'What said your boatmen to you when you did sot' "they grumbled and objected, I believe ; but as I 'tied's:understand Huulostanee, I'm notquite sure.";„, 'And you'hive no reason for believing that thiamin - was muederad, beyond the fact of finding hintio the • water P i• 'None. But surely is not that strong proof presernp tive 1' Who but a murderer would thus dispose of it . body, indeed, unless the unlucky man committed sui- • Cide:" and a new light seein:d to break on the mind of rz-. Langstave. P. , 'Arelyeuaware that at least Ow third part of the -=--- ..., ._ "I;iriarttni tifßengal are 'thr own into 4. river by their SERVILITY AND .13.AN-WORstttP.—The Advocate of _..."lrelitlcnixtfter death le-that snob ieemrsidared the most yesterday contains along account of a whig meeting in tras.modeof dis P chlin g -4 4 - their mortal remains ?' New York city, at which, among other sentiments e erry looked very blank as he whispered outa neg qually silly and servile, they declared as follows: stile., "THE writo.s ov NEW YORK ARE HENRY CLAY'S ' , Well, then, my dear sir, allow me to inform you OLD (WARD. THE GUARD NEVER SURRENDER.i. " mat such is the fact. - Asyrni proceed up the river, you lisidd-meet with' hundreds Ofdetd bodies daily , : And What contemptible, shameful and disgusting man • ItieWtheConlyAing you have to do is, to return this car- „.woohip is here. "HENRY CLAY's old guard!" Why .. - saasenathewater as soon as possible, lest you are ac- of sacrilege.' the men that penned and passed this resolution are on 'Good gracious! you don't say so I Will yon kind_ ily fit to be fortneul into a body guard for the man they ly order some of your people to take it down and chuck worship so blindly, and if they should succeed in elect it into the river 7' ling him President. we may expect that they will pro 'l am sorry to say that is impossible. No native vide him with a band of mercenane . s. to be quartered would touch it; he would lose caste if he did.' • 'What, then, am Ito do?' • - .in and around the Executive mansion, even as the soy - 'Why, as yon brought it here, so take it back ereigns of Europe surround themselves with mercenary agar.' . 1 regiments, for protection against the rage of their op- Jerry was now in a most unpleasant predicament. When he had borne it along before, he was sustained .' pressed subjects, and to keep the people and their corn in his dreadful task by a ;belief that he' was doing 4 plaints at a proper distance. sacred duty, an act of justice; but now toparade thro! The federalists' always find it impossible to get up the streets with the dead ~,body of a native, with the enthusiasm on other than personal grounds. They folly of having picked it up in the riveeuttached to the know their designs and principles are odious nod en act, Was more than even Jerry could calmly content? plate, and was aboet tp make some remonstrance; popular, and theykeep them concealed as much as pos. when his late boatmen' suddeely burst into the room; sible, and try to succeed by shouting high for some of and, throwing themselves on their knees before the their haulers, who they make the subject of most pitia chief magistrateilsoma n to call out; 'Aflfrarrow, mof: • .. ble idolatry. It was thus they took hold of Harrison, carrot°, Burrow Sahib, mofcarrow P—Justice !great _ sir, grant us justice! •• , . . • • : and elected him to the Presidency—and now the de- Presently their statement was made, and the high gradiag scenes of 1840 are to be acted over again, un magistrate tuxiiingto-Longstave,edrineised him. 'Were you longer inthe service ; sir, my duty would der the management ofJonses Watiosi Webb, and aim ., fil ar unscrupulous managers. i be to have reported this strange case to the civil au- ' thorities for their notice; but as you are , but just arri- ;If this self-organized Swim; "Guard" of Henry Clay's, ved, I am willing to believe yea have erred from igno- , can pratect hirn from the consequence s of his pecnlcious ranee rather than from any design to injure; therefore—' political prcceedings for the last 20 or 30 years of his Here - Langstave would have spoken, but the maxis - . . l itre—if they can make the people forget the 'biugain,' trate interrupted him. 'Don't speak, sir; you will only make the case worse. and the other political misdemeanors laid to his charge You have eeiviroitted a sad offence, although, I hope, —they may march at his back into the Presidential unconsciously., By dritiving a body from the river . , you , sion. But this they cannot hope to do—and al have been guilty - of sacrilege; yen have in:lnk man ed the re- ' ligion of the natives, which is strictly forlielden by our' tho' the federalists have before this threatened to sub laws to be interfered With. By placing flit:mild body jugate democratic redoes with the sword--altho' they in the boat you have defiled it: n o Hindoo can ever' are not now, as we have reason to believe, averse to make use of it atniiii. Think yourself lucky. therefore, ! obtaining. the Presidency for Clay, byatming his "old that lam inclinedto deal mercifully towArds you': I Langstave once more brenthed. . Guard" with muskets to shoot down the democracy— 'Look ye, sir, ler the dishonor you have brought still we are thankful that our country is not yet reduced (elupon these poor men, von must pay two gaod rnohurs to the same melancholy situation of the Roman Em sterling;)for the heat and its appurtenances, two ' Pim', whet° the E r's "Guard" gave the crown to hundred rupees. ;£2O sterling; to which add another gold mob ur. and I will get an English sai'or I whom they pleased. The organization of this "guard" am about to release from prison to carry down the putrid body of Clay's is premature—they cannot make him Presi and throw it back into the river.' : dent by means of such servile mercenaries, such tools Now it so happened that poor Jerry had net above f ur a despot. thirty ponndiin the He was about to reply; ' but a look from the justice gave.him a hint that it , WHAT'S THE PRICE OF PtvEs?—BELA BADGER, would be better'to•pay the money and have done with the great pipe-layer and yarn merchant of 1840, has it. So, with a look of sorrow, he thrust his hand into , Purchased the Philadelphia Forum, and will hereafter his pocket, and was about, after paying down five- • p sixths of his worldly Store, to depart, when the worthy be responsible for whatever appears in its columns.— magistrate managed to whisper to him. 1 The infamous part which this man took in the frauds 'Take my advice, my yonng sparlu• leave Calcuttan as i that elected Gen. Harrison to the Presidency, is well soon its' You can. for depend rev ile d in this city you known to the public; and the infamy of his canduct will will be sure to find yourself tho and abbon•ed Of the natives, the butt of ridicule of i our own country tick to him through life with the tenacity of the poison men.l But whereeveryou ro am, take my advice never ;ed shirt of Nessus. Indeed. be seems ccnscious him interfere with religious customs,—never volunteer to ; self that the indignationof the people is strongly against pick up dead natives.' ' I im, for in his address be claims the support of the 'Thank ye,' replied Jerry; 'your advice is so good that 1 whigs on account of what he has suffered for the cause. I promise to abide by t. They may.stuff, roast, and eat each other, Wit h ou t my ever taking the trouble to Re reminds them that he has not yet been rewarded . interfere with them agnin.' - - for his services, and he feels sure that hie appeal will 'Bakal etcher,' rejoined the left maeistrate,—' Consom- . not be in vain. We have no doubt but Badger will be mar, show the gentleman out' As Jerry the Hall, ; well supported by the Whigs. He is just such a man he, beard the worthy dispenser of justice .tudibly ex- , calm to a .friend that steed near, 'What a Grate!' !as is wanted to manage the affairs of their desperate cause. Undeterred by any principle of political honor l i or honesty; fruitful in originating frauds; persevering and unscrupulous in carrying them into effect; he is just I the man to make an effective whig leader, and to aid their cause by the only means on which they rely fur advancement. In 1838, when the federalists resolved to carry this state by fraud and corruption, they had McNutt and STEVENS appointed Canal COM M iSS I 3nera,and through out that memorable contest every villanous scheme that could be devised was resorted to to defraud the people of their choice. They have now, no doubt, re solved on another desperate movement, and, as a pre paratory step, they have placed the great leader in the pipe -laying frauds of 1840, in a prominent position, where his natural inclinations can have full scope.— Let the people look out for another grand scheme of rascality in thb next campaign. Bela, no doubt, has his plans all digested, and after the Presidential nom inations, they will be divulged in proper order. DEFINITION OF A HUSBAND BY HIS WIFE. 4.10 y composed the foflowlng vocabulary to ex- I press theiharacter of a husband from her own experi ence, snit which proves haw copious our language is on, that article. He is, said she, an abhorred, abomina ble- acrimonious, angry, arrogant , austere, awkward, ' bar'bansei. bitter, blustering, isterous, boorish, brawl-; ing, brutal, bullying. capricious, captious, careless, choleric, Churlish, clamorous, contumelious, crabbed, ra ese . , currish, detestable, disagreeable, discontented, disputing, dismal, dreadful, drowsy, dry, dull, envi ous, execrable, fastidious, fierce, fretful, frumpish, furi ous;.grsting; gross, growling. gruff, grumbling, hard- 1 hea'rted, hasty, hateful, hectoring, horrid, hufSish, hu mersome, illiberal, ill-natured, implacable, inattentive, incorrigible, inflexible, injurious, insolent, intractable, inaccessible, ireful, jealous, keen, loathsome, magotty, malevolent, malicious, malignant, maundering, mischie vous/moron, murmuring, nauseous, nefarious. negli gent, noisy obstinate, obstreperous, odious, offensive, opinionated, oppressive, outrageous, overbearing, pas sleeste, peevish. perverse, perplexing, pettish, petu. lant,plaguy, .quarrelsome, queasy, queer, raging, rest less, .rigrd, rigorous, roaring, rough, rude, rugged, saucy, savage, severe, sharp, shocking, sluggish, snap pish,. snarling, sneaking, sour, spiteful, splenetic, aquaria:OM, stern, stubborn, stupid, sulky, sullen, surly, se/vicious, tantalising, tart, teasing, terrible, testy, tiresome, tormenting, touchy, treacherous, troublesome, turilulent, tyrannical, uncomfortable, ungovernable, un pleasant, unsuitable, uppish, vexations. violent, viru lent,.w.aspisli, worrying, wrangling, wrathful, yarring, yelping-dog in a manger, who neither eats himself nor will let, others ea.—Botanic Watchman. RICHELIEU BY FORREST AND MACREADY. Itensible correspondent of the Philadelphia Spirit of Times, speaks thus of the performances of these IRO, distinguished actors: "Do Saturday night Richelieu was performed at both the 'Chesnut and National theatres, Macready in the one,a,_mi Forrest in the other, taking the part of the wil)i:Ccirclinal. Both houses were filled, and we think i that neither of the two great tragedians ever percititiied. with more spirit, or to a more enthusiastic tut:hence. 9f,the Richelieu of Messrs‘ Macready and Forrest, we Oarcely know how to speak. Both were uncom , monefforts ofgenius; both were thrilling, effective and natural; yet nothing could possibly be more unlike than the tiro representations. In some points Forrest was unapproachable; in others Macready was infinitely be yond his rival. Forrest's 'was the more striking per forretince. but Macready's the more finished and satir ical: The two remind us of the incident in Scott's Tales of the Crusaders, where Cocur de Lion, to shew his 'kill, cuts abar of iron in twain with his battle-axe, while his StuaZenic opponent delicately divides with his Aoimetar a veil that is thrown towards him. The onz is allforce, the other all dexterity. Each is equal ly great in his way, bat the way °reach is totally differ ent from that of the other. TILLlua first scene with Demauprat, Forrest wms su perior to 31acrearly. The same may be said of the scene in which the power of the Church is invoked.— ButAussrehe in which the De Mauprat attempts the life t4e.Cardinal, and in that of the denouement of the cgiasPixach Macready went beyond his opn"- " " • LAMENT. 0, ven the stars is shinin', Kate Some risin' and some senile, And all are winkin' so fust rate, Like Chaps I've seen a bettin'- 0, then I'm thinkin' on my fate, Which sets my eyes a wettin'. . NEWSPAPERS. _ TbM. Atewspaper is the chronicle of civilization, the comimm-maonreir into which every stream pours its living-• waters, at which every man can come and drink; it is The newspaper which gives to liberty its practical life-4ts oansiant observation—its perpetual vigilance —tionslenting activity. The newspaper is a daily and a sleepless watchman, that reports to you every dan ger makieti menace the institutions of our country and its interests, at home and abmad. The newspaper in forms go legislature of public opinion, end informs the people ssfthe nets of legislation; thus keeping up that el:P34w sympathy, that good understanding between people legislators, which conduces m the mince =c order, and presets the sternnoremity forzew 131:ICHANAN MEKT/NO.—Don't forget the meeting a the Washington Hotel this evening. The tithe is ap propriate for an expression of the feeling of Pennsylva nia on the subject of the Presidency, and such sugges tions will be made to the meeting to-night,as will, we are certain, receive a hearty response from every quar ter of the state. The democracy of Pennsylvania are so unanimous in favor df the nomination of JAMES BUCHANAN, that thereis no cause for discussing the subject, and conse quently but little feeling is evinced in the matter.— This harmonious union on the favorite of the state has given the enemies to the claims of Pennsylvania, an opportunity of misrepresenting the popular sentiment abroad, and our inactive policy is attributed to a feel- 1 ing of indifference, instead of a union of t'te whole par ty on our favorite. This apparent apathy may du us much injury abroad,as it may induce many of the warm friends of our candidate in other states to suppose that Iwe feel no deep interest in the matter. It behooves us ' then that we should agitate! agitate! agitate! that our friends may not Prow faint in the work, or beeome luke- , warm in the cause. The meeting this evening will give a decided expression of the feelings of the demo cracy of Allegheny, and our frieads abroad may real assured that it embodies the sentiments of the demo crate of ev,:ry county in the state B -LUE Nose COSMITTF.E.—The Antimasonic Com mittee of Correspondence met on Saturday, and after considerable discussion, adopted a resolution authori zing a County Convention to be held on the 4th January, 1844, to decide on what shall be done with the small remnant that remains of the antimasonic party. Between the present time and the 4th January, the leaders in the city will ascertain what kind of a bargain they Can drive with the masonic (Clay) whigs, and on that day they will be prepared to hand over the whole antirnasonic party to the "Ex-Grand Master." But we doubt much whether the great body of the antirna sons—the honest voters who have been gulled so long by city leaders—will pay any attention to the doings of this committee. They have been , t . sold and transferred too often by the city clique, and now that the organi zation to which they wore honestly attached is destroy. ed, they will take their own political course without permitting others to dictate to them. Whatever ar rangement is mule to enlist under the whig banner, they may rest assured it is one ofcorrapt ion, and entered into solely for the benefit of a few who have been specu lating in anti at asonry for some years post. The honest portion of the party know thiaottatve think that here after they will form their own political opipiona, with out depeaoliag on tin politic& weather:mks of the citY for instruction.. pponent. FOR PRESIDENT, JAS. BUOHANAN, Subjliato the'llecisiori of Tick DEMCICHITIC NATIONAL CONVENTION. he Morning SMITH, EDIT ICTvitS TTSBURC 11, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7,1343 larThe editor of the Charleston Mercuryse,ya that a gentlemen of that city had recenly sent him,, rorn ts, friend . in Mississippi, acradle--the body of which was made frorni the shell ars anapping Undo that weigh rd 135'pounds. the raking is made of imck bores and the rockers of walnut tree. ~ice , .„ .- FROM THESOCIETY ISLANDS. i ARREST OF THOMAS W DERR. —1:101FOTROSIOe't Wp had information, some ileys ago, of a very de- R. 1., Chronicle, of the Ist inst., gives the follsrwing cidediiroceeding on the part Of Captain Nichols, of teCount of the arrival andimprisonment of af t celebra the British frigate Vindictive, at Tahiti, being a for ted "f suffrage" leader of Rhode Island. mal prohibition to all English residents against any • ,recognition of the French protectorate. The following "In our second edition, of yesterday afternoon, we gave an account of the arrival of . Mr. Dorr le this shy ; , extracts from a letter in the Providence Journal give a number eldetails pesseising considerable interest:— and ..f his arrest, and lodgement in the State Prison.— ' - ' He came into town, we leant, according to an often ox. EXAMINATION OF FASSITT CoNcLuDED.—The New ! TA RITE, June 24, 1843. pressed determination and ryas prepared to meet the Haven Courier of Wednesday says, the Court before ' H. B. time Vindietive has been lying here for Issue, which he has encountered. He would have been whnmyoung Fassitt war examined, adj ourne d f rom the last months, Ihr the express purpose of pro- here before, we are informed, bud it not been for an in meting the Tahit . ians from the unjust persecutions Monday afternoon to yesterday morning. and all the ' ' l. disposition with which he has been affected nearly ever the French. It ts but a few weeks since we were in available testimony was introduced the previous day. a most tantalizing state, fur at least two days, as a de- since his arrival at Pawtucket, as well as certain busi ness matters which it was necessary lot him to arrange Mr. Foster for the government opened the case imme- claration of war had in a measure been issued by the bef ore h e g a v e himself up to abide the requirements of diately: He was followed by, Mr. Ingersoll and Mr. ;respective commanders of the two frigates then in the thy laws which it is alleged he has outraeed. The natives, it a ears threatened to haul • • ! harbor. , ~ pp .., llls manner, from the time lie walked into the city Baldwin for the defence, but the closing arguments ' down the French protectorate flag; this coming to the Hotel and placed his name upon the register of that were offered by Mr. Foster. After the arguments ears of the French commander, he sent word to the au- bou.e was perfectly emit and collected. were closed, Mr. Justice Bennett decided to hold ' thorium that the moment the flag was molested, he ' O a gulag' over to Col. Simon s ' h e left word at the Fassitt to bail in the sum of $7,000, upon an appeal of should fire upon the to.wn bur that if any one should call to see hint he might be the counsel of the young man, it was reduced to $3,000. ceeNcl'inwg'sthien English commander in F m re n r: l e d b ( M r an: t being titt he t h ti e t s ss e t shotp ifounder Cityhe re .H,,ltt wtoasinn(outirenech7ssswarrefearboands,ohnoe%teovegro The trial will come off before the Superior Court in t tired upon the town would be considered as an act of r tv gener a lly in the, streets, in .or they were known. pr i et' this city on the fourth Tuesday of January. I hostility towards the British nation, and a• such would less 113E111 a huff hour after he arrived among us. be resented, as he now consid •red the 'Tahitian s wafer IVe had not seen Mr. Derr until we saw him in cus his immediate protection. The" French commander tocly of Mr. Deputy Sheriff Potter, as he came out of replied, that he should in no manner alter hiS deterini- Co!. Simons' since the day he was escorted through nation in respect to the inhabitants if they displaced o ur stre e t s ( a year ago last May) un his return from the flag, and that Commodore Nichols was at liberty , New York. tenet his own pleasure, with a knowledge of the face ! His appearance was, so far as we could see, unchan- In less time than you can well imagine, after the inter- . ged, with the exception that we think he looked in change of these lettere,both ships lay fully prepared for . much bette r health now than he did at that me. battle, stripped of all natiecessary gear, and ready for I There are various rumors and surmises as to what immediate action. are the plans of Mr. Derr in thus virtually surrender- But all this display was to no purpose, for no one . in g himself. molested the fla g , whi c h w e considered as most unfor tunate, because they were in a pl e asant humor fur cut- ;te defend himself to who ; the autliot ides of the tiny, each other's throats. Now, the prevailing opinion State choose to do with him; he having persuaded bin-t -here is, that serious difficulties betwee n Eneland and self that any attempts to vindicate his stand further France will be the result, though a few are inclined to than he has done, would avail him nothing. believe that the difficulties will he adjusted in some nth. 1 Others say he has come into our State at this time, er way. AS for ourselve s , we believe that something f or the purpose+, after giving himself up, of laexitioning will grow out of it, on the arrival of the French Admi- the General Assembly, now in session at Kitt A Wn, to rid, who is now daily expected, for Commodore Nich- liberate him on bail. ols has publicly stated that he should not allow him to I Ni, one can doubt but it would be much more conge enter the harbor until he makes known his real intent ' No with his ownfeelings, as well as the feelings of his dons towards this government. It is not probable that 1 friends, wer he to be allowed to await his trial in a the Admiral will submit to such interruption, after what something l e ess restrained rosition than that which he has passed here between the two naval commanders, now occupies: for we hear be is confined in a cell of ou the. whole of which transaction he is no doubt well ac- State Prison, and hence is on a par with felons. r quainted with. Ho w f ar th e commodore' s love of! We have of course no opinions to express etre Way o r fighting extends, we will inform you by the next tun- the other. Our duty as a non-political editor, being veyance. Our harbor now presents a lively appearance, for i to give facts as they transpire." - - - hardly ----- 1. week passes but we have more or less ships oil HOW IS MR. CLAY TO BE ELECTED? war Sr ivin7 and departing. On the 4th ..: the present Mr. Clay is to he elected by 'tremendous reaptions," month, H. B. M. ship Satellite arrived here, thirty. ' by the "spontaneous enthusiasm" of the people, to be five days from Valparaiso, brin g i ng &Takeo, :il/ fro m , follower! up by the “Izieat Whig victories." This is the English Admiral, a part o f w fkb was m 0,142 o Wil ' Clay on the 6th to the English ff . sidents'here. 'the the be English , declaim about. papers and the orators of the Cloy clubs Commodore informed them that hereafter they must Unfortunately far this business of glorification, the apply to him in case of any difficulties, as the instruc- Whig papers have somewhat prematurely given the titan from the Admiral stated that no Englishnaan world a sample of the stuff of which Whig victories are hereafter residing on Tahiti were to pay any r:Tard to I made. They have given us "a Whig victory" in Penn the laws and nolinances of the Provincial Government. I sylvani, and another in Ohio; and the result in N. Jer- On the sth, the Hazard arrived from Hobart 'fow,i, awl I 5r...). is claimed as not at all inimical to Mr. Clay's sue on the Bth sh e w as aesp ate h e d to co-operate with Lord I amass. The Whig victory in Ohio consists in the eke- George Paulet and his renel:utor in the course of :Ms- lion ef 12 D -mecrats to 9 Whigs in the Congressien thee and humanity they are putseing in th e S au d wich lal deleeation, which last year stood 12 Whigs to 7 Islands. Oa the 7th. tlyf Fr .a.:11 fci ;It.. Embruicade Democrats; and a tie on joint ballot, when the Demo arrived here with desputehe. frem tir, A drab al, the i crams last year had a majority of four. In Pennsylva Demo contents of which have not yet le:eosl Oin. On the Bth ! nits. the Whig victory consists of a tie in the Congress and 9th the Satellite and Frt.r.eil Cri we 130aitaite sailed ! ional delegation; 11 IVhig to 22 Democratic Senators; for South A merica—remor ..,:,,,, te bri ff.: Ty ': - ir 142 IVitig Assemblymen to 53 Democrats; and , a po diApu,eibl e fo r c e bore. ff fr the rurpo-e et' c:ttet•-: in:: t:10 ! afar Democratic majority of 14,000 votes! In New rkiit. There is eertaintly .ores infair of mere • bt.r. earn- , I Jersey, the Whigs have lost both branches of the Leg. man occurrence in contempiii.ion, :is can be pinto:y-1 iilature, every member of Congress whom they nominas see n i,y the faces of anxious importance w , trb by all ! ted, and the pcpular vote is against them by a large who are in the great secret. 1 and distinct majority. In 1340, Pennsylvania cast 30 electoral votes for the Whig candidate, Ohio 21, and New Jersey 8; and we have now every assurance which indications of the popular will can alfitrd, that the aggregate vote ofthese States (on the new electoral basis reduced to 56) will be cast for the Democratic candidate. A change of 112 votes in the electoral college against the Whig,s is hailed by the Whigs as a subject of re joicing! This is the material out of which the Whig victories are nr de! Truly the game of brae is placed by the Whig underlings in a style that might make a master of the art proud of his skill.--Albani Atlas. TEA ARilimEric.—During May laid June last 46,- 201,151 pounds of tea were imported into England. An arithmetical solution to be settled in thi , r How many cups of tea would the quantity make—how many spoonfull3 of sugar would be required to sweeten it— how many people would get drinks from it—how many swallows would be required to gulp it all down, and how long it would take an old woman to drink it all, at say twenty swallows per minute 7 NOT TRUE.—That small pox and Yellow Fever pre vail in Cincinnati. QUITE TRUE.—That hogs, loafers, thieves and coun terfeiters do, and that the citizens would very willing ly exchange their whole stock, for the yellow fever, small pox, or any epidemic disease , 'A large number of the members of the Episco pal Church of New York, recommend the "Protestant Churchma n " to the support of the members of that Church. This paper was started for the purpose of opposing the spread of Puse,yism, and in Opposition to the "Churchman," a paper that takes different views respecting the doctrines of tho Tractarians. The "Pro testant Churchman" is very neatly printed, and con tains a great quantity ofreading matter, interesting to those who agree with it on religious subjects. TA package of bank bills, amounting to $4OOO, was stolen from the Agent of the Quincy Bank, on dba morning of the 31st ult. at Boston. It was taken from under the seat of the stage which he drove and a pack age of the same size, made up of slips of paper, left in its place. The Bank has offered a reward of $.500 for its rerovery. NEW YORIC—The election for members of the Le gislature and county officers takes place to-day. Our friends in the city have had much difficulty in settling on a ticket, as the deliberations of all their Conventions for the purpose, were regularly broken in upon by a band of rowdies, in the pay of the whirs, at the head of which is the notorious ruffian, Mike• Walsh. We suppose "all the decency" will have the services of this hand of blackguards secured for service at the polls to day, and every effort in the power of ruffianism and pipe -laying will be made to defeat the dem ocra tic nom inations. The following is the regular democratic ticket:— THE ENGLISH AND MEXICAN QUARREL.. We have already noticed the di mgrs between the English Minister, at Mexico, and tho Mexican Minis ter. The Picayune from its correspondents at the cap• hal gathers the following authentic particulars of the cause It looks a trifle squally:— On the 11th alt., a festival day. it bein g the anniver sary of the victory gained by Santa A nna over the Spaniards at Tampico, a !tall was given at the nalaco in the city of M..xieo, arid all the Foreign Ministers in vited, The ball-room was superbly ornamented, and among other deeorations were the trophies won by Mexico from the Spaniard+ and Texans. These flags were cispeoded at one end of the room. Upon the ma ranee of Mr. Doyl,•, the Charge d' Ajrzires, he in quired the meaning ,if them, and being answered they were trophie- 11;" very ea' to ally was led to a closer ex amination of them. Upon inspection he found that the "Eng.ish Jack" was stuck up among the flags ta ken from the Texans. He immediately addressed himselfto Mr. Bocimegra, the Minister of Foreign Af fairs, who was present, and asked an explanation of the occurrence. The Minister replied that the "Jack" was taken from the Texans, and on that account alone had been placed among the trophies, and with no view of giving otTence to the British government. Mr. Doyle expressed himself satisfied with this explanation, ; but added that he melt request the flag should he ta - ken down, saying that it was no his wish that the af- E"'"The Philadelphia folks think they have "come fair should recei4.pui)lic attention, he was willing that the giraffe" over the New Yorkers by turning out swift- it shouldbe done while the company were at supper, er boats than the brag crafts of the Gothamites. The when no one would be present in the ball-room. Bo canegra consulted with Santa Anna on the subject, and fdlowing from the Philadelphia Chronicle, is a speci ; assured Mr. Doyle that it should be taken down the men of their crowing: next day. Mr. Doyle was not satisfied with this prom- York STEAMER PninceToN.—Th e editor of the New'and Santa Anna not feeling disposed to accede to York Commercial Advertiser says:—“W e have seen it Mr. Doyle's demand, this gentleman retired from the proclaimed, in some forty or fifty newspapers, with ball, followed by all the British subjects present. The equal confidence and exultation, that because she beat next dm' Mr. Doyle addressed a note to the Govern the Great IVnstern, the steam frigate Princeton is un- meat, demanding that the flag should be taken down, doubtedly the fastest steams4 k i n the would. Now, and, as n satisfaction for the insult. should be baistpd 'the world' is a very comprehensive term, and we sus- in the public square and saluted with tweatreeili *Wog. pect that several steamships are to be beaten by the To this nn satisfactory reply - was given, and patio were Princeton, beforo she takes precedenc e of all." We exchanged until the il. 7th, which is another rseitinnal agree with the editor of the Commercial that "the fete, and the Salon de Reception being opea oti that world is a very comprehensive term," and are pleased • day, Mr. Doyle was informed that the "Jack' still re to learn that son of our brethre n in New York have mained in the same place; upon which he immediately found it out. It is only recently, however, that they sent the British Consul -General with two merchants, made the discovery; and it is probable that the supe- as witnesses, to see if it was actually the case. Fit:d riority of thesteam 4igate Mississippi over the ill-fated jog it to be so, he addressed a cote to the Govern- Missouri, and the stMessful experim ent of the Prince- ment, saying that his diplomatic relations will) the gev ton, has led to such a satisfactory conclusion. We ; ernment of Mexico ceased from that moment until for ayer,' almost led to believe, at the time the steamers flier orders from his government. A cireular was rii.4) Kamschutka, Missouri, &n., were buildidg in New passed to all the British merchauts, advising them that York, that the Empire City was rather more than the he had found himself undet the necessity of suspend whole world, by the very comprehensive terms used log all diplomatic intercourse with the Mexican gov by the newspapers of that great town, whilst speaking ernment until he could commanicate with his govern of the vast superiority of those vessels over all others. ment. To this note it appears that the Mexican goy- When the New Yorkers build tw o steamers equal to ernment has replied in a very insultin g communication. the Mississippi and Princeton. we will admit that they Such is the state of the case. :SIT% D ,, yle's despatche s can nearly beat "the world," although it is a very : have gone to England in the steamer which sailed on "comprehensive term. ' the Ist inst..; and he had also despatched a man-of-ever. ; which happened to bout Vera Cruz. to Bermuda and Jamaica with despatches for the Admiral. Thus rests the affisir, and the citizens of Vera Cruz are apprehe sive that the first news they will have will be the arri val of a British fleet. This of course gives great satis faction to all enemies of the power of the Dictator, and to foreigners, who arc in hopes that he will now be brought to his senses. Thoma: Jeremiah. Edward Sandford, Joseph S. Bosworth, John E. Ross, Augustus Davezac, George G. Glazier, Joshua Hem Sheriff—Henry C. Atwood. County Clerk—Jam-4 Corner Coroner—D r . E. G. Rawsoa. ALLOTMEST OF ROPES' ON TUE PORT•GE RAILROAD J. & J. D. WltTil AM—for plane.; Nos. 1, 4 and 5--to he of prime cleaned Russia hemp, yarns to ruu No. 20, free from tar. GEORGE J. WEL vER—Pir planes Nos. 6,7, 6, 9 —to be of prime cleaned Russia hemp, yarns to run No. O. free from tar. Old Ropes to be taken in part pnymont n t 1 / cent.; per pound. JOHN A. Roe.nr.inn, wire rnpe at Plane 2, at 52 cents per foot run. ALWAYS READY. During the last war a revolutionary veteran, lived near the ocean, never went to bed without having a well-loaded gun by his side. One night there was a violent thunder storm, which shook tho house to its foundation. "Husband! husband !" screamed his wife. "get up! the Britishers have landed, or the Day of Judgment has come--f don't know which !" said the old soldier, jumping up, "let them come on— they'll find me ready for either of them." ELK COUNTY. The Commissioners appointed by the Legislature to locate the seat ofjustice for this county, have selec ected Ridgway as the site, and have placed the public buildings under contract, to be finished during the next season. The beauty of the plan, and well known skill of the contractor, Mr. Derby, insure the erectien of build lugs that would do credit to any county in North Wes tern Pennsylvania. The public square and buildings are no expense to the county, the whole being furnish ed and paid by Mr. Ridgway, of Philadelphia, and the ' enterprising citizens of the place. There are large bodies of unseated lands in this county, but owners need not be under apprehension of increased taxes, as little or no expense has, or will accrue in Its organization; and from the well known character of the commis sinners elected, and their determination to lessen all expenses as much as possible, and keep the county oat of debt, will insure perfect satisfaction to all interested as owners of property in that section. The populntion is nearly 3000 and rapidly increasing; good hinds to actual settlers are sold at from $.1.25 to $2,01 per acre. There are many German emigrants settling in this co, ; and though the sail may not be as fertile as in some of the western states, the inhabitants are exempt from all bilious (theorem, tbst are 110 hail to ureew earners" in the west, ==il Senator. DAVID R. FLOYD JONES Assembly. Michael Burke, William H. Jansen, Thomas N. Carr, James H Suydam, William Shafer, George S. Marin, FOR THE POET WILLS We nre following in the wake of England, where a large portion (Wan estate goes for the probate and law -1 yer's fees. Take a recent example. A banker, by the name of Wood, died, nod left nearly five millions of dollars, which he divided among his friends, and frth with a lawsuit was commenced among the heirs. The stamp duty for the probate cost $60,000, and the Nuts and fees fur three proctors, .were 4 ,, mething approach ing to $ 9 0.000! These ditficulth.s , 1111 id RI way: he ob viated, by n man being his own executor, and di% iiling his estate before death. If he wishes to Leave each of • his executors $30,000 how much ;Imre mzriwahle it would be to invite them all to dinner, awl ely—“tz..•trile men, I have this day made my will, and appointed %ou my executors, but instead of leaving y o u $50.00 each, I have the pleasure herewith to hand that amount to you in person, thus placing all contingencies, law suits and Proctor's fees at defiance." This principle ran he carried out in extenso—by simply reserving 0-w -third of an estate and dividing the other two among the heir,. We scarcely open a paper without reading, som e w id case contested befote the Surrogate. People are cu rious and whimsical, sometimes of unsound Mind, and they make such strange wills, leavirc: property to those not entitled to it, and cutting ,At oi:is, having the most claim to it! Making a will ;.4 an act of such sol emn importance and vita; conseqaence to the iiviezr. that much subsequent difficulty emuld be obviated, hy 1 the employment. oc th e MOGI. experienced and honorable I Man in the profession to draw up the aril-4Z Kauai BURNING OF HORSES. It is ofte been remarked t fire; but many have con sider 'd it an unauthenticated statement. An incident ~f which the writer was an eye-witness, may be inter e:tin to some "four renders. It was a cold night, in the November of 1840, while I w e were sojourning in the State of New York, that the / cry of fir: alarmed the citizens of the quiet town in which we were then staying. We soon discovered that the : , ;able attached to the hotel was in flames,and' our first efl,rts were directed to the safety of the hoc-' se's which it contained. We threw wide open all the door:, and unloosed the halters; but no sooner was this (lio., than some of them rushed to the fire, inhaled the buroing element, fell down and died instantly. After considerable exertion, we succeeded in getting six oth ers out; but tire immediately turned, and with a single leap, hounded into the midst of the fire. The other ran, with much speed, a distance of twenty rods from the building, and then wheeling about, made his way back to the tire, in spite of our efrorts to stop him, and shared the fate of the rest of his companions. This statement, although it proves nothing new, may he re lied upon. It was a melancholy spectacle, to behold on the next morning the half burned bones of eighteen noble steels, still simmering among the smoking em bers.—Forum. MASSACRES.—An arrival at Sag Harbor brings in telligence, that information had been received at the Bay of Island, from the Isle —, north of the Bay of Islands, (: , robably one of the Fejees,)that three English vetsels bad been cut off and their crews murdered; in one instance the captain had his lady on board—she fell a victim. BALTIMORE MARKET For the week. ending Friday, November 3. Beef Ca Ille.—Tha offerings this week exceeded 1.000. ;Lod about 9 10 sold at last week's prices $3 374 to it 4 37. per 100 lbs., butchers and packers participa ting, the latter only to a limited extent. Hogs have de clined, the supply being very heavy, and purchases have been made at 4 to $4 25, according to quality. Coffee.—The prices for Rio have not changed, but sales have been more limited at 7 to 71 cents; sales al so of Laguayru at 74; and St. Domingo at 6, all six months. Flour.—The market has been gen:1111y quiet since our last report; City Mills has ruled at $4 25, on time, adding interest, and select brands of Howard street at the same; but fur mixed lots not over $4 181 could probably be obtained; dealers are taking it from cars at 4 12k. The stock of Susquehanna is light, and $4311 , we belief 0, has been the best price obtained. Grain.—Wheat has advanced two or three cents, sales of good to prime red having been made at 90 to 93 cents. but the receipts are very light; inferior qual ities ate proportionably lads, say 75 to 88. Maryland corn may be quoted 40 to 41 cents, for new white, and 44 to 4.5 for old dn.; new yellow 42 to 43; and old do. 51 to 53. Oats remain at 22 to 23 cents. Motasscs.—The demand is not active. and we have no private transaction s to note. Since our last report, sales of Porto i.ico, in Ithds., have been made (towards the close of last week) at 221 to 234 cents for 153 Ithda.; and this week a parcel of 25 do. at 21,4 for fair, and 14 for inferior. Spirits--WhiAkey is excessively dull at 24 cents for MA4 and 25 fur bbls; and New England Rum re mains at 28. Sugars.—Transactions have been mostly conduct ed publicly, and include 175 hltd. Porto Rico (towards the close of last week) 6 30 to $7 25; and this week, 174 do. at 6 40 to $6 65 per 100 lbs. Tobacco.—Thereceipts have fallen off, but prices remain unchanged: Maryland common to middling, 2 50 to $4; and good to tine 6 to $3 per 100 lbs. Ohio is in fair request at 4 to $7 50 for common to fine; and wrappers sell higher, from 10 to $l2, acco r di ng to the quality. All of good quality is taken as soon as on bale. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. For Me week ending November 3d, 1243. Upon corniniring notes, we find that prices ,iernain how tlir , same as last week. We note a moderate sale of (41,r citrus Bork at an advance of 75 ets per ton. Sperm candles have a tendency to advance in price. Coffee remains steady with moderate sales. Mackex. ~ . i.~.~.: moNIN FRB= ARRIVAL OF DRLICAGERIF AT 140, LIBERTY STREET. CHOICE P/CICLES. Walnut Ketchup, -, Gerkins, Tomato do, Mangoes, Sarsaparilla Syrup, Piece.lilly, Lemon do, Cauliflower, Olive Oil, French Beans, India Currie Powder', Walnuts, Italian Maccaroai, Onions, Italian Vermicelli, Mixed Pickles. Capers, (French,) RICH S•UCES. Prunes, John Bull's Sauce, Bitter Almonds, Harvey's do, French Currants, Reading do, Prepared Cocoa, Cavice do, Jamaica Ginger, India Soy, Dried Cherries, Essence of Anchovies. Oranges, &c. Ste. Just received and for sale by LLOYDS: CO., n 9 No. 140, Liberty street: ,' Travelling Agents Wanted. A su FEW YOUNG MEN are wanted to obtain b scriptions to Publications in the adjoining noun= ties, to whom regular employment and liberal remtmo ration will be given. Apply at this office. n2-Iw. Money Wanted. - NAT ANTED immediately and on the ben security, on mortgage on excellent property in town, and country, and on good private security, if preferred, end for differentperiods, the following sams, vat $5OOO, $5OOB, $3OOO, $2OOO, $lOOO, $750, $5OO, $2OO, $l5O, $lOO. Persons having money to lend will find undoubted security. A fair interest, and in several cases a good premium for money, and all in coufidence, on applying at HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Or-' fire, No. 9, sth street. / Farms Wanted. S EVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20 miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis posed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield sweet, near 4th, soon. ol6—tf EXCHANOL BANK or PITTSBCRGH t t October 20th, 1843. A N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at th• Banking H 01.184,, on Monday, the 20th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 •. K. and 3 r. K. o2l—te THOMAS M. HOVE, Cashier. MERCHANTS AND MAND7ACTURERS' BANK, Pittsburgh, October 20, 1843. /ILN election for thirteen Director; of this Bank, for the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of November next. o2l—te W. H. DENNY, Cashier. B•a x OF PITTSBURGH ; , October 19, 1843. A N election for thirteen directors of this Bank, for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking- House on Monday, the 20th day.of November next JOHN SNIDER,. Cashier. Oct 20—te NAT AND CAP zruaTuracToirr, ALNo. 13, Fifth street, bettceen Market as.o* Wood, and corner of Sixth and Groat slit_ T &H. WALKER feel grateful to this 1... public for the liberal patronage bestow ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now manufacturing and have constantly on band a very as perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neutria, and every other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is done by machinery, but by the best workmen by band. they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as be ing superior and more durable than those generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the East- : ern Marken' I. S. H. WALKER, 023-3 m. flitztatien Wanted, S Teacher of French, Spanish, Greek, and the La tin Language. The undersigned wishes to acquire a perfect itmsirl edge of the Englia'i, ao that the recompense looked for will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in Etw• glish from those whom he may instmet. He was late ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. • For a character for competency and morality, he caw exhibit letters of the most respectable gentleman Ma New Orleans and Cincinnati. 'Reference in this city can be made to Rey. H. J. J. Dean, of St. Paul's Church, and Captain James May. PAUL EMILE THEVEAU, nl9. Washingtrm HonEr , Wafer at. ._ ._.~.~.i~E -- - - al af No. I are scarce, and in but little detnatat Las 'ohs and raison, are rather unsettled. The latter be arrived moderately and prices have gone down. The' h ave bee n large stile, of superfine wheat Boar for en port. In Rye there is sorno demand but Ihe article is scant Corn meal is in no demand. Molasses is dull—Trinidad has declined One oe per gallon. Whale oil has Ise vanced rapidly since hat weel4lls sales within the day or two have been largo In provisions there is a inodeinte burinets doing a forme s prices. There is but little doing in sugar, an Por to Rico has declined a shade. Wood and coo remain the same, with rather a downward tendency is prices especially for the former. port of pittsburg4. Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General SAINIXI Boat Agents, iVater street. JOUR MIT WATIR IN THt CH•NNIL ARRIVED 'Daily Beaver Packets. Rich. Clayton, Hough, Louisville. Oolla, Bowman, Brownsville. DEPARTED. • Daily Beaver Packets Mclntire, Scales, Zanesville, "Adelaide, Bougher, Cin. Lancaster, Klinefelter, Louisville. Belmont Poe, Wheeling. Della, Bowman, Browns elite. rg?"All boats marked thus["] are provided *id) Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion ofSteatto Boilers. Per Saint Loins' rp HE passenger steamer NORTH i tf:. BEND, DuNcss, blaster, will ta t • _ leave for the above and imterusediat• landings on Tuesday next, 7th inst., at 10 o'cleek, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to JAMES MAY. The North Bend i 3 furnished with Evan's Safety' Guard, to prevent the explosion of boilers. n 6 HLIFA A X SALMON.—The lovers of good fish are requested to call and examine some very fine No. 1, Halifax, Salmon, which we have just mei,. ad and opened for retail. We have also a few bbls Nos 1 and 2 Salmon, same asiabove, for sale by the bbl. LLOYD & CO., n 7 120, Liberty street. ?MACKEREL, HERRING,------ 111 10 bbls No. 1 mackerel, (Northern impsoction) 10 11 II 2 .. 4 • " 10 " " 1 herring, " .. 10 boxes Scotch herring, Received this day and for sale by n 7 LLOYD & CO., 140 Libortyit.... AMERICAN HAIR DRESSING SALOON FIFTH ST., NEAR MARKET. T HE partnership heretofore existing between T. A. Frethey and G. G. Frethey having been dissolv ed by mutual consent on the Ist instant, the business will be conducted in future by F. A. Frothey, who is fully authorized to settle all the partnership concert's. He respectfully asks for the continuation of the pa. trsnage of friends and the public generally. J K. HENDERSON FASHIONABLE Pennsylvaniani . „