Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, November 01, 1843, Image 3

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    1 r4,•_,MEISLie 1 :,..,, -varair ciuWIT-47111---
• i fuse thsrari lat., ~ ~.. ..„:,- _ H.4.P.t
1 f !,dc
~,. oft, u o c m , &co ..., qb ',' • ' .'"'-'.
w aok - -- ~ 1%; i' .t • BER 1. 1 •
~c o , .
- --- -- --- - -- - I WfiteiEb ALE dna Retell Guilt Ay- tc . b . CeP # 6
p 4-7121191'SCIA: ',ZEO F . _4 IIE , • 1 ,-• ,aIfISSEOR MERCHANTS, No. 1411 Libertysheet,:
tcriatilbs. Novtaniant.:: , = ' 1 ft;w (14,111, 9 ,E1 Sc. Clair stret. ‘" a. ''
James rh umpso l e — Jo4th.'elf2oB . 74-Vi r illtarret4tker. i EVP iii(tiere families, eau at all ' time lie, supplied:'
with gosAiGoods atfa . i7 prices.
THE WEATHER lbr the past few lays ittt: been oci, 27,,
quite cold, and we fear that if it coatiiiaealhat 4314e
.i %% itIZING DESK AND . COI:INTIM fok' sale
tafrpiiii6f*:iy ortAitfarthers will 1, , K3 injured:as but ix k w : b y , - LLOXD & CO:"'
fiPAditlii;344.49l, iilliii flui isna li9t away : ,,, secure' , ' oet 27. • . 140 IM'eity Streei.
_ _.tri i k ? tr.l-----
MetawiilowAL RD a ii.opwoui,k4ve a fil st rate assort
alieft t/freileries at their new Indio in Wood stroat,,—
Seet i i*ment. r 4, "
Ettonte.-11Ahsrleiii neglectedisonetiote
ut. ne, since she*etieen repaired and're-
. 'abea, improvements
.meee has readerecl her
very aisslllll, and Aeedesigns with which she isidomk4
ed wighietilduch credit noteelyon' the taste ofthq swum
befit Mita Mr.' Mirtrark the eriiit employed on them.
ln,tei4F4l exid, *gent manner in which . tha . rgi..
lent has been repaired, must convince our Firemen of,
the fitifebieyof ertiptelltif foiefirs artiste, when webs*
se many coMpmuktoppsist home.' A generons rival
ryledeetsrkb. exist innobor ietr fuer companies, natmuly
as tei t oLib l ich 4E4) firs yubdue the fiery element, but as
trfroeisitih,e4ilt go besigtiuiEtltya to the work. All our
Efirdei, inocepr Oro Eagle; -ere now in perfect order ]
f iiS t ai;i l 4.: 6 it } u**Y. tan . that handeoMer
Magi nee owl NOVI' Fi re Enn'n, ari4 n9Lto . ha foiMa
iti itgodittestltti farms tw&a, rtito s neg.
/e 5,. c si l lag Tsf tirlttl:Ftiltrettorr of Paihtin un
iil• ' •
ammtefait;lti..O*M f i' l ist l4 , 94iliiit4oi w' 94 ,One
mftlioiMich The , ceLioction mailroom .a.large ,
'34'4 paintingiel Mr.' C'ilOke, azA nu.
muerte/40*f Irmo giernmmoelebrate maaters. The
tiktivii , most tittrioti re to ; , viltera, is a large
an r4r~f ; vigw of 9E. ghfirthlt eittged:
by Mr. Cooke. No person can i•na;ine the perfec, -
tioß oF this; vktt Mithdut'betibliffng • it. The viewil
441 . 14401 e interr of I
thiwistupanacracbuildiug,• with *nits intioificeut deco
ratilluni;ll s lidi l hliijifiepreioonted to - • the CS'e of • the be
fultAssigab•portarwit of Hon. Herta,' CLar. in
aynt his called fortli . tbuch brah . 4,
not pi4i.qm mcolim Of. the excellence of the /ikerri,
but foe din saeoa fill runnier in , whinkthe artist has
catelegilci r Preier*Ed "personal manner" of the
sAcei,lent portrait. Of
Flonilfr P. TALLMADOS, and aniother of iion.W.
ifuniortr .cotisera- anon * *thy or staentiati. w
xyaitg 'after original WV:VT
noew .Th 0 ..rn 740 6 4 /PotiOlolg
Binvitifiarklantynirwolße Catkeriar..ifc..4•e.
The exhibition will, remain in ibe city for,,twu
citizens that. inoth: l
ingsontiever pretaititud•to' them more worthy of their)
-; • -
rft 'comMoN CouNcIL.
grit m ocTonga 30th 1343.
Conn e cil, t ! , ,Yreaemt.Meors Etoriand, B,owmatt,
Edgar, Hamilton, Hays. Howard, Irwin, Liteh, Ma
th ..waollocatnlaeve, .dtehartson. Soie/is lfzut
Sttelleisli rs •
Mr. Robertson, Pre-ident pro tem, in the chair.
ThhataiHentilaiddikfortyth C I Jell a communica
ti tasftiittr±lrr ua & Mirk, , on th-- subject
ofleWitlnl , ne IL:serritten King.dind in the opening of
rrinifon of Mr. Stoner, the whole ,
mittAnittris 'referied to a special committee of five---
tern i e v o3n tkrei fiom th,:t Common Coun
4,l,Vislrik;:ks iepciut next meeting QI N-nan
d ; 4 5 0.. FPrgi4, 1 P,p*tr, :C,";9l'it,tFe,
if atiOnsin.wyor, /4,4, Sinner, ard aa,l
C4 47p eve, :: .1 PI •
44 , IsktiNI tassel the fiallualiag utrich
wis riim4 end Adopted: Sent suttee S. C. andectumod
with AS velintstertsteo of that /:
"Resolved ; Mat thin Water Committee be author
"istel tn rtitseghlrivreFllisl'lvellia g boos, at tlwphtwet car
"nrwar B:iitn Proqiect street, for ifieiteidetice
th;'srittchmsn at the I3asint pros idedttle cost shall
"novessetted onwhimdreil and fifty.dellam.."
The same gentlesnatsprosentedia bill of Joseph bong,
fettled& and mttetials *he Monongahela. Wharf,
amthwirlorsosll.2,3", lead anti with the assent of the
S. 1 121..refeftlid ttithesegsresuitt oe on WldaYves Mad Land
'c't.c or dn. presvnt•d a communication'
Ira& 9iB'l4tiy , dr, krid the' felloWing resoletion. The
Iniication was 'read, an'd the retorutiorrras read
LlllZTTit'air,Teii in , as follows, vitei
" I 4 404. 0 nnell of the 'Mayor's commitni-
A 9e4Limlates to the rece,ptiun atilt, Hon, John
otas, he rofomea to aselect cimonioe.e of two mein
basset' dis.S. C. and thrite,prother-1 OE the C. C.
OensmittiserMessrs. Balciwell and Kincaid, S. C.I
Eichtnium, Edgar and Small, C. C.
Nerdse presented "An ordinance relating bo Board
Mattittilee9° l vihich was read throe times and passed.
Aldo; 'petition fro n lames Robb and others, request-
Near Fall and Winter Goods.
ing rittiicils to hav'e - rrafeepipes laid in Libeny street, HAMPTON tS SMITH,
from Pactery to Harrison streets, with reference of
I lNo. 112 'Woo l> Silit.}.l6T,
same to
.the ttattniertmotitteo. Rem:land cnticurred in. ARE now opening and offer for sale n very large
4 , 1 *(3. hrippota'm the committee on Streets, Orad- '
and general assortment sea,ona Dry Goods,
tid cumpanied by a ten:lli:Arm author's- consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth,
lagthrt,, rap drip; of t - ityypt, ribovt won 1, an :I of broad chitin of everycolor, cassinterec. cattinetts,,leans,
S nttlifibldabere Stb, WhiCh reds tWice ik:yed and laid kerseys, limeys, flannels, baires, bleached and brown
cottons, drills, ticks , Alpacca lustre; black and colored,
Also. rep yrt. from th e Water cominittee accompanied plain and printed merinos, znou-Nlin de lains, Irish li
d resolution auth irisin; the Mayor to issue certifit nuns, Mattioni and other silks, ribbous, laccs,cambric s ,
cotes of loon toNV siker & Townsend—one atone year irmslins, merino, fancy and , blanket shawls, sewing
fur $114,00, :rid bye for $lOO.OO and two 0f'.100,00 silks, spool and skein thready.. &c., &.c,...together with
each, at twd year 4, with interest ae.6 per cent per an- an assortment of carpets, russ fluor cloths, Sic., all of
nuns, for fitlithinz stone work at new "Basin. I which we are ableito sell as cheap as goods cn nnw
Also,tiissaf Bonds to .k. Fallon. for $376.00. agree- bought in tury market, emit or vilest, seri .21-tf
Ably to an r. isla passed July 3 let., 1343. Read
•and coucurred "
Lippincott Mills.
Alan, report r-n the commutes rim Engines and. Hon , nil HE subscriber havin ; purchased and thoroughly
'with the followiliz irsprripriations, a•bi a re,olution an- I- repaired these Mrtts, is now mannfacturine.
thorisingthb Nip'se to drtri his wit-mats for'the see- and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all
end amosots. Report relnpted, and resolution read the different kinds of Nails, Spikes andliradcs:etc.,-, three times and concurred in:
made from the best quality ofTuniate. Noon% and as
VDayies se Engias H company, seno,oo ' soon as the necessary additions can' be made to the
Itherlag," Engine and " 200,00 ' machinery, he will msnufacture every description of
tion Hose,
100.00 Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market.
bigsgpas Engtoe and " " 200,00 I Orders left with S. Cuthbert. at No. 94. Fir..trareet
fie " " " 200-ficl near Wood, or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be
Allffichatty" , " " 200.00 promptly attended to. JAMES ANDERSON.
Vigilant " " " .100,00 1 5cp.12973m
~AJso,,Nl i psrt trim ailt3 CO illlit;e8 with a resolution.
,the Mayor to draw bis,warrant in favor of
11% 7 s p. Wallfor.sl7,lB ftirstittfskic the Fire Wardens.
- CPROPrred in.
4444 tbefisliewiske resolution, which *as read a first
and mocrtad Aim and ,leid over, viz:, • -
Alleeolveci, That the unexpended balance of $6OO,
- "appropriated for building the Eagle:Entrine be ()lid Ln
"the Vigilant Fire Company, and. the Mayor is hereby
"authorised to draw his warrentfor the same."
4.4 the followitig bills. with: reference. of same to
Cconteisa ofClaims, and which were rent reference
•FittscurTed viac. Bill of RobertCompbeil; $Z,874, for
11 4 42 % InraPira Vic.; Bill of Thomas & Rhoads , 3,504
for painting two finger boards; oftloserth R, Chandler,
$1,4,1)0, fur advertlaing in the U. S. Gazette for Loan
4. " 1304 :4 of John Chambers, $15,00 far searching
for men drowned of S. B. Cutter; of J M., Davis, $B,
& Erin" " appr a iser of damages ipthe opening
of Cherry alley.
Mr. Stoner, from the select isommittee to which was
referred the petition of Adam Weaver, for permission
to erect a stall at the smith end of '41.014 Court Howe,
made *report adverse to the peas:Weer, which was ad
opted both Councils.,
intim; Absionda mil Clinger float.
R ECEIVED this day, a choice lot •of• Bitter Al
monds, real Jamaica ;Ginger Roos, end co mmon
do. ALso, a few
.catty boxes 'choice OCXPOWDER
oct 7. • X4O, Liberty it.
.. .
.fslostieemin eauogog,-.
.BurkeisklitnitdinvVsekt to Merchnien and Monti
' lacturers' Bank.
" 7:lVErta would inform all thine intehAted,
e tpti 'he tin; ope'n'itd a school at thtlabove place,
for, thifpiii•Pose instruction in'the art of °mho
grarlicatana Perapec five D in g:: TlC;urs, from Ito
9 P. M. O2B
. , ESC/LUCIE BAN L 5, .or - PIT.TSBLIRGH, t 1
Oettlbetr 54914,. IS 43, 4 1,, -
A N - alectian for thirteen Directors-of-this Bank, to
serve Goe the ensuing year, swill.ba held at the
Baakingiklouse, 'MI Monday, the 20th day' of Noveni•
bet hex:4lolmm the hours of 9.5.: at. and 3 P. N.
1 0 2 / a RIP- . THOMAS M. HOWF), Ca.hier.
MereCifANTS • At.4l:i ANPf ACtin".'iL BA" ' f
Pittsburgh, October 20. 1843.
AL IN eteetipa foe thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
; i- the enuring year. will be held at the Banking
H01.M.3; on Moulton the 20th day of , Novembee next:
0511i-te ' ' -W. H. DCNNY, : Cashier.
n , r ; BANK OF PFT7541.4111GH,
her— October 19,:184 . 3.
A N election for thirteen directors of this Rank, for
the equating year, will be held at the Banking
House on,Monday,the 20th day of Novembe M r next
ii"' '` • 101-Di SlqY:
Carta] B - asin,eorfier I tVayne and Liberty 4treets, Pitts
, Agent United States Potable Boat Line.
dept 4-3 m.
ItemovaL •
.13 CAWFlELDhas're'moved his marble Estab
iishment to Wood oppriihe Faltnestock's
.EtrutStore, where fie will keep coustantly on hand
Tomb .Stoitea;Monarneuts etc. ap 19-Iyr
DissobrtiOn of Partnership.
rThinitkrarthership l*retofort eii4ting under the
ity 1e of Thivine NrAnuity,i r s-thin day dissolved
by liii:ual coosertc,., , Deviueli collect all' sums
duttp? the concent,,and pay all claims contracted for
the coutcona up ,do ilia date.
Pittablirgb, Sept. 1. 1843
H. Devine respectfully inforatehis friends and the
'public; that he stilt Lontinuee-i# -the Transporting
business, and that he hrt,3 rein4vgB the office of the U.
S. ?enable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
Lewis Hutchinson Acre. he will receive
intLfettieri. Freight to the E4t, on the very lowest
6 M* • ' • • H DE N E
Tann Loather and. Blestard.
R ECEIVED on consignment ? andfor ude by JOHN
D. DAV/S,BI rho Commercial Auction Roomer
corner of %Vocal sod Fifth street-.-
100 Chests, Half Chests, and Boxes of Young Elyse*.
• Teas, frash inrportations;
. . , To Pihtterii. 3000 lbs. Sole Leather;
-1 - 2trE have receivgd, and willlibreafter keep can- ! 50 Kegs best Philadelphia Mustard.
100 Reams Crown Wrapping Paper;
UT; stantly OD bend, 'a full. supply of Printing Ink,. I
in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell i All of which will be sold low fur Cash, or City accop
oct 23.
rhea-per , than it.ha; heretofore been sold in this city, • tan( '
. —______ .
Ckdens from the country rummaptuded by l.bei,caan r SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stork, at pri
(t_v - ALL, CASEs) will be promptly attended to. i B._, v„to 5 & ,. , br *JOHN D. DAVIS,
PHILLIUS SI SMITH, / sap II ' Corner ofWeorl and Fifth streets.
act 1041 ; fiffice of the Pont end Manafacttner. , _
'New Grocesios:: Beware of a Sottiod Coup /0 1
addition to - their fortnot I: DR..M'L ANES Sndorifit Lung Sy rap, being a safe
TN .s.c..d lent. tor!: t t'Tst Rau .;
oaf effectual remedy fooCougs, Catarrhal Favor, I
...liAletLit , GLtocERIES. the subierilier. have thil day ,
Influenza, l'lourase. the first of forinimt stages of Con-
roettived Ni.'tr I, '2 and 3 Markerel,No's. 1 and 'Shad i
~t irupti , ), ,, A ., 11 ;,,, a, w ii ,,,, l , iThz coutrh. &e. , , s, , rn d 0... i
and:Salrtnet, Susquehanna and Labrador Herring, Cori
, ZCJJ of tn_atitiratei „r . it; VUliTabie Cfructi Carr be - prri-
Fish. Litmorice, Cocoa Nuts', Groner! Nate, Lernao4,
dtnii 4, one of which is now offered.
Snitnna Raisins, Prepared. Cottoa, San". Mitre; ".-4`11'""-i, INS I; TO 0, 1*(11 . y, that I let d a eery severe Colnzit all 1
tea. Saltpetre, Sperm Cre k il os , Cl et ;l, l , Whit itlg, Retle" ; a...- t wimor: a , kl v... 1.; Very marl' nnintted. After trying
Stoini,&c..titc.; together with n great vat iely of rare:lad 1 medical :aid 1, , , no purpose, I was ark i, , ed to procure a
chnice.nrticleA in their Bite; all of whieb they offer at 1 ,,, :i1e
ut. U. m , Laee , s L ,,, ,7, syrup; it
Wholeaale or 'Retail, on eeryreasonable terms.
Mlle:that. iy, and in two , wadi , . 1 wei able to go out,. • •• LLOYD ,&, Co.,
atal fully helieve it to be one of the mot , t valuable used
-1.40, Liberty at.
ioinos;amv !aad;ire tdaa.• public, fair ( rna : . l la and lareastcalm.
r:F°A fro-th simply of this valuable Comes medicine
just received at the Drag store of .1. KIDD,
oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood Mid Fourth Ala
v Oct.. 9
Dissojrition or Partnership.
T HE Partnership heretuforp existing under the firm
of DtcKtor and ii.E.x/0r04n., ia :this slay didsol
cod by mtmal aoasont.. • JA:NIES
sept, 1,-.1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY respeetrully informs his friends
and the ptihne, thnt =tin enntinue4 in the TranTor
.tatiort BtOitte4.3, at hi 3 CORNER OF LIBER
TY ANti WAYNE FrßElerg, Canal under the
name of 016 "Indenendent Parla?ile Bout Line,"
Where he syittrec:eire' and forward freight to the East at
the lowest terms N. 4 --rf.
Efaisdreth'isaarden4eist*. ••
A full supply of Landreth's GarderrArd s always on
hand and for sale, at his agency ? the Drug store of
gep 10 184, Liberty +t., head of Wood.
J. W. Barbridge & Co.,
A GENTS for the attic of 13.13ATTfi Powder, Wtuer
street, between Wood and Smithfield streets,
Oct 5 lm.
Iron Safes.
T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have
1 and keep alway. on hand an assortment of Fire
Proof Safes. The price, in consequence of the ma
terials and labor beingmuch lower, is reduced about
thirty percent. They are kept for sale at my shop s in
Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church an
the corner of 6th street—as also with Atwood, Jones
&Co, and Daizell & Fleming. In regard to the qual
ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur
chased and wilt purchase my safes to attest the util
ity of tbem. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes;
justice and truth warrant me in in the public
that all my safes vrtddli Kaye been in buildings burnt
clown for several years since I ciarimorneylhave pro ,,
imimai all the papers, books, eirc.., which theyrontaia
id. j have &card co,kirriag a number of cartiOcates
ofthe atme , which are in circulation and in my hands
and the agnates. JOHN DENNLNG.
N. B. A Puy pale of stool Spring% for sale, made by
Jones & Coteman, and will he so , Jd Imv. Also, n strew
pre's!. with porter to pgacbll9les Ira halfinch iron.
sep 2072 t . •
- 4
sHarti,sby.s:,N4 SOGAR, just' ricaived, and for
G. ti:r; A. GORDON.
021.' '
. . . ~
~, • :-. . , indist*. Davis,
. 4„....._ ~Agl-J---,a <<L Yom=rt .. .. ,
AUCTIONEER AND COAIMISSION MERCHAI t AL 'alkillanallotilg '', . • •• C M 1 1 40 t: .> . i
Corner of Wbod on& lith. sts., P • • . ' :-.7.- 1' ' '":
o ci a si a we F .•?stoo 4 A,
-.---- F . * rut ri.,
S rendy to receive merdilanclize , escrii l iacin -
.1 on consignnannt, for Pub ' ' • `'Reciia
fro;n2 Jong experinncq in, tie(
biraiolf that he,will, be able td ' *
to all who Agasy favor laza with*ridef4l - 1 40:'€-H'
Regular sales on Mos DA 9" 3 anti', • ••ls, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 1 0A.
Of Groceries, Pittsburghmannihcnited — 'cle.", ne w
and seeand hand. farniturn &c., at 2 o'iloels ?, .M.
- Sales every tv•enin ,at earl light • —y
A T Davis' C'ommercial Auction Rooms, cortiellior
• Wood ouid Fifth stzeots, to•myrrow. Thu. . rods"
November 243, at 100'604 A. *,•will be sold without.
reserve, 13 cases and bales of seasonable dry good*, ma
th-iving from New York, consisting of
10-4,114, 12-4 and . Owl teßN4c,' '
Superfine,. beaver m pilo to cloths, -
English beeadekithe, 'reran:. calleiti, • •
:Cassimeres ancicaseinetts,,
Bleached and brown muslin, •
Merrimack and Manchesiter prints,-
Twilled.and plain flannels;
Canton-ItaHaii • • '• • - sick
lustring Cravats, sewing silk;
4-4 cheeks, merinos; shawls, •
Beaver gloves, patent thread, '
Spool cotton, 8tc,..0, -
The above lot ofkooails the best'olfere'd at auction
Mitt sesson;'ithd well worthy the attention ':of
sere. •••
. .
Also at the'varrie dine. 2 caseS fled and plain silk
and . velvet %tinier bonnets,. latest fashions, received di
rt ut : from the rriartufiteturer; 10 bakes artifieicir fill
flowers.J. D. b.k.viS • '
n 1
..... .-----
A T DAVIS' Commercial Auetion Rooms, corner
- fir Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive ae;
sortment of , DR Y (100 Dlikhgcoritlypurchaitd in the
East fur cash, and which will be sold at a small ad
vn.ace oa F.astern prices. for currency or approved sap
dorsed notes. The assortment coasi stein partof
20 pieces wool dyed blue blackbramiclodun
1.5 " raper: blue cloth;
10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths:
4 " super. Hearer cloths;
5 " pilot cloths;
40 " rassinetts, assorted colors; some very
, fine;
50 " flannels, twilled anti plain white, rod,
green and. yellow.
20 " English merino,assorted colors;
/00 all wool blather shawls;
200 cotton plaid:sktavrls;
I,ooodoz. spool cotton, all colors;
100 pieces bleached and brown muslins, and n
-great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry:
Goods House,
fIlS" Also, an assortment ofboot, shdes, and hats,
which will all he cola et prices without regard to the
late advances in the PasL bept
TOnag %rum' Ttei.
n H T E e S a T o S rgood , half;h .rt e t s i ts tv T i d s boxel e Young Hy+°
ved, and for
sale low for ca.4b. JOHNIT e . DAVIS,
of 1. corner ofiVuoila n d Fifth sta.
T CST E EIVED and fur stun by W AI. THORN,
N'). 51, Market street,
500 Ihs. pun' palm soup in the bar,
600 " • ' " " in casks,
100 '• variel,-atod .ottp,
50 " white Ca , :tile, (only lot in market) Sia!e bank
Bank of Illinois, Shatoneciaton
100 " almond soap, in casks,
50 doz. ;having soap,
10 " Glenn' s ruin gpertnacc . tti soap, cot chapped Bank of lit , . Valley of Virginia ti
hands and fur softening the skin.
Bank of Viriiitid
The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of Exchang,e bank. -o/ Virginia
the above articles than any other establishment. in :this
.rai•mers' bank of Virginia .
city, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, Nortk-ltresternbank of —•-
&c. • Vo*. THORN,. Me rchadis' and Mechauirs' bank of Virginia....
oct 7 • No, 53, Market-target. Branckes . ..- • - . ••• IP •li
B UTTER-27 Kegs.
5 J3arrela Weaern Reserve.
Dairy Binier just received and fore ale by
4°17'26 ,
43 Wood it
TUST.REcErVED and for sale on consignment,
1.1 7 bluffs bacon,
7 1144 sugar,
Can be seen atthe store ofJacob Painter& Co
• nag' 29 • J. K. MOORHEAD & CO.
Cheaper and better Manta* be had at any other
i e stria Of the mountains.
Call for Bargains
N 0.1.51, Liberty near the Jackson Foundry.
rip HE subscriber would respectfully inform his
_L friends and the public, that his fall stock of
Good, comprises a larger and more varied assortment
than has ever been opened at any house in this city,and
from the fa - vorable'term s at which his purchases were
made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it can
be had in any other establishment in this city. He
would request the public to call and examine his splen
did assortment of all the articles of dress, and from
the excellence of the material, the style of workman
ship and the very low price at which all his articles are
sold, he feels confident that every one will find it to
their advantage to purchase at the "Three Big Doors."
As none but the best cutters and workmen are em
ployed, orders to make clothing will be attended to in a
manner not surpassed by any other establishment in
the city.
He would again return Isis 'thanks to his friends and
the public fur the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with bim, ha would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of everydeseription at the lowest price, to call
ar No. 151, LH:petty st. JOHN BI'CLOSIC EY.
Mar Observe metal plate in the pareinent.
New & cheap Stock lastAktichimen%
T WOULD most respectfully's:Boom:te e to the eithtens
1. of Pittsburgh and the countryrenerall, that !have
co in
mme nce d the anufactme of STOCRS, Ofevery va
riety, form and description, an (would solicltmerdtanti
and others to call and adunine fix themselves, as I am
.terminPd to o:. re. mostnccommodadr g term:
fbc ca , h. and hone, by strict• attention to hato;fless, to
merit a share of public patronage. aug.
aJidNitatrAttardttil 80 1 ;1 7 .. 7
Svc&mike Bank:adrift Yr •• • •,'l•4. • r,i •
grit Ifatik Scrip. ,;. oglo, •I`• • • • ••I l• •••• • 4,
Os P,44/44ci 4 44- ' 4
,rl - !:',....7. ,:-..3 !As . , - , :r.,-. V 7,
New: , X -0 . 7 71 r
........- .• :\7 si;%:.r c,; P..
'i • • - ' - .
Boston ---•', - - - • t, - - " ~"
.-........ . . ,i
B alltwrc -1 , 1.- rt,.Fft 1 -t;..(• • .'
I.li OrVEP• 4 ". '
Oold - , ................. ••• - - - ...... - 1, -1.1 —Par
iriftiti4:-.4 , 1,§1 ‘.'i a Ver - L x :Ara .lucx. w .4, 4 • t Ner., og i .16,,.....P f r ,
1 4
i , 3 „ D ,
~ --rim Y A rbt tn: or ,, ',..*), 6114 , 1: Ft A r
ank of PiUsbur
• i ,./:
Merc4441,4R4 , frliilff7;Frs' bank..._ . .
.. -....- • • p,
..„. „ ~, ~. .....„ r
...- L A :. i.,
4 , , tiPPoif o NO.f 6 Yrgi,irl- • 7 ! ~..- - ,:
.1 • • • -; -
.7 , ,r7
' . PFYiLArsr.i:PfliA. s ' '
Oita' of won* Anike •••( fil•M •••04 • •••: 1,• ,f
) - -Effr
Do Northern Liberties • •14 .I.* • •'• • • rXr
* DV' 'l PekliatihNNXiai. .7.4 •.;41. , , ,, •G, 4 •
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvanict -Par
fthynktoi' Vs& Ababa *dist Eton* •
Kensington hank
itniitifsiOtw*i Afpakintirs% - • • -
ilitetniiitbs — .. L.VIAI Z. 14 rk .• 1;1 • • •‘lsn Ob 7 ls • •pqr
-par . I
L.- A••s• • • • S . .1., FCrr
4-•• • • • •
• .• • -par
Bank of. Penn 31enonakip• • -• • •-• 4Nw
U.' 8l ennsk an& r• • • -26
Bank of Germantown.—
" cAeirSei
_otinty„ ..
" Delawdie'colirtty
" Aron! g r owery. county .
" Nq'resdnaWr4ind=.:.
Farmer{fbisiik 4 of i tick i ?osity:'
Eastrinherra ' -
Doylestown bank
Prosalin ban 4 of
Baia of dAdinbersburark ..
Middjytowon "••• ' 6 . .
Ga6 l Miirk 4
" Susque/uosnacoWy
Berk* connti Omsk
Cohimbia Bank aiul Bridge Cismprisy
Carlisle bank.
Erie bpi . - - -
Farmers anclDrove;=s* bank
4 4 Bank of Laniaker - -
" ,Balia of Reading
Harrisburg bank
Honesdale S 4
Lancaster co. "
Miners' bank of Pottsville.. . .
ltonon4aela denik'onfrottnitteh t . .... .. 1
Neto Haps ani'Delassitre Bridge
. savipatis
Northampton bank . • . ... no sale
Towanda bank......
iVyasning sank -
.. . .. -
West Eraneh bank _ . ... •
York bank..._
Belmont bank of Si. Clairsvillet.... -- 44
Maim bank of Coinicinsa...:..... . .....li
Cattintbiiasa hank of Now Lithos .........-- -,-- .14
ICirckville (Lawrence, cashier):. .. 14'
(Warren, cockier) .......3 .. 4 • a so sale
Cincinnati banks ..
, 4•• y Li
Ckilliestke benik
amnestied bask of Lesko Erie..... .20
Payton bank...... .... ..... .. .., ....
Franklin bank of Coluestbits -... .... ..... ..... .14
Pamirs' and Mechanics' bank of &asbestine-1i
1 Farmers' bank of Canton
Granville 1 4
Hamilton . 72
Lancaster 2.5
Ma rielta. .."........ li
Massillon ' .....li
.Iferhanics' and Traders', Cincinnati...,,...... 3
Mount Pleasant. . , ... -....-: ... .
, Norwalk
Puena . - li
w......, ...... ' ' ' l4
Scioto.... ...... . . .: .... ...,... 1..4
Urba n a
Xenia _
Slate bank and branche
State Scrip
. - .
All banks..,.,
- •
Baltimore City banks.. .... —. • .
All, other solvesa bank . . • .
Allsoltp . .
All a vela ba las
Alt s'olve; a banks
Mobile. banks _ _ _
..... - • - • - ~.'..•
}Vero Orleans bankt ( good) .. ........ ..2i
All banks.. .. ..
The proprietors of , the 11fontsuto Pos., and Nina-
CURT AND MANUFACTURILR respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers. that they have
a large , and well chosen assortment of
©teak &Iva 4r211381 atWiIMILME6C3
Necessary to a lob Printing Office, and that they are
prepared to execute
Books, IMN of Lading, I Cit.' colors,
Parnphleta, BM Reads, Cards,
Handbills Blank Cheolts, Hat Tips.
'XL! ttfabs u# Illauks,
State, Sgsandreat and Canal Beat Bias, witk ap
propritzte eats,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respetAdiyagit drepatrogegg of our god
tbe pubbe to getters) in this breach of our Witha m
3A 1043. LIPS 0,44}1.
AA BAG'S GO FP•4 Ilic;"-.--01TEE, for sale
1.11/ low, by
43, Wood street,
.:All sorts of e rlathrogr !fed vrernim• ;:tiooel.
call at No. 15/ 'Liberty street, and see for voorsee is
des 7. J. McCLOSKEt
2 1
-- 7 •• -- •••• ,
,• • . , .......... 2
... --- '....
a•L:b .
L‘t_._ll "
44:‘,vierclutn -- tirtraA ration Com-
Cana Palmer & Co.'s
inirtiliselkau' /tali."
Peruasylirania: nail Ohio Canal. • Proprie
b3rs oftho Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
!lain To
& Eu:swOrtiz, No. 9, Coolnig&
R. Harmer &Co. Albruq. • • ` . - 1 ` '
Otis Chaff, Boston.
IRfutc+, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, •
M. T. ivigiqn,& Duw,
kiaLTU;lq; •
• _ - .
p 1 0y,8e11%4.
Ifiraolughana & Co., Pir.,taburgb.
eaves. and Warren Packear._,
. ,
ttttt THE eqnr.l packet ER ', J.. M.
• Shawonaster, will run as regular tri
tweekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
leaveron Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' leavesmorn
Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays tact Sat
urdaysamznecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveliind
(tired, For fraLTht or'plisage arpty on boaid., or to
BFRMINGIIA fie& CO.. l'ittsbum-h.
r •
I •Stib.O•
- 13 43 -
ADD RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philtudelphia, connectinr with the Main train °fears to
N. Y. drO.. Onlylso miles staging and one night oat.
Mso, the direct line to Baltimore.
fare to PhiladelPhia. $9.
• . Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily. at 8 o'clock A. M.
tace 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st.
fob 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors.
.. . par
- - - -fra,
- • --Par
I The Great Central Ron
Pia National Road and Paltirrtore and Ohio Rdil
Road Company. '
—,- . - ,--r L ...---,....-_-... :,.--.9"... c %-. - . V
._- _ - _ -.•-..- -
rir HIS line is in Atli operation and leaves Pittsburgh
-I- daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here'
Pith the railroad Co's to all the above places: Tray
elersmiTl. End „ads a si:teeay and comfortable route,
it being a separate , apd distinct Pittsburgh and Cum.
berla9d /hay, faeilittes4ill be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjosed , :-.E7ctra coacbei e d . at
the tlxntest Witirtlie Oriviloge of going throngh
clirectoe Doe idghts rest at their option. ; - •
For iicliets, apply at our office at the
House, _ _ L. W. STS ?lairlolet
The Stwiftsure, Robinson, hfassair, /earns every
Tlurrsday at 10 o'clock, a. In.
The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves ovety Friday dt
X 0 o'clock at rn.
The Nlontgornety, Bermett, Master, learns ey Sat-
unlay at 10 o'clock a. m . ver
The Express Parkinson, Master, leaves even Sun.
day at 10 o'clock' a. tn. _
Salted States Pettable Heat
..7.10 Depot
. _
C A. IIdcANBLTY very respe4fully iLfwins his
. friends and the public, that be bas made Lrrao&o
ments to continuo the agency of the boats forming the
U. S. Portable Boot Line, ut the large new - IVarehoase,
Basin, where goods will be received mid fortrEirded
with usual dispatch' and on the most favorable terms,
td Baltimore, Philndelphia, test York or Boston,
?72 Market st., Philadelphia. 1
MOORE & CHASE ; Agents.
75 Borly's Wharf, Baltimore. I
sops. 4-3 m
- _ -
Pt LLEtitiCAA U.l4.rEicatuge 41.1.
CoAter Wood and Third stride, Pittsbvg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bar& motes, bd*tr
and sofd. 'Sight iheikk - s'oa the; Eistern tires; ffirL
Drafts, notes and bills. collected.
. . . . . Ici
aEran - ENcEs'.
Wm. Bell 8,5C0.,
John D. Davis,
P. tiirrine,
J. Painter it Co.. ' Pa.
.Tna t•ph Woodwvll, ' [
Jaans May,
AlOx. Bronson & Cr).
JohnHßrown4C o . Ph i ladelph i a.
s.l"Candlei3. YCitrdinad,
J. R. Al'D,clrieslil. Sr. Louis, Mo. H. Pope, E.sq.,Pre3't Bank Ky. )>Lonjp-ille.
Dy e Sttiffit rust Itteived.
Carnwood, Alum, and agne'r i i4 Itock'ipf
Dix WooDs, in' sore, and for sale it the D rug Stye.
.70N. K1D1.)..
.ept. , 00,nor 4th ane.'virotx7 tits.
ACXE'REL.--t6 Bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, just
received a.ocitor Fain by
T141. 3 4401).1-10baxe* Burton's 5 b baroptobaco l ,
25 do Rome & Robinsons do
5 do 1111113'11 do
10 do assorted sizes and brands,
just received and ter-sale by
43, Wood street
Pound, •
A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing- Store
11 in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
sailed and Worn. It is signed bit -ladies Gaston and
another, and druittu jj 3 favor of W. Black. The own
er cati haven by iientifying- and peying expenses
* brk.4o.,malk
-- •
AW ArgalltaPiKranCl:
7..X.cow—Sir—A child ofmine aboutg years
old, wais . nonistantly indisposed, and .of o
ion; het 414 always a good appetite. In palerorde to have
the child well, I bought am son bottle of McLarie's Ver.
mifuge of which I gave him. 3 spoonfuls,-efter which
20 or 2.5 large worms - were expelljed: I wish all Ger
mans would read the abo're- facts. Tbo chird'erteulth
is much improved. MICHAEL RIHN.
Chartier's Creek, Sept. 26 1343.
o:7For sale at the Drug Store of •
oct Coriier oflth and Wood sta. Pittsbg., Pa
SMOKED HERRINGS. -QS: boxes smoked her
rings just rexadatod and for "palely
43; Wood seven.
. - .
P oticontisnA,nr,
Cbilts Dyson Tot,
4 " Black tea.
4 " Imperial
i " Gur.povolwip,, .
drvioc. in store, aid for sale t.,nise MUT
oct 2 Corner of 4thand Wiwi as.
43 Wend cr
J. G. tir,iiisMlitti
12 AlmeAtsw
i IS, r. _ . . - r—• !..- , .ev?- a sceß
d - hi ikitiettawdatire EfeAnveß'. - eS i
otiefnties,.to Lit /Laubric: tb It •= l3l
. high stades/. cultivation. • -- .: ....; -:.: • - • ••• '‘r,rl
2 , Fittlitkiri ;A tmstrong &unity; 'talk' lit , ioktf- ll* „
acteicleatid r lso 'bututingtruittratailVtlatAr4%ii i i t 4;
eii." - ' Foi-riuttitulavt. etaluirc ATM)* - digcti 'SO
. .
near 4th street: - •,:- . , AS, r l 4 : ' ,•
• •
oct 30--dtr J. K. t-frV,lpatol.-
7 7 =l 7- 7
: Dartßini to be
, 13,6 89 Ac . , MVittlAttitipt i
,tiftliasers. The hinti Het. a Tyier
Cdii.; Virginia—And ociait , or ALL vier:l3Eo4h:
:For particulere Italcire of the Abaci ibers, t
postpaid. • LLOyD &
oct /0 140 LibertissFiet;ll/2tiihiniC,
ft rittuircki. !
atFriYO, good Farmatiu thttlii . :
. 3424 ft,
c reel, Wrium cuelkiul c9finty„,,,lsout -
9 mile. from Greensburti., - o n the main mad to ktlahi: t•
rak i , B.mi les from it, and about a miles fretts thmisaae
town, ono mile from a brick Catholic Churairane tow'
miles from a Presbyterian Church, vir: No l 900-~
ac rei and Itllowencee, from 350 to 160 iltehib - dleaNie '
and untkr fen e.e, has on it a log house. i6g 'Writ; &eh-4'
tio. 2.,150 acres of fend adjoining fhe above; t 8 tii lilt --
acres cleared and under fence, a
,good frame hidsU kS 'ithir
.k. ,w agon abacie and corn crib and a steno wing
hBuse,. ail in good ordcr,.. The above iviii be_sord aka
fair price for tea it and paytnent-xmade to'
or exchanged for properly in Pittsburgh or A .
Forfortherparticulars enquire atHaiiis'llen ~
Agai = r
ey and Intelligence °Met, No. 9, sth st. - -'
, .
------- --- -
nnilding Lets
'THE undersitrneri le authorized to sell utrarizbei
lots beatitifullr stmateil in Aaron Hait'artutt
rne 04
lots on Grore Hill." The niplitt icrinrove 7
extension of the city in the vicinity of thi.arit /ots tqua;
zrextly increase their value in a reri short periociorr .... ,
Claims against the estate, properly authenticated, **ll -
be received in part navrnent.
GEO. COCHRAN. Executor, • -
Not 26, Wemistreett •
016-3 w
Z_Li. Le "
riOlinSgTaolGYrhorciecrykt, 7 a . e s o u n ita ti l l s e ie for:
of-Fifth and Union streets:, ::Posoession even fintrisidift“
atek. Erslitire of -
011. JAMES !Ur"
- ...
t Banding Lots in Birmingham.
0 LOTS, suitable for buildir, moat eligibly site 9 natal, and within two minutes' walk of the
ateamferryboathwiding, wiltbe sold at prices to suit
the times. -The resins 'orpsysdent nill be made easy,
either Sop dasher such barter as am be made available,
• • pply - to die augscriber s in Birmingham; or Mr. P.
Petmte, No. 4, ferry street, Pittsbnreb,. :.'it,...
_t u n A- JAS. - PATTVC lII* jr.
— LotsiEWSalt
4 Lots in Manchester. One mul aft ;Acras of
Land on Holmes' Hull Lots'me- 41 , 52.59,54
181, 182, =llB4, in Cook's plan or Lo os , cm /blase&
Hill. Also. Lotsuos. 26,and 27, is CoOk'eplisnof Lou
on High street, now. theriewCatirtit,-zw. Fni terns*
apply tlO o Z. W. RZMI:CdTOI4!
or Sale.;
East _
T OTS onthe North corner of ' 9lllll2thie
High street. Apply to
Market near Fotmh flpVipt •
Per - Bent -
"Mak That COTTAGt , situated in the tkOr'Ou . "ll of
Lawrenceville, at present occtipied b o y jebp
The place has a yen; fine tarden mid g °pa. tits*
ment of frtiit trees. Any person renting Can I.iiiii4,"ObP
pririlee , trof en:engine for the , ensuing. year.: ousts;
sion given on the Ist oftictoller nfat.
at No. 5 Comm4rdir Row. Lilaorty *me i
or to Wrri. Taman, Smithseki atreot. - -
Rep. 1, 1843.
A Slkflitt Perm in inner St. CIO". * townriip,
bOin 41 miles from Pittsbuxoi.nn4abcuf6il ykrdA
rif the WikblilZinn rt”rarilte, containing 11Si 34:14sg•Laitati . f
lark r , ejllocarod and imrrr,-,41, atml almost allclearetti
and under rood fence; trrd will ben mod place, for an
extensiveenrdner. Jr I.aa on it - tt snort tilt*Dhig
bonse and barn: and iR wicered. Ir will be sold'
low for cash.—o r r Firt and par:credit. Apply at:
Harria'Azeney and Intelli , 7er,P ()Fee. ^r
To Rent.
DLEASAN't rooms and good steam- power, at the ,
L CII3C steel file maunfaetory. cmer of Liberty asift
O'Hara sirert.s. Apply on the promi.oß.. .
= courses, c., Per neat.
rfl HE subscribe r has opened a book to re:coml./AY,
dwelling= house, warehouse, store, shop, room,
or country farms and seats for rent, chareiurthe owhi
ers 9.5 rents each record: He will keep-it - Open fertqa
who wish to rent. any kiad e,l property tn exattrind,' and'.
charge thew: 124 cents: and for a small ooriPeilatitiol.
will attend to renting an kinds of rrnrn-rry, rind attepef
to all kinds of busines: betwenn lnrcilnid oral y://111.!''
ISAAC nAr,rus, Agrzt,
No. P. Fifth si
Good Farm for Sale or Eachante,
A FARM of 130 acres on .511,1,-ur Cteek. Atirtstrong
Ll_ county, 100 ofyliirli is in :proved. This farm
well watered by s.pripzi nod Iwo rge runs which ere
nearly through it and then unite, forrningan excellent
Mill. Seat. 40 acres are firit tato for meadow or
crops. warlike bakinco is good for fall
There is no wasto ;nrci, aid it is will adapted for'i dai
ry or for sheep, and lies ren well. There is en it ts
good srple .r..,rehard • a substantial hewed Ir.; house, a
-' r ug barn and a zood coal bank, easil:, accessible,
in good Order, atul the quantity inexhaustible. This
farm lies within 'l3 miles of Freeport, .9 miles Pram
Kittanning ; 1 miles from a Catholic chapel, and `miles
from a Presbyterian and Seceder churches It will be
sold at a barrain for cash er exch./tarred for a good
three story brick house and lot in Pittsbureh. For
terrns and particulars enouire at Harris' General A.
eeney and Intelligence office, or cf the subgeTiber nn
the reemima.
Re p 27
JUFreeman's Fire Erick for Sale.
ST received, 5000 Freemen's best Fire Nick,
01 , which will heieafler heft 'constantly on hind
and 0 0 1 d low for cash, by BIRMINGHAAI &
may 27 CO
No. 60 Water as.
Peach Treed,
iit i THE subscriber hag just received from the Nut
•= r- sere of Landreth ar.d Fulton, Lear Philadelphia
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the palic.
No. 164 Liberry Rt. bead of Wood.
B EAR SKINS, dressed and undremed, just raceiv.
ad and foraale by A. DEELEti.
Just received, a few copies of Mitchell's ele
gant and cheap (price $1.50) Maps of the U. SUatts•
together with Maps of 32 of the principal eitzits and
towns in the Union handsomely colored . Also, a few
copies of Mitchell's Accurate Synopsis of the Stub
Census, of the United- Statue. at, 25 corm-
021- ComraisaionMerchant, No. 9, sth et
atancheatar Iftnsery,
9FFER for dee a larie assortmen t of Firehillib
Tiees, Evemreens. Shade -Tteee, :51:1PlakaW
inter Bloomiog Pleats, &c. eettsisting inpast efilqe.
ahs c Pesch, itireterinecAlmond, A:pricocs, Grape-Visas,
,BitrUebitiptiertim entratits, Rasp be
w satas:Str.thr. Tests, vere
!t eblsf it rries.: &xi; *it.
lag the streets, which will eiThrd oed Omni nth
first sweet*. Also,aoice imparted Durck
zted Tatip-; . part at' thm se!eztaa V:0-'41:eyreiitif
p ots ar gyeg:,es , 1-: 0 whlter. 17.tt,,r. h vlia
Japor.lcas, Ftnse Buds.
daring the wituer at the shortezq norirp.
B r117.7/Nl;ars may la: Grei-4 4-
iol • • Trees. at erea:,(,:lal el./trot':
- :
Ntil pr. lvt'A T,T A NP,