Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 09, 1843, Image 2

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    "I could not help thinking with the philosopher : j .. Fszsica Ct.cnis.—The l'eisosylvanian contain* an
how massy things I saw to day that could bo done,' ad, giving ',lite. thetthere willbe a meeting
Without. If women could be made to understand that of 'front all parts of the Union, at New Yolk,
costliness of attire seldom adds to beauty and often de
teriorates it, a great amelioration in expense could be oa next IVednexday, 00 the subject of "French
accomplished. 'Claims."
"Transparent muslin, the cheapest of all materials,
is aped the prettiest, ton, fur summer's wear, and with
tlae 4 additicie of sonie bows of delicate colored ribband,
or a bocinet of fresh flowers, forms a most becoming.
_Th.; lowness ofthe price of such a robe enables
the purchaser to have so frequent a change of. it that
even those who are far from rich may have half a do
zen, while one single robe of a more expensive miteri
nl awll cost more; and having done se, the owner will
think it right to wear it morefretpiently than is consis
tont ivith thwfreihness and purity that sbuutd ever be
tho4listingvishing characteristics in femaiv drcii, in
order to indemnify herself for the expense.
4. 1 was nev...rmore struck with this fact, than a short
time ago, when I se* two ladies seated near each oth
er. both young and handsome; but one, oe ing to 1.114
freshness of her robe, which was of a simple organdie,
looked infinitely better than the other who ens quite
as pretty, but who, wearing a robe of expensive lace,
whose whiteness had fallen into"the scar wild
leaf," appeared faded and palace.
"Be wise, thca, ye young and fair; and if, as 1 sus
pect, your object be to please the Lords of the creation.
let yoar dress in comnter be snowy white niacin, nev
er wora after its pristine purity becomes prohlemtical;
aria in %sinter, let some half a dozen plain silk gowns
be purchased, instead of two nr three expensive ones,
that ttenerally 1 ., a.m the wardrobe, and which, couse
gnently, soon lose their lustre, hut give the wearer the
appearance of Navin_; shared the same f ste.
"And you, 17) husbands and fathers, present rind fu
ture, be ye drily impressed with a sense of your ,rrtnis
fuldobligat ions to rue, f, w thus opening the eves of your
wives nad daughters hew to please without draining
your puree; and when the malediction.: of lace, velvet,
and satin sellers full on my hapless head, for counsel
so injurious to their interests, remember they air in
curred for your't!
-Subject to the decision of
qtirc Math) Morning I)ist.
DEMOCRATIC MEETING.—The democratic meriting
on Tuesday• night was sue,/ an one as we expected to
see assembled, when the claims of tl:e Democracy of
Pennsylvania, ip connection with the merits of her can
didate fur the Presidency were to be considered.
When we went in, ALEX. BRACKENRIMIE, F,sq.,
was addressing the meeting. lot cling the personal and
political character of the Hon. J A S. Buell ANA N, and
the bursts of applatose with which his remarks were
received, spewed how completely the meeting was
identified with the speaker in feelings of respect and
admiration for our great statesman. After Mr. B. had
concluded, GEO. STEW ART, Esq., was repeatedly call
ed for. In Mr. S's speech he declared that he always
had maintained the cardinal principles of democracy, I
and although he had beeu found acting with another
political party heretofore, henceforth he would be a ;
democrat in the strictest sense of the word, and that he
would give a hearty and warm support to democratic
man and democratic principles.
After Mr. &o 'art bad concluded, the committee re
ported through their chairman, Hon. C. SIIALER, the
resolutions and address. The resolutions were adopted
as they were read, and many of them were received
with long and eathasiastic cheering. The address is
an eloquent a n d powerfully written document, and al
though some may attempt to raise objections to the
frank mannc.r in which it speaks out the plain
yet every hone-tdernocrat in Pennsylvania must admit
that it is a candid statement of the present position of
affairs; and that the safety of the democratic party re
gal.-es that its admonitions should not be passed over
lightly. The address and resolutions were written by
Judge SIIALER, and they are just such as his fellow
citizens Would expect from hint, on a subject in which
he felt a warm interest.
Pt '
After the report of :heCommittee had been adapted,
WrLsos WC:Astacus, Esq. was loudly called for,and
addressed :he meeting with much eloquence and spir
it. Mr. M:. is always a happy speaker, and possesses
the talent as well of sustaining his position with pow
erful argument, as of exciting the nth th of his audience
to aboisterous degree. He was never more "at home"
than on Tuesday evening, and the approbation which
his r.2marks e!L!ited, must have been as gratifying to the
speaker, as they were cheering for the cause.
Dr. E. D. GA.ZZA,DI was next requested to address
the meeting. He apologized to the audience for not
making n set speech, but stated that he approved of the
sentiments of those who had preceded him, and pled.
ged himself to doall in his power to advance and for
ward the claims of Pennsylvania.
After the appointment of a Committee of Correspon
dence, and the transaction of some other business, the
meeting adjourned
We hope to be able to lay the proceedings beforeour
readers in to-morrow morning's paper. They would
have appeared to-day, but there were some alterations
necesi , m7 to be made by the Committee before they
could be puliliihrd.
"THE A tilltic. , t DEMOCRAT."—This is the title of
a new paper started i❑ New York, %%Melt professes to
bathe ' - organ of the American Republican party."—
The principal objects of the paper are represented to
be the "amendment of the 'Naturalization Laws so as
to make a residence of 21 years necessary to citizen
ship,"—and the repeal of the Common School Law of
New York city. The principal occupation of the con
ductors of this paper, seems to be, to abuse and de
fame these who teach and those who profess the doc
trines of the Roman Catholic Church.
it is sufficient to determine the character of this pa
yer and the party it advocates,that,according to its own
showing, MiLe Walsh and his Spartans aro • fri end ly to
their cause." This of itself seals the doom of the
Atrr...rican Democrat and its sappurteTs.
t . ,lrlre observe that the Ladies' Companion gives
a brief but candid sort of a criticism on the literary pro
ductions of one CORNELIUS Mairums, Esq., who
has written much lately for Magazines, &c. It sums
his pretensions by liming that he is a "humbug," and
sayingbe is "small beer." Mr. Iklarimws was once
the editor of a Magazine called "Arcturus," and even
Professor 'INGRAHAM and his DA:cm:a FEATHER
have not been 'more perseveringly puffed and blown
about than this Mr. MarnEws. All would not do,
however—he has gone down, anti has thus furnished
another gratifying evidence that mere "paffinz," if he
has no merit, will nut ke:p a writer up.. Mr. M. thinks
hehas immoralized himself by the portrayment of po
litical wire-working and intrigue, in a novel called
"PutTer Hopkins," upon the authorship of which he
seems disposed chiefly to rest his fume. It is beyond
question one of the most dull and ridiculous productions
ever issued from the press, and botraysatotal ignorance
Of the political characters and manoeuvres of which he
has attempted a caricature. From the manner in which
Mr. M's last publication was received, we presume his
literary aspiraiions are dead and buried. It is a plea
sant t4ing to note the. extinction of humbugs, and there
fore wc hat whet we hope is the close of
Mr. Matliet is . literary career.
MtatDF.R.—The Sunbury Gazette states that on
Monday night last, as three young. men of the place
were out gunning. and were crossing a form occupied
by William and Robert Hunter, about three miles from
the borough, they were assaulted by the Hunters and
a John Devaney with clubs and stones, and John Vand
ling, a son of Peter Vandling, was so beaten ovet the
bead with his gun which had been taken out of his
hands, that he died in about twj hours. Oac of the
Hunters commenced the assault on the pretence that
the party was one with whom he had a previous dispute,
and their denial would not satisfy hint. Vandling was
a young man of 2:2 years of age, and of a very amiable
disposition. The perpetrators of the act were arrested
and committed to
Cot. JUIINt'ON ty NEw YORK.—This veteran sol
dier and democrat presided at a iiepeal meeting in
New York. on last Friday evening. and delivered an
address whi.th was received with rapturous applause
by alarge audience. He left on Saturday for Newark,
N. J., where preparations were made to give him a pub
lic reception
mpttrsostarxr OF Dbl.:rt.—Tito citizens of Boston
held an immense wee:Mg on Thursday evening to ex
press their indignation at the tyrannical conduct of the
authorities of Rhode Hand in the arrest and imprison
ment of Tilos. W. Dunn. The meeting was address
ed by a number of able sl . tealiers, and adopting a series
ofappropriale and potrintic resolutions, adjourned with
threechaecs far T. W. Dorr, and three times three for
Gov. Morton.
Rosanna Keen, th•r colored girl who poisoned
Mr. Seeley, of Bridgeton, N. . 1.. and whnae execution
was to have taken phwe on Friday last, has been re
prieved by Gov. Penning,too. She is Learly an
The sigiing of her eprieve was nearly the last official
act performed by the Governor.
AN la POSTER. Pole, who calls hinuclf P. Nu
has been perambulating the country, soliciting
uid, and exhibiting letters purporting to be written by
Abbot Lawrence and Robert G. Shaw ; of Boston.—
These gentlemen both deny all knowledge of Nayarit'.
hi, and of the letters which he exhibits.
Ftaxs IN CAN ADA.—On the 5:61hu1t., a range of
five of the best buildings in Si. Catharines, was destroy
ed by fire. The houses were stuated between May's
Hotel and Henegan's tavern. On Wednesday week,
between five and six o'clock, the church of St Anne
des Plaines, in the Seigniory uf Tea reboune, near Mon
treal, was entirely destroyed by tire. Everything in
the church was destroyed with it.
MARS:IA BERTRAND arrived in Baltimore on Sa
turday at, and was received by the Mayor and a com
mittee of French citizens. The Sun says that on Sun
' day morning he attended the Cathedral with his suite,
. and listened to an eloquent sermon from the Rev. Mr.
Coakrey, previous to which grand high mass was per
formed, accompanied by the excellent sin4ing of the
choir. lie retitcd from the Cathedral in company
with Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte. At two o'clock in
the afternoon he was waited on ut Barmon's by the
French citizens in a body and received their respects,
appearing highly delighted with their visit.
At 12 o'clock on Monday he received a largo num
ber of the citizens who , were anxious to pay their re
spects to the distinguished stranger.
A BANKING BASIS.—A fellow named Stir-r, "nun
his credit" recently at New Haven. for some weeks,
mainly on th:! strength of a mahogany box, purporting
to be full of ama!th, sealed and deposited in the Caul
ty bank. On Thursday it was unsealed and soh.mnly
opened in the presence of the authorities. It was found
to contain smile old newspapers, three cents, and half
of a late Morning Courier! So says that paper.
Louis Gazette of the 30th, gives tho following account
of the robberies and forgeries committed by a Post
Master in the State of Missouri:
Imporlane Robber/.—lmportant losses nil the
mail route between Fayette, and Liberty, here taken
place recently. On Friday e /ening the 30th, Thornton
11. Freeman, P. M at Carrolton, was arrested in his
office, bj the Marshal of the State, in conjunction with
the agents of the General l'o*t Office.
The papers and testimony on which this arrest was
made, clearly show the villany of Freeman, who has
committed forgeries without number, and stole without
reserve. His escape, which occurred on Saturday,
and for which none are blameable. is greatly to be la
mented, and wo hope will not be permanent, as a re
ward of $l5O is offered, $lOO of which is from the
private pockets of Col. NlcHatton, one of the agents,
and Mr. Birch, the Marshal.
The Marshal has secured, we are informed, $3,300,
and there are $2,500 yet m doubt. Of the RIM.; actual
ly stolen, in six r.bberies and eight or ten forgeries,
$6OO falls upon Woods, Christy & Co., of St. Louis,
who adopted unusual precautions, and whose loss we
deeply regret;—s4Go upon Mr. Ritchie, oldie Rich
mond Enquirer, and the balance is divided between the
numerous citizens of Liberty and the Platte country.
The remaining sum, not accounted for, is divided be
tween a foreigner in the upper country, an officer et
the Garrison, an i Dr. Mitchell, the Receiver at Fay
REPEAT..-Mr. T. D. Masme, at a late Repeal meet
ing in Roxbury, Marls., summed up, in the following
brief and pithy sentence, the advantag,es Ireland would
realize from Repeal:
"Give to Ireland a legislature, a local and responsi
ble judiciary. a free church, and within five years the
entire condition of the country will be changed. The
products of the soil will be more than doubled, manu
factures will bein a still greater proportion; education
of the masses will be provided for by those whu will
feel the necessity for it, and sectarian animosity, now
so rancorous, will be extirpated as if by magic. These
are the vast consequences which must follow the repeal
of the present unjust and unequal union; and they ought
to be reached, whether England sinks to a second rate
power at not. When England employs her present im
mense political pots er fur the benefits of the masses of
mankind, it will be time enough for those who live un
der other ; , cerement; to concern themselves about her
loss of it."
The Baitua ?tilt record 4 the following instance of that
generosity and benevolence, which have always char
acterise the song of the ocean:—
"Tuesday, the lust day of the month, being pay day
on hoard the .ret-r-nue cutter Hamilton. Capt Sturgis
stated to his crew that the loss of the U. S. schooner
Grampus having been confirmed, it was rendered cer
tain that many widows and orphans would he left in
i destitute circumstances as a consequence of the calam
ity,aud would therefore be peculiarly dcsoi ving of the
sympathies of the sailors. To give an opportunity to.
a!I on board to make such a contribution for the reiief of
the unfortunate persons as their feelings might prompt,
be had prepared a subscription paper to which those
who saw fit might put their names, with the sums they
could afford to give. The paper was then circulated.
among the crew. and was signed by every man on board
from the commander downward—all giving liberally,
aceoading tothei r circumstances. The money,amounted
to a oonsidexable sum. was collected an the spot, and
before-his has been forwarded to those for whose re
lief:it-was intended. We .ronsider the circumstance
highly honorable to the crew of the Hamilton and their
warm hearted commander, and trust the example will
not be wjthout as influence in otherquartersond among
rhose who ate more able to tol generous."
We ten gratified to find, from Timmons indicatkets
that the mistaken impresion on the minds of many,
that Mr. Buchantuesdeserred popularity is confined to
l'ennsyliria, is fastgiving place to truth. In plea
of the fact that Mr Buchanun's eminent public services
and commanding stitesmanship ore appreciated in oth
er states, as well tut nur own, we may mention, that
a democratic meeting was recently held in Clarke Coun
ty, Virginia, at which resolutions were enthusEistically
adopted, declaring Mr BUCHANAN as its first choice
for the Presidency, and RICHARD M. JOHNSON for
Vice President. That would constitute a "team"
impossible to beat in Pennsylvania, or, we verily be-
Neve, in the Union. Why ought not counsels of wis
dom prevail in the National Convention? Whilst the
friends of the other candidates have worked their fee
lings into a state of feverish excitement, fraught with
imminent peril to our success in the coming campaign
the name of BUCHANAN would at once harmonize ex
isting difficulties, and the agitated waves would be
awed into tranquility. We record it as our deliberate
conviction that JAMES BUCHANAN is the most avail
able, as he is also confessedly among the most able and
patriotic of the competitors for the Democratic nomi
nation. In support of his pretensions, we shall here
after publish copious extra.:ts from the public rapers,
an,l sock to enforce them by comments of our own.—
Dem • limon
The examination in relation to the death or Eieut
Wyche was brsught to close last evenin;. The pro
ceediz,gs attic, committee on Thursday will be found
on our first page. Yesterday Thomas B Coolidge, Esq,
who boards at the Exchanp.. Coffee. House, .estified
that the deceased was engaged with him. and others
till a quarter before two, and that he was not then
drunk. but he had drank a glass of beer during the
evening. When the witness was prepttriog to go to
bed, the deceased proposed to go out, and would be
back in an hour, but witness remonstrated.
Amos Pearson, porter of the Exchange, testified that
the deceased, at half past two, or a little after, left the
house, sayins , that be was going to take a little walk,
and would he hack in a short time. Ile did nut per
ceive upon hirn any signs of intoxication.
Charles Manley, of Portland. saw the deceased at
the Exchange (rein ten till half-past one, and w:t3 sure
that there was nothing in the appearance, &e. indica
tive of intoxication.
Li.'ut Parker was re-callod and expres3ed an opin
ion, based unauthentic information, that the deceased
was not in possession of any largeamount of money on
tire night precedinghis death.
Dr. Perkins who was a witness before the inquest,
was also examined, but his evidence did not come
down to a later hour than 10 o'clock. lle, however,
assigned a medical reason why the deceased refused to
drink during the day and evening when invited.
With Dr. P. the investigation closed, and the corn.
mittee proceeded to deliberate on their report, which
will probably be submi , ted to thecommon council on
M.inday evening. It will undoubtedly e,:puess a strong
opinion against the manner in which the jury of inquest
was made. up. On this point it will he observed, by a
reference to the evidence on the first page, that here is
a material difference between Col. Pratt, the coroner,
and M. Stratton, the officer who butu.noned the jury.
—Boston Poet.
On Wednesday evening we r; published an anecdote
of a dog, that perceiving its little mistress to fill into
the water, sprangin and brought her to the shtire, but
being unable fully to extricate her, placed her where
she could sustain herself, and then scrambled ashore—
dragged us it were a young girl , whom he met, to the
spot, and with her assistance drew his little friend nut
of the water; having done which, he.jumped again into
the riser to pick up and bring back her bonnet that
had floated off.
This reasoning., faithful—brute? it is added, had
been rescued by the father of the child he soled from
the hands of those human brutes, called dog-killers.
A day or two since, a corresr,ohlcnt complaining to
the Journal of Comm-rc e. of bei:i.; niuniyed by the
yelping and barking of some (iz., kept in a neil!ihor
ing yard. asks what remedy he Lai , when tho
(ion man? of this journal this replies:
"The remedy is very easy. The Iriwlb.'eause
they are bur p r•. Give Cr.:ll some in , it properly
..,.: t soi t ed, and iu h an heir thev be no hotter
than deal If the 0,1 - ,or of sit It a nuisance
CcMid eat the W,11'.1 I, !Ink more
than nor rrrin W. 1.1 I a svhi de neigh
In plainer wools, poison the d,gq—an.l if their
masters were p iimaed too, "it would be little more,"
says elm Julian! "that such a to to de4 •rves!"
‘Vhkh is this brute—the do; of which w • have re
corded the anecdote, or the m in who could conceive
and publish such a paragraph? We know not what
others tiny think, but fbr ourselves, on earth or eke
where, we would rather take our chance and compa
ny with the dog.
And apropos Or that elsewhere for animals, we sub
join some thoughts from a very deep thinker, and well
informed, as well us very relizous, writer, which may
not be without interest for those whose opportunities
may have enabled them to appreciate all that there is
of an intellizent and spiritual nature in man's fast
friend, the dog—a friend that knows no guile nor
change, without hypooricy and above corrupt ion.
The dog :nay have a spirit. as well as his brutal master:
A Tit-it to live in happiness, for why should ho be rob
bed of his exi-tence!
le not a conscience of evil, a glimmer of moral
Love and hatted, courage and fear, and visible shame
. .
and pride?
There may be a future rest fur tho patient victims of
the cruel;
And a season allotted for their bliss, to compensate for
unjust suffering.
Tupper's Proverbial. Philosophy.
When you rise in the morning form a resolution to
make the day a happy one to a fellow -creature. It is
easily done: a left off garment to the man who needs
it, a kind word to the sorrowful, an encouraging expres
sion to the striving trifles in themselves light as air
will do it, at least for the twenty-four hours; and if you
ate young depend upon it, it will tell when you are old;
and if you are old, rest assured it will send you gently
and happily down the stream of human time to eterni
ty. By the most simple arithmetical sum, look at the
result. You send one person, only one, happily through
the day; that is 365 in the course of the year, and sup
posing you live forty years only after you commence
the course of medicine, you huvo. maJe 14,600 human
beings happy, at all events for a time, and this is suppo
sing n f relation or friend p:u takes of the feeling and
extends the good. Now worthy reader is not this sim
ple? It is too short for a sermon, too homely fur ethics,
and too easily accomplished for you to say, "I would if
" Receipt for making superior loaf bread, hot
brrak fast and supper cakes, buckwheat cakes, &c.—
No bread can excel that made by this receipt:—Hall
pint sour milk; half a tea spoonful! of saheratus, well
powdered; a piece of butter as large as a walnut; a
pinch of salt, and three fourths of a quart of flour, put
the salteratus. butter and salt into the sour milk, then
add the flour, and roll out the dough to a proper thick-
The3e quantities will produce one dozen superior bis
cuits. The dough may be baked as soon ns mnde, hut
it does notinjure by standing two or three hours Wone
baking it.
The Concordia Intelligence tells a pretty good joke
of a fellow who was walking ashore front the splen
did boat.. the Harry of the West, }iii bundle in one
hand and five dollars in specie clutched in the other,—
on a single plank, and heedlecs of his way, he tripped,
and fell souse into the river. In an instant. (says the
Intellirncer) recovering himself lie struck manfully
for the shore, waded out in full view of the boat, shook
himself like a huge water dog, opened his hand, and
found but two shiners left,—he was angered at the
plank, mad with himself. Curious at the loss of his mo
ney, and more than furious at the monstrous Missis
sippi. Ile looked at the plank, the boat, the river, his
money, and wound up the survey by venting his spleen
as follows: "I've got five dollars in this ere bundle, two
in my hand—havejust been ducked—stand five feet ten
in my stocking feet—tolerably stout for my ago—rath
er mad—and do my cats ill can't fio.z. any man on that
boat, for fist fight or rough and tumble! Who'll say
yes?—Whoop? whoop! whoop! Horns for old Ken
From flee 'V. Y. Amerirl,l
The science of ek.cLricity has discoveted thateer
tan substances are not affected by the elecztic fluid;
they are therefore called non-conduclors. Alcohol
is anon-conductor.
I: It does not conduct wealth into a nien's pocket.
No man was ever in (het the richer for drinking it, al
' though he might be in imagination.
2: It conducts no happiness to a man's family. No
wife or child was ever the happier for tho uae which
the husbacd or father made of it.
3: It conducts no respectability to a man's charac
ter. No man waa ever more really respectable for be
ino-' a moderate drinker, a tippler, or a drunkard.
4: It conducts nu good to body or mind, when used
as a beverage. Nu man wad ever more real healthy,
or strong, or wise, or prudent, from the use of it.
5: It cimducts not one good thing into the communi
ty. There are many tipplers and drunkards in the
land. Is the nation anymore respected, wealthy, vir
tuous or prosperons on this account 1 Double the
number of each, and would it be any advantage to the
nation 1
6: Alcohol conducts no principle of virtue or piety
into the heart. Was it ever known, that either the
selling or drinking of alcohol produced any real change
in a man's character or principles for the better.
Bat alcohol bas conducted away millions of- money,
and an untold amount of happiness and charuLter: it
has destroyed, in hundreds of thousands of instances,
health, reason, conscience—all ; all the poor deluded
man had, and has turned him amt into the world, poor,
diseased wretched, vile, polluted, disgusting, lost,
destroyed. Such have been, still are, and ever will be,
the efibcts ofalcohol, so long us it shall be continued in ;
use as a beverage ! Awl yet how men are wedded to !
its use, under one or another eisguise ! How they will
shut their eyes and ears, and harden their hearts ngai ta.t
the influence of facts—the daily lessons of experience.
How they will rush by thousands, to destruction, along
the very path, which they have always seen, ass far as'
their vision has traced it, crowded with the lost, nod
from which they have continually heard the cry of '
guilt, remorse and shame—the sound of weeping and
wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
Of what heraldry has our country to boast. Even
the fictitious descent of our oldest noble families, arc eon.
temptible amongst the Dutch burgomasters, many of
whom trace their lineage to a more distant date than
14 pretended by our most ancient nobility Whnt her
aldry can be boasted of by such peers as Lund Syd
mouth, Lord Eldon, Lord Kenyon, Lord Brougham,
Lord Liverpool, Lord Denman, or Lord Lyndhurst7
Their caustic titles must have coats of arms of a very •
short antiquity. and not sine of diem has a coat of arms
of lifty years 11111, an I each coat wan bought for money. wHErtr, YOU OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN.
Lord Eldon has the moat pompous coat of arms, per
haps clergyman who Wll3 in the habit of preaching, in
haps of any man in Eagland, with two white lions and
different part, of the country, happened to be at an
fourlion; heads, and port-ctillis, and an anchor. What
he:dole oriein as the sou of a coal-whipper in one inn, where he observed a horse jeckey trying to take in
possible c omexions has these to do with Lord El-
an honest min, by imposing on him a broken winded
den's life, as a crafts-, pilfering lawyer, or with his ve-
horse, for a sound one. The parson knew the bad
jof the coal-pits in the north? One noble lord whom we character of the jockey, and taking the gentleman
aside, told him to he cautious of the person he was
know had n father in the occupation of ty lawyer's wi ' e
The gentleman fi nally declined the maker, and another's parent was a lady's stay maker. , deali az wit h.
at chase, and the jockey, quite nettled, observed, ••11'nr
' pur-
Lor Syrihnoeth's father was a little apothecary
son, T had much rather hear you preach than see you
Reading, in Berkshire, bu• he reetwered his affairs ,
and grew rich by getting up a madhouse, just ut the ltrtrat"l into:Tone in bnrgains between man and man,
time when George the Third exposed his raving, mad- , thisway."ell," replied the parson, "if yeu
had been where you ought to have b •en last Sunday,
potable in its plan and management that the apotheca
ass. This madhouse :scheme was deemed so little re
you might have heard me preach." "Wbere was
ry and his partner in the shop refused to join him in it, that?" inquired the jockey. '•ln the State Prison?'
Of these two partners in apothecary's shops the one returned the clergyman.
lived and died respected, but not rich, whilst the oth
er died rich and gave birth to Lord Sidm truth—what
heraldic titres these would be! This pestle-and -mortar
nobleman bus for his arms two immense stage, three
fleur-de-lix taken from the royal escutcheon of the
Bourbon kings of France, and surmounting all these is j
a cat with an enormoady long tail, resting its paw on
a shield and charged with a mace. These may be
glorious arms for a provincial apothecary's son. Lord
Denman's father became an eminent man-midwife, as
such practitioners were then called. Tltev are now
more decently caller! arreerchers. His lordship, wile
has been a peer 0:4 nine years has two tremendous
lions and three liege' heads. The whole lions Wien
red, and the three lions' heads beingeet off by tire neck , '
and above these is a raven with an amulet iu its mouth;
what has this t:: do with a in in-mirlwit"e's son, or a
Lord Chief .. .lit-zit:el Lord Lyndhurst has for his arms
two "eagles" with a cross between !Item, and a band
h tiding a dagger; how is this appropriate to his lord
ship's Aare-ice:: parentage of legal profession! What
has acr i tit •el les, and the dng.;•er, to do with
either! I, Br:eel:am in the son ofa humble trader
in deal 6031%14, und lie has a terrible coat of arms: a
green lion, with a red tongue, and a white stag bearing j
a red rose, with other fooleries b •yerol conception.
Sir Robert Peel's arms are, nine arrows with a flying
bee and half of t lion, holding in its pawn a weaver's
shuttle. There is something appropriate in this. The
Marquis of Londonderry's coat of armor is one of the
most ridiculous in our peerage. He has two dragoons
of the 10th Regiment of Hussars on rampant horses,
dressed in the extremes of military frippery. Ile has
a number of gamelets placed between lions, and these
lion, are jumping up at two larliet;—then there is an
arm and a hand, with a blood; d teger; close to this is
a golden dragon, with a three forked tail of immense
length. It is well known this Marquis of Londooderry
descended from a Scotch pedlar, one Stuart, who set
tled in Ireland. Lord Ashburnimm (Mr. Alexander
Baring) is of humble origin; he raised himself to the
peerage by his cunning and luck on the Stock Ex
change, and likewise as a bill-broker and mot:et-deal
er on the Royal Exchange (Royal, as it is called!)—
When, by means of ratting, got a peertge, he choose
for his arms a "a blue bears head, muzzled and tinged,"
arid "a mullet between, „wo wings," whilst the support
ers ore two bears ••muzzled collared anal chnined"—or
otherwise the two hears are obliged. each in the lan
guage of the heralds, to he chat zed on the back with a
cross patter filchee
Does not this foolery fill the public with disgust?—
Is it not contemptible? Let the proverous in life en
joy their vrte_,aries ut their own expense, hut do not
let them lay the expenses on the impoverished nation.
A Cincinnati correspondent of the Newark Morn
ing Post, rives the following description of a new in
vention. We cannot say that we have a clear idea of
the machine he describes, but perhaps some of our
readers more versed in mechanical matters, may:
"I was recently invited to witness the operation of
the model of a machine (for boat it could not be cal
led,) to navigate our inland waters. The inventor is
a young mat] of this place, and as is usual in such ca
ses, is very enthusiastic in his expectations of its capa
bilities and powers. He says, that the passage hence
to Pittsburgh, (500 miles) can easily be performed by
day-light. ft may very properly be denominated a
floating railroad—or a rail road which lays its own
track, and takes it up again when the passage over it
has been made. It may be thus described; a series of
oblong, air and water tight sectior s of any ty (piked
length, breadth, and depth are firmly secured side by
side, upon an endless chain: this chain is distended to
its utmost, upon a series of cast iron wheels, support
ed by shafts, upon a suitable frame work. These
wheels are put into motion, by the means of the steam
engine. The frame work with its engine boilers nod
wheels, may be called the locomotive; the chain, with
its floating power of its water tight sections, the rail
road. When it is placed upon the water, and the en
gines are put in motion, the endless chain (or railt mid)
' traverses the surface of the paddles or wheels, by
which the sections upon the chain, in succession, are
curried fore . ard and enters the water, each doing its ,
part in supporting the whole fabric, and are a g ain ta
ken up in theirendless round at the stern wheel. Ono
very novel characteristic of this machine is, its adap
tation to either water or lands so that it need not be re,
Larded by sand bars or low Water. This is obvious
when it is observed, that the floats or sections, during
the time they are beneath the frame work, (and of
course supporting the whole) do not advance at all, but
remain stationary, while the wheels pass over them;
when they leave the water or land, however, they go
rapidly forward to redeem their places on the forward
part of the craft, and to bear up the structure. Upon
the frame work which supports the engine, &e., and
above the chain and floats, the cabin for the accommo•
dation of passengers is to be created. That this thing
will move rapidly through or over the water I have ne
doubt, but think the eathusiastic inventor has over ess
timated its powers, or set ton low an estimate upon the
resistanre it will meet with from the element through
which it is to p ass ,
We learn from it little article in the Dutch pilfer;
"The Christian intolligencer." of last weak, that the Strillikato•reerandtinprimedleatailisseesi
oldest house in Manhattan Ishied is the Kip mansion ,
house, at Kip's Bay, on 'Thirty - fifth st., between first l
and second Avenues. It was built for Jacobus Kip, I THREE BIG DOORS!
in 1665, alid rebuilt in 1696, as is marked on the front l
of the house. The house is now occupied, and is still
owned by one of the Kip family. There have been T"E proprietor. shment takes great pleasure in in
of this woll known rod highly h i
live generutions oldie Kips born in the house. Of the cored establ ishment
forming his friends and the public at large that he bee
fourth generation only three are now living, %-iz—
Mr. Henry Kip, sen. of Buffalo, Mrs. John Y. Van, ! now prepared at his
Tuyl. and Mrs. James B. Mower, of this city.
Jacobus Kip the original ancestor of the family, was I
No. 151, Llntar St.,
bet nin Amstetdam, hfay I6th, 1631. His %% ifeMaria THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF
de in Montaigne, descended from a distinguished Hu-
guenot family, 111113 born at sea off the Island of Madeira, Ever offered for sale in this city.
January 26th, 1637.—they were married in the fort at. HIS stock or
New Amster;:am (where the fort now is.) March Bth, - r
1654 Jacobus was secretary to the colony, and his CLOTHS, CACHMERE, SATI AND
Hank! is found in the list of "the great citizenship," OTHER VESTINGS,
published by Paulding in his "Documents of New CANNOT BE EQUALLED.
Amsterdam in the olden time," es Do Herr Jacobus All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or-
der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and flubs
Another br„toich of his descendants which still sur- ionablv designed as at any other establishment
rives, is the family of the late Isaac L. Kip, the part- . IN THE UNITED STATES.
nor of Judge Brockledst Livingston. during the latter IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES
vears of his life, and for, many years register in the ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH-
Court of Chancery. To this respon.dble office he was ER HOUSE IN THE CITY;
appointed by Chancellor Livingston, and after balding And tune place west of ths mountains can purchasers
it under Chancellor Lansing: and Kent finally relinquish- find such a variety of goods from which to select as at
ed it by his voluntary choice. His only brother Leo- the
wird Kin, Esq., for many years President of the North
River Bark of this city, is still living at Hartford, Ct.,
to which place he retired a few years since, our older
citizens remember him as an influential member of the
Common Council atthe close of the last war, in the
days ofClinton and Colder
The Kip farm was originally 150 acres, and joined
the farm of the Stuyvesants on the Ever, and we be
lieve of the De Lance) i s in tl • interior of the is
and . IVltan the Corporation shall open and regu
late Thirty-fifth street. it will take off absut one-third
ofthe old mansion, a sight of which has suggested these
reminiscences. The house itself is built on a rock,and
now stands solitary, stripped of its out houses. For
a shot t time during the revolution it was Washington's
head quarters. There is on the rock, in the rear of the
house, a pear tree, which bore fruit this season, and
which was planted by one of the ladies of the family in
the year 1700.
Such arc a few recollections ofan obi mansion which
onon will entirely disappear, and of an old dutch fam
ily which 209 veirs ago occupied a prominent place in
the criony. To a ,e,-eneratioil which is just passing
awa:. they may be interesting—N. Y. Cum. Adv.
fort of tlittsburgl).
I?.eported by S4eble and lfitehelt, Gene.ral Stearn
Boat Agents. Water street.
A 'Rill VED.
*fit ily Bearer Peket,
Price, LotOA.
Lodi, Tomlinson, OIL
0 , 1,1, Bowman, Browsvillt
Belnhiat, Poe, Wheeling.
"Daily Beaver Packets
North QUIVI:, MeCntin, Cin.
Ar.-ade, Bremit,
U 2113, Itowniao,l3rownsviile.
Ladi, Tomlinson. Cin.
13:4;az0, Ebbert, 'Wheeling.
Mingo Devenny, do.
reAil boats !narked thu+(") are provided with
Evans Safety Gunn', to preveot the Explosion ofSteam
For Saint Louis.
MIR; paAwnger steamer NORTH
1. BEND, Misc.., s, Master, will
depart for the above and intermedi
ate laadings, on THIS DAY, (Tharsdav) the 9th inst.,
at 10 o'clocli, positively. Fur freight or passage apply
on board or to JAMES MAY.
The North Bend is forlisleut with Evans' Safety
Steam Boat James Ross.
4 rEI HIS beat is now in the Dock un
.l der"oing thorough re-caulking,
of the hull She being perfectly
sould, requires no other repairs. For the satisfaction
of those whom it may concern, shippers, mctrehants, or
any pc‘r,o n who may wish to purchase, are respectfully
requested too3ll andexamine her as she now lies on
the stocks.
Nov. 7, 1343.
T HE President and Directors of this Bank have
this :lay declared a dividend of three per cent
on the capital stock for the last six moaths, payable to
stockholders or their legal represent:mires on or after
the seventeenth inst. JOHN SNYDER,
n 9417
Good Farms for Sale.
F OR sale, one or two farms of good land on the But
ler, end near the Franklin, Road and Martin
Burn's, E. 41., about 14 miles from Pittsburgh. The
one t:•trm hus 150 acres in i•; 75 acres cleared: 30 of it
in good meadow, a good hewed log house and frame
barn, and a good young orchard on it, and it is well
fenced and iu goal order: the other has 59 acres, about
'2.5 cleared, oin meadow, a good hewed log house and
stable on it. and is well fenced end watered and in good
order und adjoins the above. The two will be sold to-
gether or divided, or about 100 acres will be sold in
one of the farm', and will be sold at a fair price for
cash or nearly all cash. For terms and particulars
please enquire at HARRIS' General Agency and Intel
ligt nce Office, No. 9, sth street. n 9
An Chwaar Wanted. •
F OR a boa of goods marked "Mr. Parker, Pitts
nB-3t U. S. P. Boat Line.
F RESH TEAS, COFFEE, and other Groceries,
purchased on the best terms. for cash, just re
ceived and for sale by W & M NIITCHELTREE,
nl-I‘vd&e., No. 160, Liberty street.
- -
) jPittsburgh, November 7, 1843.
This hank has this day declared a dividend of three
per cent. for the lust six months, payable on and after
thh 17th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at
the Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.
n2-2ve W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
BUFFALO TONGUES.—Received by Little Ben,
10 boxes Buff tlo Tongues, in fine order, direct
from the mountaics. A. BEELEN.
f . a — llisix c e eiv
and sizes
Rotas. Apply
s w h
B EAR SKINS, well dressed and full haired, a
suitable article for travellers' trunks. &r., fur
sale by
7 0AR BUTTER.—A lot of that celebrated choice
family butter, put up in fun bound keg:- Apply
In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he
has a magnificent assortment of
The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is
And in following out this system he feels COll.
fident that his customers and himself
To tall and examine for themselves at
No. 151. Liberty street,
In the Court of Common Pleas otAlleghany
I n the matter of the account
of James Morrison, As- )N0.12,JuneT.,1840.
signet!of Clendening Clarke. )
And now to wit, Nov. 7,1043, account of Assigneo
exhibited under oath, and filed mui cot.firmed. nisi,
and the Court order end direct the Prothonotary of
Common Pleas to give notice of the exhibition and 6,-
"finitl account in the Daily Morning Pest, by three
insertions, setting forth that said account will be allow
ed by the Coot t on the 28th day of November, A. D.
lan, unless cause be shown why said account should
nut be allowed. From the Record.
nB-3t A. SUTTON, Pra.
Two New am,. First Rate Steam EllffiEoll.
0 Eis 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, aad 4
foot stt eke, will be sold with or without boilers.
The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder,
3 foot stroke, one boiler about 29. feet long. 30 inches;
in din mete!. These engines are made of the best ma
terials and in the most.subsunatial manner, and will be
sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at
the wnrehouse of the subscriber at any time.
nB—t H. DEVINE, U. States Line.
Pittsburgh. Nov. 7, 1843.
rp BE President and Directors of this Bank have this
clay declared a dividend of 3 per cent. for der
lost six months, payable on and after the 17th instant.
Eastern Siockhoiders will he paid at the Westete
Bank, Philada. THOS. M. BOWE, Cashier.
113-2 w
T Change of Boar.
HE mail fur Beaver and Cleveland will close herr
after at 9 o'clock A. M. instead of 11 A. M.
Post Office, Pittsburgh, Nov. 7th, 1843. na-3t
H ALIFAX SALMON.--Th e lovers of good fish
are requested to call rind examine some very
fine No. 1, Halifax Salmon, which we have just recall..
ed and opened for retail.
We hare nlso a few !Mils Nos 1 end 2 Salmon, sante
as above, for sale by the bbl. LLOYD & CO.,
n 7120, Liberty street.
11 10 Ws Nu. 1 mackerel, (Northern inspection)
10 " " 2 ,. 4.
10 " " 1 herring, i,
10 boxes Scotch herring,
Received this day and formic by
n 7 LLOYD & CO., 140 Libony st. .
T HE partnership heretofore existing between F. A.
Frethey and G. G. Frethey having been dissole•
ed by mutual consent on the Ist instant, the business
will bo conducted in future by F. A. Frethey, who
fully authorized to settle all the partnership concerns.
He respectfully asks for the continuation of the par
trsnage of friends and the peblic generally. n7—lm
CHOICE PICKLES. Walnut Ketchup,
Gerkins, Tomato do,
Mangoes, Sarsaparilla Syrup,
Piccolilly, Lemon do,
Cauliflower, Olive Oil,
French Beans, India Carrie Powder,
Walnuts, Italian Maccaroni,
Onions, Italian Vermicelli,
Mixed Pickles. Capers, (French,)
niCII SAUCES. Planet,
John Bull's Sauce, Bitter Almonds,
Harvey's do, French Cnrrauts,
Reading do, Prepared Cocoa,
Cavice do, Jminaica Ginger,
India Soy, Dried Cherries.
Essence of Anchovies. Oranges, &c, &c.
Just received and for sale by LLOYD &CO.,
04 No. 140, Liberty street.
Travelling Agents Wanted.
A FEW YOUNG MEN are, wanted to obtain nub.
scriptions to Publications in the adjoining COQ* ,
ties, to whom regular employment and liberal reams
ration will be given. Apply at this office.
n 2-1 W.
Money Wanted.
W ANTED immediately and on the best security,
on mortgage on excellent property in town
and country, and on good private security, if preferred,
and fur different periods, the following tams. •i, WOO,
$5OOO, $3OOO, $2OOO, $lOOO, $750, $5OO, $2OO,
$l5O, $lOO. Persons having money to lend will find
undoubted security. A fair interest, and in several
cases a good premium fir money, and all in coaftclence:
on applying at HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Of
fice, No. 9, sth street.
?arms Wanted.
SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20
miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis
posed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield
street, near 4th, soon
Mr. J KIDD--Sir:—A child ofmine about 41 years
old, was constantly indisposed, and of pale complex
ion; but had always a good appetite. In order to have
the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Very
mifuge of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, after wideb
20 or 25 large worms were expelled. I wish all Per
mans would read the above facts. The heahb
is much improved. MICHAEL RIHN.
Chortler 's Creek, Sept. 26 1843.
IriTor sale at the Drug Store of
oct Corner of 4th and Wood sts. Pittsbg., Pa