I wit.G . •`' MEE .Y! ! v: tie; • PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN AD JANCE.*" 11. _NO. 35. -„,„, S PUBLISHED BY TIMMS' PnrraLlPS & WM. Lt. dnitirs 1111 W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. . . '-tFivo dollars a year, payable in advance. ci;ple; Two CENTS—For sale at the counter of It4lethfice, and 5y News Boys. lirks Weekly Mercnry and Manufkcturer rP;~ifibed at the same office, on a double medium abibilisii TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin glV..i.s4l*ltLX CENTS. 1: :: ". ' OF ADVERTISING. itle'S l / 4 1VARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: ' ol l?jusert, ion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two- i sle, 0 73 TWO do., 600 ' .Thrpe du.,. 2 00 Throedo., 7 00 • One ..etteek, 150 1 Four do., 200 Vito do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Three d 0.,!, - - - -.. 2 4:430- One year, 15 00 li , • . YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. . CRANGEABLZ AT PLEASURE. . One Square. Two Squares. :-Siximohets, , $l2 00 Six months, $23 00 *One year, 25 00 One year, • 35 00 t gar Larger advertisements in proportion. igr miltbs of D e w lines SLX DOLLARS a year. - Pcibhc Offices, &c. OAce, Third betwaen Market and Wood streets—R. M. Riddle, Pokmaker. W aln Ater, 4th door fr. Wood t.,Pe teilisun'ilad,i.;qa---7Atajor John IVillock, Collector.. eit,k Tiecsturry, I'Vu4cl, between First and Second wtrlidis-:4ticnes A. Bartram, Treasurer. aileireP7Yeasury,' Third street, neett dune -to the Thiriero3byteritut Church—S. R. Joluiiton, Treasu- Mayor's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood 4treets—alexainder Ray, Mtiyor. Jaki-ekonts Exchange, Fourth near Market st. BANKS. 'en et and Wuod streets on TT . tiVA'ible,„.... Mark F i.,,?„,,ii . ,5.,,,i,d,..ifa,.. f acture,8. and Fanners' De- To l, mt4o4lc, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between :Magid tind;Market streets. icillomg se,' -Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. Monongahela House, Water street, near the 4s roc It n e • fro t el, corner of Penn and St. Clair: Aferdifkante Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. I/merit:en Hotel, corner ofThirci and Smithfield. - Maigesl States, corner of Penn st. and Canal gisriEesSi• Eagle, Libarty street, near seventh. Miller's Mansion House, 'Liberty St., oppnsite BrOwlicurst's Mcinsion Howse, Penh St., opp,,:ite `-eanat-- Inspartant..to OWIICTS of Saw rains. • Q Ny4,2O.ER'S antis:ailed Self Setters, for saw mills, - j :irhiali have been so fully tested in different - parts orate United States, as well as in the cities of Pitts butiet.and: Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a nutifiki of inthis neighborhood, viz: at Mr. Wick ersham% mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & eh:mi l/014N ' mills, near the ripper Allegheny bridge; and at -IVforriion's mills; - on Hare's Island, and other.:.— The above named machine ran be obtained at W. W. allacelk shoo 'ml Liberty street, near Smithfield, whe.tetit is. fitting where the machine will be kept constaqtly m, hand=. Apply to B. F. Snyd , r, or \V. W. Wallace. irelv Evans' Chamomile Pills VIRMI.I3I residing'CLEMEß, at 06, -'Lott , street, New York, was afflicted With Dyspepsia 'in 6 most aggravated form. The symptoms were vi -9 elUtlieu,daelte, greatd,tbility, fever, cus ti cou . .isturtbnat,.pain in . the chest and stomach alivays after eating, iMpaired,appetite, sensation of,siaking at the stomach,. furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomit ito towards night and rcstle.,sAess. These nad continued upwards of a twc.ivemonth, when, on comMlting Di-. NVm. Evans, 100 Chatham street, an d submitting to his ever successful and agreeti.ble mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to healthin the short space of one month. and grateful fur 'the incideuLable benefit derived, gladly came forward and volunteered the above statement Tor sale, whole -sale and retail, by A. E. SELLERS,A , 4ent, sep 10—y No. L'o, Wood str:.et,l3..lOw Second. Peasa's Hoarhound Candy. U•TTLZ ha= received this day from Nen• Yuri:, ,afresh supply or the above celebrated cure for Coitglas,.Coas and Consumptions; and is ready to sup ply customers at. VaJlcsale or retail, at his Medical A gpl.cy, 86 Fourth st. nor 12 :Batter Bargains than ever, at the Three Big Doors. • HE subscriber would respectfully inform his co- . 1-.f.toruers and the public generally, that notwithstail ,iinribe unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, .luring the present season; he has still on hand the la r ,gest and. most varied assortment of elegant CLO THING that can be bought west of the moon; ains.— Thef_puliic may rest assured that alb \ articles offered at - .liis.strartaso maufactured from FRESH GOODS, par .chssecl M Lit 2 Eastern markets this spring and made in- Ito garments by Pitttsburgh workmen. In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in .ur city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty, cast off garments of former seasons, from the caste ro ci ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char acter of the establifihmeats in which they are invited vareshase, before they part with their money. The art is cles7offered at SON end of the concerns in this city, ore the mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts burgh)public. Purchasers shot Id be on their guard a gainst theseimpositions, and they may rely on the fact ihatno establishment that advertises eastern made Clo thinG can give as good an article or as advantageous 'bargain ascan be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the subseri ler4garmentstre made ingis city;by coMpetent work mon and not gathered up like the goods now offered by thetirds of passage" from the shreds and patches of eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors" have - Obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO THING in every inaPect.; and sa.pnoesbelow those of any other establishment. He would again return his thanks to his friends and the, public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed upon his establishment, and believin. , that they have found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would repeat his imitation m all those who wish to purchase Clething of ewery description at the lowest price.to call; at-N0.151, LIBERTY ST. JOHN M'CLOSKEY. r4i7Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26. Look at This Tilt attention of those who have been somewhat sceptical in reference to the numerous certifi cates: published in favor of Dr. Sway-he's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being unknown in this Section of the State,is respectfully di rected to the following certificate, the writer of which has Been a citizen of this borough for se-veral years, and ; is kisawn as:a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. 1. KIRBY. Ihare used Dr. Swayne'S Compound S3-rup of Wild , Cheri' for a Cough, with which I have been severely ,utilicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it is the most effective 'medicine thut I Ihni t elie'en'tilde to procure. It composes all uneasiness, sun, 4rees well with my diet,—and maiiitains a regular .14.1110:4 1 /rPeeltel- I can sinceaely recommend it to all ssiseitraafllicred. J. M yrs lex, Borough of Oil., • a :stllt 9, IS $O. 'Chambersburgh. For side by WILLIAM THORN, No: 53 Market street. (..ep 23) R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at '4;.airry Otfice removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street, nearly opposite the new Court Hansa, next rooms to J. D. Mahon, Esq., first floor, sep 10 Hugh Toner, Attorney at Loot, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth strectn, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Francis IL Shank, Attorney at Law, Fourth street, above Wood, Pittsbuigh, Pa @ET 10-1 y Thou= 7 1IaraAton, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., sop IQ-y' Pittsburgh. Pa. Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law, Office on the North , ide of the Diamond, bctween Mar ket and Union streets, up stair!? st:p 10 A. I. Durboraw, Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional gerviccr: to the public. Oiric gen 10 on sth st., above W:Aci. Pitt gbar,th Eyster & Buchan4n, Attorneys at Law, Office remorod Crom tin. Di I , riotia to "Attorney's Row,' slrady side of ith ? between Market. and Wood. sep 10 Pith:burgli N. Bncianaster, Attorney at Law, Has removed his °frier. tn - Boares' Law Buildings. 4th st., above Smithfield, Pirtsbut-A. .ep 10 • Geo.rge W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Oißce in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sep 27—v Reade Washington, Attorney at Law, °Aire in Bakewell's building, Grant street, Pittsburgh nov 5, 184 John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smithfield iwd Fifth trect .4. Pi tb4bUr77ll. 'fgr'Colleetions made. All busineAB catruraed to his care will he promptly attendNl to. feh William Elder, Attorney at Law, Office in Second street, saCand door nbare the earner of ap'29—tf Smithfield, north side. Wm. E. Austin, A.ttorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pu. (Mice in Fourth street, oppu6ito Burk& L e-wiLLIA. E. Acsris, Esq., will give lri= atten tion to my unfinished businvis, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sop 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Daniel M. Carry, Attorney at Law, °Tire on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, ap 8 Pitt,dairg,l3. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, olne,fl en the earlier of Fourth and Srnithtivid qrreets sep 10 Judson & Planegin, Attorneys at 1127 v , thfield, near 7th street. Collections rmule on moii crate tenni. Pen 2 ion:4 for widow:, of' old sn!dier:: under the late act of Congre,:i ohtai ad. l'ap,ri awl draw ingF. for tic patent office pr. pared• mar 17—y Henry S. Slag.raw, Attorney at Law, Hat leper ail:, friends of American hulustry. GEORGE ILOTHERY, Corner . of O'llarri & Liberty st_g. Horatio P. Yonne, Cabinet Maker, - (Late (!f the dirm of Youn 4. .'Curdy) HAS commenced the DliAirte.a in all its bra ichcs nt No 22, Wood street, between First and Second strs.. where he will keep eonstantiv on hand n good as sortment of well made FURNIPTRF., rind hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit n continuance of the pat image of the public. • Every attention willbepaid to furnishing COFFINS, &c. A Furniture Car for (tire. Jul 11 .1N 15-‘ JOHN MrFAIIL AND, Ritlpholsteror and cabinet rdaker,l 4 Third st., kehceen Woad and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads; stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol sterin! work, Which he will warrant equal to any made in the city. and on reasonable terms. sep 10 Matthiw Jones, Barber and Flair Dresser, I las removed to Fourth street, opposite the dare's of fice, where he will be happy to waampon permanent or transient customers. Ile solicits a share of public pa tronage. sep 10. FALL FASHION. Lit HATS AND CAPS. . The subscriber havin 7 , returned from the East with the latest st le of Hats, has now on band and will c ot , stantly keep a large a.asortment of his own Mat:nfac ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap ness, cannot he surpassed, and would rgspectfully in vite his friends and the public to examine his stock of Hatsand Caps, at the Manufactory. No. 73. Wood st. sep D--3m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. NEW FASHIONABLE Hat and Cap Manufactory . . Ao• 93 Woad Atreet, 3 doors below Diamond Arley T HE subscriber will keep constantly on hand every variety of the most fashionable likrs and CA F'S. wholesale and retail. at reduced prices. Persons wishinzto purchase will find it to their inte rest to crive hirn a call. S. MOORE. Pittsburzli, nog. 29, 1893. QitINDING AND POLISHING —Sad Irong ground and polished, and other kinds of Trindiug;done id the Cast Steel File Manufactory, cor ner of Liberty anti O'Hara streets. aug 18 ~_..., ,_..,... ._ ..._......,..a.ai~.:~. PRICE, TWO CENTS - q:be lailn ,omit g Po- A CAPITA L SKETCH .... O'Kelly having one evening lest himself in the taxi: row streets and dangerous purlieus of the 'lsle Se. Louis,' in Paris, the following adventure occurred :sii him. . . . A tall figure, wrapped in a cloak, produced a tindeli. ' box, and began to clink deliberately with wsteel. wed flint. Every flash showed. me. some savage looking fare, where crime and famine struggled for mastery; while I could mark that many had large clubs of woo and one or two were armed with swords. I drew. breath breath with short efforts, and was preparingcoyielf foe the strug,gle, in which, though I saw death before - the, t I resolved to sell life dearly, when a band was passed across the pillar of the door and rested upon t ry . leg. , For a second it never stirred; then slowlycacp.74 . tkpetai my knee, where it stopped r e gain. My heartiemd Ito - cea ~ e . its beating g; I felt like one around whose heir snake is coiling fold after fold his slimy gptuip.—W some i The hand was gently withdrawn, and before I eoakt recover from my surprise, I was seized by the throat and hurled imo thestreer. A savage laugh rang dee! the crowd, and a lanternjust lighted was . held up to_l4 face, a idle he who spoke first called out-- 7 • .-, •_. 'You did'nt decant Of escaping us, bet; did yceil'. At the same moment hands were thrust into my variA• oils pockets; the few silver pieces I possessed were tie. ken, my Watch torn oft; my hat examined, and the sip ring of my coat ripped open, and all so speedily that I saw at once I had fallen into experienced. 61;4. . •Where do von live in Paris?' said the first speake . t , still holding the light in my face, and staring focidlyrit me while I answered. .1 am a stranger, and alone,' said I, the th for o . - ' ughi 4 rock me, that in such a circumstance frankness was . as good policy as any other. 'I camp hero to see the.. cathedral, and lost my way in returning.' 'But where do you live? in what guarier of 'Parisi' 'The Rue d'Alg,er No 14, the second story.' 'What effects have vou there in money ?' . ~, 'One English bank note for five pounds', nothing more.' '.,ln . v jewels, or valuable of any kind?' 'None: I am as poor as any man in Paris.' 'Does the porter know your name in the house ?' 'No:I am only known as the Enzlishman of No. 14. 'What are year Lours?—irregular, are the'y not?' 'Yes; I often come home very bite.' 'That's all right. You speah French ii-ell. CaA yynt write it.' 'Yes; sufficiently-SO for any common purpose. 'Here tlen,' said he opening a large TioCketbook, 'write an order which I'll tell you, in the concierge of, the house: Take this pen: With a trembling hand I took the pen, and waitest for his direction. . 'ls it a woman who keeps the door of your botel? said T. 'Well, then, begin—Madame la Concierge, let the bearer of this note have the key of my apartment.' As I (Mowed with my- hand the words, 'could ianik. that. one of the party was whispering in the i ar of the speaker, and then moving, slowly around, to my beat, •Th A b. what's that? said the chief speaker—To_ still there": and as we listened, the rich Chorui, of number of voices singing in par,?, was heard at sorup :ode distance off. 'This inthrnal neat of fidlows must lie aimed out of this, one day or other,' said the chief; 'and if I end my days on the Place de la Gi eve. PI try and do it.-- flush there—be still—the3're Passing on;' true enough; the sound began to wax fainter, and my heart sank heavily, as I thought die last kope was leaving me; Suddenly a thouflit dashed through nty mind; death one shape is as bail as another. I'll do it—d stOope4 down as if to continue my wilting, and then collecting my strength for the Ma.t, and taking a deeli I struck tlie.man in front a blow with all my : might, - that felled him to the ground, and clearing him with a spring, Imunded down the street. My old Indian teaching bud done me good service here few white men could have caught me in an open plain, with space and sight to guide me, and I gained at every stride;. hut ales, I dared not stop to listen whence the sounds pro:teed-A, and could only flash straight forward, not where it might lead ntr, down a steep ruggtd street, that grew narrower as I went, I plunged—WhiM; horror of horrors, I heard the Seine plashing at ihe'endl -the rapid current of the river surged against the hilly?y timbers that defended the banks with a sound A solitary trmnbiing light lay afar off in that river from some barge that was at nuchorthere, for I fixed lay eye upon it, and was preparing to pinup, whcri; with a half suppressed cry me pursuers sprrimg - np from tz low wharf I had not seen below the quay and stoca l in front tif me; in an instant they were upon 'nit; a 6hower of blown fell on my head and shaulders; .- Eind one armed with desperate re4ohition, struck me On She forehend and felled me on the trot. 'Be quick, now, be quick!' suit/ a voice I ‘relfloleir —'into the river with him; the fillets de St: elo'nd will catch him by day-hreak: into the river with him,' • ••-^ TheYtrire off my coat and shoes, and dragied'tite . -ii- • long toward the wharf; my senses vveretlear` the blow had deprived me of all poWet to resist and i • 'could calculate the little chance still left Me; whens - - 1 once 1 had reached the river, when a loud yell and is whistle was heard afar off—another, loader followed! the fellows around me sprang to their legs, and with:.. a mattered curse and a cry of terror, darted off la different dhections. I could hear now several pistol ihots following quick on each other, end the noise of— a r crifFle with swot-34; in an in:tantit was over, and a cheer burst forth like a try of iritunph. • '•- 'Any one wounded there?' shouted a deepi-mmnly ' voice from the end of the street. I endeavdted tonal! out, hut my voice failed me. `Hallo there, any one wounded?' said the *Meet , again, when a window was open ther my head,itnit R man held a candle out, and looked into the street: -= `This way, thin way,' Eaid he, as he caught Fight of my shadow where 1 lay. . . . . 'Ay, 1 guessed they went down here,' said the' same voice I beard first. us he came along., followed by seseri al others. Il'ell, friend r are you much hart; any blood lost?' ‘Nn, only stunted,' said I, 'and almost well already." 'Have you any friends here.--were you quite alone?' 'Yes, quite alone.' 'Of course you were-- w hy should I ask? That murderous gang neNer dared to face two men yet:— Come, are you able to walk? Oh, you're a stout low, I see—come, alon,e- with ter. Come Ludwig, put a hand u..ider him, and we'll soon bring himap.' When they lifted me op, the sudden motion enti4 a weakness so complete, that I fainted, and knew mare of their proceedings, till I found myself lying on a sofa in a large low room where some forty persona were seated at along-table, most of them sinoking from. huge pipes of regular German proportions. 'Where nm I?' a-as my question: its I looked about, and perceired that the party waren kind of blue voi— form, with for on the collar and cuffs, and a greyhound worked in gold on the arm. • 'Why, you're safe, my good friend,' said. a volotrbe side me—'that's quite caougls to knais at present, is'nt it?' 'I begin to a-rt t with you,' said I, cooly; tea so turning round en me side. closed rrry eyes, and fell intg s pleasant a .1( ep a; ever I rememsererl in my life. They were, indeed, a very singular of !espy*. thes which my friends Clough!: proper to administer ta . me; 1, ,, r am I quite sure that a rarearoise of chocolate, dashed with rum and friction over the face, with hot eau de Cologne, are aufficiently appreciated byth 'faculty;' but this 1 du know, that I felt very much ze n , ! dived be the application without and within. and with . n face somewhat the coior of a copper preserviiig paw., and far too hot to put anything on. I. *sit up Imo:110*A :Hound me. A m-trier eut of tn.:Wet/on nfat.eseapr - experience had ever beheld. They were mostly 494. dle-aged, grirly looking c w i k il wwwt with ter". pccitawt r_ a`~?RZa'l ci-:~9'71 BY L-:lsrt