DAILY POST. THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 2, 1842 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTRE FOR NOVEMBER. James Thompson—Josiah King—William Darker MTSTX.RIES OF Pious —This interesting talc is re ceivoti aid for sale at Cook's Periodical Depository- Price 25 CCOD. ESTABLISHED CHURCHES is ENGLAND--The following is an extract from the probate of wills, as presented in the House of Commons. by Mr. Grattan July 12, 1842: Fowler, Archbishop of Dublin, left Beinsford, Archbishop of Tuam, left Agar,Arohbishop of Cashel, left Stopford, 'Bishop of Cork, left Perg, Bishop of Dromo, left Cleit►gr, Bishop of Ferns, left Barnard, Bishop of Limerick, left Porter, of Clogher, left Hawkins, of Rapheo, left Knox, of Kilaloc, left Total £1,575,000 B sides maintaining their wives and families during life. _ The reportof the commissioners state that in Ire land there are 151 parishes having no member of the churchof England, and 260 parishes having less than 77 'Protestants. Parliamentary grants since the Union hi 1800: Tot building Protestant churches £525,377 Forliuilding glebe houses there 336,881 For Protestant charity schools 1,105,869 For Church S i'ty to discountenance rice, 101,991 For ICilaare place Society 170,508 AN AWFUL PROSPECT! A writer in the Millerite paper of this city has given ,21 calculation to disprove a millenium before the res. urrectinn,and he discovers, "by figures that cannot lie," that if The population of the earth goes on increasing, through that period as fast as he thinks it will, if the world stand so long, then, dreadful to contemplate, there will be 18.037,886 inhabitants on each square yard af the •earth's surface; and the mode of living he expresses in the following classic language: "Packpddown like pork, reckoning every three i itch uiduals to occupy nine cubic feet, or one foot high on every square yard, and we should have the cadre sur face of every continent and island covered with living inhabitants tea hundred and twenty-five miles deep, andtheg raves of the previous generation only, upwards of &ye hundred miles deep on the entire surface of the land. It would also amount to 5,679,295 individuals to every square yard on the entire surface of the globe, or about three hundred and fifty miles deep of living in habitants on the land and ocean."— Utica Gazette. It AN'S INGRATITUDE Show man, at the outset of your acquaintance, a Et c!a courtesy— urt: him your opera-glass or your snuff bar.,rwrite him what is called a civil note when there is no absolute necessity for doing so, and he will trum pet your praises as one of the most gracious of mankind. Prozeed from small civilities to essential benefits; heap fawn epon favor on him; go out of your way to evince not anxiety for the promotion of his interest, the grati fication of his desires; extend your disinterested kind ness from himself to his family; get an appointment for hi's eldest boy, and reconcile a high family to a match with his daughter: invent a new hair dye expressly to accommodate his wife, and lose a guinea a night to him at whist, the whole season round; bind him more and more tightly in obligations to you, and hoar him pro claim you, nine times a day for nine years, the best friend he everhad in tde world—the most generous of mortals, the noblest of benefactors; and then, at the very moment when he is - your own forever, ooh jest refuse to lend him your gun, or yam: horse—or tell him that you could not think of writing to the Review to selicit n puff of his new pamphlet—dial's all! How, in such a case, will the grateful fellow, to whom you have ren dered the ninety-nine good tutus, turn round upon your He will teach you, in no time, a curious lesson —thht it T.:1:(311 pars to confer obligations, bur • aly :no rt.:nits to forget them. SY'ay, he will it ni.irtake to ler4ct oa the very sp..t, all that you have done f hire—all that he sail-of you. He %vilf, at the shortest neitec. recollert n >thing concerning you but your refusal to ribli;e him in the very trifling matter wherein lie ha,l c ilk:elated on yourassist:ince. Yon dratT"eil hint out of the river once, saved his life at the risk of your own; you lent him a thousand pounds; you introduced him to all the con nexions in which he finds the bast charms of society.-:- Does he remetnber sue of these little incidents. No- , - he only recollects that you yesterday refused to buy a share or two in the crazy speculation you were so rash ly concerned in. THE BUTCFIEII. AND HIS CALF A butcher, who had purchased a calf, sat with it on a horse at a public house door, while a shoemaker, re markable for his drollery, observing, and, knowine he had to pass through a wood, otTered to the landlord to steal the calf fur a glass of grog. The landlord agreed; and the shoemaker set oft and dropped one slLie in the path near the middle of the wood, and another a quarter of a mile from it. The butcher saw the first shoe, but did not think it worth getting dowofor haw over, when be discovered the second, he thought the pair would be r - nod accordingly dism ted., tied hi - - where he h, mean time the 6eld3 111 The butcher, missing his calf, Went back to the inn, and told his misfortune, at the same time observing that he must have another calf, cost what it would. as the veal watt bespoken. The landlord told him he had a calf in the barn, which he would sell him; the butch er looked at it, and asked the price: "Give me the same price you did for the calf you lost, as T think this is full as large." The butcher would not allow it by any means to be as good; but gave him within six shil lings,of what the other cost, and accordingly put the calfs second time across his horse. Crispin, elated with bis success, undertook to steal the calf again fur another glass of grog, which, being agreed to, he post ed to the wood, and hid himself, where, observing the butcher come along, he bellowed so like a calf, that the :butcher, conceiving it to be the one he had lost, cried with juy, `lh! arc you there?. have I found you at last?' and immediately dismounted and ran into the woods.— Crispin, taking advantage of the butcher's absence, un -strapped :he calf, and actually gut bnck with it to the publican before the butcher arrived to tell his mourn lid tale, who attributed the kvhole to witchcraft. The publican unravelled the whole mystery, and the. blucher, after paying for, and partaking of; a crown's watt' of punch i laughed heartily at the joke, and the shoema ' ker got great applause for his ingenuity. THE HON. JAME 3 BUCHANAN AND THE PRESIDENCY At a meeting of the friends of the Hon. James Bu chanan holden o:i the 28th inst., it was ununimousl3 Resolved, That a committee consisting of the subscri 'hers to this call be appointed for the purpose of calling a general meeting of the friends of that gentleman, at some convenient place and at an early period, for the purpose of urging his claims to the PRU.SIDISNTIAL NOIIRSA,rtes on the Democracy of Pennsylvania and of the Union. I,a pursuance of the above resolution we hereby give nodce that a reg ular meeting of the friends of Mr. 13U CHANAN will be held on Tuesday evening, N6vem-; ber the 711 i, at half past six o'clock, at tho Washing ton Hotel, kept by James Armstrong„ at the corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, in the city of Pittsburgh, I for the pprposes named in the resolution. JOHN ANDERSON, WILSON M'CANDLESS, I THOMAS PHILLIPS, HENRY, S. MAGRAW, JOHN B. GUTHRIE, CHARLES SHALER, Saturday. Oct. 48, 1843. Committee. , i Money Wanted. WANTED immediately and on the best security, on mortgage on excellent property in town and country, and on good private security, if preferred, and for ditferentperiods; the following StIMS.VIZ: $5OOO, $5OOO, $3OOO. $2OOO, $lOOO, $750, $5OO, $•'00; $l5O, $lOO. Persons having money to lend will find undoubted security. A fair interest, and in several cases a rood premium for money, and 311 in codidence. on applying at HARMS' Agency and Intelligence Of fice, No. 9,5 th street. • n 1 • £ 150,000 250,000 400,000 25,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 250,000 250,060 100,000 Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in evety case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid those dis asters. £2,310,662 All boats marked thus [*] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LEXINGTON, AGNES, LANCET, AMARANTH, MENTOR, ADELAIDE, MINSTREL. ASHLAND, MARIETTA, BOSTON. MICHIGAN, BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BRUNETTE, MAJESTIC, BREAKWATER, MUSKIKGUM VAL' Y, BRIDGEWATER, MISSOURI MAIL, CADDO, MUNGO P ARK, CHARLESTON, MESSENGER, CICERO, MONTGOMERY, CANTON, NORTH BEND, CUTTER, NEPTUNE, CECELIA, NARAGANSETT, CASPIAN, NIAGARA, CLIPPER, OSPREY, COLUMBUS, ORPHAN BOY, CLEVELAND, OHIO MAIL, COLUMBIANA, OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPWE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EVELINE, ROTVENA, EXPRESS MAIL. RARITAN, FORMOSA, SARAH ANN, FORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVANNA. GEN'L BROOK, ST. CHARLES, GALLANT, ST. LOUIS. IDA, TALLE Y RAND, INDIAN QUEEN. TOBACCO PLANT, ILLINOIS, VIC TRESS, J. H. BILLS, VALLEY FORGE, JE IVESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, LADY OF L YONS. WHITE CLOUD, WE have received, and trill hereafter keep con stantly on hand, a foil supply of Printing Ink, in large:tad small ke4s, which we will he alde to cell cheaper than it has iieretol , .re Lccn au..l ill this City. Orders from the country accomi-ol..: !.y the cash (Ix ALL CASES) will lie promptly ittionl-tl i , /. PHI L LI l'S NUT H, net 0-tf Odice of The P.lst and Manufactiit,•r. N addition to their former Excellent Stock ofFu RES I ..1-FAMILY GnocERIES. ,:uhicriber: have thi4 day received No's. 1, 2 and 3 :Mackerel, No's. 1 and 2 Shad and Salmon, Susquehanna and Labrador Herring, Cod Fish. Liquorice, Cocoa Nuts, G r mud NUB, Lemons, Sultana Raisins. Prepared Cocoa, Sago. Mace, Saliera tus, Saltpetre, Sperm Candles, Chalk, Whiting, Rotten Stone, &c. &c.; together with a great vat iety of rage and choice articles in their line; all of which they offer at Wholesale or Retail, on very reasonable terms. LLOYD & Co., Oct. 9. 190, Liberty et. Dissolution of Partnership. TE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of DICKEr and At.e.xxstirm, is this da': dissol ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, sept. 1, 1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, thath: still continues in the Transpor tation Business, at his Warehouse, CORNER OF LIBER TY AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Ba4in, under the name of the "Independent Portable Boat Line," where lie will receive and forward freight to the East at the lowest terms sent. —tf. New ran and Winter Goods. HAMPTON & SMITH, No. 112 \\ooo STREET, ARE now opening and offer for sale a very large and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods, consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth, broad cloths of every color, cassimeres, sattinetts, jeans, kerseys, linscys, flannels, bakes, bleached and brown cottons, drills, ticks. Alpacca lustre; black and colored, plain and printed merinos, mouslin de lain:, Irish li nens, Mattioni and other silks, ribbons, laces,eambries, [mishits, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing silks, spool and skein threads. &c., &,c.. together with nn assortment of carpets, runs floor cloths, &c , all of which we arc able to sell as cheap as goods can now be bought in any market, east or west. srp 21—ti rp lIE subscriber having, purchased and thoroughly I. repaired tiIOSC MILLS, is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply, of all the different kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brades, etc.,— made from the best quality of Juniata Blooms, and as soon as the necessary additions cars be made ti the machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert. at No. 94. First street near Wood, or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly attended to. JAMES ANDERSON. cep 29-3 m A full supply of Landroth's Garden Seeds always on hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184. Liberty st., head of Wood. I. W. Burbridge & Co, AGENTS for the sale of BEATTY'S Powder. Water street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. oct 5 Im. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine & M'Anulty, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for the concern up to this date Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he still continues in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to. the East, on the very lowest terms. H. DEVINE. FOR SAFETY, To Printcrs. New Groceries ! ! Lippincott Mills. Landreth's Garden Seeds. H. DEVTNE, C. A. NVANULTY i.ucti©n El John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION WRCHIT, Corner of fVood and sth sta., Pittiburgh, IS ready to receive merchandize of eveq description on consignment, for public or private sale, •and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able ,to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage . . Regular sales on Mos DAYS and THI7RSDATS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearlygas light. aug 12—y THIRTEEN CASES OF DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. AT Davis Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, to-morrow, Thursday November 2d, at 10 o'clock A. IG will be sold without reserve, 13 cases and bales of season able dry goods, re ceiving from New York, consisting of 10-4,11-4, 12-4 and 13-4 blankets, Superfine beaver and pilot cloths, English broadcloths, various colors, Cassimeres and eassinetts, Bleached and brown timeline, Merrimack and Manchester prints, Twilled and plain flannels, Canton do, Italian lustring cravats, sewing silk, 4-1 cheeks, merinos, shawls, Beaver gloves, patent thread, Spool cotton, &c, &o. The above lot of goods is the best offered at auction this season, and well worthy the attention of purcha sers. Also at the same time, 2 cases fled and plain silk and velvet winter bonnets, latest fashions, received di ll-et from the manufacturer; 10 boxes artificial fall AT I'ILIVATE SALE AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DR I" GOODS. recently purchased in the East for cash, and which will he sold at a small ad vance on Eastern prices. for currency or approved en dorsed notes. The assortment consist-sin part of 20 pieces wool dyed. blue blark broadcloths; lZi " super. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 " super. Beaver cloths; " pilot cloths; 40 " cassinctts, assorted colors; some very fine; 50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20 " English merino, assorted colors; 100 all wool blanket shawls; 200 cotton plaid shawls; 1,000 doz. spool cotton, all colors; 100 pieces bleached and brown muslins, and a great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Goode House. A 1,4,1, an am3ortnient of bootP, 'hues, and hats, which will all L c„I , 1 at prices without regard to the late advanco. in rho Sept 23. Young Hyson Tea. 1 1 r cllEsTs, half chests and boxes Young Hy ...l_ I_ •_) son Tea, ofgood ralitv, just received, and fur sale low for ca,ll. JOHN D. DAVIS, 011. corner of Wood and Fifth sts. Teas, Leather and Mustard. DP EC EIVED on consignment, andfor sale by JOHN D. DAVIS, at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth street -100 Chests, Half Chests, and Boxes of Young Hyson Teas, fresh importations; 3000 lbs. Sole Loather, 50 Kegs best Philadelphia Mustard. Also, 100 Reams Crown Wrapping; Paper; MI of o•lii,ho ill be sold low for Cash, or City accep tances. Oct 23. SII klie:;ll.ny St••ek, nt pri v'tte .1011 N n. D'IVIS, 11 Corner ,rfVV,vul and Fifth 4tivt.tc. T 1.7 r fur sale by \N M. THORN, J No. :if, street, :An) i niropa in ~/a I , in the bar 60') •• •• •• 10t) •• v-irieL:Atod .:oa7 sf) •• white( lut mall:et) loa " nim•nd -map. in j lb. casks, 01-1, 10 Blinn': s;lermlcotti roar, for chapped hand: and f•,r softeninz the skin. Ti... s:do•crib,•r has tut lia.lll a larzcr assortment of the uhos artieloi thy' any other establishmont in this city, and is also rceoising a iargosopply of fresh drugs, Scr. WN HORN, No. 53, Market street. BUTTER :!7I3 We,tern Re-iorve. Dairy Butter io-t ror,•ivcd and for sale by 11 A ILMAN, JENNINGS &Co. p 2ti 43 Wood lit JUST RECEIVED and for salo on consigtrhent, 7 hhdi baron, 7 bleb; ,czar, Can be fieen niche store of Jacob Painter& Cu. aug 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. NEW GROCERY STORE. ;TACT LLOTD,.iII ... A. G. REINHART LLOYD at CO. IVATHOI.E.S ALE. and Retail Grwern, AND COM- MissioN MERCHANTS, No. 140 Liberty street, few door.' above St. Clair street. r - V• \Vhrrt famiiica can at all times be supplied with good Good's Ojai, price. Oct 27. AIA RITING DESK AND COUNTER for sale low by LLOYD & Co. oet 27. 1.113 Liberty street. 1-111DS. N. 0. SUGAR, itt‘it received, rind for ',sale by .1. &A . GORDON. WESTERN EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE, No. 9, MARELT STREET ? Pittsburgh. rAYSTERS and other refreslonents,will be served up kJ in good order. Namely: Oysters raw,fried,stewed, and on chafing dishes. Also, IN THE sttKU. at thestand, or roasted, as soon as the season is sulficieutly advan ced for their safe transportation. THE PROPRIETOR is determined that thisestaldish ment (which is the old oyster depot) shall maintain its reputation for the good quality of his ALE, LI QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel ers or citizens may require. oct 18-6 M. Perunanahip and Book-Keeping; THOSE who wish a thorough knowledge of these branches. would do well to callat Ma. S. W. STEWART'S Commercial Academy, on Fourth Street. near the corner of Market and Fourth, before engaging elswhere. oct 3-Im. Parma Wanted. SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20 miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis posed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield street, near 4th, soon. 016--tf J. K. HENDERSON. SAMUEL MORROW, Manntlictarer or Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17, Fifth street, between Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wires, and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand; the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for hemselves, as he is determined to sell cheap forcash br approved paper. mar 7—t.f ORANGES, LEMONS, &c. U' ST received.—Oranges., Lemons, Raisins, Al e, ,munds, Filberts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, (Af ricar)Cocoa Nuts and Cranberries. LLOYD 4. CO. 140 Liberty street. ' - ---.:7 - - i ,- ....,-.-,) ectith ll'otelf . 'anti J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer 1.1 ca,k, CORRECTED DAILY BY A. MU=lll, EXCHANGE MELONES, CORNER OF WOOD ♦ND THIRD .STS SPECIF; STANDARD Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip 1 Currency Eric Bank Scrip EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. Ois Philadelphia New York Boston Baltimore - SPECIE- Gold Silver PENNSYLVANIA.-PITTSBURGII Bank of Pittsburgh par Merchant/ and Manufacturers' bank ...par Exchange tt ....par Do. Hollidaysburgh.. par PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America par Do Northern Liberties par Do Pennsylvania ....par Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank par Kensington hank. par Manufacturers aid Mechanics par Mechanics' ....par Moyamcnsing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill " ..par Southwark ..... " • par Western ....par Bank of Penn Township ....par Girard bank .... ~ U. S. bank and branches COUNTRY BANKS Bank of Germantown par " Chester county par " Delaware county ......par Montgomery c0unty................par " Northumberland........ par Farmers' bunk of Bucks county........ par Easton bank par Doylestown bank par Frank/in bank of Washington 1 Bank of Chambersburgh........ 2 " Middletown ..... ... .... ........ ....21 " Gelip:burgh .... .... .... ... . . ...... 21 " Lewistown 21 " Susquehanna county . ........ ... .... . Berks county bank ....75 Columbia Bank and Bridge Company 11 Carlisle bank . 1 i Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank ........ Honesdale Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon " 24 Miners'bank of Pottseille. ..... ........_ . . . .42 Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1 New Hope and Delaware, Bridge sompany....lo Northampton bank —.no sale Towanda bank Wyoming bank West Branch bank........ York bank OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clair/mule.... 14 Clinton bank of Coleco:bits 14 Columbiana bank of New Lisbon...... 14 Circleville ( Lawrence, cashier).— 14 ( warren, cashier) no sale Cincinnrti banks 14 Chillicothe bank.... ....................14 Commercial bank of Lake Erie 20 Da ytren bane ..... .. .... .... _.. .._.14 Franklin bank of Columbus 14 Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.. 14 Farmers' bank of Canton Geanea ... r:,r.rile Lancaster Marietta Massillon Mechanic,' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mount Pleasan' Putnam ....... .Sandusky Seim) Urbana... Xenia Zanesville. INDIANA Stale hank and branches State Scrip KENTUCKY 411 b ank s .... ILLINOIS State bank 50 Bank of Illinois, Shatonectoton 60 Bank of the Valley of Virginia 11 Bank of Virginia Exchange. bank of Virginia ...1 } Farmers' hank of North-lVeste rn bank of Virginia.. Merchants' anti Mechanics' bank of Virginia.. - Branches.. .. MARYLAND Baltimore City banks.. .. ..par All oilier solvent banks.. .. NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent bank 5................ SOUTH CAROLINA All salient ban.ks . GEORGIA. Allsolvent banks . ALA LAMA Mobile banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA. New Orleans banks (g00d).... TENNESSEE All banks. nddit AND don PRINTING OFFICE, N. W. coruirat OF WOOD & FIFTH STS The proprietors of the MORNING POST and 'MER CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of arerilVlEM "311C11031E"_11M. am coJataa azataziale Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Parnphleis, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. 211.1 Mobs of Xl'auks. Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with. ap propricite cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the Public in general in this brahch of onr busi, _nem. inly 31, 1843. PHILLIPS Sr. SMITH. 20 0 paci i 7 GREEN RIO COFFEE, for sale y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. 43, Wood street. ARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ! BARGAINS ! B All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Flew call at No. 151 Liberty street, and see for yourselsw des 7. J. McCLOSKEY xrtjangc MiEA=2lB43. aki= STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and Cammissioa !Merchants, CLEVELAND, onto. AGENTS fur the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wushinolon, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO & Eusworth, No. 9, Coentios Sap, N. Y. R. tarter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843--ly. par par „ „„„ „ , THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stago Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. •Ecoat, ••-• - ma , 1843. FARE REDUCED.—U. S. MALL LINE or STAots AND RA IL ROAD CAR 3, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, 'Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train ofcars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct lino to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail "ten's NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASHINOTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. THIS line is in full operation and lea , . es Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speitly and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our (Sim at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, _9l feb 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co — llreiTiliii - I% — c& — tiTtin• Cincinnati The Si►iftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, loaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. United States Portable Boat Lino Dcpot A. McANULTY very respectfully informs his C • friends and the public, that he has made trran&,-e -ments to continue the agency of the boats forming the U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the large new War(+OMß, CORNER OF W•TNE AND LIBERTY STREETS. Canal Basin, where goods will be received nod forwarded with usual despatch, and on the mo.t favorable terms, to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Yolk or Boston. eicpt. 4 3m A BUN KRAMER, Exckanire ,Broker, No. 46, Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight c becks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFERESCI:3 Wm. Bell C. Co., ' John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., Joseph I Wo..aw , zll, 1 James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. Johnli Brown &Co. James WCandless. )Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M' Donald. > St. Louis, Mo. W. fl. Pope, Esq., Pres'i Bank Ky. > CHIPPED LOG WOOD AND FUSTIC, Blue Vitriol, Camwood, Alum, and a general stock of DTE WooDs, in store, and for sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD. sept. I Coruor 4th and Wood sts. ATACKR d EL. d — f, I6 ,4,1 B b h ls : N. 3 .11ackereJ, just OBACCO.--i Oboe Burton's 5 b lump tobacco, 25 do Russell & Robinsons do 5 do Hare'! , do 10 do assorted SiiC3 and brands, just received end for sale by Found, ABOUT the last week in June, in a Clothinr; Store in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably soiledand worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own or can have it by identifying and paying expenses July 31.--tcf. Mr. J KlDD—Sir.—A child ofmine about 44 years old, was constantly hxlispesed, and of pale complex ion; but had always a good appetite. In order to have the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Ver. mifuge of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, after which 20 or 25 large worms were expelled. I Wish all Ger mans would read the above facts. The child's health is much improved. 'MICHAEL RIHN. Chattier Creek, Sept: 26 1343. Tr For sale at the Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD. oct Corner of 4th and Wood ate. Pittsbg., Pa. sMOKED HERRINGS.-25 braces smoked her rings just received and for sale by EAS.—Received on consignment, 12 Chests Young Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4 A " 5 " Gunpowder, by J. G. & A , GORDON, pep 13. 12 Water street MITH'S NEW YORK VARNISH, No. I. quick drying, in atom and for sale Alt she DRE'G WAREHOUSE of J. KIDD, oct2 Corner of .Ith and Wood sts. Beavcr and Warren Packet The Groat Central Haute Road Company JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO., Agents THOMAS BORBIDGE, Agent, 272 Market sr., Philadelphia NIOORE &CHASE, Azents. 75 Bundy's Wharf, Baltimore o Stuffs Just Received JENNI:siGS &CO. 43 Woo.i st MAILMAN - , JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street DR. M'LANE'S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC. HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. 43. Wood strm -'-i.,)-orillsttit-Ttittli- cii 7 :#: 1 r..". FARMS of improved land in Bader an Beaver counties, to suit purchasers; in AV high stale of cultivation. 2 Farms in Armstrong county, near Freeport; 106 acres cleared; 150 bearing fruit trees, 3 dwellings, barns &c. For particulars, enquire at my office, SmithEssidl near 4iti street oct 30--drf 13,689",iiiiElbeso so F ti V a ALCA . BL in E LANDS lotstoiuh purchasers. The lend lies in Tyler and Markt" Co's., Virginia—and CLEAR OF ALL EH CUMBRAIIIbIl!: For particulars inquire of the subset ibers, if hi Icitt4l past paid, LLOYD &CO. oct 10 140 Lterty street, Pittiburit. ta_T" . creek, Wei tmorellnd courtly, about 9 miles from Greensbur , ., on the main road to how villa, 8 miles from it, and about Smiles from Denied*. town, one mile from a brick Catholic Church and two miles from a Presbyterian Church, viz: No. 1. 204 acres and allowances, from 150 to 160 acres cleared and under fence, has on it a log house. Log barn, &co— No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining the above, 75 to 104 acres cleared and under fence, a good frame house and also a wagon shade and corn crib and a stone sm.* house, all in good order. The above will be sold-al t fair price for cash and payments made to accommodate. or exchanged for properly in Pittsburgh or Allegheny: For further particulars enquire at Harris' Genital Apo e.y. and Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth at. old Building Lots For Salo: THE undersizned is authorized to sell a number a lots beautifully situatedin Aaron Haresplan lots on "Grove Hill." The rapid Improvement sad extension of the city in the vicinity of these lots must greatly increase their value in a very short period. 7: Claims against the estate, properly authenticated, be received in part payment. 016-3 w triA A TWO STORY brick house, suitable for s dwelling and Grocery, situate on the 0011111 W of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given ignimedl awls. Enquire of 011. JAMES MAY. Building Lots in Birmingham. 19 LOTS, suitable for building, most eligibly sir> uated, and within two minutes' walk of the steanzferry boat landing, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment will be made agar, either for cash or such barteras can be made available: Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. juno 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. Lots for Sale. 4 Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52,53,54 181, 182, andlB4, in Cook's plan of Lots, cm Holmes Hill. Also, Lots nos. 28,and 27, in Cook's planer Lott on High Street, near the new Court Howe. _For tarsal apply to Z. W. REMINGTON' sep 10 For Sale. LOTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane asmi High street- Annlv to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth arose. That COTTAGE,renceilie at s p i re tua se r ted ut in ooct the rtied litor bl onh of Jinn Parker. The place has a very fur: garden and good assortl meet of fruit trees. Any person renting can hay. the privilege of enraging for the ensuing year. PO/1111611 Pion given On the Ist of Octot*r next. Apply at 1 , 4). 5 Cnnrm.reinl Row, Liberty street; or to Wm. Totnan, Smithfield street. sell. 1. 1843. A SMALL CHEAP FARM FOR SALE. A SMALL Farm in Upper St. Clair township, a ti boot 44 miles from Pittsburgh, and about 60 yard of the Washington turnpike, containing I 64 acrin good land, well located and improved, and almost all &area and under rood fence; and will be a good plate for in extensive virdner. It has cm it a good dwelling honse and barn; and is well watered. It will be sold low for cash--orport cosh and part credit. Apply at Harris'Ageney and Intellirer,re Office. or Blouses, &c., For THE subscriber ha•_ opened a book to record any dwelling houfr, warehouse, store, skcp, room■ or country farms and scats for rent, charging the own. ers 25 cents each record. Be will keep it open for all who u ish to rent any kind of property to examine, and charge thrtr. 121 cents; and for a small compensation, will attend to renting all kinds of property, andattenel to all kinds of business betwee.n landlord and tenant'. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, No. 9, Fifth it. A Good Farm for Sale or Exciting* . AFARM of 130 acres Sugar Creek, Artnstroog county, 100 of which is improved. This farm is well watered by springs and two large runs which pasa nearly through it and then unite. forming an 'exeellexte Mill Seat. 40 acres are first rate for meadow - or spring crops. and the balar.re is goad for fall grain..— There is no waste lard, and it is well adapted fora ry or for sheep, and lies very well. There is oil it s good apple orchard. u substantial hewed log house. a large log barn and a good coal hark, easiiv accessible, in good order, and the quantity inexhaustible. Tbil farm lies within 13 miles of Freeport, 9 miles froze Kittanning, 4 miles from a Catholic charel, and 2 miles from a Presbyterian end Seceder churches,lt will be sold at a bargain for cash CT exchanged for a good three story brick house and lot in Pittsburgh. For terms and particulars enquire at Harris' Gunnel A gency and Intelligence office, or of the subscriber era the premises. S. J. WHITE. sep 27 Pittsburgh, Pa Philadelphia Freeman's Fire Driek for Bali. JUST received. 5000 Freeman's best Fire Sri& Which will hereafter be kept constantly on Wei and sold low for cash, by BIRI‘IINGHAM BSc Cb t may 2.7 No. GO 'Water ti. =THE subscriber has just received frotet. do Nut. sere of Landreth and Fulton. near Philaelphio. a lot of the choicest variety of peach trecs, to whichtett would call the attention of the public.. D EAR SKlNS.dreised and undreesed, just meek, ed and for sale by A. BEELEN: et.S—tf ATAPS AND CENSUS OF THE T. STATES: 11l Just received, a few cnntcA of Mitchell's ete gent and cheap (price $1.50) Maps of the V. States, tozether with Maps of 32 of the principal eittei sad towns in the Union handsomely colored.Also,la rase copies of Mitchell's Accurate Synopsis of the Stst Census of the United States, at 25 cents. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent 021 and Commis ion Merchant, No. 9, sth at, OFFER for sale a large assortment of Fruitilk Trees, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs,= Winter Blooming Plants, &c. consisting in part of Ap- Peach, Nectarine. Almond, Apricot:, GI ape Vines. English Gooseberries, Currants. Raspberries, Arc.. EXTRA LARGE SETAPE TREES, very suitable fur, plump ing on tho streets, which will afli rd good shatin the first season. Also, choice imported Didei Heft/chaise a nd Tulips; part of them are selected forflowering in pots _or glass,es durinc the winter: CrT FURRIERS. viz; Japonicas, Rose Buds, Heliotrores, tt.c.fundiihaati during the winter at the shortest notice. N. B. Purchasers may be furnished with careful men to plant the Trees, at a reasonable charge. 019—d&w...1w. CAWFIELD has removed his marble Email, • lishment to Wood at. !r.ligvaite Fribe:ll.l643ea Drug Store, where he will bre, gistpuatli` .. cti band tomb Stones, Monuments etc. at 19;— ,-r • i !'t= '1 J. K. HENDERSON Bargains to be Mid. Two Farms For Stii4. GEO. COCHRAN, Exam No, 26, Wood street TO LET. For sent SAMUEL INEALLAND Peach Trees. F. L. SNOWDEN. -- No. 184 LibPrty Ft. head of Woody JAMES WARDROP &CO Manchester Nursery, Removal.