n It . . ..,,,,.., .• . Drum ..I - . ... • . . . . . . - t . . lir • Alli , 21-1 •$ * T:t ... MEM peraufspED DAILY, BY pHitrAps & SMITH , AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, pITTSEURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE ADVANCE kFt,•• t ^ 1: 014. 11. _NO. 47. PITTSBURGH, TUESDK` • •'`• • ..1.:'1713 . 1.4.41ED BY PIE • . 11 Tril.4411"fi & sacuirli .o.!Fr:Uriber'of Ltroo . d aitil3Fiph'Streets. Tara.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. :4 4 looJpioa T tvu exgrs—for sale at the counter of be 'GI aa;.l by News Boys. - "rho SlirppLay Mercury and Manufacturer lubliAed at tbe same Mike, on a double medium Met, at TWODOLLARS a yeur, in adva::c2. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. TERMS Or Aumrensona. 'PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: chic insertion, $0 50 Ouernouth, $5 00 Two do., • 0 75 Two do., 6 00 Throe do., ''' 2 00 Threedo., 7 00 Ono wool:, 1.50 Four - do„ il 00 Two do., 3 . 00 Six do., 10 00 Thr....e do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEAR LYADVERTISEMENTS. , ,CLIANC4COLS AT T.LTASURS. One Square. . Two Square.. Six manths, $l2 00 SiT rauathg, $23 00 Ono year, i9S , AO ;Oh year; 35 00 MPFor.arAer ad k r rti semonts in 'proportion. 'IRPCARDS of four lines . Stx D9.1.1.4,./Ls a year. . r Public Othces, &c. . - . (flee, Third 'between ,\Earket and IVood iNt. 46111 e, Postmaster. ibusc,'Wn:ter, fth do): from Wood st...,Pe teri:re.s buildings—MajorJohnlock, Collector. ci ‘,7jeji Tre4sury, Wua3 , b...twer.to First tied &wad strests-4-7.ja:ac.: Bartrant, Treasurer. .4' 04 45 1 TrcasarY, Third street, next dusir to the Third C:iurcli—S. R. Johnston, Treasu- Ataier's Qiic,e, Fourth, butween Market aid Wood etrestsrnAdeaander. }Jay, Mayor. -aleiaant's E.scAange, Fourth near Market at. BANKS. ‘ - .Pi!ts.),grgh, 1.,....twaen Market and Wood streets on I rhi ri and Fourth..streets. lie re 'tants' and Man ufa.C.l are rs' and Farmers' De vJait Bank, (Corm - m-1y Saving. Foad,) Fearth, ln.thvcen Woad aid Market streets. • Erchangc, rifth st. near Wood. vzooaL.' • - - Aluaorigaillelrt HOMIC, Water stre..q, ucar the NOV. • ..Leeltarr-ge Hotel, corner of Penn aad St. Clair. AM:IW sa ifoirl,coraer of Third and Wood. ,440wrican flotel,cornt,r of Thircianl Smithfield. ..111Akiteri Slates, corner of Penn at. and Canal .41ipread Libmy strcet, near aevonth. ett ..Ifonsiou House, Libt.rty St., oppo3ite %fit Hoirae, Penn St., °pp.:Ale 11:19 oi•tint to Owners of Saw Mills. SN 1.01.:4'S uurivallel Self Setters, for saw wtich here 13,en so fully testo'i in ditferant parts at the Uoite3 States, as well as in th cities of Pitts burgh a 44 Allegheny, tin be sc.n in op , ,:ratioii at a aunabat of milli iuthit neigitharivi., 1, at Mr. Wick oreha>s's 711111 s, 03 Penn street; at flownyin & Chan/- bores mills, near, tho upper .I.ll , •zlieny bridge, and at Nbrritun's mills. on Hare's Island, and I aher3.— Th 3 al.) yr.) naval inichia caii be obtiiiiied at W. W. Walla s'+ sh.ip, on Liberty tree:, near wham it it fitting up, Lima wit •rc ti.r mi.-Iliac till ite kopt existaitly on haails. to B. F. Si crier, or ' W. W. Wdlla7P. may $ Eviuue Chamomile Pills. 131tX1101 S. CLENIER re Lila- , ni CU, \I al ... strain- New Fork, was ull.cted with I) , ..ipe l isi a is ite Trl)+l igAws.^o Conn. Thi syno;)tows were. vi • :e.sg!:sta.l.a.... - ,k, great debility, fever, costive ne 33,CU .211, .11sayt:1 4. :1, pain in the cheat and stomach always after eftiLiz e iriextired appetite, seasaliDn of sinking at the stoartscS; furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomit iags, dizziness towards night and rastlesqnes.3. Titese nal confirmed upwards wf a tw.slerinorith, when, oil csiriZtitti, Wrn. Elans,.loo . Chatham street, arid submitting to ili3 ever stczZ7:essful and agreeable mode of ttinstritOni, the patient was completely ro.ftored ro beni!Th in 'the 'short, space of one month, and grateful for disioCarctilitile. benefit derived, gladly came forward and iatiiiifeeied the above statement For sale, whole ralltflintlreitail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, st,pl9rei . No. 4 20, Wood street, below Second. "Pease's Eloarhound Oaritly. rptlTribg has received this day from New York, 11 afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for Coeghs, Col& n. 1.1 Consumptions; and is ready to sup- ply Cud nn 'rs at witY.eille or retail, at his Medical Agkitsey.l6 Fourth st. nov 12 Alat pailains than ever, at the Three Big Doors. uh*crii,,,pr would r:spectfully inform his cus totu^cs'att`3tlte publicgencrally,th at iiiipreeedented. sales at thn Tlim!o Big Door;, during` the present seaonzhe has still on hand the lar gest dad most varied assortment of elegant CLO THINGAhtt'an be bought west