Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 27, 1843, Image 3

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    ANA • A "emus - or THE U. STATES.
dill • Jusyreceivedot few. copies of Mitchell's ele
gant and cheap (price i'l,s6)...Maps of the U. States,
together - with Maps of 32 of the principal cities and
towns in the Union handsomely colored. Also, a few
copies of Mitchell's Accurite Synopsis of the Sixth
Census of the United States, at 25 cents.
A STRlKE.—We ' traileriland that tho hands employ- 021 and Commission Merchant, No. 9, sth st.
td in the Hope Cotton Factory, Allegheny, turned out C. EL riIeMIULTY,
to Wedr,sday, to obtain a shorter period of tabor.--`FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT,
They work from six to six, instead of from five Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts
burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line.
to sedeti;AS'thtoy have been doing for sr me time past. ,cp, 4-3 m
It seems that there is a g,r,at demand f w all the ar
icles at our Factories, and the demand
tan only be.supplied by an increase of the hours of la
ior. Slat being the case, a corresponding increase of
Nagdealplll4 !Atte place, and, we presam3, but few of
the handi Would then complain
A.114 -- Y-TOST.
W. J. How rd-J 13. Semiite7—George Ogden
rgr 'Ai' therct arc many persons in this section of
zountry,w*tiansact business, and have correspundentt ,
ind intercourse with Northern Mexico, we have deem
ed it advisable .10 state that we have been informed by
the Mexican Vice Consul here, that the Provincial
President orthe Republic of Mexico, has issued a de
cree, dated frocabayn, 7th August, 1343, ordering that
for v/iridtis reasons thereby given, the frontier custom
housesof Taus,in the department of New 'Me.xico,Paso
del Norte and Presidio del Norte, in that of Chihuahua,
than tintirely be elosedjurty-five dsys after the pohli
catioa-of said dorms.
Arka'hsas iniclligenccr of 30th ult., totingl alarming,
acconnts.rromthe,Citeroltco nation. Conspiracies to
murder the five - principal chiel4, and plunder tho na-
0,, fire 3i iiJ to have been planned by the murderers
of Voreovho have managed to e2.cape the vengeance
of thelaw by flying to. Ito nd . joining State. The U. S•
Troops' are censu!ea for want of enemy
TiC SuptatT OF SF.ASIiTME.S3MS, &!., held another
:liner& meeting iii, Washington Hall yesterday after
loon, and wire addressed by . Dr. AV alter Charming and
Wm Wilson, Cr., bat neither were prepared to make
tny moors in reference to the intentions of the employ
er*. The laths however rem tin determined; and the
iresidek read the following portion of the sth chapter
if St."Jerrie§ in a mast edifying manner.—Bottom
"Go to'noW, ye rich men, weep and howl foryou mis
mins:that ;hall comer upon vou.
Your riches are,corruptek and your garments are
moth catch•
YOut gold andsilver is cankered, and the ruit of them
;hall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh
IA it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for
the last days.
Behold der hire of the laborers who have reaped
lnwn which is of you kept buck by fraud,
iriet.4: - .auL1.1.b.: cries of than which reaped arc entered
into tbo ears of the 'Lord of Sanauth.
174 have lived in pleaiure on the ear th, and been wan
:u., ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaugh
lITDRO2IIOI3I.t. — We find Lira following extract of
lettot-pnbtieheliit tha,Meorue Democrat, from ellicli
it uppeant that Hydrophobia prevail, to a fearful ex
tent in Pike ccenty: •
"NIa.FoRD, Oct. 13. 1343
"Onr neighborhood abounds with mad thig.s. A
man by the name of Jacob Shimi- ha; t.,en hit, and
a stria!! boy living with him—whether they will have
the disep.solis not yet ascertained. The dog- that bit
Mr. Shim , r also hit a cow and foiir swig, , , ail of which
ave dled, exhibitiag every evidenc:. of liplrophobia.
To-t ky L woof over t t sde pin horsa, which had been
bit en, and really it sieltrned nto to see the line, noble
his own flesh hi' had hi, leg in hi,
mouth, and tore the .flesh in sushi a ma 7111( . 1 that pin
could hear his teeth crate on the hone!! 'foe hors..
watThot totllv. All through Montagne, (opposite
Milford, i t N. Jerley) the dogs are nearly al mad,
aid are biting every thin withid their rent-h. The
d Ott Shi,ner's h irse real !rigs:, he-
I ,L.ital Co ,:hatizli of your , and W
killed by Abraliam 11. D,..&,:er. in Iltlawdr., tied
after bititim hi; two Lio . ;it, which hay.: !.:
11.41u3ni. kil letl.
rani arc 11 , ..arl at all hours cf . the
every do= that is found ift tlic .tract day or :light,
:Indy !illled. It is alar.niag in tIlk! ,!xtretrw."
13trz.-.—A resident of Epertiay (Pas do Calais.) a ro
bust healthy man, recently succumhed to this frightful
disease.. About four „..irs since he was bitten in the
hand by a log the W011:1 I being slight no notice was
taken of it at the time. The 4th of August he corn
plained of numbness in the left hand, which extended
to the wrist, arm, shoulder and side. For a short time
the intestines were affected with a constant sensation
of cold; difficulty of re.piratitio followed. The ',also
was feeble and irregular; cold sweat supervened, and
at times a slight pain in the throat which increased, at
tended with great pain, and a; the disease advanced,
he conceived an aversion for nil liquids. particularly
wamr. This aversion became morked, that on t h e
9th of August, the approach of this liquid to his lip.,
the sight of it, or the in-!ntion 'cren of any liquid would
almost produce convulsions. If he swallowed any mod- .
Mine it washy a violent effort and in closing his eyes.—
He expectorated constantly; his eye had a fixed and
hazgaril expression, his countenance was flushed, and
At length evinced a di3po:ition to injure those about
him; vest (mole, his sot exerpted, su Tented the disease.
All the aid ritrioilical skid was unavailing. His end
wa s hawe,Mr,iffssliorrible than had been anticipated:
a vitt sif paralysis seized the unfortunate man, and thus
his sufferings ended. The faculty will find in these
facts .thr evident yet long controverted proof.- that the
hydrAphobitt may slumber. so to speak, for years; and
at length awaken to finish itit
tie fo&wing remart.,are front one wit ouz,lit to
1114,p1 wan tray oe sa,:h C0L10L.53 of
il a tnultipli -ity of pretty things we women re
goire to render 143 what we consider presentable! And
h nv law of tr:, Ilea/ever good looking we nary chance w
be, would azree with the poet, that 'loveliness needs
not the foreign aid of ornament, but is whim unalarn
ed„,plorned the most.' Even the fairest of the sex like
to cull:Lime the ch arms of nature by the aid of dress:
and the plaiaeS,th?pe to become less so by its assistance.
"Man 30 never sufficiently seasible of our humility,
in t onsid - triaT, it se ncert::ary to increase our uttrac
ti t it siaorder to plense them, nor grateful entru 2 h for
the Pitias we beist:iw in the attempts. Husbands and
1.1.fh-ts are particularly iasentible to thin amiable de
aiCa lin the part of their wives and daughters, and when
nslt io Pity the heavy bid.; incurred in consequence of
this /praiseworthy humility and desire to evince
any feeling rather than that of satisfaction. It is only
adtiirers, not called on to pay the:es:lid bills. %vim
ly rOareciate the cause and eirtet, and who call hear of
weolnen passing whole hours in tein ruin g shops, without
tHlat elongation - of countenance peculiar to husbands
and fathers.
••I could not help thinking with the philosopher, how
nitifty things I saw to-any that could be done without.
If women could be made to undeistand that'ensoioe,s
of attire foeldom each beauty and Often deteriorates it,
a great amelioration in expense could by accomplish=
D tItTER— . 27 Kegs.
• 5 Barrels Western Reserve.
Dairy Butter jest received and for sale by
43 Wood Ft
JUST RECEIVED and for sale tin consignment,
7 hlids bacon,
7 hhds sugar,
Cau bo seen at the store ofJacub Painter& Co
aug 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO.
TE A S.—Received on consignrnont,
12Cbests Young Hyson Tea,
4 '• Black Tea,
4 "
sh" Gunpowder. by
12 Water street
Courier des Etats Unit
PCAWFIELDhas removed ilia marble Limb
• liahment to Wood at. opposite Fahnestock'a
Drug Store," where' he will keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stones, !Monuments etc. ap 10-Iyr
for sale at the DRUG STORE of
Corner of 4tb and Wuud sts.
10 do Gm. Pepper,
3 do " Allspice, to,gether with Mustard,
Ginger and Cocoa, will he sold very low to close con
signment, by HAILMAN, J ENNINGS &CO.
013. 43. Wood AtrCet.
Landreth's Garden Seeds
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of
sep 10 184, Liberty it., head ofl4ood.
Dissolution of Partnership.
HE partnership heretofore existimr, under the
style of Devine & M'Anu!ty, i 3 this day dissolved
by mutual consent, H. Devino is to collect all sums
due to the c mcern, and pay all claims contracted fur
the concern up to this date.
11. DEVINE,.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843.
11. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the
public., that he stillcontinue; in the Transporting
business, and that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boat Lioe, to No. 11 Water street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
terms. II DEVINE
To Priatcrs.
WE have recei,cd, and %, bercaftor keep con
stantly nu hand, a full supply of Priming Ink,
in lar E r,e and Amall kegs, which we at iii be able to sell
cheaper than it has herotofore been sold in this city.
Orders from the country accompanied by the cash
(Is ALL CAS EN) will be promptly attendral to.
oct 10—tf Office of the Post and Mannfactuter.
New Groceries!!
addition to their former Excellent Stock of FRE.H
FAM I I. Y the slibscrihot ,
received 1, 2 :Ind 3 Mackerel. No'-. land 2Shad
and Salmon, Susquehanna and Labrador Ilerri lig, Cod
Fish, Liquorice, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Lemou3,
Sultana Raisins. Prepared Cocoa, Sago, Mace,
tus. Saltpetre, Sperm Candles, Chalk, Whiting, Rotteu
Stone, &c. &c.; tm.Tether with a great vat ietv of rare and
choice article.: in their line; all of which they oiler at
Wholesale or RetaP, on vet , : reit4ontible term.
Diss3lnti 311 of Partnership.
TIII.: Partner.;hip 1101V14,101,em:tin1: . 1,,1.t
of DICKEY and till
yeti by rnkittial CWISe:II. .I.IMES Dli
1, 1343. \V \LG. ALEX kNDER.
and ;I^ pub:ic, that 11. co:lC:inn , in t h Tran4i , o;-
tltion CO/LN Lull
T AND WAY:: g•TRILI:T.4, Canal under tae
Oari - 3 of the "Independent L.,‘:t
whyre fr. will receivv and I,rAttni Cil•ight the Eli: at
the lowe4t firm; ,t•pl . --;
Now Fall and Winter Goods
ItAmPr()N s \ln
la. 119 NV4,un 'T
I. .1:11/05:•l 33 1 :1‘ _ 1 • 1 - ,
and ,• ( ;.,
c0:1 .4i, t i1, 1 ; of ploio wa.t , d, and diamond b cr , v o r
hc, )l t cinch; of evt•r. color, ca:Ana,res..nittn....tt.. wan.,
k. 1.1..,..d....1 and b ro v,.,,
cotton:, drill:. tie:;;, Alpancrt blaek and volorcd
irhtin and printed Inn rn:ondin de lain:,
Ni.attioni andothcr ribbon:, Inrc , , , itnbrie+,
mnrinn, fancy and blanket shawl,,
and 'then' thread. 4. r with
an ai,la Of Carpet , ' all of
which we are üble d. aeil a clic ap a, good-ran no W br
bought in any maclint, cast Ices!.
Lippincott Mills.
Tii"sui,criborinvi:.,, „,,, ..ed and dm:a - nu l lity
repaired these MILL , . is now manolurturing.
and ‘6ll keep constantly on hand, a full :apply of all
the different kinds of Nail:, Spike: and l-ades, etc..—
made from the best quality of Juniata 81,,0rn. , , and a:
soon as the necessary additions can be made t the
machinery, he will manufacture every iler-eription of
Bar Nal Sheet Iron. u-n ii s made in this market.
• Orcler3 left With S. Cutiilierti at No. 94. I' in street
near Wood, or at the :NI ills in the Filth Ward, will be
promptly attended to. JAMES ANDERSON.
sep 9. 9 3 m
DR. M' L kN E'S
Mr. 3 litvD—Sir:—.l child of Mint abollt 4A years
old, «•as constantly indisposed, and of pale complex
ion; but had a:ways a good :tpretUe. In older to have
the clad well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Vey
mitnge of which I gite him 3 spoonfuls, after which
20 or 25 large worm= were expelled. I wish all Ger
manA would read the above facts. The child's health
mach imorovvtl. NIICH AEL IIIHN.
Chartior's S! , pt. 26 1343.
rrFor sale at 01-2 Drug Stour of
oct Corner of lth and Wo,alstF.. Pit t
J. W. Burbridgc & Co.,
AGENTS for the snit of BEA I TI'S Powder, Water
street, between Wool nod Smithfield streets,
Pitt shor_th. °et 5 lot.
Iron Safes.
I RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have
uqa keep a! ‘vac , on hand tin asmrtment 6r Fire
The price. in con ieTl'Mee tir the ma
mei 11 , and labor b i t ma 711 low or, it rodur,:d a! unt
thirty Irer ent. llwy ;tr.. kept ftr 'talc at my shim. in
Sixth ;from, air iv' Smithfield, n• '.t to It clutrela ttn
the c 'timer tith -treet— a;-tt ,yith .11wmid. tt n t• F .
&Co.. awl Dalz.ll & Flernimr. In re:-lird bt the qua:,
iv.. of my safe= 1 leave thmte peN is who have pur
chaol all will purchas , my ales to attest the util
ity of them. 1 dire no intwi.papttr puff- na my safe:;
. in.tire and Haiti. warrittliThxL in informinz the public
Hutt all my safes wnich have E.Nct n burnt
down fir several year S SiNCC I commenced have pre
wryetl. all the papers, booltaa, &c., which they contain
' ed. I have a card coma Ming a number of certificates
of dm same, which are in circulation and in ray hands
and the ag.ente,„ JOHN DENNING.
N. B. A few pair of steel Spring.: fur -ale, made by
.1 June:: &Coleman, and will be sold low. Also. ;Isere \v
pmss, with power to punch holes in half inch iron.
sep '2o—tf
McLane's American Worm Specific.
{ORB 2 mouths ago, I purchased a vial of Mc-
Lane's American Worm Specific. I gave a boy of
mine most of a vial; he passed 40 very large worms.
From that time his health improved very mud . I had
triad two other Vermiluges to no purpose. I believe
Dr. McLane'sthe best article before the public.
Mifflin tp., Allegheny co., Sept. 30.
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD.
oct 3 Corner 4th and Wood St?
...)fiCiALBS. very superior W. R. CifEr.se, jrilA
I._/ received ruid rime sale low, by
ol;". 140, Lib , rtv et.
110, Liberty it
- /l'uttion Oaleo.
Johi D. Davis,
Corner of IVooti and sth sts., Pittsburgh,
Is ready to receive mcrchandize of every dAmscitteipia
on consignment, for public or privets sate,
from long experience in the above triniool3:s, fl atters
himself that he will be able to !rive gauirsi:sadafketion .
to all who may fav,or him with
.thelr tiattoni43.
Regular sales on MoN p .t t - s and TS tric sorts, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M . .
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articleg.n e
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P.
Sales every evening,,at early gaA light. aug 12—y
Buggy at Auction.
T Davis' C:ommercial Auction Rooms, Corner of
Wood and 51.11 streets, on .111ondarnmtOctober
30th, at '2 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold with
out reserve.
Bug,Ty nearly new, latest modern style.
J. D. Davis,
act 25—Gt. Aucer.
AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Room:, corner of
Wood and Fifth streets, on MONDAY next, Oc
tober 30th, at 10 o'clock, iu the forenoon, will be sold,
the balance of a Dry Goods Store, compriAing, nearly
every variety of goods in that line. At the same time,
without reserve, n lar;o lot of Dry Goods, of every des
cription, suitable for the approaching season, compris
Mx in part:
Superfine Broadcloths, various colors,
Pilot and Beaver cloth, do do
Superfine Cassimeres and Cassinetts,
A II of which will he sold in leneths to Fai it purchasers.
They are th- hest and finest set of cloths offered at
Atetion this season.
A large Invoic,?. of Calico; and Muslims, Merinos,
Mous de Laines, Flannels, Fancy Dress lidfs., and
Shawls, StonLynvillo Jeans Sze.
A t the same time, fur cash,par money,
8 Cases of Huts.
The above goods will be ready for inspection on the
morninc. of sale.
ort JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms. corner
of Wood and Fifth 4treets. Au eKtem.ive
F~wtment of DRY GOODS. roc , nitiv purchased in the
East for en+h, and which will ha sold at is small ad
vacre nn En.tornmice.i. for ctirreucv or approved en
clor,:ed anti,;. The n4qortment con , i-tsin part of
20 pieces wool dyed blue hlack broadcloths;
blue droll;
10 " brown. olive and mixed cloths;
• 4 " 2uonr. Barer cloths;
5" pilot cloth-;
90 " cm. ..Mots, assorted colors; some very
50 " thinned., twilled and plain white, red,
riven rin.l
20 " ~.:sorted colors;
20) •
Loot) 1.,. t. •.,!
100 ;,:, ev.: ur.d brown muslitis, and a
Brent v.O of 0;11...r articles found in a Dry
(;r.- 1,,
- fl, / as.“ wtment u[ 6044 4 , shoes, and hats.
whirh will till sold at prices without regard tn the
faro advances in the East. sept 23.
Teas, Leather and Mustard.
I ) El
E D on yon:ig:nment, and for gale by JOHN
1). D tit tho Commernial Auction ROOMS,
corner of Wood and Fifth rrent
-100 Chou:. ll:lfehr.4t.i, and Bnxo of YOUTlgilyson
fo.-11 impottation,;
00 IG2; :\ll 4 tnn.l.
100 P“.am- , Wrapplag Pap •r,
All of iil .“1..1 low fur Cash, or City :Ivey')
.TOIIN D. 1) \ \'lS.
C . •r, VlOAnu cl Fifth
~ •4;1.11HI:- , \!
vat, •31...
Beware of a '3:Atka Cough!
- I s Syrttr.ltelez a :taro
tr rely., Catarrhal Fever.
th , I n --t ferrei.l . ;!• ' , tag , : of Con
trth'ht ht''ttititt4 ••••• S , tut , '
7rn at CClllll , lntlni of Its vn:nnYt . Can ho pro
that, ti, tut, tif It 13 11c , V Olfert'a.
Thi> is to certify, that I had a very 3C'VerC Cough all
'tett witottr: and er% m tat n dn. •ed. After trying
medittal ttitl to nn purpose, I w-ts tilt iaed to procure It
le title of Dr. I.ttez Syrup: it ~ - fave me relief
i n enerlivt Iv. weal it, rwo o tehtt I \t'att trni't r.) r2 . :1
it r of the In %.t
'11.91V 1,41431, • 0.1 •f~,r!,,tlvh h- 1 •,.i.,t corn
I.; -I,
,i,ce .1. KIDD,
coift , .'l of Wit ~ ,1 will Fourth t‘ts
jIII'.' . I:IVED a•ld for sale Ly WA!. THORN
eNo. 53, Marl,rt s:rret,
500 lb.. parr rTiirn soap in the bar,
(;00 " " "hi casks,
100 • ‘ariczated soap,
Su Castdo, (only lotin market)
ill ah ni -nap, iii lb. casks,
50 do slet‘itz soap,
10 f-iieno's rose spermacetti &oap, for chapped
hands rind for ,Ifioninz the skin.
The sul,,criber has on hand a larger assortment of
the above a rticl , 4 than any other estahli.hment in thi.
city. and is al4o receiving a large supply afresh drugs,
IV ER COMPLAINTS—Dyspepsia and hull
geetion,w•ith costiveucss, acridity of the stem
rich, hardnessoffo , td after meals, heartburn, flatulent v, I
liver complaints, with pain in the side and shoulder
jaandice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diiibetes, gravel,
stone, and inflammation oldie lungs. are most perfectly
r e m oved and mi r ed Ity the HEPATIC ELIXIR.
This article has the most astonishing effects in curing
all complaints oldie stomach and digestive organs.
\tarn• highly respectable individuals in New York
have been cured. abet trying every other remedy in
vain, and have gicvti in their names with permission to
refer to them. It i- pleasant to the taste, and does
not iwthe least intorS•re with the dailY avocation of one
taking it. Maay famiies of thin city have becom ,
pleased with the medicine,' that they use it as their
only family medicine. By using it occasionally, it
keeps the stomach free from hilimt. disorders, and the
liver Mitive. with the secretions of the body in the most
perfect activity. it is composed entirely of vogetahles.
The cure will be grahtal, but certain and permanent.
For sale at TUTTLE'S, SG Fourth stroet.
cep G.
Peach Trees.
THE!.ubAcriher ha...jur.t received from the Nur
cry of Landreth and Fulton, rear Philadelphia
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the pnl lie.
100. 184 Liberty st. head of Worsi.
October 20th, 1343.
AN election for thirte,on Directors of this Bank, to
serve for the ensuing year, will he held at the
Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of Novem
ber next.between the hnuts of 9A. and 3P. M.
n2l—te THOMAS M. HOWE, Cashier.
PittShilreh, October 20, 1843.
N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
f* the ensuing year. will be held at the Banking
House., on Monday, the 20th day of November next.
o2l—te W. H. DENNY, Cashier.
October 19,1843.
A N election for thirteen directors of this Bank, for
the ensuing year, Will be held at the Banking
House on Monday the 2,oth day of November next
oct 29—te. Cashier.
8E.V.1 SKINS, dressed and undressed, just receiv
ed and for sale by „' A. DEELEN.
flank llxitto anZI exchange
'Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip
.exchange Bank Scrip
.C t scrrency
rria Bank Scrip
Oa Philadelphia
lk.'czn York..
Bank of Pittsbu? gi'
Dicrchants and, Manufacturers' bank
Do. Hoilidaysburgh
Bank of North. America
Do Northern Liberties
Da Pennsylvania
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania
Farmer? and Mechanics' bank
Kensington lank
Manufacturers and Mechanics'.
Philadelphia bank
Schuylkill "
Southwark "
Bank of Penn Township
Girard bank
U. S. bank and branches
Bank of Germantown ....... .... ....par
" Chester county ...... • ...... par
" Deiawarc
" Montgomery county.... ...... pr.
" Northumberland ...... --pas
Farmers' t".nk of Bucks county.... par
Doylestown bank
Franklin bank of IVashington
Bank of Cham be rsbw r oh. -
" Middletown -
" Geto.cburgh
" Lewistown -•-
" S usquehanna county ..
Bcrkscounf hank . . .
Columbia Bankund Bridge Company...
Carlisle hank
EariC bank
Farmers and Drnria-s . bank
" Ran , : of tanraster
" Bank of Reading
Harrisburg banl.
Hnnesdal; "
I.aneristcr co. "
Lebanon " .424
Miners' bairk of Potterille 2:1-
Mononoakela bank of Brownsville 1
New Hope and Delaware Bridge eompany.....lo
Northampton bank no sale
Towanda bark
Wyoming bank 3
West Branch bank .. ...... 25
York bank....
Bebn,:nt bank of St. Clairsville.
Clinlonbank of Coltirrbus......
Columbiana bank of New Lisbon
Circleville (Lawrence, cashier)
•• ( Warren, cazhier)..
Chillicothe honk . . .
Commerci , rl bank of Lake Erie .... .... 20
Pigeon bank _ ... ...... . li
I'rani.l:n bank of Col it 271 7 ,10
Pa r,zers' anal .I.(tchanics' bank of Stcubcnvile..l4
Parmers' bank of Canton 40
No. 53, Market street
(1; • /Thja
Iln I '1
. .
lfe•rh , lnir:' end Tradcrr'. Cincinnati
min/ Mr 7 S .. . . . . . .
,c(r ndllsky - • - -
Uri arta
I rune,. r
State bank and branches
Slate Scrip
4't banks
Stale bank
Bank of Illinois, Shatenectown
Bank of the Valley of Virginia
Bank of Virginia ..
Exchange bank of Virginia
Farmers' bank of Virginia._
North- Western 1 / 1 11k of .. ..1}
Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia ....14
Baltimore City hanks .....
other solvent banks..
All solvoil bryiks
AU solvent banks
41/solvent banks
Mobile banks..
Country banks
Vern Or!cans hanks ( grind): :
All banks
The proprietors of the MORNING rOST and MLR.
CURT AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their
friend.; and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
.7 'OS r"M"' lINC MP' 311 E" 9
.ITa maF2a.aziaTle
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are
prepared to execute
Bills of Lading, Circuitry
Bill liottly, Card!.
Blank Check., Hat Tip,
itt ttlabS of 33Iaufts,
Stage, Steamboat and Canal Bo& Bills, with. ap
proprieste cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully rick the patron:l7,e of our friends an
the public in general in this branch of our business.
July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
low, by
IVIyXI street
-1-) All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Plet-grs .
call at No. 151 Liberty street.aul see for yourriebree
pop 7. J. McCLOSKEI.
. 1843.
Forwarding and • cam mi sal on Merchants,
H ial
taw/In:Sr, ctuto. -• • - E nndersi egnd to diqman (If domeraw
able coal land, •dtiilted nearth six mile I.lni:
AGENTSfortbi3 Meictfints' 'franspomaion Coln- ; tho,\l-onaniznliel river. The vein %Try large,and
i utny - eom p o - se d of the genr..hants' Line. Eric the coulequal to any broil : gilt to tip' Pitt.ltorgh ingket.
Cunst; Xs'n.shiogton, Lino. Hunter, Palm , r & Co.•s To Those wi•thing, to Zt.)il,Ui tto c4al Lem is
Line of Steam boats and vessviy; °reale fakes. Cleve. lei fine chance, es the coal i s - f7l Tnr..lb y siNato4.l(ohr
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Propri•:;•• is c boat><nnd wid e rom p: ,
tort; oftho Merchants, Line, Olde Canal:. Ar7ly to ['at 010 lATIOC of C. Darrugl
CFER 10 C sq.. Fourth IVO,I 0 .,d Markot
Wilkie & Eusworili, No. 9, C•nn•1..:,.. Ski, N. T. t 02(i-11' EO. • 1.. APP LETON, •
IL Hunter S.; Cu. Albany.
Otis Clia(l, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Duiralo,
M. T. Williams & 1)ow,
Iron. John M. Allen,
Chariei Giddingi,
J. S. Dicl,ey, Beaver.
Birmingham &Pittsb
. urgh . •
tip 1 11343-1 y
. _
Beaver and Wart= racket. , No. 2. 150 acre , . of land atilelning; the above, 75 to 104
3%4,,,.._ uoupTHE, cana l pa a ct •ritlE, J. m. I dere: clt.ared and under frucc, a good frame benne DM
r r'-' - ‘ .-- ' 2**4,- ---:- Slur, v,ma_qter, will run as regular ta I- , also a wa:on stride and corn crib and it stone spring
weekly packet britwc , ii the above named ports, leaves' house, all in good orilcr. The above will be sald at a
Beaver on M.mdavi, IVednetlays, and Fridays' morn- . f,tir price for C :1E a and i:a_; ner.t= made to accommodate,
ing, leaves NVarrin on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- or exchanged for propt ry in Pitt-burgh or Allegheny.
urdays; ctmnectine with the Stage Lines to Cleveland , For f,irtlie r part i,ttil at, cayoire at H anis' Ceneralltum
direct, For Irciude or passage apply on board, or tot ry and Intelligence Office, No. 4, Stu it. alft..
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pict,btirgh, ; . Building . Lots For Salo.
J. S. DICKEY, Bearer. '
' T HE uuderbittn , 4 i 3 authroieed to sell a nurribsu,tsf.
lots beautifully situated in Aaron ilart . ..t plan of
rA-' .. ...-471.- &r . .tz - t .. '''''"*"." - a 1 0404i7,,,-..,-„,...... r iA ll73 . ' lots on 'Grove Hill." The rapid improvement mg.
_ sal -trry. --a ! extension of the city !n the vicinity of these lots =tat, ,
- .
1 8 4.3. . . greatly increase their i nlue in a very short , ia ,...... r ;i ...
, ' Claims agninst the estate, properly at:atenticated s ,l6o...
. be received 43 part navmet.t.
AND RAIL ROAD CA11.3. from Piaburgh, via Bed
- .
ford, Charnbersburg, llarri.sltltrtr. and Lancaster, to C-EO. COCHRAN. F..'ae , sator, .
Philadelphia, connectint , with the Main train of cars to of 6-39 r . No. 26, mood street. •
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles stat,ing and one night out. . . TO LEM. •
T• I
Also, the direct line to Baltimore. •' - Ontri6 A TWO STORX brick house, suit:shies for., t 5,.,.
Fare to Philadelphia . $B. 1 ing r• A lli
--1..we , ...nr and Groaerv, situate cal the must
Baltimore 'D. I .of.Fifth and Union stree.Js. Posse, , scon given inane&
Leaves daily at 13 o'clock A. M. I
atelv. En dire a
Office 2d door below the Nierchants' lintel Wood It. '
of I
' . -.
flt 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. . . - Building Lots in nirtningitaixt.
LOTS, suiratle for bliiidin , _-, inept climiltiv otos
The Groat Central Bontc : 1_ !._) uat'erl, and within two Minntes` well: Of ~tbii.
Via National Roca and Baltimore and Olio Rail steam ferry heat lanjinc", will be 2o1(1 at pric&i to snit '-
n0a ,. 1 CenT.7ny; thcatimes. The term.: of payment will he macs easit.." -:
c--... -..•
... 1 , 1. .. n I either for cash or such barterer' can be made aystilahlSy_,
• a .--t 4 K
i,._ .m - 7E,.... % .. T 0. ., t ,..w w ...„ : Apply to the anh--..eribers in Birmingham, or Mr. r......„
. .. , ....... I. ' IL' •`,,• -;;': t? ' ,..:',.,.... ,1 : : '4,„„ ~-. , ....f, ' .. - ?. ;1 7 . 7.'r ' Pi-ter:ton, No. 4, ren'y Etre , -t. Pittsburgh. ..
! .
NEW LLNE OF U. .3.11.1 L COACHES FOR , JP(' 1• i
" JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. , ..,
- -
WA 3 HI:CI:TON CITY, BALTIM , ,i:.7, PINT ADELP:IIA : Lotsfer Sale. • .
.. .. par
. ..... ..par
A:CD NEW Font:. ,• A Lo: Ain Manchester. -Ono at d n feerth A , - 3•c6 cl
THIS line I.' in r " 11 "t" r ' 11 " 1 . "' i . '''''''' '2 "' ' hlr= " i ti Land on Holmes' 11i11. Lots no-. 41.12,5'2.5.144
&lily at G o'idoeli. A. M., e i l , V; ~.,'ni, ,- -t ,:.. I'a. 131, IS2, and 1.84.16 Cook's talon of I.rcL., on Holmes
3 11,1 within:ll road to Clinibe•rhird, . ~ s tire li , •re inn . vi so , L ots nos. 0 .28,and 27, lu Cork% planet Lou
with the rail road Co'; ~0 all tic a bll ~. .. ; . r: , .. , - . : Tea-:..
on Hi _h street, near dinner. - Courtl . . ,---e. , For I , rma
rl , t'r3 Will find this it 5n0.,1.• alid c,.tili . ..r;ul , lv ivi,:te, a
~ 1,..._ Z. IT. RI - .1,1-1\41,,T0N
it being a separate and tii,tinct I'itt i bm - Eh and Cann-1
"T : : 'l.O " . .SL 4 :. •:'..' ... - .
• .. -`,
berland line, file/lilies Will beaff.,riled which haveP 7,1 . not
Leen heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches ciiiiiiled at Tor Sale.._,,- ,
the shortest notice %rah the uriviir.zo of ;•., , oir.q throusit TO7 S rin tli , Nardi Enst corner ui r 2 Low and
direct or, taking one nighti . ,sei: at their optio!.. . JL4 Ill?,h street. Aorta to
For tickets, apply ut our,orr-c,::;.t the Nfonongaliels* 13E1A1641N DARLINGTON',
House. 1.. NV. STOCKTON, aen 10 Market rear Fourtll street.
feh 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co.
— Ficgtaa — iPacirets, for Cincinnati. A-. 1 . - For pent. . - ; ,
That COTTAGE, situated i t the 11,1Ni:1711oz
f _ 1,- 4 # f ( - - " 1 ., 4 1
, ii;- -. .r-:rtrit' • —,r''' I.
Pirke Lawrenceville, et preF.ent occepled:hii_ ;oho
r . ..
.. i The r' . tee has R very fine rir,len and goeti.esiort ,
ment of fruit tree;. Any per.on renting vial have the
rrivileee of enza7ing for the pn.iiing year. - ?of set
son ' 4,-- en on tlio let of netober next.
Annl-: ar N0...5 Conv- , reill Row., liberty ear t 4 ,4l
or to \l'm. To4tafr, Sinitl,fle',cl street.
.. -
sen. 1, Igl3. _.
The Swift:ore, Robinson, Master, leaves very
Thursday at 10 o'clock, n. m.
The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at
10 o'clock a. M
The Mor.tq-om.-ry, Bennett, Maitcr,leavei every Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a. in.
The Express, Parkinson, Master, :caves every Sur.-
clay at 10 o'clock a. In.
JOHN P/1.111\11N(.;IIA:' , 1 & CO.,
United States Portable Seat Lino Depot.
CA. McANELTY it.fcrm. his
. friend.; ned the publie, that he litottleade r.rrain;e
mate to contiatie the tvz,ency oi . the boats formittg the
L. S. Portable Boat Link', at the large new.Wurehouse,
Basin, • - viiere 0-4.1-3 will he nevi': d and forwarded
with usual docratrit, and nit 'Le tao , t favorable terms,
to Baltimore, Philailelehi A. New York or 'Boston.
'27'2 .3t., Philadelphia.
M 00 RE&CHA SI:. A gent 3.
73 13aititnrre.
pt. 4 3ln.
A LLEN 1.11.13TER, E .ange P. 1 . 0 cr. V .
1 Cor7l C tf rCa n d 'T. 7 4 d sir eels, PiVsliurE,
Pa. dold. Sflver. 3ra Solvent Bauli• =lo{o4. bought
and so!d: Si ht eh •ck; on tho I'.u.stera Cities, for oak.
Dralts, notco co!lectcd.
Rrern . ..!scrs
rwii& co.;
D. Davis,
F. Lorenzo,
.T. Painter & Co.,
Ar. 1311 Woodwcll,
Jam , ; :\ lay,
Tirom,on Co. Phiinde; m.
Joli:4 II BrolnS`•Co.
.\ rCaadicss. j Cir.cinnati, 0.,
J. It. Nl'Donalrl. St.
\P. El. Pop". E q., Per4't liank Xv.
Dv e Stu& lust riCceived.
Vi!r;o!, Ca-nwaorl, and a 2ertoral stark of
DYE W 001), ia store, a:1 . 1 fur 4:0.e a! di:- Drip! Store
Cr.; - cu,- - 4th aad Woud .c.r P.
I.kCKEIZEL.-1G D 1,14. No. 3 NT ad<crcl, just
received and for =rile by
To Mc. chants an °titan.
A GENTLEMAN, wh:, th,)muzh:v 11:14 , 7rztnnis.
.1 - 1 Book Ke,•pins. wishcA n situation in that caps•
city: the h: 3t of references will he given. All I'PF , S H..
at thi: office. nn , " 28-tf
43 vcnni
T opAcco.--10 591CeN Bllrtoll ' A 5 I: lump tnbacee,
'25 do Ito:sell & Robinsons do
5 do do
10 do a.snrted =lye. and brands,
iitSt rcativetl and f^r sale hr
41;r1Vnol street
Toothache! Toothache!! Toothache!!!
THE nhcwc rain hr cured it fiv ,
utes, by tising the celebratrd MuscrivlTL".3 Minn
which is warranted. There are rnany imitations a',3
counterfeits, ofthe above. The only true and cent
ine artieleis to he had at TUTTLF:4436 Fourth s;
Pound,. •
AtBOUT the last week in itrue,in &Clothing Store
in Liberty street:a Note of hand, cent:nimbi%
so il e dand worm - It is signed by James Gaston and
another, and drawn in fsvor of Sir, Bleck. The own
e r ran have it by identifying mod mins trapeuses.
Jolt. 31.—trf.
Just Opened.
'MO. 1, Snlmon,
No 1. 2 awl 3 Man:',. , .!r-!:,
No. 1 a-at ". Maine
No 1. Labraba Gibb,Nl flnrrin7.
And 300 lbs. fine dry Cod
For S ale for family Ir.e, by LLOYD CO.
~ 1 2. 140. , tiThcrty
• . Young ilLyson Teo.
_ s m." CHEsr.s. half chos. nod hose , . Ycalrig V
1 _l_ •,1 Fro t Tea, of good inFt reoßived. foul for
cnle fqr rash. JOHN D. DAVIS,
of 1. corer nf« ' nol and Fifth stx.
Penmanship and Soot-Hooldng.
9 HOSE wiTh a tborongh knowk‘lge of tbesc
braricheQ. would do yell to callat Mu.. S. W.
STEW A 11 1 .3 C.nnrnercial Academy, oa Fourth Street
near the c,rner ,f Market aril Fontfit;beforr imagi rig
el!.where. Data-I+n.
. .
Farms For gale.
t, gri rirlVo Lord Farm: on the Lricaihamin
.1 crrek.VVe,lin , rcirmd county, aboot 1.4 . 0
! 9 miles from G ounstiore:, or, ;he main rini..l to tjp to-:
vine, Mile; from it, and abum 8 toilet. Gum I.lcuiiwoo.
town, one mile from a brick Catholic Church and-two
mlies from a Pregbyteri Church, viz: No. 1. 'WO
acre. and allowurice4, from 150 to 160 acres cleared
and urilOr fence, Crl it a 10°: linuk3.l , l barn, &e.--
ASMALL Frirrn.in Trnnor St. Clair township, as:
brit A t milrsfr m Pitt.l-nrg h. and abnin 60 yardir
of the IX,,,h;+,_-_-tnti tnrmil:a mmfinine 16i 9crt... Ewa
and irnr-rnyra. and almn , a all cleared
nrKl ItMer 7notl frnr-r; and will hr a 2.nr-41 rlt,c , . for •ati
extpr..l% Tr hat on it n soryl rity4Trii
ana horn: and i 4 well watered. be snit,.
low for on zb—e,r part c-10.1 ;Ira Tar , credit. Apply at
I-Tarri;A;er.cy latelliironro Orloo.
To Sent.
-pLrAsANT rooms and good t.-rtrn power, at titt; i ,
cast steel 11e marufaclerv. comer of Liberty ft4d
O'Hara streets. Apply on tlic jolt IC.
THE, .141,...ri1 , 0rim. opened II T 1 Cfr - :er (in cormodook
wi t;i hiq Mo4ii , ll A , zorev) for the renting and
gollirz of Hori.o.: nrd Farm.. As mllny' p*rsixts itrel.
cor , thrt!y v,eliirr!" rert 1 rart NV'', 11' rtlt iIDVinE the
time In rt , n ~1,11. 11,-. rile ip <oaf ch of , no. (lin he eta
it7 uran lII , ' ~- Izor+rr. tr-,1 Tro'r. , - , . l'he kircl 4 f I,.otbio'
11-ey want. Grit one that win iu'd 11.(m. also Itrm , ,v 1.110
romlyor of recur?, F•iluatiou ut.l tent, without. further
trouble. ,
Owner; of wonla frd it to their intereAt to
cn7l. and Ehe n rlezrr'r..na o(thrm, rund the rent . they
1 re n ni n ., thee wnnbi th.n find ti-xir houses renukt
sr.o , nr naci with If. , ttentle.
The nn:r nnogo or thr
ptcp 2l—•f T. H. TUTTLF:.Se,3!)I,
PiLltlx.rzli, ra..
I .IIE +.ll)4eriber has orwned a book to. renorti a,ny
dweliirzl:ou , e. ftor, rot - mo,
ur cnur.try farrnt nra rert, chnr:ritg the own,
rn* 25 rents elch r^rni ?Tr , will Leer, it open for alt.
who wish to rP,,rt any ki:.def rrnperty to examine, ant
chnme their. 12.1 (errs.; and for a 6. malicmpensation 3
will attend to renting all kinds of Prorrr's, ardattead
to all hinds of busine=l helw-peo inrdlord end Lemm a,
ICa. Fifth
A Good Farm for Sale. or Exchange.
AFARM of 130 acreson S:izar Cree!i, .ktrritrinsg.
county, 100 ufvlich i. inlprnyrd. This farm it
well watered by 62i-ing; and , v.).:argc inr s which pate
nenrli: through it and Llien ulite, funning an exzeileat
Mill Seat. 40 ar:lTs nrc frr , incodfror,
..rrrinsr crops. and the balnrce teed for fall train,..—
There i=nnnastc lard. and it i-willndiTtr.l for a &al
ri; or fir ni^(l Vrr, well. There is on it: la'
rend spate ei..-1-nrcl, a =nl•>tnn•ir.T bur rdhetise.
Int:1 nrn zvcrl coallark,
in good o!drr. and the qaanCiv i h er g llnaii We. This
firm v.ithin LS miles of Freero.o.., miles frCat
tat:mine" 4 mika from a Cstlriiechard..ar.c)
from a Pre‘byterinn and Seccder rburchcs It will bat
!kid at a liarcnin f,r cosh rr exchanged for a R.ood
three story brick houaa and lot in 11 ,, cliorg.h. Frpt
terra and narti7uThrs rnouiro at HarriF' General d.
:rm.'s , and Intl - Alice:ice office, Cr of the at hsrritiey,..on
the premises. S. J. :71-I.ITE.
seo 727
Thc 171 , ,a lion in end NieAntes
Co's., 'Mr ig—lt-d ALL rr C::7 , lfilltA!CCE3
For pnr:lcii.ne if hv letter,
po,:t LT OI D CCtil,
o.r 10 140 Errcfq,
DR. .3.rnl, A N.E . $
II RE3Y rertiry i.at I-}::_ mi;rlor cr
LrenFie \--ho en D
and. have been I.,nt f , t , a 1. :,tier!
thf:intrl'ne !!!e 1,7;: r ci,r.112'.4.11.:5.. ler
,e: c:' u. ft,-
MIcH r:L FonNty.
1 harctr:, ccrtt:•: ti,at I . .t.17. - ^ t",.r C
with a tivcr corffttiiixt to iiifferert
olivatcians, and, oi; to rt.- I _mita..
r,r-of Dr. :11QT_Autf s i r l;le. r r.oithcm
am neariv latred TO
Pitt , l-mr-}1: :taro+ , 15e.3
Fnr r-.' , ..a . ttla• Dr ,
aug '.."2 corr.- r 11.1 trf•T tr. FittsEtigh
Freeman's Fire crick for Sale.
111:51' received, 3050 Frr- Le :t Fird Brick,
which NOII 1 - 1-rrmf fly on hard
Ineisoih!irn frre 11. 10 BI[MING & CO.'
usav 2,7 No. 430 Wator 9%.
Homes and Farms to Rent.
Bargains fobe had.