• boutdinectly on thewhale before he, spoke to Ccffiin; and when he did speeds he cried in a loud and 'harsh Seim, 'Come aft here, yea Catlin—shiver you! come eitN.., But Coffin did net move quick enough for him; and. Aikringing into the head, he caught up the boat eteerer„,and, after throwing him headlong inty the stern, spud the irons, and buried them up to the sock ets in the, body of the whale. The wounded animal gave one bound, and completely cleared the wave, fall ing back 'kith a tremendous splash into the boiling teethe then rsn a sheet distance to windward, and hove p*lzeltyeed. hisjaws and Bakes in such a terrific meiLkhr. andconiinued the eiertions so long. that the boat cult' not ap roach trim. At length, ha lay atill open thavrater, as if exhausted and worn out by the - violente of his motions. B this:time Swi had come up, and the sutrbeard boat file ttot far behind.. The' twer Officers commenced the o n set:bat, before tholliot--gtithillaart of the fish.. he began to run spin; • he,diteet t Sussey's boat about two miles, directly to windward", and then hove to, and commenced thrash ing the • ayes with his flukes, and snapping his jaws with inconceivable fury. The three boats kept a. rea l:tort:lde distance until he got quiet again. wetter hid he relaxed his exertions, than Mr. I gpsier, w et his beat up to him, and darted his WIC°. He writcd a little, and sunk slowly under wa ter, lamenzergeddirectly under Swain's boat with ex panded jaws, In a moment, the boat was observed to bqie doe mouth of the whale. his lower jaw towering opeatte side, and his junk standing against the other. . 4 s... ;itke. care, Mr. Swain!' cried the captain , but iu paint.dee loud crash, and one scream of agony. an nounced the cazastrope. The whale sunk, and blood, knew* blood. crimsoned the wave! First, Struituck was seen buffetting the red billow, attaletruggling amid the pieces of the broken boat; then the bowman came up, gasping for breath; and. after the lapse of a few monteuts, Mr. Swain shot out of the wa tegseveral feet, and then lay motionless on the water. tiO.bloodeoeing from his temples. The remainder of the boat's craw were never seen more. Hussey add the captain haatened to due relief .of the three survivors; hut suddenly the whalo presentedround him self between the boat and the sufferer'. 'Pull the whale!' cried the captain. But that was not so ea sily' done,for the enraged animal now assailed Mr. Hosiejt's boat, -ands ere the danger could be avoided, be seised the frail craft with his jaws, and groued it to *Om& The principle part of the boat's crew jumped estrerboani in good time, but Mr. Homey was observed Waggling in dm water with blood gushing from his nostrils, eyes, and ears. He turned his face towards the ,captain —his eyes glared like a meteor—he intuited out his hands, gave one loud yell, and sunk' forever! His bowman was never seen after the des atelier:id-the beet, but the remaining form were ta ken intotbe captain's boat unhurt, with Mr. Swain. his bowman, and Starbuck . The ship was about two miles to Utev;arci. A. little breeze filled her sails, and the oaptairt hoped to reach her in tinfoil with his des ponding teen. oasis leas badly wounded, and faint (min loss of biood~ Jeststatheswiterners had been taken io. and dis posed to advamage, ogle arthe mon excluicned— nrseiscornes the whale again!' nit captain turned, and beheld the fierce animal driiing• 'sadly at the boat. - Ere be could give any direction, the whale struck tlseboat with.bisjaw, dashed her all to pieces, and kiiledtxvo men, viz: Inott and Gardner, the captain's bidassaserer. sow,- all the survivors of the bouts' crews aro lying atthe mercy of the waves, on oars. pieces of the stove boats, and whatever floating articles they can procure. Ms.:Swain was placed on a slight raft, and assisted by two Man. The day was far spent, and all bands ans. ionsty waited the approach of the ship, when, to their surprise and consternation, they saw that the ship was lying with the maintopsail aback, and no attempt made to pet her about. 'Oh Biddy! Biddy!' cried the captain. 'but for you, we might he saved; now all hope is madness." 'Not so!' vied Swain's bowman. who wasa N antock- I et tad by the name of Joseph Bernard, 't so, sir, to the shin, and show that uncempoop how to:l*W to windward,'—liernard left the fregments of boards and oars, and struck off tnwarcla the ship. :Was!' said the captain, 'he will never reach the ship; night is coming on, and we shal all perish.' 'Despair not,' said the suffering Swai n . 'Barnard whet yet undertook anything withou sucess he will reach the ship, but he has a long di,ta.noe to swim. and night will set in before the ship reaches as.' The ship continued lying aback. The silly wretch who had' been entrusted with the ship did not possess sufficient sagacity to put her abour, and eleven men would evidently have perished, but for the intrepidity ersaiesseph Bernard, who swam two miles, reached the shy in safety, and put her ab.ut. Ete the ship reached the tragical spot, four men had, one by one, become exhausted. and yielded to their fate- This remaining six were to M ken on boar ck d the ship. con- ud silting of Captain Coffin, r. Starbu, Cape C man: and two Nantucket boys. 'The Cape Cod man died in one of a b fter ow hisin re turn to the ship. r. Swain was taken el a very exhausted state; and the other survivors were *nicely able to work the ship. THE CASE OF MURDER AND ARSON. .0111 r readers are already in possession of the princi- Pigakteils of this case. A young gentlemen by the mane of Mesch called on the Coroner yesterdhalf- ay, and interrinea him that. on Sunday int,tning, at past title o'clock,he, in company with t wo"'irther young men, came through Broome street, from the Bowery to Broadway, and when on the corner mur oof Broadway an h d Broome street, they heard the cry f der. Ted- y immediately ran down, and found that the cry procee from the house of Leitzer, 466 oa two men in dway. Th theey went aud found the' w a nd room trerrelling. The woman was e ndeavoring to keep ow:of the men from going out. She appeared to beintoricated. The young man went out and found d a fin, who refused to interfere, saying that he ha no right to enter the house. He then returned to the house, bathe was ejected by the twr men, and the door was flurtened so that they could not get in. Hponsscertaining these facts, the Coroner applied toJustice 51tusell, and officers Kellinger and Barber were despatched for it man named Karl H. Koh!rausch, whom they brought in during the aft..rnoon. It appears Chet Leiner mu:mooted business at 466 Broadway. in the name Kohlntwch, and that an insurance for $6OO had recently been ohtained on the contents of the shop. Kelslrausch was, after midnight on Saturday night, at 'porter house, No. 534 Pearl street, playing dominoes with Leitter. and accornpaniedltim home to 466 Broad way. These circumstances inducede th de s aand im prisonment of Kohlrausch, as party to horrible outra ge ,—Nett York Situ. A FATSIER MURDEV.EI) BY HIS SON.-011 o n ta e the ay week, a fearful tragedy occurred at Westbrook. on Conoccticut river. A letter to the New Haven Cour ier states that Mr. John Stannard, jr.. a wealthy and highly respectable farmer in that town, about fifty years of age, who has a wife tind two children. was sox! bliben• ezely shot while at the supper table, by his The family were thus occupied, when Alpheus Sten nis:v.l, &trout 24 years nfoge, went into his chamber som what abruptly, and, as he sulvequently appeared, load ed his gun. John, they ounger son, expressed some apprehendous to the father, and said he was fearful Alpheus was teiout to do sotnething wrong. perhaps boot tome one. When be came down stairs with the gun in his hand, John left the room. The father rose from tha table and approached him with some mole lattice' of s ur . mise, apparently fur the purpose of seizing the weapon. Alpheus immediately levelled the keuand Hugh father directly in the breast, this ball passing comiag out at his back. Ho lived until midnight, when he expired in excruciating agony. The son seemed quite unconscious of the tragedy in which he had been engaged, and although he has Dever %Kota suspected of insanity, yet in this murderous act bo bus exhibited such evidences of it. that he is to be • ittsons*Woly ao the Retreat at Hartford. sasv suiPlnow father was an estimable man, and Tbe. 00,111100111kitieb prompted th is murderous deed re. • mow IMiwevutiOs mystery to all except Omnipotence. , . - • 4.0 WOO WQOLEti GO9DS, Tesktitig 1" s ices to prevent Oleut aa doe &mallow* in &Mee isecisonl spot* beim sveliaMPlA•4llMfore Mal fisedso as soon wejsplattitidesifike-,Pecoma m i ld be Milers AU aleieliptkoni ilkqedobl ui gaulls m i ldiniebbi Xety ariAar, *nth soap, and es dig *tide is tlaansad, imam*. it in cold waists )atit iitt lfe vrini salmi up to al. • FOR PRE& . . ' The- g is ummea signaks do follesurbsg sow4S NEPSAL DUSTING. gestielosa WWI 01:110101:0d la Cwassages 00 0001140 1 1 1 4, 1 . . 'b rg a an d Tee pee• with the friends of des cause in the ' stmotkOß JAS. BUCHANAN, fitmormiththatee"edmitowadtditi:nort-ellilt b i lete r. y, Clay. ' ile°Delusi" 19- vi. able meetingolfutttia friend; :f -Irelinti, eseemblesi, 'et and and oast their aid, eilll4lllllle fermi* ...- Subject cello decision of , Tempenumse Hall, on Tuesday evening lag. A few don disparate anonflatioae. or Ilse offends' THE moloc "Antims"" hoes ad" to &mi ll bletw m e attach' minutes alter 7 o'clock, the meeting wasaailleal to or. to title Awl:Wien, 'rig Messrs. A. Bake, James ----------------------------L------- tient to their ptinciples andiadhesioa to Hatt itT CLA.T. by ANDREW BURKE, E.q., President, of the tutsce May, Alder Brac.kwaridips, Luke TaafEe and Joint li,. . eia The Whigs offer us no chance of co-operation, except station,—assisted by Capt. JA acs MAT and Dr. U. Cosgrove: I)e oath) ,illorii llll 4 Vos • t' on condition that we support the Ex-Grand Master. filcMsa.t., Vice Presidents, and Janus P. g am The following named pereons came forward, joined That trauma cannot do so with the least political acting as Stscreusry. • the AslloCleti3l:l, and contributed the respective sums PHILLIPS sr. stetett, EDITOM AND ?Bora tsrotts. Consistency we think must be clearly evident to every. After the minutes of the last meeting bad been read well balanced mind, even taking the extract of a let-set opposite their uatnes: by uw" - Secretary, :11 r. Boost Reg rose and said, Th at' D aniel McGlene, Ireland, $l,OO ter we give to day as a criterion by wt icl e t to _trudgeCarlow, o having, Most unexpectedly to himself, and altoget h er ! John Farrell' of his Anntnasonry. • • • Thomas ItlcGiven, Kilkenny unsolicited by him, been called to preside over the as- . "It is. then, clear after giving him all the advantage . Hugh McGiven, " ation of the &lauds of Ireland in this city, it was, I of this extract, which is only given of the authority James NlcKelvy, Donegal, ex acted of him, that be should on the pres- ' 1 John McKelvy; of the Advocate.that satin:mons cannot support. HENRY perha ps,ent . P occasion, express what he understood to be the ob- Cuts for the Presidency." jests of the auociation, and the means by which it was i .. Dennis McKelvy, These tosses: may be salficienyto deter gernrine proposed to advance those objects. He stated that on I, Dennis Catgut. Astimasons from supporting the agx-Grand Master," the occasion of their recent election of officers he was I Wm. B. McConlogue, '' but it is quite a dialog thing with the editor of the absent from the city; and it was net until his rot- I Jelin Coulehan, K ings Cu., I Eel Dunn,East Meath, turn, some days after, that he first heard of the c o rn-' ]'•'• • Gillette. Ile. it is. known, is a mason. lie attemp- omen ,. that bad been paii iiim. Immediate l y on its Francis Dunn, led to become an antimasonic oracle without even being communicated to him, however, he had drawn up I M . Rattig*l4 Longford, 1 Thos. War d," renouncing his allegiance to the Lodge, and now that a note respectfully asking to be excused frnm the per- , . • 1 Arthur Tiernan, Latnm, he has destroyed the antireasonic organization in this formauneofdutiesto which be was, perhapainadequatet t I ' James Swords,Kings Co •, declining an honor which be felt might far more I , rigs county, why can he not go back to his old associates Worthily have been conferred on mang other gentlemen with much mutt consistency than ha could assume the friendly to the cause, and possessed of much more ex- I, Jas. i h lki m cL ,, a N r i en sn , u D i Deny, editorial control of a paper that navocated the des- , penance and influeuce than he could boast of. Ho P. fDeviin', Etown' n' truction of a society of which be was a member? Since I yielded, however . , his o w 474, &selings and his own he concen. I 1 James Brady, Cavan, his a.ntimasonic speculation bas failed, we think it very knee to the 3°.liettatiet gen tlemen, whom hem knew 1 Ewd. Lawlor, Kilkenny - , to feel a deep interest in,and a devote dattachment to, natural that the editor of the Gamete should go back the interesting cause. in behalf of which the sympathy P. Delany, Tyrone, to the Lodge, and we would not be surprised to hear I and aid of this conamenity are now invoked. James Brannen, Monaghan, P. Cahill. Kilkenny, him commending himself to a renewal of its favors, Mr. Burke then briefly alluded to the history of Ire. Francis Marron, Monaghan, land, from the pe riod of the second Henry to the pros by setting forth the effectual manner in which he broke e , , , • d ' tilt' Jas. Trainor. Cavan, nt ume; watch he describe as an uninterrupte Istory upthe tatimasortic party in Allegheny county. John MeGuirk Tyrone of co:eineid wrong; of gross injustice,of black harbaity, - ' .--es---se.--e--------. M. Lawloi Kildare of monstroas outrage,—alike disgraceful to civ ili zat ion, ' ,! ,_ BORST TO vosAva.—We learn from the Greene- nag degradingto humanity, and insulting to religion. He James D° hu• kilrusu , 1. burgh Argue of yogerdey that on last Monday night, 1 particularised and dwelt with much effect on severe James Polan, Down, Jas. Di uarn, %Vest Meath. Mr. Mat-ram Jaen, residing in that pl ac e, was ea of the more promine ea nt instance; olfainisalut,ndouertrattr and c M. Ka ne, Jr. Derry, shockingly burnt as to cause his death en the sobs k b e a t rbari r V i ; P of h English erPt g t. ove a r g n a tn i n e s n t '. re H n e spoke of the e eadnes-- James McFerran, Antrim, quest day. It seems that he had retired to bed at an tru Y ctioo, by the English, of her ancient and venerable E. Fitzsimmen T s. Carlow, early hour, and about ten o'clock, got op and went 1 constitution,—of the suppression, by penal statutes, B. Tioss ca .T3unn ii' Meath7 down stairs for the purpose, as is supposed, of warm- ,of her national language. of the desecration of her tern- , ~„, , ~ 1 les of religion,of the effacement of her monuments of I M. "earYs in; his feet, and while seated at the kinthen fire be P - P .Keenah " I learning, of the foul treachery by her most , , was seized with some kind of a fit or spasm and fell , tinguished native chiefs were invited to the festive board B. Rafferty, Longford, F. Lyons, " into it. His situation was notknown to the inmates of and there brutally butchered, of the unjust confiscation B. O'Callahan Donegal, the house, omit too late to save his life. ?i.e. Jack of nearly the entire real estate ..,f the country, from the rs .. __ , native and lawful owners; and the gross violution of "anna McMeal, was among the oldest inhabitants of that vicinity. P. Donnelly,T i yrone, universally r ecegnized rights of conscience in matters „, _, - Attoenen.—The same paper says on Wednesday of religion. He alluded to the notorious fact, that the H • ...c „ Elroy, errnanaugh, evening last, a child about four ears of age, son of i last "rebellion" in Iceland, with all its consequent boi -IW. Dougherty, H. Stafford, An trim, government, thro' William and Sarah Hererich, of that borough, was rocs, was by t h e .. En g lish . . . for P. Campbell, Galway, working about the fi re, in the absence of its mother and the t tierriebblidY of . tit ed area and em s ' • R. E .Phillips, Pittsburgh, Ponn,a, the purpose of affording a pretext for tins entire extol- the rest of the family, when its clothes took fire, and ' • h of he ' I el' ent and the utter 1 guts ment .r nations pa P. Sheehy, Cork, Ireland, A Re eider It the surface of its body was literally burnt to a crisp pros tration of the lest vestige of her legislative riehts. James P Ma y, r before the flames could be distinguished. The little I ladependent of Ireland's ancient renown, of her . k.Beirke.oric , early advancement in literature and the civilized arts, sufferer lingered mail about five o'clock on the followsJoh Anderson, e an the fact that she was the first of all the western na ing (Thursday) morning, when its eyes were closed in \ lions of Europe to adopt the tenets of,Christianityl— Jo n chatelse Charles O'Neil, s i Ferrnanaugh, Wm . Fitzgerald, ' ra t s n' t e ifea h. death. This is another awful warning to parents not 1 she possesses peculiar claims of a moffirn date, on the to leave their little ones alone, under such circumstan- i sympathies of a civilized world. Notwithstanding all Jen . Row e , ' t the disadvantages of her situation, the long centuries • _ Queens, which her liberties have been prostrated, and her rights James McLaughlin, trampled on,she ha I vet pre-erniacittly dioiaguiahedher- Huvh Toner Thos. Sword s,King s self in many a varied. field. She lets given to marsh: a David McGee D • Matthew,—to patriotism nn Emmet, and to philoso- M. ' d s ork . ply a Boyle. To the pulpit she has given aE. iris me and to the ham' Curran. She has given a Goldsmith T Dicks on; McCarthy,' M h ' James. . eat , to poetry, a Sheridan to eloquence, and a Grattan to pG ßus t le, Donegal, statesmanship. And on every modern•battle field, P . ray, '1 eath, A Burke, Pittsburgh, when the banner of liberty has been unfurled. there lie • . James Martin, Dublin. bleaching the bones of her sans, no matter how far ru- M.o' Byrne, Roscommon, from their island home. The object of this association, as Mr. B understorxl 'Luke T , naffe e it, was to give utterance to a public expression of Am- , T. K N aaffe, 'Meath, erican sympathy in behalf of a nation an wronged, yet ' • I • IcAvey, " B t Mooney Doneg al , PO desercing—so oppressed, yet so worthy to be free: J . Lawton to afford her e ncouragement in her righteous cause; and • • , Cork, Denis Toner. Tyrone, LO furnish her some pecuniary aid in the peaceful and c onstitutional struggle she is making for the restoration of those rights. which have been so long, but so un justly. alienated from her. Mr. B. then attempted to refute the objection urged public sympath y and contributi ha on of private aid, were an improper and unbecoming interference with the in ternal affairs of' another nation, and a violation of the s pirit of international law. In justification he quoted front Rollin several instances in ancient history . , and re ferred to the universal custom of modern nations. In F.ngland and in France, public meetings were held, public sympathy loudly expressed, and pecuniary nid liberally contributed. in aid of Polaml and Grcere, in their r espective stritg.cles against their oppressors. In- deed from the very shores of England, rushed armed 1, volunteers. when Lord Cochran raised the stand Ird of i nrecian independence. Witness also the interference Loan 11EL r nu: PEUrtlf..—Fifteen counsellors sad of France and EnOan.l in the internal affairs of Spain fifty-four attorneys were ad mii w r a to the Supreme Court and Porous:O. and that of nearly the all nations of Eu rope, in the controversy that existed between the Ye.-, chit of Egypt and his master the Sultan. But in whatever aspect it may be viewed by the na tions of Europe, there can be no doubt as to the senti ments of America. The groat doctrine of human lib erty—the rights of man—is expressed so clearly, and enforced so strongly in the "Declaration of Indepen dence," that he can be no true American whose heart does not prompt a warm and cordial response. The very Congress that proclaimed that immortal instru ment, adopted addresses to the people of France and 'lreland, invoking their sympathy and aid in behalf of American freedom; and we all know how readily and ,enthusiastically that call was answered. On this sub ject—the right of the American people to sympathise with the oppressed and to denounce the oppressor— the greatest and wisest of our Statesmen have clearly and emphatically expressed their opinions. You have the authority of Jackson and Clay, of Buchanan d Tyler, of Johnson rind Van Buren, of GOV. Se ward, of New York, Gov. Huyne, of S rad' Carolina, Gov- Por ter, of Pennsylvania. and of many other scarce less il lustrious names. Contest sech men with the con-' I temptible demagogues, who, nanble properly to aPPre- I state the liberty they possess themselves, are unwilling to aid in the extension of its blessings to others. Mr. B. said it would heunnecessery for hum to urge upon Irishmen the peculiar claims their native country had upon their exertions. The history Of the long past as blended with their own personal experience, and the scones of atrocities. too black for the page of history —which tradition alone preserves—have doubtless been gazed on by themselves with eyes too hot for tears. Could they, on this occasion, be insensible to her wrongs orindifferent to her sufferings, they would de serve a doom worse than the Helot's degradation.— No! he knew they would respond with prompt alacrity, and overflowing enthusiasm. It had been remarked by some superficial observer, that the Irish were not deserving of freedom, because they appeared on all occasions gay and che erful,: and consequently inferring that they were insensible to their own and their country's wrongs. But those who tho't I so, little understood neither theirhistory or their char— actee—the battle field. the scaffold and the dungeon , attest both the depth and sincerity of their devotion to I I their country. A poet, who well understood the hu man heart, has conveyed some idea of their character 1 in that respect, in the following beautiful lines. I "They are not dried, those tears unshed, But flow hack to their fountain head, And resting in their spring more pure, Forever in its depths endure, Unseen, unwept, hut uncongealed, But cherished most, when least revealed." Great enthusiasm prevailed during the delivery of I I I Mr. Barker remarks, and he was repeatedly inter rupted" by loud and continued cheers. , G. W. LAYNO, Esq. was then called for, who res ponded in a very eloquent address, which, we regret we have not space for at present. Mr. L. said that persons had sought to dissuade him from exerting him self in the cause, alleging that it was a mere Catholic I question. He said he was brought up in the princi ples of the Protestant faith, which he had always en rained and professed, and as a Protestant he scorned, from the heights of liberty, to look with a sectarian eye on the rights of his fellowmen. It was no Catholic, no sectarian questiont—it Was a question of human freedom, of human rights. NIT. L. continued to address the meeting for nearly half an hour, and concluded a mid the lend applause of the meeting. It having been announced that Col. RICHARD M. laissson was expected in this city in the course of a few weeks, no motion of Lake Taaffe, Req., tbeedicers of the tweeting wereippointea a Committee to wait on the. Col. ort his arrival - Sere, andrequestbim to address the Association. The mention of Col. Johnson's name was received by the meeting with, loud cheers. On motion of Capt. James May, the following named PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4• , I ------------ POLITECAL TUXORS.—Every party is cursed. vrith a 1 class of beings who profess to be attached to its prin. ciples, but whose sole object appears. to be to create discord in the party, and to destroy the reputation of all who loathe and despise the conduct of stela sneak ing libellers. Many of these pests of parties fancy that they are capable of writing for the public press. and they consequently annoy the printers with the oilf sprint of their stupid brains, which they wish to in- . _ ilia upon the commuaity. The subjects onwblclt these political loafers employ their talents are, of course, not such as will either im prove orb., approved by a correct public taste, nor co i n they be of any service to their party. Their subjects are generally slander and misrepresentation of all who have had the independence to denounce the pimps and panders of malignant *factions, and if they succeed in putting toget'ie.r half a column of the vilest personal abuse, embodying the calumnies of unprincipled dem agogues, and tibald abuse of the ruffians with whom they associate, they have written, what they consider, a "strong article," but what the decent portion of the community will regard as the vulgar malice of &sneak ing slanderer, too cowardly to avow the authorship of of his low abuse, and COQ low in public estimation to receive any credence with honorable men if known. These creatures are incapable of having any differ- . epee of opinion with their neighbors withnut making it apersonal quarrel, and to gratify their malignant feel ings they will not hesitate to violate the most sacred principles of social intercourse with their fellows.— They consider a difference in party policy a sufficient ground for personal abuse, and those who differ with them in these matters may be sure to find such of their private affairs as may be known to these "strong wri ters" laid before the public, embellished with all the vile misrepresentations and commeuts that such crea tures can invent. No recollection of former personal or political frietulship, into which they wormed them selves when theirirue characters were unknown, can withhold them front theit natural inclination tedefame, and, if in their power, to destroy those who dare to re buke their baseness. Previous kindness and favors but make them the more ferocious,and nothing appears to give them greater satisfactiou than to calumniate those who have treated their faults and failings with forbearance. It is to be regretted that editure ever permit such men to make their columns the medium for pouring forth their low abuse, but when permis sion is granted, the names of the slanderers should al vrays be given, so that the community can judge of the propriety of the persons who undertake to condemn the conduct of their fellows. We have had many applications from these puliti- - - cal tumors to admit their anonymous abuse into nor co- ' lumns, hut where we knew the attacks to be unmerited. we have rejected them or required the proper names of the writers to be attached to the articleo. By pur suing such a course we have incurred the displeasure of many of them: A refusal to be responsible for their personal abuse they considered a want of independ ence, and we hare, from this cause, (to our great sat ' isfaction) lost thefriendship and svpport (! ) of many of them. T -str rt; wri:ori" are not prcaliar to anyone party; they are the pests of all, and most of the politi cal rancor and personal quarrels that occur in political contests originates with them. The evils which follow the meddling of these persons ran only be checked by the press taking n firm stand, and either to reject their calumnies orrthen they are permitted to assail their fellow citizens to ic in under th-ir proper names. THE PRESIDENT'S MEssi.ox.—lt will be seen by the following "interesting correspondence," that one of our cotemporaries has come to the determi nation to heat all his neighbors with the next Message, provided the foreman of the Madisonian will steal a copy of the document fur him before it is delivered in Congress. To get an advantage over all the other offices by giving a person $2O, fur co mmitting a larceny, may be a very honorable way of showing his smart- ' 1 neve but if he will keep his promise not to issue the stolen Message, until two or three hours after the re \gular copies have been received, we do not think that many will object to his enterprize, as every other office in the city can have it set up and printed in that time. We would like to know who Mr. is. that is to be engaged to frank the purloined Message, as we would represent to him that such a course would be unfait to the other offices, and that the connexion of an Honorable name in such a transaction, might not be considered very creditable by his fellow citizens. From the Madisonian. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE J. 13. Jonts, F.sq. DEAR SIR: I had the honor of receivint , the ac companying letter, and know of no better mode of dis posing of it, than transmitting it to you, with the re quest that you publish it in the columns of the Mad isonian. Its publication can do no harm and may do some good. It will, at least, deter others from mak ing alike proposal. Very respectfully, yours, JOSIAH MELVIN. Foreman lifadisonian Office. Pirvsattact. October 23, 1843. DEAR SUL: In these times of competition and ri valry In the family of the penny press, the duty im peratively devolves upon •us to raise ourselves above our neighb"rs. The Message of President Tyler will be looked for with much anxiety by "the People." I wish to publish'it in this city before all the other pa pers; or a few hours after the other papers, in this city, receive it. I will give you $2O if you will forward me a copy of the Message after it is set up and corrected. You can accomplish it without subjecting yourself to any censure. My friend, Mr. ----, will frank the document to the address "William Flinn, Editor Daily Aurora, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania." I will speak to Mr. about the muter before he leaves this city for Washington. Understand me—l wish you to forward the Mea'age before it is sent to the House-- when I receive it, I will not publish the Message until it is road in Congress, and received in this place by site otherpapers. I merely wish to enj y a m p itlea sure of beating them all--and be ready— up set up and corrected, and issue it a few hours after it is received by the other papers. You will please let me know hamedietely-vvyour brother craftsman, To the FOREMAN Of the - hiactisosian ()flee. Washington, D. C. I address "Foreman" not knowing your name—not knowing you to be the sa be Foreman when I left Wash' agton. W. F. • The Wow Chester Republican very justly sconetbs: 'The Perawykranien says tbst there can be no doubt that ,101. t pitaltaAa the Peesideratel choice of ttosisyboebt, Wby, thee, we 'Would aelle, shod lie vat Imerenbthe IPrissidentistchake Oche Paine Upon what other candidate can the Democracy unit' I an equally enceoreging prospect of manor TROTTING ON THE KENDALL O. The trotting twitches over the Kendall Course on last Windiestl'tV, of orded very interesting sport to the gentlemen of the turf. The Baltimore Republican says the first race was between Fourth of July, rode by G. Young: Rile, role by J. Whelpley; all Ajax, rode by H. Woodruff. At the start, Rifle took the lead, followed by Fourth of Jttly, ant Ajax some dis tance in the rear, in this way they proceeded until both Rifle and Fourth of July broke, when Ajax came up, took the lead and kept it till within about 100 yards of the stand, when he broke, and Ride barely. took the heat. Time 5,12- At the start Rifle was the favorite two to one, but after this heat Ajax become the favorite. Second heat.—Ria., welt the lea' at the start and kept it until the race was woe. Suoa after smiting, the other horses broke. Rifle made a wide gno, which was never lessened until the last quarter, when Fourth of July came up and followed close beside Rifle.— Time 5,25. Purse slokl-2 mile heats, under the saddle. Second Race.—Tni• rice excited more interest than ti fir th tea's kn i.va to fame.— The purse wis -.I h • a•s Toler the sa 1 lle.. The c p.11%.12"1 w !r_! Lily Sif t!k. tr •r, rode by C. Bryant; Oeei la Chief, pacer, rode by A. Coacklia. The Chief was the favorite at starting by great ts Lis, and so coutineeti. At the start, Suffolk rends and keeps at a respectable distance, until the coming in a: the se._;ll , l toile, whoa the Chief canes up beside her ladyship and gallants her to the stand side and side, he then passes her, she endeavoring to pass; nut he keeps his position just iu a:iv:Luce, un• til the 361 qnarter, when the Lady breaks, a wide gap is now made—another effort is male . to overtake the Chief, which is partially succeisful; but when within a short distance of the distance. stand, Lady Sal Talk once in ire breaks up. and the Chief comes in about three or four lengths ahead. Time 7,41. La dy Suff . ilk was then withdrawn Mit. Founs.sr.—A story 1•11.3 started in New York by Mike Walsh, accusing Mr. Forrest of refusing aid to the widow and family of his early friend, Leggett. The slander was r epublished in many of the eastern pa pers, and yesterday it appeared in some of the morn ing papers of this city. By the following note from Mrs. Leggett it will be sena that the story is a base falsehood, as would be readily supposed by nn person who knows any thing of the generous nature of the groat Tragedian:— "New York, Oct. 30th, 1343. "Me nett FRIEND—I have seen with surprise and astonishment, in the N. Y. Herald of to.4lay, an article which pnrports to be an extract from a certain print published in this city, and said to be edited by a Mr. Walsh: and 1 have no hesitation in declaring every charge contained therein, so far as regards yourself, to be entirely false. Yours, &c. ELMIRA LEGGETT." P.m:tots CABAL.--The Journal of Commerce says that Ex-Governor Davis, of Mass., has accepted the of fice of Agent in this country, to verify the estimates and statements on which was based the proposition übmitted to the Done-holders. by Messrs. Oakly and Ryan, for the purpose of obtaining an advance of $l,- 60,000, sufficient to complete and put in operation, the Illinois and Michigan canal. If Gov. Davis reports in favor of the accuracy of he estimates, &c., the foreignbond-holders are to ad vance 124 per cent. on the amount of their stock, forthwith, to secure the progress of operations on the canal, till the meeting of the legislature. If, when this body convenes, a disposition is manifested to make some provision, within the ability of the state, to pay any part of the accruing interest on the debt, by the i mposition of a tax therefor, then the advance will be continued till the foreign holders have paid up thei qu o ta, amounting to about $1,200,000 of the $l,BOO,- 000. WM. FLINN. Editor Daily Aurora rr ir tioNaor,Enwlans made another attempt to escape from the N.Y. State Prism, but was detected and severely punisbed , Eir The shoeusaker who ran away with u young girl from Wilmiagt" Del., a few days since, has been arrested and twilight back with his companion in the flight. It is said be ban * wife and several children. gar Two ezpensive rail road Wages. between Stxing6eld sackaackseaville. Inv Wire liestrara by Sega few days sia“.01016•01 try dedp. rip The ediusr lithe Ch sewn (SW) N•wa has been raising cora thisyear et the 'swot 81 bush els par acre. OURSE t." There is no wi.low so utterly widowed in her circumstances 113 she who has a drunken husband— sin orphan so perfectly destitute aslte who has a druriii en father. ANOTHER RAILROAD OF 1111FORT•NCE.-•--The New Yorkers now propose a railroad from Newborzh,on the North River, et ossing the Delaware at the Water Gap , to Pitt3ton, on the Susioehauna. The states of New fork, New Jersey and Pennsylvania }rive given char ters for the road It would he 137 mile' ia length.— ' It is calculated that it would coat $1,500,003, and t ii Id a nett profit. of $200,000. r:FTwo new banks, on the free banking principle, nrcto be established in Buffalo, N. Y., next spring.— One of them will be owned by H. B. Gibson, at pres ent Cashier of the Ontario Bank, and the other by A. D. ratibu, Cashier of tha State Bank at Albany. PLOUGHING UP A RAILROAD - - We learn form the Adrian, (Mich.) Watchtower, that the citizens along the line of the road below Bliss field, assembled by general invitation, one day this week, tore up about fifteen yards of the track, built fen ces and piled un the rubbish, ploughed ur the soil, and as we are informed s:,wed the same in wheat. The mails, in consequence, have been very it egular lately, being brought through from this place to Toledo on a wa : .n. AN UPRIGHT JUDGE. "I do not think." says a late English writer on law, "that there is in nature a more glorious, heavenly sight than an tiprieht, patient, knowing jnd! e sitting in judgment. If God ever made man after his own image, I think he must have made him in that character." Ace ED car.—Jarnas Seals while on a gunning ex cursion in Delaware county on Saturday, received the contents of his abdomen. At the time of its discharge he was attempting to knock an off with its butt end.— He was taken to the Hospital, dangerously wounded. U. S. 'Gazette. We put the foregoing to the "Learned Blacksmith" or any Philadelphia lawyer in christendom, if he can tell what has happenedin Delaware county lately, the Delphic Oracle was a fool to him. The types some times in the Gazette office, like the boy at school, must "whistle themselves." Balt. Sun. Dustuno to THE Sourn.—Two persons fought a duel near the swamp on Monday last. They will not be immortalized by having their names published as heroes and men of honor. The day is gone by when a man could strut by with a certain notoriety, and be gamed on as the lien of the day, bettause he bad been engaged in "an affair of honor," (as it is called in con ventional parlance,) or had, perhaps, murdered (for that is the proper term) his fellow man. These mat ters are becoming supremely ridiculous, and so they are considered by all right thinking men. New Orleans Tropic. P 813513 AZEUVAL OF DMLIOACIES, AT 140, LIBERTY STREET. cucncx ercxxxs. Walnut Ketchup, Gerkins, Tomato do, Mangoes, Sarsaparilla Syrup, Pieceling, Lemon do, Cauliflower, Olive Oil, French Beans, India Currie Powder, Walnuts, Italian Maccaroni, Oniony, Italian Vermicelli, Mixed Pickles. Capers, (French,) RICH SAUCES. Prunes, ' John Bull's Sauce, Hitter Almonds, Harvey's do, French Curranu, Reading do, Prepared Cocoa, Cavice do, Jamaica Ginger, India Soy, Dried Cherries. Essence of Anchovies. Oranges, &c, &c. Just received and for sale by LLOYD n No. 140, Liberty street 4 fIOSHEN CHEESE, a fine article, just received U 1 and fire sale by LLOYD & CO., 140, Liberty street. ZANTE CURRANTS, new and ftesh,jost and far sale by LLOYD & CO., 140, Liberty street. 4 rim TEN INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL 'Daily Beaver Packets. Little Ben, Mason, St. Louis, • • Bridgevrater, Clark, Wheeling, • • Delia. Bowman, Brownsville, Lancaster, her, Cincinnati, • Bedfast, Smith. Wheeling. - • ?dingo Chiet, Devenney, Wheeling. DEPARTED. 'Daily Beaver Packets *Cutter, Gray, Cin. Fulton. FOrsyth, St. Louis. Della, Bowman, Brownsville. - *Neptune, De Camp, St. Louis. Zanesville, Duval, Cin. All beats marked thus['] are provided witis Evans' Safety Guard, to prevetit. the Explosion difkonlir Boilers. 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,03 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1„00 1,00 1,00. 1,00 1,00 1/ 1,00 id 1,00 1,00 CI 1,00 Maryland, 1,00 Ireland, 1,00 41 1,00 1.00 1,00 u 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 Missouri, 1,00 Ireland, 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 " 100 14 1,00 1,00 11 1,00 it 1,00 1,00 1,00 /1 1,00 " 1.00 I'a. 1,00 Ireland, 1,00 5,04 1,00 1,00 11 1.00 1,00 1,00 50 For New Orleans and Apalschkaa. jr i ligita m HE nevi and snlystaackalogeenee .L BOSTON, ROLAND, Milliiti. Win leave for the above and intermediate landings, no SA.TI3RDLI, 4th instant, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JAMES MAY. ne. M'The Boston is furnished with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion of Boilers. St. Peter's Church at Rome. ALARGE PAINTING cf this splendid Temple will be exhibited for a short time at Insets's Lotto Roost, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest m n le. glum in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, Is3lll. It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 otber paintings, which are now open to the public. Admittance 25 cents; tickets fur the season 50 oenng children half price. COOKE. Open daily from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and ids* from 6 till 9 in the evening. N. 13. The Rev. Clercy of all denominations ars respectfully invited, free of charge. 023.. Groceries. THE subscribers res pectfully inform their friends and the public that they have commenced dm WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PRODUCE • - - At No. 20, Wood street, two doors from the corner ef Front street, under the firm of W. J. HOWARD & CO. where they will be prepared to supply all those who: may favor them with their orders, with groeeriee aLd Pittsburgh manufactured articles, on terms which can not fail to give satisfaction. WM. J. HOWARD, ROBERT RODGERS. ort of I)ftzsbursi). by Skeble and MitckeU, GosteralB Boat Agents. Water street. ARRIVED BUSINESS, nl-dh.wlm FASHIONABLE HAT AND CAP 111L9N117PACTORY, Na. 13, Fifth street, between Market and Wood, and corner of Sixth and Grant sta. T S. H. WALKER feel grateful to the lia public for the liberal patronage bestow ed upon - there, and beg leave to state that they are now manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very alt perior article in Benner, Russia, Neutria, and every other description of Hata. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett and fur caps:, all of which will be sold at the ve ry• lowest prices. As no part of their manufacttue ht done by machinery, Lathy the best workmen by band, they can recommend with confidence their Hata. as be ing Alperin and mace stumble than those generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can be 'implied upon equally as low terms as in tbe East ...int Markets 1.3. H. WALKER. 023-3 m. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. THE undersigned will offer at PUBLIC SALE.or Lease, on Saturday the 18th of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. that valuable property. on the ' , oath side of the Monongahela river, opposite this city, lately laid off in lots, embracing between 20 and 30 acres of ground. • This is well known to be the most advantageous lo cation for manufacturing purposes i n the vicinity of our great manufacturing city, having an extensive front on the river, and extending back to Coal Hill, celebrated for the quality ofits coa over any other. and in which immediate vicinity and extending back are inexhausti ble mines; railways from which can be run directly in to works on this property, as is now done in the neigh borhood. There are also several strata of coal beneath the surface on the property, which will be valuable_ in time, by the use of shafts, one of which is ascertained to be 12 to 15 feet in thick: ess. A portion of the property being elevated above the proper level, and the clay being of the best quality for brick making, can be used very advaotageously in iitt prevements. Its advantageous location for Manufacturing and Building. the Slack Water Navigation of the Monon gahela, its being nearly opposite the mouth of the Penn sylvania Canal, and affording every facility for the re ception of materials by river, at all seasons when navi• gable at any other point in the vicinity of the city; its proximity and connexion with which, as will be the case by a bridge so soon a, it becomes occupied, altogether render it, in every point of view, one of the most desirable locations for investment and improve- meat. Notwithstanding the number of estensivg Works which have been erected within the past few years, manufactures have never flourished more successfully than at present; the yearly increroing extentof our city, the immense emigration to the West, and its unequal led rapid settlement, which our city must ever, as it now does, most advantageously supply with matmfats. tares, will yearly increase the * demand, and great rola our character as a manufacturing place, when were view the great increase in our number and extent of our manufactures within the past few years, we meat come shier itin its infancy, as the great manufacturing and commercial point it is destined to become. In addition to the man ufacturineoflron,Nails, Glase r Engines and Machinery, Cotton Yarns, 4-c., which are operated advantageously here. we require in this region. manufactories of Cotton Goods, as the immense quanth ties of these articles yearly brought from the East for this, and Western and Southern markets evince, the profits to the different bands generally through which they pass between the manufacturer and the western merchant, would satisfy a manufacturer; in addition there is the carriage west to east of the materials, and, east to west of the manufactured articles, besides insur ance, time, &c., offering every inducement to compan ies of our own cr Eastern Capitalists beyond compen- tion. Applications have been made fora number of wan past for locations on this property fur Manufacturing and Building purposes, and it has been laid off into lota containing nearly an acre on the river, for the former, and 24 by 100 feet for the latter purpose, fronting on 50 feet streets and 211 feet alleys. I t will be sold in a body, (exclusive of a few lots) Or portions will be sold together to suit the views of Ladle viduals or companies wishing to purchase, or otherwise. I separately in lots. Scme lots may be exchanged for buildings on this property, or for a farm. The terms will be de perfectly easy, only a midi portion required dun an the remainder in a termef years, payable annually or otherwise. Is. is not desired to dispose of the property under the i • late and still existing depression of real estate, except 1 for its fair value, but from the frequent applications for its purchase, and the inducements offered at present fee improvements, every article and expense connected therewith being so low, it is considered the present possession for these pm poses by persons or campanile' a of wealth, wonld be so advantagecnis to them, together with the terms on which it is offered, that induces the offer of sale at this time. NEVILLE B. CRAIG Committee of Mrs. Sidney Grew