Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 31, 1843, Image 4

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    es. rim. v 41,1, usineti to sett LOWER, for
cask.Olan Any other establishment east or west or the
toountal ns. F. BLUM C,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets.
sap 10 Ortoo4lie the ftetiange ilothi. Pittsburgh. Pa.
IHE Aulmerther hat Just received from Philadelphia:lnd
AL New York. with a general and extensive assort.
dtery article in his line of husinesi. which he ;a deter
mined to soli on the most reasonable turms for cash.,
He believe-5 he can Jifer stronger inducements than any
similarestaldisbment la this city to country Physicians
and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with
Dings and Medicines. His articles have been selected
with the utmost erre, and are warranted oft he best qual.
lily and uniform strenglh. Orders w.ll be filled with ac.
tummy and elegance. Famlll s can be supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable variety, and of
the most exquisite perfumes; litewise with Perfumery
and Cosmetics of every descrip:lon.
The undersigned returns his thanks for (he liberal se p:
port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant
disposition to please and accommodate—a care in pro—
curing arid selling only what Is excellent and genuine—a
elnse super.. Won of titemtles and transaction of ;he estate
lishment—precatition and accuracy In compoundl med.
cilles—and by industry and perseverance. to n In
tease of public patronage
"May M.
La I what makes your teeth Si unusually whitel
Unoth Josh's dulcinia to him Vother night,
To makeyours look so, with a grin, replied losh,
I en brought youa bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash,
'l'.3 the best now In use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all others away.
But to provelt the best; to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my dear rat , at the lustre af mine.
Then try ti is great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not Atte.
Having tried Dr.•" Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,'
and become acquatnted wl , h the Ingredients of its compo
sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
It is one of the most pleasant Tooth %Vast es now in use,
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I take pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," t hzt It Is one of the hest den
trlfices in use. Being in a liquid form, it comb nes neat•
fleas with convenience. tV Idle it cleanses the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, Its perfume yells
it fragrance peculiarly desiraide. J. P. 'PI BBETTS. Hl. D.
The undersigned have used "Tito. it's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth %Vasil," and have !bond It to he an extreme•
ty pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary lON
enee over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those India.
perusable members from premature decay, preventing the
neeimulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. use.
lag thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re.
conamendme It to the public, belteeing it to be the best ar.
Dela of the kind now in use.
Prepared and Fi o lil by WILLIAM Tlitill N. A potheca•
ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,• Pittsburgh; and
at all the principa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical ken.
y, Fourth street.
IVOR COMPLA I NTS—Dyspepsiaa4d Lid , gestion,
with costiveness, asidity of the stomach, hardnes„
of food after meals, hearfturn, flatulency. live. eomplainls
with pain In the side and sitruider, jaundice, bilious com
plaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel, stone, and infla am tion
orthe lungs, are most perfestly removed and cured tythe
This article has the astonishing Teets In curing nil coin
diaintsof the stomach and digestive organs. Many high.
Ty rerper , altle individuals in New York have been cured,
after trying every other rented• In vain, and have given
to their names with permigsinn to relei to them. It is
pleasant to the fast, rind does not in the least mil rime
With the daily avocatiOnel one taking it. clam,.
lies of the city have heroine PO pleased with the nirdicine
that t , ey use It as their only family medicine. By
It occasionally, it keel a the stomach free front Ll'iou< its.
orders, and the liver active, with the seermiolll. of tile
body in the most perfect activity. It is cone ['cued en, •re , .
ly of vegctable. The cure will be gradual, but recta•❑
tie I permanent•
For sate al Trrnes, 86 ruurth erect
frp 6.
Dr. Leidy', Tetter & Itch Ointment.
FOR th e enrr °revery variety of TETTER, the ITCH,
and 311 disea ,, eq or the Skin, hal proved natl . niare
efficatioun than any oilier prep 'ration for the pur
pose In use.
Upwards of five hundred errtifiC:llCs might he procllicd
and published of ha efficacy S,-hunt Tvarherg, Pro.
prlelore of Factories. Parente, Cuardialie, Child Nurses,
eapiains of vessels and otherß, were It not for the deli
tiny in having their names publhlicd in connection with
such disagreeable nfrection..
By the use of Dr Leidy's Tetter Ointment In cot June.
fan with tils extract of Sarsaparilla or Blond Pills, lie
wOlparanter to cure any disease common to the skin,
bower had, or of however long standing, or rerund the
wont', There are however vet y few Insti.ncev lint ran
be eared by the Ointment alone•,
Price 25 cents a Box.
Prepared only and sold wholesale and Wail at Dr Lei•
dy's licalth Emporium. 191 N. Second st. rhiiadeipilia,
nod by - 11. A. PAHNESTOCK 4- Co. corner of Wood
and Sixth streets, Alrnts for Pittsburg. July 12.
/VIM subscriber would respectfully Inform the ell Izens
IL aril': lure'. Allegheny and their skit:hies, that he
hart emastenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01
and th - nales. Ile Intends making but one
quaint , ' which
will equal the best made In the Union and not surpassed
by the best winter stralnedsperm oil either for machinery
or burning. without Its offensive properties, and one
Briar I.fr ANY TEMPERATURE. The subsea.
her wishes to Impress distinctly on the nubile mind that
It is not necessary to purchase any new fancied lamps that
are daily palmed upon them asking requisite to burn the
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light
ell obtain it by calling at the old atand,3ii street, nearly
ts,r;tatte the Post Office.
7 atteniion of Woe !sale dcalerl, Churchni and
I `.:'■ revectful 71 ta
09 nut • wit! bear thc, naannfacturee
Inn 2: 13,13--tf.
.'he superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
fice it - tosay, that the detention, toss,separation and dam
age to Goods, invariably attending three Transhipments
between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the i,Portatile
Boat most effectually removed.
The Portable Boat passesses the great advantage too,
of being well ventilated and cool in Summer; which pre.
vitals Flour from soaring, a•rd Bacon and Tobacco from
standing as he duei, uetc..een the owner,
of gouds and he Boatmen who tarty them, and egantly
Interested la protecting the intetssls of both, will wake
no prunWes lu the public he wi I not faithfully wrforn..
lie Is now prepared to recelsa and forward Prudurr
to Pintail( Iphia. Valtlinore, New York, and tlo.ton In the
9iIOTIVSI time. and Itiny...e.f to enter Into no coin.
biliat lon with other Liers,hut always stand reail, to Tarty
out the urinciplesof his Line. and contract for freight on
the very lowest terms.
'To give andolibied-sectirity to owners and shippers
of goods an open pidley of In.oranco hai been etTecird,
by which all tuerctiandizn shipped by illis Line will be
In.mted without any additional expense io the otvacr
11, Devine will receive ail produce consigned to him
riiisituri..ll. pay fnle tit and chary, s to Hiram Pcats
and forward Elie s.ine lihnut delay to l'hiladrdpliia,
Baltimore, New York, and Cosion without any chille
for advancing or COMMIiS6IOII.
March 10 .13-12
Ready Made Coffin Warehonse,
r...,th St , 2 doors/nom Ike U. S. Bunk.
thtiI,_ , I.EiJITIJI.LY informs the tune that to
et. lion rern)7eil Irk ready made coffin ware.
:muse to the:RW(lllla recently , icrupied by Mr.
R. G. fd.”*iunl, directly opposite his old Clint,
where he Is always arepared to Lit , ::d pron.; tiy
to any orders in his line, and I , y strict ati nhon
to all the det.tita of the Mt-attest of an Un.lei taker,
rie hopes to merit public colifidenctii He will he prep:act - ,
Al ALL DOCKS to provide Hearse,, fliers, C irice.i and
ceery inquieite on the most liberal lei ms. Cajis from the
country tl, ill be promptly attended to.
tile reeldence is In the same building with his wars
house, where tho,e who need lit, servicce MPy find hint
at any time. arrartgflcitr;
w.w. no% LM, REV. JOHN BLECK.D. D.
SCp 10
AI FOIL I,E.—Tae undersigned iitret, tor s.,le
his I . :iron, lying in Roil; Township 4 wiles trout the
C"Y of Pittsburgh. containing 114 acres *nand of is hie I,
CO ate cleared and uncle- fenr.e, tom 15 to rule, of
meadOtv. 2 gcod Orchards of Apple, t few Peach and
Cherry trees—the linprovetnents arc a ,arse frame house
cOntainotg 10 roorns well furnished, calculated l'or a 'fa
vent u.„ private Dwelling, A frame Rant 2i by tifi.toot.e
ha , einent, and stabling, Fhcds nd other out houses suit •
a lie for a tenementt-2 ;rood Gardens surronittred with
currant budies, and a well of excellent water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Phi sliurgii
anti Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered or
:ale with more I editreinent to Ihoce wi.litog to purchase
twat - Pittst.urgh. the trims will be made moderate, fhr
further particulars:triply to t6r proprietor at his riot !dog
Sio,c, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Atte% .
N. R. If not sobl before I Ire Ist of October Ilex?. it
will be divided into 10 and 20 arre Ines t o suit pur;lia
se I'S.
FP II 10
Regular Zdorning Packet for Beaver.
4 , 4 -, pot; Pant running and Well known
AL Sirainer
151ast, r, will drpart daily from Pitti
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver 1 o'clock P. M
For freight or pasvage, apply on hoard, or to
No 60 Water ,-,t:cet.
N. 11.—Tlie rev/ lar canal pa. ht In Cleo lar.o
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and M ascillon o; , . the
Ohio Canal, connetiing with strainer Cleveland at :lea
ver.will be in operation immediately on openin.z of 1.;.v•
mar 1 6 -t1
Cage of Lirer Complaint of 2.i years Aland/n.7.
This way certify that for twenty five %Sal: , 1 tva, al . •
Ilicted with pain In my Fide, WWI It Was riS , lll( - 1111y fu
Revere as to entirely inrapachate me from l;i1Jor. I have
fleen under the care and treatment if varintl: 1,11 s!(
without any permanent I , rmelit. nearing of the
rt!l.'S effected by 11,. Ili r.-.f.ic Elixir prilkared by nr.
Starhweailier. I was induced to clv, it a Irtal and am
I:lpre lie say I hat if has ninny ri•mov r .d . I h ave f a,
no symptoms of it for more than a year past.
Nortlihrid:e.),,hefiti 30. 1:;41 AMOS; %%MITE.
l'ite genuine to be had at TIIII'LE'S Aledienl Agency
[tomb street.
's Fire , roof Iron Chests.
PITTSBURGII, OCT. 22, 1r34,2.
J. livoiva —On Friday, Ihe3Uth orlth4 month 'about
9 at ni2lit,The Pldning.Groovlng and Sash Man
ufactory, Owned by C;iy, Dilworth is- Co, with a large
quantity of dres s ed and .li/dressed lumber, was all comm.
mrd by lire.
The Iron Safe which I bought of you SORIP Lilie hack
WOll in the mutt raposed situation dui log the fire, ai,d
was entirely rcd hot —1 am plea , ,ed to inform you it was
opened at close of the fire,and all the books, papers,
kr.savert;—this is the hest recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
net 24--if TrOM A S SCOTT
Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory.
CUNS7'. 4 I-AtTLY on hand a superior article c r Lard
Oil, warranted to luriri at any teind.rz.itire, and
squat 10 the he s t winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its ofrensive (mitten, and one third rheaper, man.
tilaciored by l lie Fubscrlher at the old stand, l'hlrd ti.,
nearly opposite the Post Office. M. C. EDCV.
Jan 4,1843
/ME snliscritrer havinx ripened a shop No 6R, Second
IL street, between Market and Wood earects,PPtsburgh,
In connet tie II with tile Factory in flirmtligbarn, respect.
fully blunts his friends and the public, that he will be
happy tt be favored rivkii their orders for any articles la
his line,
Door Locks and Pasteners,n f various d scrlptions, or.
hand and Slide to order.
Tobacco. Mill and Timber Screws.
Large Screws, for Iron Worly, nrl Screws for Presses,
n - ade as may be required,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call before
contracting for jobs, and examine hi. arliNrs and prices
f ocks repaired andipbbing eencrully t one in best
luau ner,a nd on the Inwi• - st terms.
mat' —bzi
and Proflaic
'Ea Ibe public thatlhrp
igeUsentAfor the above
Individual competition
li'mke, by tvidch alone
.zpcn-ten and reduced
now he realized; the
ed 'Trucks on her Rail
ue Boats are enabled
' miccet , tutly to coat-
y new, Four Section
dialog who command
sing, induatrious and
d Boatmen
No. 45 %Valet' U., Pltt.bur:ll
2.72 Market it re?', PhilLdelnhla
MOORE , k CU ISE Agenie,
7$ Bowley's IVhail. Baltiniorr
cuLvErt wooDneßx, gehl.
Madison Ind,
Thos Mc.IDAM, t , Ant
Z 7 Old Silo New Yu
~`~ 'M
UZ - 11t1 - 11
IN pursuance of law, I, Jous TYLER. President
of the United States of America, do hereby de.
stare and make known that pl,blic salee'will be held
at the undermentioned Land Offices, in the State of
MISSOURI, at the petioch hereinafter designated,
to wit:
AT PLATTSBURG, in Clinton county, theseat
of the Land Office far the Platte district of Missou
ri, commencing on Monday, the ninth day of Oct-:.
her next, Fnr ihe disposal at the public lands within
the undermentioned townships, and fractional town
ships, to wii:
.bete of the base line and west of the fifth prinri
pal meridian, and west of the former wettern. born
dtry qf the Slate.
Township Sixty two, of range thirty four.
Townships sixty one and sixty three, of range
thinly five
'co wothips sixty two and sixty four, 1)1 range thirty
sixiy ono an i sixty torte, of range
hirty set so.
I own ships sixty two aol sixty four, of range thir
y eight.
The W . 'Et hair of township airy one, of rang e
hi. ly
Fr,ctlnual township sixty two and township aixty
our, of sage forty.
Pra , :tional townships six•y two and sixty three, of
range forty one.
Fractional townships sixty titles and sixty Cour, of
rang.° L ItY
North of the base line and east of the fifth principal
meridian, and nest of the former western boundary of
the Stale.
To a oshsps ,ixty oue and sixty two, of range
whip, 6.x;). s one and ....):sty two, of range
eig .t.
T.iwnstiip ,ixiy one. of ea,:ge twenty nine.
AI,, at l ie sa,n.! place, commencing on Monday,
the 16 rteelitii clay of November next, for the disposal
of the public lands withinthe limits et the uticiennen
ti , ne I town-hips nod fractional townslii:is,
.lirrth of Me bare line and west of the fifth principal
meridi and west of the former we. , t, rn boundary of
the State.
Frey inuai
tuee t ishi l s firy, fifty one, fifty Cove,
fif y five aid fifty at en, of ra, , ge thiity three_
Towshi l is illy two. fily four, fifty six, fifty eight
and sixty, r , f range iit:ry four.
a tiun d , oe.u:ship flit ene. tuwils`,ips firly
fifty 1)..e, f action,' n wiishio fifty seven anl town
sltiP fifty ofrange ty five..
Fracfi , wal townships MI four, s:x, nd fiPy
ev,n and loon' nip i.ixty. of rouge thir y six
I'actional toaa:ship6 fifty five, fifty six, lily eight
zi,tl fifty litre, of range thirty seven.
1 act, anal twAnstnps fifty five and sixty of raft;e
At the Land office, at LEX Nt:TI )N, o nop•ne—
•ng nq Mniiday he se , ond day of Oeluliet n-xt,
the do:poc,l of the public I m Is within the limit. or
!he ieldertnentione.l townships, to wit:—
North of the !ue line and wed flaw pith principa
in ridinn
Townships thirty a x, tho ty seven and thi, ty eight
,•f R:nge ton, teen.
own•hips thirty five Find thirty seven, of rug
n• lop thirty ti e of , argexxixterti and nineteen
ww-lips thirty frit., thirty six, dint) seven an
(hi ty et" an4e t A enty
Towt,hip thirty right, oi raog.• t•A eo..y Ihi ee.
T , MA , SII p 'duly tune, of flop! twelity eight.
lof si iii, Ty eight and ty nitte,•er range
Towtisliiit forty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two
all 1 lid t ihrce
South ti quai tei of iiectimia twee ty
one, awl the north eirst dint ilr.r.ll west In 3 C11'11 , 11
Cilia. lets 01 st ction twenty follr in to n-hip silty nor,
botith ot t!okrourl river, of ruoge ;A.lrry
with we-t gum ter of section i•eVell, tow 116111,)
fo:ty none, . ttt chi) Sri en.
iait-ti I.y law. Gn ll.e
milita,) or o her purisoticsi. will be exclu from
The sales will etc It be ko: t open fir two weeks,
[aiilesd the lands are FIV/i , ef dispoSrli of] and no
loillter; am! In. plicate enirtes of land in the town-'
hips , offe“.d wid be adinkted, uui l aler he CX
pfratlmi 11-
Ut• t n tt..tf,t t,:) 11,nd at the Cot, to W,,tit:ttgrt,t
lltia rt;zittit day "I Juile. 1413
13v he rt. !ides)
Tiso. iI. 131.‘xe,
Comm'r of the General Lend Cdjice
NOTET, 'FO 111()N Cf.. IM ANT.
y pi•r , flll t litioillig the ;41)1 of prt
to any ;ands tcit.,ln the :mot: fl. e sabovi•
enuinera:. d, reilliireA to esiablis.i the sante loth
nt tae ReAiiter and It e , eiver the
propel Lied Oilier.. and to make pal the.tetm,
as sou as practicable after suing, this rir,tier, aid be
I.le the day appmnte. , l f.r ~f tit
pub;ic sal: elthe town hip, emir acing the tia t
(+don it, above designated: ()the, tc ise sto h rJaims
will be foi
Tflo. BL %kr,
C'ammi•siuncr t f the Citnerul Land (Vice.
j , ole
S ENT:i!— 7'. .IcCarthy, Cutler and Vurgirol
Icstrutnect :ticker, Third street, ne,:y opposite the
Post Office, Pittsbur:h
(SIGN ~" I.[, E N SHEARS.)
Physicians. Denti,ts ai•,t tiritg,4i.sts can have their in
st ruitieuls inade by the subscriber of a superior quality
and ai Eastern pr/c1•16.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Sekiorg always on hand
also ttaileisz-Ihears, a superior article. Orders respect
fully ,olicilud.
N. B. A ll:trt icle9 warranted of the he. quality. and
ol,hint,. dune usual. sep 10
I al() re, ;I A eis a large clas , s of Fm
eales in
I _a who front their contmortkitting, to which
their peen aLt Inns olitige , hem,at e affected with costivenc,
tv,tro;:. , ives rtse to palpitation at the heart on the lens ex•
ertion, , ense of heavitictilextendiog over the %k hole head.
intolerance of light and sound .an ioal.lllty of lialug the
attention to any mental operations; rounding intim how
el., sotirtimes a sense of sulToratiou , especially rifler
locals if•hell any exertion is tined, as going quickly up
stairs.; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses of the [lra ndret It Pills The Oeca.
sional use or thin medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Itrandreth Pills Just before dinner, are of en found
highly beneficial; many line them very advantageously In
this way; they aid and assist digest lon, rest ore the bowels
to a proper condition. enliven the sot t;ts, impart clear.
ties to tie complexion. purify The blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. It . eudrcth's Office. In the Diamond
Pillsburch—Priee 25 cent.; per box, with full directions.
.1 RIC —l'he only place In Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pith; can be obtained, is the Doctor', own 0
fire, Diamond
LEIDY'S S.LR:'APAIIII.L.t BLOOD PtcLa, are appli-
L cable in all cas,A, whether fur Purgation or Purifi
Callon • I , ln y possess all the boasted virtues of other
pil:4, and are additionally eificaeion., containing &imp
orllla in th.tir COIDDO.IBIOR, winch is not contained In any
other pills In existence. They arealso different from oth
er pills In composition, being purely vegetable, rind can
be employed at all times, without any dancer, and re
oulring no restraint Awn occupation or usual coarse of
Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended Ins flood
Pins would cure ail diseases, yet it Is not saying too much
of intim, from the iiiinumerable cures performed by. them
In every varlets+ and form of disease (certitleates of many
of which have ken published front persons of all denom•
hi:Mons, pliyaleiximi. cluegylinun, nt,d others) that they
seem to be almost universal In their effect; and persons
usinu, them for whatever sickness Of disease, may rest
assured they will he found more efficacious than any oth
er pills In existence.
From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood
'tis deemed neces-cary to remind the public where they
may at all times procure the Genuine, as It is attempted
io impose other pills called •Blood Pills' upon the public
on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's, Erße partleutar and
ask for Dr Leldy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that
the name of Dr N. B. i.eidy Is cant tined on two sides
of each trox,(the boxes being of paper, and obiong,square
sbatie, surrounded by a yellow and black labrl.
PRICE--25 cents a Bnx•
Prepared ouly, and sold Wholesale Intl Retail, at Dr
Leiil2,'B Health Etnooriarn, 191 North Seeritid street, be
low Vine. Philadelphia, and by B. 4. FRAXEFTOCK
CO.corner of Wood and sixth streets, Agents for Pitts
pity 12-Iy.
f 6
- --
to individual only w kites to know the right way
to iottsdie it; and thi re are isane, were it SrhrtiY matte
known how Luz Might he prolonged arid llcAlim re.
coverd. w: u would not adopt the plan. Evidetice Is
regntn d that the ri4lit way Is discovered. This is what
!lime "mil:ming front sickness want to he s ni+fled Ghoul.
Fur who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health Iris
body is capable 017 If Ito Is there that would not live
when Ills exnerlettee ran so witch benefit t i e d
lamilyl Il is a melatirhoiy fact that a very taree pro.
portion of the most It I 111 1 , , 11 ,, Cr6 111 QOC!CtV filf? Ire.
I wecti the ages oflhtrly a lid forty. I loW ma!l t tv idowi
and hi.lpiess orphans have been the roo , eqtietier of man.
kind tot having in their own po,ver the means of restor..
Imp health when lost.
Now all these d tiger and dillicti :I les can be prevented
and the long and cell ain siekness, nod Illy assisting Na
ture, In the outset, with a good dose of Bra tblretb's Pills.
This Is a Net, wi II undeislood 10 lie so by thon•atuls of
our citizens This medicine, If taken so as to puree
freely. will sort ly cure any conlite disease. twee is
no form or kind of siekness that It does not exert a rile.
ative influence upon. 'rhos, by their power lo resisting
putrefaction, they cure measles gruntl pox, worms and
all contnerousfe,vera. There i; not a medicine In the
world so able to purify 1110 mass of blood and restore it
to healthy COllditio”, as the Brandreth
'Fite lirandrelli Pills are purely vev•laitle, and no in
nocent that the Infant of a mot It old may one them if
medicine is required, not only with safely but tajih a e'er.
ofreceivina all the benefit medicine is capabta of
imparting. Females may use them in all the critical
periods of their lives. The Brandre flits will insure
their health, and produce regularity in u'l the fuactions
of life.
The same may e said of Brandreth's Eacrnal
edy, as an outward application In all external pains, or
swelling., or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When
used where the skin is very lender or broken. it should
he mixed with one or two pints of water.
A sure TWO' amuse Brandreth
the hos of Pills. Then look at the rertitirate of ager,y,
whose engraved date must be within the year, which
every authorised anent must possess; if the 'hien labels
on !hr box a:ree with the'hrc^labelsontaeceriificate,
the Pills are true--11 not, they are false.
Principal office, :41 Broadway, New York.
June lb.
AdainscPatglit as of min s . I zdrtii THE' kdDIES.—Why .o you not remove
, .-
that superfluous hair you have upon yonr foreheads and
Tr:WE now been before upper lip I By clllingat Terrcz's, 86 Fourth st „end
Ai the public 3 years du- obtaining a bottle of Rourand's Poudren Subtles, which
ring which time several will remove it at once w:thont alrecting the skin, YOU
thousands h av e been sold can also obtain Rouraud's truly celberaied Eon deßesitte,
and in daily use, We are which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, et un
confident of being sustained I Lions of the-skin, and make your face look perfectly fai•;
In saying they are the best and to those who wisn ,asist nature by adding more
Coffee Mills in the United color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of Couraud,s
States, any way you , fix it.' celebrated Liquid Rouge, which cannot he rubbed cfreven
Several modifications are by a wet cloth. Also stay be found a good assortment of
madeto suit the fancy of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Beare' Oil, Imond,P4l7”,
wives end the purses of Windsor;and other Soaps,
husbands Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, SG 4th streeld
Sold by the gross or dozen Druggists and ot hers can besupplied at Wholesale and
at the manufactory, retail terms.
may a; 1842
Malleable Castings made to
These genuine articles., of all sizes. and most improved
varleliea,constantly on hand and for gale at very reduced
prices by the mar nfacturer I. R. LIVINGSTON,
mar 2. --11 Front between Co=s and Grant ste.
UFA VP, removed the: raper Store from Marker
11- street In No. G: iVOOd street, one door front the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hand, their anal as
sortmet.t or W.l Ll. PA PEES, for papering parturi,en
tries,chanther3, 4-c. and a 1.... PRINTING, W ITI NG
al! of whinit they offer for sal oon accommodating to ring,
felt 14,1943.—dt
:'.r TO INVA..II)S.
terliote lmporiantit k that you commence without
less of lime with BR•lNDlictu's PILLS. They n.1)11y but
nu rely retnuve all int puritic:. front the blood, and no case
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cete•
Mated do not relieve ;p , melt aF medicine can do.
Col 1!! and coughs are more henentied by the ltrandreth
Pill, than Ly 10ZeneeE and canulen. Very well, per
hp as palialives, but worth hoihtn; as eradicators of
di eases front the human syatem. The Ba•noaLTn E . /1.0
cure, they do not merely
ve, thew cure disease, , ,
whether chronic or recent, infections or Otherwise., will
Certainly lee cured by the Ilse of tlar. , c all sufficient Pills.
tna Scsa, J..litiary 21. 1343.
Doctor BenjorniA DroodrctA °red Sir: Owing to
ou a debt of gratitude that mane!: cannot pay, I ant
induced to niake a public acknotyledgeruhrit of the Irenelit
my wi:e has derived (coin 3:cur iiivattizilde pills. About
three Teary this whiter sh•e was taken whim a pain in tier
ankle, which soon became very touch inflamed and
swollen, is notch so that we tree /me alarmed, an d rent
for the doctor During him attendance time pain and swell
t:u Increased to an alarming degree, and it: three weeks
Corn Ito first commencing it hecanie a running sore
elle could gel no reft at night the pa'n w,,: ru great.—
I first Dor tor attended tier for sin months, and she
received no r.rrectit whatever, the rain growing worse,
and the sore larger all the w trite, lie said if it was heal
ed up it would he her death, hut he npneared to he at a
lost. how t proceed, and toy p.tur wife still continued
to sufr - er I lie most terribb• torture,. e therefore •ouglit
other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
taw it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her
case at olce To our surprise he p. vc her rier
and arkliowled 4 red lhal it hauled all ht-
Thus we f^lt alter haring tried &Irina nue whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, iti
al.:oleic di spair. be pair wife's constitution rapidly
failing it the prime of her years from her confirmed
sufferin... Under these clrcuttr , tatires we concluded that
we would try Your Universal Ve:•t Pills.rietermined
to fairly trio their rural the error,. To my wife's great
comfort ihe first few do-es atTorded great relief of the
pain. Wittiln one week, to the asionithment of our
selves and every one who knew of the case. hr swelling
and the inflammation began to cvise so that she felt guile
racy. and would steep coliii.utahly, and, sir, after sin
weeks, use %v a s aide in go through the house, and
again attend to the management of her family which
she had net ,l. , ne [ - or nearly 14 111010 le:. In a little over
two months from i.ei lime slur first commenced the 'lire
vf your invalualite Pills. her ankle visa guile fOUlid, aMI
her heii:lll brcer ihatr it had been in quite a r.unihr.r of I
yrarriiiekire. 1 vi•oi you this rilaleirioril tiler 'rho ,mart
It si Si [he cure, ru isid , rl/1.; it only an aLI to
vi•n and I lie public a' lar';”.
1~ • e::er, Willi mock gra itoilo,
y re9if.rTl . t! Iv
TIMOTHY ELI% A. 1.1111.1
P. S. The fui , acnl Doctor pronoduc.d !he , coe. can
rerou 4, and tioa!iy paujt‘o 2niel la• /161,e, unle>i Il e
w1:01•• 01 - the 11. 1 0 1 t a. r rel hone
. tr 'a. , l title u , Ti t !Igi your
pills, which !VC!? !I , fro . o furl her v,
w larh wv hape 1.1 u..
07-Sold at 2.5 cell?, pee i!li It lerlee! , .
o!.s. rye I !le n , CV latrrti, Caen ltdvl-.1 Unit a two
mann ~ r Dr. lined, PI 11. Pa edch ha \of 11,,
ha. six -oznalu , e , —i firer Benjamin Prd ndre, It and Ihrpr
lb Brandreili ilium it.
• I ' hn only place lie rest Itra
(hells rills ran le obi:lined, the Oar r,r's own
In the Dl:mm.(l, brhind the Mar Ar t
the gr,iiiinc Itrandrelli Pills can nrve, t , ataired in ally
dru store.
The fotlmvicz rr by Dr. I ,
Rranflmth, rnr the Wt. of Ills Vezptah'e thover , al
in llle2lienv ronnit
PrziNclrAt. 1t;I:NT ( If Lur., Pitlsimr•
Mr. John (I'n ,, —Attr2in ny.
Rottert Int rn.
C. C. D'ehl—Eltz . thetlitown.
H Rowlard—NCl{ce:nort
Prrs.tlti Irwin—Pleas:int hill.
John John.tion—N,ttift , oown.
Clio,matt SnmiWin?. -Stewarlsloom
A Zell S• t'nnm•ll—Clio on.
Robert Smith Porter—T:ll(llnm.
Georg,' Power—Fairview.
David It Coon- Plum IflvVnAillip.
naniel No7teS —EnFt Ljhrrty.
1:111Vard Tiont , ott--Wittzir.s . high
X 07'i 7*(l R E .10 EN TS.
The odd,. Let,l.tir2li with wao catatrii,hed tor the
purpose of voliSli Woo: agent- in the west, haute' :wean,
pl. plied trot torkei, 1.5 no.v clozied, and Mr. C. 11. LEE
in the Ifladri end, 11or kel appointed rite azeal (or
ihe sale of Pill; and DrandetliA agents
will herfnredinderieatol,that 14.11, will .coda travelling
agent through the ronnlr y yearloeollect motley,.
for pale , node and resupply tgeols, The troll] traveller
will he provided with a power ol t duly provo.l
relote the Ulerk Cl the illy and ronitt y of New York,
to:ether woh all nee , Barr vouchers aid narers.
Mr. J, J. Yee. I. loy tray diinrf:l2olll 110,V Pt.rinPri.
t: ‘NDETII, M. [lt
N, B, Mr. C. 11, Lre, In rear oflhc Mar.
kel is now my only :clew l t ritisliurg h.
New YUlk,itine 1 4 h, LA.?
mar 23. 1 143
It has been employed in schools, factor' is, and on board
vessels carrying passenger's, where children. as well as
grown persons, contract- diseases of the skin fireim ureic
contagious rat its, with the most unexampled success:
rertiticates and recommendatiotwhave been heretofore
published from them, and numerous others caught be ob.
lamed for publication, but for tie objections moss persons
have, to having their names published in connection with
such disagreeable and loathsome affections
in so single instance has it aver been known to
It has been used upon Infants and by persons of all
nges. It is perferily s':,le, contains no mercury in its
comonsli ion. and may ll.set undo-all cirrnm , ll, neva.
Price 'r wordy-five cents a ley the. Plevered and sold
at [Jr Lel4's Health r»pro win. (sign at the Golden It
gle and Serpents,l and hy B. A. FA II N EsiTOCK 4- CO.
corner of Wood and Sixth streets, ^ Agents for Pittsburg.
e., .. 4, 6? . .17, .10:,
Headache Illeadache
ARE now known to thousands rus a most extraordina
ry remedy for this affliction as well as the Incon
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those
suffering only ask among their friends if they have ant
known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them net Lilly them . In
these few remark., all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothina will be said of their merits at any time
bit what can he fairly proved by respectable meniters of
our community.
Read the following certificate:liven by a respertakle
ellizrn of Alloglieny ciiy,aiid aitcsied by 01. P of iliejudg
es of the Court cf Common Picas of Allegheny co.
A LLICOLIINY ChT, January 9, 1343•
Dear Sir—l have (or a number of years past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al.
tlione.ll I have lakes nearly every kind of Medici to re
commended for its cure, have never derived any male
Hal benefit until I used come of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyveptie rills. I have not taken quite Iwo boxes and
coi,ider perfectly relieved from that distressing
complaint. I have nn beeiranan in recommending your
Pills as the beet medicine I have ever used.
Yours, Respectfully,
J TurtNEn.
I am artiva.nied with Mr, Turtle-, I have no hesita
tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr.
T. resiliset in.: Dr. Brodie's tk, as entitled to tire mos!
perfect and entire confidence. HI'CH DAVIS.
For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonlan Pill
Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all authorised a
Renis t hrotlphont the Union
Alle'v mit , Jan 9
Ey:mi . :l I:aim:tulle Pills,
reit] tricsTes.—Le!!ei from the Don. A it'li'm
lan,Sullivatt County , List Tennessee, MenthetorCongress.
%VtgruNc - rotr, duty 3d. 1338.
Str—Sieve I have heen in this rite I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine wit!. infinite benefit and satin
faction, and believe it to hen moil v.:. Ode remedy. One
of my :mist I Weals, Dr. A. Carden, of I, impliell county,
Tenneesee, wrote to me to send him which I did,
and he has arploced it very stieres.ifulty in his practice,
and says it is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place,• thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. if so, 1 would I erornmend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper pr , -o,s L 3 officiate for the sate of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water to rho
rare of 110ert Kim: 4- Sons. rinosville county. Tennea
‘re, or by land to Crattani ¢ Floustun, Tazewell, East 1
rennr , see. I have no doubt but if you had aitents in i
several counties itt East Tennessee, a great deal of medi•
rine would be sold. lam gain?, to take sonic of it home
Gtr my own use, and that of my friends, and should
like to 'war (row you whether you would like an agent
at fl'untvil , e.iii lira° County. Last Tenne-s. e; I can act
Ire merchants to act fir you as I live scar there.
Yr ore re.pertf,
A I:11 111111 M'C'LELLA of Tenn see.
r orsaie tl holrsa'ea, d Retail,
R C I'.7m.t. Ens, A zent.
No. 20. Wood street.hPlow Second
This ioflgii.le remedy has preserved hundred' ,
when thought past recovery, f,oin convulsions. As soon
as the ftyrup ix rubbed nn the the t hild ivill recl v.
er. This preparation is s . o innocent, so efficacious, and so
plem , aot, th..t nocbiid wit refuse to let ii. gums be rut,
bed with it. %Viten into ni:tare at the age of four months
t ho' t Ilire is ro appearance or text h, one bottle of t
Syrup should he tired to open the pores. Parents shOn lJ
vvvi he, nhnnt ilie syrup in the nursery where there
are young cidldren, for if a child wakes in the night with
pain in the vim+. the Syrup immediately gives Ca.e,l , V
, Ipt . n:•l2 Ille pores, and beat inz the gum..;tarretty prevenl•
mg rmall 3101.. Fevti - 4, qr, ['Or Sale Vt . IsOle , aie and
Iletatl by R. 11. SELLERS,
cop 10 No. 20. LL'0..(.1 street. below Second.
LIVER ceiMP LA INT r tired by the use of [)r. liar.
compound St ren2t and Aperient pill,
Mr. Win. Rp - hard , , of PI" Ishar2h, ra entirely cored 01
111, symptoms were pain
and wel , .lll' In the left side. le. , orapro.l ite, vomiting, acid
euriat ions. a distension or the stomach. Rick head.aclie,
furred ion2ite, cminienanee vita 'lard tea citron rolur,
rutty ,listurhrd rest, atiritited n. li a cough,
i crew , ith ether symptoms indicating great de
; rangement of ine functions of the liver. Mr. Richard,
had the advice or several physicians, bat received no
relief, unlit ti,:in2 Dr. Itarlich's Medicine, which termini.
toil in etTecting a pe-feet cure.
Pi ierirril Office. 19 North Elgin Ir Street, Philadelphia.
f',,r s.t tr in PM -ho rah by Samuel Ftow, corner of I.lher
ty and Wood Aree,s. sep 10
B ens VON I! 171:1112LE1 11E1111 P I — Thee
Pills are composed of heihs, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, rice impute, or
strength to the arterial s'ortern; the blood Is quickened
a td equalized In Its circulation through all the cossets,
whet her of the =kin, the parte situated Internally. or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
dra‘‘ it from the Mood, there l• a consequent increase of
every .ect•etion, and a quickened , Ctioll of the absorbent
and exhalent, or 41seliar:,:ing vessels. Any morbid action
whirl) may hive taken place is corrected. all obstrui
ms are re.ne red, it.a blond is a ti rifted . and the body
re.3lrnes a V an :"_fa! Slate. ror .1 ale Wholesale and 'Re
C. SF LI.ERS, Agent. •
rlO ) Wood .1. below Second.
pit,' 's cured I.y the se of Dr. Flarlielt's Compound
Strenzilieninz and Gi.rman A tieriettt Pills
Dr. Ilartich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Ar,ettry from you for the sale of your medicine. I
lot riled an aeultainiance wi h a lady of thls place. who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. rot cl2ltt or ten
yea rs tills laity was subject to freivient painful attack.,
and her Idly:kin!) considered her rase so complicated.
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throne:l
toy persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cored. rJurs, fc. JA .11 ti BY
October 3. Inlo. Charni.erstinesiTa.
T_Offier and General Depot, No 19. North Eighth
: 4 1i net, Philadelphia. .1 nd by Sa toilet Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets Pir sep 10
"Why will !p7 ibis p',.,/
dying rate?"
4 4 4
R: E. Hump 1112 E S VE G E
FISSURES, 4 . 'c,
o lie had at Torrues Medical Ageoey R 6 Fourth
the only azent In Fitisburgh.
Feb 22.
Nro sooner does one oC Dr. Leidy' preparations he.
come popular, in consequence or its success end el . -
ficary, than it is counterfeited or imitated..
To prrre at hp pn5111 , 111, De Leidy has now procured
d I far rolehrited Teller and Itch Oint.
me,t unlit Ile wnws Dr 1., Ff% Teffrr ruff Itch Oint.
Went: I.lown iu l fier.i.leg <o , ll:tibil.: his written
ett el wI ts taltsidf:.
Dr Lc 1.1 TellCt and ht it Oilititi,ll. has proved more
illearems than any tither preparation for Teller, Itch,
Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, mud diseases of
the skin generally,
11111 E subscriber IlaP Just rreeived Hs annual supply o
liantireth':i Garden Serdii, canals' ing in part oftb
following kloilai—ati of the last year's crop {• wairraotat
!If nuine:
Bea asa
Mater Melon,
Nusk, "
arc. &c. &c.
Together ts 1111 d varlet y of rot 44 , Soect herb! , aed noire
}'Orders for Seeds, Shruns, Tr. es, from Garden.
ers and others wilt be received and promo!? attended
F. L• tsNOw DEN,
No. 184 I.lLeri y. head of.Woori st.
Cincinnati. Febrstreyls, IR4O.
Dr. SWATNE—Dent , Ir:- Permit nir to lake the liberty
of writing to you at this time to 'clime,s my apprcbatiow
and to recommend to the attentfon of heads of fa fifes
and others your invaluable medicine—the ContrpOlind
syrup of Prune's Voginiana, or Wild Cherry Bark. Is
my travels of late I have seen in a great many iastaaces
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit
dren of very obstinate eomplaints, such as Coughing
Wheezing, Choakieg of Pirlecm, Asthinatir attacks, 4 - c
4-c. I should not have written this letter, linwevet • lit
preset). alit:on:li I have fe•t it 11,3 duty to add my testi
mony It for some time, had it not been fur a tare la.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was Imo ro•
mental in restoring to perfect to alth an -only child,"
3...h05e rase was almost impel, es, In a family of toy ac.
quaintanre. •••I thank ileavt n," said the dusting moth.
r,t.my child is saved from the Jaws of death! 0 how I
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! la
Jan 13-19
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup o
tf ild Cherry Is the most valimble medicine In this or pea
other country. I ant certain I tave witnessed more than
one hundred cases sr here it Ira been attended with corn.
()tele sue. PS , . I ant using it myself In an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual In a Px.
eeedingly snort time, cont.:aerial the severity of t he case.
I ran ref-ono:nil it in t I r. Oiliest confidence of its superior
virtues; I would adv mat no family should he without
.1; it ie very plea -alit anti always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times it , pi ire. The public are as
silted there quackery about it. 11. Jecasorr, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the Firtt Pret.l, terMn Church,
N. Y.
Sold by WM. THORN. whalesale retail, only arent
for Plitsbur2ll. No. 53. Ma , Let reef. srp 10
BOON TO TIIE lIUSI AN ft ACC.l—..Discartw
shut will destroy Life, and you area treat nu*
Discover who , seal pi-along Life, and the storld rill
call you Imposter,"
There are faculties. bodil9 and intellectual, within so
with which certain herbs have ofaity, and over which
(keg have power."
Dr. B. Brantlretlt's External Remedy, or Liniment
which, by iu extraordinary powers, ahstrneig Pain or
Sorene-a; thus Sprains, Fttff . Strews, White Swellings
Rheumatic Pains, or Slinets. Stiffness of the Joints
'Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Fore Throat
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scroftflous en
largements, Tender reel, and rvcry description of t
Jury affecting the Exterior of the iluman Ft ame,kr
Cured or ,ready relieved by his nertr•to be sr,ffititxl
extolled remedy.
t'atxtrirxTr.—Tlufollowlnz letter front Major Gen
eras Fandiord, rs to the ritralhies of the External Reline
dy, speak. ecluntes:
Ncw Yortz, Feb. 9, 1842.
Dear Fir—Vrt'l you oblige me with another bottle o
your egFritent Liniment? It is certainly the hest of the
i.ind Iha PP ever Fern. It has cured entirety my eon's
knee, about which I semis() uneasy.and I have found
productive of immediate relief in several eases of Wei
tat injury ill my family. A few evenings «Ince. MI
youngest child was seized with a violent attack oferotir
which was entirely removed 111 eiclewiy Inlilo4/CS,lty rob
!ling her chest and throat freely is hit the External Rent
My. I think you ought to manufacture tbis Liniment
for general use, instead cf confining the use of it, as you
have heretofore tsne, to your particular acquaintance -I.
Yours truly, C. IV. SANE/PORI)
Mi. I:. lIRAKIMiTa.2-11 Prradway, N. Y.
17 For 5.11 P at 241 ftroadve ay . New York, and at
o ffice in the Dimond, Pittshnrgh. PC ICE-50 cents
„yr holtte with directions. seplo
lac of individuals is very numerous. They arc three
who work in an unhealthy aimo=pbere. Nl:tiers, work
men In feather stores, stone cutters, baker., white lent'
manufacturers, are all more or 'ess sutlert to disease ac
cording to the strength of their constitution The Gni)
method-to prevent diseaze, Is the occasional use ofa
medicine which abstracts front the circulation all delete
riots lot more, end expel. them by the bowel!. Tonle
In any form are injurinueiFirthey only -at off the esti
day to make it more fatal.:- The use of Brendeetit's Pill
wilt insure health, because they take all impure batter
out of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but
strengthened by their operation, for these valuable Pills
do not force, but they assist nature, and are not opposed
but harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr. Brandretti't Office, in the Diantotid
Piti.hurgh.. Price - 25 cents per hos, with full directions.
MA RR—The only place In Pittslittreh where the
GENUINE Pillsron be obtained,ls the Docicr's own CI
lice In the Diamond. !rep 10
Ca‘ rat elite,ert 9th Jtttli, JR4?-''strut grantcd to
B,,..jimin B. a wireih.2oih January, 1843.
The rxtract; of which Brantireth's Pills are corn
pnsrd are otnainert by the* arty patented process,
without l oiling nr any applicvlir n of brat. The se:
ive pt of the herbs is sccu.ed the same
atit is in the
The Puhlc thou 'd be eauttotls nt ine_cli e i joipk
co in menclel in adliertilotente &ilea cetrott,
.o„ce, the- CosTrio,TitiLF. ROittieneilleidintre; I,
g n,, ge. m ere ly a tter i o 4 the nano.. Time wit I'
the.ie Witpliesaie dceeli ore in their- time ligm - - -
(. 1:s• BR ANDRETIPS PILLS are the People',
Medici. e, ' , rowed by th n.alld , who daily reccom
mend them to the afflicted. The BR ANDR ETU
PILLS are 7.,rnu i g ?very (la% n.ore popular, thei,
ii, hie, are ex!endi. g..ifo i, niefoloca*. The sick of
both arses are dairy deriving bent)fit from thew.
Nu ease ul Its-use but they can he iiserl with arlvan;
!age. Illotr hes lir hat Inmps Of the skin they speed`-
Pi' cure, so with ery ,, ioela.T. r.o wi , li salt rheum, to '
, with indi2e.qion,Fo with coughs and cofrs, sn with
I cociveness, so wish cancer, so e ilt hot patched lips
and canker in the month. Let the afflicted uae this'.
medicine, and they will find they require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per bow, with direction,. :. 1
Ohcerve the new labels each having upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So earl) has or the t _
genuine has six signatures--three Benjamin BraoiL
reth and three B. Brandre , h upon it.
The ORES PLACK in Pittsburgh where the xi,z e Net
Brand. eth Pills coot ea oirraverri, is the - Docrnr, ~,,
own Office, Diamond bark, ur the Marl.et Houm a "'",
Mark, the (.3ENctez Brarniieth Pills can never be ob .
tair.ed in any DRUG STGRE 1
The following are the f ) NLY AGENTS sproint
ell by Dr. B Bra ndreth, for the style of his !% egelas
tile Universal Pills ifs-ilk ljegt,eny - Coutary. 7 . 1 - 1.
G U Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh . ~
Mr. John Glass—AHrslieny, ... '
Rohe' t DUtteab—Birntioghato. z
. 4
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
IL Bowl:wit—McKeesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
Jchn Johtl , nn —Noble:4°l,cm.
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown.
Asdell & Coni.ell— Chides.
Robert Smith Porter —'f a rentum.
George Pow . er—F,, , rvi•.w.
David 11 Conn—PininTnwrshil)•
Dauie! Ne;:ley —East L.beriy.
Edgard Thompson—Wil,nsburgh.
kii . si r) .! , nr.,..ar..4 'J....t0. Via...a
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rag Plant, Parsnip,
Efidit e, Peas,
Kale, • Pepper,
Pump Lin, Broscoli,
Rad.sh, Borerote,
Rhubarb, Cal bre.,
SalsaTy, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Spinacbe
Celert, Okra,
Curled Clem, - •Oninti,
Cucumber, Parsley,
Mustard, (arise and brow„)