Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 26, 1843, Image 1

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VOL; 11. NO. 37.
- •.; • -1 ) 1.1.BLISIIED BY
N. W. eeihser of Wood and ,Fifth Streets.
dollar - a year, riyalde in advance.
qiitTlec9fte.PDrYil cENT6----for'sztle at the counter of
lie Office, and Dy. News Boys.
The.. Weekly Mercury, and Manufb.cturer
Id published at The tame office,' on a double nu'dium
sheet, at TWO DOLL : kris - a year, un advance: Sin . ,
;lo copies, SIX CENTS. -
One in,4enlion, -$0 iitil One month, , $5 00
Two do. 0 75 Two do. 000
Titree'd4., , '
2 00 Threedo., ,
7 00
One week, . !I'M Four do., o'oo
Tire .444' - ".. a. oo „Six,- do., - 10_00
Three dm, :" . . 4 00' One year, . 15 00
, . .
Oae Square,. .'- . fire Squares.
Six s , .. fil 00 Six: rnmit.L4 i $23 01[:.
Ouc 7ear,• -• 25 00 . Otle;ytrar, - 35 00
g`Totarger adverth,ernents in prnriortiuzi.
'CARDS of Et.uir Hiles - Six. DOLT-A:RA ,i yonr:
Offices &d. • -
City Post ()firer, Third tiecwi..e!rt.trkot . aril \Vona
strrx,o-,..!Ti1.:. M. I'oArmaster.
0/140.0naH0441e, IVAt4r, ith 14,%r frmliWiod. ;Pe
torso IVI:11,.).11-i., Collector.
Oleg . lireolfiry; IVry4l,lx•tw.• 'IL Fir:t - aad St!cond
Itroeti—JorwasA.,llli:ttrazrt. Tr,...a.nr...r. •
Connty•Tserixtery, Third strestt, liexttloor te the,
Third Preshyt•tritett' Churai+S. Tree ti
rer. , .
Mayoes Fonitit, between Market and Wood
qtreeis-=-Ate,iantk.r Hay, Mayor. -
MetchaSes Exehunge,:roural near Market
B 1). KS
. Piltsburgk, bctweas
,Market andiVothl .itreotz on
['Warm& Fa4rtli street.
21.ferckinlieft4d.ifahRfacttprer$* chid Fri rnfrrA' De
posit Batik, (fprnterly Saving /IM (1,,) 1 . 0
ttit 11, 1/1..1k . 11
%VOA gnd )larl:er
Esc/wage; st. twar Wooa.
Eturr LS
Mono>igaltela Ifentst, 1V tit , 2l. war the
Bridg - e.
EXchang'e liotet, corner 41'min and St. Clitir.
ilfarch+4 , ' Maid, outlier of Third nuil.Weini:
Angel:led allotet,oornisr ofThildatidSmitlifield.
Uni4ed, 4 States, earner of Petal st. and Canal
Spread -Ettgle,.-LibN•ty strm-t-, near ,;eventlt. -
Miller's ..41 - losion Holoe, Liharry St., oppositti
Broadh mist's 21fa ? siun House, St.. ~vpt w-ite
inlP7rtallt to OUTTIMS of Sam Blab.
SS mirk-ailed Self Setter , , .for 3aw
which have been sit pry in di:rerrntrurtA
of tho - VaitedStrttes, ni well ai in the ritti;
-burgh aria cat be :i•en in oTeration at a.
oumbc,r of mins iathi= tit.illan rb tun, ci.t: a; Mr. illek
erAliain's:Tnills,.o:l Ponu street; ut Bowntm & Chant
barn's !why the tipper AlieLrlip:iy briikze, 'miff
at Altirition' Otitis; on I t ace`, other. , ..--:
The Atm- itameti at:whine (.1.1:1 obtaimmi at W. %V.
410 p, on LlinnVi 4 1.1 . 001. near S ruitlaleYl,
where it r ,ig‘tiu in; Aq), 1,1 WiLn't: 010 in whine N 7 .11 be
kept e:nn-enintiv-tryi,ltantl-. Apply to 13. F. :+r
W. W. NV:illit' , 4 ll inav 5.
Evans' IChamorinlc Pills.
A31B.11.11:%1 J. CLENIER, re::idiin: - at (C,
stroct, New York, tri, afflicted Nvrtli 1), - ,1.14,i
in it 4 111U3S 1..“1 - .Lratod Conn. Tit:` sympt , nn. wore sd
-11.,•111h.laltirlIV, ene
.r.artltarit,Trai:i the chest ;1:1,1 stonireli - :111.L'r
i: nio n.j r , - .•.1 arpotite. :dni.;ing - at ill,•
stuartch, furred .
nau uPa. with fralurtitvourt
ing,s; towitrcla night and ro-ktli , ....stles , s.
nad cOutintted upwitrdr:of a tWeltiClialgtih, 011
consulting - 11r ,- Wm. 100 CI I,
.atu and
ruhtttftting tu his er snecessfill and a„:recable mode.
of treattnetit, the patient was completely res;tored
health in the short space of oae month, and grateful for
the iticalcolable.benefit derived, gladly came forward
and, volunteered the above ttaiThellt • For sale, wind.--
sale *tut retell, by . R. E. SELLE tS, 'A gent.
sup 101 No. 20, \Food .trOlq, bAtIW S coed.
.oast's Hoarhound-Canay,
MOTTL E, ha - 4 received this day from New York,
airest snpply of the abto e celelinite/ curefor
Coughs; Colds. awl C'onAlinttions; and - ii ready to sup
ply cthstotners at NelhAesale or retail, at. his Medical
Agetic.y,"66 Foirth -It. • ru,t 12
Dotter Ba.igains than ever, at the Three Dig
rjlllE.sithcriber would respect fully informhis
tamers and the public 2 - enerally, that inewhltstad
ug this unprecedented sales at the Three Itig Doors,
sl Airing the present season; he hag: still oa hand the lar
gest • and mast varied assortment of elegant CIAJ-
T WWl' that can - be bought west of the moimtains.—
Tke public may CPA aSsared that al !itrtieles offered ut
his store arti maufuctstred front GOODS, pur
chased In'tha Eastern market, this spring and glade in
to garments - by Pittfsbargh workmen.
in consequence of the multiplication of slop shops i n
our eitt; filled with pawn brokersicliehes and the lUll N . ,
cast. etl .-ariniusts-of former seasons, frinn the eastern
ties; the public should be ermines os ascertain the char
acter isf establishmentsin which they are invited. tr.
purchase, before they part with their moues. The art i
des offered at seivral of the concerns in ..this city, are
the mere biro._ of New York and Philadelphia slop
limps, and seat Out hem to be palmed off en the Pitl , -
limrgh public. Purchagers the al bo on their guard a
gainst thesedinpositions . , and they rosy rely on the fart
that no establishment that advertises en 4 lern 'made. Cla.
thing, 'can give mi good an article or at advantageous
harguinsas can be had at the "Three. Big -Dik,t,:,"
The public will pleas , . remember that,all the SIII/SCri
tbeedg-artnentskre inaleinthis City, by coinputei.tworis
xnen, and not gathered up like the goods now oiii•redi.v
Ale "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of
eastern glop shops. It N' All always b.• his endeavor to
maintain die reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
have obtairredfur furnishing u ruperir , r style of CLO
THINGin every respect, and at prices below those of
any other establishment:
ITelvisould again return his thaiili s to his friends and
the public for the -unprecedented Patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
found it to theirsukantage trident with him, he would
repeat his ?nvitation to all thoSe who wish to purchase
Clothing of every deicription at the la 'west price,o. call
IVF'Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. up .26,
Look at This
THE attention of -those who hare been somewhat
sceptical in reference to the numerous ceriti
rates published in favor of Dr. Swavu's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
unknown in this Settion of the State, is respectfully di
,,,ctetl-to the following certificate, the writer- of
has been a citizen ofthis borough for several years, and
known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. KIRBY.
I have used Dr.SWayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted for about four months, and I lucre no hesitation
iu saying that it is the must effective medicine that I
have been able to procure. it compoies all uneasiness,
an d agrees well with my diet,—and maintains a regular
and good appetite. I can sinceuely recommend it to all
other• similarly afflict-ed. J.lltxatcK. Borouch of
March 9, 1910. Cl ianthersburgh.
For sale by WILLIAM THORN,
No. 53 Market street
(YT 23 )
A.. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
OAicn mnioved In Bakt.twall's Officti, ott Grant strevt;
nearly opposi tk: the neA Court douse, next romns to J.
D. Aalion, Esq., first floor. sop 10
Thigh Taney; Attorney at, Law, ".
Nort,ii East corner of Sinithfichl toid Fourth gtroetA,
- . _ Frep 0-y
, I\I'CA:‘ , IDLESS & NrcLurill, • --_.
- Attontolls end Counsellors at !aw,
01Tir.e in the Diamond.. -hark of the old Clourr
stl ? 10 ' Pit t.l)nrkth.
Francis U. Shrink, Attorney at Law,
'Fourth sfitet abotu Vi
sep 10-1 y PittAruioi, 111.-
Thomasi.Liamiaton, Attorney - at Law,
Fifth, lait %veil Al'ocal and Smiihfiald Sta.
-y Pitt Aalrgh',
Wm. Cliiiara rtobinson t Attorncy at Law,
011k:eon tlits;trrth "Lido of tlien)iumntul, between
kot and Union streets, ttp stniE3 sep 10
A. L Datboraw, Attornel at Law,
Tcud.•rsbis profeA:sionitl s •rcicc to the public. °filet
sm , 10 :on sth st • :;-o..)eve
gyster& Buchanan; Attorneys at Law,
roni(iNtd. from dn. Ditonand "Ai Cornoy' Row,"
shady side of 411 i, bet weea Ifarket and Wood at.s.,
- , 41)10 l'ittAlin
N. Each:waster, Attorney at Law.
mmov, 4 l hiai fsrr t, 13, 2 nn fan• Building:, 4th
alNrcc Smiilili.Ll, +c}x 70
George W. Laynr„ Attorney at Law,
Mu . in „Fourth itreot, troAr Smithlit:l4, Pitt.iborgh
Al • p 2 7 —y . .
' Reado Washington, Attorney at Law,
Marc inßußpvi•ell'st„liihling, Grant stren, Pittiburgli
1.0 4
Sohn: J. Mitchell Attorney at Law,
Office corner of Srriitlitield.and Fifth stivoti, Pitt:bug:b.
uttli.- - ted tolik
care will be-prrriTilv ;I: r
fob 16—v .: •
.• .
William Elder; Attorney at Law,
Mort in Seculfil strs:ot, <:• •10 , ldu;Alahn vt• ttc CoritiV of
ap-.29-tf 51114111161, knit Adv.
_ _
Pitt:burg - 1i l'a. OfYu , liu Fourth ,All4. , l,..rriite 13 urkts;
11, A 741 E. A sus,l.,atten
tion tt iny InifinjAnqi-buiimBe, and I rec:tnnnen‘l hits
totl,e patr4w of my friends.
sop 111—v• • WALTER FORWARD.
Daniel WI. Curry, Attorney at Law,
()Met. (7;i Fifth ; 41147, butwc,:,..., tu-r+l Sthith.ficld,
ap, fi - 1'41.-11w-41h
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
Otfit:eon the corner of Fo , trtla and timithfielti streets,
sep 10 I'ittaLurt h.
Judsaa:A. Flancgin, Attara7ys at Law,
SutitLfi p-ar 7 ro,••*. swpto
p rate 1•0•,vilow..• ~...nhirer,
tip•i it ro ri,rl 0( C• "2, 01:11.11. rap(' r NO (Irrt
i•p4. l . for Ito pa.: , 111. uthc.4.• p: •pare.l. , ru.a. 17•-?:
lionrsr S. Idagraw,Ltttoraey at Law,
I Li, roin. , ;( A l to -t
two ,1 , ..)r5. It!,“ voS , lvirlls,}4l.
J. D. Grcigh, Att.:4nel'. at Law,
ritt- 1 . , ucf.!1
L. Harper. Attorney and Coanoellor-at Law,
C 41)1Z, II /S 1. tnf
Will irli`ntd 016 ~f
of I 1: , :!• on -r-4,11, (
TI-OrtraNY;L.,, 1 d.! , . , .`r.11,1 ca:1,11, "Staid:
and IVIlynC.
1 tle , ' l %
Dali-t 11 A.
.101,a J 1 p,• r, f
D. 7'. Mo j
my •)7. 1 13—tf ,
Offiou portly side of Firth -troet, Setween Wood and
Smithfield, Pit tAmi7:l/. .c,) lU—tf
Magistrate's Blanks,
Vor pnweeitita;,, iu attaelenent utAler the late law, for
sale, jy 25,
To Lk. need in Bunbruptcy proceedin^ , . printed on good
paper, and in th le.rin4 approved bythe Coart, for e‘nie
at thi: otlico. • j?" 25
Dr. S. a Holmes, .
Office i S•eulid 11,5 a fluor to nlivany S. Co• . s
Warrthiuto.. sep
Office Ott Stffithlicld t ret , t; third door Cram dm rortier of
\di strcrt. - ,-.op 10
IL D Selle;s, M. D.,
Office and divelrnig in Fenrt h :greet , near Ferry,
-ep 13—y PittAlmrgh
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
Liberty stret, a few doors below• St. Clair
11,6,1343 - -
Doctor Daniel PacriTeal,
(ALI. 4.11 rittil 4 , 41 ,0 4, /4,1 We. •11 W4g.d 41t141 titni[}d ie
stron,, I'ittOom-411. der I.o—y-'1
Mtn,/ Stred,
I;;rnt:forfhe ,::de fir the L'a ! :le Cotton Factory Yarns
mar 17—y
Williams &Dilworth,
Grocer , , Prodtwo and
chnnu , , and I), , :tler. in I ' ill•itlir,'ll ISl•mufarturect Ar
ticle:, No. 29. Wood street:lo—v
NEW (;001).S.—P.RESTON S . ; I.kCKEY,
Moltsole and Retail Deal. re in.
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 31, :Market.
scp 1. o—y
& A, ti 011.1)(
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
\zi u• ,trot.t , Pittsburg'''. sep 10—y
C9irp:iiiion and Terw,arding • ITlerch=tls)
WTF.n.m6.—Receiving and shipping,. 5 cents per
Commission on-purchases and sales, per
cent rnar.22—y.
Brownsl6lle 'lt:mints Iron Works,
Edecarft Mapv facturrr of Iron . and Nails
. Watehotise, No. 23, Wood st... Pitt ,10-101
eep I.o—y . . _
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro-
duce Ilteichants,
• And defilers in Pittsburgh Mauitfuctures
mar 17 Na. 43, Wood. acre t. Pittsburg
Continue busines at the stand late of ArCaridles.s
John.*in. Every description of work in their linnet tr
lv and promptly executed. may B—y
* -4e
WIEL E. ADO* AttaraC7 at 'Law,
R. Morrow, Alderman,
Blank Petitions, Notices, &c.,
Dr. A. W. Patterspn,
13I1n1INGIIANI &. CO.,
No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh,Pa
Bookbinders and Paper Balers)
-wok- • •
, • Colozan &Co: ) -
General .A.gcles, - I , brirarding aful Czninni4sion,
.11fere14u gel s,
Levee Street, Vichibarg, 111i4A. • They rosre.4:trolly so
heiicobsignment:=. .11-22—tr
LEmck:CSVIcK TiniN D. WlcK•
• • L. tS;. J. D. WICK,
Wholesale Grocer"- & Dealers in Produce,
116 'Neil Stryct,.4 doors above. Fifth-it.. -
may 1 Z,i ' - • l'ittchurgly•hi.
. .„
TAC Y L Loy o, Wholc.saio a lad Gro s
0 rm. and I' raii:vroi, No. 140 Liberty E•trecd.
may 20. -
Birmingham & 60.,
AC nef.Evt,i.AND 1.1 eh
Match 22
John H. Brant, Wholcsal oGroocr,
Dealer in Grain, GC7l.l'Ol I'lll'l lrrding ahd CUM-
WILL clispoiw of all govd, .ent for C43lllllli*Aoll.
Salesat the luwe , t c.nrunitision rate.
rr ertExcEs:
V. F..,her, Day & ri,4l, D. Leech & Co.
Da i nu; re—AV.lViirn &c,I. i Ikon flerr,J E.Ehirr.
Ifa rriAbli 1 Bucke,FlAnte,,.l M. 1101,11:min - .
jilly I —Gm.
.1011NSTO:'4 & SfOCKTON,
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
N. 37, Markin r. , Trert. se!) 10
John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, •
‘Vinee 4treot, near the Mon,mgnh,la iou=e.
10-y _ _
Thos. B. 7011116 & CO.
Foriiittwo \Van. Room-,,cornor of Band and Ex
,illov. wiAiiing t purcitii.o firrniture,
w ill tiod it ti; thoir iiiiittg , c to givo a 4.011. boi fill
o 1.. :I:4lprico.
U. )IVNSENI) &. CO.,
Wive Workers and 1:V.:3 Manufacturers,
No. Vf .E'sltt -tree • ! , ftLuet...N 2.1 Will 31 .;trnet
Corner and Saint Clair slreelx, by .
ep 10 & SMITH
PiLkington'aUnrivalled Blacking,
AT r X ( t: It 1-',D unitritail,
tete cl..mr Lielme Smithfield.
James Patterson, jr.,
ne;cr Piti-burzh. Pa., niattilnirtun r f
Irwks, tolvt , c4T, 'VA tinviwr
,erom hutt-.01 , 5,r rutling Tujlls, 17e. stT 111-7
John 1111'Clozkcy, Tailor and Clothier,
.tt.ret, t. hruun * Ulf/ V . l , ;61: :Ittf . .
SIM! ,f , el ,
_ . --•
Wobb Closey's Boot and Shoe Manufactory,
;;:I..N t rl ., pe a l J , or 1,4 th e B,,rtk.
a J.l 411,) ole• is 11W ;;,,c,,e„t
p:wer:4l . . 10
Willinin Doherty, •
41 1N1) (' 11'
If:, 1191 F - " 4 - 1 '.4
;L:1.1 s;,111. a> 10-618.
John Cartwright,
C r:ft si.l. : zi.•:l! ~,I f I.lnufueturPr
r 0:6:11 :1,1
is t• an v.,, , J+,ive -- qinivnt
Snr •Il
Hair D i v..<, , r' s Taant , C4 Patt-rt Shear , .
Saildlt.Cs kr. je
Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale.
AFEW iltoli , ,utri ['cet of :oa=nm d tutu Poplar
Loollwr, rah.. by E!pitii i .; of Jurnr • a
C. Cummins, EAq. nrttrthi• Fouffialu jr 21.
Ur. tr.ood's Celebrated Female, Pills.
rrJii E strouty;ly r,corntriontled to the
notice of hithi,t: a: it soft told ctliciont remedy hi
removing - tho:te complaim: neruliai to theirs , ..x, front
w_unt ofoxcn-vist ,, , ort t enerahlelthity of thy sy3tent. They
obviate ca. , LiV4.110,14, 11.:111 inttoract till 112,;terical rind
Nervou.s Thet.e but:, g a i n e t i t h e
tion and approbation of the most eminent Phyileians in
the United. State:, tad many Mothers. For sale
Moto:ale aualtetttihbv R. E.SELLERS, Agent,
sets- 10 Nu. 26, Wood Street, below Sacund
Notice to Dr. Drandreth . 's Agents. -
rrLIE office in Pittsburgh, which was established for
the pitrix*e of constituting agents in tun' seta;
having accompli , heti that ooject, is now c 1 e:cd, ttud
'Mr. G. If. LEE, in the Diimmud, Market street, ap
pointed my a.tn-lit for the sale of and
All Dr. - Brandreth's agents will, tercforeMn
derstand that- Dr. It. will send a travelling
through the countty once a yoar t. collect monies
sales made and rc s upply ;e4l..nts. I said traveller
win he provided with power of attorney, duly proved
before Clerk'of the city and county of New York,
together will I all the uveT.i..stiry vouchers and papers.
' INIr J.J.lnc is my trawling agent now in Pennsyl
vania. BRANDRunr, a
N. B.—Renrernlxer, Mr. G. 11. LEE, u the rear of the
:Market k inpw IhV only agent in l'ittAtrgh.
jeve 14
Faving been afflicted for nearly two years, with a
_L -bard swelling on the cap of tny knoe, which
produced touch-pain, and used yuritini applicatiims
recommended by the faculty—all iu vain. was' cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brautlreth's
lifiarneut. or•external remedy.
Wintesii ray ham), JAMES TAYLOR.
--Ohio tp., AlleOlerly en. Pa. Jun.lo,lBlo.
Dr. .Brandrethli external remedy or briaineut;-pild
at the Korn of GEOB.GE It LEE, Pittsburgh, price
5.0 cent.-3 perimottle.- - : 1(4) 8.
Dr. Dechter's Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR congli., colds, intluenzas. catarrhs, whooping
conch, ,pitting of blood; pain in the breast, all
diseases: of the breast and hors, and arrest of approach.
ME:consumption. Warrant d free from merrurc and
other minerals. B. A. FAH NEST OCK.
iv 12 Agents for I'ittsbargh.
William C, Wall,
Plain and Foncy Path-ail and Picture Frame
No. 87, Pourth•strwt, PittArurgh, Pu.
AN VASS bru4bPs,varnish, Sz.c., for artists. always
on band. Looking Glasses, &c.. promptly fia.
mod to order. -Riipairing done at tho ehortest notice.
P art iclllar attention paid to regilding. and jobbing or
Persons fitting stamboats or houses find it
their advantage to call. . 10-y
raft Painter, F tiorth st— 3d story Burk's Buil
dine-. J. Osborne would solicit a ealrfrom those who
desire Portraits .Speimens can be seen at his rooms
may 5.
Cheap fbr Cash,
nion Cotton l'atory
Short Rea Yariz,
No. 5 at 15 cts per lb
6 at 15 do
• 7at 15 - at,
8 at 15 --do
9 at 15 drl
ut 15 'do
11 at 15 do
-12. at .15 - do Candlcw ick at l 5 neat,: pct lb
13 at 16 do Coat. Butting, 8 do
14 at 17 do Family do., -19.4 'do
15 at- I.do Carpet 'do
16 at 19 • Cotton Twine, 20. do •
17 at 2tl do. Snicking Num and Com
-18 a .
let Yarn alwa:n. otilaund..
19 at t'' . 2 do. COlton Watju.. , made to Or
' 211 at e 3 do .IA - T. - • •
Long Red Yai7+.
500. at 81 cents per chrion
GUO at . , 7 do •
700 at cr •
tt . lo at 5A do
900 ut 5 -do
1000 at 5 do
Or iers prom] t:lv attenkied to, if left et T &
Puirfter'.l,Lorn, o &Keortedy'A,Or the Poit ()Ric:ll4d ress
.f 427 J K. MOORIIEAD &
Circulating and ;deference Library. •
rtligi"upr,historietti,Tolitical and
%yorks, will Iw - open nyPry any, §abbutli extept
(ll, from 7 I i'clock A. M., nntil.9 in the Ex
changebnildiiie, c4irxier of Clair 44ireet and Ex
ruitoici!-Attc-nd7l..lee will he eiN - eh
by J. UL;M:\ II L.
rep 10. .
Springs and 41ales for Carriages,
At I:aBlvr4 Prices
r 1111: ~ n hAer iher4 armor:64nm and - keep eon3oAnt
1_ ly on Ilancl Coach, C aIA Eliptk Spripg war
ranted,) Junhoa Iron AtlPs, Siher and Bragg plated
DaglrFrameg, Ilrasa and plated Bands, :••••ttni?
Joints, pao.nt Leather, hilvcr nut 131-443 Lanari, , ,
Three fold Steps, NI:1142:1W it-na, Door IlataileA
I.linge4. &r., &c. JONES r- COLEMAN.
sip 10 St. Clair st.., near' the Allegheny Bridge. _
TraTella'rx slwubl .tr•lert prori.iril
Etwil's Safety Guar,l.,f'urprcrruliasE.epinsion (f
Slav tia Boilers
IT Av,1:21,1 o ell ftic th , tr.o. &lag connuunity to
bear Ia mind tls their ity ilepend• entirely
uluni o encoavagetuunt al:Aral , that have or
ti:y be ut the Clil , llsC , of procuring the ahem: replant,
Oat every
. la , ti%idual in; etch Fe/VC-
W..; NllafZIS a general fort - ohm:hat of
all all ut a Oho .utniet - stand the
of the Stettin 11tezine, to he it sure preys:lea
a:,:tht-t those slrealftil .li..:trter.t. You
ill tic . Intuar , a , ,it that. filly , : ItlrltiTs.•
okt . n plazr, their 111 , 11 1 / 4 /-1 tlitfly Ort.liriltileC, Cll,l the
of lives !left h ;41 , auly heel; ht:t.lt sutli-
Client Warning', ;Ina :.iont to tual.e royally for a
S rued a'sl is to - e:y cit e a,zr.c it the
refe , ettro• ThtT h ire Ito.lr . to a a a-Janne:ill
1;10 r Du - is 1 , , rit:rCll tr. t tin:111 •r , .11 118 , r thercrorr
to oto - t•t tlyro Nvitii etot — svnotiso.rdogte. ,
3- 'I- Lc ,"", 1! " . 4 7 ' 1 'r "` i3h* t h, - ' iv
1,01.h0,i0 ....011 Oki, :rint ,acviiirc of
man * lkev ii.. eul rhar • go toofa• thaa otlwr heats;
their ace.l:nauubl!C „ us ia tab . !: 11•--lx - ets elpr,l, RUA
sUp , r;oll Una a these iz ,ere ktiving
l ' ittshor; . ..:hesory tla., e fly :+4l tUn any Wh..11
it C.4111.%,•1.0 ill \ poWcri,lnvi,,tl those 113S
Alt boat, mo:0 . 11111‘In Liit of Ai i iv , 1-
Diparti , 3, initruP.ll:l rict tirt•
with Ow .Saletv (it] 11,1.
.1.2 Of BOCrii /WO c; (1,2,1 with Sitfi !!, •/•,I.
A /.1 4 4 4 _, .17; (1 . 1.;55,
AGN , JAMES I; ()S.':.
A-1/A R,l LA I) Y (..)1-' 10,VS,
A DE/„4/ I) P, M ES 7' OR.
At,.: L A N 1), M INS 'I'L EL.
pkt:A/C TE R M A leg - El'2'F,,
C ADD°, . af 1 7 NG 0 p ARK.
1' ERO. 411 s' EN 1 7 Eft,
(7.4N-To.v, 3u ) spatwE y.
('91.1...4f BUS, OSPREY,
COL U.ll DIA , CM /0,
EMMA, .V.111(.4,
E XPll ES S AR mix,
rint mos A; SAR Alf ANN,
1' 1( ' 7'l? ,
ILL LW) 1: 4 WES' T 11.72 y
.1. 11• 13 1 1 , mar 2.2
New York Dyer
°SEE HIM ES.wonla respeetfullyinform his friends .
and the public. in general, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses, Habit s and Nl:nails of every description, black;
and warrants theta not to sot at, and to look equal . to new
goods. He dyes fnnq eoloN atilt descriptions of silk
and rallies yarn.. Also, clear:sand rest ores the colors of
gentlerrii's 6,thintr, so as to resemble new goods.
Mr: H. flatters hitmelfthat he ran please the public,
as he her d.sne an extensive busiac-ss tiew York fl,r
.twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, atlti
e stablislanwpt in st h st.,,betwenn Wood. and Smithfield
near tilt. Thentr* •
re This. is to eertirr that OSEE rm - Es ha - s do n e
work. for 1/A. WlllOll has fully rin;mqed our expos ,
rations, and we consider him a competent dyer.
S. Hemphill, Andriw Purdy.
Wm. Borne=, W.8.-Buies
J. B. Shutileit Wm. Porter,
1 - I,Sunth,
B. F. Mann, Henry ..Invens
• A Shncl•:'p. jr.
.Ta.eph Freirrthir., iuecrll Vern,
Gentgeßlilllez , , [IP 211
.Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware,
No. 17, Fifth sti-ret,Getrecn Wond and Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a pod n.l.sortment of ware:,
and solicits a slime of Public patronage. hand,
theftillowingarticles: shovels, poker., taig , .rs, zridirons..
skilleti,teakettles.pots,ovens,rotThe Mer-
C RINDING AND vol.:sin:NG —Sad Irons
chants and others are invited to call and examine for T gr ound and polished. anvils and otter kinds Of
rbernselves,as he is dtermined to sell cheap for cash or 7 - rinaine at the Ca.t. Steel 1 - 11 e Manufartorv,,cor
approved paper. marl-t 1 ner of Liberty and O'flara tlreets ittlig 13
- .
. To the Gentletzten of Pittsburgh.
IvTflE subsrfiber most re'pcctfully
A . m-nu the geinieMen orthi,,tity ithaidig.
icibi,y,.,bitt- ills leo: commenecd the BOOT and
SEEM: majdng hie - Mess in. Fourth kicct, oitpishe the
Alayoilii plias.. Bei ing been : forrmun in some of the
moot ftodiiirtathle beet shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furni,holhimselfwith the be,it -Fileiich and
American calf skins. hd hopCsliy his attention to !nisi
iics+, tOmccit a .lian. , if mildio..pati.image. To those
gentlinuen who have kindly inatrueilwd iiina he returns
his sincere- thanks,'and ran ,with conlidencc.l 4pp.Cal
for,the gotidnese of hii Work and knowlcder of hi.
buiiithis. .... - I'. KEItitIGAN.
tvintam'Adairi Boot and •Shoo Maker ? --
- .14.6crt y - st.'vp-posite the hca4 of ~' 'friithfielil. ,
j -
The suLdcriber having bougl.tt trot. the
'stock of the la ti Tilorna4 - Rafferty,llereasea,haa
. con - me-aced 111.1 - sin6s at: the . 61a sunia of 111 r. R.,
and iN prep:tied to execute all tleicrirtiotai.'of o , ork, in
hisline, in thd best matineF, and on dm; Ahprtest notice.
Hr keep: constantly on land a tux,;,...ti-mirtinentof shoe
if:tiling:of all Ilt.settolou :, and of the. be,:t quality. Ely
!=.olicit4 the vatro:latige of the public.a;al-of the craft.
.ep 10—y. . --- '. - -TV M. ADAin. .
. .:- .... ' David
i Clark, AEI., - • . 1 FA5,,,,,,..„-BLE BOOT MAKF,R, has removed
' to Nu.. 31 !siusket .... tree 4 , bf 13V 04111 S'co.iild
Third stmets, wherehe would be happy to see his
old amstornors, and nl.l wheys who feel disposed to pa.
trunisu him. He u.es untiring but finit rate .100; t 1 . 14
emplovs the blest of WI irkinim; and" aS he gives hi s eon.-
taid personal Attention to bu , ine,„. he. trusts that he
will .leserve and mei:lye:l fair ...bare of pt!ron3ge. '
gr.') 10 .
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap . fortash.
No 3, IA Jac ae. Tiro dwirx fruitt,lfork , t. -
I NTEs rnimuf,t tit Gres: . it t
.ettllJ• ter attic.. it Littlics', Cbilth—ns nml
them riwitper: fin ca h than
aky ran be inn t!Att th.• city: 110 will keep corronnt
ly ou baud urd mulie..tn m . (1(1. Ladior Shoo; of all
kit L wad at very. low !nice+, of tll4l fullowiwA
La -; Fowd. nicer Btwit,4., •¢i 7 : 3
ur AlorT}ccoGaitei-s, '3O
" 1 37 4 . 1
Fuxud 11:111GlitirrY, rillcolori. 137 A
- • brat kid land Nloroco buskin,
•• t3f.led Sliivver., (J.-fr.) I 124
'• Turf#4, [Pest (1/11.1
" - St)riltv, R7l
'` '` • 7•5-
Shoei Item I it-d. iti.-Cs! altd elti.l
- in the sante proportion.
pl:we, at tin! , ft t3a, Ilea
13• , ';, No. 6, Filth stwrt
.1 .1 NI ES lATEs.
I('C , sN1:1 , 1! AND eJGAa sTUltj
J. FC t. Kit ,
..1"-• 116. Wood ..!r, do , irrrhourath,
1.:1:21'S ciatitutitiv hand all kind i • ci( the twit
PlTa2jorbl, Cosadai ca. tOOl ,
Trythne..73.l'rinrip s.
AI, o ,
Toliat-Pit tif all twit t.'arendish,
till Ir, 11 , 71.am , :e Pbre., jlis, !WIPP,
tab n ,,... ,
Sri LikltTi)aA.Szc.
o:!usr i n hi s lieu', xlii<h h'
-tile awl n•tai!, :it tlii• en , ll pricc•s.
CALL :1N1) SEE. jr•ft—Gen
. .
Ati - xts ni; it :it t-t - any, -
Al the oh/ fide - 74d rnupg 211'ijnr. 1 Se
' coy.? *tree!, be/ wet7t
pt:L inf.rni , . cp,; - Tat,
1, firm. and the lmhii,c 2..• - aer,tily ; that he i= prepa
red t4l till 411 I - Imers far ll'ethinct lLurk, Pt' tiny kind,
ith all p".-i1,14 , de , ratch, and xvari-antad to be equal
1,41 tlw
Every troll hi!) will his tail to furnii.hitr - COFFTNS,
&A . , irefl.. jl . IG-"y
File ril.aniafactory.
Tiit: stih , rriber having rotnniuneell the mtintifar
ture Sref front A nierienti materials.
fuerch.ons ot other persons 'Mutt ing.ran be
11111.1tileti I)) 'him with a . bet ter article tlmn the foreign,
anti at lower I,rives. Intfanling- to use only the Lest
finality 4,1 raantifarturefl by the 1 1 ('S''n•
SHOE NTlEttc..Ett'?, whiehis now lirow4ht. to a petliwtion
equal to the Ltsttt Ettcli*li article, mtirtulactuto,l fur tho
Attrne pit t jwse, ale stthsexii•tr has full- i . : , neidezlee that he
4%111 I nide, in finality of artide.-.-: alai prices, ro - Tettlize
the IYest hoi,es of t 16,-nfLt of Altiefleart nitll.4eV.
, .
iy 115—y. ' Corner of 011ara & Lil.ortN; sts.
Iterate P. Young. Cabinet Maker,
.( Late of the firm of rm. n ,:. 6- 31 CU rd s ) ,
T_T AS commenced the 0n:be...4 in all it: branthes at
11. NO '22 Wood street, between Fiat and Second'
stet, where he gill keep-0011 , :afifIV on I.and a *uda.....-
lortruent of ell made FTEINITURE. ;Ind hopes, 6y
strict attention to hu..iinvi:s, to morit-a continuance of
the pittronage_ of tho public. •
Every at tenti , nl N% iiihe paid to funlishi a COI4INS,
Sec. A furniture Car fir hire. .144 11
Dphoisteree and Cabinet Maker,y 4
17 i.rd 0.. henecen it,0,1 trod 31, 1 ,-k f t,
Re.:pectfully inform: bi: friend: and th,eputtlic tltat'he
it prepared tip es. - ecute all orders for ..oft,,. , idehpardA,
'bureau , , chair-. tables, bcdstead.:, siandf, hair and
j . )rit.u..r mattras..4e:t. curtain , , co-pets; all sorts of uphal
vmu-iiiv work, which he wii I warrant equal to any made
in the city, and on rep.. , :onz,hlv term , .. sap 10..
• _ .
Matthew Jones. Daiber and Hair Dresser,
i+LAT,1T 1 .,,,,,,,), to F our il, : mu . opposite t he Maydr's.4.
fieo,'wbere he trill he happy to wait upon permanent or
tram:if:la runoiner.s. Ile s.lli,!it. , it upon
of public pa,-
trona2v. '
HATS AND. CAPS. . - .1 ... - . -0--
The cobecriber ha, log returned from the Eaer with
the late-t style of Hat:, ha. nem Qo ba n d and H in con
stantly keer•a large asfiorinielit i.f hi: 6..ra Marmfae
tore, which for lighthe,s. service, beauts, and cheap
,atliMi 1 , ” surressed. and ‘Vould re. pectitillyin
vite his frieucle anti die public to evirnino hie Atock of
Hateful& Ca r pi, at the ManuEletorv, No. 73. Weill& lit.
Rat and Cap Pitazudant447. t : 7 4 '
No. 93 Wood s'reet. dooyz below Riamone•Alle.!;e
Tri ub rib, ol
will Loop cuitantly on haml 'Pver . .,-
variety orthe naostfa - ThionaltiollATA and CA PS,
whalesale and retail, at reduced priCett.
Per.4ons wishing to porcha,e will findit to their rote.
ro.t to Mc,- him a call. - S. )SOORE. .
Pittsbart-h, ttag. 24.1"013.
41: lie • rlaili) litorning pooh
The 'curfew tells the knell of parting, clay,
Tn every ciimr filen Lapland to Japan;
Tots one spark ufbeauty s heavenly ray',
- The proper study of maukind is man.
Tell! fur yen can, what is it to be wise, ..
_ Sweet . Auburn, leVeliesi-villag,o of the plain?
-The Man of 114,- , ,,!" each 14iagbabo
And dras - -: each rentuvo a leugat'ainr, obair
v..hu can tell le:iw hard it is to climb
Far 24 the 601ar walk or milky wv?..
Precra*tinetioe is the thlef of timo,
Let Ildrcules himself do what he may.
.1 . 14 education fonns the cotrunarn,rnind,
Thu feast of mason and the flow of,sonli
I rnuAibe cruel oniv to be kind,
And waft a sigh from Indus to the pole. -
Syphax, I joy to meet. thee thus Alone. 7
IVhoru'er I ruam, whatever litnd, I see:
A volah to fortune and to fame uuknown,
In ;maiden meditation fancy free.
Farewell! and ‘vherOsoe'r tby voice be tiled,
. Why to yon mut:at : Mu turns the razing eyti,
IVith t4pectucles nuse and pouch oti side,
That teach the rustic moralist to die:
Pity the ;arrows of apoor old man, .
Whose beard descending swept his bEetts
',Alin Er where we must, be candid where we blu,.
Men nererls but always to be blest. -
[Bay Slate De:r.l4,4at.
Nut‘‘ ithstanding that-the man of fashion is plain*
dre.sed, no more than ordinary penetration is requims
to see. that ,he is excellently well dressed., flis-cont
plain, to be sure—much plainer than the cdat offt./r f iy
elothcsnian, having ncifliersilli linings, nor etnroidtir.-
rd 1.).-..ket-holik nor ow:velvet. buttons, nyr fOr collar}
hut ;WC' TIOW ittits I•inn—no:ske cast-irum awe lilcci: toot
sarli. bet IA? if . he had been born
neve is a harmoav, a propriety in th 4 coat of a man
of fashion, an unttndied ease. a graceful symetry;
delicacy of ei.pres.ainn, that has always 61161 tts with
the I , r,,found. , s(adwirm inn (!f the genius of tho artist
incle,A.l. no ready anule":. - . could pnr,-..lia . se ditt-tee
have soon—coats- that a: reill love of the subject; tut 4
wn:Teing up:in lone. car d it, fur o.lrmher connesuM, coul4
alone have , circa to the world—coats, not tha 411111 ecru;
caption of a ge.,-)m2tri:: Custer, outrined upoq
the shop-board by the crayon of a mercerrary foreman.,
but the fortunate c, , atien• of a -superior - intelligences
boldly en•cm-cd in t1„:,..:11.4).,)3, 1110Z . 71e: ILiof b. gerxeranee.th
- Yoh], very vain is it ,tho rtretctudor, ja, fashien: to
ling- into the qtetici cll . a first rum- coat aschfiece,
with ids reAtly mouovin hand, to order.lOchacoutt
Ord'sr such a coat; forsooth! orcjer a Raphael, - a 41-i;
charl Angolo, nn epic lu,er. Such a coat—we. say it
with the getunua's indizna 6u of a irve .. 13 . .. ton—is one
of the ruiviir:Lres unjust losrs, to
a selfish nristocrao.!
'file ami,tocritic. ttowser ett:ter, we. deservesoui we
limited: approbation. Ne . tiling
nineteenth century ; ini:.-hich who Gn manage
have the happiness to live, than tile precision we - have
attained in trowser-cut:ing. • While yet the barbarian
of theage. orpuvei-trti Jastotilers, realed theufficeof
trots rer-eutter and mar architect hi the 'saute
are, coats were without so - Z, mimal "inexpressilies"
expressibly had—or,'as Celetidge would have. said,
"ridiculous exceedingly." LI - our day,, on the contra
t', we hive attained to • such - a pitch cif excellence,
that.. the troivser-eutter Sh 110 fails to expressiun,to
his. works is hantedin to the provinces, and condemned
to manefaetute nether art/lents fet clergymetit
(hid country gentlemen.
The results efthe inhume division of labor.,:towhich
roam; uttirgexcel!encx of all. that is :excellent - 1n ton..
'ion is plainly owing, is in nothing more apparent than
in - Unit department of the fine arts_ which peoplerdc..
void -. ',Eta stii call fa_sfrionirtile tailoring. We have
the West End fashionable. artisit.s in riilliig-coars,
d tyss-coa VS, iu cut-aways; One is.superiative in a - Tag=
lion;;anotherileyotes the poierrs of his mind eXclitsive
lv to the ..consfruct ion •,,r a Chesterfield; athird gires.
the hest. part of hi:- life to the symetrical beatity of a
batrel-trewser, Fe" the united-exertions of these
ands thou.iandutl..ernien oftaste amid genius, is your
indiSpittibly-dreSseclinen of fitsbiou turned sat upon - the
town. Then there are cou4ructor,l of hersequarde
and foot-,pardsjacliets; the Oran Who contriye - s
would expire it' desired to 'turn his attention.toiliter.oat
era rriarchirig regiment; a hiiisar plisse maketldespiL
sun the ha nd heavy.si yle uf the colter; for the royal ar
tillery. and soon. Volumes would not shut if we were
to tilithem with time indefinite variety of thesedisgnisi•
ors of that nakedness \llllCllw as• fininerly our' shame,
lint which latterly, it walla seem, Las become oust
pride. ‘Vith the exception of • one gentlemen tity
wards, who hits achieved an ineruirtaliry in the articlo
orbox-coots, every centiieer of, men of Anshictri---are
mean in the fatkaing, 'whir-his- the - principal derit:
ment--resides in the parish of St. James, within easy
reach of their distinguished patrons. These - gentleme4
have' a high null. self respecting idea of the nobleness
and utility Of vocsi ion. A - friend of ours, (61WhOni.
I .weli.itow. no harm, sate that he pays his tailor's' bill,)
being one day of with this Mint uel form of Mimi,
ty,. desired the artist to deduct same odd shillings from
his ward, to make it pounds. 'Excuse me,
said. Snip. 'but pray let ni twitalk o 1 pomade....
Pounds for tradesmen, if yOti,please; but artiats,
art i.-ta are always remunerated wkliguitteast'..--/j/aelo.
• trued. _
We have now aseertaim:d with precision, and lay
before the
_public, the very truth as tt the pending or
suspended deterthination of the question-:-sa pretty
considerable On'e---Whether l A llikulelphha is to bu richer
I- poorer by Girartl's will. Thus it stinds, we learnt
Of the six Judges of thosupre.ne court: of the.r. S.,
on the bench when the ca_st was heard, 'three, namely ?
Judges,Bafdhia Catron, and Wayne.. were fo; suss
taining the will; and the-other three, namely, Judges
Taney,..,ll'Clean and Daniel, were for.declaring the
will inriperative, ft.s regards the trust. Not merely the
it twee is denied legal. capacity, but •the trust itself."-
On that hangs the matter. Of the three shunt Judg
es, it is believed that Judge Thornpann saes with the
will, rind ;ha t .li/dee Story, by some of his - writteu pub
lications, is committed - against it. So the eight
Jud woairl stand four ag four--as the six stood
three azainst three. .The opinion of die ninth Judge,
31cKialey', is utilsnevlrn. But be was the Judge, whose
decr , :e against the corporate power of banks out of irta
Stair ekarleling. them. we before menri:Oned. as Isr
gued by Mr. C. J. LT171:5011, thou:b m : erruleOititli
Supreme Court.. So here hangs this affaltOrikartm
odes: sword. by itlacr—a breath may lea Ur, crt s.
breath unmake. Glorio.t.s unoertainty ..of the law?
Webster is engaged as counsel against the City. 'Shall
we have another Whig victory? or will Pliihidelphit
be demolished --Phila. Sp. Times.
BRIEF I) rA.T.OG F: .—"Hollat boy—Whose is that mot
house on the top of the hilt?"
"tic lather 'R. "
"it i-tet every bolt that knows his own father—who
j. vror...?"
'•Mothers husband."
"That is verYprobable;fiut I would like to know *44/
yriur father find y'nur mother are."
` • I will informi you. sir. They are the parents of 14
onls 7 son, who knows how to practise the wiseprecepie
()rising Solomon. —
“In what way?”
"By answerinc a fool accoi`dutg to his folly."
N. 0. Crescoa City: