a. hatd !limps of the skin they speed
ily cure, so with erysipelas, CO with salt rhennt • SO
with indigestion, an Kith roughs and colds, so with
costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched tips
and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this
AS USUAL. medicine, and they will find they require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions.
MOsooner does one of Dr. Le preparatkins be _ the new labels each having upon it two
. .I come popular, in conseqiience of Its success and cf.
ticacv, than it is counterfeited or imitated. ,unatnres of Dr. Biandreth. So each box of the
Tn prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured ' genuine has six signatures—three BooilkooPlP.,llrib% ,
moulded bottles for ids oeleltrnted Teller mid Iteli Otni. re lh and three B. Ebreadrer-oirene it..-7-4,
meat, with the words 'Dr Lerdy'sTetter rad Itch °int. The out.T TLACe in PiinstMlib Inbirin Ilinellpirh
mew,' blown in the glass, besides Collainiog his written Brantireth Pills Cotta as orroverm, Is tbs Docedos.-n-
Ornoture en a yellow Libel outside. Own Office, Diam back of the. DikrlterMONOr'',
Pr Leldy's Tetter and itch Ointment. has proved more Mark, the Gloms!. Brendrethnis eau orvalsiirols
rtfiericinue than any other preparation for Tetter, Itch, taii.ed in any Dana Swag. s
Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, aid diseases of The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoiut.
the skin generally. ed by Dr. B Brautirelli, for the sale of his ;Vegeta.
It hoe been e mployed in sr hoots, factori ni.a nd on I onrii
blp Univer,al Pills in Allegheny County.
Diamond, httsbntib '
cease.; carrying passengers, where children. a , well as 1 '‘, ~ , • p, ; ; ~ .
VOW% persons, contract disenses or lire skin from their i tii is t,el3—. ratc.pal Office,
contasious not ire, with the most unesamptcd suceesz; \ Mr. John Glass—Aliegheny.
rertifirates and rectimmosidations have been heretofore Robeit Duncan—Birmingham.
pottlished from them, and numerous others mishit be ob. C. F. Dichl—Elizabihto wn.
tamed to
puhtleation.but for the objections most persons 11. Rowland
have, to havint their newel; published in connection with
I) .l l : r n e o s J ar. o lr ii:nsg i n n ) n — n i : P l N l l "t o bss a iesu in tt t o o l f .
FllCil disagreeable and loathsome offectiores
In no singie instance has never been kociwa to fail. 1 C h e ssman & Sp a ulding—Stowart steAst.
It has been 'mud upon infants and by persons of all - , d ell
rim. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its -,
compositton,and may be used under all eirenntes. Knoerr Smith Porter.--Tarentut tl.
?Irk...Twenty-five cents a bottle. Piepar d i nnd told George Power—Fairview.
,lir Leidy's Health Enmoriorn. (sign of the Golden Ea• Druid U . Cooo—Plum Towlisiiip.
fit and serpeate,ind by 8. A. FAUN EzTOCK k co. DattielNegley—East Liberty.
corner or Wood aria Sixth street*, Agents for Pittebuig: Edward Thorapsoo--Wintiosburgh.
I'lll2 Wm. 0. tfunter—Altov's Mille.
(;;P "Why will ye live Ut this p.m
dying rater
444 4 4
o t.e had at Turrtz's Medical Figency, 86 Foorth st,
be only ntrent In Pittsburgh.
Feb 22. _ _
44._.(... .. - 41;k, ‘, • - .-.-...,:,..%, -.,..-:. - ''' ,
\,•?lt''.o:4( - i i
,;.. 4 t t , - .- 4 -- --•- - - . .
UP I; o ,bserilor luts just Tecelved big sunual owls 0,
Landreth's Garden Sods. consulting la kart .01. bl
follawin: icluds—allof lite last jcars crop 4 wart.saw
Egg Plant, rarsalp.
Endtvei Peas, , 3
Kale, MT",
Pumplin, 13me-coli,
Itadtsn, Barecpte,,,
Rhnbarb, Cal intge, •
$ a/leafy, Carrot, • •
Cauliflower, fipinfcli, ..4
Calttr, Okra, , •
Curled CI ers, Onion, ,
Cucuruher, Part/4i, T
Mustard, (white mad berms)
• ans,
IA twee
MAter Melon%
a turriium,
Corn ,
&t. &c. &c.
Together %%tale earicty of Pot lf Exweet terrier ard.fleire
Orders for Seetis,librnbe,lrretve, hr
VI arid others will be retrieve 'SNOW promptly ititioreriltil
. I , L. EN,
No. 184 Liberty. bead of oat at
Cincinnati, Febraary 15, 1840.
Dr. Sw AY itZ—rleaf ','ir:— Permit me to take the libttlY
of writing to you at this time to express soy appruhatiors .
and to recommend to the attention of beads of famine
or others your Invaluable tnedichie—itte Compound:l
Syrup of Prunus Virginians. or Wild Cherry Braids /11!
my travels of late 1 have see mods great many i m pound:.
the wonderful effects of your tne In relieving OW
dreu of very obstinate complaints, such as Cough's*
Mt heeling, ("hooking of PllleCie. APlnthel it attacks.- illa , 7
kc. I should not have written this teller, hornet! 'tit
present although I have felt It my duty to add my testl
mony w. it for sometime. had it not been for • tale he: -
stance where the medicine •bove alluded to was worra.
mental In restoring to perfiet health an nonly child.d
whose case was almost hopeli VII in a family of nil I l e
quaint:ince. t•I thank Ileavert," told the
death( doating 0
ho wroth.
nry child is saved float the jaws of w 1
feared the relentless ravner But my child is safe! ta g
Beyond all doubt Br. Sway up
safe!" ne's Compound Syr
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or oaf
other country. I an' certain I `.ave witnessed more MO
One hundred cases where it has been attended aVits COM ,
clime suc , ee'r. I arn nein! it myself in an obstinate 0.
tack of Bronchitis, in which it moved effectual Ina me.
ceedlosly *tort time. considering the severity of the est*.
I ran re , omend it in the fullest confidence villas roper
it;l would advise that no ( a mity should be without ~...,
it; it is v, ry pleasant and always beneficial—worn?'
double and often ten times it. wire. The public Set et
Pastor of the Firt Presbyterian Church;
slued there is no quackery ahem It. Ft. JAcssrix, D. D. .
N. Y.
S, who'csale 4. retail, W 7110414
Sold by WM. TIIOR
for Pittsburgh. No. !".. Market 'Vett. aPV le
ABooN TO THE IlUal AN R ticEl—i•Dieesitroal
r-kat scat destroy Life. awet you are t treat sat%
Disrorer :eke sistl preterit, Lift,-esri Ike verb! +riff
call yea Impostor."
"There are foesitries. bodily mid iiiiettectitat, within Wie
. Wilk ichirit certain herbs Aare °Patty, and over &d°•
they hare poster."
Dr. D. Diandreth's External Remedyat,racts Pala Or
or Liniment
which, by its extraordinary powers, ab
Elorene-s; thus Sprains, Ftiif SilleWP. ?e bile Swel ollutili
ROCllloOlie !WA!, or Stitises*, Fliirririg or tbe J
Tumors, Drinatural Hardness. Stiff Neck Fore Thrust
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Fcrofulous ire
larcements. Tender Feet, and every description of I
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Fi•rotr
cured or greatly relieved by Ids iierer.to los sejficical
,excelled rentedy.
Cscrievery..—Thcfollocins, letter from Major Gels
eral Etandfard, as to the vialii les of the External Untie.
dy, speaks volumes:
New TIMM, Feb. 9.1843.
Dear Sir—VVitl you oblige me with another bottle
t ,
your excellent Liniment? It is rerialoly eat the f bind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely say sol*
knee, about which I was FO uneasy ,and I Pave found I ,
productive of Immediate relief in E TTCII3I cases of tiler
nal Injury in my family. A few evenings since. Int
youngest child was seized with a •inlcnt attack of
by C roa
t b
which was entirely removed In twenty wirostes, ru
bill her chest and throat freely with the Esteem! flew
edy. I think you ought to manerfacinte thin Unitisest
for general nee, instead of confining the Use of It, as yea
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances.
ours truly,
Da. B. Bale Broadway. N. Y.
rrFor sale at 2.41 ItirCadvVal, New York, and at bk
office In the Ohutond, Pittsburgh. PIIICE-50 teat.
et . bottle with directions. sep 10
Blass of indivldttale is very numerous. They •re those
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. They Wprk
men In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white leet
manufacturers, are all more or less subject to disease ae
Cording to the strength of their constitution. The onlat
method to prevent disease, Is the occasional or
medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete
rictus hurnorsand expels them y the bowels. Team
In any form are injurious, as they only "at off i .
day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth's PHI
will insure health, because they take all impure mallet
out of the blood; and the body Is not weakened bet,
no t hen by their operation; for these valuable Mils
do not force, but they assist nature, and are not oppesed
but harmonize rand r.
Sold at Dr. /6h% Office, In the Dialllollll
PitiAtirgn. Price 35 cents per box, with full erections.
MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh whe IVII Of
re the
GENUINE Pittston be obtamed,ls the DOCtin 'll O
seP 10
lice In the Diamond.