of his humiliation, when he would hardly have be queethedhis rejected body to an anatomical lecturer-- t here was a female, not merely caring for his potion in general, but for some parts of it in particular--bdi poor throatund precious chest, his delicate trachea and irri tilde bronchial tubes, and his tender lungs. Never theless, no onerous tax was imposed cm his gratitude. The only return required—und how could he refuse itt—was his taking a temperance, or, rather u total ab stinence pledge, for his own benefit. So he supped his semi-solids, and swallowed his 41111 filop6 merely remarking, on one occasion, after a rath •ek vitami course of arley-water, that, if his con , evattption in ncreased, he b thought he should 'try Madei _ (AA, aid he!' Yes, madam; but Nor . ) cautiously. That is to say, by a whole island, but only a bottle at a time. the-mean time, Mr. Withering continued as 'Taira* as , a patridge, and 23 rO4V as a red-streak apple. No symptoms of the imputed disease made their ap "mance. He slept well; ate well of sago, &c.; drank well of barley-water, and the like: and shook hands with a palm not quite so hard and dry as a dead palm of the desert. He had neither hectic flushes nor shortness of breath; nor yet pain in the chest, to which several physiciams, in consultation, applied their steth- °scopes. :.Ile. A. hearing nothing at all. . Dr. B nothing in particular. -: , Dt. C. nothing wrong. - ' And Di-. E. distinctlybearing a c.id-litie voice pro elaitriitig "All right." . - Mr. Withering, nevertheless, W 3.3 dying—if n ot. of - Conautription, of ennui—the mental weariness of which he mistook for the physical lassitude so characteristic Of the other disease. In spite, therefore, of the faculty, he clung to the cal idea that he was a blighted drysaltet wither 'hagepretriaturelv on his stem---another victim of unre- Atittellove, whom the utmost care could retain but a Aim , short Months from his cold grave—a conviction he :'expressed to poste ri ty . in a sYries of Petrarchlan son -4140; and in plain prose to his house-keeper. who only 'irtiitried to more rigidly on what she termed her xregi mental rules" for his regimen. with the appropriate • "taiditirm of Iceland moss—a recipe to which he quietly -' tuhmitted, though obstinately rejecting other pmscrip. ''ficini of provincial origin—namely, senils beaten up "'with -milk. In vain she told him her own experience in Flanders, that they were reckoned not only nourish itatbat relishing by the Belgians, who after chopping tbe. : , up with bread crumbs and sweet herbs, broiled ' them in the shells, in each of which a small hole was Tned.e, to enable the French epicure to blow out. the contents. Her master decisively set his face against the experiment, alleging, plausibly enough, that the op eration ef 'snails must be too slow for any galloping i compyalnt. There was, however, one experiment, of which, on his own recommendation, Mr. Withering resolved to i make a trial—change of air of courseinvolving a I - change of scene. Accordingly, packing h i s best suits and a few changes of linen in his carpet bag, he took ' an inside place in the Hastings conch, add was hurled down ere night to that favorite Cinqiies putt. - - And for the first fortnight, thanks to the bracing, yet I , -mild air of the place, which gave tones to his nerves 'without injury to his chest, the result exceeded his I I mast sanguine expectations. But alas !he was doom .ed to a relapse--a revulsion so severe, that, in a mote advanced stage of his complaint,he ought to have "gone out like a snuff." "What, wet feet or a damp bud 1 - 40, madam; but from a p:ornenade, with dry soles, On a bright day in June, and in a balmy air, that would not have injured a lung of lawn-paper. - . 'l'oor Mr. Withering !" Happy for hffn had he but walked in a nothercii rection —up to the castle or down to the beach; had he only herit his steps westward to llarlingtou or 'Bexhill; or eastward to Fairlight, or the fishponds. But his sen- Oriental bias would carry him to Lover's Sea; and there, on tho seat itself, he beheld his lost Amanda, or rather Miss Puckle, or still more properly Mrs. Scrim &tier, who, with her bridegroom, bad come to spend . the honermoon at green Hastings. The astounded dryialter,stood aghast and agape at the unexpected eticOnnter; but the lady, cold and cutting as the cast , wind, voachsafed no sign of recognition. The effect of this meeting was a new shock to his syStent. lie felt, at the very m oment, that he bad a I hectic flush, hot and cold tits, with palpitations of the heart; and his disease set in again with increased sev erity. Yes, he was a doomed man, and might at once betake himself to the last re-ource of the consumptive. 'Not,' said he, 'that all the ass's milk in England would lengthe n hi s years.' ' Impressed with this conviction, and heartily disgus- 1 ted with Hastings, he re-packed his carpet-bag and re .. I turned by the first coach to London, fully convinced, 1 whatever the pate of the Rocket, or the nature of the i road, t 1 hat he was going very fast and all down hill. It was about ten o'clock at night, when Mr. W. ar- 1 rived at his own residence in Brompton; hut, although! there was alight in the parlor, considerable time elapsed • before he could gain a dmittance. . Al last, after repeated 'knockings and ringings, the street door opened, and disclosed Mrs. Button, who welcomed her master with an agitation which he at- , tributed apace to his unexpected return, and the mark- I ed change for the worse, which of course was visible \ ia hisiare. [ 'Yes, you may well be shocked—but her a e, pay theght. coachman, and shut the door, for lam is drau You may well be shocked and alarmed. for i am look ing, I know, like death; but bless use, Mrs. Button, the house stnells very savory !' 'lt's the drains as you sniff, sir,' salaam housekeep er; 'they always do smell strongish afore rain.' 'Yes, we shall have wet weather, 1 believe—and it maybe the drains— though I never smelt any thing in I" mylife so like beef-steak and onions.' 'Why, then, to tell the truth,' said Mrs. Button. it, is beef and inguns. It's a favorite dish of mine, and as you are forbid animal food, I thought I'd just treat my- self inyour abseofte, so as not to ,tantalize you with the smell.' . 'Very good, Mrs. Button, and very considerate. — Though, with your lungs, I hardly approve of hot sup pers. But there seems to me another smell about the • house—yes—most decidedly—the smell of tobacco.' 'ph, that's the plants !' exclaimed the housekeeper —'the geraniums that I've been smoking, they wete eaten up alive with greets a uimalculuses.' 'Humph l' said Mr. IVithering, who snuffing about like a spaniel, at last made a point at the housekeeper herself. • 'lt's very odd—very old indevd—but there's a sort of perfume about you.uot exactly lavender or Footle Col ogne--but more like the sincliof liquor.' La sir !' exclaimed the housekeeper, with a rather I . hysterical chuckle, 'the sharp nose you have surely ! Well, sure enough, the tobacco smoke did make me squeamish, and I sent for a small quantity of arduous spiritsjust to settle my stomach. ut neer mind the l lugga r Ta, sir; ni see to that, while you go t to the draw ing .room and the sofa, for you look like death and that the truth.'• And, suiting her action to her words, she tried to bus tle her master towards the staircase; but his suspicions wore now excited, and, making . a pi g like dodge around the driver, and bolted into the parlor. where he beheld a spectacle that fully justified his misgivings• 'Lord, what did he see, sir '?" Nothing horrible, madam—only a cloth laid for sup per, with plates, knives, and forks, and tumblers for tom , Atone end of the table stood a foaming Quart of porter; at the other, n black bottle, labelled "Crolun of the .Valley;" while in the middle were a largo s moking hotbeef steak, and onions. Fora min ute he wondered who was to be the second party to the feast, till, guided by a reflection in the looking-glass , he turned towards the parlor-door, bolt upright and mo stionless as wax work, he saw a man. as the old song -says, 'Where nac man should be.' .H e yday ! Mrs. Button. whom have we here!' 'lf you please, sir,' replied the abashed housekeeper, 'homily* consumpvious brother of mine as is come up to London fat physical advice.' 'Humph '•' said Mr. Withering, with a significant glance towards the.table, 'and I trust in the mean time you have advised hint to abstain, like your master, frOmanimal food and stimulants.' 'Why, you see, sir. begging your pardon,' stammer edlirs. Button, `there's differences in constitutions; some require more n ourishment than others. Besidet, there's two sorts of consumption.' ,y es , so I see,' retorted Mr. Witheringthe one preys on your vitals, and the other on your victuals.' Inisrt at this momenta scrap of paper oci the ca • - attic-..rkalais eye, and at the sauna time catching at of M rs Button, and both parties making an attempt onspossmillismr together to pick it op, their heath came i o violent collision. 'lt's only the last weft's butcher's bill,' said the housekeeper, rubbing her forehead. 'I see it,' said the master, rubbing the top of his head with one hand, whilst, with the bill in the other, vealthrough the items, from beef to veal, and front o mutton, boggling especially at the joints. 'Why, zounds, ma'am, your legs ruu very large 'My legs, sir ?' 'Well, then, mine, as /pay fur them. Here's one I see of eleven pounds, and another often and a half.— I really think m y two legs cold one day and hashed the next might have dined you through the week. without four pounds of my chops r 'Your chops, sir?' 'Yes, my chops, woman—and if I had tiot -dropped in, you and your consumptive brother there would be supping on my steaks. You would eat me up alive.' 'You forget. sir,' muttered the housekeeper, 'there's a housemaid.' 'Forget the devil!' bellowed Mr, Withering, fairly driven beyond his patience, and out of his temper, by different provocations; for all this time the fried beef and onions—one of the most savory of dishes—.-had been steaming before his nose, suggesting rather an noying comparisons between the fare 'before hire and hi. , 05511 diet. 'Yes, here have I been starving these two months on spoon victuals and slops. while my servants—my pre cious servants, confound fh.?ml—were feasting on the fat (tithe land! Yes, you women! you with-your favo rite dishes of my fried steaks and broiled legs, and my broiled chops, but kart:adding nte—ste, your master-- to dine even on my own kidneys, or on my own sweet bread! But if I'llbe consumptive any lon g er, ru be---' The lost word of the sentence, innocent or profane, was 104 t in the loud slam of the stroot door; for IMrs. Button's consumptive brother, disliking the turn of affairs, had quietly stolen out of the parlor, and made his escape from the house. 'And did Mr. Withering observe his vow?' Most religiously, madam. Indeed, after dismissing MN. Button w ithher "reg-,im•ntal r ules," he went rath er to the opposite extrema, and dined and supped so heartily on his legs and shoulders, his breasts, aad ribs, his loins, his heart and liver, and calf's head, and moreover washed them down so freely with wine, beer, and strong waters, that there i s far more danger of his going out with all apoplexy than of his going into a consumption. FOR PRESIDENT, JAS. BUCHANAN ) sub J e F t to the decision of THE TrEmocHA.vc NATIONAL CONVENTION• Post. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAI, OCTOBER 21 Tit E. krtts.mmis ia conceded on all bands that the Antineasonic organization in this county - , and throughout the state, is broken up—attempts may be made to maintain the integrity of the party, but they must prove futile—the most they could hope to sworn. push by it would be to retain the "balance of power" between the demo: ratio and federal parties, without the possibility of obtaining power for themselves. In such a position as this, the Anti m isons would not lo al.ng remain, it they even could be induced to take it at l They have too long been accustomed to carry their points in the internal management of the 'fait s of the opposition, and have fought too many successful gene ral battles, to descend now to the place of mere gueril las in the contests of the great parties of the country.— It will go hard with men who have been dispensing and enjoying the bestplaces in thecountry, from President downwards, (for we always believed that the nomina tion of Harrison in '39 was owing to the determined stand taken in his favor by the Antimasons of this State) to be entirely excluded from power, and the hon ors awl emoluments of office. But the bold, active and restless spirits who have controlled the destinies of Antimaseury Will never choose such a fate as this. Those who nre sincerely opposed.to secret societies need not and will not forego that peculiar notion in any new political combinatio rever n they may form—they will, without doubt, whe they are, keep a jealous eye on what they may deem the dangerous movements of the Lodge, thongh they will seek in vain formally to - engraft their ideas on Ma sonry upon the tenets of any party now existing. They will di.perse themselves among the parties in the way moss congenial to their principles and feelings. Those among them who abandoned the democratic party to follow the standard which has just'been struck,—those who went against Masonrybecause they believed it to be a sort of dangerous social monopoly, and who would naturally see in the exclusive privileges granted to Banks and other incorporations a similar, if not a great er, outrage oa equal rights, than ever Masonry had committed --all these will range themselves;under the good old democratic banner. We have every reason to believe that this portion constitutes a vast majority of the party--for we know, in oar own acquaintance, many Antimasons who have sternly and steadily pro tested against Bankism, and who have grated the necessity which seemed to compel them, in order to advance the cause of Antimasonry, to accept the aid of Bank Whigs, and yield to their notions on the cur- rency question. The next largest division of the Antimasons, will u nite themselves withthe Liberty party, for a while, at least, and endeavor, by the same untiring industry and bold determinution, which brought Antimasonry into power and consequence, to make the idea of Abolition popular and triumphant. Those who may take this course, can evidently have no heart in it, or they would have went with the Abolitionists long ago—they would rather be "first in Capita than second in Rome," and they cannot brook to come in on the terns of recruits to the other great parties—they fear that fur atime;, nt least, they would have to play a subo nate. part, and this does not suit their views. The smallest portion of the Antimasonic array,— those who were educated in the old federal school of politics, or who only affected to be Antimasons for the sake of promoting modern whiggery; these will gladly shake off the thin skin of Amimasonry in which they have been parading, and boldly march into the milks of the Clarßank-Whigs. It isevidcnt, that if we are correct in oar conclusions, the democratic party of Allegheny county will add suf • ficiently to their present majority in this county,to make it permanent and ovetwhelmiag. Not only will the largest portion of the 2000 votes palled for the distinct Antimasonic ticket come to our party, but many tree Antimasons, who were deceived by the heading of the "whig and intissasonic ticket," as it was called--who were humbugged by the unblushing artifices of the wig* politicians,who repeatedly resolved and declared %info vor of A.ntimasonry, will, when they see bow they base been played upon, come into the democratic phallism. It is needless to say that the light hand of fellowship will be eitereled u, all who join from motives of prin. ciple---and we are buena to believe that all who come will do so Irons pare motives, unless their conduct would indicate a different feeling. CANADIAN MATTS.II.S.--Tbi) legitilUtheCULlOCil Canada, in reply to a message fiom the Governor General have decided in favor of MOntreal to the sent of the Colonial Government- Foca - elm; doll? papers are publisheain Cincinnati three of which are in the German laneer POTt=sAND WRE.IN is again keeping tutlfilmil.k . t ful suspense, as they did in 1840. The fats OIL Cou-' greasional district depends upon them, and they wont come. We are ahnest certain that they Will give a sufficient majority to elect Dr. boring, but for fear of accidents—as in 1840—we do net like to assert posi tively that such is the case until we hear from them. Three hundred and fifty majority from them will be sufficient for all useful purposes, and if they have giv en that, we would liketo know it, as the coons in this neighborhood have had immense rejoicing over the I supposed election of REED. lad by which Potter and M.'Kean If there is any roa. oy N. can be reached, it would bo Letter for the politicians of this part of the state to ruu an express to them hereafter, if any thing more expeditious than a raft can travel to eat country; and then we will have all assurance that the returns will come come time. But however tedious they are in getting along, when they do arrive, we hope we can apply to them the old saw, "slow but sure," and that they will give at least 330 majority for Irvine. This is nothing like as much as they can do, or have done before, and considering the length of time they take to give it, we think it is a very reasonable demand. ------.... . of FEDERAL CANDIDA.TE FOR Gov Knxott.—Sorne the federal journals recommend Mr. MCKEVCAN, of Washington, as a suitable person to receive the nomi nation of their party for Governor. In noticing it the Gazette drops the humbug of aatintasoary and speaks of him as the "anti-loco:loco candidate." It seems that the blue-nose leaders have concluded to knock under quietly to the whips, andgivity not only their distinct ive organization but their name also. This is the most sensible course they can pursue. The result of the election in Allegheny and Lancaster, the only counties in the state where they had a foothold, shows that their party is broken and scattered, and it would be folly for them to continue to struggle against the feel ings of the people when their rank and file have left them. "Anti-locof000," however, is rather an umean ing cognomen, and we do not believe it will be of any more advantage to them than their old name of anti mason. The late contest has shown that "loco foco," although a nick-name, is not unpopular, and that the LATERF RO M A NIIDR,uIZRILLG. uTAillEr ARGL., principles cf the party to whom it is applied are warm- The bark Douglass, Capt. Brown, arrived in port ly supported by the people in preference to the schemes last evening, in forty-six days from Rio Ja bring -for principles they have none—of our piebald op- ing later advices from Brazil, the Argentine Republic, Lind the Republic of die Uruguay. Brazil appears to, ponents. be in the enjoyment of t ranquility, the inhabitants are piospenatts Mid happy. Extensive preparations were: being made at Rio fir the reception of the Ilrapress, daily expected from Naples.. A few days previous to the sailing of the Douglass,; the United States schooner Enterprise arrived ut Rio,' from :Ibontevideo, announcing the continuance of the: warbetvveen the Argentine Republic and the Republic of the Uruguay. The Buenos Ayreans still tick! Mon-; tevideo in a state of blockade, both by land sad \cater.' but the belligen-nts have had nn betties since our lae. =a : zulviccs. The D. 6..sinp John Adams, s, was at Mont video, all well, and tly:! Columbus was daily expected '-ere.—N. Y. Sun. loty.t ET.E.crio:c.—The St. Louis .Tir!..‘ourinn Si . received safficient returns from lowa to leave no doubt of the re-election to Congress of that sterling demo.l cratand sterling man, Gen. AUGUSTUS C. Doter by a majority offrotn 1500 to 2000 votes over his federal competitor, whose name is hardly necessary now to mention. This is the third effort of federalism to gain theaseendaney in that Tertitory—and every succeed-I ins attempt has found them worse shipped than ever. We think this last castigation-4i castigation whielt , flays them to the very raw—will not he lost upon them. In Desl4loines, Dodge's majority'', 7(i—in Lee a- bout 400—and in Van Buren abort 400. For the Legislature, we hear that one democrJt has been elected in Johnson—one in Muscatine, year whigl—one in Loui:oi (Inst sear whig)—one in Flen ry, (last year whig)--and throe ill De., ( same aslast year.) We preiume, of rour.:e. that democrats are elected in Lee and Van Buren countie.. There can be no doubt that the House (the only branch cho sen this year) will be very largely dernom nth.. A gentleman in St. Loni 4 had hi< pocket picket of a fine lever watch, on Saturday la.t, while !r he (mumVC3.4 -- telling to a trial groin; 413 in the Llerieril's Ex. paper. !„7 1 " If he had 13-.C411t(33,11 the reivice of the Po t, this would not have happened'. "Ile who would keep n wateh, this inert hr do, Pocket his watch and watch hit pocket too." 111 E i 200,000,000 SCIIENIE. A s t o the feasibility; of the scheme, it requires but a runt pnrimm of the average tenants from t h e public land 4alc: , , with the interest ou the pr.;pu,ed fond tie arrive at :1 c.mvet conclu,ioa. The interest lill LW° hundred milliens, of dollars, at three per rent. watild be silt. The revetitie from the Public Crush s,', Cox v lets sr [..tuot:.-I'Wo !lei -song broke on of i antler eirecunstsuices , caunat merit exceed an , t h e Arri, avei age of three millions, if it reaches that a mount.— the Oreensburgh jail on Monday night; Aud the uverage of the last three venrs, a time of they managed tobreak a hole thron,gli the (tithe , much greater stability and uniformity in the land sales, ; cell in which they were confined, through which they and numb more like's; to furnish the basis or a safe cal-; succeeded in setting into the main entrnnce, where ciliation. is considerably less than two tuillions—the ac they again commenced operations and picked "a hole foal sales of 184 1 , and 184 . 2, being less than a and a halt each. It is true that, in 18311, the sales a-' in the wall" and left for parts unknown. The jail is mounted to tivOrit% -five millions of dollars! But who ; now, empty as they were the only persons earthiest in it w i s h" to se , a ncurrunce o f t h at disastrous pr.ri„d fur some thne past. A eurteney bloated and distended to an enormous ex- ; tent and the credit system reeling with fellness, a veivtA nmonnt acnpital was invested by speculators in lancle, a I;trge portion of which is still helti in speculation, and seriously alert and retard the sales by the General Government. lithe average proceeds of the public lands, then, be estimated ut three millions ofdollars,' and the interest on this funded debt 11411111.1* millions, there still will remain n haliewe et' three millions to lie supplied he other weans. Fr.un syheaee shrill this be derived I Frem the Tarill ! Prom ;wins I or from direct taxitti;.lll weral G o vernment already contended , s a il s V;l:lirt, expenses, even' with the proceeds of tic• pet ant la.els, will require the utmost stretch of the Taliff it that pushed. to extremity must become prohibitory, mid therefore pro. duce no rev entw. What other expedient remains but loans or direct taxation I The one but agaravntes and increases a great evil, and the other, the people' will probably never submit to, when imposed by tho', General Government in time of peace Patriotism, should spurn at the pi °posed plan. Our public debts are held priucpally in England whence this scheme riginated. And very recently we were willing to en gage in war with that very power for u strip of land on the Aroostook river in Maine, and now before the threats have ceased to echo, we are gravely asked to pledge or mortgag,e cur vast and valuable public do main. unpurchited Indian titles and nll, to that people, whose possessives already trench us round, and almost fill every clunrter of the globe. RIeTIS.--Tllll±e Or four. riots ooctitTtul in •ntt the night of the recent election, an:l porouus were seriously injaml WONDERFUL ESC /Le E.—The Rochester Deniocrat of Friday morrring says the itTL4 Aell ger , in tbv IS utfalo t mitt of Thursday evetiinghad a surprising escape fromtitte 6 r destruction. The train was proceeding, at a rite of 1 or t 3 miles an hour, about six. miles this side .of Buffo' 10, when the conductor saw a wagon crossing the track. He immediately reversed the motion, but the head way was so great that the back cars rushed the forward ones up, and two of the wheels and txletree carne off, and threw three of thecars off the track, completely smashing two of them, and piling the passong-ers.togerh er in a heap Violent as was the concussion, not a sin gle individual was seriously hurt, but all were sadly THE EFFECT OF A FIREMAN'S RONV.--Ja111126 ern, the young man who was shot in the face by a pis• tol on Tuesday evening last, during a fight between the Marion and Moyamensing Huse Companies, Phil'a., lies at present in the Pennsylvania Hospital, beyond the hope of recovery, and a frightful spectacle to look at; both of his eyes are destroyed, one of them her u entirely out of his head, and the bull of the other -ap pears almost ready to burst; and on Saturday from some causes unknown his whole body had commenced swelling iuu most octraordinary manner. The Mop , amonsing Hose Company, of which he was a member, has offered 11100 reward fur the perpetrator of the out- STl3.lKlif G.—The Cincinnati Enquirer informsas . the Journeyman Wootl-Turners of that city, have struck for an advance of 112.1 per cont. upon their former wa.. ges. Various trades, including the Printers, Tailors, Cordwainers, &c., have required and obutined an ad vance—the Turners desire, therefore, only what has been awarded to their fellow citizens. The present standard of wages is Jess than eau half of what it was several years ega. It isfiglot diet the laborer which has produced should also participate in the rettuning Aide of substantial prosperity. -- The Cincinnati Cincinnati Sun contains the following: — "Foul weather—no coal—and but little monoy. Canis of four lines, one year—four dollars ri'invariably in advance. How are you, Doctor?" OHIO ♦ND MICHIGAN WHEAT CROl'9.—lt is esti mated that the wheat raised in Ohio and Michigan the present season arriesoisto4o,ll9o,l4o of busels io each State. - CHEAP LITERATURE . 'ls there any thing special in your paper said a consequential looking gentleman, Yesterday, on strutting up to the counter. 'Why do you ask that ques tion,' said the clerk. .'Why, I thought I would buy a copy this =rain, if there was any thing special in it as it is ratbser•tDO rainy to-day to read it ou your bulletin ,board 'AN EXTENSIVE FORGER ARRESTED. We mentioned on Saturdai, the arrest of a man DIL. wed David Syrnes, charged with having committed several forgeries. The "magistrate, were occupied nearly all day on Saturdayin takint, affidavits from dif feent indivivals against him. The following is a list of his d so far as has been ascertained: On the 12th of May, 1342, he passed a check on Ethan C. No. '3l Old slip, purporting to be Signed by .ni .1 aliws Smith, who he said kept an office at BB stl".Tt It W afterwards ascertained that there was no such person. The check was drawn on the City Back for $100; dated 12th May, 1842. November 9th, 1842 he went to the store of W. & J. T. Tapscott, No. 43 ' Peck slip. and represented him self as Captain Moore, purchased a bill of ship stores, and gave in payment a check on the Bank of Ameri ca for $5O, of the above date, signed James Smith; and received the balance in cash. On the 16th of December, 1812, he passed on Win. Stevens, 96 Wall Street, a check on the Greenwich Bank, of the above date, for $4OO, purporting to be signed by John Niles, of Washington Market. He purchased of Mr. Stevens a bill of ship stores amount ing to $lO and received $6O in cash on account. On the 19th of April, 1843, he purchased a bill of ship stores amounting to $lB2, from Mr. William Sto ry, No. 14 James' slip, for which he gave in payment a check, of the above date. on the Fulton Bank for $2OO, purporting to be signed by James Nesmith, of the firm of Nesmith & Leeds, 27 South street. He represent ed himself to Mr. Story rof• Captain Green. On the 33 of July, 1843, he purchased ship stores from Mr. .1. H. Mirky, No. 103 South street, and gave in payment a check on the Seventh Wardrd Bunk for $2OO, of the above date, purporting signed by James Nesmith. There are a number of like charges against this man, which will probably be made to-day. It is astonishing that this man should have been permitted to continue his depredations for the space of nearly three years without havingbeen arrested during that time.—.V. I'. Eve. Post. The govt.rnment sale of lands in and about Chicago has just taken place. During the two first days, the bids a mounted to $260,000. The lot which the Cath olic Church in that place wish for their new edifice,was struck off' at its appraised value $3OOO. Another lot, upon which a favorite vocalist lives, was struck off to him at its a ppraised value—no one wishing to compete with him. lie was thereupon called upon for a song, and he responded most joyously. This may be set down by the lucky s inger as "A s oonful of molasses in the vinegar of life." Tut: L AnlitEßA UN OCR PURLIC WORKS.— 1 I LAVT- Ill , r PORTER has at last signed the Appropriation Bill. We copy the annexed section, which Will toned to the hills on the Itdt night of ate session by Mr.Etnt, and carried through by the exertions of Messrs. Cll AMP NEI s and EYRE . . It will he seen to he highly impor tant to even laboritigman, who has a claim azoittxt the , State. It in :•iiiilpilned LO ortty per cent of each claim will I.e thus paid "T. Lot the Libman; mall look to it.-- 1./7 in el:xi er Intriligeniccr. SL:i. T lON .1. That the Inilliiillit of ,ixty-thoumnd I Bove handled and thirty thillars and twenty—ie. - ell Cent <, receixtal from general Me.ortinient remaining in the Trea:iney, i+ licii•hy appropriated to tlnt payment iii -. the COMMA due upea the check. rolls °lithe different lines of finishes' Citaal and Rail-load: in Oki. Cum-' , tionewealth. for Inih.o poeformed and materials fond:di ed, and t i t '' ...on- =hall be appropriated to the ditierent line.; pro rata according to the s..eleral amow .t.... doe TA ik OEI each VIRGINIA SALT.—During the quarter ending on the 30th of September, 511 372 bushels o weade at the different Salt wells in Yerie.wha salt salt nty, re m GARDENING EXTRAORDINARY. A correspondent of the Caimbridge [Eng.lanai Chronicle, who is an inmate of the Queen's Bench Prison, states that he hits now growin, in a most pros perous s tlte, a crop of oats, beans, and potatoes, sown and set on the 12th of May, upon a window sill in a duo north aspect, f.ttty-four feet from the ground, with out a particle of soil beyond tea leaves. This he tile dares can be authenticated by the Governor, wito has several times viewed them with astonishment. To what s hifts is the lonely prisoner driven for amusement in his solitude aa. the chance of a little converse with nature? DI.CAT :10T s tHlLA.TlON.—iluiveri al nature has death stamped in legible characters on its every fea— ture. The globe which we inhabit has, ever since its creation, been undergoing a series of organic changes. The splendid palaces and magnificent temples reared by the genie.; of antiquity, and associated in our minds with the mighty spirit with annieet Greece nod Koine, have, with a few exceptions, passed away. The sweet and beaatiful flower—fit emblem of death—whose fragrance and loveliness afford us so much pleasare, buds into life and then expires. The spirit of clump or death pervades alike die animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. Organic bodies thus become sep arated into their constituent particles. These elemen tary particles unite with other bodies, and new strue• tures arc reared. If we look at death philosophically, it wouldbe disarmed of most of its terrom. • W hat wo call destruction, or death, is but a change of elements. Annihilation is a moral and phisicaimpossibility . How presumptuous it is in a man to boast of his capability' of destroying the productions of the great Creator!— Nothing that has ever been formed has ceased to eitist. Olatttro, *C. - T , . FOR SAINT LOUIS. dommatia l HE splendid, fast running steam er OLIVE BRANCH, T. C. Moss* ash BusurEss ix Ng,. yoß..—The Tri- ' MAI', Master, leaves for the above and buns has the following in relation to business and all intermediate ports on Munday morning, 21st inst. at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board money operations in New York: or to JAMES MAY. 'The money market is .4tlll suffering under a plethora 1 The Olive Branch is provided with Evans' Safety of unemployed capital, which keeps the rates of inte- G uar , rest depressed to 3a 4 per cent per annum. The 1 Banks with difficulty keep their means employed, and Par St Louis, Dubuque awe @lona. are forced to make large stock loans for that purpose, '....-rt: , - 10 , THE favorite steamer NORTH and this has been an active agent in keeping up the -- BEND, DUNCAN, Master, will speculative animation in the stock market. The ac- depart for the above and aflinterme cumulation of specie in the city Banks has suffered diets ports on Saturday, the 21st inst., at 3 o'clock P. little diminution. The export demand for France, M. For freight or pa.ssage apply on board,, or LO after taking something more than half a million, bus ' 020-2 t JAMES MAY. ready ceased. The next French packet will take a- ; The North Bend is provided with Evans' Safety bout $lOO,OOO. There is, however, a drain of metal I Guard. \ for the Southern marts, for the purchase of the coming crops,the paper money of that section being insufficient. AT APS AND CENSUS OF THE U. STATES. We can, however, lose with safety much more than M A Just received, a few copies of Mitchell's ele they can absorb. - gnat and cheap (price $1,50) Maps of the U. States, the general business of the country has not been in , together with Maps of 32 of the principal cities and a position so permanently healthy for a series of years. Itowns in the Union handsomely colored. Also, a few The wreck of the great revulsion of 1837-3 has been i copies of Mitchell's Accurate Synopsis of the Sixth cleared away, and people have in a great measure re.. , Census of the United States, at`-'S cents. covered from its effects.. Credit is confined within pru- ' ISAAC HARRIS. Agent dentboundaries, and a natural, steady, active business 1 .21 and Commission Merchant, No. 9, sth st. has sprung up, supplying the actual wants of the corn- 1 mnnity and not liable to the sudden and injurious fluc tuations attendant upon an inflated state of Bank fa cilities. The business of the season has in a great measure been done. The transactions have been larger titan last year, and a very considerable propor tion for ready money. The stocks of dry goods, hard wale, &c. &c. were much reduced, but have been re plenished to some extent by recent importations. Prices of foreign dry goods have, since the bight of the sea son, fallen off 5 to 10 per cent. Tito Cincinnati "Conainircial" represents noney tn irket of that city to be rather light, but thinks it in a much bettor condition than appearances would seem to denote. It says: Basing our money market upon the same that goy ern the eastern market, and we should say that it was exceedinglY tight. A few the Banks th e ere discounted good paper at 4 per rent.,n and very recnt- ly boththe New York and Philadelphia Banks have in creased the rates to 5 percent. At the time the rates of interest were the lowest, the market was the easi est, and state stocks in consequence, advanced consid erably. Ohio sixes sold as high as 98, ann Illinois six es nt 42, which sere the highest rate. Since the in- terest movements of the Bank, stocks have fallen, and I we know no other reason except that money has be come a little scarcer. The money market in our city very seldom gets so easy, that the Banks hare to look up paper, or that they &secant at less than the legal rites of interest.— Oa the contra.y it is difficult to get at may be call ed truly goo I paper accepted. Money in the hands of capitafists seeking. investments, commands readily in the streets, one per ccnt. per month. Two years ago it would bring ..two per cent. Looking at the matter in this light, we must consider, and so must those who are necessitated to have the use of money, that our money market is in a great deal better condit-on. . ----•------- N a.V IG .S.T LON OF Boca RIVER.—The St, LULUS ~. zette has the follow ing as to the attempts that are ma king to render this stream navigable: Several attempts hrom been made to navigate Rock !Geist by the construction of steamboats of the smallest class, laud arawing as little water a: possible; but they have not been, able exteftt. in times of high water, to cross the tapas near the inuath of the river, in cense quescra of the shallownest of the water and the rapid ity of the current. The rapids are situated opposite and at the head of what is called Nandi tlirS Island'— the island dividing the ricer, and causing a quantity of the water to run upon the south aid , :,—while the main channel passes along upon the teeth side, tu.tl is eye! WESTERN EXCBANGE looked by a steep and rugged cliff, lame n as "Black i COFFEE HOUSE, Hawk's \Vetch Tower." W a e understand that a. dam No. 9, 'el A LIVET STREET, has lately been constructed acme: the slough, fur dm -Pittsburgh. pnriv , -C of erecting mills, Sze.. of sufficient height to i(AI'STEitS aid other re feesliments,will be served up throw the tshele of the stream int. the main channel. N.__./ in good order. Namely: Oysters ruw,fried,steivell; except what may be used in prepellivie the machine' y. e „,l e „ ehat i n , dishes. Also, IN les sit ELI. at the stand, This will have the effete of rai-tirz, the water consider - or roasted, as soon as the season is suieetly advan ablv ul.m the rabid: and it . i 13thcved that, 'yid, it (7t 'd for 4.heir .4.afe Ir-41=pm - to tiln. small expense in rolorw . og the I,l.),qrkelc.o from the chart- 'Pas river may be successfuly me.igattel 1 , • sall(whirl, is the olsl soeter depot) shall-maititnin boats, daring a ;rat part of the l seasset. We shall m re- its reptitatien ftw the goo4l quality of his ALE, Ll ielee to have s ari' an intprovement carried into effeet. Q ueeß - s, reIGA.II.-..i., and such refreshments as trava il:el the State of Illinois expect:led one lottrth the sum v r,, or citizens may require. act 18--, tira. propel - les, which she has throcii 4.44,41 3 4 in digging a I --___—____ renal aeon t hei.dand, the river se i ililil noes be llis. igmed VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE by steamboats. TIIIIE miclersigneal will offer at I'tiBLIC SALE, or The Reck River conntry is Sala lii be extremely rich t _L I,ease, en .eletv sodal.Bth of Noeentbe rste.rt, and fertile. well adapted to the raising ttf all kind,: of ; at 10 o'clock, A. M., that ealua.ble property., en the _rain. :tuck. Sze., and is fast filling tip with an ent;•reri- ' south side ef e Monongahela river, opposite this city, sing population. A large quantity of isbronglit lately laid du ef less, or:ilea-Mg between 20 and 30 down that river into the Mississippi in keel boat:, and ' Lt....re, g round. own to be the mast advantageous lo eventfully finds a rnatket in the lower country. NVe i t fle believe the steamer Potosi made a pleasure trip as Far ; ea tien for m anufacturiug purposes in the vicinity fat t up as Grant' de Tour, la,a. spring. great manafasturiug city. having an extensive front cm ' thtriver, and extendine. back to Coal FLU, celebrated THE WISCONSIN. ' for rite quality of itscoal over arty other, and in which This itumense steamer arrived in oar karbor on Sat- ; immediate eicinity and extending back are inexhausti urtlay morning,. She has been laid up at Detroit du- ble mines: railways from which eaabe tem directly in ring dm season, and has undergone a thorough repair to work: on this property, as is now done in the neigh and enlargement. She is term the largest boat which borliorel. There are else several strata of cotabeneada, floats upon the western waters, and among the first in the ' l , surface on this property, which-windiest - eine - 6le it the Avorld in point of size. Her dimensions are: 234 4,, ; r nets, by the use of shafts, one cif which 'is ascertairrei - 1.1 " inc. ' . to be 'lt' to 15 feet in thickness. Length of Keel A portion of the property being elevated chore the Extreme length on deck 245 7 8 I proper level, and the clay beim= of the beet quality for , Breadth of beam 39 ; brick malehase can be used yen- advantageously ins int- Breadth, including guards 58 proveinents. Ifeptli of hold 13 9 lts advantageous location for Maimfacturing an Lengtit of cabin, ton tkeupper deck, /82 ; Building, the Slack Water Navigation of the . M.ononga- Dieing hall 65 Itela, its being nearly opposite the mouth of the Penn- Ladies' and gentlenteres' hall 3 -6 4 svlvattia Canal, - and affording everyfacility for the re- Saloon 30 caption of materials by rive', at all seasons when navi- She is rated at (004,57.95 tans, custom honse meas. eable at any other point in the vicinity of the city, its twemetrt. Around the dining nail, saloon, and social proximity and connexion with whicieas will be the case hell. on the upper deck, will be foreyttwu state routes, by a bridge so soon it becomes occupied, altogether of which twenty will be very large each containing two re - nder it in every point of vievv, one of the most desires• double berths, and the remaining twenty-two, contain- ble locations for investment and improvement. lug each three single berths. Notwithstanding the number of extensive Works The main deck coutains a ladies' cabin, aft, 32 feet which have been erected within the past few v ears; fl aari. in length and arranged similar to that of the Illinois; ufactures have never flourished more successfully than two steerage cabins forward of the wheel, on each at present, die yearly increasing extent of our cite, the guard, each 60 feet long, with steerage immense emigration to the West, and its unequalled :it/it,. morns rapid s ettlement, which our city must ever, as it now adjoining.. Below deck, aft, are a gentlernens' cabin, some 50 feet long, a freight hold about 100 feet in does, most advantageously supply with manufactures, length, and a large wood hold, sufficient to can" - all willyearly increase the -demand, and great as is our charieter as a manufacturing place, when we review the fuel below. And to move all this vast fabric, is a tremendous engine, of 400 horse power, together with ' the great increase in number and extent of our =U=- 3 wheel 97 feet in diameter.- factures within the past few years, we must consider it Copt. Randall, who will have command of this line' , ; : r itl AS;n t.ancv, as the great manufacturing and commer. mense craft, has superintended personally her fitting up' : mut point it: is destined to beeeme• and enlargement. She is not yet finished or furnished, In addition to the manufacturing of Iron, Nails, Glass, t Engines and Machinery, Cotton Yarns, &c. which are which is to be dre one he. It is anticipated that the operated advantageously here, we require in tins region Il'esconsin will be one of the Mae:elle:As un the lake, untwitestauding her great bulk and tonnage.—_Befalo I manufactories of Cotton Goods, as the immense quanti ("Gazette.ldes of these articles yearly brought from the East for - 4 ' this, and Western and Southern muskets evince, the profits to the different hands generally through which thee - pass between the manufacturer and the western reenitant, would satisfy a manufacturer; in addition Reported by Sckbie ssesd illiteier/i, Genertz,lStecomi, there is the carriage west to east attic materials, and Boat elg,.euts. drater street. east to west of the manufactured articles, besides insur -----s----; ; ance, time, &c„ offering, every inducement to compan ies,l dour awn orEastem Capiedists beyond competi --e I spplictitions have been made for a number of years ; past for locations on this property' for Manufacturing , lion. and Building purposes, and it has been laid off into lots I..containingnearly an acre on the river, for the former, 1=11124 by 100 feet for the latter purpose, fronting ou i 50 feet streets, and 20 feet alleys. . It will be sold Ma body, (exclusive of a few lots) or portions will be sold together: to suit the views of incli yiduals or companies wishing to purchase, or otherwise separately in lots. Some lots may be exchanged for \ buildings on this property, or for a farm. The terms will he made perfectly easy, only a small portion required down, and the remainder in a term of years, payable annually or otherwise. It is not desired to dispose of the property under the late and still exising depression of reel estate, except for its fair value, but from the frequent applications for its purchase, and the inducements offered at present for ' improvements, every article and expense connected t h e rewith being so low, it is considered the present possession for these purposes by persons or companies of wealth, would be so advantageous to them, together with the terms on which it is offered, that induce* the offer of oda at this tirne. NEVILLE B. CRAIG. Committee of '-ftirs. Sidney Gregg.. partof Pittoburst). FITE FEET WATER 1:i THE CHANNEL _ A.B.RIVk;D. `Daily Beaver Parlets. Herald, Dawson, St. Louis. *Adelaide, Bongher, dn. Montezuma, Dickson, Cin DE.P.O..IiT ED 'Daily Beaver Packets Orpheus, Dales, Gin. Tioga, Blashford., St. Louis 'Cutter, Allen. CM, Belfast, Smith, Wheeling. M'AlI beats marked thus['] are provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of Steam Boilers. FOR LOUISVILLE 4ND ST. LOl3l . . 4 ' iato.• T HE splendid, fast running steam er 'LWSLINE, Capt. BRoWN TIM IP , leaves for the above and all in-1 sermediate ports on Tuesday neat, 24th inst., at 10 o'- clocit, A. Id. Fonfreight or passage apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM S.:: CO., cal No. 60, Water street. The 'Eveline has been thoroughly repaired in the dock, aid can be safely recommended as a safe pas senger and freight boat. EXCHANGE - BANK OF PITTSBURGH, October 20th, 1843. AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to serve for the ensuing rar, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 9.oth day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 A. x. and 3 r, x. 1-te THOMAS M. HOW E, Cashier. MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS' BAs!, Pittsburgh, October 20, 1343. AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, for the ensuing year. \ 'rill be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 20th day of November next.' o2l—tc VV. H. DENNY, Cushier. - - BANK OF PITTSBURGH, - • / October 19, 1343. election for thirteen directors of this Bank, for Athe ensuing year, will be held at the Banking - House on Monday ,the 20th day of November nest JOHN SNYDER, oct 20—te. Cashier. Millinery. ISS DOBSON returns thanks for -„Scl 11'1 business favors already received, and.,BP respectfully informs her customers, and the Ladies of Pitt.hurgh and vicinity, in general, that she Juts just received an extensive and choice supply of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY and fancy articles. She is prepared to furnish all who may call upon her with every article in her line. of the most fashionable des cription, nod at short notice. Straw and Tuscan Bonnets altered and cleaned. reStore on St. Clair street, four doors below Perm, 019-I‘v. Situation Wanted, A S Teacher of French, Spanish,.Greok, and the La. -LA- tin Language. The undersigned wishes to acquire a - perfect knowl edge of the Eniglis't, so that the -recompense looked for will be very moderate, if he could get lessons in En glish from those whom he mayinstruct. He was late ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. For a character for competency and morality, lie can exhil it letters of the most respectable gentleman* in New Orleans and Cincinnati. r"---11.er‘renre in tics city can be made to Rev. H. J. J. Dean, ofSt. Church, and Captain James May. PAUL EMILE THEVEAU, 19 Washington . House, Water ett. nuK —I aN;riidnvts