Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 02, 1843, Image 2

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It is gratifying and suggestive to contrast the differ-
IMO in the conduct of the Irish, erect in the dignity of
conscious strength, self-reliant. hopeful, trustful, *.t
above all, educated. Her people are us wretched;
%twig masters as heartle ,s, her sons are as brave, arid
as ready to right their thousand wrongs as are the Welsh
or any other men, but then the Irish are a faithful and
an intelligent people. Their religion teaches them the
iniquity of revenge, their national intellect teaches
theta its impolicy. Therefore it is that we in Ireland
ingtinigatean escape from the =oral and physical pligne
consequent upon violence. Let nothing we have writ
tentJ'supposed to qualify ow sympathy fcr an outraged
Ong people. Their proceed in.'s may be wrong—
we arc sorry that they are so. But the suffering we
know is real. strin;ent, all-pervading, and ur,Tent.--
Ongvntyer , is for the oppressed. and for the redress of
die wrongs of the wretched, whether Welsh or Irish.
I'o I' 13.1: SID T , •
Subj!.ct to the dociaion of
- (Et)c Oaitu 111 - o - ining Post.
la'The late democratic celebrai ion in this city has
atwacied mach attention itt other portions of the state..
Vivtinvidfetobe regarded as the °poring of the Cluber
natotial hall in the post, andas inclicatingthe preferen-
Cos a 66e.clemocracy of this part of the s t a te . Al
deneghthe alemoerats of Allegheny have a preference,
`as is pretty well known now, yet it gives us pleasure to
know that they will cheerfully submit to the choice of
4th_of blare)/ Convontion, and. whether that choice
shall fall on their favorite or not, thoy will support the
nominee with theirwonted cheerfulness and energy.
• Fiain-Yari-geod'feeling which subsists between the
frikusiessf the several candidates, we feel satisfied that
fite gubernatorial majority nest fall will be the largest
er giseialt - rhe state. The gentlemen spoken of for
the nomination Would not only command an enthusias
tic support from the democratic party, but their scru
ieslPeaYteinestand honorable course through life would
&siva' oar opponisnu of their' usual weapons of war
fare, and ensure a triumph of democratic principles
which would be es lasting as it would be beneficial to
the people at large.
The democrats of Pennsylvania arc no mere man
worshippers; they struggle fur something infinitely su
perior to the elevation of any man or men, and what
they nretesseeetly demand is the selection of a canal
due in whose integrity the fullest reliance can be pla
ced, whose capacity is widoubted,
is whose democracy
anteinted,and who can bring to his support the uni
ted strongthof the party. Such manhavelseen named,
andirons recent indications io the sau anti west, we
feel Sanguine that such a candidate will be nominated.
"Yitltl'art unexceptionable candidate Allegheny will
p 45000 democratic votes in 1841, which will be 400
or 500 more than the federalists can possibly rally on
their strongest man.
. We soe it stated in several whig papers that C. F.
KITCHELL, the active and efficient whig 1.-ader of
1810, is again at large, having been pardoned out of
tie' Penitentiary by Gov. Boucg. What new post of
honor will be assigned this distinguished whig? It was
otitie proposed that Sioartwout should be nominated
fdr the Vice Yresid , i,ncy, on &ticket with Clay or Web
ster for Ptesident,but Sammy has put himself oat of the
way of reoeiving that or 'higher honors that awaited
him,' and we know note prrson in the whig party more
deserving of the furors intended for him, than the il
lustrious Mitchell. It will be easy for the ingenuity of
federal.oraters to show that the mistakes made some
two years since were all '•fair business transactions,"
at that, instead of detracting from 11;3 reputation. they
should be considered as strong testimonials of his on.
teeprise end talent. The following would make a
stiifttg ticket, and doubtless receive a warm support
frops:tie coons:
• ,ce P resi dent; C. F. MITCHELL. ,
Bii.t SOHN sor.—The Bill Johnson who was recent
ly killed in lowa, 13 not the Canadian patriot whose
doings a few years since t %cited ec much interest, but
a 'parlous Bill who attempted to speculate on the ro
mantic notoriety .of his namesake. The genuine Bill
Johnson is still living in the western part of New York,
contented and happy. There is no danger that the man
Allows dexte;onsly evaded the bloodhounds of the Ca
nadian government, will ever be killed in a savage
Irt4tarl, such as the one in which the lowa Johnson end
ed-his life.
The Washington (N. C.) Whig denies that the yel
low feterhas existed at ail this season i n that place ,and
states that all their oldest and most experienced phy
sicians affirm that. the fatal disease with which they
have.beem visited, was nothing more than the bilious
remittent. The disease has now altogether disap
LIMING WtaD.—There are few places in the
country that turn out more adroit rogues than the city
of New York. A person, who represented himself as
a metelmnt from Saint Louis, went into a Pearl street
home * feSr days since, and ordered some $lO,OOO
worth of goods, which were accordingly, with great la
bor; put up for him. He called late in the evening,
and detrirod the bill to bo ready by 3 o'clock the next
Morning, when he would call and cash the account, ob
serving, "Ah! by the way, my good little wife desired
me, when I started ant this morning, to procure her
something for a dress; and as I want a coat for myself,
just send three or four pieces of silk and cloth to my
hosek and she can judge of them herself." So said.so
done; and no questions wore asked. Neither cloth,silk
nor gentleman has been seen since. The clerks have
had their work for nothing but say, however, that the
St s . Louis merchant told one truth—that he "intended
to. leave in the first boat," an d he did!
- .
fttuattsttsst.—The Wheeling Times states that the
Fourier ASSOCI3tiOn of this city and Ohio, have per
clOed a tract of land, containing about 2000 times, 7
ad* below that city, from a Mr. San IVER, on very ad
vantageous terms. It adds that they will probably soon
coif mence occupying it for agricultural and horticultu
ralpinpOes, with from eight hundred to a thousand
persons. Tbis will be no small acquisition to the pop.
ulatimiof that vicinity, and being of the right sort of in
dustrious men, we may as well say to them' God speed.'
We hope this purchase may be consummated, and
that the gentlemen of oar city and vicinity, who have
bees l ariasatiog tbe practiCability of associated indus
try, may reslizetheir most sanguine expectations of the
&dila:ego ef the
WHITTLESEY.—The Cincinnati Ga
zette contradict" the rumor that this gentleman has been
eleeteci et °f the Ohio Life InsitraliCe anciTnist
Co: Mr. W. is Mill at his post in Washington.
Mtssiosa.—The Georgetown Advocate
sayti: there seems to be no doubt that Messrs Everett,
Swam Barrow and Todd, have been recalled from
thelfreepective missions, and are to be shortly replaced
by ether perso33 There is a sound of John C
• • col. TAM. It the Rut a^. court.
Gr" Ase you couthegt" sidithe throat ter the ore MIL CLAY'S AVAILABILITY. . - SEVERE MARINE DISASTER.
ter. 1 As the Richmond Whig and other Clay prints are The ship Astracan, (of Portland) Wippin, fromßos
"I'm on the point. of it, .muttered the oyster on so fond of ealightening us in regatd to the availability - ten23d ult., for New Orleans with an.asiorted cargo,
. of oureandidates, we beg leave, by way of reciproca- on the 3d inst., in lat. 33 N., lon. 68 IV., in a via ant
the fork. Ling the compliment., to demonstrate the availability Of hurricane, was entirely dismasted, had decks swept off'mol. everything, lost both beats, and had all her aster stove,
A WATER PARTT•riVe thousand persons were
In 1824, Mr Clay was a candidate for the Tresi and shifted cargo. On the morning after the disaster
present at a late temperance meetioB.at Niagara Falls. i dency, and being the hindmost of the four voted for by there was not a spoonful of water on board , save what
An appropriate pface for a water party.
..". •Ithe peel le, he vi as excluded from the House of Retpre- was in a few barrels of cranberries among the cargo.
_ —....--- i
-------------- _ i sentatives, upon which the body the election devolved. For six days 21 souls queuehed their thirst from eating
THE SPEAKERSHIr.—The Butler Herald of the , let In 1828, hewas identified with Old Johnny Q, and cranberries and what little water they were packed in;
I u condemnation of the one was necessarily a condern- . w h en on the 9th a ship hove in sight to the windward.
says: and they thought they were soon to be relieved from
nation of the other. th e people spoke out in a voice
"Judge Wilkins is highly recommended in several ii. f thunder againer. OA Q. and his Secretary of State, their sufferings. but they were doomed to disappoint
papers for Speaker of the House of Representatives — giving a majority is 'citipositiou to theca of from one to : mem—after standing so near that a man could be dis
cs station for which he is peculiarly qualified. He is —two hundred thousand. Itinctly seen on her quarter deck, with a spyglass in
cool, courteous, and
,yet dignified and decisive." iln 1832, Mr. Clay was brought -out by a National . band , the brute in command kept the ship away, and
. stood on his course, leaving them to their fate—all this
Convention as the Anti-Jackson c andidate, and receiv-
A Coos CAUGHT.— Married in Vernon, Vt. on the ed 40 electoral votes oat of 261. In the popular vote , i time a signal of distress was flying from the Astracan.
21st inst, Mr. Roderick R. Burnham, of Deerfield, to the majority ag a inst him must have exceeded - five I We sincerely hope the inhuman wretch may be disco
' 1 hundred thousand ! Even the opponents of Jackson in vered, that the finger of scorn may be pointed at him
Miss Rcoaina Coon. ' I
' Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont, refused to vote
to his latest breath. On the same day the bark Sa.
. , for him! rah, Captain Foster, from Boston for Matanzas, hove
er'The ciec:io a c it.int Li M ii.isetusette is a i and by whom they were kindly supplied with
In 1836, owing to his acknowledged unpopularity, in si ght ,
warm one: moth parties are doing all in their power to , his friends declined placinghim is nomination for the three casks cf water. The Sarah took from the A. four
e nsure success to their cause. In this ancient home of Presidency. of her crew and one passenger, the owner's son. The
witches and blet•-lights, the principles of democracy ln 1339, he was a candidate far the nomination of A. anchored at 3A. M. to-day about 8 miles ENE from
bin party, and was badly beaten by General;Harrison• Point Judith when the captain came up to town in a
have but little chence of once vs, yet still they are ably Some of the delegates to the Convention wereinstruct- fishing 'meek, for assistance. Previous to this, howe
sustained, and defeat dries net dampen the ardor of ,ed to vote unconditionally against hind ver she had been seen from town, and the carter
their lAIYDCAIO9• OCS ISionally the cause of truth and! Early in the year of 18 - 41 Mr. Clay was put forward JaCkson, Capt. Connor haa promptly gone to her Os
,as the candidate of the Whigs for 1814, and they have sistance. The wind blowi from NE, and a storm
equalrights triumphs, and by
the continued efforts c ' I scarcely gained a victory since! Ohio, which gavea
gathering, it was deemed advisable on the arrival of
the daaiocrate, wahsve no doubt but the state *lll.l Whig candidate upwards of twenty thousand naajorit
Y the steamer lolas, from Providence to despatch her to
eventually be redeemed from the dominion of federal- in 1840, goes for the Democracy now when Mr. Clay tow herim - and at 6 P. M. she was safely anchored in
. lis the Whig candidate! In Kentucky, the "Banner our harbor.
State of Whiggery" in the days of Harrison. there has
1 been a drawn battle between the Democrats under Old
Tecumseh and. the. IVhigs under their boasted corn- .
mender, Old Harryt
"With these facts before him, will any one have the
hardihood to question the availability, the overwhel
ming popularity of Henry Clay! Who is so stupid as
to believe his defeat within the range of possibility!—ls
it not just as certain as any future eventcan be thathe
will be—just as successful as ever! We entertain no
doubt of it.—Lynehberg Rep übliean.
E ..7 The Montgomery (Ma.) Jouruel says:—'We
learn by a letter from Claiborne, that Mr. Dellet, rep
resentative in Congress from the Mobile district, is pros
trate with an attack of disease from which there is lit
tle or no hope ofhis' recovery.'
_re'' Debar gives thefollowihg tieecription of "dodg
ing" in a now farce called the ''Artful Dodgert"
"Now, sir, I'll prove how useful, philosophical and
beneficial my speculations aY—I order a suit of clothes
of a tailor, which I never intend to pay for--I - enefits
tailor. As howl He orders a piece of cloth of wool;
en draper. Cloth being ordered, he benefits woolen
draper, on the strength of which be orders new dress
es for family—benefits dry goods store. Dry goods
store, b) new dresses bring ordered, invites large par
ty to dinner. Butcher, upon meat being ordered, treats
a friend to theatre—benefits theatre. Butcher comes
out, asks a friend to drink—benefits hotel. Friend gets
drunk, kicks up a row, is put in the watch house, fined
for getting drunk, fine goes to corporation—benefits
corporation. So, by ordering a suit of elothes, which - I
never intend to pay for, I benefit a whole community."
The Kentucky Yeoman thinks that the man who
wrote the above picture must have meant it for a satire
on the whig party. for certainly a more striking por
trait could not be drawn of the economies of that party.
First they charter Bank, which never intends to
redeem its issues—benefits speculators. They borrow
on security, and purchase large amounts of property
from the farmers; benefits farmer. Farmer, on price of
property and all articles of production being raised,
goes in debt for more land and opens accounts with
the tradesman—benefits tradesman. Tradesman, on
large account being opened in his store, goes East, and
buys large amount of goods from the merchant—bene
fits merchant. Merchant, on engagement not being
met, wh nJue,sendsnoteoat.forcollection—benefits at
torney. Attorney recovers judgment and eves out ex
ecution—benefits Sheriff. Tradesman sues the
Farmer and levies execution--still benefits Sheriff.—
Farmer bas recourse to speculator, who, v. ith the
thumb of his left hand applied pantomically ro the side
of his nose, with the right draws forth from his pocket
a bankrupt discharge for the edification of his confi
ding victim. In obtaining this bankrupt discharge the
attorney, clerk, commissioner, printer, assignee, dr..e.
&c. have all b'on henefitted. This is whnt the whigs
mean when they say "Bauks arc necessary to develope
the resources of the country."
pRONOUNCED the most pleasant
and efficacious now in use for
ti. cure of coughs, colds, hoarseness
uenza, tickling seneoions of dig
-oat; whooping cough, &c. &e.
The Imperial Cough Syrnp has
ren relief to hundreds who have used
and the proprietor is persuaded that
ras the power to impart benefit that
,not be claimed for tie tough mix-
;es in general use.
Most of the mixtures sold for coughs
composed of spiritous and inflarre
• itory articles, which, while theygive
From the Baltimore American. ittle relief, really do harm.
FROM JAMAICA AND THE. PACIFIC. The Imperial Cough Syrup contains
We are indebted to our attentive correspondent at spiritous ingredients whatever, and
Kingston, Jamaica, for files of papers up to the 29th of
be used iii all cases not requiring
September, incl ic us ls eL, T a o n s d , t
j h ari e f i r a e l l c o a w s in e e p tle . t 2 te r. T. ,
1 riai coe e e eyrup has been used foe the fast six years
I live medical treatment. The Impe-
Business is very dull. The imports of Flour, &c., by the most respectable inhabitants of Pittsburgh and
have been very large; nearly 8000 barrels ha;e heen vicinity. Try it pr yourselves.
at Tle 7 m fo a r r k3eotoioe
quite 4o s o r o oc b k a e r d re . l
, off b e u r t s
re have carter ar ,
ie Se .
E ssi u s n e s iire e r f s_ Bearer s i
county. sorueti
imported since the 7th instant, and 8000 barrels the From Wm. K. Boden, Ems., Clerk of the Court of
Sometime in the winter
sad.__ ley wife was afflicted with a severe and distreseine
TOUCHING. , cough, and hearing of your invaluable cough syrup, I
The following card, posted in the New O r leans c ue . ' purchased a bottlefrom S. T.Trimble, EM, in Bridge
torn House on the 17th inst., has about it (sass the' water, and after taking a portion of it two or three
Chareleston Mercury) a drapery of ssnemental mel- : evenings on going to bed, she found immediate relief;
ancholy.that even at this , distance makes it affeetitig.— •as also several friends have been relieved in several
Whet then musthave been its fearful effect in New Or- , "s°l' lam therefore satisfied that it is a safe and
loans—nay, in th e Custom Horse itself. valuable medicine, and would recommend it to those
"Greenbury Dorsey, Collector for t he P or t o f New ; who may be afflicted with severe coughs and colds.
HE DID NOT STEAL. Orleans. painfully regrets that any gentlemen should ; March 28. 1613. W. K. BODE N.
A name, a ward, hag vast force with some people. be derpired of there situation at die Custom House,but ; S. T. Trimble—Dear Sir: The bottle of Shinn &
Nicholas Biddle is a great man. He has controlled having laid down certain rules to govern him in his are : Seller s' Tmperial Cough Syrup, which I purchased
by his absolute will more money than any mania the pointmente, will render sent: removsals imperiously f you, had tee desired effect in relieving the op.
United States. The whole capital of the Bank of the necessary-. f rom etet ..f my breast. and effectually driving away my
United States and all the money entrusted to it, all that ' cough. I believe it to be the best cough mixture in use.
We learn from the Euquirer, that on Sunday morn- b an , ;l i, f i e: :i co . .. t t a til r, tat tint ti fair trial will preemie the same
it could borrow, was at his disposal, confided to his
discretion and honesty. It has disappeared. All orW. L. HAMILTON.
its; last a tire beree out in a large building in Qttarry
street, between S 'cone an d Thiel str.•ets, is the Brideewater. ?sth Mareh, 18111.
nearly all gone. He can tell wherea great deal of it
occupation of Mr. S eite e et, manufacturer of Weavers'
joi ' t Extract front the Pittsburgh Daily Advoeate.
has gone. It has been sunk in the sea of speculation. :
Reeds, Mr. Hollis, a Turner ;eel Cabinet Maker.l We have a horror of nostrums in general, hut here
Much of it has been lost honestly, no doubt ; but there i e5e,000 i
- r I Mr. John Taylor, Calico. Printing Machine Manuel's
"(l ' ii one which we volunteer tn recommend to nll who
aro large sums that he has failed, and refused absolute-
three The efforts of the firemen in su bd u i ng the ' rue enlisted with coughs. We were seriously a suffer
ly to account for. HE DID NoT sreeet,—lie 'stopped I
I flames ere gr, ate baffle] in s e me n i n
of the
shert of that, say his apologists—he only committed a l A DIABOLICAL SCOUNDREL— AN E N GLI S H ,
e, .
roof c o i f - fientinuta.t,tivaelelfe.notQcough a few days since, and a bottle
"grave o ffi cial error." FUGITIVE. ;of the building being covered in with zinc, and pe- ; M essr s, s• %Inn &e e
elt Syrup which we purchased of
The widow and the orphan entrusted their funds to I In the month of January, 1341, a member of the t
cull-trio: of its on—l i t fier
fill.l,srite,el ' -11 '
el 5, re lieved us perfectly. It is
Mr. E. A. Nivel of the N. Y. Life Insurance a n d Tres- , London Bar named Will. G. Knight, absconded from 1 i T m he m b a i t i t i , li i i a, the ,
, hated vieorarei r d:it, r ' )11 ' a with unit- no trifling merit of this Syrup, that it is quite agreea-
Company. He lived sumptuously. The large income 1 Ins place of busi .ess, No. 8, Fenton Square,
about to
o'clock. belon ged " .
to gat
N r under ble to the petite. In common humanity we must re
• Sens i commend the Imperial Cough Syrup to all who are sue
which fine business talents and unsullied integrity se . i ket, carrying away with hint a large amount orr a nTne a y r- ,
it is said. and W. 1.4 insur t ' tl g he ins of
, , a mounts to between $B,OOO real $lO,OOO. Th p e r c e e p l e l rly ' frr p in e g ep fi a -n t t e n e r a re n s e h sold by
cured tohim, was inadequate to gratify his extrava- 1 the proceeds of numerous forged Bills of Exchange, ' nett,
fiance or to satisfy his avarice. The money of others' sold by said Knight to several gentlemen of Lau d on.
vi the neighborinellol.l3C3 were inundated with water ars R. E. SELLERS,
t thrown from the cos i nes. We are sorry to say that No. 20. Wood street, below Second.
thus entrusted to him he put et hazard; —some of it in lln the Bow Street to
under date of Feb.
i ll u et i e u ns s t
L ci t tet ,
lottery tickets, some of it in corner lots, and some of it i 1. 1841, a reward of £5O is offered for the apprehene
: two fights took place between two of the Companies
in stocks. They all sunk on his hands and became I sion of Knight, and a very minute description is given
ei at different places. eIOYNE, Washington, Pa.; D. N. ROBlNSON
valueless, and the widow and the orphan sighed and jof hi', person, &c. &c. He is about 45 years old, ------
I TEETOTALERS . —Father Mathew, on his return from i T Be le e ee wn ;e v u l
Brownsville; M.W ECKLEY,Cookstown; and PE
wept in vain for their lost treasure. But ree DID NOT feet 10 inches high, very stout and carriage erect, 1 •G ' LTS Canton, Ohio
England to Dublin, told the audience. nt his first meet- n 2
STEAL he only committed "a grave official error."— with broad shoulders, the left arm withered and wears
Levis, of the Schuylkill Bank, Philadelphia, was en - it in a sling , rightleg lame, which in walking, he drags . ing, that he had administered the pledge total abstin- ;
trusted with the stock books of the Kentucky Baler., after him; large, broad, flat face, fresh colored, over- . ence to the Earl of Stanhope, the Duke of Norfolk, the
and wanting money badly, for a temporary, purpose, Iheneing eye-brows, gray eyes, At:eight brown hair, Marchioness of Wellesley, the Countess of Clare, the
(perhaps. as the Commercial Advertiser would say, to and brown whiskers; nose vets flat at the bridge, and Earl of Surrey. the eldest son of Lord Stafford, and
lend to some Loco Foco friend,) he issues fa
nnyertif terminating in rather a sharp point, with a wide mouth. ' many other noblemen and ladies.
cates until he had got out of the commu some 1 Such is a fair description of this fugitive felon. The , •
500,000 dollars. But HE DID NOT STEAL. lie too 1 hand to his withered ar.n is like a perfect child's hand, I
k 'VILLAINOUS Tithes Amos .—Thomes 0. Page
committed "a grave official error."but is useless fur any purpose; he cannot put on his married a lady in Alden, in this county, on the 12th of
Will this cant never be stopped ? Has not the ex- { coat without the assistance of another person, and it September lest, by the name of Hannah Nettleton, who
perience of the past taught journalists that it 13 unsafe is said that his lame leg is greatly smaller than the ode • had resided for several years in the house of Mae CV
thus to palliate the breaches of trust, the violations of i er, arid that he wears a padded stocking of peculiar
i rus Grout of that town, and had accumulated in cash
the law, thefrauds, the crimes which have nearly (les,- i construction, for the purpose of concealing this defect. and effects, about 300 dollars. On Tuesday, the 17th
troved every thing like confidence b et ween mer e w hee l ; He fled from London in January, 1841, and sailed from inst, they came to Buffalo together with the intention
Greenock . f or New York, where he arrived with his
termites to dew, that any moral honesty ruin be proof' of moving to the West, and took lodgings at Mr. Bivin's
again st the temptations of error, LO which one is exposed ; travelling companions about the 12th o f March, 1841, hotel. On Saturday last,having first got from his wife
who has large sums of other people's money at his dis- ; and put up at th e Globe Hotel. He called himself all hee money, Page took all and left the cite, leaving
posall Buffalo Courier. r .Tohn Cooper, in Greenock, and in New York, Wm. G. her entirely destitute, and has not since been heard
' Kane.from,' It is supposed that he went to the West in the
On th e first of February, 1841. a criminal warrant Commodore Perry. Hetalked erecting to Fort Wayne.
was issued by the Lord Mayor of London, on the oath Wherever he is, we hope he may be discovered and
of Walter Charles Venning, Esq., for the apprehen- ' exposed. The lady is of respectable connections,and
sion of Knight, for having forged Bills of Exchange, ' of an unexceptionable and amiable characte
he, the the said Knight, well knowing the same to befalse, Buffalo
forged, and counterfeited with intent to cheat and de-1
fraud, but the said warrant was not executed by reason ? Stmeeise cet Pete .—No one will doubt
chesst high
of the said Wm. G. Knight having absconded. !courage of the Marquis of Anglesey. Whil leg
Ninety one of the forged Bills of Exchange, ut- : was being amputated. he uttered not a sound. A by
: tered and passed by Knight, are in his country; all the' standee might have supposed that he felt no pain; beta
documents sent to this country relating to the before• brother officer whose hand he held all the time, told a
mentioned forged Bills of Exchange, are authentica- I clergyman, a friend of mine, that he Dever had such a
ted by the American Consul at London, Thomas As-! squeeze in his life.
hinwall, Esq. I twee- an old clergyman who had senile-gangrene in a
In the month oe August, 1842. more than a year af- toe, to which Sir Astley Cooper frequently applied
ter his arrival in this country, his whereabouts was nitric acid; and he told me that, stork king to cry out,
discovered by James Young, ofthe Philadelphia police. ' and not being able to swear. he always relieved. him-
He went in pursuit of him and arrested him in the Ter- self, in his agons;, by spouting a sentence of the Philli- i
ritory of lowa, about five miles from the town of Day- i pies. " Dr. Barnes, of Lavistoek Place
- A. N ORDINANCE relating to Board Measur•
enport. A suit was instituted against Knight in that who was acting surgeon at Macquarie Harbor, during
Territory for $12,000, (being only a portion of the t 1826 and 1827, for nineteen months, informs me that I. Be it ordained and enacted b the citi-
amount of the frauds,) and a judgment obtained for 1 me s s aw, in all, 17,000 laehas given in that penal settle
zens of Pittsburgh in or d ain and Common Councils as
that amount. Cannot this man be held under the Bth nt. As it is a point of reputation with the convicts
, 1 sembled
section of the Treaty passed in February last? At all to appear to despise the torture, and numbers of tame ; •
That from ' and after thepas sago of this Ordinance,
events the public should be put on their guard against '; arc the most daring, determined and courageous of '
any BoardMe• who p sha s ll e Irefuse
asurerneg ect or to
the swindler. The amount of the forgeries is $27,000. ; men, he continually witneseed the absence of all excla- theWharf Maater of the number of
make returns to ,
---. I motion; but, in every instance, something was notice- t and lumber, he may measure for an
able which disclosed suffering or determination. The ! fee "r boards p •Is ' to collecting his own fees y
shoulders were generally kpt raised, showing the shall,
or 1
. )e — r',e t e u s e ' lin re e ‘ e ' i t e e ct or refusal, forfeit and a '
strong action of the surrounding muscles; or, perhaps, t url"r" -
of ' dollars; '
dshall pa y
to the city the sum two an also,
a bulletin the mouth was felled afterwards flattened
held liable for the wharfage of said boards or lumber.
out to the thinness of a wafer, by the action of the jaw. , Or dai n ed
enacted late aw in Councils, m s, ihe3oth
(Elliottson's Operations without Pain•
day of October, A. D. 1843.
A late number of the. London Lancet contains a no-
tice of certain experiments performed on cats, one of j
which is peculiarly brutal in its character, and not of
any scientific importance in its results. A foreivier
of the name of Weinhold took away the brain and spi
nal marrow of one of those and filled up the space thus
made with an amalgam of mercury, quicksilver and
zinc. Life appeared to be instantly restored, the ani
mal lifted up its head, opened and shut its eyes, and.
looking with a fixed stare, endeavored to walk, and
whenever it dropped tried to raise itself on its legs. It
continued in this state some twenty minutes, when it
fell and remained motionless. During the time the in
mal was thus treated, the circulation of the blood went
en regularly; the secretion of the gastric juice was more
than usual, and the animal heat re-established. Al
, though it is not expressly so stated, the animal must
I have been alive whrm this fellow cut away the brain and
spinal marrow, or else the process thus described could
not hare been reproduced; and wo can easily believe
that a person ca.pablo of thus torturing an animal,
would not hesitate. were it not fur penal restriction, at
repeating hir: scientific experlmeat onhuman creatures.
AITTACTING.—Among thepassengers in the steamer
New Haven, that stopped at Lebanon on Saturday
morning last, was a lady with a child, 4 years of age.
The lady left the bo it with the ohild, and her baggage
was placed on the wharf Thinking that she bad left
some article in the boat, she placed the child on her
trunk, and again went on board. When she returned
to the wharf, the child was missing. and could nowhere
be found. Frantic with fear, she screamed to the cap:
tain of the boat—which, in the meantime, had proceed
ed a short distance from the dock, bound to Warwick
—to stop, for her child was missing, and she supposed
it must have followed her on board. The boat return
ed to the wharf, and a general search was made, with
out success. During the absence of the mother, the
child bad fallen from the wharf into the water, in en
attempt, probably to follow its mother onboard. The
body wal recovered on Sunday. Wash. Cap.
17P No plaster can be made strong enough todraw
genuine tears from a hypocrite's eyes—money from a
mise--generosty from solfishness—tnith from a slan
&rat r —honesty from a thief era prize in the lottery.
Extract from a private letter, dated
NEW HAVEN, Oct. 26th.
"The papers do not indicate the true state of feel
ing in regard w young Fasait. The young man is still
at large here awaiting his arrest. The course be bas
pursued has softened the public feeling in regard to the
affair, and ho and his family have met with much kind
er reception and more sympathy than they expected.
Bail I have no doubt will be admitted, and the case
adjourned over to January term, as from the vrant of
sufficient positive testimony to the wound having
caused the death, the charge against him will probably
result in an assault with an attempt to kill, which is
bailable, and which from all I can learn they cannot
convict him of."—Phila. Gas.
SUICIDE OF Licur. IrVvenz.—The first account o
this melancholy occurrence, which we copied yesterday
from one of the BOitoll papers, appears to have done
great injustice to the memory of the deceased, in rep.
resenting him as intoxicated, and as committing suicide
through shame. The evidence at the coroner's inquest
leaves no di nix that he was laboring under derangement
aggravated perhaps by opium.—N. Y. Corn. Adv.
The funeral of Lieut Wyche was attended on Friday
from tho United States Receiving ship Ohio, lying in
Boston harbor, by Commodore Downes, all the officers
of the ship that could be spared from duty, with sever
al of the friends of the deceased from the shore, and
many of the seaman of the Ohio. The burial service
was read by the Rev. Adli‘on Searle, Chaplain to the
Ohio,and three collies fired over the grave, after which
the procession returned to the ship.
ASOIEIER BONTIRE.—The Auditor General gives
notice that on the last day of the lair month, the follow
ing issues of relief notes were burned., pursuant to the
act of April 5.1843:
Merchants' and Manufacturers',
Erie Bank,
Harrishurgh Bank,
Berks County Bank,
iddletown Bank,
Penn Township Bank,
Moyurnen=ing Bank,
•Mincrs' Bank, Pottsville,
.NlanufantaL•ori' 3 and Mechanics' Bank,
Stismehanna County Bank,
Towanda Bank,
West Branch Bank,
Novtharnptun Bauk,
"The laborer, hen upon roerty of his own or of
others, should be w the truly p
inde p pendent man. He
produces more than he consumes, and so far from be
ing indebted for his support, he actually creates wealth.
He in reality is no more dependent upon his employer 1
than his employeris upon him. The rights and ohli- {
gutions of the two classes are reciprocal and equal.—
And whoever would infringe this right, whatever oth
er virtues he may possess, cannot be areal friend of the
equal ris4 . hts of man, nor a sincere supporter of the true 1
principles of the government under which he lives."— I
Marcus Morton.
The laboring classes, aad all who are contending for
a just and reasonable distribution of the earnings of la
bor among those who "create wealth" for thoseby whom
they are employed, will find in the above admirable
maxim laid down by the present chief magistrate of
his State, the only true doctrine of the rights of labor.
Would that the people would see to it that this doc
trine is enforced in the choice of their rulers.
Boston Post.
For Sale.
THE subscriber offers for sale, on ace Immodat rig
terms, a valuable lot in the city of Allegheny, '
f fronting 71 9-12 feet on the East Common and cor
From N.O. Bec. nering on Gay alley, 99 feet deep, on erldelt - is erected
IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. a neat and commodious three story brick dwelling
house, as also two neat and well finished two story
We alluded some days since to a misundeistand-
frame dwelling houses. Application to be made to
tog which had arisen between the diplomatic agents
. the undersigned. at his father s residence, on Robinson
of Great Britain and the Mexican GOverrnent, but had
street, Allegheny, where be will remain for eight or
not deemed it a matter of serious consequen:e, until , IN M. B. FOSTER, jr.
yesterday, when we were kindly allowed to copy an ten days.
extract o - fa letter received in this city, dated Mexico,
September 29th, and forwarded by way of Havana, by Travelling Agents Wanted.
the British steam ship Severs. It communicates A FEW YOUNG MEN are wanted to obtain sub
the following intelligence of startling import: il. scriptions to Publications in the adjoining coon-
Maxie°, Sept. 29th 1843: I ties, to whom reg ular employment and liberal reinune
"P. S.—We regret to inform you that from some ration WiII be given. Apply at this office.
misunderstanding which has arisen between H. 11. M. nr ,_, '
Mission and the Government, Mr. Doyle. H. B . M's. - '
Charge D'Affaires, has suspended all diplomatic inter- Wanted.
course with Mexico, until he receives instructions' , T T thn File Manufactory, corner of Liberty and
from his Government." , _ti O'Hara streets, two men to grind files-and sad
Wages paid in cash every week. 02
By the brig Empresario, Captain Collins, arrived
vsterday from Campeachy, we have news up to the
[oth inst.
The Commissioners sea to Mexico for the purpose
of entering into a treaty ofTeace and amity with that
government, had not yet returned.
It Wit thonzht that another war between the two
countries would be inevitable, as quite a belligerent
feeling had begun to manifest itself among the 'Yuen- I
tecoes, in consequence of the tardy movements of the
Mexican government in relation to the proposed trea-
ty,-.—which has been increased by a late proclamation
from the Mexican government, closing the port of Lag
una against all vessels belonging to Yucatan.
3 200
1 P. )0
Many of our readers have perhaps seen the annexed
anecdote, but it is good enough to read a second time.
It was told at the 4th ofJ uly celebration at Providence,
(R. I.) by the Hon. Mr. Tillinghast, a member of
Congress from that State:
"The first sword that waved in triumph upon the
surmounted ramparts ofYorktown' was a Rhode Island
sword. The owner of that sword, as he clambered up
the work-, received upon his bands and arms the stabs
of the bayonets that were aimed at his lre. and have
jog gained the summit,lnd planted him-elf tit mly there,
he lifted his sword aloft in his bleeding hand, al.d
called aloud to friends and foes, "Capt. Stephen 01-
ney's company
. forms here."
Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steams
Boat Agents. Water street.
'Daily Beaver Packets.
• Bliston, Rowland, Ship-yard
West Point, Grace, Louisville
Mayflower, Hutchison, Louisville
Oella, Bowman, Brownsville
Mingo Chief, Devinney, Wheeling
• Daily Beaver Packets
ar All beats marked thasrl are provided with
Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of Steam
Per New Orleans and Apalachicola.
• • . HE new and substantial Steamer
_L BOSTON, ROLLND, Master, will
-- • leave for the above and intermediate
landings, on SATURDAY, 4th instant, at 10 o'clock, A.
M. For freight ar passage apply on board, or to
The Boston is furnished with Evans' Safety
Guard to prevent the explosion of Boilers.
FRESH TEAS, COFFEE, and other Groceries,
_L iI purchased on the best termo, fur cash, ;just re
ceived and fur sale by W & ltl ATT ECHLT
ty REE,
No. 160, Liber street.
GROUND NUTS.—Just received from Philadel
phia, on consignment, 100 buslu-ls African
ground nuts, which will be sold in lots to suit purcha
sers, by JOHN D. DAVIS,
corner Wood and Fifth streets.
farms, and farms with mills, fur sale on ac
commodating terms. Several farms wanted to rent by
good farmers. Persons who with farms to perchase,
or have them to rent will please ripply at HA RRIS
General Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9,5 th st.
THE subscribers respectfully inform their friends
and the public that they have commenced the
At No. 20, Wood street, two doors from the corner of
Front street, under the firm of W.J. HOWARD & Co.,
where they will be prepares' to supply all those who
may favor them with their orders, with groceries aid
Pittsburgh manufactured articles, on terms which can
not fail to give satisfaction.
Pres't P. T., Common Council.
E. J. ROBERTS, Cl'k, C• C.
Pre,ident, Select Council
n 1 -3t
i c.ct 26
- 7:
.• ',. Gato Riess, October' 11th, 1843.
E, the undersigned, Passengers on board the S.
Y. V B. 'Cicero," take great pleasure in tecommend
log Sesittst. House, as being a polite, attentive and
gentlemanly Steward, and are of the opinion that he
will always, to the utmost of his power, endeavor to
please those who travel en ;aid Boat.
Julia Barn, P. A. Langhorne,
' E.. 1. Ward, Susan A.
,Hardin,, _.
Martha Brown, Margaret roeisteen,
Henrietta F. Ectica,. Itober; A. Beebe;
J. C. Coulihan, James Branagan,
i Samuel Thompson, Mary Emily Jonas,
Iroderika Kohler, George It Kunstearid,
Jerome Cousville. ' 031-3t'
DR. M'L ANE'S LIVER PILLS.—This is to cer
tify that a niece of mine was very ill with &Me
er complaint, She purchased a box. of NlcLeoe's Liv
er Pills, took them as per directions, felt much reliev
ed, used a second box, and. is nearly cured. I believe it
was the Liver Pills that relieved her. I would cheer
fully recommend M'Lanes Liver Pill to those persons
whose Liver is diseased. JIMETEI Berri.
1^ miles from Pittsburgh.
For sale at the Drag Store of JON. KIDD,
oct 31. Corner of 9th and Wood sts. Pitts.
ceived and fur sale at the Drug Store of
COFFEE, TEA, &c, &c.
250 BAGS best quality Rio green coffee,
150 packages Tea, various qualities, part
'2O boxes loaf and lump Sugar,
New °deans Sugar, in hhds and bbls.
Nu. 2 and 3 Mackarel, in bbls and half bbls.
In store and for sale on accomn - uxlat ing tenni, by.
No. 4, Corril How, near canal,
FIC.—A fresh supply of this valuable medicine
for expelling worms from the system. Parents
children are afflicted with worms may depend on this
article if given according to directions. Certificates of
its efficacy can be shown to convince any person of its
surprising activity any promptness in expelling worms
and thus saving the lives of hundreds of children.
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD,
oct 31 Corner of 4th and Wood sts. Pitts.
Corner of Wood and Water sts, •
WHERE as choice an assortment of ready made
clothing, cloths, cassi mores, satinetts, vestings,
flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, Angola and lamb's wool
hose and half hose, silk and gingham cravats, bdkfa.
stocks, and in short, a little of everything adapted to
the use of gentlemen, all of which purchasers will find
made op, and also made to order in the latest and most
improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himeelf,
will successfully compete with any establishment west
of the mountains.
Having made arrangements in the eastern cities; he
will be constantly receiving accessions to his already
well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call,
then, if you wish to furnish you rself with choice articles.
ae Good era yet Cheap, for Cask!
Remember the place--corner of Woo and Water
streets. 02.6-3sr
Mass Cutting Establishment,
WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glaze•
of all descriptions, can be purchased at very rea
sonable prices, together with a great variety of splendid
cut glass, window lights for steamboats, private houses .
and churches, wholesale and retail.
Persons wanting any of the above articles, will do
well to call and czar line for themselves, before purcha7
sing elsewhere.
Dl. B. Watch and Time piece Glasses always
on hand. u25-3ro.
St. Peter's Church at Rome,.
ALARGE PAINTING of this splendid Temple
will be exhibited for a short time at IRWINI ' S
Loco Room, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of .
this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest etilo.
glum in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1836.,
It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 other
paintings, which are now open to the public.
Admittance 25 cents; tickets fur the season 50 cents;
children half price. G. COOKE.
reOpen daily from 9 A. M till 4 P. M. and also
from 6 till 9 in the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denominations an
respectfully invited, free of charge. 023..
Burke's Building, next to Merchants and Mann-
jactierers' Bank.
f W. KERR would inform all those interested,
-/ . that he has opened a school at the elxire plum,
for the purpose of giving instruction in the art of Ortioi:
graphical and Perspective Drawing. Hours, from 1 to
9 P. M. 028-Bt*
No. 13, Fifth street, between Market and
Wood, and corner of Sixth and Grant its.
I& H. WALKER feel grateful to the
• public for the litxr,tl patronage bestow
ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now
manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very su
perior article in Beaver, Russia, Ncutria, and every
other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth,
sealett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the ve
ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is
done by machinery, but by the best workmen by band,
they can recommend with confidence their Hats, as be
ing superior and more durable than those generally of
feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can
he supplied upon equally as low terms as in the East- -
ern Markets I. & H. WALKER
-02 3-3 m.
Situation Wanted,
AS Teacher of French, Spanish, Gmek, and the La-:
tin Language.
The undersigned wishes to acquire a perfect knowl
edge of the Englis't, so that the recompense looked for
will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in En
glish from those whom be may instruct. He was late—
ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges
of Baton Rouge and St. Charles.
For a character for competency and morality, he can.
exhibit letters of the most respectable gentleman in
New Orleans and Cincinnati.
1126 F Reference in this city can be made to Rev. H_ .
J. J. Dean, of St Paul's Church, and Captain Junes.
019. Washington House, Water st.,
October 20th, 1843.
AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to
serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the .
Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Novato
ber next,betwren the hours of 9 A. sr. and 3 P. M.
09.1-te THOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier.
Pittsburgh, October 20, 1843. •
AN election fur thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking
House, on Monday, the 20th day of November next—,
(41—te W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, 1843. 1.
AN election for thirteen directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking
House on hlonday , the 20th da
SNUFF,just received and for sale by
Corner Cband Wood sta. Piita.
CF LO ROBES by single robe or bale, for she