7T - 17 n . .Itmestfettoweve t - mar Nb. Wirititztvist, Pflitaktrarti is lbws always on band as extentive assOrtamet of Batir =and rests PAMIR, HANGINGS, 'Velvet . 110. Borders, of the latest style and bandsman pattern, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. manufacture and have on hand at all times- Prpidag.Weittag.Lrettex, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon ocean/trailers' Beards -rail of which they offer for sale otrtitltYestaccammodatin g terms; and to which they levee littaa of merchants and others. AUIO-11Iank - Books °fail kinds and the bestoality, BcheellfmOks, etc. o,lerayi on band and for sale as above S. S. lust titTantoirs'Beraps' taken In exchange. lit _ . . *OVAL,—The Undersigned begs leave to inform „Vas public A that be has removed from ills old stand, to t ~,_Coltriler or- Peon and Fk. Clair as., opposite the Es elitakirlael, tabors bi hiz fi tted up a large tqsati Foass Wit raid Nam, alarm for sate the most splendid V P. 4161 ever offered in this market. ilti r aliaibiectasist of different patterns, of superior Roue WON imilialkogautt,tre.autifally Hnishad and am eg*ie OW ad sonstradtad throughost of the very hest ma. t ~ ' li,ibr durability. and quality of tone, as mill as Ate Warrants to be superior to stay ever. seen . Iteoll4 ' ~ '' Aetna bas enlarged lila Manufactory, sad made armoire. 'netts de minply the increasing demand for ibis Intro wteegi be , romMetfully Toques's tbose intending la par ems: W:gal4 aegi examine his assortment hefornpnrcha. Ogg alasimbere.- at he Is determined to tell warm", for cattillialitrly other establishment east or west of -the SUL F. BLUME, Cornet of Penn and St. Clair 'greets. Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa. Maribor has just received (rota Pbitadel plata and ... ,Idism Tort, with a general and extensive assort va*tlifOß WIC CORMIC4LB, PERFUMZRY, and evertertiels in his line of business, which lie is-deter. mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash. He believe, he can offer stronger Inducements aura any a. . itef etlitablislimant In this city to country Physicians a ',preheats, who wish to supply themselves with 04 Medicines. His artielni have been selected 'the utmost care, and are warranted ofthe best qual. Ititad iniform strength. Orders wit be filled with Sc. eerier" and elegance. Pamill s can be supplied with Pine mid Taney Soaps of every conceivable variety, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery aid Connetlesof every description. The nodersigned returns his thanks for the I iberal sug port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant disposition to please and aecommo date—a care in pro meriscand selling oily what is excellent andeenuinsa olsoosupterbion of the sales and (reelection of the lamb tiotprectaation and accuracy in compound' med. elooe—and by industry and perseverance, to merl ' n lob i reuse of on bile patronage may U. _yours look so, with a grin, replied Josh, vehrought youa bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, `Tat the best now in use, so the gentlefoiks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away. provelt the best; to make theteetli shins, Look again, my deer Pal, at the lustre. of mine. Then try !Lis great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, . Lad see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not dna. • Dr.. , Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash ) " beaoCill acquainted with the Ingredients of its cern po ellltte, l cheerfully say, I consider It one of the safest, as Ittihad of the most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID RUNT, Dentist. I take pleasure In stating, having made use of.. Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the best den takes In use. Being In a liquid form, it coinb!nes neat. sem with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume gelds a fregranee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. Pd. D. The undentigned have. used “Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"and have (bond It to bean extreme: ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary Ingo. eau over the Teeth and Gams; preserving those Indis pensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Elev. , lag thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re. 'coannending it to the public, begieeing it to be the best ar. Wrath. kind now in use. a ROZIHRTSON. JANES P JACK: RHIFTH PEEBLES. CHAS B SCULLY, C DARRAGH. FFAt ArCANDLRS.S. J X HOOREZAD, JAS S CRAFT. HL :RING WALT, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN. Apotheea• ry aad amulet, No. 53 Market street,l Pittsburgh; and at all tbe prinelpa Druggists', and Tuttle's Msdkal Aden. 1, Tallith street. sep LIVER COM PL A INTS—Dyspeysisand Adigestioa, wlth'costlveness, asidity or the stomach, hardness of Red after meals, heartburn; flatulency, livercomplalats with pain la the side and shoulder, Jan ndice bilious corn. plaints, thwils.V, diabetes, gravel, stone, and Inns orition ofthe lungs, are most perfestly removed and cured by the HEPATIC ELIXIR. This article has the astonishing feels In curing all com dlolitts of the stomach and digettive organs. Many b igh • ly respectable Individuate In New York have been cured, after trying every other remedy In vain, and have given in their names with permission to refer to' them. It M lament to the last, and does not in the least interfere with tie daily avocation of one taking It. litany film'. lies of the city have become so pleased with the medicine, that It'sy use It as their only family medicine. By using it Oteasionally, it keeps the stomach free from bilious di,. orders, end testi liver active L ivith the secretions of the hods in the moat perfect aetfirifg, iI ig composed entire. ty ogaqpnattle. The cure Willbe gradual, but certain and permanent. For sale at Torr La's, 86 Fourth street sap. 6. Or. Leidyss Totter & Itch Ointment. _ • V4Ol Hseinreofevery variety of TETTER, the ITCH, and all channel of the Skin, has proved itself more efileadonellan any other preparation for the Lime par posipin Us. 17perards of five hundred certificates might be procured aid published of he efficacy from School Teachers. Pro: iiiieterif Of Pactoties. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurse*, Captains or vessels and others, were It not for the dell. eaey la having their names published in connection with much disagreeable affections, _ . . - arthe use Of Dr Leidy's Tetter Ointment In cOriane, deg iflth his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Ms., he ourWillf ales to cure any disease common to the skirl, new or bad, or of however long standing, or recall - Witte There are however very few instances hot can brketsrad.by the Ointment alone. ?ski - 245 Brats a Pen, Tellitarol only and sold wholesale and retell st Dr Lel. beli 'hula linparinin,l9l N. Second st. Philadelphia, sail by ill. J. IPANNESTOCIC # Co. corner of Wood Oil 11416 streets. Agents for Pittsburg. July 12. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU- FACTORY. rinlitsishaeriber would respectfully Inform the chimps A at Pin cares, Allegheny and their vice:hies, that bc itigheammeweed manufacturing the article of Lard al let. He Intends making but one quality, - "Pilch I the hael. made In the Union and not eurpaield Irak Mt Williefiesahtedeperusefl Aber fbr machlinerl agobsts . lig, *Moat fts Wen** propertka, and' ode 2101.41beapirr. 727iE 410,2 IS WARILINTIMTO J4RW hit JAW THAIPERATURS; : The matsert. kw wlishas to laistrem distinctly on the public mild that Jtianot naressary to purchase any new Jangled's/apt that are daily palmed upon them as being, retteisltelo born the Ord ell In. Persona wishing a .pure and brilliant light delat obtain 'thy caning at the old stand,3d strcet;nearis elyidlteldetost °fees: M. C NOEL Otteation of Wholesale dealers. Churches •ad I lora iv:epees AA 7a I 'WM. L—All s will bear the aaaaal4etores• /ant 1343—tf. triDIVEDI74I2. EDlTratraLitil• UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For its Traaspartatisu of ifirrceindils end Praha Between • PITTSBURGH AND PIGLADEL . 1 N AAND PITTSBURGH .tXD 13 4LTLKOR.E, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. nr HEVINE respectfully Inform the public ihattitcP JLE.• have completed their arrangementsforthe totem Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDEZ.T PRINCIPLES. The public has long wished foci ndivithisl competition In Transportation on the Public Works., by which alone It can be freed from unnecessary expenses and rediced to Itsiewest rates; that wish will now be realised; the State ofrennsylvania having placed Trucks on her RIOI Roads, Individuais awning Portable Boats are enabled to bid for the Carrying Trade and suceessfhlty to cost- Pete with companies. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Pour Smiles Portable Boats, owned by the Captalas who cesumand them and well knows an enterprising, Industrious aikr expexienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of Transportation, are too well known to shippers generally.to require .comment; suf fice It to Bay, that the 4141saliest, lou , o4PArati" c ad dam ego to Goods, Invariably attendin: Limas Treashipairsts between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia areby the Portable Boat most tactually mamma. - The Portable Boat possesses the groat 'Weeniest too, of being well ventilated and cool la Bantsur; which pre. Tants Flour from roaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from sweating. 11. Devine, standing as he does, between the oweer t e of goods aad the Boatmen who carry them, and eqaully Interested in protecting the Interests of este, will make no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform. He is now prepared to receive and forward Produce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston la the shortest time, and pledge's himself to enter Into no corn. Ideation with other Lines,bat always eland ready to carry out the prlnciplesof his Line, and contract for freight on the very levrestierms. . . Otly're give ondonitted•sieurityto owners and shlpiers Of goods an open policy of Insurance. has been eiseted, by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be Insured without any additkinaLexpesso re the — owner. 11. Devine will receive all produce consigned. to him al Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats and forward the same without deliy to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York. awl Baskin klth*llt lay charge for advauclag Or oommisskol. WILLIAM THORN B DLYINE Ageot, N 0.45 Water Pittsburgh: 141,04. BORBIDC; E. Agee', 272 Market street, Philadelphia. MOORE # CHASE Ageme, 75 Comity's Wharf, Baltimore. BOWEN HIBBERD, Agents. Cincinnati, Ohio COLDER WOODBURN, Ageni, Madlion lad: Thos. McADAM, # Ca , Agent March ID .1942. 27 Old ells New Ye Ready Made Coffin 1117arehonse. "'earth St ,2desrsfross as U. 8. Baak. WM. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, tRESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has reni3ved his ready made coffin ware. hawse to the building recently occupied by MV. It.. G. Betrord., directly oppositt him old- snot], where be is always prepared to attend promptly to any orders is his line, tad by strict attention to all the dotal:4o( the busirleti of apS/sidertaker, be hopes to merit *Odle confide noel He Will tiepre pa red at ass 'oyes to preen& Rearms, Biers, C - hwes and every reqdtalte on the most liberal terms. O'Herron' the country 10114 promptly attended us. His residence Is in the same building with his wart. beast, where those who seed his service. may And him atany time. . w.w.tiswirt. Lay. ;OWN ISLACK.D. D. /ODOM RIDDLT, cal. ROSIRT 111170 Z, D. D. 10005 PATTON, UT. ILSIONL WILLIAMS, T W. s. pecstrss, ' NIT. sostra bias, IAAC NAIRN, sep-lit - iunr,ot,,s, 1 1 111117. " - FARM FOR SA Le.—The undersigned offers for sale his farris,4lLiwp in Ross Township 41 miles from the City of Pithilliggfamontaining 110 taw4of which 60 are oleareigtgig.K, Iltijkar i acres of meadow , , tillislf4friduinisoraggsthkgklingbanb and Cherry t rees—the sitproveutuutrgnie - a house containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta Vera or private Dwelling,. frame Barn 28 by 60,stine basement, and stabling, sheds tad other out houses suit able for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes, and a well of excellent water, with a pampin at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered for sale with moreinducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for further particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next. It will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit purcha ears ' sep 10 nenlar allorning Packet for Beaver. T HE ste rr e ram% and well know CLEVELAND, Senar HIMPHILL, Master, win depart daily from Pitts burgh at 9 o'clock, A. 11.1„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M. For freight or pairsdge, apply on board. or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N. B.—The regular canal packet to Clevelana. Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa.; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal,connecting with steamer Cleveland at Llea• semenl be in operation immediately on °perils: of nay. nation, mar !G -tf DR. STARKWETHER'S HEPA'I'IC Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years &landing. This may certify that for twenty Ave year, 1 was af• Aieled with pain in my side, which was frequently to severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor. 1 have been ander the care and treatment of various physkiartA without any permanent benefit. Hearing of the many cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Starittveather.l was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to say that It has entirely removed- kayo felt no symptoms of it for sore than a year past. Northbridge,luneB63o, 1841. A MOS WHITE • The genuine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourth street. Pi - - kenning's fire rroof Iron Chests- - PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. J. Danwirro—On Friday, the3Oth oflaat month, about 9 o'clock at night,the Planlng.Grooving and Sash Man. ulbetory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed Intoner, was all consu. med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back 11 . 311 in the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot —I am pleased to Inform you it was opened at the close of the tire,and all the books, paper's, fc.saved;—this is the best recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. oct 24-if Pi arch and Oil • . 4 •31.. - - 1 • 'Y.:: - • -s- ws' V IA • -••••, imPliPihk • _ . CONST.SNTLYon hand a superior article of Lard Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature, and equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without Its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper, Man. ulaetured by the subscriber at the old stand, Third sty, nearly opposite the Poet Office. 111. C. EDEY. Jan 4.1845 BIRMINGHAM I.OCIC AND SCREW 'FACTORY. fIIIOS submariner having opeirod a shop No 68.fflecond street. between Market and Wood reets,Putsbergh, eonneetic n with Ihe pinny la sliai, halln4 fully Informs Ms Mead, and the put*, that he will happy to Pe &voted whir ittetr order* loran) , artielefla his line, Door Locks and Pasteners,o 'various 4 scriptions: or, band and made to order. Tab:wits . . aid Veber Screws. Lame Screws, for Iron Works,and Screws for Presses, made as maybe required, Carpenters and Bnitdets at* reodested to calf before eontractirgifor jobs, and examine his articles and prices. Locks repaired and jobbing generuily t'etto lo the best mannerodoe Oil the lowest terms. may 2-6 m JAS. PATTERSON, Jr, ELIXIR. THOMAS SCOTT CiMill IN purstrancaOlaw, Tamax - TYLue. Preaideat 1411111110. 44441 . 4e1it mecca, do hereby de. dare adentitilfattarrtittatifebtie netritaAllea held at the undernientioned Land Offices, ia.tbe State of missuunt- ay the periods hereinafter designated, to Wit: A - 1 1 PLATTSBURG, in Clitnoticounty, thaseat ofthe bind °Thee for the Platte district of Missou ri. commencing oir Monday, the ninth day of Oct,. bir next, for the disposal of the public lands within the oo de rinentietied townships, sad fractional town ships, to wit: ,Ittgyth of hie base like and'ilesl of the fifth . pal meridian,Onti welt Of the proer trettern botm lictri of tie State. Township Sixty two. of, allege thirty rotir. Townships sixty one' 'arra sixty three, of range thirty ire - 'Townships sistystiro and sixty four, Orange thing Titwesi!ipi sixty one and sixty three, el range thirty seven. Townships sixty two and sixty Nur, of mite thlr ty eight. The west half of township sixty tine, of tinge thirty nine. Fractional township sixty two had township sixty foor of range forty. • F;actionsi townships sixty tyro sad Slaty Ahrese of range forty one. • • Fractional township:sixty times arid iihtly lOur,-of resit* forty two. _ Alniis of the base line and eagle She fifth priatipal intridiax, and Mt of the former mesterei bowing; of the- Spats, Towneh'ps sixty one and sixty Wei of lenge twenty seven, - Tewpthipssisty. eizty one and sixty twoi of range twenty eight. . . Township sixty one. of range twenty nine. Also at the some place, commencing on MoodisYs the thirteenth day of November next, for the dispoest of the public lands within the timintot the unclermen townshipe and fractional townships, viz: Norte of lite bate line and West of the fifth principat meridian, atamest of the former touters bolindary of the State. Fractional townships fifij, fifty one, fifty three, fifty five and fifty seven, of range thirty three. Townships fety two, fitly four, fifty A:, fifty eight and sixty, of range thirty four. Fraetional township fifty one, townships fifty three, fifty five, fractional township fifty seven and town ship fifty nine, ofrange thirty five. Fractional townihips fifty four, fifty iii, and fifty seven and town hip sixty; of range filmy six. Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight and filly nine, of range thirty seven.. Fractional Fractional townihips fifty five and .witty of wile thirty eight. At the Land office - at LEXINGTON, commenc— :ng on Monday the second day of October next, for the diiposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townships, to wilt— 1 North of the blue tine mid tool of the filthprincipal Townships thirty six, thirty seven and thirty sigh of range fourteen. Townships thirty five and thirtfseten, or range fifteen; Township thirty flee or rongis sixteen and nineteen Townships thirty five, shirty iii, thirty seven and thirty eight, or range twenty one. Township thirty eight; Of range twenty three. Tovinihip thirty nine, of range twenty eight. Townships thirty eight and thirty nine, of range twenty nine. Township flirty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two and thii ty three. • South-west-fractional quarter of sections twenty one, and the north east-and north west fractional quarters of section tweaks -lour in township fty one, south of Missouri river, of range twenty six. South west quarter of eection seven, in township forty nine, or c ams twenty seven. Lands appropriated by law, for the use of schools maitary or other purposes, will be excluded from sate. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, [tkeless tke lands are sooner disposed . of] and no longer; and no private entries °fiend in the town ships so offered will be admitted, until after he ex piration of the two weeks. Given und.r my hand at the City of Washington, this eighth day of June. Anon Domini, 1843, JOHN TYLER. By the Preisident: Teo. H. BLAKE, Comm'r of the Gahm! Land Office, NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person claiming the right of prc•emptinn to any lands witain the limits of the townships above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper Land Office, and to make payment therelor, as soon 4J practicable after seeing this notice, and be fore the day appointed for thecummencement or the public sale of the township, embracing the tract claimed, above designated: otheiwise such claims will be forfeited. THO. H. BLAKE, Commissioner of Use General Land Office June 29—tds. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN. ST RUM ENTS!—T. XcCrrtky, Cutler mad SKr/Oral /Imminent Maker, Third Strart• $ 104,1 i • ppotite :As Post Oct,ffi PittsherrA (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) rhysicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in• struments made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Sheens and Scissors always on hand, also Haters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully ollcited. N. B. Aliart lelee warranted Of thebeat quallty,and obbing done as ■seal. sep 70 /11 1 10 FE4 A LES.—There lea large dam of remains In his City who from their eontinuedsitting, to which their occu utlons oblige hem,areaLi • ected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart oh the lent ex. ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, Intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operationr, rumbling In the bow• els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills, The nee. atonal use of this medicine would saves deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth before dinner, are oten found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In this wny; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to,c proper condition,enliven the spirit., impart clear. ness to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a general feeling of health end happiness. Sold at Dr. Ilmaereth's Odliee. In the Diamond Pltisburgh—.rriee 7,5 eenLi pet box, with full direction. MARK—Theonly place In Pittsbergh, where the GENUINE Piltr ean be obtalned,le the Doctor's awn Of. Lice, Diamond. - Sep, 10 IMPORTANT FACTS. DR. LEIDY'S 134.1LIAPJAILLA BLOOD Mut, are appli• cable in all cases, whether for Parrs/ion or Peri)! cation. Tlicy poetess all,the ,pf other pills, stSti eilfsaditionellfy eil!hrseinosfeeirtitintitg - ffirsap atilt; In thetrecomposklon, which is lot coatikined in any other pills In existence. They arealso different from oth er pills In composition, being purely eogetable, and can be employed at all times, without any danger, and re guiders no restrain (pont occupation or usual' soutsc of • • Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended hill Blood Pills would care all diseases, yet It is net flying too much of them, from the innumerable cures performed by them In every variety and form of disease (certificates of many of which have been pubilabed front persons of alt denom inations, pbyakkes. elergyinen, sad others) that they went' to *Aiwa iiivenal In tbelreffeet; wad persona using them for whatever siekneswor disease, may rest assured thlY 11 . 1 Y bap:Med morselleacigus tba a any otb er pills In existence. From the known reputalkm ot Dr Leidy:, Btood 0114+ Its *mad necessary to_ remind thetpuNln where they mai aT tot Umaaftocort U f a seauleti, as It Is attempted to Impose Atter pinsualred +Blood Pills' upon the piffle ooitte reputation ofDr. -Ern partle&ar, stud 1* for Dr Lelly's Barauporllta Blood Pith+, and Nan that the name of Dr .tip B. Leidy Is eontAtned on two Mew of each box, (the boxes being °franc', and oblon,l,square shape, surrounded by a yellow and black label. PR/CB-25 cents a Box. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Ettall,llLii Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second streelAel low Vim. Philadelphia, and by B. J. PAHNEETOCII 4- CO,eonsei of Wood and Sixth street', Agents for Pitts burgh July 12-Iy. .Mt==l —.: ^~:a~az.~e—x,...: =:n~-cx~:az ~r.-~v~er+w :.x::: -a zseriaiss Adams' ' 41 itiparNMl.l WtW2 noir bees before he public 3 years du ring which time several. thousands have bees sold and In daily use, We are confident of being sustained In saying they are the best Coffee Mills In the United States, any wey you 'fir it.' Several modifications are madeto snit the fancy of wives and the purses if husbands , an - Sold by the gross or dozen eiseurrO at the manufactory.-- R rase ' .Malleable Catalina made to Order. FA I R BA N KS'PATENT fLATFORM SCALES These genuine articles, or all styes, and aloe, Improved voieelov.oonvtintly on band and ferrate at very reduced prtonvbribesar.Othetoter. LR. LIVINGIATOft. r .04( "Profit betwoent Bon and Grant Ma. REMOVAL. HOLDSHIP t BROWNE ii ii d V lr E eet re to mo N v o ed th/v Pape ood r ; Lore re d f oo ro r m fro lif o nk t e k t . corner of 4th, where they keep on binds their usual as toriment of WALL PAPERS, for pawing parlors,en trler,chambers, e, and also PRINTING, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. 4e all of which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, feb 14, 1843.—dt f 3TO INV/LA.IIM, -CO 40"Ilow importent it lethal yet commence without loss of time with Basin:tarries PILLS. They mildly but .surely remove all Impurities from the blood,and no case of sickness tan affect the human frame, that these eels hinted Pills do not relieve as mach ar medicine can do. Colds and coughs are more benentted by the Brandreth Pills than by losenges and candies. Very well, Per• hapcas pallatives, but worth nothing as eradicators of diseases from the human system. The B gra Pitt, erne, they do not merely relltve, they cure diseases, whether chroole or recent, lahuslous or otherwise, will eansinlybe clued by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF 11 CANCEROUS BOAZ, Stag Sue, January 21,1843. Dicier Bettimman Breeirece—Honored Sir:Owing to you a debt el gratitude that money causal pay, I am Induced to make 'public acknowledgembst of the benefit my wife has derived from your Invadable pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain In her ankle, which soon became very mash inflamed and swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent for that doctor. Darling hisattendaticetbe pain and irwell• lug Increased to an alarming degree, and In three weeks front its first commencing it became a running Iltire.— She tootd get no rest at night the pain was so great.— Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. Re said if It was heal• ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a loss how 13 proceed, and my poor wife stilt eontlaned to safer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought otheraid In a Botankal doctor, who said whoa he first saw It that he could soon core the sore, and give her eaglet once. To our surprise he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that It balled all his skill. Thea we shit after having tried during one whole year. the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain, In absolute despair..ll4 poor, wife's mmstitution rapidly falling in. the pnme of her years Tram her oontintri ea fferlieg. Venier these cl roe mate licit- we concluded, that we would try your Universal Vegettble Pills,determlned to fairly test their curative &Teets. To my wife's great comfort the nut few doses 'forded mat relief of the pain. Within Jona week ,to the astonish:neat of oar. selves and every dde Whin tie* °ride case; the swelling and the Inflammation began to cease so that she felt oak! easty.aing would sleep comfofinhly, and, ale, after sit weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and agate attend to the management of her , amity. which she had not done for nearly 14 meths: in a little over two months from flee time she first toarinsenecd the use of your Invaluable Pills„ her ankle was mete sound,and her health better than it bad been In quite a number of years before. I send you this stnietnent after two years test of the cure, considering It only an let of justice to you and the public at large. We are, with much gra bode, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY .4. ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can coons, and Staidly sald no good cosh! be done, unless the whole of the flesh was cat off, and the bone scraped.— Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your pills, which saved 18s from all further misery, and for which we hope t be thankful. T. 4- E. L. r r Sold at 25 cents per hoz, with directions. Observe the new lahels,e.ach having upon it two sig natures of Dr. Brandreth. Bo each hoc of the genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three Brandreth upon It. The only place In Pitishor:h where the rerti Rran dreth Pilo ran he obtained, is the Doctor's own office, In the Diamond, behind the Market house. Mark, the gennlne Brandreth Mom) never be obtained In any drag store. The following are therm!? azents appointed by Or. ft Brandreth, for the sale af his Vegetable Universal Pills In Allegheny county: PRINCIPAL Aotirr.o H LEE, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Glaw—Allegheny, EObeet. Ditnean—Dirminsham. C. P. Mehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowlard—M'Keesport. Primly Irwm—Pleasant John Johnston—Noblemown. Chewminn t Spaulding -Stewartstown. Motel' 4- Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarenium. George Power—Fairview. David R Coon- Plum township. Daniel !intim —East Liberty. Edward Thompson —Wltklnsbargh. Wm. 0. Hunter—Alien's Mill. mar 23. 1843 NOTICE TO DR. BRANDEETiTS AGENTS. The uefice Pittsburgh which was established for the purposeof constituting agents In the west, having ammo. phshed that object, is now closed, and Mr. G. H. LEE In the Diamond, Market street, appointed my agent for the sale of Pills and Liniments Alt Dr. Bra ndettot agents will tnerforcuaderstand,tbat Dr.ll. will rend a travelling agent through the country once a year to collect moneys for sales , made and re-vapory agents. The said traveller will be provided with a power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. J, J. Yoe, Is my travelling agent- now In Pennsyl. vanin, B. BRA NDETD, M. DI N. B, Remember Mr. G• ft, Lee, In rear of the Mar. ket Is now my only agent In Phtsbargh. New York,June 14 1 11,1843, THE FRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. ocr An Individual Only wishes to know the right way to pursue It; and thereare none, were it meaty made known bow Luz might be prolonged and Realm re covered, ve:o would not adopt the plan. Evidence is required that the right way is discovered. This Is what those suffering from sickneits Want to be sail.deal about. For who is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body Is capable of, Who is there that would not live when his experience can so much benefit himself and familyl Il is a melancholy fact that a very large pro portion of the most useful members of society die be tween the ages of thirty and forty. Now many widows and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man. kind sot having in their own power the means of realm'. log health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented and the long and certain sickness, aad by assisting Na tare, in the outset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills, This Is a fact, well understood to be so by thousands of our citizens. This medicine, If taken so as to purge freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There Is no form or kind of sickneuthat It does not exert a cur. alive Influence upon. Thus, by their power in resisting putrefaction, they cure musk.. .Mall pox, worms and allcontageousfevers. There Is not a medicine In the world so able to purify the mass of blood sod restore it ts !stultify condition. ax the Brandreth Pills. The Brandreth Pith are purely vegetable, nod so in necentthat the Want of a mottii old may nee theta If medietneletequired. pot Duty with safely but whh steer. Minty of receiving all the benefit medicine Is tamable of Imparting. Females may nee them In all the critical periods of their/lies. The -Brandieth Pills win insure. their health, and predict regularity In ill the fooetions of life, „ „.„,„• • : . iCied - oritaia4rita's Sztiernia Rea , edy, clean outward application - In alt external pains, or swellings,or eons, it - greatly assists the cum. When used where the skin is very tender or broken._ it sbould be mixed with eneor two pinta of water. ears TeMef Gamine Br/init./a PULL—Examine the box of Pills, Then took at the certificate of agency, whoel engraved date must he within the year, which miery authorised agent most ponces; If the three labels on the box agree with the three labels on the certificate, the Me are true—if not, they are false. Paucity! office, 24i Broadway, New York: junc lb• • Cr:ro_77o4 . • ita.•Viir a cot mum thatruptuttrvorturireeport fasi floreliudu • upper lip ? By colUmfatTerlfttes, ._lO6 Fourth st.,and obtaining a bottle of Gouraud's Posdres Subtlest which will remove it , as, one withont affecting the arty. You can also obtain ouraud's truly ceiberated Zan fle Auntie, Which will at once refugee all freckles, pimplo, atop. lions of the skin, ;lid Make your face look perfectly fair; and to those who Wish toassist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some orGourand,s celebrated Liquid Rouge. wit kh cannot ru bb• d nfreve rl by a wet cloth, Also may he found a good assortment o 1 Perfumery, *deb is Cologne, Bears' Oil, A imand,,t's Windsor:and other Soaps. Remember, at TutUc's Medical Agency, 86 40 streetd Dniggists and others can besupplied at Wholesale anti retail terms. luny 26 1842 Heed efi Ileadswhe: Dr. BRODDS'S• .eXTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS, A RE now known to thousands ass cnostestraordlea nk ry remedy for this affliction u well as the Won trovenible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask among their friends if they have nut known of the positive effects orsaid Pills. and if they do not bear (hem more warmly praised (and deservedly hoollhaii any other, then let them net buy them. In these few remarks, alllanctor kmaißefathemiikmaksded, and noisitkirwilibe Uhl- at doe batty.lol Mud*/ o;:tidily oiLloor of our a ,.z '' "11411111-1111 iserwicOsalmiNP&-Ameisteise cm,. a tfly, oat otteolpi by oft ufiglejodif ao ot,tilso 'Coo or Cuomo* Naos etusanran Chu, January% 1843. DR. BRODIE. Dear Sir—l have for a number of years past been af flicted whit a severe and almost constant Headache, a rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended lbr bemire, have never derived any mate rial benefit until tined some of your truly trainable An. ti Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfeetly relieved from that distressing complaint. t have no hesitation in recommendterytmr Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. • Yours, Respectfully, J. B. TURNER.' an acquainted with Mr, Tame-, I have no Welts Hon le certifying that I consider the statements of blr T. respecting Dr. firodies Puts, as entitled to the,-most perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS. For sale, Wholetisfe and Retail at the Brodonlan Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all authorised a gents throeghout tbe Union . Atle•y city Jan 9 184 S WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. Carrincsras.—Letter,from the Bon. Ab'h'm CounkitTgasi Teasente.Meudierof Congress. oros, Jul lB3B. Sir—Mace I have been in W ths issers city I haveused some of your Drawnlic medicine with Infinite benefit and satis faction, and.belleve it to be a mast'valuable remedy. One of my zonstitueots, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Tennessee. wrote to me wand him some. which I did, and he hes mployed it very successfully in his practice, and says it is invaluable. Mr. Johnson,yonr agent at this place; thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. If so,I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should ~,i_mp.sonotsslon bin he is willing to met for you. You can send the medicine by water to the. care of Robert King 4. Sons, Knoxville county, Tennes see, or by land to Grliftim f Houston, Tazewell, Kest' Tenneesee I have no . `tlonbt but if you had agents In severaftountles In East Tenntuotee, a great dent of medl• clod would be sold. lam going to take some of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like toile', from you whether you would like an agent at Bluntville, Sullivan County. East Tcanmsem I range some of the merchant, tihtet for you as I live near there. Yours respecthkiy, A eft MIA lif i ght 'CLEM, A N uf Tennessee, ?ornate Wbolesaleael Retail, by - R. E. SELtERS,Agent, No. 30, Wood street,below Seeond D R. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP;-+) This Infallible remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recorry, from tonvulsions. As soon as the Syrup Is rebbelf,pn the gums, the child will sect li r er. This preparation is se. Innocent, so efficacious, and sio pleasant, that no child will refuse to let iis gums be rub bed with It. When infints are at the age of four months. tho' theve is vet appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup shou Id he used to open the pores. Parents should never be withoulthe syrup in the nursery wherethere are young ehlidren,for if • child wakes In the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup Immediately gives case, by opening the pores, and heating the gums; thereby prevent. Ing Convusfons , Fevers, tc. Par Sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, imp 10 No. 20. Wood street, below Second, L IVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Har• lick's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm.' Richards, of Pittshurgh, Pa.. entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick hetd•ache, furred tongue, countenance changed toa citron color,dllll - yof breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement oUthe functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until using Dr. Darnel's Medicine, which termina ted In effecting a perfect core. Principal Office. 10 North Eltght h Street. Philadelphia For gale In Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner or Übe/ ty and Wood streets. Pep 10 B ARON VON HUTCHRLEN. HRRI3 These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse ,or strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized In its circulation through all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated Internarly.or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from thebiood, there isa stepsequent increase of every secretion. and a Isickenettnetion of the absorbent • and exhalent, or ditcliarging vessels. Any morbid action which msy have taken place is corrected, all obstrut• tionsare removed. the blond ts p untied. and the body rerimes a itn.tkral state. Ford ale Wholesale and Re tehy R R SELLERS, Agent, sell 18 'Wood st. below Second. PILES cured by the use of Dr. liarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills Dr. Harlleh—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. 1 formed an acqnalntance wi:h a lady of this place, who was severely afilleted with the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, 'and her physician considered her cue so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills. and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4e. J A MEE; R. KIR BY October 3, 1840. Chambersbny, Pa. 0J Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street. Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 AS USUAL. N O sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations he. come popular, In consequence of its success and ef ficacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy hu now procured moulded hotites for his celebrated Teller sad Itch Olaf. cent, with tile words 'Dr Leidy's Teller end itch Oint. went; blown in the glass, besides containing his written signature en a yellow label outside. Dr Leidy's Tetter and hell Ointment, lies proved more efficacious than any other preparation for Tetter, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pastates, and diseases of the skin generally. It has been employed In schools, factorl.m,aad on board vessels carrying passengers, where children. as well as rows persons, contract diseases of the shin from their contagious satire, with the most unexampled success; certificates and recommeadations have been heretofore published from them, and numerous others might be ob. tattled for publication, but for the objections mompersons have, to having their names published In connection with such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instaitee has it ever been known to fall. It has been used upon infants and by persons of all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in Its composltlon,and may be used under all circumstances. Price Twenty-Bye cents a bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium, (sign of the Golden Ea gle and Serpents? and by B. A. FA HiiiESTOCK f CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. Stay 12 iThE subscriber his past received his manual ssipaly Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting In pail alb following kinds-010f the. lasi yearrerop genuine: Bears gs EU Plante Parsaip t ' Bee la, Eushue, ' ' P au r 'I Leans, Killer • - Perseme , -, Leek, Pumpkin, Ittsr r csei. ~,, Wttuce, ,Ratisan, _ „ Borectik, Mater Melon{ ainsbarit r - - . edi bit% Pinsk, ~ Sabra*, C 1 1 1 ;7 4 3 -.v.: SAID rtium • Cauliflower, Ut r Squash, Celery, ' Otte, '7 Tomatoes, Curled Creme, r ' Oniony • Turnip, Cucumber. Persley s .. Corn,. Mustard, (white and brotme) &c. &c. &c. . Together WI th • varlet y of Pot it Sweet herb, ar.d dare seeds, -. irrOrders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trres, itc„ from Cruiem , ere and others will be received and promptly' attended, P. L• SNOWDEN, Na. IS4 Liberty. head or Weotel. . Cincinnati. rtbritiegi:ls, 1140. Dr. Swam—Dear Fir:— Permit me to tale Ibet MeiOr of writing to you at this time le entrant my agigeohlatiliSS and to recommend to the attention of heads of (millets.. and others your Invaluable medicine—the CtionYi Syrup of Prunus Virginians, or Wild Cherry Bark. IN my travels of late I have seen In a great many loallamettat the wonderful effects of your medicine In relieving ehlt. dren of very obstinate complaints, moth as CoalgOiNgl Wheezing, Chanting of Phlegm, Asthmatic attache. itcr ite. I should not have written this letter, howevel. promo. although I have felt it my duly to add my Ind moray w it for sometime. had it not bees for a tale to.. • 'tepee where the medicine above alluded to- was imam— . mental In restoring to perfect health an uonly Whir whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of tor fl quaiotance. ..1 thank Heaven," sold the doetialt 04 1 1 1 1 1 11, : cr, "my child Is loved from the jaws of death, 0 how r feared the relentless ravager But my child is safer Is la kq" Jan 13--ly Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound ,Byrup Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In thmovisnY other country. lam certain I t eve wttnessed mereibeiti one hundred eases where It Ilse been attended Mtlbeimu.*. Mete suttees. I am using It myself in as tack of Browchitis , in which it proved effectual In a pg. ceedingty short time, considering Ilse severity of the taw .` can recomend ft In the fullest confidence often superiAr virtues; I would advise that no family should be witboat. , _ it; it le very pleasant and always beneficial— w ort double and often ten times its price. The rob& areas: lured there Itno quackery 'theist it. R. Jscr.son.D: 8.. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian .Chartil. N.Y. . sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4- retail, only for Pittsburgh. NO. 113. Ma'ket nmet. - step 10 A BOON TO TUE HUMAN RACEl—.Dfleirrio i iskat min Istartry Life, and pet Ara a arrsotemult "Dieeweer what will prolong Life, cad ‘tits swirl scull, P call you hapostov." TUFT are faewhies , holitv• wed {steno: eel, sriiitis as mit k which certain Leslie h sys affinity,. end heirs -lehieit*. they have power." Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or • Linlmeoi which, by its extraordinary powers, abstreeis PithrASV" - Serener.; thus Sprains, Stiff Elioevrs, . While Serellisses Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of 'the Joiele Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat' i Croup, Cootractions of the muscles, ikrefeloite,ste, largements, Tender Feet, and every description' of s' Jury affectiog the Exterior of the Duman Ftatne,tr cared or greatly relieved by his .ts is esjlciest _ extolled rfisedy, Csextne.sa.—The following letter from Major Gen era! Sandford, as to the qualities of the External ROM.' "dy, speaks volumes: l; INver Yogi, Feb. 9,184 k, Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with loather battle at your excellent Liniment? It la certainly the best of lb. kind Iha cc ever seen. It has cured entirely my son'a knee, about which I was so uneaay,and I have found .1 , productive of immediate relief In several cases of exlet nal injury in my family. A few evenings Biota, ml youngest child was seized with a violent attack ofCroisg which was entirely removed In twenty wiantes, by rub bing her chest and throat freely *Bit the External liens edy. 1 think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general else, instead of eonfining the ate of it, as you have heretofore done, to your parties/Int acquaintaiteev. Yours truly, C. W. BANDFORD DR. B. BlitiaDßlMl.24l Broadway. N. Y. , For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his Ace in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. FE ICE-50 cents per bottle with directions. - sep 10 TO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—Th. class of individuals is very numerous. They are those who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. ['Hiller", work men in feather stores, stone cutters...bakers; while manufacturers, are all mort or less subjert to disease an. cording to the strength of their constitution. The.onljt method to prevent disease. Is tbe occasional awe ora medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete rlous ha morn, and expels them by - the bowel!. Tome In any form are Injurious, as they only - g( oirtire ev/ day to make it more fatal. The use of Drandref tea PRI will insure health, because they take all Impiare matler . • ' dut of the blood; and the body Is not weakened bit strengthened by their operao6o, for these vataablet rtihs do not force, but they assist nature, and are not opposed' but harmonize with her. Sold at Dr. Brandretb't Office, in the Dimino** Pillsburgn. Price '2 5 cents per hos, with NU directions. MARK—The only place in Phtshoreh where the GENUINE Pills can be obtainetl,is the Doctor's own (If Acre in the Diamond. sty 10 BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT or THE UNITED STA'FES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE BRANDRETH lAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS. Caveat entered 9th June, 1842--Patent granted to Benjamin B. antheth,2oth January, 1843. The•extracts of which Brandrent's Pills are corn prised are obtained by this now patented process,, without boiling nr any application of heat. The ac— tive principle of the herbs is thus secured the 'IMO as it is in the The Public should be cautious of medicines rec.- commended in advertisments stolen from me, in which the CONTILIIPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my lan— guage, merely altenn& the name. Time will show these wholesale deceivers in their true light., THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. oer BRANDRETH'S PILLS am the People% Medicine, proved by thnu'ands who daily receom mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETFt PILLS sre erowiPgr every day more popular, their vii toes are extent - 61.g their usefulness. The sick of both sexes - are daisy deriving benefit from them. No case of disease bat they can be used with advan. .tape. Blotches ca. hald lumps of the skin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, se withsalt sheens', so with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with costiveness ' s° with cancer, so with hot parehediips' and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find they require no other. Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new . labels each having upon it two signatnres of Dr. thandreth. So each box of, th e genuine has six signateres--three Benjamin Brood reth and three B. Brandreth upon it. ' • The ORLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where th. fattis Braorlreth Pills caw he Orrarsitn, is the Dereittr, own Office, Diamond back of the Market Hang Mork,. the GENUINE BrandrethPillican never be oh • taired in any Dion STORE. t ' The following are the ONLY AGENTS oppoint ed by Dr. B Branrheth, for the sale of his ;Vegeta. ble 'Universal Pills is Allegheny Coenty. G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh' Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. Robert Doneso--Birmingbans. C. P. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—Mcßeeeport. • Pressiy Irwin—Pleasant Hill. Jchn Johnson--Noblestown. Chessman &, Asdelist _ '- Robert Smith Porter—Tarenititn. ( George Power--Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson--Wilkineburib. Wm. 0. Hunter—Altou's Mille. LIVING VEGETABLE