340N2)' P 1401tNi iG, .1!IOn..1101- 6, 1843. ; 11014 - BC/Art.o OF TRA _IYE• C. 111 TEE FOR ICOVEAIOLR.% Jame* Tgrompson--=Josiah A PRO RACTED Will commence in the Fifth Presbyterian Chaieb, val lielliVOmbhatit morning. and continuo for two vreetti . . Pubildawdoubip three 'Mies OD the Sabbath;aniteyery irviditardating the meeting. The public (tie reapect-, folly invited to attend. ThtilWAslir. AvxttT,of;Cleveland, is expected to twist therftitor. n 4 Catsgun AIN OF COAL DWG g:4 —T he wal diggers in diPsillegy held a meeting last Saturday, in Sligo, in fe l liiton B tAthc price ofiheirlalior. They dement' sn adomn.m.qt: one fourth of : a - tem per bushel. The subject wilikre considered more folly next Satotdriyatn Conventlitisenbesistieteftsrc; dniegates from each pit, btfolltilßirmingham, • The following trial occurred in the Crimival Court •of Mbndny last: The -Dopier ii ;Wall knuonnt,*•o ll 4 l l cit) . 4 and has refided hero for severul Tektitudo i 5.93 oeid Dr: F. A. IA ELLS—lndictment for living in with intent to pass, coun merfejt.aispls Op*. The jely .. returned n verdict of •t•I f • • _ son TtSK POST. tt.ttr , " THE. NEXT GOVERNOR. Whitlow of various shales of Opi :t ion have been fur 101101SItille busy in advocating what they call the clninis of their respective favorites for this high office. It is theiredhertime that the claims of the people should be -coolikered. - They wish not merely a western mull be ,catitist tfi6 West IS entitied to the nomination, but they desiin a man of the people and from the people—one whips feylings and habits identifies him with the mass •oflisitfellOw-eitiiens while his tents and acquirements haysj,wtitt, their confidence, such a man is 'the lion: -.7olut„lg.,Sa - ptlitig. r ti, of Allegheny Ccianty. ip tittysiNfclitfictilty and trial Mr. Snowden stood in thersMauf Democracy in NVesteru Pennsylvania and 'bore aloft the standard of his party. A 3 editor for nan ny yeansof thelendiag Democratic press in this cud of - the State he displayed talents of a high order and an en and Lilt which rendoreci his name ,fiuniliar to thee MY thoughot.t the state. Throughout a long and`tisectileareer'his private worth, extensive acquire !flea; and nattnid hbilities have won for him a high plait m the ystiin ttt ni of the community'. gany:dernoCrats therefore desire to see . his name placifkKt tkg 'eitnaidatesfor the Gubernatorial arsakinatioart : rderaticsatic editors especially, in Western Pennsylvania will do justice to his abilities and politi .calotperionoe. andd the Democracy of his own couoty will certify to his exalted worth an a private citizen, and rhia-poratlarity MA a member of the Dem JC retie par ty. r - 40Vp4rt of an inteltigent mechanic such as Judge Sn°W4atte masses could be rallied with an enthu signs, ,Would bear,down all opposition, as the IVhigs promise to bring out their nio a st available mull. -SWIM& policy dictates that the Dentoclats should se lecasbnie mustavailablionan for the coming contest. PittsUurgi). Repoida,by, evtrbk.' and Afitchell, Geacral Sleami , Artaat-aikente. Water street. 70tl i tiliit SIX 'INCITES WATER IN THY. CH ANNZt . . .IIZRCVED. *Daily Beaver l'ae•teis. -itti•is4e,ll..iiiet, Louis vilk, • Duncan, Ciiiciimati, 4 tfa,rixi•isison, 'Monongahela City, te, 131.ownsville, , Seales, 4anesViile, CroCks, St. Louis,. , • , 113tiligivateri Ciark,AV heeling. D1i1. 3 ART ED. "Daily Beaver Pockets COrSair; !doriisiut, St. Louis, ,Micionwthelii, Stone, do. * Ohio Mill; Pally, Cincinnati, ..I.larston, Itowla.ad, Nevi- Orleans, Clark, Wheeling, Cockburn, Brownsville, Mon. City, • "New York, Greenlee, Nashville, Belfast, Ebben, Wheeling, 111 4 Mgli Chiet, Devenney, Wheeling. "Cohimbianit; Smith, Cincinnati, LtAle,Ben, Mason, St. Louis. n?E'All boats marked thus["] are proVided with Evan*l•Sifety Guard, to prevent the Exiiltision of Steam Boilers. • . l'' ~' ' ' P•r Saint Louis. HE passenger steamer NORTH BEND, Di: se.ot, Master, will !mice for the above and 'intermediate houtitugs.urtflutesiay next, 7th inst., at 10 o'cleck, A. M..• Forereight or passage apply on board or, to 'AMES MAY. The North Bead is furnished with Evan's Safety Guars, to prevent the explosion of boilers. uG SPE Kit:•o7=Sitt —A - child of mine about 44 years 41, 4 3414 ~?onVincly indispbsed, and of 1)1110 aumplex. ion; Ifni had agrays'a'geod appetite. lii order to have the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Ver n:6E44 Of *NA .1 gave hith 3 3 puonfuls, after which 20 or 25 large worms were expelled. I wish ell Ger manwould read the ahoy° facts. The child's health is moth inirptioved. RUIN. C:hairtissira Creel:, Sept. 26 1343. ItUrFor sale at the Deus Store of JONATHAN KIDD. • oct CorilerOf lih and Wood sts; Pittsbg., Pa L LANE'S AMERICAN WORM sm.:Gi l:le:4,—A fresh •itipply of this valuable medicine t for leitpi.lling-wntmi from the system. Parents whose ,children are dificstahvith worms may depend. on this -article if givePaemircling to direction,. Certificates of iuytfatipsy4mcbeehmen to nominee any person of its surtermaractivity any promptness in expelling wcrms al4llkAtsllo4rtirolbts lives pf hundreds of children. FOrralak-atothießritg Stour of JON. KIDD, . 'get 3L Center of 4th and Wood sty. Pius. . R*.rotr,r's Church at Rome. A"R"E ‘ PANTING of,this spletul4. Tqtriple a Agr he exhibited for a short time at Irtwis's Lola goom.earner of Fourth and Nhrket streets. Of ; this .Plettare, Bishop England gave the highest giomio.the Guth°lic Miscellany, 30th January,., 1836. It uotttiu way , to New Orleans, together with 50 other paintings,mhieb are now open to the public.. Admivatice .25 caeca; tickets fur the season 50 r'oenttt chilidretvlualfprice. G. COOKE- GrOpeo rlMly frpat6 A. till 4P. M. and also from 6 till 9 in the ?yealng. , &N. liito.Ftev.. Clergy of all. deamoioations are resin:4lo4 noticed, free 9c large, of,v DR. M'LANE'S LIVER PILLS,—This jitce Crer tify that a niece at aline was very ill with the Liv er comaiai.it. She purclaasd a h,, x , tao;.thetn as 2er (lime, ions, felt much ed. use -1 v.; •nn I 113 K, mind it nearly cured. - ve 11 , 311 the Liver Pill, that r.;litwedher. , I wJa.:lc . tiec-rr !ally recommend Nl'Llnes Liy'er.Ply r t th. Jae person: , whose Liver i* diseaskti. • Joszra mire; PittAuret. For vale at the Drug Stone of ,JON. KED ID, oct 31 sGr 4t ad Wand ,te.ivitti,. FOR SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety attardsfor pz eroding. Explosion of Steam Boilers utre!T wriald be well for the traveling community_ to ' Jrnbar, in .1 - nixed that their security depends entirely ,their own .estootangemerit of boats that have or inhy be at the expense of prormehigthe above appara- Mil: And that - every individual making . such selec tions is contributingtovrards a general introduction of an inveritibrradMitted by all men who understand the .principles of theSieain Engine, to be a sore preventa tive 'against these dreadful disasters. You hare cer tainly, in, the hundreds of explosions that have already taken' place,, their almost 'daily occurrence, and the thousaridsof lives that havo already been .lost, a suffi . cierit warn*, ,a.utl inducement to maim inquity for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference.- - They have wont to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet their with a correspondingdegree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. ; They do 'not charge more than other boats; their acconim!xiations in other respedts tire eqeil, and in many, cases superior; and us there is one leaving ,Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid those dis asters. • All boats marked thus [*] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LEXINGTON, AGNES, LANCE I', AMARANTH, MENTOR, ADELATPE, MINSTREL. ASHLAND, MARIETTA, BOSTON. MICHIGAN, BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BRUN E7'T E, MAJESTIC, BREAKWATER, . MUSKINGUM VAL' Y, BRIDGEWATER, MISSOURI MAIL, CADDO, MUNGO PARK, CHARLESTON, MESSENGER, C MONTGOMERY, •C 1 TON NORTH BEND, • CUTTER, NEPTUNE, CE.CELIA, NAR AGANSETT, CASPIAN,. NL4GARA, CLIPPER, OSPREY, COLUMBUS, ORPHAN BOY, CLEVELAND, 01110 MAIL, COLUMBL4NA, 01110, DUQUESNE, 'ORLEANS, DUKE nj ORLEANS; 'OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PEN ELOPE, EMMA, P.42V.01.4, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EVELINE, R.O WEN:4, EXP RESS MAIL. RAR IT AN, FORMOS A, S ARAH ANN, FORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVANNA. GEN^L BROOK, ST. CHARLES, GALLANT, ST. LOUIS. • IDA, TALLEYRAND, INDIAN QUEEN. TOBACCO E PLANT, ILLINOIS, VICTRESS, J. H. BILLS, •YALLEY FORGE, YE WESS, WEST WIND. JAMES ROSS. WING .AND WING, LADY OF LYONS, WHITE CLOUD, BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE LOON. IN AT SOll OYER' S , Corner of Wood and Water sis, WHERE as choice all a-1.011211CM of ready made cloth; if!, cloths, cassimeres, saiineits, c stings, flannel shirts. drawers, cotton, .1n,.71 . 0a and lamb's w. , 01 hose and lad( base, siik and gineinun cravats, stuckvoiod itt 'short, a litho of everything ailapte'd to the nee of gentlemen, all of which purrhasers will MA made up, and also "I'm& to order in. the latest and most improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himself, will suneessfully compete with anyiestablishm.nit west of the mountains. Haring made arranzements in the eastern Its. mill be cotstantiv receiving accessions to his airemlv well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call, then, if you vdsh to furnish yourself with choice articles. Arr Good and yet Cheap, for Cash! Remember the place—corner of Woo and Water streets. u26-3m W.m. PEACOCK, M. BUSS, riacocit & mass, GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Crating Establishment, SMITHFIELD STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TEMPERANCE HALL. WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glass, of all descriptions, ran be purchased at very rea sonable prices, together with a groat variety of splendid cut glass, window lights for steamboats, private houses and churches, wholesale and retail. ' Persons, wanting any of the above arfeles, will do well to call and examine for themselves, before purcha- sing elsewhere. i:V":4. 13. Watch and Time piece Glasses always on hand. 025-3 m. WESTERN ZXCIEIANGE COFFEE HOUSE, No. 9, MAILICET STREET, Pittsburgh. OYST Ens and other refreshments,will be served up in good order. Namely: Oysters raw,fried,stewed, and on chafing-dishes. Also, IH THE SHELL at thestand, or roaste& as 'soon as the season is sufEciehtly advan ced to their rnfetrunsportutbm. Tit t: PB,oPate. - tOR is determined that this eV.gbliAh meat (which is the old oyster depot) Flatll maintain its reputation for the good quality of his ALE, LI QUORS, CIGARS, and suckrefreshments as travel ers 01. citizens 'may require. ' bet 1.13-6 m. Lippincott Mills TLIE subscriber having purchased and thoroughly repaired these MILLs t is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a Gill supply of all the diderent kind.' of -Salk, Spikes and Brades, etc ~ made fromJhe best quality alma:mt. Blooms, and as soon as the necessary additions can be made to the machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron. usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94. First street. near Wood, or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly attended to. 'JAMES ANDERSON. sop 29-3ut NEW GRO:;ERY STORE. iTA CY LLOYD, J R..._......A. G. REINHART LLOYD & CO. • WIIQUESALE and Retail GROCERS AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS, No. 140 Liberty street, a few door,' above St. Clair Street, ITRF , Where families can at all times be !applied with good Goods at prices. oct 27. Cireseries. THE subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have commenced the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, AA No. 20, Woo 4 street. two doers from the corner of Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWAILD & Co„ where they wi:/ ho prepared to supply all those who nriy faro( them with their orders, with grocwiet , ur.d mlnufacturNl ttrtiele., on terms which can not fni, togivt WM. .1. HOWARD, ROBERT RODGERS. al-dtwitn 4~ -- ~- .- ~ -_ . o- • ...leift.. -- -- - ,rohtt V. Davis, ~...A • - imentaxcritii ..liAtirlf '3X 4 ~ r AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'ti A. MILANI:IM WIEMMEMB . 1311 " 3113/, , , Corner of Wood 4ad sth es., Pitiebrfroit„... , '• 1 CORKER or Wffito , i r it),:intnia STS.' Is ready to receive merchandize of eyeri&mription 1 ----_,:._--, on conAgrrment, for pub'le ur r = t '" sal*. , SPECrE 'STANDARD. from long experience in the atijirrg - • . t m ere / ad d s and Manulacturers' S,crtp himself that he will able- to vitiriiip. , ‘ q;'" , '"l Ex c ka n ge BaukSplp . ....,' . - to all who may fay , * him with ' " . ...-..4 , Currency . •-• +-1- - - -.-- --., Regular sales on Nlbit.trs a' g,,- ‘,.., , —ry 1 E r i e B on k Scrip.. , ........,':.‘ rol lo odlq 6lll .- nrn ( Gooclq and fancy articles, at 10 o' 11; 4:44. Of Groceries, Pitt,burghinan ittrlasleq,new - EXCHANGE--4•AT SIGHT and second hand furniture, &c.ott. to'olockat. M. , On. Philadelphia . Sales every evening,at curly ins light. auen-y Ir OR _ Y° 4-1 .,":. ; - 13'05t0n..... B alit mo re AT 1 RLYATE SALE AT DAVlS!.Commercial Auction looms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An 'extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, recently purchased in the East for cash, ...and .7hich will be 'sold ate Mall' id , vance ciliTlasteraplices, for curiehey,brirolsenieftt dorsed notes. - The aSsOrtment'ciini4tsin part of 20 pleieswOoThed - bliie - blaerbroMairtitts " super. blue clfttilP .• • - 10 " 'brows; olive and atiaastickalasi 4 " super. Beaver cloths . ; 5 " pilot cloth's; 40 " cassinetts, ,aswrted colors; some Very (met. . 50 " flannels, twilled and P/aill,whi' ite. green and yellow. . . 20 " English merino, asserted colors; 100 all wool blauket shawls; : 200 cotton - 1,000 doz. spool cotton. all colors; • 100 pieces bleached and brown_ muslins, and a great variety of other articles usually found in a. pry. Goods House. R?' Also, an asAnttment of b00t,, , , slaues, and hata, which tvill all be sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the East. 'opt 23. Young Hylton Too. 11 CHESTS, half chests and boxer Young Hy 0 3on Tea, ofgood quality, just received, and fur sale low fur cash. JOHN D. DAVIS, 011. corner of Wood and Fifth sts. Teas, Leather and Mustard RECEIVED on consignment, anatomic by JOHN D. DAVIS, at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of IVoorl and Fifth street-.- 100 Chests, Half Chests, and Boxesmf Young Hyson Teas, fresh importations; 3000 lbs. Sole Leather, 50 Kegs best,Philadelphia Nlustar.l. Also, 100 Reams Crown Wrapping Paper; All of which n ill he sold low for Cash, or City accep tances. oct 23. 8 ' SHARES Alle;heny Bridee• Stock . , at pri vote sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, sop II" Career of Wand and Firth stract3. GROUND NUTS.—Just receive. 4 from Philrtilel phia, nn consignment, 100 bushels African ground nut 4, nhich n ill bo so!,l in lots to snit purcha- JOHN D. DAVIS. corn 2r Wood and Fifth itruet4 JLIST RECEIVED and fqr sale by WM. THORN, No. 53, Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm reap in the bar, 600 " • • " " in casks, 100 " varie4ated soap, 50 " 'white Castile, (only lut in market) 100 " almond soap, in lb. casks, 50 dot. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermacetti soap, for chapped harids and for :softeninct the slsin. The subscriber has on h Ind I. larger. .assnrtment of the aboveartieles than aoy other establishment in this city. and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, W. . THORN, Nu. 53. .M.trket street. B UTTER ---27 5 13:trrek Western .11.e.g..vve. DAiry B Utter j u.t n`Cei , , , d and t - nt - mile by HAI L MAN, JENNIN(iS SCn. 43 Wooti JUST 111;t:EIVED and fur sale on con , i4nrric..nt, 7 hhd. bacol, 7 hlidi • Can be aeon at the store nf.facoll Painter& CO wax c-'9 J. K. MOORHF:AD..k CO A\ KITING DESK AND COUNTER for alle to by LLOYD & Cu. ocz 110 Li!,ertv street. 9 ,_,,P - I 1 !IDS. N. 0. SUG 11t. it'd received. nnd rat Ink by J. G. & A GORDON. srk BOXES CHOCOLATE, 1.../ 10 do Pro. Pepper, 3 do " Allspice, tozether with Mustard, Gin7,er and Conoa.•will he sold very low to close, con signment, by 11 AILMAN, J ENNINGS &CO. 018. 43. Wood street. 9( ,0 BAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE, for sale Aft, low, by HAIL:MAN, JENNINGS & CO. 43, Woud street 0 RA NOES, LEMONS, &c. JUST received.--Orange,s, Lemons, Raising, Al mondg.. Filberts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, (Xf rican)Cocoa Nuts and Cranberries. LLOYD ct CO. oct 31. 140 Liberty street. 400 LBS. GARRIT & SON'S SCOTCH SNUFF,jua.receivoci and fnr Hale by JONATHAN KII)D, Corner 4th and Wood ots. Piits BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, fortiale by A. BEELEN. c5-tf ACKEREL.-16 131715. No. 3 Mackerel, jus .111 received and for sale by HAILMXN, JENNINGS & CO. 43 Wood a T OB ACCO.--1 ()boxes Burton's 5 h lump tobacco; 25 du Rdiiell & Rubinson do 5 do Aare': do 10 do assorted sizes and brads, just received and for sine by 1 HAILNAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood etreet, BEAR SKINS, dressed and undressed, just recciv esi and for sale by A. BEELEN. os—tf MOKED HERRINGS.-25 bows smoked her ringsjastt received - and for sale by FIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO . au; 9 43, Wroxl street. ► pEAS.—Received on consignment, 1 12 Chests Young Hyson Tee, 4 " Black Tea, 4 " 5 " Gunpowder. by. J. G. & A, GORDON, sep 13. 12 Water street. FRESH TEAS, COFFEE, and other Groceries, purchased on the best terms. for cash, just re ceived and for sale by W MITCHELTREE, No. 160, LiberiT'street. Q BBLS. HOPEIN'S EXTRA ALCOHOLAust re calved and for sale at the Drug Store of oct 31 JONATHAN KIDD. SMITH'S NEW YORK VARNISH, No. 1, trick drying, in store, and for sale at the DRUG WAREHOUSEof J. KIDD, act% Corner of 4th and Wood ids. GOSHEN CHEESE, a fine article, just received and fur sale by LLOYD & CO., n 3 140, Liberty stieet. ZANTE CCFtRANTS,iew and frr..ll, just received, and For 444 u by LLOYD /110 CO.. n 4 140, , Liberio street.. !El!ll ‘v •ear. Ovid gar .. "., Bank dypittsm?,: g h , - 411.41: ilferckants and Manufacturers' bank. Eidainoi Do .Holls‘lay sbur Par • ' Bank of ArorlikArneri,ca, . „ .. Do Northern Liberties Do l'issusy4lania Commercial Bank of Pc nusite'aSi Fanners' and Afechan.ics',,b47!)?:,- 1.7 7 •••• -, • Par Kensington hank pad Manufattursrsand .. Mechanico',-- -•- 11roya me nsing pat. Philasislpkia -bank, .. ----par Schuylkill :.-127Tr Sosithwark " 13'eitern ........ 7 par Bank of Penn Township . Girard. bank. k 6 U. S. bank and branches . .... 38 COUNTRY BANKS, Bank of Germantown pas " Chester county - . par Delaware - • par Montgomery county.... ..... —par " Northumberland --. .4 Pa? Farmers' bank of Bucks acuity Batton hank.— .—. ..... par Doylestown bank par Fraikiin • bank of Wa.skingtatt ....... Bank of Ckambersburgh........ . .. .. " Middletown 24 " Gettysburgls . " Lewistown ... ..... .... .24 " SU ehmosereo unty .. .. --- Berkscounty bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Company ..... 14 Carlisle bank Erie bank ... .Farmers and Drovers' bank 14 " Bank of Lancaster 1i " Bank of Reading , 1 4 Harrisburg bank • ...... Honesdale " 2i Lancaster " Lancaster cu. " .24 Lebanon "2,1 Miners' bank of Pottsville - .... . ..... -.2i Norton gandia bank of Brown:seri-11e . 1 .Nev Hope and Delaware Bridge Company —.lO Northampton hank ....no sale Towanda bank Wyoming tank ..- 3 West Branch bank .... . ...... 25 York bank • ..... ... .... .24 OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairssille Clinton bank of Columbus—. Columbiana bank of New Li5b0n....... ..... Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) ( Warren, cashier) .... no sale Cinrinn:tibanks Chillicothe bank.. ........... ...... rcial bank of Lake Erie '2O Dayton bank.... ...... ...... . 1 Franklin bank of Columba.; .......... ........ 14 Fanners' and Mechanics' bank of Steubentillc—li Partners' bank of Canton 40 Gra noa 1. rqnrillc Hautilton .25 Lancaster 25 Marietta Massillon . . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mount Pleasant ... Norwalk PUtruzat Sandusky Scioto. .. Urbana .. • • - Wooster . Xenia Zanesville . - • INDIANA State bank and branches. State Sc rip 411 banks State bank Bank of Illinois, Shatoneetown VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia 11 Bank of Virginia 11 E.rchang p bank of Virginia . 11 Fa rnrcrs' nk o .. . North-lVcsterszbank of Vs r.crinia ........ Merchan'ts' and Mechanics' Lank of Virginia.... Branches.. ...1 Baltimore City banks .. . All 'other solvent bank 5..... ....... NORTH CAROLINA All solvent banks . SOUTH• All solvent banks .. Al!solvent banks Mobile banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA New OrlOrts banks (g00d).... AU banks. BOON AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, X. W. coy, ER OF WOOD di FIFTH ISTE The proprietors of the Monsuo POST and MER CURY AND MANUFACTURER resDPCIIIIIIV inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, ihat they havi a large and well chosen assortment of aricios avu• chmra..B maeaaaaale Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they arc prepared to execute LETTER 'PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, I Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, llat Tips. Satt tants of litauks. Stare,'&towboat and Canal Boat Bilk, with ay, propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patrunage of our friends and the public in general in this branch ofour business. July 31, 18.0. PHILLIPS & SMITH. WE have received, end will hereafter keep con stantly on hood, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which wo will be able to sell cheaper than it has heretofore bean sold - in this city. Orders from the country anoompanied by the cash (IN ALL rears) will be pronsntiv attended to. PHILLIPS & Oct - (Mite of the Post ancfMtinuftiettuer. 1!IIEIS SPECrE KENTUCKY ILLINOIS MARYLAND GEORGIA ALAZAMA TENNESSEE To Priaten. i STt_l'idiNAT, INGRAHAM &-CO., A. Souse .and . li;of for . Sl4c• - :- ~ rorwair- : 401 k -- .111 0 1 0 41111 tgt : F OR SALE or barter. a good h04.....a lot - ..., . t .... - , • • • .. '4,-. - - . Ple- ' m.-...._ -. ' in to - hrmegh of LaWrencevitle, abotit• ~t GENTS-friftWitle -Thinipiartatit'nf - Com- ! two milesCzar:lolo city o: Fitt i!)tirgh, and well locared.:- I]6,- r pany-gynapa i i,e44.),f ate ;Merchants'-Lice. Erie 1 The aboia pro7erty will I.>-?. 3:3'.d at a bargain for 61.114:- . . Cantil; I'Vlithfltto)tf; 'Liao.'" .1 - Itial.er,..l'ahnei &€.o.'s or exchanged tor stor,- ;col; to Sili . . t'' ‘ :' p Ittiv.i. T ot., Line oi S;tearrthoats, wi.d. ye:Asels .on ihe lakes. Clc VP.' 1 partic el aip p:rette zi - .',lp!j• at HARRIS' Aze.C4'aba., land Siiie,'Poimsyirtinia - toil Ohio Canal. ' Prupi-io.! Intelligence Dike, No. 9, .5 .: st, iA r' ' : tor' orate Merehants, Line, Ohio Canal. . t • 1. 4 -I AIOIS FOR SALE AND I?LENT.—AboutIS . . . REFER. TO 1 W iMiC & EnSWOrth, No. 9, Coontios Slip, N. Y. , -0- . Earn", and farms with mills; fu; - ' 3 ' e °°. 'tic- - H. finater & Co. Aibany. • corriniodat:44 tams. Several farms v.4.1.t.cd w reat by - - -/ r (MI C 11911 - Bolton: ..--- , • goe•el-farmers.-- -I'-t4 IiVIDS Mh o v.il4-.1.134.-ca.kto P , '"'""` ilunifii., Palmer & Co., Butralo, -'-' - or hacti theni to rent will pirate ii , Juil aL, - HARRIS° • M'. 'T•lVilliam-; .t.. Dow, - Geilerni Agerwv and latrlligenet - --offioe, N. 9.5* sr," - ' Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. I n 1 Charlei a (iills3,izqi,4, -- - J 1 S. Dic6A.P•PILW.C. .. Siniliaglarn 4,(..:0., I'itLsiourgi4. iap 1 . ,18:44i - ,-1 5 ,. - ,- • . •• .> .. .i -1 ..2i ..2i . , ! Deaver and. Warre P,2 1 4 1 ,cat• • THE . castal pack's% ERIE, J. •M. S haw,rratAutr, will run as re.gilhartri week y;tia.cleet 'hertvied sisu at-arre named ports, 1,-11 " BeairSt 0a:51, - i43ay3, Wahine:days, and Fridays' il,orn iag,leaVe Warren eu Tuesdays, 'Thursdays and Sat- , uidayis sonar-sting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direst, forlreight or passage apply on board, or to .S;, Pittsburgh, J. S. Beaver. - •:.-- , • - _-... 4 .4 • • T-, - ?,,,,- - -7- - v..e .., -_nr 0. - . •_•• .62, 4 Z- 4 , .. ijW,...,, - "FM : l, ' ..., - -- Ak - --- aii , - --- - - Ikll,n, "LIARS: REDUCED.—T.J. S. MATT. Ltsr OF STAGE 3 JL' AND Rot ROAD CARS. from Pittsburgh, yia Bed foril; Cliainhersburg, Harrisburg, and Lancaster, to r Isl,adelphia. connecting with ilia Main train of C LIN t o N. Y. &c. Only./50 miles staging undone night out. Also, the direst line to Baltimore- Fare to Philadelphia Baltimore 9. Leases daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Officio lid door below the Merchants' Hotel SVood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAIIGT-1 &Co., feb 23, 1843L-1y: Proptietors:- • The Groat Central Bente Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Roar? Company 76t, -ki,r2t v l4 • NEW LME•OFIY. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WAARINOTON CITT,, BALTIMORE, PH ILARELPHIA YOR.K. THIS lino is in full oparatioa and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock. A. M.. via IVashiur;:on Pa. and national road to Carnbericu,d, c.,nnecting hero with the rail road Cis to all the above 015c..,5: Trav elers will find this a speody and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line. facilities will be afforded which have not been heretoforteenjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest amity. with the privilege of going tirrough direct or taking ono nights rest at their ontina. For ticktti, apply atour . offivo at the Manonrairela House. L. W. STOCKTON.; feb I—dtf. President of N. R. Stagata. Regular Packets, fbr CincinnatL i ~~~ r The Swift:3(lre, Robinson, Master, leaves every'. Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Conibs, Master, loaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Montgomery., 13ermett, Mazter, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clfick a. m. Tho Express, Parkinson, Mater, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. tn. :RAIN BIRMENGIIIII Sc. CO.; United Stetes Portable Beat Lino Depot el A. .NIcANULTY very respectfully informs ids . friends and the public, that he has made Lrrange ments to continue the agency of the boats forming the U. S. Portable Boat-Line, at the large new WurehOnSC, CORNEII OF IVATCE AID LIBERTY STREEI3, Canal Basin, where gout's will be received and forwardCd with usual despatch, and tal the mnst favorobTe terms, to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Yotk or Boston. THOMAS BORBTDOE, Agent, 9.72 Market it.. Philadelphia. MOORE & CHASE, Azents. 75 Bundy's Wharf, Baltimore sept. 4- 3 m LLEN'KRA MER,' .rzcisirrtic'ttroker Nro. 46, Pi Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Goli, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. "Sigin cheeks t'he' Eastern cities; . fc , s. sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorene, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Wood well, .Tames May, Alex. Bron,on &Co. . John H Brown &Co. Phi ladelphia. James M'Candless. Cireinnati, J. R. M' Donald. ) St. Loui,i, Mo. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank Ky. ) PCA.WFIELD ban removed his marble Eon}, . lishment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestnek's Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stone., Monunicnts etc. np 19-Iyr J. W. Hurbridge & Co., AGENTS for the gale of DEA I POWat.r, IVaie/ street, betweert Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburzh. Oct 51m., SAMUEL MORROW, Manfifa.cturer of Tin, Copper and Shoat Iron Warc, No. 17, l'eift.h. tercet, betwecn. Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hantla good assortment of wares, and solicits a Fdriare of public patrotige. A1.4(4 on harl, thefollowi ng articles: shovels, pokers; ton,gs, gridirons, skillets,teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and 'exarnine for hemselves, as he is determined to sell cheap fcrcash or approved paper. mar 7—tf Dissolution of Partnership - . Tlig•parwersbip hetetnfore exiting under the style of Devine& M'Anuity,is this day dissolved by mothaleonsent. Vii. Dettine hit° *reef. ell gums die to-tha ;homed, and pay alt chants .01841 for the coneeriirv. to this date. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 H. Devine roircif i:lfortnalliffriondi and the publiet, titat bf, still Lontinues in tho. TramMaortin,..! business, and that. he I, reinlved the; Qltne or the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below L4.wis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. H. DEVINE. Dissolation of Partnership. • THE P trtnership heretofore esiit!nzund.lr the firm of DICXEr and ALE:CAS:Dr:It, is this day yed by mans] consent. JAMES DICKEY, sept. 1, 1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs hi, friends and the public, thathr still continues in thn Transpor tation Business, at his Warehouse. comr ER or LIBER TY AND WAYNE ITIEET.S. Canal Basin, ander the name of the "Irdeaenicm! Portable Boat Lase," where ho vri: , receive and ferwarti freight to tlr.e Fist tie!oc. v?rrriA BA RGAI NS ! BARG ALNS BARGAINS ! All !wry; of clathi7:g Wt33l::lZ amour el. Fieas.. call at No. 1.51 ? Libert:rareee,sli see for y.,unsplv:?s. sop 7. J. McCLOSiSE Y. 1843. REFEP.ENCES Pittsburgh, ru Removal. H. DEVTNt. C. A. ed'ANIILIY PC- Dr. 4---ff. IEIIII Po Sale ( 11 E tiubsc iber ofrers for se iri nrr Imrrioliatirrri .1- terms, rt valuable lot fp Ow city of 11.4.igtiptiy, , ,, Ininf,ir,K2"l 9-r ree:t on the Eist Common yP Gay 'itric; , •,`)o fuot doei, rx4.l commuriuni three itiAry briCk :1; , ) two neat tu:d ~tell EniAea two stbry. , 1 frame dwelling hotiief. Application to be 944114! die underriistini;nt hi fltther's residence, cen.ftollingit mtrect, "Ahem he vrill remaln.for igtem ten days. WM. 8. , 113.1,11Ft,jr. p/2--"t LANDS von SALE. FARMS of improved land in Butler : andink, l t ineav_LT counll, in p,_= . biEti state is cuhivrfach. 1 2 Farms in Artmq_rttne entinty, tresr Fmaixtru . 1 clonred; 150 bes ringfrul treeB,-8 &c. Fur particulars, er,quirc at my ofse4, SmitEfield:' . • near 4th Met. 30--titf 1 . . Bargains to b e nail. .' c i I 3 C ~ OP ACRES . OF VALUABL . ..a,LAND!iI , - y )1011i3 will be sold 4 hamtte-te t lotitesutt,: purehn , rm. The lend lies fn Tyler and Nveivies 3 iCO'S., Virgin l2—and CLEAR ("T A 1 I. V. :tor stls. frA seri. f. For 'parti , ;u!ftrs inquire of tLe subeei iheri.if by kner,' i post paid, LLOYD & cly - 1 1 0.110 140 LiLcrty street, Pliatirgh: _ , Two Farms For Sale. trf T Sand Fartn, on the Loyalbanna, creek, Westmoreland coautr. about 9 miles from Greensburz,on the main road to , 'oars, 8 miiel from it. and nhout 8 milts from Daniaton t town, one mile from a brick Catholic Church cuni two rulteA - from - a - Presbyterlan Cho fnh, % - ir! No. 1. 201! acres and allowances, from 159 to 160 area c l eare d and nnder fence, has On hi log tor. barn, &e.— : Zs:o. 2. 150 acres a[ hand adfair.ing tte rO.-,Dee. 75 to 140 arras vleared and cinder fence, a rood frurne house and al.o a. wagon shade and - corn crib nr.d a stone spring hnuse. all in Owl order. The ab,,ve will be sold at a fair price for gait and payment .‘ma 3etoaccmmodate, or r-vlatmea for nroneriy in Pittp.burgh thr hany. For furthernarticnlarq enquin. at Harris O. .i.gAgen cc and Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth at. 016 Building Lots For Sale. THE ondersi7ped is Radial ized to sell a notober of lots beateifollv sitnatedin Aaron flart', , plan of lots on "Grove HilL" The rapid imoro .vetnent and extenlion of the thy in the vicinity of these lot s Tntat Erently increase their value in a very shoructericm.l. anirnostelinst ;he estate, properly nuthentleitted, will ho received in pert nnvrnent. GEO. COCHRAN, Ekieutor, Nu. K r Wooditrec t. 016--3 w TO LET. ta A TWO STORY brick hou , ..e, suitable fur dwelling and Groe;ery, situntn on the came r of Fifth and Union streets. Poi cssinn given irnroadi atelv. Enquire of ol 1 Building Lots in Birniinglsm. i • a) LOTS, suirahle for buililinr. most kilted, and within two rninute4' walk o - f the alert rt ferry Ana/ landing, will be sold at Tracer, to sail the times. The terms niparnett Will he Made easy, either for cash or such barter a; can be made aral!ablo. Apply to the subscribers is 13irtninchwn. or Mr. P. Poterson, Ne.. 4, Ferry street. Pr t:l.c-zh. tune 1. JAS. PATTEIISON, jr. Lots for Salo. A Lots in Manchester. line and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lot.s.no.. 41,12.52,58,54 181, 182, and 181. in Cook's plan of Lots, on Hertnei Lotarlo%. '26 , and 27, in Cook'splan Lob' on High street, ner.r then. , wer,urt r. Fort rirrts apply to Z. W. RENl'.`'rTo'.l sep 10 For Salo. lOTS on the North East corner of Coal taro and J High street. Ann7s. to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth street, 'For!Meat That COTTAGE, situated in tlio 13c.rough of Lawrenceville, at pre.:ei t. occupied by Joky Pnyker. . . . . 1 The place has a Very fire? ;7.nrilen an d good assort. 1 ment of fruit trees. Any per , on rentflip can have the' privilege of engaging for the ensuing- seat. Posse's, 61011 given on the Ist of °ember next. • Apply at No. 5 Cominemill - now, Liberty street; sic to Wm. Taman, Smithfirialltret. , sop, 1", 1893. .... - aouscc, &C gent.. */ T HE subscriber bas opened a book to record any dwollinE house. warehouse. .store, shop, rooms or count, y farms and seats for vent. charring the ctartc. en 25 cents each record. He will keep it opeafor who wish to rent any kind of properly iOexamine,tand charge them 19. cents; end fora small compensation. will attend to renting of rrnreriv, and Ahem* wall Mods of bus!Eos between landlord and tf4leiikt: ISAAC 'HARRIS, Agent, No. 9, Fifth st- A SN'TALL CHEAP FARM FOR SALE. A SMALL Fermin Vpper St. Clair tmvnship,•t bout 4h miles from Pittsbart.h, and about 60 yards of the Washinzton turnpike, contaii:inEltii acres goal. land, well located and improved, and almost, a.llcleased end nndcr ?rood fe.ree; and will b a geed ranee .snr'ani extensive e.nrdn. - 2r. C•. L bns on it a .Tooel dwellit* lions , and barn: end is n•ell watered. -It will be •aitld low In- cinah—or part ca.') and rant rrt dit. Apply at liarii,'Ag-ctcy and Intellicrr,o Offer, or SAMUEL NEALLAND y A Good Farm for Salo or Exqbance.. AFARM of 130 acres on SurnarCrecic; Armstrong.' ccunty, 100 of which i. improved. Thii'farin W.; well watered by sprioo* and two large rarehie piss nearly thmugh it and then unite. forming sto excellent Mill Sear. 40 acres are first rate for m64:4 cr, spring crop.. and the balar,ce is gccd far fall grails. There is no waste Int a. and it is well adapted fora dais ry or for sheep, and lies yes.; well. There is on it a rood apple orchard. a s tihster. , ial hewed log house., lb l arge lc g . horn and a rood coal bark, easilvaccessibla, in good order. and the. quantity irexhansni.le. farm lies within la Miles rf Freeport, 0 mica from Kittanning , . 4Tr from a Caibolic cl-nriel, and from a Pre.hymrian ar.d S. , ceder churches It Wiltiiro sold at a har7rtin for cash cr c.rche:rgrd for a crant three stor: brick holis:i and lot 'ln l'ittAnirgh — Teel terms and nnrii , ttlars encuire at Har.-is' Geaerai 3, .7.''TICN : and rEce, or cf th , Flll-scriher on the prvniis.c.A. TE. ep '27 Freeraares Fire Brick for Sale L'ST recc.ivecl, 5000 Fre , mlan's beg Frre sp h,rPafter ftfi.J' Fo7B low for cola, 17 DIR:".II.NG may 27 No. 60 Wattq- Peach Tree. des 711 F. lohrorraer has tort received from the Nt.t; =ser: of Lardreth ar , tl Friton. rear riailadelThis a kit of the choicest variety of neat+ -sett, to which h• won'At cell the attention rf.}-e F. T. S7- - C.V.'r,F,N. No. 794 Lib. -1-1"r .1. I , emil ef'Wcw.,4 Lazarethit C-ar&an •;o' -Iv of Lairlr'n's Sct•ds a7ww...3 oD Iland and fore, at bit , of F. - SISQW7Dru, 181. Paid orWoo4, * 7- 1 , /Ow J. K. fIF.:WEESth`7, JAMES MAY