Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 31, 1843, Image 1

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    VOL. 11. NO. 41.
ruopfas rigrttipS . & WM. B. wain"
earner of Wood and Fifth Streets.
Txams.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
"SiaglipsopihaiTwo CENTS—N. side at the counter of
the Office, anciAly Pienes,Boys. •
The . IWotk ly Mercury and Manufacturer
Is published at the same office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
Uske insertion, $0 50
Two do., 0 75
Three do., 2 00
Of. week, 1 50
Two do., 3 00
Three do., 4 00
One Square. Two Squares.
his months, $l9 00 Six months, $23 00
One year, 25 00 One year, 33 00
rgi"Larger advertisements in proportion.
CARDS of four lines Stx DULLAICS a year.
Public Offices, &c.
Cif / Post Ofice, Third b.Thiveen Market and Wood
streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster.
Casson filuse,\V tth dit Erwin ‘Vood it.,Pe
tersoiesbailtlings—MajorJohn Willock, Collector.
City Treasury, Woad, 1.),M We3:l First and Secuail
ItrOOLl—James A. Bartrain, Trmsu:or.
County Treasury, Third street, next dour to the
Thir.k.f*byterrian Church—S. R. Johaitou, Treasu
Mayor's Qilice, Fourth, between Market and Wood
%ti•eets—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
•Me rchani's Exchange, Fourth near Market et.
Pittsburgh, batween Market and \Vucd stret t.l on
[bird and Fourth Erects.
Merehaats'and Manufacturers' and Farmers' Dc
po.sis Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Wool and Market streets.
E.ceiangc, Fifth st. near Wood.
liforsernakela If' se, Water street, near the
exckange Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair.
Merciants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood.
,rican Hold, corncrof ChirdandS:nithfield.
Vnitcd Sl2lcs, corner of Peon at. and Canal
spread Eagle, Librrty street, near seventh.
Miller', Mingi9ll 11 . 9U3!, Liberty St., opposite
groadliatrst's Mansion House, Penn St., opposite
r f S awe Mills.
qvi.v.s.a tt
unrivalled39 Self ne 3 cl
i'•tter , , for saw mills,
Swhich. hive lincn so fully teite:l in dilferent parts
of Uoicoti States, as well as in the cities of Pi•ts
lrar,gh and Alteglienv, cLa be 'wen in operation at a
attmli.ir of mills in this tr.i.Aithar:ll9.l. viz: at Mr. Wick
crsham's mills, on Pain street; at Bowman & Chani
be:s's mills, near tin tipper bridize, and
at Ml:Tim:es milk on hare's Island, and others.—
abovz! nann.l mactimilte cart 1): uL;.iiu,•d am , NV. IV,
W.tll3;:e'l *lcy, un I.itoort... strevt, licar SmitL.'i c:•!,
vii,m2rm. it im i Itin r up, am I I wfm_,ro to •ai •)ii ~• k ill h,•
if,opt , ' , t:uta•ttic oa hull.. lnlill h, r. oz
W. W. ‘Valli.:;.. 1:1.1%.
Evans' Chamomile Pills
A BRAHAM .1. CI. 11:11E11, at or; Mutt
New York . , wai afflicted welt Dyipepsit
1.1it3 nin .d form. Th.! synyt.nui w. , re vi
s:.nithcad at ,l
! trtbarn, paia i t the chest and stomlnli ulway3 after
sq;iug, impaired appetite, sensation of 3inliing at tii3
%torn-telt, furred tongue, nanwa, with frequent vomit
lags, dizzines; towards night and rii3tle,ine T 1,23 ,3
nll cant - taw:l ti:e.v anis of s. twelvemonth, when, on
zaa3ultinz - Dr. IVm. Evans, 100
Chathamr street, and
submitting to hi 3 ever sttecessful and aGreoable mode
of treatment, the patient wai e.enpletely restored to
health in the short space of one month, and grateful lor
this incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward
and volunteer:2d the above statement For:m.le, whole
,tale and retail, by 11. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10-y Die. 20, Woria street, below Second.
POl33'S Boarhound Candy.
UTT LE has received this day from New York,
I_ afresh supply of the above celebrated cure ;
Coughs, Colds and Consumptioui , ; and is ready td'sup
ply customers at wholesale or retail, at his Medical
Agency , 86 Fourth st. nm• 12
B Ater Bargains than ever, at the Three Big
THE subscriter would respectfully inform MA ell ,
Comers and the publie,; , cum ally, that notwi:listad
ngthe unprecedented sales at the Three Ili_ Doors,
.laring the present season; he has still on hand the lar
gest and most varied a-isortment of ele ,, ant CLO
THING that can be bought west of the mountains.—
The public may rest assured that all articles oflhred at
his store are maufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur
chased in tha Eastern markets this spring and made in
to garments by Pitttsburgh workmen.
In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the. mu 3 ty,
cast Mr garments of former,seasons, from the eastern ci
ties, the pablic should be cautious to ascertain the char
acter oldie establishments in which they are invited to
purchase, before they part with their money. The arti
cles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are
the mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops, and seat out here to be palmed off on the Pit ts
4ourgli public. Purchasers shot kl be on their guard a
gainst these impositions, and they may rely on the fact
I hat no establishment that advertises eastern made Clo
thing, can give as good an article or as advantageous
hat-gains as can be had at the "Three 'Big Doors."
The public *ill please remember that all the subscri
bees garment:are made in this cif y, by competent work
men and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
the " , birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of
eastern slop strops. it will always be his endeavor to
maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
have obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices below those of
41 ay Aber establishment.
He would again return his thanks to his friends and
the puhlie for the-nopretedented patronage bestowed
upon his okablishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest price,ti, call
rr'Obserte Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26
Look at This.
V 1 HE attention of those who have been somewhat
sceptical ioreference to the numerous certifi
cates published in favor of Dr. SWayne's Coinpound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
wn in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
rected to the following certificate, the writer of which
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
is known as a gentleman of integrity andresponsibility.
To the Agent, ;Mr. J. KIRDT.
I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry fora Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted 'for about four monthsi and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the moat effective medicine that I
,have been able to procure. It composes all uncasineFs,
and agrees well with my diet,—and maintains a regular
and good appetite. I can sincelely recommend it to all
othera afflicrecl. J. ,NIISSICK, Borough of
March 9, 1890. Chambersburgh.
No. 53 Market save:.
sop 23)
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suminnumu nimmoir
inion Cotton Factory.
• . ,
Te the Gentlemen of P4ttal?nr,gh... 1
Kr ID alit) Itiotilitig post. ..
6 LIEDUCED. - TIIE subSC - i - MO st 'respectfully
Lung Reel Parr. informs the, zentletnen of this city rind ,
;500 at 83 cents per dozen. vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and ALL THINGS FAIR MUST FADE. • ..
600 at 73 do SHOl: makin g husi.css in Fourth street, opposite the I hear it whispered is the breeze,
700 at 63 do . - Mayor's ofFl4:e. !lavin g Leen foreman in some of the 1 I see it written on the trees,
900 at 53 do I most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and 1 That all thin g s fair must fade: 7
900 at 5 de , having- furnished himself with the best French and That beauty soon must cease to bloom,
1000 at 5 (11l I Amer ' icon 4-oilskins, is hopes by his attention to busi- And in the mouldering, withering tomb,
I Less to ineffit a share of public patronage. To. those I With all its charms be laid. ~.
Candl.wick atls cents per lb. l gentlemen who have kindly patronised hips he retu rns 1 I shrink
Cum. Batting, 8 do his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal;
To think
Family do., 121 do for the goodness of bit work and knowledt 7 e, of his ! How soon that I , . ...... i .
. .
Carpet Chairs, 20 do business. P. KERRIGAN. ! Must see • . ~
Cotton Twine, 20 do may 11.
The tree
Stocking Yarn and Cover
kt Yarn alway s on hand. Of
, . .
Willi — am Adair, Boot and Shoo Slakar, pleasure die.
- '
Liberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield.
~.. •
Cumn Warps made to or-
Tha autumn loaves that round us lie,
f - r•
. . ..,..
J ]or. The subscriber havin g bought out the
,eilliaa Bids mortals be prepared to dio•-•-•
,- attended to, if left at J& C. Stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, doceased,has Their graves are ready made;
tedy's,or the Post ft at
commenced hu:iiieSS at the old stand of Mr. R., Arid now each field, and grove and dell,
K. ?MOORHEAD & CO. I and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work b Though speechless, has the power to tell, ... -
llle keeps constantly on hand a largo assortment of shoe I Yet I r
d Elefere: i findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He Won't cis,
,cal, poiitica I solicits thopatrona;•-e of the public and of Lbe craft. But joyous range, •
'pen every d, sep 10-y WM. ADAIR. And dash
. ,
• .
. ,
. M., until 9 With cash,
:AT of St. Cl David Clark, ATt.,
For I'm fond of clangs,
p , inctual atten; FASHIONBLE BOOT MAKER, has removed
to No. 34 Market street, between Second and My Betsy yet is in her terns,
Third streets, where he would be happy to seohis Shii i s up to stuff, and she knows beans, ..
. ..
o.d customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa- The pretty blooming maid!
:RGH MA.NUF.t tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and But blighting winds will on her blow, •_,
. .
,nd Axles for employs the best of workmen; and us ho gives his con
stint persenal attention to baiines3, ho trusts that he
At Eastern Prices And Tim:
alle d t ra ha w t ; s fu r r a ro ir w r s u ' s c t rti fa s 4 s e h , er brow-..
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage
sep 10 Yes she,
I see,
~ Is ripening fast:
Like all
She'll fall
.7. .
.!1, 11 il, kit ' 1
1, 1 f l 4 A fkke
. ,
114 zie. • ..*. - 1 — OIIiiLIM- 4.; Before the blast.
. ,
tit .
Ono mouth, $5 00
Two do., 6 00
Throedo., 7 00
Four do., g 00
Six do., 10 00
One year, 15 00
8. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to J.
D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10
Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth ,freets,
rittburgh. -.7. 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
0:11:T in the Diamond, back of the old Court House,
sop 10 PittAurgh.
Francis R. Shank, Attorney at Law,
Fourth street, ahoy° Wood,
sep 10—ly Pitt A,urgli, Pa
Thomas Illamilton, flt - torney at Law,
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield ms.,
Sep 10—y Pitt , Intr,Tll, PS.
Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North side of the Diarmind, betv.een
ket and Union sweets, up stair., , -71 10
A. I. Darboraw, Attorney at Law,
Tenders his Professional service: to the pul)lic.
sop 10 on sth st. ' W.A. Pittsburgh.
Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,"
shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood its.,
sep 10 l'itt.sburgh.
N. Bucinnaster, Attorney at Law,
Has removed his office to Beares' Law Buildings., Ith
st., above Smithfield, Pittsburzii. sop 10
Goorgo W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
Orrice it/ Fourth street, near Sznitlii'Add, Pittsburgh
sop 27—y
Reade Washington, Attorney at Law,
Office inßaketvelFsbuilling,Grant street, Pittsburgh
nov 5, IC/42
John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law,
Office corner of Smitlitlild iv:it Fifth itre2ts. Pi tt,liu rzh.
r— Colle.ctiOll4 made. All , atru.,tea to his
care will be promptly attended to.
feb 16—v
William Elder, Attorney at Law,
o.liceiu Seemid street, secoadduur above the corner of
ap29—tf Smithfield, north side.
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law,
Pittsburgh Pit. Office in Fourth strut, oppo.iite
Wit.LtAm E. AusTIN, E -;t l ., will give atten
tion to my unfoliihed buzine:s, and I rzn7, -, rotneni
to the pwronarse of my frionds.
- Vanua M , Curry, Attorney at Law,
()ince on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield,
ap 3 Pittsburgh.
Robert Porter, Attorney .st Law,
urn, 0, the comr2t. of Fourth and :•11::]til!io11 :Clr_a to
Judson & Flattegin, Attorneys at Lam,
Sin; :Ili, id, 701 , t.t.`Ci. ' , Li. 0:I , 11l ' rl/0:1-
crate term,. l', •p for iv . :ciov.3 up.,l••L
the act of Congre3; obtalued. Papers and lii'
f.,:t':11`1):1:.!r110t11C!, prepared. mar 17-v
illary S. Diagram, Attnncy at Law,
I la, I'olll 1.,` , 111. r , , il L,,
sv f ,
J. D. Crelp,h. Attorney at Law,
.• • •
L. Ilarper, Ilttorney and Counsc:llor lin-A-,
11. 3 ..ZifiLOS COI N FT, OHIO
Viii. 1):•"•-.1
al; re..
it) tl,r.co.r,tie.i of II
Tu,carlxv 11,, , ,, cs
al,rl r,,
.I,lt+ 7
P. T.
'' l l
n'Y ;27,1813-if
IL Morrow, Alderman,
Office north side of Fifth ctreet, between Wood and
Smithfield, P:tt , lint-irli. seplo-tf
Magistrate's Blanks,
For proceetlii.zs in attai:!:.:ierit ui,der the late law, for
hale at this '25
Blank Petitions, Notices, &c.,
Tubcu,eil in Bankruptcy proceedi:i2=, prinied good
paper, and approi ed Court, for sale
at thii offico. iv 05
Dr. S. U. Holmes, -
0:11,:e in SC.:nad ztt , ct. noxt (hot. to ..\,;(1:% any S.:
W2r01)00 , c.. , rt) 10—y
Dr. A. W. Pattcrson
Otricti on Smithfield h!ro , :t, third door fi.o:11 tfic cortwr
sixlhstreet. 5,3 1 ,10
IL D. Sellers, M. D.,
Office and dwelling in Fourth str,.ei, in•ar F rry,
sep 13—y
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
a 1 . ,. %V .1 be],,w
Doctor Daniel
Odiee on Filth ~ t reet. %Vow] and Srn:tllfir
sstreets,doclo-v' ,
No. 43, Wnod Street,
11,Tit,: for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns
mar 17—y
Williams & Dilworth,
Vholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mn
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar
ticle:, No. 29, Wood street. son 10—v
Wlioksa/e and Retail Dealers in
English, French and Domestic Dry Good;
No. 81, `Market street, Pittsburgh.
scp 10—y
J. G. & A. GORDON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Watcrstreet, PittsLur t ii. se 10—v
Conunission and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
L . 7"TER:lls.—ltcceiving and shipping, 5 cents per
100 lbs. Commission on purchases and sale , . 2.1 per
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward IluL,hcs, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh.
sep 11)—y
Wholesale Grocers,-"Commission and Pro-
duco Merchants,
And dealers in Pittshergh 31arrnfacturcs.
mar 17 No. 13, Wood ,treei. l'atsborl
Bookbinders and Paper Rulers,
Continue business nt the stand la:is of
Johnson. Every d•i•scription of work in their fine ne,
ly and promptly exc.euted. may B—y
to •.:1. co:: or 4 ,, coriry nt
.1e..i.2:-48):1, I
mar` 2-y
Colemma - 8c Co.,
G encral Agents, Forwarding arta Comatissio*
Mc - voila nIY,
Levee Street, Vicksburg, Nliss. They respectfully so
licit 112E2—tf
LEmt;EL WicK
L. & J.' D. WICK,
Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st.,
l'ittaburgh, Pa
(„Ll TACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholcial , and lletaii Dry
ccr and Frvitcr.•r. No. 110 Liberty :.=trect Pitts
mac 20.
Birmingham & Co.,
John H. Brant, Wholcsale Grocer,
Dealer in Grain Genoal forwarding and Com
Harri..bur :11, Pa.
LL. di,pose a.ll goods ent for Commission
..I.lles at the lowest commiss ion rates.
. E-her, Day & Get ri,h. D. I-rch &Co
Baltimore—W. & co. Wil!son.C:, FINT,J. E. Elder
rgh Burlce,ll. A J M. Holdrna:.
ljuly I—(3m.
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37, Market street. sep W
John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry,
Wo ter street, near tha Munongulr:la [louse, Pittsburgh
;on 10-y
lumA,:l3.YousG FrtASCI, L. 'Vous,
Thos. B. Young Sr. Co.
Ettr,iL./r, \Van. Rooins,conwr ilreet aid Ex
clianre alley. Per:oris tvi=hin t., purclia,c. Etraiture,
mili!iad i!l, , •.:. chr ad valta:-..e It, g iv e u.n r 4 ll, bvin z 6 1 1-
iv '
Lied ' an(l price
Win! Worker .3 aid Wire ThlanufactarerE
tr'Z , 2t t.P.t, be: .. - 2 : .treeti.
Exchange Hotel,
Corner of Peon and Sai::! ('lair streets. I,q
:sep 10 McKIBBIN & SMITH
Pilkingtan's Unrivalled Blacking,
T i'ACT R 1: I) and retail,
ttiii i rrrar, d 3,`t
~ct '2l Iv.
James Patterson, jr.,
rat, In I:ll.Cucturer f
toburo, miii :u.(i
, •-ows; •rew, for rolling win , . ,•:, 1
John M'Closhcy, Tailor and Clothier,
Li!) , t:e:/
t.ijk It.
Webb Closey's 3oot and Shoo rilanufactex.y.
I•' ht•nli•-..,rie,
11 ‘l . - ,1)( 1 . A( II 1,L.C.„ --- ')
el* 1 : . • I •
Joan Cart - 7-Trisht,
( 11 . 1'1. 1
..11 Sw_Ti.
• ,o 1 r . of
-a! ttr.,l • •
Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale.
FEW ditntsand t; •,•t or sra4otled flak a:id P,plal
V wholv,ale. Eaq.lire of James
C. C ' uuunia.s . li~ q. Follllt.al.l Inn.
Dr. Good's Celebrated Fcznalo Pills.
r r i, E t
. notice td 1:1.111.,, :14 a ilfe and eflici,mt t+_tnedv ir
r ne, itez tli, - He complaints peculiar tn theirs ,;
v.aut ofexereise,or4eneral debility of t Th•?y
obviate cr“tivene,,,, ard count , Inc t all !Iy..teliettl and
\e•rv'usaffecticn,s. These Pills inye rained the sane
tin:: rind ripprehat ion oldie mor,t emin..nt •ians in
111 , . United and many .N.l•eiler.. 12,,r sal°
and It. E. Si; I, f, LftS, \
p 10 No. 20, \Voott t,
Notico to Dr. Drandreth's Agents
milt: °thee in Pittsburgh, which wa, estabiished for
the purpose of con.,tii cents is the west,
having aceomnii-hed that ooi,•ot, i, now and
Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the Diamond, M.irkct ,treet,up
poi.:tas.l a:atit for the r;a: of my Pin, and Lisi
!sant,. A:I Dr. lirandreth's s , z sits wilh
i;:at. Dr. 13. iu s sal a tra%:eiling itgent
:firm: 'hill, country once a year to collect riti;;ie., Cor
saics rnsde and re .apply ag-rits. Tire said trayel.:er
win provided power of attorney, duiy proved
hei. , :e the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
tozoila r with all the 11,CP, S tiry Vi , llCl'.T..= and papers.
Mr .1. J. Yoe is. travolinFt nt: - .'aa now in Peni:y.l
N. B.—Remember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the roar of th o
Market now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
june 14
Ravine. been afflicted for nearly two yeari, with
1::u,1 , v.oUb-t;; on the (;ap of my knee, whioh
produced mu-1L pain, and ased ehrions applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, WUS cared
completely by the l e of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's
!Moment, or e ternal comedy.
Witness my hand,
Ohio tp., icilozheny co. Pn. Jan. 10.1340.
Dr. Brandredes extert.a.l remedy or linament; sold
at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle. feb 8.
Dr. Dechtor's Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR coughs, cold:, influenza, . email hs, whooping
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast and lungs, iuidarrestuf approach
in,g consumption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK &
jy 12 A..: - ,Tits for Pittsburgh,
William C. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
Ilnnufict !ire r,
No. 87. Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Pa
CANVASSbru:hes, varnish, &c., for artiste, always
on hand. Looking. Gla , ses, &c., promptly ft a.
tired to order. Repairing done at the shortestmotice.
Particular attentionpaid to regilding and jobbing or
every description.
Perms fitting aft/maim:at& or houses will find it to
their advantage to call. :.,ep 10-y
rrit Pain cr, Fourth st.. 13 , :i1
J. 7.30711 . 11 a ..I:lictnavo lo
de.,ire ..Spcimcn - s - canbc cn ntlii3`mum,
JoHN D. 1% icK
Au hqati I:N3 ri,, d !,l; : [-: I :II the L:..t uI krr:val , %:.,1
Departm ~.... it inrult , -r pnrt orthi.,: p:ipe). Eln2 ... , I.2ppli , d
Mith 01 , i.!;;;.Ct:t \ Guard.
L.Lit , 11 BO , I).; prOnded wai k iiee S , P . :' , :,
.1 L I ',s' , JEITESS...
.1G N E S , J A M ES E OS S,
AM A R..IN Tll, LADY 0 F L Y ON S. ,
.107 ILA ND. M /NS TR El..
BR ILLLINT. ..1./..41?1E 7' T .4.
RR IN E 7' 7'E , M ICIIVI.I.V,
CADDO. .11 UN( ; 0 PARK,
C . I N T 0 N , M u X Ta ()ME R 3 . - ,
c ; . 7' T 17 R . .V 0 R7'll IT E N D ,
CASPIAN, N AR AG A - \..t. 7 E 7' T ,
' C ()I .0 3111 US, OSPREY,
E. 11,11 A, P ANA MA,
11).1, V IC TRESS,
J. H. BILLS, mar '22 ' 1
SEE 'TIMES. would respectfully inform his fliends
and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses, Habits a lid MantelF of every description, black;
and warrants them not to smut, a ad to look equal to nett •
i_701)(1S. Ile dyes fancy colors of aildescriptions of tills
:tad carpe! yarn . Also. cleans and restor,s the colors or
gentlemen's clothing. so ns to resemble new goods.
Mr. 11. fiaq.ers hirn selrthat he can please the publit
as he has done an extensive business in New York fur
twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at hiS
establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield
near the Theatre.
This is to certify that OSEE HI MES h's done
work for us, which has fully answered our expec
cations, and we consider him a competent dyer.
S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy.
Wm.:Barna., W. B. Boise
J. B. Shurtlef. Wm. Porter,
David Hall. H. FlSmith,
B. F. Mann, Henry Javans
David Bales, A. Shockey v jr.
Joseph French, Jr., Joseph Vera,
GPorffe Barnes.. op 20
BlanaWaetarcr of 1142 L Copper and Sheet
Iron ware,
I'o. 17, Fifth ere et, Get weeil Wood and 211",7 rA et,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
and - solicit, a share ofpublic patronage. Alse.
the followingtmiclest shovel=, pol:ers, ton4s. , !r;tliroas,
skillots, teakettles, pots, ove]p-, colree mill &c.
clian4 and others are invited to call ar,l 'tic I •,.
then.selves.acheie determined to Sell t;,r ,rish o r
approved paper. Inn: —tf
TOI3ER 31, 1843.
Chcap for Cash.—
Shore Rctl Yarn.
No. 5 at 15 cts per lb
6 at 15 do
7 at 15 do
8 at. 1•i do
Jut 15 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
lil nt 15 Jn
13 at 16 do
14 at 17 do
15 at 18 do
16 at 19 do
17 at 20 do
18 at 21 do
19 at 2',' do
20 at 23
15 - 'Orticts prumpGy
Circulating and Reference Library.
Oil religious, historical, political and miscellaneous
work% will be open every day, Sal.baili except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 I'.M., in the Ex
chardre building, c,nii.nr of Si.. Clair street and Ex
change alley, where pm:ctual attendance will be civen
sep 10.
Springs and A.xles for Carriages,
%VIE subscribers mlnu:acture and keep constant
kit 1;,- on hand Coach, C and Eiiptic Springs (war
ranted.) Juniata Iron Axi , ‘, Silver and Brass plated
Dash Fra:-.1..:q, Bra and psated Hub Banda, Stump
Joints, patent Leather, Si!vcr and Dross Lranps,
Three fold Steps, Malleable Iran. Doer Handles and.
Hinges, &c., &c. JONES & COLEMAN.
sep 10 St. Clair st., near the .:1-11e,;11cny Bridge
Er zn's S 7 l - ft G:4,21.i:
T t:.l b we'.l tor irneiin:
Coat their security depends vitt-In:4
.r ti..tioura„ieutent of boat 3 that Lave vr
the ..t . proceraig Lila above
tut. titat every iudiyiuual making- such ielec
tov:ar.l3 a Eazoral i=ar4siucziou of
adrr.:lt,dl t‘.1.1 ra.m who undertand the
inci: , !e of dlr. Stoara to be a sure prtve..ta
tivo cit-ainst thus, di-aster. You have nor
,2(piosions ti:at have airozii'.l..
. I , i EV. dui:y ozeu:re:/co, and
i .1 ~ . ..ty2.lt to ro it,.l..ity for a
ta:d !Li... ail it to -ive it th lay ,
caw , ~ vet,t to
wit t.ter2foru
t1:1; tht
4 , 7 ; f• ca, 1,1 . ;:, a Id
as :.Icirci i 3 n^,:
rust uhy risk, Ivh<:
i.; ,;:;1;;;'t ;
f • ; • ;;;' ;4
New York Dyer
File Manufactory.
r conirminn...il the manufah -
T of Ca :t sr;:eel Milos, froni American nlat , riais
t.„l,,zi"•ly. ri i.. rc h n , t , or Fur., war.tinSr can be
Rtilpiied by liim with a hetts.r crtich- :hail the f
ai.4 at lev.. - r priers. ImendiriT to i.:e only the best
reality of Fiic rnantli'..i.etLred ; by the :Itrissrs.
13,- )r.sntil , nn':.•,tilicl i is ao brrittOsvo a per.oc;ioa
("Anal theicle. niarl'uftictitreil for the
same out rsO , C. thn r 61:1 c,',lr,r,(lr.r.Te that he
%yin 1,0 rtr . jr!, S an' to the Lest 'on::C3'..Yf friends %in. - Th.3n in:trv.
Cc_ ^r r or O'ff T,i11 , -rtV
_ _
licrrado P. Young, Cabinet TiTaker,
( Lot,' of the irm , 11 ,- 1%;:r , cv, !,)
F r As co - r)::1 , .::e..,1 the ciu.. , -.e=s in ant it-; Urn..ches at
1 .7\ 0'1 , 2, Wood ~troet, Flr SeCO.Qd
str4., , v: . cre NN en.,:.a•lt;',. liand a good as
snrtmet.t of well rrtle FURNITURE, hones, by
strict attention to business, to merit a continuance cr
the patronage of the public.
Even' attention willhepaid to flu - nisi - dug COFFINS,
A Furniture Car for hire. July 11
Napoieon took her hand, guliacily pressed it to his.
;11.:; wi.iist I rose. to take my departure, fully sensible
tut I should be detained; and debut' ;g in my minii
wh,:ther I should not at once address the General, adn
mitring our previous acquaintance, and claim the pone
tection of :11aclame Beauharnois,ur quietly submit to be -
arrested ar.d conducted to prison es a spy, when my
U._ t/phol..tercr and Cabinet Triaker , A ~e„„,wt.,. as.,:inerlly fallow, as a matte r of caws &
I dear_
. ined an t.1...'0 fer:uet '
- .
W '.l - I.ird fie 11 - cod and No i kct, ' ' Corsican— '; azn advancicc towattleibe
. "Monsieur Generul." said I firmly, as 1 4 e drew aside,
Respectfull .. \ informs his friends
the public th a t h e • "you have remernh_Ted that t are not entirely. igno
is prepared ta exeelito nil orde rs fi n sofas, , ideboards, !rant of ea ..la other; I congratulate you upon your good
humans, chairs, tables, bedsteads, ,tands, hair arid fortune."
mining mattra.ssei, curtain:, carpets; all sorts of uphol- ! "Enough, enough," exclaimed he. "es, at Bats
storing work, which he will warrant equal to any nv i , 7 1, 0 deans, at Toulon," and he g,rinued with ra te, "traitors
in th Cr it v, and on f 0 1 , 03::11`1' te:rn .. sep 10 ; are to be found ever where : mai. man stns, sad he
_ _____
Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair .Dresser—, '''''lc snuff; "you do not escape this time."
Has removed to Fourth st street. mq,,i s i.,, , i,„ 2 m,,,,,. ; d "., , ''N..it er.capc.! what do you mean, mon General?" at- -
lice, where he will be hare st o v : a j t 11,,, i ..- .1 .,.... , . :11 ' „ : ,,, t or teceri Medumc Beauherceis, as I drew nayaelf: uft
•ransient customers. fi:,: , licit,.= i.: )hare ,5.,,„ 1 , E , ~,,.. prAidiv er, et Lefire the mto who more than onceited
', epic) : owed Li, life to me, though be did not know it; "ha is
------ rniv friend, be: .-zr: :•. i 2:: .. : 2.......L“Z: Uitle. net, hurt
. ALI, FASIIION i''r:l.l hie. here: .
, _,
,---- ! - tVa s'anil ~ z ie." said 8.--`7.dra::e, agi.in taking snutE .
The subscriber hat inn. ret.tri4d from the East with
the latest style, of Hats, has now on hand and will Can. "h au eis Eiigii.iiraan , ar 4- ne: I direct them all, ant!
we hate a lor:g 14:C1;41ra to sett.e." Ilia bheeks be.
stand:: keep a large assorimeat of his own MalltifFlC• ij.7l , perfectly blanched, and his lips livid with rap.
ture, which for li ,
htness, service, beauty, and chew "bids) unobserved, Idortern,e °retied it doer that led
g .
ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully i n-
- into a back apart:T:o . m, and holding it ajar, gave me s , vita iris friends and the public to examine his gtocku,-;
of look so full ci in:nne,.:iee not to, ne mistit-deirtteoi„
Hats and Caps, at the ManufactorY. \n. 73. Wend st. I caugh t her meaning in a moment;
sep 9-3 m
WILLIAM DOUGLAS. i ',you are determined then on arnastm4 ma, Gene
ral." said T, v it.: energy. "Yon will spud me to A .
NEW FASHIONABLE et f . I t i pi:son, and perhaps to the graver
t ., : , ! ,..,,, :
, •A L.x Mk r.yenn—to perdition," 7 as his prompt re-
Hat and Cain Illanufautory.,
A'o, D 3 Wood street, 3 ~'core bclew Diaiscnd.,4l.'ey
p,y. in a rnarpier :bat I:•ft no doubt of his design; but I
T ILE v. aited to Lei...: him .itn. hefbre 'darted through
the do...rx/hy wl,t.cb tbe local,.' girl had left area, asid
III: subscriber wi!:,keop , onitantiv on hand every
vi.rietv of thvi most flthinual-le lla :is and CA I'S,
U.,c , v-,:ijg a v, i-d ):v t : rocs up, I bounced through it
whole;ale and retail. at reduerd prices.
Person!. wkh7r.7TO perch Lc wiiinidd it to their into- .le " . ..." 1 - uli?":' nn -' • - 'rig '''''.7 ar , - Eat tie,oent. 7i
J. i\joartr. ~n 1 : 1-, :e
_id elv'n. tl - ii flo ing r..... - ,f int) Ft walled gar- -...
t togis.c lora a can.
l'i tr.:mileh. au:- '29.11,43. ien Here iG:ln'lrg round me fcr a moment. and oh-
ser.,r,g :,•, •: n D Goa v 1 , in pur:Mt, I di7lit did ibe wan
PI N, 'DING AND roL:sHING —Sod !rut a Th-1 '.• --,• •.• , -, -1 . ' • -r
( ~- I n _ ..__.
,_ , .
.. , , , , • • l“. U. 'Jr, nil. 4.... , '441 . 1 ,- 7 p.m 0,, gr....Da in the
, ,-. ... ~.. •.-r.CI - "-:!.,. 1.0"r1 vt: - F.l 1 17.t2 - - f ~,,, , nas ,..i r , ~ : t . tie 1.,, ~.,„ ~„,,,,,i ~.• -.i, :e .J . t b, '
ii,i-1 I. g .i. ni t o c.i ;. fi. - _el Fie)lar. ,-... r:, non- ..- .e:,..n.i1 burr ,l Liv. - , r r:-:•:•• -1• ,- r•: - :4s ' '' - c , '. 2 ziraz-•
• r of Lai. - ..., .
and - 0' fl ara streets. a.. la •-- f• t he o' ' • " •- 7 '
1 .- • IL• - J.. .0 D.. 1"...•,:;, .7.., 1 - C.r.:l"jrj, 1117 'seta.
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
PVC. st. Ticv cloorsf rom ..11(7
T YATES i..tei.d3 to manarmturera bet
. ter ankle of Lalies', Childrena and
Slloes, anti sail them cheaper fur cash than
Carl be bouzi,t in tit, city. He still keep constant
en hand and raa::C.3 co order Ladies' Shoes of all
ki;:r. 3 .3 a. I cony_, at I.Qi . ; bUa price 3, of the follettina.'
Lac'..le3' I...as:inf; Foxed Guitor Boots. $1 75
1 , ..:0ui.:i:y Eici or .MorocelGaiters, 1 50
" Ca:f;kiii Boots, I J7}
Foxed lialf Gaiters, all colors. 1 27,j
" best kid and Moruc u busk , ,,, "
1 12. i
Doub:i Sok(' Siilrer, , , (.I"eff".) 1 12i
fine Kid S7 - . - iiig3ari'd Turns, best qua'..l 00 }
u Snying-,, Litavy, 874
A.ll Shoes :nada he,e Gl}
warrant 2d. ‘ , l l :i.ZC.i . aDd ail
cironc' in the same proForion.
rp'Remember the p:ace, a
Box, No. G, Fifth :-treet
.11:!-.• I
LOOI AT 'r./.7.13:
A C. L: k
. •
. i i 5,
.Lfree!,ene rZacra3csc
4 r EEPS e Li.cd ail of the Le
Sr Reza:ias, Ca.:adores, , tunes. Trrtut,ros,
ha]: Soenish and errorrinn eizarg.
T4,1,-t PI 1 - ti r101d.% Cavenc'isit, 5s
tf,..a , :co.
Ile ha=
which he
Tit th.o loweAt cash ioriet
(L . . 11.1. AND SEE. ,c "-6m
ALEX 'NI) ER m'c UltD Y.
ItllC Owl./ CS'JI C ., ird Y. XL .•
4 3, Se -
C,4,1 r' , c.Fuy,a Tr, ,(/
T ESFECT ULM' inft,rns the frieLds of the lati
firm. and Lite public rot:era:lv. that he is prepn
evd t o fill all for CaF4...gc! ri - crk, of any kind.
with .111 pc , :zzit , !c de-patch, at:d warranted to be equal
to any in riY.
Ever; a1!C:.11,,Z: pail to COFFINS,
Sc , u i.eu
le Iti—v
lv ].g_.
; Ererywhcre in Paris I bear.] Madame. Talien spite
ken of as the gegen of beanty, and the very life of so,
ciety. /mot her once, and she very codrtriotisly ad,
these:. d me, invi:iog me to her house; but I
had sub,
, :ractialr...z.s.ins fen kciepinj away. It wa:not so how l
Mudaine Benormreols; and after the expire,
tion of rasher a long interval I called upon her. She
expressed herielfrou.7ll gnatifleci at seeing ma, and the
children cams argazd me with delight. Never did I
i a human being more lovely than Hortense; she
es-as ut at that age when the ripening freshness of
neauty is must fai..inating rind uttrartice. Eugene'
a duls but well m hid, kind and generous,
wit nuot nrich hitedect. The ss idow was more .
ply a..d eh-. , :.•rin. mu:: I had before seen but; she wait
elegant.y aed rather girlishly dressed, and certaleli tq
appearmee her age did not seem to exceed fourvamli - .
teeny; but even had it been otherwise, there wasiui
enp,gin,6,, atiald ity and sweetness in her manner, this
wc,:id base in sad a further progress of years to art
Co- o,lv drawback was a di:coloration an 4
want of uniiormiiy in her teath.
A had looked in one evening to compliment
on and her family on the opeoin of tho new yew,
17Jci; and :vas chatting familiarly with them, when%
the door of rho drawing room was suddenly throws,
upon, and who should enter but Napoleon, leaning up..
on tha arm of J LL:(.)!. Tie ,topped fur an instant on be
h•Ading a stranger, and his shallow complexion be-.
• came more ashy iu its hue, to he fixed a keen and
steady gaze upon my face. This was succeded by a,
fr•Jwt; and thish of an::..er; and I became instantly aware•
th: t Tr.us tot only suspected, but known. The nem . %
reiwe, nowever, was brit little more than momentary;
and after till:h . :perks. to Junto, who is ithdrew, he
vnneed towards the lady, who evinced nn surprise as
his co: duct. Hortense, indeed, shrank back as it ter.
rifieJ by his looks, whilst Eugene stood aloof, and
maniiksted fea nor pleasure. Bonaparte could
not resist the winning mil of the widow. At firsth,
said, somewhat uhruptly:
"How ill fated lam to excite e,*.arm amongst the
flieLds I love! I ties not aware that you had visit.,
gi:,ll of ea./ Red
'•lt is a worthy friend of mine," returned Madams
L,ssiarli me; "one wbodid me a kind servicoat
a period when it leas most acceptable, and," she anal,
led most fascketingly upcn Lim al silo spoke, "I can
not bo migtattfa,l to w-Lo Lase rendered me it
When bubbles burst upon the stream,
When clouds obscuro the morning's beam,
When roses have decayed:
When girls have thrown their charms; away,
51ethinks I hear some spirit say,
2!1 things fair must fade.'
Could L
Ent fly
I'd wing my way
To wheru
There's no (leaky,
Each flower that gruwe in childhood's Seldt ic :
Lad #uch delightful fragrance yielar,•
A h! fru,...) , age destroys;
And Time that Lrings ou ail a blight,
The tuwy heads of boyf;
And now
1 swow
The other day,
Sari head •
Was red,
But new 'tis grey.