Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 07, 1843, Image 4

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    -- --- - 7.7 -•-
fltily4l4l6.o l .ctlN,, . Ihipleallarlatr4f wax
al .. r'• , WWI B, o 4iVflif • "Pitfiltfer ill, P 4.-
I.lllllPflawey.oll ifillif.. art 'eft itektaT- - -of Bath'
ataadd tat Iliiiie PAPZEtviiiIIN9II eft. Velvet and
...aripMtitoa. Borders, of the' latest 'silk . and clittadisatue
eras,tor papering halls,sartors aad chambers.
A manufacture and have on hand at .alf times
ltpit" Wrapping and Tea PaPer,Bert
''lidt' OR Psillets' Boards—all of which they offer fur sale
-- oit the most accommodating terms; and to whlth they
:441 tvititheattention of merchants and others.
X LSO—Blank Books °fail kinds and the beguilingly,
School Rooks, etc. always on hand and fur sale as above
4 N. B. Ttagst nd Tatlers'Acraps' taken in exchange.
.9i.LEJ/0 VAL.—The undersigned begslenve to Inform
the putille, that he has.removed from his old stand,
corner of Penn and St. Clair sts, opposite , the
change Hotel, where. he has fit tedstp a large Pip FOITZ
Wait! &max, and now offers for sale the most splendid
, zsiortivient of Primus ever offered in title market.
pis nal consist of .diTerent patterns, of superior
Foie Wood and :ilatiOgaiiy, beautifully finished and ago
11Pleir eonstrueted thronehout of the very beet jna•
Ic - rials,which, for durability, and quality of tone, es well
;as toad), be warrants to be superior to any ever seen
• As he has enlarged big manufactory, and made arrange.
•meets-to saintly the Increasing demand for this Instru
emerit. be respectfully reqnests those intending to par.
:Chase So call and trzminehlit assartmerit beforepurcha.
atlimelsewhere, at, be Is determined to Fell LOWitt, for
castl?,sattgi any other establishment vast or west of the
mountains. F. BLUME,
Curner or Penn and. St. Clair streets,
Imp 10 0(410411e lite r 'Xitcliassellettel; Pittsburgh, Pa.
ISEsabstrlber has just received front Philadelphia and
New York, with a et mtral arid extensive assort.
meld of DRUGS, CHEJU/C.81.5. PERFUMERY, and
iFiyarymrticits'ln Lis Rue of husluess, which heist deter.
Latinist! Lo sell on4he most reasonable terms for cash.—
ile,isetievis he can offer stronger inducements than any
i~tilllarestablishment in this city to couutry Physicians
and ...Merchaute, who wish to supply themselves with
edlehieg. 1115 articles have been selected
with the utmost cose,and.are war_ranted,of t lie best quell.
ity and eniformaitertgth. 'Orderif wilt be lilted with as ! .
ItitttiOy ,eeince. Famili s can iteatippila wilit Pine
kiati Paecy Soaps of every conceivable varistY, arid of
lata 0140 exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
arstV. CAlsmeties of curry description.
..,The inierllg fled returns his thanks for the liberal stip:
port herotpfure extended to hlm, and hopes by a.constant
dlspob)tion to please and accommodate—a care in pro
curing' and selling only %vital is excellent and genuine—a
close superyislonpfthe sales and tranapapost of the •!stah
Ilshmpat—preinutkin andaccuraey in compound'', sued..
ctifTik4and by industry and perseverance, to mail .4iln",
.0t public pat ro na:e
• mar 25'.
duleinla to him t'otber night,
Tomake roars look so, with a grin, replied losh,
ye brought yona bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash,
'l'.3 the/ma now . irs.use; so the gargles:obl istr.
And since tbeiqtave tried this, east all others awe,. 1 -
. Rut to proven the best; to make the teeth shine,
Look,ageln, my dear sal, at the lustre at eslae.
' Then try Ibis great tooth wash,
• • "' l l'he,Teaberry tooth wash,
And see If this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not flue.
Raving ir;ed' .Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wa.ll,
and become acqUatrited With the Ingredients of Its compo•
sit ion,l citetifdlly tray, I consider it one of the safest, as
It Is one of Ihe most pleasant Topth West' es now in use.
_Pittsburgh Sep. 15, - 842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I telte - riteastare in stating, having-made.use of- , Thorn's
Tett BerTf Tooth Waih,",ftnt It Is °nen( .iilc best deu •
trlttees in ale: Being Ina liquid form, It comtenes neat-;
neartilth.eoriventenee. While It cleanses ttre enamel
andgemoves the tartat from the teeth, Its perfttine yetds .
a fragtrinde.pectiliailY desirable. J. P. TI BBETTS. M.D.
The undersigned have used ' , Tito, it's Compnund Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an eztrenie•
ly pleasant dentifrice, esarthdhg a 'Most salutary infiti.
ente over the Teetlt and Gums; preserving those Indis
peasable memlterafrem premature decay. preventing the
accuitpdatims.of Tartar, and partfy Ise the Breath. . line.
Ing.thpr9a in g . b . ly tested Its virtues, we take pleasure in re.
comend' ll . to the pabllc.belieeing it to be the best ar
ticle of the kind now In ase.
Af:RO B / 4 /2TISON, • JatilfE,SP JACK.
ROrrPi4,BLES, CH.4.5.13 .SCULL}',.
C bAltliAall. . TV-if if'CiI.NDLESS,
J Al 11100.RIIEJ1D, JAS S
Frepiiiirand mild :by WILLI.% MTUORN. Apotheca
ry dkNipliemist, No. 53 Market street," Pittsburgh; and
at all the principa Dideziste, and Tuttle's Medical Agen
y, Pallet tv sep.
L 1 VCR COM PL A I NTS—Dyspepriaand Indigestion,
wit.. costiveness, asidity of the stomach, hardnes,
of fori:l after incals,heatriburek filtuateacy, liven corn pia lots
withpain In the...4e and'eficulder4aundice, biliouscotn':
dropsy, diabetes, gravel, stone, and I ntiamotlo n
offs lungs, are most perfectly removed and carcd by the
Thhllittittie has the astonishing feet; in curing all coin
alaintil elite/ stoti*ctrand iMaestive organs, Many high.
ly ellPOlNiteloteledividettls in New Kork have been cured,
aftireeyitig every other rented, In vain, and havu given
in llsekwerieswith permission to refer to them. Ii is
pleasant in kit tam, atilt does nit in the least interfere
with itin /Oily nvocatlon of one taklng It. slany fa mi..
hem oil he:city have become so pleased with tiro medicine.
that tb•ey uttbiloslbelr milk faintly oiedidiao. Fly filing
It ogpawnlinllY, it keep* the onintaeh free frcim bi'lous dis•
ordopood,t4to ilto secretions of the
buitpt•lbe .nuaot, perfect. activity. It is composed entire:
ly tr t ytgetable: Ilhe cure will be gradual, but certain
en rvertnei.ol.•
fOritite Ifturr Le's, lIG ruurth street.
Dr#:-.l.etidyfn "fetter 41r. Itch Ointment.
VOR t e curt ofeyery variety of TETTER , the ITCH,
4ibastumes'or the Skin, has proved itself more
efficacieurthan any.raher prepzrattpn for the little per.
pose In vie% -
etri:sids of 4ve hundred certificates might be prorurrd
end j lit stied of its etricitc)Yroin School Teachers, Pro.
priMeif! Factot les: wren(?, uardtans, Child Nurses,
caphitesor vessels and oilier., were it not for the dell
atey irr hautny their 'names publisticil in f onneci ion with
vu at-disagreeable attectios P. •
Bribe use of Dr Leh Tetter Ointment in corjune.
floe seith. his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, lie
wly, guarantee to
.cure any disease common to the akin,
hourgyFsjuilkur of however long standing, or refund the
moiseyrr There are however very few instances hut con
be inie4 bithp Ointment alone,
15 untie a Boz.
Pti•hdred t only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr L,l.
dy'S Ben,th Eiririorlum,l9l N. second at. Philadelphia,
and by' it. if. PARNES !DCA" 4. Ca. cornee 4 of Wood
anikeixth streets, Atrents fhr Pittsburg. r, Ail: 12.
riliniiiihs.rithir Would reemet folly i torm the citizens
JLAlteihiki and their vlcir It ier.,lltot be
has ettell tottnbfbeturing the article of Lard 011
titLeallittlett. tillatendamakin: hut one quality, which,
will e4tlitli die belt . made to the Union and nut surpassed'
by Liu liallitiliter.strained sperm oil either for machister
or barittate, without its offensiye properties, and one
third cheaper, THE Alltilfte 148 . 1F4RRANTED TG
BURN I,hl ANY TENPER4TURE. The iihscrie
her wilthoefto turpress:distiactly on the pahtk mind that
it i-4411at tioreisary to purchase any now tangled lamps that
are daily palmed upon them as peing requiai.te to torn the
lard oil in. . Nitg,goog -, pure and brilliant
caa ()Wain it.by Gatlin: at the old niand,3d street, near!)
c;:isite thltrostOtEte.
kl. C
7 : atientAat: cd‘Vac.. dcale:•i,Caarches and
14,1 a ref/weird'.
it.:: - .Autths, to 3 win Lear the manufacturet•
Jana; 1313—tf.
For the Transportation of Aferchandiza and Produe
ix EVIN respectfully Inform the public that they
• have completed their arrangementefor the above
Line on
The public„hasJong wished fur Individual competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone
It can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to Itslowesi rates; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Ball
Roads. Individuais owning, Portable Boats are enabled
to bid !or At, ..Martytaa Trade and successfary to coin.
pete with colnifaii:ca.
This line iscomposed of Twenty . Sew. Four at'dion
Portable Boats, owned by the Captstinz—who ant:nand
them and well known eq enterprising, Industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too wet!
known to shippers generally, to require comment; sal
lice it to say, that the detention, lees,separation and dam
age to Goods, i availably attending three Transhipments
between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable
Boat most effeetually ragweed..
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of heing well ventilated and noel 10 Saunter: willcltfire
vants Flrtorr from sourivg,-and Macon and Tobacco from
11, Devine, standing, as-he dots, i,etween the owneis
of goods and the Boatmen who carry them, and e4aatty
interested in protecting the interasts of both,-will make
no promises to the public he will not Faitlitally perform.
Ilets'now prepared to receive land forward Produee
to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and nedton Wthe
shortest time, anti pledge's himself to enter into no corn.
bination with other Lines,but always stand ready to cony
out the principlesef his Line, and contract for freight on
the very lowest terms.
Lttie'llo give undoubted•security to owners and shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected,
by which ail inerchandize shipped by this Line will be
"Insured without att o r additional eapense to the . owner.
nevineirilFreeilve•all produce consigned to him
at. Ph tabOrgh, pay frPight and charges to eltenm Boats
and forward the 81/3113 without delay to Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge
for advaneln; or commission.
March 10 .1242
11.eady Wade Coffin Warehouse,
FosrtA st, 2 , 1.0re/rose like U. til.ilane.
IPRRiPECTFULLY informs the public that Le
lies rem:tied his ready made coffin ware.
dowse to the buildln2 recently occupied by Mr.
R. C. Rerford, directly opposite his old stand,
where he Is always prepared to attsr.d.promptly
to any orders hr his line, and by strict atit , ntion
to all the detallsof tile business of an Undertaker,
tie hopes to merit public confidencet He will be prepareo
at au. nocite P.f) provide{ Hearses; Biers. t. lases slid
every requtsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from tbc
country will be promptly attended to.
His residence is in the same building with his wart
house, where those who need his services may hod bin,
atany time. IttrtLENDl,:
W.W. ISWIS, IttP. JOHN 10.•Cli.D. D.
111001' PATTON, RIM 111111171 L W/LLItYP, I
w. a.m`cceer, U7...101MM WARR,
11A.A.0 DIAR2I., CM 3•101 M. DAVIS,
tep 10 sty. a. P. SWlllt.
F%RI;*.'ALE.—Tlie undersigned otters for sale
'fast:ire), lying in Ro ,, s ToWnship 41 mikes Iron, the
City of Pittsliurgh, containing. 114 acres of land of which
60 a e cleved s - Rde: fence, Lk so 1,,i 10,20 acres of
ateitdow,s;ACPPlati a fear Leach and
Cl , crrY Itretaa"Mllehlittrliii*Sint4loe4S. [runt Lowe
contaiwur t - Ctnialasinnelifaigslali*,:eidcallaied for a Ta
vern en private Dwelling.n frame Barn 3S hy_6o,storir
haftolnoli and sialiline. abed.. ~nd Other out fiotteet stilt
a bto for a tenringlit!-2 good Gardena surrounded with
bushes and a well of excellent water. %Oh a
-rump In at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Ite.,:heny market, there Is no plate now offered fur
sa'e with more Inducement to those wishing to purchase
near rub:burgh, tie terms will be made modrrate, for
further partleolarsapply to the proprietor at his Clotting
Store. Liberty Street, corner of Vir;ilr. Atter.-
N. B. If not sold before ilie 101. of OctoLrr next. ii
will be divided into J and 20 acre 1(.03 to SUIT put..lat
serf,. 9ep 10
Regular Morning Packet for Beaver.
fast running aud welt k tiu%s r
Sa incr.
snAnr ificxrimt,,!llEtsu.r, will depart doll, from Pitt,:
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Deaver at I o'clock F. M
For freight cr passage, apply on board. or to
No 60 Water ,trect.
N. B.—The rr¢v lar canal parl.ei to Clevetai n 061 ,
Greenville and Meadville Pu ; and Massillon 0
Ohio Canal, connectlnc with sienitier Cleveland at tina.
ver,will be in operation immediately on openim! at :•.y.
tcation. mar 1 6 -t/
Case. of
.Liver Complaint of 25 years Atandlng.
This may certify that for twenty five e.ars I was af
dikter' with pain in my side, which was frequently Eu
levere as to entirely ineapacilt,te me from labor I have
been untie( the care and treatment of various physlcianA
without any permanent bent fit, (tearing of the man)
cures effected by the Pepatic Elixir prepared by Itr.
Start:weather, I was Induced to give it a trial, and ant
happy to say that it has entirely removed have felt
no symptoms of it for more than a year past.
Nort lihrid:e, ttneit6 10, 1341 - A MOs WHITE.
Thegeituitur to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency,
'Fourth street.
Denning's Fire ;roof Iron Chests.
PITTSBURGH, Oc•r. 22, 1842.
J. Ggrciiiino —On Friday!, the 300 alast
9 o'clnek'st rrieht,the Flinfnii„Orooving and Flash Manl
ufactory, owned by Gay, Fritiroriti 4. Co, with a large
'quantity of dressed and andreused lumber, was all consu.
med by fire.
Thetron safe which f bough' of you some time back
vas in the most ctposed situation during the fire, and
Wad entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you it was
opened al the close of the fire.and all the books, papers,
kc.saved,•,—iliii is the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qua'ities, and one third cheaper. man.
u I actured hvthe subscriber at the old stand. Third st.,
nearly opposite the Post Office• M. C. EDEY.
jan 4,1843
E suliseriher having opened a shop No 61, Second
Egreill.beiween ilfa rket snd Wood et reel
inconnrrtien with the Factory in Birmingham, respect,
fully iii( wins his friends and the titilitir, flat Ire will it
'happy lc tie favored with their orders for any articles in
his line,
Door Locks and Pastoners,n "various d scriptions„ or.
hand and made to order.
karat. Mal and Timber...gr./ears.
Lnrtte Serews,for Iron Worki,and screws for PcMies.
n.ade aP may
, required,
Carpenter+ and Bailtlerkare reqnentf4i 40 tall before
contracting for jobs, and examine Id. articles end prices.
locks repaired and Jobbing generally lone in the best
minner,end on the lowest terms.
may —l,lll JAB. PATTERSeiN, Jr,
ei t ,
':. - 4irsa;:i • ' 4, - 4 .r
J -
. ft • :vow
N 0.45 Water et., Pittsburgh
trrallarket creel, Philadelphia
MOORE 4. CHASE Agents,
,5 Bowler': Wharf, Baltimore
tiOWEN k lIIRBERD, Aaente
Cincinnati, Ohio
Madman mod.
Thom NIcAOA SI, 4 Co Ag(
27 Old Slip New Yo
1111!MEM!!!!!a . ti
N purtititince of law, I, Joan TYLER. President
of lite United States of Aim:trice, do hereby de.
dere And stake known..tbat.publiesates will beheld
at t he undermentioned Land Offices, in the State of
MISSOURI, at the periods heteinafixr designated,
to wit:
AT PLATTSBURG, in Clinton county, the seat
of the . Land Office for the Platte district of Allison
commencing on Monday, the ninth day of Oct..
her next, for the disposal of the public lands within
the nufhrinen . tiohed townships, and fractional town
ships, to wit-.
:Vora of Lite base line and west of the fifth princi.
pal meridian, and west of the former tcetern born
dory of the Slate.
Tovvosilip Sixty two, of range thirty four.
Townships, sixty ono and sixty three, of rang.
thirty five
Townships sixty two and sixty four, of range thirty
Townships sixty ono and sixty three, of range
thirty seven,
'townships sixty two and sixty four, of range thir
ty eight.
The west half of township sixty One, of. range
thirty nine.
Fractional township sixty tv.o and township sixty
four, of range forty.
Fractional townships sixty two and sixty three, of
range forty one.
Fractional townships sixty three and sixty four, of
range I , rty two.
North of the base line and east of the fifth principal
meridian, and west of the former western boundary of
the State.
ToNneh'ps sixty one and sixty two, of range
twenty seven.
Townships sixty, sixty one and sixty two, of range
twenty eight.
Township sixty one. or lenge twenty nine.
Also at the same place, commencing on Monday,
the thirteenth day of Noveruber next. for the disposal
of the public lands a ithin the limits 01 the undermen
ti,nal townships a.ol fractional townshi2s. v:z:
North of the base Noe and west of the fifth principal
meridi...m, and west of the former toast! rig boundary of
the State..
Fractional townships fifty, filly one, fifty three,
lily five hod fifty se, eli, otrange (hilly three.
Townships fi'ty two, fifty four, fifty six, fifty eight
and sixty, of tame thirty four.
F , iv - nun:ll township futy one. tlwoships fifty three,
fifty fire, factional township fifty seven and town-.
ship fifty nioe, of range phi ty five.
Fractional townships fifty four, fifty six, and fifty
seven and town hip sixty,.uf range thirty six
Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, fill eight
and fifty note, of range thirty seven.
Fractional townships fitly five and sixty of range
thirty ei4ht.
At the Land office at LEXINGTON, coonnenc
:ng on Monday , he se , olot day of October n-xt, Got
the disposA of the public Lin is within the limits of
the tiudertnentione townships, to wit:—
North of the base /ins and west of the fif t h prineipa
rn ridia n
Townships thirty s x, thirty seven and thi.ty eight
of range font teen.
Townships thirty fire and thirty seveil, of range
Township thirty fire of rangeaeixteen and nineteen
'l'...wrisitipl thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven amt
thirty eight, of range twenty one.
Township th;rty eight, of rangr twenty three.
Township thirty nitre, of r singe twenty eight.
Townships thirty eight and thirty nine, of range
twenty nine.
Township forty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two
and tiri,ty three.
South west fractionat quarter of seen ma twenty
one, and the north east awl nort, west fructi .nat
qua. Pis of section twenty four i u toun,„l,;i, tilr y one,
booth or Missouri river, of range tA..id)
South west gnat ter of section seven, /In tovvoshi p
forty nine, of. ante tW ri ,ry
Land, ripproin rated try law, nr, the ore of ach oils
mililary Or o.her porpwses, wt.t be exclu,;ert front
THe 511,25 hr keit open f.r
[lthierss tlit• are Ett , d of ] a.. 4 nn
longer; alp! rr whale ealries , flatict in the to.‘
ships d tci I be .admiled, entil alt , r lie ex
pira.ion dth twu
moi•-s 11. e City of ‘VaAiligt. , ,..
Ilos right!, day Jc•trr. Ar.w.1y,.10,1i.y..ri.
2011:N Tyr.Eu.
By 0:e sident:
cumm.,- of the General Law, Office
NOTICE '►'O Pi{E-EMPTION i'l.llll k
, •I:lln,ing II( ;J.,
to any s wHnnl the I , tl ft!,c •Ilt% woo t ;,1).,y ,
I;ni:lllrr al d, is ro:;.l,sts
of VI- Re Ife r , t%, r
pi (Tel Lll,d Otiic :Ind to 111,1,C pa II: ul lnrleh,
as s ,on as tract:rah! , aft , ring• this 7v , tice , as. d h •
Ire the duy app rule t f , )fth •
ptib t ir sale to f em the II a I
claiurd, ahoy,. tiesigo.itt (I: OUI(3IVt Ise surh rin Ins
%VIII refolfeilyd,
'lilo. 11 81, k KE.
Commi,siuner of the General Land gifire
srrtum ENT:!__ 7'. 31cearthy, Culler and .Wu rat
Instrument Malicr, Third serer!, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittrercrgh
rhysicians. Dentists and Drngisir can have their in.
strunientF made by the subscrdier of a superior quality
nod at Eastern pricer.
Tailors' Patent Shears and SCieSOTS always on hand
also Ilat!ers :hears, a superior article. Orders reapect
fully solicited.
N. B. Allafficles warranted of !richest quality. and
obliing done as usual. eel! 10
1110 ENI A liES.— 'There is a large class of Femalea in
31 I Ills City who from their tont inued.;intoa, to which
their occupal ions obligethem,areaffiected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the leas. ex•
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and soond.an inability of fixing the
attention to any . tnental operations; rumliling in the how.
'ls, somei lutes a sense of sueocallatt, esoecialty after
meals when any exertion Is used, as going quickly up
stairs; iemprefickle; tinge are symptoms which yield ai
once to a few doses of the Bra Ildrcth Pills The occu.
sionat use of t los misdicinc would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, are of en found
highly belief - Ishii; many use them very advantageously in
this wt); l hei aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition, enliven the spirits, impart clear
nese to thecomplexion, purify the blond, and promote a
general feeling of healtht and happiness,
Sold at Dr. It - audreth's Office. la the Diamond
Plitsbureli_Prlce 25 cent.; per box, whit full directions.
MA Rl{-The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained, Is the Doctor's own Of
fice, Diamond. Sep, 10
IL, LEI DI "S SARSAPARILLA fkoon Prt.r,s. are npnli•
ent.lo in all CaSt.S. whother for Purgation or Puriji
Ca '"'"• • Tryl'o. , ess all the boasted virtues of other
pills, and are additionally elfienoions, eontaluinff farvap
arilta in their (.111 1‘11:) , 11i011. - W:1106 i 8 not coniaiiied in an)
other pills inexistence. l'hov are also dltiorenifrUni nth
or pills in composition, twin.; purely vegeta ble, end C l
be employed it all rimes, without any dat,zei, and rr
quiring, no restraint Lout occupation or tm.1.11 course ul
'etc cf Lard
Notwithstanding nr. Leidy never pretended his Mood
Pills would cure all diseases, yet It Is not sat ing too mu: It
oft hem, from the innumerable cures performed by then,
in every vat lets and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have belt' hulitklted from persons of all denom
I tations, physicians,. c-lergymet, and others) that they
seem to he almost universal lit their effect; and pers,,ns
using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest
assured they will he found more efficacious titan any nth
er pills in existence.
From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood Pills,
'lls deemed necessary to remind the onhilc where they
may at all limes procure the genuine, as it is attempted
to Impose other pills milled •Wood Pills' upon the pahlic
on the reputation 0(14. Leidy's. (13-Be particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's darsapaspla littopd-Fills, and see that
the name of Dr N. B. Leidy . is Milt iftted 011 two sides
of each bos,(the boxes 'acing of paper, and oltlong,squargi
shape, surrounded by a yellow and black lahtL
PRICE-25 cents a Box,
Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leidy's Health Emporium. 191 North Second street, be
low Vine. Philadelphia, and by, R. 4. PAILNEf TOCK
CO. corner orWood and atilpi st Poets, il;trents for Pitts
burgh ' iltly
These genuine arlicles, of WI sizes, and whit
varielles,constantly on hand slid for sale it very reduced
prices by the macuracttner, 1. R. LIVINGSTON%
wart. —lt Front Mei ween Ron and Grant sts.
HAVE removed the; Paw Store from Marke;
street to yo, 6.. Woad ,itreet,one door from the
corner of 4th, where they kcep on hands their tiskal as
sortmet.t of WALL PAPERS, for papering parturs,en
tries, chambers, 4e, and •Iso PRINTING, WRITING
all of which they offer for sale ou dtcommodet tog terms,
feb 14, 1343.—dt
-Now important It le that lOU commence tvlthaut
loss of lime with ilitsnrittent'a 1 - 1.14. 'rimy t4lidty but
surely remove all impurities from tie blood,agg encase
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these calla
Mated Pills do not relieve as much an medicine can do.
Colds and coughs are •tore henentled by the Brandreili
Pitts than by lozenges ant eanoice. Very well. Per
haps.ai-fiallatives, Mkt worth nothing as, eradicators or
diseases front the huniaii system. 114 r 'OILNEIRETII hue
curt. they do not merely relit ve. they cure pselitses.
whether Cilf ()plc or recent, In feet ii/1111 or ot lerwtse, sw ill
certainly Le eared hg the use of 411 sufficient rill s ,
SING SING. Inuary 21,1343.
Doctor genjumin ara , ,dreth—llotiorett Str:Ylwitg
you a debt of gratitude that mtney cannot pay, "l an,
induced to make a tin litle neknowtedgemltet erne benefit
my wile has derived from your iliVaill ti le Oils. About
three years Lids whiter she was taken Milt a paht ln ties:.
ankle, which 84.1011 became very much inflamed algid
swollen, so much statism. we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor Daring binat.endance the pain •end swell
lug increased to an alarmism degree, and in three weeks
om its first commencing it became u running sore—
She could gel tie rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended tier fur siz months, and she
received no beitlit whatever. the pain growing winse.
alit the sore larger all the while. 11e said it it was heal
ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a
tu3± how a proceed, and my poor wife stilt continued
to vu tier the most terrible torture,. We therefore ..ought
other aid In a i:otanteal clociOr, who said when he first
r•aw it that he could soon cure the sore. end give her
ease at ouce. To ourhe g ve her ho relict.
and arknowlederd 111 all Ills skill.
Thus tte felt aver navluy it ird (Infirm one. whole year
the execrienre of two crl , !os ed physicians in vain, lu
aliscituLe despair. My tins:notion rapidly'
tailing .n the prime or years from her contintird
tutferinc. Under these rirr ati,latwev we edio•luded. that
we would try your Universal Veitehlile Pills.deiermined
to fnirly les* t heir rnrat tvr efferts. To toy wile; g real
control t the 111,1. few does afforded great riet'er of ttv
pain. Witnin one week, to the astoniAment of oui
Pelee , and every one who Rnew nr the rave. theveselllne
and the talanimallon began [OOIBI4ISO that t he fall quite
easy. and worth, rninfortably. and, sir, after six
weeks' use she «a.: able Ht t o throttch the house, arid
again attend to the management of he• family. whirl.
she had not dine for or the 14 months. In a little over
Ptvo fri,n ;he she firq commenced the
of your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite f.ound,and
tier health trier than It had been quite a
yea r 4 l'efore. 1 genii you t6ie gialetiletil after wi) %cay
test nlf lip cure. cousid , ri , c it only art ant of justice -1n
you and the puln lea , large.
We are, with much gra itude,
Very re-pi•riftilly,
P. Bola:twat Unotor thohounced Ihr ri , rl ?
ca.roul.and salt' no aood rou'd 1.. dnue. 0h , ...4 i
%vim!, of Ili , : fl.ab na• enl off.and ihz bone srraood.--
Thnhk a kii. d Proildr.ace. tlii. made re.hrt to yan•
wlizrh p,rrd us Ira (dither ta L •:
whi. h wr ltopr t Lr th T K. I.
oj-Srad at •!5 row. por box, t.h (.! ;
01 , 14 rye I /o. ko•w Navin_ h; la,. Iqn. a z
nz.tdr. of Dr. ,ach hihP
ha• -ix aiz vi'wer—ifiree newjamin Brahn.w. , ,
Ii l'anndroh upon It.
Thr. on!): {11:4:, in I'itts!mr2li whirr t h.• o• . 1
tirrln ..an It tlYalllf• I, i• 4)/P 00110
in the 11ntinol,II, hcntnd the kinrkvl I oust"
tn. 4 , nttlnn t<r;mdreill Pills tan nuver br I.bianird in any
ern: , store
The followia..: are i he na!,. a'rPnlt , by
Itrand fur ihe P;11142 of hle Ve,;rnable Universal Pine,
In 1 Ort;;lli.ilv
PRINCIP•I. kGIOCT C H I.CE, Piilslaugh
Ro!pert Duncan— Biririltiv.liam.
C, F. D rhl—F,lir.aheiln ow n.
H. Rowlaril—Nl'Reciport.
Pre-:sly Irwin—Plea:int 11111.
Jolla Jobn.ton—Nottlesiown.
Che4srnan Sp:lidding —Stewart*town.
Asdrll k Connell—Clinton.
Robert Sod' 11 Porter—Tatentum.
Cenral' Power—Fairview.
David R Coon- Mom tovvnalltp.
Daniel Ne7lci—Easi Liberty,
Edward Thonipxon--Witkinshorgb.
Wrn,O.Hunter,,Allen', , Mill. mar 23, 1843
The office eittaburzli whirl] was established for Ihe
perpo.se of consti , uti., ,„rots in the west, haying aceotn
plrnhrd 11, a t alike', is CON closed, and G. 11. LEE
ill the Diarn tad, Market street, appointed see , tt for
the sale of Pills ae,l Libialettist 411 Dr. Brandeths tuents
wilt inerformunderivand,lhal Dr.ll. will i-eatd a travelling
aiient through the country nitre a year In , alleci inatiaYin
for sale , made and re-supply agerlir. The said traveller
will br priivided with a power 01 an orney, duly proved ,
before the Clerk til the city and co”tity . of New York,
Ini;eilier will} all neemWary voueltera and ;tapers,
M r.. 1, 3. Yoe. ferny trar.!i:lrt , zatrent roe in Perirtsvl
N. 8, Reineinlinr Mr. G• H. DIP. In rear of ihe Mar
bet is nnw my only n,eni In Tines ni h.
New York. June 1411), 1843,
An individual only wiAes to know the right way
to pursue It; and Ili. re.'are none, were It lICREI,4 made
know., now Lin might he prolon g ed and Ilit•l - rn re•
covered. o would not adopt he plan. Evidence h 3
required that the rnott way discoVered. 'Phis is what
those suffering from sicklier., want to he sait..hed about.
For whet is so foo!tsh as I,nt to with) ) , altibe health his
body is capahloof If ho is there that would not live
when his experience. can so much benefit hitn-cif and
family? It is a mclaneh,ly fart that a very lar g e prn
portion of the most it,eft f inenihers of •societv die be
tween fur. n es of thirty And fora.flow malty widows
and helpless orplem. navy T. the r•nnsognener of :nail.
kind I.t• • • vlng In 1.11,; ,- NI, the rip•“ 11 ill retuor
log e n n n . o .
Noor 1 , 1 t; .•Ogof , anti —011,1! , ra cog l e previMtrd
acid iti,
• “. o f
th” on- !era mired it's Pills,
I. a fart, w, to he no by litoll , aildl3 of
mu This ti.edlcitte. if tskr nso to purge
,vOl nicety- 1-p re, eyte3lqq , titsleale...... - 7-Isere - is
kind , tf -lehn-r.: that i 1 doe: not exert a cue
upon. 'f hu , . by their power io resisting
pirrefaction. they cure men.it'rs email pox, worms and
att contneeint; fever. There ix not a medicine in the
world ^-0 aloe to nut iry the mars of blood rind ore it
to healthy em.dit in,, as the ltrandretli Pills.
The Brandreth Pit , . are purely vegetable, nnd so in
nocent that the Infant of a mot 111 old may nee them if
medicine is required. not only with safely hut with aver.
taiotv of receiving all the benefit medicine is.capabie of
imparting. Females may use them in nil the critical
perinds of their lives. The prandrtill bills will insure
their and produce reitilarlty in a'l the functions 1
of life.
The same may' e cliff of Branctreth's External Rem
edy, as an outward Ipplicatign in all, ex lornint pains. or
swellings, or Eorft, it greatly ,assists the cure.. When
u : ed where the skin is very render or broken. it should
Ye mixed with one or two Oats of water,
.d: sure Tester . (holm* Bramfeeth
the box of Pills. Then took at the certificate of age i fry,
whose engroved date mane he within the year, which
every authorised agent mina *mewl: if the three label,'
on the box ktrae witb the three lithely on theeert Meat!,
the Pill■ arelaue —if not, they are fatissi'-
Principal Dace, 241 Efroadway, New York:
lone lb.
„ a w n ;
lato PE now been before
XX the public 3 years du
ring which time vevoral
thousands have been .old
and in daily use, We ore
confident of being suAained
in saying they are the but
Cone Mills in the United
States, any way you •fix it.'
Several modifications are
mallet° suit the fancy of
wives and the purses 11
Sold by the groat. or dozen
at the nianutZctory.---
Malleable Ciatlogs made to
Evans's Camomile Pills,
r eftrirtexviii.—Letlitr,from the Don. Sl'Ciel•
lan,Sulllvan Counly,Kait Tennessee, Memberofeougresa.
WASIIINGTOK, 3d. 9838.
Sir—Since I have been in this city, I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satin
faction, and believe It to be a most valuable remedy. One
of my :oustltuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennessee, wrote to me to send hint smile. which 1 did.
and he has mpioyed it very successfully in ntooraetice,
.led says it Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, yonr aeiml al
this place," think. you would probably like an agent fn
Tennessee. If 50,1 woisid recommend Dr. A Carden, a,
a proper person t a wildfire fort he sale of yonr celebrated
medicine. Siminldyou comnita.ion him he is wilting to
act for you. You ran send the medicine by water to the
rare of Robert Klotz Br Stops. Knoxville courity,Tennes.
or by land to Graham 4 Ficitstori. Tazeweit. East
Tenorssee. I have no doubt , but If you had agents in
.evr.ra I crnintlem In East Tennessee, a groat deal of medi.
rime would be said. lam golnx in lake some of It home
for nisi own like. and that of my friends, and should
like to heir from you'whether you would like an agent
at Btu nt vitle. Putiivan County, East Tennessee; I ran get
some of I he merchants to act for you as! live near there.
Witt.. respectfully,
A MAHAN II 'CLELLAN, or l'enneesce.
Per sole It' hotesula gad Retail, by
R E SEt.I.ERS, &gent,
No. 20. Wood sireet,belOw Second.
This inflilil,le remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery. from convulsions. As soon
as 'lie Syrup Is ruht , ed on the mots, the child will tee( v.
er. This preparation Is so innocent, so efficacious, and so
plca , attl, that nu child will refuse to let its cumshe rub
bed h tt. Whet. Infests:lre al theage of four months
;lo' t 1 ere is r o appearance of teeth, one bottle of the
si top shmild be u , cd to open the pores. Parents should
vt•r it loot the sy rap In the nursery where there
are t , iie l 2 rlilteren,fur ff a child wakes In the ulp..4!‘ with
ram it. slic trte S . vrup timmediatelb sive&• tee. tr..
"Pc , d , r the pores, pod healing the gonot;,l hereby prevent.
Cottvu shins. Fevers, 4r.. For Sale W*ltolersleand
Crtniihl R. G. SELLERS, Agent,
ssp 10 No. 20. Word , t reel, below second,
VFP COMPLAINT cured by the ore of Dr. liar
eo npollrid St renal heitio7 and Aperient
Nlr. %Vat. Richards, of Pittsbnrgh, Pa,. entitely cured of
disease His 971111110R111 were pain
• • d n - ei_ in the left side. Ins. of appetite, vomiting, acid
ructai mos. a distension of the stonwch, ciek heid-ache,
urea countenance changed boa citron color, diffi
y of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough,
t:re with other symptoms Indicating great de
anermient of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of several physicians, but received no
relief. until Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which terming_„
t,.1 in effecting a perfect cote.
Principal Office. 19 North El...Ault Street,
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frcw, turner of Litter
ty and %Vood streets. aep 10
These Pills are rompoeed• of heAli, which exert
a siwcific action upon the heart, give icnpulso or
strength to the arterial aystena; the blood is quicbenril
arid equlltzed In Its" circulation through all the vessels,
whether of the skin. the parts shunted Internally,or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drat, n from the litood , I here 19 a consequent i Percale of
every secretion, and a quickened etion of the absorbent
and exhalent,or illsc ha rat oa vessels. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected, all
iians are 11121117 Pd, Its Mond IS D 111rdied, and the body
- esimes at vs tees! Cate. For 4 ale Wholerale and Re.,
..0 10 1 , 2 I Woad st. below Second
PI,LFS cured by Ibe tse of Dr. Ehrlich's Compound
S'trepgthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr. Hartielt —Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
AgellrY from yop for the sale. of ...your medicine, I
formed an argerrlntance with a tally Of 4 hill - Mee. who
was severrty afflicted with the Piles. Poi right or ten
ecars this Indy was subject to frequent painful attacks,
;and her tdiysicinn ronsidered her case so complicated,
that he very .seldom prescribed medicine for her. Thtoush
my persuasion, she commenced using vast P 1111401114 was
perfectly cutril. Yours, JA MES,E. KIRBY
October 3. 1310. Gliambersbug, Paw
17-011 ice and General Depot, Na. 19. North Eighth
street, Philadelphia. And by Samna Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets Pit , sburgh. sap 10
- IVO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be.
conic poputar, in consequence of its Faeces, and ef
ticAcy, than it is coutrierfefted or Imitated.
To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now proeured
mouldh•d hotiles for his celebrated:Teller aid Itch Olni_
meat, with the words 'Dr Leidy'sTeuer rsd itch Oint.
mem; blown in the glass, besides containing his written
signature rn a yellow Libel outside.
Dr Leio 's Tetter and itch Ointment, has proved more
rffirnelous than any other preparation for Teller, Itch;
Dry and Wmci y Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of
the skin generally.
It has been employed to schools, factor' nr, and on board
vessek rat ry In; passengers, where rktifdren. as well as
grown persona, contract diseases of t h e skin from their
contagious, nat lie, with the most unexampled sneers.;
rertlftrates and recommendations have been heretolote
published, from' them, and numerous others might be ob_
tamed tor publicat ion, but for the objections most persons
hiltve, to Navin_ their names published in connection with
amts disacreeabyi and loatitsojne affections
In 110 si instanc e has it ever been known to WII.
tt has been 'lased upon Infanis and by persons of all
'atses. h t perfectly wife, contains no mercury in Its
eontrinstnoa.and maybe thied under all circumstances.
Nice Twentv.five cents a bottle. Prepared and sold
at Or Leldly l eilealiblimporhim, (sign of tile Golden Ea
gle and littepettlit,l and bY 8. - A..FAtINEzTOCK 4- CO.
corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Blitablift
_ !lacy, 86 9th streetd
Droz,gists and others can besupplied at Wholesale and
retail terms. may 26 1842
Ueadaehe! Headache
A P.E now known to thousands as a most extraord;na•
Ll ry remedy for this affliction as welt as the Incon
trovertible fact oftheir coring DYSPEPSIA. Will those
sufering. only ask among their friends If they have nut
known of• the positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them bet buy them. In
these few remarks. all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothing will he said of their merits at any time
hut what can be rattly proved by respectable memters of
our commil tiny.
Read the following certificate given by a respectable
citizen of Mlnglieny city, and attested by one of thejuclg.
is of the Court cfeentnion Pleas of Allegheny co.
A Luviticxy Ch-r, January 9, 1843
Dear.Sir—.l have for a number of year, past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache,a-
Hain: from derangement of stomach and. bowels and al.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re
commended Cro its cure, have never derived any mate.
rial benefit until J ti:rd, sortie of your truly valuable An.
ti Dy•peptic Pill,, 1 have not taken quite Iwo holes and
eirinider myself peifectly relieved from that distressing
complaint. I have no hesitation to recommending your
Pills as the beet ntedieine I have ever used.
Yount, Respectfuity,
I am arqtratnted with Mr, Turne-; 1 have no besha
lion in certifying that I consider the statements of Mr.
T. retpeciinz Dr. Drodic's P.lls, as entitled to Inc roost
Perfect and entirecnntidence. HUGH DAVIS.
For ealP, Wholesale and Retail at the Bredonian Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; ani by all authorised a
tents throe:llnel tbelJnion
city Jan 9 ir;4s
you not remove
/ear foteheads and
'B6 Fourth at., and
la Subtle., which
ing the akin. You
eted Eased. Banat e,
tee, pimples, et up.
took perfectly fair;
re by addles more
some ofgourend,s
t be rubbed off eye n
treed assortment of
-08, Almond, Ps la,
irHE subscriber has just received btu mile sitiplto
Landreth's Garden Seeds, tonsils lug to pate of lb
fotlotv lug kinds—all of the test year-scrap 4 wernsinsi
Bearags Esg Plant, ' ' . Moat),
Beeis, Endive, 'Peas, .
Leans, Kale, , Pepper.
Leek, Pumpkin, - • Brer.inli,
W ttuee, Radish, Doreen le,
di vier Melon, Rhnberb, Ca4aile,,
Noah, •• galsalty, Carrot,
ug u ir ri um4 Cauliflower, BPinselibs
Squash, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Curled Cr.,., Onion,
Turnip, Cuctinabor, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brows)
ace. &c., &o.
Together wi th a variety of?ot 4. Sweat berbe art Sows ,
Ordersfor Seeds, ehrobs; Trees, k•c from Cordes.
era and others will he received and proem'', attended
No. 134 Liberty, Inmd of Wood al.
Cineissati, TebrstarEj.s, 1840.
Dr. SWAYNI—Dear . - "Ir:--Perrnir me to take the liberty
of writing to you at t4is time to npress my approbation
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your Invaluable medicine—tbe Compound'
Syrup of Prunus Vtrginiana, or Wild Cherry Bark. Is
I my travels of late I have seen in a great many Instances
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit.
drt;o of very obstinate complaints, weir as Coughing
Wheezing, Cluaaktng of Phlegm, Aat hmat attack,. ter
4 - e. I should not have written this teller,
presets although I have felt It my duty to add my leer
away to it for some time, had it not been for a tall Is.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was twatra
mental In restoring to perfect health an ...only child:r
whose case was almost hopeless, in a' family of -y as
qualntance. .•I thank ileaven," said the loafing melte.
"my child Issaved from the Jaws of death! 0 how 11
feared the relentless ravager But my child is *aft! Is
Jan 13—ly
Beyond all donht Dr. Bwayne's Compound Synip o
Wild Cherry Is the most valuable medicine to Ibis Of any
other country. lam certain I `.eve witnessed more this
one hundred cases where it has been attended with tom.
Mete sum ear. I ant using It myself Is an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, In which it proved effectual in a ea.
ceedingly simrt time, considering the severity °fib! tate.
I ran reromend it In the fullest confidence oflts superlOr
vlrt nes; I would advise that no family should ht without
It; It is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The public are es.
cured there's tio quackery about It. Ft. Jaczeop.D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First• Presbyterian Church,
H. Y. •
Sold by WM. THORN, wholesale k relall , only cleat
for Pittsburgh. tin. 53, Slat ket •trees. step 10
rho! Ted! destroy Life. and loot ars a greet sti
Osseener what leaf prolong Life, exit the traria WM
eel! yea Impostor." .
"There are facuLtier.liodil9 and late/lee:sal, tdttiia ss
rick which certain herbs Aare affinity, end Free wAiedi
they Aare power."
Dr. R. Biandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment
which, by he extraordinary powers, abstracts Pita Or
Sorcne=s; then Sprains, Stiff• Piaews, White Swellings
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Sliffneso of the /obits
Tumors, Vnnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat
Croup. Contractions of the muscles, Serofnlerua ea
larzements. Tender Feel, and every description of
Jury affecting the Exterior of the Homan Ftemmte
cured or greatly relieved by Ws aerer•to be arfficirot
sztoiled remedy.
Ttelearc—Thc following letter from Major Geo
eral Sandford, es to the ;makes actin' Eaternal Rea,
dy, speaks volumes.
Naar Yo::, Feb. 9, 1842.
Dear sir—Wvl you oblige me wig, saotbor bottle I
your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the beat of ',b.,
kind I bare ever oven. It has cured entirely my *GO
knee, about which Iwamoto uneasy. and I have found I
protinet ice of Immediate relief in several cares of exist
nal injury in my family. A few evenings 'mot. gni
youngest child Wall "Felted' wilt' a Tioletti attack of Cron,'
which was entirely removed In twenty MiSAUS, hy rob
Ming her chest end throat freely w lilt the External Rosa
edy. I think you ought to manufacture this I,,lnlmeal
for general use, instead of confining the use all, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintance..
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFOff.D
Da. B. nRANDRILTH. 241 Broadway, N. Y.
ErFor rale at :241 Broadway, New York, and at Ills
o ffice In ti • Dimond, Pittsburgh. PP ICE-50 cents
er bottle with directions. seplo
- -
'AM of individuals is very numerous. They are those
who work is an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, week
•teo In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white leas
manufacturers, are alt more or less subject to disease ae
cording to the strength of their constitution. The Only
method to prevent disease, Is the occasional use ofa
Medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete
(ions humors, and erpels them by the bowels. Tonic
In any form are Injurious, an tltey only :;at off the est
day to make It more fatal. The use of Brandrelles Pill
will insure health, because they take all impure antler
out of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but
strengthened by their operation; for these valuable Pills
do not force, but they asslst nature, and are not opposed
but harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr. Drandreth`k Office, In the Diamond
Eltk4hurgn. Price 5 cents per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place in Pittabureh whrre the
DENIM E Pillnean be obtained,is the Doctor's own Of
flee in the Diamond. gen 10
Caveat entered 9th June, 1842 Patent granted so
Benjamin Ilandieth,2oth January, 1843.
The extracts of which Brancireth's Pills are cons
posed are obtained by this siow patented process,
without boiling or any application of heat. The se...
tile principle of the herbs is thus secured the same
as it is in. the
The Public should be Li:lotions of medicines rec—
cruninendei in advertii nient s'olen from me, in
which-the CONTEMPTIBLE Roans as steals my lan—
adage, merely alterin F , 'he name. Time will show
these whalesa'e dccei, ers in their true light,
try— BRANDRETH'S PILLS are the People's
Medicine, proved by thourands who daily reeeoin
Siena them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETII
PILLS are growieg every day more popular, their
viiturvare extendh,g their usefulness. The trek of
both sexes are daisy , deriving benefit from them.
No case of disease but they can be used with adman.
tage. Blotches r.r hat lumps of the skin they speed
ilv cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, so
with-indigestion, so with coughs and culds, so with
costiveness, so with cancer, so st ill] hot parched lips
and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will fend thee require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per with directions.
Observe the new labels each having upon it - two
signatnres of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
reth and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the AEA
Brandreth Pills cat BE OBTAINED, if the Doctor,
own Office, Wu*,
Hark, 110/Shost*.
bilt* -
taii.ed iikohtitlligisi-Vrit Ike;
The `Co ;:*i_idiA.,!,LibittAGOVS, %VANS?,
ed by Ori: lap" 1140 is k alew
ble Universal fakirs Allegheny Coirtity.
G H Lee Principal Office, DiamOnd, Pittsburgh
Mr. John Glass—Allegheuy.
Robert Denean—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
Jchn Johnson—Noblesrown.
Chessman fr. Spaulding—.43tewartstairm, -
Arden Lir, Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentom.
George Power—Fairview.
David R:-Coro - -Plum Towhibip.
Daniel Nigley—East Liberty.
-, Edward ThompsOn=-Wilkiniibilith.
Was. 0. Hunter—Altou's