4 , id Ili VA; 1 '1+:1 'di 01 : IMEEM F WOOD AND FIFTH sTREETs, PaTsBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, P - A — Y - A - BL - E-AN4I.D.'ANCE: )0,1.44411ED pAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER 0 VOL. 11. _NO, 36. • • PUBLISHED BY MOMAS.PairaLLPS & : WM. IL SMITS eorru3r of Wood and Fifa Streets. Tse~t —Five dollars a year, payable in advance. ritteritiiiitti Two (..:Es TA -•••••for Sale at the counter of itAJateticand by Nevis Boys. The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer 'iiblished at the game office, on a double medium :iebt;'ittTWO DOLLARS n. year, in advance. Sin- GOThieg, SIX CENTS. VIBEINIS OF A , I:ft 'SQUARE OF TIV >no iapart.ion, $0 50 - rNto .d0,,75 2 00 - 4141 weak, ; 1 50 Cyr!?. 3 00 Ckcea,do., 4 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. •, CHANGEABLE AT PLEASURE. • ;isA %l Sitiest - e - . Trro Squares. itiOttilatits, VIE 00 Six months, ' $23 00 Jaftxe_ar 4 25 00 One year, 35 - 00 , . twradvertisements in proprtion. •aPCARDS of four lines Six Doti,sits a year. Public Offices, &c +City:Post 0 Jim, Third betwaen M.arket and \Vood ittiOrt9wi-41.:51. Riddle, Postmaster. Cneom lth d ra fr.):n Wood st..,Pe .eMoith briilcking•s-3iajor John Willuck, Collector. OP.yiTidasstry, and Second ttrcets—Jams A. Ilartram, Tr,...a3urer. 4011114y , ITreasztrii , Third street, next doom to the riefitireriraohyttiriah . Churcit—S. IL John:Aim, Trertsu- WOW& Office, Fourth, howroeu Market and Wood sit44olV-Alesaniler Hay, Mayor. Ifty-ekeines Exaange, Fourth near Market. st. BANKS. pp/burgh, bctwoett Market and Wood streets on rigio:Na ourth streets. terdi4iitts' thiti Man rtfachirrrs . and Fa rnter,' De posioUfmk, (forml,;rly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between %Vitipi 4t4a:Marliet st rue ts. 'Exaiingr, Fifth st. near Wood. IIOTELS Monongahela House, Water stn .-et, nzar the Midge.;r. , Z.rejtazge• Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair. • Aliferehensts'llotel, corner of Third and Wood. American Hot el,earne If }tied and Soli thfiehl. -fhtitedstaten, corner of Penn e 4. and Canal -fipilemil Bogie, Lib-rte street, near seventh. -Milkr's Mansion Honsa, Liberty St., opposite `Witositew Broadkurst's Mansion House, P eau St., opposite •Ilipsitant .to 0 woora of Saw :Mills. VrYDk R'S uarivalled Self St.tters, for saw mills, miettiukt have_ ht•tm r so fully to=ted iiiirerent parts of the Uaited Stites, as well a.; in the cities of Pitts b r g Laad Alleiheilv, cin be seen in (qv:ration at a. numbcr of mills in thi 11'2i iz: at Mr. \Vick, erakram'o mills, on l'enn street; at Bowman & Cham burs'a ucar the upper Allegheny bridge, and atfeAffurrie , me4 milk, oa Il are's Ishtatl, and others.— Tha above nurrrA in t ithe ran be obtained at W. W. Wsll4.lo's Atop, tm Liberty street, near Smithfield, where it. is littiag up, and srli.n-o the in.t...ftine will be kept coast/Ludy on hands. Apply- ty B. F. Snyder, or W. W. Wallaei.. , nt Ay 5 Evans' Chamomile Pills A BR.UIAM CLENIER, at 66, .Mutt str?.ot, New Yor'*, all - 10tr-!d With Dy, , INTAII. 1-4,1 Inlita.:;4l.l.Vat'Ul f.); - at. Th e -*y.rt,it no were ei s ont •adardi..t, Imm.',emitivene,7s,cough, tortblrit, pain in the ch.e.A and stomach always after sating, datioitrecl appetite, sensation of iinking at the „ tomig h, f urre d toag - ne , trauma, with fi.equent vomit clizzineAs toward; night and rastles,mess. These tesil.: comb:Ned . upwaril*of a. twelvemonth, when, on coast/king Dr.. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever stmeettil and agreeable mode o ttuAltuent, the patient was completely restored to healthih the ahort, space of one month, anti grateful for the incailettlable benctit.derived, gladly came forward anasOluntemod. the above ,:tateriemt For ,=ale, whole otaktlaid mail, by 11. E. SELLERS, Agent, • eetplfs-y No. 20, Woml street, below Second. Peases lloarhound Candy. FrLITTLE has mceived this day from New York, tresh supply of the above celebrated cure for Cta . usits, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup ply !I.4t.omers at wholesale or retail, at hPs Medical Accpxy; fiG . Fourth st. roe B Ater Bargains than ever, at the Three Dig Doors. . subscriber would r.spectfully inform his cu;- 1 tonteis and the public ally , that, in usv ithstad- Rohb unprecedonted sales at the Three Big Door;, Juring,the present season; he has still on hand the lar gest and most varied assortment oftileant CLO TH.LIN-GAhsAcaa he bought west of the mouutains.— The public may rest assured that ill `articles offered at his store are maufaaured from FRESH GOODS, pur eittisediritho L;astern markets this spring , and Made in t tokaribeets by Viutsburgh workmen. Lt Consequence of the undtiplicatioa of slop shops in our city, filled with pawn brokers clothe:and the musty, castoff g reaMats of former seasoes, from the eastern O de* the public should he cautious to -ascertain the char 7 miter oftioe'establishmems in which they are invited to purchas:e, before they part with their money. The arti cles oirerdd at se‘ end of the concerns in this city, are t h ei s t/ pre of als of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and - sent out hero to be palmed MT on the Pius- PUirCha.3ol'2.; Pllet '.4.1 be, on their guard a gainst. these impositions, and they may rely on the fact thattla establishmeut that adv , ulises c a stern •ef.a de C thingt,flosu give as good an article or as telvautagvanis ts aut can be had at the "Three Big Doors." -Thopublic will please ro:nember that all the subsCri biledl garUl4ntsare maileinthis city,by competent work mewpaniftwit4rathered up like the goods new offered by thefibirds ofDassage" from the shreds and patches el eisiterUslop shops: It will always be his endeavor to maintain. the reputation that the 'Mime Big Doors" !titre obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO THINQ litexery respect, and at prices below those of soy other establishment._ He would again return his thanks to his friends and the public for. the unprecedented patronage bestowed uppwitis•et,tablishmeut, and believing that they have fumed it, to their advantage to deal with him, he would clipewhisinyitation to all those who wish to purchase Clotting °revery deScription at the lowest price,u;ctll at Ye r 1:i1, XABERTY ST. JOHN :IPCLOSKEY. reObserve Metal Plate in the pavement. up 241. Look at This. THE' attention of those who have been somewhat sceptical in reference to the numerous eertill cgtona. Aublishod in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, mf account of the persons being unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di rected to the following certificate, the writer of whidi has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and i.ljan9wa as a gentleman of iniegtity and r..'sponsibiliry. TO the Akelli; Mr. J. Kt al; Y. have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely iliiiiiireclforabout four months. end I have no hesitation in sayingthat it is elite must effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agreei well with my diet,—and maintains a regular aria g 0,1044 apPetite. I can sinceJely recommend it to all ethertehnilarly afflirred. J. MINNIcs, Borough of Kira; 9, 1810. Chamber burgh. For sale 1-1 WILLIAM THORN, NO. 53 Market street (s R 23) • , .. ___......—. „ ..,.. • . i So . •.. • ‘..._... L AI V .. ._, . . • .. . . . . . ... . .• , .. . . . • .,,,.._...... n itrig . ~ . . .. , .. .. ... ..,. DVERTISING. LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, ss 00 Two do., 6 00 Throedo., • 7 00 Four do., • 00 Six do., 10 00 One „year, 15 op 13. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office removed Olficoi, on Grant str&t, nearly oppordte the new Court lionse, next rooms to J. D. Nl , Lhon, Egg., fist floor. scp Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law, North Earn corner of Smithfield and Fourth strc'Cts, Pitv4hurg-h. sep 10—y MVANDLESS & 111'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old. Court Houhe, sip 10 PittAhurzh. Francis IL Shtusk, Attorney at Law, Foiirth strovt, above Wood, f , op 10-1 v Pittsburgh, Pa • Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts..., sop 10-y Pi ttsbi:mh, Pa. Wes. °Vara Robinson, Attorney at Law, Office on the North sidt% of the Diamond, between Mar . let and Union streets, up stairs sep /-.° A. I. Darboraw, Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional services to the public.' Office sep 10 on sth abmie Wood. Pittsburgh. Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Dirmerornoved from the Diamond to ".Attorney's Bow," shady iide of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., sop .1.0 Pittsburgh N. Enekmaster, Attorney at Law, Has minoved hiFiuffire to Beart•A' Law Building , . 4th s.t., aho've Srnithflold, Pitt6bui'gh. .F. 41) 10 George W. Layne, Attorney at Law, Offiee in Fourth streot, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh vip9.7-1 Heade Washington, Attorney at Law, Office in Bakewcir s Gram. streut, Pittsburgh may 5, 1842 John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law, Offite corner of Smithfield and Fifth Collections 11 inisinusA entrusted to his Care , Vlll be prompt ly alt..-nbd to. feb 16—v William Eider, Attorney at Law, Office in Socond street, .eemKkloornltote tIK• c.,rner ap‘29—tf Smithfield. north side. Win. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street. niipusite Burlse's Building. L7 , - . WILLIAM E. A USTIti. Esq.. will give his ;ALM titni to my unfini:thed businci , s, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth - string, between Wood and Smithfield, ap 8 FittAurgh. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on tile corner of Fourth and Smithfield Atmetss sep 10 PittAorgh. Judson & Flanzgin, Attorneys at Law, Smithfield. mar 7 tli st root. Cut ko aim, made on mod erate term.. Ponsiim; for widows of d soldiers wider the late act of Coogresi obtained. Papers and draw. Mg.:: for Me patent office protrirt.d. mar 17—v _ Henry S. Magraw, Attorney at Law, 1 la; removed his °flirt! to 111:: rosid ().1 Fourth t., to) doors aliovo Smithfield. ~ • 'n 10 J. D. Croigh, Attorncy at Law, Wirt. eonwr tialitYitthi uud Taira ritt„burgh my '2:;--v L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, CAtltr., HAR RISON couvrv,onio Will ;::tend promptly to the colirction nr -eeority of clairnA, curd all prolemAional Int:ini.,:si„,ntra-acd to hi: v•tre in the colt:dies of Harrison, defier,:on. Belmont, Govrtt irr, Ittscarawa:3, 11f,h0, , 5, Co:I/orlon, Carroll, Stark and Wayne. HEIFER To Atctraij 4. Loomis, • , John Ile rper. l• D. 'l'. Morgan, my 27, 18 13—tf R. Morrow, Alderman, Wine north side of Fifth street, between NVood and Smithfield, l'ittsburgh. sepl.o—tf Magistrate's Blanks, For proceedings in attachment undor the late law, for sale at this office. noir Blank Petitions, Notices, &c., To be used in 13:mb ruptcy proreedings,.printed on good paper, and in the huh:4 approved by the Court, for sale at this office. • . iy Dr. S. IL Rams, Office in Second street, next dour to Mulvany Gins? Warehouse. , sep 10—y Dr. A. W. Patterson, Officeon Smithfield AtTet, third door from the corner of siXtil street. Rep 10 D. Sellers, M. D., Office and chvelling in Fourth :-treet, near Ferry, ep 13- , y Pittsburgh Ward & Hunt, Dentists, Liberty :treci, a i doors below St. Clair, ;11)6,184:3 Doctor Daniel McMeal, Office on Fifth streCt, between Wood and Stnithfie i street, l'ittdmrgh. dee 10—y d 11AILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON EARN WAREHOUSE, No. 43, Wood. Street, Arzentsforthegale of the Digle Cattnn Factory Yarns. mar WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS ' JOHN S. DLLIVORTH. Williams & Dilworth, Grecors, Produce and Commiitsinn Me chants,.and Dealers in Muslim-cf. 9lainifacturo Ar ticles, Nn. 29, Wnnil .4-reet. stT 10-7-y NEW GOODS.—PuEsToN & MACKEY, - liTho lesale and Retail Dealers in . English, French and Domestic Dry Goods; Ni,. 81, Market street,yitqtirgh. seplo*-y , .T. G. & A. GORDON, Commission and forwarding Merchants, Water street, Pittsburgh. .sep 10—y_ • BIRMINGHAM & CO.. Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, No. GO, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - ,-74-7.-'7Easts. — Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per 1001 b... Commission on purchase& and sales, 2 per cent mar . 2.:2—y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edtcard Hugh's, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehotise, :Co. 25, Wood. st., Pittsburgh sep 10—y . MAILMAN, JENI'cINGS & CO., Wholealo Grocers, Commission and Pro . ' duce rfferchatts, And dealers in. Pittsburgh Manufactures. mar 17 \o. 43, Wood.,:tresn.. Pittsburg JOHNSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper Bniers, Cc Continue business at the stand late of M'eandless Johnson. - Every description of work in their litiepet tr ly and promptly executed.. may B—y. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 25, 1843. NICHOLAS D. COLY.M.A.ti LLOYD 8.. COLEMAN. Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding, and Commission Merchants, Levee Street, Vickburg, Miss. They respectfully so licit consignment. , . n —tf LEMUEL. Wicx Toth D. 'Mot. L. &J. D. WICK, Wholeiale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 11G Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., may 15 Pittsburgh, Po. EAGLE GROCERY STORE ;: • :', i. I'll QTACY LLOYD, Jr., Whole ale and Retail Grn cer and Fruiterer, No. 190 Liberty street Pitts burgh. may 20. Birmingham & Co., &GENTS FOR STE.011:11. CLEVEL %ND, El= March T 2 John H. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Urain, General Forwarding and Cam mission Merckont, kianishurgit. Pa. WILL dispose of all goods sent . for COITITIIid3IOII Sales at-the lowest commiss i on rates. REir.RENC Phila.—J. S. W. E,kn•r,l):nvS Grirish.D. Lnrch &Co Ba/tiyno re—W.W inn S. - . co. %V ill3tin Herr,.T. E. litter Harriahur¢h—hlicli'tßnrke,H.Anu•a,J M. lioldman j 1-6 m. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market street.. 'rep 10 John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, Water street, near the :11iittiing - abela House, Pittsburgh tiep lt)-y THOMAS B. TUC SG l'itANcvi L. YOUNG Thos. B. Young & CO. Furniture NVurc Roonv, corner of I land street and Lx change alley. wiNbing to purcha,e l'u ruiture, will find it to their \ L'iVt• U.. a call, b e i ug ful ly taai-tiod chal iden,.• a. 10 nod pcic,, ei 10 It, C. T( )11' N: 4 E:ND A.:* CO.. Wirc Workers ani Wire Inantifactwors, N Nl,..iis. , t.tleeL, be :wev Lla :tad 31 Streets. 10—y Exchange Hotel, Corner of Pcnn and Faint Clqir strcax, In sep 10 McKII3BIN SMITH Pilicingtorestlnrivalled Blacking, A i r N I' ACT U ED and 1 old whole,alu and retail, LxTl.l STREET, one door 1 .r.10w Smithfio or t 21-Iv. James Patterson, jr., Birmingham, near Pitt,burgli, Pa., manufacturer of awl bolt:: tobarro, fuller, mill and tirnlNT hen :ea i.ertnv, , for ruling milk, &.c. m.it 10—y John rel'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty:treet, between Sixth 411111 (111(1 V irgin nth, Smith side. sep )0 Wcbb Closcy's Boot and Shoe Maaufactory, No. 33, 4!h Si.. !Lest door to the U. S. Bard:. Ladie.prunelia. a:1.1 satin +hoe. m.ole in the orated nnumer, and zwrAte , t Freneh pattern.. -el* 1(1 William Doherty, 4ii.vr AND CAP .MANUFACTURIAL 148 Lib •rty ~t rrvt, bi-INVe"TI Nitrio and Si,:th. rti, 10-6 m. John Cartwright, CUTLER arid S•ir;riviil 1 LIMIT 1111011( M ittfur curer, r..ru.•r td Crib abd Liltcrte>trvrts.l'ittehurg, Yu. N. B.—Aktays hunt au ..men.ive u,...ortinent ut" Surgical and D..ntal inArtuncut,., Ilatler'F., !lair and Tunnor'f. l'at.'ut Sheani, Saddicr's T Dols, &e. je Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale. A FEW thou-and fit of 4t11.S011(.1.1 Oak and Poplar Loather, f,,r wholc,:ale. Enquire of Jo oics C. Cummins, Esq. near the Fountain Inn. jy 21. Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. THESE l'ills urc strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a sale and efficicat remedy in removing thaw complaiws p;•citliar to theirsix, ft-ow want ofexercise,orgenerahlebilityof die system. 'They obviate co:tiveuess, and counteract all IlySteric,al and Netawm.lacctions. Thc . se Pills have gui:Jed the sanc tion and approbation of the most eminent rhysielans in the United States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Retail,by R. U.SELLE RS, Agent, sip 10 No. 20, Wood Street, below Socona. Notice Dr. arandreth's Agents. TilE.office in Pitt shurgh t which was estathlishcd fur the purpOse of constituting agents in the west, having arromplished-that oojeet, is now closed, mid Mr. G. 11, LEE, in the Diamond, Market streew ap pointed iny agent for the sale of nv Pills and Liiii meuts. Dr,l3randreth's agents will, therefore,uu derstand that Dr. IL will send a travelling agent through the country once a t'r'ay to collect monies for sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller will be ptovided -with power of attorney, duly proved before the Cle'rk ef the city and county of New York, together with all the necessary vouchers and papers. Mr J. J. Yoe is toy traveling agent maw in Pennsyl vania. B BB.ANDRETII, M. I). N. 13.—Iternenther, Mr. G. TI. LEE, in din rear uf din Market is lam my only ztgent in I'it tsbur,7.ll, j ann., 1 4 . Facts. Haviug liven afllictexi for nearly two ycarw, with hard swelling on the cap of my lino e, which produced mach pain, and used various applications recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cared completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's ligament, or external remedy. Witness my hand, JAMES. TAYLOR. .Ohio v., Allegheny co. Pa. Jim. 10, 11140. Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or linaxnent;aold at the aroma GEORGE H. LEE, PittAargh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb.B Dr.-Bochtor's Pulmonary Preservative. FO(tooitgk, culls, Willem/as, catarrhs, whooping cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all diseases of the breast and lungs, andurrestof approach ing consumption. Warranted urea from mercury and other minerals. B. A. F NESTOC & CO., jy 12 . Agents for I'ittsburgh. William C. Wall, Plain and F.ncy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer s No. 87, Fourth street,'Pittkurgh, Pa. ANKASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artist, , , always on band. LookintzGlasAes, &c., promptly fin. mett to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice. ra . rticularattentionpaid to regildingand jobbing of everyaeseription, Persoos fitting stamboats or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y ORtRAIT PAINTING. .1. OSBORNE, Port P Tait Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil ding, J. Osborne would solicit a calrfrom those who desire Portraits .Srefrocns can be seen at his rooms may 5, Cheap for Muth.— PRICE nion Cotton Factory S REDUCED. Short Red Yarn No. 5 at 15 cts per lb 6 at 15 do 7 at 15 do 8 at 15 do 9 at 15 do 10 15 do • 11 at 15 do I 2 at 15 do Candlcw ink at 15 cents per lb 13 at 16 do Cont. Batting, 8 do 14 at 17 do. Family do., 12. do 15 at IS do Carpet Chain, 20 do 16 at 19 do Cotton Tivicie-, 4(1 do 17 ut 20 do Stocking Turn and Cover -1:3 at 21 di) let Vara arways on band. 19 at 22 do Cotton Warps made to or -20 at 23 tin der. Long Poel Yarn. 500 az 8. cent.i per dozen GOO at 7A do 700 at GA du 800 at 5A do 900 at 5 do 1000 ut 5 do M P Ordrraproinptly aiteuded t n,. if left at J & C. Prtitit.ei - ',;,Loguii&KNitwiv's,ortlierostOflleks:address f f 27 J. 1: - . mow :HEAD & Co. IirrSBCIRGII Circnbding and Reibrcnce Library. OF religions, historical; political and ruiscellaneatil works, will Le olien t:very day, S3.libutit except ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 I'. M., in the 'Ex eluinge 'building, corner of St. Clu'ic i‘tre..et and Ex change alley, %%here pnur.ctual attendance 3i i 0 be. given by J. GI:3t:IITL. sep 10. PITTSI3I:IViII MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, A! Eastern 11111:(fuhseiibers nnintlonaure and keep ronstant ly en band Condi, U and Lliptie SpriugA (war ranted,) J uniata Iron ..11(.1es, Sil%er and Druss, plated lhish Frene.. Br -s:1,1(1 plated Ilib Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, liiher and Drania Lamp:, Three fold :kept:, :Unlivable Iron, Dour Handles and liingeo, &e. JUN 11S & CUL LM A N . sep 10 t. Clair vt., near the .I.lleglieuy Bridge. FOR SAFETY, Tr,/ Vr:is rS s4onld srir rt Its proridecl trek Eran . , Sdf. r - jv cr._ Lf . E., plosion of St ea . n 80l It: re IT sv,subt he weld for the trak &tine community to bear in mind that their setunitv depends entirely argon tlieir own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procoring the above apparn- M.. And that ecory iodividurti.makial such selec tions ii contributing towards a gieneral introduction of an invention admitted by all men who tinderAtand. the 1 11CipleS of the Steam Engimi, to be a sure preventa tive aettiust those dreadful disa+ters. You have cor tai:dv, in the hundreds of explo-iiiiro4 that have tdriindy taken pima-, their almost doily occurtenee, and the hott•uttitig of lives that have alwatly been lost, a su fE. cimit warnine, anti iodiniement to make inquiet- for a S deo; vnird Boat. and in eves y ett:c to rive it the preference. They have went to ;to ;Ali:tonal expt.•thtt• ttim yt livt , Tiny At•corr. Oudtt you not ther , forr to moet th , mt with n corre.poniiii%; of liberality, and liv your pr 1011'111' slimy that you appmcinte• their laudahle e i ldoni. or, ter ,top this aivfol sneritice of hie eras lit. TI:PV 1111 not charg.ts more than other beats; their 31 . 1 . 0110f1011:1I ion.. iu otln•r tr-povt, are equal, and is tntuiy en.es mid its there is one leaving l'ittstitireTteve why will you rim any risk, when it is so completely i air own non er to avoidthosedis aster bliah4 IllarkU(1 I hil+ L ' i in the Li..l of .trrica k and Deintettnes, iu itriothi•r part of this pnper, art' .applied with th.' Sah.tv Guard. List of Bumfs provided with the Safety Guard. A L PS, .IE IV AGNES, JAM ES R 055, AMARANTH. LADY OF L lONS, ADELAIDE, M E N TOR , ASHLAND, BR ILLIA N7', MARI I' 7'TA . BRUNE 7'7'E. MICH P; BREAK IV zl 7'E le, mARQUE7'7'I:, BR IDLE IVA TE R. M INS 0 I:I:1 MAIL, CAPUCI, M UN Go PARK, C it' ER 0, MESS ENO ER, MON TG OM ER Y. CU7'TET., NORTH BEND, CECELIA, aticArE. CASPIAN, NA .1 G.-1 NSE CLIPPER, NIA GARA, COLUMBUS, OSPREY. CLEVELAND, ORPHAN 110 Y, COLUMBIANA, OHIO, PTIQ LTESNE, ORLEANS. DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, P AN A VA. E 117 N HICKMAN, QUEEN of the 'SOUTH, EVELINE, RO VENA , EXPRESS MAIL. RARITAN, FORMOSA, SARAH A PORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVA.N.NA, GENL BROOK, TALLEYRAND, GALLANT, TOBACCO PLANT, Iva, VIC E , INDIAN QUEEN, VALLEY MR GE, ILLLVOIS, IVES T WIND, • J. H. BILLS, mar 22 New York Dyer OS1.:1:: II I w mild re s p cctful ly i dorm hi hfrieinis and the pant in Lrt•licral, that he dyes dre,se,, Habits are! Manuel: of every description, black; and warrants them not to smut, and. to look equal to new goods. Ile dyealaney colors of all descriptions of silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods. Mr.ll. flutters himself that he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in. New York for twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre. • . CERTIFICATE k to certify thnt OSEE HIMF.S has done, work for us, which has fully answered our. expec tatimi, and we consider him a - competent drc.r. S. Hemphill, "Andrew Purdy. • Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boles .1. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porter, David Hall, 11. H. Smith, B. F. Maim, Henry Javens David Boies, A. Slykey, jr. Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20 SANMEL MORROW; manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Warc, No. 17, Fzftlt street, betzecen Froofi and.ilarket, Keeps constantly ,in hand a good absurtmeni of wares, and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand, the following articles: shovels, pokers, tong's, Erridiron3, ts,te ake ides, pot', ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and. others are invited to call and examine for themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap fcr cash or appmed paper. niar7—tf To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. THE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentle:lkm of this city and® vicinity, that he has ~11.: nenced the BOOT and SHOE making bit.:ite , :: in Fourth street, opposite th e j Mayor's office. ll:tying- been forc ilia II in some of the most fashionable boot shops i n the Easiest, cities; an d haring tbrnished himself it irh the best French and American calf skins, he hope: by his audition to busi• nese to merit a sham of padbhe patrona'Ae. To those gentlemen who have kindly . patronised him he re - ILIA:ILA his sincere thanks, and Call kith I! On faie 11 er . appeal for the goodness of his work awl knowledg, of hi s businoes. I'. KERRIGAN. may 11. William Adair, Siogt and Shoe Maker, Liberty st. opposite the hcadnf Sa;itiyieLd, jr rn e *ubscritier having. bought out the.. o ool stock olthe late Thoa.: Rafferty, doceased,fias commenced business at ill, old stand of Mr. IL, and is prepared to execute of his line, in the hest manner, and on the ',honest notice. He keeps ron4intly on hand a Erne .sorttnent of findings of all description=. and of the he-t goahry. He solicits the putronn , :e of the public and of tin craft. :top 10—y WM. ADAIR. David Clark, Ale't., JFASIII(iNIII,EI3OuT AIAKEII., bias rraurrreif to N. ii 1 )larket titreet, between Sei7orid and Third. itreiuts, where he would be harpy to ii.icibii3 cad eusturiii , ts, rani ull tali. ri who feel di:Tin:ell to pa truzlise iiiiii: . .li - iii.. , e-ii /kutili lig i 'lll first rare iitriels. and einpli.w* tlio best I,lt w , .1.1,111 ,- nr, aral as lie, 2 -rn•A hi, coo -031;1 pl•l'S.llalZltteWl,:i tai h:: - ::11 . A.i, he trues that he will ileeiel-‘t. aud 11 . .t . t:1N,1 a fni:. "bin e ut pa•riinutre S4•l , / 0 Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash. T ITES inr , ll.l, 1 , 1 maui.t.aur.rat het: • Pe Childnuis and Slow:, and •el; Linn' he...er fir cash than they can tic bun..rht in th ,, c",..y. 11,- wii! keep mug-twit !, on Lard and make., fez.l..r Lune; Shins of all kiwis and ,a; juices, 4/1 . 11/Cl . Ol/Will; Fused (;;I:f1•1' ISuut $1 75 b , --trinality Kid or 1\ liwoecoflaitors. 1 50 " Calfskin float::, 1 :t7A " Foxed Half Gaiter, , , all 1 37. 1 , " best kid and MoroeointAin, 1 1.f.4 .Doubly Soled Slipper. (Jeri.) 1 I ‘2,4 fine Kid Spriuz. , and TRIN:i. qual.l 00 " Sprituzs, henNy, " " Slippers, .1 co.l All $llO/.43 rntub , bore wrirrar.t:',l amiss' in the game proportion. .r..i ,,, Remernber the pbtre. at the si;; - n oldie Red Box. No. C. Filth Mtrect. July 1 JAMES YATES. LOOS AT THIS! TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STOIZE. J. F ULLERTON, No. LK Mood slreet, one .4aor (shore 61k, - I, P CEPS coll.:Tautly on baud all kinds of the best Spaoi.:ll Cigars, reegaiias, Ca.i•adorels, COW , manrs, Traura,, Priweipe, Also, half Spanish and conunon Tobacco of all lite best brands. Cana4a ptircha„sed and dourvutivii 3 repaired th0i..43 Mtr..4..5, is uo 114"64414111 Leep constantly on hand, a ftili,;*ildW":47 the ditforent kinds of Nnil,-, Spikes and Brd.& 4 ,3;Pte. made from the best quality of Juniata 1.114,1**14141:-14 , ,11011 as the necc , sary additions can be milliditlniAton machiticry, he will manufacture every dei.:criptiomoir Bar and ::The-t 'frm made in this maiCo.l. - Order. left with S. Cutiihert, at No. 35 Wixia or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be proinptiy tended to. JAM ES ANDERSON% se' , '29-3m I itEst.D.:TFULLY inform the public that I I:aitsd and keep always on hand an assortment of Fire. Safes. The price, in consequence of aUte.intit.' tr-rink and lahor bei,n:- much lower, i. redbccd atone 011.11 V percent. Tliev are kept for iale at my Amp, is: , e.e :imiddield, next La the- church aa • the corner of lith street—a , also with Atwood. Junes, & Co., and Dalzell S l leatiug. In regard to the quail ity or ins safe.; I lance those persons who have par ol1:01 will purehas , .. our safes to attest the utiP- ity of them. I de,iry nu llCWSpaper puffs on my safest ju-Lice ;mad truth warrant 1110 in informing the putdia, that all Inv winch have keen in buildings burnt down for several NT:11, ;ins' T commenced bare rite . .. -. sei-re 1:111 the paper..;, which thnyettittithict ed. 1 I tame 3 card containing a number of ceitifitates of the swift., which are in e Until ath in mid in my handi • and the agonte.i. JOIIN DENNING. N. B. A 1.1 , w ',lir .11 steel Springs fur made by June: & Coleman. at2,l will in• sold low. Also, a screw , eid power to pouch hole 3 in half inch iron, 30I1N L 1 FEVER'S Now & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO CI, DIAMOND ALLEY, IS FTWEVN 111)(11) AND MARKET STIIEKTi!, WOULDniost respectfully announce to the citizemi of Pim:burgh anti the country zenerally, that I have commenced the roonufacture of STOCKS, of every va. . rioty, form and ilcscription, and would solicit merchants : and , there to rail and examine for themselves, as I am detrirmilwd to evil on the meet accommodating term* for cash, and hove, hti strict attention to buAineaa, $lll it ZL ' , 11:11 - C•,,C public patromze. augr, 19-6 m.., Blaanne's American Worm Specific. - - 11 - uro: PRooFs.—mt-Lxises Worm Sristmt. Bermei .Auicrican 11'ortn Spccilie. 1 wave a buy n ot: wino or a vi;tl; Lc pa.sed 40 very large worms.„ From that time hi: 'health improved very mudl -,, tiled two other Verulit'uz-es to no purpose, I believe' Dr. :Nit:l.:up:stile twat article before the - • Mifflin tp.. All....ziatur co.. alt. 30. For:ale at the Drug St.,)r,sur JON. KIDD.' oct 3 C ; mier 4th amilVoutl9t • • DB. MI-1N E'S . AMERICAN WORM SPEC the' r Mr. Ktnp—Sit:—.\ child ~ f mine about4l cars ‘ , ”1,1, wris constantly indi' , ..posNi and “1 pale eothplex; ion; but had always a no,l appetite , . 111,1, (ertOtiaVe the chid well, I buizglt a small bottle ~IM-cLiktt e i Vet,. mif:ige of which I ,gave him 3 spoonfuls, after which 20 or '25 large ixormi wero expelled. I wish all Gil.- man:: would read thii above Las. The (-Mid's is much improved. 'MICHNEL RIHN. Clank:Cs Creel., Sept. 26 1343. or sale at the Drug Store of • JON knr.kx K1I)D. net con, of 16h and irmd Pittsbg.,N - J. W. Eturbridgc & Co., A ( - 4 EN TS for t h e salt. of lS EAII Y Powder, Water troet, botween Wood and St:Mliiidd streets, Pittsburgh. • - oat 5 lm. Bargains to be Had )0 ACRES CF . VALI:ABLE LANDS' kl C .J ill be sold st. bargain in 101540 bait 'rho land lies in Tyler and Nicholeir Cc's., 1 - tr ginia—and CLEAR i)F ALT. EN Ct.:MDR 4,NCLI•'. For particular:: inquiro of the ,uh , ci ifhy letter;.: postpaid. • LLt)YLI &CO:, • oct 10 140 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. :1: Bitter Almonds and Ginger Boot RECEIVED this day, a choice lot of Bitter AT-, month. real Jamaica Ginter Root, and etortrtnOtt' do. 11,qo, a IV %N . catty hoses choice. Gultrattimta., TEs. • LLOYD &CO'S,- 110, Liberty .t. JUT RECEIVED and for sale on consignment, 7 hhdi: bacon, 7 iihriA Cnn i,e i:Pl'n at the store nrJacoh PainierS, Co J. K. MOORHEAD .•CO: P r E:l3.—Received cons.ignment, Che.it:. Younz Ilyion Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4 "Imperial, 5 Gunpowder. by J. C. & A, GORDON, 12 Water street, RECEIVED by S. B. "New York," five tons of Pig Lead. For .4ale by o 12 —3t. MITH'S NEW YORK VARNISH, No. 1. quick S ar.113, , 1. in stare, and for sale at the DRUG' WAREHOUSE of J. KIDD, 0,:t2 Ctnrerof 4tit and Wood rts. NIOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes szooketi hre%% riags.iu.st received and foi sale TO . HAILMAN, SENNIN'OS & CO.. 43, Wood own. p J [ • F, liiiiiiiii Iro Prtriters Iron Safes D. C'ALHOUN. A. P EELEN