.--- • .. _.. „ 3 Allepiglaktrillipillor-ifthinitiT4s at'.lotil ogr iSifiet.' ets!nrill,"ttf..=- \ lelirsiveyeos 111 Mi lte extetrAve asserrtat Fti af - Sidi Stammd and re.ati r ATIN .ANC - {NOW . MOvet and I . Alefders, .of the least style and' h4ndignise I:llir tnan 411, . : P i t i a i g e ciu l tette a r g e 6al a a r d . 124 w pt " :2: p l e c 7 n n g l a tta 6 n d ri e T h e ir n a in t r b n e a u rli pe t'i r En o3 e o s— n 1 a . *ii.ealiers' Beatda—ati of which they oiler fur sale on Met ac,eotornodating terms; and to which they tti kom In _h l l l l 47tili tie w nt it in: sdo o To f at m asu e o r ef e rso b i, a ls n ke ta :d a ps n: an o tad th ki n ehn r e s. :u,esetigtutaaainitgy: St ',etc. always on band and for sale as above OVito—The undersigned begsleave to inform ta public, that helms removed from Ills old stand, to tbiPitreneT of Penn and St. Clair . sts., opposite the Cx oboes hotel, *here he has fitted up a large VtixerForers Wein tam. and 'now offers for sale the most splendid assoreieet of Pt/OURS ever offered in this market. Hll4 pianos consist of different patterns, of superior I Rosa Wood and iditeldny, tieahllfiiUY fidished and mo defeat aitsiteortintueted throughout of the eery beg ma. testae:sr Isiettiloi durability, and anallty of totie, as well as tome; he warrants to be savvier to tiny ever seen • : ; Aalta.4.elearged his manufactory, and made arrange• elleßlailtstipply the Increasing demand for this instru ment, he' respectfully requests those Intending to pur.. chase to call and examtae his assortment hefore purclia• sing elseirttere, as he' is determined to sell LOW R, for e ask e ttistritery other establishment east or west of the mountains. . F. BLUME, • Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, sti l t ttl Oppa9lte the Exchange Hotel, Plitsburgh;.Pa. 111Lifidy made Coffin Warehouse, 4 r,,sro- „sc-,, 2do or e from the U. S. Bank. „ :-W3E-TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, Ed BM' EXTFULLY incorius the puldic that he has rem , - red 'Ms ready made coffin Ware -- to the bnilding recently occupied by Mr. It. G. Berard, Alreetly opposite his old stand, kiffailrehels always prepared to attand promptly to any orders In his line, and by strict attention ...WO all the details of the business of an Undertaker, be hoparsarkenerit Walla confidence , He will be prepared et ALL 110171.5 to provide Hearses, Biers, C lases and eery requisite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the country islitekepromptly attended to. . Ma, resideace Is la the same building with his war• hour& where those who need tits services may find him at an, time. . Itlt/LRLICES: ropatatemr..2 , - ,113Dia 'Tirrost. w. *.Veimsts, MAC ss,„aats, fop 10 141 / 1 what makes your teeth so unusually white? /atilt 'Totes dulelnla to him Collier night, Trietalikeyears look so, with a grin, replied fosb, I iwbrought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, Lanni/abed now in use, so the gentlerotks suy, Ahshilnee they have tried this, cast all others away Ballow pravelt the beat; to make the teeth shine, ImakAgaln, my dear Sal, at the lustre of mine. Then try Gls great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And.sea It this Tooth Wash of Thorn't is not fine. Having tried Dr." Thorn's 'lea Berry Tooth Wash,' and lingoine acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo. altloa,4 cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as It Is oneof the most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use. Pittsbilrgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. I take pleasitte.in stating, having made use of"Tborn's Tea Aqtry,Tooth-Wasli," ttr.t It is one of the best den trllle;slit !tie. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat• aessileibiltiarivenlence. White It cleanses the enamel and itifloires the tartar from the teeth, Its perfIIMCyCICIS a fraltennielvetiliarly desirable. J. P. T fie CTTS. iII.D. Thilindersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea BerrrTorith Wash,"and have round 1i to be an extrente• ly plailaatrlinttirice, ezercising a most salutary hitch . erteeverrey the Teeth and Gums; preserving those In's. peesable members from premature decay. preventing the aceamittlal,ias of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. lag tgaranghly testedits virtues, we take pleasure in re. eornmeadime It to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar• tide of the kind now in use. .A 1 itritHAHTSOX, JANES P JACK, RoBe7;„fIPXEBLEs, CHAS B SCULLY, C D 411144 011 ,.. JE AWORHEAD,,. JAS.S CRAFT. H .141:PW4LT, L s JOHNS, pylogred,and - sold by WILLIAM THORN. Apotbeezt• ry ill/4 0,01,5 t, No. 53 Market street,‘ Pittsburgh; and at an.bepaTnctpa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical Agen. gy, rpu rtb street. sep - . BIRNIINGUAII socii../iND SCREW FACTORY. ' WHO, sattviirer having opened a shop No 6R, Second strut;tvreen Market andWond strects,Plitshorgh , I neonnectice with the Factory in Birmingham, respect. fully far Irina Ida Meads and the nubile, that he Will be h a ppy -44;0e favored with their orders for any articles in his Dergx..lrOcks and Fasteneis, a 'various d scriptions, oe banOtd.ntade to order. Tobste r o, kill and Timber Screws. La—Vie'Sdrews, for Iron Works, and Screws for Presses, waddite•thly be required, Carfreetivs and Builders are requested to call before econtrtellegfbrjobs,and examine his articles and prices. Liseka-rwpaired and jobbing generally L'one In ,he best rianiter.indgin the lowest terms. JAS. PATTERSON , Jr. may li—Bro . Da. Liiidy's Tetter do Itch Ointment. 01 the cure ()revery variety of TETTER, the ITC/1, Fand ;01 diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more atrtealiticius than any other preparation for the same our• pose ra lasi. tifiirifda of five hundred certificates might be procured and paaiiihed of its efficacy Iron School Teachers, 'l.co prletora of Sactoties. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, Caplainsof vessels and others, were it not for the deli- , easy in having their names published in connection with such disagreeable affections. By the use of Dr LeldF's Teller Ointment In cot June. Itlon-with his extract of tiamparllla or Blood Pills, he will antatet to cure any disease common to the'skln, bow er had, or of however long standing, or refund the ill s one ,'_ Reece are however very few instances hut can teentenli:by,,,tile ointment alone. pvW' -25 cents a BOX. ?adPripaorily and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel dyrelrignitli Zniporlarn, 191 N. Second st. Philadelphia Wood , and ivi b. .1. - FAHNESTOCK 4. CO. corner of and Sixth_ streets, Agents for Pittsburg. joly 12. PITTSBURGH. LARD OIL MANU— FACTORY. fttubstriber wouild respectfully Inform the citizens Totrlti;A:rily,Arlagheny- and that he has ecrunaeoeB tnattafacturing the article of Lard 01 auddtleates. fiettrtends making but one quality, which - thade In the Union and not surpassed tbia terstroinedsperm oil either for machinery estapl#llollllolAtbilut its offensive properties, and one %kiwi steeper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO BURN IN 4INY TEMPERATURE. The subscri ber tulabtei go -impress; distinctly on the public mind that it hi 44141kyllailltylttry.to purchase any new tangled lamps that are Mgr palmed upon them as being_ requisite t o burn the lard oil In. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light ~obtain it by calart! at the , old stand ,3d street, nearly Oljaitts the pan Office C EDEY. .7 I Varteertton - orlrat :sale dealers, Churthes sod I i.ri releetti .1 11 Vale* 1.-410.14.- - nix 'win bear the mann factu ret 's • Jan 2; 1343--tf. INDIVIDUAL EIIIVIID.PRIZIP UNITED STATES PORTABLE . BOAT- LINE. For the Transportation of Merchandize and Pr othic Between PITTSBURGH AND PIIILAD EL MIA AND PITTSBURGH .IND BALTINORE , NEW YORK AND BOSTON. INE respectfully Inform the public that they H.' have completed tbelr arrangementsfor the above REV. 3OTU DT...ICU..D. D. REV. ROBERT DRCCI, D. D. Ill(01r.t. t ARV. 30111011 YERII., 8.11.17..7111 110151 . En , . Z. P. EIWIFT. Line on INDIVIDUAL. AND I NEEP ENDE!.+T PRINCIPLES The public 1134 long wished for I individual competition in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can he freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to Its !awes% rates; that wish will now tie realized; the State of Pennsylvania having . placed Trucks on her Rail i Roads, Individum, owning Portable Boats are enabled to hid for tire Carrying Trade and successfutly.lo com pete with companies. . , . ._. This line is composed of Twenty new, Pour Section Portable Boats, owned by the en plains who command them and well known as enterprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. - The superiority and advantages of tire Portable Boat , over every other mode of Transportation, are too well known to shippers .tenerally,to require comment; sof • free it to say , that th e ' detention, loas,sepaiation and dam age to Goods, invariably attending three Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable Boat most effectually re-nursed. The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too, of being well rentliatednud cool In Sartmcr; which pre. i wants neut. from soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from s H. Devine, standing - as he doe=, ltelween the owners of goodaatid the Boatmen who carry them, and eqaally Interested In protecting the Interests of both, will make no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform. lie i 8 now prepared to receive and forward Produce to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and Boston is the shortest lime, and pledge's himself to enter {Mono tom• bination with other Lines,but always stand ready to cart y out the principlesof his Line, and contract for freight on the very lowest terms. give undoubledisecurity to owners and shippers of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected, by which all merchandize shipped by thig Line will lie Insured without an, , additional expense to the owner. H. Devine will receive all produce consigned to hint at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to ezteam - Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge fur advancing or commission Fl DEVINE Agent, No .45 Water Ft., Pittiburgh. THOS• BORB1D:;E Agent, 272 Mar ket . street, Philadelphia. MOORE tt CH ASE Agents, 75 Rowley's Wharf, flattimore. BOW EN ic DIMMED, Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio CULVER ‘VOODEURS. Agent. Madison Ind. Tiros McADAM, j Co , Agent. 27 OW $l4) New Vo ARN FOB. SALE.—The undersig n ed o ff ers for sa e Fhis farm, lying in Bops 'Township 4; miles front the I City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres (Aland of which 60 are cleared and under fence, I.m 15 ti - 20 acres of meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple. , t lr.w Peach and Cherry trees—the Improvements arc a urge frame house containing 10 room' well furaished, calculated for 2 'Pa vent is.. private Dwelling, a frame Darn 26 by 60iniene lincemimt, and stabling, sheds ( ad other out, house,: suit. aide for a tenemetitt-2 good Gardens vurroanded with corram !mattes, and a well of elcelletit water, With a pump in at the front door. Tn relation to tile Pittsliurgli and Allegheny market, there is no plaCe now offered for sa'e with more inducement to those wishing to porthase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for farther particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Ailey. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. P.. , If not sold before the Ist of October next. It will he divided into 10 and 2.0 acre lots tomtit puUha Sere.FC P 10 ii...uicriber has just received from Philadelphia-and New York, with a ,g( ner al and ,extensive assorts meniorrilit7oB;CllEMlC-966, Pr/WV-VERY. and every article in Irk line of business, which lie is deter mined to sell On the: post reasonable terms for cash.— He believes hafegt.'Arer strongeriftidtkiblintl tkisia any shnila - estrltAis s tigiett,: eUrr*let. , 0 P l O l .. tan -- and err film's. Witi, wish to seppljr thellokeivel hit Drris and Medicines.- His articles hare been Felectrd with the utmost care, and are warranted of the best qual. ity and unifortnstrem:th. Oiders will be fined with ar• curries , and eler.ratice. Famill s can he supplied with Fini and Fancy Soaps' of every conceivable variety, and of the most exquisite perfume.; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetic , of evr ry descrip' ion . The undersigned retui ns his I hankS for the liberal sup port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant disposition to please anti accommodate—a rare in pro— curio: and sr-Him:only what is excellent and eenuitte—a close supervision of the sales and transa rilott of the -stab. fishment—prt enut ion and accuracy in compoundi incd tines—and by industry and perseverance, to tiler tt in rease of public pat ronac r e may 25. HILL! AM THORN NEW ES'FA LISHDIEN T upholstery Furnishings. T IIE subscribers respectfully inform their friends and JL the public that they have just opened the store No 30 Fifth street, near the Excbange Bank, and udjoinitrg Mr. D. Williams' Grocery. wherethey intend to manu facture in the hest style, and have ready for sale a full assortment of the first quality of Upholster!! Purnisit• fags, suelt as Hair, Shuck and Straw l'ilattraeSes; Feath er Beds, Backlogs, kr. which they will sell for Can It at nearly 100 per cent 'Coo than former prices. ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, ete. Upholstered, carpets triads and Curtains arranged after the newrst fashions—All of which they offer to execute In a manner unequaled in this or unsurpassed in any other city, JOHN T. STEWART CHAS STEWART, mi. 201 y _ P.egular aTorning Packet for ; eaver. • 1'11 . .1E: fast, runnin; and well know* .... Sicamer _ CLEVELAND, SHARP Hicricrutt.L. Master, will depart daily from Plitt borgli at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and 'leaver at 1 o'clock P. M For frciOit or pass.;;gc, apply on board, or to • 131R11INGIIA & CO. No GO Water street. N. B.—The-regular canal pacLet to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa.; and Id 39511100 00 the Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Clevelno - d at Ilea ver,will be in operation immediately on opening °l oaf. igntion, mar l 6 -tf. tft:---STARK.W ETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Case of Liver Complaint of 25 gears leg:fitting. This may certify that for twenty five years 1 vsassf • Ilicted with pain in my side, which was, frequently co severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have. beets Under the tare and treatment of various pliyaktans without any permanent benefit. I-fearing uf the many cures effected by the Venetic Elixir prepared by Dr. Starl:weather,l was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to say that it has entirely removed. I Aare fat so symptoms of it far more than a year past. Mort httridge , tineti%.3 30, 1341. AMOS IVHITE. I - The genuine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourth street. Denning's rir PeITTS BU OCT. 22 woof ron Chets. RGH, , 1 t+ s 42. DENNINO —0 n Friday, the3Ota of last month, about o'clock at night,the Planing. Grooving aud• Sash Man ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4. Co, with a large quantity of dressed and.undressed lumber, was all consu. med by fire. The Iron Safe'whlch I bought of you some timeinek was in the most exposed situoDon doting the firc, and was entirely red hot—l am pleased to inform you it was opened at the close of the fire, and all the books, papers, 4-c.saved;—thisis the hest recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. ort 24—lf TEOM AS SCOTT Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory ----7 € 1, .:17j,---,-r - r , / - •; - 7. -- .7 - • • . • . - -'•-• -:----=. - -f_. ' . -.-.., ._ ' ..,-- ---,..' , 1 .....-:-.----2- , ...., • , i 1t .... 1 ";* '.' ..: ...-•-.- .._ ..._' ~ 01 111 r - 7 •'• '(' 4 i ll llo - 4 - E:;: -• - • - 7 - - - -- •-•..--- '- - :` , l -.._ - CONS T. 9 NTL Yon hand nsuperior article of Lard Olt, warranted to burn at any ternom.ture, and equal to the best winter strained Epertrt Oil, without its oiressise qualities, :rod one third ihr-apii, must. utacwred by the subscriber at the old stand,llitrd st., nearly opposite the l'ostOlfice• M. C. EOM'. Jan 4,1843 131.110: PM* TBTter • 14' pursuance of law, l e ionat TVA-a. President IL of the United-Stales.of America, do hereby de. efall/11 0 . nt*e known Abort public sales will be held at the undermentioned Land (Aces: in the State of MISSOURI, at the pet iuds hereinafter designated, to wit: AT PLATTSBURG, in Clinton county, the seat of the Lind Office for the Platte district of Missou ri, commencing on Monday, the ninth day of Oct.-- ber next, for the disposal of the public landn within the undermentioned t o wnships, and tractional town- ships, to wit: - .Niirth of the base line rind west of the fifth princi pal meridian, and west of the former western born dart/ of the Slate. Township Sixty two, of range thirty fous. Townships sixty ono and .sixty three, of range thirty five Townships sixty two and sixty - four, of range thirty ix. 'row nsFipe' elxiy one - and sixty three', ••01. range hirty seven. . . . , Townships. sixty two antsixty [ol.lr. 0( range thir— ty eight.. The west half of tawoship aizty one, Of range thirty nine. Fractional township sixty two - arid township sixty four, of range forty. Fractional townships sixty two and sixtylliree,o range forty one: - Z ractionat townships sixty three arid Sixty four, o range firty two: - North of the bar line and east of the fifth principal meridian, and west of the formerioestern boundary of he State. • - • Townsh i ps sixty one and sixty, two, of range twenty seven. • • - - Townships sixty, sixty one and sixty two, of range twenty eight. 'Township sixty one, of range twenty nine. Also at the same pierce, commencing on Monday, the thirteenth day of November next, fur the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermen tioned townships anti fractional towirtshitts, viz: North of the bare line and west of the fifth principal meridian, and tag of th e former western boundary o the Stele. . Fractional townships fifty, fi fty one, fifty three , fly five and fifty seven, ofrange thirty three. Townships fitly two, fifty four, fifty six, fifty eight and sixty, of ran&e, thirty four. Fractional nship Wry one. townships fifty three, fifty five, f actional .township fifty *even and town ship fifty nine, ()Crane thirty five.. Fractional townships fill four, fitly six, •nd fifty seven and town hip sixty, of rang. thirty six. Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight and fifty one, of range thirty seven. Fractional townships fifty five and sixty of range thirty eight. At the Land office at LEXINGTQN, commenc ing mit Monday the second day of October next, fen the diFifosal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townships, to wit:— North of the base line and west elf the fifth principa meridian. Townships thirty s:x, thirty seven and thi,ty eight of lunge tout teen. Townships thirty five and thirty 5. even, of range fifteen, Tots nship thirty five of ranges sixteen and nineteen 'Townships thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven anti thirty sigh', of range twenty one. 'Township thirty eight, of range twenty three. 'Township thirty nine, of range twenty eight. Townships thirty etgbt and :hilly tone, of range twenty nine, Township forty, of ranges thirty nue, tinily two and thi,ty three. South west fractional gimp ter of sections twenty one, and the north east and north west fractional gnat terl OrSectioll twenty four in township fifty one, south of Missouri river, of range twenty six. Smith west treater of section seven, in township forty nine, of range twenty seven. Lands approplinteri by law, for the use of stchools military or other purposes, will be excluded from Olt,- --- , sti,e. The fates nin ea•fi he kei.t open for two weeks, [unless the foods are former disposed of] fund no longer; and rut private entries °flaw' in the town :4)4)s s'i offered will be admitted, until after he ex piration of the two v6erlc4. Given t;l..r my hand at the City of Wa..hington. this eighth day of June. JO Ann() Dom YLiniEß. , 1813. HN T By , he rnsident: .THo. fl. Conzat'r of the General Land OP!ce NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLADIANT: Every person rininting the right of pr i -emptino to aey inn ort w Mtin the ittnitc t , f the till-411,14R ahoy t! enumireo d, if refillife'i to es. ablialt the same to the saiisfamion at the Regiater and Receiver of the proper Land 011ie-. and o make pa mein het clot ,' as son el practirahl , 'tiler string. this-notice'. and fore the day einem/leo f.r Mee Inure tteemettt of the -public sale idtue toir instil), embracing the it act claimed, above designated: ottlerwase such claims will be forfeited Mo. IL BLAKE, Cammi.siontr of the General Land Office june:29—tds. - SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICALIN STRUMENI'S!—T. XeCort hy , Cutler and isr,ficat instrument .Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) rhYsielans, Dentists and Drunlsis can have theirin• struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand, also Hatters - Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N.B. Allartleles warranted of thebest quality, and olthing done as usual. • . sep 10 PllO FE MA LES.—Thet els a large class of Females in thiselty whofrom their ccmtinuedsitting, to which their occupt.tionsobligerheas.areaffected with costiveness wlticli gives rise to paipitatlon at the heart on the team ex• ertion, - sense , of heaviness extending over the whole bead, intolerance of light and sonnd.an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly tip stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Braudreth Pills. The occa sional use of this medicine would Boyce deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pills Just before (natter, are ores found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear nese to tbecomplexion,purify the blood, and promote. a general feeling of health and happiness. - Sold at Dr. 11-autivetk'sOtiice.—ln the Diamond rittsburgh„-Price 2.s.centr per hog, with . o.‘ll directions. , ARK....-The only; place - Pittsburgh; where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of —larnond-. Sep, 10 IMPORTANT FACTS DR. untoirs BARSAPAIIIiLLI BLOOD PILLS, are appll cable in all -taste, whether for Purgation or Ptrrifi cation. They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and arc etitildisnany Illipticions, containing 'derails a rilla lit thlir compositioNwhich Is not contained In any other pinata exliotenie. They areal's° different from oth. Cr pills in composition, being purely vegetable, and can be employed at all tiniest, without any danger, and re outdo; no restralat ficou occupation or usual course of living. ; NotWiibittandlng Di;'Leitly never pretended his Blood Pills would cure ail diseases, yet It is not saying too much of them, from ilia innumerable cures performed by them In every vat lety and form of disease (certificates of many of which haste treem published from persons of all dettom• laations, phySiclaus.„olergymert. :Ind others) that they seem to he ahnott universal In'their effect; and persons using them for whatever Sickness or disease, may rest assured they will be found more efficaclaus than any mit er pills In existence. From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood Pills, deemed necessary to' remind the public where they may at all times procure the genuine, as it is attempted io Impose other pills called .Blood Pills' upon the public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. nj-Be particular and ask for Dr Leldy's Sarsaparilla Blood Fills. and ate that the name of Dr N. B. Leidy Is cant . Ined on two sides of each box,(the Molest:ming of paper, and OhlOrig,square ylrapc, surrounded by ayellowand black label. PR IC 1:— . 2.7 cents a Box. Prepared only,. anti sold Wholesale and Retail, atDr Leidy Health Emporiam, 191 North Second street, be low Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. PAHX.E.STOCY toMer of Wptriand lixth streets, A tents for Pffta burgh July 12-Iy. A.dsurts' .14Stesit'"11. .. VI? Mills. 1' ~ilrtii;Loruknneottendrems aolie. I hirrtiarboOrvirun tiAift y r Olcitt l- i 'Y' p AVE now been before u p per lip 7 gy caning at Ttrrr Le's, 'B6 roarthst.,and nitre public 3 years du- obtaining a bottle ofGourand's Poudres Subtle'', which ring which time several will remove it atone without a trecting the skin. You thousands have been sold tan also obtain Gouraud's truly celtierated Eat' d eßeauts, and in daily use, We are which viii at once restore all freckles, pimples, map confident of being mast:tined I tlons of the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair; in saying they are the best 1 and to those who wish to asliHt nature by adding more Coffee Mills in the Untied 1 color to their checks, they tad obialn some of Courand,s States, any way you t fit it.' celebrated Liquid Rouge, wilich cannot be rubbed offeven Several modifications are Iby a wet cloth. Also may be found a good as,ortnient of madeto suit the fancy of I Perfumery, ' , rich as cologne, Dears' Oil, Almond,re ix, wives and the purses of Wiutlsot;antl other Soaps. husbands Remember, at Tutite's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd Sold by the,gross or dates Dnirg..lFtl.. , :Ind others can besupplied at ' ay Wolesale am' at the manufactory,--- retail terms. 26 1842 Malleable Castings made to , order. FAIR BANKS' PAT ENT PLATFORM SCALES These genuine articles, of all sizes. and most improved varietles,constantly -00 hand and for sale at very reduced prices by the marticacturer,LlVlsGsTati, mar 2. FrOnliietween Ross and G rant sts. REIIOVAL. HOLDSHIP 4z, BROWNE LAVE removed the ',Woodi raperstrret, Stoonre ed f oor rom f M rom ark th e e t. street to N o. Cef, corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual as sortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering pariors,en tries,chambers, 4.c. and also PRINTING. WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET OA RDS, 4-c all of which they offer for sale on accommodatintt terms., feb 141,1343.—dt f — —TO IN VA...L._ o:ritow important it is that you commence withnur toss of time with llaxtioarrn's PILLS. They mildly but surely remove all impurities from the blood,and no case boatedss can affect the human frame, that these cele. Pills do not relieve as moth as medicine east do. Colds and coughs are more heeentied by the Brandreili Pills than by lozenges and canuies. Very well, per haps.as paliatives, but tvorllr nothing a+ eradicators or diseases from the human system. The BILLNDRE.III PILLS cure, they do not merely relieve, they cure diseaseA L whether chronic or recent, infections or otherwise, wily certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. Firm Faso, January 21,1343. Doctor Beopsyni , i Braadrech—lionored Sir: Owing to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am induced to make a pithlle acknowledgemlint of the benefit my wi:e has derived from your Invaluable Oils. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her ankle, which soon became very much Inflamed and swollen, FO MOO so that we beeamealarrned, an d sent for the doctor. During hie attendance the pain and swell ing increased to an alarming degree,aad In three weeks from its first eonnunnelag it became a running sore She could get no rest at night the pain was co great. Our first Doctor attended her fur six mouths, and she received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. Ile said if It was heal ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to lie at a 1031110 W t 3 proceed. ami my poor wiry still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when Ire first saw it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once, To our surprise he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill. Thin we felt after having trleddstring one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in absolute despair. My poor wires constitution rapidly tailing In the prime of her years from her continued suffering. Under these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal Vegeubte Pltla.determined to fairly test their curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first fen dons afforded gnat relief of the pain. Within one week, to the astonishment or oar selves and every one who knew ofthe case. the swelling and the inflammation began to cease so that si she felt quite easy,and would sleep comfortably, and, r, after tin weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and again attend to the management of her family, which she had not dyne for nearly 14 months. In a little over two maul Its from Ihe 1 line she first commenced the use et your Invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite sound, and her health better than it had been in quite a trendier of yearshefore. I send you this statement alter •wo yvars test of the cure. considering it only an act or justice to you and the nubile at large. We are, with mach gra etude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY .s• ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. S. 'Phe Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can cerous, and finally said no zood could be lone. unless; t ite whole of the rlcsh was cut otf,and the bone scraped.— Thnnk a kind Providence, this made us resort to your pills, which saved us from all ittrtlirr tutor y, an d i for which we hope t he thankful. T. k E. .. IK;rSold at 25eentv per Ural, w fth direcitoit. Ot.strve the now Inhel,,eaelt haing upon It two sia tinturrs of Dr. Brandret each v box of the genuine has she Signal ure.4 —three. Benjamin Br.t ndret It and three It. Brandret It upon it. The only place in Pittsttur7.ll where Ihe real Bran drtli ltiatned, is the Do( tor's own office, in e lapP m Diamond, o Itelond the Market house. Mark, the gennine Brandreth MIN can never be obtained In any drily, store. The ( ( mowing nrft the only n , Teni r ppoteted by Dr. It Rrantiteth, for the sate of his Vegetable nnlveraal In *t Ileeln•ey county PUISCIPAS. Anewr.l3 H LEE, Pittelottrah. Mr_ John Glaqs—Alletthrny. Robert thine an —RI mine ha in C. P. Diehl—Elienttetittown. Roattaed — M ' Kee .. p ott. Prestity Irwin—Pleasant. Hitt. John Johntion—iiottlestown. Chessman aflithuNittit —Stewattstown. A Edell 4 - Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Roo —Tareniunt. George Pillcer—FairviLw. David II Coon- Plum township. Nr,.tir‘—EnFt I,ll,erly. Edwnr,l %VIII. 0 Iltillter—Alter'.-'kfilt. 1113 T 23,1;143 ----- NOME TO DR. RRA.s. - Dh ETD'S AGENTS. The ooffifc c e o nst P n it t t h :th i e ralg i e t nwt s t itt t ills a west ta h b a livshin e g d afcoor thne p l u sliepd teal object, is now closed, and Mr. G. H. LEE inthe Diem md, alarket street, appointed my agent for the sale of Pills and Liniments All Dr. Brandellts agents will itierfore.understand,that Dr.B. will tend a travelling aseet through *tic country once a year tocoileet roonerr for sales made and re-supply ascent. The said traveller will be provided with a power of attorney, dilly proved before the Clerk nt the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. I, J. Yoe, is tuy travelling, agent now in Pennsyl. vanie, B. BR A NDETH, M. Di N, B, Remecnber Mr.G • H, Lee, in rear of the Mar. ket Is now my only agent In Pittsburgh. New York,June 14111.1843, • THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. ti:/- An individual only wishesto know the right way to pursue it; and there are . cone, were It owl made known bow Lire migul be prolonged and re• eovered,w.. o would not adopt the Plan! Evidence 14 required that the right way is disecivere . 11119 Is what those cowering from sickness want to be satisfied about. For who isno foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is eapableof7 11 Ito is there that would not live when Ids exotrience can so much benefit iiiintielf and family 7 lttis a otelancholy fact that very large pro portion ot the most weft I members of a socle.ty dirt lie. tweet the ages of thirty and forty. flow many widows nnd helpless orphans have been the conseqiience of man. kind not having In their owu power the means of restor log health when lost. Nuw all these dangers and difficulties can he prevented and the long and certain sickness, nod by assisting Na litre. in thnoutset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills, This is a fact, will understood to be so by thousands of our citizens This medicine , If taken so as to purge .freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There Is Ailo form or kind of sirknessthat it does not exert a cur nrive influence upon. l'hus.,by their power In resisting putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox, worms and all contageousfavers. There Is not a medicine n he world so able to purify the mass of blood nd r es t or eit to healthy condition, as the Brandrelli Pills. The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so in nocent that the infant of a morlh old slay sec thou if medicine is required, not only with safety but wiiit a cer. lately ofreceiving all the benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Females may use them in all the critical periods of their lives. The Brandreth Pills will insure their health, and produce regularity in WI the functions of life. The same may he said of Braidreth's External Rem edy, anon outward application in all external pains, or swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken. it should be mixed with one or two pints of water. A sure Testor Genuine Brandretk Pillt,—Examine the bog of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency. whose engraved date must lie within the year, which ovary authorised agent must possess; if the three labels Orillie box agree with the three labels on the certificate, the Pills are true—lf not, they are false, Principal office, - 241 Broadway, New York: June lb. Headache! Headache ! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. AP.£ now known to thonsands as a room ex imordioa. ry remedy for this affliction as well as the Incon trovertible fact Of their coring DYSP Ersi A . Will those suffering only ask among, their friends if they have nut known of the positive effects of said Pills. and it they tot hear them more warmly pral,ed (and desicrvolly too) than any other, then let them net tiny them. In these few mina rk-i, all fancy or imaginal ion is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at any time but what can he fairly proved by respectable ineinters of our community. Read the following certificate given by a respectable citizen of Allegheny city, and attested by one of thejudg es of the Court cf Common Pleas of Aegheny co. A LLSGIII.XY CITY, Jan u ary 9, 1343. DR. BROMIC. Dear Sir-1 have for a number of yeur, past been af— flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a— rising from derangement of ,totnacit and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for its cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. ti Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and contider myself perfectly relieved from that distres , Fing complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your Pills us the best medicine 1 have ever used. I Yours, Respectfully, i B.TURNER. I am acquamted with Mr, Turtle - , I have no hesita tion la carlifylng that I consider the stateraelos of Mr, T. respscting Dr. Brodie's Pills, as entitled to tile most perfect and entire confidence. fIUGII DAVIS. For sale,.Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonian Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; atii by all authorised a -1 gents thronhout the Union Albe'y city lan 91G43 533218 E WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. CERTIFLCiTICS.—Le!Ier from the Don. A lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee, Memberof Congress. WiFIIINOTON, July fid, 1333• Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used come of your Dyspeptic suedieint with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe it to be antes: valuable remedy. One of my :onsllruents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Tennessee, wrote to me to send him some. which I did, and lie has m ploy ed it very successfully in his practice, and says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place,. thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so,l would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person t) officiate for the sale of your celebiated medicine. Should you commission him lie is wilting to act for you. You can Fend the medicine by water to the rare of Robert King 4- Sons. Knoxville county.Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4 liouston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt lint if you had agents in severateountles In East Tennesvre,a great deal of medi• eine would he sold. lam going to take some of it home fur my own Use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like all agent at Montville, 'Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycurs respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale a-0, Retail R . b E y SELLERS, Agent, No. .111.1A'ood sirect,below Second Ft. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP,— DThis infallihle remedy Itas preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, loin convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rulthed on the 4,tints, the child will recc v. er. This preparation is so innncent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child whi refuse to let its eums he rub bed with it. %Viten inlantsare at the age of four months tho' there is reappearance of teeth. cite bottle of the Syrup Fliotild he tized to open the pores. Parents should I ever he without the gym!, in the nursery where there are young chlhiren,for if a child wakes in the night with saln in the gums. the Ss.rttp immediately elves case, by Oprn'.. l 2 the pores, and beating the ttunv.; thereby prevent ing Cntivu alone, reVerS,FOr S:01` 110131 P and Retail by R. 11. sELLErts, / 1 / 4 , 2 ,nt, sep 10 N 0.20. Wo , d street, brio" Second. .117 BR COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar compound Strell2theiiiii?. arid Aperient PHIS.. Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pitt,htt rgh. Fa., etittitdv cored of rlie7o.)Vl.distre9qinz iliQem-e. Ills symptoms wire pain and weight in the left .tide, of arpetite, votolting, acid eruclations, a nistrooon of the stom.ich, sick Imr.ul-aclt furred tontmr. countenance changed too citron rolor,ditn cult yof breathing. di.turtmd yr . sl,:itteildrd 1 , 11 a cough. veal debility, with other Rytoiddo, todicaling great de rangement of Inn fanctioms of the liver. !qr. Richard , had the advice of several iihycielamr, lmit received no relief, until using Dr. Darnell's Medicine, which tertnina. tcd In e6eclia2 a pc-feet corr. Principal Office, 19 North Gightit street. PhilodrOphla. For sate in Pittsburgh by f-aniuci Fre.w, corner of Llher ty and Wood =tree's. sep 10 II? RON VON EItrITIWI.E I eERR PI LLS', EP These Pills are conipm , md of toil,, which earn a Fpi rific action 'trot the heart, live, impub., ,or 4trength to the utterittl system; the blond IS litijrkencti tad equlliked it Its eircolation throu2h all the ve , sels, ve`het her of thr akin. the part. siillaittl internally ,or the eilremitles.; and Ai all the secretions of the holy are drawn from t iteZtoodOlterr Is 1 1 . cOtittrn sera hterl'a s e or ,vrry , ecrellon, and a coiclrencd action of time absorbent and es halent, or difrlidrain;.vetsek. Any morbid action which may have taken place in corrected. all oh.drut, i. fans are remit - red, its blond t 3 a unified. and the body -el Imes a t ttfal state. For 3 ale NVIIOIeSRIC nod Re j tai 'ny Sr 1.1.11115, A ~e nt, 1 'op 10 aa) 'W ,id st. below second PILES cured by thei 5e of Dr. Compound Strengthenine, and German A perie.. , . Pits Dr. Llartich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I rev iced the Ageliey ft om you for the sale of your t uedicn 0. I formed an actin:llloa ace wi; h a lady of tit is War.. v. In., was severely allitrtrd with the Pile.. ,„ tee rears this lady was sublecz. to &I-gut:tor painful nit:v.l;n, and her phyAcian otisidered her case so ennipliral ed. that he very seldom preset ibed•medlelne for ber. llirotit.. In toy persuasion, She commenced u.ine your T'tik, and was perfectly cared. Yours, kc . J A ME.:!'" , R.KIR RY October 3. Ig4o. , ellainberslui2. Pa. I,7"olTice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street,Phlladelphla. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep ( "Why will ye live at this A'. 'NI dying racer' 44 4 4 :R: E. HUMP HREP S VEGET.d BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4-c. O he had at TUTTLei Medical Agency, 86 Fourth st i le only:nem In ritisburgh. Feb 22. AS USUAL. IVO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy preparations be. ill conic popular, in gonsecmance of its success and ef ficacy, than it is counterfeited or Imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured moulded bottles for his celebrated 'Vetter and Itch Oint ment, with the words 'Dr Leidy's. Tetter end Itch Oint. merit: blown in the glass, besides containing his written signature en a yellow label outside. Dr Leidy's Teller and Itch Ointment, has proved more efficacious than any other preparation for Teller, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of the skin generally. It has been employed in schools, factori is, and on board vessels carrying passengers, where children, as well as grown persona, contract diseases of the skin front their contnsious nature, with the most unexampled success; certificates and recom me ndations haveae been heretofore published from them, and o ohers might be oh. tamed tor publication, but for the objections most persons have, to having their names published in connection with such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has never been known to fall. It has been used upon infants and by persons of all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in Its composition, and may be used under all circumstances , Price Tweniy.five cents a bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Leidy'allealth Emporium, (sign of the Golden. Ea gle and Se;rpents,l and by R. A. PAIINES;tOCK 4. CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg Inly 12 O Nl ° C•x) U -. 15..--- E9ubecrlber itas just received his annual supply Sp Lastdretit's Garden Seeds, conststiug in part of Lb following kinds—all of the last yearscrop I Warranted genuine: ' Parsni ' Bearag,4 Egg Plant, p, Beets, Endive, Peas, Kale, Pepper,. Pumpkin, Brce:xcili, Radish, Borecole, Rhnbarb, Cottage, tialsary, Carrot, . Cauliflower, Spinaeb, Celery, Okra, Coded Ciess, Onion, Cucumber, Parsley, Mustard, (white and brt.vsn) Leans, Leek, Wttuce, Mater Melon, Nusk, " asturtium, Squash, 'roinatoer, Tinny, &c. &c. &c. Together with n variety of rot 4- Sweet herbs aid firm c seeds‘ ini - Orders for Seeds,Shrubs; Tots, 4-c.. from Garden. err and others will be recrived and promptly attended , o. F. L• 13NOVI'DEN, janll No. 184 Liberty. head of Wood at, ----- Cfacianati,Fedruary.ls, 1840- Dr. SWAY:qrs.—Dear ir:— Permit toe to take the liberty of writing to you at Otis time to express my approbation and to recommend to the attention of heads of -fatuities , . and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Vtreintana, or Wild Cherry Park. In my travels of late I bave seen In a great many instake , the wonderful effecisof your medicin e s in relieving chiTk drew of very obstinate complaints, has Cougtiltig' Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, A sthrnat Ir attacks, to; ke. 1 should not have written this letter, however, gait atr present although I have reit it my duty to add toy molly to It for some time, had it not been for a tale la.- stance where the medicine above alluded to was Marrs"; mental in restoring to perfect health an only child,'_'" whose ease was almost hopeless, in a family of my Sc quaintance. "I thank [leaven," said the doating snolk, or, tt my child issaved from the jaws of death! 0 how I feared tire relentless ravager But my child is sale! ta safe!" Beyond all doubt Br. Swayne's Compound Syrup o Wild Cherry is tile most valuable medicine in this or any oi her country. lam certain l tave witnessed more than one hundred cases where It liar been attended with cora:. Mete succ ess. lam using it myself in an obstinate at. tart, of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a ex. ceedingly snort time, considering the severity of the case. f I I ran re,cnicnd it in the fulle s t confidence °fits superior virtues; 1 would advise that no family should he without it; it is very pleasant and always -beneficial—wortb double and often ten limes its price. The public are as. sured there is no quackery about it. R. Jscasorr,D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, jan 13-4 y N. Y. Sold by WM. TIIOIIN, wholesale 4 . relarl, only agent for Pittsburgh. No. 53. N!arket .treet. iep 10 ABOON TO VIE BUM A N RACE!—..Diocooey„ what raldertroy Life, and you are a great wen "Diecorcr wAat trill prolong Life, wad (ha vorld" call you impostor." "There are faculties , bedilg anti inteneettua, soitkin , . with which certain lrcrbs have affinity,aiul over wl♦ei7 they hare power." Dr. D. Brandreth's External tterrredy, vr Liniment which, by its extraordinary powers, atAratts Palo of Soreoe , s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White Swellings Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints Tumors, Conatural Ilardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en larxements, Tender Feet, and every description of jury affectine the Exterior of the Doman Ftsme,te cured or greatly relieved by his seacr-to 151 sv.ti cies( tztolltd remedy. CERT/FI , ATZ.—T lir. n: letter front Major CCU era! Saudford, ne to the qualities. of the External Rea.e dy, !peak, volumes NEW YORK, Feb. 9,1842. Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son', knee, abont which t was so uneasy. and I have found I' productive of immediate relief in several eases of extet nal injury in nay family. A few evenings sines. mf youngest child was seized with a violent attack ofCrout which was entirely removed In 'went y =enlace, by ruff hin.; her chest and throat freely with the External Rem edy. 1 think you 011 , 2111. 10 manufacture this Liniment for , 2.eneral nsc, instead of confining the use ail, as you have heretofore done, to your particular acquaimances. Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD Da. R. BEI /NT/RS:TEL 241 Broadway. N. Y. sale at 241 Broadway , New York, and at hls Ace , in the 111 imond, Pittsburgh. rRicE-50 to : ,,r nrntte with direcllo9s. sep 10 een THOSE WHOSE. OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODVC I? Oft AGGRAVATE DISEASE..-7 h :la , s of indlvidnalsis very numerous. They are thcFe wits work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work men in feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lea,' manufacturer, are all more or less subject to disease ne cordins to the strength of their constitution , The on', method to prevent diseve. Is the occasional use ofa medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete. rinos harnor.,an. l rzpPk Olen. by the bowels. Tome In any form are injurious, as they only :t,tut off the, evi day to make tt more fatal. Tire use of Brandret e h's Pi ill will will insure health, because they take all impur atl Jut of the blond; and the body is not weakened but st renst hened by their operation, fir these valuable Pills do not force. but they assi , t nature, and are not oppCsed but harmonize with her. Sold at Dr. Itrandreth'• Office, in the Diamond - Pitittburcn. Price cents per I,c), with full directions. NI ARK—The only place in Pittsrurs. h where the GENUINE Pills ran be ohtained,is the Doctor's own Of rep 10 "re in the Diamond. BR ANDIIETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE ANDRF,THI AN VEGETABLE EX ACTS t'a‘ ea• eiiti•ie , i 9th June, L..z.4'2- Pat of grant' d to Be, j nil B, nd, L.2oth Janna . y, 15-13. 'Fhe extracts of which Bratidreth's Fills are tom red are ohmine , l by this ul w parented process. without boiling or ail Applicetion of heat. The ac— tive pi ineiple of the herbs is thus socuted the same as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE - The Public should be cautious of medicines rec commendel in adveitiAnents s'olen from me, in which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my lan guage, merely altertm; the name. Time will show these wholesale deceivers hi their true light, THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. - Ct-* - - BR ANDRETH'S PILLS are the People'r t! n l o,ands who daily reccom: Med lone, il.r9vecl mend them to the afflicted , The BRANDREM PILES nre growing every day in or c popular, the' , sit toes are extending their tiFelolness. The sick of both sexes are dal;y deriving benefit from them. No ease of disease but ihe) can be used with a d va n., cage. Blotches r.r bald lump::: of the skin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum , with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with costiveness, so with cancer, so is i h hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find they require no other. Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new labels eachhaving upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth.So each box of the genuine has sic signatures—three Benjamin Braod relit and three B, Brandreth upon it. The ()SLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REA . Brandreth Pills "CO; DE OBTAINED, is the Doctors, oWn ()dice, Diamond back of the Market Hous 3 Mark, the GLlNcixt BrandrethPills cau never be ob rained in any DRUG STORE. I The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed hy Dr, B Branched), for the sale of his eget*. hie Universal Pills in Allegheny Cot; nty. G II Lee—Principal Office, Diamocod, Pittsburgh Mr. John Glass--Allegheny. Robert Duman—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown , H. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant 11111. Jchn Johnson—Noblestown, Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartsto .c - r• Asdell & Connell—Clinton . Robert Smith Porier—Tarentom. George Povier—Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. DanielNegley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkinsbur‘h: Wm. 0. Ilunter—Altou's