I MAPS AND CENSUS OF TI:J.E U. STAT.S. .: • • f 2tllCtiett . V-Ctito. ' 'IL ..lust received , a few copies of Mitchell's el& .. I - .:-. • ' . . - t gantig“ l ch - etiP (price 1it.1,501 Maps .of The U. States, . , together with .M ttps-:of 32 of. ffie prinCiPal.cittes and .'' .'_-. 'ilia D. Davis, . , tow - 09 in- tiie_Union handsomely colored: Also, - a few AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSICYNME.RCH'T:, ' copies' al Mitchell's Aocurao; . * l l4)Pgi. s. of the-Sixth Corner o 7 W0,,i5 - 4 and 3th sts., Pittsburgh, 1 Census of the United States, at 25 cents. 'e- -- TS ready: toreceive merehandrze . of every description onconsignment, for public or private' sale, and I -- • " - ISAAC HARRIS, Agent .j_ frOm loindexpeilenco in the above business, flatters InrOnynotioa of Moses Hampton, - Esq., Wm. D. • - 021 - and Commission *Merchant; NO: 9, sth et. , himself that he, will be able to give entire satisfaction T ASS LT, EMI.; of Allegheny city; was admitted as an . c; jLivi c iortry .-- TY,. . to . all who may favor hilt! with their patronage. Court , Attorney of the Cou of Common Pleas ?jr - Allegheny FORWARDING & COMM.ISSION MERCHANT, Regular sales on Mosnivis aria THURSDAYS of Dry • - . - canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, .Pitts- Goods an d rancy article ' s', at 10 o'clock, -,..‘' . M. ' 1 111ntYr". -"- - . - . ..-• - • 1 buigh. Agent United .States portable - Boat Lino. . Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufact iirrd articles, nev and second !mad furniture, at '2 o'Clock, P.M.. • jgrau motion -of John A._ Wills, Esq., Gicoßay. L. .°1 Pt A-3m. ____... _,____‘ . ._ - . _ _&c., Itasisios , Esci.., of Allegheny city, was admitted as • .Ecmovil. 0 - ,-- .. 1 Saks - every evening,atearly out light. aug 12-y - ... en Ation4evof the Cou • .. tt of.Coinmon Please(' Alleglie- 1) CAEIELD has rmoved his arble Estill, *3 4 .° 001 7. - - 1 ..1_ .--righm W ept. to Wood. e 3t. opposita m Fat:me:stock:a Drug, Store, where he will-hoop constantly on hand T o mb -Stones, Meinutnent3 et 6. - u p 19-Iyr _ , . _ DAILY POST. T••# AY MORNING OCTOBER £6,1643 :PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. cormlrritx FOR OCTOBER. -Owd4-4. B. Semple—George Ogden Fl . , MAGA'4INES FOR NOVEMBER. • - - GitlPLues trirscrAzusie- , -The embellishments are *ideal Steel -Engraving,_"Love among the Roses," kkaigen rate and the "Rose Tulip." There-ii also allustgreur ErigraVingby Yeager,illustratinga.Comic Stretchlrt Nest.- The number is eminently a rich one. Fer aaleat, Cr3rok's, 8 1 . 4th street, • - - Gonitr's Boots. "Rosalie,"- the "Rama. wap Elg.atrit," and a Fashion Plate,_ constitute - the pie . until OrnaßlClith. of "aria number. The literary con. ;tents arefurnisherf by Professor Frost, 3. C. NCal, lOrs..Embury,Mrs.Hale, and•other distinguished-wri ters. • FOr sale at cook's. ktiitruts' NATION/IL SLSOAZINIL. This seems to be 344112.fi1e of Fashion. Winter style of "Cloaks, .4Criipirti,RedingOtes," &c. in advance, are to be found The engravings are fore, and the lit „itry_striater is good. Cook is the agent; - 24 - EPC - O,AND THE, SANDWICH ISLANDS By the affital at New Orleans on the_l2th inst. of -.the sehooner Juniata from• Vera Cruz, the.edimrs of the Bechtive received .files ot papers from' the city of -Mexlextc - ato the 23d ult., inclusive. a The neivs from SiartetAis". or little importance, h - (it the- fedlcwing nn lia*mement made by the Courier Franceis of - the 23d Impottanc— - • "We teee,ive the subjoined intelligence front an au thientie. and trust-worthy sOurcet— the 26tH July AdMiral Thothas, comman der of H:_tt..M. ship Dublin arrive 43. before Honolulu. Heatpullettevery thingthat Lord Paulet had deme,and: - ie-eitahrishect the authority of King Karvieha.meha oo . :the 31st Jnly,the Hawaiau flag was disOli.3ed; 'and Was saluted with 21 guns by the forts of Honolulu and liy dig: Dublin.' Carysfort and. Ilayard, as well as the 4.lneirieak frigate Constellation;. In our next number 44) . 1611 publish an accaunt or the circuinstances Which - brrioglitibout'this msteratilr." - . &singular ; Incident occurred at a inigniticent .ball at the PreSidential Palace in _Mexico, (01 the 221 ln.caletiration of the anniversary of the victory of -istitpitto -over - the Spaniards.- - The -Ball-room was de corated with the flags of other nations conquered by. the i'diutienis ins various_ occasions. ,Among these til'aphies was nn English flag which had -been taken '11`0)1 'the Te:ums. The BritishCharge.d'Affairs who wsOrKesent - at the ball, became indignant at beholding , the British standard in the midst - of these evidences of Molde= tritiniphs.and insisted upon its removed. His yet:rest not being immediately complied with, he left-the ball-room, followed - by every Englishman pres . • eat. . - W01167"., says the Courtier Francais, that this inci dent: which doubtless arose from some mistake, will - pat be attended by serious consequences.. -The Minister of Finance has mad-known a decree of the - President, in virtue ofwhich the - th 4 narture of the various 'fondue:as sent froni Mexico and San Louis rotrisi to qrac - nnd Santa Ana de Tamaulipas. is positively fixed, without any delay whatover, for every fun - Rh moat, that is, on the lit January, Ist March, - and - Ist September. • - - ay- another'decree all sum's' of manes sent from. the intetierto the different ports in Mexicc., are subjected to ditties ofeircniation and importation, whether 'des erted. to VaYe ilio eouatiy or not. This decreo-virtual ly abolishla a former orJanaara qscribi og.a fixed du tv of rent. on the ciretti.ation, and 6 per cent. on the eXportatioa of . money. • As far as - ,tn be ascertained, the elections for Co.i 'gross- have resulted somewhat unfavorably to Santa Alien. There are three candidates for the Presidency. - vixt—FranciSco Elotiaga.,_ Juan Ignacio 00(10y, and Manuel Rineore. . Whether they - will all run in oppo itkin to Santa. Anna, we'did not learn. laPThe body of Mr Cutting,. one of the messengers at .the State House, tvhode disappearance we mention ed ten days since was found yesterdlty, thialing ia the - stream at a.considerable distance outside of Charles River Bridge- Teh apprehensions of his suicide were tilts fully confirmed. At the time die body was found, the current was rapidly flowing cut. A stone was fastened in the dress - of the unhappy man. weighing teti4anandsl he had undoubtedly attached it there that het:night make sure of his purpose.—Boaten Daily .• . , Witter 'Almonds and GiAger Root 10/tCEIVEI). this day, a choice lot of Bitter Al monds, real Jamaica Ginger . Root, and common an, ALSO, fat , / _catty boxes choke Gu N rote DF: R TILL - LLOYD & CO'S> opt 7 .. - 'l4O, Liberty Yt. • lEXC3ANGE - 13A!.(A OF 'PITTSBUTt&H, October 20th, 1843. N...eloctiOn for thirteen. Director:=.of thi3 lfank, to germ for the ensuing yea f; will be held at the Binking,..House, on Monday, the 20th (by of isiovem -ber_next,tpetween the hrair. of 9 A: M. and 3 P. M. opts . THpmas M. HOWL, MEKOECASTS AND_MA-NI:TACTURERS ' BANK, - PittsbUrgb, October 20, 1843. N,tilectionler thirteen Directors of this Bank, for the enfillKng year. will be held at the 13anking Hpitas;iin Monday, thi2Ottrllay of NoVember next. 021.-te ' W. H. DI:ANY Cashier. - - . BANK OF PITTSEU [YOH, . • . -} l i .. .. October-19,1843. • , oc I A. N election for thirteen directors a this !lank, for ------_—_— _ :XL; ihe en;iuirtg year, wilt be held at the Bunking J. W.,Burbridge & Co., }:fouse oo Monday ,the .90th-day of_Novernher next I A GENTS-for-the sale - of BEAT TY'S 'Powder, Water JOHN SNIDER, _ I .1 - 1:. street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Cashier. Pittsburgh, or t 5 1171. oct 20=te. __ . . BE." SKlNS,dressed and undresssixl, just reedit , . ES -PEC •' TFULLY M /1"04 Safe*. the public that T have - • edamforsale by _ A. BE ELEN. i I Rforrn ' o3ertr _ • • - • -• 1 and keep alway.• On hand an assortment of hire Ptoof Safes. The price, in ronstipepee of the ma -BUFFALO BOBES.bY . single robe or bale, rorsale serials and labor being much lower, is reduced about by - ._ '-. ,A. BEELEN, i thirty per cent. They. are kept for sale at my shop; in 034 - „ ' , , . .. Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on i . the corner of 6th, street—as alsn with Atwood, dolma &Co., and Dalzell Si. Fleming. Cu regard to the yid's. ity of my safes I leave those persons NVII.I have pur chased and will purchase my safes to attests the util ity of them. I-desire no newspaper puffs on my safes; justice and'rrittli warrant me in informing. the public that all my safes which Ittv:v been in buildings burnt down for several yertrii since I commenced hive pre served all the papers, books, &c., which they contain= ed. I have a card - containing a number ofcartificatcs of the same,whieh are in circulation and in my thands an d the agentes. - - JOHN DENNING. N. 8.. A feW pairof.„ steel Springs fur sale, made by Jones &- Colerriab,.und will be gold Iciw. Also, a screw press, with power to punch holes in half inch iron. sep 20-tf . . 110.1 . TTER-.-2T Kegs. • .1.3 • S Barrels Western Raerve. Dairy Blateriust received and for a ate by HALLMAN; JENNINGS &Co. . 43 Vinod st TUST RECEIVED, and for sale on consignment, 7 lags bacon, • 7 Waif suvrr, • • Can bereie!n et the store ofJa.cob Pnintcr& Co ~6 29 - J. K. MOORHEAD & r on cOnSignment, 1 - • 12 Chests Young Hyson 4 . Black Tea, _ 46 4 , - - - 5 Gunpowder. -- by - J. G. & A ;GORDON, 12 Water street. -sop 13 Pig Lead. RRECEIVED by S. B. Fork," five tons of Pig Lead. For sale by 012-3 t SMITH'S NEW YORK VARNISH; No.l, quick drying, in *tore, and for kale at the DRUG WAREHOUSE of J. KIDD, oct2 Corner of 4th and Wood icts. SMOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her rings just received and for sale by HAILMA.N, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street '.~, ~,rfs~' < .fir ~..-. ,__ T_TOPKT.NS' EXTRA ALCOHOL; for retailing ii for sale at the - DRUG STORE of • JONATHAN RIM), - Corner of 44h and Wood RiS. BOXES CHOCOLAtE, - -s•JAJ 10 do • Gro. Pepper,' • 3 do together with Mustard, Ginger. and Cocoa,` will be sold . \Try low to close con signtrteitt, by IISIL MAN, 3EN NI NGS &CO. 018. • - - 43. Wood street. Laiarethls Garden Seeds. - . A full s upply of Landreth's Garden Seeds-always on hand and forsale, a his agency, the Druttstmr of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184, 'Liberty st., head of Wood. - DissolutiOn of Partnerihip. - T" partnership heretofore existing "under the style of Devine Sz - NrAnoity, is this day dissolved by mutual consent., H . —Devine is to collect all sums due to the,,c.,mcirn, and pay all claims erintractiscl for the cocci - a' up to this _Linde ittslmFgh ; Sept. 1, 1643 . . . . . . 11. Devine rdspectfully'itifornts his friends and th 44 public, that Ile still truitinucs in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable. Boat I,loe, to No. 45, \Voter street, next door below Lewis ilutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight. to the East, on the very lowest , terms. . U DEVTNE. .. . _ To Printers. , WE have received, and wilthereafterm keep con stantly on band, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large - Find small kegs, which we - will he able to sell cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash CASE:z. , )Nyill be promptly attended tn. PHILLIPS & SMITH; net Office of the 'Past and ISlannfactuter. New Groceries!! TN arldition'to their filmier Es:celle.ut Stack of E.:11 A-FAMILY GROCERIES'. the FubscriberA have this day received No's. 1, :2 tindl:Nlarkerel. No's-1 and 2Shati and Sal mon, Sn s,piehanna. and Labrador Herri ng; Fish, Liquorice, Cocoa Nuts, Gr , uud Nuts, Lemons, Sultana Ttitisins.rtamared Cocoa, Sago. Mace, Saltera ttis. Saltpetre, Sperm Candle's, Chalk, Whiting. Rotten Stone, &,e. &.c.; together with a aent vat icty of m re alai choice article's in their line; all of which they offer at ‘Vholesale or Retail, on very reasonable term+. LLOYD & Co., 140, Liberty St. Dissolution of Partnership. iiE l'artn,Tsbip heretofvreexistiwz MAUI' tilV firm of I)icszY and Ar.r:s. DrAi, is 41-v diF.;Ol veil by mutual cori,:cat. .IAMES DICKEY, spt. 1, 1843. WM. G. XI.EXANIII.7.R. .I:I..NIES DICKEY re4Nctfully informs his friends' and the public, that ii Mill continitei in the TrateTor- ! tatiou BterinesA,nt his Warehouse, col iit Of Lilly It- TY ADD WA Ytt iTREKTi, Canal Basin, under the name of th 6 "Independent Portable Boat Line," where he will receive and forward freight to the East at the lowest terms ,opt, !I—tf. New Tall and Winter Goode .lIAMPTuN fi SMITH. No. 112 IVtaw A R{•:tun,. openiwz. and offer Cor ;title , a ver: lartre A and general rt:iton mem of seasonable Dry Good eon ,i-tting of plain xvuvutl, and dianna.d lwan.s r cloth, broad cloth; of ever ! ..00 1 ,,,r, ea , simeces. keriey;, hose , : baiv.es, blcaelictl and brown '! cottons, drilh. ticks. Alpacca lu , trer. black and colonel, plain and printeal mellow , . mon:lin de lams, Irish li nem., Mattioni andothcr sid;a, laccs,cumbric 4 , merinn, fancy and blankil Avlcine, F•pool anti threada, &c.. together with hn a stantment of carpet=, TUSS floor cloth, kc. , all of which we are able to sell a=cheaper gnods , ran now be bought in any marliet, cast or west. sap .2.l—tf .Lippincott Mills. Tll E s ub3criber having purchased and thoroughly repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing, and will koop constantly on hand, a fall supply of all the different kinds of Spikes and Brades, made from the best quality of J nniata Blooms, and us soon as tbe iiecesSary additions, can It- made t•i thn machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron. us4tilly made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 35 Woad st . or at the Mills in. the Firth Ward, will be promptly at tended to. . JAMES ANDERSON. • sep 29-3 m DR. NPLANE'S ADTEEICAN WORM SPECIFIC. • Mr. J child of mine about 4,1 years old, was constantly indisposed. and of pale complex ion; but had always a good appetite. In order to base the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Ver ruifuge of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, after which 20 or 2.5 large worms were expelled. I wish all Ger mans would read the above facts. The child's health is muCh improved. MICHAEL RHIN. Charticr's Creek, Sept. 9.6 11343. 11:f POI . sale at the Dru Store of JONATHAN KIDD. Corner of Ith and Wood ste. Pittsbg., . McLane's American Worm Specific. - I,IORE. PROOFS.—Mci..ANE's Wolof Set:eine. _LT_L Some 2 months ago, I purchased a. vial of Mc- Lane's American Worm Specific. eve a boy of mine most of a vial; he passed 40 very large worms. From that time his health improved very mud . I had tried two other Vermifuges to no purpose. I believe Dr. McLane's die best article before the public. D. CALHOUN. Muffin tp., Allegheny co., Sept. 30. For sale at the Drug Store of. JON. KIDD. oct 3 Corner 4th and Wood sts. A. IIEELEN Cheese. 2000 LBS. Very superior W. R. CHEESE, jUS received - and-for sale low, br LLOYD . 8.7. CO.. 140, Liberty st. IL DEVINE. C. A. M'ANULTY 4 ".25k- Aft .111116., Buggy at Anaiera. T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, Corner of . Wood told sth streets; on 111 - Onday next October 30th, at 2 o'clock in the afterumm, will be sold with out reserve. Buggy itearty new, latest modern 5 tsle. J. D. Davin. oft Auct'r. LARGE AND EXTENSIVE SALE OF DRY GOODS: T DAY IS' Commercial Auction llooms, corner of 21 Wood an:l Fifth streets, on MONDAY next, Oc tober 30th, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, will be sold, the balance oft% Dry Goods Store, comprising nearly every .variety of goods in that line.. At the smile time; withoutreserve, a large lot Uf.DrV GoO(14, of every rles cription, suitable - for the' approaching season, compris ing in part: Superfine lirowlelotb3, various color:, Pilot and Beaver cloth, dO dig - _ Superfine Cassimeres and Cassinetts, All of which will be sold inlerig,ths to suit purchnAers. They arc the beAt and finest set nt clothe offered at Auction this season.. _ • ALSO: A lure Invoke of Calicos and Mtislin3,• Merinos, Vitus de Laines, Flannels, Fancy Dress Ildfs., and Shawls, Steubenville Jeans &c. At the same titne,for cash ,pur money, 8 CMS of Hats, The above goot.ls will be ready for inspection on the murninr of sale. oe4 . JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. • DRY GOODS, TOBACCO, &C., AT AUCT AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, Corner of Wood and sth streets, to-morrow, 'Tharmlay, October . 26th at 10 o'clock in the forenorm; will be said large lot of Seasonable Dry Goods, in lots to init. pur chasers, among which are-- Beaver and Pilot Cloths, various colors, Superfine and Fine English and American Broad Cloths. Silks, Muslin?, Calicoes, Irish Linen. plain and twilled Flan nels, very fine. Alpacco, and Merinoes. Blankets, Hillefs, Shawls &e. AT 2 O'CLOL'K. I'. M. LI Kegs 6 Twist Tobacco, (Wright - & Jobasten's manufactory. 6 Pacitets Champagne Wine, Choice Brands. 10 Half Chests Y. IL Ten. 21 Cada., boxes do.' 11 lb, each. for caniily 1 Atli a.• Sri Hair Seat Sofa. I a, Barran. 11 , 1 Oni;r-.. Tables. AT' O'CLOCK SAME EVENING . 1 Pot•nt Lover Watch rwt -fit AT 1 RIVATE SALE. AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction R0(11.11S. corner of Wooil and Fifth street'. An extensive as- i OHIO. sortment of PRY GOODS, recently tn trchasied in the 1 East for cash, and which will be sold at a small ad- Belmont bank of St. Clairsrille yance on Eastern prices, for currency lir approved en-; Clintanbankof Columbus ... di irsed notes. The assortment con.ists in part of , Calninbiana bank of New Lisbon.. 20 pieces wool dyed blue hlac.k broadcloths; Girder/lie (Laurence, cashier). 15 " super. blue cloth; ( Warren, cashier).. 10 " brown. olive aud mixed cloths; ,Ci 71 rill n: ti banks . 4 " super. Beaver cloths; . Chillicothe bank 5 " pilot cloths; . Commercial bank of Lake Erie 20 40 n cassinetts, assorted colors . ; sonic very ' pardon bank li fine; , Pranklin hank of Colirmbus . _ . . • _ _ . .... ..1h 50 " tlannek, twilled and plain white, red, : Pariners'and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.- areen and yellow. l Farmers' bank of Canton 40 20 " Ett alish merino it , ssiated i•Olor1; !Gra7 , f: a I 100 all w0..il blan!ol Aliaw hq Gra rival(' 7'2 . 200 cotton 'plaid Thawl*: Hainiltnn nr 0 I OM 11117.. ::1)04.1 cotton. all colors; i.e a rasti• r ' 100 pieces bleached and brown nwFlinc, alma It ' Marietta 2 rcytt N.urioty of other articles usualk foam] in a Dry Massillon . . . (1,o1:1411oa„o.' . Mcchrznics' and Traders'. Cinrinnati.. , r 75-7 P A 1,0,1:, a s.i.irtment or bump., shoes, am! hats. MOW ni Pleasant .:.. . —.. which ..Yili• .a he .oil at prices without regard to the Nornma late advances in the East. sept 23. ' Putnam . .... • - - - Sandusky . Teas, Leather and Mustard. . Scioi, REC 11l VED ou con sitm meat, alai for sale li .1(11IN . r'rbatia .... iS. 1)1VIS. at the Cithouerci a! A iLititut Room,'. ' Ii weice corner iif IV,. id and Fifilt•street— , A - raiii 1000 Th-t:, HaliCiet , ts, and Bow:. of Young Upton Zuni. sr il!,- Teas, fresh importations; 3009 lbs. Sole Leather: 50 Klec's best Philadelphia Mo;turd. Also, 100 Ream: Crown Wrapping' Paper; All of which a ill be sold low tar Cash, or City accep tances. ' oct 23. 0 "" SI! 111 I.:S , Xlleglveny 13ridce Steck, t Pr' i (....)•-1 vate sale, le: IOIIN D. D.IIS, ~ Stale bank ... , . .. . sop 11 Corner of NYotal and Fifth streets. ', Bank of Illinois, Sltarnerlorrn VIRGINIA.. ... - Bearare of a Settled Cough! , Bank of the Valtryaf Virginia TAR. NV LANES Smlorific Lung Syrup, being n safe "). Ban virginia 1.1 and effectual remedy for Cougs, Catarrhal Fever, ! Lx rhange bank bf Virginia .. .. ... Influenza, Pleurasy, the first of forminw ' stages of Con- , Farmer. , " bank of Virsrinia... _...... .. sumption, Asthma, Whooping, Cough,&c. Some do- ; North- weftternhank o f l yr irc i n i a .. .. ... reit of certificates of its %%Junkie effects can be p rG " i Merchants' and Mechanics' banker Virrinia - (Weed, nne of which is now offered. .• - This is to certify, that I hymn very severe Cough all l Branehej" last winter; and was very much reduced. After trying . medical aid to nopurpose, I was advised to procure a bottle of Dr. AVLane's Lung Syrup; it gave me relief immediately, and in two weeks I was able to go out, and filly believe it to he one of the most valuable med icines now before the public, for Cough and breast com plaints. ELIZABETH MORRIS. A fresh supply of this valuable Cough medicine just received at the Drug store of . .1. KIDD, oct7 No. GO, corner of Wood and Fourth sts JLAT RECEIVED and for sale by WM. T11011:* No. 53, Market street, 1 500 lbs. ,purepalm soap in the bar, 600 " • "• in casks, 100 " variegutedsoup, 50 " white Castile, (only lot in market) 100." almond soap, in j lb. ceski, • 50 doz. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose .sperniwati soap, for chapped hands and for softening the skin. The subscriber hits on hand a larger assortment of the above articles-than any other establishment in this city, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, &c. WV. THORN, oct 7 No. 53, Market stre The proprietors of the MORNING POST and Mott. CURT A N 11, MAN UFNCTU RER respectfully inform their LIVER COMPLAINTS - 7 D yspepsia crnd Ind friend: andthe patrons of those papers, that they have gestion s with costiveness, acidity of the balm 1 a large and well chosen assortment of Etch, hardnessoffood after ineals,heartburn, flatulem.y, liver complaitus, with pain in the side and shoulder as7s carear23 • m .3 l , l ,2uktuact jaundice, bilions complaints, dropsy, diabetes, grave), , iT.cossary to a Job Printing Office, and_that. they are stone, and inflammation ofthe lungs, are most perfectly removed - and cured by the HEPATIC ELIXIR. prepared to execute This article has the most astonfshing effects in curing, I. LETTER PRESS - PRINTING all complaints of the stomachand digestive org,ans. Many highly respectable individuals in NeW York 4. 3 have been cured, after trying every o.ther remedy in i vain, and have given in.theirnatnes with permiision to refer to them: It is pleasant to the taste, and does not in the least interfEre with the dairy avocation of one taking it. Many families of this city have become so pleased' with the medieineA l that they use it as their only_family medicine. By using it occasionally, it keeps the stomach free from bilious disorders. and the liveractive, with the secretions of the body in the most. perfect activiiy. his composed entirely of vegetables. The care will be gradual, but certain and pertitanent. For sale at TurTtr.'s, 66 Fourth street. sep 6. dek THE subscriber has just received from the Nur sery of Landreth and F,ulton, near Phibuielphin a lot of the choicest variety Of peach trees, to which he would call the Attention - e? the L. pnhlie. F. SNOWDEN, may 8. No. 184 Liberty at. head of Wood. SPECIE-STANDARD. Merchants and Mansfactu;e i Scrip Exchangs Bank Scrip: .. ... Currency Erie Bank Scrip. E XCH ANGE-AT SIGHT: Ou Plain - Nov Yo rk. Roston Bali »to re 3. D. DAVIS, Aucer Peach Treas. coans.ctr.v DAIL! BY • _ 4011401:811, ItICHLANCIII.I34OIIIIII, CORN JCR OE+ 'WOOD AND TRIAD wrs• SPECIE Gobi..'... . . . .... ...... par Siltperr pa r....-•' -PENNSYLVANIA..—PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh . -- par Merchants and Mannfacturcre bank ...par Exchange ' .. --par . Po. Hollidayiburgh .- . PHILADELPHIA. . . Bank. of North. AtT!tried- • par Do Northern Liberties par.l Do' . Pennsylvania ...... Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania ._...par Farmers and Mechanics' bank - _par Kensington bank par Manufacturersand Mechanics' ,par Mechanics Moyamenting -par Philadelphia bank —..... par par Schuylkill " . .... Southwark . .. :." ...... par. Western Bank Of Penn Township .......... ....par IR Girard bank. .. . . U. &hank and branches.-- .... - COUNTRY BANKS G c razanlown. Chester county Delaware county Montgomery county .. Nara u mberland Farmers' bank of Bucks county _ Easton bank Doylestown bank - Franklin bank of Washington Bank of .Chambersburgh„ ..... " Middletown - " Gettysburgh " Lewistown - Snsquelain77o county Be rk3 county bank Columbia Bank and Bridge, Company Carlisle bank . - Erie bank ...... -•- • Farmers and Drovers' bank .. ' Bank of Lancaster Bank of Readino. Harrisburg bank --... • ---. • .- 1 Honeadah; Lai:easier " .. Lancaster co. ...... Lebanon "..- Mi n e rs ' bank of Pottsville m„nonzahela hank of Bromnsrille .... - New Hope and Delaware Bridge company Northampton bank Towanda bank—. Wyoming bank.. .. Wext Branch bank York bank Bank of El 11 ; - • Stab , bank and branches Slate Srrip All hnnA-s Baltimore City banks-. •• .. All other sot cent banks.. NORTH CAROLINA All solved 4qnks- SOUTH CAROLINA Alisolrent banks All solvent batiks Mobilt banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA 4 Ncic Orleans banks (g00d).... All banks. DOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, N. W. cortxr.R or WOOD Jtr. FIFTH STS OF EVERY 'BESCRIPTIPN - 1 - Books - ,Bills of Lisdlls . g; Circulars, Pamphlets.. Bill Heads., Cards, Handbills, - Blank Cheeks,. Hat Ti e, i ELI tntis of 131 auks, - I Stage, Steamboat' altd 'Canal Boat 131114, with, ap propriate cuts, Printed - on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branch - of coi f , business, July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. BAGS GREEN RIO -COFFEE, sale , by HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO. 43, Wood street. ARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ! RARGAINS _LP All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Iledst call at No. 151 Liberty . street, and see for yoursekes se? 7. J. MeCLOSKEY. -.a..~... _..~.._`` sue. -par par par par par par -10 no sale -.85 ..... ..14 14, 14 ~.no Sale . 14 14 INDIANA KENTUCKY ILLINOL; , MARYLAND G EORGI A ALAiSAMA TENNESSEE _ . 11101M1843 .7 n- --- alra 1 - . 1 , :t.STkINDART, INGft...HAM. & co.. , . . forwarding - And centudeeten. Merchants, Canal; - NVtishing,i - C o . : 'anti Line. Pennsylvania and. Olio Canal. Prnprie- A GETS for the Merchants' Transportation Com -1-- • pain coruPosed of the Merchants'. Line. Erie 7.,srLEitiel—t.NDl'l:l•o.lc.:•, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats anti-vessels nn the lakos. Cleve lora ofthc Mt2reltants, Lim, Ohio Canal. _ ' REYEII ,TC/ Wilkie & EiAivorth, No. 9, C,o4orititut Slip, :ci • Y • It. 'Hunter & Co. Albany. ' l i Otis Chaff, Boston. .• . • - 1 limiter, Palmer & Co., Boiralo, „ M. T. Williams & 'Tow. 1 , Flom. , John M. Allen, Cluvoliiiici. ... •"' I . Charles M. cliatiiiirg, ~ -. • - ' J. S. -Hickey, Beavar.- - Hirmingb,arn & Co, Pittsburgh: • ~ • . ap 1 1843, 7 -Iy. -_•• - - . . /kiwi/at - and Warrea Packet.. .-Mitern.. THE. canal packet ERIE, J. M. Straw,tnaster, will rtin as molar tri weekly pranket between the'-above named port's, leaves Beaver on 'Mondays, IVedneAdays,. aria Fridays' rnoili lag, leaves Warren on. Tnosdays, 'Thursdays and Sat urdays; conn9cting with the Stuze Lines to Cleveland direct, For freiabt or passage apply on hoard, or to • al RNI LNGHA.W.t. CO., Pittsburgh. DICKEY, Beaver. •';..14 . 74 - TZletcrTrin • .it.,.44.1. ' - 18 1 4 - IAItE REDECED.-1L it LINE OF STAGES AND RAIL ROADC.uts. from 4'ittsburgli, Via Bed ford, Chamberiburg, llarrisburz and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, counectins with the Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct tine toßaltimore: ' Fare to Philailelptlia. $O. Baltimore • 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. • Office 9 l dnor below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WALT6'II & feb 9.3, 1843-4 y. • 'Proprietor: The Great Central Route Via Naiianal Road and Balefinare and Ohio Rail Road Coe part -•- •7 7 1 - -N •••• ••• • • ' •• • ••. n. M C- -••.- 1. 77' 94 • • te• • ft7",1.0. For Sale. - ------- 4-, LOTS on the North East corner of Cool 'Lane and 'NEW LINE OF. U. S. M IIL COACHES FOR i High street.. Apphr_to • WAATIINIITON ,•CITT, BALTIMORE. PRILAEELPHIA ' • BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, t AND Nrw YORK.. - ' 1 sep. 10 . Market near Fourth street. THIS lino ii in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh - ..• - • • .--- daily at 6 o'clock A. INT.. via W a shington Fa:' . -- - F.: Rent. -• • and national road t, Cumberland, conueeting here :l iasTit That COTTAGE, situated in the Borough oi with the rail read Co' , so all tlle abr,ve olncr-s: Tray- ' 1 .- -s=ll_ Lawrenceville. at present occupied by John - elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, Parker. . - it being a siparate and distinet Pittsburgh and Cum- The place has a very fine -garden and good assort? berland line, facilities will I l e afforded which have not meat of fruit trees. Any person renting can have dui I been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at privilege orenzazing for._the -ep:liiiing -year. Possei the sliortest notice with the priyile of going through - sion given an the let of October ries.r. . direct or taking one nights rest at then-option. , Apply at No. 5 ClRllMerriril ROW), 'Liberty street) I For tickets, apply at our office tit the Monongahela or to \Vm. Taman, Smithfield street:: ' • House. . • L - . W. STOCKTON, ---sop. I. is4a. 1;4, a--41tf. - President. of N.. - R. Stage Co. _ A SMALL CHEAP - FARM FOR SALE. , A S,NI 81,1, Farm ill Upper St. Clair township, a;. I tl bout 4A Miles from Pittsburgh, and about 60 yard/ of the -Washington turnpike, confainir . ig ibtacrea good land, well TOC at ed ~,a improved. and alltuitstidleleared Thu Suiftsure,. Robinson,, Mate', leaves even - and. under . good fence; and will be aeiuoll Placa for la Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. rm. . - extensiveenrdncr, gardner, &....-- It has on it it-tood dwellin4 The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves ever! Friday at honse and born: and is Well Watered. It will be sold 10 o'clock a. m. - low for cash—or part cash and part credit.' Apply at The Montgomery, Bennett, Master,leayes every-Sat- Flarris'A ,, vnev and I uteilioltnip OfF CP.or , , .. urdny at 10 o'clock a. rn. SAMUEL istALLAND. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun-' —...--------------------. day at 10 o'clock a. tn. Toner:et., . JOHN 11l RMI NG 11 AM & CO., 19LEASANT rooms and good steam power, tit Agents. 1. can steel file mnufactOry, corner of :Liberty at O'Hara streets. Apply- on the premises'. july 16: des Portable Boat Line Deport., ____ itivilar - Packets, for Cincinnati. I Et.._ . onses and Farms to Bea. THE subscriber has opened an office (in connex with his Medical Agency) for the renting and 1 selling of Houses and Farms. As many persons are constantly wanting to rent houses without having the ____ . . -! time to run alxrut the city in search of one,.dan try call- A. MCANCLTY very respectfully infortns his i nc -U pon the snb...eriber, and stating the kind t f house C .. . friends and the public, that he hasinad& crrun!.. - es they want. find otie - tbat Will suit them, also know the meats to continite the agency of the boats forming the' number of rootna,„sitnation and rent, withobt furtheV C. S. Portable Boat Line, at the.largenCW Warehouse,} CORNER 0 n ..t:sn Lturar 'Tatars. Canal I Owners of beuses would find it to their interest td Basin, where goods will be rectived add forwarded ..ronble. 1 , NVS.V.i call, and dye a description of them. and the rent they with usual de,:patch, and on the nto4t favorable terms, ' requ i re , as they would then find. their honsos rented to Baltirnore.i'llibulelrhia, Now t or Boston. sonner and with leks tt made. THOMAS BOItSIDGE. Agent, The nattonage.of the Public is reSPPMAIIIF o..iiielieit; '272 Market st., Philadelphia. , i ~,..r , 21 _,- T. H. TT:TTLE, C 6, 4th sr. MOORE 5..--ell A SE.. Agruts. 75 Buinly's LW harf:Baltimore United Sta girt., 4-3 m. . A LLE KRAMER; Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cornrr of Wood rind 'Pin . . e trefte,Pitt.sburg Pa. Crold. Silver Mid Sollient Bank ,notes, botiett and sold_ Sight cliceki on the Easton/Oh:lei, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, rollocta IturEnr.Ncts Wm. Bell & Co., `,lnlin D. Davis,- F. LOrenze, J. Painter & Josprh May, J Ales fileongon&Co. / Philadelphia John ri Brown James } Cincinnati, 0., J. R. St. Nfo. Eml.,Pre.i't.Bani: Ky. Louisville. e Dv a - Staffs Just Received.. C HIPPED LOG WOOD i.ND FUSTIC, Blue Comwood, Mom, and a 4eneral stook of Dick: WooDs, in store, and for sale at the Drug Store of . ;lON. KIDD. sept. Comor 4th antiWood.sts. ------- Air ACKE REL.—I 6 libls. No. 3 Mucketel, just received andlor sale by 11AILMAN, J. EN N. INGS &CO. sep 3.34 Wood St. To me? chants and Others. - AGENTLEMAN, who thorouOly uoderstanas Book Keeping, wishes a situation in - that capa city: the best of references trill be given, Adaress - 14., at this office. ,an,gld—tf T 013.1.CC0.-10 homes Burton's 5 . h 'limp tobaeco i . 25 •do Russell & Robinson do 5 tin .flare's do 10 do A ssorterlsizes_and brands, just received and fer sale.by • HAILMAN, JEN N INGS & CO., nuz 9 43, wood street _ - - Toothache! Toothache!! Toothache?!! HE above complainx 4 can be cured in , five min utes„by using, the celebrated Mtiscovrrus - Dnors *bleb is warranted. There are many imitation and counterfeit*, of the above. The on l y -true on gtnu ine articleis to be had at TUTTLE'S 88 Fourth st sept 12- round, BOUT the last week in Jone, in a Clothing Store AL in Liberty street, a Note. of hand, considembly aoiledand worn. his signed bv- James Gaston and another, and.drawn in favor "of' Sir. Black. The own, er can have it - bv. identifying . and paying, mtrenses July 31=-cc - • Jizit Opened.. JO. 1; Salmon. .• • . - - Nn 1, 21Ana.3 Nlackerel, No.l arta 2, Maine Shad, No 1. Labrador Gibbed Herring, - - Ancl,Boollr,t. fine diy 641 For sale for family - u'ae, by LLOYD & CO. nl2. • _ i 40, L4)erty • Young Bpoon Tea. 115,,Cositil.onSToSr,glioaoyqchesitstva:t.adtbox.71::moinng I; andtyr sale low for cash. 30 . 1-PS D. DAVIS, of 1. corner of Wood and Fiftja sta. • Penmanship and Book-tamping. - - THOSE who wish a thorough knowiedge•ofthese branches. would do to enlist MR. S. W. STEWART'S Glintnereial ACftdeltly, on Fourth Street. near the corner of Market and Fourth, before engaging elsvrhere. oct 3—lm. for Salt nub to ttt._ Tivo Tarms For Sabi. T" good Fai-maon the Loyalbanna creek, Westmoi - oland county, about 9 miles from Greensburg, on the main road ts Blain; villa, 8 miles from it, and itboat 8 miles from Dentinal& town, one mile from a brick Catholic Chu;nita tiro miles from a, Presbyterian Church, sir: NO. 1. 20 acres and allowances, from 150 to 160 acros oleangS and under fence, has on it a log home. log ham ebe.—, No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining, the above. 75 to 100 acres cleared and under fence, a good frame boose and also e.witgon shade and corn crib and a stone spring house, all in good order. Thmabove will bo sold at a fair price for cash and payments made to accommodate., ore hanged for property in Pittsburgb,or Allegheny. Torfarther particulars enquire at Harris' Getuital Ag , cyand letelligence (ace, No. 9,sthst. 016 -gnilding Lots For Sale.. • THE undersigned is authorized to sell a number et torn beantifellv situated-in Aaron Harsplan of lots on "Grove , The rapid improvement and extension of city in the vicinity of these, lots. most Oreatly increase their value in a very !triort Claims against the estate, properly authEiniicittea, be received in pact Payment. - . -- GEO. COCHRAN, Exi'critor, 13113-3. v No. 2 6 ; Wood-street: TO ,LET. ATWO STORY brick house, ;amble for I .. dwelling and Grocery, sitnate.on the corner of Fifthand.-Union streets. POSSCSIIiOI2 given irotned.P atelv. Enquire of - • JA.' - VES 'MAY:. tioildbig Lots in Ellisnihighatn. • L un O tea TS, a g n u a i ta v b r l i e th f i or u b t uviladirrinfri,.uirtoteltt:Xtyi, the steam fer ry boat landint, he gold at prices to sulk the times. The terms of' payment tvill.be made „cuu6l either fur cash or such barter as can be made available& Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P: Peterson, Nu. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh., June 1. ' JAS. PATTED:S'I2; O N " .1r • • Lots for Sale. A Lott in l'S'ln.nclm , .4ter. One and a fourth'Aores n L- 1 - Landon Holmes' Hill. Lotg nom. 41,42, . 181, 182, and 1 8 ,1,171 Cook's .plan of Lots,on 1111 Hill. Alto, Lots nog. 28, and 27, in. Cook's plaid" Lod 111,g4t street, near the new Court 11,mr.p. tenni apply to Z. Vtr - . RPM INV3TOI4; sep 1.0 Rouses, &c., For Rent. THE subscriber has opened a hook to record any dwelling house, warehouse. store, shop, iroorni or counity farms and s.eat , for rent. charging the own ers 25 cents each record. He Neill keep it open for all -who to rent any kind of property to examine, and charge tberr.l2.l cents; end for a sznall compensation, -wilT attendto renting all kinds of property, acitiatiend kinds of business between Jaudloid and tenant. ISAAC HARRIS, ikeent. No. 9, Fifth at. Ml6:burgh, Pa , A good Farm for Sale or Exchange , A FAP.III of 130 arres on Sugar Creek. Armstrong t 3. county, ID° of which i.. improved. This tarrn is well ' , Altered by springs and t wolarge rims_which pass nehrlr throughirand then unite. forming an - excellent Mill Seat. " 40 acres are first rate for meadow or ".• gpring crops,- and the balance is good for fall - grain.--• There is no waste laud, end it is well adapted for a dai ry or fur sheep, and lies very well. There is on it a;- good apple orchard, _a substantial bewed log house, i '_large log barn and a good coarbanli, easily_actessible,-- - hi good order, and the quantity inexhaustible. This -- farm lies within IS miles of Freeport, Pmiles f • ‘• •.: - Kittanning, A milesfrom a Calholic chttrek and 2 mil- • from a .Presbyterian and Seceder churches h will be sold at a bargain for &ask nr exrhonge d for a good three story brick hone and lot in Pittsburils. For terms and particulars enqrilre at Harris'. GeneralA 4 gency and Intelligence office, or of the subscriber on the-premises. S. J, WHITE. 4ep-t.'7 --------- Bargains to be Had; '4") ar ()ACRES OF VALUABLE LANDS _11_ . .1.i) / 1,3410,1 wII t'>e, fold a bargain in lots to suit purchasers: , The land lies in Tyler and Prickotail Virginia—ond CLEAR 017 ALL EscuPtasftcia , For particulars inquire of the subsci iberS, if bilatiisfr postpaid, • - LLOYD CO.; oct 10 - • 140 Liberty srrect, PittsbUrgb- DR. 31cL9WE'S LIVER PJL S. THEREBY certify that I have looWn a number of, .Ipeople who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pins, and have been-much benefitted by them, ima holism* them to be the best pills for liver complaints, and for general use, of any pill now• before the public. MICHAEL FORNEY. I Irereb) certify that I have been afflicted foi 6 gears with a liver complaint; and haxv applied to different physicians, arid all to little or no effect, until I mad. -use of Dr. Mci. g ane's Pills. In taking tvco boxes of them grn nearly restored tri perfect health. DAVIS. MU tersinirgh, near Pittsburgh, Arteust 16. 1313 _ M' For'sale at the Dr %Store of JONATHAN ICEDIS. ..:. aug 22 corner 4th and-Wood streets, PittsbUrgb rreeman's Fire Brick for Sale. , JUST received, 5000 .Freean'a . best Fire t riet. . ns which Will hereafter be kept constantly on hanti 4 - and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 'No. ttl Water ft. I 0... UNDSIES.-50 boos chocolate, 1 0 5 do coco a; 1 . . . .4.00...._........1 ..... 3 do rice flour, 45 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 95 eans ground mustard, $ kegs do allspice, s s - do do _ ginger, 12 cans ~do do., tcmither wits # every thing in the grocery line, all of which isoffer4 at extremely low Flees, tor rash. -liAlLitiAN, JENNINGS & CO- 1 43. Wood strive.