Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 03, 1843, Image 1

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    • ~%!
FISOIFIAS PHILLIPS &•wm,a , suerrn
r: Corner of grooci. and eetir
TAti.s4.7Five.doLlars a year, payable in. advance.
quite copies Two CENTs--fur :laic at the counter of
t!ePiErflt I . 2 a . .4rPlews .13()Ys..
. Maokly Mercury and Manufacturer
1141 puhlidied at the came office, on a double medium
sbyet, as : TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
31e copiek SIX CENTS.
Doe itutertion, $0 50 Ono month, $5 00
Two . do., 0 75. Two do., 6 00
Threedo., 200 Throodo., 7 00
aii lweek; .. 1 50 Four do., ii 00
Two d 0.,, 300 Six do., 10 00
Thres , dci., 400 One 2.-ear, 15 00
..:Oue Square. I Two Squares.
Six Months, $lB 00 Six months, $23 00
One year, 25 00 Ono year, 33 00
• IRPLarger advertisements in proportion.
WO'ARDS of four lines Six DOLLARS a year.
Public Offices, &c.
City:?ost Olice, Third between Market and Wood
siredts-41.. M. Riddlo, Po g.master.
Citiiont (louse, Vat sr, 4th door from. Wood st.,Pc
isaildings—Major John Willock, Collector.
City Treasury, W0.).1,b2tw.1 , 3:1 First and Second
art:tots—James A. Baitrain, Troanirc!r.
cootaty, ,Treasury, Third street, next door to the
ThirlProbyterian Church—S. it. Johnston, Trea3u.
Ariayor!it Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood
itreata-Alexander Hay, Maydr.
ExAcusge, Fourth near Market st.
Pittsburgh, between. Market and Wood streets on
f lard and Font:tit stream
Merchanis'anditanufaclarcri and Farmers' De
posit Baak, (forffniy &win; Fund,) rearth, between
Wood and Market strets.
Exchange, Fifth At. near Wool.
Mwtortgaketa. House, Water street, near the
. Etetange Hotel, corner of Ponn and St. Clair.
- Merchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood.
Anterican Hotei,eorneroflltird and Smithfield.
United States,.corner of Peon at. and Canal
JS‘pree Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh.
.•Miller's Mansion House, Liberty St., opposite
Broadhurses Mansion Hunan, Penn St.. opposite
Inuiartant to Owners of Sacs , Mills.
; S vYDEWS unrivalled Self Sutter,, for saw mills,
which have been so fully baited i4diderentparts
of tbit. United States, as well u.s ia die cities of Pius
burgh aid Allegheny, cut be s^1:11 in operation at a
olumber of mills in this neighborhood, vir. at .Ifr. I Vick
"-;ersham's mills, on Penn street; at. Bowman & Chant
•bers's mills, near till s upper Allegheny bridge, and
14.6.trisOn', ou Islaod, and oth e r,
Thn:abova aanyzed maritime can be obtained at W. IV.
Wailtr3n's shop, on Liberty-street, neat
' , Where it is fittiog up, and win !re the oi ichide be
kept constantly on hands. 'Apply to II- Snyder, or
W. W. Wallace. rt a:. 5
Evans' Chamomile Pills.
ABRAHAM. J. CLEMER. at 66. Mott
atm% Now York, wa, afflicted with 1):.
in 44 nI Nt a4 . 4ravat.nl form
ia~rthnrn, pain in the chest and Stein ich alwa;.. alter
:toting, iinimire& appetite, +eit- , 41..inn id sinking at rini
tJtontl.eh, furred tongue, nurtieu, with frequent
iag.,.aizziness towards night and r. , :tle-iimess. These
continued upwards oif n twiilirmonth, when, on
Win. Evanii, 100 Chatham streot, moil
submitting to his ever successful and tezreeable mole
of treatment., the patient was compietel2. re:gored 10
, heel:bin do short space of one month, and grateful for
thaingudenlable benefit derived, gladly clime forward
and.ulwtteered the above s tatement For 3-ale, whole
.. saki and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
aep 10-y No. `3O, Wood surd, below Scennd.
;•;: ,Peasi'Llloarhonnd Candy.
ertitTLE' received this day from New York,
_ afroll supply of the above celebrated cure for
Coughs, Colds ana Coritut,i2.llll,4l,eoy. to sup
.1 v 12
! • r
• • : hen nferlD its cus
'4 ` i teriters and thetnibliciefiernib, .;that.notwitlistad
ng tha unprecedented sales at the Three Big Door-,
- Juring the present seasonate has still on hand the lar
gest and , mnst varied as-sortment of elegan t C, LO
SHII4O %hat
5 1 „ ;.e.13014 , 11t ‘ve..it _Elf the nioun fai
• The Puddle may,restrassured that all tirticles 'offered at
his store are manfactured from I.li.E§H GOODS, pur
chased in tiro Eastern markets tins spring and made in
tti is b,y - Pitttsburgh workmen.
In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
;our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the mu s ty,
caatoirgarmonts of former sea.sons, from the eastern el
public shoUld be cautious to ascertain the char
., 'acteief the establishments in which they are invited to
viti7chase, before they part with their money. The arti
-4les offered at several of the concerns in this city, are
-the.mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts
:burgh public. Purchasers she. ld he on their guard a
.4aiiist these impositions, and they msy rely on the fact
that no eitablishment that advertises eastern made Clo
thing, can give as good an article or as advantageous
'-hirgains as can be had at "Three Big Doors."
The public will please remember that all the eubscri
terrs garments are made in this city, by competent work
men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
the "birasetliactige" from the shreds and patches of
leassarn slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to
rmainsiim,* reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
have 'analog for fdinthing a suPeritirst7ile of CLO
THINGin overYrespect, and at prices below those of
Any other establishment.
wessidagain return his thanks to his friends and
....elie.public for the unprecedented patronage histowed
§ispecilaia establishment, and believing that they hifve
Woad it .te tlseir advantap to deal with him, he would
§-sepeat his invitation to all those who wish to porChase
!Clothing et - every description at the lowest price,to cull
faiPObserve Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26.
Look at This
-T -E " prt.ntion of those who have been somewhat
sceptical in reference to the numerous (--nth
weexptooeti.iA faxor of Dr, Swayne's Compound
Syrupof Wiid'elierry, on account orthc persons being
.unkoowi? iiithis Section of the State, is mspectfully
reeted to the following certificate, the writer of which
liaS been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
itulutown rts a gentleman of integrity ,tnid responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. Kta.sy.
thave nsed Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup oflVild
Ciberig for a Cough, with which I have been severely
aitlicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
iistylat , that it is the most effective medicine that I
drive beam able to procure. It composes all uneasiness,
qmsets well wit my diet,—and maintains& regular
*tat Oa - .d appetite: I csasineciely recommend it to all
.-;#1110N J. MINS IC /4 Borough of
!numb 9,1840. . Chanabersburgh,
(.4tik 23) . No. 53 inarketstreet.
-.- .... -- 4;-:. -- 7.... - -• .=_--,-._ ...'f_7 - .' _.......... i" - _.. , -_. .. ; . '' . . 77 - _ - ._ --= -,
- ...• ;-, - - ~ - - -0 , --;--Ar---- - : -.-.--. -22-2 -- -,---,- -,..,-.,-,•„. -..„----.:---,,,,,,,,,. • • --,
Lir , ~
A .
v ..., ~. - , ~...^._., -n - .
4 4 - ... - . r : •:-. '-- . : i . , r , ',....-.-:-. . -.' I- -- „9:!
Thc.. , ..y:npt %,cre
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to J.
D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. '-- sep 10
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,'
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh. sap 111—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
()flirc in the Diamond, hack of the old Cotirt 1 - 1003 e,
rep 10 :
Francis R. Shnnk, Attorney at Law,
Fourth stract, about
sop 10-15 Pittiburgh, l'a
TnOmas Fliamitton, Attorney at Law,
Fifth, butiritan Wood and Smithfield sts.,
scp o—y 1 • Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
in, the North .icto of ihe Diamond, between Mar-
kct and Union strocts, up stairs scp 10
A. I. Darborant, Attorney at Law, -
Tend,-ri his professional services to the public. Office
.sep 10 on sth st., above \Food. liittsburah.
Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
0111 CC removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,"
shady sid, of 4th, between Market and Wood its.,
N.'Brickraaster, Attorney at Law,
Hai removed his office in Bertres' Law Titildingi, 4th
st., above Smithfield, Pitt burgh. rtei) 11)
• George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
Ono in Fo•.irth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh
lieade Washington, Attorney at Law,
Office in Baki•u Grant Street, Pittsburgh
nor 5, 184
John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law,
Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth Fdreet.i, Pittsburgh.
'Collection:smntle. All hibiiiiess cdcruited to hi s
care will be promptly anomie(' to.
feb 16—v
William Eldcr, Attorney at Law,
Otiicv iu Secoud areot, 111111 :0 , 4 AC th,2, C‘ , l - 11 , 1' of
uj 29—ti Smithfield. north side.
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law,
Pitt:brirg,h Pa. OtEce ia lour; h , uppositv
I give hi= , atten
tion to my unfinished br,;ine“. and T r•commtmd him
to the Patronage of my frirmii...
~ e p 10—y IVA ',TER F , )11.1VA
Danicl M, Curry, Attorney at Law,
on Fifth ,:tre,t. !x•twe.•n W,0,1 71:,1
ay 8
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
Office on the corner or F,Kirth and Smithfield itroot
Judson & Flancgin, Attorneys at Lair,
Smithfield, near 7 tit istroet. Ce.iietiollA /Vtlie 1 :nO , l -
crate terin4. l'un,hm. or xvid oa .41:1/1 0 WA.
the line art a 1 f 1 r
proilred. mtr
Fleury S. Pliag•raw,4tt7racy nt Law,
ran r • .i,Io o .t..
t .4T 111
S. A Creigh, Attorney at Law.
:;•: 1 Th
nn 25-v
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
an r/.. R %It Ri*nx me NT) .oliti•
Will pr•irriptly to tit , ron-rtiiin
in Ow eonti• "r 11%r r .1 - aPr—ii, Nrhropr, (;
I1 „ :11“., CO•11,•reln. l.rr ei!, Stark
And Wapiti. REYER Ti,
t. chi
U. '.l'..lb.rgan.
nr,• :27, 10 13-:1-
R. Morrow, Alderman,
(Mllrc north side or betwi!t•t l 111,1
Smithfield. Pittsbmr,ll. 10-tt
Magistrate's Blanks, •
proceedings Ur attachment wulcr the late
s-ile at this irffici!.
Blank Petitions, Notices. &c.,
pilper, arid IJ,y the t,
at thi ;v •'.i
Dr. S. R. Holmes,
uiliue Sec.und nl cct, M:Xt dtit.r w MUIN & (..:()•
GI:1s sci, 10—y
Dr, A. W. Patterson,
Of err Smithfield sit roets thiM floor from thi• rorimr of
sixth stritet. isklp 10
11. D. Sellers, M. D.,
Office and dwelling in Fourth stri•et, near Ferry,
sep Pittsburgh.
Ward & "Sant, Mattis*
Liberty ,troel, a few doors below St. Clnir .
Doctor Daniel Meal,
Office on Fifth atreet, between Wood and Soriithfie l
streeti, Pitt,burgh. dec 10—y d
No. 13, IVotte/ Slietl, •
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cottoh Factory Yarns
mar 17—y
WiLttAm H. VVn.r.tAhis
Williams & Dilworth,
Wholesale Grocers, ProduCe Mr
, and Commisiion
chants, and Dealers in. Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar
No. 29, Wood shut. soft 10—v
11 1 1,olesale afS Retail Dealers in
English,' French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. Cl, Market street,PittAurgli.
se.p 10—y
• J. G. &A. GORDON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Rtatrot• street, Pittsburgh. Sep 10—y
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
fiCi f Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
tr - ICER:as.—Receiving and shipping, 5 rents per
10b — lbs. Commission on purchases and sales, 23 per
cent mar 22—y
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward Hughes, Manufacturer cl . Iron And Nails
Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh.
sep , •
Wholesale Grocers Commission and Pro
duce Mgrrchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh Man ufactures.
u• 17 No. 43, NV.sod street. Pittsbur t b .
Bookbinders and Paper Rulers,
Continua business at the stishd,late of .NECandless Cc
Johnson. Every description of work in their linen& it
ly and promptly executed.. • ;rnEkv
Flarrishurgh, Pa.
L dispose of all goods sent for Commission
Sales at the lowest commission rates.
Dny Golri4il, D. Leech &Co
Ballitnore—sW . Winn WiTlflon& I I err). E.Elder
Ilarrisio:r7h--Nlich'lßurke,ll.AtitoB,J M. Holdtnan
j 1-6 m,
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37. Marlint street. gep 10
John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry,
‘V titer 4lreet, war the Alotl. flquiltrltt I I LI 3C, Pi ttsburgit
~ T 10-c
Mom A,13.
Thos. 13. Young & Co.
11; r nittir. , \Var. streetand 12\
l'ers.oas to purca.e furuiture
v. ill find it tu their :Ldraut.agey , Lis a cull, tieing fui
e rll.l plea i" 1.0 and price.
(• TotvN-;i:ND ,V co.,
Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
.N.. , t . q:01. ey . Vl .11Id .h/ >treeti.
Pilking - ton'strarivalled ElLicidng,
- A I .‘N .ICTUR El)
11 its tu a nu: T, 0114.2 do , r
BurrAn;ilam. r..•ar Pa.. In tr.”tit, tu:rt"
ju);,,; uznlwr
r. st
John 1111'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier,
I.;l,t•rtv !old
Wobb Closey's Boot and Shoe Manufactory,
,v,. t. trt 1.
1. hi 1
William Doherty.
)111 AN I, Nl' V\ I
1I I '1 i I
it ILEit. „„t !sl r
w . +0.1 1:1,1
N. •WI 1:.• .1:..1,701...1 , 4
a; .l i-k,.
Hail 14. •A , .•.114 I ' z rol . 111: S":2.!1!•
Oak and Poplar Lumber for Salo.
FEW.I l'.1•I:kt
Lnint,r, 4:11 , .•/1 J . ')
r,c3rt:i.• 1- . 4Atuiru.: I:I.
Dr. Good's Cclobratod Female Pills.
art 0ntni,:.1.•.1 tin .
notir.• jadl,.- .t > t ' t . 4,14 i Un1..4. ct rrutody
ocittosing tb.,r coripiai,,z 4 R C 4.11,1 4 ki ;41 tiwa e„•)., Gnat
want tofe , o•rci-,..t1r1t
oh , . nth: eto.t I VI•ZiI,W. :1,4,411,11,11 1 .. /0 . ..4 411 ! I y,tl • ni, 3:141
Ni. 4 1 , 40/1 4 4 40 4 11 . 4.11114444 . 1:10 • . • n.:.d itt *an , -
lion and itilinobittna, 4 the ino,lottanott! Pily in
tlit , United Statt... and n e tt. . .N1.114-r4. Fur side
Witolet•alo and iktitil,lty 11. 1 . ...51:L1.1:115,.1 0 ;cnt.
8.1, 10 NO. 20, Wood SLrort, litdow Sat:ontl.
Notice to Dr. Drandreth's Agents.
r ipHE taco in l'ittisbargh, which N 1 established for
JL the purpose of coiestianting agents in the west,
having uccomplislal th.it 00iert, is now ele•ied, and
Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the Dianiund, Market I.Ecct. up.
pointed my agent tor dui sale of my Pills and Li;,i
meats. All Dr. Ilrativiretlis ther.d.ore.un
derstand that Dr. 11. will seed a travelling agent
throughthe cou n t r y orwe li year to 4;oikelt 1110111c> for
auks HUY& and re iiupply agents. "Cho said traveller
will be provided with power of attorney, ilniy proved
before the I lerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all the necessary vouchers and papers.
Yir Yoe is my trawling agent now in Pennsyl
vania. B BRA NDRETIE M. D.
N. B.—ltornotniber, Mr.C..11.1.1.:1:, in the reasuf the
Marko! i. :am. my only about in Pittsburgh.
juin. 14
.1011!1' S. DLLWORTII
p-Laving been af fl icted fur nearly two }czar.:, with u
hard swelling on dm rap of my klieullolvltioil
produced much pain, and. used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the 115.1 r! of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth'il
linament, or external remedy.
Witness my hand,
Dr. 13ran&011 ' S external remedy or lomment; sold
at the store of GEORGE 11. LEE, Pitt4Hirg4, prieo
50 cents per bottle. fob 8.
Dr. Ecchtor's Pulmonary Prcservativo.
FOR coughs, colds, influenziu , , catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast and lungs, and arrest of approach
ing cotemmption. Warramed free from Mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAIJN ESTOCK & CO.,
je 12 Agents l'or Pittsburgh,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Pram.
No. 87, Fourth steet, Pittsburgh, Pti.
ACN VASS brushes,vartdsh, &c., for artists, always
on hand. Looking (liaises, Se.c., promptly ft a.
med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attentittnpaid t t re'gildingand jobbing or
every description.
Persons fitting, stamboats or houses will find it to
their advantage to call. sep 10-y
1. - fait Painter, Fourth st.„ 3d story Burk's Buil
ding. J. Osborn would solicit acall'iroin those who
desire Portraits .Spciineas can he sor.n;,at his roams
hilly 5.
Coleman & Co.,
General Agents, Porwarding and Commission
Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so
licit consignments. tt 22—tf
LEitutt Wien:
L. & J. 1). WICK,
Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
11E Wood Street, 1 doors above Fifth st.,
may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa.
K..7TACY LLOYD, Jr., NVlielesale .rut Retail Ciro
cm mid Fruiterer, No. 110 Liberty street Pitts
may 20.
Dirminghara & Co.,
March :22
John B. Brant, WholesaloGrocer,
Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Coin
inistion MerehOl7i
Exch:lnoye Hotel
r:oltr y
.ep 111 • 1t..11:113111N5,...
James Patterson, jr.,
John Cartwright,
William C. Wall,
itr:Pr( FIT 1,1.1 inihiie !het I hire
oa h oldyr a••oftrorrrh of 1 Iry
h' . F l + 1- , c.a....Tit - het . tit the !r.a
-' trn.rls and !‘l, .r ri' •- rwlch t. torluerd rilomt
Choir r r••ot. 1 itr. are Isert for •otle nt my -hr p. in
t, ! ,.4r olliti , hl, t, the church nr
the rorrier. .1 1 111 i .!rec . t -a rd.., vtoth Atwcw/41. Jonva
A. 4 . .4 . I :o - .7 - Ir,l to tor
,!, elfer 14...,,,. per.orr, v• ho
tt,t ;nit ritte•t
eh 111 - M. I rh•th - e n
Ir,th r,•••I, Inform:hit , the 1.11,ht:
:hat ,vo !nen in burr,
-louts 1 - . , r %erer - 11 , o,ro I rothmenr,l lra , e
•nrcett th , . which thr• cotitlin
,A. I kis, 3 ,•Ard f - 4141,1:11,4ifq: n rtitq! , er of 1" , `I tiftnittna
tit , . ' , Vile. WI , Ith aro. in rir - n!•lri„n and in hind
.,l .1i 1 1 EN ' . .NI IN( ;.
N It. 1 f.•, p.,r ,trorl mixt.
',,;,•t!117 , , , 1.1
pr. ..s. v. it); f,nttrrt !„z❑
RE TVI' I"! 1.10(1. r ricri. •
T arivolanct• 1,1 the citizen.
of l'itt4biir,{l and !Lc erort.trY conerttilv, that 1 hate
commenced the manafari tire 44 ST( g . K,S, /if every sa
riety, form and desetiption, a ntereita s ats
anti Its het , te ran and examine for therre,l% co, as I an)
determined to sell on the most tteencamodtttine - term!
for C 71.11, 111111 110p0, ,trim attention
morit a .httre of lattilir rottrimN.7e., s t ag. lit—con.
11 . 11. :111,1N ES .` 3 uxlncifir Liinc Syrup,being a safe
,/ aryl nff , ettml remedy fnr COW,. Catarrhal Fever,
Inflrit•nzu. Plniiraiiy, din firAt of forininir iitagn. of Con-
Atimptinn, 1-thina, Whoopity4 Conch, &n. Snme ii o
?tin nnrtifinniiiii of it, valuable ntront3 run be pro
&end, one of whinh 14 now Offerf
"Phis is to certify, that I Ictil a very severe Cough all
la , t winter, ttad 1.n.4 vcry notch rediwed. After trying,
medicial tdd to no mar isr, I wm: nd%iscil to procure a
bottle of Dr. Nill.ane's Liing Syrup: it gave me tadief
immediately, and in two weeks 1 wait able to go out,
and fall .) heliiwe it to he one Of the most valuable tried
iciniti3 now before the piddle, for Cough and brenst com
re" A fresh supply of thit! ynlimble Cough medicine
just received nt the Drugstore of J. KIDD,
()et 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth eta
et SEE I Il M ES. wouldrespectfully inform his friends
1..-1 and the public in reneral, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses; Habit., and Mantelsof Eatery description, black;
and warrants them not to smut, and to look equal to new
goods. lie dyes fancy 'colors of all deseriptitms of silk
and carpet yarn. Also, cleausand restores the colors of
gentleinen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods.
Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public,
a' he has dune an extensive business in New York for
twenty wars: All Work done on moderate terms, at his
establiAnnent in sth st,, between Wood and Smithfield
near the Theatre.
Jan. 10, 1810
rp'This is to certify tlutt OSEE RIMES has done
work for us x whioh has Cully answered our expec
tatious, and we consider hies a competent. dyer,
S. Hemphill, AndreW Purdy.
Wm. Burnes ' )V.13. Boles
J. B. Shurcled, Wm. Porter,
Da.vid Flail, 11.11. Smith,
13, F. Mann, . Henry Javens
David. Boies, A. Sliockey, jr.
Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera,
George Barnes
C. A. racaritOders ,
Canal Basin,corner Wayne and Liberty ;it:rents, Pitts
burgh. Agent rniteaStatei Portable Boat title."
e.4it 4-3 m. -•
Cheap for
nion Cotton Factory
SAort Reel Yarn
Lone Reel Yarn.
500 at B. cents per dozen
600 at 7i do
700 at ph do
800 at 5i do
900 nt 5 do
1000 at 5 do
No. 5 at 15 as per lb
6 at 15 do
7 at 15 do
'flat 15 do
9 at 15 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
12 at 15 do
Candlewick . atls cents per lb'.
Corn. - Batting, 8 do
Family dn., Hi do
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 do _
Stocking Tarn and Cover,
let Yarn always unhand.
Cotton Warps made to or
• attended to, if left at J & C.
edy's,or the Post Office:addres.s
13 at • 16 do
14 tit 17 do
15 at 18 do
16 at 19 do
17 at 20 du
18 at 21 do
19 at 22 do
20 at :).3 do
l''Ottlers promptly
Painter's,Log-an &Kenn
f 27 J.
Circulating and Reference Libraryi
OF religious, historical, political and miscellaneous
works, will be open every day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 i'. M., in thc Ex
change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
chaago alley, where punctual attendance will be riven.
by J. GEM.MIL.
sep 10.
Springs and Axles for Carriages,
At Eastern Prices.
filirnsubictibers manufacture and keep constant
ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Spring:: (war
ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated
Dash Framci, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump
Joints. patent Leather, Silver and
.Brass Lamps,
Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and
Hinges, &c. JONES & COLEMAN.
sep l 0 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge.
Cheaper rind belle,. than Can be had at any outer
p:acr west nt t4c mountrrin , .
Call for Bargains
Liberty St., near Ike Poundry.
vou:d r—pcutr,•!y inform bin
1_ f r i, m d i and tho 11,at In`.; stout: of
Goo.l-; rompria, a In-w•r .m . tment
than ha: evi-r hom open. d ;lt LOU, clti,and
1.-om the fa, oraldr tatrt, at 1,,. were
m 1,1... he to s li clothing thin it can
bc had i,, a:,y c,!ahllArnmt in thi. ,
rovcit tits public to call and cxaminuhi l 9,lrn
di I as.,.rmicat of all tin': :trti.lei of drv>s, and from
lea excellm, of tho material, the ftvie of workman
ard tlo• vory low prier. at which all bit artirity a.it•
be. f,!.1 CW11111.1:t tint CA r i y oce, will find i t to
the it ads untuic to pureba.e at the - Thrice Big Doorb."
Ai taro, but Om bc.,t riatm4 and wotk:ilell Urn
mlt:e 1,, u,a
11A;IT/T:er r,ut stlrrasioi uther o,Labhabrn -tit in
tirtbk* frirthid
the ttltrr , TP(l , ftiva patrimage I.w.towed
~;..an I,.ftibilsl3rrreNt. turd that tibey base
4.,1.4i a to their I,lm. vtotdd
r , •;,,Lt 113Sitetom mail tip , m- Also wi.h rwrcha.,
o.:1J114,: t•: evrryikozoptioll iwiouve..t pf ice. to c.t
al N.. A,.z. Jun N I, 4 iSK
4 ):. , ,,rl.• p. la file ptiv :IC.
Iron Safes
,r, r , ~... 1-r
JulIN 1.1: 11:V1:R'S
Now & Chcap Stock Establishment,
Nu GE. piAmuNp AL/.E)
Beware of a Settled Cough!
New York Dyer.
To the Gentlemen of Pit - tabu:lTh: .
jTHE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and®
Aicinity, that he bus commenced the BOOT and
Si - WE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having- been foreman in some of the
Most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
A mer i can calf skins, ho hopes by hi; attention to busi
nCsv to merit II share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere. thanks, and- can with - confidence! appeal
for the goodness of his work and knowledge, ,of his
business. - P. KERRIGAN%
.:PY 11 - '7 : '. •
William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker,
Liberty a. opposite tke head of so7iith field.
'The subscriber hosing bought out the®stock of the late Thomas Roffert7...,clexeased,bas
commenced business at the oldstand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all deScriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
Ile keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all descriptions, and of the hest qualitv. Ho
solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft.
sep 10—y WM. ADAIR.
David Clark, Ag't.,
to No. 34 Market street., between Second dna
Third streets, where he would be happy to see his
old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and
employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his con
stant personal attention to business, he trusts that he
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage
,en 10
Pittsburgh Mauuthcturea Cheap for Cash.
No 8. Fifth at. Tiro door:, frem Market.
PATES iatoadi to Inautifarturrr a bet
/10 • ter article of Lndio3'. Cliiidrens and
Misses' Shoes, and thern cheaper fur cash than
they ran be bought in the city. He will keep constant
ly on hand and makes to order Larliers' Shoes of all
kinds and colors, at very low prices, of the gorkiwing
Ladies' Lti.4ing Foxed Gaiter &tots. $1 75
" best quality Kid or : I furoccoGaiters, 150
" Callek in Boots. 1 37i
• • loictal 1 - 19.1 f GaiterA, all colon. 1 371
best kal arid Nturoco bibikirt, 1 18j
" Doubly Soled Slippers, (Jeff.) 1 124
" fineßid Springi and Tura+, best quill.' 00
" Sprinvi, herivy. 87i
Slipper, 75
•• "
All Shoe, made here warruntA. Alis.es . aailChil
d reri.' in the same pmpor.i..:‘.
1 .--- "Renrieniher the place, at the si.n of the Red
IL., N. E, Fifth streyat-
July 1
T4)1;20.4:40.\ STORI
f:Ers , -, apttrinth. bawd un kind, of the best
S:4l.l6.4llCiran, Reealiar, Cusr.qn , -cs, Co.7r
-1214AC1 TraL 4111'416, PrlnCipCi.
1.1. n. half Splao.h ;L:1,1 coinzu, , c, cl,;arz.
Toba~en of all Chet heF.t brantb‘. Cavendish,
lump; 12s :mil )64, Furrio.
Nlr4. tiny Cur chtneing. toire-efo.
:11,1cou'ea. High Toazt,37,-.
Ile in hi; lihe. which be
g;frer,, ana rt•taih at di,• loweg ca‘h price-s.
1.1, AND SF:E.
.je 3—Grn
.I! tto }' ,, ung' Areacrtlgt. No. 43, Se
c",.n./ sit Pei, be/tr.-ro t i 'nod ItIt•I Ma, Art,
F t:sPl 2 .(.:ll-'r 1,1. Y irffinr. of the late
firs::, ;1141 i 11... 13ukilie tolirraliv, that be is prepa
n-,1 to 1,11 all otd, r. for Ca! , lnel of Ka y kind,
u-ith ail th , ratch. accl w:tr - r,...ntod to bur equal
to am in 'lnn rite.
Every attention Wilt be pat , ' to furnishing , COF FINS
hr: t it. 16—y
Pile Maniaketory.
having eepizneneed the maueFie
_L tut, of Steel Fires, frozn American materials
exclu..ivelv,rnerchnnt. or other persons wanting canine
by hint whit a better articlo than the foreign,
and at loner price,. Intending to use only the best
quality uf File Steel, rmuntfactured by the Messrs.
Silos KH rRn cies . which is now brought to a perfeetion
equal to the best En2li,ll article, mauufactnred•for the
some purpose. the subset ler has fad confidence that be
will be able, in quality rot articles and plies-a, to realize
the best hopes of the fliends of American Industry.
Corner of O'Hara & Liberty SiS.
Horatio P. Young, Cabinet !Stater,
( Late of .thefirtn i'0,(1 , 4, AT'Orrdsr)
IIAS comtnenced the MlSrlir•ii in all its brunches at
Is th.?. Wand street, between First and Second
strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment nt well made ruitNituta.:. and hopes, by
strict attention t.i busines., t o m e ri t 0. . c,11.0,,,Jan„ of
the patr„nsceofthe public.
Every attention willbe paid to furuishtag COFFINS,
&c. A FOrniture Car for hire. July 11
Ellphobiteier and Cabinet Slaker,E
Third st.. between Wood and Market,
Respectfully informs his friends and 'the public that he
is prepared toexernte all orders for sofas, sideboard.,
bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and
spring mattrusses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol
stering. work, which he will warrant equal to dny made
in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10
.iv 15-y
_ Jones, Barber and Bair Dresser,
Has removed to Fourth street, opposite areYor's
tire, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or
transient customers. lie sbl kits a Akre of publi c pa
The subscriber having returned from the East with
the latest stylo of Hats, has now on hand and will con
stantly keep a large assortment of his grin Manufac
ture, which for lightness, service, beauty; and cheap
ness; cnonot he surpassed, and would respectftilly in
vite his lciendi add the public to evil-trim: his stock of
Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory, No. 73. Wood st.
Hat lutik-Otep - 1101aintfactory.
No. 93 Wood strOet, 3 doors It or Diamond ,411(.y
slztscriber vrifl keep cdniditnily on hand eVPI7,'
variety of the taus t fashionable HA . T. and CA PS,
wholesale and retail. at reduced prices:
Perxons wishingte purchase will find - it to thidt inte
rest to give him a call. • ' • •S 7 141061i.E.
Pittsburgh, aug. 29, 1343. •
ground and polished, anvils and other lands of
:grinding done at the Cau Steel File Manufactory, cur
rier 4f.l.ilberty sad O'Hara oirete, Aug 18 .
cifie itiorniftg Post:
I estimated the number of persons criestupte!tPort
the plain before Jet icho, at twergy•five hundind;:nieli
ding a singular variety of languages and cos
There was scarcely n people under heaven 14_ whim{
Christianity is profe - ss6d, without its representatives
herr. - There were , Copts, Greeks, Arraealana.; ,eltda
olics. Protestants, from Abyssinia, Egypt, .Araa,l4ineri
Turkey. Greece, Malta, Italy, frkace, Spain, Austria;
Poland, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain, /kint4ica, and
I believe all, or nearry *dtlitsr
Cossacks were very numerous, and *efe , disthtgaished
for their equipages and personal bearin,g among &mot:
ley assemblage, which c.o.uld hardly 'claim tto. be. /esi
than semi-barbarous. Greeks, chiehy fr-orir Syria and
Asia Minor, constituted the most nu:natl . :it; . chist.—
Armenians were also very numerous, Ind the, veins by
for the most respectable in their tippesrantst : ti any
portion of the company. Several of them .ivstie rich
merchants from Ccnstuntir.ople and SmyT 7 / 1 1. !ref* as
every where else, the Armenians are grave anstitsirefti
in their deportment and general appearance, tureen
tat ioui, unobtrusive, and qu;et. It i 3 on per;
formar.ce of their religious ceremonies t h at die - y . ieerd
to be as frivolous an I irreverent ns the other ttriAtal
. ,
With, a very few except ions,the whole multitude weii
provided with beasts of odtdan, and there ,nsa
. :were iri
tr i
as many horses, and asses as men and wornen, i . A"
many were hired for this excursion at Jerustilern; . t d
great number of pilgrims make their journeytti'dxl
holt, city in this way from the remuteparts oE.,Xittrkeyi
and. I believe, even f:om some portionsof.t4RdiSiaii
dominions. It was remarkable that ibispeefestrisitii
were mostly from the highlyeivlllzed ❑
pirrtfehas elf .ti:
rope, Italians, Germans. &c., while the wikl Coitsicki
and savage Abyssinians were well mounted. The an:
imals were led out upon the plain to graze in the:
time; but, as darkness came on, they were all bittnight
for safety within the area of the camp. Here tlki...iieiti
tethered to long ropes stretched upon the gitYlttidi Surd
secured , by passing them through the perforated, headli
of :thurt iron bars or pins, forced into the tr.tol *
sledge hammet s. A large part of the pilgrims slept in
the open air, upon carpets, mats. blankets, ref` - ' e erie
forest of thorns was all alive with theint-erl-almost eV:
ern clump of trees gave shade in the heat oftheditrAnq
shelter from the dews of night, to a pilgrim grnupe.=-•
This was no mean opportunity to study customs kg
cos turnes,wisn a walk of twd o'r three minutes Vitafigfit
under your Lispection the Euptien dining 'tifitatit.' an'aas
ion and a coura cake. the Syrian with hishandsittli 'or
curds, the Armenian feasting on pickled olives i:Crilre..
served dates.the Cossack devouring huge piesiestlCA.
ed mutton, and the Enropean and AnitteirtHtti:4ll64
around a hcx, serving the purposes ()fa table. - covered
with the usual variety or meats and drinks, iiernialkied
by the pampered appetite of civilized men: ,
As it grew dark, a muititude of fires terrokitkled
throughout the camp and in the grove a.d.kileing, Cit4lich
threw their strong glare upon these very cbariiAltris.
tie. curious groups, and lace the fullest effeeiTo . the
picturesque scene. The red raps, the htige retains,
the vast flaunting robes of striped silk orecerflety the
coarse shag.r.y jacket and hag trousers theMiseeks,
the venerable huge beards end bare feet end legs of .
the Orient - es, adl seemed part and partd of the
hr.Tnan - beings who lac neattl..4l together upon- • the
ctrotinci like domestic ajlimals • or moved about the incr.
taunted area. thus varying nod muitiplying,. by every
possible change of light and shade, ate ta:ea of all
that appear; nr3tesP4,.• and fantastic to an eytt annul ,
tomed to toe graver modes of the westera
itn's 2'rercis fit Ha Hie Land. - , •
• .
TA a gr.filo, ns they hieroglyphically call ili:augers
in India, perhaps the gTeatest novelty in c.: * *utta is
that, hugo, grave, loner-beakedhirti called theaiiitant,
hatr , hichshould rather he Lamed Dominic Sanap'son;
for his air in doc:3:11f more abstracted and Pe , dagogn ,
i‘b than military, and his costume Ill: at:ening garish
ray ai,:ut it. ' P/C you.ag lohnuy Nth„p
ewoc. s t 4res
with 'no cn.,hrt wh , n 11 , first sees this . enlaituou3
bird stadlemg- slor•ly. as if in deep tbnught, throlta the
streets, flying rc:m.3 T.vithin.a }an] of h per
son, whit his moLs!re,rs bi d p'rojecting formicrabii,-and
threatenina him with impalement, gobbl.hig,
• 'W.nts of bcef, or a fl , ur-pounci'luaf, or any otb'er trifle
that i= intrhc,l out to lii:mand when he hasinade a sat=
fsfactoty in, a', stabrling an one Te.::e "irg tilated
statue, on the hig bent pion:lrk. fie Can Sian to digest it.
The adjutant, as ~noun, is a harmii!ss and use
ful bird. that performs the (int . ,-of a scaretigCri&lndia r
ebnvourine — ntTal. and putahhinz snakus, or 170314401 e in
very fond'. Ilis s.diaabi.s services are so fully Imre
ciuted, that the company have taken him into their
charge. and plact•lthe• ; . .rlolre Fraternity under their pro
tection. runi.hing with a !navy Sne the murder brl'one
of these birds. Yet such is the ingratitude of man
' kind, that the I).lo:lbn:sive udjc not is persecuted by tho
mostannoying and crutti trink.. Shank bones erftiatit
ton are cleansed cut and stmTed With ;:uniieWclei, With
a slow-match applied; then the meet is thrown -and
swrillOwed, and when the poor a-retch is chuckling:aver
his savory morsel, it explodes and blows him t 4
A more venial trick, and not unanwsing,leudeSs, is to
tie two legs of mutton together with a pieCe 'cif whip•
cord, leaving an interval of tbree"Or foot yards; the gig
otsarethen tossed out annmg,st the birds, lint! ilUon find
tls it way into the stomachs of a eagle of the .tOst ac
rive. Asrlong as they keep together, it is all 'very well;
hut, a= soon an the cord tightens both become alarined,
and take wing, mutually astonished at the phenomena,
no doubt.
A laughable tugging march then 'ePRIA in tit' ar', ,
each adjutan' striving to mount higia4 I litin thd-tother
till at last 111(7 attain a great - elevation. : When, at
length, thq weaker bird is forced to disgorge his mute
ton, a new power comes into play—the Tome of gravi
ty; and thepandalum lez of mutton, after some oscilla
tions, brings' the conqueror down to the' earth fast
or than he wisher. These Lreatures have prodi
gious powers ofdeglatition and digestion.' It is tt very
*summon thing for ono of them to seize an impertinent
grow, who is troublesome wheti the adjutant - minis to
eat his breakfast in quiet, and, turninghimrigiat &bead
face with a skilful coup de bee, to send trim ertising
down his capacious throat. I recollect tti thavOTC,
when we shook a bag fox, and had an bour'S run one
morning, sonic silly servant brought file dead
homo,:t;nd tossedh im into the barrdik squirre amongst
the adjutants, IA 110 all came flock in_ about the poor ae...
funct. One ravenous fellow would seize him,by the.
brush, another by the leg, a third by the back; still it
would not do. none could manage to gulp,hini dewn.
At last a wise olci bird set about thu business scientifi
cally, beginning at the right end; he took the foes's head
in his mouth, and bolted it after considerable strilhing:
then, with a grout effort. he sweliowed the body, till
nothing remaincdbut a bit of the tail sticking but clone
side of his beak. At this the others begat!, rather hope
lesbly, to peck, till at length the gormandizer, becom
ing annoyed at their teozing, flew otT with his delicate
lunch to digest it a.t„ hiAeirire.—Eventiof a 211:iatary
We have a lettorfrom Brandon, dated the ' 2 3th - ult..
giving an nceoant of an otnAngrout act of fyitialing
eon, milted in that - neighborhood on the 27th.-,,Al ac k.
fellow named.David-Grialey. had been for eme Feeks
committing many depredations 'upon the prop6ri-v of
at length -eaughtith the
the citizens, when he was
a.., , ,ictanre of dogs and deliccied . to a guard_'` - Subse
quently he was taken from the guard at night: dragged
inta the woods and hung. "His body orals tlienihrowm
into an old house. which was set on fire and bung, to
gether with the body. It is not known who the lacrpe—
trztaars of the outrage . • -
Colts 5T¢ L-6 MOLLS SE. s.---A gentleman of La Salle
Couniy, Illinois, lately exhibited sortie . Cornstalk Mo
lasses, orn'fair. pronounerd to be eq ual to the. be st
West 714-botestess;leill folloi,Cled,,