Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 30, 1843, Image 3

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• comma - Tim FOR OCTOBER.
W. J. - Howard —g. B. Semple--George Ogden
LAND.—The advertisement of Lloyd & Co. offers 1
rare inducements to those who wish to procure, good DIciLNII:II6TY,
laad,on advantageous terms. See head, "For Sale and FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT,
to Rcpt" .• `Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty AtreetA, PittN-
I burgh. A--
• GOLD'S PATENT LAMPS.—A great variciy of these
beautifulAaci useful articles are for sale at TUTTLE'S
Medical Depository, 4th street. They are the most
beautifutartieles of the kind we have ever seen,and their
extit#htlklow price, and great poWers to give "more
Tight [o the people" than any other description oflamps
must Amalie them a very desirable article for stoic; and
private dwellings.
riptWeiearn from the Spiritof the Times that Res
SZLCIftiS abandoned the idea of opening the Pittsburg}
Theavre. Wun't Wemyss try it once ntlrer
acygAs ti. —Thus gentleman (ma vkit to
I'lliladelpbia, and his been very warmly received by
hie political frien2s.
WI.f.LLAM LEOGETT.--The Now York Ai n ora sa d ;,
that the widow of the gifted and lameated
Legf,eff,ls now in that city, suffering in sickness as well
as :poverty, end asks where sire the fritr.ds and adini
reratofthat.u.nly great man?
Nrsarthe door is an enormous clock, like a two sto
ried-house-liken book in three volumes, or a poem in
twenty canto,, a world in itself. At tt-e top in a wide
Flothish fronton, is the diuroal dial, Lind _!rueatli myste
rimstv eevolves that of the year. The hours revolve
aboo, the seasons below. The sun with his golden
rays. - the Stars upon a blue ground, atfect the co:mrJi
cttesj;vblgtitn,which act upon a succesdon of little
picti,trep at a - mother extremity of the clock, in which
lialiboys slide and old ra,m warm tlannseivesohe
reapers cut the corn, and the lases zzullpr flowers.-
11 1.1xems.auct sentences, not tin brightest in the world,
shitre out in the sky, illumined by the 4:lr, which : u •e
wretched!, in want of gilding. Every rim- the hand:
point to-the hoar doors open and fig,nr,•s issue forth
armed with hamtners which strike the boors on a hell
and iMttantly disappear. All this mechinisrn palpi
tates'in the . wall of thb church, making, a noise such as
mieli(Proe . a'ed from a whale floundering; in the tun of
rictor Hugo's exeuriinn along Me
Ban.T.4; of the Rhine.
We announced the fact some years ago, that 1)1.. ./
V. C.Soitith, who had studied with much a ttem ion th t
obits and character of bees, had a hive is the ;title
story of his dwelling house, and that tiii.se ani
rn 113 were very intlnLitriorti manufacturiag honey with
as .
11111111 success i t s their frimd s and ralotions in the
cant whose hives are located in the. nthist of gar
ilms acid fields tecmiug with flagrant Hower. and redo
lent of sweets. This culouy of hard-working insects
piirtue their labors unceasingly every seits.m. and fur
nish &slimily cf the doctor with delieimis litincy in
abundance. We lately saw three 1.10K0,4 which they
had filled linen the middle of June list, each aye:
alYwrthirteen pounds, besides u quantity loft in the
hive sufficient to furnish them with
wilitett.' These bees give hilt little trouble:yid
csla•nac. They start off early in the m
I, arch
and retnra ladca with olio whi.-11 the:
d 4c 4 ,- Plit.r in the gaid.nr; and fie! d- i ; thnaci:;ll
- ar.lol' the city.
inn It will thus thy. inI.CA
y be successfully said profitably
k.-pt liottoi l
lios!o) t J,-Par !en!.
.1 NOVEL MOI)E. OF AI 11l E Bl"T rE 1Z
telint in the , interior Or Georgia .1
he etlbt tt “railroad chute." This emisi , t , of 3 lar;i•
ti.l ea.) Itubli.trab ou t 10 tztllo.l.•, of ith siren:; b.et.e u .
:tad iaze•tiquAylaintriv•-d iir ar at: withia , wiii •11
wit! lie jim iu m •tialt by di...jun-Mg t
11 • iateads to ta.t.tbSi.ilt a milk . urtr'.zet u.t C. 1.• li.le ef.
the railroad, along the iatetier •if tb••
•••al. lataeitt z the miw milk ;Igo i•:taq, it
%ill 111. Le:nisi:win:2d int , ' butter and baiter-mila by the
tirn •it neachat Chadast oa . lie triva..ts the ri,i
zitti4 of that p:ave. will b e 41 lily wi:h the fry,4 l -
est of:butter at a r.N1•1•,;(1 prici . .—E.rrhang r Paper.
return: of the Ca-,alCom-ni:siliers',....,,lin3
ALrarrr canary are a political curial . Ly—a n d we can
not rosist the temptation to publish them entire. It
will bo4ecte that nearly every township in this staunch
(lcmoorutie . county has an overwhettnitrz mijority
againit- the coon candidates. it is inleed Onrious
county, and worthy the name it bears of thf.•
republican, MONROE.
. - . F.. 6 ...
Coolbaugh, 21 24 24 7,NONE
Price, : 35 :3.5 35 ti, TeNOSII
Pocono, 93 93 99 2 2 2
11(.,,i 33 25 25 27 27 27
'rob:h . :tons, 37 26 33 5 1 ? 1
Clicinothill, 147 148 149 2 0 2
Smithfield; 101 101 101 1:1 13 13
M. Smithfield, 165 160 100
Hamitic . ); 123 123 123 3 5 5
Stroud, 122 121 122 41 41 41
- •
875 865 873 95 100 91 l Mr. J hems—Sir:—A child of inim• ;donut 4,.1 }ears
Phila. Pennsylvania,' , old, was CMlStantly indispo....d and of pane ramplex-
I ion;
, bet , had nl way: a good nippetitc. la nntier to have
i:- :vorp: 'OF JAMES CI. AIME. dile COLO well, I bought a small bottle of )1,• La Ilf.'A Ver-
A superficial view of tleirettiras fiir Canal Commis- n ' il ' l g . ' of which I g ave him 3 sj ''" elMs ' al. " . " Lid '
sinner mavinduce on the minds of ;ome rise belief, that _0 or .25 lar, , worms ivecn‘ expelled. I wish all Ger
nnd mans would road the aim i e faiiis. The child's health
Mr Clarke has lest much of his firmer standirm
popularity with the people; such is, t however, not the i '' math " P im ' a • MICHAEL
fact. The reason that the vote of Mr. C. is less than Charlie ' s Creeh ' S ' ln. 2i.; 1343 '
... t
that palled far both 1113 Colleagll?3,ari Mit. or •zatj,:fa cto . r'4" . For sale at the Drm Store of
ry expianition. In Cm c. to If of Brrolford the party .
Corner of 9th and Wood sts. Pittslng., Pa
o:' "Working,mon" made up a ticket frotn the candi- ' °et
dates nominated by both State Comeations'n a manner - J. W. Burbridgc & Co.,
to suit tiveir own mate. They selected Messrs. Foster GENTS for the sale of BEA I TY • , , Powder, Water
and Miller on the Denrucratic and Mr. Guilford Oft the PI, street, between Wood and Smithfield streets
Whig ticket. The result of this arrangement was,
that Mr. Clarke received 1,107 votes less than Mr. — 5 Im.
Foster, and 1,121 less than Mr. Miller. And lookint'r , Iron Safes.
ut the other aide of the question, also, Mr. Gait/ant T liiiSPEGTFULLI inform the public that I have
runs in thq same. county 1,160 idle:o of his c.illeagues, ' 1 :1!.(1 krop always on hand cm assortment of I F
by rtwa,33,o,(Lb e sam e annouc re . w e d eem t ht s ,,. m . c i Proof Saba. The price, in cua:equclice of tie. mit
a expistriatiols due to M. Clark;, who, we feel aim ] . terills an d labor 1,..in; in lower, is reduced ahem
red, enjoys the coofidence of his fellow citizens in a 3 thirty percent. They are kept fir sale at my shop, in
eminent degraoas ever.—lforrisburg Union. Sixth street, above Smithfield, next tit thechurc
the corner of oth street—as also with Atwood,Tone s
1.11 &Go., and Dalzell & Fleming. In regard to the npnil
ity of my safes I leave tha ai ro.rsins who have pur
chased and will purchae, my safes to atte.t the util
ity of them. I desire no newspaper putt's iii 5:1 safe:;
Justice and. truth warrant Tr', is infurrninz the public
that all my safes which have been in building, burnt
down fur several years since I commenced have pre
served all the papers, hooks, &c•• which they contain
ed. I have a card containing a nnmber of certificates
of the same, which are in circulation and in my hands
and the agentes. JOHN DENNING.
N. B. A few pair of steel Springs for sale, made by
Jones & Coleman, and will be sold low. Also, a screw
press, with power to punch holes in half inch iron.
sep 20-tf
B UTTER-27 Kegs.
5 Barrels IVestern Reserve.
Dairy Butterjnst received and for sale by
JUST RECEIVED and for enh3 on con=ignment,
7 hhda bacon,
~ 7 , b hds sugar,
Can be seen atthe store ofJacob Painter& CO
aug 29 J. K. MOOjRHEAD & CO
pEAS , —Received on consignment,
.• • 12Chests Young Hyson Tea,
4 " Black Tea,
4 " _
5 " Gunpowder. by
J. G. & , A,GORDON,
12 Water street
BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, for sale
os—tf A. BEELEII.
dryinz, in store, and fur sale at the DRUG
WA..KEW/USE of -
oct 2 Corner of 4th and Wood sts.
- -
MOKED HERRINGS.---25 boxes smoked her
,...) rings just received and for sale by-
Jut received, a few copies of Mitchell ee
l' gaat.and cheap (price $1,50) Maps of the U. States,
together with Maps of 02 of the principal cities and
towns in the Unieu handsomely colored. Also, a few
copies of Mitchell's Accurate Synopsis of the Sixth
Census of the United States, at 25 cents.
021 and Com HARRIS, Agent
tnistiortMerchant, No. 9, sth st.
.rg - gent United States Portabie Boat Line,
Rcpt 4-31 n.
CAWFIELD hu3 removed hi.: marble Estal,
• iiihmein to Wood at. :oppoiiito Fulmegtock's
Drug Store, where ho %ill keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. up 19-Iyr
- - - - - -
H OPKINS' EXTRA ALCOHOL, for retailing
for sale at the DRUG STORE of
o ,o :s CHOC P OLATE,
rO. epper,
3 do " AlLspice, togctiwrwitliMustan
Ginger and Cocoa, will he sold very low to close cut
signnwnt, by HAIL MAN, JE:SININGS &CO.
43. Wood street.
Landreth's Garden Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
land and fur sale, at his agency, the Drug store of
Dissolution of Partnership.
MBE partnership heretofore existia_ under the
_L style of Devine& !tufty, is this day dissolved
by mutual ruisent. 11. Devine is to collect all gums
due to the conc,rn, and pay all claim: contracted fur
ti• concern up to this date.
I'itt6burgb, Sept. 1. 1813
11. I)evine I . ..!Hp‘..!rtfully informs friends and the
public, that he still in the TranAporting
business, and that he ha, [vio% ell the °filen of the U.
S. Portable Boat Li , le, to N0..15 Water arm, next
dour below Lewis I Inteltinson, where he will receive
and forward Fillizht to the East, on the V(.I"V lowest
11. 1)1:V1 NE.
To Printers.
TVE have roeeiked , and kk i!l liereat'o-r Lee', rot,
V V stantly , rn hand, a full sopp:y f Ink,
in largo and Arnall which kk ounil q• It, -,11
clsrraper than it has heretuforo Leon s o ld i this city.
( . ..),-d rs front the ~,u ntry o c nupanirel by the cash
(tx at t. CAS- Lis• pr;i:nptly it:teinkd to.
ort 10—tf Ofsco of the Post and .Manufactiii or
_ _
Ncw Groccrics!! ---
T N addition to theirforiw.r Excellent Stuck of VLF el. {
Flxrr y Gun t , Eit rt.., the Qiiiiwribet, hitvo tlii. d iv
received 1, !...) itild :3 :\ NO'.. I 1111,3
01111 Salmon, Stistr3tti•hanna ;Lid Labrador 11 , rrinz, Cid
Fi•h. Liluotice , (:nco,i. Nat, (;r.iitad Not:,
Rai , ill , . Prepared Coeuit...SZl , Zo. Mare, Sa.lwra
tioi. Saltpetre, Chalk, Rottiai
Stony, &r.'&:c.; together with a great vat IC.IV or ni re and
choice article,. in their Intel ull ufwhirh they °der at
IVltoiciale or llctait, uu ly 11 , a-4ot:dil e lentl)4.
Dissolution of Partnership
_I .
11111: •
_of 1)1 , a•iti %ND'IL, I.ti:). , 1 11 , ,0/
1. 1,313. 11 M.G. ‘l.l:"ti \\111:(:
!•I J ES I)1Ci1:1 r••••• 1, •r•tful!y •rm; frh•n•l‘
Ar.l thr Ituhiir, 01,0, :•!:1 cmilitiqe; in ti ••
tnti ct fin-i at hi-. Va,•••114,,:,•, t',l%N L141:11.-
T I) IIN TIZE 11:1.4i;t. 111.d..r
,A 1 Li
.Ll,l tia• c..
.••••• ...01
th•. , luw,••.t tcrtni
--•I. SI NI •
\ I). 1/11, IS
Crr•••r 41p .t
New Pall and Wintcr Goods.
I: 11'2 \ S 7;:!
110,1 ❑s.fff•r" 1;•r
~, i...cwtt!t • 111 - % (;
VV:, 011, U..(/ di:1:11M,11 i. nrr
1 / 1 :1:1 , 1,
:;tin and printrci at• lain-.
Mat tiotii ntElothrr
merino, litnev ;yid bla.olset
spool and Alivin flit end-. r., tl r.. ith
an ai.ortnient . all .1
whirl] «•c taro t 041.11 g,uld,(
b0t1.7,11t in am marl:et, err,/ p.".!. 21—tf
- -
Lippincott Mills.
T sub,crih •r fry. i pa,vir i. , d ;1:1,1 tl ,,, alkgith.
rovaired M now ainhafactio
an d w in k, a p eaa.,ca n tly on hand, a full •nppl c of all
the ditlyreat kind: of Nadi, Spiky: and
rnade. from the be:t quality of Juniata Bloomq. n,,,1
soon a: the necc+4ary ran 11, aryl , t tho
machinery. lie will ro inliFylar,- every d -cril , tion of
Bar a n d sh, or Iron. , ' l %. made in thi-,
Orders left with S. t•atliiY•rt. at No. 94. Fir.; cot
or at the Milli in thy Firth Wald, will
promptly attended to. ..I.IMLS ANDI2IISON.
McLane's American Worm Specific.
A i toß so E m P e ß o O m O o F i S th .
a ryl o.o c L l A; u it re s h % a V s
c o d a
a m
vial of Lane'sMc -
American Worm Specific. I gave a boy of
mine most ofa vial; he passed 40 very large worms.
From that time his health improved very MUG] . I had
hied two other Vermifuges to no purpose, I believe
Dr. McLane's the hest article before the public.
Mifflin tp., Allegheny co., Sept. 30. . -
For sale at the Drug Store of: JON. KIDD,
oct 3 Corner 4th and Wood sts.
9nrin LBS. very superior W. R. CHEESE, justoft/ 1.11...11., received and for sale low, by
Corrirrbf4th and Wood st.:
184, Liberty6t., head of Wood
C. 1.:11'.1NCLII
1.1,01 & co.,
1.10, Li!,ertv
L IV! : I
~rvft., c 0 N .:: , 1.,...:1,1iN T i ti—Dysp o r i7.T ie,
t a r n :
t f
• Jodi
ach, hat dnes , offood after meals, heartlinrn, flatident.y,
liver rOITIIII,IiIILS, is it h pain in the -ids and shoulder
jaundice. bilieus complaiats, dropsy, diabetes, gravel,
stone, and inflammation oldie lungs,are most perfectly
' removed and cured by the II EPA TIC ELIXI R.
This article has the most astonishingetUects is coring
all complaints of the stomach and digestive organs.
l‘lativ highly respectable individuals in New York
have been cored. alter trying every other remedy in
vain, and have given in their name. with permission to
o.for to them. It is pleasant to the taste, and doe s
not in the least interfere %%id/ the daily avocation of incl
to kin:; it. Miltly !ltini lies. of this city have heeem -. an
pleased with the medicine,' that they are it as their
only family medicine. fly using it occasionally, it
keeps the stomach free from bilious disorder., and the
liver active, with the secretions of the body in the most
perfect activity. It i. compmied entirely of vegetables.
The core will ho gradual, hut certain and permanent.
Fur sale at TeTTLE'4, 813 Fourth street.
-- - •
, ; 1- 4 , THE subscriberhns just received from the Nur
!wry of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia
a lot of tha choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the public.
October 20th, 1843. S
A Nelection for thirteen Directors of thii Bank, to
serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the
Banking Hou.,e, on Monday, the 20th day of Novem
ber next, between the hours of 9 A. i. and 3 P. M.
o2.l—te THOMAS M. HOVE, Cashier.
) jPittsburgh, October 20, 1843.
A N election fur thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking
House, on Monday, the 20th day of November next.
o2l—te W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19, 1843.
A N ele'ctio n for thirteen directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing year, will be held SU the Banking
House on Monday, the 20th day of November next
QC( 20 —te
B EAR SKINS, dressedatukuudressed, just receiv
ed and for sale by A. BEELEN.
140, Liberty et
Auction alto.
John D. Davis,
ICorner nf Wood and stllsts., Pittsburrit,
S ready to receive merehandize of every description
on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters
himself that he will be able to give ear:ire sarisfactioi
to all who may favor him with their patkehige:
Goodßegular sales on MON DA YS and THURSDAYS, of Dry
and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufactured arricies,new
and second hand furniture, &e., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every eveni on., at eurly gas light. augl2—y
uggy at Aucti
T Davis' Commercial Auction Ro oms,t 4
Corner of
Wood and sth atreet3, on Monday next October
30th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, will he sold with
out reser% e.
Bug.gy nearly now, latcit nmdern
J. I). Davis,
Oct 25—Gt
A A T DA US' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of
Wood and Fifth streets, on MONDAY next, Oc
toher :loth, at 10 &clerk, iu the forenoon, will he sold,
the balance uf a. Dry Goods Store, comprising- nearly
I every variety of goods in that line. At th . e sante time,
without reserve. n large lot of Dry Goods, of every des
cription, suitable fur the approJeliing season, compris
ing in part:
superfine Broadcloths, various colors,
Pilot and Beaver cloth, do do
Superfine Cassdrneres and Cassinetts,
All of which will be cold in lens,-ths to suit purchasers.
They aro the best and lin•!st set of cloths offered at
Auction this season.
arze L , 4 Calio A and w,linl, 3le,
Mous 1,
de :lin lv,,i(n
s, Flannels c , Fancy lr Drt,is I rinos and
At the same time, for cash, p ar mony,
Cases of Hats,
Tln• abf,ve goods ‘i ill he rytnly 6,r ifispctiora on the
morning of sale.
JOIIN D. DAVIS, :Iw:tiwn•cr
I it f DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms. corner
of ‘Vood and Fifth stroel3. An extensive lis
t 4ortment „I - DR Y GOODS. r,cently nurchlsed in the
Ea-t for 1%1,h, and whirls will be , old nt a small ad
v, are MI Ell:lernprive4. for rurrenry or approved I.'n
tiOr•C`lllll}t.g. The n4.orotiont rom.i.d. , .. in hart , IF
"I) !lire..., n.,0! d" •;l bloohlm•!; broad:lot)4,;
I 1 '• Joper.l.luo Hi I;
10 .: I A )1N.71, "ilVt` and mixrd r!ot14:
4 toip..r. 11,-tv.T eloth,;
1 ,, i ch,;, .
us-urtcd culnr,; row.. vvry
tintinel., nil plain white, nttl
r' , / 'IYII r•r.,,SV.
2'011,• •
1.00 1 0 I•
f ;1 1 0)41. I
•, itrs,
%S - Inch will all 1,,e , nl.l Sit I , r:cf.', wethou renirq to the I
I.ite;;Jvunres-in the 1:14(. .1g
. . .
. • i
Teas, Leather and Ittastarct.
D Ec: v VD", ntl(,r , a:0 by: l4 ) FiN
11 I) I) ‘VIS,
.Iq,-th•ti Lusk •-•(' Crti,sri.7,
t-tv .I.•r tit VV,..f Pit,,, .•,•.•,:_.
I,)Pf .•
('h a , .1 I I•l; I >01;
1 ink ,•(
•• frc.ll Irs'lss•s.s`:
$. $ racist e r).
( Ir.rrrem. cespitcr ).... ........
.................. ... • • ... 14
1.4 e. Prip
1' ‘rti4l, La.ril. Col t , ,tg Ar
.. .
rni , ,•••• ey,4 1 1 ,4 2 , ini^.4 . bank ~ r R' , ul,eprrrllr .• 14
'err' bartA ("titan,
IVr Popet;
Beuraro of a Settici Cough!
II: \l . t.
.1 r• •
I t, .11
Intl V •ir 1-..
I r -, 11 •• 1„„
I let. ~.1(1 i Tr Ct,ternnali
fl A
t "" " ----
I „.
,1 r, (' otl ;II ail n
r: %I t% 11l Ih r .11r, Itt,r f11111:f 7, ''''
, !I 11 .11dt" P. , ", , ~isj.,•ol rrlrr a ."'sq
‘ 1 , ...1 ! •. 1 \II. mt fI: ~ , t is" rr!,
I m rill? .frid
,mt i I '''' • •
14TI fI! s, t 111 io k 1:1:1. M",/-
iris,ll4 1, 111, :MY f•,t• 1•1,..111•
111111, 1.1.17 rf I M,)i:rtis. ,
ITT.T 1,, i° Cill• 1)11: ' J. DI),
\ .r r K.
‘V,I •tri
, 11
1"-d. s‘l:.
1i, , ,..t t
j CST !i!.''!:!1 I:1) •) N :\l. THORN
5,10 pw'r t!'jc !Par
CIF " ••
(0.,1y lot in trarltot)
Of. (1.4:11,
-his ng 4.1!).
10 50,1,
siesrteleetti ena l r. 6,r chapped
hands ;ticl s,ilienin z the skin.
The iher ha. nt hand n larger nir ii
till. aiivr.:ll tolo4 0,111,111 y Oliwr estedilisitrn-nt in thi4
city, :out is a 1.., rei.eivini ; a !;tr fir .g 0 ripply offtv.ll
11'1'. THORN,
No. 53, Market street.
Peach Trees
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood
I' .11r rA ax,l .I.. ) rircrs . bank
Bank R.cading.
liar-141. 1 )u rq Grrnd•
..... .
1.7 PIC a A', .•
/:1111 11.
1111 1 di,. a 1),-.%.
'tt tt,tit
It iII I
; • 3
t 4 , 0 ,7/./ r
J./ C I • k
0 , 4`2a2
Necessary to n Job Printing Office, and that they are
prepared to execute
800k.,1 Bills of Lading, I Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Ca.rds,
I landbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
MU itintis of Idiauks,
Stage, Steamboat ani Canal Bost Ewe, ?Pith cp
propriate tom,
Printed on the shortest notice and mist reasonable
We respectfully aak the patronage of uur friends and
the public in general in this branch of our buskess.
• July 31, 1343,, &shirrH.
20 /r i 8 0 ...A v. 2
I„.. CiftEEN li t jO COFFEE, for sale
1) All 13011.3 of clothing and wearing apperal. Plerso
call at No. 151 Liberty teeet,
and ate for yourself's*
des Y.
i3ank NcOficliatig
cottpactrp DADA' By
Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip.
Exchange Bank Scrip
Erie Bank Scrip
New York
Bank of Piltsburgh
Merekards and Manufacturers' bank
Do. llollielaysh u rgh
Bank of North Anteriea
Do Norlhnrn Liberties
... par
Do Penn-171000i? ..
.. . . . . . par
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank ... • ..par
Kensington bank.
3farrufact u re rs a nd Mechanics' par
Moyaazensing par
Philadelphia bank par
Bank, of Penn Township
Girard bank....... _...
U. S. bank and branches
Bank of Germantorrn
" Chester county
Delaware county
41 ,, utzmucry
2v, , , - thuililerland
rincrs' lo,nk of Ducks county
Err stns halt -•- - -
Doylestown Lank
Franklin 6,- nk of 11.4ishiog!'m
!lank of Chamherslarri.r4
" rldiet own .
" GeV yalair
• wn
•‘ Sa.iluelzetnna county.—
Berk, r,, unt bank
Co!a:;;Li a Ara!, and Bridg e Company
C 4 ,1141,
Eric bank
L. 1 ,,,,, ~1, ,1
(If Brouns,ille
Net, 117., 11r1 , 44 compaup
Nrr rfiul ur Trlrrn Jr an 1 -
T tr.! r:7.
!1:1, ;
I • • I .
r, .
a4i,t br,inr.keit
‘:',/ •.•
f• A s
I ois
S!-lie balk
Banhlinvis, Sha,rneetomn
.... • •
nd,ik f /it c rtrgr,t,a
I:1 la
Ereh , zsige bqnr; ofl
...... • . .......
rt , nwr.,' bank.,, 1", . • ....... . •
North- I rt.4...rn bank of
. -
.... .. I
Merrhant... rin , l.lfrr!‘anic s ' bank rirginia ..14
. .
Mthtmore rily nkS ..
All other solvent bank,
tll s,,lvent
All solvent banks
illsolvod banks
Mobile brynks.. ..... .. •• . ....... .
COTInt ry 1 , 11)148 ..... . . .•• • . ••• 23
Nee.Oilea n s banks ( qu0,1)..
All batiks _
The proprietor s of the :Nfoturtsn POST Ara MER
CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
13, Wood street
• . . pa r
• - ------ .par
. .
..... par
The Great Central Rents
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road Company.
,:•-•:-.; - 3.,_,:m2:_"i-:::% t Er - ,:',•-_-.„-1%
NEW LINE 01' C. S. ..11.11L CO.ICIIES FO R --
Ruildialr Lots hillinningham.
IVAslizNriTtqc (IITY, BA LTIMORI'. Pit it..tr.:Lt. Ylf to '
'' lIIS in i • in full ope•-atiu and le•oe pio 0.,-1- i
d a ,7v at 6 o'clock .1. .M., i j ._ 3 LOTS, fumble fiprbdili* lT .. rniIRL eligibly sit.
• tinted, , aad within eta *in trt ,, s' stalk of thii,
yi a xv,,,,i a5. ,,,, a pa. steam f e rryboatlonelbvg, will bel l iolil at prices to !till
i ELIA Ilatit - na; r'iarl to Coml,ell,ln4 C ,, i11.. , ,•tiz,g h um ~
the times. The items of raymont wi'.l ht.totde . cay,
ilv. ith the rail ruan Ct.: , 1-i all thi... Lilac. o 1, , ,a,---.: T ra ..._ I either for cash or such bnrtcr as car. hi. tritatoiaL,lhk.
4 eier,
win liter thi, a ~,„1„. a.„1 . ,.,,,,,,, r ,,,,, 2 .„, t ,,,, , Apply to thri iltibC ... cril - 4, ,r 3 in Birrn;i,fhani; Gr Ar t. p.
it !win g a re:par. - at , wad Elis:_z.e.'t PILL-burgh atai COl7l- ! P'yerg.l - 011, N. 4, r err:: street. pitt , hprz4.- -: '
± be,.1:,,,d Ii:„. fiwilitio, wit" b e o:•td,.d which hay not
; Rine 1. J.A.S. rkrTERSON, Jr'.
.... •
___________ .
.: 1,. en het cutfori. enjoy e d. Extra.ro,:clies furzisd ie d at I , -
Lots Igi.SaLe. -
. : i , she ~ho:t••-t notice. with the pri . ilrge of'is^:lifig, through
~t „ , , i , me n ,..1,,„,,,,.. one enil
~ fvurth A
te. ,
1 .. ' .!irect or taking one night; rest et their option.
1: 4 Land e..-a Itoirnos' !Till. L0t..5.r0.4. 41.1:2 '',. 4 c 5l 54
1',,,- ticliot,,, apply lit VOL office et th e !lemons i 181. 1112. rindlC4, in Cook's plan . of '4 H
L. W. STOCKTON,' I.oti. cm (Amos
!I ,, wir.
f,..:, a—dtc. President of N. 11. Stage:7o. ....... ~.,ots
ill. Also. Lo.= nos. I.lnandr 0 7, 1; C0 0 ky 5 ,„1.,...r r
1 - I:7h Stll r`t, Crar the i:PflrC..+l , . -, i ~.: .1...1 F.-4ir t/..t•
_ __,_________—
Regular F'ackets, fbr Cineutnati. I applv-to Z. I‘.. I : I •3r'I4TION * Ln
— step 10
I :'..".../.-"--..7r __
.to tale
i - A SNI A LT, CI-117A P rA14:11 FOR SALE - . ---
t SIVIA I. 1., FAIIII in tpnor St. Clair towriltir; rt
(: I .
1,„1:4.:-a‘;\,,irli::11',I;LI..:i::t::?',.:';'„1:1,1,,,".11,-,‘,...,,,Tof',:arini,:ni.be.i' A, hunt 44 rnilo4 from Pirts l-, arch.nrcinhotlt GO yards
".•''•i , ,•." ' o i/ii:ow !hi “Lfelic: - of the in- ,- -0-s forrain f ir the ''L te ‘vn4rinzmn tnrritike. rortnininr 16/ acreagaott
l'. S. P„rtaliie Bol t! 'At.% at :ileitirzene„ 1V:1r-ohm/se, land' " I"r ' n '" / nna sm P r '''' ` l. 11 d almns t andea rea
, and undyr gnoil fencP: and sz ill lie a
a nd pinet, fin. an
( 0w( an or Vi A YNE Asa LIf!KILTT STIIFET:,. Canal
liii..la, %%here i.....(1. will he received and forwarded 1 exten ' i " l '" dner ' &'• It lia.. on it d dwr•lling
: hon=e and I -art: anti i , awll entered. It will be mid
n itiii , ol:l! ,1,•. , ;0-'0 :,,,l 0., ?!.0 I:In.,: lar ,, r+l e terms,
~, 8„ : 1,,,,,,,.,,.. 1.,, i; „4„. 7 ~:a . \-,..„ y r , :) , ~,. ltr „, ton. ; 101 v for enS•b•—fn. part cash itr.d part credit. Apply at
fill M iit.: 1 . 30 1:1:1D(i1.7. .‘cent, i 11;1 It ..'..kgenev ;lad Irteilieence Offire. or
'272 Ilt , t :i., l'i,ii;:a e i p h i SA'AIT'F.I. NEALT.AND
1() , ifil: & Cll.ls/:„1,..:,,i.i,..
u Iliinil ! ,', 11 iiiirt. B;.it:iiti,re
LI.f:N KR P.relrfin ee Pr M'. 46,
1 01. "in . Thirdl'o 4' • cis. Pittsburg
. Si.‘, I
h 2
d Svlvr 11,11:1, co!tNi,
the I:este'ru chip: ; for s ale.
I /t3!'t<, no:e* nrtd
it ,n. 11 , !! & C, , .,
John 1). lja , il,
1:. Lori: li`,
Pittsburvh, Pa
.1. Pnintrr & C.)
.losoph 1 1 0..J..vv1i.
Jainv, 'Ala.:,
Alex. nronson& Co. / ,
1 , 41'111 krntva & C o . 1; ' L ' hh ic'Thia-
..s . M ' r anllleA...`,.Ciitrinntiti.O.,
J. U. m•D,,, 1a.7.. a .. \ ~. 1,,,,,i,.%r 0.
W. 11. l'ope. 1:..1., Prez't Bank ky. i.nnisvive.
I ve Stuffs Just Received.
and a gooeral mock of
DYE in
.f.c. at tlielliritz Store
Xept. 11.2. JON.
4th and Vroocists.
Ir ACKEREL.-16 Mis. No. 3, M . :eke:el, just
rt ct:ivcd and for sale be
sep 8.
43 NN'uod st.
To Mc: chants and Others.
A GENTLE:MAN, %vim thuroughiy understands
Book Keepin, wishes n situation in that calm
city: the best of references will be Liven. Adrl - fess H.,
At this nffire.
rin g 23—tr
T OBACCO. —lolioxrA Burton's 5 Is lump tobacco :
15 do Russell & Robinson!, do
r, do liare's do
10 do !wonted :Fines and brn%ds,
just merited and frr :W e by
13, NV,
Toothache...! Toothache!! Topthache!!!
T UE abov^complaints can be .timed. in five min•
otcs, by using the celebrated Musavrtrus DROPS
which is warranted. There are many imitations and
counterfeits, of the above. The only true and gents
Inc articleis to be bad at TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth at
Sept 12.
A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
/ - 1 in Liberty street, a Nate of considerably
soiled and wore. It is signed by James Gaston arid
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Thoown
er ,:an have it by identifying and paying expense s
July 31.—tcf.
Just Opened.
NT O. 1, Salmon,
Nn 1. 2 and 3 Mackerel.
No. 1 and 2, Maine Shad.
No 1, Labrador Gibbed Herring,
And 800 lbs. fine dry Cod Fish,
For see forfamilt use, by LLOYD & CO.
-402. •
140. Liberty st
ToWig Elyeon Tea.
5 n iit T 07 .8,
o h o
d a 1 f es u
finality, a
i n u d 3
t b o r
e x c e e s i
t cr
o y r
sale low for cash. JOHN D. DAVIS,
oil. corner of Wood and Fifth
Pczunazughip and Iftelt-ileeping. _
THOSE who wish a thorowth knowledee of tbeee
branches. would do well to 4- Altat Mt. S. W.
STEWART'S C..!mrotsrcird Acitierny, on Fourth Street.
near thecorner of Market and Fourth, befo r e e n g ag i ng
oct $-Irn.
• ' '
-- —.......
.. . : . _ . ........ ,
Maga _1_843 . 1616 - tmar• fOrSitteanb tra - . di 7 - .
.--- ------- 7 0.----;
Bargains to bo Sad. --- .
Forwardhig bind n mninbution rill6tralants' 1 Q ac t , ACRES OF VALUABLE L A kni
t, I k J or 0 will be sold a liargain in lots tosuit
A GENTS fur the Merchants' Transportation Com. purchasers. The land lies in 7'yler and Nicholas
Pant' comp:roe/10f the Merchants' Line, Erie Co's., Virginia—and CLFA it or ALL INbtmalt.tascsa.
Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s For particulars inquir2of the subset ibers, irity letter.
Line of Swam boats and Teasels on the lakes. Cleve. postpaid, .
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie- act 10 140 L LLOYD &CO :
ilicrty street, Pittsburtriti
tors oftho Merchants. Line, Ohio Canal. ------
ItETErt TO `
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coentioa Slip, N . . Y
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Dotal°,
M.. T. Williams & Dow.
Hon. John M. Allen, ‘ Cluvulaud
Charlei M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey. Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittiburgh
up 1 18-13-Iy.
Beaver and Warren Packet.
THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Rio Shaw,rna,rter, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Moaday3, I Voitsresdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves IYarron on Tuesdays, Thursdays nod Sat
urdays; connecting with the Singe Lines to Clnveland
direct, For Frei ht or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Bcavcr.
;:a •: .,. zmiti. :: ... fryirrit4, --retttflOy.
iV--g-f 4.4...4. .. - •: - ... 7 - .4..4 W.L.---4 ,.
• "."-- ' - •ltiat'" -- • - .r...7 •-- sadti.; `rl: - •
1 ,. ARE REDUCED.—U. S. Ma tr. LIN it or STAGESJL AND RAIL ROAD Guts. from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chamhersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to I
anildin g
N. Y. 6.--c. Only 150 miles A toging and ono night out. Lots For Sale.
Philadelphia, connectins: with the Main train ofcars to T HE undersigned is authorized to sell a 1 1 1 11T/Ller '
lots beauzifullv situated in Aaron Haresploo of-
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
lots on '.'Grove fill* The rapid improvement an&
Fare to Philad,dphia $O.
extension of the city in the vicinity of those is must '
Baltiznore O.
greatly increase zneir value in a very short pericat,- ,, - .
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Claims a , m hist the euate, nroneriv authenticatea, i411..'
Mice 2d door helow th:. , Merchants' Hotel 'Woad st. I be
recei j ed in
~`, ,t ' •
Gi . ..0 c' •dcrift ,
AN, I,lrecutor,
fob 23, 104'.3--ly.
\o. . gG, Wood itrect:
4 T WO STORY (nick /louse, suitable for r i
1 trit_ta. dwelling. and Grover:J, situate on the cfirlier,
cliFifth and Unioa ;tract;.
Pr 305..i10n circa immedi
ately. Engnire of
. . ..._
. . .
--...---... ---
, ro:sale.
len , - ..i
c ,, ery , T OTS no the North East corner of Coal 'Lino awl
The Swlitbor.•, Rohl:lion, Master,
- , .L. 4 Iliji area. Apply to
"Ihural-kr at 10 o'c:ock, n. m.
Tie. Cuttvr, 1....0:1in, Afmtter, leavet eVe7l . Fr:daV at
Marltct near-Fourth *trait.
I 0 ~ ' r i.l,l 3. rn.
. _
The Mot , t. , omery. L.
~,,L. :, at 11) u',. !,,,i, a. rn .
Th.• r.,,,,,•,..—, p_, ; :,...:
d y 3: J 0.% :ock tt. r:/.
JOH:\ l' , 11L111:\ (;)IAM & CO.,
A k , c n 1 v.,
',ea% es 4.% er) Sat.
Por rot.
, rho d
iii th,., Borough at,
• ":""- ; Lawroncr.v,..l.lP, ]rose::: occupied by John
....-, !Pe
___..,__.___ _ _ ne p:i.,-, Itai n vc.ry finv aar_len 11 I d COOd iliginrt :
- . - -
;m or fruit treer.. Any rwrtnnreatine: cite have tinll
United States Portable Boat
. Line Dep o t ; privil , ece ef encrnaina: for the ("n cul n c year, nvimi.tt •
tti,?n Liven on the 1 , 4 of Ortr4.e r next.
Apr.! ‘ • tit N.-, 5 Comtnt ,, i l l Row, Liberty street,
I i e r t,. «'M. T„ man. Stn',ll:feY. street. .- T . 1.1843.
4 'l' l - 4-3 n)
T ILE untler3ig-ned withc-s to dispale am:min TI/ukil
able coal land, .ialited near the six mile fen);
nn tbf Thereinr. is very 1g.rge,404
the coal equal td any br.y..titht to the Pittsburgh marker.
T o those wishing to gc.l2l:c ::.e coal Lusine.is hero is
a Guechanbe, as the ceal sjtuated furJeutt!=
ing bost4, will be d. 11.1 cheap.
Apply to the at the thirragiki
Esq., Fourth stroo, bri%%.-en Wood and 'Market •
• u26-4t' GEO. E. APPLETON.
too Farms For Sale.
T4..ted Fern: on the Loyaihanna
creek, iVeutmoreland county, shout Lit
9 miles from (Iteenshur T on the main road to . tairs
yille, 8 miles from nbout 8 mile from Denistoa
town, one mile from a brie.: Cacho is Church and tiiyO
miles from n Preshyrelia!) Church, viz: No. 1. 9411
acre,: anal allowunce,, fr..m LlO tu 180 acres clea r ed
and under l'mee, has On it a log Intu.,e, lug barn, &c.—
Nu. 2. 1.50 acres of land adjoining the above, 75 to 100.
acres cleared and under fence, a good frame house anti
also a wa , zon shade and Corn crib and a atone spring
bump, all in good ord,r• nut allvve will he sold at a
fair price Cur cas h and payment. made tu accommodate * .
or exeharfged fur properly iu l'itt:burgh or Aller , iiel)y,• •
Forfurther particulars enquire at Harris' G e ner a l 'Agen
cy and Intelligence Office, ,'So. 9, .sth st. 076
ronms ftra mod qv am poTrer.
I cast argil fi'm mnr.ninr.nrv. rev: ror LThertv
O'Hara Ftr,e. tl:•rr,rni-nP.
1 and
!louses and Farm's to Rent.
Iryli F. Qohfreih,rhnP orencil nr , Mee (in ccalneptiptr...-
1 P-i , ll his Medenl Ar.rrcv) for the routing mind
r_' of nnzl,C? Ora FMIIIS. A- , ninrY -perstirm are ' \
consrnntly wnt rert houpeP 11-:!}:cut havinc fl • -
time to run a heut the city in sent f ere. rnn he ettlls
ing upon the suhscrihr•r. aril , ntirr the hioa rf hnus4
they want. find ere that TV .nit then. r'pel•no w d i g
hurrher r• - •orn• , •, si!uation :2nd withcut flutter."
Owners of houses would fnd it to their interest Col
emit. and rive a descriptirn of them. :Ind the trrt the
moire, ns they would then find thi it houses rented
Pooner and with 11.4 , 1 t r rl.ll - jr..
The P , ittnnn7., of the re,or,ffhlly poliritedsc-•
pep '2 I-tf T. 11. TUTTLE ; 6'6, 4th pt.:7-
&c., For
T 11E subscriber has opened a R out.
oot record any
ellior house, ware bnuse. stor e , slt, ?on t o
or country farms and ;Tocsin : - rent, rharzinz thy own
en. ‘2.5 cent; each record. He will keep it (Then for a Who jl
;rich to renr any kind or pronerty to r,:i mine, and
charge them cents; nrd for O ;mll compensation.
will attend to rentinz all kinds of,properiv and attenct
to all kinds or business botwoen lundlorj a:jd tenant_
No. 9, Fifth st.
Farm for Sale or Exchange.
A FARM of 130 Rev, on Sugar C'reek.. Armstrots,.,
comity, 100 of INhirh improved. This fermis
well watered by springs sod two large runs 'Which pax4
nearly through it and then unite. formingan excelled
Mill Seat. 40 acres are fits! rate for tr,cado w or
spring crop s , and the balance is good for fall m i n ._,..
There is no waste lard, and it is well adapted for a dal-
ry or for sheep, and lies ver, well. There is on.-it 1
good apple orchard. a substantial hewed log house., ts,
large log barn and a good coal bank, easily nreesailalC.- -
in good order. end the quantity inexhaustible. Thfa"..,
farm lies %Nithin lb' miles of Freeport. 0 miles . frtm
Kitt aiming, 4 miles from a Catholic chard], ar.d 2 Mlles
from a Penshyterien and Seceder churches It will to
=old at a hare:tin for cask rr ezehnngorl fora good
three story brick house and lot in Plttehtirgh. For
terms and particulars rr.quiro et Harris' General A-.
gency and Intelligencc orTire. or or ttt, <ubF.eriber
the premis e s, o
seep S. J.
00 d atree
T HEREBY certify that I have 'known a number c .
Ipeople who hero taken Dr. AleLarre's Liver Rills o ,
and have been much benefitteci by them, E•rd I believe
them to he the heat pill?, for liver cc•rr.i.'aints, al.3tot .4
general a‘e, or
I hereby certif ) tlat I. ay.e bf.. HAEL FORNEY.en afflicir d for 6 years
with a liver con•;;,aint: d have applied to different
physicia.m. :ind El 11 to little or no effect. until I
ascot D?:3lcLeine'r, Pills. In takin,x tw made
o boxes ofthewr
1 ar, -- : mearly reftcred to perfect health.
rsmeh. near PittsburA , Are-111,116, 1613
For sale az tlar - Dru• S:ore of
aux _cm! f . orn e r 4:1 and Wood streets, Rittsiattri
"-i•SPremark's .S'ilek for Sale.
T recciw-d, ZOO nili I - eat Fun Brick.
4, h-mar , e, ~r "11:: COnArntaly On hand
grel Aold 1,,v: for cash, by B/R:MINCH AAi ez CO;
may 27
N. 60 Water 4r.