FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 10, 1843 VITTSBURGII BOARD OF TRADE. coaiaatizi ?OR sovratasn. lafnza Thompson—Josiah Barker A PROTRACTED MEETING, Witt remit-mane in the Fifth Presbyterian t :burch, en seat Sabbath morning, and continuo for two weeks. Plaine worship three times on the Sabbath, and every evening during the meeting. The public are respect• folly invited to attend. The Rev, Mr. ATERY,of Cretekalui, is expected to Waist the Pastor. u 4 LULL IT.—The cue tif the Commonwealth vs Jai. W. Biddle editor of the American. fur a Libel on Absalom Morris, was called up before the Court o Quarter Sessions, yesterday. Mr. Black, counsel fur Defendant, read an Affidavit made by Biddle, stating that he was:not prepared to go to trial, as he had but the evening before heard of a very material witness, named Hiram Keller. who now lived in Adams coun ty. arid whose presence was required. He, therefore. %dad far • continuance sfthe case until next term; and theConrt accordingly postponed the case. It will be tried attire next term, some three or four weeks hence, and will be reported fur the "Post." COL. LIIEIXANOW.LI.—We understand that this venerable representative of the heroes who built up the greatness of Napoleon, will be in this city about the 20111, on his return to his home in the west, and that a number of our citizens who were interested in his last 'course of lectures intend to make arrangements to have them repeated. He is now engaged in delivering lec tures before the Colleges and literary institutions of the 'eastern cities, and has preptued a large uninher of transparencies representing battle scenes in which he took a part, that wera not alluded to in his former course 'of lectures in this city. If be can be prevailed . upon to stop for a fewevenings, we have no doubt but his lectures would be attended by large audiences. Ev. DR. DELANY, editor of the Mystery, is on u !professional and philanthropic tour through some of the adjoining tmunties. The last number of his paper con tainsn letter from him in which he relates all that he ints seen since he left Pittsburgh. He speaks very highly of the people of Cetnnonsburgh,*and compliments the students of the College very handsomely for :heir good behaviour. But he claps the leeches on the five student* of Workington College in a manner that will make them feel as if they were sucked every time they think of Dr. Delany. That "aundy haired" voeth. turd the "Huh:stout built" fellow mast have been 'cupped,' or they would not have acted as outrageously as the Doctor says they did dr. Wm. 11. C4n.wiata, formerly a resident .of this city, etid now proprietor of the Pimp nix Foun dry, in Louisville, was n cently caught in some of the niachinory of hisestabli3luant, and tt-nibly mutilated. , His recovery was consid.Ted doubtful. [rj. 'We observe that 0:d LOGA.I Wat to have played FALSTAFF' in Cincinnati, on IVeclnesday night last, for his beuefit. Logan is u clever old chap, and an excel lent comic performer. and mve should like to hear that ho had a great house. vrry destructive fire occurred in Rochestor, New York. on Ft - May 1.14, which d. siro) cd six houses :before it could bo chocked. Tug Ccirrint AGAtt.t.— We understand that tLe Curterbroke her cyletuder on her El 5 trip between this rity and Ciqcinnati, anfl wag towed down th. - : Old.) THE. FRENCH PltEiS AND THE FRENCH The Jour owl des Debars is in eestucies, as it oath! 'to be, with the little C.,urt of Paris. "The Prince,' says the French journalbd, "only hrenthes for the greatness and glory of France." We have no doubt 'that every respiration of the young, Prince acts benefi ci.till on the atmosphere. so as to ua.l a the bulk of the .country and ato.ment hit honor. Allowing that "lie breathes only fur the greatness and glory of Franco," let us ask the Jaartad des Debats what effect it , produeed on the country when the prince sneezesi— Puna; DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GOVERN The Slaitsman of dm 3d says Wu learn, from the Ohio Eagle, that the Hun. Win. 1 1 1edill declines being a candidate for Governor of 'o:iio. Mr. Brough,. Auditor of State, also declines. A great portion of the democratic papers of the Suite •bare ran' up tilt Hair of Davie Tono, and seem to be going him with great ardor. Vu Lave no doubt •the Bt4 of 13.3 , 1 try C lyeativa will decide dr! in titer ni:adaunt - id uaa.sisziity fr pro,:utuppearance,,.. Mr. Till i 3 (Jac of the 4Jtaad of DJ:nlcruti nit! Brest of ttien. Gin. Eng. RIDCiWAY, The seat of justice for Elk county, im situated on the Clarion liver, at its confluence with Elk creek, 'where it is navigable for rafts and flat boats during freshets. The water of the Clarion is conveyed bye canal one mile long and thirty feet wide, which affords an abun dant water power for lumbering mills, which are loca ted on this canal. Elk creek, which runs through a part of the town, has about 20 feet fall to the mile, is sufficiently largo I CELEI 'far mills of any description, and on which considers- WESTERN IN Me lumber is manufactured, and a grist mill in the COFFEE NGII 'ROUSE, .course °remotion. There area number of good dwel No. 9, Menitxt Stns T, Pitiebrir gh. .ling houses, in the village, six saw-mills, ono tannery, two eIYSTERS and other refreshments, will be served up blacksmiths, shoemakers, tailors, carpenters, &c.; •hotels and a quiet, sober and industrious population \lin good order. Namely: Oysters mw,fried,stewed, •cof abc:ut,lso mils. i and on chafingdishes. Also, IN TH2SHELL at thestand, The Milesburgli and Smithport turnpike runs thro' or roasted, as soon as the season is sufficiently adynn the place. The Warren and Ridgway, and Ridgway ced for their safe transportation. THE PROPRIETOR is determined that this establish and Mahon* turnpikes also connect here. Its ad -1 old oyster depot) shall maintain vantages for a place of busiuess arenot surpassed by ment (which is the any in the county. The town will be surveyed and lots its reputation for the good quality of bis ALE, LI- P . , QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel ers or citizens may require. oct 18--6 m. St Peter's Church at Rome. LARGE 'PAINTING of this splendid Temple I Lippincott Mills. 1,1 will be - exhibited for a short time at InwiN's nr T HF. subscriber having purchased and thoroughly repaired these M.R.L.s, is now manufacturing, ,d,, CM 0 ROOM, COlllar Of Vourtb and Market streets. .... and Will keep constantly on hand, n full supply of all i .: iis Picture, Bishop England gave the highest cult). the different kinds of Nails, Spikes and Braden, etc.,— .s. Urn in the Catholic 'Miscellany, 30th January, 1236. made from the best quality of Juniata Blooms, and as 7 tis on its wa,v to New Orleans, together with 50 other . I soon as the tiecessaty additions can be made ta the I aintitte, which are now open to the public. machinery, he will manufacture every description of i kildresi Admittance rice. G. COOK E. 25 cents; tickets for the season .50 cents; Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. loaf p ...- 139 11 'Opeo daily from 9A. M till 4P. M. and also I Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94. First street from 6 till 9 in the evening, near Wood, or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations are IPromptly auended to. JAMES ANDERSON. espectfully invited, free of charge. 023. I Se p 29-3 m Situation Wanted, As Teacher of French, Spanish, Greek, and the La tin tang -tinge. The undersigned wishe s to acquire a perfect knowl eslge of the Englis'i, so that the recompense looked for will be very moderate, it he could get lessons in En glish from those whom he ntayinstract. He was late ly a Professor of the alwve languages in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. For a character for competency and morality, he can exhibit letters of the most respectable gentleman in New Origami and Cincinnati. ri'Reference in this cityean be made to Rae. H. J. J. Dean, or St- Paul's Church, and Captain Jurnes May. PAUL EMILE THEVEAU, 019. Wa!hingvwn Home , Wafer at MIME POI% THE POST ;~ ...~. _.,_.,.,..~J. FOR SAFETY, Traveller* should select Boats provided with Bean's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers I T would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure presienta tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the Preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. °tight you not therefore to meet them with a core spondingdegree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to IMP this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid those dis- asters. All boats marked thus rj in the Litt of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats premiered with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LEXINGTON, AGNES, LANCET, AMARANTH, MENTOR, ADELAIDE, MINSTREL. ASHLAND, MARIETTA, BOSTON. MICHIGAN, BRILLIANT, MARQUETTI', BRUNETTE, MAJESTIC, BREAKWATER, MUSKIAGUM VAL'I, BRIDGEWATER. MISSOURI MAIL, CADDO, MUNGO PARK, CHARLESTON, MESSENGER, CICERO. MONTGOMERY, CANTON, NORTH BEND, CUTTER, NEPTUNE, CECELL4, NA RAGANSETT, CASPIAN, NIAGARA, CLIPPER, OSPREY, COLUMBUS, ORPHAN BOY, CLEVELAND, OHIO MAIL, COLUMBIANA, OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PEN4LOPE, E M M 4 PANAMA, EDWIN MCKILL,V, QUEEN of the SiOUTII EVELINE, BotrENA, EXPRESS MAIL PAR 1 . 7'., . FORMOSA : , S Ali NARAH , FORT PITT, SARA7'OGA. GALENA, SAVANNA. GEN'L BROOK, ST. CHARLES, GALLANT, ST. LOUIS, IDA, TALLEIRAND, INDIAN QUEEN. T'OBACC'O PLANT', r aLrNOls, VIC TRES'S, J. H. BILLS, t ALLE.k . FORGE, JE IVES'S, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, LADY OP LYONS, IVIIITt ri3OLID, mar .2.2 BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE, LOOK IN AT sicitoyEmps Corner of Woad and Water es, vV TH ERE as choice an assortment . of ready made clothin2, cloths, casstmeres, satmetts, vesungs, flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, Angola and latnb's wool Fuse and half hose, silk and gingham cravats, hdkf,t, stocks, and in short, n little of everything adapted to use of genticinen, all of which purchasers will fir.d mule up, and also made to order in the latest and most improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himself, will successfully compete with any establishment west of the mountains. Having made arran:rements in the eastern he will be constantly receiving accessions to his already well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call, then, if you wish to furnish yourself with choice articles. 11F'Good and yet Cheap, for Cash! Remember the place—corne'r of Wood and Water streets. 026-6 m WM. BEACOM M. BLISS, PEACOCK & BLISS, GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting Establishment, SMITHFIELD STREET, stxT DOUR TO THE TEMPERANCE HALL. - - • WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glass, of all descriptions, can be purchased at very rea sonable prices, together with a great variety of splendid cut glass, window lights for steamboats, private houses and churches.. Also, window glass, a sui•erior arti cle, wholesale and retail. Persons wanting any of the above articles, will do well to call and examine for titemselves, before purcha sing elsewhere. FV*N. B. Watch and Time piece Glasses always on Gand. 015-3 m. NEW GROCERY STORE. ;TACY LLOYD, JR.. .... -• .... A. G. REIN Hint. LLOYD & CO. W HOLESALE and Retail GROCERS AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS, No. 140 Liberty street ? a few doors above St. Clair street. MP Where families can at all times be supplied with good Goods affair prices. oct J. Groceries. rill HE subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have commenced the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, At No. 20, Wood street, two doors from the corner of Front street, under the firm of W. J. Howsan do Co., where they will be prepared to impply all those who may favor them with their orders, with groceries and Pittsburgh manufactured articles, on terms which can not fail to g i we satisfaction. WM. J. HOWARD, ROBERT RODGERS. nl—dtv.lm ilea D. Davis, • . AUCTIONEEIt AND COMMISSION MER t r 'orfl'ei: of Woos a*d sth ea.., Pisfairtil . ss T 3 reedy to receive merchandireof every descriptidn en consignment, for public or private sale, and froth Wag experience in the above business, Setters himlf that he will be able to give entire ,satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sale 3 every evening,at early gas light. aug 12—y AT Davia' Books at Auction. • Commercial Auction Booths, turner Wood and Fifth streetA. on Saturday °Veiling next, November 11th, at.l pa4t lt o'clock, will t Old, a large and very valuable lot of Theological, HistuOcal and Miscellaneous Books, received direct from New York. n 9 AT I RLVATE SALE. AfT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, cornei o Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as: sortment of DRY GOODS, recently purchased in the East fur cash, and which will be sold at a small ad- Vance on Eastern prices, for currency or approved en dorsed notes. The assortment consistsin part of 20 pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths; 15 " super. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 " super. Beaver cloths; 5 " pilot cloths; 40 " rassinetts, assorted colors; some very foie; 50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20 " English merino, asserted colors; 100 ell ivuol blauket shawls; 200 cutint Plaid shawls; 1,600 doz. spoof Cottou, all colors; 1 . 60 pielect bleached and brown muslins, and a greet yariety of other articles usually found in a Dry Goods House, 5,„0 - ',Alsti, an assokmeat of boots, shoes, and hats, which will all be sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the East. sept 23. -------- . Young Iftson Tail. CHESTS, half chests and boxes Ygent fl y son Tea, ufgood iecei yeti, and fur sale low for cash. JOHN D. DAVIS, on. corner of Wood and Fifth sts. Q SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stack, at pH sate sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, sp I I Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. GROUND NUTS.—Just received from Philade!. phin, on consignment, 100 bushels African ground nuts, which will be sold in lots to suit purcita serA, by JOHN D. DAVIS, n 1 corner Wood and Fifth streets. - - T UST RECEIVED and fur sale by WM. THORN, e 1 No. 53, Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm soap in the bat, 600 " " " in cagic, , , 100 " vnriegatell soap, 50 " white Castile, (only !Min - narkel) 100 " almond snap, in f lb. casks, 50 shaving snap, 10 " Glenn's rose sperrnacetti soap, fur Chipped hands awl for softenin; tire skin. The subscriber has on hand a larger ascii-01,mi of the above article+ than any other establishment in this pity, and is also receiving a large ftapply of frelth - drugs, *:% . THORN, No. 53. Market street. B UTTER -27 Kit.. 5 13nrrrig Western Reserve Dairy Butterjll4t rvr eked anti for sale hr n, JENNINGS &Co 43 Wood it pep 9.G J ti sr 1} ECG! LE I.) and 16i talc on con‘ignment WO+ bArAtl•. - . . 7hh olitTnr, Can he 'eon et the store of.facob Paintrr& Co 'rug J . NIOOREILAD Si. CO. - - Fl IiDS. r:T; e. . r..reivra, and for A...v.1 tale by J. G. & A GOAbON. ( rioxEs CHOCOLATE, sky 10 do Geo. Pepper, 3 do " Alla,icc , together with Mustard, Ginger a:id Cocoa, will be sold very low to close eon si•pment, by HAILMAN, JENNINCIS &CO. 018. 43, Wood street. 9V BAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE, for sale Aft, raw; by IiAILMAN JENNINGS & CO. oct 18. 4J, Wood street. 40" L s. ftfirT SCOTC 1.) SNUFF, ju.t received And for iiikle,hv JONATHAN Corner 4th and Wood sts. Pitts. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, for sale by A. BEELEN. 05 -t f 1 ACKF:REL.-16 Bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, jus received and for sale by I - lAILMAN, JENNINGS &CO. 43 Wood at. TOBACCO.-10boxes Bisrten 4 ssblenge tobacco.' 25 do Russell & Robinsoris do 5 do Hare's do 10 do assorted sizes and brands, just received and for sale bY HAIL:SIAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street B EAR SKINS, dressed and undressed, just recciv ed and for sale by A. BEELEN. os—tf moxEn HERRINGS.-25 Poxes smoked her 1...) rings just received and for sale l by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO , Aug 9 43, Wood street. r p EAS.—lteceived on consignment. 12 Chests Verging Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4 " Imperial, 5 " Gunpowder, 1:;) , J. G. & A, GORDON, imp 13. 12 Water street SKITH'S NEW YORK VARNISH, No. I. quick drying, in store, and for sale at the DRUG WAREHOUSE of J. KIDD, net,. Corner of 4th and Wood eta. G OSHEN CHEESE, n fine article, just received and Tor sale by LLOYD & CO., n 3 190, Liberty street. ZANTE CURRAN'T'S, new and fresh, just received and for sale by LLOYD Xt.. CO., n 4 1.40. Liberty soot. H ALIFAX SALMON—Th e lovers of good fish are requested to call and examine some very tine M. 1, Halifax Salmon, which we have .justreceiv ed and opened for retail. Wt have also a few bbls Nos i and 2 Salmon, same as above, for sale by the bbl. LLOYD dr. CO., n 7 120, Liberty street. 11/' TACKEREL, HERRING. 4c.— a 10 bbls No. 1 mackerl, (Northern inspection) 10 " " Q • 10 " " 1 herring, 10 boxes Scotch herring, Received this day and for sale by n 7 LLOVT , & CO., 140 Liborty st. BUFFALO TONGUES.-=Receired by Little Ben, 10 boxes Buffalo Tongues, in fine ordnr, direct from the mountaics. A. BEELEN. na-tf BUEFA LO ROBES.. —Received by Cicero, a fresh and full supply of all sixes of Robes. Apply to ng-tf A. BE ELEN. Gold: Stifer PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH 1111.1zi• of Pittsburgh Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ?zehange Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA hank of Nora America . . Do 2Voi•thern Liberties Do Pcnnsy/vaniti COnimeicial Bank of PenSisAinia Farmers' trie,d lifcchanke' bank-. : Kensiniion itrantliattiretiand Afachans'.. Mechanics • • Moyamensing . . Philadelphia bank Schuylkill " Southwark ..... ".... . . Western •• • • Bank of Penn Township .. . - Girard bank U. S. bank and branches COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county " Delaware county - " Montgomery county .. . " Not - another/and Farmers' bunk of Bucks county Easton hank Doylestown bank Frank/in bank of Washington Bank of Chansbersburgh.... ....... " Middletown ...... Gettysburgh " Lewistown .... " S naquehanna co unty Berk: county bank 75 Columbia Bankand Bridge Company 1 Carlisle bank Erie bank • • Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading 14 Harrisburg bank 1 Honesdale " Lancaster " .... 2 21 Lancaster co. " 24 Lebanon " . Miners' 'bank of Pottarille + l ll"o•o7'ntrahela bank of Broitmtrftle Mu' Hope aad Delaware Bridge company.... 10 Northampton bank • .•. rate Towanda bank I#3 Wyoming bang 3 -•-- • West Branch bank.. ...... • 25, York bank • - ni I OHIO Belmont bank of St. Clairsville Clinton hank of Columbus Columbiana hank of New Lisbon Cirelerille (Lawrence, cashier).... 14 " ( Warren, Cashier) no sale rineinn pti hanks 14 Chillicothe bank .. • 4 Commtreial bank of Lake Erie • ' , lb Dayton bank.... .... ..... ..... • .14 Franklin bank of Columbus 14 Farmers' and 3fechanics' bank of Steubenville.. 1 4Farmers' bank of Canton 40 Geauga Oranrille . 72 Hamilton ...... .... . hanealter 25 M 25 arietta ...... Massillon . . • Meclteinirs' an