Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 26, 1843, Image 2

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    FOR PRESIDENT, , sap- Adana caswat. Providimce. R. 1. was sar,e3?4 t a r Tile follow fray the St Louis_ Ow
JAS.' BUCHANAN 2Pl36tPnled 1312" C" b " -lifbee cif ' Dallierrige 4 r er r; r l e r : a
DeSttral , P*Pe " l" btl44sthal
who was an iniptinstat witne s s. thr - Tqe - - to the principles contended. for
' 1
is always too Lice; he Once lost his supper by being WI ; by the:idemoorak patty, The people begin to under
hind time, aid Dow the course - of - justice =titbit aut. -stand thatatatter;a.nd the bugbear of "low wages" can-.
penciled . en account of she Old fellows indolent habits. not again fright them from their propriety:— .
“The change in the money system has enabled us
to open our commerce profitably with the whole world..
We send our produce - to England, and our manufae
t ires too, and we Shall soon open our grain and produce
trade with every part of the world, where it is an ob
ject for them to purchase at the low prices at which
we can furnish them. With high prices this could not
have been - done. It never could have been brought
about under the high pressure banking sstem. Then
the prices of labor were up—the prices -of produce
were up—and-the channels for the grain and produce
trade under such circumstances would have kept shut
up. So it would have been an uphill business with
us. Now with the present system oT restrained bank
ing and hard money currency, everything is getting into
the best train that could be wished. It is well for the
merchants—it is well for the manufacturers—it is
well for the producers—and it is well for the shippers.
Everything is tending to a better state. We need only
Tom GRZAT Parros STAKE.—The attraction at the now keep a watchful eye upon the paper money ma-
Races at Nashville on the Bth, -was unprecedented in kers and prevent them from bubbling the public with
their grand paper system speculations—paper system
the annals of sporting. The purse was for four year .
cities, existing only on lvthographs and in airy pharz
olds,mirmad as competitors for it at their birth. The toms of disordered brains and dishonest financiers,
race on the first day was cal fed the Trial Stakes; being who represent things whiCh are not, as though they had
a swoop stake of 2G subscribers, at $lOOO each for 3 a solid and substantial existence. These are the men
‘i we ought to guard against. They are the men
vearolds,awo mile heats. Three horses only however v h n
v.ho get special grants of power by legislative authori
entered; making a purse 0(0000 and others pay fur- ty.people
, in order to make the hewers '
of wood and
felt, amounting in all to about $12,000. drawers of water—but the people , mast be on their
This was woe by Col. Hampurt's horse, of South guard—and teach them that they, like other people,
Carolina, in two heats—the time was good considering must rely only on honesty and fair dealing—and make
them adopt the good old system of getting their liviwr„
the state of the track, which was very slushy. in the host and happiest way that has yet been devised;
s. by the sweat of their brow.. It is a most beautiful idea,
4 ” 4 and most beautifully did Mr. Webster express it in his
4 "1S Rochester speech, when he said:
"Gentlemen, every body knows that at the faunae
, 4 " 17 tion of all that is important in human life, lies this
Oct. 9th, was rug the great Peyton stakes-4 mile great business—the cultivation of the earth. If it were
heats fur 4 year olds, named at their birth. . for this for his sins that Man was condemned to till the land, it
there were 30 subscribers at $lOOO each. There were wasthe most merciful
: judgment that Almighty benig.
four entries—Col. Hampton's Herald, c. h., out of Del
nity could have inflicted upon him!"
phine, by Imperial Plenipotentiary Thomas Kirkham,
(of Alabama's) a. f. out of Giantess, by Leviathan and
Glencoe; H. Clay (of Tennessee) and Alex. Baner's
horse: Lilac, by Skylark.; B. Peyton's, br. ,11. out of
Marta, by =
The Ist beat w is won by Mr. Clay's horse, without
contest, in Bm. 525.
2d by Herald 8 50
31 by T. Kirkm tn's filley 8 38
4th by do: dn. S 5?
Thus winningfor Mr. Kirkman some $39,000 or $40,-
000. It is said, certainly the first amount and pet- I
hapsthe last. This depends upon the ability of nomi
nating parties to pay their forfeits of $lOO3 each. ;
This filley promises grently,and has won for her train
er, Van Leer, formerly of New York, great glory—fur
it proves,wlrat in truth seems to be universally admit
ted, that he is A No. 1. among Southern trainers. And
to stand in that class is no small honor. Tne condition
of his nag was very glorious, and it won t h , race. The
time was very slow; but the track was a glutinous com
pound of mud.
And thus terminated the great Peyren Stake. Thir
ty nags are named, and at the end of four years four
only are able to contest the nice..
If Mr. T. Kirkham will travel north and let New
Jersey Fashion have a dash at his victorious filly, his
pockets can be relieved of whatever portien of the Per
ton Stake he may choose to back his nag with.
Subject to the' decision of -
Ict)t Oatlp Past.
Advocate has an article is reply to our comments on
Mr. Clay'e letter, in which. the editor'makes a most
weak attempt to keep up the delusive idea that HEN
RY CLAY is alone worthy the support of_ those who
think a Tariff essential to our prosperity. Iu our re
lent**, we stated that Mr. CLAY concurred in
moats with the gentlemen from whom the democratic.
convexities; tironld select their candidate; that he had
agreed that' Tariff for Revenue with incidental pro
tectiop, was.the proper policy, and that the manufactu
ring ititeraltuta as much to expect from one as the
otberof the aspirants. •
• The Advocate has gratuitously assumed that either
VAN BURER or CALHOUN 'from appearances will be the
moo,' and thereupon undertakes to show that these
genthtmen are not friendly to a Tariff for Revenue.—
Now, - if the Advocate had paid any attention to our
paper, it would have learned that for some time past,
wehave not considered Mr. CALHOUN as one whose
claimashonld bepassed upon by the National Cnnven
tion. Theleading friends of that gentleman had pla
ced him in n pOsition - which would exclude him from
a place among those from whom the democratic party
would Maki, their selection, and thereford we could
have no allusion to him, as long a= he remains in that
But notwithstanding this,the Advocate has given us
noeiidence that Mr. Calhoun is hostile to a pea manent
Revenue Tariff, or would with old his sanction to such
arneasure were he elected Presicleat. An extract, of a
letter is giv.en, in which Mr. Calhoun says he is ,de
' eidedly opposed to a Tariffor the protection of ma n
itfatturers.' We understand by this, that Mr. C.
vrottl4l oppose any scale of duties avowedly and exclu
sively to protect certain interests, and we venture to
say. that Mr. CLAY would do the same. Indeed it
would be difficult to find a public man. that would
- come into Corigro - ss or before the people with such im
practicable opinions at this time of day. But Mr'Cal
boartdoesaotsaithatheis opposed to a TarillfOr RCO
einge—tior do we believe that he or his constituents are
prepared at this time to 'submit to a direct tax for the
support of. the general govermnent, which ;bey would
hive to do "if a Revenue Tariff be rejected.
The Advocaats admits the difficulty of proving that
Mr. VAR Buttes differs from Mr. CLAY on this sub
ject, and assigns as a reason the non-committal policy
of that gentleman. We will not stop to vindicate Mr.
V. B. against this stale and silly charge—the very fact
that the federalists uniformly treat him as an enemy,
proves clearly enough that he is always committed a
gainst them and their darling projects. But the evi
dence they adduce to prove that Mr. V. B. is hostile
ton Revenue Tariff is lamentably weak—being noth
. rug More than anuntatiou from a Clay Whig paper Oho
N. T. Tribune) asserting that he is opposed to the ex
isting Tariff. Now this is too ridiculous for serious
notice. When Congress meets, the Advocate will dis-
cover that some of the sincerest friends of a Revenue
Tariff are not for the present Tariff, as it stands. All
that the Advocate has made out (provided the N. Y.
Tribune has - quoted Ivir Van Buren fairly) is, that he is A TUTOR KILLED.—JOHN B. DWIGHT, a Tutor
hostile to the existing Tariff, while Mr. Clay thinks it in Yale College, was killed a fete clays since, by a stu
"Nei.° and proper." dent from Philadelphia named FASSITT. Immediate-
ly after the commencement of the present academic
So fails this spasmodic effort ofthe Advocate to prove
that Mr. CLAY is exclusively the Tariff candidate, and I term' some young rowdies of the advancing classes
I Freshmen
that his, probable opponent is hostile to that measure.
were paying their respects to the
of th e inttimtion, in a course
That mr Bucesess is in favor of a Revenue Tariff , of induction prohibited by the rules
1 which Tutor Dwight, with others, attempted to sup
wa presume, even the Advocate will not gainsay—and
I press. In the perf3rrnance of tlis duty, he seized a
from all the letters and speeches of Messrs VAN Bo
young man named Lewis Fassitt, of .Philadelphia, and
Rap, Cass and Jonresox, we feel warranted in miter
sting the opinion, that all the gentlemen from whom
was in the act of drawing him to the light in order to
was in
him ,when Fassitt drew a knife or dirk, of
the selection of a democratic candidate for President ; recogni ze seme kind. and cave him three SIWCPI , 4IVI' stabs near
will be made, agree on the policy and necessity of a
the groin, and almost pe lee-utile the femoral artery,
Tariff-for Revenue, which shall afford incidental pro
- i which would have been instantly fatal. Tutor Dwight
tection to manufactures.
The Advocate asserts that our party represent Mr has been suffering ever since, and notwithstanding all
Clay as friendly to protection in the South; whilst we ; the exertions of the Medical Faculty and the kindest
assiduity of his family and friends, a fever ensued,
claim, in this region, that we ourselves are in favor of
which, after intense suffering, has terminated in death.
protection; and asks if this is fair? We are not sure
I . Fassitt was expelled from the college and returned
that Mr Clay's views are misrepresented any where—
home. We learn from the Pennsylvanian tha , he was
it is certainly wrong to do so. But we see nothing
arrested on Saturday. by an officer from New Haven,
"Valid?' in "locofocos" any where supporting a Rev:-
and taken before the Recorder, and after a statement
nue Tariff, if they approve of it. And if the Advocate
of the facts, was committed. Seen after his commit
. and its friends were sincere in their advocacy of the
sal he was taken before Ju,lge King on a writ of habeas
measure—if they did not wish to use itas their own
, corpus, and released upon giving hail in the sum of
_ hobby, for their own selfish purposes, they would see
nothing "unfair" in democrats going for it.
i The friend.; of Fassitt are wenlety. and of course he
rie.ln making up our notice of the proceedings of will not be punished for committing a crime that would
the sepperon Monday evening, the remarks of ALEX- I Fend any poor friendless wretch to the gallows.
ANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Esq. were overlooked. We . --
YeLtow FEVER.—The New Orleans Tropic of the
very match regretthat this blunder occurred, for we are l
certain that no speech made during the evening, was 14th gives the following report at the Charity Hospital,
received with more satisfaction by the company, than ending at 6 o'clock the previous evening:
the one delivered by Mr. Brackenridge. The call on Admitted 15
him to respond to a sentiment in compliment to the of Yellow Fever, 4
whole ticket, was quite unexpected, and he had no time , Discharged . 14
to arrange the topics of which he had to speak. He , of Yellow Fever, 6 •
nevertheless promptly responded to the call of the coin- I Death; 10
of Yellow Fever, lO
pany, in a short address admirably suited to the occa-
sion. , 'Many enquiries have been made why it did not ' Yellow Fever patients remaining, 55
The same paper says, "the weather is at present
appeal in theiroceedings,and knowing that its publica- '
very c 4 ool, but from the prevalence of a dry northeast
tion is desired, we will endeavor to procure a copy of -
wind. it is considered to be unfavorable to health.—
his -remarks so that they may appear with the other
Meanwhile strangers are crowding in upon us, and the
proceedings in our weekly paper of Saturday.
! stteets are a scene of bustling activity. A shower of
rain would be very acceptable to quench thedust which
threatens to blind arid choke us."
-- 131 P the,report of the .late Democratic celebm
ticm, it is stated that "Judge Shaler concluded by I
announcing in a jesting mood, that he would be al
candidate for:Congress next year." This conveys tinl
erroneous impression. The manner and mood of the
Judge during the whole evening, was in that playful,
sparkling, and piquant vein which renders hip so pop
ular end delightful a speaker; but the anmmciation was
not the less in earnest because it was made in the most
apt and felicitous way.
.The proceedings of the Democratic Festival were
in great demand yesterday; a large edition 'artier pa
per was soon eadaattsted, and we had to - strike off ex
tras to Faddy tiss-sispsand. Those whia have been dis
appointed itt , awataviar copies, can get all the proceed
ires in , oar weakly 'of Saturday.
CANAL COMMISSION eio.--The official returns show
tbatthe democratic candidates for Canal Commission
ers have been elected by an average majority of 13,-
.11 r. Faster's majority, the higbesron the tick
et, 14,531. The support givedto thisentleman will
be particularly gratifying to the democrats of Alleghe
ny; it was here that his name was first brought for
ward as a candidate for Commissioner, and the very
Battering manner in which he has been supported by
the people, is a gratifying evidence of his popularity
throughout the State.
GOLD.—The Salisbury (N. C.) IVatchmart, learns
that recent discoveries of gold have been made in
Wilkes county, on Roaring River, and other places.
~~_...,~.r~......... ~ ....r_
A: Gatms.—Tt h said that .Tudge Story has a son
about twenty-three years of age, who is a biautiful
sculptor, paints superbly, is a poet of more than .ordi•
nary promise, plays exquisitely on rt" number of mzsi
cal instruments, is familiar with a number of languages,
practices somewhat extensively at the bar, and is about
to publish a legal work of great value and acutcuess•
NICELT Duce.—Chapman; the comedian, got
"ittick" in a song-last Monday at the Boston theatre.
He came to the footlights; said he "I beg pardon, la
dies and gentlemen; but the fact is, T have sung this
song - so often that I have forgotten it." This bold crow
over the audience, the Post vacs, wus rewarded by
three rounds of applau:e.
lit heat in
ErWillis says—" l have had-a moderate laugh ;it
the effect of a typographical error in Dr. Julius's Ger
man edition of his travels in this country. The doctor
is giving an account ef an Rbolitionprocessiqu in
and he records in Engjish the inscriptions on the
banners. One,he says, hadthereproachful and pathet
ic sentiment: 'Although our shins are black our souls
are white!' Fur 'shins.' read skins."
Roche Ist.s:cu Alg,erinesof Rhode
Islifnd, not contain with oppressingthe male population
of that state, and purrishing all who dare tolnurmur at
the anti-republican go'vernment which 'exists there,
lately arraigned some ladies in Court, fur disobedience
of the Militia Laws. The women of Providence held a
public meeting, and adopted the following resolutions:
"Resolved, As there is no protection for women in
Rhode Island, and as they are liable to be torn from
their families without a moment's, notice, by a sort of
Letter cle_catehet, for the violation-of the militia law,
Therefore -
Resolved, That a committee of two women be ap
pointed to Wait-enQOarter Master General A mes, and
request a sufficient number of muskets to equip oursel
Resolved, That a committee of four women be ap
pointed to find a suitable woman to teach us military
tactics, that we may suffer no more arrests on accoune
of our ignorance.
Resolved, That we will try to improve ourselves, so
as to be able nt the earliestposeible moment, to shoot a
~~~:.: ~-.: v
i,F'An enormous skeleton, found in Boston noun
ty. Me., is about to be taken to the eastern cities. The
skeleton is different from any that have yet been dis
covered, and weighs about 4,500 pound.
A VOLCANIC EauPriox. —Another great eruption
has recently taken place from thecrater of Mount Ve
suvius, exhibiting a beautiful appearance, and almost
turning night into day at Naples.
vrEnKsriNG CASE.-A venerable old wag by the
name of Case, gat married "cult west" not long since;
and h. 3 christened his first child "interesting."
GEORG LA.—..The precise majority el the Corms i 4 not
yeta..certnined. The Chronicle and Sentinel gives the
fddlowing as the result in 83 counties'
For CH A! WFORD, (Coon)
Cocipm, (Dom.)
The CO111161:4 of Emanuel, Montgomery, Liberty,
Rabun and Ware, to be heard from; they gave in 1841
a majority of 109 fcr McDosar,n,
Wt SCONSIN AND lOW t —The Democrats Inter
swept these territories by unprecedentcdly large ma
: joritics at the late elections. In Wisconsin. General
Dodge. that veteran soldier and Democrat has been elec
ted delegate to Congress by a majority of 13riti, and in
lowa, his son, Con. Augustus C. Dodge, has been
elected by about the same majority.
Tue USIWLY M Cattaraugus (\.l'.)
Republican says that a young lady at the Court of Cum
'; man Pleas, held in the village a few days since, recos
ered the siun of i 533 from John T. Oyer, for slander
ous swirl; spoken by laht wife. Mns Oyer uitl learn
from this to listen in we, and tact less in fuvire.
The N. 0. Republican of the 14th inst.
half past three o'clock this morning IL destructive tire
broke out in St. Paul's street. and move than two
thirds of the square bounded by firavier, (~il9mintin, St.
Peter, and St. Paul, it new in. ashes. We could not
learn its origin. hut 01; lo ca toot ho 1e,4 than 50 thou
sand dollars."
The Diamond, of the 15th, says the fire broke out
i n the roar of Col. BARNES' Mdiclence, on St. Paul
street, between Common and Gravier. Soon after the
alarm was given, the wind hauled, and the flames
spread t apidly in every direction. They caught a row
of small frame buiklings. on St. Peter street. known as
••1' rerres flow," owned. by Mr. Communi. They
were soon destroyed. The fire then progress.ed down
fitavirr street towards the swamp, with great fury—
crossed to the opposite side. and almost simultaneously
caught sonic frame,, on the side of St. Peter street that
had thus far been spared.
The fury of the devouring element was now at its
height, and being favored by a breeze that appeared to
increase in force every moment. nothing could impede
' its progress. About sixty 5 o slings. s one of them
nearly new, were consumed. The 1114 ht. was cold, and
it was with considerable difficulty the furniture of a
portion of the inhabitants could be saved. A number
wet' lift entirely destitutc—houseless and penniless.
Fourteen fratno houses on St. Paul streets, eleven on
: Gravier street (lower siile,) four on upper side of same
s treet, seven on St. Peter street, with back buildings,
were razed to the ground,
We could not obtain an exact list of the suffer
ers. Many of the families are poor butindustrims and
respectable, and we have heard the names of a number
of arri.ans who have by this dire calamity lost the
firuits of years of industry.
- -
The loss is variously estimated from oue hundred to
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The insurance
on the property was Arrrtll. The principal sufferers
are, Wm. Freret, John Freret, Esq., Gen. De
Boys, Mr. Cummuni, Cul. Barnes, and Mr. Allen, the
The Barque Renown, Capt. Skaats, which vessel
sailed from Norfolk, Va., June for Cape de Verds
and Liberia, with seventy-five liberated slaves, and a' ,
ouzo of ow/eminent stores, arrived at Port Freya. Ju- ,
ly 23, an d landed part of her cargo. On the Bth of
August, while lying in Pcrt Praya harbor, the chains
parted in a violent gale of wind, and the vessel went ,
ashore. Vessel, and part of the cargo remained on '
board, a total loss. Passengers and crew saved. The ' 1
passengers afterward took passage on hoard the barque
Jane, of Somerset, for Liberia. Capt. Skaats has ar
rived in the brig Eineline. at New Bedford, (which
vessel be brought home,, Capt. Wood, her late mas
ter, having been drowned while his boat was fast to a
srhale.) The following fersons died on board the
Emeline, of billions fever, on her passage home from
Cape de Verds—they were part of the crew of the
Renown; George Herrick, (late second mate,) of.
Charleston; Wm. Luce, of Baltimore; Albert F. Lorn
bert, of Washington; Seth Crowell, of Barnstable;
John Johnson, of New Orleans.
The Hibernia brings news of a successfaal revolution
in Greece. The inhabitants, accompanied by the nn
tire garrison, marched to the palace. and demanded a
Constitution. The King acceded to_ the demands of
the people. A new ministry has been formed, and it
has been agreed that a national assembly should be
called, within thirty days, for the purpose of drawing
up, in concert with the King, a new constitution.
It is said that the King yielded with bad grace, when
he found that all resistance on his .part would he una
vailing. It was 11 o'clock A. M., before his obsti
nacy was subdued. The military Inulds 'were then
playing the "Mai sellaise" and the"Parisienne,” which
gave him cause to suppose that affairs might proceed
to unpleasant extremities. On the 16th, King Otho
took his customary airing, and was saluted, as be pas
sed along the streets, with cries from the people and
soldiers of "Long live the Conatitutional King!"
, ^ •• a
Districts. • , . • . •
Philadelphi a City —HenryS, Sixtekmo,Wit
tiara A. Crabb. -
2 Philadelphia County—FAiwanL. A. Penniman,
"James ELMO. jr., 'John Foulkrod,
.3 Montgamery—*John B. Steilgere.
4 Chester and DelalwUre—Joseph Bailey.
- 5 Berks , - - *Samuel Fegely.
6 Blinks.," kionry Chapman,
7 Lancaster and Leban.n-rßenj. Champneys,
Levi Kliae.
8 Schuylkill, Carbon, Monroe, and •Pike—*F.
H ughes. ,
I ! 9 Northampton and Lehigh—" Jefferson K. Heck
10 Sniquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming—AßA) im
11 Bradford and Tioga—*Daniel L. Sherwood.
12 Lycoming, Clinton and Centre--Voseph
13 LUzerne and Columbia—Luther Kidder.
14 Northumberland nod Dauphin—Jesse C. llor
15 Mifflin, Juniata and Union—Hein . C. Eyer.
16 Ferry and Cumberland—Wm. R. Gorgas.
17 York—" Adam Ebaush
'lB Franklin and Adams—James X. McLanahan.
19 Huntington and Bedford-Georkt Mullen.
20 Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria and Armstrong
21 Westmoreland and Samaria—John • Hill.
22 Fayette and Greine—Chatles A. Black.
23 Washington— Walter Craig.
24 Allegheny-and Butler—George Darsie. C. C
25 Beaver and Menem— William Stewart.
-26 Crawford and Venango—John W. Farrelly.
27 Erie—" Elijah Babitt.
Wert•en, Jefferson, Clarion, ;SPKean and Putter
—William P. Wiloox..
Democrats in Roman—Whirs in Italic—new mem
bers marked thus (") Democrats 22—Whigs . 11.
Adams—James Cooper.
Allegheny—Alexander Brackenridge, James A. Gib
son, William Sturgeon, John Anderegg.
Armstrong—Jacob Hill,
Bedford—William Bishop, Johm Metzger.
Beaver—Solomon Bennet, Thomas Nicholson.
Berks—Henry W. Smi h, John Pottiege.r, Dr. Al
fred J. Derman.John C. Evans.
B-adford—John Elliott, "brad Wilson.'
Butler—Joseph Cummins.
Backs—!..Nichalson. H. 211'Carly. Mathias Shaw,
Benjamin Thompson,
Cambria—John Linton.
Crawford—Wm. P. Shattuck, J, R. Kerr.
Centre and Cleartied—James M'Manus, L?wis W.
Chester—Jesse C'. Dickey, Robert Parke, Joseph
Columbia—Daniel Snyder.
Cumberland—Jacob Heck, Francis Ecles, sr.
Delaware—Jones H. Brooks.
Dauphin—Solomon Shindel, Benj. Jordon.
Erie—Dorid A. Gould, Alex. Nicholson.
Franklin—Thomas Carson. Jasper E. Brady.
Fayette—James C. Cummings. John Morgan.
Greene—Maxwell M'Caslin.
Huntingdon—Jona. M' Price Blair.
Indiana—John McEteen.
Jefferson, Clarion and Venango--Dayid B. Long,
J. B. Snowden.
Lebanon—Daniel Stine.
Lancaster—Abraham Herr Smith, Livia Urban,
Charles Carpenter, B( njamin Herr, Abraham
Lvcoming, Clinton and Potter--George F. Boat,
John Cook.
Lehigh end Carbon—John Fatzinger, Reuben
St) ass.
Luzerne--W. Merryfield, Chester Butler.
Mercer—William Porter, Darid Sankey.
MitHin—William Cummins.
Montgotnery—Charles Kugler, He cry Dims, Jesse
• ,
Northampton and Monroe--liugh B. Hineline.
George Bachman, notiolpimt Smith.
Northomberlan•i—Etiward Y. Bright.
Philtindelphia City—George V. ''Poland, Ben).
Llinehman, Charles B. Trego, Thomas G. Can
ner. William E. 13'hilinate.
Philadelphia County—A. L. Roumfourt, .Thomas
Tustin, Joseph Deal, William F. Indand, Richard G.
Laning. John Smith, Wm. D. Coloman, David Far
Perry—Thomas O'Bryan.
Schnyll:ill—C. M. Straub, Jacob Hammer.
Somerset— Tobias Musser.
SusnaohnnnannaW yoming—Lewis Brush, John V.
Tioga—Gem ge Knox.
rnion and Juniata—John Hall, John Adams,.
Washington—O. B. WFadden, (7. V. Lawrence.
Westmorebnid—Jos. Russel, Ebenezer Moore, Kil
lian A mbt ose.
Warren, NEKran and Elk—Obed Edson.
\Vault; and Pike—George Bush.
Turk--Wm. S. Pickering, Samuel N. Bailey, Ste
phen M . Kinley,
Democrats in Roman—Whigs in Italie.
Democtats. Whigs.
22 11
58 42
House Of ReprrsentativeA,
Dem. ma . j. on joint ballot 27 . ! !
This new steamer has .trained alreaav a reputation
for Apeed zreater than that of any ocean steamer in the
world. While in New York, it wa3 ,h , termined that a
trial of speed should take place with the Great West
ern, one of the finest steamers afloat, and the following
is a semi-official account of the result:
'Statement from notes taken by Ashbel Welsh, Esq.
and Franris B. Ogden, Esq., during a trial of
speed between the S. IVar Steamer Pyineeton,
and the British Steamer Great Western, October
19, 1843.
At 38 minutes past 2, P m., while the Princeton was
lying in the North River. the Great Western was se e n
passing the Battery under a full head o f steam, blow
ing, off strong, and with her fore and aft sails set; the
wind fresh from the lVestward. The Princeton im
mediately started her engine, gave chase axd coming
up astern of the Great Western soon passed her, with
no sails set and the yards square. The Weetern then
set up her square sails; the Princeton. following her ex
ample, made sail also, and continued to widen the gap
between the two vessels, When the Princeton had ar
rived at the Buoy of the Middle, below the Narrows,
she was more than a mile ahead oldie Great Western.
Here the latter ship Op make gOod the distance she
had losr,) took the 'Smack Channel," which is three
miles shorter than the ortliaary ship channel, which
the Princeton had followed before she was aware of the .
intention of the Great Western.
Notwithstanding the great distance which she had
r fosed over, she met the Western again at the Black
Buoy on the Outer Bar, and there passed under her
stern about two lengths distant,-then hauled up on a
line parallel to her; when coming abreast Capt. Stock
ton wished Capt. Hosken a plenseht passage, and the
crew of the Princeton_gtive the dren of the Great West
ern three cheers. The Princeton then passed - rapidly
ahead of the Great Western, in two minutes crossed
her bow, and hauled up for the capes of the Delaware.
- From the time that the Princeton passed Castle Gar
den till she finally left the Great \Ve•tern, was one
hour and fifty-ala minutes, during which time - she had
beaten her three miles.
- -
The Princeton occupied one hour and thirty-one min
utes in going from Castle Galrden to Sandy Book Point,
a distance of more than twenty-one miles; thus showing
her speed to have been fourteen miles per hour, against
the flood tide, proving her to be the fastest see-going
steamer in the world.
The Great Western accomplished the distance to the
Bar in considerably -less time than she had ever done
before, having been well prepared for the occasion.
The Princeton had her full complement of vial in her
bunkers. As also the greater part of her water and
stores; and a quantity of coal on deck equal to the
weight of her armament. -
The Princeton tu rived at the Philadelphia Navy Yard
on Friday evening. Capt. Hosken, of the Creat West
ern, sent back a note to the pilot, in which he acknowl
edges that his vessel was fairly passed, at from one
half to three quarters of a mile per hour.
immumwmn. rigwirNwowim
COILS AND Putu. 7 •The correspoulent of chePhiia
delphia ,Leciprlqijishenthe-fAlowing in relation, to I
Chili and Petu:
a Prosperous andpromising, country.' In
its social and political condition—in the Arts, in Agri
culture, in Commerce, and in all the improvements of
the age, this Republic is far, very far ifi advance of the I
other 'Spanish American States. There is more of
stability and permanency in its Government; its rulers
are guided by a Moretolerant and enlightened policy,
and the Representative Id4dy appear to be actuated by
more enlarged and liberal feelings thanin any other of
these Countries. The National Congress, in session
at Santiago, was proceeding with dignity and delibera
tion iu discussing and perfecting, measures for reform
ing the laws, giving stability to the institutions, and
fostering. by salutary enactments, the various branches
of Industry in the Republic. In fine, Chili is in the
full tide of successful experiment,' - as a free, indepen
dent and happy nation.
t. P RA 159 is the most thriving and business-like
town on the entire Pacific. The populationis already
nearly 40,000 souls, and rapidly increasing. The
harbor WU:I full of shipping, which gives existence to
a large amount of business in thit port. • Pedro D.
Valdez, formerly a Lieutenant in the United States
Navy, is "Captain of the Fart." He is nearly allied
to some of the most, distinguished families in Chili, is
urbane in his manners and attentive to Americans, a
•,reference the effect of having been educated in the
United States, and bean -years an officer in oar navy.
Peru presents the veri, reverse of this picture; the
of 3 desolating monarchy! Vivinco was "Jefe
Supremo," at our last ndvicds; but he attained that
elevation, as had most of his predecessors, by usurpa
tion--"though bloodless as,yet." La Fuente. receiv
ed a plurality of the electoral votes; but was in Chile,
at our departure thence, doubtless watching a reflux
in the "tide of affairs" of •his country.
A perfectly unique turn out has been exclusively ape 1
propriated fOr the private airings of the infant royal
family, in the Private grounds of Windsor. It consists
of two beautiful milk-white foreign goati, which have
been trained for double harness. 1
"A steam-ship, to be called the Janos, is beiirg built
in Chatham Dockyard,': the stein and stern of which
are to be exactly alike, and a rudder is to be fitted to
each, so that she w;11 be able to. reverse her course
without turning. She' is to have bowsprits at both
stem and stern: . • :. _ - -
The Qugeti has appointed Field 'Marshall 11. R. H. i
Prince. Albert, K.G., Ciptain General and Colonel of 1
' the Artillery Compann.viCe the Duke of Sussex,
Fashions for October.---(From the London and
Paris Ladies' MagaziOe of Fashion.)- 7 :Cachemires,
silks of every description, displaying peculiar beauty I,
both in colors and style with velvets, c.i istitute the
1 fashionable materiels irt preparation for the beason.—
Gimp continues to be niuch used. . 1
It is said that a new exploring, expedition h-about to
bedespatched towards the North Pole, under the corn
mond of Captain Ross. . ..
The captain of ttSwedisir brig, called the Buil, just
returned from a three years voyage, has discovered
several small islands in Ihe Pacific. Several of them,
he says, have not been !Visited abide Captain Cook's
time. and four are nut to be found on any map hig3er
to published. ..
The agitation for the repeal of the corn laws, in. Lon;
don, re-opened on ThurSday, the 26th, by a magnificent
meeting in Convent Garden Theatre. The league have
rented the theatre for certain. nights during the autumn
and winter, for which they laavengreed to pay thc sum
of $3OOO.
The new Royal Exchange, London, is rapidly ap
proaching. cumpletiOn; and vast improvements are in
progress hi the immediate vicinity. It is expected to
be entirely completed early next summer.: There will
then be no plaCe of commercial resort comparable .with
it throughout all Europe.
The King of the French has presented to the three
pilots Who w,tre ems:B.3.nd to conduct the French steam
ers, which conveyed the Queen to Treport, with £24,-
£'_3 and 121.
A letter from Berlin. of the 13th inst., announces the
failure of Messrs. Rink ..t. Co., of Iserlohn, Westphalia,
manufacturers, for 4,000,000 thakrs, (about 1600,-
From an official report it appears that the Roman
Catholics have in India, China and the rest of Asia.
sixty-nine-bishops, twenty coadjutors, la:wr priests,
and 2,211,000 member.i.
Twenty pieces of field artillery, of large size, with
carriages, i.e., ready for action, were shipped in Liv
erpool last week for the Mexican government. -
According to the Angsburr,i Gazette, three hundred
persons bare been arrested at Warslw, who form part
of a society of 3030, whose object is t: effect a revo!u
tion in Poland.'
Port of pittsburch.
Reported Iv Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents. Water street.
'Daily Beaver Packets.
New Fork, Greenlee, Cin.
Ilarrishorsr ' . Wells. Louisville.
Alleghenßelle, Hanna, Cin.
Mclntire, Scales, Zanesville.
*Muilingum Valley, Bowan, do.
'Daily Beaver Packets
R. Clayton. Hou.lh,
Lancaster Kliaefelter. Louisville,
Herald, Dawsim. St. Louis.
r7,7r- All beats marked thust!'l are provided with
EvaM,' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosioii of
Steam Boilers.
-- -
80 53
Coiner of Mod and Water sts, -
WHERE as choke an ass-ortmentof ready made
elntinnz, cloths, ea:slimly., intinette, vestings,
flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, Anvia and lamb's wool
hose and half hose., silk and gingham cravats, hdkfs,
stuck:, and in short, n little of every-thing - adapted to
the use of gentlemen, all of which purchzers will th,d
made up, and also made to oriler in the latest and mo st
improved :Ark, and at prices which, he flatters himself,
will successfully compete with any establishment west
of the mountains.
Having madczarrangemmt.i in the eastern cities, ha
trill be constantly rec;oiving accessions. to his alreldo
well seleEted. and seasonable stocks. Give - him a call,
then; if yon wish to furnish yourself-with choice articles.
Good and yet Cheap, for Cash! ,49
Remember the• place—corner of Wood and Water
streets. o26—im -
THE undersigned wishes to dispose - of some valu
able coal Jand,situa.ted near the six mile feriy,
on the Moriongahelaviver. The vei nis very large, and
the 'coal equal to any brought to the Pittsburgh market.
To those wishing to go into the real business here is
a fine chance, as the coal is favorably situated for load
ire, boats, and will be saki cheap.
* Apii/y to the subscriber at the office of C. Darragh,
Esq., Fourth street, between Wood and Market,
026-4 t" GEO. E. APPLETON.
has surpassed even the expeetations of those who
bought them. A largo and- superior assortment of
them: consisting in-peat sf Bronze Branch Lantpr,
with two, three, and roar drgoad.. Burners; Centre
Table Lamps with marble base, brims pea estrals. drops,
Shades, &c. Plain bronze mar lrel and side do, Hall
do, Kitchen and Ntirsery dn, with a variety of others,
only to be seen to be admired.
Also the celebrated PINE OIL which for cheap.
dens and cleanliness, stands unrivalled. The above
may be obtained at TUTTLE'S, 87 4,7,h at.
Oct 26
Wx.Pzi,cocz, M. Bs's',
PEAEOCI & - E241115,
Glass nutting Establishment,
WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glass
of all descriptions, can be purrbaserl at eery ref
soniible prices, together with a great variety of apletai,
cut glass, window lights for steamboats, private botuse
and chnrches, wholesale and retail.
Persons wanting any of the above articles, will d
well to call and examine for themselves, before perdu
sing elsewhere.
1.1-. Watch and Time piece Glasseceless3
on hand. 02$--3m.
( Late of the firm of Black 4: Mc Ctean,)
I WlSll gene E rai S , informto andhii the friei,d 7b'
i 'tc in
par- _
Ocular, that he has opened a new Boot and 'Silo
Store at No. 99, Market street, between Fifth and tit
Diamond, in the Store Room formerly occupied by .
Lloyd, where ho intends keeping constantly, on hand
a general_ assortment of Ladies,' Gentlemen's, Misses
Boys" and Children's Boots, Shoes and. Slippers, whic
he will sell on as good terms as any (Aber einablisl
ment in the city.
oet 25-3 m
St. Peter's Chnrck at Rome.
ALARGE PUNTING of this splerdid Temp .
will be exhibited for a short time at lima .
Lotto Room, corner of Fourth and Market streets.
this Picture. Bishop England gave the highest etd4
gium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 183(
it is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 otbe
paintings, which are now open to the public.
Admittance 23 cents; tickets for the season 50 call'
children half price. G. COOKE.
OPOpen also from 6 till 9 in-the evening.
N. B. The Rev. Clergy of all denomittutions at
respectfully invited, free of r.harge. 023.
N 0.13, Fifth street, between Market as
Wood, and corner of Si.zth arid Grant at.
T &H. WALKER feel grateful to th
. public for the liberal patronage bestov
ed upon them, and bee-. leave to state that they.ere no ,
manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very at
perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neutria, and ever
other description of Hats. , Also, a _var , iety of clod
sealett and fur caps; ull of which will be-sold at the ve
ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture i
done by machinery, but by the best workmen. by htusc
thew can recommend with confidence their Hats. tube
ing superior and more durable than those g enerally o
feted to the public- Merchants and storekeepers ex
be supplied upon equally as low terming in the Ear
ern Markets -1. & H. WALKER.
Millinery - .
.4) M r b S u S si n D es?, l3 fa S v (j or N s tti re re t :ry 2 ; th er3ei an yed ici- an f0 4L,..411
respectfully informs her customers, and the Ladies
Pittsburil and vicinity, in general, that She_ hag jut
received arrextensive and choice supply of FALL A N 1
WINTER MILLINERY and-fancy articles. - She i
prepared to furnish. all who may' calrupon her wit
every article in her line, of the most faibionable de,
criptinn i and at short notice.
Straw and Tuscan Bonnets altered aialeleaeed. •
Store on st. Clair street, four doors below Penr
Situation Wanted,
AS Teacher of French, Spanish, Greek, anti the Le
tin Language.
T.ho undersiped wishes to acquire a perfect know)
edge orthe Englis't, so that the rocompenso looked fo
will be very _ moderate, if he could get lessons in En
glish from those whom he may instruct. He was late
Iv - a Professor of the above languages in the.Colleget
Of Baton Runge and St. Charles.
_ For a character for competency and morality, be at
exhff it letters, of the most respectable gentlemati
New Orleans and Cincinnati.
Ur Reference in this city can be made to Rev. H
J. J. Chian, of St. Paol's Church, and Captain Jame:
019. Washington House, Water et.
YSTE RS and other refreshments,will be served al
N—lin good order. Namely: Oysters ravr,fried,stewed
and on chafing dishes. Also, It THE SHELL at the stand
or roasted, as soon as the . .season is sufficiently advan
ced for their safe trunsportatirm.
THE PROPRIETOR is determined that this establish
ment (which is- the old oyster depot) Ehail maintaii
its reputation for the good quality of his-ALE, LT
QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel
en or citizens may require. . oct
Farms Wanted.
SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 2(
miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis
posed to sell will olease call at my office, in srnith6eh
street. near 4th, soon
Manchester Nursery,
OFFER -for sale a large assortment of Fraitda
Trees, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs.
Winter Blooming l'Jants, &c. consisting in part of Ap
Peach, Nectarine, Almond, Apricots, GI ape Vines
English Gooseberries, Currants, Itaspberries, &c. &c
EXTRA LARGE SHADE TREES, very suitable for plant
ing on the streets, which will afford good shade th.
first season. Also, choice imported Dutch. Hyacinth
and Tulips; part of them are selected for flowering it
pots or glasses during the *inter. CUT FLOWERS
viz: Japonicas, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, &c. furnisbet
during the winterat the shortest notice.
N. B. Prmitasera may be furni , hed with carefu
men to plant the Trees, at a reasonable charge.,
Ckcaper and better than can he had at any °Litt
place west of the. mountain.r. -
• - Call for Bargain*
%i:151, Liberty St., near the JacksokFonadry
,uh.f.cribe r would respectfully inform hit
J- friends arid the public, that his fall -stock ol
Guoalcomprises a larger and more varied assortment
than has ever been opened at any house in this city,anii
from the favorable terms at which his purchases well
made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it cat
be, had in - any other establishmoet in this city. lit
would request the- public .to call and esantinelis spiels
did assortment of all the articles of dress, and frog
the eicellenco of the material. the style of vrorkmast
ship and the very low price at which all his articles ore
sold, he feels confident that every one will Snd it s.
their advantage to purchase at the "Three Big Doors.'
As none but the best cutters and workmen are em•
ployed, orders to make clothing will be attended to in e
manner not surpassed by any uther establishment it
the cite_
He would again return his thanks to his friends anc
the public fur the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest price, to cal.
at No. 151„Liberty st. JOHN ISI'CLOSKEY.
Observe Metal plate in the pavement.
Near do Cheap Stock Establishment,
T WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens
of Pittsburgh and-the country eenerally, that I have
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every vs:
riety, fora and description, and would solicit merchant.
and others to call and examine for themselves, as I as
determined to sell on the most accommodating term
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, $
merit ashore of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m.
-., OP