SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1843 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. CONIITTTRE TOR NOV RRRRR . James Thomposon--Josiah King—William Barker A PROTRACTED MEETING, MI commence in the Fifth Pre3byterian Church, laskiSabbath morning, and continue for two weeks. Worship three times on die Sabbath, and every t•• e tt y iseikining the meeting. The public are respect fully invited to attend. The Rev. Mr. AvEar, of Cleveland, is expected to assist tbe Pastor. et 4 CELEBRATION AT PITTSBURGH Donincruts of Allegheny county celebrated their recast *every by a grand ensertainment in Pittsburgh. The proceenfing,q must have beett very enthusiastic. Toasts Were drank and speeches made. Among the teams were a large number in favor of Mr. BUCHAN as. evideaseing a degree of popular feeling net often witafteed. '•The Hon. Fitmects R. Soutta. was al -150 fretpwedy toasted as the Democratic candidate for Governor in 1844. In reply to one of these senti melte; ` ifs'. Sauna addressed the assemblage in a speech of much .power.--Lancaster Inielligencer. tajrA bazkrupt lawfor Canada West has been in to:Arad:into the Assembly by the Hon. Mr. Baldwin. DLED:—•;OI2 Fridarnorning, Mr. M ICH /AL SMITH, in' '5Gt. year of bis age. His Funeral will take Owe this morning at 10 o'clock, from bis late residence out iltatii it, near Canal Bridge. The friends of the fainily are invited to attend without further notice. Travelling Agents Wanted. AFEW YOUNG MEN are wanted to obtain sub scriptions to Publications in the adjoining coun ties, to whom regular employment and liberal remune ration will be given. Apply at this office. a2-Iw. Money Wanted. WANTED immediately and on the best security, on mortgage on excellent property in town and country, and on good private security, if preferred, and fur differentperieds, the following PUMA. viz: $5OOO, $5009; $3OOO, $2OOO, $lOOO, $750, $5OO, r4OO, $150; $lOO. Persons hiving money to lend will find unacibM4 security. A. fair interest, and in several ea*, a gr4kremium fir money, and all in coofidence. on applying at HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Of fice, No. 9,5 th street. n 1 . Sita-ition Wanted, AS Teacher at Freach, Spanish, Greek, and the La tin. Language. The undersigned wishes to acquire a perfect knowl edge riffle EngHs's, so that the recompense looked for will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in En glish front those whom he may instruct. lie was late ly a Professor of the nksove languages in the Colleges of _Baton Rouge and St. Charles. For.a character for competency and morality, he can exhibit ktttors of tbO most respectable gentleman in New Orleans and Cincinnati. 11W'Reference in tlf.s city can be made to Rev. H. J.4..*Dcian,of St. Paul's Church. and Captain James May. PAUL EMILE THEVEAU, bl 9. Washington House, Water st. ?arms Wanted. ZEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20 „ miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis posed to sell, will please call at my office, in Smithfield street, near 4th, soon. ol6—tf DRAWING SCHOOL, Btirke'e Building, next to Merchants ancliManu jaciurers' Bank. r W. KERR would inform all these interested. • that he has opened a school at the above place, for the purpose of giving instruction in the art of Ortho grambicataud Potspeettve Drawing. Bunn:, from I to 9 P. M• u.'23-81." EXCHANGE BANK OF I. ' FFT.IiIItGII, t October 20th, /843. A Nelection fur thirteen Direcums of this Bunk, to - serve fur the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Novem ber next,between the hours of 9 A. r. and 3 r. a. ' et: i-ite THOMAS .M. HOWE, Cashier. MERCIII•STA AND MAN DIACTURADS ' BANK, / Pittsburgh, October 20. 1343. N election fur thirteen Directors of this Bank, for 111,„ this an miag year. will be held at the Banking H s ail ay, tha 20th day of November next. 924-44 W. H. DENNY, Cashier. BANN. Or PLTISBURGH., October 19, 1843. AN election for thirteen dir ec to r s of this Hank, fur the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking Rowe on Monday, the 20th day of November next JOIIN SNYDER, Ca3hler. act 20—te DR. M'LANE'S AMEIMICAN WOMS SPECIFIC. Mr. .1 .KLDD-Sin-A child of mine about 41 years old, was constantly indisposed, and of pale complex ioar but, had always a good appetite. In order to have the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Ver tnifuge of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, after which 20 or 25 large worms were expelled. I wish all Ger manswould read the above facts. The child's health is much improved. MICHAEL RIIIN. Chartier's Creek, Sept. 26 1343. 11370 r sale at the Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD. oet Corner of 4th and ‘Vood sts. Pittsbg., I'a R. M'LANE'S AMERICAN WORM SPECI FIC.—.A fresh supply of this valuable medicine for ospelling worms from the system. Parents whose ehasiren are afflicted with worms may depend on this article if given according to directions. Certificates of its efficacy can be shown to convince any person of its surprising activity any promptness in expelling worms and thus saving the lives of hundreds of children. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KI DD, • oct 31 Corner of 4th and Wood its. Pitts. DR. M'LANE'S LIVER PILLS.—This is tocer tify that a niece of mine was very ill with the Li v er'coreplaint. She purchased a box of NlcLarte's Liv eryills, took them as per directions, felt much reliev ed, used a second box, arid is nearly cured. 1 believe it swiss the Liver Pills that relieved her. I would cheer fully recommend M'Lanes Liver Pill to those persons seimee•Liver is diseased. JOSEPH 130 YD, 12 miles from Pittsburgh For gelato. the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, Oct 31.' Corner of 4th and Wood 4ts. Pitts Pirtand, BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably •oiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own ea can have it by identifying and paying expenses. July 31.--tef. SMOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her ringsjUAt received and fur sale by HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO . 43, Wood street ► ft EAS.—Received on consignment, JL 12 Chests Young Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4& " Imperial, 54 " Gunpowder. by J. G. & A, GORDON, 12 Water street FRESH TEAS, COFFEE, and ether Groceries, purchased on the best terms. for cash, just re 'Mired and for sale by W & M MITCH ELTREE, al—bedsw No. 160, Llerty street. BBBLS. HOPKIN'S EXTRA ALCOHOL, just re wired and fur sale et the Drug Store of oct 31 JONATHAN KIDD. SMITH'S NEW YORK VARNISH, No. 1. quick drying, in atore, and for sale at the DRUG WAREHOUSE of J. KIDD, oct9l Corner of 4th and Wood POST. J K. HENI)ERSON FOR SAFETY, Travellcrs• should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guar•ds for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers TT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in eve!), case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects arc equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completelyin your own power to avoid those dis asters. All boats marked thus ("1 in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with take Safety Guard. ALPS, LEXINGTON, AGNES, LANCET, AMARANTH, MENTOR, ADELAIDE, MINSTREL, ASHLAND, MARIETTA, BOSTON. MICHIGAN, BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BRUNETTE, MAJESTIC, BRPAK WATER, MUSKINGUM VAL' Y, BRIDGEWATER, MISSOURI MAIL, CADDO, MUNGO PARK, CHARLESTON, MESSENGER, C !ERG. MONTGOMERY, C.I 'TON, NORTH BEND, CUTTER, NEPTUNE, CECELIA, NARAGANSE7'T, CASPIAN, NIAGARA, CLIPPER, OSPREY, COLUMBUS, ORPHAN BOY, CLEVELAND, OHIO MAIL, COLUMBIANA, OHIO, D UQ UESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, Q UEEN of the SOUTH, EVELINE, RO WE \'A, EXPRESS MAIL. RARITAN, FORMOSA. SARAH ANN, FORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVANNA. GEN'L BROOK, ST. CHARLES, GALLANT, ST. LOUIS, IDA, 7'ALLE YRA ND, INDIAN QUEEN. TOBACCO PLANT, 'IC TRESS, J. H. BILLS, VALLEY FORGE, JEWESS, W! ST WIND. JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, LADY OF LYONS, WHITE CLOUD, BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE LOOK IN AT SOU OYER'S, Corner of Wood and Water es, * WHERE ns choice an assortment of ready made v clothioe, cloths, cassimeres, rot:Melts, vestings, flannel shirts. drawers, cotton. A ntro!a nod lamb's wool hose and half hose. silk and gingham cravats, hdki- , , stocks, and in short, n little of everything adapted to the use of gentlemen. all of which purchasers will ti , el made up, and also made to order in the latest and most improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himself, will successfully compete with auy establishment west of the mountains. flaying made arrangements in the eastern citier, he will be constantly receiving accessions to his already well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call, then, i rpm wish to furnish yourself with choice articles. aiP Good and yet Cheap, for Cash. ! Remember the pluce--corner of Iv 00a and Water streets. 026-3 m Wai.PEAcocK, M. BLlss, PEACOCK A BLISS, GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting . Establishment, SMITHFIELD STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TEMPERANCE HALL. 17%7 -H 01. E: 01 R , d E rs a r ll ri k p i t t i i n d n s s o f ra c u n t, br plainnrrainifid P re ar i ven g ' i te as : sonable prices, together with a great variety of spkodid cut glass, window lights for steamboats, ptitrate houses and churches, wholesale mut retail. Persons wanting any of the above articles, will do well to call and examine for themselves, before purchm sin.. elsewhere. B. Watch and Time piece Gla,,ses always on hand. 025-3 m. WESTERN EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE, No. 9, MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. VYSTERS and other refnlshments,will he served up ia C'r'ud order. Naineit Oysters raw,fried,stewed, and on chafing. dishes. Ai,o, IN THI:511/.1_ r. at thestand, or roasted, a 4 foam a; th a season is su(lieieotl) advan ced fur their safe transportation. THE hItotRL ETOR is determined that this esta!,lish ment (which is the old oyster depot) shalt maintain its reputation for the good quality of his ALE, LI QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel ers or citizens may require. Oct 18-13 m„ New Fall and Winter Goods. HAMPTON & SMITH, No. 112 WOOD STREET, ARE now opening and offer for sale a very large and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods, consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth, broad cloths of every color, cassitaeres, satti netts, jeans, kerseys, linsevs, flannels, belies, bleached and brown cottons, drill.. ticks. Al pacca lustres black and colored, plain and printed merinos, mouslin de lains, Irish li nens, Mat tioni ancl aher silk A, ribbons, laces, cainbries, muslins, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing silks, spool and skein threads. &c., &c.. together with an assortment of carpets, runs floor cloths, &c , all of which we are able to sell as cheap as goods can now be bought in any market, tail or west.. sep 21—tf Lippincott Mills. THE subscriber having purchased and thoroughly repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all the different kinds of Nails, Spikes and tirades, etc.,— made from the best quality of Juniata Blooms, and as soon as the necessary additions can be made to the machinery, be will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94. Firststreet near Wood, or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly attended to. JAMES ANDERSON. sop 29-3 m NEW GROCERY STORE. ;TACT LLOTD,JR.... ...... A. G. REINHART LLOYD & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Gancaas Asa Cox xiastoa MERCFIANTS, No. 140 Liberty street, a few doors above St. Clair street. ri p Where families can at all times be supplied with good Goods at fain prices. oct 427. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and 6th sts., Pittsbargit, IS ready to receive menchandize of every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MOXDA Ts and TEURSDATS, ofDry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. nugl.9.—y Dressing Duress, SeLI, Watches & musical Instruments - AT AUCTION. AT Davis' Commercial Auction Roonts,cotner Wood and Fifth streets, thisßvening, Saturday. Novem ber 4tb, as 7 o'clock, will be sold on:account nrii3 at the risk of a former purchaser. 1 cornet. with case. At the same :ime. 2 supetitu violins, 1 French born. 1 bass do, 1 trombone, 1 Kent bugle, 4 flutes, 1 clarinnett. A large lotbf piano and other mnsic, the latest pub lication. At 8 o'clock precisely, fur cash par money, 1 mahogany dressing bureau with glass, 1 patent lever watch, 1 imitation do do, 1: rifle, Lancaster m•ke, a splendid article. 1 mantel clock. The above articles can be seen this "day. n 4 J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. AT 1 RIVATE SALE AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction ROOlll9, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as- sortment ofDR Y GOODS, recently purchased in the 'east fur cash, and which will be sold at a small ad vance on Easternprices, for currency or approved en dorsed notes. The assortment conaistsin part of 20 pieces wool dyed blue black air; 15 " super. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 super. Beaver cloths; 5 " pilot cloths; 40 " rassinetts, assorted colors; some very fine; 50 flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20 " English merino, assorted colors; 100 all wool blanket shawls; 200 cotton plaid shawls; 1,000 doz. spool cotton, all colors; 100 pieoter bleached and brown muslins, and a great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Gond. House.. ir,L7' Alan, nn ;154ortment of bont=, shoes, and hats, which will all be sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the East. Rept 23. Young Upson Tea. cH . ESTS. half chests and boxes Young 14 211/1/ Yen, ofgood quality, just received. and fur sale low for cash. JOHN D. DAVIS, oil. corner of Wood and Fifth au. Teas. Leather szA Mustard. RECEIVED on consignment, andfor sale by JOHN D. DAVIS, at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth street -100 Chests, Half Chests, arid Basel of Voting I lyson Teas, fresh importatiom; 3000 11. s. Sole Tmather: 50 Kegs best Philadelphia Mustard. A 60, 100 Reams Crown Wrapping Paper; All of which ss ill be sold low fur Ca.rdi, or City accep trumes. oct 91. Q SH %HES Allugh,iny Bridge Stock, at pri • L ) vase sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, sop 11. Corer of Wood and Fifth streets. GROUND NUTS.—.lu:t rec,iv,A from Philadel phia. on coard;ainont, lOU bushels African ground init. , . which will he sold in lota to quit purcha sers, y JOHN D DAVIS, 111 c.cnrr `1 mg.l nod Fifth strci-t... JCST RECEIVED and for sale Ly %V M. T 11011 N, No. 53, Market street. 500lbe. pure palm soup in the bar, 600 " " " is casks, 100 " •ariezated soup. 50 wititeCastile, (wily lot in mar'. et) 100 " al cnon , l sininp, in f lb. casks, 50d a. shaving soap, 10 66 Glenn's rose ,pernaectti soup. fir chapped hands rind tlir softening the skin. The subscriber has (la had a larger assortment of the above articles than any other establishment in this city, and is also receiving a large supply afresh drugs, &c. . THORN, oet 7 No. 53, Market street. f TER-27 Kegs. 5 Barrels We:tern Besene. Dairy Butter, just received and for sale by HAI I.NI AN, JENNINGS &Co. rep n f 43 Wood st JUST RECEIVED and for sale on conii;nmezTt, 7 hlids bacon. 7 hhds sugar, Can be !teen atthe store ofJacob Painter& Co. 'nig 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. ARIT !NO DESK AND COeNTER for xale lou try LLOYD & Co. Oct 27. 140 Liberty street. HHDS. N. 0. SUGAR. just receirerl, and for sole by . J. G. & A GORDON. 027. 5A BOXES CHOCOLATE, vlO do Gro. Pepwr, 3 do Allspice ; together with Mustard, Ginter and Cocoa, will be sold very low to clote siLrnment, by HAI I,NI AN, JE.NINGS &CO. 018. 43. Wood :greet. 200 BAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE, for sale l HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. oct 18. 43, Wood orect. ORANGES. LEMONS, &c. T UST received.—Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Al monds, Filberts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, (Af rican) Cocoa Nuts and Cranberries. LtOYD h CO. oct 31. /90 Liberty street. 400LB.GARRIT & SON'S SCOTCH SNUFF, jug received and for sale by JONATHAN KIDD, Corner 4th end Woocists. Piits BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, for sale bY A. BEELEN. e5--if COFFEE, TEA, &c, a,.. 25ntBAGS best quality Rio green coffin kJ 150 packages Tea, various qualities, part prime, 20 boxes loaf end lump Sugar, New Orleans Sndmr, in hhds and bbls. No. 2 and 3 Maclarol, in bbls and half bbls. En store arid for sale on accommodating terms, by R. GA hwAy, No. 4. Cnmi Row. n-ar mnal. MACKEREL. -16 Bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, jos received andfor sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. sep 8. 43 Wood et. T OB ACC 0.-1 °boxes Burtat's 5 b lump tobacco; 25 do Russell & Robinson do 5 .- do Hate's do 10 do assorted sizes and kends, just received and for sale by HAILMAN, lENNINGS dr, CO. mug 9 43, Wood scrims BtAR S IS, dressed and undressed, just receiv ed ariti ferule by A. BEEItN. 05-tf • %~i c: ' uu.r-st atiatirs, immures amain, CORNNR OP WOOD ♦ND THIRD NTS SPECIE STANDARD. Mercian/4 and Meoufacturcri Scrip.... Ezckange Bank Scrip Currency Erie Bank Scrip EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. On Philadelphia New' York Boston. .. Baltimore SPECIE Gold Par gitilogr par PENNSYLVANIA.—PITfiBURGIL Bask of Pitter,srgk -per Merciwitts and Manufacturers' bank par 41 R.rekanDo . ' . ge Hollidaysburgh pear PHILADELPHIA.. Bask of Nortk America Do Northern Liberties pay Do Pennsylvania ... .. • ..par Commercial Bank of Penney/mania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank Kensington bank -Par Manufacturecira Mechanics' Par Mechanics . .. par Moya moiling Pcir Philadelphia bank Par Schuylkill " Par Southwark " Western Bank of Penn Totemhip.. Girard bank U. S. bank and branches COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantenrn ........ par " Chester county .... .... par " Delaware county ...... ......par " Montgomery county .... . ...... . ....par " Northumberland par Farmers' bank of Rucks oo'anty par Eastonbank ...... . ......... .......... ..... par Doylestown bank Franklin bank of Waskingtos 1 Bank of Cbausbersburgk.- .......... ........ .2 " Middletown .... .... 2 2 1 ..Gettysburg - h....—. " Lewistown . ... 21 " Soup ehanna county—. Be rkscounty bank............ ....75 Columbia Bank and Bridge Company 13 Carlisle bank li Erie bank .. . Farmers and Drovers' /tank 1 • " Dank of Lancaster 1 " Bank of Reading I Har`risbstrr bank • ... . Honesdale II 24 Lancaster " 2 Lancaster co. " LeSattost le Miners bank of Pottsville 2 4 Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1 New MOO and Delaware Bridge ernoepany..:..lo Northampton bank sale Towanda bank ....115 Wyoming' bank ....... ..... ..... ......3 West Branch hank York bank .. _ . .... .... ..... 24 OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairaville 14 Clinton bank of Coln,r.bus 1,4 Coln ',bins.% bank of New Lisbon.... .... ...... 14 Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) 14 ( Warren, cashier).... .... sale Cinrinn , li banks 11 Chillicothe bank ... . .... 14 Commercial bank of Lake Erie........ 20 Dayton tank 14 Franklin bank of Col Km.lma . . . . . . . .. . . . . .14 Farmers' and Mechanics bank of Steubenville.. Li Farmers' Lank of Canton Oranea ... Granrille Hamilton. Lancaster Marietta'. Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mount Pleasant .. ............. ...... 1 ,Vlrtralk Putnam . 1 Ba/sett/ay....1 Se!.olo 25 f*rhana 45 Wooster 1 Xenia Zanesville INDIANA. Sidle bank find branches . Slate Sr sir 20 KENTUCKY AU banks 1. ILLINOIS Slate bank SO Bank of Illinois, Shurrnectoson .60 V111.C;INIA. Bank of /he Valley of Virginia 11 Bank •!,. Virginia Exchan7 , hank of Virginia Par'olerg . ;wok o f eirginia I North- Western bet . nk of Virzini4 Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia .. Branches .......... MARYLAND .Ra/tinto re City banks.. .. par All other solvent banks . ....... . I NORTH CAROLINA: All solvent banks.... .. SOUTH CAROLINA All solvent hanks.. ....... GEORGI A. All solvent batiks ........... AL ALAMA Mobile banks . Country banks ................ LOUISIANA. Ness Orleans banks (road) ..... TENNESSEE. nom £ND nal PRINTING OFFICE, K. w. comma or WOOD h. 71,7111 STI The proprietors of the Monsixe, POST and MER CURY ♦:(D MlNarscrearn respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well ehosen assortment of arorsomps TlillirpE ej AVD aaa Velria atatiaaaaale Necessary to a Job Printing Office, arid that they Vs prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards Handbills. Blank Cheeks, Hat Tips. Xll. thaw cC Stage, Steassboot and Canal Boat Bilk, with, op propeitste cues, Printed cm the shortest notice and moat reaeonable terms. Wo.roupootfult, oaf' litekAtronste of oar friends and the public tok pied in tint branokt of our business. July 31,1843• PIMLIPS & SMITH. To Printers. WE h a ve ?waived, and will lemafter keep COD. stair* CO heed, a full supply of Printing Ink. in large and smell kap, which we Will be able to ma cheaper than it has herstefose iMen sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cult (vi ALL nuns) will be Muceptly attended to. PHILLIPS & SMITH, ott 10-tf 01lee of the Post ard Mannfaettuer estirstuo, 4mittor i • •AGENT'Slisisili Me:thetas' Te l esspercia Com patty collimated of the Merchants' Lete L E;iie Canal; Wraihiegton, Line. Hunter, Palmer-WOW; Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Prtiiirie. tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. ....I . THE canal packet ERIE, J. U. Shaw,magoess. with= as regular tri weekly packet between tiro above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn. lag, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. • • 1843. 11 4 4 , ARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGES AND RAIL ROAD CARS. from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia connecting with the Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night otit. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood et. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. par par .. • - • -Par NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASHIROTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NOV YORK. THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co', to all the above places: Trav elers will find ibis a speedy and comfortable route, It being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct ur taking one nights teat at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, President of N. R. Stage Co. amnia? Packets, far Cincinnati. t ai l ;m ai The Svriftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. re. The Cutter, Collins, Master, loaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. tn. The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson,.Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRNIINGH A M & CO., may 29 Agents. Salted States Portable. Boat Line Depot CA. McANULTY very respectfully informs his • friends and the public, that he has made crrange ments to continue th e agency of the boats forming the U. S. Portab le Boat Line, at the large new Warehouse, CORNER OF I AND LIBERTY seltzers. Canal Basin, where goods a will be received and forwarded and on the m0..4 favorable terms,with usual despatch, td Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Yolk or Bottom THOMAS BORBIDGE, Ageni, 272 Market st., Philadelphia. • MOORE & CHASE, Agents. 75 Bond •'s Wharf, Baltimore. Rcpt. 4 3m. .....20 H. Devine respectfully informs his &Al& and the public, that he still continues in the Transporting business, and that he Iras removed the °Mee or tho U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 43 Waier stireeirmet door below Lewis Hutchinson, where be will receive end forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. H. DEVINE. Dissolution of artneisship. THE Partnership heretofore existing under the 5 rrn of Dicw.gir sitd AtEXANDEIt, is this day dimsol ved by mutual consent: JAMES DICKEY, Pepe. 1,18.1 a. WM. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, thistly still continues in the Transpor tation Basineas, at his Warehouse, con:qr it or Limit- IT arra WAYNE EtRIULTS, Canal Basin, ander the name of the "Ilsclepostlent Portable Boat Line,' *we he will receive and forward freight to the East at ihsaeWeatartns sept. irGAINS ! 1141trad.LNS ! B.A.R.GAINSII ! All aorta of tioehiag arelWearing apparel. Phase tall atNo. 151 Liberty tyl steekaorl eles ice yorassivie. ear 7. eCLOSISEY. , INOUHAM & CO., RIP.= TO Wilde & Bosworth, No. 9, Coatteas Slip, Y R. Hunter &. Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston: Hunter, Paltrier & Co., Baftulo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon John M. Allen, ? Clo‘elood. Charloa M. Mailings, J. S. Dicky, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., PittAlangia. ap 1 194.1.-Iy. aCIIVOT and Warden Packet. The Great Central Beate Via National Road and Baltimore and Ma Rail Road Company • r 7 " - ' 2 7 I, ML, • :=A! _ ALLEN KRAMER, Erekerige J3roker, -ko: 46, Corner of Wood an Phird streets, Pit' isbatrg Pa. Gold. Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on tle Eastern cities, for sale: Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFERESCI3 IVm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., i Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bron.on &Co. ) John H Brown &Co. Philadelphia , James WCandless. Cincinnati. 0. .1. R. WDonald. ) St. Louie, Mo, W.ll. Popo, Esq., Preet Bank Ky: Louisville Removal. D CAWFIELDhas removed his marble Estul, . lishment to Wood at. Opposite Fahnestock's thug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19-Iyr J. W. Surbridge & , 0., AGENTS for the sale of BEAI T r's Powder, Water street. between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. oct 5 li t SAMUEL 'MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17, Fifth sireet, between Wood an.d Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand, the following articles:: shovels, poker , tongs, gridirons, skillets, teakettles, pots, oven s, coffee mills, Sr.c. bier chants and others am invited to call and examine for bemselves, as he is determined to sell cheap forcash or approved paper. mar7—tf Dissolution of PartneiShip. THE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine& Al'Anulty. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. Devine is to coliret all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims Gin:it:acted fur the concern up to this date. H. DEVINE. • C. A. WANULT Y. Pittsburgh, Sept, 1.-1843. . • o. .12 in the borough of LiwrogoevelL - two nu les front the city of Pittsburgh, and aka kaime., The above property will be sold ata bergaic fdr or exchanged for store good 3to suit the Potties. roe particulars please apply at HARRIS' Agenby *Mt Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth st. FARMS FO SALE AND RENT.—Aboat 15 firms, and farms with mills, fix Ws cm ribo' commodatiag terms. Several farms 'salmi teteetby good farmers. -Persons wbo ebb farms or hare them to rent will please a pp ly at ILARNIwi Genera! Agency rind latelligeneeoGee; No. 11, Stb at. THE subscriber offers for sale, on ace ontCsidaitn:l4' terms, a valuable lot in the city wlt A lsi V . fronting 71 9-12 feet on the East ncring on Gay alley, 90 feet deep, c C m ° l l: rit ea L a neat and commodious three story bri& 4.414 house, as alsn two neat and well finished two Italy frame dwelling heases. Application to be en& 111 1 the undersigned,att his father's residence, ea ashisse. street, Allegheny, wham be will remain - toe efebt ar4-. ten days. WM. 8. FOSTER, ,r 4 n2-6t LANDS FOR SAUL r t FARMS of improved land in Bede; i.e„l Beaver counties, to suit purehisserg la ta a, high stated cultivation. 2 Farms in Ann styvng oounty, near nevem 1Q acres cleared; 15b bearing fruit trees, S Writ 7 5.7. c. For particular., enquire tatty Ace, Sinithiddi" near 4th street. oct 30--dtt J. K. HERDritSbil: 68 , AC: II E, , be S 0 60 F a V a A b L a tlA ii T i imitlito .uit Dili purchasers. The land lies in Tyler mei AAA,* Co's., Virriniar—ond CtiA ROF ALL I 7 COSIRRARRIIB.. For particulars inquire of the anbactibers.ifbvhinef/ post paid, LLOYD &CO.. oct 10 110 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. Two Farms FOP fiat, TWO good Farms on the Loyalhtttina i lt creek, Westmoreland county, shout 9 miles from Oreensburg, on the main road to vile, 8 miles from it, and abort Smiles from tleniotosc town, care tnilefrum a brick Catholic Church *ad me miles from a Presb : ,redan Church, viz! Na.UPC acres and allowances, from 150 to 160 acres cleared and under fence, has on it a log house. log barn,• No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining the above. 75 to 100 acres cleared and under fence, a good frame house and also ft mina shade and rorn crib and a stone ming house, ell in good order. The above will be sold at a fair priee for cash and payments made to swx'zits i or exchanged for reopen,' in Pittsburgh er For further particularsenqnfre at Harris' GeserillAgeri cy and Intelligence °Mee, No, 9, sth st., 610 ghalding Lots For Oa* fIHE undersigned is autbmited to set' a sikasheF of 1 lots beautifully situated in Aaron Iderfalstan lot, on "Grove 'Hill." The mphd impto/reitient dad extension of the cite in the vicinity of siss , a. lots MLitt greatly increase their value in a very short Period.— claims against the estate, properly aluthshlticistaldi Mill be received in part payment. GEO. COCHRAN, Exclaims; 116. 26, Wooctinieit: o 164 w A TWO STORY brick house, suifatbie foir It dwelling and Grocery, situate on the'tdinet or Fifth and Union strew. Po...session given iinetilidi Enquire of 01 1: JAM]S MAY. • Bnilding Lit* in BirminghaM., ' 13LOTS, suitable for building, most ell b7yy tits 'sated, and within two minutes' Walk if WI steam frrry boat landing, will be sold at priceslo suit the times. The terms of payment will be made isuyi either for cash or such barter as.can be inane, Apply to the subscriber: in .11;nUipgivain, stir Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry career, Pittsburgh-. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON; git. Lots foi Salt. LOLA in 141anchester. One and a fourth Aces Lit Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52,,53.54 181, 182, andlB4, in Cook's plan of Lots, at► Helmts, Hill. Also, Lots ncrs. 26; and 27, in Cook's plgn of Lodi on High street, near thenew Court l 4 ae. Felt Wring apply to Z. W. REMINGTON sep 10 For Sale. T J OTS on the North East corner of Coal tine ilinA Hi;h street. Allots , en 11ENJAMIN sep 10 Market near Four* titreet. For Vent . . • /11.4 That COTTAGE, eitpatect in the toraurit or Lawrenceville, at present occupied i trz SO Paticer. The place has a very fine garden and geed:amerto ment of Fruit treee. Any person renting ern him*, privilege of engaging' for the ensuing Sit: Poi sion Riven cm the Ict of Oetrher next. . Apply at No: 5 Crorritercial now, Liberty meets yr to Wrh. Taraart, Sinithf:e!d atrret: ',c.f . +. 1, 1843. Pittsburgh, Pa iroitoes, &c., For Heat THE subscriber has opened a book to recortoof dwellinglouse, warehouse, *tote, *bop, dooms or country farms and seats for rent, charging the ow" en 25 cents each record. He will keepit open for who wish to rent any kind of property to etrandoe, charge thein 194 cents; and for a sontllcontrast will attend to renting-all kinds of property, and awed to all kinds of business between landlord and taunt. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, 'No. 9, Fifth O. A SMALL CHEAP FARM FORSALE. ASMALL Farm in Upper St. Clair icrwaship, bout 4i miles from pi ttsb urgh, and about 60 war of the Washington turnpike, containing screepoi land, well located and improved, and almost allelestesi and under good fence; and will be a good place, for an extensive eardner. &... It has on it a good dwelling honse and barn and is well watered. It will be sold low for cash—or part cash and part credit. Apply at Harrls'Agenty and Intelligence Office. or S.4MUEL !sTEALLAND. Good . Penn far Sale or Exchange. A FARM of 130 acres on Sugar Creek, Arrastrotrg county, 100 of which is improved. This farm fir well watered by springs and two large rtms whir= nearly through it and then unite. formingaa Mill Seat. 40 acre* are first rate for meadow at spring crops, and the balance is good for fall graie..... There is no Waif.) ltrmi, and it is well adapted fora dai. - ry or for sheep, and lies very well. There is on ha good apple orchard. a substantial hewed log &rote, a large log barn and a good coal bank, easily accessible, in good order, and the quantity inexhaustible. - Tido farm lies within 13 miles of Freeport, 9 miles-hem Kittanning, 4 miles from a Catholic chapel, and 2 miles from a Presbyterian and Seceder churches. Is *lO fai sold at a ',amain for cash r.r esekeitrut fbr a good three !tory brick house and lot in Pftrishergh. Fee terms and particulars enquire at fl.arris Cent* gency and Intelligence office, or of the Pub..eribeicw the premises. S. J. Winn: : sep 27 Freeman's Fire ik for Bale. JUST received, s'ooo Freeman's best Fir* "kW which will hereafter be kept constaanly - ter bawl and sold lew far daub, by BIRMINGHAM &Co: may 27 No, 86•Witte", Peach Tree*. • T 1-1 E tubscriber has .ituit received &via =eery of Landreth and Fulton, neat a lot of the cluicest taziet y of peachummei v would cal the axteatiou of the public. F. SNO*l:lo. c , No. l&4 lelenyee,head eflimate LandzettesChizikfakiliiiir, . A fon supply of Londrettes Gorden Seeds always en band and &reek, at biitseaq, tKt 15fffi'vesto tf. • FA.' Snuvrvel6 , itt "f2. l _`;Art: , ifr., heat Wood. Bimd3= to be Visa. TO LET.