Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 21, 1843, Image 3

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    To Printers.
have received, and will hereafter to keep eon- 1
-... Wstantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink,
AT(IRDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1843. in large and small kegs, which w e will be able to sell
_,_—_- chcaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city.
Orders from the country accompanied by the cash
(IN ALL CASES) will be promptly attended to.
oct 10—tf Office of the Post and Manufactuter.
11:774n business cards, &c., see firstpage
commurTEE FOR ocTonER.
W. J. Howard—J. 13. Semple—George Ogden
i . Now Groceries!!
. B! , E . AMBOAT H.IIttIOR IN ALLEGIIEN Y. — The author- - IN addition to theirformer Excellent Stock of FRESH
. 9f Allegheny city have advertised for proposals - I .FAMILY GROCERIES, the subscribers have this day
fcr 'the construction of a Steamboat Harbor and Canals received NO'S. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, No's. 1 and 2Shad
; .,.. n i, d h Sal L u i no u t o t, r S ic u e sq, ch co a a nn . ; \ t ; . a t and ciu m n a d o .N r , H uts erri t n .e t to C i ud is
in that city. Plans and. specifications can be seen on
application t o M r . H. Nixon. If our neighbors sac- Sultanal i taisins, , Prepar ec l Cue ' oa, Sago, Mace, Sabers:
-coed in this undertaking it will be an immense ad van- ' tun, Saltpetre, SpertnCandks, Chalk, Whiting, Rotten
magi co their city, and greatly enhance the value of the Stone, Sr.c. &c.; together with a great vat iety of rureand
iny of enterprizing gentlemen who have been ac•; choice articles in their hue; all of which they offer at
;tin in getting up the project 11' holesale or Retail, on very reasonable terms.
&reap Fas t.—Under all the trials of life,itand fast!
Would you wish to live without trial Then would
you wish to die but half a man—at the very best but half
n man." Without a trial,youcannot guess at your own
-strength. Men do not learn to swim upon a table.—
'They mustgo i2lO the deep water and buffet the surges.
Tf you wish to understand their true. character, if yon
•weield know th...ir whole strength, and of what they are
'capable; throw them overboard !—over with them f— I
, and if they are worth saving, they will swim ashore
At a meeting of the Committee of Arrangement for
'celebrating the recent triumph of the Democratic par
.ty Ailegirmy county, held on Thuratlay evening, the
19th inst, the following sub-committee s 'mere appoint-
44t1.8. Guthrie,
Johiit Murray,
' , Thcunis Hamilton,
.Jdjn Tatlor.
.John Smith,
JoLti A. Guthrie,
'Mien. "IL Thompson.
O. Reso!vcd, Th-tt It ) Iv Pat! tr4ol,
Cltdirmi►n of the Conilzittce, be authorized to invite
the Potties-vale candidates elect to attend the eelebra-
John .11u rruy,
Charles Barnett.
Jd 1B: authrio,
Theviti Lynch,
/1144 .Patterson,
}limp Knipe,
kart TAYLoft,
Wessrs. Editors: 1 have not the honor of Mister
Robert MaDonald's acquaintance, nor do I seek it.-
IPhy he should ehallen4e M 2 I know not If he is de
sirous of inflicting his eloquence upon an audience, he
mdtt procure an opponent like himself who his Inure
siiiire.eme than brains. The modest •eirallenger eau ,
attribute me r,litsid to a prudent dread of his .grezt.in
telleCl: Hoping that the citizens or Pine townsiiip—uf
sarAitairict No. 3, in particular, may derive sufficient
nni4oineut from Mister McDuaald without aay
fergnco"un my part, I am,
'JAMES IVA RD13.01 3 &CO.,
Manchester Nursery,
eIiTER for gale a large assortmeta of•Fruitofflb
Vor •Trees, Evergreens, Shade Tr, , es, Shrubs, s= -.
Whiner 'Blooming Plants. &c. consisting in part of Ap
“le,l4lth; Nedtarine, Almond, A (4
.}:itigih'lGoosetrorries, Ciirrill.F. aspherch , s. cCrr Cc.
litlitra.t.OLtig'SHADm Tar:us, very suitaNcl..r rlant
iag ;41/lAe krret?, which will :drool grand sh7tee the
tiqoPeo.. 'A I:,, choice imported
rrii4 : Int:lips; part of them are selv4;ted for Ilan reins iu
Pots Kw glasses during the %%bat r. CL. T liotvEl2.s,
vie japea mig , 13, 30 13u:1:, Heliotropes, &e.t . a/1it:4104
aortae' the ainter at the shortest mulct'.
Pitrehrocrs may he id] carefui ,
men twirl:int the Trees, at a leasaaable charge. •
Ia•EXIi., SKINS, tit c,:e.(l ;Ina )t criN
-10 1 ed ;iud. 'be sale by A. BEI:LI:N.
a 571. f
9/li'a LBS. very .teuperior W. R. CFE ,, :sc., jur.
1.7 received and for sale frw. , , Ui
VOR SALE LOW or exchanged for other r , ropzrty
• , stioad smooth-bore . Rille, io good order, and
German Silver. Also, a good revolving
Plgtikttiehout I even times without reloading, for sale
atiltir plea for cash or approved barter to suit the
asittiGra' • ISAAC HARRIS,
'Avnt and Cam. Merchant.
• ' NEW mamma
.C-komer. and better than can be 'had at any °Pier I , DII. MI, A NE's
• .. place 'erect of the mounteine. . AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC.
Call fhr Bargains Mr../ Kr on—Sir:—.l, child of mine about 4.4 years
AT THE THREE BIG Doorts, illii. °' en constanfly indisposed, and of pale complex
teen; hot had always a rood appetite. In order to have
•• No. 154, Lacrly St., near the Jackson Foundry. 1 the chiid well, I bought a small bottle , of Mc Lam 's Ver.
/1111€ qubscrik..r would respectfully inform his , iniElge of which I gave ldni 3 spininCils, :slier whi c h
Lk ' friends and the public, that his lidl stool; o f ,20 or ; . ?5 large worms were expelled. i wi-li all Ger
' C 4441 comprises n larger and more varied assortment' mans would read the c.bove fact.. The child's health
thie.liaSs ever been opened at any house-in thin city, and ;is much improved. MICHAEL BIEN.
froth ttie ftivoruble terms nt which his purchases were ! Chart ii-T . 5 Creek, Sept. 26 1843.
made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it con ! [l:.:Fert. sale at the Drug Store of
'ho hid' in any other establishment in this city. lle 1 ' . JONATHAN KIDD. i
• would request the public to call and examine his splen- ! ont Corner of 4th and Wood sts. Pittshg., Pa
.'did , assortatent of all the articles of- dress, and frost - _______
the excellence of the material, 'the style of workman- i J. W. attrbridgo & Co.
ship and the very low price at which all his articles are • A GENTS fur the sale of BEA, TY ' S' Powder. Watersold; sold; he feels confident that every one will find it, to IA street, betwden Wood and SmitlifiA sivems,
their advantage to pen•base at the "Three Big Doors." l' , . • ••••u,- h•
o , :t 5 lie
--- - -
As none but the'L,.... eetters and workmen are em-
Bargains to be Had.
moaner ployed, orders to m i!...e clouds; will be attended to in a . 3 .
• not surpassed by e.ny other cretablidimont in tI ACRES OF VA LUABIE LANDS
'.the-city. 1 ~,,- , 68 ers. The land lies in Tyler and Nicholas a ,
evil] be sold a bargain en tote to snit
Ha would again retutTlltis thank:: to hi 6 friendi and purchas
Co's., rirgiaia—and CLEAR OF ALL F'iC 'Xi/RANT "
• the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed • . . • • l ' ' •''•
l 1' or particulars Inquire of the subset ihers, if by letter,
upon his micab;ishment, and believin g: that they have
folandbt to-their advantage to deal with him, he would I"',
paid, LLOYD &CO.,
•repeatlds invitation to all those who wish to purl:hese ! actl()
140 Liberty street, Pittsburgh
'Clotkiiagiufeveryticsciiption at the lowest pi ice, to rall
;ut.isl,c4 15,1, Liberty st. JOHN :II'CLOSK EY
-aPOlmerve metal plate in the pavement
el 8-tf
BUFFALO ROB PS by single robe or bale, for sale
Parma Wanted.
SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20
miles of the Pittsburgh market). PorArms - di,._
posed to sell will please call at my (Alec, in Smithfield
street, near 4th, seen
.Dissohition of Pariaorship.
HE partnership. heretofore existing .under the
style of Devine& Sl'Anulty,.is this day I lissolved
by tantual cowout, H. Desine is to collect all gums
due to the concern, and pay all claims cputractetl fOr
the concern up to this date.
f%sberlit, Sept. 1. 1843
H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that be still continues in the Transporting
business, and that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
arid forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
terms. H. DEVINE.
HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her-
Srings j t roe:rivet' 4uxi fgr .141 e
43, Wood streest.
0. H. Browne,
Hiram - Kaine,
B. Hogan,
Davit Lvzlcb
Andrew• Mellwuin
ON 1,11731 C
Thomas Phillips
r.LOYn cco.,
10, Lib. -ty at
H. DEV,T.I/.:.
ear Fall and Winter Goods.
A RE now opening and offer for sale a very large
and, general assort went of seasonable Dry Goods,
consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth,
broad cloths of e very color, cassimeres. sat tinetts,jeans,
kerseys, linseys, flannels, blazes, bleached and brown
cottons, drills, ticks, Alparea lustres black and colored,
plain and printed metines, muesli!' de lain,- Irish li
nens, Mattioui &actuator silks, ribbons, Inces,cambrics,
muslins, Merino, fancy and blanket shawls. sewing
silks, spud' and skein titrads. &c., &e.. together with
an assortment of carpets, nisi floor cloths, Ce , all of
which we are able to sell as cheap as goods can now be
bought in any market, cast ur west. sep 21-4 f
Allegheny County u.
sile matter of the estate: of nonERT
Kl dee'd.
S. utz
Aud now, Sept. 10, 1313, on motiea et
George. Ilmniiton, the money considerol
in Court and Itubet t Woods appointed Auditor to dis
tribute proceeds aside. By the Court,
Notice is h..reby given to all persons interested, that
I will attmd to the duties assigned tome by thr Court
in the above ea.,e, at ley oilice on Grant street Pitts
burgh, on the 30th ofUet., IC 13, at a o'clork, P. M.
sapt23-3wil ROUT. WOODS, Auditor.
Lippincott Mills.
T HEsuliscriber having purehased and thoroughly
repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing,
and will keep constantly on hand, a fell supply of all
the different kinds of Nails, Spike s uud Brades.
made from the best quality of Juniata Bloom 4, and as
soon as the necessary additions (5:6 be made t 1 the
machinery, he will momfactura every description of
Bar and Shecit Itssm.ostiallv made in this market.
Orders left with S. Cot hbert. nt N 55. 35 Wood st.
Dr at the Mill 4 in the Fifth Ward. will he promptly at- j
tended to. JAMES ANDERSON.
Iron Safcs.
T itEsPEcTFuILr iufonn the public that I have
and keep always on hand an 'assortment of Fire
Ptouf Safe,. : The price, in consequence of the ma
terials and labor being much lower, is reduced abou t
thirty percent: They are kept for sale at my shop, in
Sixth street, abuse Smithfield, next to the church on
the corner of eitli street—a, also with Atwood, Jones
&Cu., and Dthell S.: Fleming. In regard to the qual
itv of my safes I leave tint,e perioni who have intr.
cha.ied and will purthase my safes to attest the util
ity of therm I. desire no newspaper puffs on inc Afiff , t:
iustirc and troth Warrant me iu inforinin thi• public
that fall my sales which hare Leen 'in buildiog, burnt
doxria for several yours since I conalurnr,d Lace pre
,erve.A all the pitp,..ri, which they contain
oil. 1 hic:e a taint contrinia- a nu:niter of certificates
of tilos:true, thich ;tr.! is viieriation and in my hand
and the a;rentes. JOHN DENNINO.
N. B. pair if Sprinz; for =al,., wild, by
Jo:v , 5.7 Coh•nitio. u:irl a iiPhe snl,l lo . 11.0. t.- , r112w •
Pros , . with po•.i . e.: t., pi , :tlHl t fill
JOHN 1.I: Ft: v ER'S
New & Cheap Stock Establishment,
• NO 131, D1.11:0NI:
•It El 1;'.,k,.1) i) 1 1 1
1 - XV( H..1.1.)2,2,.11-4],t•tll:l] 1.() Op.
Pitt,hu,rh a;•,,1 h • 4 ,,, ,.atry .t
nr.m .-m-,l the m nmErrtn...t nt . STI y;1
17•• IN , rorlll ' 1,1(111 iiiit):1•/:), a IClmnttld
.1114 (I:11 , r, to call and (•xhriii.:4• for th nn.td, , • , , a- I am
di.tr•rrnined In .a. , 11 on dr , rt.tna- aC .,,, 1n 1 11(K1111i , : if
for ca,h, and hip", t , Ittonrnm to bh , ,lne.,, t,
?wait a ...Imre of pubrir pat; 0n.14• , .. aug. 19—Gm.
McLane's American Worm Specific.
Some 2 months ago, I purchased a vial of Mc.
Lai:Cs. American Worm Specific. I gave a boy of
mine most of a vial; he pm , sed 40 very large wormA.
From that time hi: health improved very nincl . I had
4 tied two miler Venni no purpose. I - believe
Dr. McLane'Atho best article before the public.
Mifflin Allegheny Sept- 30.
For sale at the Drag Store of JON. KUM. I f
oct 3 Corner 4th anti 11 ota4sts.
Bitter Almonds and Ginger Boot
'DECEIVED thiq day, a choke lot of Bitter Al
it., morals, real .Jamaica Ginger Root, and common
do. Atso, a few catty boxes choke GUNPOWDER
ice. LLOY D & CO'S,
ort 7. 140, Liberty st
UST RECEIVED an t i lot sale un cunsinment,
7 11103 httron,
7 ithelA sugar,
Can be :teen at the store 01.1aettl. Pointer& Co.
au=' , K. MOOIIIIEA D & CO.
F r EAs.—Rt,,,•iN et! con,ignment,
1 - 2 Clie,as Yowl , Heron Tea,
" Mari: Tea,
4 •. Imperial,
• Gunpowder, by
seep 1:3. 12 Water street
Pig Lead.
RECEIVED by S. B. "New York," five tuns ofrii,
Lead. Fur sale by
012-8 t A. DEELEN.
drying, in store, and for sale at the DRUG
Corner.of 4th and Wood AS.
B UTTER-27 Kegs
-5 Barrels Western Reserve.
Dairy Buater just received and far sale by
sep ^G 43 VOxi sr.
SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stock, 'at pri
ej vale sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS,
ser 11 (...orner of Weed and Fifth street..
John D. Davis, -• 1 • CORRECTED DAILY BY
Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, !
T--_=... - -
S ready to receive merchandite of every description i —,-,
on consignment, for public or private sale, and i SPECIE STANDARD.
from long experience in the above business, fl atten Merchants and Afanufaclurers' Scrip .
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction Exchange Bank Scrip
to all who may favor him with their patronage.l Currency
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry 1 Erie Bank Strip
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , EXCHA -
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new . 0 4 , phi/ado/Al:a NGE—AT SIGHT
and second hand furniture, &c., at e o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug .12—y
i f Nets York
'Boston . . -
'atches, Pistols, Guns and Masks' in
struments at Auction.
T O -MORROW evening, Saturday, October list, at Davis' Cominercial Auction Rooms, corner
Wood and Fifth streets, at 7 o'clock precisely, will be
sold without reserve, for cash, par funds, an invoice of
valuable Patent Lever and other Watches, received di
rect from the Importer. •T hey will be sold by the case
or singly, to accommodate piwebasers, and can be seen
any time previous to sale. They are manufketuivd by
Tobias and other celebrated makers. At the same
time, 1 dozen Silver Table Spoons. Immediately af
ter the sale of Watches, by order of Assignees: I Piano
Forte, mantel looking glass; 1 oil painting, 1 eight
day brass clock, 1 astral lamp and shade: also, one of
Coles patent revolving pistols, nearly new, in complete
order, n beautiful article, cost orbibtally $25; 1 double
barrelled Fowling piece. Mu=ical instruments, viz: 1
music box, 1 superior violin, 1 key bugle, 1 five crook
trumpet, troniliJne, flutes,
oct 21 3. D. DAVIS, Auct'r,
LLOYD Sc. Co.,
140, Liberty st
O N Monday morning the 4 .23 d inst., at 10 o'clock,
at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of
Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold, without reserve,
by order of Assignees, a large invoice of Dry Guods
and ready made Clothing, consisting of cloths, easel
!neves; cassinets, flannels, merinos, prints, muslins,
tabby velvets, padding, buckram, brown Holland, can
vass, Irish linen, cheeks, patent thread, buttons, coats,
pantalootht and vests, &c, &c. The attention of deal
er; is requested as the sale will be positive.
At 3 o'clock P. M., the usual variety anew and se
cond hand furniture, groceries, Pittsburgh manufactu
red articles, &c.
At early gas light, sales of dry zoods, fancy articles
[Advocate and Gazette copy.[
Ar 1).11'1S' Commercial Auction Roouti. cornet
°Mood and Fifth streets. An extensive as
sortment of DRY GOODS,r,!cently putelessed in the
last fur cash, and which will be sold at a small ad
vance on Exitern prices. for eurreuey or upprove4 eti
(l.,r,cd notes. The ng.ortrnent consists in part of
t".O pier' wool dyed Line blaek broaticlotlaw,
15 per. bine cloth;
lb trown, olive arid mixed elothi.
4 ioper. Beaver cloths;
5 • • pilot cloth:;
30 iassinrtts, tett colors; sonic very
f. , • icrilled and plain svhitu, red,
g-reCII and y{:a , ./ W.
rte " English merino, assortLd colors:
100 all wool blanket. 311:11N/S;
'2OO einton plaid shawls;
I .000 doz. spool cotton. all colors;
100 pieces tilet,elied and brown tnnslins, and a 1
L!rOat variety of other articles usually Giund in a Dry
13 ;L: ul ti bo, a;= and
whi,:h will a!! ;At vrico, regard to tir•
1dt...:11.1V:111f,-. ill OW .12.1-;. pt
yl fit \VA IZ 1)1 N( ( A)AI)IISSIuN ERCIIANT,
) (..\
,L 1
1. • Fali,siork.-
DruL: •,‘ iwt , . 1/ , v.i%
13ewarc of a Sctticd Cough!
1 A!' 5:.1111,1,,in 2. - a -all.
a .1 , fl l. ot , Li!iv:ll. , iv for Ca;c:• , , Cat:lrrhal
.\ L'im2h. s'.lllP dll
- 111 . C , •11111 , 11i. , it. ,•11 " be pro
iltlol-11. 1 /11 0 1/11V1411 /1 IS. U , r' 1/11.C1,11.
I'iii. is to
cot - lily, I a ...or) ere
IttAt vet- ) ina,•h r2durrd. .k tier trying ;
th , .h.-..1 aid to no pa rp0,... I advi-rd h, prix - ure
bottle of Or. l'Lam A Lo n! Syrup: it eme relief
ly, tinil in two •,vor:ks I was able to go out,
and fall) bolioi.e it to be our of the mor , t valuable med..
iriro, now before the public. for Cotizh and breast corn
' k fr0..11 ,upi.ly of this valuable ("otiff.rb nieditine.
ju.l rr•reiccd at the Dru.:7 -4ore of .I.iiCUD ,
No. 1;0, corner of 'Wood and Fourth
csT Et_' :IvED and for sale by WM. THORN,
sfi Nn. '..l7arket street,
:;(10 palm soap in the bur,
COO •• •• " " in cask,
!00 S ri4-2ated soap,
•• a hite Ca:tile, (only lotiN market)
100 " :,!!-,o!nd soap, in i lb. casks,
doz. :haying ,oap,
C/!enn'i rose spertnaeetti `lnt p, for chapped
Ilan& sail for softening the skin.
The stib,criber has on hand FL larger n , 9ortriwut of
the above article than any other establishment in this
city, anti is also reeßnving• a large supply offrrsh drugs,
• W. THORN, •
oct No. 53, Market street: I
T IVER COMPLAINTS—Dyspepsia and Indi
gcst ton ,with cost/ tiseidity of the mom
Lich, h arelfte ! :,suf food after meals, heartbimn, flatulency,
liver c , onplaiuts, with pain in the side and shoulder
Jaundice, bilious coniplaintr , , dropsy, diabetes, gravel,
stone, :old inflammation oldie lung .arc mo:t perfectly
removed teal cured by the HEPATIC ELIXIR.
the most It4teniating,effecu in curing
all complaint, of the stomachand digestive organs.
Many highly respectable individuals in Now York
hive been cured. ?Stet trying even• other remedy in
vain, and have given in theirnurne3 N ith permission to
refer to theta. It is pleasant to the taste, and doe s
not in the least interfere with the daily avocation of one
inking it. Many families of this city have become sa
pleased with the medicinel that they use it as their
only family medicine. By using it occasionally, it
keeps the stomach free from bilious disorders, and the
liver active, with the secretions of the body in the
perfect activity. It is composed entirely of vegetables.
The cure will be gradual, but certain and permanent.
For sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth street.
sets 6.
Landreth's Garden Seeds.
4 full 5 ttpply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and flu-sale, at his agency, the Drug's tore of
L Liberty st., head of Wood.
Dissolution of Partnership.
E Partnership heretofore existing under the firm
1 of DICICF.Y and ALEXANDER, is this day dissol
red by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY,
sept. 1, 1841. IV:M.G. ALEXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY rezpectfully informs his friends
and thr public, thath: still continues in the Transpor
tation Business, at his Warehouse, cons ER OF LIBER
TY AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Basin, under the
name of the "Independent Portable &at Line,"
where he will receive and fm-watt'] freight to the East at
the lowest terms sera. 4—•-t.f.
OPKINS' EXTRA ALCOHOL, far retailing
11- for sale at the DRUG STORE of
Cornerof 46 and Wood sta.
"ill 10 do Gm. Pepper,
3 do " Allspice, together with Mustard,
Ginger and Cocoa, be sold very law to close con
signment, 'by MAILMAN, JENNINGS &CO.
018. 43, Wood street.
Bank of Pttisb Z 4 ? glt
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank.
Exchan °
Do. Hollidaysburgh
Bank of North Ainerica
Do Northern Liberties
Do PC unsylvania
Commercial Bank of Pennnleania
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank...
Kensington bank.
dilaugfacture rs and Mechanics'...,
Mechanics. . . .
Philadelphia bank
South tvark
Bank of Penn Township .-
Girard bank ..
U. 8. bank and branches
Bank of Germantotrn
" Chester county
•• Delaware county
" Montgomery Gouni
" Northumberland ..
Fanners' bunk of Bucks county
Easton bank
Doyl ,!own bank
Franklin bank of Washington
Bank of - Chirmbersburgh
" Middletown •
" Gettysburgh .
" Lewistown . .
Susquehanna county
Bents county bank
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
Carlisle Lank
Erie bank
Farmers and Drovers' bank., ...
" Banl.- of Lancaster ..
" Biwa of Reading. .
flarrisb urg bank
IlencsdaL ••
Lancaster "
Lancaster co. '•
........ . • ....
Lebanon "
Miners' bank of Pottsrillc. ..... - ......
3fonangahela bank of Bronsvillr
Nese !lope and Delaware Bridge company....
Northampton h. rrr
no sale
Torcaula .
....... ..... ..........3
West Branch bank....
_Fork hank
Belmont bank of St. Clairsrillc
Clinton bank of Colun.bus-.....
Colvnbiana Lank of New Liglaat
Circleville (Lawrence, cashier).
•• Irairen,
••1 i honks .........
Ciillieuthe tank
( . ...,no.torcifrl hank of ',the Erie..
Prez ukl n bank t•asbu.s . •
l'arri,cr; 'Ltd .V.eclianirs' bank of secut,,,riu,.•
r.y . bank of Ca
11 • ."
Meek a rt1:11-14% Ct.:win:raft
if , 'rnl Pleasant
Painam . .
617 iru .
Male bank and branches
State Scrip
1/1 bank
State bank
Bank of lainoi.i,Sharrnectoteri
Bank if the Valley of Virginia. 14
Prink ti Virginia
Exchange, bank of Virginia
Farmers' bankOf Virginia _..• . • ......14
North-IVrraernbank if Virginia .. ..... 14
Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia —l4
...... .11
Paltimore City hanks—
All other solvent banks_ . _
..W solvent banks—
411 ruleent k
A LA.i!',AM A.
.IfoGiie banks.. . - • - ..•• • • -—2 O
Counlry banks.. • 25
Nen , rira n s banks (good).. .. .• ..
411 banks
V. cort‘rn Of WOOD S. FIFTH STS.
The proprietors of the Moltt:lNc PosT and MEI:-
CURT AND MANUKACTURSII respectfully isifeirrn their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well ehor,on assortment of
S=OB '3llC"IliCl° -11E 4 9
zst Qt! rma ss3aoakka
N'ecessarT to a Job Printing Office, rind that they are
prepared to execute
Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Flat Tip,.
Xll. ttinbs of 331 auks,
Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap
propriatc cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respecrfully ask the patronage of our friends and
the public in general in this hrannh of our business.
July 31,'1343. PHILLIPS Sr. SMITH.
low, by •
43, Wood street
All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Please
call at No. 15/ Liberty street, +gal see for yourselves.
sep 7. J. McCLOSKEY.
_ 23
..- ...... 14
John II Rrox\-n k.C"O. PhiludylPhia-
J. R. Al'Dooathl. St. Louis,
W. H. Pope, Esq., l'res . t. Bank I.r.
Dpe Stuffs Just Recsireil.
dr 111 IPBED LOG WOOL). tt ND FUSTIC, Blue
kJ Vitriol, Cattle:owl, Alton. anal n general SLOCk of
Dr r WOODS; in store, v. ati, for .'4le at the prim Store
Comor tlrkt ,and Wood "t s.
JIACK REL.--.16E Bbl,. No. 3 Mackerol, just
received rinflfor snlehc
To Mel chants and Others.
A GENTLEMAN, Wilo thoroughly undergtands
Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa
city: the best of references will begiv.tirt. Address H.,
at this office. autz
T OBACCO.-10boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco,
25 do Russell & Robinsous do
5 do linre's do
10 do assorted sizes and brands,
just roceived nod for rale 1w
43, Wood street
. Toothache! Toothache!! - Toothache! !!
T HE abora complaints can he cured in five min
tam, Ly usinz the celebrated Alitscov ems DROPS
which is warramea. There are many imitations and
counterfeits, of the above. The only true and gran
inc articleis to be hod at TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth st
ABOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying and paving e-teases
July 31.—tcf.
Just Opened.
NT O. 1, Salmon,
1.111 No 1, 2 and 3 Machervl,
- No. 1 and 2, Maine Shad,
1, Labrador Gibbed Herring,
And 80011,e. fine dry CodYisb,
For sale forfanaily use,by - . LLOYD & CO.
.12. 140, Liberec st
Young liirson Tca.
a r2 an H l L .e 'S a T o S f, , half c c n h at ers ty,
i aindustb*xeoi.rYed,angdHfC;
sale low f.r cash. JOHN D. DAVIS,
_ol l. corner of Wood and Fil
Penmanship and 4:,0k-Seepng.
T HOSE wha wish a t.}^ ~ r ough knowied^e of these
branches. wo'2.lC do well to call at MR. S. W.
STEWARt'3 ( ....conmercial Academy, on Fourth Street.
near the.earner of Market and Fourth. before engaging
elswhere, oct 3-Im.
Forwarding and Ilion Merchant;
A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; Wilshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Stearn boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Propric•
tors °filo Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
& Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. I'
11. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff', Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., L'ecTalu,
M. I'. Williams & Dw,
lion. John M. Allen, Cle eland
Charles M. C4idding,,
J. S. Dickey. Beave r .
Birmingham & Pittibingli
ap 11}343—1c
- -
Beaver and Warren Packet.
THE canal packet ERIE, J. M .
Sha,master, ill run as reg,uhattri.
weekly packet betwee w n the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freiz,ht or pass ace apply on !may* or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pitt4hurgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
e 74 .
184 3 .
T. 4-1 ARE REDIJCEI).-1; S ltir. Liss or STAGS
..1L: AND RAIL ROAD CARS.f, um Pittsburgh, sin Bed
ford, Chanabaraburg, llama:u.; and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting e. ith the Main train °fear, to
N. Y. &c. Only 1.50 miles ataginit undone night cut.
Also, the direct hue to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia 10.
Baltimore 9.
Lewes daily at 8 o'clock A. ltf
Office 2sl door li,•lots the Nfeieliants' llotel Wood ,t. Lots for Sale.
AIENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUCII &Co., 1 ot, in 'Rochester.One and a (earth Acres dr
4 - -
,„,. '23, 1313-1 y I,andon liohnes' Hill. Lots nos 41 4° 52 53 51
..... . , • •-, , • ,
idio 182, ansllBl,ln Cook 'a plan of Lots, tut Melaka,
The Groat Central Route Hill. Also, Lots no, 26,and 27, in Coolest piing( LOU
on High street, near theneu Court Ilnu•e. For Wan,
Via Natzonal Road and Baltiinoic and Ohio Rail
v- -..--t Road Coo.paly, i tr uPTcY li°o
7..'11'. REmiNctoN,
....._,.,_.......„4, 0 .
NEW LINE OF t'. S. M \IL s_t)li:llli'S Fort
IVA -tumors:lN C/Tr, B ILT/A10:0: PIIILA I LLPII/ 1
T HIS line it in full operation and l , ate, Pittsburgh sel' 10
daily at 6 o'clo k A. .11., s, 1 11 idii :ton Pa. , Par Vent
and national rots I to Cu abt - trland. ~, t'o's nag here _enslit That COTTAGE, aittotted in the B.. t h a
with the rail road i',' , iti all th - sluic e p' ie. ,: Tray- ' I- - rt Laionniinara t , lit toinsagint Occupied by riPhilt
elers will fin a tint a - , itt.stly and s aull'ortable route, Parker.
it being a separate and di -inlet I'ittsburgh and Cum The place has a very fine garden and pod assort,
I ellaod line, facilities will be afforded which have not moot of &nit trees. Any person renting cam bay* the
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at priv ilege of engagi nz for the ensuing yew, Vosges
the shortest notice with the privile;ee of guitie through sins given on the Ist or October next.
direct or taking one nights res: at their option. Aptly at No. 5 Comrnerci el Row, Lamity stmt.,
For tickets, apply at our offirce at the Monotignizela or to Wm- TODIan, Smithfield street.
!Louse. L. W. STOCKT6N,'
sep. 1, 1893.
fob 3—dif. Pr, - -ltlent of N. R Strtge ro. ----
tairtilii - Plik - etilc for Cilia — mita. — 1 1 &NI •\ LT ' CHEAP FARM F(iR SkLE. - •
A SMALL Form in Upper St. Clair township-, at,
I 1 ,,.. I, .;:-.."?..•
' LA bout 44 miles from'Fitt.hurgh.andabeigeo yard*
'" 11 .17 ''' 1 -41.1.4 1
cf the Washington turnpike, containing ititteres goal.
'lie Swilt,ure, Robui,on land, well located and improved. and almost alleiearet,
, :llaater, leaves t; , e , .',. , and under good fence: and trill be a good piece for as The Cutter
Theirsda„ at 10 o'clock, a. tit.,
tensiseeardner. &.... It has on it a gogood tlarelling
Collins,ollin- .11aster, Ira\ ea es my Friday at }pulse and harm and 115i/cell watered. It Ira! be fold
10 o'clock U. in.
Lot for cash-or part cash and part ere:dir. Apply a;
he Montt omen, Betu.crt, Mast,lua
taites .core Sat- Hurtl.4'.k.t - ener and in tellieenee Office. nr
sodas at 10 o'clock a m.
The Express, Parkiison, Maate-, !caws , s ty Sun-
day at 10 o'clock a. tn.
JOH N BißmiNGii A m & CO . , pLF.As A N f room To Rent. - •
s and good steamw
potter, at the
A L ,,, n s, rat steel tile manufactory, corner of Liberty a.nii
0.1-10.ra street=,Apply on the premises. jnly 78.
States Portable Boat Line Depot
Bonzes and Parma to litent.
T HE -ish-criberlias opened an office'(in con:lemma
with his Medical Agency) for the renting and
selling of 1 - Inu.es and Farms As many persons ttte
con I l'if il it Gnlin: to rent houses without having the
tone in tun about the city in -catch of one, can by call
A Mc INt I 11 tyr e 1‘ '-i't tfidi r 10 ,, ~ In' 1•1.7 upon ;be -sib-et itirr and , I iIDLZ the kind s f houas
' • frig ~ arid tht l ul :it . tliat !it 1„, mad, iI a atl7l - they num , find one that will suit them, (1 1 40 k now a lb
sucitt, ro t LIIIIL ll'. t!, ..Ze: , ',. ~f 1 1 ,, bo tts rosining the number of resists, situation and tent, without furtler
F. S. rtn tail, Boat Line, at thrill-ea rice, 11 arehouae, trouble.
sohs r a s-F 11 AI NE .1 \ 1.) LIE/lull •TELLT.-,, Canal (issuers of houses would find it to their interest to
Basin, %; he: e c0, , ,1, 11,11 be it es Red and forwarded call, and else a description of them, anti the rent than
w itii.l,lll.l do -Le-two and on the trei-t ittaorable terms, require, as they would then find their houses rental
Io lIaltm:0:e. 1 'i , d. ,, k11.111,1,.\, , ,. lOtk or 80-ton. sooner nod With less trouble.
11 li /M 1.:-. B( iltßl [Kit:, Arent , Thss nation:lgs- of the publicis respectfully solicited:
Market 4t. l'inkulf•lrlna .e., 0 1-.rf T. ll TUTTLE, 86, 4th at..
)100RE & (1 - I.ISE. Afln in-. 1 . _ '
7 5 Ilinel '.. IViilrr, Daitimi ic.
~c~ri. 4- 3t i
- - - -
A LLEN Kft.l.Nll:ll, E.:•elronge Brohcr, No. 46,
Corner of lifood and Third sirrcts. Pilisburff.
Pa. Gold, Siker, and Soircot Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight eh.-o.'s on the * Eastorni:ities, fur sale.
Drafts, oozes and bills, collected.
Win. Cu,,
John D. Davis,
F. lorenre,
J. Painter & - Co •y 1 . -31 t 414,1 ;:ii..1'>.i
Joseph W'eertwitli,
Alex. lironson &Co. )
at pt. it'
1.1:111MAN; JENNINCiS & Cp.
43 Wood g
for at anilt tro
. Var. ra.risis For Sidi. -: .. ...
zi t TWO good Farms on the
creek, Westmoreland county, about
9 miles front Greensburg, on the main road to
ville, 8 miles from it, and about 8 miles from Derditail
town, one mile from a brick Catholic Chords asatirSo
miles from a Presbyterian Church, viz: No. 1. 200
acres and allowances, from 159 to 1.60 acres cleated
and underfence, has on it a log house, log bun, &c........
No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining the above, 75 to 100
acres cleared and under fence, a good frame house ash
also a waatm shade and corn crib and a stone
house, al l l in good order. The above will be sold OA -
fair price fur cash and payments rnale'to accotottichluk'
or exchanged for property in Pittsburgh or Allegjtensl.7
For fortlier particular.; enquire at Tlarris"Gmenti Ago*.
cy and Intelligence Office, is;o. 9, sth at. al
- - -- -- -
Zitatdinir Lots Pim Sala.
rr HE undersig - ned to authorized to sell a =Am of
lots beautifully situatedin Aaron Hart'sphu QE
lota on "Grove Hill," the rapid improving'nt sal
extension of the city in the vicinity of these iota taut
greatly increase their value in a very short portal...-.
Claims against the estate, properly autbenticated,villi
be received in part Payment.
GEO. COCHRAN, Executor,
No.. 28, Wood street.
TO Ltrit.
'loiinS:Tad GroceryO n ßYbri b rick house,s o u n iutbie
of Fifth:lnd Union strects. Pos.nssion given intake&
a telv. Enquire of
. _ .
Lots In o r ldnehain s
9 LOTS, suitable for buil Mg, thos_t wi tr br' sick
uated, and within two tninutee
steam ferry boat landing', will be sold at pneerompir .
the times. The terms of payment will be made! 11014,
either for cash or such barteras can be made a
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr.,3 11 4
'eterson, Nu. 4, Feh'v street, Pittsburgh.
_junc 1. JAS, rATT.r,TISON,.jr.
t . T OTS on the North East corner of Coal L ana gni
JLA Ili;12 treet. 'Apply to
Market near Fourth street,
'Rouses, &c., For neat.
1 r HI: -111.criber open^rl a hook to record aril
-L. duelling house, la arehouse, St ore, 'Atop, roorna
or countly farms and scat; for tent, charging the own
ers 25 ecnts each record. He will keep it open for et
who wish to relit any {rind of property to examine, sail
charge them 12i cents; and for a swell eornpensation,
will attend to renting, nll kinds of property. andatterni
to all kinds of business between landlord and tenksit.
split 11. No. 9, - Fifth tit
oo • arm for Salo or Exthitifirit.
A FARM of 13b acres on Sugar Creek, Artif.forrg
ceunty, 100 of which is improved. 'Ns fartn
‘‘''cll 'watered by springs arid Iwo large runs . tvbich
era flc ibrough it and then unite, formingan excellent
Mill Seat. 40 acres arc 'first rate for meadaiv ct 3.
spring crops, and The balance is 7. oda for fall graitt:•--
There is nowalte land, and it is well adapted fort dai
ry ot fur sheep, and lies veri i
well. There son itA
good apple orchard. a substantial.. hewed log house. 'i a
large log lon n and a good coaltank, casilVi accessible. :
iu L.-ond order. and the quantity inexhaustible, Tbia,
farm lies within IS miles of Freeport, D mike from
Kittanning. I miles from a Catholic chard, and imiles
frrnn n Pirsbyterinn and Seceder churches It erill . bla
=old at a bargain for rash cr rzehartged for a boat
three story brick house and lot in Pittsburgh. For
terms and particulars enquire at Harris' General A.
gency and Intelligence office, or of the subscriber oq
the premises. S. J. IVIIITE.
seri '27
I HEREBY certify that I have known a number of
prople who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills,
and lia%c been much brnefitted by them, and I believe
them to he the hest pills for liver complaints, sad fee
cenetol use, of any pill now before the public.
I hereby certify that I have been afflicted for 6 years
with a liver complaint; and have applied to diffetent
physicians. and all to little or up effect, until I made
use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes of them
I am nearly restored to perfect health.
lliilerAltittrh, near Pittsburgh, August 18, 1843
.74","F0r mile at the Drug Story of
one 5.."2 corner 4th end Wood streets, Pittsburgh
Fremates 'Fire Brick fbr Bak.
Jl_75T received, 5000 Freeman's beet Fire 'Britrls,
rhirh will hereafter be kept constantly on !mai
and said low for rash, by BIIIign:GHAM & CO,
may ".'7 No. 60 Watersk,
Peach Tree',
eak THE subscriber hi:l9 just raceivedfrowt thettitit
spry of Landreth and Faltcaa, near Philadelphia
a lut of the chnioest variety of poach trees, to which ha
would call the attention of be
No. IC4 Liberty st. bead of Woad.
S Cl$; D KIEC.— ;iQ boxes chocolate.
5 do cocoa,
3 do rice dour,
25 do ground pepper, -
5 de Cayenne do.,
36 cans groend mustard ?
5 kegs do ails**,
5 do do ginger ?
12 cans do do Lo m b" w i t h
every stung 2n the grocery line, all of whiej( 00 1 .4
at extremely low prices, for cash.
MAILMAN, JENNrsGs4id. - .
43, Wootettlyr