To Printers. have received, and will hereafter to keep eon- 1 -... Wstantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, AT(IRDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1843. in large and small kegs, which w e will be able to sell _,_—_- chcaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash (IN ALL CASES) will be promptly attended to. PHILLIPS & SMITH, oct 10—tf Office of the Post and Manufactuter. 11:774n business cards, &c., see firstpage PITTSBURGH BOARD 01: TRADE. commurTEE FOR ocTonER. W. J. Howard—J. 13. Semple—George Ogden i . Now Groceries!! . B! , E . AMBOAT H.IIttIOR IN ALLEGIIEN Y. — The author- - IN addition to theirformer Excellent Stock of FRESH thsA . 9f Allegheny city have advertised for proposals - I .FAMILY GROCERIES, the subscribers have this day fcr 'the construction of a Steamboat Harbor and Canals received NO'S. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, No's. 1 and 2Shad Labrador ; .,.. n i, d h Sal L u i no u t o t, r S ic u e sq, ch co a a nn . ; \ t ; . a t and ciu m n a d o .N r , H uts erri t n .e t to C i ud is in that city. Plans and. specifications can be seen on application t o M r . H. Nixon. If our neighbors sac- Sultanal i taisins, , Prepar ec l Cue ' oa, Sago, Mace, Sabers: -coed in this undertaking it will be an immense ad van- ' tun, Saltpetre, SpertnCandks, Chalk, Whiting, Rotten magi co their city, and greatly enhance the value of the Stone, Sr.c. &c.; together with a great vat iety of rureand iny of enterprizing gentlemen who have been ac•; choice articles in their hue; all of which they offer at ;tin in getting up the project 11' holesale or Retail, on very reasonable terms. . &reap Fas t.—Under all the trials of life,itand fast! Would you wish to live without trial Then would you wish to die but half a man—at the very best but half n man." Without a trial,youcannot guess at your own -strength. Men do not learn to swim upon a table.— 'They mustgo i2lO the deep water and buffet the surges. Tf you wish to understand their true. character, if yon •weield know whole strength, and of what they are 'capable; throw them overboard !—over with them f— I , and if they are worth saving, they will swim ashore ,themseles. DEMOCRATIC CELEBRATION. At a meeting of the Committee of Arrangement for 'celebrating the recent triumph of the Democratic par .ty Ailegirmy county, held on Thuratlay evening, the 19th inst, the following sub-committee s 'mere appoint- 013, 44t1.8. Guthrie, Johiit Murray, ' , Thcunis Hamilton, .Jdjn Tatlor. .John Smith, JoLti A. Guthrie, 'Mien. "IL Thompson. O. Reso!vcd, Th-tt It ) Iv Pat! tr4ol, Cltdirmi►n of the Conilzittce, be authorized to invite the Potties-vale candidates elect to attend the eelebra- TO SET.r.CT OFFICERS. John .11u rruy, Charles Barnett. Jd 1B: authrio, Theviti Lynch, /1144 .Patterson, Murray,Jdw }limp Knipe, RODY PATTERSON, Chair.tan kart TAYLoft, BriowsE, FOIL THE P , IST. Wessrs. Editors: 1 have not the honor of Mister Robert MaDonald's acquaintance, nor do I seek it.- IPhy he should ehallen4e M 2 I know not If he is de sirous of inflicting his eloquence upon an audience, he mdtt procure an opponent like himself who his Inure siiiire.eme than brains. The modest •eirallenger eau , attribute me r,litsid to a prudent dread of his telleCl: Hoping that the citizens or Pine townsiiip—uf sarAitairict No. 3, in particular, may derive sufficient nni4oineut from Mister McDuaald without aay iuter fergnco"un my part, I am, 'oat:.l4l. TEIOMAS.AI. :MARSHALL. 'JAMES IVA RD13.01 3 &CO., Manchester Nursery, eIiTER for gale a large assortmeta of•Fruitofflb Vor •Trees, Evergreens, Shade Tr, , es, Shrubs, s= -. Whiner 'Blooming Plants. &c. consisting in part of Ap “le,l4lth; Nedtarine, Almond, A (4 .}:itigih'lGoosetrorries, Ciirrill.F. aspherch , s. cCrr Cc. litlitra.t.OLtig'SHADm Tar:us, very suitaNcl..r rlant iag ;41/lAe krret?, which will :drool grand sh7tee the tiqoPeo.. 'A I:,, choice imported rrii4 : Int:lips; part of them are selv4;ted for Ilan reins iu Pots Kw glasses during the %%bat r. CL. T liotvEl2.s, vie japea mig , 13, 30 13u:1:, Heliotropes, &e.t . a/1it:4104 aortae' the ainter at the shortest mulct'. Pitrehrocrs may he id] carefui , men twirl:int the Trees, at a leasaaable charge. • 16-19--rt&w2w. Ia•EXIi., SKINS, tit c,:e.(l ;Ina )t criN -10 1 ed ;iud. 'be sale by A. BEI:LI:N. a 571. f 9/li'a LBS. very .teuperior W. R. CFE ,, :sc., jur. 1.7 received and for sale frw. , , Ui VOR SALE LOW or exchanged for other r , ropzrty • , stioad smooth-bore . Rille, io good order, and German Silver. Also, a good revolving Plgtikttiehout I even times without reloading, for sale atiltir plea for cash or approved barter to suit the asittiGra' • ISAAC HARRIS, 'Avnt and Cam. Merchant. • ' NEW mamma .C-komer. and better than can be 'had at any °Pier I , DII. MI, A NE's • .. place 'erect of the mounteine. . AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC. Call fhr Bargains Mr../ Kr on—Sir:—.l, child of mine about 4.4 years • AT THE THREE BIG Doorts, illii. °' en constanfly indisposed, and of pale complex teen; hot had always a rood appetite. In order to have •• No. 154, Lacrly St., near the Jackson Foundry. 1 the chiid well, I bought a small bottle , of Mc Lam 's Ver. /1111€ qubscrik..r would respectfully inform his , iniElge of which I gave ldni 3 spininCils, :slier whi c h Lk ' friends and the public, that his lidl stool; o f ,20 or ; . ?5 large worms were expelled. i wi-li all Ger ' C 4441 comprises n larger and more varied assortment' mans would read the c.bove fact.. The child's health thie.liaSs ever been opened at any house-in thin city, and ;is much improved. MICHAEL BIEN. froth ttie ftivoruble terms nt which his purchases were ! Chart ii-T . 5 Creek, Sept. 26 1843. made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it con ! [l:.:Fert. sale at the Drug Store of 'ho hid' in any other establishment in this city. lle 1 ' . JONATHAN KIDD. i • would request the public to call and examine his splen- ! ont Corner of 4th and Wood sts. Pittshg., Pa .'did , assortatent of all the articles of- dress, and frost - _______ ____ the excellence of the material, 'the style of workman- i J. W. attrbridgo & Co. 7 ship and the very low price at which all his articles are • A GENTS fur the sale of BEA, TY ' S' Powder. Watersold; sold; he feels confident that every one will find it, to IA street, betwden Wood and SmitlifiA sivems, their advantage to pen•base at the "Three Big Doors." l' , . • ••••u,- h• o , :t 5 lie --- - - As none but the'L,.... eetters and workmen are em- Bargains to be Had. moaner ployed, orders to m i!...e clouds; will be attended to in a . 3 . • not surpassed by e.ny other cretablidimont in tI ACRES OF VA LUABIE LANDS '.the-city. 1 ~,,- , 68 ers. The land lies in Tyler and Nicholas a , evil] be sold a bargain en tote to snit • • Ha would again retutTlltis thank:: to hi 6 friendi and purchas Co's., rirgiaia—and CLEAR OF ALL F'iC 'Xi/RANT " • the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed • . . • • l ' ' •''• l 1' or particulars Inquire of the subset ihers, if by letter, upon his micab;ishment, and believin g: that they have folandbt to-their advantage to deal with him, he would I"', paid, LLOYD &CO., •repeatlds invitation to all those who wish to purl:hese ! actl() 140 Liberty street, Pittsburgh 'Clotkiiagiufeveryticsciiption at the lowest pi ice, to rall ;ut.isl,c4 15,1, Liberty st. JOHN :II'CLOSK EY -aPOlmerve metal plate in the pavement el 8-tf BUFFALO ROB PS by single robe or bale, for sale by A. BEELEN. Parma Wanted. SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20 miles of the Pittsburgh market). PorArms - di,._ posed to sell will please call at my (Alec, in Smithfield street, near 4th, seen 016—d .Dissohition of Pariaorship. HE partnership. heretofore existing .under the T style of Devine& Sl'Anulty,.is this day I lissolved by tantual cowout, H. Desine is to collect all gums due to the concern, and pay all claims cputractetl fOr the concern up to this date. f%sberlit, Sept. 1. 1843 H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be still continues in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive arid forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. H. DEVINE. SMOKE D HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her- Srings j t roe:rivet' 4uxi fgr .141 e HAMRA'S, JEZ.i Joseph W'eertwitli, James Alex. lironson &Co. ) at pt. it' 1.1:111MAN; JENNINCiS & Cp. 43 Wood g for at anilt tro . Var. ra.risis For Sidi. -: .. ... zi t TWO good Farms on the creek, Westmoreland county, about 9 miles front Greensburg, on the main road to ville, 8 miles from it, and about 8 miles from Derditail town, one mile from a brick Catholic Chords asatirSo miles from a Presbyterian Church, viz: No. 1. 200 acres and allowances, from 159 to 1.60 acres cleated and underfence, has on it a log house, log bun, &c........ No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining the above, 75 to 100 acres cleared and under fence, a good frame house ash also a waatm shade and corn crib and a stone sold house, al l l in good order. The above will be sold OA - fair price fur cash and payments rnale'to accotottichluk' or exchanged for property in Pittsburgh or Allegjtensl.7 For fortlier particular.; enquire at Tlarris"Gmenti Ago*. cy and Intelligence Office, is;o. 9, sth at. al - - -- -- - - Zitatdinir Lots Pim Sala. rr HE undersig - ned to authorized to sell a =Am of lots beautifully situatedin Aaron Hart'sphu QE lota on "Grove Hill," the rapid improving'nt sal extension of the city in the vicinity of these iota taut greatly increase their value in a very short portal...-. Claims against the estate, properly autbenticated,villi be received in part Payment. GEO. COCHRAN, Executor, No.. 28, Wood street. TO Ltrit. Azk.s'e 'loiinS:Tad GroceryO n ßYbri b rick house,s o u n iutbie tLecornee of Fifth:lnd Union strects. Pos.nssion given intake& a telv. Enquire of 032 . _ . Lots In o r ldnehain s 9 LOTS, suitable for buil Mg, thos_t wi tr br' sick uated, and within two tninutee steam ferry boat landing', will be sold at pneerompir . the times. The terms of payment will be made! 11014, either for cash or such barteras can be made a Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr.,3 11 4 'eterson, Nu. 4, Feh'v street, Pittsburgh. _junc 1. JAS, rATT.r,TISON,.jr. For t . T OTS on the North East corner of Coal L ana gni JLA Ili;12 treet. 'Apply to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth street, 'Rouses, &c., For neat. 1 r HI: -111.criber open^rl a hook to record aril -L. duelling house, la arehouse, St ore, 'Atop, roorna or countly farms and scat; for tent, charging the own ers 25 ecnts each record. He will keep it open for et who wish to relit any {rind of property to examine, sail charge them 12i cents; and for a swell eornpensation, will attend to renting, nll kinds of property. andatterni to all kinds of business between landlord and tenksit. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, split 11. No. 9, - Fifth tit 6G oo • arm for Salo or Exthitifirit. - A FARM of 13b acres on Sugar Creek, Artif.forrg ceunty, 100 of which is improved. 'Ns fartn ‘‘''cll 'watered by springs arid Iwo large runs . tvbich era flc ibrough it and then unite, formingan excellent Mill Seat. 40 acres arc 'first rate for meadaiv ct 3. spring crops, and The balance is 7. oda for fall graitt:•-- There is nowalte land, and it is well adapted fort dai ry ot fur sheep, and lies veri i well. There son itA good apple orchard. a substantial.. hewed log house. 'i a large log lon n and a good coaltank, casilVi accessible. : iu L.-ond order. and the quantity inexhaustible, Tbia, farm lies within IS miles of Freeport, D mike from Kittanning. I miles from a Catholic chard, and imiles frrnn n Pirsbyterinn and Seceder churches It erill . bla =old at a bargain for rash cr rzehartged for a boat three story brick house and lot in Pittsburgh. For terms and particulars enquire at Harris' General A. gency and Intelligence office, or of the subscriber oq the premises. S. J. IVIIITE. seri '27 • LIVER I HEREBY certify that I have known a number of prople who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills, and lia%c been much brnefitted by them, and I believe them to he the hest pills for liver complaints, sad fee cenetol use, of any pill now before the public. MICHAEL FORNEY.. I hereby certify that I have been afflicted for 6 years with a liver complaint; and have applied to diffetent physicians. and all to little or up effect, until I made use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes of them I am nearly restored to perfect health. SAMUEL DAVIS lliilerAltittrh, near Pittsburgh, August 18, 1843 .74","F0r mile at the Drug Story of JONATHAN KIDD, one 5.."2 corner 4th end Wood streets, Pittsburgh Fremates 'Fire Brick fbr Bak. Jl_75T received, 5000 Freeman's beet Fire 'Britrls, rhirh will hereafter be kept constantly on !mai and said low for rash, by BIIIign:GHAM & CO, may ".'7 No. 60 Watersk, Peach Tree', eak THE subscriber hi:l9 just raceivedfrowt thettitit spry of Landreth and Faltcaa, near Philadelphia a lut of the chnioest variety of poach trees, to which ha would call the attention of be F. L. SNOWDEN. No. IC4 Liberty st. bead of Woad. S Cl$; D KIEC.— ;iQ boxes chocolate. 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice dour, 25 do ground pepper, - 5 de Cayenne do., 36 cans groend mustard ? 5 kegs do ails**, 5 do do ginger ? 12 cans do do Lo m b" w i t h every stung 2n the grocery line, all of whiej( 00 1 .4 at extremely low prices, for cash. MAILMAN, JENNrsGs4id. - . 43, Wootettlyr • FAMES MA?:-'