kbaards and moustaches, their conversation was partly IFrench, partly German, and here and there a Stray Ital %fa diminutive crept in—and to season the whole, like carmine in aragout, threw us an odd curse in English. Their dress, their free and easy manner, their inti macy with each other, and above all the locale they had chosen for their festivities, made me, I own, a little sus picious about their spotless morality, and I began con jecturing to what possible calling they might belong now, guessing them to be smugglers—now, police of won kind or other—now, highwaymen outright, but aititheat being able to come to any conclusion that *Yen approached satisfaction. The more I listened, the more did my puzzle grow on me; that they were the most;sifitinguished and exalted individuals, or the most t?entaxtndecl storytellers, was certain. Here was a fat, posy little fellow, with a beard like an Armenian, Who was talking of a trip he made to Greece with the Arks of Saxe Weimar; apparently they were on the beat terms together, and had a most jolly time of it.— There was a large, handsome man, with a short black 'moustache, describing a night attack by wolves, made Jea a caravan he was in during a journey to Siberia. I 11. mord with intense interest to his narrative; the see 'nary, the danger, the preparation for defence, had all thine little traits that bespoke truth, when, confound him, be destroyed the whole in a moment, as he said, . 4 1it that moment, the Archduke Nicholas said to me'- -the Archduke Nicholas, indeed—very t,ock:l that—he's just as great a liar as the other. 'Came,' thought I, 'there's a respectable looking old Mow with a bald bead; let us hear him; there's no boasting of the great people he ever met with, from that one, rm sure.' 'We were now coming near to Vienna,' continued he, 'the night was dark as pitch, when a vidette came up to say that a party of brigands, well known therea bouts, were seen hovering about the post station the entire evening. We were well armed, but still by no means numerous, and it become a grave question what we were to do. I got down immediately, and exami ned the loading and priming, of the carbines; they were ail right, nothing had been stirred.' 'What's the matter?' said the duke. 'Oh,' says I, 'then there's a duke here also.' 'What's the matter,' said the duke of Wellington. 'Oh, by Jove, that beats all,' cried I, jumping up on the sofa, and openingboth my hands with astonishment. 'rd have wagered a trifle on that little fellow, and hang me if he isn't the worst of the whole set.' 'What's the matter?—what's happened?' said they all, turning round in amazement at my sudden excla mation; 'is the man mad?' •It's hard to say,' replied I; 'but if I'm not, you must be, tuiless I have the honor, which i ; perfectly possible, to be in company with the Holy Alliance; for so help ine,,Since I have sat here and listened to you, there is not a crown head in Europe, not a queen, not an arch duke. ambassador and general-in-chief, some of you have not been intimate with; and the small man with the red beard has just let slip something about the Shah of Persia.' The torrent of laughter that slm;ok the table never Leased for full a quarter of nn hour. Old and young, smooth and grizly, they laughed till their faces were seamed with rivulets, like a mountain in winter, and whenthey would endeavor to address me, they'd burst outas fresh as ever. 'Come over and join us, worthy friend, said he who sat at the head of the board, 'you seem well to equal it and Perhaps our character as men of truth may improve on acquaintance.' 'What in Heaven's name are you?' said It Another burst of merriment was the only reply they made me. I never found such difficulty in making my way in certain classes of society where the tone was a familiar one; where a bon-mot was a good currency, and a joke passed well; there I was at borne and to as sume features of the party a-as with me a kind of in stinct which I could not avoid. It cost me neither ef fort nor strain—l caught up the spirit as a child cr tch es up an accent, and went the pace as pleasantly as though I had been bred among them. I was therefore but a short time at the table, when, by way of matric ulation, I deemed it necessary to relate a story; and certainly if they had astounded me by the circumstan ces of either high and mighty acquaintances, I did not spare them in my narrative, in which the emperor of China figured as a very common place individual, and the King of Candia came in just incidentally as a rath- er dubious acquaintance might do. For a time they listened like people who are well acenstomed to give and take these kind of miracles; but when I mentioned something abort a game of leap frog on the walls of China with the celestial himself, a perfect shout of incredulous laughter interrupted me. 'Well,' said I, 'don't b:slieve me if you don't like; but here I have been the whole evening listening to you, and if I have not bolted as much as that, my name's not Con O'Kelley.' But it is not necessary to tell you how, step by step, they led me to credit all they were saying; but actually, total! my own real story to them, which I did from be ginning to end, down to the very moment I sat there, with a large gloss of hot claret before me, as happy as might be. 'And you really are so low in purse?' said one. 'And you have no prospect of any occupation, nor any idea of a livelihood?' cried another. 'Just as much as I expect promotion from my friend the Emperor of China,' said I. 'Yon speak French and German well enough, though?' 'And a smattering of Italian,' said I. 'Come, you'll all do admirably., be one of us.' 'Might I make bold to ask what trade that is?' 'You don'tknew; you cun't guess. even.' 'Not even guess,' said I; except you report for the papers, and come here to make up the news.' 'Somethingbetter than that, I hope,' said the man at the head of the table. 'IN hat think you of a life thatleads a man about the world, from Norway to Jerusalem—that shews him every land the sun shines en, and every nation on the Globe, traveling with every Iturtuy that can make a journey easy, and a road pleas ant enables him to visit whatever is remarkable in emery city in the universe; to hear Pasta at St. Peters burgh in the winter, and before the year ends to see an Indian war-dance among the red-men of the Rocky Mountains; to sit beneath the shadow of the Pyramids, as it were to-day, and ere two months be over, to stand in the spray of the Talhaton, and join a wolf-chase through the pine forests of the North; and not only this, but to have opportunities of seeing life on terms the most intimate; that society should be unveiled to an extent that few men of any station can pretend to; to converse with the wisest and the greatest, the most distinguished is rank, age, and better than all, the most beautiful women of every land in Europe, who depend on your word, rely on your information, and permit a degree of intimacy, which in their own rank is unattainable; to improve your mind by knowledge of languages, and more still, by habits of intelligence which habit bestows.' 'And tedo this,' said I, burning with impatience at a picture that realized all that i wished for, 'to do this.' 'Be a courier,' said thirty voices in a cheer. 'Vivo la Grande Route,' and with the word each man drained his glass to the bottom. 'Vire la Grande Route,' exclaimed I, louder than the rest; 'and here I join you.' From that hour I entered on a career, that each day I fallow is become dearer to me. It is true, I sit in the ramble of the carriage, while monseigneur, or my lord, reclines within; hut would I exchange his ennui anddepression for my own light heartedness and jollity? would I give up the happiness and independence of all the intrigue and plotting of the world I enjoy, for his rank and station ? Does not Mont Blanc look as grand in his hoary panoply to me as to him T If I wander through the gallery of Dresden, have I not the sweet smile of the great 'Raphael's Madonna bent on me as blandly as on him 1 Is not mine bait, with less of ceremony, far more-cordial to me than to him T Is not mine a rank known and acknowledged, in every town, in every village 1 Hrve I not a greeting wher ever I pass 7 Should sickness overtake me, where have I not a home ? Where am 1 among strangers ? Then, what care I for the bill? mine is a royal route where I never pay. And lastly, now is the soubrette of the rumble as agreeable a companion as a pale and care-worn lady within 7 Such is ray life. Many would scoff and call it men iaL Let them if they will. I never felt it so; and once more I say, 'Vise la Grand Route.' It is scarcely credible how valuable is the poultry in the United States. By thecensus of 1840 it was re terned at $12.176,170. New York contributes $2, 373,029, which is more than the value of all its swine, half the value ofits sheep, the entire value of its neat cattle, and five times more than the value of all the horses and mules of the State. These facts are delayed from a publication of the Harpers called 'Amer- Pesdtry Book,' and they are certainly enough to itiske Chapman crow. FOR PRESIDENT, JAS. BUCHANAN, Subject to the decision of THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION 1)c Math) Morning post. PHILLIPS & SMITH. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS PITTSBURC:II, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1843 MR. CLAY ASD THE TARIFP.--We are glad to have it in our power to place on record the present opinion of HENRY CLAY on the subject of the Tariff: Although the sentiments of the following letter have been fre quently put forth by Mr. Clay within a few months, still the federal papers have endeavored to advance his pretensions to the Presidency, by claiming for him what he dcAS not claim forhimself—by making him and his especial friends the exclusive supporters of the man ufacturing interest, and by seeking to throw the dem ocratic party into a position hostile to that interest. The second paragraph of Mr. Clay's letter is a full and explicit declaration in favor of the principle con tended forby the democratic party, and held by allits prominent men, viz: A TARIFF FOR REVENUE, WITH INCIDENTAL PROTECTION TO OUR MANUFACTURING IN TERESTS. Hebelieves duIt"WHATEVER REVENUE LS NECESSARY TO AN ECONOMICAL AND HONEST ADMINIS TRATION OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT, OUGHT TO BE DERIVED FROM DUTIES IMPOSED ON FOREIGN IM PORTS.", ADd that "IN ESTABLISHING A TARIFF OF THOSE DUTIES, SUCH A DISCRIMINATION OUGHT TO BE. MADE AS WILL INCIDENTALLY AFFORD A REA- SONARLE PROTECTIWI TO Otiß NATIONAL. INTERESTS." We repeat that we are pleased to put these senti ments upon record. If Mr. Clay betaken as the Coon candidate for Presidency, as of course he will be, his partisans cannot humbug the friends of a tariff with the notion that their only hope depends on his election. The identity of his views with those of the gentlemen from whom a democratic candidate for President will be taken, will convince the people that governmental action on that measure will be the same, let who will be elect ed. The effect of this unanimity of feeling on the Tar iff will of course be to place it entirely beyond and above the chances of political warfare, and secure for our man ufacturing, interest, a permanent and just scale of du ties; and no other can be maintained. That the fluc tuation and uncertainty of our Tariff enactments have been the greatest difficulty our manufacturers have had to contend with, will be, we presume, generally conce ded. The lowest rate of duties over adopted, would have been preferable, if it had been permanent, to the ever-changing policy of government on this subject. Mr. Clay expresses his opinion of the TariffoflB.2B, in a very candid manner. Ile says that its adoption was "highly dierreditable to American legialation."— He also comrs out rather favorably to the present tar iff, the provisions of which, he thinks, are "wise and proper." One good effect of this letter will be to block thdo non committal game which the Whigs played so well in 1840, on the cubit et of the Tariff, at least. Mr. Clay, it seems, will not be put under the surveillance ofa com mittee, anti...appears disposed to give his opinions on the great national issues with directness and candor. This course must in a measure, at least, prevent his admirer s, in different sections of the country, from assigning to him opposite opinions on the same subject, as was the case in Hat risou's successful campaign. ASHLAND, 15th Sept., 1843. DEAR Stn:-4 reeeiv your Emir, addressing, some inquiries to me, in respect to the policy of protecting American interests. On thUt so u , ,ct nave yen• fre quently publicly expressed my sentiment:, within .he last two years. In the Senate of the United States, early laAt yoar, I fully rtpre4s-d my views, and what I said pnblished. About the same tito:, I commu nicated them in the ans,ver which I tran:rnitted to a letter, addressed to m ‘, by a Committee of the Legisla ture of New York, which was also published. I attain expressed my opinion in reply to a letter which I received from a fellow citizen of Philadelphia, request ing me state the principlesof the Whig party. A state ment of them, as understood by me, was accordingly made, and it is now conspicuously published at the head of many newspapers. The last expression of my opin ion, is contained in a letter which I recently addressed to ::;,.; I Jville and of which i now transmit you a copy. [f you had soon t;i;ase various, expressions or the opin ions which I hold on the stthjact of . your letter, I pre sume you would not have cieernec! neces:iary to rut dress me. The sum and substance of what I conceive to be the true policy of the United States, in respect to a Tariff, may be briefly stated. In conformity to the principle announced in the compromise act, I think, whatever revenue is necessary to an economical and honest administration of the General Government, ought to be derived fromduties, imposed on Foreign imports. And I believe that, in establishing a Tariff of those duties, such a discrimination ought to he made as will incidentally afford reasonable protection to our national interests. I think there is no danger of a high tariff being ever established; that of 18:18 was eminently deserving that denomination. I was not in Congress when it passed, and did not vote for it, but, with its history, and with the circumstances which gave birth to it, I am well acquainted. They are highly discreditable to Amer ican legislation, and I hope for its honor, will never be repealed. After my return to Corgress in 1831, my efforts were directed to the modification and reduction of the rates of duty contained in the act of 1828. The act of 1832 greatly reduc'ed and modified them; and the act of 1833 commonly called the compromise act, still further reduced and modified them. The act which passed at the Extra Session of 1841, which I supported, was confined to the free articles. I had re signed my seat in the Senate when the act of 1842 pas sed. Generally, the duties which it imposes, are lower than those in the act of 1832. And, without in tending to express nny opinion upon every item of this last tariff, I would say, that I. think the provisions, in the main, are wise and proper. If there be any exces ses or defects in it, (of which I have not the means hero of judging) they ought to be corrected. My opinion. that there is no danger hereafter of a High Tariff, is founded on the gratifying fact, that our manufactures have now taken deep root. In their in fancy, they needed a greater measure of protection; but as they grow and advance, they acquire strength and stability, and, consequently, will require less protec— tion. Even now, some branches of them areable to maintain, in distant markets, successful comiTetition with rival foreign manufactures. Hoping that this letter may be satisfactory to you, and affording all the information you desire, and ten dering my grateful acknowledgements for the friendly feelings and sentiments entertained by you towatd.s me, I am. with great respect, your obedient servant, Dr. F. S. BRONSON aThe AMERICAN has run up the name of HEN RY CLAY as its favorite fur the Presidency. The Gaz ette will, we suppose, in proper time, follow the ex ample of the Advocate and American. We have of late observed in its columns, m tay articles speaking of Mr. Clay in the mdst eulogistic manner, which, we presume, were intended to clear the way for its final slide into the whig racks. The result of the late elec tion was indeed a great victory of the whigs over the antimasons—much greater than we expected—and, if the anties are going to yield s a easily, to tell the truth, much greater than we desired. KA.NSA.9 INDlANS.—Delegates from the tribe arriv ed at St. Louis on the Bth inst., from Missouri river. They are on their way to Washington City, in order to arrange some difficulties with regard to their lands. ANOTHER MURDER IN LOUISTILLI.—The villa Journal of the 19th sayea—Last evening, about 6 o'clock, Mr. Wm. G. Benham, brother-in law of the seniCroditm.of this paper, was stabbed, at the White Mansion house, corner of Marlcet and Third streets, by Talbot Oldham, - son of Judge Oldham, of Jefferson county. Some slight quarrel having taken place, Oldman stabbed Benham twice with a bowie knife, once in the arm near the shoulder, severing a large ar tery, and once in the back. Benham died about mid night. We do not wish at present to detail all the cir ctunstances of the oocurrence, but, if they have been truly detailed to us by an eye witness, the act was as atrocious a murder as ever was ,perpetrated. Mr. B. was entirely unarmed. The assassin, who, even before this act, had an in famcus notoriety here, immediately mounted a horse and fled from the city. The sheriff subsequently went in pursuit, but wo have not learned whether he suc ceeded in catching him. THE LATE LOUISVILLE AFPAI . R.—The Louisville Journal of Wednesday says:—"The coroner's jury sat yesterday morning upon the body of the late Wm. G. Benham, and rendered against Talbot Oldham a ver dict of wilful murder. Oldham has not been caught. The officers of the law hunted for him yesterday after noon in Jefferson county, but the fugitive was not to be found." The Louisville Advertiser of the same day gives another version of the affair and says:—"The eitcutn stances of the case are simply these; Mr. Oldham and Mr. Benham had been drinking together on the day of the occurrence. At Redding's, Mr. Benham got into a quarrel with the bar-keeper, from which Oldham ex tricated him, and endeavored to prevail on him to go home. They left the house together, and proceeded to the White Mansion, a Coffee House, soma fifty yards distant. Mr. Benham, we understand,got into a quar rel with the proprietor of this establishment also, for which Mr. Oldham censured or remonstrated with him. This remonstrance produced the difficulty, which res ulted in Mr. Benham's death. After some altercation between the two, Oldham was heard to warn Benham not to strike him. This warning was given more than once. Benham, however, who was much excited, and who was a very large powerful man, drew back his fist and struck O:dham in the face. Oldham drew his knife, (a common kitchen knife) and stabbed him.— In the scuffle Benham was stabbed more than ease.— Mr. Oldham offered to surrender himself, but no officer appearing, and the excitement increasing, he mount ed his horse and rode home. The coroner, with his usual legal ingenuity, has contrived to find a regular indictment for murder against him. The Grand Jury now have the matter under consideration. He will,we understand, return to town today or to-morrow, and deliver himself up to the officers of the law. He de sires that his case shall be fully investigated, and is willing to abide the decision of a jury of his counrrymrm. Ile at the same dose protests against the means used by his enemies to forestall public opinion; to prejudice the public mind against him and tans prevent the im partial administration of justice. We think it due to Mr. Oldham to state that every unprejudiced man in this community considers his case as one clearly ofself defence, and that it will be deci ded to be such, we entertain not the shadow of a doubt upon his final trial. There is nothing of the spirit of murder in the whole occurrence. and to call it such is to betray not only a desire to injure Mr. Oldham, but a disgraceful ignorance of the meaning of the term itself. Mr. Oldham is a small, weak, unhealthy young man, with scarcely the physic II strength of a boy of ten years of ace. Benham was a man who weighted near two hundred pounds, and having been a sailor, we; power fill in proportion to his weight. Oldham has some enemies, but is well known to be a very amiable and estimaide young gentleman. In common with the friends of both parties, we regret exceedingly the deadly res ult of this unfortunate affdr. It will be a oral ning to us, that dr. sanctity of a man's person is mato be light ly violated. OFFICIAL RESULTS OF THE ELECTION FOR CANAL COMMISSIONERS. ELECTION IInLD ON TrESD•T, OCTOBER 10, 1043. C Countie,..r. 4l ; ; m e 4 0 f• 1 Ad„,,, , 1255 1251 1254 1700 1700 1697 Armstrong, Allegheny, 4327 4342 4525 5.337 3216 3317 Beaver, 1583 1587 1593 1860 1869 1 . ,;::2 Bedford, 1882 1892 1893 1971 1969 1973 Berk s, 4090 4109 4101 1622 1630 1658 Bradford, 1752 2873 2919 1036 1023 2185 Bucks, 3773 3812 3813 3386 3880 3883 Butler, 1522 1534 1559 1336 1353 1336 Cambria, 759 850 864 768 816 757 Carbon, 535 556 543 136 137 134 Centre, 1161 1458 1475 1354 1334 1338 Chester, 4113 4109 4118 4302 4498 4495 Clearfield, 750 755 756 535 534 534 Clinton, 727 725 724 663 660 662 Columbia, 2180 2142 2132 1041 1027 1031 Crawford, 1951 1934 1954 756 753 759 C'turiberland23l 9 2326 2324 2267 2266 2262 Clarion, 1123 1123 1121 625 626 624 Dauphin, 1550 1681 1652 1995 1936 2015 Delaware, 1253 1254 1234 1454 1455 1455 Erie, 1561 1569 1569 2730 2728 2727 Elk, Fayette, 2152 2197 2145 1851 1850 1849 Franklin, 2068 2067 2068 2368 2373 2368 Greene, 1494 1520 1509 816 807 807 Huntingdon 1412 1466 1439 2333 2315 2306 Indiana, 928 955 958 1289 1307 1213 Jefferson, 451 451 450 408 408 408 .Juniata, 804 835 830 713 708 698 Lancaster, 3869 3868 3870 5711 5712 5719 Lebanon, 1591 1578 1583 1997 1995 2012 Lehigh, 1515 1604 1604 1625 1623 1623 `Luzerne, 2312 2304 2079 1372 1363 1354 Lvcoming, 1842 1862 1835 1301 1278 1268 14I'Kean, Mercer, 1841 1842 1852 1899 1924 1900 ' , Monroe, 875 865 873 95 100 91 Montgo'ry, 3338 3545 3543 2567 2559 2565 Mifflin, 1082 1088 1083 960 967 966 Northm'lnd,l3s7 1622 1534 1516 933 937 Northm'ton,22o6 2205 2206 1175 1175 1175 Philad. city,3965 3943 3941 6619 6620 6617 " c0.,10515 10521 10498 7348 7323 7312 Perry, 1331 1374 1369 665 659 672 Pike, 406 406 406 39 39 39 Potter, 389 389 389 154 154 154 Susquch'nn, 1168 1169 1174 660 660 660 Schuykilll, 2258 2249 2248 1619 1606 1624 Somerset, 629 631 631 1775 1774 1774 Tinge, 1419 1442 1439 368 364 367 Union, 1424 1441 1446 2074 2034 2012 Venango, 790 800 802 361 364 361 Warren, 764 765 764 610 609 609 Westmend,2443 2813 2815 1931 3021 1955 Wayne, 906 906 907 116 113 116 Washing - 63,3378 3373 3377 3426 3425 3427 Wyoming, 483 483 505 252 250 233 York, 2625 2633 2629 1841 1813 1821 11. CLAY 106895 108917 110456 96,602 94,763 95,766 `ln Luzerne county, there were 225 votes for Wm. B. Foster, without the word "junior," these should be added to Mr. Foster's vote. IRPIn Laucastercounty there were polled for Hugh Mehaffy 293, Hugh D. King 292, J. Moorhead 292, (antimasons). The counties yet to hear from will increase the Democratic majorities. raPA man named James McGuire, a drover, walk ed out of a door in the second story of a tavern in Georgetown on Sunday week, whilst intoxicated, and was killed instantly. THE STATE Etscitons.---Solow winkle found the result of the late Congressional elections% the states of Pennaylvenia, New Jersey livid Ohio, compared with . those for the last Congress, with the gain for the dem ocratic potty. In making the Comparison, we con cede to the Coons in the next Congress the member from the York district, Pennsylranial 28th Congress. 276 Congress Dem. Whig. Dem. Whig Pennsylvania, 11 13 15 13 Ohio, 12 9 7 12 New Jersey, 4 1 0 6 27 23 22 31 Whig majority in the 27th Congress, Democratic majority in the 28th Congress, Democratic gain We annex from the Journal of Commerce a full state ment of the political character of the new Congress, as far as elected: T WE NTY-FAC HT CONGRESS. The Senate when full, comprises 52 members. N'• A t present, there are five vacancies, viz: 2 in Tennessee, lin Illinois, and 1 Missouri. The three first will be filled with Whigs, and the two last with democrats.— Of the Senators already eleczed,26 are Whigs, includ ing Mr. Rives of Virginia, whose politics are of the im practicable order. and9.l Democrats. Adding the va cancies, the full Senate will stand,-29 Whigs and 23 Democrats. Whig majority in the Senate 6. HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES Under the new apportionment. the House will com prise 223 members. Of these 201 are already elec ted. Their political affinities will be seen by the fol lowing schedule; which also shows the loss and gain to each party, comparing this Congress with the last. Of the 201 members elected, it appears that 63 are Whigs, and 133 Democrats. In the last Congress, from the States and parts of States. 125 Whigs and 96 Democrats. Whig majority then, in the said States and parts of States, 29; Democratic majority now, 75. Difference 104. New Congress. Old Congress W. D. W. - D. Missouri, 5 2 Georgia, ss 46 D Arkansas., 1 1 New York, 10 24 19 21 Delaware, 1 1 Massachusetts, 4 2 6 1 South Carolina, 7 1 8 New Hampshire, 4 5 Connecticut, 4 6 Virginia, 3 12 7 14 Louisiana, 4 2 1 North Carolina, • 4 5 8 5 Tennessee, 5 6 8 5 Kentucky, 5 5 11 2 Indiana, 2 8 6 1 Illinois, 1 6 2 1 Alabama, 1 6 5 R. Island, 1 1 2 Vermont, . 2 1 5 Maine, 3 1 2 N. Jersey. 1 4 6 Pennsylvania, 13 11 13 15 Ohio, 9 12 12 7 64 139 15 96 64 96 Present dom. majority. 75 29 Whig [maj. last Congress YET TO DE ELECTED. In Maryland, 6 Michigan, 3 Mississippi, 4 Massachusetts, (vacancies) 4 Maine, (vacancies) 4 Vermont, do. Elect 'A a 3 above Total member 3 223 The 22 members yet to be elected, will not vary the inajurity much either way, The sum of the matter is, that there will be a deci ded %Vhig majority in the Senate: while in the House the Democrat■ will he to the Whigs in the proportion of mire than two to une. The two Houses will thur be a check upon each other; and strong party men survs, on either side, will be sure to encounter opposi tion and defeat. The intetests of the emmtry will be quite as safe under these circumstances, ns if either par ty were predominant in Loth !louses. On the question of the Tariff, party lines will limbo the gu'de exclusivelv,--, number of the Northern dem ocrats being favorahle to protection, while several of the Southern Whigs will go fur low duties. ASoTHER RACK WON BY FAS/HON.—We learn from the Baltimore Sun that this favorite northern mare has won another race over the Kendall Course. There was but one dash of four miles, which was won by Fash ion in 7 minutes 35i seconds. Blue Dick was then ithdrawn, and the mare galloped round the course, taking the purse. The time is the best, we blieve, ever !ride over the Kendall course. At starting, Blue Dick too;the lead and kept it thioughout, until near the i. judvi 6eteudmilc, when Fa‘ldon passed him apparently with ease. WATER AS FUEL.—Mr. G. M. Slime is lecturing at Louisville On the use of liquid fuel. lie proposes to use oil, bit wri.m, and similar substances for fuel, and hopes to be ahle to Join water in such a manner that it shall be d .composed and its ialain:n able elements join in the prGdoetion of combu,iim. IRG I'l TOBACCO.-. 1 letter in the Richmond Va. Compiler says: "The product of Virginia, for the years 1842 and '43, I hare ascertained that the gener al impression among the dealers is, that not morn than 46,000 hlls. were made last, or will he produced this year." ANTI-MORMON MEETING.—Another anti-Mormon meeting was held at Green Plains Precinct, near War saw, Illinois, on the 19th ult., and the proceedings of the mass meeting held at Carthage on the Gth ult being rend, were unanimously approved. The follow ing resolutions were passer' at Green Plains Precinct: "1. Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting, together with the Precinct Corresponding Committee, address the Central Committee at Carthage, request ing them to draw up an address to the Governor of this State, setting forth the wrongs we have received, and the grievances we labor under, at the hands of the Mormons, and requesting his aid to remedy the evil. "2. Resolved, Thatin the opinion of this meeting, a petition should forthwith be put in circulation for the signatures of the citizens of this and the adjoining coun ties, praying the Gtivernor of this State to withdraw the State Arms from the hands of the Mormons— deeming it necessary for the security and welfare of the community. "3. Resolved, That this meeting bold it to be the duty of anti• Mormon citizens of this Precinct to imme diately form themselves into independent companies, that they may be the better prepared to act in cases of emergency." ABSOLUTE STARTATION.—The Macon (Geo.) Dem ocrat relates the following horrible story. Can such things be iii this country? "Perhaps it may seem astonishing that such an event could occur in a county where thirty-five hundred dol lars are appropriated by a generous community to the support of the sick and indigent poor, but such we are nevertheless assured is the fact. The circumstance we allude to, occurred in a poor family living at one of the two acre lots near the branch on the Houston Road.— All the family were confined to bed wish the prevalent fever, two of whom have died from want of medical at tendance and starvation. Their names we know not. A charitable lady who visited these children of afflic tion, a day or two since, and relieved their present ne cessities, was informed by a verysick but still surviving member of this family, that he had not eaten a mouth ful in three or four days, we forget which. We peg leave respectfully to direct the attention of the chants bki to this and other instances of distress, among the poorer classes of our community. EIGHTEEN DAYS LATER The brig Paul Jones, Gift. Palmier, from Cazein, 23d June, arrived last night. Ke-ying, the Imperial dommissinner arrived at a s p. ton en Stinther, the 4th June. and, on Tuesday, the British fancdoituiries repaired to the city to visit His Excellency, who was expected at Hong Kong on the 10th, to exchange the ratifications of the late treaty with England, but in this expectation the good people were disappointed, for His Excellency did not intend to budge until about the Ist July. In the - Meantime a splendid house has been prepared for his use, and a spacious hall built for the exchange of the documents. It was rumored that he wculd not condescend to go down to Hong Kong, but must have H. B. M. Plenipo tentiary meet him 'half way." Much sickness prevailed on the shores around Hong Kong, in the shipring and the garrison. General Saltoun, British Ccmmander-in-Chief of the forces in China, arrived in the W. S. Prosperine, on the 13th June, and went up in the steamer to Canton, on the 18th on a private visit. A new Roman Catholic Church was opened for Wor ship on the Ilth June, having been built with much despatch, by the aid of funds, contributed by English. Portuguoe and Spanish residents For the eleven months ending 31st May, the export of Teas to Eng,lacd, from China. amounted to 46,201,- 251 lbs. A British Court of justice, with Criminal and Ad miralty Jurisdiction, fur the trial of offences committed by H. B. M. subjects within the dominions of the Em peror of China, and on the high seas within one hun dred miles of the coast, has been established at Hong Kong. Capt. Balfour has addressed a note to the creditors of "the insolvent bongs, informing them that a new in stalment has been paid on account of the Hong debts, and that the following will be paid them. On Hingtae's debts a dividend of 12, 42 per cent, leaving a balance due to the creditors of 17 per cent; On Kingqua's debts a dividend of 15 per cent, leav ing due 25 per cent, with interest on the principal from Ist May, 1839. Mowqua's (old) debts, payable in 7 years, are to be paid in full. On 3 owqua's debts payable in ten years, a dividend of 10 per cent is to bepaid, leaving due 30 per cent. The death by Cholera, at Manilla were gradually di minishing. The natives believed that the disease was caused by the waters having been poisoned by the whites, and two Englishmen had nearly fallen victims of the superstitions belief, having been caught and se verely beaten. One of the Indians engaged in the as sault, was shot down by the police in pursuit. The Kowloon robbers around Canton, have ceased theirdepredations, in consequence of the severe meas ures adopted by the British authorities. LATER FROM CHINA. - By the Packet ship Morrison which arrived at Now York on Wednesday night, in 135. days from Canton, the American has files of pa pers to the sth ofJunc,containia; the following items: The schooner Ariel had been detained for some days at Amoy by Commodore Kearney, on account of some irregularity in her papers. The account of this matter is somewhat obscure, but it seems that the Ariel `than god owners' on her arrival at Macao from Boston, and became the property of G. W. Fraser. Commodore Kearney. on examing the schooner's papers, wrote to her captain. Shanniai, that the Ariel was not entitled to ca-ry the U. S. flag, that she must return to Macao, whither be would send her papers, sealed up; that all the goods or treasures on freight must first be dischar ged at Amoy; and that the packet containing the pa pers must be opened only by Mr. Sturgis, the U. S. vice consul at Macao These orders were complied with, the schooner was allowed to depart, and on the same day Commodore Kearney issued the following notice:— To American Merchants and others. All persons having goods, merchandize or treasures to ship from oneport to another on thiscoast, are here by cautioned against intrusting the same on board any vessel in the "opium trade" sailing under the flag ofthe United States of North America. Dated on board the U. S. Frigate Constellation, har bor of Amoy, coast of China, this the 18th day May, A. D. 1843. (Signed) L. Kearney. On the arrival of the schooner at Macao, M. Fraser wrote to Mr. Sturgis to know what was the informal ity in her papers, to which Mr. Sturgis answered that he could not tell, "they being of such tenor as those generally held by vessels sold abroad." The Canton Press says that Mr. Fraser willbring the matter before a tribunal in the United States in a suit for damages a gainst Commodore Kearney. The Press acids that there are several vessels in the China Sea•, trading under the American flag, with pa pers like those of the Arid. The Constellation had arrived at Hong Kong and was daily expected at Macao. We ]earn verbally that Ke-Ying, the Imperial com mi.4.inner, hid arrived at Canton. Sir Henry Pottingrr has issued some very stringe: t proclamations against smuggling on the river, which appears to hare been distasteful to some of the resi dent foreign merchants. Native robbers were excedlngly troublesome at Hong Kong; so much that the local authorities had is sued an edict forbidding and Chinaman to be out at night without a lantern and a pass, and making other provisions to suppress disorder. The Louse of the Morrison Education Society had been broken into and plundered by a gang of Chinese robbers, who destroy ed or carried away all the furniture, severely wounded Mr. Brown. nod forced him, his 'Wife and children to their _•s. The thieves had full possession of lieu-, for two hours. Mr. Brown lost about a dein sand dol!m s worth of property, and Dr. Hobson, who ~,-e tiri ed port of !IR , hmtso, abort as much, inc.] u (Mr his inStrUrnOnb:. Thr rplith ;,;' . ll a great fire at Tinglia , n, in the island of Chn , an, which destroli: 2. a great number of horses and caused much distres . samon7 the ii:" - mbitants'• tt was said there that Commodore Keurney had ret.,7!vcd a communication from the Emperor, informing him that the United States would be allowed to trade at all the ports opened to the English. LATER FROM Rto JAMERIO.—The barque Oceola, Captain Carty, arrived at this port on Wednesday, from Rio, which place the left on the Ist ult.. one day later than the barque Douglass, a' New York. Captain Carty, when one day out of port, passed the joint Brazilian and Napolitan squadron, escorting the intended Empress (a Napolitan princess) to-Rio de J nei no, where she will be united in in itrimony to the young Emperor of Brazil, a youth mat yet over 90 years of a;e. BRITISH PROVINCES The independent members of the Canadian Assem bly have resolved to advocate the following reductions in the salaries of Government officers:—All salaries over £l,OOO to be reduced one-third; 1,000 to 750, one fourth; 750 to 500, one-fifth; 500 to 400, one-sixth; 400 to 300, one-seventh. The anniversary of the Quebec Auxiliary Wesleyan Missionary Society was appointed to be held in the St. Ann street Chapel on Monday eve ning, the 16th inst.—A. Keith, Esq., has been elected Mayor of the city of Halifax.—On the 3d inst. a new place of worship, lately erected on the Nashwaak, in connection with the Church of Scotland, was opened for divine service by the Rev. John M. Brooke, of Fredericton, who preached upon the occasion to a nu merous con ' ffregation.—Saint John's, Newfoundland, is shortly to be lighted with gas.—An accident occur red in Montreal, 11th inst., in consequence of the fall ing in of a portion of the poblic sewer now being con structed, by which one of the contractors, named Hen ry Kinloch, lost his life. port of piftsburgl). Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam Boat Agents. Water street. EIGHT FEET WATER IN THE CHANNEL ARRIVED. 'Daily Beaver Packets. R. Clayton, Baily, Louisville. Belfast, Smith, Wheeling. `Messenger, Perry, St. Louis. DEPARTED. "Daily Beaver Packets Belfast, Smith, Wheeling. Manhattan, King, Laid up. Massachusetts, Bennet, St, Louis, "North Bend, Duncan, , do. Ohio Mail, 13aily, CM. Up All beats marked their] are provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of Steam Boilers. FOR SAINT LOUIS •0111i.THE splendid, fast running steam er OLIVE BRANCH, T. C. May, Master, leaves for the above and all intermediate ports on Tuesday morning, 24th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. positively. For freight or pass age apply on board or to JAMES MAY. The Olive Branch is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. • • ot4 FOR LOUISVILLE AND ST. LOUIS. IT HE splendid, fast running -steam er Nail r lettes for th e E v VELiN, et Sow Rw is above . 13 all in termediate ports on Tuesday next, 24th inst., at-'lO 0t . .: clock, A. At. For freight or passage apply on boarder .... to BIRMINGHAM & CO, 4.;" 021 No. 60, Water street. The Eveline has been thoroughly repaired in the dock, asd can be safely recommended as a safe pas seng-er and freight boat. St. Peter's Church at Rome. ALARGE PAINTING cf this splendid Temple will be exhibited for a short time at !awls's. LONG ROOM, corner of Fourth and Market streets. Of this Picture, Bishop England gave the highest euhr gium in the Catholic Miscellany, 30th January, 1836. It is on its way to New Orleans, together with 50 other paintings, which are now open to the public. Admittance 25 cents; tickets for the season 50 cents; children halfprice. G. COOKE. N.• B. The Rev. Clerp . , of all denominations are respectfully invited, free of charge. 023. Teas, Leather and Mustard. RECEIVED on consignment, and for sale by JOHN D. DAVIS, at the Commercial Auction Rooms, roma' of Wood and Fifth street -100 Cimsts, Half Chests, and Boxes of Young Hyson Teas, fresh importations; 3000 lbs. Sole Leather, 50 Kegs best Philadelphia Mustard. Also, 100 Reams Crown Wrapping Paper, MI of which will be sold low for Cash, or City accep tances. oct 23. FASHIONABLE FIAT. AND CAP BIANUFACTORT, No. 13, Fifth street, between Market and Wood, and corner of Sizth and Grant as. I& H. WALKER feel grateful to the . public for the liberal patronage bestow. ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now manufacturing and have constantly on hand .a very su perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neutria, and every other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the vf3.• ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand, they can recommend with confidence their Hats, as be ing superior and more durable than those generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the tag ern Markets I. & H. WALKER. 0:23-3m. !' A/TAPS AND CENSUS OF THE U. STATES.-- _ Just received, a few copies of Mitchell's ale gant and cheap (price $1,50) Maps of the U. States, together with Maps of 32 of the principal Chief and towns in the Union handsomely colored. Also, a few copies of Mitchell's Accurate Synopsis of the Sixth Census of the United States, at 25 cents. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent 021 and Commission Merchant, No. 9, sth at. Millinery. Arb SL .n D es O s B ra S v, o 3, N s ai re re t a u d r y ns thiavnekds and respectfully informs her customers, and the Ladies of Pittsburgh and vicinity, in Faecal, that she has just received an extensive and choice rypply of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY and fancy articles. She is prepared to furnish all who "any call upon her with every article in her line, of the most fashionable des cription, and at short notice. Straw and Tuscan Bonnets altered and cleaned. ii__Store on St. Clair street, four doors below Penn o Situation Wanted, AS Teacher of French, Spanish, Greek, and the La tin Language. The undersigned wishes to acquire a perfect 'knowl edge of the Englis i i, so that the recompense looked for will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in En glish from those whom he mayinstroet. He was late ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. For a character for competency and morality, be can exhil it letters of the most respectable gentleman in New Orleans and Cincinnati. ►VPHeference in this city can be made to Rev. H. J. J. Dean, of St. Paul's Church, and Captain James May. PAUL EMILE THEVEAU, 019 Washington Himse, Water st. WESTERN EXCHANGE COFFEE 110l:SE. No. 9, MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. VST F:RS and other refresliments,will be served up in good order. Namely: Oysters raw,fried,stewed, and on chafing dishes. Also, TN THP.SHF.LT. at the stand,. or roasted ; a, s.•on as the season is sufficieotly advan— ced for tl.eir sale transportation. THE P ROP T:TOR is determined that his establish ment (much is the old oyster depot) shall maintain its reputation for the good quality of his ALE, LI QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel ers or citizens may require. oct 18-6 m. Farms Wanted. SEVERAL improved farms lA-anted, (within 20 miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons die. posed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield. street, near 4th, soon ol6—tf JAMES WARDROP & CO., Manchester Nursery, (AFTER for sale a larre, assortment of Fraitab V/ Trees, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubso= Winter Blooming Plants, &c. consisting in pan of Ap-- le, Peach, Nectarine, Almond, Apricots, Grape Vines ; English Gooseberries, Currants, Raspberries, itc. &c.- EXTRA LARGE SHADE TREES, very suitable for plant- - ing on the streets, which will afford good shade the first season. Also, choice imported Dutch Hyacinthon and Tulips; part of them are selected for flowering in pots or glasses during the winter. CUT FLOWEIOV,-- viz: Japonicas, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, &c. furniabe& during the winter at the shortest notice. N.B. Purchasers may be furnished with careful men to plant the Trees, at a reasonable charge. ol9—d&w2w. NEW CLOTHING Cht.aper and better than can be had at any other- place west of the mountains. Call for Bargains AT THE THREE BIG DOORS, N 0.151, Liberty St., near the Jackson Foundry. 91HE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that his fall stock of Goods comprises a larger and more varied assortment than has ever been opened at any house in this city, and from the favorable terms at which his purchases were made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it can be had in any other establishment in this city. He would request the public to call and examine his splen did assortment of all the articles of dress, and from the excellence of the material, the style of workman ship and the very low price at which all his articles are sold, he feels confident that every one will find it to their advantage to purchase at the "Three Big Doors." As none but the best cutters and workmen are em ployed, orders to make clothing will be attended to in a manner not surpassed by any other establishment in the city. He would again return his thanks to his friends and the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found it to their advantage to deal with him, be would repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothing of every description at the lowest pi ice, to call at No. 151, Liberty st. JOHN M'CLOSKEY. [_Observe metal plate in the pavement. 018-tf J. K. HENDERSON